#Behind The Wheel Lessons near me
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wazirdrivingschool · 2 months
Wazir Driving School is the best pick if you are looking for a reputable Driving School in Livermore. We offer various courses designed to equip new and experienced drivers with the skills needed for today’s roads. Our instructors are dedicated to ensuring that each student receives the attention and guidance necessary to become a confident driver. For those looking to advance their driving careers, Wazir Driving School also provides specialized CDL Training in Livermore. Our programs are structured to help drivers understand the complexities of operating large vehicles. With state-of-the-art equipment and a focus on safety, we prepare students, ensuring they are ready for the road and the responsibilities it entails. Enroll with us today!
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simcoedrivingschool · 7 months
High Quality Driving School
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Simcoe Driving School truly lives up to its reputation as a High Quality Driving School. Their instructors are professional, patient, and experienced, making learning to drive a stress-free experience. The curriculum is comprehensive and well-structured, ensuring you'll be a confident and skilled driver in no time. Highly recommend it! Visit - https://simcoedrivingschool.ca/
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | Some smut at the end [pt.2]
Daryl is in a sucky relationship but doesn't see it at first. Reader helps him see and later shows him how a good partnership works.
💘 💘 💘
With another invite turned down, you had set out on your own. Not that you enjoyed hunting without Daryl, but he seemed to be preoccupied with his girlfriend.
It was annoyingly quiet out there, nothing that indicated any animal being near..
Only ..rustling plants. Low, no wind in the trees. You followed the sound, staying low and undetected like Daryl taught you until-
Plap. Plap. Plap. "Hahh please~" Plap. Plap. "Quiet." Followed by a grunt and more skin on skin noise.
You recognized that barked command, having heard it a million times before during Daryl's hunting lessons. Was he really out here fucking his gross girlfriend? That preppy lady wouldn't even know how to function out here let alone be comfortable on the forest floor. Why the hell would he fuck that annoying bitch out here but not you during all those times spent together on your own?
But that's how it was these days. Your dear friend always being followed by that hag of a woman and you being sidelined.
On days it could get so bad you ended up in tears, begging Carol to explain why he was being so weird all of a sudden. She knew you cared deeply for him and didn't like Daryl's lady either and when you returned from your cut short hunting trip you told her about your findings. And of course about Daryl's clearly visible annoyance surrounding the act. You ended up being able to laugh about it all, laying back in a fit of giggles just as Daryl came back home and upon seeing him crying out laughter even harder.
"Ahw pookie, did a walker snag you?" She spoke through the snickering, pointing at her neck and back at him which had him look in the mirror and spot a dark red spot on his neck, immediately turning a deep shade of red in the face as he mumbled a response you couldn't make out.
As he stomped up the stairs, grumbling about a shower you gave each other a look and went back to laughing.
"Man, it's sad. Really." Your words brought some seriousness back into the conversation, seeing your friend was still being tortured on a daily basis but never seeming to be doing anything about it.
You all saw it. He was unhappy. But the majority of the community didn't see that. They didn't know him and only saw their happy friend with her quiet, grumbly boyfriend. The man you wanted to be your quiet, grumbly boyfriend.
Even Rick had tried to get his brother alone for even a short moment to make it clear she was bad for him but no matter where he found the archer, the woman was there too.
Everybody knew when Daryl was working in the garage you left him be, emergencies were fine, and leaving him some lunch with minimal interaction was appreciated but those were his moments to unwind. He needed those and you respected it. He'd make sure to let at least someone know so the word spread amongst his friends who all knew he'd come say hi when he was good to socialize again.
But these last weeks someone apparently didn't feel like those rules applied to her. The garage door was opened, allowing a view of Daryl sitting cross-legged on an old blanket and tinkering on his bike. And then behind him on the toolbox, the top cleared off for her to sit on and her legs resting on the bike's front wheel was the missus. You ever so slowly walked past, having Dog spot you and come up for some attention that he never got from the other one which you found more than sad.
You crouched down and lovingly cuddled up with the canine and ruffled his fur, smiling into his neck and listening in on the endless chattering that came from the woman currently disturbing Daryl's much needed alone time.
'Alright fuck this' you thought to yourself before standing up straight and calling out to her. "I heard you bake some amazing apple treats. Wanna show me how to make them?" Daryl gave you the most shocked look ever, but the feet touching the ground behind him made him smile ever so slightly. The one thing she was almost more fond of than Daryl was her baking. Clearly Carol must have told her.
But nothing beat the relief he felt when the two women walked off and Dog came to rest at his side again. He was gonna have to thank you for that later.
Back in the kitchen you suffered through the endless yapping beside you, barely telling you steps for baking and more bragging about her adventurous time in the woods. As you tried to follow her progress you tried your best to twist her words into your favor, and send away any snarky remarks on what you saw in reality.
All you had to do was survive this ordeal and think about Daryl having some time to clear his head.
And clearing his head he did. He felt refreshed after being left alone with his dog and bike for so long. He missed the quiet, started to hate the sound of his lady's voice almost.
But he couldn't tell her that. It was something he'd have to live with, something to get used to about relationships. Just like she had to live with him having Dog and dragging mud into the house.
That was all normal stuff, right? He had no clue so rolling with it until that warm, happy feeling Glenn and Maggie shared showed up. It was only a matter of time, it was gonna happen soon.
Except it didn't, and Daryl got worse so now it was Rick's turn.
He ran out to where Daryl was following around his woman like a lost puppy through the pantry, grabbing him by the shoulders in fake panic and dragging him along, something with trouble, and Carol, and hurry.
So he followed him into his house, where he stopped in the middle of the room and stared at you and Carol on the couch, and Rick behind him.
"Feeling those butterflies yet?" There was clear mockery in her tone, referring to their argument from a while ago about his lady. About how Carol felt he wasn't happy, and he called it none of her business and going on about how everyone had annoyances from time to time and they'd be fine soon. "Ya can't tell me ev'ryones got them butterflies all'a the time."
"Daryl, she doesn't even look at you." Well, she looked, but not in the way it mattered. Stared, gawked and drooled. He was nothing but a piece in her picture of a fake perfect life. And now was the time for truth. "I saw you with her in the woods." Eyes wide he stared at you, discomfort clear on his face. "You hated it, it was clear on your face, you barely even finished before you were up and away from her."
"Whuh-- why'd ya stay?" He stumbled over every word, his mind blank as he heard your reply. "Needed to know if you loved her for real. To move on, get you out of my mind."
He tried to place your words somewhere they made sense, but he got stuck again like he always did.
"Sideline that for a moment. We're talking about the other issue right now." Rick's order helped to get the conversation back on track, looking his dearest friend in the eyes before he spoke the harsh truth.
"Daryl, I know you don't want to hear this from us, but we're worried and you have to understand.." He needed a breath in preparation. "You're never going to be happy with her."
The front door had opened and closed during his sentence, a clearly angry girlfriend rounding the corner. One who had heard his words.
"What the hell are you saying? That's a lie and you know it!" She was face to face with Rick now, giving Daryl a stern look to help defend her. "Who do you think you are to make that assumption! Of course he's happy, he'd tell me if he wasn't!" She went from screaming to pointing aggressively as well. First at Carol. "She's probably just jealous that he likes my baked goods more!"
And then you. "And she.. She's just jealous of what me and Daryl have! You need to mind your own business, all of you!!" She huffed in annoyance.
"Wow." You spoke in the short moment of silence. "Can't believe you can fuck someone with a voice like that. Instant turn off for me."
Now there were four pairs of wide eyes staring at you. Two trying their hardest not to laugh, one in utter shock and one red-faced and ready to throw hands. Not that she'd win against someone who had trained to fight with a cop and a hunter.
She took one step towards you, hands balled into tight fists and brows furrowed in anger when a hand stopped her. "Touch 'er and yer walker bait."
