#Dr G your local vet!
babygirlwolverine · 1 year
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I PASSED THE NAVLE!!!!! YA GIRL IS OFFICIALLY GONNA A VETERINARIAN!!!!! I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED!!!! No more studying!! Graduation is in 9 days and then I’ll officially get to say I’m a veterinarian!!!! I DID IT!!!!
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shy-marker-pliers · 5 years
High school AU thingamabob
17 year old senior
class president and is kinda high and mighty about it tbh
“yes i know student council can’t really make any changes without the input of the superintendent but IM THE PRESIDENT AND YOU’RE NOT SO SUCK MY DI-“
does sound/lights for all the shows the school puts on
dating wilford and no one knows how or why they’re together
had a deep as hell voice and a beard the second he hit puberty
takes every ethics/psychology class he can
wants to be a lawyer
that one kid that everyone fears but is actually kinda chill if not a little surly
wears a collared shirt and tie to school every day and would totally get made fun of for it if he wasn’t terrifying
listens to classical music unironically
“oh my god i’m so going to fail this test” *proceeds to get the highest grade in the class*
protector of the gays™️
person: *says something mean to a student because they’re lgbtq+*
Dark: *teleports in front of said student* omae wa mou shindeiru
19 year old senior
Yes he still has the mustache
doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him
deadass wore a dress to school after one of his friends got made fun of because she wore a suit to a school dance
b u f f a s h e l l
could bench press a teacher if he really tried
on the cheer team
“no i’m not wearing pants, this miniskirt makes my ass look great!”
everyone’s bodyguard
usually attracts a crowd of nervous underclassmen
has mild dyslexia
gives his friends piggyback rides
president of the drama club
works hard enough in school to pass his classes but that’s pretty much it
sleeps in class
15 year old freshman
vice president of the drama club
wilfords shadow
first freshman to help run the drama club and shoves it in everyone’s face
shouts his gayness from the rooftops
secretly super insecure
loves plants and helps out in the schools greenhouse
named all of the plants but if you tell anyone he’ll stab you
gets mostly B’s and C’s
has mild ocd but not enough to affect him severely
talks like a game show host cause he thinks it makes him sound attractive
it doesn’t
16 year old juniors
identical quadruplets
they have to wear different colors every day or else no one knows which one is which
they’re called the googles because their backpacks match the colors of the chrome logo and they’re super smart
straight A 4.0 GPA students but Oliver has to try a little harder than his brothers
all of them are in the robotics team except for ollie
Blue works on programming and red and green are on the build team
Ollie is the sweetest day of sunshine to ever exist and everyone loves him
he’s basically adopted Eric as his lil bro
tutors people in the library every tuesday and thursday
the other googles disapprove of his relationship with bing but he makes ollie happy so they don’t do anything about it
they all work in a supermarket and they’re saving up for college
ollie wants to be a vet, red and green want to be engineers, and blue wants to be a web developer
17 year old junior
mostly A’s, a few B’s.
his full name is zachary bing but people call him bing because he’s always trying to one up the googles
was pining after ollie for months before chase finally felt sorry for him and told ollie how he felt
they’re dating now and it’s adorable
so soft for his boyf
a really good skater and wins a lot of local competitions
doesn’t study but still gets p good grades
wears sunglasses all the time because he has light sensitivity
s t r o n k
always challenges people to arm wrestle him
can sing really well and plays gitaur
shares a youtube channel with chase where they skate and to challenges and stuff
Dr. ipiler
18 year old senior
Everyone calls him doc because he helps the school nurse and takes every single biology and health class there is
all A’s
really wants to be a surgeon
best friends with Schneep
huge star trek/harry potter nerd (ravenclaw if you’re wondering)
almost always at schneep’s house studying or just chillin’
kind of a control freak
thinks he’s charismatic but he’s actually kinda annoying
but annoying in a funny way
has a pet ferret that he sneaks into school
espresso and sugar flows through his veins
“i actually got a good sleep last night.” “oh really?” “yeah bro i got a whole half hour!”
super dark bags under his eyes
17 year old junior
all A’s except for in gym class
he has eyes in this
his real name is Simon Charles Teller (there are specific meanings to those names btw look them up) but he’s called The Host because he does morning announcements every day.
has gold eyes and a lot of people find it unnerving
“hey i have a podcast you should totally listen to it”
spends all of his free time in the library
always reading in class but the teachers don’t really care bc his grades are good and he does his homework
wants to be an english/poetry teacher
crushing on the cute shy kid from his english class
doesn’t talk much but he’ll still be nice to you
that one kid who’s always correcting the teachers
Runs the D&D club (he’s the dungeon master)
Eric Derekson
16 year old junior
Mostly high B’s, a couple of A’s.
lives with his uncle mark after he ran away from his abusive dad and is living a happy life
the guy that always volunteers to take care of the class pets over the weekend
animals love him
has anxiety, mild paranoia and autism.
animals, harry potter, and pokémon are his hyperfixations.
he also really likes gardening
crushing big time on hostioli
spends his entire english class staring at him and blushing
is seriously considering joining D&D club just to be able to talk to him
he’s in the art club
wants to be a vet and maybe do some freelance art stuff on the side
Ollie keeps yelling at him to just ask host out already but he’s too nervous
my poor bb boi
Wears sweaters all the time
wears headphones to block out noise if it ever gets too loud at he goes into sensory overload
disaster bi
18 year old senior
gets C’s
has a makeup tutorial channel on youtube and has a pretty decent following
That one weeb
dyes their hair a new color every week
also has a new crush every week
everyone knows who their newest victim is because they never stop watching them
draws anime or cute animals for every art class
wants to be a a fashion designer
does MMA
everyone kinda stears clear of them
writes their first initial along with their crush’s on every notebook they own
has gotten suspended for beating kids up on multiple occasions
doesn’t really have that many friends but they don’t mind
spends their lunches watching their crush
in the drama club and the art club
Randall Voorhees
18 year old senior
C’s and D’s
Eric’s cousin/bodyguard
they have a lot of the same classes and walk everywhere together
loves animals and has like 10 pet rats
he doesn’t really care about his grades because he knows that he wants to be a woodworker/construction guy
makes little houses out of scrap wood for his rats and Eric thinks it’s adorable
always sneaks his rats to school and lets them have play dates with dr. iplier’s ferret
used to live in nyc in queens and still has a pretty strong accent
completely incomprehensible when he’s excited or angry bc of the accent
everyone is jealous of his hair
spends like 100 dollars on shampoo and conditioner and stuff but it’s worth it
acts like the straightest guy in existence but could not be more gay
his boots are always muddy
16 year old sophomore
his name is Yancy Bird
g...get it? like jailbird? ahaha...ok i’ll stop
permanent resident of the detention room
but he gets to just chill out and read for an hour so he doesn’t really mind
mostly gets detention for beating up kids that bully others
fuck the system
always wears a leather jacket and blue jeans
“hey, the 50’s called and they want their-“ SMACK. “shut up.”
takes a lot of criminal justice and psychology classes ironically
in the botany club but if you tell anyone they’ll never find your body
everyone is surprised when they find out he’s friends with Eric and ollie
pan but in denial
“i’m not gay guys, that ain’t me, i’m just comfortable with my sexuality. so i can admit when i see a guy with a handsome face and pretty eyes-“
that song is great btw you should listen to it
always makes really dark jokes and everyone is like “are you ok?”
except for his friends they just laugh
“lmao wouldn’t it be funny if everyone like...died”
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Dodging Death Pt 2 (CasGil, Hakuno, Cu Chulainn)
Previously: 1 
There’s always been something disconcerting about awakening from a nap.
The first thing realized is that one is conscious. There’s this sudden come to, this sudden awareness. One doesn’t sense anything quite yet. One doesn’t necessarily think about anything yet. There’s just… life. Anything could happen in this small span of time when the mind is clicking on. The sheer fact that one was vulnerable for so long comes to a person.
At least, it came to him anyway.
Gilgamesh, the great mage and king of Uruk, came to with this same realm of consciousness occurring.
His mind slowly came into function once more. His body suddenly began to realize that it was alive and needing to begin the process of moving.
There was a comforting feeling beneath his body. He must have fallen asleep upon a series of cushions for how comfortable he was. Every fiber of his being was relaxed for once. It felt like his whole person had been bathed and dried. He could feel the sunlight, pouring down on him as he lay lazily in it. He must have been under his furs in his bed.
Gods, but the feeling of being freshly clean and sunbathing in such splendor.
Sex was alive and wild. It delighted the senses, but it was exhausting. This, right here, was another form of pleasure. It was the pleasure of the self. He rolled happily, stretching his limbs and listening to the soft, odd sound escape him.
Nevermind what sounds he made.
Exhaustion was a powerful force and made people hear strange things. This was one of those times.
It must have been early for his palace.
The sounds of the breeze were even quiet today. It was rather surprising, although he could hear people speaking not too terribly far from him. The conversation seemed to be related to…
He frowned at the conversation.
“A sixth victim has appeared last night in what police are calling an ‘isolated incident.’ The victim was wandering out late last night when they were gunned down by the perpetrator while attempting to return home from a shift at the local flower shop. The man’s coworker had this to say.”
“Yeah,” another voice spoke up. “Fuyuki is a safe and wonderful city and all that, but this kind of shit- ah, fuck, I’m not supposed to cuss on televise- oh. Right. Ah, yeah. Anyway, After this kind of… thing. Yeah, I’m SAYING IT!”
“He’s being- nevermind,” a woman spoke up. “We’re just a bit shook up. This whole situation is absurd! We’re not feeling safe with whoever this is running around loose and the police aren’t doing anything-”
The original speaker spoke up again.
“Citizens, much like this married couple, are feeling the same sense of unease. Police are urging citizens to remain indoors after dark, remain in contact with friends and loved ones, and they advise against any illegal activity.”
“Illegal activity? Geez!”
A woman, much louder than the others, spoke up. “Cu, turn that shit off.”
“Sorry, sorry!” the voice from before was speaking, the male speaking up again. “I just wanted to see Rinny and I on TV. Can you believe they called us a married couple?”
“Yes,” the woman replied.
The man- Cu- laughed. “God, but Hakuno! This is great!”
“A serial killer is great?”
“…Okay, maybe I should have preceeded that with, ‘other than the fucking psychopath roamin’ the streets,’ but Hakuno! Look at this! Rin’s on television!”
“She’s rather pissed with you about it.”
“Ah, she’ll get over it. I’ve been posting all over her social media and mine about how dazzling she looked. Hold on.”
“Well, stop boasting about how dazzling and pretty your girlfriend is and grab me a hairtie, will ya?”
“Yeah, yeah!”
The sound of footsteps were approaching, making Gilgamesh open his eyes. The moment he did, he squawked.
Nothing was the same.
This wasn’t his bedchamber. These weren’t his furs on him. This room, with furniture that clearly was carved by some person, was lackluster. And the strange torches!
There were torches on in a room with a mirror and a large basin! What the hell was that thing?
The door nearby opened, a blue haired man looking in at him a moment before Gilgamesh found himself screaming- or rather- yowling. His body tumbled from the bed, hitting the wood floors with a loud thump.
“HAKUNO!” The blue haired man yelled loudly. “YOUR CAT IS UP!”
There was the sound of soft thunder coming their direction. He looked up to see a woman slipping around the blue haired man. Her fabric clad feet slipping along the floors a bit as she came to a screeching halt only to drop to her knees. The thud of her knees hitting the floor made him wince.
The sheer amount of pain that must have-
His body was lifted, held just under his front legs as he was once more reminded of his current state of being.
“I thought you were going to sleep forever! Goodness, I took you to the vet twice! Dr. Kotomine kept recommending neutering!”
He could feel his blood drain.
Was he-
The moment he squirmed, he could hear the man nearby laughing.
“Geez, Hakuno. Don’t immasculate your man. The poor lad’s been sleepin’ for three days. Let him breathe before you scare him about things that didn’t happen.”
The fool was right.
Gods, but he was never so glad to hear he was safe.
The woman holding him looked at him carefully, setting him on the floor and helping him onto his paws.
“I’m guessing you need some exercise and to use the restroom,” she told him. “I got you a litter box and some food earlier this week.”
“Right, bathroom.”
The man headed over to what seemed to be a bathroom, ignoring the torches and the mirrors in order to grab something.
He tossed the small circle at Hakuno, making him leap.
He just…
Had to catch it.
It was instinctive. The little thing dared to fly towards the woman who seemed so tired. Without thinking, he caught the thing and held it in his mouth.
