#Drift: I can feel Ratchet's aura approaching
ihatebrainstorm · 1 year
Did you order your brainstorm from transformersland. My guy came from there and he arrived in a ziploc back. i keep it around like you would a baby’s first cradle. Anyway i empathise and feel your pain because my g1 perceptor is coming in december. But it is now getting close to 18 August and soon your brainstorm will be here and if it is the generations brainstorm you will be blessed with his frightening ratchet joints (the clicky joint type not the character)
No I got my boi from some other seller on Ebay? The struggle of waiting 4 more days to hear the CLICKCLICKCLICK ratchet joint sounds tho.. But also oh jeez, having to wait until December for Perceptor to arrive? Ouchh, but at least he'll arrive someday :'D (I hope he comes in good condition for you!)
I'm planning on bringing my Brainstorm around and taking a bunch of little photo shoots once he's here eheh >:D)-(
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
The Autobots, sans Optimus, meanwhile don't know who Drift was and are being friendly while he is twitchy and being shielded by Ratchet's grumpy growly aura as he interferes anytime Drift is vaguely uncomfortable. I picture more of a Prime-ed Version of IDW Drift. Optimus quietly accepts his defection as a neutral refugee under protection refusing to require he take an oath and officially lists him as a non-combatant under Ratchet's elective kin.
I'd say there was a mission on the same planet. Deadlock got stabbed and Ratchet lost all his group. A planet was playing both Autobots and Decepticons and betrayed them both. They teamed up and got off planet and separated. Which started the Ratchet doesn’t leave base rule.
There are a lot of rumors about how they know each other, which Arcee "isn't participating in" (she is), but both Bulkhead and the Kids are.
The kids at first don't know what to make of him, and he them especially since he doesn't speak English yet and speaks in chittering chirps, beeps, and musical tones of a Cybertronian dialect which Ratchet responds in which delights Rafe. Ratchet bristles and both he and Optimus tell the kids that you shouldn't approach a protective caretaker and Drift has to decide when and if they meet the younglings. Druft is shy and protective, especially since he reacted very defensively to Fowler shouting about unmentioned new person as he grabbed the twins and immediately hid.
He slowly creeps out, though, and catches Miko when she almost takes a tumble and is very gentle with them. He coos and fusses and beams at Rafe's attempts to respond. He's very soft-spoken with them when he finally learns English and they like him. Miko introduces him as Drift's husband.
Drift finally introduces the kids to the twins after bonding to them, and they are all delighted. He's still tense with anyone, not Ratchet or Bee, though. He's actually particularly tense around Bulkhead (a former Wrecker) and Optimus.
Bulkhead he overcomes relatively quickly, but Optimus just watches sadly as he takes much longer to relax around him.
And then Bulkhead arrives thrilled to bring Wheeljack in while Drift is watching base with Bumblebee while Ratchet is away helping Arcee, who snapped a wire. The twins are playing with the kids, and he's relaxed.
Then Wheeljack recognizes Deadlock and doesn't hesitate to lunge for him seeing him near the kids and two younglings. Drift can't move and risk him hitting the kids and braces to take it getting stabbed.
Optimus and Ratchet and Arcee arrive to screaming and chaos and a guilty shocked Wheeljack who got punched by Bee. This only gets worse for him as the moment Drift and the Twins are secure Ratchet gets ahold of him.
You're very right in picturing a tfp-ized version of mtmte Drift
Makes sense Optimus would know™️, and considering how big he's been on giving the decepticons chances he's gonna take this as a w (especially since Drift at this point has entirely renounced his previous faction)
Oooo on them meeting on the battlefield? And the heavy autobot loss leading to the "Ratchet stays in the base" rule? YES
mmmhm sure Arcee sure, I wonder what these rumors contain 🤔🤔🤔
Makes perfect sense that he wouldn't have any earth related languages down yet, after all he just got here and the organic residents weren't exactly his main concern. But also because YES LET THE KIDS HEAR THE VARIOUS CYBERTRONIAN DIALECTS, Raf is right to be very excited. Optimus offers to help teach him more about it later.
Fair as hell on Drift being hesitant, especially after how he ended up in this mess, but also about Fowler yelling because yelling
Ooooo on him getting close with Miko? Makes sense this girl needs as many parental figures as possible, especially the relatively asocial new autobot yes yes
ohh on Optimus feeling ashamed of himself regarding mecha being scared of him
oh the Wreckers, all the things that can be said there.
Wheeljack v Deadlock beef?
Yeahhh Jackie that was not the smarted move but I see why you made it, he was scared for the kids
If anyone's gonna bring order back to the room it's (usually) Ratchet, and Optimus is thoroughly not happy.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 4 | encounter
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
After that, Nishimura wouldn’t stop antagonizing you.
He seemed to blame you for his loss on the training pitch, growling loudly to Hasumi about how slow you were, how you stumbled around like a defenseless lamb, how you refused to meet Bakugou’s blade with your own until threatened with discharge. He wasn’t wrong, but you still felt like his loss was his own doing - if he were as good at swordwork as he claimed, he wouldn’t have needed a partner to best the captain.
This didn’t stop him from ratcheting up his hostility, however. The bugs in your bed soon became small animals, and it seemed that every time Captain Bakugou’s back was turned, you found yourself tripping over an ankle or stumbling from an elbow in your back.
You’d borne his antics quietly up until now, for fear of Captain Bakugou finding you out and delivering on his threats from the mess hall. But when Kaminari and Sero began tossing you anxious, worried looks, you knew that Nishimura’s actions had to stop. If other soldiers were catching on, it would only be a matter of time until Captain Bakugou took notice, and then both of you would be done for.
One evening, you pulled back your covers to find a rat splayed in your sheets, and that was the moment you snapped.
“Nishimura,” you growled, using a shirt to grab the rat and throwing it at him in disgust. “Outside, right now!”
You stalked out of the dorms, out into the still evening air of spring. A warm breeze blew around you as Nishimura exited the dormitory after you.
“This stops now,” you said, seething.
He ran a hand through his dark hair and pinned you with a disinterested look. “Or what? You’ll run to Captain Bakugou?”
You gritted your teeth. “Bakugou is the last person we need finding out about this, which is why you need to knock it off. What happens if he conducts a random bunk check and finds those?”
Nishimura smirked and your temper flared. “Scared, L/N?”
Your hands balled into fists. “Nishimura, you’re going to stop this right fucking now or I’m going stop it myself.”