Daryl had stopped her from approaching you. She'd ways obey her loving boyfriend, he loved her for that. "Daryl, honey she-" "Quiet!" He barked the order loud enough to startle everyone in the room, tears slowly forming in the offended woman's eyes. "Why would you let her say that?" She still continued. "You love my voice, my stories when we cuddle.." God, imagine loving your voice that goddamn much. "You said so when we visite--" "I said QUIET. Ya never fuckin' listen do ya?" The initial shock brought the tears to spill. Pressing her lips in a thin line as she sniffled.
You took the opportunity to speak up. "The only reason I asked you about those bland, boring pastries of yours was to give him-" You pointed at Daryl who kept his position in the middle of the group." "-some goddamn peace and quiet. You know, the only thing he actually wants when he's working in the garage." You scoffed at her ignorance. "Funny how everyone here knows, except for his Girlfriend. who loves him 'so, so much'." She went from angry glaring at you to staring at her boyfriend with her best sad eyes. "D.. Daryl? She's lying.. right? Y.. You love me."
No. No he didn't. He realized that now, he only thought he did when she showed him kindness and interest.
He opened his mouth to respond but no word came out. None that went through his head would end this conversation without conflict.
"She's.. I uh." He looked around as if words would appear is he searched hard enough but he quickly realized there was only one clear answer to be given.
The truth.
"Nah, I don'. M'sorry." He had turned back to face her but still hadn't found the courage to look her in the eye, the guilt eating him alive. He didn't want to hurt her. Hurt anyone, but in the process he was hurting himself.
"Liar." Her voice cracked, spirit broken and defeated. "Don't lie to me you love me!"
In her yelling she took a step forward, face now inches away from Daryl's.
"Nah." He repeated again. It stung but she needed to hear him and there it was again, right in front of him but not registering his words. She never truly saw him, heard him, loved him like his found family loved him.
"I don' love ya." Only now did he lift his gaze to meet hers, seeing the tears, the sadness and the anger.
She just stared, shaking her head, words lost for once as she cried.
The whole room felt heavy with emotion. It was never the plan to have this talk turn into what it was quickly becoming.
"A- are you.." her words barely came out between sniffs and hiccups. "Leaving me..? Y- you can't.."
"Look," Daryl had to dig deep for the right words, and begged they would work. "I never wanted ta hurtya, s'just.. We jus' ain't a match." He had kept his gaze on her, hoping his eyes would speak what his mouth couldn't. "This.. Us. It ain't workin' fer me." A sigh left him at her silence. He stepped past her, finding the large chair in the corner of the room and sitting down, needing a serious break with how his head was close to overflowing.
A loud sniff left her as she mumbled an okay and left. No further words, just an okay and out she went. Rick made a mental note then to send someone to check on her later. He suggested Daryl to go rest downstairs and take some time off jobs to clear his mind before wishing you and Carol a good day and heading off as well.
"Well, come on." You got a pat on the shoulder from Carol, who lead you off the couch. "You go take Dog for a nice long walk around the community while I go make some comfort food, alright?"
With a nod you retreated downstairs to find Dog napping on Daryl's bed, having to wake him to come with you to get some much needed fresh air for you, and some exercise for Dog.
The community was quiet around dinnertime, having everyone inside with their family, friends and housemates. It was perfect for thinking, commenting on stuff to Dog who padded alongside of you. You should have brought a ball to play with.
Back home Carol was busying herself in the kitchen, all her focus on cooking this meal to keep her from talking to Daryl. He needed the quiet so his head could do some serious sorting out.
You returned to Carol finishing up dinner and watched as Dog quickly made his way over to Daryl and rest his head in his lap.
You joined Carol in the kitchen and helped with plating the food and rinsing pans before leaving for the living room, handing Daryl a plate and eating in silence.
It was clear you weren't talking today and each went on with their lives.
It took a week for Daryl to be back in his usual routine, not avoiding people who could ask questions but just doing his jobs and runs like he normally would.
So now it was time for that talk.
Surprisingly he was the one that came yo you over dinner, having Carol as a buffer to fill in when he'd fall silent made it a bit easier to initiate the conversation.
Of course he had talked to Carol before alone, not knowing how to respond to your words in the first place he wanted some knowledge up front.
"Ya like me, in a boyfriend-girlfriend way?" Daryl's sudden words had you almost choke on your food, giving yourself a moment to breathe before nodding. "Yeah I do." It was no use denying it after what you said last time. And it probably took.him a lot to even start this conversation.
"Can ya tell me how tha' would work." He played around with the food on his plate, needing to keep his hands somehow busy. "If I said yes to it, I mean."
Now you gave him a sweet smile and happily told him. "I guess we'd share a bedroom, whenever you'd be ready for that. And I'd make sure to ask before I kiss you and all that."
"She'd also not kick Dog out and respect your alone time." Carol added with a fork pointed at you both, to which you agreed.
"I jus' ain't sure this is fer me, ya know. I'on wan' things ta get weird." Him admitting his fear was already an important part of any relationship, which you explained to him before adding, "we can give it a trial run, yeah? You can tap out whenever you feel like it's too much, yeah? We'll go at your pace." holding your hand out for him to take it.
Carol had snuck out while you talked and now busied herself in the kitchen to still listen and hop in when needed. She stared at your waiting hand, and Daryl's as he moved it ever so slow to rest it on top of yours. "I like ya too. Should've seen tha' earlier. An' m'sorry fer not seein' yer interest in me."
You gave his hand a little squeeze and so a relationship was started.
Very, very slowly.
Daryl now hovered around when you busied yourself in the kitchen, offered to help more just for the sake of being near you. He slowly worked up the courage to rest his hands on you as he stood around and realized quickly he loved to have his arms around you while you cooked, moving along with you across the counter.
"Daryl," His hands left you immediately, feeling like he overstepped. "Oh, no please, keep your hands on me I don't mind." You let out a laugh as you took his hands and placed them on the side of your ribs. "I just wanted to know if you enjoyed me returning the favor." You gave him a look over your shoulder and watched him as he faked deep thoughts. "I think I'd like yer hands on me, yeah."
You brought over some lunch in a basket. At Daryl's garage you whistled for Dog and gave the basket to him. He happily carried it over to Daryl, handle in his mouth and tail wagging.
Just as you wanted to walk off you were called back over. "Wanna share lunch?" His question shocked you, knowing he never liked people bothering him in the garage so being asked to stay was ..weird. But you stayed anyways and shared a peaceful lunch with Daryl.
You weren't sharing a bed yet. Taking things slow was your tactic, so you'd wait for Daryl to ask, or for him to mention it in conversation when the topic allowed it to be slipped in.
He hadn't yet so you were in bed alone, almost asleep when a knock woke you up. "Yeah?" You called out to whoever it was. The door opened to reveal Daryl in a pair of sweats and an old tee. "M'sorry fer wakin' ya. I wanna try'n sleep 'ere tonight."
His words were like a dream come true, almost literally with you so close to dozing off and scooted over to let him into the bed. The warmth that surrounded him felt good, and hearing your voice whisper a soft good night to him felt right. He returned the words and carefully took a hand to rest it on your side.
He slept through the entire night after years of waking at every creak or caw. When he woke up the first thing he saw was your sleeping form and he knew he wanted that every day. "G'morning, Dee." Your voice sounded like heaven, even in its groggy morning state. "Hmm mornin'." Hw grumbled with a smile. You loved that smile. You wanted to kiss that smile over and over again, but before you got the chance to finish that thought he had made the first move. He moved closer to you, face an inch away as he took a second to steady himself and ever so softly press his lips against yours.
The next night he only went downstairs to bring his pillow with him and moved to your room again, this time letting you settle against him as you got comfortable and again slept through the whole night.
Slowly your cabinet got rearranged to hold Daryl's clothes as well, he'd pull you against him as you both slept.
But maybe tonight he'd try something more than sleeping.
Daryl wasn't a stranger to sex these days, he just wasn't a big fan of it. Sure, it felt nice and he'd get the job done but it never felt like he thought it'd feel.
He hoped it would feel different with you.
