#Driving School in San Diego CA
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
Wyatt (Character Sheet)
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Playlist | Masterlist | Character Info |
⚠️Proceed with caution, Wyatt is a Grade-A asshole⚠️
Here's a lengthy list of his TWs in lieu of a character overview. This is everything you need to know; when I use #cw Wyatt, it encases the following:
Murderer and mock executioner
Slaver (although, in his defense, he did not buy one, his mom willed him one)
Rapist and sexual sadist with a blood kink (hematolagnia)
Misogynist and egotistical predator who objectifies, demonizes, and degrades those he views as lesser (which is damn-near everyone)
Has anger issues and can’t chooses not to control his temper. Exploiter and raging narcissist (has anti-social personality tendencies + probably some other shit but I’m not a psychologist) who victimizes himself in every scenario despite him being the canonical villain in every sense of the word—he would win a gold medal in mental gymnastics.
Mentally, physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. Bully and mean-spirited, humiliates people for fun (especially The Aid).
Drug addict and alcoholic, smokes weed (the only chill thing he does) and cigarettes, chews tobacco, consumes copious amounts of cocaine cut with meth and/or who knows what, and has picked up the habit of consuming Mystic blood (no, he's not a vampire, just a hematolagniac) to get out-of-this-world high he now can’t function without. Uppers > Downers.
Dabbles in cannibalism (a few times, but it does happen, so on the TWs it goes because wtf)
Porn addict
Gambling addict
Absent father
Mommy issues, Daddy issues, was abused and neglected as a child but never processed it healthily and sought help, so now he's just a menace to society and repeating fucked up trauma/abuse cycles (hello generational trauma). Has major beef with his older brother, Waylon, and was horrible to his younger sister, Winny, when they were kids.
Drunk driver (shouldn’t be driving because DUIs)
Owns firearms and weapons but definitely shouldn’t (although everyone does in Apocamerica)
Spoiled rich guy with a complex, doesn't accept "no" as an answer
Pretty much the worst person you'd ever have the misfortune of meeting
All-in-all: bastard-ass, creepy, intimate, sadistic Whumper
Full name: Wyatt Wilder Sullivan (Wy)
Role: main antagonist, Whumper
Date of Birth & sign: April 16, 1975 (56-57), Aries (story takes place in the year 2032)
Gender: cis-male
Sexuality: thinks of himself as just hetero, but falls under general sadism and dominance.
Height: 6'10"
Weight/body type/build: approx. 350lbs (I'm bad at guessing weight, take this with a grain of salt). Giant, solid build. Broad-shouldered, burly, and more heavy-set with a semi-prominent beer gut. In his youth was more brawny and muscular, now is a bit more flabby cause the only work out he’s doing is running to the liquor store, but still maintains a bulky physique.
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Family Members: Sullivan family tree. Has a daughter, Haylee, with ex-wife (how the fuck was this man even ever married is beyond me). Lost visitation rights to see his daughter and blames the Aid for it, but has made no effort to be a better person and reach out. Lives with The Aid in Eleanor's old house.
Left/right handed: right
Fav genre of music & anthem: classic rock, Ramblin' Gamblin' Man by Bob Seger
Occupation: trust-fund nepo baby. Used to be head of logistics security for family business. Now claims to be in finance and an investor (really sir, during the apocalypse?), and self-proclaims himself as a professional gambler and "independent media producer" (makes torture porn for fellow pervs on the internet—again, during the apocalypse no less). Barely graduated high school.
Ethnicity (+ American): Italian, French, Greek, North and West European, English
Hair color & length: ashy brown, silver-striped, cut short, combed to the right to hide his cow lick. Uses pomade. Facial hair: grown-out chevron mustache; rest of face clean shaven but gets 4 o'clock shadow soon after. Usually has stubble since he shaves about once a week. Body hair: moderately hairy with chest hair.
Hygiene: leaves much to be desired. Showers when sober enough to do so—or more so is sober enough to care that he reeks of BO, cigs, and beer, or after he's woken up in a pile of his vomit. Poor oral hygiene from chewing tobacco, drug use, smoking, and alcohol; thinks whiskey counts as mouthwash. Teeth yellowed and crooked with irritated, swollen-looking gums (from drugs and lack of daily care). He’s just a hot mess. The Aid has tried to clean this man up, but Wyatt ain’t having it.
Eye color: wide-set icy blue, downturned, deep sunken eyes under protruding brow.
Skin tone: light, apricot-colored skin with warm, reddish undertones. Face usually red and puffy (substance abuse)
Facial features: wide, triangle-shaped head. Thin-lipped downturned mouth. Prominent, hawkish, and rubescent nose. Arched, bushy eyebrows. Bigger ears with droopy lobes. Broad and heavy chin, slight underbite. From age, substance abuse, and lack of skin care (+ living in a dry climate): frown lines, forehead lines, crow's feet, blush-burned and puffy cheeks from constant flushing
Mannerisms: always scowling and glaring. Sniffling and wiping nose. Clearing throat. Hocking loogies and spitting chew in an old beer can. Scrunches nose with curling upper lip. Pinches bridge of nose. Loud, overly dramatic sighing. Tsks a lot. Grinds teeth. Rubs chin with index finger, rubs forehead with back of hand. Loud, heavy steps when walking. Crosses arms. Sucks teeth. Uses height to initiate others and takes up a lot of space. Constantly smokes cigs and probably has a beer in hand. When loaded and buzzing: jittery manic energy, crazy eyes, random face twitches. Bursts of movement in sporadic jolts, such as slapping or pounding fists on a table/nearest object.
Nervous ticks: nervousness presents more as nervous anger or agitation. Throws things. Grunts. Yells. Curses. Kicks, hits, punches whatever is closest to him (or uses his human punching bag, The Aid). Long car rides with blaring music, reckless driving. Tries to self-soothe by doing lines or watching porn.
Posture: carefree but domineering. He acts like he owns the place wherever he's at.
Style: basic T-shirt, collared cotton shirt with jeans and boots, casual leather oxford shoes (Dr. Martens), plain jackets. Very basic, solid-colored clothing, no fancy patterns or fun colors. Will wear a suit on occasion, but isn’t happy about it.
Health: amazingly, he hasn't had a heart attack (yet). Has had a fair share of overdoses. How is his liver still working? He doesn't take care of himself physically or mentally and should be dead, but he has the durability of a cockroach. Please drop dead
Piercings/tattoos: none
Birthmarks/scars: refer to the scar chart below that totally isn't an autopsy template (shout out to my boy for fucking Wyatt up as much as he has, I'm proud of you bby!)
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Language(s): English
Personality: domineering, addictive, disagreeable, aggressive & argumentative, selfish, short-tempered, reckless, greedy, narcissistic, possessive, cruel, dishonest, grouchy, moody, violent, vulgar, prideful, dismissive, unpredictable, cold, impulsive, over-indulgent, jealous
Vices: addicted to everything he can get his hands on. Hardcore addict, and latest fixation is Mystic Blood cut with coke. Drinks more alcohol than water. Will fight and fuck his way to get what he wants. Will thrash and destroy everything when pissed off, then makes The Aid clean it up and beat him up if he doesn't do it fast enough; likes to wind down with a foot rub and/or full body massage from The Aid (*gag*).
Voice: gravelly with a tinge of teasing sarcasm, it ranges from monotone to raucous and taut. After a night of bruising and boozing, it can sound more strained and raspy/horse. (In my head he sounds something like Thomas Church?)
