#Driveway re-surfacing
dingleshartbeaufoy · 9 months
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— 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞
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hannibal lecter x will graham
rated t - 4.1k words
tags - au, age-re, developing relationship, hannibal loves will, little will, cg hannibal, car rides, stuffed animals
warnings - none!
— will and hannibal speak several months later. they go for a car ride.
(pls read on ao3 if possible 🫀)
[banner by reveriesources]
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Snow crunching beneath his braced snow boots, threatening to pile up to his knees. Rain in the clouds above, slowly creeping over the vast expanse of countryside sky, something wicked rolling in. Two months have passed and it’s mid-October; the humidity has been put to rest and a bitter chill begins to nip at Will’s ears each time he leaves a window open. Somehow, he’s never been more grateful for the cold. Everything seems more silent, more manageable.
His blithe dogs romp around in circles, curling their tails over their backs and tugging at one another’s scruffs. They love the snow like a camellia loves the moon, and he’ll find Winston pulling Buster out of its icy depths when it begins to swallow him whole. That’s Will’s second favorite part of Winter, the pure and unbridled joy from his pack.
The spot of First Favorite Thing About Winter is reserved for the fact that nobody dares to brave the surmounting snow in his driveway, meaning he’s less likely to have his solitude interrupted. Will never bothers to shovel it or to sprinkle snow salt over the pavement, he doesn’t need to; he has a four-wheel drive, and if a matter is pressing enough that it requires a trip to Will’s house, well, then they can simply deal. Which is why he’s surprised to see a familiar Bentley rolling over the white hills without hesitation. A rare and unbidden dedication, given that  it’s completely unnecessary (and poses a disgusting amount of danger to his vehicle).
Will– as he often does– pretends not to notice, even as he feels the warmth of the running machine radiating from the engine several yards away. Rounding his dogs up and ushering them into the house, he feels much more like the cur in this situation. Tail tucked between his legs, silently waiting, waiting, always waiting. After his dogs file into the comfort of his home, he closes the door behind them, and the storm door loudly rattles shut. Behind him, the engine dies and Will feels more weak than usual, as if he was struck by a sudden sickness.
He isn’t afraid; there is nothing to run from, no imminent danger, so why does he feel gooseflesh spread like a plague across his arms, footsteps crunching behind him? They stop at the steps to his porch, and Will turns and faces them in much the same way that a very unstable man mimics the behavior of the sane.
Hannibal’s smile seems genuine, thin and pulling at his lips. The sky is empty and the scene around him has a limited color palette of white, brown, black, and sky blue. Susurrus wind gently whips his hair, threading long fingers through it in a familiar manner. Will has been here before, he feels. He was in Hannibal’s place, though, and it was far hotter. His eyes appear brighter than normal, but perhaps that’s an illusion from the reflecting snow. His wool trench coat threatens to drag against the ice and is already wet at the edges.
“Will,” he greets, “we meet again.” His tone falls just short of sarcastic, and sounds almost ironic, as if Will didn’t expect them to see each other again, but Hannibal certainly, certainly did. 
There was no good reason for Will’s avoidance, really, nor any apparent alarms in it. The only person who asked about his sudden celibacy from Hannibal’s treatment was Beverly, for she was the only person who knew that his and Hannibal’s relationship extended any deeper than the surface. How deep that truly was, Will didn’t know, but not for lack of intelligence; rather comprehension, or his own mental barriers. In any case, Will hadn’t been showing up to his appointments (without warning!) and he was sure Hannibal found that terribly rude.
He grimaces at Hannibal’s address. “What, are we strangers again?” He remarks defensively, sarcastically. As if he’s hurt by something. 
Hannibal’s smile doesn’t falter. “Not unless you want us to be.” He scuffs his boot against the ice. “I wanted to discuss with you the matter of your therapy.” He pauses. “I assumed we were back to a professional relationship again.”
Will shakes his head. “No. No, I don’t think we’ll ever be quite professional.”
Will falls silent, nervously cupping the back of his neck and shuffling on his feet, idly shoving his hands in his pockets, looking around at nothing. Hannibal moves forward onto the step. He’s still looking up at Will, eyes round.
 “May I come in?” He asks, like a vampire from the stories Will’s teachers used to frighten him with.
Will nods and lets his own death enter. “Sure.”
He’s embarrassed by the state of his unusual, one-room home, currently as cramped as his mind is. Books and clothing littered about, strewn on chairs and tables. Drenched sheets thrown off of the mattress, which is surrounded by a moat of dog beds coming in various sizes and colors. Speaking of dogs, various toys and bags of treats bestrew the counter. His makeshift dining table is a nightstand, his couch is two chairs. He barely fiddled with the concept of furniture when he moved in, and preferred to keep to the first floor; he felt safer there. 
Hannibal doesn’t mention it, scanning over the mess only once before resigning himself to silence in lieu of anything he may have wanted to say. Like in his own home, he approaches the coffee table, retrieving a loose novel and running his palm over the cool hardcover. “You haven’t been showing up to your appointments.”
Will chuckles dryly. “Haven’t been showing up much to work, either.”
Hannibal is piqued by this, and turns his head to Will, who has taken his place across the room, back leaned against the countertop. “You’ve paused your investigations?”
“Paused,” Will contemplatively repeats on a shrug. “If there’s anything that needs urgent investigation, I’ll go, but I mostly… avoid the headquarters. I basically work freelance, anyway.” He laughs dryly again. 
Hannibal hums. “Like an artist.”
“Mm. A very, very starving one.”
Hannibal ambles towards his bookshelves that tower over either side of his television, dust accumulating about their pages. He runs his hand over the bumps and ridges over the spines, his other thumb hooked in his pocket. “Do you read often?”
The books lying face-down on every surface imaginable should be enough of an answer. “No,” he lies. “I use them as firewood.” He gestures toward the fireplace, who’s hearth is barren.
Hannibal nods knowingly and turns his back towards Will. “I feel as though there is something you wish to discuss with me.”
“Isn’t there always?” Will deflects.
“Such is life for a man of your stature,” Hannibal says, “but I sense there may be something you are less eager to talk about.”
Now, Hannibal is facing Will, but keeps a lengthy distance between them. “You feel correctly. Knowing that, then, why bring it up?”
Hannibal crosses the room to stand directly before Will, trapping him between himself and the counter. Suddenly, Will is on the defensive, his body reacting to every movement as a threat. He inhales deeply, holding his breath and then letting it out in a pathetic attempt to regulate his body temperature.
“Some things bear discussing,” Hannibal says evenly. “Breaking down barriers of the mind in order to reach a better understanding of oneself. That’s worth the price of confronting a difficult topic, is it not?”
Will slips away from Hannibal’s scrutinizing gaze; if anything were ever to make Will slip again, to fall into whatever that was, he would not let it be this. Not ever again; the heart has no jurisdiction over the mind, none at all, none at all. And Will’s mind is entirely too nonspecific and vast to answer to anybody’s orders. He tells himself this as he crosses the room, several feet away from Hannibal. Nearly bumps into his fishing lures.
“I am not interested in mind games with you,” he says, because he isn’t.
“You’re defensive,” Hannibal says, “both in speech and mind. Too ashamed to be open to conversation, too afraid to be open at all.” A beat of pregnant silence follows, and Hannibal’s gaze flicks from Will to the window just behind him. The sun has only just risen, rubbing its tired eyes, and it occurs to Will that Hannibal is at his home entirely too early for living a full hour away. His eyes return to Will’s. 
“What say we go for a drive?” He offers hopefully. “I find it has a remarkable way of clearing the mind, as if another burden is abandoned with every mile.”
“I’m busy,” Will says flatly, and hopes Hannibal does not ask with what.
 He doesn’t, and instead suggests they go for a night drive. Hannibal would pick him up at 7:30, their usual appointment time. Will’s thoughtless agreement is purely to get Hannibal out of his head, out of his home. He fears, though, that he might have agreed out of a genuine desire; a desire of what exactly is a different question. A desire to be open, or to go on a drive with Hannibal just for the sake of it, like he used to when he was a child.
He severs that line of thought before it can develop, and slips on his coat, figuring he might as well find something to do to pass the time. The thought of reading makes him sick, the thought of eating makes him groan, and the thought of fishing sounds fine, but the last time he went fishing in a vulnerable state it didn’t bode well for him. 
When he relents to his duties and eventually arrives at the headquarters, he finds Beverly standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. Will deposits his bag beside her as he enters, and she trails behind him.
“Will,” she says. “Long time, no see.” Her heeled boots click against the tile and then are muffled by the carpet.
“It’s only been two weeks,” he replies, not sounding half as offended as he was, pulling papers out of his drawer and splaying them on the desktop. Offended wasn’t the proper word. More like chastised.