You were already in bed when he came out of the shower, wanting to be clean if you were going to be intimate tonight. His arms snaked around yours and pulled your body against his under the covers, pressing the effects of his shower thoughts against your backside as he softly kissed the back of your neck.
"Dee?" You let out a content sigh at his eagerness all of a sudden. "Hmhm. Wanna touch ya." You responded by pressing your ass harder against his cock, grinding against him in slow but steady motions. "I'd love that, please." Words were important to Daryl, he needed his yes's and no's to make sense of these type of situations. Now that he had his yes he slowly made progress by slipping one leg out of his boxers and pulling down your underwear as well.
His cock was back against your ass as his hand snuck down your front and found his way between your folds. His rough fingers felt so good, having you let out a soft gasp as he slipped two fingers into you. You moaned along with his movements, loving the feeling of his thick digits pumping in and out of you. Your hand made its way between the two of you to touch him, moving the hem of his shirt out of the way to take him into your hand properly. Your fingers curled around his cock and pump slowly, soft rhythmic squeezes and pumps had his breathing pick up, almost whining at the touch. After a bit of more lazy touches you started to want more, positioning his length between your legs. He removed his fingers to assist positioning himself at your entrance and carefully moving his his to push into you.
You moaned at the initial stretch, having missed the feeling of being with someone so long. Your hips moved back to meet his on their own and Daryl noticed, enjoying the welcome feeling of his partner joining in the movements. His hand slid underneath your hip as the other trailed up to your chest, lingering just off your breast. With a soft giggle you took his hand and moved it to where he wanted it to be and squeezed softly. Behind you Daryl let out a delicious sound, making you turn just enough so you could watch him. One of your hands reached to scratch at his chin fluff as the other went to cup his balls between your legs, softly kneading them with every thrust of his hips.
His pace picked up and his groans deepened. "This okay for you?" Your voice came out in huffs, watching his face contort in pleasure. "Yeah. Keep touchin', s'good."
You were more than happy to oblige and keep up your gently pawing at his balls and moved your other hand to tangle in his hair, softly scratching his scalp and moving in closer for a kiss. His lips slotted perfectly against yours now after nights of figuring each other out before sleep.
Daryl was enjoying himself. And if your sounds were anything to go by, you were too. Your moans were slowly turning into whines of 'more' and 'please'. The hand that held your breast before now slid further up to your throat as he angled your head by the jaw to deepen the kiss as the hand on your hips helped to roughen his pace. Your sounds, now muffled by his lips were music to his ears and the squeeze of your walls spurred him on more than anything.
"M'close.." You almost whined against his lips, having him double his efforts to make you finish. His hand moved away from your hip in search for your clit, not daring to admit he needed guidance. Your hand moved from between his legs atop of his for a short moment to press the pad of his fingers at the right spot before going back to squeezing at him. It took only a couple more thrusts, rubs and squeezes before you both finished, your walls tightening around his length as he spilled inside of you.
He slumped onto his back, pulling out and putting his underwear back on.
"You good?" You turned to fully face him, "hmhm, yeah tha' was way more fun than I thought." He gave you a soft smile as you wormed your underwear back on too. "S'nice when the lady touches me too." You took his words as an invite and rested your hand on his hip and squeezed. His body was just so perfect for squeezing in any and all places, you loved it. "I'll always happily touch you, just lemme know when you don't like something." He gave a grunt in agreement and suggested sleep for now, continuing the talk in the morning.
So sleep you did, even better now being all tired out.
Breakfast tasted better after that, the air was fresher and the residents were less annoying.
That was of course until the one they didn't want to run into saw them holding hands on the way to the pantry.
"I hope you like sloppy seconds." One voice commented from behind you. "Yeah, sloppy for sure. Horrible lay, that guy." The women giggled among themselves, staring you down. Where Daryl tried to ignore his ex's stupid remarks, you weren't going to leave without snapping back. "Sloppy? Maybe when the chick he fucks squeals like a dying hog! Fucked me so good I could barely walk last night." You sent them a smug look, the women in the background giggling softly as she colored beet red and crossed her arms with a huff, turning away from the two of you in shame. "Ya done makin' a scene now? We gotta grab food." You proudly nodded, a wide smile on your face on your way into the pantry to pick out dinner food.
Daryl might not have shown it on the outside, but he was damn proud of his lady. And hearing you defend him like that made him live you even more.
A/N: loosely inspired by the Avril Lavigne song. Because I'll forever be a little emo kid by heart.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Kenan Yilidiz x Reader - Thick Part 1/8
You're gonna love this story!!!! I have my anons to thank, who's requests have enabled me to cook up this amazing fic for you all!
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Summary - Kenan and Reader share the same high school friend group. As graduation is near, Reader sets out to pass her drivers license test, but ultimately struggles to. Thankfully Readers friends agree to help her with driving lessons and take turns doing so. It is during one of Rader's lessons that it becomes clear that Kenan likes her. A shock to Reader, who has a crush on someone else in their friend group.
Six months until your high school graduation and you still hadn't managed to pass your driver's license test.
You were still motivated after the first failed attempts, but having failed four times after that had you questioning your level of intelligence as a human being. Were you really that thick?
"Thick?" Your friend Gio grinned. "Sure Y/N, you're the thickest girl I know. I'm mean look at the size of you're...."
A collective sigh spread around the lunch table, your friends throwing annoyed glances at Giovanni.
"What?" He shrugged.
"She doesn't mean thick as in big." Your friend Maria explained. "Y/N is asking if she's too dumb to pass the Italian driver's licenses test."
"Well, why didn't she just say that?"
"Sorry Gio. In the UK thick can also mean dumb." You said.
"And over there they say pineapple instead of ananas like the rest of Europe."
"Well that's dumb." 
"You mean thick?"
"No, I mean dumb." Gio corrects Kenan who was smiling at you, the only person around the table to have understood his joke. "Dumb means dumb."
"Apparently not in the UK." Kenan said, continuing to tease Giovanni. You were the only one who found it funny, the two of them coming for each other's throats.
"Enough of this." Said Rebecca. "We need to help Y/N, pass her driver's license test before the summer, Otherwise we'll only have three drivers for the roadtrip to Bari."
"Three drivers?" Gio frowned.
"Yes, Me, Maria and Kenan."
"Well, what about Luca and I?"
"Well, for starters, I would never trust you behind the wheel of a car Gio, certainly not my parents Range Rover. I don't know how you got your driver's license in the first place, but having it certified in Pompeii just tells me what I need to know."
"What do you mean? My uncle lives over there. He had me driving the tourists around in his minivan."
"Exactly my point." Rebecca said. "Your uncle is a criminal and everyone knows it."
"Whatever." Gio waved. "None of you knows how to run a respectable business, that's all."
"You mean robbing tourists of their hard earned money?"
"Guy's, please." Maria pleaded. Lunch hour was usually like this for you and your friends. You were a very diverse group, resulting in Maria often having to take on the role as umpire whenever the heated arguments would spiral. "I have to say I agree with Gio on this one."
"You do?" Gio and Rebecca uttered simultaneously.
"Yes. Not that Gio shouldn't drive, I will never be a passenger in his car. But why not Luca?"
All heads turned to the mysterious being that was Luca. He wasn't taking part in any of the conversations. Instead his head was turned away from the lunch table, his gaze overlooking the city of Turin, perhaps dreaming of escaping it some day. Except for being quiet and reserved Luca was also the kindest amongst you, and undoubtedly the handsomest out of all the guys. A personal opinion, that you preferred to keep to yourself.
"Yeah, Luca is not driving me." Rebecca said. "It's a long way to Bari, he'll get too distracted by the mountains along the road. What if we crash?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry to agree." 
"Kenan?" Maria frowned.
"Well, then guess the driving will come down to you three." Gio said, looking at Rebecca, Maria and Kenan.
"Not if we help Y/N, pass her driver's licenses test." Rebecca opposed.
"And how the hell will we do that?"
"I say we take turns."
"Take turns to do what?"