Smells like: as described from this scrapped excerpt left on the cutting room floor: "On a good day, Wyatt smelt of generically fragranced clean linen laundry detergent, slightly masked by an ever-present light odor of dewy sweat, salted sunflower seeds, and worn-off Old Spice. On a bad day, he reeked of one part odious stress sweat, three parts foul breath—a coalesced stench of alcohol, cigarettes, and beef jerky."
Face claim(s): John Goodman (I'M SORRY JOHN), but specifically these pictures below. Honorary mention, Douglas M. Griffin.
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Character inspiration: Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall (Outlander), Ramsey Bolton (GOT), diabolical combination of Homelander and Billy Butcher (The Boys). Biggest YIKES.
Other: irredeemable POS; please openly hate this man; he's made to be shit on. That being said, as I mentioned many times above, Wyatt struggles with substance abuse, and there are references to drug use in text. But just to be crystal clear, he is not a bad person because he uses substances, and I do not intend to vilify individuals dealing with substance abuse. His purpose aims to illustrate the destructive nature of addiction—the monster it can create—the compounding impact of unaddressed trauma, and the correlation between the two. (I come from a long line of addicts and have lost family members due to overdoses; this is how I’m dealing with it; you don’t need to like how I’m going about it, but I don’t need anyone getting on my ass about it either. I’m working through some shit. To me, Wyatt is the personification of the disease of addiction and how it will drown anyone it comes in contact with.)
While the drugs exacerbate his behavior, it's important to note that he was already struggling with personal issues and has fully embraced his negative traits, and is incredibly self-destructive. Wyatt is a complex character, albeit a deeply flawed one who consistently makes poor choices and is a massive piece of shit. But deep down, he’s a sad, unfulfilled man who got the shit end of the stick and is the byproduct of bad parenting and abuse himself. He is not for the faint of heart; I think his character inspos say all you need to know about the kind of person he is. But still, fuck him.
Cursed mood board
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Honorary tag request: @whumped-by-glitter
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callsign-dexter · 10 months
My Daughter, My Heart Pt. 2
Summary: Jake and Javy are on their deployment and now Elizabeth is alone. Having not been able to stand being alone in Lemoore, CA she moves to San Diego, CA.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x Ex-Girlfriend (OC: Elizabeth Taylor), Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, pregnancy, cursing
My Daughter, My Heart
Prolog Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Javy and Elizabeth stayed on the couch for a few hours. Javy hadn't heard a word from Jake since he sent that text message and he was going to give him an ear full when he got home. Elizabeth cried her eyes out until she couldn't cry any more tears. "Are you sure you don't want me to tell Jake?" Javy asked Elizabeth as he came back to the couch with a cup of tea that he had gone to get her a few moments ago. She shrugged as she took it from his hands.
"I don't know. I mean I'm pissed that he did this to me but he also didn't know. What do you think I should do? Why did he leave?" She asked him. Javy sighed.
"You tell him when you're ready. I can't guarantee it'll stay a secret. We got deployment papers." He said and she nodded.
"If it comes out then it comes out. Just please don't say anything outright. When do you guys leave?" She asked and Javy nodded.
"He leave tomorrow and I leave the day afterwards. You got it, Liz." Javy said and hugged her.
"Thank you, Javy. Please don't leave me too." She said and he shook his head.
"Not going to happen. However, I do need to get going and start packing." Javy said and she nodded and she hated the thought of him leaving but he needed to go. She showed him out with a million thoughts running through her head.
When Jake got into this truck after grabbing his stuff from his and Javy’s office he looked at his phone again. Uneasiness filled his stomach and he just wanted to flip back time and forget what he did. He really did love Elizabeth, hell they were high school sweethearts. He hates breaking her heart but it would be so much worse if he didn't come back from this mission. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and headed to his and Javy’s house. When he arrived Javy’s car was not there and he was thankful for that. Jake turned the engine off and headed inside he figured that he better go ahead and pack and maybe consider staying on base. "Fuck. I made a mistake." Jake said as he was packing for his deployment. He ran a hand down his face but continued to pack. He was almost done packing when he heard Javy’s car pull up and the engine cut off. He sighed and went downstairs as he walked into the door.
"You fucked up." Javy said pointing at him and Jake hung his head.
"I know. How bad?" He asked looking back up at him.
"Bad, Jake. Really bad." Javy said and Jake's heart clenched. He never wanted to cause her pain but yet that is what he did and he'll forever hate himself. "Let's just finish packing and get ready to go." Javy said and Jake nodded and they just that.
Elizabeth didn't know how she could go on with the thought of knowing that she was pregnant with the baby of the man that she still loved. But she is a smart woman and she would figure it out and that is exactly what she told herself as she watched Javy drive off. She took a couple of deep breaths and got ready to cook some supper and head off to bed and start her normal routine without Jake beside her. She turned around and faced the kitchen and looked at it remembering all of the good times that her and Jake had like dancing in the kitchen with music playing in the background while supper is being cooked. The memory brought a smile to her face but it quickly fell when she remembered how she came in and found it bare of his items. She shook her head and started on dinner and thought about what she was going to do now.
Once dinner was ready she got her some food and headed to the couch where she sat and turned on the TV to something completely random. She wasn't really watching the show more like eating and thinking of how this all could have been avoided. Sure they have been through deployments together and of course she was scared that he wouldn't come back but that just made them stronger. So, why was this one so different? Was it because of the length of the deployment? She would never know but for now all she could do was move on and raise this their baby alone. Maybe a new start was a the right option. Before she knew it, it was time for bed and tomorrow would be a different day and maybe she would have somethings figured out. She would be talking to her boss about an transfer to somewhere else. "Why Jake? Why now?" She said into the room wishing he could give her an explanation but he couldn't and that just made her cry as she got ready for bed.
The next morning came quicker than she would have liked but she got up and started her routine. She was going to be making an appointment to see an OB/GYN on her lunch break. As she was in the kitchen making breakfast it hit her that Jake was leaving today and she deiced to give him a call even though she knew that he wouldn't answer. It didn't even ring just went straight to voicemail.
You've reached Jake Seresin. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Hey, Jake. It's me. I hope you have a good deployment and get back safely. I still love you. I just wanted you to know that. Goodbye, Jake.
She ended the voicemail with tears in her eyes and then she stared at her phone thinking about deleting his number or blocking it but decided it against it. She put her phone away and got her stuff and headed into work earlier than usual. She needed to talk to her boss first thing.
When she got into her car she opened the garage and started the engine. She backed out and closed the garage as she started to drive she stopped by the mailbox and grabbed the mail and continued her drive to the base. It was only a 10 minute drive to the base and when she got in there she got on with ease. She's going to hate this drive from now on and this base but is always going to love the school. She parked in an empty spot and killed the engine and got out and headed inside and straight to the main office, thankfully Mr. Saver was in and she knocked on the door and got a faint "Come in." She opened the door and smiled.
"Good morning, Mr. Saver." She said and he looked up and smiled.
"Ah! Miss. Taylor! What can I do for you?" He asked and got up as she sat down in a chair and him on the edge of his desk.
"I need to transfer." She said deciding to come out and say it and he frowned.
"Everything ok?" He asked and she shook her head.
"No. My long-term boyfriend and I broke up yesterday and I found out I was pregnant. I need to get away from this place. Everything reminds me of him." She said and he nodded.
"I'll see what I can do. There is a school in San Diego, CA on the Miramar Navy base looking for another teacher. I can get in touch with them and see about getting you transferred, if you want." He said and she nodded.
"Please. That would be great." She said feeling hopeful.
"It may take a month or two getting everything transferred." He said and again she nodded.