Nishmura raised a dark eyebrow. “I look forward to you trying. You do anything to me, and I’ll do much worse to you.”
A frustrated noise escaped you and you opened your mouth to reply, but you were cut off by the soft tread of a boot nearby. Swearing, you shoved Nishimura back through the door, following him quickly and pulling it closed behind you. Soldiers weren’t allowed out of the barracks after hours and you had no doubt you’d be subjected to a punishment worse than extra training if you were caught out fighting with Nishimura after dark.
Nishimura scoffed and turned his back to you, striding back down the hall to your shared bunkroom. You lingered near the door, listening closely for any sound of the person outside. Silence rang in your ears, and as long moments passed, you finally felt yourself relax. You took a steadying breath and leaned heavily against the wall.
Suddenly, the door handle was ripped from your grasp, swinging wide open.
“Going somewhere?” Captain Bakugou smirked down at you, his crimson eyes bright even in the dark. Even a step down, he still stood half a head taller than you, and again the power of his presence rolled over you like a thunderstorm.
You felt your mouth drop open and you scrambled upright. “N-no, Captain! I was just...uh…”
He raised a blonde eyebrow, and the shift of his features distracted you. You were suddenly struck by the ridiculous thought that he was so terribly handsome - or would be if he wasn’t so utterly terrifying. You wondered dumbly why this man was unmarried, shouting after a battalion of guardsmen when he could just as well be tucked up in his marquisate with some count’s pretty daughter.
You doubted he could be so horrible to his fellow noblemen, not if he didn’t want to start an armed conflict, so surely his personality wouldn’t be such a deterrent to the ladies of the court…so why then was he here?
“Sure are taking your sweet time to come up with an excuse, pretty boy,” Bakugou leered down at you. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about two people arguing outside just now, would you? Something about not wanting Captain Bakugou to find out.”
You gaped at him. “S-sir?”
Bakugou leaned down, smirking, his mouth hovering by your ear. This close, you could feel the heat of him, and smell something sweet and smokey. Your brain emptied in a combination of fear and, stupidly, the thrill of a man so close.
“You have five seconds to get back to your bunk, soldier,” he said softly, his breath whispering over the shell of your ear. Your thoughts slammed back into you with a sudden urgency and you scrambled back from him.
“Yes, sir!” you yelped, turning tail and sprinting back to your room. You stumbled over to your bed in the dark, climbing into it with your heart hammering. Your mind raced and you strained your ears to listen for him, wondering wildly if he would follow. He’d overheard your conversation, or part of it. He couldn’t know what you were hiding from him, though, could he? Otherwise he would have followed up on his threats from the mess hall, wouldn't he?
Silence settled over the dorm, however, and you sat there, staring into the dark. The only sound was the puff of your own nervous breaths, and after what seemed like hours, your heartbeat began to slow again. Minutes more and you finally released a sigh, letting your body relax into your sheets. Exhaustion washed over you like a warm wave, and despite yourself, your felt your eyes flutter shut. You turned your head to the pillow, and let yourself be tugged carefully into sleep.
As you finally drifted off, you thought you noted the soft snick of a door closing.
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You left the barracks late the next evening to begin your patrol, glad to see Sero’s friendly face waiting for you in the palace courtyards.
If anything, Nishimura had been more unbearable the day after, hovering over you incessantly and tracking your every movement with a hawkish eye. Similarly, you felt like Bakugou lurked behind every corner, ready to spring closed like a trap over you and Nishimura, a discharge on his lips and an explosion building in his hand. As the day passed, you felt the tension mounting at your temples, and when evening finally rolled around, you were unbearably relieved to finally be separated from Nishimura, both of you assigned to separate patrol routes within the palace.
“Why do you look like this patrol is the happiest moment of your entire life?” Sero wondered as you approached, grinning widely.
You scowled up at him, knocking into his gangly arm. “I can’t be happy to walk the castle with a friend?”
“Aww, we’re friends,” Sero cooed, patting your head condescendingly. “Thanks, little guy.”
You brushed him off. “Ugh, I take it back. Don’t talk to me for the rest of patrol.”
He chuckled, falling into step beside you. His choppy bangs fell over his forehead in dark spikes. “Something on your mind?”
You sighed, fingers picking absently at the end of your sleeves. “Nishimura’s been more awful than ever and Captain Bakugou’s on to us. I think he overheard us arguing outside last night.”
Sero nodded thoughtfully. “He hear anything specific?”
You bit your lip. “I’ve been running the argument over in my head. We didn’t explicitly talk about fighting. I think he just overheard that we didn’t want him finding out,” you let out a heavy breath, “which could be worse…”
Sero gave you a sympathetic look as you rounded the corner into the castle proper. “You’re still here, though, aren’t you? Maybe he’s giving you a final chance.”
You snorted. The day Katsuki Bakugou gave anyone a chance, you would strip naked and announce your gender to him yourself. A snowball had better chances in the inner circles of hell than you did of receiving Bakugou’s mercy.
“He’s probably waiting until he can think of the most painful way to slowly torture a confession out of someone,” you said and Sero winced.
“It was nice knowing you, L/N,” he said. A silence fell over you after that, both of you contemplating your unfortunate fate at the hands of your captain. You trudged companionably through the halls, peering into offices and saluting nobility as you passed them.
You couldn’t help but notice the nobles within the castle looked a different class from Bakugou altogether - their clothes bright and their faces round with good food and easy living. Bakugou, however, seemed to live in well-worn boots and the starched collar of his captain’s uniform, and the angular planes of his face spoke to years of hard training and meticulous service. The only thing that seemed to put him on equal footing with these nobles was his natural aura of incredible command.
You were wondering again what drove him to become the commander of the castle forces when you and Sero peered into a darkened office. The room belonged to the master of coin, and even in the dim light you could see it was lavishly appointed, with a huge oak desk that dominated the center of the room, vaulted ceilings, and ornate gold molding creeping along the walls.
You gave the room a cursory once over, then turned to make your way back to your route, until a quiet rustle disturbed the silence. You halted, grabbing Sero’s lanky arm.
He gave you a wide-eyed look, and you both turned back to the desk. There was a quiet sound, like a careful breath.
“Hello?” Sero said. “Is anyone here?”
Silence pressed down on you.
“Come out and we won’t hurt you,” you tried, feeling your hand sliding over the hilt of your sword.
There was another rustle, and a dark shape materialized from behind the desk. You bit down on a swear.
“Who are you?” Sero asked, but the figure stayed silent, simply standing there.