"To give Y/N driving lessons. She's obviously not getting the right amount that she needs, it would cost her a fortune."
"Hey." You blushed.
"Sorry Y/N, but it's true. I say that once or twice a week until school ends, we take turns teaching Y/N how to drive, so when her time comes to take the tests she'll pass it flawlessly."
"I agree." Maria nodded.
"Fine." Gio sighed.
"Sounds like a good idea." Kenan second.
Everyone shifted towards him as he had failed to answer, not that his answer was anticipated. However, to everyone's surprise, Luca's attention was drawn back to the table, his green eyes looking right at you. "Sure." He smiled. "I'll help Y/N pass her driver's license test."
"Great, that settles it." Rebecca said. "Who wants to go first?"
Your heart beat violently in your chest, hoping, no, begging, that it would be Luca. But as everyone shared hesitant glances, one person raised his hand. "I'll go first."
"Kenan." Maria grinned. "That's very kind of you."
He winked an eye at you as you sobbed internally.
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Let Me Love You | 1 - B. Barnes
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Character: college!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary: On a mysterious, rainy night, Bucky witnesses a distressing encounter involving his crush.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8.
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Fast-food restaurants are always the quick choice for exhausted students after learning a lesson.
Today, WHAM Burger near St. Louis University is bustling with customers, mostly college students from the university. The aroma of sizzling burgers and the familiar hum of conversations fill the air.
Inside the restaurant, everyone stands in line at the cashier or fiddles with the self-order machine. Even the drive-thru is buzzing with activity. Most cars have to wait, but for Bucky, who is behind the wheel, the wait is inconsequential. However, his friends, Steve and Sam, seem less patient.
“Their double cheeseburgers are delicious. But eating them three times a week? I'm going to hate my favorite food, Bucky,” Steve remarks from the back seat.
Bucky rolls his eyes. “There are other choices, like salads.”
Sam laughs, fingers dancing on his phone screen. “You'd have to put a gun to Steve's head if you want him to eat a salad.”
Bucky chuckles, his eyes focused on the road. Sam and Steve sigh, observing their friend who has become a love fool. Almost every week, they find themselves at this fast-food haven. There's a particular reason Bucky insists on coming here.
Finally, their car inches forward to the cashier's window. Bucky rolls down the window and is greeted by a familiar face.
“Welcome to WHAM Burger. Oh, hi, guys!” Your bright voice cuts through the air, and the trio of friends can't help but smile.
“Hi, Y/N,” Sam and Steve chime in, well aware that Bucky becomes speechless when he sees you.
You flash them a genuine smile, recognizing the familiar faces. Your fingers swiftly input their usual order. “You guys just got back from the chess club?”
Bucky nods, attempting to say more but finding his words stuck. He never anticipated becoming a lovefool, but he fell for you the first time he laid eyes on you.
It was on a snowy day when Bucky first saw you. A girl, squatting down to rescue a stray cat. That quiet moment led to him forgetting his chess tournament appointment, instead accompanying you to the nearby shelter.
You, a stranger in the area, had just landed a part-time job at the fast-food joint. Bucky admired your selflessness and love for animals. Even though you couldn't adopt the cat, he assured you someone would. In gratitude, you treated him to hot chocolate, and in that instant, Bucky fell in love.
However, his friends later shattered his newfound joy, revealing that you had a boyfriend, the quarterback, Lloyd Hansen, and that you were childhood sweethearts.
Back in the present, your cheerful voice snaps Bucky out of his reminiscence. “Thank you so much. Please come again.”
“Yes, yes, I will,” Bucky mumbles, grabbing the card from your hand. The slight touch sends a jolt through him, and he can't help feeling like a creep.
As Bucky drives away from the drive-thru, Sam and Steve enjoy their fries, teasing Bucky about moving on.
“Dude, you need to move on. If not, both of us are going to gain weight,” Steve says, munching on his cheeseburger.
Bucky rolls his eyes. "I didn't invite you." Despite not being explicitly invited, the three always go home together since they live in the same apartment building, and WHAM Burger is conveniently on the way.
Bucky huffs, but he can't stay mad at them. After all, they've been his closest friends since high school. Despite their advice, he can't fathom why his feelings for you continue to grow. If there's a love cupid, Bucky can't help but blame it, as the cupid seems to have misfired its arrow onto the wrong target.
In the rearview mirror, Sam and Steve exchange knowing glances, silently hoping their friend will soon find a way to move on from his unrequited love.
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Reader P.O.V
“Shit… shit.” You blame yourself for not bringing an umbrella with you, even though since the morning, you noticed the clouds had a dark color.
You protect the food bag to make sure it doesn't get wet. You had just finished your shift when your boyfriend, Lloyd, texted you to bring food to his practice.
Lloyd and you have been together since childhood, crowned as king and queen at prom night. Everyone says that both of you are a sweet couple.
Lloyd got a full scholarship for his athletics and is studying law. Meanwhile, you received half a scholarship. St. Louis is a prestigious university with famous alumni.
It has been your dream to study here, and you also want to stay with Lloyd. However, growing up, you learned to be responsible on your own, managing your own money and working.
Between studies, clubs, and part-time jobs, you and Lloyd used to be close, but now, it's getting difficult to meet. Lloyd has become busy with practices and interviews since he brought a championship to the university.
But you want to make this relationship work.
When the bus stops in front of the university, you have to run to the university gym.
You sprint as fast as you can despite the heavy rain.
Lloyd is lifting weights when he sees you soaking wet. He grabs a towel and dries your hair. “Thanks, babe. You came all the way here.”
You reply, “It's alright.”
“Has the food arrived?” A female voice is heard from behind you.
You turn around and see a girl with perfect hair, wearing a training outfit that accentuates her body curves.
You glance down at yourself still wearing your work uniform and a jacket.
Lloyd says, “Yup. Here you go,” as he hands the food bag to Nicky. She's the daughter of the university football sponsor. Lloyd have mentioned her name a few times. But everytime you hear her name, you don't feel secure.
You clench your fist, watching their interaction. Lloyd gives Nicky the food you brought with effort through this heavy rain, and Nicky shows a shy smile towards him.
Your heart sinks as you catch the subtle exchange of glances between them. The smile that Lloyd reserves for you is now being shared with someone else. It feels like a stab in the chest, a betrayal you didn't see coming.
Lloyd looks at you. “Could you wait for a while? We will go back together.”
You put on a fake smile that you've mastered at work. “No, it's alright. I came here with an Uber car. The driver is waiting for me.” You lied; your phone battery had already died.
Lloyd nods. “Alright, text me when you've arrived.”
You turn and walk faster to avoid the eyes of the bystanders. You don’t want your effort to be judged.
When you get out from the building, the rain is still pouring heavily. You grit your teeth. Is this your unluckiest day?
You run faster to the bus stop while crying.
You think your ears have mistaken you. With this heavy rain, you hear someone call your name.
It's impossible.
The voice becomes clearer. You turn around and see the silhouette getting closer. He comes running while holding an umbrella.
Bucky was just walking out from the library. He was in the chess club when he saw you running from the university gym. He wonders what the heck you are doing alone in this heavy rain.
When he sees your eyes red and your nose, it seems like you've just cried. The same happened when he found out you had a boyfriend; his eyes and nose were red too.
And he sees you coming out of the gym; that means the cause is related to Lloyd.
But now he can't let you be like this. He gives you his umbrella and runs back to the library.
You are stunned while holding the umbrella. Bucky suddenly appears, giving you the umbrella, and runs away.
You try to catch up with him, but he runs too fast. You can only shout, “Bucky, thank you!”
Tomorrow, you have to say thank you to Bucky. At least today, someone cared for you. You feel gratitude and confusion at the rain-soaked bus stop. Bucky's unexpected act of kindness adds another layer to your swirling emotions.
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The next day, when you went to find Bucky, he wasn't in class. Both of you studied business.
Steve told you, "Bucky got a fever, so he stayed at home." You felt guilty when you heard that because the reason why he got sick is because of last night; he gave you his umbrella.