“Two weeks too many,” Beverly retorts. “You’re always slaving away at crime scenes, and then suddenly you go radio silent? Something’s up, I can tell.”
Students are beginning to file in and find their places among the auditorium seating. Since Will had taken to repeatedly canceling class, many students had taken to repeatedly showing up to his evening classes rather than his morning classes.
Beverly doesn’t know, Will thinks, she can’t possibly know. 
“Is it Hannibal?” She asks. 
But of course, she knew, because she always seemed to know, in such a way that was less otherworldly than Hannibal’s ability but more personal, which was, in turn, far scarier. Will nods complacently and mentally checks out, watching himself and Beverly have a conversation from several miles away, staring at the tops of their heads. Beverly’s speech goes through one ear and out the other as if there’s a filter that turns all sounds muffled and unintelligible. Will turns on a student film about the development of the legal definition of crime and takes a seat in a spare chair in a dimly lit corner. Beverly pulls up a seat beside him.
“You know, I don’t think you’re as good at being vague and enigmatic as everybody else thinks,” she says. She’s sitting backward in her chair, arms folded on the backrest. Far more relaxed than Will. 
“How do you figure that?”
She sits up properly and rests her hands on her thighs. “Well, I remember you missed your appointment with Hannibal several weeks back… and that’s certainly not like you. After that, you were skittish and cranky, and I know it wasn’t anything Jack or Alana did, because I work with them, so…” She gestures vaguely.
“You were doing better before, you know. When you were seeing him.” She stretches the word seeing in a way that makes Will’s skin crawl.
“Stalker,” Will says sarcastically.
Beverly snorts. “Totally. Anyway, you don’t have to go into any sort of great detail about your personal life. I care about you, and if you need anything I’d be happy to help. Just thought I’d let you know I’m aware of all the things you might hope for nobody to notice.”
Will raises a brow. “That’s supposed to comfort me?”
She shrugs. “Not necessarily. You can never hide, not entirely. Take that as you will.”
Beverly says her goodbyes, excusing herself with a curt ‘shit, Jack is calling’ and a promise of later correspondence. She’s hunched over as he hurries out of the room to not interrupt the students’ film; half of them are on their phones and half of them are falling asleep on the heels of their palms. Will would return to his desk in the center of the room if it didn’t make him feel so exposed. It was an easier feeling to deal with when everybody was distracted by your words, not noticing the way you seem to zone out, to trip over your speech. He’s played this film a million times before for a million different classes. It’ll run its course, by which point his students will have already noticed Will is gone.
He stands outside of the bureau, hands trembling, body shaking. This is fine. He’s fine. His watch shows 7:25. He feels a horrible dread, a doom hanging over his head. The sun is setting by now, abandoning him, retracting its tendrils of light. He needs something, but he doesn’t know what it is; it would seem that he always needs something and that something would forever be just out of reach. With tremulous hands he retrieves a loose cigarette from his coat pocket, and twirls it between his fingers– this is fine, he thinks as he lights it and brings it to his lips. I’m fine, I’m doing fine.
The relief is immediate. This is a habit he dropped a long, long time ago, but never truly eradicated; naturally, he’s not an addict in the same way that other people are addicts. Why? He can’t be anything the way other people are. Fundamentally, he is different, and he is a grown man who can do as he pleases and smoke if he wishes but there is a dose of shame that accompanies it. His mouth and throat are pleasantly warm, though, despite the frigid cold cloaking Virginia, and a rush of contentedness washes over him like a wave. He shivers and settles into himself.
He needs something. He needs something. He feels it gnawing at his flesh, or rather, his bone, clambering to escape. He won’t let it in, though; why?
Afraid, comes a thought. You’re afraid, aren’t you?
Will Graham is not simply afraid.
Thousand-dollar tires roll down the ice and stop at the road in front of the long staircase to the bureau entrance. Will snuffs his cigarette on the wall behind him and stuffs it in his pocket, making his way down the steps. The driver’s window rolls down.
Quite a scene, the two are painting. A man is smoking, looking disheveled. Another man in an expensive car pulls up, and the man– as if they had done this before– trots toward him and rests his arm on his hood as they correspond through the window. Will laughs to himself.
“Will,” comes Hannibal’s greeting, more casual this time, paralleling their earlier meeting. “There you are.”
“You were looking for me?”
“You were not at your home, and not at my office. I figured you would be here.” He inhales, and his nose scrunches repugnantly at the thick scent of smoke. No one else would have picked up on that, nobody but Hannibal. “I won’t lie, I was a bit worried.”
“Worried about what?” Will asks. “About whether a grown and trained man can fend for himself anywhere but his home?”
Hannibal chuckles. “You are right about that. Won’t you join me?” He asks, and pats the passenger seat.
It’s ridiculous. This is ridiculous, this whole day has been ridiculous. Hannibal worrying about him, unprecedented, something he's never done before– something nobody has done before, for that matter. Trying to coax out of him a discussion, or an admission that anything happened at all. All Will can think is, what does he gain?
Nevertheless, he rounds the hood of the car and plops into the seat beside Hannibal. The leather is exquisite and smells of– and smells of pine. Will squirms. The sun hangs low in the sky, mixing blue with divine purple and red. Will is tense on all accounts. He wishes he could sink into the seat, but he cannot; oh, he cannot.
His window is rolled down automatically and Hannibal drives leisurely down the parkway, heading West out of Quantico. Will can see the reservoir, the assorted academic buildings in and around the bureau itself, and people walking up and down sidewalks. Will never noticed how beautiful it was this time of year; light dancing on the water, the sky a brilliant watercolor painting. The bureau really, really blemishes that. Cicadas chirping mix in with the sounds of distant bustling streets, and Will has always hated the city.
“How are you feeling, Will?” Hannibal asks, and as Will adjusts himself his foot brushes against a discreetly placed bag on the floorboard. He ignores it.
“Fine,” he lies, and Hannibal doesn’t press him. It’s a strange, nostalgic feeling. He’s sitting, tired, in the passenger seat of a car with an all-black interior. The wind tosses his hair about and he closes his eyes to better feel it on his face. He doesn’t have school tomorrow, his dad didn’t drink today.
“My father used to…” he clears his throat, “take me on rides like this.”
When Hannibal is silent, Will takes it as a cue to continue. “I had night terrors often, in my youth. I was… utterly inconsolable. The only way my father could think to calm me down was to drive me to New Orleans and back.”
“You don’t talk about your father often. Were you two close?”
“Close… Well, sometimes. He drank, but he wasn’t a drunk, and was about as emotionally available as I am, if you can envision that. We’d listen to his music over and over again on the way up. That is, whatever old country was playing at the time, or whatever scratched CD was left in the player.”
“I see. Do you remember those drives fondly?”
“I never got to see the New Orleans skyline, I was asleep before then. I always… I always woke up in my bed,” Will recalls.
“A unique comfort,” muses Hannibal. “Exclusive only to years of our childhood. Or so we believe.”
“What’s childhood good for, anyway?”
“Good for running from, I suppose,” Hannibal jokes, either at Will’s expense or his own. Perhaps both. Either way, Will laughs.
It’s cold. It’s warm. The AC is valiantly combatting the frigid winds and Will clasps his hands in his lap. They merge onto the highway and the smooth hum of the car as it zips down the highway is soothing. Night has faded from a deep blue into black, traces of stars dotting the sky, just barely piercing the light pollution. Against his better judgment, he trusts Hannibal.
“I’m… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do here,” Will confesses, because he doesn’t, feeling out-of-sorts.
“What do you mean?”
“I– you’ve got me at a loss here, Lecter,” he says. “You can’t expect me to be fine with talking about—”
“About what happened?”
“Yeah,” he says. “Why do you even care? What do you gain? How does it affect you? You’re just as capable of ignoring things as the rest of us. You don’t need all the answers in the world.”
“I was included in your experience, too, Will.”
“Right, you were. So if you want me to– to just stop talking to you and stop showing up to therapy and ignore you whenever I see you then I’ll do that. I’ll do that.”
“You’re jumping to conclusions, Will,” Hannibal says calmly, because he knows that Will is aware of how absurd he is acting. “You know I don’t want any of those things. You’re trying to convince me to cut off contact with you so that you don’t have to face yourself, and so I don't have to face you, either. You’re my friend, Will. I am open to whatever it is you may need from me.”
“I urge you to remember that, as a psychiatrist, you are far from the strangest thing I have ever seen, but certainly the most delightful, and the most interesting. That is to say, I am not going to turn my nose up at anything that you reveal to me, whether it be voluntary or not.”