"I'm willing to wait." She said and nodded.
"We're going to miss you." He said and stood and so did she and hugged him. "If you need anything in the mean time or at all please don't hesitate to call, Melissa and I are willing to help and give tips on kids." He said they chuckled and pulled apart. It was true she had grown close to a lot of people and he was one.
"Thank you so much." She said "I won't hesitate to call or ask." She said and he smiled and held the door open for her and she went to her classroom to get the day started.
Lunch time rolled around and she had given up the hope that Jake was going to call her back, it broke her heart. She headed to her appointment that was on base, she was nervous about it but she needed to know for sure and what to do. As she walked in she walked up to the receptionist, who was very nice, and she gave her some papers to fill out as she waited. It was easy to fill them out and she got them done pretty fast. She took the papers up to the desk and gave them back. Then she went back to sit down.
She didn't have to wait long until she was called back. She was nervous and the nurse could sense that. She talked to Elizabeth like she was an old friend and she loved that and it made her nerves ease up. She left her in the room by herself and now she had to wait. 10 minutes rolled by and the doctor came in and smiled at Elizabeth. "Good morning, Miss. Taylor." She said and she smiled.
"Please call me Elizabeth. I get called Miss Taylor all day at school." She said and they both chuckled.
"Alright, Elizabeth. I'm Dr. Olivia. It says here that you think you might be pregnant." She said looking down at the papers and then back up.
"Yes, I took a test yesterday at lunch and it came up positive." She said and Dr. Olivia nodded.
"We'll take some blood samples and do a physical and talk about some medical history. I'll send Nurse Harper in to draw some labs." She said and Elizabeth nodded with a smile and she left not even a minute later Nurse Harper was coming in and introducing herself to Elizabeth and started to draw the labs. It was over before she knew it and that was thanks to Nurse Harper talking to her throughout the process.
"I'll send these off and we'll get them back shortly." She said and Elizabeth nodded and headed off. Everything was quick and done efficiently. 20 minutes later Dr. Olivia was walking back in with a smile.
"I first want to say congratulations, you're about a week pregnant." She said and Elizabeth smiled and tears formed for many different reasons but she always wanted to be a mom especially with Jake but now it was just without Jake. "We'll get along with your physical and then some medical history." She said and Elizabeth nodded and that went by super fast and everything came back good. She didn't have any medical problems with her or her family. When she asked about Jake's she answered with ease, especially since he didn't have any and neither did his family, even though it was painful to talk about him. She left the appointment satisfied and a smile on her face and went back to work.
The rest of the day went without a hitch and when she was packing up Mr. Saver walked in with a smile. "I have some great news." He said as she looked up and she smiled.
"Oh?" She asked
"Yes, you got the transfer. You're going to be transferring in two months." He said and she could've squealed but refrained from it.
"That's great news! Thank you so much!" She said and got up and hugged him and then they pulled apart and he walked out of the room and she finished up her work and headed home.
When she got home she started to pack the things in boxes that she wasn't going to use. She did this all with a smile on her face this was a good thing for her. After taking a break and eating something she sat on the couch and turned on the TV to finish out the night. She found herself rubbing her stomach. "It's just you and me. We'll get through this together." She said finding herself smiling.
There wasn't much contact with Jake and Javy on their deployment at least there wasn't going to be for at least 2 months. Javy was still absolutely furious with Jake. Jake still felt guilty for what he did but in his mind, it was the right thing to do. "How was Elizabeth?" Jake asked as he and Javy sat in the common area of the ship.
"Heartbroken." Javy said looking at Jake as he hung his head and guilt ran through his heart. "She's going through a rough patch and she needed you. You turned your back on her." Javy said and Jake was silent and jaw clenched.
"What the hell does that mean?" Jake asked and Javy looked at him.
"It's not my place to tell." Javy said and got up and left leaving Jake to his thoughts. He knew he fucked up. He didn't have to be reminded of it. Yes, he asked about her but it hurt to even say her name.
2 months flew by quickly and before Elizabeth knew it she was settling into her home. Most of the boxes were unpacked. There was a slight baby bump forming and that made her happy. She had her first prenatal checkup and another medical checkup 3 days before she started her teaching job. Jake had passed her mind every now and then but not much.
She needed to go to the grocery to stock up on some stuff that she needed and that is exactly what she did. She grabbed her keys and plugged in the closest grocery store in her GPS and headed that way. It didn't take long and before she knew it she was parking and walking into the store. Elizabeth grabbed a crate and began her shopping. As she was turning the corner of an isle she bumped into another cart and her hand went to her stomach when it accidentally hit it. "Oh! I'm so sorry." A husky voice said and she looked up to find a tall, handsome, brunette, and blue-eyed man and she swore her heart stopped. "Are you ok?" He asked and that seemed to snap her out of her trance.
"Yea I'm fine." She said with a smile.
"I'm Grant Braxton." He said and held out his hand for her to shake and she did and smiled.
"I'm Elizabeth Taylor." She replied.
"How far along are you?" He asked she pulled a confused face.
"Huh?" She asked
"You protected your stomach only expecting mothers do that." He said and she smiled.
"2 months." She said and he smiled. "How did you know?" She asked.
"I'm a doctor." He replied "What do you do? I haven't seen you around." He asked.
"I actually just moved here. I'm a teacher." She said. They must've talked for what seemed like hours but was really 20 minutes and they really hit it off.
"I would love to take you out some time." He said and her smile grew bigger.
"I would love that." She said and they exchanged phone numbers and then they finished shopping and he walked her to her car. They said goodbye to each other and headed off their own ways. She sat in her car for a minute. She couldn't help but stop smiling. For the first time after Jake broke her heart, she felt happy. This was gonna be good for her and the unborn child.
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zinepavilion · 3 months
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Visit the 2024 @americanlibraryassoc Zine Pavilion in San Diego, CA #ALAAC24, booth 2742 in the Exhibit Hall, to meet zine makers tabling in person THIS Friday, June 28th at 5:30pm -Monday, July 1st at 2pm! See the full list here: https://zinepavilion.tumblr.com/zinemakers
Meet zine maker Sybil “Mouna” Touré / BLSP
Mouna is a Black+Queer+AuDHD artist, musician, and youth librarian. She has a passion for zines, fighting censorship, synthesizing visual media with music, and using art to bring communities together!
As a librarian, Mouna runs programs teaching zine-making to teens, and recently a co-writer/artist of Manga Goes To School, published by ALA Editions.
Mouna is the founder/head of BlackLight Sugar Press, (BLS for short). Shoujo manga, otome games, and idol-singer anime are the driving inspirations for BLS, where Mouna moderates and directs collaborative creative projects such as fanzines, anthologies, music collaborations, and multimedia projects.
Social media:
Mouna: https://bsky.app/profile/mounabat.bsky.social
Blacklight Sugar: https://bsky.app/profile/blacklightsugar.bsky.social
Mouna: https://www.threads.net/@moonbatmouna
Blacklight Sugar: https://www.threads.net/@blacklightsugar
Mouna: moonbatmouna
Blacklight Sugar: https://www.instagram.com/blacklightsugar/
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
Behind the Glass (an NHL x TGM crossover)
San Diego, CA. The newest city to put in for a bid for an NHL expansion team. Why California needed a fourth team, no one really knew, but no one was going to complain either. Especially if it meant that people weren't having to drive up to Los Angeles or Anaheim (or even San Jose) to catch a game.
Enter: The San Diego Tomcats. Named after the retired F-14's and an homage to the Naval Base and Weapons School right there on North Island.