You unsheathed your sword, wincing at the loud ringing slide of the metal cutting through the ominous silence. “It could be the spy. Get the captain, Sero.”
Sero looked at you nervously. “I’d rather not leave you.”
You brandished your sword. “You’re faster, and we need to take them in. Be quick.”
He regarded you for another moment then took a step back, slipping out of the room. You heard the loud slap of his boots as his pace picked up in the hall, leaving you alone with the figure.
You peered closely at them, noting the way their dark hood fell over their face. It completely covered the figure, revealing no detail except their height and general shape. They were reasonably tall, and you thought they must be a man, judging from their square shoulders and imposing stature.
“Who are you?” you asked again. They stayed silent and still before you.
“Why are you here?” you tried again. They said nothing, but they took a slow step out from behind the desk, the dark fabric of their cloak swishing softly.
You took a step back. “Stay where you are.”
The figure paid you no heed, taking another step toward you. You held your sword out in front of you, feeling your pulse jump in your throat.
Almost faster than you could see, the figure’s cloak moved. There was a flash of something bright red in your vision, and then they were whipping out a sword, striking out at your own blade.
You gasped as the shock of their strike rang up your arm and you pushed them off with all your strength. They took a step back then raised their arm overhead for another blow, coming down on you fast. You parried, ducking out of the way.
You tried to force them onto the back foot but they were just slightly too quick, catching the swipe you aimed at their side. There was a clatter from the hall outside the room, and the figure’s head raised, angling towards the door. They whipped their sword up, slamming into yours with unbearable strength, and knocked you clean to the floor.
You scrambled onto your hands, grasping at your sword to defend yourself, but they were already whirling around, the tails of their cloak snapping the air behind them.
“Stop!” you shouted, but they had already raised themselves onto the desk, leaping onto the sill of the large window behind it, kicking it open and breaking the lock. Then they leapt, disappearing off the ledge into the dark night.
Swift footsteps sounded in the hall and Sero’s gasping breaths came at the doorway.
“L/N!” he said and you whirled around, breathing heavily yourself. A head of unruly blonde hair appeared at Sero’s shoulder, and Bakugou's eyes darted quickly around the room before narrowing in on you.
“The window!” you shouted, gesturing at it. “He knocked me down and jumped out.”
Both their heads whipped up to look at the clattering window panes, the latch hanging loosely from the left side, flapping limply in the breeze. Bakugou crossed to the window, planting a foot up on the desk to push himself onto the ledge and peering outside.
You tried to ignore the way his thighs bunched powerfully in his breeches as he did so. Now was so not the time.
“You okay?” Sero asked kindly, helping you to your feet.
You nodded. “Yes. He didn’t have enough time to hurt me, just pushed me over and ran.”
Bakugou turned back to you, fixing you with an unblinking crimson stare. The hair on your arms stood up at the intensity of his focus. “What did he look like?” he demanded.
You shook your head. “I couldn’t see. He wore a cloak and it covered everything. He was tall, maybe just shorter than you, but that was all I could tell.”
Bakugou’s mouth twisted in a scowl. “How did he move?”
You thought for a moment. “He was faster than me - trained in basics, I think. He used a lot of the standard strikes we go through in drills. And he was notably...violent? He put tons of power into each blow, he was definitely trying to kill.”
You could feel Sero shudder behind you.
Bakugou regarded you impassively, eyes flicking up and down over you. “Every time something happens, it seems like you’re involved, pretty boy. Want to tell me why that is?”
Your heart leapt into your throat. “What? No, I didn’t--! Sero was with me, I--!”
Bakugou leapt down from the desk, prowling over to you. “Not the whole time he wasn’t.”
Your eyes widened. “Captain, no! I didn’t--you think I let him escape?”
Bakugou leaned into your space, his face inches from your own. Your breathing shallowed and you froze up, locked in place as if by some unseen force. His eyes were so, so red, burning into you like hot embers. You felt like he could see straight through you to your skeleton, the ferocity of his focus carving through you like a hot knife through butter.
“You tell me, pretty boy,” he said, so quiet that you could barely hear it, even scant inches from him. It was a disturbing turnaround from his usual violent screaming. “I hear you begging your little heart out to keep me from finding something out and then this happens?”
Your stomach dropped. “Captain, I swear I wouldn’t.”
He smirked. “Or maybe, you’re just so incapable a soldier that you couldn’t help but let him escape. Which is it?”
Anger crashed over you like a river breaking through a dam. “I did my best, sir," you said slowly, meeting his eye. "I didn't choose to let him go.”
Bakugou considered you for a moment, scarlet eyes darting over your face like he was cataloguing your every feature. Finally he drew back from you, pushing you into Sero’s chest.
“Take the shrimp back to the barracks,” he said dismissively, turning back to the room. He scanned over its contents with a keen eye. “I’m done with you.”
Sero saluted, gently taking your elbow. “Come on, L/N,” he said quietly.
You bit your lip and let him steer you towards the door, trying to quell your anger. Before you could exit, however, Bakugou called back over his shoulder.
“Careful what you do next, pretty boy,” he said, the hint of a sneer in his voice. “I’ll be watching you.”
With that, Sero tugged you from the room and you followed him closely back towards the barracks, Bakugou’s threat weighing heavily on your shoulders.
Fucking great.
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art-gelato · 4 years
Twice as Shiny
1. a little worse for wear, practically walking on air
Ratchet bit off a curse halfway. “If that young idiot is hanging his hopes on Starscream, of all mechs, I’ll kill him myself.”
Miko supposed that Ratchet was probably the only one around who could get away with calling Optimus Prime either young or idiot. “What hopes?” she asked. [AO3] [prev]
Miko had been given strict orders to stay out of the med bay ("I mean it, Miko," in that commanding Prime voice), so of course she set about getting in as soon as she was left unsupervised. Her timing was perfect—she approached the door to the converted storage unit just as Ratchet was exiting, and she slipped through the door behind him as he headed towards the other end of the hallway. Inside were a few beeping monitors, and a makeshift stretcher-thing that was too high up for her to see onto properly. She craned her neck, but she could only catch glimpses of a few sharp silver angles and the wings that poked out over the sides.
Undeterred, she clambered up the stretcher, which looked like it used to be some heavy-duty machinery that lifted really big stuff—probably aircraft, if its current use was anything to go by. She reached the platform with little difficulty, and found herself at the occupant's pointy feet. He wasn't moving, and his eyes were closed, and plus his wrists were chained to the rails, so she figured it was safe enough. She half-jogged along the platform until she reached his shoulder, and gave the armor plating there a nudge with the toe of her shoe. When that didn't elicit a response, she kicked him.