Please let these two never know of my humanity, Gilgamesh prayed.
The woman before him simply glowed.
“Hot damn. I need to get him some cat toys,” Cu told them, pausing a moment before he slammed the door shut. “Hold on, I’m going to use the toilet.”
The toilet is in there?
Gilgamesh frowned, padding his way across the floor only to feel his catch stolen.
The woman tied her hair back, flashing him a gentle smile before she urged him towards the box of gray sand.
“Here you are, Gorgeous.”
This box is filled with the smell of overly crushed flowers and death. Why on earth do I need this thing?
She pawed at the sand with her hand a moment, looking like she was trying to educate a young boy on an important life task.
For the life of him, he didn’t get it.
“You go to the bathroom here,” she told him.
Bathroom… that was the room the other was in… with the-
She thought that he was going to use this sand to shit?!
Were the gods mocking him?!
That had to be it. The gods were having a great laugh at the king of Uruk’s expense, changing him to this form and watching him choose his own downward spiral. Although this place beat the experience of cats in his homelands by a large amount, it still lacked a great deal of things.
First and foremost, since things were quite complicated and he had no quick solution to anything: he needed food.
He strolled with as much dignity as he could muster from this bedchamber, glancing around at this building with a thinly veiled interest.
There were strange tiny pulleys that seemed to be near each entrance. Other than that, the walls were quite plain and without anything of note. A few bookshelves of texts showed books about people and history. It would be quite interesting to investigate such things later. The fabrics seemed quite tight over whatever tablets they held. Perhaps they weren’t tablets in the common sense, but fabrics?
They were a strange fabric, truly.
He sniffed at them, smelling strangeness.
To be continued, he thought, carrying on.
A tapestry caught his great attention, portraying a young boy learning how to eat from an elder. It seemed they were stressing a name on a container, showing the name several times over. The happy family seemed to make it seem like the name mattered for the sake of joy.
Is this how merchants sell their wares?
How would anyone know the true value without first seeing the product themselves? That seemed rather odd.
He sat on his rump for a moment, watching the tapestry flow with new colors and images.
A group of young boys were playing with something together. They seemed to be twiddling their thumbs upon a board between them. Someone had placed one of these enchanted tapestries upon it, showing strange, inhuman things on the screen.
He yelped at the sight of a large beast, hissing and spitting at the tapestry as he took cover under the table.
“Gorgeous? You alright?”
Hakuno came out, glancing between him and the television. “Ah, you don’t like dinosaurs, huh? They’re extinct anyway.”
She pressed something on the tapestry, making it go black.
He sighed, moving forth from his place of retreat. His body leaped onto the table, his eyes on her until something met his senses.
His senses were noting meat.
Glorious meats, a bounty of them lined the plate alongside precious golden eggs. Their fluffiness, and their great size, filled his vision, making his stomach rumble and his mouth salivate.
A king was a man who required great meals and bountiful choices. He could hear Hakuno speaking to her companion, but he paid them no mind for now. His attention was now on food and he was devouring it all. Bite after bite, the heavenly taste filled his body with the strength to carry on. He found himself near tears, tasting such celestial splendor.
He looked up, finishing off the eggs as he heard Hakuno speak.
The woman laughed a little, glancing to her companion. “Cu, it looks like he ate your eggs.”
“Ah, better for him than me anyway. Rin’d kill me if I skipped out on her cooking,” the man said, moving forward and scratching at one of his ears. “You want real food, not that cat food shit, don’t ya, G?”
“G?” Hakuno raised a brow at him.
“Hakuno, he’s a guy cat. G sounds better.”
He agreed. He let that be known with his purring.
“See? There ya go. G’s with me on this.”
The man leaned in, motioning for Hakuno to leave.
“Alright, G, listen here. This woman? She saved your ass from being run over and becoming flatter than paperwork.”
She’d what?
“She also has stayed up for days waiting for you to wake up. She got all kinds of worried when you fell asleep like that. I got her to make food, but you’ve gotta take care of her, especially right now with a lunatic out there trying to kill people.”
“Cu, don’t you have to-“
“Hold on, Hakuno!” Cu waved his hand. “I’m telling the man of this house what he needs to know.”
Indeed he was.
Gilgamesh moved a bit closer to Cu, waiting for the man to continue. The man meanwhile was motioning for Hakuno to leave again, refusing to continue until she sighed and went to the other chamber.
Meanwhile, Gil waited. The woman had suffered lack of sleep for him and was in danger. What else did he need to know?
“Hakuno’s never had a house guest,” Cu told him. “She doesn’t let men live with her and she’s never been intimate, so do us both a favor and look out for her. We don’t want any unsavory men getting close to her. You can feel free to piss in their shoes or whatever if you see any.”
Gods, the vulgarity of such a thought…
“One more thing.”
He waited.
Cu glanced towards where the woman had gone, “…Hakuno’s pretty great. You won’t find a smarter woman, except my Rin, but Rin can be a pain. She’s very obsessed with gems.”
Sounds like Ishtar.
He’d stick with Hakuno.
Truly, he would anyway. Hakuno seemed to possess magic, albeit weak and under great restriction. If he could return to his human body, then he could break open those circuits and allow her to have that mana flowing through her veins.
The trickles he felt now, combined with that giving and open nature of hers, intrigued him.
“Do your best to guard the queen of this palace,” Cu told him, giving a bow. “She’s in your hands.”
Quite the showman, but he could appreciate a man of character. Gilgamesh bowed his head in return.
“Holy shit. Hakuno! G bowed for me!”
“Okay, Cu Chulainn, but isn’t Rin waiting for you to get my notes to her?”
The man paled, grabbing a bag nearby and a strange tablet from the table.
“That’s what I thought,” Hakuno sighed, earning a side hug from the man before he was booking it for the door.
“Bow to your cat,” Cu told her, pausing in the doorway. “He bows back! It’s great!”
Mongrels truly were mongrels, Gilgamesh thought with a sigh.
His sigh was in time with Hakuno’s own, his eyes drifting to hers only to see the woman grab a small stick from nearby and cast her magic upon the tapestry again.
“I swear, he loves Rin, but he does get sidetracked.”
He had no bearing on this thinking, therefore he paid it no heed. Instead, Gilgamesh hopped down from the table and continued his perusal of the house.
The kitchens were strange and filled with reflective surfaces that didn’t quite work as mirrors. The bathrooms, two for some reason, possessed toilets.
They weren’t quite like his, with a running stream in them, but there was a lever…
The water swirled in the basin, making his eyes widen.
This paltry home with its meager adornments was the home of a true visionary. Toilets with waters that didn’t run underneath one’s bottom until they wished for it. He looked in the kitchen once again and found the woman turning on a stream of water.
Miniature aqueducts were near here?! How did she get water inside her home and on tap like that?! What’s more, the tapestry of merchants fascinated him too.
“G?” Hakuno looked over at him. “Do you want to rest a while longer on my lap? I’m going to watch some TV for a bit before working on my studies.”
He watched, amazed, as the woman carried him back to the lounge area, settling onto her quite unique fusion between a set of cushions and a chair. The woman permitted him to watch her tapestry- no- her TV.
Look at him, learning her strange culture so quickly.
Gilgamesh gazed upon the plays happening on the screen, astounded by the manners to which the people of this land had managed to capture their actors upon the tapestry. Were they trapped there until their play finished?
He was also quite interested in the marketing done by their merchants. To think, an intermission could boast of goods from certain people…
The Uruk merchants could acquire greater notoriety by having the traveling actors and performers advertise of Uruk’s greatness.
This required tablets.
This information needed to be saved onto stone.
“You must have slept all your fatigue away,” Hakuno murmured to him, stroking along his person. He could feel himself rumbling in contentment. His body growing weary at the feel of those hands working their way through his fur.
She was pure bliss.
Had she been Ereshkigal herself, he would have leaped for his death. Not that he despised the goddess, but her latest actions left a bit to be desired.
He moved closer to Hakuno’s face, pausing at her chest.
This… This he remembered.
This was the drenched celestial being that had saved him before. Her gentle voice had called to him when he had thought himself the victim of those screeching beasts. She’d taken him to be treated by that foul beast of a man and then nestled him safely right here.
She’d allowed him to be safe in her bosom.
He owed this woman a great debt.
Thinking about it, Uruk had not gained any magicians in a long time. They weren’t in dire need of one, true, but having an extra magician on hand, especially one like this…
Yes, he would simply claim the woman to be his magician.
He yawned, finding the woman casting another spell to turn off the TV. She pulled a rather thick fabric over the two of them and snuggled him closer to her.
“We can take an hour nap,” she told him. “Then I need to study. I have a test tomorrow.”
I shall watch you prepare for your apprentice examination with great interest, Gilgamesh thought, licking the woman and finding her cooing to him gently.
She would make a wonderful new Uruk citizen.
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eventjoin3-blog · 5 years
AGAINSWave Is FDA-approved Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction
At one time, Erectile Dysfunction Pills Best Pills there was a widespread belief that zinc deficiency is a common cause. However, zinc supplementation has not been proven to enhance hair loss, even when a deficiency is suspected. One area that seems clear is that iron deficiency (a low serum ferritin with out anemia) is linked to hair loss in ladies. In a single research, 72% of women with low iron stores (a serum ferritin less than 40 mcg/l) had decreased hair density. The amino acid L-lysine plays a component in the absorption of iron and zinc. Among plant foods, L-lysine is barely present in high amounts in legumes, and a vegan who doesn’t eat many legumes could discover themselves falling brief on lysine. In some ladies, iron supplementation doesn't result in an increase in iron shops. But in a single research, adding L-lysine (at 1.5 - 2 g/day for six months) to iron supplementation in such ladies did improve iron shops and decreased hair loss by one half.
Once more, a trip to the vet is the only dependable manner to find out thyroid illness. Therapy for hyperthyroidism could embody surgical procedure or using radioactive iodine. Some cats could suffer from alopecia attributable to extreme grooming habits. This situation is known as psychogenic dermatitis, and your cat might have it if they lick to the point of hair loss. Often, excessive grooming is the results of stress or boredom. This condition is greatest handled through adjustments to your cat’s setting. If you can also make your cat’s world extra thrilling, much less demanding, or more interactive, you might see a positive effect. Medications for conduct and anxiety modification are additionally accessible. This data is for informational functions only and is not meant as a substitute for the professional recommendation of, or prognosis or treatment by, your veterinarian with respect to your pet. It has, nevertheless, been verified by a licensed veterinarian for accuracy.
Nevertheless on the identical night time, he began to have excessive fever and his condition failed to enhance after three days. His dad and mom took him to a local clinic and he was found to have a blood clot in his mind. Surgeons removed the lump and Mr Zhu's parents thought he had been cured. Mr Zhu lived the subsequent three years in a carefree method like other kids. But when he was 9 years old, he discovered that he had not grown taller. As well as, his physique had remained the identical as that of his six-12 months-outdated self. After visiting greater hospitals, he was informed that his pituitary gland had been damaged. He adopted physician's orders and took drugs for five years, however no modifications were noticed. He never went via puberty. Mr Zhu now makes a dwelling by planting crops. He has also opened a hair salon to chop hair for his neighbours. The man is frustrated by the fact that his physique still features like that of a six-yr-old, which makes it unimaginable for him to have his own household. But at the identical time, he is holding a glass-half-full angle.
He was plainly not anticipating the possibility of it (the package) being opened by Phil Burt and since then he has involved others in his scheme of deceit,' he added. He asked Trish Meats to inform lies. Secondly, he requested Dr Peters to repeat that lie to the press. Jackson added that the medical information of Sutton, who denies he suffered from erectile dysfunction, show no want for therapy with testosterone. Closing a searing session in Manchester, he emphatically rejected claims made earlier that Freeman was a 'jobbing GP', pointing to an e mail they had obtained during which he describes himself as 'probably the most skilled cycling physician in Britain'. He additionally dismissed claims the gel was for Sutton. On a Day Two it also emerged that a debit for the Testogel still existed on British Cycling's account with Fit4Sport and there was additionally a short dialogue over whether or not Viagra was only used by those with erectile dysfunction.