Expansion drafts were never fun for anyone; players leaving their teams, administration trying to make deals, fans losing their favorite players, searching for the best coach... but hockey players aren't the only people who have to relocate. Y/N Champaign, a.k.a Lens, an assistant NHL photojournalist who was working with the Pittsburgh Penguins was asked to move to San Diego to work with the Tomcats. While there, she does the one thing she swore to never do: fall in love with a hockey player.
A story of blood, sweat, tears, ice, cursing, and romance, Behind the Glass follows Lens as she navigates a new team, and new emotions.
The Team
Bradley Bradshaw (C): Center, drafted from Washington Capitals
Rueben Fitch: Left Defense, drafted from Nashville Predators
Mickey Garcia (A): Left Wing, drafted from New York Rangers
Jake Seresin (A): Right Wing, drafted from Dallas Stars
Javy Machado: Right Defense, drafted from Boston Bruins
Robert Floyd: Goalie, drafted from St. Louis Blues
Beau Simpson: General Manager
Soloman Bates: Assistant General Manager
Tom Kazansky: Head Coach
Pete Mitchell: Assistant Coach
Bernie Coleman: goalie coach
Natasha Trace: Athletic Ttrainer
Y/N Champaign: Team Photojournalist
@cassiemitchell and i already are aware of each other writing a hockey fic, we literally talked about it so don't make it a thing to pit us against each other, we're friends. it's pure coincidence that positions are near identical
dm me to join the tag list or fill out the form here, the fic will be 18+ and I WILL be checking bios!
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nwbeerguide · 3 months
Mother Earth Brewing Company & Coronado Brewing Company partner up to release Four Seasons Summer 24 a West Coast IPA.
https://bit.ly/4bbBTGk Vista, CA & Nampa, ID … Mother Earth is teaming up with San Diego’s  Coronado Brewing to release a West-Coast IPA as part of its premier program, The Four Seasons  of Mother Earth.   In keeping with the tradition of a collaboration to break up the series of quarterly big stouts,  Mother Earth kept its ‘24 partnership in Socal when joined by craft cohorts, Coronado Brewing.  The brew celebrates a long-standing relationship between the San Diego breweries.   “Going all the way back to ’09, we sat with Rick (Chapman) at the original Coronado Island  location to pick his brain and gain some insight into the industry, which was, of course, much  different then. Since then both our breweries have been on a similar trajectory and have a lot in  common, so it only made sense to work together on this collab. We don’t work with just anyone – particularly when it comes to the Four Seasons program. Working with Coronado is definitely  an honor and a sign of mutual respect on both sides.”  -Daniel Love, President – Mother Earth Brew Co.  The brewers describe the beer as an “old-school meets new-age” West Coast IPA, and features some newer hops like Elani and Talus which bring a heavy lemon/lime note, along with delicious  ruby red grapefruit, respectively. Simcoe focuses on driving home citrus qualities as well as  some tropical fruit thanks to a new crop that veers away from the piney notes it was known for in  the past. The result is a clean, dry, 7.3% fruit bomb that is sure to impress modern and classic hop heads alike.   Four Seasons Summer ‘24 is available in retailers the week of June 24th on draft and in 16oz cans or via early release at Mother Earth’s three tap rooms on Saturday, June 22nd. Visit Mother  Earth’s website and social feeds for details.   # # #  About Mother Earth  Mother Earth Brew Co. develops hand crafted artisanal ales in year-round, as well as seasonal and specialty offerings. With multi-state as well as  international distribution serviced by breweries in Vista, CA and Nampa, ID; Mother Earth’s award-winning beers help define and maintain the  standard of excellence expected of independent craft brewers. from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3VwuHPb
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airkewld · 1 year
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September 7th 2023 | Cores for Heroes Submission | M. Ford | 1963 Beetle
I served in the USMC from 05-09. I went through boot camp at MCRD San Diego and School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton CA. I was sent to 7th Marines in 29 palms the end of January and February 14th we left for Iraq. I had to learn everything on the go, baptism by fire. My 1st tour was in a town called Husaybah Iraq, on the boarder of Syria, and the Euphrates river. Was a wild west kind of town. My 2nd tour was in a small town called Kubaysah, just outside of Hit Iraq. My journey took me to Baghdad to testify against two bad guys we caught throwing grenades at our patrols. The best part of that trip was swimming in Sadam Hussain's pool, and i have the picture to prove it! My 3rd and last tour was in Karma and NE Fallujah, sadly having to leave my post early I was sent home due to my Dad's untimely passing. Upon arrival back in the States I also lost my great grandmother within two days of being home, grateful I was able to tell her goodbye, wish I could have had that closure with my Dad. My Dad and Uncle Dave brought me up with a love of cars and Racing. My first car was a 69 bug that I drove while in HS and sold it before I joined the USMC. I regret selling it to this day and no pictures remain of it. My favorite past-time was cruising in my 69 bug all over the Columbia River Gorge corridor and county back roads. After moving from Oregon to Texas I decided it was time to build something. So I found a 1963 that I am currently restoring from the ground up. The theme for this bug will be USMC, going to call it the "Teuful Hunden" bug or as most people know it "Devil Dog". It will be painted red, with gold doors and rims, the Marine Corps colors. This build is really helping me find parts of me I left over seas. It's going to be a long build being a disabled veteran and on a budget. I have been ordering all the new body panels first. Was going to order a pro beam with disk brakes and a Freeway flyer with disk brakes from Air kewld but having a chance to win them is really awesome of you guys. Thanks for the opportunity and your time. M. Ford USMC
M. Ford is entered into our Cores for Heroes Program here - https://www.airkewld.com/Cores-for-Heroes-Program-s/2532.htm
To date, we have 12 submissions to win and we have raised $445 dollars of our $10,000 goal.
In our honest opinion, the US Armed Force members, are so under-appreciated. The PRO's are finally in a place to put a plan together that helps everyone that participates, but more importantly, those who served or serving.
Details will slightly change as we get more context, but here's the idea.
I want to give back to those who have fought for our freedoms, regardless of our political beliefs. I didn't fight for my country but my father did and he is fighting PTSD, mental disorders, agent orange, etc., etc. I get to build products for the greatest clients in the world because of it. So, how do I make something happen?
The PRO's need cores. The AirkewldArmy has cores. Within the AirkewldArmy community, reside members of the US Armed Forces that want/need/could use a boost in their life, whether it is financially or upgrades to their favorite VW.
To give some context on our Core Program, the PRO's need certain parts to make our PRObuilt Line of Classic Volkswagen Drive-Train Components. In the past, the PRO's would print out a prepaid shipping label and rebate an order if our client/s sent that core in and it checked out. Payment would be reimbursed to the client, store credit or trade for something else, would take place. With a unique but small twist, a BIG change can make a humongous difference.
If our current or past clients, the AirkewldArmy, sent their cores in, based on a value proposition, the PRO's would give them the opportunity to win two ways. The first, for every $10 in core value, would be one entry on a quarterly drawing to win Airkewld Swag, like work shirts, tee's, hats, stickers and air fresheners, $100 gift cards to Airkewld.com or even a $500 Visa/Airkewld gift card. The second, for every $10 in core value, once the PRO's accrue $10,000 in cores, the PRO's select a Hero, to receive a Complete Airkewld Drive-Train Package or $10,000.00 (Our CEO would fly to them and personally hand them the check), delivered to their door, FREE of charge. Heroes would enter by telling their story, both about their military experience and passion for their Classic Volkswagen.