There was a low hum of activating machinery, and his eyes slowly opened. The creepy red glow of them was unfocused, though, and his gaze drifted aimlessly around the room before finally settling on her. "You," he croaked, and she wondered what was going on with his voice box to make it sound so crackly. It reminded her of the way Raf sounded after he pulled an all-nighter to finish his extra smart-kid homework.
She didn't like that. It made him seem more like a person.
"Me," she said, hands on her hips. "Got a problem?"
He stretched his jaw back and forth, like he was trying to get used to his own face. "Can't even remember your name," he said eventually. "But I suspect you have a problem with me."
"Duh," Miko replied. "Maybe it has something to do with all the times you've tried to kill me and my friends!"
Starscream sighed, a staticky rush of boredom. "Get in line, sparkling."
"My name is Miko," she said, giving his shoulder another kick. She wished it would leave a dent, and then maybe he'd stop looking at her with that cross between mild annoyance and vague amusement and take her seriously.
"You think I care?" Starscream asked, one side of his mouth twisting up in a mocking smile.
"I think you'd better!" Miko snapped. "Because if you do anything else to hurt my friends, I'm coming for you."
Starscream rolled his eyes. "I'm shaking." He sounded more awake now, and his attention shifted to take in the room properly. "Where's the medic? I'm surprised my new benevolent masters saw fit to allow you in here alone."
Miko crossed her arms. "They know not to underestimate me."
He looked her up and down, which didn't take him long at all. "You snuck in," he said, and his grin was almost genuine. "Nice to see a healthy disregard for authority in the youths, at least."
She burned with rage at the thought of Starscream approving of any of her actions, and she opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind when-
"Miko! What are you doing in here?"
"NothingI'mnothere!" Miko yelped automatically, scrambling for the edge of the stretcher. She tripped on Starscream's wing, but before she could fall, Ratchet's hand was there to catch her. His fingers closed carefully around her, and he carried her out the door and deposited her in the hallway.
"We'll talk later," Ratchet said through gritted teeth, and slammed the door shut.
Miko let out a long groan, then pressed her ear to the door. Ratchet was speaking, sounding way grumpier that usual. She hadn't even known that was possible.
"-a day to make sure the transplant takes. Absolutely no transforming before then, or I'll rip that T-cog right back out of you with my bare servos."
"Charming," Starscream drawled.
"If you want a smooth talker, go back to Knock Out. Optimus will be here soon to get those coordinates from you. No," Ratchet added, apparently cutting off Starscream before the former 'Con could object, "we're not waiting until you're cleared for flight. There's too much at stake. The T-cog will take, I just don't want you to strain it. Ready or not, you're giving us-"
"Miko," said a deep voice far above her.
Miko jerked away from the door and looked up. She hadn't even heard Optimus approaching—he might be twenty tons of solid metal, but the guy was stealthy. He was also very, very good at making her feel guilty when she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. Maybe it was because he didn't actually try to make her feel guilty. He just would be disappointed, but he wouldn't say he was disappointed even though it was written all over his face. Sometimes she wished he would just get mad about stuff, because she knew how to deal with angry people, but he was too nice for that.
"I went in while Ratchet wasn't there," she admitted, so it wouldn't all get drawn out.
Optimus made a contemplative sound, then crouched down so they could talk easier. She liked it when he did that, because she really felt like he was paying attention to her. Not many adults gave her the courtesy. "Starscream shouldn't be disturbed too much right now," he said. "I know you're curious, but he did just have surgery."
"I'm not curious," she said, a little too defensively. "I was making a point."
Optimus gave her a bemused look. "And what point is that?"
Miko punched her palm. "I'll scrap him if he even thinks about double-crossing us."
"I see," Optimus said. "Was he suitably intimidated?"
"No," Miko grumbled, scuffing her shoe on the concrete floor. "But I'll show him."
Optimus reached out and placed a gentle finger on her shoulder. "Starscream is our ally, at least for now," he said. "Perhaps showing him some compassion will be a more effective way to keep him so."
"That creep probably doesn't even know what compassion is," Miko said, crossing her arms.
"All the more reason, in that case," Optimus replied with a small smile that quickly faded. "However, I would prefer it if you stayed away from him."
"Aw, c'mon!" Miko whined. "If he's gonna be here, I'm gonna run into him! What, am I supposed to leave the room if he walks in?"
"Starscream is dangerous, intentionally or otherwise," Optimus said. "He's not used to being around humans, and any of you could get hurt if he isn't careful. And if he is planning to betray us, you children would likely be his first target as the most vulnerable among us."
"If?" Miko echoed back at him, hooking air quotes around the word. "OP, he definitely is. This is Starscream!"
And Optimus… hesitated. He was quiet for a moment, clearly trying to decide how to reply. "Under normal circumstances, I would agree," he said at last. "But as it is, I am certain he no longer feels any loyalty to Megatron. He's on his own side now, and I'm hoping…" Here, he trailed off, his usually steady gaze turning inward.
Miko put her hand on his finger, still resting on her shoulder. "Are you okay, Optimus?"
Optimus closed his eyes and took a deep breath (or vent or whatever it was giant robots did). "My apologies," he said. "I don't want to concern you."
"Hey, no, it's okay!" Miko said, grabbing onto him tighter, with both hands, as he began to pull away. She couldn't actually stop him, but the attempt made him pause nonetheless. "If you wanna talk about something, I'll listen. You have a hard time being vulnerable around the bots, cuz they look up to you and stuff. But you're not my boss, you're my friend. I'll listen." The words fell out of her, quickly, desperately, before she could think about them. He always gave off an aura of distant leadership, even when he was being nice to her. Now, she'd caught a glimpse of something more underneath, something small and sad and almost scared, and she needed to know.
"I- believe that would be unwise," Optimus said, and now he did pull away. Miko's hands felt empty and cold. He must have seen the disappointment on her face, because his own softened. "Miko, the strength of your heart is admirable, but this is not a weight I can lay on it."
Miko clenched her fists. "Gimme- gimme something I can do to help, at least." Because she could see it—he needed help, and the problem wasn't something punchable, or shootable, or even medically fixable. It wasn't something any of the Autobots could help him with, she was sure of it. She wasn't certain she could help either, but she wanted to try.