GAINSWave in Los Angeles (American Society for Dermatologic Surgery)
Hair loss may be sudden or slow
These hair styles are at risk in the event that they feel tight or trigger any ache
In the morning, wash your hair
Telogen effluvium happens when this 10% begins to extend, and the hair cycle phases are out of stability. More hairs than usual are going into the resting part, so hair falls out sooner than it grows again in. It’s one in all the commonest types of hair loss among each women and men. Although it’s normally limited to the scalp, extra severe circumstances can have an effect on eyebrows and physique hair. Hair loss as a consequence of weight loss is fairly common, much more so when surgery is concerned. Such a drastic change in your physique can cause bodily stress, which supplies a sign to hair follicles to go right into a resting phase. Your hormones may be very reactive. Since weight loss surgery can imply a giant change in physique composition, typically your hormones need time to catch up. This temporary hair loss is most noticeable one to 2 months after the weight reduction, and can be exacerbated by any vitamin deficiencies you'll have if there are drastic adjustments in your weight-reduction plan. Nonetheless, this alteration is usually only non permanent. Most can count on their hair to begin growing normally again after about six months.
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it’s 7am and for no especial reason im gonna throw out “bat boy” numbers that really go off which is, really all of them, but still, might as well share my wisdom
a) COMFORT AND JOY: obviously!!!!! THE song. it is seriously like, wow. the drama. and its Such a jam. what haven’t i already said to endorse it? cuz i’ll say some more.
b) SHOW YOU A THING OR TWO: automatically gets second spot b/c its second most likely to be in my head. it’s all “i’ll show you a thing or two, second verse with these-two-notes [two-notes]” and i do a little dance for those two-notes. and the lyrics “you’ll soon complete it—but, wait! ((??)) don’t eat it ((oh))” will loop thru my brain like fifteen times. lot of Musical Style variation in this whole show and this ones got like, a highstepping chorus line theme & thats a delight. and lots of incredible lyrics too, like this song’s “but now say howdy to a summa cum laude.” oh wait and i suppose its self explanatory but meredith The Mom and shelley The Daughter are teaching edgar The Bat Boy like, all of general knowledge in a matter of weeks / maybe several months. dr parker The Husband / Vet is tangentially helpful but not really because he sucks. meredith’s patience is v nice. you really have to root for them, except dr parker, because he sucks.
C) CHILDREN, CHILDREN: any ranking order beyond this is basically just me throwing darts w my eyes closed but this is a good third cuz its again that musical variety......this ones like, this 90s-ish movie credits remix echoey chimy synthy thing going on?? but its really a jam too. when the company joins in with the “oooo~shalala” i go BERSERK.....and there’s this suddenly punk rockish break in the middle of it. pretty great. what’s going on is that, as edgar and shelley are fleeing from Society into nature / the woods to reinvent their notions of humanity, the god of that sort of stuff Pan has shown up with an eden-esque panoply of animals to sing this song to set the mood. obviously.
D) WHATCHA WANNA DO: speaking of punk rockish...this is that? it’s a bit head-tiltingly jarring as its just this number in which one of the local teens who found edgar in the cave shows up to the parkers’ house where he’s currently caged and reacts to him in a Thematic Microcosm of what will be others’ reactions, aka to reflect a like, lack of inhibition re sex and mostly violence back at his feral nature and perceived inhumanity. one of the stranger numbers in a weird musical, but still a jam, see: punk rockish
E) A JOYFUL NOISE (REPRISE): end the musical here and everythings fine! just a real short one but a lot of fun because of what i just said. edgar goes to the local revival to beg the townspeople’s and preacher’s acceptance, and they give it to him. yet more musical style variety and a shoutout to this exchange
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F) THREE BEDROOM HOUSE: send the musical in a different direction in the middle of this and everything could still be fine. this is a fun boppish number kinda reflecting elements of “show you a thing or two” musically, which i suppose is since its again mostly about meredith having decided that they can make this mess of a situation work. that mess being that, edgar Was accepted by the town but actually her husband killed a local teen and then showed up and blamed it on edgar & implied the mysterious plague upon their cows was edgar’s fault too and edgar’s run off into the woods. then this one is followed by children, children. i could go in order but its chaos rules only!!! the amount of fun energy in this song is frankly great and its like hell yeah meredith!!!!! hell yeah hock this stupid ring!!! kill your husband!! or whatever. js
G) CHRISTIAN CHARITY: god this one is fun idk......also self explanatory imo. local teens have found a cave cryptid, now the sheriff has him, he’s dragged him into the house where the local vet lives and is just p much casually dumping said cryptid on them, which is funny. there’s Musical Themes here repeated w some of the townspeople’s numbers & set up for comfort and joy....what really gets me is the sheriff’s part that starts abt a minute into the number where it’s like, this really neat almost-lilting musical phrase in the key of i don’t know, but its cool. i like it
H) INSIDE YOUR HEART: man, this one’s got this like, p simple musical Theme in there that’s just like, that’s all you need really. sort of like, the classic ballad duet type of song now. but also sort of cutting its own drama, b/c the musicals like, tragicomic and all. like edgar has this whole swelling “oh god this curséd existence you have to leave me” declaration and then immediately you get shelley’s matter of fact “...no.” even tho its a bit Meta Humorous like that, frankly its still a pretty great straightforward and sweet number which im sure a lot of musicàl love songs Wish they could be, which is just made more Smh by the fact that a) it’s about shelley trying to convince edgar its okay to drink her blood and b) because right after it ends meredith shows up to belatedly inform them that they’re half siblings. shits a wild ride.
I) A HOME FOR YOU: careening back to the beginning....this one is also less like, oh shit im gonna dance along, more of a subdued and quiet number, but its a nice solo of meredith’s and p sweet but not in a way like Inside Your Heart where its gonna get immediately wrecked. instead its one of the more grounded songs where she’s just telling the feral bat teen now in her house that maybe he can like, belong somewhere. it also has the Additional Depth not yet revealed in the plot that meredith is aware that edgar is her own child whom she had previously presumed dead. and this song is also Significant in that it’s Reprised when edgar realizes he might actually be fully human (he’s not) and is eager to go to the town’s upcoming revival and win their acceptance; and its Musical Theme is briefly reprised in “apology to a cow” when edgar is at the total opposite end of things, having been turned on by the town thx to the betrayal of his evil stepdad, and then having his and shelley’s attempt to forsake the need for social acceptance in the first place Also Wrecked by their mom telling them she’s their mom, so then he’s just mad at everything and murders a cow b/c he feels the only thing left is to embrace their idea of him as a killer monster, and he Reprises the a home for you theme as he swears to kill both meredith and dr parker, which he doesn’t, although they do Die around him. whoops. wanna @ will roland and be like “hey can you sing this one single line from Apology For A Cow?? cuz its rly cool and honestly a lot of these songs make me sure that wroland’s version of this material what with his voice and acting and how dramatically that production seemed to treat the outlandishness in general all means i’d fucking go ballistic and i wanna hear ‘this face will be the last thing that you ever see’ cuz that key change and that like, rise and fall at the end,,,,OOF,,,”
J) I IMAGINE YOU’RE UPSET: just round it off by slapping this climactic song right down. it’s a lot. dramatic again but also kinda fun...ish......i mean its the “everythings gone to shit and lets bring everyone together for peak disaster” so how much fun can be had? yet the quick exchange of “i smell [...] her sweat” “oh my god” whole town: “JESUS!!” and the sheriff singing “im sorry your life’s a sham” like hfvlmao thanks dude. but there’s all the clashes of characters’ built-up emotions and edgar is over here covered in blood and demanding to be killed while the town is like YEAH but all meredith’s lines are especially bittersweet and honestly like its a weird absurd story obviously and we’re all here to be ourselves and have fun but the story does make me bummed cuz of thinking about it all as “okay, yeah, but if you treat it earnestly,,,,Sad” like man you hearken back to three bedroom house and how meredith is determined to see it all be okay and really like just wants to live with her kids somewhere safe and NOT with her crap husband who’s been ruining everything the whole time for once. and then she’s here caught between the final confrontation of the Dramatic Foils that are edgar and dr parker and in general everything is a bit too late. ugh. lot of Dramatic Exchanges here and musical theme reprises!! that’s the good shit. and then the song ends on dr parker’s sort of ominous yet resigned-ish “are you hungry edgar” (shoutout to comfort and joy!!) after which he cuts his own throat, and, just like in comfort and joy, (and sort of like just prior to comfort and joy, when edgar reflexively defended meredith from dr parkers Violent Behavior) when he presents edgar w the fresh blood edgar automatically Attacks, wherein dr parker takes the chance to stab him, and inadvertently stabs meredith when she tries to shield edgar, and they all three die w edgar bleeding-outly refuting his humanity to shelley, and then there’s the final number where everyone’s like wow that was some shit. but ACTUALLY there is also this one specific detail i’d be desperate to see from the nyu steinhardt version, which is that after they all die and there’s that Breathless Moment, the Man From The Institute who the sheriff had called earlier to deal with edgar Rushes In and sort of beholds the whole town gathered staring at these three bodies and maybe a cow’s head off to the side, and one of the townspeople just goes “...you’re late.” and i am so certain that this line is HghhfGH-wheeze-laugh worthy; but the performance i saw they did NOT do the timing right!!! they said it like right off whereas what you need to do is hold the pause at least three full seconds!! and then go: You’re Late. i’m adamant about this. so much of Landing The Delivery is timing!! anyways. god. press f. anyways. it’s now 9 am. thanks and good morning. basically saying that the whole soundtrack is basically pretty great and really will roland has doomed me to actually be invested in this weird story, b/c its the ol magical realism comedic-framed wild obviously-that-would-never-happen plot, but, still, you’ve got this teen trying his best and it COULD all be fine actually but it all goes to shit b/c nobody killed dr parker in time really. well i’d just like to conclude by saying it’s raining and that’s great b/c i love when it’s raining
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petnews2day · 2 years
Colorado Vet Urges Owners To Attend To Their Dogs Properly In The Blistering Heat, Particularly The Brachycephalic Breeds – CBS Denver
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/dog-news/colorado-vet-urges-owners-to-attend-to-their-dogs-properly-in-the-blistering-heat-particularly-the-brachycephalic-breeds-cbs-denver-2/
Colorado Vet Urges Owners To Attend To Their Dogs Properly In The Blistering Heat, Particularly The Brachycephalic Breeds – CBS Denver
(CBS4) — We’re not even into the dog days of summer yet, but experts are urging Coloradans to keep a close eye on our canine companions.
(credit: CBS)
Dr. Kerri Nelson, Medical Director of Veterinary Emergency Group, told CBS4’s Mekialaya White that her team inevitably sees an uptick in heat-related visits as temperatures sizzle.
“Especially when it’s higher risk breeds,” Nelson said. “When we’ve got our brachycephalic breeds, which is a fancy word for smooshed face dogs, those dogs do not have the ability to get rid of heat like dogs with a nice, long, normal nose.”
So, owners should keep an eye out for symptoms like excessive panting.
“Sometimes we’ll see things like vomiting, diarrhea, or bruising when a dog is having a heat stroke. You should hose your dog down with lukewarm water, not cold water. Then, put a fan on them, put your AC on.”
(credit: CBS)
Paw burns can also happen in as little as a minute on a 140-degree surface like asphalt or pavement; it takes five minutes in a 120-degree surface. That’s easily feasible with temperatures in the high 90s.
“For things like farmers markets, for instance, people are taking their dogs, and lot of those are out on streets. And lot of those are black asphalt. It can burn up their little feet. So, either putting booties on top to keep their feet safe or making sure they’re walking on grass or dirt or something along those lines, that’s going to be the best idea. Err on the side of caution. I also recommend walking them very early in the morning or very late at night 5-7am and then again at night at 8 or 9 o’clock.”
And Nelson says the best choice if you’re uncertain: Take your dog to an emergency vet.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Tetanus in Dogs: Overview as well as Causes, Symptoms, and also Treatment Options
September 02, 2020 1 Comment
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Earlier this summer, we got a heartbreakinge-mail from a DJANGO Dog Blog visitor(transcript listed below). Jeanette’s dog, Sam, had regretfullysimply passed away from tetanus, a terrible yet rare disease. Jeanette reached out to us to share her dog’s stressful experience with tetanus as well as asked that we spread out recognition as well as share important information concerning the illness. In doing so, perhaps we could aid stop another pet dog’s fatality from tetanus in the future.
If I am being 100% straightforward, I (Steph) did not understand anything regarding tetanus in canines before Jeanette reached out. Sure, I had heard of tetanus in people and also received tetanus vaccinations throughout my life … but dogs? I never understood pets could be at risk to this condition. After some initial research, I recognized exactly how vital it is for us canine owners to be aware of tetanus in canines, the disease’s symptoms, as well as exactly how our four-legged pals can get the condition.