Airkewld receives usable cores. The AirkewldArmy wins FREE Stuff. Together, the PRO's and the AirkewldArmy show appreciation to someone who deserves better, our Military Heroes.
Who's ready to make a difference today?
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inesosorino · 2 years
— people like to tell you what you're gonna be
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{ ZION MORENO, 21, TRANS WOMAN, SHE/HER } Is that INÉS OSORIO? A JUNIOR originally from SAN DIEGO, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study PRE-LAW on a FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE PRODIGY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
FULL NAME: inés yesenia osorio cruz GENDER IDENTITY & PRONOUNS: trans woman & she/her BIRTHDATE: september 5th, 2001 (virgo sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising) BIRTHPLACE: mérida, mexico NATIONALITY: mexican-american RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: athiest LANGUAGES: spanish (fluent), english (fluent), latin (fluent), can speak the other romance languages conversationally, currently studying cantonese
MORAL ALIGNMENT: true evil neutral MYERS-BRIGGS: estj TEMPERAMENT: melancholic VICES: icy, egotistical, self serving, workaholic, controlling VIRTUES: confident, poised, resourceful, studious, sharp SKILLS: hand sewing, knows how to interpret and use body language, public speaking CHARACTER INSPIRATION: michaela pratt (how to get away with murder), lydia martin (teen wolf), harper spiller (white lotus), spencer hastings (pretty little liars), drea torres (do revenge)
inés is a type a personality through and through. not only is she academically gifted, she’s quick witted, accomplished, capable, and not to mention incredibly humble. it’s hard to let go of a massive ego when you’ve been told all your life how much you’re going to achieve. while such praise may have caused others to burn out, her drive became her super power. no feat was too large for inés osorio to face. it just come from being conceited however, ever since she was a child she has had to fight for the things she wants and she’s carried that spirit with her into adulthood. she’s had to bare her teeth a few times to have her way and she’ll do it again. while that may make her come across as intense and overly zealous when it comes to her studies she believes if you can’t keep up then you can get out of the way. she’s earned her right to be at the table and she won’t apologize for the things she’s had to do to get there. there is more to inés than her over achieving mean girl persona though. she’s introspective and curious and enjoys to have deep conversations. bonus points if you can actually challenge her as she is prone to growing bored rather quickly. in spite of herself the glitz and glamor of the upper class still impress her and it can be charming if she’s caught letting her guard down. still, she has high standards for herself and those she keeps around her so don’t be too shocked if she’s quick to write you off. 
inés's parents had married young after her mother had become pregnant. truth be told their relationship was fresh and they didn't know each other that well but they shared the same dreams and that had to count for something, right? he played piano and wrote songs while she was a singer. and so, ximena and mateo moved their small family to sunny california from mexico. inés was too young to remember their time in their home country but she thinks about the cramped apartment in san diego's downtown more than she would like to. it was fine, at first. mateo worked two jobs to keep the household afloat while ximena took care of the baby. she would come home from school to her mother cooking and sundays after morning mass were full of laughter and music. the osorio household was a place for love and light.
except ximena was never able get past an audition and mateo never caught his big break. after years and years of waiting to be recognized for their talents, reality began to sink in for the couple. tensions rose as ximena refused to work but insisted they sent money to her family in mexico and mateo had to put his foot down as they barely had enough for themselves. the two fought often. they would do their best to have their arguments when inés was asleep but children pick up on more than their parent’s think. eventually they stopped hiding it. the two never left each other and inés always wondered if it was their own way of punishing the other.
when she began school, her teachers noticed how much more excelled in class than her peers. inés had an impressive memory and was incredibly well spoken for a child. her english was far more advanced than any other children her age who learned it as a second language. after her parents made the discovery they were raising a tiny genius, ximena went crazy. she pulled inés out of the public school she had been attending and used the rest of their family’s money to enroll her in a private one on the other side of town without consulting mateo. he was justifiably upset with her new treatment of their only child and ximena told him exactly where to stick it because inés was special and, more importantly, a chance out of this life they were in.
while inés’s parents were initially upset that their prodigal child was more interested in being a girl than kissing one (she would realize a few years later she didn’t mind doing that either though), they were ultimately accepting. her accomplishments in school had brought them so many gifts even if they were still making ends meet. ximena would push inés. if she failed, affection would be withdrawn to show there was no room for anything less than perfection. her daughter was going to be someone whether she wanted to or not. inés didn’t mind. she liked being the best. she liked the power that it gave her and she learned how to harness it. she was just as good as her peers who lived in big mansions— no, she was better. 
mateo left to move back to mexico inés’s sophomore year of high school. he had been talking to a woman his family had found and decided would be a “more suitable” wife and the two developed feelings for each other. ximena didn’t even look at him as he left, but later that night she crawled into bed with her daughter. instead, she focuses all of her time and energy into her daughter. she becomes overtly critical of anything inés did from what she wore to what she ate to who she spent her time with. her study sessions become longer and she signs up for more activities to excel at. there isn’t room for failure or burnout. inés to this day considers ximena to be tough but fair although from an outside perspective her parenting methods are definitely questionable. she stressed how vital it was for inés to succeed and to get a good job so the two of them could have the life “they” deserve.
inés settled into ogden university with ease. not long after her interview she was offered a full ride and she knew she would be a fool to turn it down. the undergraduate program was a walk in the park. she wanted to focus on buffing up her resumé before going to harvard, anyway. befriending greer and her group of friends was an added bonus. it can be hard to tell what inés’s true intentions are but she proved herself to be loyal to the golden girl so it didn’t matter what the rest of them thought. with her dear friend gone, inés stays skeptical as things are most definitely not what they seem. she can’t stop the world from turning though and even if she could she wouldn’t want it to. 
extracurricular activities (oh boy): captain of the rowing team and currently filling in as coxswain, cheerleading team (co captain), undergraduate student council, pre law association, and mock trial.
cw: drugs. the type to say no to a cigarette because smoking is bad for you then immediately do a line of coke.
hates animals!! dogs have too much energy and she’s allergic to cats and she isn’t fond of anything with scales. if she isn’t interacting with something that is bipedal and can talk she’s getting out of there as soon as possible.
it isn’t that inés doesn’t appreciate the arts, it’s more after watching her mother and father’s lives fall apart due to the dream they were chasing she feels contempt for them. she learned from a young age only certain people were allowed to succeed in the field.
she’s the kind of person you would want around during a crisis. inés is very good at remaining calm and talking people down before any hysteria hits. 
was very much a regina george type in high school. prom queen, top of her class, and casually cruel. that hasn’t changed much. 
inés doesn’t actually like rich people but she likes and believes she deserves their lifestyle. after being surrounded by them for much of her life she’s come to the conclusion they’re not very bright and most of the time not worthy of her respect.
wanted connections
playlist (tba)
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aiden-stevens · 1 year
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Full Name: Aiden Philip Stevens
Nicknames: n/a
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male
Age and Birthday: 29 years old, May 2nd
Birth place: San Diego, CA
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
Status: Single
Occupation: Line Cook at Tejas Cantina
Education: GED
Residence: Aurora Bay Drive
Family: Anastasia Galioto, Philip Stevens (deceased)
Time in Aurora Bay: 16 years
Face claim: Thomas Brodie-Sangster
tw: divorce, drugs, child custody, , emotional neglect, stroke/illness, violence, cheating mention, parental loss
Aiden was born an only child in San Diego to an otherwise seemingly happy couple. His father was a land surveyor and his mother a realtor, which mean he never had to want for a thing in his life. This also meant that he had been primarily raised by a nanny in his formative years when their jobs ate up all their time. Attention, of all things, is what he hoped for most, but it was hard to complain to anyone when instead he got every new game console and iPhone as they released.
