sayruq · 57 minutes
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the palestinian olympic team in paris 🇵🇸
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sayruq · 1 day
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sayruq · 2 days
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sayruq · 2 days
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sayruq · 2 days
this will be a bit of a long post but i ask that you please please read the full thing if you want to know more about Sudan- i feel like not enough people ACTUALLY know what's going on in Sudan. a lot of people have a vague idea that a 'war' and genocide is going on, but it's important to know the specifics as well.
there is extremely little coverage of Sudan from non-Sudanese sources, and even those that DO cover it often paint it as a war between two different generals for power over a country- and to a certain extent, without context, that IS what's happening. for those unaware, the two 'warring factions' in Sudan are the official Sudanese military- the SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) and the RSF (Rapid Support Forces).
in April 2019, during the Sudanese Revolution, Islamist dictator Omar al-Bashir was deposed by the SAF in response to a mass wave of revolutionary organizing, protests, and sit-ins. Immediately after, the TMC (Transitionary Military Council) was established, with SAF general inspector Abdel Fattah al-Burhan being appointed as the chairman. for a brief time, protestors engaged in negotiations with Burhan, and many believed that he was being ernest in his promises of a true civilian democratic government- but it soon became clear to protestors that he was not actually taking their demands seriously, so demonstrations once again intensified. on June 3, 2019, it was under Burhan's command that the Khartoum Massacre was committed, killing 118 protestors while they were participating in a sit-in at the military headquarters in Khartoum.
as the next few months went by, agreements came about to dissolve the TMC and form a Transitional Sovereignty Council based on a draft of a constitutional declaration. it was supposed to be that a military official would be the chairman for 21 months, then transitioning to a civilian chairman for the next 18 months- but Burhan staged a coup in October of 2021, and dissolved the council and effectively turned the Sudanese government back into a military junta, which was the cause of further protesting.
i want to emphasize the crimes and horrors of the SAF because they are often forgotten in these discussions due to the absolute atrocities committed by the RSF. there is no good guy here- both the SAF and the RSF are vying for dictatorial power. so let's talk about the RSF.
headed by genocidal war criminal Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known more widely as "Hemedti", the RSF formed around 2014 due to reorginization of the Janjaweed militias- which were the militias that formed across the Darfuri regions of southwestern Sudan to suppress demonstrations against Bashir's oppressive and racist regime which carried out the first genocide of Massalit and other ethnically non-Arab peoples across Darfur in the early 2000s. so to be succinct- the RSF has direct roots in dictatorial suppression of Sudanis protesting against ethnic cleansing, genocide, and oppression.
for around a decade, the RSF and SAF were different factions of the Sudanese military- both have their roots and a pattern of supporting dictatorial violence and anti-Black genocide. and, on April 15, 2023, these two dictatorial Arab-colonialist powers began fighting out of the blue. fighting has been most intense around Khartoum, the central state and capital city of Sudan, where now an estimated 35% of its residents have been forced to flee, with the rest trapped in the middle of an active war zone.
the RSF has been actively continuing the genocide of non-Arab Darfuri Sudanis that its predecessor the Janjaweed committed 20 years prior. they have been consistently launching attacks against Massalit villages in Darfur and El Geneina. Recently, they have completely ethnically cleansed several Massalit villages, killing hundreds in each one of them. in addition, they are committing so many other war crimes, like sexual violence, blocking access to humanitarian aid, occupying civilian homes and kicking the residents out, along with blatant ethnic cleansing campaigns, mass murder, and targeting of civilians.
but don't think that this is a 'civil war' as many are calling it. a civil war is an internal dispute, but this is far from that. both the SAF and the RSF are supported by external powers, namely the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Russia, who all provide funding to these groups IN EXCHANGE FOR SUDANESE RESOURCES LIKE GOLD AND OIL. this is, ultimately, not just some random war between two different military groups- it is a war funded by and for foreign colonial powers who have a vested interest in colonizing Sudan for its resources. as an example- the UAE's- and especially Dubai's- infamous gold and jewelry industry, is only made possible by the fact that the UAE illegally smuggles 80% of Sudan's gold- they fund this by sending weapons AND SOLDIERS to the RSF. Several of the gold mines in Sudan are owned and operated by the Russian government.
all of this, both the 'internal' AND the external, colonial aspects of this war and genocide, has led to the world's current WORST humanitarian crisis. not only do LOW estimates place the total murdered in the past year at 150,000, but out of Sudan's population of nearly 47 million, over half (25 million) are in severe need of humanitarian aid, and of those 25 million, over half are children. fighting between the RSF and SAF has lead to severe blockage of aid, and the UN's initial proposed budget of $1.5 billion in April of 2023 has not only not increased to accommodate the severe worsening of the crisis, but ALSO has not even been funded 20%.