You asked Steve, "Can I visit him?" Steve couldn't believe what he just heard, but if you came to visit Bucky, perhaps his fever would be gone in a second. "Sure, I'll give you the address," he said, raising an eyebrow in surprise.
You nodded appreciatively, saying, "Thank you," with a sincere smile.
‘Cough, cough.’
Bucky poured water into a glass. He had a fever and a sore throat because of the rain last night. The relentless downpour seemed to echo the storm within him, a storm fueled by the regret of not bringing you home with his car. He couldn't shake the thought that if he had, perhaps he wouldn't be in this sickly state.
‘Knock. Knock.’
He opened the door, never expecting to find you standing there. You held a steaming bowl of hot soup in your hands. “Bucky, I’m sorry. Because of me, you got sick.”
Bucky shyly answered, the lines of worry etched on his face. It wouldn't matter if he had to cross a sea of fire; he would do it for you. “No, it’s not because of you.” He grabbed the food you brought, appreciating the warmth it brought, both physically and emotionally. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do this.”
You shook your head, a genuine smile gracing your face. “You really helped me last night. Thank you.”
Feeling restless and vulnerable in his weakened state, Bucky looked at you nervously and said, “I have something to tell you.”
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Author Note:
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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angelkhi · 2 years
keep driving - j.m
pairing: dbf!joel miller x reader
summary: you need some extra driving lessons and your dads best friend offers himself up for the job.
warnings: SMUT 18+ (Minors DNI), car sex, oral (m), mutual (?) praise, unprotected sex (please wrap your disco stick❤️‍🔥), fingering, language, age gap, panic attack, mentions of a heart attack (in passing), mentions of a near car accident, slightly awkward in parts sorry, driving (it's horrible and needs a warning?!), very little plot but also a lot going on.
word count: 2.8k
a little note: some of you are american and call it “driving stick” but for me (a british person) ya girl is just driving okay???? be gentle with me i’m rusty x (btw wrote this instead of an assignment that’s many hundreds of words less than this you’re welcome)
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The quiet evening was coming to a close when your dad had bought up how close he came to a heart attack every time you got behind the wheel. A couple of glasses of rosé had already warmed your cheeks, but as your father listed all the ways he didn't trust you on the roads to Joel, you quickly became embarrassed.
Joel ever the hero interjected a couple of times assuring you that he wasn't great at the start and he's sure you're much better than you're given credit for, but that didn't stop your dad from going on and on to the point where Joel offered to take over. At first you had been grateful when Joel offered up some of his time to help you gain confidence behind the wheel. That's how you'd been raised after all, grateful and polite, some may say to a fault.
Even a few evenings later when the lesson finally arrives, you choose to be grateful that Joel Miller is taking the time to teach you how to drive in between lessons, rather than focusing on the implications of being alone with him in such a small space. You push whatever ridiculous and overly horny thoughts floating about your head to the back of your mind or you're sure you'll crash the car before it even turns on.
Now parked on a small street, he runs over the basics you thankfully already know because there's no way your brain is registering anything he says when he's sat so close to you, taking up so much space so gracefully. He talks with his hands, pointing at various buttons and gesturing about the vehicle, and you can only hope that he'll stop doing so before he makes focusing on the road an extremely hard task. He finally gestures for you to start the car, which you do, placing it in gear and doing your final checks. He's saying something, talking you through it but you're already familiar with everything he's telling you to do.
"Okay so clutch up slowly- oh okay never mind we're driving already." Joel can't hide the surprise in his voice at your obvious competence behind the wheel. The way your dad had talked about teaching you to drive, he'd made it sound like you couldn't tell your left from your right (which lets be honest you can't) but Joel was expecting to be grabbing the wheel every 5 seconds.
Still, nearly 20 minutes into the destination-less drive, and you're yet to make a detrimental mistake. He tries to make small talk with you, asking about your uni degree, his focus split between your driving and your words. Though every now and then your responses are cut off by some bright and colourful curse, telling a slow driver 'fucking suck a dick' or grumbling at the gears to "fuck off" if they didn't transition smoothly. Joel didn't anticipate the absolute filth coming out of your mouth. Each time it caught him off guard in the worst of ways. He hoped you wouldn't notice the way he'd began shifting in his seat when you called a red light a "fuckin cocksucker", but he got ahold of himself and whatever bizarre thoughts your potty mouth had bestowed upon him.
The drive was smooth apart from a couple issues following directions and a near miss whilst parallel parking. Every now and then he'd mumble some form of 'good' or 'well done' or 'that was perfect' or your personal favourite, a low whistle when you execute something particularly smoothly. He was fucking with your brain constantly and you were worried that you were growing close to swerving into a bush.
The drive continues smoothly for another 10 minutes until you turn onto a main road, a large truck parked on the opposite side of the street. You consider slowing down worrying about cars coming around it, but maintain your speed hoping that the oncoming drivers will be just as considerate.
You watch as a car approaches behind the van, slowing down a little preparing to stop, until car suddenly decides to swerve into the middle of the road, cutting you off completely and dangerously. You turn the wheel and break sharply, narrowly avoiding a head on collision with the absolute idiot who just continues driving like they'd done nothing wrong. The car is silent apart from the low hum of the radio and yours and Joel's heaving breaths.
"Woah. Okay let's pull over here." Joel points to a small side street a few paces ahead and it's then you realise you've frozen, on a main road. You take a moment to move and Joel asks if you'd like to switch over but you shake your head and get the car moving again. You pull into the overgrown industrial estate quietly and shut off the engine, still not quite processing what just happened.
"You did real good out there." Joel's hand rests on your thigh and you're trying real hard to not let his words affect you. "Dunno what your pops is talking about, you're a pro."
The warmth from his rough palm is intoxicating and you let yourself slip and just wonder for a moment, what would happen if his hand were to slide further across up leg. But then you scold yourself for even entertaining the idea after what just happened.
"I think i need some air." Just like that you're out of the car, stones crunching beneath your feet, the only light from the beaming headlights as you drink in the night air. You had almost died. Joel had almost died.
"That wasn't your fault. Just some dickhead driver who shouldn't be on the road." Joel is in front of you, all warm and brooding and he's hugging you, so tight that you almost let yourself cry.
"Hey hey look at me." His hands cup your face, so large and warm against your quickly chilling skin. "Breathe. That's it, good girl"
You look up at him, studying the soft wrinkles on his forehead, the small bags under his eyes, the firm frown on his face. The pair of you stay like that until your breaths even out a little and your hands stop trembling. He looks like he wants to say something more, but then he drops his hands and opens the passenger door for you.
"Cmon it's getting chilly." You nod, sliding into the seat wordlessly, watching as he walks round to the drivers side. Joel cranks up the heater and focuses on you once more.
"You okay?" He asks, his voice rough. His hand comes to rest on your thigh again and all of a sudden you're both fine and ten times worse than before.
"Yeah. Think so." You pause, "uh, thanks for tonight. It was really helpful."
"You're welcome sweet pea." fucking hell.
"Also sorry about the bit where we almost died." You add quietly.
"You handled it like a pro, just a shame there's some 'fuckin cocksuckers' out on the roads." You laugh when he quotes your earlier cursing and his own dry chuckle accompanies your own. His hand is still on your thigh, and maybe its the adrenaline from the past few moments, but you place your hand on top of his.
A silence stretches between the two of you and you're scared to look up at him. You're scared that he'll see sense. That he'll remember to him you're just a kid. You move his hand half an inch closer to where you desperately need him but he squeezes your thigh tighter, halting the movement.
“Hey,” his thumb taps your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “what’re you doing sweet pea?”
You don’t reply, not trusting your own voice. Instead you move his hand once more, slow waiting to see what he does. At first he just watches you, intrigued by the boldness of your actions, waiting to see how far you’ll take it. Why you finally drop his hand, he waits for a moment, watching you all doe eyed and desperate to be touched.