Will curls into himself— all over again, this is far too much; except, it isn’t. It’s cool, Will has already shed his coat, and he feels safe with Hannibal, and he trusts Hannibal, and this has been long since established. He looks at the side of Hannibal’s head, all lines and shadows and sharp and gentle curves. Not comfortable, not content. But safe. He knows nothing bad will happen to him here. He sees it in Hannibal, sees that he wouldn’t let that happen. 
Tears are falling before he has a chance to suppress them. He’s overcome by a strange feeling; social barriers rendered obsolete. Flesh gone tender and mushy.
“I don’t like it.” His voice is little more than an abject whisper. “I want you to stop. I want you to leave me alone.”
“You want me to leave you alone?” Hannibal asks as a police cruiser zips past them. “You want me to drop you off at your house right now and let that be the end of it?”
Will nods aggressively as if he had forced himself to agree, for he didn’t know how to be honest. Hannibal reaches a hand over to his knee and squeezes, caressing his leg with the flat of his thumb.
“I’m afraid that is not going to happen. I know you think you know what’s best for you. I know you think you know what’s best for me. But you do not, and that’s okay.” He passes Will a sidelong glance. “It is okay not to know.”
When Will begins digging his nails into his arms, Hannibal squeezes tighter. “There is a bag on the floorboard. I want you to look at what’s inside.”
Will stares at Hannibal, whose eyes are fixated on the road yet somehow staring through him at the same time.
“Go on. Don’t be shy.”
Will swallows hard and shakily reaches for the bag, placing it in his lap. It’s simple beige paper with golden ribbon handles, and it bulges slightly at the bottom. 
There’s no tissue paper, no anticipation. It feels almost like a gift— nobody is watching him, though, not even Hannibal, who eyes the semi-truck as it chugs on behind them. No performances, no expectations. Is he still Will Graham if he is not performing? Is he any more himself in this car as he is in the bureau, in his own home? He reaches his hand into the bag and is met with a plush fabric that soothes his aching hands. Some sort of polyester or cotton, but it’s outrageously soft. 
A pale gray dog. He holds, as he retracts his hands, a pale gray stuffed animal. 
Pale gray with a white undercoat and striking blue plastic eyes. Its legs are especially weighted, and Will slots his hands under its armpits, feeling it ground him, weigh him to Earth, just as Hannibal did all those months ago. It’s definitely expensive, thoughtful, and something he’d never purchase for himself. 
“Do you like it?” Hannibal asks gently.
And Will folds over, clutches it to his chest, and sobs. Hannibal doesn’t chastise him, doesn’t groan in frustration, only runs his hand back and forth over the surface of his leg. Allows him his right to  hiccup and whimper and cry and doesn’t tell him not to, doesn’t even say a word. Just lets him know he’s there– by God, he's there– and hums a soothing tune. Will doesn’t remember all too well when he grew weary and fell asleep, nor if he ever stopped crying, only the sudden silence of the engine dying, and a warm embrace accompanied by a weight on his chest. When he wakes up in the morning, he’s clutching the plushie while lying in his bed, one of his chairs moved to the foot of the mattress. It’s empty except for a book lying face-down on the cushion.
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starg1rlie · 1 year
"ho, ho, ho!"
childe inwardly cringed as the line in front of him surged forward once more. since he was much taller than his sons, noah and nolan, he got a clear view of the mall's "santa." the corners of his lips twisted downwards into a frown; this santa was inaccurate as any mall santa he'd ever seen. even you would agree with him, if you were here.
he was skinny, for one, so skinny, in fact, that the santa clothes were baggy against his bony frame. the white beard and wig that he wore was also quite obvious (at least to him), and wasn't even put on properly. even the hat looked too big on him, but the kids were eating it up, especially noah and nolan.
"pick me up! pick me up! i wanna see him, i wanna see him!" noah and nolan both attempted at crawling up childe's body to get a better look at santa claus, only ending in them both sliding down. if it weren't for the belt he wore around his waist, they'd probably long tugged down his jeans already.
childe chuckled softly. "be patient." he found himself surprised at how much he repeated this phrase in his household; perhaps you were rubbing off on him more than he originally had thought.
they both pouted at their father before slumping down, poking at the ground while they sulked. soon enough, childe imagined, they'd be wearing their usual bright smiles and be giggling like the little imps they were. they'd probably behave better if you were still around (they often compared you to a vengeful spirit), maybe even stop pretending like they didn't have any bones in their bodies and lean against whatever surface they could.
finally, finally, the torture of waiting was over, and it was their turn. noah and nolan practically launched themselves into the fake santa claus's arms, which caused him to let out a grunt-cough before he re-adjusted his hat and smiled widely for the camera lady.
"okay you two, say cheese!"
"cheese!" they both smiled widely, showing off their great pearly whites as the camera lady clicked away with her camera.
"hey, you mind taking a photo for me?" childe inquired, stepping up to the woman and holding out his phone, which was already opened to the camera app.
"of course. they your sons?" she asked as she accepted the phone. getting down onto one knee to get a better angle at the three.
"yep," childe chuckled, nodding as he shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on the balls of his heels. (please, i can't write balls without cracking a smile, pfft-)
"cute sons. they probably get it from their dad," she said as she handed over the phone.
"actually, they get it more from their mother," childe replied in a hurried tone, already picking up the two of them and exiting past the roped exit.
"hey, daddy?" noah piped up after childe was halfway home.
"yeah, kid?" he said, eyes darting up to the rearview mirror.
"why is it that santa looks different every year we see him?" he asked innocently, and childe nearly swerved off the road.
"uh, well- i think it's because he doesn't watch what he eats?" childe said it more like a question than a statement as he sat up straigther in his seat.
"so sometimes he's fat, and sometimes he's...skinny?" nolan said, looking up from his car seat to meet his father's nervous gaze.
there was no way in hell he could tell them that there was no santa. after years of pretending for his siblings, he knew better than to say that santa didn't exist and that it was really him that gave them presents that read "from: santa". you'd probably murder him in his sleep, or even haunt him for the rest of his life if you ever found out he let it slip.
"yeah, yeah, exactly like that." childe let out a nervous laugh as the car slowly rolled to a stop in the front of their driveway. "now come on, you two have cleaning to do. don't think i forgot about your guys' mess just because it's christmas."
"awwwwww!" nolan and noah both pouted but they obeyed. they both knew that there was no messing with him; they'd already pressed his buttons earlier this afternoon when they decided it was a good idea to draw christmas doodles all over the house's walls with crayola crayons.
"ready to clean?" he said, tossing the both of them two sudsy sponges and bringing a bucket of soapy water next to them.
"ready..." they said in unison, face devoid of their usual joy as they squatted down to scrub away at a rather disturbing-looking drawing of santa claus. they'd both be here all night, no doubt. hopefully their dad would bring them hot cocoa and cookies soon, because their stomachs both rumbled rather loudly, announcing "i am hungry" to their owners.
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azdoine · 6 months
Bright Christmas
Childlike wonder does not persist at standard temperature and pressure. Growing up is the process by which it evaporates, as you convince yourself that it never existed in the first place.
The first snow of winter isn’t beautiful; it’s a nuisance that blocks the driveway.
Your toys never meant anything; they were only answers to craving.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re naughty or nice; only what the world’s coffers hold for you.
Santa Claus isn’t real; there are only lies to children and games grown-ups play.
But there still exists a joy which will never thaw, grace impossibly preserved.
What has Saint Nick brought you for Christmas this year?
Pick two.
A lifetime supply of foundation. Each morning, you receive a random new LEGO set, still fresh in its packaging and wrapped with a little bow. Sets can be delivered which never made it to release, or were created by fans, or are no longer in production, or which never existed at all. But you’ll never receive the same set twice.
All of your LEGO pieces respond directly to the power of your imagination. Even when following an instruction guide, your creations will grow stronger as they’re assembled, so long as you care about what you’re making - bricks snapping together at the joints with unreal precision, toy models that don’t fall apart unless they’re deliberately dismantled, clever assemblies that work as intended.
Used as a channel for your own creativity, the pieces only grow stronger, permitting the construction of impossible objects. A boxy plastic triangle that cuts food and can be cleaned like a metal knife. A LEGO armchair that feels soft and gives way like stuffed leather. Futuristic industrial machinery made out of Technic parts. A magic staff that shoots mighty fireballs from its translucent red core. There are no fundamental limits to the quality and potency of what you can assemble; only what you can convincingly translate from idea to reality.
A letter to eternity, bound within a diary. Simply pressing a point into the surface of its endless pages will see it well with ink or glue or crinkle with embossing, and a stylus hangs from the end of its long bookmark. Nothing committed to this scrapbook can ever be removed, but the strange sheen of its paper grants clarity enough to avoid unforced errors.