Inside the med bay, Ratchet and Starscream were arguing, their words muffled but the vitriol coming through loud and clear. Optimus' eyes flicked in the direction of the closed door before returning to Miko. "This is not your war," he murmured. "Perhaps you can see things in another way."
With that, he pushed himself back to his full height, and Miko knew the conversation was over.
She threw her arms out and shouted at him anyway. "What the scrap is that supposed to mean?"
Optimus just gave her a faint smile and opened the door.
"-not a prisoner my aft! Take these chains off me right fragging now, Hatchet!"
"Sit still, you insufferable glitch, I told you-"
"I hate to interrupt," Optimus said, and that shut them both up.
That was one of the many things Miko thought was really cool about Optimus—his ability to just stop people right in their tracks, no matter what they were doing. Often just by showing up. She aspired to have that kind of power someday.
But she knew the start of a boring conversation when she saw one (something something keys, something something coordinates), so she skulked off. Bulkhead would certainly be looking for her by now, anyway. It was almost dinner time, and she had to be home in half an hour or her host family would… worry, or something. Who knew.
Besides, she had some stuff to think about.
The next day was a Saturday, which meant normally Miko would have slept in past eleven. But this Saturday, she woke up with a weird knot of anxiety in her gut around eight and couldn't fall back asleep, so she shot a message into the group chat with Jack and Raf.
u guys up?
Almost immediately, Raf responded. Wow, I'm surprised you're awake.
cant sleep, Miko typed back. i wanna head over to base u in?
Yeah why not, Jack said. My shift isn't until later anyway
Is something going on? Raf asked. I mean, besides the stuff with the Omega Keys.
Miko's thumbs hovered over her phone for a minute before she settled on a reply. idk lets talk on the way
After that, she sent a message to Bulkhead, asking him to pick the three of them up. Then she rolled out of bed and got ready as fast as she could. She pulled her hair into its second ponytail as she crept quietly down the stairs, hoping no one from her host family was around. Luck was on her side as she snagged some breakfast from the kitchen—they tended to sleep in on the weekend as well.
"Oh, hey, hun," said a voice behind her. "You're up early."
Miko's groan was muffled behind a piece of toast. So much for luck being on her side. "Morning, Mrs. Jones," she said, not bothering to swallow her mouthful of bread first. She poured coffee into her travel mug and dumped in a few heaping spoonfuls of sugar. Then she added cream, screwed the cap on the mug, and shook it.
"Big plans for the day?" Mrs. Jones asked.
Miko turned around, looked Mrs. Jones in the eye, and took her time washing down the toast with the coffee. "Yup," she said, popping the 'p'—a neat trick to insert attitude into a simple word that she'd picked up from some of the girls in afterschool detention. "I'll probably be back late."
Mrs. Jones had a tense smile. Miko wasn't sure if it was always like that, or just always like that for Miko. "Hanging out with your friends… James and Roger?"
"Close enough," Miko said, and was saved by the honk of a horn outside. "I gotta go. See you, Mrs. Jones." She brushed past the older woman and hurried out the door.
Sure enough, Bulkhead was waiting by the curb. She was usually last to get picked up if one Autobot was getting all three of them, but when it came to Bulkhead, she had automatic dibs on the passenger seat. When she opened the door, she saw Jack behind the wheel and Raf in the back seat. Both boys gave her a wave.
"Morning, guys!" she said, feeling a sudden surge of energy as she hopped in and deposited her travel mug in the center console. "Okay, so, something super weird happened yesterday."
"Seatbelt," Bulkhead reminded her.
"Weird how?" Jack asked, simultaneously.
Miko huffed and buckled herself in, and Bulkhead began to drive. "So I snuck into the med bay after Screamer got his appendix removed or whatever," she said.
"That's where you were?" Bulkhead exclaimed, then added reproachfully, "I was looking everywhere for you."
"And you didn't look in the one place I was told not to go? C'mon, Bulky, you know me better than that."
"I-" Bulkhead paused. "Yeah, that's on me. Wait, Starscream didn't do anything to you, did he?"
"No, he was just, like, kinda rude," Miko said, flapping a dismissive hand. "The weird thing happened with Optimus, actually. I was listening at the door after Ratchet kicked me out, and Optimus came up and gave me one of his dad lectures about compassion and stuff. That's the boring part. But he seems really convinced that Starscream isn't gonna double-cross us. That's weird, right? Like, double-crossing is what Starscream does."
"Mmph," Bulkhead said. He'd never been particularly good at subtlety. All three kids' full attention was immediately on the steering wheel, Raf even leaning forward through the gap between the front seats.
"Do you know something?" Miko asked.
"N-o," Bulkhead replied, drawing the word out into two uncertain syllables.
Miko drummed her hands on the dashboard. "Yes, you do! What's going on?"
If a Jeep could squirm, that's what Bulkhead would be doing. "I don't know!" he insisted. "Not anything specific!"
"But you know something," Raf said.
"Okay, okay," Bulkhead said, able to weather the worst Decepticon interrogations but caving under the pressure of a few determined juveniles. "I was with Prime when we went to negotiate with Starscream for the keys. Then halfway through, just when Starscream's threatening to go to Megatron out of spite or something, Optimus sends me 'n Smokescreen back to base! I don't know what went down, but after that, Optimus brought Starscream right into the base. Now we can't treat him like a prisoner, but we still have to take turns babysitting him just in case he decides to cause problems despite our deal—which! We don't even know the full terms of! We're getting what we want, but there's no way Starscream only wanted his T-cog replaced. Sure, we're not hunting him for sport either, but there's gotta be more, right? I think he and Prime hashed something out, but for some reason Prime ain't telling!"
The end of his rant was met with a few moments of silence.
"You… really needed to get that off your chest, huh," Jack said eventually.
"Maybe!" Then Bulkhead sighed. "Things have just been weird around base, y'know? It's great- beyond great that we've got this shot at bringing back Cybertron. But having Starscream with us for it feels…" He trailed off, searching for the right word.
"Icky?" Miko suggested.
"Icky," Bulkhead agreed.
Miko took a slow sip of her coffee as she thought. She couldn't bring herself to tell Bulkhead the last thing Optimus had said to her, and she wasn't sure why. Maybe because it had felt like it was just for her. Or—no, that wasn't right. It just wasn't for the other Autobots. That was why he'd said it to her. Because he couldn't say it to anyone else. It had been a moment of… weakness, or something that could be easily perceived as weakness.
But she couldn't figure this out on her own, and Jack and Raf had just as much insight into how Optimus' brain worked as she did.
"Would anyone know what OP is thinking?" she mused aloud.