additionally, due to both western colonization and the Sudanese governments' deliberate cutting of internet access across the entirety of Sudan, there is a huge lack of the proper infrastructure for generating awareness and spreading videos and info from on the ground in Sudan. this means that not only are people unable to effectively crowdfund support to leave, but they are also barred from accessing social media to spread awareness, and they're unable to contact loved ones outside of Sudan most of the time.
also, Sudan is HUGE- in order for displaced people to escape fighting, they usually have to walk, on foot, for hundreds of miles, often across literal deserts, with extremely little access to water. there has also been a surge of internally displaced people dying due to illness and scorpion stings in displacement camps. 70% of Sudan's hospitals have stopped functioning entirely. and even if they DO make it to a neighboring country, most of the options there are just as bad, if not worse- Egypt is extremely anti-Black, and doesn't allow work permits to most Black refugees, meaning they are relegated to being houseless and jobless if they go to Egypt- and westward in Chad, there is also crisis with food and resources, so the government of Chad quite literally can not materially support anymore Sudanese refugees. In South Sudan, there is also conflict, war, and crisis, and in Ethiopia, where the genocide is taking place in Tigray, the government is extremely hostile to Sudanese refugees. there are currently more than 6,000 Sudanese refugees stranded in the forests because of the hostilities they faced while in UNHCR camps.
and everyday that we're not doing something, this genocide, war, and humanitarian crisis is getting worse. doing something starts with being educated. i urge y'all to look more into this, don't just take what i'm saying and roll with it- truly learn and listen to Sudanese activists on this. i highly recommend following these accounts on Instagram:
@/red_maat , @/bsonblast , @/sudansolidaritycollective, @/forsudaneseliberation, @/darfurwomenaction, @/liberatesudan, @/zzeirra, @/yousraelbagir, @/modathirzainalabdeen, @/sdn.world, @/nasalsudan, @/sudanuntold, @/kandakamagazine, and @/almigdadhassan0
i'd like to spread this post for some education. could you reblog this @decolonize-the-left @incorrectmadrigalfamilyquotes @homoidiotic @heritageposts @el-shab-hussein
@fairuzfan @palipunk @silicacid @sissa-arrows @apollos-olives @
@northgazaupdates @our-queer-experience @intersexfairy @genderqueerdykes
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sayruq · 2 days
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sayruq · 2 days
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sayruq · 3 days
From the Gaza War... the story of the Siraj family, between a beautiful house and a tent like a convection oven The Siraj family owns a beautiful house in the northern Gaza area. After the occupation declared war on Gaza, the area in which this family lives was the first area that vehicles entered and destroyed, which led to the house being damaged and large parts of it demolished. Exodus series Since the first days of the war, this family has suffered from displacement, as they were displaced to 5 places, where they saw all kinds of suffering, from danger to the most dangerous. There is no safe place in Gaza, and the last place was the tents that resemble convection ovens and lack the most basic necessities of life. Difficult childhood The children of this family carry water and do a lot of hard work, and they feel sadness and pain when they see students of their generation going to take the end-of-year exams, finishing their educational journey, achieving their dreams and living new experiences. On the other hand, a year of their life wasted, without any achievement. Deadly drinkingwater In the tents, water barely reaches them after great suffering, queues that last for hours, and walking hundreds of meters to get water. It is polluted water, but everyone is forced to drink it, otherwise they will die of thirst.” My friends, this story is a difficult and complex case, and they need your support in order to build their home, educate their children, and meet their needs. Be helpful to them and help as much as you can.
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Boost!!! Donate!!!!
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sayruq · 3 days
We are reaching out to you with heavy hearts and unwavering hope. Our recent GoFundMe campaign, which aimed to gather crucial funds for children like Hussam and Lama, was unexpectedly shut down after we reached our goal. Despite our efforts, GoFundMe has not provided any reason for this abrupt action, nor have they responded to our inquiries. The funds we had so eagerly awaited to transform the dreams of these children into reality were never transferred. But we are not giving up. We are determined to raise the necessary amount once again, this time through PayPal. Your generous support can reignite the hope and dreams of Hussam, Lama, and many others. Together, we can ensure that their dreams do not fade away. @el-shab-hussein
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sayruq · 3 days
This is my home Which was destroyed by the accursed occupation yesterday I'm not sad about the stones I'm sad about the memories I hope this damned war ends 💔💔😔
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sayruq · 3 days
This Deserves your Attention!!