This time, when his hand moves it’s of his own volition, sliding between your thighs, cupping your clothed cunt, watching in awe as you automatically begin grinding on his hand.
“Tell me what you need, darlin.” His hand slides under your shirt to the waistband of your leggings, thumb stroking at the skin just above the elastic.
“Joel…” You’re already so desperate, so needy for him to give you what you want.
“You want me to touch you?” His fingers push into your leggings and your breath hitches as he stops at the hem of your panties. “Gonna need an answer, darlin.”
“Yes. Please Joel.”
“Where?” You watch as he smirks, waiting for your answer. “Where do you want me to touch you?”
“Want your fingers in my pussy.” He looks stunned for a moment, before finally pushes your panties to the side, rubbing his fingers over your wet cunt.
“You’ve got a dirty fuckin mouth.” He rubs at your clit, “And a messy cunt.”
“Who’s got a dirty mouth now?” You gasp as he slips a finger into you, the low hum of the radio not enough to drown out the wet sounds of him fucking you with his fingers. “More.”
“Greedy little thing.” He whispers, stretching you out with a second finger, his cock growing hard, straining against his jeans. You grind yourself against his hand, clit bumping against his palm, chasing the orgasm he’s so close to giving you. You grip his arm for support, his rough skin perfect against your sensitive clit. Joel curls his fingers ever so slightly, catching just the right spot and you’re done for. You grind against his hand until your too sensitive to move anymore, cheeks warm and breaths shallow.
He pulls his hand from your panties and brings his fingers to your lips, licking them clean, tasting you on his tongue and he has to stop himself from bending you over the and tasting your cunt until you’re a crying mess.
“Get in the back.” He says gruffly, popping his door not waiting for a response. You climb between the two seats, watching Joel as he slides in beside you. You don’t waste time, reaching for his belt, and he lifts his hips helping you pull down his jeans and briefs.
You waste no time wrapping a hand around him in all of his thick and weeping glory, pumping his cock a few times before lapping at the precum leaking from the tip. You take your time swallowing him down, using your hands where your mouth couldn’t reach.
“Fuckin hell girl.” His hand finds its way into your hair, gripping at the roots, tensing when you take him further into your mouth. Joel’s hips buck lightly, his tip sliding further into your throat, the unexpected intrusion making you gag a little.
“Shit sorry, sorry.” He’s apology falls on death ears and you move your tongue in the same way hoping he’d do it again. “You’re unbelievable.”
You gag on him once more, hands working at his base gripping him tightly, relishing in his tight grip on your hair. When he pulls you up off of him you’re confused, worried that you’ve done something wrong, but then he kisses you pulling you into him.
“You did so good for me, so good. But if you keep going I ain’t gonna last.” You nod, slip out of your trousers and move to straddle him, enjoying the way he responds so easily to you, his grip on your waist sure to leave a mark when you drag his tip between your wet folds.
His hands slide to your hips, guiding you as you slide down onto him, slow and cautious at first. Joel curses under his breath and sends out a quick prayer that he’ll last longer than a singular thrust. He’s never felt a cunt so wet and warm and perfect for him in his entire life. The way you squeeze him when you lift your hips, the way you rock forward against him when you swallow him in all over again. He’s not sure if once will be enough, if he can live without you wrapped around him 24 hours a day.
“Take what you need, you’re doing so well for me.” You’re more sure in your movements now, your hips moving quicker, with more fluidity and you never want to remember where you end and Joel begins.
Joel let’s his head drop into the crux of your neck, his teeth nipping at your most sensitive spots, his warm breath soothing your marked skin. He can already feel the tightening in his stomach, his cock growing more and more sensitive but he’ll be damned if he comes before you do.
You’re whimpering against him, enjoying the way his hips meet your thrusts. You forget how to breathe when he slides his hand into the small gap between your bodies, rolling his thumb against your clit, slow and soft, increasing the pressure by a fraction when he feels your pussy grip him a little tighter.
“Joel, you feel so fucking good. Gonna cum.” He groans deeply and you consider for a moment that Joel enjoys you praising him. But then he thrusts up, hitting just the right spot and any thoughts are clean out of your mind.
“That’s it sweet girl, give it to me.”
His arm is secure around your waist, holding you against him as he drives his hips up into you, fucking you through your orgasm. Your cunt clamps down on him like a vice, his fingers not letting up on your clit and you’re pretty sure you may pass out if he keeps touching you so perfectly.
“Fucking hell.” You whimper when he finally lets up, your breath shallow in your lungs. Joel’s face is flushed, his eyes alive with need as he peers up at you, watching you come down from your orgasm. He’s devastatingly handsome and you’ve never seen him look so needy.
“Joel, cum inside me please want it so bad. I need it Joel.” You thread your hands through his short hair, pressing long kisses against his jaw and lips, swallowing his throaty groans.
“You’re so good to me, fuck. You gonna let me send you home to your pops full of me, huh?” He speaks against your lips, but you’re too far gone to even pay attention to his words anymore.
You’re surrounded by Joel, his scent, his skin, you’re lost in him. Your teeth sink into his bottom lip, just past the point of pleasure, before you pull him into a soothing kiss. His hips stutter, and he grips your waist so tight, as though he’s scared your going to disappear, pulling you flush against him whilst he releases thick ropes of cum into your pussy.
His groan is deep and guttural and completely Joel. The kiss is slow this time, slow and sweet and a little bit filthy, his hips grinding into you once more, eliciting more needy whimpers from you.
“Fuck.” He presses his soft lips against yours. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you.” You reply, scratching lightly at his nape, enjoying the way he shivers against you.
“What’re you thinking?” He asks. You run your hands through his salt and pepper locks once more, just taking him in.
“You’re really pretty.” Your pride swells when his cheeks flush even further. “And… i’m so glad we didn’t take my dads car.”
He chuckles, throwing his head back, enjoying the sound of your laugh. You shift above him slightly and he winces, stilling your hips.
“C’mon let’s get you dressed. I’m pretty sure I made a promise, something along the lines of sending you home full of my cum?”
“You’ve got a filthy mouth on you, Mr Miller.” You speak against his lips as he slips out of you, and reaches for your underwear. He watches as you awkwardly manoeuvre pulling your clothes back on and climb into the passenger seat.
“I learned from the best.”
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Ok so I was learning to drive today (I’m 18, and just started learning, for clarification) and it made me start thinking about lucifer teaching the boys to drive, and then the boys in turn teaching MC to drive when they find out MC’s parents never taught them. Mammon and Satan would be the best teachers imo; Mammon is a natural at it, and Satan is good at teaching pretty much anything and driving is no different. Belphie is the worst because he falls asleep 5 minutes into the lesson. Beel is too distracted with eating and forgets what he was explaining to MC about how to turn when he remembers there’s gummies hidden in the glove box from the last time he was in the passenger seat. Levi never learned how to drive so he obviously can’t help. Asmo is meh; not totally bad, but he does get distracted by the visor mirror sometimes. Lucifer is a really good driving instructor, but unless he and MC are dating and he wants and excuse to be closer to them, he’s going to pawn the task of teaching mc how to drive off onto his brothers; not because he doesn’t care, but because he absolutely hates it, even though he’s good at it; he’s already done this 7 times, he’d rather not do it again.
*Looks at this in 19 and still can’t drive cuz nobody will teach me* Anyways-
Honestly I’ve got nothing to add but Mammon is the best choice.
Mostly because he’s comfortable behind the wheel. Even if you start worrying about going to fast or hitting the break instead of the gas he’s tellin’ ya to relax and breathe. Freaking out won’t help.
Lucifer would be good too, simply because he did it before and he’s just genuinely good at it. Like he doesn’t really yell cuz freaking out a driver is a bad idea and he knows all kinds of empty back roads and parking lots to practice in.
I feel like Satan is still an in the middle kinda guy just because if you pass a cat anywhere he’s pulling over or telling you to pull over like it’s an emergency 💀
The other boys are all road hazards honestly and probably shouldn’t be allowed near a car-
(Honorable mentioned Diavolo. He’s a little too excited if you ask him tbh but he’s still genuinely helpful and informative.)
