#Dravidian parties
indizombie · 2 years
The attacks against Christians in Tamil Nadu rarely get counted as hate crimes or communal violence. In many cases, Murugavel said, the police broker a compromise between the aggressors and the victims. A Madras High Court lawyer and former Public Prosecutor based in Chennai said that the police also systematically downplay the seriousness of the cases. “On the occasions they do register cases, they avoid those sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) that deal specifically with religious violence such as 295 (defiling a place of worship), 295A (outraging religious sentiments), 296 (disturbing a religious assembly), 153 (provoking a riot) and 153A (promoting enmity between religious groups),” the senior lawyer said. Another lawyer who provides legal aid to persecuted Christians in the Delta region of Tamil Nadu. said that by not invoking the sections of the law that deal with communal violence, the police are able to pass off the well orchestrated attacks as conflict between individuals. “The political motivation behind the attacks is rarely the focus of the police investigation. It helps protect the leaders who instigate violence. This also helps the Dravidian parties maintain that Tamil Nadu is a secular state,” the lawyer said.
Nithya Pandian, ‘The systematic attack on Christians in Tamil Nadu’s Hindutva laboratory’, News Minute
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mapsontheweb · 12 days
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A more detailed Indian election results.
by u/Greedy-Rate-349
Bharatiya Janata party loses its majority after 10 years and has to depend on allies to form a government which wasn't predicted by any exit polls which were claiming that BJP will alone get over 350 seats and thus the result has been celebrated by the opposition despite its defeat and they also managed to capture many seats on BJP's strongholds specifically in UP
Bharatiya Janata party - Hindi for Indian people's party
Telugu Desam Party -Telugu for Party of the Telugu Lands
Janata dal United -Hindi for People's party United
Trinamool Congress - Bengali for Grassroots Congress
Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam - Tamil for Dravidian progressive alliance
Samajwadi party -Hindi for Socialist party
Other parties include a long list as well some major NDA allies were - Lok Janshakti party(Ram Vilas), Shiv Sena, National Congress party, Janata dal (secular), Rashtriya lok dal,Asom Gana Parishad
Other major INDIA parties include- Rashtriya Janata dal Shiv sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) Nationalist Congress party (Sharadchandra Pawar faction) Communist party of India (Marxist) Communist party of India Communist party of India (Marxist Leninist) Liberation Aam Aadmi party Jammu Kashmir National Conference Jharkhand Mukti Morcha
Also two unaligned Chandrashekhar Azad of the Azad Samajwadi party (Kanshiram) and Pappu Yadav have announced that they will support INDIA bloc.
Parties like JDU and TDP have a history of love hate relationship with NDA and there is speculation that they might jump ship that can topple BJP, however no such news has come forward and we will have to see what comes next
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mariacallous · 6 days
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram temple in Ayodhya in the key northern state of Uttar Pradesh in January in hopes it would earn him a massive victory in the national election that concluded in June. That didn’t happen—at least not to the extent that Modi, his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and their ideological fountainhead Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) expected.
In what has widely been described as a shock result, the BJP won merely 240 seats in the 543-seat parliament, after setting a target of 400 seats. Modi has formed a government but only with support from other parties.
Like any election result, the outcome had multiple causes that will take time to fully sort out. But one thing is already clear: Modi failed in his long-running bid to homogenize India’s Hindus across castes and cultures and consolidate their vote for his political benefit.
In 2014, Modi came to power on the back of religious nationalism and security issues, and he continued that trend in 2019. This year, in the absence of any urgent security threat from regional rival Pakistan and rising concerns over unemployment, inflation, and authoritarianism, Modi banked on the RSS’s homogenization strategy.
The Ram temple was built on a site long disputed with Muslims, where a 16th-century mosque stood until December 1992, when a group of Hindu nationalists razed it to the ground allegedly on the BJP’s provocation. Experts said the BJP had envisaged the temple would instill pride in Hindus, feed their Muslim animosity, and bring them under the Hindu umbrella to choose Modi.
Even though, by and large, the Hindu community seemed to have been pleased with the inauguration of the temple, that didn’t translate into votes for Modi across the Hindu hierarchy. Instead, the results exposed the weaknesses of the homogenization exercise.
Hartosh Singh Bal, an Indian journalist and the executive editor of the Caravan, said there is “diversity in Hinduism” and the election results prove that it can’t be “papered over by directing attention and hatred outwards” toward Muslims. This election proves that “Hindus are not a monolith” and that “various segments of Hinduism have a successful chance of taking on the BJP,” he added in reference to tactical voting by lower castes in Uttar Pradesh against the BJP.
Karthick Ram Manoharan, a political scientist at the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru, said that in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India with the second-biggest economy in the country, the BJP did not win a single seat out of a total of 39.
“Hindus are the absolute majority in Tamil Nadu, but they still mostly vote for the secular Dravidian parties,” Manoharan said in reference to local parties that have emerged out of social movements opposed to an upper-caste Hindu order that the BJP and RSS have been long accused of nurturing and propagating.
In March, just a month before voting began, I witnessed saffron-colored flags expressing support for Modi’s party jutting out from rooftops and windows in tightly packed homes in western Uttar Pradesh. Some people I spoke to said that BJP workers had decided to adorn the neighborhoods as they pleased, but underneath the flag-waving, a large-scale discontent was brewing over a lack of employment opportunities.
The upper-caste youth seemed confused, if not yet disenchanted, with Modi and in the absence of industry and strong local economies once again mourned the loss of government jobs to affirmative action. (The Indian Constitution reserves almost half of all state jobs for people from lower castes and others who confront a generational disadvantage and historical discrimination.)
Meanwhile, Dalits, who sit at the bottom of India’s Hindu hierarchy, in hamlets nearby who depend on the quota for their dignity and livelihood were quietly recalibrating their options. The mood was starkly different from 2014 and 2019 when I visited some of the Dalit-dominated parliamentary seats in Uttar Pradesh. Back then, Dalits I met were upbeat and decisively pro-Modi. They said they supported him since they believed that he might raise their stature in the Hindu hierarchy.