When Aiden was in fifth grade, it came to light his father was having a emotional affair with a coworker. Although nothing physical had happened between, it was enough to spur a divorce. After the ink on the papers dried and his mother purchased a new home, she took Aiden to Aurora Bay and transferred him to the middle school there.
Moving to a new town meant leaving any of the friends he had behind, and in his new school Aiden quickly became a problem. Halfway through the year he already faced two suspensions from violence and destruction of property, but his mother did very little to rectify his behavior. A slap on the wrist, and some hush hush money later, not even getting into trouble earned him her attention.
Weekends and every other Wednesday he took a bus back to San Diego to spend time with his father once he hit the age of thirteen. There was never an argument on his father's end about not seeing his son, and his mother didn't want to put in the effort of driving back and forth at the time. It was only after he was old enough to travel on his own. Although mentally exhausting, there was no animosity toward his parents, from him or between each other. It's almost as if the marriage had been done long before that the sting of an affair in the making was easy to shake off.
This does not mean Aiden didn't get into his own fair share of trouble through out middle or high school either. Skating by with C's and D's in high school while in trouble for truancy and fighting any other classmates simply looked at him the wrong way. He also had no issues with destroying lockers or breaking beakers in the science lab, so on and so forth. He was known for running his mouth too much which led him to get into many physical altercations, so he learned how to fight to defend himself.
Around his sophomore year in high school, his father suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed. It put an end to his career, Aiden took it upon himself to help take care of him the weekends he went to visit. Became a barback in a local dive bar, but also partnered up with coworkers to distribute and sell marijuana to leave money in his apartment.
Despite his mother's push for him to go to college, all chances were dashed when his math professor in his senior year refused to pass him. He didn't want summer school, and in a reactive rage, Aiden got ahold of a bat from the gymnasium and shattered the wind shield to that teacher's car. Instant expulsion left him the option of taking the G.E.D. which he did, so he settled in working as he had been and helped to support the house and bills for his father. (Note for me because I forget things - Aiden had been held back eighth grade year so he was 19 as a senior).
His mother been distant enough from Aiden she never caught on where his money was going. His father passed right before he turned twenty-two from causes spurred on by the stroke. The loss wasn't horribly difficult to get over. Aiden did grieve for a period of time, became a shut in for a few months at all the resentment for not really truly knowing his father as a person despite doing all he could to financially help, but in the same breath battling with the relief he felt over it.
Currently, he lives rent free with his mother in a house on Aurora Bay Drive, but she's cut him off from her finances. While he lives rent free and has a decent car she bought him for his sixteenth birthday, she's decided Aiden can provide for himself otherwise. Food, hygiene products, clothing, etc. all is on him. Keep his nose clean, stay out of trouble (which he does, for the most part), he quit the drug selling scene and used his restaurant experience to become a line cook. He is going through the motions at this point.
+ Steadfast, resilient
+/- Challenging, unbothered
- Cataclysmic, foul-mouthed
⊹ aiden's best friend is jack daniels. while he can go days without drinking easy, it does have a hold on his life to some degree. he finds it softens the edges of life.
⊹ just like a typical cook in restaurant, he lives off monster energy drinks.
⊹ he is an amateur free runner. nothing extreme - aiden mostly can scale buildings, ledges, and fences with ease. a skill learned mostly to outrun trouble.
⊹ he has a pet guinea pig named J.D. get it? J.D.? jack daniels.
⊹ his favorite brand of cigarettes are filterless lucky strikes.
⊹ aiden loves spending a lot of his free time playing dead space.
⊹ there is a tic-tac-toe match tattooed on his leg from a game he lost against mack montgomery. the loss is forever immortalized, but he loves it.
⊹ chipped his left canine opening a bottle of soy sauce when he was 20 years old but tells people it was from a fist fight.
⊹ images of his home - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I am down for most connects other than end game romantic connections. one, for the fact Aiden is a tough one to earn love from, and two, I like to work on natural chemistry. I also don’t do any sort of pregnancy plots - scares, accidental, etc.
♡ @lucydriscoll - an unlikely friendship formed out of aiden's incessant need to break in the faces of bullies, the day he'd seen lucy being picked on something in him snapped and he came to her aid. it's been the theme of their friendship since, and he watches after her. maybe to the point of being smothering, but it is just habit at this point.
♡ @fionaosmvn - the first time aiden met fiona he'd been sure they wouldn't get alone well. yet, they meshed, and to this day she drags him about with only some reluctance. he won't admit it, but the fight is for show as he eventually relents. he might tell her that he doesn't like her, but in the same breath he'd commit atrocities to anyone who gives her a problem. (not in game currently, but still canon)
♡ @cricketcampbell - unexpectedly, aiden's developed a respect for her. at first, cricket had just been the personal chef his mother hired. a worker to pay no mind to, until he started working as a line cook. then of course he developed a curiosity in her work, and he likes to pick her brain. slyly, of course. he can't be so obvious it's a compliment.
♡ @silascody - ex-boss from when aiden was a runner. being older, silas had been someone aiden looked up to. the absence of any strong male figure in his life made it easy for him to do so, the respect he holds for him insurmountable. he'd admittedly felt a little lost when he stopped dealing, and more so when silas disappeared all those years. he looks at silas as some sort of psuedo-brother.
♡ @phoebekeller - ex from highschool, aiden met phoebe in detention. he may have been ahead of her in grade year, but that didn't mean anything. for whatever reason she saw something in him at the time, and God Aiden couldn't have been more grateful for a light to come into his life at the time. one that he regrettably snuffed out in just a few years when he decided to isolate. he knows she didn't deserve to be treated in such a way, and to this day he feels guilty over it and does hold onto some hope they can maybe, at some point, rebuild a friendship of sorts.
♡ @priyaxdesai - ex-customer from his high school years, aiden wouldn't exactly label her as a friend. simply a client and a familiar face who sought out his house to escape the suffocating routine of her parents' expectations. though without that job in motion anymore, as well as her disappearing from aurora bay, he's fallen off from her life. that's not to say he is itching to find out where she's gone, or what she's been up to.
♡ @mackmontgomery - mack is the equivalent to a weighted security blanket around aiden. for someone who couldn't give a rat's ass about anyone's opinion on him, the fact that aiden feels one hundred percent comfortable around mack means more than he'd ever verbally admit. that being said, aiden will do anything to preserve that.
♡ @ambivalenceshefelt - nikki's golden retriever energy doesn't always match well with the extreme feral possum energy of aiden's but he does think she is a sweetheart. he will answer her late night calls for food when she asks, assuming he's up to make the drive, and he can empathize with her on the topic of her mother setting expectations on her. bleh.
♡ @sagexwilliams - aiden likes to give sage shit just for the sake of it. he thinks she is bossy and demanding at work, but outside of it, he finds her amusing. so he's begun the meticulous process of peeling back her layers to figure out more about her. slowly, as he doesn't want to appear too eager.
♡ @katexharmon - aiden thinks kate is pretty, like how razor blades and sharp city outlines and brightly color poisonous plants are pretty. dangerous, and fun. he finds himself by her side when he's bored and itching to get up to no good, and destroying shit at the junkyard has become one of his favorite cathartic activities.
♡ @noralevin - hanging out under the bleachers, climbing up restricted fire escapes, getting high in the custodial closets of the school — all memories aiden can look back on fondly. that being said, when nora returned back to aurora bay, that old flame reawakened, and he hits her up with no question. he's glad she hasn't tried to shake him, because he's holding onto that nostalgic feeling with a white-knuckled grip.