By your status as the master of the diary, it grants you knowledge of its contents as if each word was memorized. But its greater power is the preservation of more than memory: all historical information scribed within traces a shadow of the time in which it was still true, pale moments which can be dredged forth and cast as shadows upon the changing now. Victories recorded may be synthesized and re-enacted, wizened performance sustained with the intensity of youth. Entire spaces may eventually be locked in an eternalist present or superposed with their ancient history - the only limit to this power of manifestation is your total will to defy entropy.
Even should every other part of yourself be destroyed, you may choose to linger as a timeless memory within the pages of your diary, suspended and composited in the apex of your life.
A boon companion - or the boon companion, rather. They may be the treasured friend you loved the most, now awakened and quickening, or something new entirely, the toy you never had. In any case, a stuffed animal, a figurine, a doll, a childhood companion brought to life in your arms. In all respects, their personality is compatible with your own, their loyalty assured without the flaws of obedience, their love for you untainted by misunderstandings.
It would be a mistake, too, to regard them as a mere animated object now that they’ve surpassed the circle of representation and become Real. Their forms and powers flow straightforwardly from their nature, simple but overwhelmingly effective in their domains; a teddy bear who commands a healing sleep and an aura of protection against evil, a doll with supernatural beauty and mastery of all things even remotely related to housekeeping.
Though your companion may be a person and take human shape to walk with you in the daylight, they still belong to a different order of life, reproducing through the exchange of love rather than biological DNA. If you and your companion ever both come to love another companion-toy as much as you love one another, then it may become Real too, no lesser than its predecessors.
The root of all brainteasers. Its form shifts wildly and without warning, taking new permutations  on the order of minutes or days - or even sooner, if you should ever solve one of its iterations with time to spare. Twisty puzzles, wire puzzles, puzzle boxes, burr puzzles, puzzle locks, puzzle rings, jigsaws… almost anything tactile enough to hold might pass through your hands, shapes rising and falling in a spiral without limit.
Each time you successfully solve the Hexahedron, it will open your mind to paradoxes and arcana, revealing some quantity of information in a random domain related to the puzzle that preceded it. Lore mastered in this fashion can include procedural skill as well as declarative knowledge, and nothing you learn this way will ever harm you or be forgotten.
The harder a puzzle is and the less time you have in which to solve it, the greater the quantity and quality of useful information you can glean from it; at the highest levels of gnosis, the Hexahedron may even grant you knowledge of functional spells and rituals. There are no fundamental barriers to stop you from sharing this preternatural knowledge with the world at large, but others will struggle to understand what esoterica you effortlessly comprehend.
The fundamental implement. This edutainment kit consists of the materials to introduce you to a profession or hobby in a fun and easy way - an Easy-Bake cooking set, a set of Nerf guns for play-fighting, fake fossils to excavate from National Geographic. But it’s not limited by concession to practicality or lies to children.
As you continue to learn, your resources will only grow, and your tools will only increase in fidelity. Equipment that once was only an imitation will become capable of handling the real thing, diversifying until you have everything you need; handbooks of toy problems will teach you more adroitly than college textbooks ever could, guiding you along a road where each step is, if not easy, then at least as clear as the first one.
Where your skill in your chosen hobby or profession surpasses normal human limits, you may use your tools to wield it with increasing applicability and at increasing scales - a painter who uses art of surpassing beauty to argue, churning pieces out at a breakneck clip, an electrician who wires entire cities, shaping strange coils to channel the flow of traffic within it. There are no fundamental limits to what you can accomplish beyond your ability to learn.
The circle of completion. A basic train table, marble run, or other looping toy set with room to grow. Just as a closed circle implies an interior, so too does your toy circumscribe a place - an otherworld within to which you can open portals to and fro at will. You are the ultimate master of the Ouroboros, and none can gainsay your right to control its circulation and borders.
The interior of the Ouroboros is a macrocosmic reflection of its exterior, a series of closed spaces moving and interlinked in greater cycles. There’s already room enough inside to live there in a pinch, but as you continue to add to its exterior, its interior will grow - each train car or marble either adding a new chamber, or being consumed to increment the scale and magnificence of a chamber that already exists.
Beyond a certain threshold of grandiosity, spaces within the Ouroboros can develop increasingly supernatural qualities: a library train car that gathers cursed tomes, a bathing world that swells with healing waters. There is no fundamental barrier to exploiting these spaces for power in the outside universe, but all advantages are ultimately derived from the use of resources within, albeit renewable ones.
The distinction between man and beast. A few tokens of clothing for the winter and the seasons to come - perhaps socks or a scarf, jeans or jacket. Just wearing it already confers benefits based on its nature as clothing, above and beyond what mere clothes make possible - bolstering your willpower with justified confidence, flattering your body so acutely as to push its physical limits, protecting you from the world like a suit of armor.
With an exertion of will, you can choose to don your gifted clothing more completely, as far removed from an ordinary person wearing clothes as a person wearing clothes is removed from the naked. A masque donned as you move through the world becomes a sword to overturn it, permitting the flowering of aesthetics into power: a biker with a chariot of fire, a streetwear super-hacker, a goth commanding the darkness.
Should you mix your outfits and regularly wear another article of clothing together with this set for a year and a day, you may allow some of this stylistic magic to rub off on it. There’s no limit to the number of enchanted articles you can collect, and if you find something new that feels truer to wear, its potency in your hands will be increased to match.
Whatever your presents, know that they are a blessing true, treasures that shall never be lost or destroyed, only well-loved and shared as you please.
But there is another gift that must be given before winter’s end, and a burden that must be accepted.
Is it yours to carry?
If you know, in your heart of hearts, that duty comes before joy.
Open the mystery box?
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bearbluebooks · 6 months
Chapter 14 Christmas in Velaris
“You sit back and relax, sunshine,” he replied. As she watched the scene unfolding in front of her, she couldn’t help the humming that escaped her mouth. Whenever she was nervous or very happy, her vocal cords would find release in the comfort of song. When she caught herself doing it, she looked at Azriel to gauge his reaction. Some people found it annoying or distracting. When she looked into Azriel’s eyes, she found her own emotion reflected back- the rediscovery of home and all the ease and absolute bliss that accompanied it.
Read Chapter 1 here or Chapter 14 here on AO3
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17th December, 17:12
They stayed in bed all morning, where he held her tightly in his embrace until her stomach growled so loudly, he proclaimed “You need food”, and went out to get pastries from the corner shop. He even remembered her coffee order- vanilla late with sugar.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in pure bliss, as they alternated between lounging on the couch and in bed.
They left Gwyn’s home for an hour to pick up her car. Azriel brought his tools and fixed Betty on the spot. Gwyn couldn’t help but be in awe of the man in front of her. How he rolled up his sleeves and repaired her car with the speed and knowledge of 17 year old Azriel who still worked at Lenny’s garage. And he looked great doing it.
When he offered to cook dinner, she practically yelled “YES” in response.
Not just to taste his excellent cooking, but also to finally see his evil lair.
To her surprise, they didn’t drive into the city towards a penthouse overlooking the city. Instead, he parked the car in a driveway, in front of a gorgeous townhouse next to the Sidra.
But that didn’t really matter, because she hadn’t seen the inside yet.
She had already pictured his place thousands of times- the sleek interior, the mission impossible to find any other color than black, the lack of Christmas decorations. Maybe she would even find a control center with TV screens that had a surveillance feed of every house in Velaris.
With wide eyes and an ever wider smile, she opened the enormous door that revealed all the answers.
What she found was a surprisingly lavish yet cozy space. 
The primary color was still black, but there were paintings, plants, and even a rug? “Did you decorate this yourself?” she asked in equal shock.
“Not what you expected?” he said with a smirk.
“I haven’t seen everything yet,” she challenged with her arms crossed in front of her.
“No secrets here,” he said as he put his arms up in mock defeat.
She did have a secret. One she hung up on his bedroom wardrobe- Christmas lights that glowed in blue, red and green. One preconception was true, and she was determined to grace his home with at least one Christmas light.
As soon as she fixed the problem, she let curiosity guide the way as she opened door after door.
“How big is your house?” she yelled from the upstairs guest room. “Right behind you,” he said with a smile that even reached his hazel eyes. Gwyn practically jumped into the air when she saw him leaning in the doorway when she expected him to still be in the kitchen.
“Big enough,” he said with that same look on his face, as he walked behind her and pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Do you like it?” he asked slightly worried.
“I love it,” she said truthfully.
“I want to show you something,” he said as he pulled her by her hand towards the living room.
When she entered the huge space, her heart skipped a beat. He had filled every empty surface with candles.
The entire space was bathed in warm light as soft jazz music played in the background. He had created such a natural and cozy ambiance, she couldn’t help the warmth spreading through her body.