But 10 years later, they suspected the BJP was plotting to weaken the constitution, the only assurance of rights for marginalized communities in a country where upper-caste Hindus continue to hold social capital and economic power.
Recent comments by BJP leaders that if Modi won 400 seats, he would change the constitution spread anxiety among lower castes that the party intended to scrap the reservation system. The BJP repeatedly denied this, but the suspicion that it is first a party for upper-caste Hindus is deep-rooted among lower castes, and experts believe the comments were part of the BJP’s political strategy.
“They were testing the waters to see what would be the reaction,” said Sushil Kumar Pandey, an assistant professor of history at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Lucknow and the author of Caste and Politics in Democracy.
“The opposition picked it up and campaigned on it, telling people a change in the constitution could mean losing your livelihood, your jobs,” Pandey added. “That worked at a time [when] people were also scared of privatization” and in government-run sectors.
For Dalits, it was about more than jobs. The Indian Constitution is nearly worshipped by the community and celebrated en masse on the birth anniversary of the Indian intellectual who wrote it. B.R. Ambedkar was no fan of Ram and advocated against the caste discrimination inherent in Hinduism all his life, even converting to Buddhism when he felt there was no escaping caste-based prejudice. While he couldn’t annihilate the caste system, he ensured that the constitution offered lower castes a quota in government jobs to gradually uplift them.
In his honor, and as an ode to the progressive document, Dalits sing songs in praise of the constitution and hail it as the upholder of their dignity in a society where they continue to be belittled. Any change to the text was unacceptable. “Their cultural identity is linked to this book,” said Ravish Kumar, a journalist and the host of a popular YouTube news show.
In the south, too, there was a fear of culturally being subsumed by a Hindi-speaking upper-caste elite. Indian federal units, or states, were defined in the 1950s on the basis of language, and to this day south Indians identify themselves on the basis of the language they speak. The Ram temple had no resonance in the southern states, particularly in electorally significant Tamil Nadu, with the highest number of seats regionally. Tamils were wary that the RSS’s homogenization agenda would drown out their cultural ethos and impose a secondary status on the Tamil language.
Manoharan, the political scientist, said that in Tamil Nadu, it was “not so much religious but fear of cultural homogeneity” and “a language policy which will give importance to Hindi speakers over Tamil speakers and upper-caste Tamils over other backward castes.”
In a state where “88 percent people come from so-called lower castes” and “69 percent have jobs under affirmative action through a special act,” people were also extremely worried that the BJP may “water down” the employment quota promised in the constitution, Manoharan added.
The southern Indian states have a longer history of resistance to upper-caste domination, a higher literacy rate, better economies, and a tradition of secular politics. While the BJP maintained its tally of 29 seats from the last election, it is being seen as a poor result considering the inroads the RSS has made in the south.
For instance, in the southwestern state of Kerala, the RSS has more than 5,000 shakhas, or branches, second in number only to Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state—yet “despite the fact that the RSS has thousands of training grounds in Kerala, they are unable to get influence,” said K.M. Sajad Ibrahim, a professor of political science at University of Kerala. “That’s because while religion is important, communal harmony is more important to people here. BJP tries to create tensions, and that doesn’t work here.”
The BJP managed to gain one seat for the first time in Kerala, but that isn’t being attributed to its ideological success or expansion of homogenization project but to the winning candidate’s personal appeal. Suresh Gopi, the winning candidate, is a popular movie star.
In many states in the Hindi belt and even in the south, the BJP did well. The upper castes and urban voters are standing firmly behind Modi. Kumar, the journalist, said it would be foolhardy to dismiss Modi—and the bigger Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, forces backing him—just yet. He said Hindutva hasn’t lost and only faced a setback. “The BJP was trying to dominate caste politics with Hindutva,” he said, “but the election result shows that dominance has cracked.” However, he added, “it has only cracked—the ideology still has wide-scale acceptance.”
Everyone else Foreign Policy spoke to concurred but added that Hindus are far too diverse to be homogenized. Manoharan said the results exposed the weakness of the homogenization agenda and its faulty premise. “Hindutva’s aim for homogeneity is confounded precisely by a structural feature of the religion-culture it seeks to defend—caste,” he said.
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sembulapeyalneerpol · 1 month
🔥 vijay
Not going to be a safe space for anils looook away
Politically, I doubt he's going to go very far. Tamizhaga vetri kazhagam is not clear in its ideology and political goals other than a vague, left and dravidian ideology. Translating philanthropy to electoral politics with a face of a party who looks pretty miserable in most engagements with the public.....not looking good unless he has politically shrewd advisors and campaigners who can translate his star power and fanboys into votes. At least twitter was funny as fuck though, can't wait for the continuing memes
Vijay needs to be taking roles as the dilf in romcom he's meant to be, Leo as middling and uninspiring as that film was gave us a glimpse of the glory that can be his dilf era. Lean into it! Stop acting with the young women! Make out with suriya on screen!!!!
