#Dr. Loopsy
cirqueduroyale · 4 months
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Episode 10: The King's Monster pt. 42
And that's how Fred lost his leg! :D
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bgranville · 1 month
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Clown Month Day 12: Doctor
Dr. Loopsy will see you now :)
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britishchick09 · 3 years
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♥ dot and comet starlight ♥
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link-the-feral-anon · 4 years
Therapy For K.U.M.A: Kids Used in Magical Affairs
Kirsty and Rachel had been to many therapists after their parents found out about their adventures with the fairies. The nightmares had been getting worse, so they both figured that maybe it was good for them to get therapy. At least, until they both realized that no therapist would ever believe them.
Then, one day, a letter came to both their parents telling them about K.U.M.A Therapy. There was no return address, only that of the building for K.U.M.A and two letters at the bottom of the letter.
Chapter One
"Hello, Kirsty."
Dr. Smith had a soft voice and a kind smile, but Kirsty still didn't like being there. She huffed a little and offered up a small, "Hello."
"Your parents tell me that you and your friend Rachel say that you've been helping fairies for years."
Kirsty rolled her eyes. Another therapist who couldn't help. These weren't delusions. They had been helping the fairies for years. What they both needed was therapy for their ptsd, not delusions.
"Can you tell me about them?" He leaned back and pulled a little notebook. Like, it was ridiculously small. Like the handy-dandy notebook from "Blue's Clues" small.
"Are you gonna try to convince me they weren't real? Because I can assure you-"
"No, actually. I'm not going to tell you that." Dr. Smith interrupted. "Well, I most likely won't. Tell me about them and then I'll decide."
Well, that was certainly better than what other doctors have offered.
"Well..." She said, sitting up a little more and reaching for one of the treats laid about the table. "It all started with Ruby. She's the red fairy, of the Rainbow Fairies. They're very important, you see. Like the Weather Fairies."
After about thirty minutes of catching up her thirty year old therapist, she finished by saying, "And these aren't delusions. This all happened."
Dr. Smith nodded and continued to take his notes. He was silent for a moment, save for the scritch-scratching of his pencil. Who used pencils for notes in a professional setting?
"I see. So, you and Rachel don't need help with delusions, you need help with PTSD. Correct? Going against someone like Jack Frost so many times at such a year age and needing to save the worlds had to have been traumatizing. This is good to know." He said, rather matter-of-factly. "I will say, I'm glad you met such nice fairies. The ones I met threatened to turn my sister and I into animals just because we tried to get our friend to come back home."
Kirsty blinked. Then blinked again.
"Wait. What?"
Dr. Smith smiled, a coy and almost boyish smile, and said, "What? Did you think you were the only kids to be used in magical affairs? There's plenty of us. That's why I got into this field. To help kids like you when no one else can."
"There's... there's more of us?"
"I have one patient who almost got tricked into letting a beldam sew buttons into their eyes." He said. "And between my co-workers and I, we've all got quite a few demigods. So, Rainbow Fairies and Weather Fairies are of no surprise to me, honestly."
He checked his clock and clicked his tongue.
"Ah, and I'm afraid that's time, Kirsty. Dr. Honey will see you out. Matilda!" Dr. Smith called.
"Be right there!" A sweet voice called back.
"Ah, she must be on the phone with her Mom. Why don't you go out and wait for her? I've got lunch with my sister and then another patient afterwards. Oh, and of you ask for a chocolate, I'm sure she'll give you one." He said, standing and closing his tiny, handy-dandy sized notebook.
Kirsty nodded and stood. Once she was out the door and with Dr. Smith's coworker, it hit her. She felt good. Lighter than she had in years.
She finally had a good therapist. Someone who believed her when she spoke about her trauma. While she waited for her parents to pick her up, she watched the other kids. Dr. Honey called up one girl named "Wednesday." There was one guy twisting a skull ring around his finger. One set of kids were talking about La La Loopsies and how they terrified one of them. The other nodded solemnly, as if this made perfect sense. Kirsty wondered if that was the beldam kid. Another set of kids were playing some game. One of them would look at something, blink really hard and say "click" then the other kid would quiz them on what was on the thing. These kids were like her? Really? That... honestly made her feel better. Much better.
She was really going to be listened to at this office. And so would Rachel. And all these other kids. She didn't know who T and K were, but she was truly grateful to them.
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cirqueduroyale · 3 months
So if George was upset the twins separated and took away him making money off em, how did Louise take it? Did she get to see them more once they could come and go as they pleased? (I love Louise.)
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Queen Louise was sooo happy. Since her husband was no longer trying to keep Will and Fred away from the public eye, she was eager to take them out and spoil them. Louise moved her precious twins downstairs to Quinn and Penelope's old room and organized a debutante ball for them. It was mandatory that everyone in the kingdom attend. :D
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cirqueduroyale · 1 month
Hey I think Dr. loopsy is pretty cool for giving people the affirmative care they need and I hope things turned out okay for them, having said that the substance control laws of clowny Island allow them to provide their patients with the proper painkillers and antibiotics to ensure a proper recovery right? Also you never mentioned their pronouns
Yeah, Dr. Loopsy is a good (if eccentric) doctor, of course he prescribes appropriate medications for his patients.
He knew that the King would punish him for separating the twins, so he retired from the freakshow and now lives and works with his daughter, Dr. Loopsy, in Cactus Kingdom.
Once a year, Will and Fred bring him fancy chocolates from Unicorn Kingdom and update him on their lives.
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cirqueduroyale · 5 months
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Episode 10: The King's Monster pt. 36 pt. 1
Lil Daisy: when your hippie parents let you cut your own hair
Part 2 will be up tomorrow, but you can read the full thing now at cirqueroyalecomic.com
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cirqueduroyale · 3 months
Is mr. Loopsy based on / inspired by Tarrare, maybe?
No, Dr. Loopsy is just based on the general idea of a 'geek' (a performer who does something gross to shock audiences,such as biting the head off a chicken) but with a medical license for a funny contrast.
This was actually him, waaay back in episode 3:
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From the quick search I did on Tarrare, I'm disgusted and intrigued to read more about him.
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