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
y/n sneaking and taking aarons car to learn how to drive bc he wont teach her (with a friend that knows how to) and getting caught? i was thinking earth 42 bc miles probably has a motorcycle to chase them down (bc instead of getting out n getting in trouble they jusr drive off full speed)
(I Love this one)
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You and Aaron were in a circle, when you asked him 'Dad can you teach me how to drive?' He would say 'yes' but weeks would pass and you still could not bee trusted behind the wheel, then when you would ask for lessons he would say no, because 'why should I pay for them when I could just teach you?' And when you pressed him to actually teach you, or for Miles too he would hit you with the 'We don't have time to teach you!'
So finally you had enough, enough of waiting for your Dad, or Miles to get off their ass and teach you, so you inlisted the help of Musa, her father had been vigilante on teaching her on driving since he was sick of shoeffering her places, drilling the road code into her like a second langue, and now that both Aaron and Miles had left the house, and the car you called her up for assistance.
Calling Musa Harada...
Musa: "hey"
Y/n: "Hi hi...so you know how you can drive?"
Mus: "Just about, yeah why you need going some place?"
Y/n: "No, not yet anyways I was just wondering if you'd be willing to teach me"
Musa: "Can't, Dad's off on buisnesse and took the car"
Y/n: " What about my Dad's car?"
Musa: "Your Dad's car?"
Y/n: "Yeah, who else?"
Musa: "Knowing how your Dad dotes that thing? If we took it out and even got one scratch I think he'd kill us both!"
Y/n: "Yeah...But if your even a half decent teaching I won't get any scratches and all will be fine!"
Musa: " But what if I'm a bad teacher and we crash?"
Y/n: "Are you a bad teacher?"
Musa: "I don't know Iv'e never teached anyone how to drive"
Y/n: "Well now's your chance!"
Musa: "...What's in it for me?"
Y/n: "$250 and Egyptian leftovers!"
Musa: "I'll be over in a hour!"
End of call...
And just as she said Musa was over by your window in a hour, letting her in as her long black hair whisked past your face she asked you...
Musa: "Where are my leftovers?"
Y/n: "In the kitchen damm"
So while Musa stuffed her face and her pockets while you sat beside her on the coach.
Musa: "So how are we getting in your Dad's car?"
You pulled out the shiny key and dangled it in front of her.
Y/n: "Swiped his keys"
Musa: "And he didn't notice? Odd"
Y/n: "I know right? I thought for sure he was gonna catch me but his mind's been else where"
Musa: "Why donsen't your Dad teach you?"
Y/n: "He keeps saying he will but I know he won't, it's a mix of him being busy, and not wanting to admit to himself I'm not a child"
Musa: "Look at you, little therapist"
Y/n: "I know right? You finished with your food?"
Musa: "yeah" She said wiping her lip and dusting herself off as you both made your way out the house and down the fire escape and into the neighbouring ally where at the end of the alley under a rouge tarp was Aarons vintage black Cadillac, his pride and joy after you of course that he had imported from Cuba that he had worked on and off for the past however many years.
Musa: "You sure you wanna do this?"
Y/n: "...Yeah"
Musa: "That sounded very unsure..." she said hands on hips and eye brow raised.
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah whatever"
And once you and Musa got into the car, turned on the engine and pulled out the alley she softly instructed you to press on the accelerator, only for the car to jolt forward once, stop entirley and then start again, only now it took over itself, speeding down the road at 70 an hour.
But your foot was already off the gas, your hands weren't even on the wheel but still car kept going straight so fast everything seemed a blur.
Y/n: "I HAVE!!" Musa looked over to see your feet weren't anywhere near the gas pedal.
But once you did the car simply kept going, faster and faster with Musa leaning over and swerving the wheel to avoid civillians both of you screaming hysterically as the car took a life of it's own only for Musa to take the wheel to avoid ant fatality's.
Musa: "MOVE!!" She screamed as she swerved the car out of the way of an old woman slowly being shuffled across the road, the war drifts around her while Musa pushes her legs in front of your's to try and stop the car pressing on the breaks only for it to keep going, pressing on the horn again and again to ward people off while you were squished into the window making room for Musa.
Needless to say your reckless driving caught the attention of the Police, you saw their red and blue lights in the side view mirrors and growingly large cars come closer as they sped closer. You heard there groaning siren and the sound of speaker came on.
PD NY Pull Over!!
Musa: "WERE TRYING!!" She screamed out the window obvioulsy not being heard as they continued to chase.
As the car made it's way down road and down under the bridge Musa while trying to avoid people had stuck several other cars thankfully not seriously hurting anyone.
Musa: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CAR?!" She yelled pressing the break again and again while looking down at her feet.
Y/n: "Musa! Watch out!" Musa looked up to see she was around drive off a ten foot drop, but instead swerved the car into a bridge piller, finally bringing it to a stop, the air bags kick in while you both slammed your heads into the air cushions.
And so, while both concussed and deeply shaken you emergred from the reck alive and with your hands up...
While you and Musa sat in jail with ice packs for your swollen heads you apologized again and again to her for almost killing you both with Aarons strange car, you requested a phone call, meanwhile Aaron had just gotten home.
He opened the door where he would usually see you on the couch, or in your room but the house was empty, he called out for you.
Aaron: "Y/n...Ay Y/n you home...?" Only to be met with nothing.
Aaron picked up the phone with no caller id.
You are reciving a call from PDNY Brooklyn's 99th brough holding center from 'Y/n Davis' Press one to answer..
Y/n: "Da-"
Aaron: "What have you done?"
Y/n: "Hiiii Dad...So you know how you wouldn't teach me to drive?"
Aaron: "Jesus christ Y/n..."
Y/n: "So me and Mus-"
Musa poked you in the back.
Musa: "Don't drag me into this"
Y/n: "But you were there!"
Musa: "This is your fault!"
Y/n: "Yeah yeah" You turned away from Musa and back to the phone.
Y/n: "Uhhh, So We took out the car..."
Aaron: "As in My Cadillac?"
Y/n: "Yeah...and we might have, I might have crashed it into a bridge pillar"
Aaron: "WHAT?! I..I Oh My God, are you okay, is Musa okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah were oka-"
Aaron: "Than WHAT were you THINKING?! You took out my car and crashed it? Did you break in?!!"
Y/n: "Nooo...I swiped your keys"
Aaron: "Oh my God...Y/n why WHY would you do that?! "
Y/n: "It's not my fault it crashed, it literally would not stop going!"
Aaron: "Y/n...I don't DRIVE that car because THE BREAKS DO NOT WORK!"
Y/n: "Yeah I figured that out! Why do you still have it?!"
Y/n: "Why would you collect a car?"
Aaron: "Where is it now?"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "The CAR!"
Y/n: "Oh uh...I think it's been in pounded"
Aaron: "Oh My God...Oh my god Y/n I can't with you right now-"
Y/n: "But Da-"
Call ended
Musa: "So?"
Y/n: "He hanged up!"
Musa: "He hanged up?! So were stuck here?"
Y/n: "Yep"
Musa: "Oh my GOD!"
So for around half a hour later while you and Musa sat misreablley in the holding center the door opened for a police officer to reveal themselves.
Y/n Davis and Musa Harada?
Musa: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Your bail's been paid your free to go...
As so while you and Musa exited the holding cell you saw Miles leaning against the wall all none chalant.
Y/n: "MILES! Thank you SOSO much your paying our bail!"
Miles: "I didn't, Your Dad did, sent me to come get you, I think it's best if you stay at mine Y/n your Dad is pissed, Musa come on I'll drop you home"
Musa: "Oh...thanks Miles!"
Requets are open!
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onbearfeet · 5 months
WIP Wedneday? WIP Wednesday.
Road trip with the cast of Monster Mash. Imagine these dinguses playing yellow car.
Jack Russell had never been a fan of long car rides.
