#Dorothy Shaw
mametupa · 10 months
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vintgies · 4 months
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Jane Russell as Dorothy Shaw Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) dir. Howard Hawks
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rodrigoincolors · 3 months
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Is there anyone here for love?
Jane Russell as Dorothy Shaw in the iconic 1953 comedy musical "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
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gaemms-chamois · 1 year
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Zalaks scurrying on your dashboard
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applesaucesims · 2 months
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Judy and Keaton held their wedding in the backyard of their new home. With Keaton's head doctor's salary, they were able to purchase the house not too long after their engagement had been announced.
Of course, the entire family was invited. All living parents and siblings with most of their own children and partners were there. Judy's parents were there, as well as her brother Niall with Emma and their three old enough children. Since she was still quite close with her friends from nursing school, Judy had invited them, too, and they were glad to use the chance to catch up with each other.
On Keaton's side, just his mother was there, with his father having passed away years before. She was accompanied by Keaton's brother Herman with his wife Camilla and their own two children.
It was a lovely day for a wedding, too. The rain clouds from the early morning hours had passed, and the sun had come out to shine on the scene, as Judy and Keaton exchanged their vows and rings. Seeing his sister this happy even made Niall shed a tear, not being able to help his sensitive side. Only the children were left a little bored with having to sit still for a while, but at least the ceremony was not too long for anything other than long faces to occur, and all in all, they still enjoyed the day, just like everybody else did.
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arknights-archive · 1 year
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EP illustrations
Magic Theorem / All hail Savior! / Undertopia / Ensheath / Stainless Heart / Melting White
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Every time I see two girls in a show or movie that have the same color lipstick I immediately think they’re lesbians, they had to coordinate the color so that when they kiss their lipstick wouldn’t mix 💅 that is divinely written into the text, a secret language that they are more than just best friends, gals being pals 👯‍♀️ they’re smooching your honor!
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Pendant l'été du 1er juillet 1974, sur l'île d'Amity, un groupe d'étudiants fait la fête sur la plage. Une jeune femme s'éloigne du groupe pour un bain de minuit alors que son flirt s'endort sur la plage, ivre. Après quelques brasses, la jeune femme est attaquée par une force mystérieuse, elle tente de résister mais est happée et disparaît dans l'eau en poussant des cris de terreur. Quelques secondes après, la mer retrouve son calme nocturne. Personne ne sait ce qui vient de se dérouler.
Le lendemain, à la suite de la déclaration de la disparition de la jeune femme, Martin Brody, nouveau chef de la police locale originaire de New York, découvre les restes de la victime. Il attribue aussitôt cette mort à une attaque de requin, mais sous la pression du conseil municipal et aussi en raison de son inexpérience sur cette île, il suit les recommandations du médecin légiste de l'île et conclut à une mort accidentelle (noyade et choc avec un bateau).
Quelques jours après, un enfant est happé à son tour par le requin, et cette fois les témoins sont nombreux à assister à la scène. Le doute n'est plus permis : un requin rôde le long des plages d'Amity.
Le conseil municipal est confronté à un choix douloureux. Il peut adopter des mesures de protection le temps de se débarrasser du requin, c'est-à-dire interdire la baignade. Mais ceci mettrait en péril l'activité touristique de l'île à quelques jours du 4 juillet, la fête nationale américaine.
De plus, la mère de l'enfant a passé une annonce dans les journaux locaux et promet 3 000 dollars à qui tuera le requin. Le conseil s'inquiète de la publicité négative sur la ville et également de l'arrivée en masse de pêcheurs plus ou moins qualifiés pour obtenir la récompense. Parallèlement, Quint, un pêcheur local, propose ses services au conseil municipal pour tuer le requin mais il exige 10 000 dollars.
Le chef Brody essaie de son côté d'en savoir plus sur les requins et fait appel à l'institut océanographique pour avoir les conseils d'un expert. Matt Hooper, l'expert, arrive sur l'île le 2 juillet. Dès son arrivée, il demande à examiner le corps de la première victime et démontre de manière irréfutable qu'il s'agit d'une attaque de requin. Peu après, le même jour, des pêcheurs tuent un requin-tigre. Le maire exulte mais Brody, sur les conseils de Hooper, émet des doutes sur la responsabilité de ce requin dans les attaques : la mâchoire qui a attaqué la première victime serait beaucoup plus grosse que celle du requin pêché. Le maire refuse de suivre les recommandations du chef de la police et pense avant tout à l'afflux de touristes pour le 4 juillet. Les plages seront surveillées, mais interdiction de les fermer, même après qu'une autopsie du requin prouve qu'il avait le ventre vide.