Because obtaining Jeanette’s heart-wrenching e-mail, I’ve done considerable research study on tetanus in canines. I additionally spoke in detail with Dr. Shadi Ireifej, the Chief of Medicine at Veterinarian Triage, who aided me additionally recognize risk aspects and therapy alternatives for this condition.
Below is whatever you require to find out about tetanus in pet dogs: the causes and symptoms of the illness, threat aspects, treatment options as well as prices, negative effects, and also tips for avoidance.
Tetanus is brought on by bacteria called Clostridium tetani (C. tetani). Clostridium tetani are primarily found in dust, dirt, and also feces.
When C. tetani microorganisms spores enter a pet’s body through a deep injury or open aching, they multiply. As the C. tetani microorganisms die, they create a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin. This neurotoxin binds to the pet’s nerves, eventually migrating to the brain as well as spinal cord. When this happens, natural chemicals that manage movement, touch, pressure, pain, as well as temperature level (glycine and GABA) can not be released. This results in convulsions of other signs and symptoms and volunteer muscle mass (more on symptoms listed below).
There are 2 kinds of tetanus:
Localized tetanus is one of the most typical type of tetanus and also has a 90 percent survival price. A dog with local tetanus might have muscle mass stiffness or tremors in the arm or leg closest to his injury. In many cases, local tetanus can become generalized tetanus.
Generalized tetanus occurs when tetanus spreads throughout the pet’s body. Generalized tetanus triggers the pet to shed his capacity to blink. The dog’s temple ends up being deeply old and wrinkly and also they ears become pulled back. His eyes protrude, as well as his lips curl back right into a ‘sinister smile’ called risus sardonicus. In more advanced stages of generalised tetanus, an affected dog may end up being so sensitive to appear that any loud sound such as hand clapping can trigger convulsions or seizures. The pet dog might not have the ability to bend his legs, causing what is called a ‘sawhorse stance’. The canine additionally might not be able to totally open up or close his mouth, and also his heart rate may drop listed below 60 beats per min. The survival rate for generalised tetanus in pet dogs is 50 percent.
Symptoms as well as indicators of tetanus in pet dogs can show up anywhere from three days to 3 weeks after the canine is wounded and subjected to C. tetani germs. Signs can be extreme or mild and also consist of:
Bowel irregularity
Old and wrinkly forehead
Erect ears
Sunken eyes
Unable to blink
Clenched jaw (tetanus)
Smiling appearance (risus sardonicus)
Stiff and extended tail
Unbendable legs as well as an arched back (sawhorse stance)
Trouble consuming or drinking
Muscular tissue spasms set off by light, touch, or noise
Difficulty breathing
“I think my pet dog is revealing symptoms of tetanus. What should I do?”
If your pet dog is exhibiting any kind of signs of tetanus, please see your veterinarian asap. Dr. Shadi Ireifej emphasized that canines that can not move or take a breath ought to be instantly rushed to the nearby emergency vet facility.
Tetanus is luckily uncommon in pets.
Dr. Shadi Ireifej has actually operated in veterinary medicine for 14 years. He saw one instance of canine tetanus at Cornell University in 2004. According to The Canadian Veterinary Journal, equines, humans, as well as sheep are 600 times more susceptible to tetanus than dogs. Birds and felines are 10 times much more resistant to tetanus than dogs.
Some pet dogs are much more at risk of tetanus than various other canines. Larger dog types that reside on ranches or in the nation have a higher risk of contracting the illness. Canines that have accessibility to manure or are close proximity to dead animals are additionally far more in danger of tetanus.
Dogs that spend comprehensive time outdoors can obtain tetanus from foxtails, or yard seed awns. If not discovered swiftly, these can tunnel right into your canine’s vital body organs and also blood vessels. According to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, 27 percent of canine tetanus situations are brought on by foxtail burrs.
Newborn puppies can get tetanus via their umbilical stumps. Canines under 2 years old are likewise at greater danger of tetanus because they are extra likely to put dangerous, infected things in their mouth (unclean sticks, corroded nails, glass, etc).
There is no easy diagnostic test for tetanus. Blood tests aren’t exact since C. tetani does not live long airborne. A tetanus diagnosis is normally made based upon your pet’s appearance and the history of his injury. If you did not discover your canine’s wound 10 to 14 days back, your vet might get an urinalysis, electrocardiogram, and also chest X-rays.
Antibiotics. Penicillin and also Metronidazole are antibiotics made use of to deal with tetanus in dogs. They’ve no result on the neurotoxin yet can stop C. tetani from spreading.
Stablizing. Intravenous (IV) fluids are used to halt dehydration while oxygen is used to prevent respiratory failing. If your pet dog’s throat and also diaphragm are paralyzed, he requires an endotracheal tube or a mechanical ventilator.
Debridement. Dead cells is gotten rid of from around your pet dog’s wound to lower tetanus germs. It’s cleaned with light soap as well as water or iodine.
Sedation. Acepromazine and chlorpromazine are suggested to regulate your pet’s sensitivity to sound, light, or touch. He may also be infused with midazolam, phenobarbital, or diazepam to manage muscular tissue stiffness.
Equine antiserum. A debatable treatment, equine antibiotic may be an alternative if tetanus is caught early. Made from the blood of steeds, it can be provided by IV or infused under the skin or right into the muscle. It can use up to three days to destroy the tetanus toxin. Skin examinations are advised due to the fact that equine antivenin can trigger possibly life-threatening allergies.
Nursing treatment. Your dog might require around-the-clock treatment in a peaceful and also dark room for 7 to 30 days. He requires soft bed linens, constant rotation to prevent bedsores, hand feeding or feeding by a G-tube, and also assist expressing his bladder.
Tetanus therapies can cost anywhere from $15 to $20,000. The price of treating tetanus in pets will depend on the severity of the situation and also needed treatment. Light situations of canine tetanus that only require a vet go to, wound cleaning, and anti-biotics might set you back approximately $200. Serious cases of tetanus requiring lasting sedation, stablizing, and round-the-clock nursing care can set you back well into the thousands.
Right here is a checklist of approximate prices for common tetanus treatments. Please bear in mind that costs can vary extensively based on your place as well as veterinary center (we reside in NYC so everything expenses more right here):
Antibiotics like Penicillin (take by mouth) – $15
Injectable Penicillin – $250
Sedation – $85 (lap dogs) to $100 (huge dogs)
Bloodwork – $90
Wound Repair – $135 to $335
Horse Equine Antitoxin – $3,000
According to the Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine, 77 percent of dogs that endure tetanus have a REM sleep actions condition (RBD). This usually occurs 2 weeks after pets are discharged from the veterinarian.
Your pet may shiver, run, or gripe in his rest. While anti-epileptic medications will not assist, signs and symptoms ought to not get worse with time. RBD might solve after numerous months.
Because tetanus is fairly unusual in dogs, there is no vaccination presently offered for canines like there is for human beings.
If your pet dog has a wound without symptoms, Dr. Ireifej suggests immediately cleansing it with mild soap and also water, iodine, or thin down peroxide to rid the website of germs as well as protect against infection. Dr. Ireifej also recommends using Neosporin to your pet dog’s cleansed injury as well as bandaging it to stop the intro of extra microorganisms.
No matter just how the wound appears, place an e-collar on your canine and visit your vet immediately. Your vet will certainly be able to effectively clean the wound even more (if required), prescribe any type of necessary anti-biotics, and also apply any type of required stitches.
Sam’s Story
Right here is the heartbreaking email we obtained from Jeanette, a DJANGO Dog Blog reader and also pet dog mother to Sam. Jeanette connected to us to share her and also Sam’s heartbreaking experience with tetanus in hopes that we would share details regarding the disease with our viewers.
Sam’s Story
May 29, 2020
“Our pet just passed away from tetanus. I’m reaching out to you to ensure that our tale can bring awareness to this “unusual” condition that seems to impact a fair bit of pet dogs every year. We initially saw our pet Sam’s face was actually weird. It appeared like she was secured a smile (we later on found out the name was “the ominous smile”) however very uneasy. Upon taking her to a vet they diagnosed her as dehydrated and also prescribed prescription antibiotics, lots of water, as well as rest. However later that day her signs appeared to be worsening as well as she appeared to be extremely out of it. We made a decision that she was acting in a not typical and also really alarming means so we took her to a 24 human resources healthcare facility, California veterinary experts. From there we obtained the news that our pet dog had contracted tetanus, a terrible however extremely unusual condition. Simply like any kind of other millennial couple my partner and also I started our google research study to attempt and also discover as much information on this disease as feasible. However there was little to no valuable info on recouping from tetanus and also a lot of truly sad pictures of dogs that appeared like they were experiencing. 2 days later our canines signs and symptoms got so poor that she was incapable to open her mouth (referred to as tetanus) and was having a really hard time trying to find a good setting so her air passages opened to take a breath. The dr in that hospital recommended her staying in the hospital for 2-3 weeks, but perhaps over a month, in intensive care in order for them to try and also save her. Yet even then the survival rate they provided us was 30%. We did not have the money to spend for a months remain at a medical facility for a 30% possibility survival. We can’ve taken her home yet without the proper devices and understanding to take care of her it was very likely that she would certainly stifle because of the illness and also die at home. Our pup was enduring as well as we made the very tough as well as heartbreaking decision to claim good bye to her. I want to try to connect to as several animal blogs as I possibly can to spread out recognition and possibly encourage some young veterinarians around to push for some kind of vaccine for tetanus in canines. Or a minimum of for anyone to do even more research study for pet dog owners like us to make sure that we can maintain our pups risk-free.”
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source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/tetanus-in-dogs-overview-and-causes-symptoms-and-treatment-options/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/tetanus-in-dogs-overview-as-well-as.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Tetanus in Dogs: Overview as well as Causes, Symptoms, and also Treatment Options
September 02, 2020 1 Comment
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Earlier this summer, we got a heartbreakinge-mail from a DJANGO Dog Blog visitor(transcript listed below). Jeanette’s dog, Sam, had regretfullysimply passed away from tetanus, a terrible yet rare disease. Jeanette reached out to us to share her dog’s stressful experience with tetanus as well as asked that we spread out recognition as well as share important information concerning the illness. In doing so, perhaps we could aid stop another pet dog’s fatality from tetanus in the future.
If I am being 100% straightforward, I (Steph) did not understand anything regarding tetanus in canines before Jeanette reached out. Sure, I had heard of tetanus in people and also received tetanus vaccinations throughout my life … but dogs? I never understood pets could be at risk to this condition. After some initial research, I recognized exactly how vital it is for us canine owners to be aware of tetanus in canines, the disease’s symptoms, as well as exactly how our four-legged pals can get the condition.
Because obtaining Jeanette’s heart-wrenching e-mail, I’ve doneconsiderable research study on tetanus in canines. I additionally spoke in detail with Dr. Shadi Ireifej, the Chief of Medicine at Veterinarian Triage, who aided me additionally recognize risk aspects and therapy alternatives for this condition.
Below is whatever you require to find out about tetanus in pet dogs: the causes and symptoms of the illness, threat aspects, treatment options as well as prices, negative effects, and also tips for avoidance.
Tetanus is brought on by bacteria called Clostridium tetani (C. tetani). Clostridium tetani are primarily found in dust, dirt, and also feces.
When C. tetani microorganisms spores enter a pet’s body through a deep injury or open aching, they multiply. As the C. tetani microorganisms die, they create a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin. This neurotoxin binds to the pet’s nerves, eventually migrating to the brain as well as spinal cord. When this happens, natural chemicals that manage movement, touch, pressure, pain, as well as temperature level (glycine and GABA) can not be released. This results in convulsions of other signs and symptoms and volunteer muscle mass (more on symptoms listed below).
There are 2 kinds of tetanus:
Localized tetanus is one of the most typical type of tetanus and also has a 90 percent survival price. A dog with local tetanus might have muscle mass stiffness or tremors in the arm or leg closest to his injury. In many cases, local tetanus can become generalized tetanus.
Generalized tetanus occurs when tetanus spreads throughout the pet’s body. Generalized tetanus triggers the pet to shed his capacity to blink. The dog’s temple ends up being deeply old and wrinkly and also they ears become pulled back. His eyes protrude, as well as his lips curl back right into a ‘sinister smile’ called risus sardonicus. In more advanced stages of generalised tetanus, an affected dog may end up being so sensitive to appear that any loud sound such as hand clapping can trigger convulsions or seizures. The pet dog might not have the ability to bend his legs, causing what is called a ‘sawhorse stance’. The canine additionally might not be able to totally open up or close his mouth, and also his heart rate may drop listed below 60 beats per min. The survival rate for generalised tetanus in pet dogs is 50 percent.