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akhzi · 1 year
Many of us ,truly are convinced that we have completely secured a hold on the ferocious atrocities and centuries longing discrimination against the Dalit community, but the truth is ,the Dalit community were ostracized and are being ostracized till date. Most of us aren’t even made aware of the atrocities which took place years back. During the phase of pre independent India , though there were formidable and meticulous pieces of literature , most of them were written by non Dalit authors. It was only during the nationalist movement that we’ve witnessed some authentic Dalit works. When India was getting close of being liberated after its prolonged period under colonial rule, some of the greatest ever Dalit works were produced in India, for our Telugu speaking states , the infamous “Gurram Joshua” with his outstanding work ”Gabillam” , and throughout the whole Dravidian territories we had the much more celebrated author and leader “EV Ramaswamy Periyar”. People don’t realize Ramaswamy’s influence and power in upholding the rights of Dalits .A man who passed away almost 40 years back , yet his ideas are evidently subsisting among the Tamil population who refuse to vote for Hindutva positioned parties , all because the Periyar movement is still instilled in their living. Most of the dalit literature focuses on the way we think even right now, which is problematic but also extremely normalized. In the book “KARUKKU”, bamma talks opposing the present belief of how one shouldn’t look down on the physical labour, she also talks about this physical labour slowly turning into incessant labour for the Dalit communities as their access to other lots of work gets occluded. Babytai, in her book “ the prisons we broke” recollects an unnerving tale of how Mahar women were forced to carry the feces of newly wed Brahmin women as Hindu custom required the Brahmin women not to leave the house even for the purposes of defecation during this period to ward off evils and because of the Hindu custom being averse to the idea of building toilets inside homes for the purposes of sanctity and purity of the household. It is deplorable and despicable for India , for sheltering this practise this long. Though the Sc and St atrocities act was enacted in 1989, the viciously planned Tsundur massacre which took place in 1991 is an utter disgrace to the state and also exposes the lack of concern for efficiently shielding the vulnerable communities. We do see and think India is well progressed to have a Dalit woman as its president but the constant fear of Dalit communities in competing with the upper caste groups at the grass root levels still remain unheeded.
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yashkhanna2042-blog · 11 months
Wiki Consultancy; boosting your business with Wikipedia:
Wiki Consultancy; boosting your business with Wikipedia:
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Let’s stroll through our memory lane; the old times when we used Wikipedia for almost all our academic projects. Not much has changed; millennials and Gen-Z still consider it to be the authentic encyclopaedia of their times. And why wouldn’t one? It is the ranked one third-party source on search engines. Ever wondered, ‘What if we use this to boost our business online?’. If yes, you’re on the right path. Many brands are already incorporating diverse Wikipedia services to empower their businesses. From the ancient history of Dravidians to the inception of Nike and Puma, Wikipedia is a reputed source of information and a marketing medium. But is this the right tool? Or does it work well for all businesses? Well, the article ahead breaks it down for you. However, to be sure, it is always wise to approach Wikipedia experts or credible Wikipedia page consultancy services. 
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It is a sad fact that there are certain facade companies in the Wiki consulting business that pretend to be professional. With the motive of only making money, these companies often leave their clients worse than they started. Save yourself and your brand by choosing the right notable Wikipedia page consultancy services.
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godofglitter · 11 months
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In a spontaneous (and probably highly illegal) decision, I decided to enter a half-renovated palace looking building in Mubarak Mandi Complex, Jammu. No one stopped me, precisely because there was no one around- the entire enclosed polygon of tall buildings of maharajas who'd probably thought they'd be ruling forever had a neglected, forgotten look about it. Even the locals didn't seem to know of the existence of the small museum, or the British style fountains on four corners of a Mughal and Dravidian style garden, enclosed by the Rajputana looking palace buildings. So many religions, ruling families, races- all blending together homogeneously, without the added colour of communalism that often (unfortunately) divides other significant melting pots such as Delhi, where I have grown up seeing firsthand the segregation of Mughalai versus Rajputana, each distinct and prideful in a lack of confluence with the opposite party. Here in Jammu for the first time I saw a masjid down the road from a temple, jhatka and halal shops standing shoulder to shoulder with a pure vegetarian vaishno dhaba, people living in seemingly true fraternity- and above all, harmony.
I am sure this is a gross romanticisation of the political atmosphere of one of India's most controversial and warred upon regions. And yet this picture- of a roof panel at that palace I very illegally entered- sparks these bittersweet emotions in me that awaken the inner idealist. This panel is a glimpse into Dogra history, and all the diverse factors that form it- and yet even as we speak, vital parts are being slowly replaced by fresh, bright, unmarked wood. The glass half empty side of my brain cries at the loss of history, cries for the beautiful and intricate artwork on the inner walls of the palace that are being covered by sterile white paint, for the erasure of an entire culture by controversy such that even the descendants of the kings themselves don't know who they are. And yet, unbidden as hope, the glass half full side of my brain sees this blank wood with rosy eyes, perhaps reminiscent of the perspective of the artisans who first set out to paint this beauty in the first place- seeing these empty spots as fresh slates onto which we can paint our own stories of love and peace.
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ramusblog · 2 years
Kalaignar Karunanidhi succeeded where north Indian leaders of social justice failed. I looked at the different itineraries of the social justice movements and tried to investigate how the RSS won the north but failed in Tamilnadu. Forever Kalaignar
The movement led by the troika of Periyar-Annadurai-Karunanidhi in Tamil Nadu has emerged as the most successful model of social justice and economic transformation in India…
I would like to argue that the success of this model was made possible due to the efforts of one of the greatest sons of Tamil Nadu, Dr. M. Karunanidhi.
Interestingly, north Indian leaders of the social justice movement failed to replicate the success story of Tamil Nadu and succumbed to the communal politics of the BJP/RSS.
Independent India has seen many silent revolutions — the rise of so-called lower castes in the political sphere — in different states at different times. Caste-based social imbalances continued to create havocs and tensions in the stagnant social paradigms.
But paradigms are never fixed. When old paradigms fail to sustain, the inherent tensions eventually lead to social changes and revolutions.
The Subalterns, underclass, farmers, artisans and other producing classes were earlier not represented adequately in various spaces. This created tensions in the political spaces.
This was the genesis of the social justice movement in India. This movement took shape and gathered momentum at different times in different geographical locations and states.
Tamil Nadu saw such paradigm shifts in the 1920s and again in 50s & 60s.
Thanthai Periyar was undoubtedly the greatest ideologue of Dravidian philosophy but it was Annadurai and his finest disciple Kalaignar who actually implemented the policies of social justice, rationalism, growth and self respect in Tamil Nadu.
Kaliagnar won assembly elections 13 times. He became Tamil Nadu’s chief minister on five occasions and ruled the state for almost two decades. Even when he was not the chief minister, his presence continued to guide the course of state politics and policies.
