#Dracula revamp that’s just the Count showing up in England and getting mobbed by a pack of church grims
see-arcane · 10 months
If I have understood right, Barking Harker was full of subplots that you have decided to separate in different stories unrelated to the storyline (eg the parts with the white and black dogs and the ghouls)?
Yup yup
I was basically doing the little kid version of Making a Thing by cramming every cool add-on I could think of into one giant mass. Which sadly results in a never ending monolith that wouldn’t satisfy as anything but an overly complicated doorstopper
I’ve also come to realize that the prospect of Ghouls and Spectral hounds/other psychopomps > Vampires/Other undead is a concept that has teeth with or without a Dracula-adjacent background. Time will tell where that particular angle goes
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