Symptoms as well as indicators of tetanus in pet dogs can show up anywhere from three days to 3 weeks after the canine is wounded and subjected to C. tetani germs. Signs can be extreme or mild and also consist of:
Bowel irregularity
Old and wrinkly forehead
Erect ears
Sunken eyes
Unable to blink
Clenched jaw (tetanus)
Smiling appearance (risus sardonicus)
Stiff and extended tail
Unbendable legs as well as an arched back (sawhorse stance)
Trouble consuming or drinking
Muscular tissue spasms set off by light, touch, or noise
Difficulty breathing
“I think my pet dog is revealing symptoms of tetanus. What should I do?”
If your pet dog is exhibiting any kind of signs of tetanus, please see your veterinarian asap. Dr. Shadi Ireifej emphasized that canines that can not move or take a breath ought to be instantly rushed to the nearby emergency vet facility.
Tetanus is luckily uncommon in pets.
Dr. Shadi Ireifej has actually operated in veterinary medicine for 14 years. He saw one instance of canine tetanus at Cornell University in 2004. According to The Canadian Veterinary Journal, equines, humans, as well as sheep are 600 times more susceptible to tetanus than dogs. Birds and felines are 10 times much more resistant to tetanus than dogs.
Some pet dogs are much more at risk of tetanus than various other canines. Larger dog types that reside on ranches or in the nation have a higher risk of contracting the illness. Canines that have accessibility to manure or are close proximity to dead animals are additionally far more in danger of tetanus.
Dogs that spend comprehensive time outdoors can obtain tetanus from foxtails, or yard seed awns. If not discovered swiftly, these can tunnel right into your canine’s vital body organs and also blood vessels. According to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, 27 percent of canine tetanus situations are brought on by foxtail burrs.
Newborn puppies can get tetanus via their umbilical stumps. Canines under 2 years old are likewise at greater danger of tetanus because they are extra likely to put dangerous, infected things in their mouth (unclean sticks, corroded nails, glass, etc).
There is no easy diagnostic test for tetanus. Blood tests aren’t exact since C. tetani does not live long airborne. A tetanus diagnosis is normally made based upon your pet’s appearance and the history of his injury. If you did not discover your canine’s wound 10 to 14 days back, your vet might get an urinalysis, electrocardiogram, and also chest X-rays.
Antibiotics. Penicillin and also Metronidazole are antibiotics made use of to deal with tetanus in dogs. They’ve no result on the neurotoxin yet can stop C. tetani from spreading.
Stablizing. Intravenous (IV) fluids are used to halt dehydration while oxygen is used to prevent respiratory failing. If your pet dog’s throat and also diaphragm are paralyzed, he requires an endotracheal tube or a mechanical ventilator.
Debridement. Dead cells is gotten rid of from around your pet dog’s wound to lower tetanus germs. It’s cleaned with light soap as well as water or iodine.
Sedation. Acepromazine and chlorpromazine are suggested to regulate your pet’s sensitivity to sound, light, or touch. He may also be infused with midazolam, phenobarbital, or diazepam to manage muscular tissue stiffness.
Equine antiserum. A debatable treatment, equine antibiotic may be an alternative if tetanus is caught early. Made from the blood of steeds, it can be provided by IV or infused under the skin or right into the muscle. It can use up to three days to destroy the tetanus toxin. Skin examinations are advised due to the fact that equine antivenin can trigger possibly life-threatening allergies.
Nursing treatment. Your dog might require around-the-clock treatment in a peaceful and also dark room for 7 to 30 days. He requires soft bed linens, constant rotation to prevent bedsores, hand feeding or feeding by a G-tube, and also assist expressing his bladder.
Tetanus therapies can cost anywhere from $15 to $20,000. The price of treating tetanus in pets will depend on the severity of the situation and also needed treatment. Light situations of canine tetanus that only require a vet go to, wound cleaning, and anti-biotics might set you back approximately $200. Serious cases of tetanus requiring lasting sedation, stablizing, and round-the-clock nursing care can set you back well into the thousands.
Right here is a checklist of approximate prices for common tetanus treatments. Please bear in mind that costs can vary extensively based on your place as well as veterinary center (we reside in NYC so everything expenses more right here):
Antibiotics like Penicillin (take by mouth) – $15
Injectable Penicillin – $250
Sedation – $85 (lap dogs) to $100 (huge dogs)
Bloodwork – $90
Wound Repair – $135 to $335
Horse Equine Antitoxin – $3,000
According to the Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine, 77 percent of dogs that endure tetanus have a REM sleep actions condition (RBD). This usually occurs 2 weeks after pets are discharged from the veterinarian.
Your pet may shiver, run, or gripe in his rest. While anti-epileptic medications will not assist, signs and symptoms ought to not get worse with time. RBD might solve after numerous months.
Because tetanus is fairly unusual in dogs, there is no vaccination presently offered for canines like there is for human beings.
If your pet dog has a wound without symptoms, Dr. Ireifej suggests immediately cleansing it with mild soap and also water, iodine, or thin down peroxide to rid the website of germs as well as protect against infection. Dr. Ireifej also recommends using Neosporin to your pet dog’s cleansed injury as well as bandaging it to stop the intro of extra microorganisms.
No matter just how the wound appears, place an e-collar on your canine and visit your vet immediately. Your vet will certainly be able to effectively clean the wound even more (if required), prescribe any type of necessary anti-biotics, and also apply any type of required stitches.
Sam’s Story
Right here is the heartbreaking email we obtained from Jeanette, a DJANGO Dog Blog reader and also pet dog mother to Sam. Jeanette connected to us to share her and also Sam’s heartbreaking experience with tetanus in hopes that we would share details regarding the disease with our viewers.
Sam’s Story
May 29, 2020
“Our pet just passed away from tetanus. I’m reaching out to you to ensure that our tale can bring awareness to this “unusual” condition that seems to impact a fair bit of pet dogs every year. We initially saw our pet Sam’s face was actually weird. It appeared like she was secured a smile (we later on found out the name was “the ominous smile”) however very uneasy. Upon taking her to a vet they diagnosed her as dehydrated and also prescribed prescription antibiotics, lots of water, as well as rest. However later that day her signs appeared to be worsening as well as she appeared to be extremely out of it. We made a decision that she was acting in a not typical and also really alarming means so we took her to a 24 human resources healthcare facility, California veterinary experts. From there we obtained the news that our pet dog had contracted tetanus, a terrible however extremely unusual condition. Simply like any kind of other millennial couple my partner and also I started our google research study to attempt and also discover as much information on this disease as feasible. However there was little to no valuable info on recouping from tetanus and also a lot of truly sad pictures of dogs that appeared like they were experiencing. 2 days later our canines signs and symptoms got so poor that she was incapable to open her mouth (referred to as tetanus) and was having a really hard time trying to find a good setting so her air passages opened to take a breath. The dr in that hospital recommended her staying in the hospital for 2-3 weeks, but perhaps over a month, in intensive care in order for them to try and also save her. Yet even then the survival rate they provided us was 30%. We did not have the money to spend for a months remain at a medical facility for a 30% possibility survival. We can’ve taken her home yet without the proper devices and understanding to take care of her it was very likely that she would certainly stifle because of the illness and also die at home. Our pup was enduring as well as we made the very tough as well as heartbreaking decision to claim good bye to her. I want to try to connect to as several animal blogs as I possibly can to spread out recognition and possibly encourage some young veterinarians around to push for some kind of vaccine for tetanus in canines. Or a minimum of for anyone to do even more research study for pet dog owners like us to make sure that we can maintain our pups risk-free.”
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from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/tetanus-in-dogs-overview-and-causes-symptoms-and-treatment-options/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/628262750551932928
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stiles-wtf · 6 years
Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events
Celebrate April with your furry best friends. Read on for some April 2018 dog events we can’t wait to check out!
Month-long Holiday Observances:
Brush up on dog first aid and emergency protocol in honor of Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Photography by absolutimages/Thinkstock.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Related reading: Celebrating Those Who Prevent Cruelty to Animals
Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Related reading: 5 First Aid Tips and Tricks for Your Dog
15 Must-Have Items for Your Dog First Aid Kit
When Should You Call an Emergency Vet and How Do You Find One?
How to Assess Your Emergency Situation with Pets
A Pet Parent’s Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Dogs
Prevention of Lyme Disease Month
Related reading: Lyme Disease in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
National Heartworm Awareness Month
Related reading: The Weird and Insidious World of Heartworm in Dogs
Through July 2018: “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” Exhibit at the Met
Catch the “Year of the Dog” exhibit at the Met. Photography by Eric Nathan/Alamy Stock Photo.
Dogs-in-art lovers won’t find a better way to commemorate this Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Dog!) than going to New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (at the Met Fifth Avenue). The “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” exhibit features selected remarkable works — paintings, metal work, pottery, etc. — from The Met Collection illustrating dogs’ “close association with Chinese daily life.” You’ll have plenty of time to catch the exhibit, as it runs through July 4, 2018. See metmuseum.org for details.
Saturday, April 7: Paws in the Park 2018
You’ll find more than 25 dog rescue groups and 150 vendors at this Charlotte, North Carolina, event located at the Pineville Lake Park. Enjoy live band Caution Blind Driver, demonstrations, food trucks, a dog walk and more from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by Black Dog Appreciation Day & Black Dog Walk and Charlotte Black Dogs.
Saturday, April 7: Every Day Is Tag Day Holiday Observance
Double check the info on your dog’s microchip and tags in honor of Every Day Is Tag Day. Photography © Tetra Images Janie Grill/Getty Images.
If your dog doesn’t have a tag and isn’t microchipped, run right out and get that done. Dogs without tags or micro-chips rarely make it home if they get lost. Plus, a microchip is the best way to legally show that a dog is yours. If your dog has tags and a microchip, take a moment to update the info. If you’ve got this one in the bag, celebrate this day by reminding family, friends and neighbors.
Tuesday, April 10: Available now — My Patients and Other Animals
My Patients and Other Animals by Dr. Suzy Finchman-Gray.
Have you ever wondered how veterinarians see their patients? Go behind the consulting room into the life of Dr. Suzy Fincham-Gray. Her heartwarming memoir is filled with stories of love, loss and hope with her patients and their owners. Retails for $27; published by Spiegel & Grau.
Friday, April 13: Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero premieres
Stubby animated. Photography courtesy Fun Academy Motion Pictures.
Based on a true story of a stray dog rescued by an American soldier on the eve of WWI, this animated feature film looks at the unbreakable bond between a young soldier and his dog. Sgt. Stubby — a true American hero — is still recognized today as the first dog promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. Army and the most decorated dog in American history. He’s widely considered the forerunner to the U.S. Army’s working dog program. Perfect for the whole family, the film features the voices of Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter and Gérard Depardieu.
Friday and Saturday, April 27—28: America’s Family Pet Expo
America’s Family Pet Expo. Photography courtesy AFPE.
Find plenty of dogs, cats and lots of other furry and non-furry friends in Costa Mesa, California, at this three-day expo. Dog-specific events include a dog stunt show, dock jumping, pup adoptions and innovative pet products. Go to petexpooc.org to find out more.
Saturday and Sunday April 28—29: 1st Annual Furbaby Ball/Fashion Show
Head to Virginia Beach to attend the Age of Enlightenment Ball, presented by G Girl Productions and Virginia Beach’s local The Royal BB Girls to raise money for nonprofit Lady’s Grace, which helps military members and vets in the Hampton Roads and around the country. This event will help them supply food to pets for the vets in need plus support Hounds for Vets. The Fashion Show begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The pet-friendly two-day event takes place at the Founders Inn & Spa. Go to enlightenmentball.com for more details.
Sunday, April 29: Long Island Veterinarian Open Houses
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital and LIVMA give animal-lovers a behind-the-scenes look into what goes on at an animal hospital. Photography courtesy of Paumanok Veterinary Hospital.
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital, along with other members of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association (LIVMA), is hosting an open house for pet owners and animal lovers from 1 to 4 p.m. This is your chance to find out what goes on behind the scenes at an animal hospital. Paumanok’s barnyard-themed open house features dog teams from the Patchogue Rotary Animal Assisted Therapy Program (PRAAT), pet adoption, fire safety, info on pet health and wellness, pony rides, canine demonstrations, pet photography, wildlife rescue with Sweetbriar Nature Center and more. For more info, call 631-475-1312.