“Take a seat,” he said as he walked towards the marble counter. “We’re having spaghetti. I hope it’s still your favorite.”
With a smile as bright as the candlelight, she said “I love it.”
As he rolled up his sleeves, his muscular arms were revealed. Before she could stop herself, her hand reached out to touch the obsidian swirls that extended down his arms.
“You didn’t have these before,” she said whilst she thought of all the other things she missed when she was gone. The thought saddened her.
“I’ll show them all if you want,” he replied, as if he could read her mind. And she knew he meant ‘I’ll show you everything you want to know’.
“I can’t wait,” she said in response to both.
“Can I help?”
“You sit back and relax, sunshine,” he replied.
As she watched the scene unfolding in front of her, she couldn’t help the humming that escaped her mouth. Whenever she was nervous or very happy, her vocal cords would find release in the comfort of song.
When she caught herself doing it, she looked at Azriel to gauge his reaction. Some people found it annoying or distracting. When she looked into Azriel’s eyes, she found her own emotion reflected back- the rediscovery of home and all the ease and absolute bliss that accompanied it.
When the pasta boiled, and the sauce simmered. Azriel reached out his scarred hand once again and asked “Care to dance?”
Even when they were younger, dancing was a weekly occurrence. Azriel’s mother taught him how to dance when he was just a little boy. Dancing was one of the few ways he received love, and he had shared it with Gwyn as soon as he taught her how to dance too.
When she placed her smaller hand in his much larger one, he pulled her into his chest in one powerful motion. A small gasp escaped her mouth at the sudden strength of the action. “Increase the volume”, he instructed as he placed her hand on his left shoulder. His other hand moved to the small of her back whilst she rested her head on his hard chest.
When he connected their hands again, he guided them towards the empty space in the living room, where she let him spin her around the rest of the night.
The joyful tunes of jazz music played in the background, as faint smells of pasta dominated the air. Candlelight softly illuminated Azriel’s handsome face, as she listened to his heartbeat underneath her ear, she felt it beat to the same rhythm as hers and she couldn’t help but think this was all she ever needed in life.
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missriyochuchi · 1 year
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It was a matter of time before one of our neighbors pushed back. On the left is the note I leave on cars parked next to our driveway, and on the right is a note written on the back of one of my notes and left in our mailbox today.
I’m literally sick to my stomach. I absolutely do not like the idea of being on bad terms with any of our neighbors when we are so outnumbered (us 2 Asian ladies against 4 offending households) and vulnerable (1 of us is disabled). This neighbor in particular scares me the most because I’ve seen their preteen daughter in a thin blue line sweater 😱🤮 and so can only assume that they lean right wing and are not friendly to brown and/or disabled people (which I know is a problematic assumption but it is a red county). Not to mention their note mirrors mine not just in structure - they signed with their address like I did - but tone, a little anger under the surface. They left their number but not their names.
Mom is ready to throw hands 💀 I passed anger quickly and am now stewing in the deep end of fear and anxiety. The safest route is to ignore the note; assume ignorance, not malice; and stop putting notes on cars lol I started doing it for a few reasons: (1) Idk how long cars parked next to our driveway will be there, and Mom’s schedule changes constantly; (2) I can’t assume cars parked next to our driveway are even from our block (I had to knock on every door once and it was not pretty); and (3) I can’t wait around to talk to each offending driver in person when it happens at all hours of the day, especially at night. I get it, it’s a public road where anyone can legally park anywhere, but that’s exactly why I ask(ed)! The best I could get out of our town’s traffic safety committee was the yellow handicap signs at both ends of our block, but it’s not sufficient.
Was I out of line? Am I wrong to ask for space just in case? Never mind the giant puddle that forms at the end of our driveway whenever it rains and that’s too wide and deep for Mom’s wheelchair to cross. Even on dry days, a double parked bus will, has, and does block traffic. Is it wrong to try to avoid that scenario? We could call them, explain that “as long as no one blocks (y)our driveway” is not sufficient when one is in a wheelchair and will always need to access a ramp to travel, but we’ve clearly passed the preventative stage and seem to be welcome only when the problem is already happening. Maybe I should re-up the blue handicap sign discussion with the traffic safety committee. What’s the path of least violence?
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canadianasphalt050 · 6 days
How to Reseal a Driveway, a DIY Project That Will Boost Curb Appeal?
The curb appeal of your house will definitely increase if you know how to reseal a driveway. Unattractive cracks and potholes are a sign of significant wear and tear after severe weather damages your property. Fortunately, there's a simple solution that you can do by yourself. Your driveway will look brand-new and last longer with a fresh layer of asphalt applied. Go no farther than this detailed instruction if you think you can handle the challenge; we'll lead you through each step! We assure you that almost anyone can complete this method without any prior DIY experience. It's that simple.
Step 1: Resealing a driveway Make sure there won't be any rain for at least a week and that the temperature will remain above 60 degrees Fahrenheit by checking the weather forecast before you begin. Regretfully, you will have to restart your project if it rains a lot while you are working on it.
Step 2: Power wash driveway
To remove any remaining debris, power-wash the driveway's whole surface while moving back and forth. Let it air dry entirely.
Step 3: Patch any holes or fractures. Put on those rubber boots after you've scrubbed your driveway's surface, and get ready to get a little filthy. It's time to get the sealing process underway.
Step 4: Move moist asphalt around your driveway's edge. Use the long-handle, soft-bristle brush to push the wet asphalt down the driveway's edges and along the driveway's bottom, where it meets the garage (if you have one), to provide you with a visual cue of when to stop spreading the asphalt. In order to prevent the asphalt from staining any other surfaces, this will provide you with a visual guide of where to stop spreading the asphalt as you cover the remaining portion of the driveway.
Step 5: Add asphalt to the driveway. After drawing a boundary around the top and sides of your driveway, apply an even layer of asphalt to the remaining area. Working with sections of two to three liters of sealant at a time is recommended because it dries quickly. To disperse the asphalt equally, use a push-pull method with the squeegee. Repeatedly go over each section will ensure that all of the driveway's surface has an even layer of asphalt and that any visible cracks have been filled in.
Step 7: Lay out an asphalt border Re-use the bristle brush once you've reached the end of the driveway. Where the top of your driveway ends and the walkway begins is where you should draw another border here. Once more, you want to ensure that the asphalt covers the entire surface equally by using a push-pull technique. Additionally, you want to prevent any leftovers from dripping into the sidewalk.
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stonenaturalf · 14 days
Enhancing Curb Appeal and Longevity: The Ultimate Guide to Driveway Resurfacing
Introduction: Your driveway is more than just a functional part of your property; it's a crucial element of your home's curb appeal and overall value. Over time, wear and tear can diminish its appearance and functionality, but fear not—driveway resurfacing offers a cost-effective solution to breathe new life into your driveway. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the ins and outs of driveway resurfacing, exploring its benefits, methods, costs, and maintenance tips.
Understanding Driveway Resurfacing: Driveway resurfacing is a process of applying a new layer of material over an existing driveway surface to repair damage, improve aesthetics, and enhance durability. It's a popular choice for homeowners looking to revitalize their driveways without the expense of complete replacement. Resurfacing can be done on various driveway materials, including concrete, asphalt, gravel, and pavers.
Benefits of Driveway Resurfacing:
Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to full replacement, resurfacing is significantly more budget-friendly, making it an attractive option for homeowners on a tight budget.
Enhances Curb Appeal: A freshly resurfaced driveway can instantly boost the curb appeal of your property, increasing its attractiveness to potential buyers if you decide to sell.
Extends Lifespan: Resurfacing reinforces the structural integrity of your driveway, helping it withstand heavy traffic and weather conditions, thereby extending its lifespan.
Improves Safety: Cracks, potholes, and uneven surfaces can pose safety hazards. Resurfacing smooths out imperfections, creating a safer environment for vehicles and pedestrians alike.
Customization Options: Resurfacing allows you to choose from a variety of materials, colors, and finishes, giving you the flexibility to customize your driveway to match your home's aesthetic.
Methods of Driveway Resurfacing:
Asphalt Overlay: This method involves applying a new layer of asphalt over the existing driveway surface. It's a popular choice for asphalt driveways that have minor cracks and surface damage.
Concrete Resurfacing: Concrete driveways can be resurfaced by applying a thin layer of new concrete or a specialized overlay. This method is ideal for addressing surface imperfections and discoloration.
Gravel Resurfacing: Gravel driveways can be refreshed by adding a new layer of gravel to replenish lost material and improve aesthetics. Grading may also be necessary to ensure proper drainage.