♡ @atticus-cortes - after a disagreement over some classmate on atticus's sports team (involving loss of their player due to drug use from narcotics aiden provided), he and aiden had at it in the hallway. atticus landed an admittedly solid swing to aiden's face, but that didn't keep him from persisting in that brawl. feelings were left at mildly tolerant at best, until they both ended up working at the All Nighter in their young twenties. apparently, getting stoned and making weird snacks with the ingredients on hand was enough to mend their relationship.
♡ @astridlius - aiden would kick it with astrid during school hours, hang out under the bleachers and hide in custodial closets. he liked her, he really did. until he learned that his vandalism hadn't been found out by chance, and she'd been the one to tell the faculty he smashed his math teacher's windshield. he'd been angry then, and he's angry to this day, and blames his expulsion on her.
♡ @summersabella - if you ask aiden, he's not sure why his first instinct when he saw summer was to push her over before riding off on his bike, but it's spun off into a lifelong rivalry of sorts. oddly enough, there is no bad blood, but it's tradition, or whatever, so he keeps at it where he can. there's plenty of times she catches him off guard, and it keeps that spark alive.
⊹ pinterest
⊹ inspo
⊹ playlist about aiden
⊹ aiden's personal playlist.
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Modern Living Spaces
If you're looking for three-bedroom apartments in La Mesa, visit Array La Mesa. It offers a range of living options including lofts, studios, one, two, and three-bedroom apartments to suit various preferences. Each apartment features amenities like step-in showers with relaxing rainfall showerheads, USB charging stations, and smart lock technology for convenience and security. Central heating and air conditioning ensure comfort year-round. Select units include spacious patios or balconies, perfect for enjoying the outdoors. Array La Mesa provides modern living spaces with thoughtful details that enhance everyday life in La Mesa, California. Whether you need a cozy studio or a spacious three-bedroom apartment, Array La Mesa aims to exceed expectations with quality amenities and comfortable living spaces.
The Economy of La Mesa, California
La Mesa has a healthy and growing economy, making it a great place to live and work. The town has many small businesses, shops, and restaurants that help keep it lively. There are also bigger stores and shopping centers where people can find almost anything they need. La Mesa’s location near San Diego means many residents work in the city and enjoy living in a quieter town. The local government supports businesses with various programs, making it a good place to start a company. Schools, hospitals, and public services also provide many jobs. The town’s regular community events and festivals also attract visitors, boosting local businesses.
Harry Griffen Park in La Mesa, CA
Harry Griffen Park is a wonderful park in La Mesa, California, where people of all ages can have fun. It has playgrounds with slides, swings, and climbing structures for kids to enjoy. There are open fields for playing sports like soccer or flying kites. The park also has shaded picnic areas with tables and benches, perfect for family gatherings and birthday parties. Harry Griffen Park hosts community events and concerts in its amphitheater, providing entertainment for everyone. Trails wind through the park, which is great for walking or jogging while enjoying nature. The park is well-maintained, with clean restrooms and plenty of parking. Harry Griffen Park is a favorite location for locals and visitors alike to relax and have a good time outdoors.
La Mesa Woman's Grocery Run Ends in Road Rage Attack
Road rage attacks happen when people get extremely angry or frustrated while driving. These incidents can be triggered by things like traffic jams, rude drivers, or feeling rushed. When emotions run high, some drivers might act aggressively, like yelling, honking excessively, or even getting into physical altercations. Road rage can also happen when drivers feel disrespected or unsafe on the road. It's important for everyone to stay calm and patient while driving to avoid escalating situations. Taking deep breaths, listening to calm music, and avoiding confrontations can help prevent road rage incidents. If someone feels overwhelmed, pulling over safely and taking a break can also be a good idea to calm down before continuing the journey.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Harry Griffen Park 9550 Milden St, La Mesa, CA 91942, United States
Take Milden St to Water St 1 min (0.3 mi)
Take Murray Dr, I-8 W and Exit 13A to Baltimore Dr in La Mesa 7 min (2.7 mi)
Array La Mesa 4949 Baltimore Dr, La Mesa, CA 91942, United States
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epacer · 2 months
Back-to-School Drive
Councilmember Stephen Whitburn Hosts Donation Drive for District 3 SDUSD Public Schools
Councilmember Stephen Whitburn’s back-to-school drive aims to ensure that children and teachers in our community have the necessary supplies and resources to kickstart their academic year with confidence and enthusiasm regardless of financial status.
When is the drive?
The Back to School Drive will begin on July 25th and end on August 25th
What supplies do we need?
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What schools do the supplies go to?
Councilmember Whitburn’s school drive will benefit all K-12 public schools in Council District 3, this includes:
•    Grant UTK-8
•    Florence Elementary
•    Washington Elementary
•    Birney Elementary
•    Garfield Elementary
•    Jefferson Elementary
•    Roosevelt International
•    McKinley Elementary
•    Golden Hill K-8
•    Garfield High School
•    San Diego High School
Where can we drop off supplies?
We will have drop-off locations at City of San Diego libraries in Council District 3.
•    Mission Hills - Hillcrest Library (215 W Washington St, San Diego, CA 92103)
•    University Heights Library (4193 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92103)
•    North Park Library (3795 31st St, San Diego, CA 92104)
•    Central Library (330 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101)
•    City Admin Building (202 C Street, 10th Floor, San Diego, CA)
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pashterlengkap · 4 months
California lesbian power couple Peggy Moore & Hope Wood dies in tragic car crash
Peggy Moore and Hope Wood, two political activists based in Northern California, died in a car crash on May 10. Moore was 60 and Wood 48. The collision took place on California Highway 76 in unincorporated San Diego County when the Jeep Gladiator they were traveling in hit a Chrysler sedan, according to The Bay Area Reporter. The drivers of the Chrysler and Jeep both died as well. The only survivor of the crash was Wood’s aunt, who was seriously injured. Related Four LGBTQ+ bars targeted in mysterious drive-by shootings At least three people were shot, and one was hospitalized. The two got married at Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on July 29, 2013, after Proposition 8 – which a banned marriage equality – was struck down. They met while campaigning for former President Barack Obama in 2008. Stay connected to your community Connect with the issues and events that impact your community at home and beyond by subscribing to our newsletter. Subscribe to our Newsletter today Together, the couple founded Hope Action Change, a consulting firm focusing on developing diversity in leadership across organizations and companies, which they describe as “leadership grounded in love” on their website. “We have lived outside the main streets of society in the intersections of our gender and our race, and we have learned to navigate a path through many streets where we have not been welcome. Despite the difficulties of this journey, we are full of optimism for where our path leads. We founded HAC to help other change leaders build and hold the wisdom & strength to fulfill their optimism for the future,” the website continues. Moore was a campaign manager for former Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf (D), and after her election, she served as her senior advisor in 2014. Moore ran for a seat on the Oakland City Council but lost to an incumbent in 2016. She was a general consultant for Diana Betcon’s winning campaign for district attorney in Northern California’s Contra Costa County. Alongside her political work, she co-founded Sistahs Steppin’ in Pride, which was a queer women’s event held in the east San Francisco Bay Area during the early 2000s. Schaaf remembered Moore fondly. In an interview with The Bay Area Reporter, she said that Moore “molded me into the mayor I became — in the most beautiful ways our democracy needs more of..she was centered in love.” Wood worked as a political organizer in California and nationwide for the last 20 years. She was also a former teaching fellow for Harvard Kennedy School’s Leadership Organizing, Action: Leading Change course. On X (formerly Twitter), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) said, “Peggy Moore & Hope Wood were remarkable women who dedicated their lives to equality & justice. Their values brought them together & are the legacy they leave behind. Their family & friends are hurting, but we must remember we are all connected through the work they did every day.” http://dlvr.it/T7R4mq
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weinerlaw11 · 7 months
Historical Buildings In Old Town, San Diego, CA
Old Town San Diego is a famous historic district and state park. It has a rich history, great cultural scenes, and well-preserved buildings featuring classic architecture. The park is also called the “Birthplace of California,” where the Spanish colonization of California began. Here are some historical buildings worth visiting in the park.