What made Karunanidhi special was his unique way of blending growth and social/gender justice. He was a social revolutionary, rationalist writer and thinker, champion of ideas like federalism and social justice, able administrator, master of electoral politics.
He took part in the language movement when he was in school and always opposed the hegemonic imposition of Hindi on Tamil people. He always worked to enable the masses and strived to make them able to work for their own welfare.
He tried to democratise religion and introduced the idea of all caste and gender priests in Tamil Nadu temples. This scheme was actually implemented during the mk stalin era.
Kalaignar changed the lives of millions of Tamil people for good and thus provided a role model and template for other Indian states and also for the Union government to follow. He introduced a common education board in Tamil Nadu and fought to retain it during the AIADMK rule.
He introduced a common habitat model for all castes — Samathuvapuram Housing Scheme — for the first time. His government introduced inheritance rights for the women in ancestral property. He also started reserving seats in local bodies for the women.
30 percent reservation for women in government jobs was one of his ideas. In many of his acts and deeds, he was actually ahead of his times.
Today Tamil Nadu has the highest number of working women in the country. This is one of the legacies of #DravidianModel, established by Annadurai and his disciple Kalaignar Karunanidhi.
Karunanidhi was credited for carrying forward the legacy of the Justice Party and Self-Respect Movement. He succeeded where north Indian stalwarts failed. Karunanidhi blended his ideology with governance and growth. That is his unique contribution to the idea of justice.
He remained an atheist all his life but when he got ill due to old age and his condition deteriorated, people of all faiths organised prayers at their religious places for him. Such was the life of Dr. M Karunanidhi.
He always wished to be buried next to his mentor Anna. Despite the AIADMK Govt creating hurdles, the Madras High Court order ensured that Karunanidhi’s last wish was fulfilled. Senior advocate and now Rajya Sabha MP @PWilsonDMK played a stellar role in that legal battle.
Karunanidhi emerged as the winner even after his death.
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novumtimes · 26 days
Tamil Nadu: Row over saffron-clad photo of poet Thiruvalluvar on Governor invite
An invitation issued by Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi for the celebration of ‘Thiruvalluvar Thirunaal Vizha’ on May 24 has sparked a controversy as it shows famous saint-poet Thiruvalluvar clad in saffron robes. Reacting to the latest invitation from Raj Bhavan, Tamil Nadu Congress chief Selvaperunthagai said it was “illegal” to change Thiruvalluvar’s photo. “It is illegal for Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi to change the government-approved photo of Thiruvalluvar and publish another one which gives him a communal color,” Selvaperunthagai said. Tamil Nadu observes Thiruvalluvar Day on January 16. This is not the first time a row has erupted over the depiction of the Tamil saint and poet in a saffron robe. In January this year, saffron-clad Thiruvalluvar’s mural on the compound wall of a government-run school in Erode had sparked a polticial controversy. The image showed Thiruvalluvar wearing a saffron robe, a rudraksha necklace with holy ash on his forehead. The Dravidian parties accused the BJP of trying to ‘saffronise’ Thiruvalluvar, who is usually depicted only wearing white dress without affiliation to any religion. Published On: May 23, 2024 Source link via The Novum Times
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swamyworld · 2 months
Tamil Nadu Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Actors Vijay, Vikram, Suriya cast their votes in Chennai
pOling started with everything 39 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu In the first phase on April 19 2024 General Elections BJP’s ambition is to emerge as a challenging force Dravidian parties in the state Will be tested. Several actors from the Tamil Nadu film industry cast their votes in Chennai at polling booths across the city. When actor Vijay arrived at his polling station to cast his vote at…
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minvacakam · 2 months
Not Hindutva, but OBC PM-led social engineering is giving jitters to Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu - ThePrint
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college-buz · 2 months
Coimbatore's Political Showdown: Dravidian Parties Assert Dominance Amid Annamalai Buzz
As Tamil Nadu gears up for polling in all 39 constituencies, the spotlight falls on the cosmopolitan hub of Coimbatore, where a fierce electoral battle ensues between the DMK, AIADMK, and BJP. With campaigning reaching its crescendo, the dynamics of this contest reveal intriguing narratives and strategic maneuvers.
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At the forefront of attention is the BJP's candidate, K Annamalai, whose polarizing presence has stirred the political landscape. However, the Dravidian parties have also fielded formidable contenders, with the AIADMK banking on the legacy of its strongman, S P Velumani, and the DMK's "Ganapathi" P Rajkumar leveraging his local familiarity and diverse support base.
For the AIADMK, this contest is emblematic of its resilience and determination, epitomized by its candidate, "Singai" G Ramachandran, who carries the weight of his late father's political legacy. In contrast, the DMK's Rajkumar embodies a quieter strength, drawing support from a diverse coalition of voters spanning religious and caste demographics.
Meanwhile, Annamalai of the BJP asserts his focus on neglected urban communities, particularly the burgeoning "neo-middle class," underscoring his party's efforts to broaden its appeal beyond traditional strongholds. However, dissent simmers within the BJP-RSS camp over the unconventional campaign tactics employed by Annamalai, raising questions about the party's strategy in this critical battleground.
As Coimbatore grapples with the complexities of electoral politics, local sentiments reflect a blend of skepticism and cautious optimism. While some residents express reservations about Annamalai's candidacy, citing concerns about his longevity and commitment, others highlight the city's susceptibility to grand promises and populist rhetoric.
In the midst of swirling uncertainties and competing narratives, Coimbatore's electoral saga encapsulates the intricate interplay of personalities, ideologies, and grassroots dynamics that define Tamil Nadu's political landscape. With polling day looming on the horizon, all eyes are on Coimbatore as it braces for a showdown of epic proportions.
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newslime · 4 months
Exploring Dravidian Ideals: Makkalin Mudhalvar Gaming App Debuts at Comic Con
In a unique fusion of entertainment and political education, a gaming app centered on "Dravidian principles" has made its debut at the Chennai Comic Con, just in time for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Named 'Makkalin Mudhalvar,' the game invites players to step into the shoes of a chief minister and navigate the complexities of governance.