"Ratchet, maybe," Bulkhead said. "He's known Optimus the longest. Since before the war, before the Primacy, before everything. If anyone's got a clue, it's the doc. He won't talk to us about Optimus, but maybe he'll talk to you."
When they got to base, the Autobots were holding a discussion in the main area. They stood around a stack of crates which the four Omega Keys sat atop, fused into a pyramid shape with a holographic blue orb floating above the point.
"-all the good a map does us," Arcee was saying. "We can plot routes through the wastes as much as we like, but that doesn't change the fact we can't even get there."
Bumblebee chirped something.
"Because using Megatron's spacebridge worked out so well for us last time," Ratchet replied wearily. "We've been over that already."
"They've been at this since before I left to pick you guys up," Bulkhead muttered to the kids. "Talking in circles. I was ready to make up my own excuse to get out of here by the time you texted me."
Smokescreen, separate from the rest of the Autobots, was the first to notice them. He was clearly on Starscream duty, since he and the former 'Con were leaning back against the wall to the right of the entrance. Smokescreen seemed unsure if he was disappointed about being left out of the argument or relieved. Starscream just looked bored.
"Hey!" Smokescreen called out, jerking away from the wall and making half a step towards Bulkhead and the kids before remembering his task. He glanced expectantly over his shoulder at Starscream, who made a big show of rolling his eyes and pushing out of his slouch to follow Smokescreen over to the newcomers. "They're all kinda deep in it," Smokescreen said apologetically.
"It's a wonder you lot ever get anything done," Starscream grumbled. "I've spent the last half-joor reorganizing long-term memories just to break up the monotony."
"If you would like to add your wisdom, Starscream, you are welcome to," Optimus said, his voice cutting easily through everything else. Nearly all the bots in the room jumped in surprise, and Starscream's wings flared upwards.
Then he settled them back to their default position, and slowly turned to face the rest of the Autobots. All of them were glaring at him, with the exception of Optimus. "I doubt my insight would be appreciated," Starscream said.
Arcee scoffed.
"Could you think of a way to access the spacebridge without alerting Megatron?" Optimus asked.
Starscream was quiet for a moment. Miko couldn't see his face, but his hands were clenched behind his back, one wrist caught tightly in his clawed fingers. "No," he said. "And whatever trick you used to sneak around him last time won't work again. He's a fast learner. You'd have to defeat him first to get to the bridge safely—but if you had the means to do that, you'd have done so already. Wouldn't you have?" That last bit felt pointed somehow, but the meaning was lost on Miko.
Optimus, as always, was unfazed. "Any other ideas?"
"Oh, I don't know," Starscream snapped. "I don't suppose you picked up any ancient artifacts that can just magically transform your groundbridge into a spacebridge?"
"The Forge!" Smokescreen blurted. "What about the Forge?"
Now everyone's attention was on Smokescreen, and he grew uncertain when no one said anything. "It could do that… right?"
Starscream tilted his head, turning to look at Smokescreen in an exaggerated motion. "Are you referring to the Forge of Solus Prime?" he asked, incredulity dripping from his tone. "It's real? And you have it?"
Smokescreen opened his mouth, then closed it again.
"Well," Bulkhead said. "I wouldn't say we… have it."
"That would work, though," Arcee said. "Wouldn't it?"
"I don't see why not," Ratchet replied.
Bumblebee let out a string of beeps.
"You just have to get it?" Starscream echoed. "Get it from where?"
The room fell silent.
"Ah," Starscream said, putting the pieces together. He straightened his back, suddenly exuding smooth confidence. "Well, that shouldn't be too hard."
"Oh, yes," Arcee said, cold and acidic. "Stealing a powerful artifact from Megatron will be a walk in the park."
Miko had already begun sidling around to where she could watch the full show, and she could see the shift in Starscream, like he was coming to life. Before, he'd been idling, only physically present because he had nowhere else to be. Miko was intimately familiar with the feeling—it was how she passed most of the time in school.
Now, the thin slash of his smile sharpened with purpose, and a low fire blazed through him, burning away any submissiveness in his posture. Even his eyes seemed to glow a little brighter. "Why not?" he said. "I know the Nemesis inside and out. I know where Megatron hoards his treasures. I know all the past guard shift schedules and I can accurately predict possible future ones. Even after going rogue, I was able to sneak aboard and raid the energon stores without getting caught. And with Hot Shot's favorite toy-" He gestured to Smokescreen. "-I could be in and out like a ghost."
"No way," Arcee said, taking a threatening step towards him. "There's no way we're letting you anywhere near the Nemesis. Especially not with the phase shifter."
"My apologies," Starscream said with false sweetness, mirroring her step forward with one of his own. "I wasn't aware you had another flight frame readily available. The Nemesis, in case you've forgotten, is quite high up."
Smokescreen shuddered. "Extremely high up."
"Arcee is right," Optimus said. "We can't trust you on a mission like this. Not alone."
"Not at all!" Arcee exclaimed with a swift chop of her hand, her glower fixed on Starscream.
Optimus laid a hand on her shoulder. "We have no other way to get aboard. Soundwave would detect the energy spike of a groundbridge. But if Starscream could carry someone-"
"Who?" Arcee said. "Bulkhead? You? I'm the only one small and light enough for him to…" Her eyes widened with realization.
"No!" she and Starscream shouted at the same time. They gave each other appalled looks.
Starscream coughed into his fist, struggling to regain his composure. "I could probably carry the yellow one."
Bumblebee jabbed a finger at Starscream as he chirped something distinctly displeased, his eyes narrowing.
"…carry Bumblebee," Starscream corrected himself through gritted teeth.
"You'll need speed and maneuverability on your side," Optimus said. "The less weight you're carrying, the higher the odds of success."
"Then don't make me carry anyone at all!" Starscream snarled.
Arcee's hands curled into fists. She began to move forward, opening her mouth to retort, only to be stopped when Optimus' grip on her tightened.
"Starscream," Optimus said, his voice somehow both soft and warning. "Compromise." It sounded less like an order and more like a reminder.
Starscream's wings flicked one after the other, as if he were physically trying to shake away his agitation. Then he took a shallow breath and straightened his spine, his hands going behind his back again as his stance became more formal. "Very well," he said, tone and expression carefully neutral. "I understand why I cannot be allowed alone on a high-stakes mission. Logically, Arcee is the best choice for infiltrating the Nemesis with me." His gaze shifted from Optimus to Arcee. "It would be foolish, at this point, to allow personal feelings to stand in the way of the restoration of our home planet."