Thumbnail: Photography by Claire Plumridge/Shutterstock.
Read more dog news on Dogster.com:
How One U.S. Marine Rescued a Stray Dog From Afghanistan
Dug Up at Dogster: 10 Unusually Cool Dog Products at Global Pet Expo 2018
Ending the Dog Meat Trade: How Far We’ve Come and How Far We Have Left to Go
The post Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 6 years
Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events
Celebrate April with your furry best friends. Read on for some April 2018 dog events we can’t wait to check out!
Month-long Holiday Observances:
Brush up on dog first aid and emergency protocol in honor of Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Photography by absolutimages/Thinkstock.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Related reading: Celebrating Those Who Prevent Cruelty to Animals
Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Related reading: 5 First Aid Tips and Tricks for Your Dog
15 Must-Have Items for Your Dog First Aid Kit
When Should You Call an Emergency Vet and How Do You Find One?
How to Assess Your Emergency Situation with Pets
A Pet Parent’s Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Dogs
Prevention of Lyme Disease Month
Related reading: Lyme Disease in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
National Heartworm Awareness Month
Related reading: The Weird and Insidious World of Heartworm in Dogs
Through July 2018: “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” Exhibit at the Met
Catch the “Year of the Dog” exhibit at the Met. Photography by Eric Nathan/Alamy Stock Photo.
Dogs-in-art lovers won’t find a better way to commemorate this Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Dog!) than going to New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (at the Met Fifth Avenue). The “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” exhibit features selected remarkable works — paintings, metal work, pottery, etc. — from The Met Collection illustrating dogs’ “close association with Chinese daily life.” You’ll have plenty of time to catch the exhibit, as it runs through July 4, 2018. See metmuseum.org for details.
Saturday, April 7: Paws in the Park 2018
You’ll find more than 25 dog rescue groups and 150 vendors at this Charlotte, North Carolina, event located at the Pineville Lake Park. Enjoy live band Caution Blind Driver, demonstrations, food trucks, a dog walk and more from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by Black Dog Appreciation Day & Black Dog Walk and Charlotte Black Dogs.
Saturday, April 7: Every Day Is Tag Day Holiday Observance
Double check the info on your dog’s microchip and tags in honor of Every Day Is Tag Day. Photography © Tetra Images Janie Grill/Getty Images.
If your dog doesn’t have a tag and isn’t microchipped, run right out and get that done. Dogs without tags or micro-chips rarely make it home if they get lost. Plus, a microchip is the best way to legally show that a dog is yours. If your dog has tags and a microchip, take a moment to update the info. If you’ve got this one in the bag, celebrate this day by reminding family, friends and neighbors.
Tuesday, April 10: Available now — My Patients and Other Animals
My Patients and Other Animals by Dr. Suzy Finchman-Gray.
Have you ever wondered how veterinarians see their patients? Go behind the consulting room into the life of Dr. Suzy Fincham-Gray. Her heartwarming memoir is filled with stories of love, loss and hope with her patients and their owners. Retails for $27; published by Spiegel & Grau.
Friday, April 13: Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero premieres
Stubby animated. Photography courtesy Fun Academy Motion Pictures.
Based on a true story of a stray dog rescued by an American soldier on the eve of WWI, this animated feature film looks at the unbreakable bond between a young soldier and his dog. Sgt. Stubby — a true American hero — is still recognized today as the first dog promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. Army and the most decorated dog in American history. He’s widely considered the forerunner to the U.S. Army’s working dog program. Perfect for the whole family, the film features the voices of Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter and Gérard Depardieu.
Friday and Saturday, April 27—28: America’s Family Pet Expo
America’s Family Pet Expo. Photography courtesy AFPE.
Find plenty of dogs, cats and lots of other furry and non-furry friends in Costa Mesa, California, at this three-day expo. Dog-specific events include a dog stunt show, dock jumping, pup adoptions and innovative pet products. Go to petexpooc.org to find out more.
Saturday and Sunday April 28—29: 1st Annual Furbaby Ball/Fashion Show
Head to Virginia Beach to attend the Age of Enlightenment Ball, presented by G Girl Productions and Virginia Beach’s local The Royal BB Girls to raise money for nonprofit Lady’s Grace, which helps military members and vets in the Hampton Roads and around the country. This event will help them supply food to pets for the vets in need plus support Hounds for Vets. The Fashion Show begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The pet-friendly two-day event takes place at the Founders Inn & Spa. Go to enlightenmentball.com for more details.
Sunday, April 29: Long Island Veterinarian Open Houses
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital and LIVMA give animal-lovers a behind-the-scenes look into what goes on at an animal hospital. Photography courtesy of Paumanok Veterinary Hospital.
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital, along with other members of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association (LIVMA), is hosting an open house for pet owners and animal lovers from 1 to 4 p.m. This is your chance to find out what goes on behind the scenes at an animal hospital. Paumanok’s barnyard-themed open house features dog teams from the Patchogue Rotary Animal Assisted Therapy Program (PRAAT), pet adoption, fire safety, info on pet health and wellness, pony rides, canine demonstrations, pet photography, wildlife rescue with Sweetbriar Nature Center and more. For more info, call 631-475-1312.
Thumbnail: Photography by Claire Plumridge/Shutterstock.
Read more dog news on Dogster.com:
How One U.S. Marine Rescued a Stray Dog From Afghanistan
Dug Up at Dogster: 10 Unusually Cool Dog Products at Global Pet Expo 2018
Ending the Dog Meat Trade: How Far We’ve Come and How Far We Have Left to Go
The post Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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grublypetcare · 6 years
Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events
Celebrate April with your furry best friends. Read on for some April 2018 dog events we can’t wait to check out!
Month-long Holiday Observances:
Brush up on dog first aid and emergency protocol in honor of Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Photography by absolutimages/Thinkstock.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Related reading: Celebrating Those Who Prevent Cruelty to Animals
Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Related reading: 5 First Aid Tips and Tricks for Your Dog
15 Must-Have Items for Your Dog First Aid Kit
When Should You Call an Emergency Vet and How Do You Find One?
How to Assess Your Emergency Situation with Pets
A Pet Parent’s Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Dogs
Prevention of Lyme Disease Month
Related reading: Lyme Disease in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
National Heartworm Awareness Month
Related reading: The Weird and Insidious World of Heartworm in Dogs
Through July 2018: “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” Exhibit at the Met
Catch the “Year of the Dog” exhibit at the Met. Photography by Eric Nathan/Alamy Stock Photo.
Dogs-in-art lovers won’t find a better way to commemorate this Chinese Lunar New Year (the Year of the Dog!) than going to New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (at the Met Fifth Avenue). The “Celebrating the Year of the Dog” exhibit features selected remarkable works — paintings, metal work, pottery, etc. — from The Met Collection illustrating dogs’ “close association with Chinese daily life.” You’ll have plenty of time to catch the exhibit, as it runs through July 4, 2018. See metmuseum.org for details.
Saturday, April 7: Paws in the Park 2018
You’ll find more than 25 dog rescue groups and 150 vendors at this Charlotte, North Carolina, event located at the Pineville Lake Park. Enjoy live band Caution Blind Driver, demonstrations, food trucks, a dog walk and more from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by Black Dog Appreciation Day & Black Dog Walk and Charlotte Black Dogs.
Saturday, April 7: Every Day Is Tag Day Holiday Observance
Double check the info on your dog’s microchip and tags in honor of Every Day Is Tag Day. Photography © Tetra Images Janie Grill/Getty Images.
If your dog doesn’t have a tag and isn’t microchipped, run right out and get that done. Dogs without tags or micro-chips rarely make it home if they get lost. Plus, a microchip is the best way to legally show that a dog is yours. If your dog has tags and a microchip, take a moment to update the info. If you’ve got this one in the bag, celebrate this day by reminding family, friends and neighbors.
Tuesday, April 10: Available now — My Patients and Other Animals
My Patients and Other Animals by Dr. Suzy Finchman-Gray.
Have you ever wondered how veterinarians see their patients? Go behind the consulting room into the life of Dr. Suzy Fincham-Gray. Her heartwarming memoir is filled with stories of love, loss and hope with her patients and their owners. Retails for $27; published by Spiegel & Grau.
Friday, April 13: Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero premieres
Stubby animated. Photography courtesy Fun Academy Motion Pictures.
Based on a true story of a stray dog rescued by an American soldier on the eve of WWI, this animated feature film looks at the unbreakable bond between a young soldier and his dog. Sgt. Stubby — a true American hero — is still recognized today as the first dog promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the U.S. Army and the most decorated dog in American history. He’s widely considered the forerunner to the U.S. Army’s working dog program. Perfect for the whole family, the film features the voices of Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter and Gérard Depardieu.
Friday and Saturday, April 27—28: America’s Family Pet Expo
America’s Family Pet Expo. Photography courtesy AFPE.
Find plenty of dogs, cats and lots of other furry and non-furry friends in Costa Mesa, California, at this three-day expo. Dog-specific events include a dog stunt show, dock jumping, pup adoptions and innovative pet products. Go to petexpooc.org to find out more.
Saturday and Sunday April 28—29: 1st Annual Furbaby Ball/Fashion Show
Head to Virginia Beach to attend the Age of Enlightenment Ball, presented by G Girl Productions and Virginia Beach’s local The Royal BB Girls to raise money for nonprofit Lady’s Grace, which helps military members and vets in the Hampton Roads and around the country. This event will help them supply food to pets for the vets in need plus support Hounds for Vets. The Fashion Show begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday. The pet-friendly two-day event takes place at the Founders Inn & Spa. Go to enlightenmentball.com for more details.
Sunday, April 29: Long Island Veterinarian Open Houses
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital and LIVMA give animal-lovers a behind-the-scenes look into what goes on at an animal hospital. Photography courtesy of Paumanok Veterinary Hospital.
Paumanok Veterinary Hospital, along with other members of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association (LIVMA), is hosting an open house for pet owners and animal lovers from 1 to 4 p.m. This is your chance to find out what goes on behind the scenes at an animal hospital. Paumanok’s barnyard-themed open house features dog teams from the Patchogue Rotary Animal Assisted Therapy Program (PRAAT), pet adoption, fire safety, info on pet health and wellness, pony rides, canine demonstrations, pet photography, wildlife rescue with Sweetbriar Nature Center and more. For more info, call 631-475-1312.
Thumbnail: Photography by Claire Plumridge/Shutterstock.
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The post Dug Up at Dogster: April 2018 Dog Events appeared first on Dogster.
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jeffreyrwelch · 7 years
FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster
While we must keep our pets in mind as we prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding and tornados, it’s also important to realize the dangers that pets encounter after storms or other emergencies. Although destruction and debris are hazardous, pet owners need to be aware of other dangers like infections and diseases. Such examples are plentiful from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida in 2017.
Common problems for pets after natural disasters
A dog is examined after Texas’ Hurricane Harvey.
According to Angela G. Clendenin, Ph.D., M.A., an Instructional Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Public Health Department of Texas A&M University, pets commonly have broken bones and lacerations from flying debris, are susceptible to shock from downed power lines, and can experience dehydration and even malnutrition if lost or left in homes alone during natural disasters.
Pet owners should take these into account when first venturing out with pets or letting their pets outside after a hurricane or other natural disaster. But it’s also paramount to realize the danger from contaminated water as an ongoing threat.
Pets are susceptible to infections from toxic water
The Texas A&M Vet Fleet helping during Hurricane Harvey.
Dr. Clendenin, who spent 21 days with Texas Task Force 1 in Houston and the surrounding counties after Hurricane Harvey, noted that many humans and pets — including search and rescue dogs — were exposed to more than 15 trillion gallons of rain water. The flood waters eventually mixed with septic and sewer waste, garbage, mold, E. coli from wild and feral animals, chemicals, gasoline, home and building debris and “whatever else was under the kitchen sink” to form a stagnant, toxic stew.
“Pet owners must understand that if their pets were exposed to these toxic floodwaters, they probably inhaled, consumed or had skin contact with the contaminated water,” Dr. Clendenin says.
As a result, many pets acquired GI pathogens. Parasitic infections such as Cryptosporidiosis and Giardia cause diarrhea. Bacterial infections from E. coli and Leptospira (which causes leptospirosis) cause vomiting, fever and more. If a pet shows any symptoms, Dr. Clendenin recommends an immediate veterinarian visit armed with a stool sample for a quicker diagnosis. She suggests extreme vigilance because all of these zoonotic infections can pass directly or indirectly between animals and humans.