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Developed by Populus Empowerment Network (PEN), the game offers a simulation experience where players immerse themselves in the intricacies of state administration and electoral dynamics. Designed to align with Dravidian ideals, 'Makkalin Mudhalvar' rewards players for decisions that resonate with the core values of Dravidian ideology.
The game's title, 'Makkalin Mudhalvar,' translates to 'people's chief minister,' echoing the Tamil Nadu government's commitment to addressing public grievances promptly. Available in both Tamil and English, the app targets young audiences between the ages of 16 and 25, aiming to familiarize them with the principles underlying the Dravidian model of governance.
Pooja Pradeep, a program manager, shed light on the game's mechanics, emphasizing its role in promoting understanding of Dravidian ideology among the youth. With nearly 1,500 installations already, 'Makkalin Mudhalvar' offers players a series of questions designed to gauge their alignment with key principles such as rationalism, cultural ethos, and women empowerment.
As players assume the role of chief minister, they are tasked with upholding the fundamental values of Dravidian ideology, including equality, empowerment, and secularism. Through strategic decision-making, players gain insight into how Dravidian parties have championed these values in Tamil Nadu's political landscape.
According to Pradeep, the game reflects the visionary approach of its founder, Mr. Sabarisan Vedamurthy, in leveraging new media to engage youth and showcase the significance of the Dravidian model for the state. With Sabarisan's support, 'Makkalin Mudhalvar' sets a new standard for interactive entertainment, merging political discourse with gaming.
Currently available on the Google Play Store for Android users, 'Makkalin Mudhalvar' promises an immersive experience that transcends traditional gaming boundaries, offering players a deeper understanding of Dravidian principles and their implications for governance in Tamil Nadu.
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merkdiezlestory · 5 months
But anyways I was very worried about Katy. I remember I went to her apartment a couple times over the course of maybe six months of her not talking to me or answering my texts. I constantly texted her telling her to “stay strong and please never hurt yourself”.
I recall I went to her place and I told her that I would just like to talk to her maybe once a month or once every two months, just to make sure she is ok. Also I didn’t want to be rejected by her and kicked out of her life completely after she had the abortion. I think a part of me felt like if she did that that was her saying she had the abortion in order to eliminate me from her life.
But she told me that she would be happy if I stayed out of her life. She told me that if she decides she will reach out to me but she told me to stop reaching out to her. But she had said that she may never reach out to me and I didn’t like that. I didn’t want her to reject me like that and throw me out of her life.
Then about five months after the abortion Stacy changed her Snapchat avatar to a girl wearing a sexy almost bikini outfit. That upset me because I told her that I didn’t want her advertising herself like that after the abortion because it would look like she killed my daughter to get rid of me and go back on the market to have sex with other guys. And third hurt me psychologically. So I made angry texts at her about her new sexily dressed avatar on Snapchat.
And I did constantly text her trying to make sure she was ok and telling her I was sorry for the pain I put her through and the gossip I did that hurt her and all of that stuff.
But at the time I was still an anti religious leftist Satanist. I still believed in Darwinism and still was for race mixing and was anti Aryan.
My grandpa actually broke me out of this later but I will get to that revelation. Then I will go back to the basked on true story books I wrote from 2013 to 2024 and go through all of them and the interesting ideas in them and my progression of thought. But that’s later in this book
My swag flow was getting better but it was still a little off. I hadn’t figured things out much yet. I had revelations later
But then about six months after the abortion Stscy posted a picture with her friend Sylvie Barnett at a hippie druggie Satanist pool party and she was in a bikini. Thankfully the photo wasn’t very revealing but it upset me a lot because I had asked Stacy not to party with the druggie hippie losers like Sylvie Barnett and the rest of the Jewish Satanist gang filled with people of color and anti white anti Aryan people and drug users polyamorous loser crowd film of Satanists who call themselves witches and all of that
This is what I am going to get to. But my leftist anti white ways came back to bite me. I wanted to destroy white people but I ended up almost destroying myself. I hung out with that crowd full of drug user hippie polyamorous losers. I never did any drugs but I hung out with them. When Katy was pregnant with my baby she started hanging out with them too when she went to the Halloween “kickback”. It was her first time hanging out with them thankfully. But that’s why I freaked out when Sylvie Barnett posted the photos from the party. I knew the people from the party and knew they were drug user hippie losers and didn’t want Stscy hanging out with them while she was pregnant or at all. Stacy had told me that she did cocaine with Sylvie before she met me. And I was ok with Stacy going to the kickback, but a week later she lied to me about going to the movies when she was going to go to another party with Sylvie, probably with the same drug using satanist losers. A lot of them are for homosexuality and trans sexual Ian and that crew is full of Jews and a Chinese girl for abortions and leftist crazy people who are anti society anti God and anti Aryan pro Dravidian Shiva worshippers. A lot of the guys in that crowd pimp women and are big time drug users and drug addicts and sellers and that whole crowd is evil. That was the crew I was hanging out with because I was anti society anti white and I hung out with them because they were on my wavelength. But now I was seeing it come back to bite me. My Jewish hatred towards Aryans was coming back to destroy me. It’s funny because my uncle had said that, that the Jews were against White people and he liked seeing the leftist policies turn against them in Israel. I expressed as my Grandpa would say predator prey software towards whites, and that software was flipping over on me. I even remember during the Black Lives Matter riots I wanted the Black people to defeat and destroy the White people. I will get to that later in this book.
So when I saw that Sylvie posted a photo of her and Stacy at a party with that upset me. I had told Stscy after the abortion I didn’t want her hanging out with that polyamorous drug abuser hippie loser crowd Satanists.
I haven’t gotten to this yet but over the years in Los Angeles since I moved back there in 2015 I had hung out with that crowd a lot but I will get back to that later in this book.
