#Dot Com Media
skulandcrossbones · 2 months
gifmaking as a hobby is really funny cos we're really out here putting hours of effort into something that has no meaning or relevance outside of this one single dying website (and diminishing meaning and relevance ON this single dying website) and we not only continue doing it but we're also deeply serious about it
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stuckinapril · 6 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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volitioncheck · 1 year
nvm this is still on my brain. kim does not like to watch harry suffer… to say that kim takes satisfaction in harry’s pain is a huge misconstruing of his character.
the “getting thrashed like a schoolboy” line comes from a board game, lol. it’s a tease, not a cruelty. there’s never any line that implies that Kim enjoys seeing Harry taking actual morale damage.
he can be amused if you fail a check, but the check is always relatively inconsequential, and again, Harry isn’t taking damage in these.
Failing to pry the trash bin open:
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Failing to shatter Ruby’s lorry window:
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(also in both of these examples he only responds smugly if you choose for Harry to stubbornly dig in his heels. if Harry gets huffy, Kim teases. If Harry backs down right away Kim won’t rub it in, which feels significant to me! it reminds me of that recent post goin around about Kim meeting your energy!)
and here’s some reactions to failed checks where he does take damage.
Failing the jump to get your cloak:
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Failing to break down Plaisance’s door:
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he’s not laughing if Harry’s taking damage because he’s not a dick lol.
aaaaand here’s some other instances of morale/health damage and kim’s reactions.
alternate dialogue for failing the harbor jump:
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after the call with precinct 41:
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seeing bullet holes in the wall:
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most significant examples to argue this point for me come when harry has done something to jeopardize the RCM’s image. which kim goes on and on about the importance of maintaining— and yet even here, he still extends worry and assurance.
telling Billie about her husband and handling it badly:
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hardie authority check failure cock carousel:
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aaaaand the car. this line is one of the most mask-off kim moments we get in the game in my opinion, honestly.
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tying this back to the schoolboy line— that line doesn’t show up if you have a negative reputation with Kim. if you have <1 rep, it gets replaced with him calling it “about four hours of our lives that we'll never get back,” lol.
it’s affectionate ribbing!! twisting it into anything else is bizarre 2 me lmao!
anyways. kim is a foil to every other cop we meet in the game specifically because he doesn’t view harry as a punching bag or a lost cause. gottlieb does nothing but sling jabs and glib jokes about harry’s health. torson+mclaine and the others laugh at harry’s panic attack over the radio. in response to harry’s suicide-by-car attempt(!!!!) jean yells about RCM budget. all kim’s lines in response to harry’s check failures and health-damage are consistent, explicit textual contrast against the callousness of the rest of the RCM. twisting kim’s character here requires a bad faith interpretation of the whole game.
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bluechocowitz · 1 year
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A little bit late, but happy!! birthday undertale!!!
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poetryincostume · 1 year
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Helga Sinclair
Edwardianish ribbon corset, 2023
Jacquard ribbon mounted on grosgrain ribbon
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sinisxtea · 6 months
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played nct zone. saw meme potential. this was the chaos that ensured.
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chaoticshark98 · 1 year
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why is he sleeping
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pointyfruit · 3 months
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peonycats · 4 months
If you had the possibility what would you change in China's character?
Well, I would first probably make his character just less japan-centric overall 😂😂 Like that backstory of Japan being found and raised by China? Nah, I would nix that immediately.
I'd also just give China more of a fiery temper and sharper tongue, to match the irl Chinese people I know (why are we all so short-tempered all the time omg) and also, not make him the main nation (out of the Allies+Axis) that gets weirdly and specifically humiliated with him not really fighting back about it beyond making a few embarrassed comments about it???
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angelsdean · 4 days
I Saw the TV Glow -- and it showed me Destiel parallels
It's been days and I still cannot stop thinking about I Saw the TV Glow. I keep rotating thoughts of it in comparison to SPN in my mind, but not in the obvious way of their lives essentially being a TV show / god's favorite show, because in SPN there isn't a split sense of reality. The TV show IS their lives, but they are not separate from themselves, looking in on their true selves. And unlike in the film, the TV show aspect of their lives is the falsehood, what we see of SPN as audience members is heavily filtered and censored, ghostfacers effect, etc, and their true reality exists beneath the show itself. While in the film the "real world" is the falsehood and the TV show is their true reality and true selves.