Ahmed is a nurse at Gaza Europian hospital in Khanyouns, since 8 months working more than 16 hours a day no stop… due to the extreme load on Hospital since its the only Hospital working now in Gaza…
Beside all of that he has also to take care of his littile baby and his old parents,,,
Last time he talked to me he told me that he barely see them once every 3 days… they
He is trying to help his family who are living in a tent for more than 8 months since they lost there home and have been forced to displace and flee couple of times in Gaza…
Since 8 months he did not receive any salary he has lost everything and now fighting support his family and continu his work and duty treating and taking care if thousands if injured people there…
This a short video of him talking about the situation there…
He looks so tired and lost 20kg of his weight!
Please show your support.. he needs it and his family are in an Urgent need of supplies and aids
Down is the link let’s help him and show support for this Hero!
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sayruq · 3 days
We are staying and we will rebuild our land. This is a promise
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If you want to help me with this promise👇🏻
A second link if the campaign link does not work
Vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
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sayruq · 3 days
After stopping my campaign builder on gfm, it doesn't want to open it again
I set up a fundraiser for my family's travel on this site, and donations come directly to us via PayPal
Please donate generously and share the post so that it reaches the largest number of followers
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sayruq · 3 days
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While children around the world enjoy the summer holidays within the safety and comfort of their homes and plan fun beach trips with their families, our kids' childhood has been reduced to securing the bare minimum of food and water, fending off swarms of disease-carrying insects, and enduring the stifling heat inside the hellish tent. Seeing them fill water containers and struggle to carry them with their tiny hands breaks my heart into a million pieces. Our babies fall asleep drenched in sweat and keep waking up crying and gasping for breath. What makes it even more unbearable are the plagues of flies and mosquitoes that keep torturing their little fragile, malnourished bodies, increasing the risk of contracting infectious diseases, with no medical care available. They also face a very real and imminent threat of dehydration due to water and formula scarcity.Their older siblings are encumbered by burdens way beyond their years. They think it is their responsibility to fill heavy water containers and protect the newborns, but the truth is they are as vulnerable to the same threats that keep growing every day. No child should live in such a hostile environment. Rubble, garbage, and the smell of death are all around.
Our kids used to have a beautiful spacious home built after years of toil and sacrifice, just to be turned into ruins in the blink of an eye. Now, they are given no other choice but to be confined to the tight airless space of a makeshift tent swarming with all sorts of insects. Even if they go outside the only things that await them are the scorching sun, the hot summer air, and foul smells all day long. The summer nights are often equally suffocating depriving them of desperately needed sleep.
Using a wood-fired self-made stove to cook is beyond torture in such heat. It is also very dangerous to the children who keep going close to it. My heart sinks each time I see pictures of them next to the fire. Even preparing a baby bottle,if ever available, is an ordeal in such conditions but my family have no other options. They have been enduring unfathomable, relentless suffering for nine months straight, and they have been more than resilient but they are now way beyond exhausted. They have been daily fighting for their very survival but there's no guarantee of safety anywhere in Gaza as not only what is left of the buildings but also the tents are being indiscriminately bombed every single day. Even going to the beach to escape the sweltering heat has become a perilous journey for my family, and countless others, since civilians keep being targeted with airstrikes there too.
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My family were not allowed to have even the slightest respite since the beginning of this waking nightmare. They have been striving to survive bombing, malnutrition, disease, the cold winter, and now the deadly heatwaves.
When I left Gaza shortly before the war, my dream was to build a brighter future for my loved ones. I have never imagined, once in my life, that I would be raising funds to literally save their lives. Now, my only wish is to keep them alive and as safe as possible, given the circumstances.
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Your support is their only hope and solace amidst all the pain and loss. Please do whatever you can to help me save them from this brutal literal decimation of our people. Every contribution counts! Keep our babies in your thoughts and prayers 🙏 And Please donate any amount you can spare and reblog as often as you can. It is beyond words to say how grateful I am to everyone standing with us 🙏
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sayruq · 3 days
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This is our home destroyed by brutal war We lost our home and became homeless We need your support. Help us get out of Gaza Please
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sayruq · 3 days
Urgent food help 7/21/24
if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for food for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. We desperately need help for food for rest of the week & kids can go through a box Ramen in 2 days or one Mom and Derek needs healthy food. My sister has terrible mouth pain so she needs easy to eat food. We aren' allowed access to the fridge. (we only can store insulin in it, liu understands our situation daniel cant)
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically, then factor in tipping and we have no public transportation.
Just, more than anything we need food help, I worry about the kids growing up like me, always scared of not having a next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate, just that if you want to or do d*nate, be it any amount is more than we had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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sayruq · 3 days
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Help Rana Alsawalhi and Yousef Albuhaisi evacuate their extended family to the Netherlands! Currently they are at €4,162/73,500. This is a verified fund.
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