Paver Restoration: For driveways paved with interlocking pavers, resurfacing involves resetting and replacing damaged pavers, re-sanding the joints, and applying a sealer to enhance longevity and appearance.
Cost Considerations: The cost of driveway resurfacing varies depending on several factors, including the size of the driveway, the material used, the extent of repairs needed, and labor costs. On average, homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $2 to $10 per square foot for resurfacing. Asphalt overlay tends to be on the lower end of the price spectrum, while concrete resurfacing and paver restoration may cost more due to the materials and labor involved.
Maintenance Tips:
Regular Cleaning: Keep your resurfaced driveway clean by regularly sweeping away debris and washing it with a mild detergent and water.
Seal Coating: Apply a sealant every few years to protect the surface from moisture, UV rays, and chemicals, which can cause damage and deterioration.
Prompt Repairs: Address any cracks or potholes promptly to prevent them from worsening and compromising the integrity of the driveway.
Avoid Heavy Loads: Minimize heavy vehicle traffic and avoid parking heavy machinery or equipment on the driveway to prevent surface damage.
Conclusion: Driveway resurfacing offers a cost-effective way to rejuvenate your driveway, enhance your home's curb appeal, and prolong its lifespan. By understanding the benefits, methods, costs, and maintenance tips outlined in this guide, you can make informed decisions to ensure your driveway remains a beautiful and functional asset to your property for years to come.
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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Stunning Interlock Landscape Design in Barrie
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Creating an interlock landscape design is an excellent way to enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your outdoor space. Interlock landscape features are not only visually appealing but also durable and low-maintenance. Here are essential steps to creating a stunning interlock landscape design:
Begin by assessing the area where you want to install the interlocking pavers. Consider the shape, size, and purpose of the space. Sketch a detailed plan that includes dimensions, patterns, and the placement of features like walkways, patios, and driveways. This planning phase ensures that your interlock landscape will be both functional and aesthetically pleasing, tailored to your specific needs and preferences.
Choose high-quality interlock landscaping pavers that match your design vision and withstand local weather conditions. There are various materials available, such as concrete, brick, and natural stone, each offering different colors, textures, and durability levels. Ensure that the pavers you select complement your home’s exterior and the surrounding environment, creating a cohesive interlock landscape design.
The third step is to prepare the site for installation. This involves marking the area according to your plan, removing any existing grass or debris, and ensuring a proper slope for drainage. Excavating the soil to the required depth and laying a base of gravel or crushed stone is essential for a stable foundation. Compacting the base thoroughly ensures that your interlock landscape will remain level and prevent any future settling or shifting of the pavers.
Installing the Pavers
Begin by laying the pavers according to your chosen pattern, ensuring tight placement to minimize gaps. Use a mallet to tap the pavers into place, and periodically check for levelness. Once all pavers are laid, spread sand over the surface and sweep it into the joints to lock the pavers in place. This step ensures a solid and interconnected interlock landscape.
Finally, finishing touches can significantly enhance your interlock landscape. Add edge restraints to prevent pavers from shifting, and consider incorporating backyard landscaping elements such as plants, lighting, and water features to add character and functionality. Regular maintenance, including sweeping and occasional re-sanding, will keep your interlock landscape looking pristine for years to come.
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acleanhousewashing · 29 days
House Washing - An Investment in Curb Appeal and Longevity
House washing is more than a beauty improvement, it’s an investment in the longevity and curb appeal of your home. Regular cleaning protects surfaces, prevents deterioration, and keeps costly repairs at bay.
Dirt, mildew, algae and mould eat away at surfaces, diminishing curb appeal and shortening the lifespan of exterior materials. This spore-bearing buildup also cracks siding, damages windows and landscaping, and irritates the respiratory systems of family members. To know more about House Washing Ipswich, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.
Clean surfaces make for great curb appeal, which increases your property’s value if you plan to sell it. Aside from the aesthetic value, cleaning the outside of your home will help remove harmful germs that can trigger allergies. This is especially important if you have kids and pets at home. Hiring bond cleaners in Ipswich to pressure wash your exterior surfaces will also help fresh paints stick efficiently to the surface and prevent them from flaking or peeling off.
Ipswich’s warm weather creates the ideal habitat for spore-bearing bacteria that cause those unsightly dark streaks on siding (Gloeocapsa Magma). These organisms not only compromise curb appeal, but they can crack your roof, damage windows and destroy landscaping. Regular cleaning eliminates these contaminants and slows their future re-growth.
Unlike DIY high-pressure washers, our professional soft washing service uses low to moderate water PSI levels and a range of specialised detergents and algaecides that are tailored to each surface type and dirt. This ensures a thorough clean without damaging your surfaces or surrounding landscaping.
Mould spores, mildew and airborne pollutants can lead to respiratory illnesses, which is why regular cleaning is important. This also keeps your family safe and extends the life of your exterior surfaces.
Dirty surfaces are breeding grounds for airborne organisms that compromise curb appeal and deteriorate the condition of your home’s surfaces. Regular cleaning with a soft wash method eliminates these organisms and restores the beauty of your property’s exterior surfaces.
While it’s possible to rent a pressure washer and attempt DIY house washing, using the wrong water PSI levels can damage your home’s surfaces. Blasting water at high pressures can blast away plaster and rendering, etch concrete, crack window frames, and discolour paving and painted surfaces like your fences. This is why it’s important to enlist the services of a professional house washing Ipswich company that understands that different surface materials require varying PSI levels and chemical solutions for optimal cleaning outcomes. For example, mouldy concrete driveways may require higher water PSI levels to remove ingrained pollutants, while painted fences necessitate lower PSI pressures to avoid damage.
The appearance of your house, roof, driveway, and other exterior surfaces is a major part of curb appeal and can add as much as 10 percent to your home’s value. Regular cleaning helps protect the condition of these surfaces, avoiding deterioration and costly repairs over time.
Ipswich weather creates an ideal habitat for spore-bearing bacteria, which cause those dark streaks on your home’s siding. These streaks not only ruin your home’s curb appeal, but they can crack your siding, damage windows, and destroy landscaping.
While some homeowners try to clean these surfaces with a DIY pressure washer, there are risks associated with doing so. High water pressures can damage brick walls, erode asphalt and concrete, and crack windows and doors. Professionals use varying water pressure ratios and cleaners to safely remove ingrained pollutants without damaging surface materials. They also know how to avoid slippery or wet surfaces that can lead to injuries and accidents. This keeps your family safe while ensuring your home’s surfaces remain clean and healthy.
Ipswich’s warm climate creates the perfect habitat for spore-bearing bacteria that result in those unsightly dark streaks running down your siding (Gloeocapsa Magma). They compromise curb appeal, damage surface conditions and can lead to premature siding replacement. Regular cleaning by a house washing specialist eliminates these contaminants and slows future re-growth.
A clean, attractive home gives a great first impression to visitors and increases your property’s value. It also protects your family’s health by eliminating mould spores, mildew and other harmful organisms that can cause breathing problems. To know more about House Washing Ipswich, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.
High-pressure cleaning, or power washing, uses water at varying pressures to safely remove ingrained dirt. Different surface materials require a specific ratio of chemicals to pressure to avoid damaging them. DIY high-pressure cleaners often use inappropriate water pressures that can damage brick walls, erode asphalt and concrete surfaces, crack window frames and discolour paved areas. Professional soft wash services use low to moderate water pressure levels and a variety of specialised detergents and algaecides to clean your property without damaging surfaces or landscaping.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 2 months
The Best Way to Repair Asphalt
What material are you using for parking lots, roads, driveways, and various other surfaces? Asphalt! It is smooth black when fresh, long-lasting, and reasonably priced. But with time, exposure to the environment and frequent vehicle traffic can still cause even the best asphalt to age.
Any asphalt surface will eventually develop cracks, pits, potholes, and collapsing edges. Every one of these represents a degeneration. Breakdown and deterioration are revved by the harsh Australian climate, which includes heat, sun, and even intense downpours.
Understanding appropriate asphalt repair and maintenance strategies is crucial for both businesses and households. Asphalt can be made to last longer before more costly resurfacing or replacement is needed by detecting and filling holes or cracks early on.
Of course, not all asphalt damage is created equal. Smaller cracks and potholes are relatively straightforward for a motivated DIYer to patch up as a temporary repair job. But once the damage becomes more widespread, it's wise to call in professional asphalt repair Central Coast contractors with the equipment and expertise to do it right.
The Proper Way to Fix Cracks, Potholes and Other Minor Asphalt Damage
For minor hairline cracks, use a pourable crack filler product from your local hardware store. It comes in a caulking tube and contains a rubberised material that you simply squirt directly into the crack. These fillers remain flexible, so they can expand and contract along with the asphalt as temperatures change without re-cracking.