But anyway, what I keep rotating around, the parallels that keep gripping me, revolve around Cas and Heaven's manipulations and use of brainwashing, simulation, and illusions. Cas and Owen parallel in the sense that they are continuously both kept from knowing their True Feelings, and then their best friend helps them unlock those feelings / the Truth.
Owen, as a child, is kept from watching The Pink Opaque because it has the power to unlock the truth about his identity. He is then introduced to The Pink Opaque by his later-friend, Maddy. This begins to unlock feelings in him that he doesn't quite understand yet or have a name for. When the truth about the show is revealed to him and he unlocks those memories of his past and his true self he is then taken by a parent to have the memories purged as he screams (hello Naomi lobotomies).
Similarly, Cas has been kept from remembering his feelings toward humanity. He has always been the broken angel, the one with a crack in his chassis (and hello the imagery at the end of the film of Owen cracking himself open and letting the light spill out!) When Cas declares, "For the first time, I feel" this isn't necessarily a true statement. This is not the first time he has felt emotions for humanity, it is not the first time he has contemplated rebellion or had doubts, or had feelings period. We learn later that Cas has always had this rebellious streak and has been the subject of routine lobotomies his whole life. He was made to forget. Made to forget his past, his true rebellious self, the fact that he is capable of free will. But Dean becomes his link and anchor to humanity, and through Dean Cas rediscovers his feelings and his identity. Dean also introduces him to the world of humanity in a real way, rather than how Cas has been experiencing it for billions of years, detached as a mere spectator. Dean therefore presents both Maddy and the show The Pink Opaque itself. It's also significant to me that much of Dean and Cas's relationship revolves around Dean teaching him pop culture things. Cas doesn't get the reference. Dean holds the keys to pop culture knowledge and educates Cas, much like how Maddy introduces Owen to The Pink Opaque. Dean and Cas also spend a lot of time off camera watching TV together. Dean shows him Tombstone. They have weekly family movie nights where they are all subjected to The Lost Boys up to 36 times (and counting!).
While what Maddy helps Owen unlock is his own feelings about his gender and identity, Dean helps unlock Cas's very human feelings, his sexuality, and remind him of his own free will and rebellious nature. Through Dean, Cas comes to love and care about humanity deeper than he has before, but he always had the capacity for this love, he was simply made to forget and kept from connecting to humanity on this deeper level.
Then there are the parallels within The Pink Opaque. Tara (Maddy, Dean) and Isabel (Owen, Cas) share a profound kind of bond. They are linked, psychically and must fight "the man in the moon", Mr. Melancholy, who sends supernatural threats to their world to wreak havoc and suffering. His ultimate goal is to trap them in the "Midnight Realm" where they are asleep and suffocating, unaware of their true selves (the world Maddy and Owen live in). I see both parallels to Chuck and the Empty in Mr. Melancholy. As Mr. Melancholy despises Tara and Isabel for the power of their connection, Chuck too despises Dean and Cas's connection and love, which proves to be the one thing he can't control, the two of them thwarting his plans from the start. The Empty also has it out for them, specifically Cas, who she wishes to put to sleep forever in punishment for disrupting her world. The Empty is a place of eternal sleep and darkness, where you are left to dream forever, which is reminiscent of the Midnight Realm. (I am also thinking about the finale and Fake Heaven and Chuck Won Theories and Heaven being a part of Destiel's Midnight Realm. Dean locked away in Heaven, Cas locked away in the Empty--until I SEE Cas I will always be skeptical about him being "out" of the Empty--both separated from each other, unable to reconnect because together they are a threat to Chuck, just how Tara and Isabel are separated and put in graves to suffocate to prevent them from defeating Mr. Melancholy.
Finally, thinking about a few other symbols and imagery from the film. Such as how in order to be "lulled" to sleep in the Midnight Realm one of the first steps is to cut out the victim's heart. The person is still alive, but this integral part of them is missing and they are weaker without it. It reminds me of Cas having his grace forcefully cut out by Metatron and being cast down to Earth, forced to live without a piece of himself, a part of him that is so tied to his identity. I am also thinking about Dean's heart repeatedly being threatened throughout the series. Billie targeting his heart. Dean symbolically losing his heart when Cas is taken by the Empty. Dean left to go on without Cas, losing hope without his heart, suffocating and ending up dead and in a fake world (Heaven).