So after Sylvie posted the photo of her and Stscy on instagram of them at the pool party with he druggie hippie polyamorous loser crowd, I got upset. My swag flow had been off and was still sort of off. Now it is getting better
But I was upset that she wasn’t talking to me. If she would have just talked to me and see me then I think I would have been ok. But she had ghosted me and now was going to parties and in my mind what this was telling me was she was saying “I killed your daughter so that I could party and do drugs with Sylvie Barnett and the other druggie losers”
But I drove to Stacy’s work. I went into Stacy’s work and I knew there was a potential that the police would be called. So when I went in there Stscy was there an people from her work saw me. So I told her “you owe me 3000 dollars” just to make sure that it didn’t look like Inwas coming in there for no reason. But I didn’t want money from Stacy. Even though I paid about 3000 dollars worth of groceries when she was pregnant with my baby
But I just said that so nobody would think I came in there for no reason in case somebody called the police.
But I just wanted to talk to Stacy and tell her that I had been suffering and struggling and I didn’t like that she cut me out of her life after the abortion and was going to parties without me with drug addict hippies and all that.
I think out of anger I told her “I’m going to get you fired”. But there was a maintenance man there and Stscy told him to call the police or whatever and I left
The next day I went back to Stacy’s work because I wanted to talk to her but she was not there
I was worried about her and thought she might have committed suicide. So I drove to Stacy’s moms house. I knocked on the door. I had never met Katy’s mom before. Her name is Elizabeth Lewin. But she yelled at me “I know who you are!” Through the window. I asked her “are you Ms. Lewin”. This was the first time I had ever seen her.
Stacy’s mom yelled at me that she called the police and told me to leave. I just wanted to talk to her and ask her if she could help me to get back in contact with Stacy and I wanted to see if I could reconcile with their family. I had never really talked to any of them
For a few seconds I talked to her sister Holly Teal on the phone but after I told her who I was she said “we have nothing to talk about” and hung up on me and blocked me.
Like I said I’m not mad at Stacy. I think the baby would have had birth defects. And I think that it was a crazy situation it’s sad my family wouldn’t see me it’s difficult what I’ve been through and the whole situation.
The thing is a lot of basketball players are mediocre. Even in the nba.8 was special because I was unconscius. And if I study videos undid I did things moving into shots and things in general that I did that give me the edge. Skipping stuff and all that and I learned in college if I duplicate things exactly I can redo that stuff. Like I have videos where I do skip stuff and all types of things that when I watch and duplicate it gives me the edge. I would like to get as many videos of when I was younger that I can.
But even though I have few videos I still think I can play professional basketball and now I want to go to israel and play professional basketball. What would harm that is if I go to jail. And Stacy ended up getting a restraining order. The few videos I have have given me the edge and I studied things that give me the edge where I think I can play good in professional basketball
I talked to my friend and he said I didn’t do enough to get a restraining order. The only reason he said I got it was continued to text Stacy after the temporary restraining order was given
But I will get to that
Stacy was not at her work because she went to get a restraining order
But before I got served the restraining order my Haitian friend called me.
My Haitian friend is a part of the drug using hippie polyamorous group that Sylvie was a part of, and he told me that he was at Sylvie’s Halloween “kickback” party that Katy went to, and he told me he met Katy there. But he told me he had never seen her before
So I told my Haitian friend my situation. He took me to a “fire spinning” party. It’s something the drug using hippies do. I told him what was going on and he told me that he would talk to Sylvie Barnett and see if she can help me to talk to and see Stacy.
So the next day I met with my Haitian friend and Sylvie at his house. My Haitian friend told me that Stacy said that I had “gone to her daughter school.” This made me look like a creep like I was trying to get her daughter or something. I told them that I went to her school to talk to the principal so I could get in touch with her baby Daddy because he’s wouldn’t tell him that she wa pregnant even though she was 21 weeks pregnant Stacy said her baby Daddy was “jealous”. I wanted him to know that she was pregnant and she had ghosted me and would not talk to me and I was worried she was going to get an abortion so I went to her daughters school to talk to the principal and get in touch with her baby daddy. But the way Stscy said it it sounded like she was trying to make me out to be a bad guy “going to her daughters school”.
But Ajani and Sylvie recorded our conversation and told me they were going to have Stscy listen to it and eventually I would see Stscy again. They said that Stacy said she didn’t want to see me because I “reminded her of the dead daughter” and she needed time to heal
Also at the time I was still working as a behavior therapist for Special Needs Network.
But anyways Ajani and I drove around a little bit with Sylvie but Sylvie tried to downplay the abortion and said something like “things like that happen to everybody”. I got mad at her because I thought she was being disrespectful to me. But Sylvie and Ajani told me that Katy would see me soon. Sylvie wanted me to give her my phone location so she could track me and make sure I don’t go to Stacy’s place. Ajani told me he would do paychology meditation stuff and things like that with me so I will not overreact like I did when Stacy was pregnant.
It is true I tried to “make things happen” and was probably not in the flow. I did go overboard and continued to test Stacy constantly.
But then a few days later a sheriff came to my door and gave me a restraining order. I called Ajani and Ajani told me that Stacy had got the restraining order a week prior after I went to her work to talk to her.
But Ajani told me that Sylvie said not to worry, Katy was not going to follow through with the restraining order and she was not going to go. So they told me not to worry, that Stscy was not going to get a restraining f order against me and I would be able to talk to her and see her soon.
At the time I was working as a behavior therapist. I was hoping that this would give my mom and dad more impetus to want to see me. Like I said my grandpa was a big reason my parents stopped talking to me and seeing me. My grandpas big idea was “so long as you are not working you will express ally enemy software. Because if you depend on your parents financially then I’d they give you what you want they will be your ally and if they don’t give you what you want they will be your enemy”. My grandpa said so long as I was dependent on my parents I would express ally enemy software and my grandpa said that ally enemy software was self confirmatory. And to my grandpa the self is an illusion, “everything is one”- so there is no separate self
But I remember I told my grandpa “even if I was a millionaire I would still want to talk to and see my mom and dad”. My Grandpa tried to encourage my mom and dad to cut ties with me and not give me any money and force me to work right when I got out of college in 2013 and graduated, so I would “not be dependent on them” and “not be susceptible to ally enemy software”
But now I was working. I was working as a behavior therapist. And my mom admitted to me that she now knew I “didn’t have schizophrenia” because she admitted that since I was working that showed I did not have schizophrenia.
