#I’m gonna be a vet
deancaskiss · 1 year
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I PASSED THE NAVLE!!!!! YA GIRL IS OFFICIALLY GONNA A VETERINARIAN!!!!! I PASSED I PASSED I PASSED!!!! No more studying!! Graduation is in 9 days and then I’ll officially get to say I’m a veterinarian!!!! I DID IT!!!!
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
whhhhyyyyyyyyy is everything sooooo motherfucking expensive????? don’t they know I can’t afford all this shit???
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fizzytoo · 10 months
horses not being compatible w the vet career is so annoying!!! sims team you’re ruining my vision !!!!!
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kazanskys-mitchell · 3 months
guys i think i’m gonna go to flight school
better yet i might get a degree in some field of aviation
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junglejim4322 · 3 months
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dumbbunnii · 5 months
guys I got accepted into my dream vet school today!! Im so happy hehe
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togepies · 1 month
Wait I have an even bigger complaint right now. I’m losing my MIND
My supervisor. A graphic designer. Is telling us. Color doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have meaning, pick what looks good.
He cannot be serious. He can’t.
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goldensunset · 8 months
first they complained that nonnumbered kh games come out on like eleven different consoles from eleven different companies thereby making it inaccessible and difficult for the average consumer to be able to play all of them (pre fm or collections) and now that the nonumbereds are releasing on a console virtually everyone has (phones) they r still mad about it. blehgh
and like y’know. tbh that isn’t a ridiculous complaint. the series has historically been inaccessible. it’s still inaccessible to me (because i personally can’t justify the financial investment of a playstation; i’ve poured everything into my switch) but like that’s my issue not theirs lol. (i mean i am mad that they kinda like acknowledged there’s a demand for kh on the switch yet made it cloud-only which is almost disrespectful and totally not gonna happen here. but like. i can get over it). i don’t see anyone out there actually complaining about kh being a playstation series like lbr that’s totally fair
BUT they’ve updated them with the all-in-one-playstation collections now! if you have a playstation there is no excuse! it’s not that hard and not that expensive! smh!!! and yeah, even with the updated collections now you do sorta miss out on some of the stuff that was removed or changed from the original versions. the mobile games only offer theater mode now. but like… it’s ok to have to go on youtube or wiki or second-hand sources to dig up old easter eggs and trivia sometimes…
and it’s ok to not have physically played every game yourself!!! like i honestly think if you take every single game up until now into account you’d be hard pressed to find a person who’s done literally everything from the console games to the handheld games to the mobile games etc themselves. like i’m sure they exist but there aren’t a lot of them. it is perfectly fine to just watch cutscenes. and if you care about the story of this series as a whole you really need to
like… i get it. it’s a video game series. one would expect to be able to play a video game instead of essentially watching a bunch of movies. that’s fair. but if you care about kingdom hearts as a franchise, whether you’re an old nostalgic vet or a newbie, doesn’t the story matter to you??? wouldn’t you do what it takes to be immersed in this world in order to fully understand the story going forward? if it’s just the gameplay you’re after like idk man i feel like you could find a similar style of gameplay as a replacement out there but idk
point is. one would have to be completely blind at this point to not realize that the mobile games are full of lore that are relevant to sora’s own journey and especially will be going forward. nomura has made it clear he’s not forgetting about sora and he’s never gonna replace him as the protagonist and heart and soul of the series. it is simply not possible to jump between numerical titles and still comprehend this stuff. this is where the series is going. there’s this thing in fiction called plot progression where some narrative threads will be resolved and left behind while new ones will be picked up. and it’s up to the author to determine this, not the nostalgia of fans. either drop the series as a whole or get on board with where it’s going
the original khχ came out like what, 10 years ago? almost half the runtime of the franchise. it is not new anymore. this is not new information. anyone who still hasn’t bothered to pay attention to that whole storyline at this point, even given all the hard work that fans have put to make it more accessible to either casuals or specifically stubborn people like that, then like. skill issue tbh.
and people complaining it’s all way too complicated? man.., find another series. i feel like it should be self-evident that this series is not known for narrative simplicity. it’s known for making everyone insane in a good way. even back in kh1 stuff was always kind of wild. everyone’s beloved kh2 is especially where we start ramping up the insanity. i fail to see how all that’s ok but the concepts of more keyblade wielders and like a lengthy timeline aren’t. after 20+ years it should be evident that things aren’t so simple and clean.
rant over *drops mic*
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emphasisonthehomo · 6 months
Bean isn’t doing well.
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reversewerewolf · 7 months
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she finally stopped sleeping on my head and went back to sleeping in my arms, thank god
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housewifebuck · 10 months
Taking one of my cats to the vet today and it’s an hour drive and she’s a deranged lunatic in the car. pls pray for me
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eqan · 8 months
it’s time to muzzle train dewey lol
he ate
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xannerz · 7 months
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The baby is coming home ;;
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lu-polls · 10 months
very sorry everyone but i have no polls queued up atm as ive been a bit stressed as one of my little kitty cats isn’t doing so hot :(
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heavyedit · 4 months
medical websites love to be like “how to stop having physical stress symptoms: 1. be in less stressful situations 2. don’t be stressed”
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chrisabins · 6 months
can y’all keep my kitty skye in your thoughts, she’s started to act less like herself and isn’t really eating much and i’m super worried about her
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