Another image that stuck with me and immediately reminded me of Cas is at the end of the film when Owen cracks himself open and finally acknowledges the truths about himself he's been repressing and ignoring his whole life; he looks into the mirror and smiles. He experiences a moment of joy and peace. The expression reminds me of Cas standing beatific after his declaration of love. The light shining on his face, his moment of truth, this moment where he gives himself permission to be happy and acknowledge these feelings. However, for Owen this is a hopeful first step, for Cas it is seemingly the end of his story. But! There Is Still Time. For Cas and Dean. For Owen. For all of us.
[Disclaimer: I am very aware of the trans metaphor of the film and the fact that Owen is Isabel, and I do view Owen as trans. For the purposes of this post I am using the pronouns (he/him) that are used for Owen throughout the film and by the actors and director when speaking about Owen's scenes. I debated over this a lot, but since the director themself has used he/him pronouns for Owen when discussing the film and no other preferred pronouns are used or stated by Owen in the film I feel this makes the most sense for the sake of this post. I mean absolutely no disrespect.]
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badnewswhatsleft · 1 month
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might make this my whole personality
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bellpeppersand-beef · 1 month
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And now, for my 1000th post- The Jetspike sloppy makeout meme redraw! I could not get it to look good on both my laptop and on my phone at the same time, so now it just looks kinda weird no matter screen you view it on 😅 Enjoy, folks!!
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sideblogdotjpeg · 6 months
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listening to this song and it vibed to me like duck team and i went to look up the english translation and YES IT IS LIKE DUCK TEAM. anyway. the sillies on karaoke + game night
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag.  
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ivetoldamillionlies · 4 months
Posting this on tumblr incase my quotev acc gets deleted but
Heres a link to the original
I did not proofread this, sorry yall.
I'm sure we've all noticed the changes made, and I'm aware that majority of us are in disagreement with it. Deactivation is not the solution here. Quotev got rid of the feed, messages, and groups, with the knowledge that it may have been the only feature some of you used. That being said, they were willing to sacrifice you as a user in exchange for the update.
I don't work for quotev, I can't promise anything, but if you would like even a chance at old quotev, I think the solution lies within our stories and quizzes.
Quotev has stated that "these features have become increasingly less beneficial to the main purpose of the platform." We can only assume that because stories and quizzes have not been targeted with the recent update, that those are main purposes hinted. The update, therefore, is meant to push these towards the forefront of the site. By targeting both stories and quizzes, we show Quotev that we do not support the new update and will not aid them in pushing those foward at the cost of older features such as recent activities, messages, groups, and group search.
So what can we do?
Transfer your works off site.
No one is asking you to completely delete your works off the face of the internet, but instead consider them moving them off site.
Then, either delete the work on quotev or remove/hide published chapters and publish one chapter with the following.
Title: I do not support the recent Quotev update
Content: On May 31st, 2024, Quotev removed it's recent activities and its group functionality. Additionally, on July 1st, it is planning on fully removing groups and it's messages features. These changes were unannounced to it's users and are unfavorable to majority of the site users. As such, my book will be moved offsite to (Insert link here) unless Quotev returns these features to the site. Thank you.
Quiz makers:
This is not a good solution, and I apologize in advance. I do not expect you to delete your quizzes. I am aware few sites have such functionalities. For now this is the solution I have come up with.
Copy and paste your results and descriptions onto a word document or google doc. Do not change the the questions or answers.
Once you are sure that your results and descriptions are saved off site, change every result and description to the following:
Result: I do not support the recent Quotev update
Description: On May 31st, 2024, Quotev removed it's recent activities and its group functionality. Additionally, on July 1st, it is planning on fully removing groups and it's messages features. These changes were unannounced to it's users and are unfavorable to majority of the site users. As such, my quiz will only display this result unless Quotev returns these features to the site. Thank you.
Copy and paste the links to your favorite books somewhere offsite.
Remove them all from your libraries.
Extra brownie points if you unlike them all.
For an extra kick, if you so wish, comment this on a couple of the books:
Thank you for this story. I enjoyed it, and wanted you to know that it was not removed from my library because of anything wrong with it.
On May 31st, 2024, Quotev removed it's recent activities and its group functionality. Additionally, on July 1st, it is planning on fully removing groups and it's messages features. These changes were unannounced to it's users and are unfavorable to majority of the site users. As such, I will be removing this book from my libary unless Quotev returns these features to the site. Thank you.
Everyone else:
Yall? I don't know. I've got a silly goofy pic up on my about, I'll link it here incase anyone is interested in putting it up on their account but, this is it yall. This is what we can do. You can make satirical content if you want? But I'm not sure what else
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181kmh · 4 months
logan is so fucking pretty
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