How to decontaminate your pet after a natural disaster
Dr. Clendenin emphasized decontaminating pets from flood water residue as soon as possible after natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey or Irma. She suggests using a common product like Dawn dishwashing soap to strip and break down the chemical components from your pets’ fur and skin.
“It works very well, even better than some veterinary products,” Dr. Clendenin says. “This is why after oil spills, experts use Dawn on wildlife.”
Owners must protect themselves as they decontaminate their pets. Cover your eyes and do not get water into your mouth. Afterward, bleach the tub you used to clean your pet, clean your clothes and shower immediately.
If owners decontaminate pets outside, dispose of water properly in order to avoid polluting the ground. The local water department can provide tips and techniques.
Pets are at risk for vector-borne diseases
UF VETS volunteers examine a dog brought to a patient care station in Key West after Hurricane Irma.
Vector-borne diseases are infections transmitted via bites from infected mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies and others. It is important to know that after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the pools of stagnant water are fertile breeding grounds for these flying insects.
According to Terminix (a pest control company), the four major Texas cities rank in the top 20 of the “most infested cities in America,” thanks largely to geography. Mild spring and summer temperatures are mosquito-friendly and Southeast winds carry tropical humidity into the state. The moisture, combined with the warmth, makes it easier for mosquitoes to breed.
Mosquitoes are problematic too in Florida since, from May through October, the rainy season provides frequent downpours that cause rain puddles and standing water where mosquitos breed.
What does that mean for dogs and their owners? If your pet is not receiving regular parasite protection, he or she may be at greater risk for mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus and heartworm disease, which may be costly to treat.
The best way to avoid illnesses and injuries from natural disasters? Evacuate with your pets!
A dog receiving treatment after Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Like Texas A & M University, The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida is integrated into the state’s disaster response system and supports the states 155-plus shelters before and after a storm.
While some of University of Florida team stayed in Gainesville to manage medical needs and the transport and sheltering of pets moving away from Hurricane Irma, others responded to the Florida Division of Emergency Management to assist with animals in the Florida Keys. Lawrence Garcia, MS, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine, who also serves as the Medical Director of the Veterinary Emergency Response Team of University of Florida, traveled with his team first to Marathon and then to Key West with the school’s self-sufficient medical response trailer.
“Most of the veterinarians evacuated before Irma hit. The damaged infrastructure and unavailability of electricity made it impossible to open a practice,” says Garcia. “So, our mobile unit was able to help.”
According to Michael Fleck, DVM, a veterinarian living along Florida’s Gulf Coast, this recent hurricane season emphasized that it’s critical to prepare accordingly.
“It is important for pet owners and others who live in evacuation zones to recognize that if you stay and ride out a storm, help may not be available immediately after a natural disaster. You absolutely need to have provisions not only for yourselves but for your pets.”
What happens when you don’t evacuate with your pets?
While Dr. Garcia and his team treated pets suffering from lacerations, stress, stomach upsets or diarrhea from eating garbage off the ground or from drinking contaminated ground or tap water, his biggest worry was the pets who were left behind.
Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has encouraged pet owners to evacuate with their pets. Unfortunately, some Florida Keys residents did not heed this advice.
“One of my biggest concerns is that many people in the Florida Keys left their pets behind,” Garcia says. “Because of damaged infrastructure, limited electricity and building supplies, as well as rationed gas and food, I expected many people would not be able to return for a while and their pets would need help.”
“While we did treat animals found by neighbors, landlords and reserve service, many who went door to door, I expect my team and local vets will see more pets in need of serious medical attention in the days and weeks to come,” he adds.
Evacuated with your pets? There are still health concerns when you return.
Dr. May-li Cuypers, center, a volunteer with the UF VETS disaster response team, listens to a dog owner explain her dog’s condition during the team’s deployment in Key West.
After floodwaters recede and people and pets return to their homes, human and animal respiratory infections are common. Floodwaters and the mold that quickly grows in warm environments like Texas or Florida can exacerbate asthma or trigger allergies, most commonly presented by itchy, watery eyes in humans and itchy skin in pets.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises people to avoid direct contact with any items that have come into contact with floodwater. That also applies to pets. Throw away all pet items or clean them with bleach. If possible, wash dog toys in a dishwasher or washing machine on the hot water cycle. Dispose of all dog beds or wash them in hot water with droplets of bleach and dry completely. Carpets should be steam-cleaned prior to pets spending time on them.
After a hurricane or any natural disaster, significant pet dangers still lurk inside and outside the home. Pet owners need to prepare, upgrade their disaster kits and rework their disaster plans to accommodate not only their two-legged family members but four-legged loved ones as well.
Support animals affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma right here. 
The post FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster appeared first on Dogster.
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daddyslittlejuliet · 7 years
FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster
While we must keep our pets in mind as we prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding and tornados, it’s also important to realize the dangers that pets encounter after storms or other emergencies. Although destruction and debris are hazardous, pet owners need to be aware of other dangers like infections and diseases. Such examples are plentiful from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida in 2017.
Common problems for pets after natural disasters
A dog is examined after Texas’ Hurricane Harvey.
According to Angela G. Clendenin, Ph.D., M.A., an Instructional Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Public Health Department of Texas A&M University, pets commonly have broken bones and lacerations from flying debris, are susceptible to shock from downed power lines, and can experience dehydration and even malnutrition if lost or left in homes alone during natural disasters.
Pet owners should take these into account when first venturing out with pets or letting their pets outside after a hurricane or other natural disaster. But it’s also paramount to realize the danger from contaminated water as an ongoing threat.
Pets are susceptible to infections from toxic water
The Texas A&M Vet Fleet helping during Hurricane Harvey.
Dr. Clendenin, who spent 21 days with Texas Task Force 1 in Houston and the surrounding counties after Hurricane Harvey, noted that many humans and pets — including search and rescue dogs — were exposed to more than 15 trillion gallons of rain water. The flood waters eventually mixed with septic and sewer waste, garbage, mold, E. coli from wild and feral animals, chemicals, gasoline, home and building debris and “whatever else was under the kitchen sink” to form a stagnant, toxic stew.
“Pet owners must understand that if their pets were exposed to these toxic floodwaters, they probably inhaled, consumed or had skin contact with the contaminated water,” Dr. Clendenin says.
As a result, many pets acquired GI pathogens. Parasitic infections such as Cryptosporidiosis and Giardia cause diarrhea. Bacterial infections from E. coli and Leptospira (which causes leptospirosis) cause vomiting, fever and more. If a pet shows any symptoms, Dr. Clendenin recommends an immediate veterinarian visit armed with a stool sample for a quicker diagnosis. She suggests extreme vigilance because all of these zoonotic infections can pass directly or indirectly between animals and humans.
How to decontaminate your pet after a natural disaster
Dr. Clendenin emphasized decontaminating pets from flood water residue as soon as possible after natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey or Irma. She suggests using a common product like Dawn dishwashing soap to strip and break down the chemical components from your pets’ fur and skin.
“It works very well, even better than some veterinary products,” Dr. Clendenin says. “This is why after oil spills, experts use Dawn on wildlife.”
Owners must protect themselves as they decontaminate their pets. Cover your eyes and do not get water into your mouth. Afterward, bleach the tub you used to clean your pet, clean your clothes and shower immediately.
If owners decontaminate pets outside, dispose of water properly in order to avoid polluting the ground. The local water department can provide tips and techniques.
Pets are at risk for vector-borne diseases
UF VETS volunteers examine a dog brought to a patient care station in Key West after Hurricane Irma.
Vector-borne diseases are infections transmitted via bites from infected mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies and others. It is important to know that after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the pools of stagnant water are fertile breeding grounds for these flying insects.
According to Terminix (a pest control company), the four major Texas cities rank in the top 20 of the “most infested cities in America,” thanks largely to geography. Mild spring and summer temperatures are mosquito-friendly and Southeast winds carry tropical humidity into the state. The moisture, combined with the warmth, makes it easier for mosquitoes to breed.
Mosquitoes are problematic too in Florida since, from May through October, the rainy season provides frequent downpours that cause rain puddles and standing water where mosquitos breed.
What does that mean for dogs and their owners? If your pet is not receiving regular parasite protection, he or she may be at greater risk for mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus and heartworm disease, which may be costly to treat.
The best way to avoid illnesses and injuries from natural disasters? Evacuate with your pets!
A dog receiving treatment after Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Like Texas A & M University, The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida is integrated into the state’s disaster response system and supports the states 155-plus shelters before and after a storm.
While some of University of Florida team stayed in Gainesville to manage medical needs and the transport and sheltering of pets moving away from Hurricane Irma, others responded to the Florida Division of Emergency Management to assist with animals in the Florida Keys. Lawrence Garcia, MS, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine, who also serves as the Medical Director of the Veterinary Emergency Response Team of University of Florida, traveled with his team first to Marathon and then to Key West with the school’s self-sufficient medical response trailer.
“Most of the veterinarians evacuated before Irma hit. The damaged infrastructure and unavailability of electricity made it impossible to open a practice,” says Garcia. “So, our mobile unit was able to help.”
According to Michael Fleck, DVM, a veterinarian living along Florida’s Gulf Coast, this recent hurricane season emphasized that it’s critical to prepare accordingly.
“It is important for pet owners and others who live in evacuation zones to recognize that if you stay and ride out a storm, help may not be available immediately after a natural disaster. You absolutely need to have provisions not only for yourselves but for your pets.”
What happens when you don’t evacuate with your pets?
While Dr. Garcia and his team treated pets suffering from lacerations, stress, stomach upsets or diarrhea from eating garbage off the ground or from drinking contaminated ground or tap water, his biggest worry was the pets who were left behind.
Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has encouraged pet owners to evacuate with their pets. Unfortunately, some Florida Keys residents did not heed this advice.
“One of my biggest concerns is that many people in the Florida Keys left their pets behind,” Garcia says. “Because of damaged infrastructure, limited electricity and building supplies, as well as rationed gas and food, I expected many people would not be able to return for a while and their pets would need help.”
“While we did treat animals found by neighbors, landlords and reserve service, many who went door to door, I expect my team and local vets will see more pets in need of serious medical attention in the days and weeks to come,” he adds.
Evacuated with your pets? There are still health concerns when you return.
Dr. May-li Cuypers, center, a volunteer with the UF VETS disaster response team, listens to a dog owner explain her dog’s condition during the team’s deployment in Key West.
After floodwaters recede and people and pets return to their homes, human and animal respiratory infections are common. Floodwaters and the mold that quickly grows in warm environments like Texas or Florida can exacerbate asthma or trigger allergies, most commonly presented by itchy, watery eyes in humans and itchy skin in pets.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises people to avoid direct contact with any items that have come into contact with floodwater. That also applies to pets. Throw away all pet items or clean them with bleach. If possible, wash dog toys in a dishwasher or washing machine on the hot water cycle. Dispose of all dog beds or wash them in hot water with droplets of bleach and dry completely. Carpets should be steam-cleaned prior to pets spending time on them.
After a hurricane or any natural disaster, significant pet dangers still lurk inside and outside the home. Pet owners need to prepare, upgrade their disaster kits and rework their disaster plans to accommodate not only their two-legged family members but four-legged loved ones as well.
Support animals affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma right here. 
The post FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster appeared first on Dogster.
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stiles-wtf · 7 years
FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster
While we must keep our pets in mind as we prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding and tornados, it’s also important to realize the dangers that pets encounter after storms or other emergencies. Although destruction and debris are hazardous, pet owners need to be aware of other dangers like infections and diseases. Such examples are plentiful from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida in 2017.
Common problems for pets after natural disasters
A dog is examined after Texas’ Hurricane Harvey.
According to Angela G. Clendenin, Ph.D., M.A., an Instructional Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Public Health Department of Texas A&M University, pets commonly have broken bones and lacerations from flying debris, are susceptible to shock from downed power lines, and can experience dehydration and even malnutrition if lost or left in homes alone during natural disasters.
Pet owners should take these into account when first venturing out with pets or letting their pets outside after a hurricane or other natural disaster. But it’s also paramount to realize the danger from contaminated water as an ongoing threat.
Pets are susceptible to infections from toxic water
The Texas A&M Vet Fleet helping during Hurricane Harvey.