Le 4 juillet, alors que la police et les gardes-côte surveillent la mer, le requin parvient à déjouer la surveillance et attaque à nouveau. Le maire n'a plus le choix : il accepte la proposition de Brody et engage Quint pour tuer le requin. Bien qu'il soit aquaphobe, Brody est de la partie. Hooper se joint également à la chasse pour apporter son expertise sur les requins. Quint et Hooper ne s'apprécient guère pour commencer mais brisent la glace avec une beuverie en mer. Après plusieurs essais, les trois hommes tentent un ultime essai pour tuer le requin. Hooper descend dans une cage anti requin avec un poison dans son harpon pour le lui faire avaler. Mais le requin attaque et détruit la cage manquant de peu de dévorer Hooper qui se réfugie au fond. Le requin attaque à nouveau et tue Quint. Brody réussit à faire avaler une bouteille d’oxygène au requin et le tue en le faisant exploser en tirant sur la bouteille avec un fusil. Hooper remonte à la surface et retrouve Brody. Ils réussissent à atteindre le rivage durant le générique de fin.
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darlingbandit · 3 months
Accidentally turned on the robot dub
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Peter and his crusty white dog called Dorothy from "die schwarze sonne"
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mametupa · 10 months
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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Christian Dior Fall-Winter 1955/56. Dorothy Tristan in the gray chiffon "Soirée Etoilée" evening dress. Photo Mark Shaw.
Christian Dior Automne-Hiver 1955/56. Dorothy Tristan dans la robe du soir de mousseline grise "Soirée Etoilée". Photo Mark Shaw.
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vintage--bunnie · 1 year
what the hell is up with thingumy's voice in that singing flower episode? in the first three episodes she's in, she sounds adorable and here? sounds like if jane russell was holding her nose and talking while simultaneously smoking
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yourbestgal · 2 years
i watched gentlemen prefer blondes last night and i don’t think i’ve laughed that hard at a movie in YEARS and now i just wanna watch every movie marilyn monroe ever did
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applesaucesims · 2 months
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After the ceremony, the party made their way into the old animal shed that had been made up for the wedding to seat all the guests for the reception. As a welcome, tea was served to the adults, accompanied by some freshly baked macarons for all tables.
Despite the sweet treats, the children's table was still overcome with boredom, especially due to the awkwardness of sitting together with the cousin-in-laws they had only just met. It was sort of understood that Louis was going to have an eye over them, due to his age, but he would rather have been anywhere else than look after the grumpy girls and toddler around his table.
While most adults were sat with their family, Judy had decided to stay with her nursing school friends, catching up with whatever drama was going on with any former classmates they were still keeping in touch with.
As teacups were starting to empty, Judy stood up from her chair to uncover the food that was waiting on a buffet table. Preferring a private conversation over one in the bigger group, Niall decided to follow his sister into the small side room, as soon as he noticed the movement in the corner of his eye. Good wishes for her marriage were in order, and this was as good a time is it got.
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Niall awkwardly stood behind his sister, as she was uncovering the last of the plates, but she quickly turned to him, once he made his presence known. After all these years, the two were still very close, and Judy happily pulled her brother into a hug to thank him for his well-wishes.
Judy wanted to use the opportunity to catch up, too, and Niall made use of it, as he started rambling on about his life as a father of four and the subsequent worries. Of course, Judy did not mind listening to her brother's woes. She had really been doing it ever since they were children. And most of all, she was always there to give him advice as much as she could, or at least try to cheer him up.
In fact, with her help, a sincere smile of hope started growing on Niall's face. There was always room for improvement, and any step towards it would get him closer to it, too, as Judy made sure to remind him.
Judy: "I've gotta go check on the entrées, girls. Don't dig up gossip without me!"
Niall: "Excuse me, I'll just go give Judy my proper congrats."
Niall: *clears throat* "I haven't had the chance, yet, but... Congratulations on your union!"
Judy: "Oh, don't worry about it. I saw your happy tears! Now come and give your sister a hug!"
Niall: *laughs* "Of course, Jude."
Judy: "Enough about me, starting to get tired of that. How are you doing?"
Niall: "Well, I guess things are going better. Bonding with the children comes a lot easier to me now. Though Emma's much closer with them than I am. I just don't see them as often as she does. And I'm not sure I can ever properly repair things with Louis. I wasn't the best father to him, though I try to be."
Judy: "Hey, it's gonna be alright, Ni. Trying is already a big step forward. And you've not taken a look at the champagne, yet, so there's that."
Judy: "You know I'm proud of you, right?"
Niall: "I appreciate it."
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mrbopst · 7 months
Music variety show featuring words & music by Los Pingüinos Del Norte, Joy Division, El Rego et Ses Commandos, Juaneco Y Su Combo,Dennis Bovell & Janet Kaye, Asha Bhosle & R. D. Burman, Dorothy Love Coates, ZOO, Chilly Gonzales, Human Don’t Be Angry, Capcom, Manfred Mann, Marcus Tenney, Marlena Shaw, Shugo Tokumaru, and Tune-Yards.
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