So I asked my Grandpa if he could encourage my Mom and Dad to see me since I was working.
My Grandpa told me that he was encouraging my Dad to talk to me and see me but he told me that “he was stubborn”. He told me “you know your Dad he is stubborn”.
I asked my mom if since I was working she and my dad would see me. My mom told me “no we are never going to see you or talk to you. You just have to accept that. It’s not going to happen”.
So I ended up quitting the job after working in it for like 6 months
But the restraining order court date came. I asked my Haitian friend if Katy would go to the restraining order court date. My Haitian friend said that Stacy was not going to go, and he said he guaranteed it. He said he talked to Sylvie Barnett and Sylvie said that Stacy was not going to go to the court date
But then the court date came. I took off the tracker on my phone that Sylvie was tracking me with and I went to the court
Stacy came into the courthouse and she was crying. At that time I hadn’t sent any texts to Stacy.
Later my Haitian friend would tell me that Stacy would not have gone to the courthouse had it not been for the day after I met with Sylvie and him I had sent a text message to Sylvie asking her if she had ever taken the Kinsey test
Kinsey was a Jewish homosexual who said that everybody had degrees of homosexuality
The night that I met with my Haitian friend and Sylvie when they told me that Katy would not go to the courthouse, before I left Sylvie told me “I am a lesbian”. As I said Sylvie didn’t like me. When Stacy and I were together we went on a double date with Sylvie and one of my friends and Sylvie hated me and treated me like crap. The first thing Sylvie asked me was what I thought of coke and I told her I didn’t like coke heads. Katy later told me that she and Sylvie had done coke together at a party the week before we met
But Sylvie didn’t like me and before I left the meeting with Ajani and Sylvie where they said that Stacy would not get a restraining order and I would see her soon and she would talk to me again soon. They just said I had to not visit Stscy and I had to let Sylvie track my phone.
So I let Sylvie track my phone. But before I left, out of nowhere, Sylvie Barnett told me that she was a lesbian. Like I said she also tried to downplay the abortion and tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal and I felt she disrespected me very bad
But then out of nowhere, I don’t know if she was trying to make me jealous or why she did it, but based on her track record and dislike of me I would say it’s possible she was trying to make me jealous, she said “I am a lesbian”. She told me that she liked girls. I then asked her if she ever did anything lesbian with Katy. She told me that she had kissed Stacy before but she said that Stacy was not a lesbian.
But when she told me this I got very upset because I imagined her doing lesbian stuff with Stacy and I knew she hung out with the polyamorous hippie druggie crew filled with Jewish people and people of color.
But I didn’t say anything about it and just left.
But the next day I texted her asking her if she had done the Kinsey test. I was going to ask her if she could take the test. I wanted to know if she was bisexual or just a lesbian.
But my Haitian friend called me and told me that Sylvie was very mad at me, but I asked why? I just asked if she could take the Kinsey test
But Ajani told me he talked to Sylvie and told me if I send her 40 dollars and don’t text her anymore and if I text her again send her another 40 dollars, then a Katy will not go to the court house on the court date and will drop the restraining order
But the court date came and I did not text Sylvie again and I didn’t text anybody and I let her track my phone the whole month. Still Stacy came to the courthouse on the court date even though my Haitian friend told me a week before the court date not to show up because Sylvie said that Stacy would not show up and would cancel the restraining order
When I had gone to Stacy’s apartment when she was not talking to me and had ghosted me I told her that it would help me out a lot mentally and emotionally if I could talk to her sometimes. I mentioned before that Stacy when she was pregnant lied to me that she was going to go to the movies with her girlfriends but she was really going to go to a Halloween party. After that I discovered she was going to the Halloween party and I didn’t even act bad towards her. But she ghosted me and told me “I am doing my own thing now we are not together”. But a few weeks later I agreed to buy her groceries for the baby and meet up with her. I bought her about 200 dollars worth of groceries. So I bought her groceries and we went to Panda Express and she told me “we will always be together for the rest of our lives we are tied together by this baby”. I told Stacy that she had told me that we would always be connected by the baby and I didn’t want her to cut me out of her life and I wanted to talk to her maybe once a month or once every couple months at least
But Stscy was at the courthouse and was going to get a restraining order against me.
I walked up to Katy and asked her “are you going to cancel the restraining order, Sylvie told me you were going to cancel the restraining order”. Stscy told me “I just want you out of my life”, or something like that. She sat away from me and tried to get a security guard to help her but the security guard didn’t seem too much on her side.
Like I said the way I was interpreting the situation was she had the abortion and killed my baby in order to cut me out of her life and get rid of me. So I told her that she was a psychopath having four abortions in her life. She started to cry
But at the courtroom the judge said that I could get evidence for my case and extend the court date to another month
But I texted Sylvie and asked her why she lied to me. I felt that she had tricked me and tried to get me to not go to the court date so that Katy could easily get the restraining order against me
But Sylvie responded to me “let Katy go it feels so good”. I forget exactly what she messaged me but she told me to let Katy go.
So I started to cuss Sylvie out and called her a “faggot” and all that stuff and was telling her that I wanted her to stay away from Stacy. I told Stacy that she was a drug abusing hippie faggot.
Sylvie wrote on her Facebook that night “letting things go feels so good…” a hippie cliche
So I got very angry and I started texting Stacy’s boss and telling her boss how Stacy had the abortion and lied about the court date and was hanging out with these drug abusing hippies.