Dr. Clendenin, who spent 21 days with Texas Task Force 1 in Houston and the surrounding counties after Hurricane Harvey, noted that many humans and pets — including search and rescue dogs — were exposed to more than 15 trillion gallons of rain water. The flood waters eventually mixed with septic and sewer waste, garbage, mold, E. coli from wild and feral animals, chemicals, gasoline, home and building debris and “whatever else was under the kitchen sink” to form a stagnant, toxic stew.
“Pet owners must understand that if their pets were exposed to these toxic floodwaters, they probably inhaled, consumed or had skin contact with the contaminated water,” Dr. Clendenin says.
As a result, many pets acquired GI pathogens. Parasitic infections such as Cryptosporidiosis and Giardia cause diarrhea. Bacterial infections from E. coli and Leptospira (which causes leptospirosis) cause vomiting, fever and more. If a pet shows any symptoms, Dr. Clendenin recommends an immediate veterinarian visit armed with a stool sample for a quicker diagnosis. She suggests extreme vigilance because all of these zoonotic infections can pass directly or indirectly between animals and humans.
How to decontaminate your pet after a natural disaster
Dr. Clendenin emphasized decontaminating pets from flood water residue as soon as possible after natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey or Irma. She suggests using a common product like Dawn dishwashing soap to strip and break down the chemical components from your pets’ fur and skin.
“It works very well, even better than some veterinary products,” Dr. Clendenin says. “This is why after oil spills, experts use Dawn on wildlife.”
Owners must protect themselves as they decontaminate their pets. Cover your eyes and do not get water into your mouth. Afterward, bleach the tub you used to clean your pet, clean your clothes and shower immediately.
If owners decontaminate pets outside, dispose of water properly in order to avoid polluting the ground. The local water department can provide tips and techniques.
Pets are at risk for vector-borne diseases
UF VETS volunteers examine a dog brought to a patient care station in Key West after Hurricane Irma.
Vector-borne diseases are infections transmitted via bites from infected mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies and others. It is important to know that after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the pools of stagnant water are fertile breeding grounds for these flying insects.
According to Terminix (a pest control company), the four major Texas cities rank in the top 20 of the “most infested cities in America,” thanks largely to geography. Mild spring and summer temperatures are mosquito-friendly and Southeast winds carry tropical humidity into the state. The moisture, combined with the warmth, makes it easier for mosquitoes to breed.
Mosquitoes are problematic too in Florida since, from May through October, the rainy season provides frequent downpours that cause rain puddles and standing water where mosquitos breed.
What does that mean for dogs and their owners? If your pet is not receiving regular parasite protection, he or she may be at greater risk for mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus and heartworm disease, which may be costly to treat.
The best way to avoid illnesses and injuries from natural disasters? Evacuate with your pets!
A dog receiving treatment after Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Like Texas A & M University, The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida is integrated into the state’s disaster response system and supports the states 155-plus shelters before and after a storm.
While some of University of Florida team stayed in Gainesville to manage medical needs and the transport and sheltering of pets moving away from Hurricane Irma, others responded to the Florida Division of Emergency Management to assist with animals in the Florida Keys. Lawrence Garcia, MS, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine, who also serves as the Medical Director of the Veterinary Emergency Response Team of University of Florida, traveled with his team first to Marathon and then to Key West with the school’s self-sufficient medical response trailer.
“Most of the veterinarians evacuated before Irma hit. The damaged infrastructure and unavailability of electricity made it impossible to open a practice,” says Garcia. “So, our mobile unit was able to help.”
According to Michael Fleck, DVM, a veterinarian living along Florida’s Gulf Coast, this recent hurricane season emphasized that it’s critical to prepare accordingly.
“It is important for pet owners and others who live in evacuation zones to recognize that if you stay and ride out a storm, help may not be available immediately after a natural disaster. You absolutely need to have provisions not only for yourselves but for your pets.”
What happens when you don’t evacuate with your pets?
While Dr. Garcia and his team treated pets suffering from lacerations, stress, stomach upsets or diarrhea from eating garbage off the ground or from drinking contaminated ground or tap water, his biggest worry was the pets who were left behind.
Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has encouraged pet owners to evacuate with their pets. Unfortunately, some Florida Keys residents did not heed this advice.
“One of my biggest concerns is that many people in the Florida Keys left their pets behind,” Garcia says. “Because of damaged infrastructure, limited electricity and building supplies, as well as rationed gas and food, I expected many people would not be able to return for a while and their pets would need help.”
“While we did treat animals found by neighbors, landlords and reserve service, many who went door to door, I expect my team and local vets will see more pets in need of serious medical attention in the days and weeks to come,” he adds.
Evacuated with your pets? There are still health concerns when you return.
Dr. May-li Cuypers, center, a volunteer with the UF VETS disaster response team, listens to a dog owner explain her dog’s condition during the team’s deployment in Key West.
After floodwaters recede and people and pets return to their homes, human and animal respiratory infections are common. Floodwaters and the mold that quickly grows in warm environments like Texas or Florida can exacerbate asthma or trigger allergies, most commonly presented by itchy, watery eyes in humans and itchy skin in pets.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises people to avoid direct contact with any items that have come into contact with floodwater. That also applies to pets. Throw away all pet items or clean them with bleach. If possible, wash dog toys in a dishwasher or washing machine on the hot water cycle. Dispose of all dog beds or wash them in hot water with droplets of bleach and dry completely. Carpets should be steam-cleaned prior to pets spending time on them.
After a hurricane or any natural disaster, significant pet dangers still lurk inside and outside the home. Pet owners need to prepare, upgrade their disaster kits and rework their disaster plans to accommodate not only their two-legged family members but four-legged loved ones as well.
Support animals affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma right here. 
The post FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster appeared first on Dogster.
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buynewsoul · 7 years
FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster
While we must keep our pets in mind as we prepare for natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding and tornados, it’s also important to realize the dangers that pets encounter after storms or other emergencies. Although destruction and debris are hazardous, pet owners need to be aware of other dangers like infections and diseases. Such examples are plentiful from Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida in 2017.
Common problems for pets after natural disasters
A dog is examined after Texas’ Hurricane Harvey.
According to Angela G. Clendenin, Ph.D., M.A., an Instructional Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the Public Health Department of Texas A&M University, pets commonly have broken bones and lacerations from flying debris, are susceptible to shock from downed power lines, and can experience dehydration and even malnutrition if lost or left in homes alone during natural disasters.
Pet owners should take these into account when first venturing out with pets or letting their pets outside after a hurricane or other natural disaster. But it’s also paramount to realize the danger from contaminated water as an ongoing threat.
Pets are susceptible to infections from toxic water
The Texas A&M Vet Fleet helping during Hurricane Harvey.
Dr. Clendenin, who spent 21 days with Texas Task Force 1 in Houston and the surrounding counties after Hurricane Harvey, noted that many humans and pets — including search and rescue dogs — were exposed to more than 15 trillion gallons of rain water. The flood waters eventually mixed with septic and sewer waste, garbage, mold, E. coli from wild and feral animals, chemicals, gasoline, home and building debris and “whatever else was under the kitchen sink” to form a stagnant, toxic stew.
“Pet owners must understand that if their pets were exposed to these toxic floodwaters, they probably inhaled, consumed or had skin contact with the contaminated water,” Dr. Clendenin says.
As a result, many pets acquired GI pathogens. Parasitic infections such as Cryptosporidiosis and Giardia cause diarrhea. Bacterial infections from E. coli and Leptospira (which causes leptospirosis) cause vomiting, fever and more. If a pet shows any symptoms, Dr. Clendenin recommends an immediate veterinarian visit armed with a stool sample for a quicker diagnosis. She suggests extreme vigilance because all of these zoonotic infections can pass directly or indirectly between animals and humans.
How to decontaminate your pet after a natural disaster
Dr. Clendenin emphasized decontaminating pets from flood water residue as soon as possible after natural disasters like Hurricanes Harvey or Irma. She suggests using a common product like Dawn dishwashing soap to strip and break down the chemical components from your pets’ fur and skin.
“It works very well, even better than some veterinary products,” Dr. Clendenin says. “This is why after oil spills, experts use Dawn on wildlife.”
Owners must protect themselves as they decontaminate their pets. Cover your eyes and do not get water into your mouth. Afterward, bleach the tub you used to clean your pet, clean your clothes and shower immediately.
If owners decontaminate pets outside, dispose of water properly in order to avoid polluting the ground. The local water department can provide tips and techniques.
Pets are at risk for vector-borne diseases
UF VETS volunteers examine a dog brought to a patient care station in Key West after Hurricane Irma.
Vector-borne diseases are infections transmitted via bites from infected mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies and others. It is important to know that after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the pools of stagnant water are fertile breeding grounds for these flying insects.
According to Terminix (a pest control company), the four major Texas cities rank in the top 20 of the “most infested cities in America,” thanks largely to geography. Mild spring and summer temperatures are mosquito-friendly and Southeast winds carry tropical humidity into the state. The moisture, combined with the warmth, makes it easier for mosquitoes to breed.
Mosquitoes are problematic too in Florida since, from May through October, the rainy season provides frequent downpours that cause rain puddles and standing water where mosquitos breed.
What does that mean for dogs and their owners? If your pet is not receiving regular parasite protection, he or she may be at greater risk for mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile virus and heartworm disease, which may be costly to treat.
The best way to avoid illnesses and injuries from natural disasters? Evacuate with your pets!
A dog receiving treatment after Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Like Texas A & M University, The Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida is integrated into the state’s disaster response system and supports the states 155-plus shelters before and after a storm.
While some of University of Florida team stayed in Gainesville to manage medical needs and the transport and sheltering of pets moving away from Hurricane Irma, others responded to the Florida Division of Emergency Management to assist with animals in the Florida Keys. Lawrence Garcia, MS, DVM, Clinical Associate Professor of Shelter Medicine, who also serves as the Medical Director of the Veterinary Emergency Response Team of University of Florida, traveled with his team first to Marathon and then to Key West with the school’s self-sufficient medical response trailer.
“Most of the veterinarians evacuated before Irma hit. The damaged infrastructure and unavailability of electricity made it impossible to open a practice,” says Garcia. “So, our mobile unit was able to help.”
According to Michael Fleck, DVM, a veterinarian living along Florida’s Gulf Coast, this recent hurricane season emphasized that it’s critical to prepare accordingly.
“It is important for pet owners and others who live in evacuation zones to recognize that if you stay and ride out a storm, help may not be available immediately after a natural disaster. You absolutely need to have provisions not only for yourselves but for your pets.”
What happens when you don’t evacuate with your pets?
While Dr. Garcia and his team treated pets suffering from lacerations, stress, stomach upsets or diarrhea from eating garbage off the ground or from drinking contaminated ground or tap water, his biggest worry was the pets who were left behind.
Since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has encouraged pet owners to evacuate with their pets. Unfortunately, some Florida Keys residents did not heed this advice.
“One of my biggest concerns is that many people in the Florida Keys left their pets behind,” Garcia says. “Because of damaged infrastructure, limited electricity and building supplies, as well as rationed gas and food, I expected many people would not be able to return for a while and their pets would need help.”
“While we did treat animals found by neighbors, landlords and reserve service, many who went door to door, I expect my team and local vets will see more pets in need of serious medical attention in the days and weeks to come,” he adds.
Evacuated with your pets? There are still health concerns when you return.
Dr. May-li Cuypers, center, a volunteer with the UF VETS disaster response team, listens to a dog owner explain her dog’s condition during the team’s deployment in Key West.
After floodwaters recede and people and pets return to their homes, human and animal respiratory infections are common. Floodwaters and the mold that quickly grows in warm environments like Texas or Florida can exacerbate asthma or trigger allergies, most commonly presented by itchy, watery eyes in humans and itchy skin in pets.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises people to avoid direct contact with any items that have come into contact with floodwater. That also applies to pets. Throw away all pet items or clean them with bleach. If possible, wash dog toys in a dishwasher or washing machine on the hot water cycle. Dispose of all dog beds or wash them in hot water with droplets of bleach and dry completely. Carpets should be steam-cleaned prior to pets spending time on them.
After a hurricane or any natural disaster, significant pet dangers still lurk inside and outside the home. Pet owners need to prepare, upgrade their disaster kits and rework their disaster plans to accommodate not only their two-legged family members but four-legged loved ones as well.
Support animals affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma right here. 
The post FYI: Pet Dangers After a Hurricane or Any Natural Disaster appeared first on Dogster.
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