Larger cracks up to around 1/2 inch wide require a thicker crack filler material that comes as a dry powder mix. Mix it with water to form a paste-like compound that can be firmly packed into the crack using a putty knife or similar tool. This type of filler hardens and cures to create a permanent bond adhering the crack together.
For bigger asphalt issues like potholes or extremely wide gaps, first thoroughly clean out the damaged area, removing any loose debris, vegetation growth, or compromised existing asphalt until you have a sound base to adhere to.
Next, apply an asphalt tack coat around the interior perimeter using an industrial-grade tacking material. This helps the new patch material properly bond to the existing asphalt surface once it cures. Wait until the tack coat is no longer wet and tacky before proceeding.
Larger repairs often use hot mix asphalt rather than cold patch mix for the patching material. Hot mix asphalt provides better density, compaction, and bonding.
Pack the patching material firmly into the pothole or crack using a tamper, slightly overfilling to allow for compaction under traffic. As much as possible, try to smooth and integrate the top surface with the surrounding asphalt.
To ensure that the patched area dries completely and hardens for optimal strength, avoid driving over it for at least one week.
Of course, that covers asphalt patching and repairs on a relatively small scale. So, for roads and larger projects, read the following…
Patching Asphalt Roads
Although mending potholes and cracks in asphalt driveways and parking lots are covered in the following steps, the procedure is comparable to fixing damage on larger asphalt road surfaces. There are, nevertheless, a few more things to think about and safety measures to follow.
For one, safety is paramount when working on active roadways. You'll need proper signage, cones, barricades and other traffic control measures to clearly mark off the work area and protect the repair crew from passing vehicles. Having a designated flagger to control traffic flow is also critical.
The cleaning and preparation of the repair area are essentially the same: remove any loose material, vegetation overgrowth, or severely deteriorated existing asphalt until you have a solid base to adhere to the new patch. An asphalt tack coat should then be applied around the perimeter.
For the patching material itself, most road crews use a hot mix of asphalt rather than the cold patch mixes recommended for small residential jobs. The hot mix provides better density, compaction and bonding to the existing asphalt.
It gets delivered hot from an asphalt plant and has to be quickly transferred to the pothole or trench using shovels or a paving machine. Rakes and lutes are then used to level and smooth it before compacting it with a road roller.
Depending on the extent of the repair, different compaction methods may be required - from vibratory rollers for larger patches to just a hand tamper for smaller potholes.
Proper compaction is key to maximising the density and longevity of the asphalt patch on a high-traffic road surface. The crew must meticulously roll until no more visible deformation occurs.
Once fully compacted, the repair can be opened back up to traffic right away. However, larger trenches or patches may benefit from a specialised asphalt roller truck to achieve optimum compaction.
Know When to Call in the Pros
Going the DIY route for basic asphalt crack and pothole repairs can save money versus hiring a pro, as long as the damage is relatively minor and contained. The step-by-step methods outlined above will allow you to properly patch and extend the lifespan of your asphalt driveway or parking lot.
However, there's a point when the deterioration becomes too large for a DIY project. Widespread alligatoring, ravelling, crumbling edges, sunken areas, and large potholes are signs that it's time to call in an experienced asphalt repair Central Coast company like Whitleah Asphalt.
Attempting to patch a severely compromised asphalt surface is throwing good money after bad. It will continue degrading until you end up having to resurface or replace it anyway completely. At that stage, you're better off having it done professionally from the start.
The trained crews from an established paving contractor can properly repair and resurface any asphalt area to restore a smooth, uniform, long-lasting finish. From parking lots to sports courts, roads, driveways and more.
So practice preventative maintenance with DIY patching for minor damages. But when aging asphalt surfaces are nearing the end of their life, contact Whitleah Asphalt. With their expertise, your asphalt will look new again!
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waterproofingmelb · 2 months
Renew and Revitalise-The Best Tile Re Grouting Services in Melbourne
Being a top Melbourne-based bespoke building and tile re grouting services, they are proud of our inventiveness, skill, and commitment to designing remarkable locations. With their exceptional architectural ideas, they hope to change the skyline of Melbourne and provide our clients with experiences and lives rather than simply renovations. We think that a project's success starts with your concept and doesn't conclude with a finished structure.
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Getting Outstanding Outcomes with No Hassle Cleaning
Professionals who specialise in tile and grout cleaning in Melbourne use cleaning agents that are suitable for the kind and state of your tiles. Additionally, the experts will have powerful cleaning equipment to fully clean the grout and tiles. These characteristics guarantee that you get excellent results from only one tile and grout cleaning session. Your tiles will seem incredibly fresh and clean.
The main benefit of using a cleaning service that is experienced is that you won't have to spend time cleaning. To guarantee that you get the best results after cleaning, all you need to do is unwind while the experts take care of the cleaning and drying. They work closely with those they serve to comprehend their specific objectives and goals before providing them with creative design concepts and tailored solutions.
Melbourne High-Powered Cleaning for Tile Sealing and Cleaning
Tile cleaning and sealing is the best option to safely prevent future staining and deterioration while also thoroughly cleaning your tiles if they have lost their sheen and are not showing their original colour, you have recently installed new tiles, or your previous sealer is fading away.
Sanitising tiles and grout is necessary to destroy all types of bacteria and germs. Grout is full of bacteria and germs that can sicken your family and trigger allergies.
It is a great technique to clean outside areas including pavements and driveways. It efficiently cleans concrete patios, walkways, and roads of dirt, oil stains, moss, and other impurities. You can lessen the hazards connected with slick surfaces and get rid of ugly stains by using a pressure washer. This method works very well for cleaning outside tiles, pavers, concrete, and brick.
Source - https://waterproofingmelb.blogspot.com/2024/04/renew-and-revitalise-best-tile-re.html
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tarpavingcivils · 2 months
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Paver Installation: Key Steps for a Seamless Transformation
Transforming your outdoor space with pavers is an excellent way to enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality. Whether you're aiming to install a new patio, driveway, or walkway, pavers offer a durable and versatile solution that can withstand the elements and heavy foot traffic. Here's a comprehensive guide to paver installation, outlining the key steps for a seamless transformation of your outdoor space.
 Planning Your Project
1. Design and Layout:
   Begin with a clear plan for your paver installation project. Consider the area's purpose, whether it's for a patio, walkway, or driveway, and decide on the paver material—be it concrete, brick, or stone. Use graph paper to sketch a scaled drawing of the area and experiment with different layouts. Ensure adequate drainage by sloping the installation away from structures, aiming for at least 1/8" per linear foot.
2. Utility Checks:
   Before any excavation, contact your local utilities company to mark any underground cables or pipes. This is a crucial safety step to prevent damage to utility lines and avoid potential hazards.
 Preparing the Site
1. Excavation:
   Remove any existing surface material and dig to the required depth, typically around 7-9 inches, to accommodate the base material, sand, and pavers. Ensure the excavated area has a consistent slope for drainage.
2. Base Material:
   Lay a compacted gravel base, usually 4-6 inches thick, to provide a stable foundation for the pavers. This layer also aids in drainage and helps prevent paver movement over time.
Regular maintenance is key to preserving the beauty and integrity of your paver installation. Sweep regularly to remove debris, rinse occasionally with water, and re-sand the joints as needed to prevent weed growth and maintain stability.
By following these key steps, you can ensure a successful paver installation that will last for years to come. Remember, patience and attention to detail are essential for achieving a professional-looking finish that will transform your outdoor space into a stunning and functional area.
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Turn Up Concrete Construction Benefits
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Turn up concrete building is a rather recent innovation for developing industrial frameworks. Turn up construction utilizes concrete put horizontally instead of up and down, with the pieces raised or slanted into position using cranes and other heavy devices. This method can be quite budget-friendly for big industrial centers, roughly those above 50,000 square feet.
Concrete tilt up construction (likewise called tilt-slab or tilt-wall) obtains its name from the vital horizontal-to-vertical building facet. Wall surfaces, columns, and panels are created, put, and treated relaxing as opposed to the common standing upright, and the surface area upon while they exist is either the new framework's slab flooring already put or a short-term casting surface.
Though the kind measurements for each and every component have to be precise, their precise positioning is unnecessary, as elements are placed into area after drying and treating. We would now like to explore the details of the process.
The first thing that has to be done is to create up and put the concrete spreading pad, which could be the completed flooring for the structure or an impromptu piece that won't be permanent. One need to allow the pad to treat thoroughly prior to proceeding to forming the structural components.
The measurements for the wall, column, and panel types are identical to those used for vertical puts; they are just laid level on the casting pad. This strategy has a couple advantages: embedding rebar grids and insulation is easier than when done up and down, and it is simpler to develop up the doors and window openings too. Hence, the whole architectural design is possibly recognized in one fell swoop.