Arcee's face contorted in fury—Miko felt scorched by her glare just by being in vague proximity to Starscream. Then she closed her eyes, breathing deep. When she reopened her eyes after a couple of moments, the harsh boil of her anger had reduced to a simmer. "Fine," she said, and looked up at Optimus. "Can we talk?"
"Of course," Optimus murmured, and followed her out of the main room.
After the two of them were gone, an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Jack, and Raf were still clustered by the entrance, and the rest of the Autobots were by the Omega Keys. Starscream stood alone between the two groups, looking in the direction Arcee and Optimus had left in with a strange, unreadable expression on his face.
Miko decided to take action. She strode over to Starscream. "Hey, birdbrain," she called out. "You'd better not pull any tricks on Arcee."
Starscream didn't so much as twitch, eyes still fixed on the hallway. "What would you do?" he asked, sounding oddly far away.
This threw Miko for a loop. "Huh?"
He blinked, coming back to himself, and looked down at her. "What would you do?" he repeated irritably. "If it was just you and me. If you had no weapons, no powerful friends at your back. What course of action would you take? How would you, alone, damage me?"
Miko opened her mouth, but her mind was blank. Heat rose to her cheeks.
"Back off, Starscream," Bulkhead said.
Starscream's eyes widened, and he swiveled his head towards Bulkhead. "Are you seriously telling me you've allowed these organics to follow you onto the battlefield multiple times, and never gave them the tools to defend themselves?" he asked, his irritation congealing into outraged disbelief.
"Hey!" Miko said, crossing her arms. "I took out an Insecticon, you know!"
"And just how did you do that?" Starscream said, and Miko knew her answer wouldn't hold up under the weight of his condescension.
"Wheeljack's ship," she mumbled anyway.
"So you can use your surroundings, at least," Starscream said, which wasn't exactly the scathing insult she'd been expecting. "But you won't always be so lucky." Then, to her surprise, he dropped to one knee. At the sudden movement, every Autobot in the room started towards him, and he waved a hand. "Relax, I'm just going to show her something." He crooked a claw at her, beckoning her closer. "The other two should know this as well."
Miko exchanged uncertain glances with Jack and Raf, and then the three of them warily approached. Smokescreen and Bulkhead followed, while the rest hung back and watched.
Starscream traced the tip of a claw down a seam on the outside of his ankle. For a Cybertronian, it was too small to easily access, but Miko figured she could probably stick her arm in there. "Cybertronians vary massively in design, but there are always gaps at the joints, to allow for movement," Starscream explained. "Inside those joints, you will find sensitive wiring, especially in complex areas like this. If you find yourself facing an enemy you can't beat, your goal should be to cause enough of a distraction to facilitate an escape. In that regard, ankle joints should be your prime target. Use a tool, something sharp or hooked, and long enough to get to the circuitry. Just don't actually reach inside, since that would be an excellent way to lose those fleshy little servos of yours."
"You mean hands?" Miko asked.
Starscream ignored her, continuing, "The combination of pain and surprise should be enough to buy you time. If you're lucky, you may even impair your enemy's ability to give chase, albeit mildly. However, when you are so much smaller and weaker than your opponent, every advantage counts, no matter how slight." He rested his forearm on his knee. "After that, run. Not in a straight line—our motion algorithms can easily track you. Keep your movements unpredictable and seek cover. Anything that puts objects between you and your pursuer, preferably something that disguises the direction you're headed in. Find somewhere to hide, and wait for backup."
While Starscream was talking, Raf had ventured even closer to peer through the seam Starscream had indicated, trying to get a better look at circuitry. "Cool," he breathed.
"Was nothing like that ever explained to you?" Starscream asked. The annoyance, which had begun to fade during his lecture, was back full force.
"We've gotten the 'hide and wait for backup' talk a few times," Jack said.
"Unbelievable," Starscream said, aghast. "How did I never manage to kill you?" His tone was weirdly impersonal—a little frustrated, but mostly marveling at what he seemed to view as a massive oversight.
"Well, thank you," Miko said, and realized that she meant it despite his last remark. "For telling us all that."
Starscream gave her a hard look, as if trying to assess her sincerity. When he found her guileless, his eyes flicked away, discomfort crossing his face. "It's about time someone did," he muttered, and pushed himself to his feet.
At that moment, Optimus and Arcee returned, and Starscream stepped away from the kids. Miko turned her attention elsewhere, trying to ignore the fact that she hadn't felt threatened at all while being so close to him. He was a creep and a jerk, and he probably had some sinister reason for giving them potentially life-saving advice. Yeah.
Yet she couldn't help thinking about yesterday. Starscream's voice raspy after waking up. Optimus talking about compassion and war.
Miko shoved her hands in her pockets, stepping over to Jack and bumping shoulders with him. He bumped shoulders back, and she felt a little better.
Arcee still looked furious, but also a lot calmer about it. She clapped, a sharp sound that shot across the room and drew all eyes to her. "Alright, everybody," she said. "Let's plan a heist."
While the bots plotted, Miko totally thrashed the boys at Mario Kart. The three of them were, under normal circumstances, pretty evenly matched at video games. Today, though, Jack kept shooting worried glances at Arcee, and Raf's attention faltered every time Bumblebee spoke. Miko couldn't blame them, because she was anxious, too. She just channeled her anxiety differently. That was, directly into kicking ass at Mario Kart.
Eventually, Jack had to leave. His shift started at 4, and by then the planning was over, so Arcee took him. She looked like she was dying to get out of base anyway. Miko couldn't blame her.
Now, Optimus and Ratchet were looking at something on one of the big screens, and Bulkhead and Bumblebee had joined the remaining kids for TV time. As for the last two mechs in the building…
"You don't have to shadow my every step," Starscream snapped.
"You're pacing," Smokescreen said. "It's making me nervous."
"If you don't leave me be," Starscream said, his wings vibrating with tension, "I'll give you something to be truly nervous about."
"Starscream," Optimus said in reprimand, not even looking away from whatever he was working on.
Starscream let out a low growl, flexing his claws like he was aching to sharpen them on something. "Ratchet," he said, his tone cajoling. "Hasn't it been a day already?"
Miko and Raf watched from over the back of the couch, the monster truck rally on TV forgotten. "What's he mean?" Raf whispered to her.
"Docbot's making him wait a day before he can transform again," Miko whispered back. "Overheard it yesterday."