Casa De Estudillo In Old Town
Casa de Estudillo was built in 1825 and became the home of Antonio de Estudillo, a Spanish aristocrat. It has a great view of the park and is historically famous for being a refuge for women and children in 1846.
You’ll enjoy its original building. However, parts like doors, windows, and tiles have all been renovated since the 1887 caretaker sold all the original parts. Through funds from the Spreckles family, architect Hazel W. Waterman renovated the building in 1910 and furnished it with period furniture with an overlooking courtyard.
Robinson Rose House
Robinson Rose House is a house museum, and it is also known as “The Visitor Center.” It was built in 1853 and serves different important events. It became an operating room, prison, school, court, newsroom, private home, and shop.
The man behind this building is James Robinson, a Masonic Lodge's first member in San Diego. Robinson’s house is quite intriguing due to its vibe, so this site is for you if you want a thrill. It also has some small shops where you can purchase and explore.
James McCoy House
Just behind the Robinson House is James McCoy House, built in 1869. It’s a slightly isolated site in the park and one of the best-preserved buildings. It became the home of the first California sheriff. Although this house is just a reconstruction of the original one, it’s built with great details.
You’ll also enjoy the volunteers wearing period clothing inside the house. Many visitors love the 1800s luxurious vibe of the house, with lots of information throughout the buildings. If you’re looking for a free museum, James McCoy House deserves to be on your list.
Casa De Lopez
One of the first Spanish settlers in San Diego was Juan Francisco Lopez, who built Casa de Lopez in 1835. It’s popular for its nickname “Long House” due to its size. After 11 years, it became the home of Juan Matias Moreno, the secretary of the last Mexican governor of California. 
It was rebuilt; surprisingly, you can find a restaurant where you can eat rice, beans, pernil, and mofongo.
Wells Fargo Museum
Wells Fargo Museum is a small yet interesting site to see. The sightings inside revolve around the traditional and old process of transporting products or valuables. It retells the economic development and history of California during the 19th century. 
Many visitors love the museum’s interesting displays, especially the original gold nuggets from the California Gold Rush miners. Although this building promotes Wells Fargo, you can still learn more about money and banks and how Wells Fargo played a role in this business. 
Cosmopolitan Hotel And Restaurant
Cosmopolitan Hotel and Restaurant dates back to the rich 1827 history. It’s the oldest San Diego Hotel built by Don Juan Bandini and has served different uses ever since. Fortunately, it has returned to its primary purpose and function today: a hotel and resto. 
Many visitors love the combination of the restaurant and casino inside and their super friendly staff. The good thing is that you can even rent the whole courtyard for special events like weddings or birthday celebrations.
One way to experience San Diego’s rich history is to visit old buildings that became a testament to the town’s past life. Parks and museums go hand-in-hand in delivering the cultural vibe of California. If you’re looking for great historic sites, these houses and museums are for you.
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pointlomadem · 1 year
July 23rd - Come meet your Congressman Scott Peters. Donate to Western Service Workers Association's (WSWA) Back-to-School Drive. August Summer Party.
3:30PM Social time and check-in 4:00PM Meeting Starts This month we have Congressman Scott Peters (CA-50th District) as our guest speaker. Congressman Scott Peters serves California’s 50th Congressional District, which includes the cities of Coronado, San Marcos, Escondido and most of San Diego. First elected in 2012, Scott commits to working with anyone in good faith to fix a broken Congress.…
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sandiegohomesrealty · 2 years
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Searching homes for sale can be difficult at first. You must have no issue locating a home for your family if you conduct thorough study and travel.
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miraltru · 2 years
Palm springs california
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Visit Greater Palm Springs to learn more. Exploring what to see and do in Palm Springs can be overwhelming, but Frommers has the definitive guide on the. The Coachella Valley is nine resort cities in one beautiful oasis: Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. History is part of the draw today, from its charming village atmosphere to its world-famous collection of Mid-Century Modern architecture. City of Palm Springs 3200 E.Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760) 323-8299. La Quinta Resort & Club is the premier Palm Springs luxury hotel, featuring a world-class Spa, PGA West golf courses, 41 pools, yoga retreats, and more. Use our Palm Springs real estate filters or tour via. About This Publication CHARTER OF THE CITY OF PALM SPRINGS Title 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS. Palm Springs has an ideal, tourist-friendly location on the edge of the great deserts of Southern California, flanked by high forested mountains that. While the whole area is often referred to as Palm Springs, Palm Springs is actually a single city-the one that started the tourism ball rolling early in the 20th century. View photos, 3D virtual tours, schools, and listing details of 406 homes for sale in Palm Springs, CA. It is this unique combination of small-town comfort and big-city amenities that makes the Palm Springs area, quite simply, the perfect place. And it’s also a charming and friendly destination remarkably easy to get to know. It’s a sophisticated world of unforgettable resorts, gourmet restaurants, couture fashions, and first-class meeting facilities. The exciting cities of the Palm Springs Desert Resorts share a perfect climate and sensational scenery, but each city has a personality all its own. Palm Springs has a robust transport system. This page shares all the important things visitors should know before visiting Palm Springs. The renowned resort city is located in California. It's a great place to call home.When you arrive in Palm Springs and the desert resort cities of the Coachella Valley, you have reached a 640-square-mile vacation paradise, a business getaway, and a great place to play. Palm Springs is a laid-back destination ideal for visitors looking for the perfect getaway in the middle of a posh desert. So, no matter where you live in Palm Springs, we hope you get to know your neighbors and take part in all that's waiting for you outside your front door. Get to know one of Californias best-kept vacation getaways: Palm Springs Tucked away in the desert inland from Los Angeles and San Diego, Palm Springs. We offer a variety of architectural styles throughout Palm Springs, but we are united in the pride we have in our homes. We hope you check out our calendar and enjoy some of our many special events during the year, like the Palm Springs International Film Festival and the Festival of Lights Parade and, of course, VillageFest every Thursday night.Īs you walk, bike or drive through our various neighborhoods, you are surrounded by a sense of community.
And because tourism is so important to our economy, we really know how to entertain. Everything is nearby in Palm Springs, whether you want to go hiking, shopping, see a movie, or enjoy a great meal. We have a wonderful library, excellent cultural amenities and great parks (even a dog park for our four-legged friends). Palm Springs is a full-service City with its own Police and Fire Departments. Fed by a deep underground aquifer, the desert in Greater Palm Springs gushes to life in regal palm groves and fabulous swimming pools, and also in a string of vibrant communities Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, and the namesake town of Palm Springs. We love it here! Although Palm Springs is a tourist destination, welcoming visitors worldwide, we take pride in the quality of life our residents enjoy. Whether you have just moved here, or have always called Palm Springs home, we appreciate that you have chosen to live in our great City. "Palm Springs is an inclusive world-class city dedicated to providing excellent and responsive public services to enhance the quality of life for current and future generations."
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