I also texted Sylvie and told her I would get her arrested for lieing to me that Katy would not go to the court date and I wanted her to give me my 40 dollars back
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8072009864 · 8 months
Certainly, I can provide some information about the history of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is a state in southern India with a rich and ancient history. Here are some key points:
Ancient Civilization: Tamil Nadu is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with a history dating back over 2,000 years. The region was known as "Tamilakam" in ancient times.
Sangam Literature: The Sangam period, which lasted from around 300 BCE to 300 CE, produced some of the most famous Tamil literary works. These Sangam poems and texts provide valuable insights into the social, cultural, and economic life of the time.
Chola Dynasty: The Chola dynasty, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in Tamil Nadu, had a profound influence on the region's history. They were known for their strong maritime presence and patronage of art and architecture.
Pallava and Pandya Dynasties: The Pallava and Pandya dynasties also played significant roles in Tamil Nadu's history. They are noted for their contributions to temple architecture, particularly the creation of intricately carved stone temples.
British Colonial Period: Tamil Nadu, like many parts of India, came under British colonial rule in the 18th and 19th centuries. The impact of British rule on Tamil Nadu's society and economy is an important part of its history.
Independence Movement: Tamil Nadu was actively involved in the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy played key roles in advocating for independence and social reform.
Dravidian Movement: After India gained independence in 1947, Tamil Nadu became a center for the Dravidian movement, which sought to promote the cultural and political rights of Dravidian people, including the Tamils.
Post-Independence Development: Since independence, Tamil Nadu has seen significant industrial and economic growth, particularly in sectors like automobile manufacturing and information technology.
Language and Culture: The Tamil language and culture continue to be a source of pride and identity for the people of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is known for its classical dance forms, music, and art.
Politics: Tamil Nadu has a unique political landscape with a history of influential regional parties. The state has been known for its distinct political ideologies and leaders.
This is just a brief overview of the rich history of Tamil Nadu. If you have specific topics or questions related to Tamil Nadu's history, feel free to ask, and I'll provide more information.
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8778260382 · 8 months
History of tamilnadu
History of tamilnadu 
Arivazhagan v
3rdB.A history
Government art's college ooty
Ancient Period:
Tamil Nadu's history dates back to ancient times, with the Sangam period (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) being one of its most remarkable eras.
The Sangam literature, a collection of Tamil poetry, is a testament to the rich culture and literary achievements of this period.
Several dynasties, including the Cholas, Cheras, and Pandyas, ruled the region during this time.
Medieval Period:
The Chola dynasty (9th to 13th centuries) is known for its extensive conquests and the construction of grand temples, including the famous Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur.
The medieval period also saw the influence of the Vijayanagara Empire and the establishment of the Nayak dynasties.
Colonial Era:
During the 17th century, European powers, particularly the British and the French, established trading posts in Tamil Nadu.
The British East India Company gradually gained control over the region, leading to the British colonial rule.
Struggles for Independence:
Tamil Nadu played a significant role in the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy were instrumental in shaping the political landscape.
Post-Independence Period:
Tamil Nadu was a center of political and social change in post-independence India. Dravidian movements, led by parties like the DMK and AIADMK, became prominent and advocated for regional autonomy and social justice.
Tamil Nadu has been known for its cultural contributions, including the film industry (Kollywood) and classical music (Carnatic music).
Language and Culture:
The Tamil language is one of the oldest living languages in the world, with a rich literary tradition.
Tamil Nadu is renowned for its classical arts, dance forms like Bharatanatyam, and religious practices.
Economic Development:
Tamil Nadu has experienced significant economic growth, particularly in sectors like information technology, automobile manufacturing, and textiles.
Contemporary Issues:
The state has faced challenges such as water disputes, environmental concerns, and social issues, but it continues to be a key player in Indian politics and culture.
This is a concise overview of Tamil Nadu's history. The state's heritage is characterized by its ancient culture, traditions, and a continuing impact on various aspects of Indian society. For an in-depth exploration, you can delve into books and academic sources on the history of Tamil Nadu.
Ancient Tamil Nadu:
Tamil Nadu has a rich ancient history dating back over 2,000 years.
The Sangam period (3rd century BCE to 3rd century CE) was characterized by a flourishing Tamil culture, as evidenced by the Sangam literature, a collection of classical Tamil poetry.
Chola Dynasty:
The Cholas, one of the most influential dynasties in Tamil Nadu, ruled from the 9th to the 13th centuries.
They were known for their naval power, extensive conquests, and the construction of grand temples, including the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur.
Cheras and Pandyas:
The Cheras and Pandyas were other prominent dynasties of ancient Tamil Nadu, each contributing to the region's cultural and architectural heritage.
Medieval Tamil Nadu:
The medieval period saw the rise of the Vijayanagara Empire, which had a significant influence on the region.
The Nayak dynasties also played a crucial role during this time.
European Influence:
During the 17th century, European powers, including the British and the French, established trading posts and forts along the Tamil Nadu coast.
The British East India Company gradually gained control over the region.
Independence Movement:
Tamil Nadu was an important center for the Indian independence movement. Leaders like C. Rajagopalachari and Periyar E. V. Ramasamy were prominent figures in advocating for independence and social reform.
Tamil Nadu has played a vital role in Indian politics. Dravidian movements led by parties like the DMK and AIADMK have had a significant impact on regional politics.
Cultural Contributions:
Tamil Nadu is known for its cultural contributions, including classical music (Carnatic music), classical dance (Bharatanatyam), and the vibrant Tamil film industry (Kollywood).
Economic Growth:
In recent decades, Tamil Nadu has experienced significant economic growth, with sectors like information technology, automobile manufacturing, and textiles playing a crucial role in the state's development.
Social and Environmental Challenges:
Tamil Nadu has faced challenges such as water disputes with neighboring states, environmental concerns, and issues related to social justice and caste-based politics.
This overview highlights the historical richness and cultural diversity of Tamil Nadu, making it an essential part of India's heritage and development. To explore specific periods or aspects of Tamil Nadu's history in greater detail, you may want to refer to books, scholarly articles, and academic sources dedicated to this subject.
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