Ratchet was close enough to the couch to hear the hushed exchange, and he gave Miko a taste of his best glare before he turned it on Starscream. "Not quite," he said.
Starscream responded by taking on a pose that could only be described as 'toadying'—bent slightly at the waist, one hand curled over the other in front of his chest, his wings dipped to a nonthreatening angle. "Surely a couple of, er, hours won't make much of a difference. We need to make sure I'm in top condition for this mission, after all. With such a skilled medic as you, I'm sure I'll be-"
"Alright, alright," Ratchet said, holding up a hand. "Just stop doing- that, and we'll head up top."
Starscream straightened up, a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
"I wanna go," Miko said instantly. The only times she'd seen Starscream or any Decepticon transform was either from far away or while she was worried about her immediate safety. Without the threat of danger, there was no way she was gonna pass up the chance to see a giant robot turn into a fighter jet up close.
"I'd like to, as well," Raf said, apparently having the same thought.
"No," Ratchet said.
To her surprise, Starscream backed them up. "Oh, what's the harm, doctor?" he purred. Miko wondered if he was physically capable of not sounding like he was up to something sneaky at all times.
Ratchet squinted, looking between Starscream and the kids. Miko and Raf smiled at Ratchet, giving him their best puppy dog eyes.
"Fine," Ratchet grumbled, and he extended his hand to the kids. "But I'm gonna hold onto you. Ap-bup-bup!" he added when Miko opened her mouth to complain. "I'm not leaving you anywhere you can get accidentally squished."
Miko groaned, but Raf was already clambering into Ratchet's waiting palm, so she followed.
They took a cargo elevator to the top, which creaked ominously at the weight of two Cybertronians. Ratchet didn't seem worried, though, so Miko tried not to worry either. At one point, she thought she saw Starscream watching her from the corner of his eye.
The ceiling above them opened, and the platform grated to a halt once it was level with the flat rock around it.
"Nice view," Starscream remarked, casting a judgmental eye over the desert expanse. "So this is where your precious base is."
"Don't make us regret letting you in," Ratchet said, and held out a small disc to Starscream. "Optimus tell you about this?"
"Oh. The tracking device." Starscream's lip curled slightly, but he took the disc.
"Put it wherever," Ratchet said. "You can take it off, but we'll know if you do."
Starscream fiddled with it. "And if it gets damaged in the field?"
"Comm us and explain."
"Would you believe me?" Starscream asked.
Ratchet let out a harsh sigh. "Optimus will, at least."
Turning it over one last time in his fingers, Starscream said, "I suppose that's the best I'll get," and slipped it under a ledge in his chest. He cricked his neck, stretched his arms, and walked right up to the cliff's edge.
He inhaled deeply, his wings twitching in anticipation. Then he clicked his heels together and did a neat little about-face, giving the kids a smirk just before he tipped backwards off the edge. He transformed as he fell, and Miko found herself holding her breath as he dropped out of sight.
Engines roared, and Miko couldn't help whooping as he shot straight upwards, so fast the gust of wind he created made her and Raf stumble. Starscream must have heard her, because his wings waggled in what felt like acknowledgement. He kept going up, up, nosecone pointed to the clouds, until she had to shade her eyes to keep watching him. Abruptly, his engines cut out, and he seemed to hang suspended for a moment before toppling backwards again. Miko gripped Ratchet's index finger as Starscream spun around and around, plummeting towards the ground in freefall.
"Relax, kiddo," Ratchet said. "He's just showing off."
Miko couldn't tear her eyes away. How could falling like that be showing off? And then, just when she thought Starscream wasn't going to be able to pull up in time, his engines fired and he righted himself with a quick flick of his wings. He turned freefall into a graceful dive that hooked around the tall mesa that disguised the Autobot base, only half of one wing visible like the fin of a shark as he circled them. Then he was up and away again, doing loops and flips and barrel rolls, all because he could. For the sheer joy of it.
She wondered what that would be like, to have the wind as a friend and gravity as a plaything. She wondered if she could get him to tell her honestly.
"Hey, Ratchet," Miko said, still watching Starscream. "Optimus said something to me yesterday."
"Go on."
"It was after you kicked me out of the med bay. He seemed sad about something, so I asked how I could help, and he said that this isn't my war, and maybe I could see things another way. But then he wouldn't tell me what he meant."
Ratchet bit off a curse halfway. "If that young idiot is hanging his hopes on Starscream, of all mechs, I'll kill him myself."
Miko supposed that Ratchet was probably the only one around who could get away with calling Optimus Prime either young or idiot. "What hopes?" she asked.
Ratchet let out a heavy sigh. "He's got this notion of ending the war without winning or losing. Where both sides come back together to rebuild the world better this time. It's-" He made a frustrated grinding noise. "No one else would think it's possible. I sure don't. But he hopes." His free hand clenched, and he sounded so old and tired as he murmured, "Primus save him, he hopes."
Raf crouched to give Ratchet a comforting pat on the palm, but Miko just kept holding onto his finger, still watching Starscream. She didn't really know what any of that had to do with her or her ability to see things another way, and yet… she had a strange feeling she was starting to kind of understand.
Maybe it was something about the way Starscream cut through the sky. Exuberance radiated off him—there was nothing calculating or scheming in the twirl of his wings, the gunning of his engines. He'd been on the ground for so long, and now he was celebrating flight. She couldn't deny anymore that he was just another person, with his own motives and dreams and history. And if Starscream was a person, what about the rest of the Decepticons? She knew plenty of people did plenty of bad things for plenty of reasons, but she was used to applying that mentality to humans. It required another shift of thinking to apply it to alien robots, especially when she'd been taught by most of the Autobots that Decepticons were just plain bad.
And maybe they were bad people, but Miko was starting to think that maybe it wasn't all that simple. If Optimus thought there was a way to reconcile their differences, maybe… maybe…
Miko didn't know. But she was going to find out.
"Alright, pack it in," Ratchet said into his comm. "That's enough fancy flightwork for today. Save some fuel for your mission."
Starscream veered back towards the mesa, transforming again as he landed. "Killjoy," he said, but he was grinning, exhilarated and sincere. Then he caught himself, and the grin shifted into a haughty sneer.
Miko came to a decision. She wasn't sure if it was the right one, but that had never stopped her before. "Woo!" she crowed, throwing up horns with both hands. "Starscream, that was awesome!"
Starscream gave her a startled look, then quickly composed himself. "Of course," he said, lifting his chin. "I'm the best there is."
But some of the sincerity had returned to his smile, and Miko knew she could do this.
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