Types are frequently made from premium plywood, dimensional lumber, or fiberboard; periodically steel or light weight aluminum is utilized. Besides being made use of to define door and window openings, forms provide backing for shapes that obtain molded into the concrete. One can also embed studs or add-on plates into the kind, hence helping with indoor building and construction.
A large concern with this method is stopping the concrete elements from bonding to the casting pad. (Otherwise, one has to go to the expenditure of demolishing and re-pouring the elements.) Specialists usually spray chemically responsive bond breakers onto the type surface areas. If rebar grids are used, they tend to be the last action prior to putting.
The grids are taken care of into area by means of plastic spacers, similar to the prep work provided for pouring driveways. Lastly, the forms are full of concrete and permitted to heal. Tilt up techniques are often compared and contrasted with the prefabrication of architectural frameworks. The former is always done onsite, even when casting pads are used, whereas prefab happens offsite at a specially geared up facility.
Another distinction is that premade materials are normally steel, and the frames are transferred to the last area. Proprietors and service providers occasionally evaluate the pros and cons of selecting one strategy or the various other. If adaptability is essential, prefabrication becomes attractive; if totally onsite building and construction is extremely important, turn up obtains the nod.
If price is the primary element, structures smaller sized than 50,000 square feet favor prefab, and those larger point to turn up. Size is a factor because tilt up entails a lot of expenses that needs to be recuperated.
The elements are very hefty (over 100 heaps), and the devices required to raise elements right into place are innovative, such as cranes. Plus, the lifting entails a lot of rigging.
A huge advantage of building with concrete is its ability to hold up against compression tons. Most walls are created as load-bearing, and indoor wall surfaces can help with shear tons if beefed up with facing parts that add stiffness.
Floor and roof covering connections are welded or bolted to accessory plates. Success in building large industrial frameworks relies on lots of experience and got expertise. Owners are advised to do lots of research prior to picking a specialist. However, we have actually focused below on things to take into consideration, consisting of tilt up concrete construction benefits.
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jasondiana18 · 3 months
The Surprising Benefits Of Soft Washing For Your Home's Value And Curb Appeal
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Soft roof washing, a gentle cleaning method that utilizes low-pressure water and specialized cleaning solutions, offers a range of surprising benefits for your home's value and curb appeal. While many homeowners are familiar with traditional pressure washing techniques, soft washing provides a safer, more effective alternative for removing dirt, grime, algae, mold, and other contaminants from exterior surfaces. Here's how soft washing can enhance your home's appearance, protect its value, and boost curb appeal:
Preserving Exterior Surfaces: Soft washing is gentle on exterior surfaces such as siding, stucco, brick, concrete, and wood. Unlike pressure washing, which can damage delicate materials and strip away paint or protective coatings, soft washing removes contaminants without causing harm. By preserving the integrity of your home's exterior, soft washing helps extend the lifespan of surfaces and reduces the need for costly repairs or replacements.
Removing Stubborn Stains and Contaminants: Over time, exterior surfaces can accumulate stubborn stains, algae, mold, mildew, and other unsightly contaminants. These issues not only detract from your home's appearance but can also compromise its structural integrity if left untreated. Soft washing effectively removes these contaminants, restoring surfaces to their original condition and revitalizing your home's exterior.
Enhancing Curb Appeal: A clean and well-maintained exterior significantly enhances curb appeal, making your home more attractive to potential buyers and passersby. Soft washing removes dirt, grime, and stains from siding, roofs, driveways, walkways, and other surfaces, instantly improving the overall appearance of your home. Whether you're selling your home or simply want to make a positive impression in your neighborhood, soft washing can help boost curb appeal and increase property value.
Preventing Damage and Deterioration: Algae, mold, and mildew growth not only detract from your home's appearance but can also cause damage and deterioration over time. These contaminants can penetrate surfaces, leading to discoloration, staining, and structural issues if left unchecked. Soft washing not only removes existing growth but also helps prevent future damage by eliminating spores and inhibiting regrowth. By proactively addressing these issues, you can protect your home's value and avoid costly repairs down the line.
Improving Air Quality and Health: Algae, mold, and mildew growth on exterior surfaces not only affect your home's appearance but can also impact indoor air quality and pose health risks to occupants. These contaminants can release airborne spores that contribute to respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems. Soft washing removes these contaminants, improving air quality and creating a healthier environment for you and your family.
Increasing Energy Efficiency: A clean exterior can also contribute to increased energy efficiency and lower utility bills. Dirt, algae, and mold buildup on siding, roofs, and windows can trap heat and moisture, compromising the effectiveness of insulation and increasing heating and cooling costs. Soft washing removes these insulating layers, allowing your home to better regulate temperature and reducing energy consumption.
Extending the Lifespan of Surfaces and Features: Regular softwashing maintenance helps extend the lifespan of exterior surfaces, features, and fixtures. By removing contaminants and preventing damage, soft washing protects surfaces from premature deterioration and decay. Whether it's preserving the color and integrity of siding, preventing roof shingle degradation, or maintaining the condition of outdoor living spaces, soft washing helps ensure that your home's exterior remains in top condition for years to come.
Cost-Effective Maintenance: Soft washing is a cost-effective maintenance solution that offers long-lasting results. Compared to traditional pressure washing, which may require more frequent cleaning and can cause damage to surfaces, soft washing requires less water, fewer cleaning agents, and fewer repeat treatments. This makes soft washing a more sustainable and economical choice for homeowners looking to maintain their home's value and appearance over time.
In conclusion, soft washing offers a range of surprising benefits for your home's value and curb appeal. By preserving exterior surfaces, removing stubborn stains and contaminants, enhancing curb appeal, preventing damage and deterioration, improving air quality and health, increasing energy efficiency, extending the lifespan of surfaces and features, and providing cost-effective maintenance, soft washing helps protect and beautify your home for years to come. Whether you're preparing to sell your home or simply want to maintain its appearance and value, soft washing is a safe, effective, and economical solution for exterior cleaning and maintenance.
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safethaw · 3 months
How Salt Melts Ice: 5 Scientific Facts You Should Know
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Salt has been used for decades to melt ice on driveways and roads, but how exactly does this process work? Understanding the science behind salt's ice-melting abilities is essential, not just for effective snow and ice management, but also for recognizing its environmental and infrastructural impacts. 1. Freezing Point Depression Salt, when applied to ice, lowers the freezing point of water. This phenomenon, known as freezing point depression, means that water needs to be colder than 32°F (0°C) to freeze. This is why salt melt ice is effective in preventing ice formation even in sub-freezing temperatures. However, this effect diminishes in extremely cold temperatures, reducing its effectiveness. 2. Endothermic Reactions The process of salt melting ice is endothermic. When salt (sodium chloride) dissolves in the water (from ice), it breaks into sodium and chloride ions. This dissolution absorbs heat from the surroundings, thus melting the ice. This process is effective but requires a certain amount of heat from the environment, which may not always be sufficient in very cold conditions. 3. Osmosis And Dehydration Osmosis plays a role in how salt melt ice. The salt on the surface of the ice creates a saline solution that has a lower concentration of water molecules compared to the inside of the ice. Water molecules from the ice move towards this saline solution to equalize concentration, effectively dehydrating the ice and causing it to melt. 4. The Re-Freezing Problem While salt effectively melts ice, it can lead to a re-freezing issue under certain conditions. As temperatures drop, particularly at night, the melted water can re-freeze, forming black ice, which is a significant hazard on driveways and roads. This cycle of thawing and re-freezing creates a continuous need for the reapplication of salt, which can be both cumbersome and costly. 5. Environmental And Infrastructure Impact The extensive use of salt for driveways has significant environmental and infrastructural impacts. Salt runoff contaminates soil and water bodies, affecting both plant life and aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, salt accelerates corrosion in metals and damages concrete, leading to increased maintenance and repair costs for infrastructure. Safe Thaw: A Safer Alternative Given these considerations, it's crucial to explore alternatives. Safe Thaw offers a solution that is non-corrosive, chloride-free, and toxin-free. Its unique formula, featuring a patented dual-effect compound of a modified crystalline amide core infused with special glycol admixture and traction agents, ensures long-term effectiveness without the harmful side effects associated with traditional salt-based ice melts. This makes Safe Thaw an ideal option for industrial and residential use, ensuring safety and efficacy. Conclusion While traditional salt melt ice methods are widely used, they come with significant drawbacks. Understanding the scientific facts behind how salt melts ice helps in making informed decisions about ice management. Switching to environmentally friendly alternatives like Safe Thaw not only addresses these concerns but also offers a sustainable approach to dealing with winter's challenges. Read the full article
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