He didn’t mind driving, particularly. Being a werewolf often meant living somewhere new every month, and until the advent of cheap intercontinental air travel, that had mostly meant picking a continent and moving around on it as best he could. And for the last century or so, moving around in North America had meant automobiles. He’d driven everything from Model Ts to Rolls Royces, and none of it had been particularly difficult or uncomfortable.
No, it was being a passenger that he couldn’t stand.
Perhaps it was something about werewolf reflexes; he reacted to things slightly faster than ordinary humans, even in his own human form, so if he wasn’t careful, riding shotgun in a car meant he was constantly tapping an imaginary brake or gas pedal half a second before the driver did. Or perhaps it was lingering trauma from all the times he’d been shot or netted, trussed up, and thrown into the back of something with a snarling engine. Whatever it was, he didn’t enjoy being in a moving vehicle that he didn’t control. He sometimes wondered how Ted felt about it; after all, there probably weren’t any vehicles built for someone his size.
But Elsa Bloodstone owned the van, and Elsa did not give up her keys without a good reason, so Jack had gotten used to swallowing his pride and climbing into the passenger seat—or worse, the back after Bucky Barnes won the coin toss.
There was one positive to Elsa’s driving, though. Somehow, through whatever perverse alchemy made her the most remarkable woman in the world (at least in Jack’s thoroughly biased and entirely correct opinion), he could sleep while she was at the wheel. Something about the cedar-and-sage scent of her at close quarters put his hackles down, smoothed his bristling paranoia, and let him drift off to the thrum of the engine and the whisper of her breath.
And so he was mostly asleep, slipping in and out of a pleasant dream about running through high mountain forests with nothing chasing him for once, when he heard Elsa’s voice.
“Your majesty,” Bucky drawled from behind Jack, where he was presumably still strapped into a jump seat in the cargo area.
Jack felt the smile tugging at his lips. He hoped Elsa couldn’t see it.
Elsa huffed, and Jack could hear the eyeroll in her voice. “In my infinite mercy, I’ve decided to do you a favor.”
“Golly, gee, thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” she said flatly. “I’m saving you considerable embarrassment. Not counting your years with Hydra, how long would you say you’ve been, er—?”
“Myself? Conscious? Human?”
Jack couldn’t suppress the small flinch.
“Yes. That.”
“A few years, now. I guess you can count it from 2014, if you’re going from when I got out. But it took me a couple years to, y’know, have a personality again. Why?”
“Did you spend much time catching up on history?”
“I puked for two days straight after I googled JFK, so no.”
“Right, then. There are facts you’ll need to know if you don’t want to make a complete arse of yourself.”
“If this is about Marvin Gaye, I swear to Christ—”
“Your Wikipedia page,” Elsa interrupted, “says you were raised Irish American Catholic. Is that true?”
“Near ’nough.” A faint Irish lilt drifted through Bucky’s voice. “My dad was, anyway.”
“Then you probably heard a few sermons in your day about the evils of homosexuality.”
Bucky burst out laughing.
It was loud enough that Jack gave up even pretending to sleep, opened his eyes, and sat up from where he’d been slumped against the passenger window. He stretched as somewhere behind him, Ted rumbled a question that sounded like What the hell?
“Sorry, fellas,” Bucky chuckled. “Old man laughs at history lesson, you know how it is.” He snorted.
Jack stretched and used the motion as an excuse to look back at the cargo bay. Bucky was, indeed, still in his jump seat, wiping tears from his eyes and grinning.
“Priceless,” he muttered. “Just priceless. Elsa, is this gonna be one of those ‘some people are queer now and you gotta be okay with it’ talks?”
“If by ‘okay’ you mean ‘on your best manners or I’ll stab you’, then yes, that’s what this is.” Elsa took her eyes off the road just long enough to glare daggers at Bucky.
“Ha.” Bucky scrubbed at his face with his flesh hand. “Okay, let’s save you some time. Quick show of hands—who in this van has, at some point in their life, done queer shit?”
He pulled his hand away from his face and raised it above his head.
Jack grinned and put his own hand up.
Ted urfed and raised his.
Bucky looked at Elsa and raised his eyebrows.
Grudgingly, Elsa raised her hand.
“That’s what I thought,” Bucky said. His voice gentled. “Doll, I’m from Brooklyn. Down by the Navy yard, no less. There’s not much I ain’t seen. If I use the wrong words or something, please do correct me before the ghost of my mother rises from her grave and hauls me off by my ear, but you don’t have to worry I’ll see two fellas kissing and get the vapors.”
“Good,” Elsa replied, turning her attention back to the road. “Because our client is an old friend of mine, and I’ve got barbed bolts in my crossbow.”
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A Drunk Texan Stole My Identity.
I've had this blog since 2017. In those 6 years, I have been consistently active, sometimes more than others, depending on IRL factors, but in December I lost my Dad. To say that this was devastating would be an understatement. I made posts on my social media channels that I would not be active for awhile, because there was no way I could juggle things in my online life with the needs of my offline life.
The majority of people in the hypnokink community have been wonderful during this time. I received a handful of kind messages that really meant a lot. I would be remiss if I didn’t also highlight the kindness of a lot of the fetish models, I’ve worked with who reached out. They got hired for a job and could have left it at that, but many of them took time out of their busy lives to reach out. They’re great people.
And that brings me to the drunk Texan who I’ll just refer to as “James”. Although part of me wants to blast his full name all over the internet, I’m not. James decided to use my bereavement leave as an opportunity to impersonate me on Tumblr. He used the “Hedge Hypnotist” name, posted my content and claimed it was his own, and messaged people pretending to be me in attempts to hypnotize them. James has also stolen content from @qu1etdroprop (who is awesome and makes fantastic content). I’ve also been contacted by another producer who informed me that James has been pirating their content, which is not only illegal but a deplorable thing to do considering the amount of effort goes into making Hypnokink content, especially at a time when Hypnokink content is under attack.
James is a moron. While you might be thinking that he just does not know any better, let me tell you that James is in his 30s and has a kid. James knows better than to do this. His smug smile during his over a decades worth of mugshots and excuses when confronted about all of this (as seen below) lead me to think that he’s a narcissist who uses mental gymnastics to relieve himself from any shame or accountability for his actions.
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Originally, I confronted James and was just going to leave it at that. There is a steep learning curve when entering the online hypnosis community and no definitive structures to educate or prepare people. Almost everyone makes mistakes in this community and, in most cases, I think they should be used as lessons to move forward in the future. This is not one of those cases. Identity theft is far outside from the typical learning curves within the Hypnosis Community and, as I’ve heard from more and more people about the interactions with James while he has been pretending to be me, letting him off with a warning is beneath the threshold of what his actions warrant.
If you interacted with James while he was pretending to be me, please let me know. The more I hear the more I’m considering legal action (something I’m becoming more and more well versed in due to insane people on the internet). If you've been wronged by him and want more information, I will be happy to give you more information.
I would advise against interacting with him. There is something wrong with him. He does not have any concept of how to operate on the internet, let alone within the hypnokink community, or even behind the wheel of a car for that matter. If his conduct online and his decade worth of mugshots are any indication, I feel incredibly bad for (as he referred to her) his “crazy latina ex”.
Here are some of his current accounts. I have no doubt that there are more and that he’ll change screen names in the near future. Please keep an eye open.
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Usernames: DreamyDominant91#7395 SleepDoctor91 MasterKaa91 James Kay (Not his real last name) [email protected] Hypno Dream Master hypno-dreammaster
Also a huge THANK YOU to @pruning-the-minds-garden for helping to get the word out about this.
Apologies to all the awesome Texans in the world. Sorry you share a geographic region with this guy.
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anony-man · 1 month
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Chubformers drabble #85!
Characters: Pharma & Tarn (IDW)
Word count: 854
Good Autobots obeyed their orders, as Pharma had been told, and bad Autobots were swiftly punished. It was a simple process, which meant it should’ve been even simpler to obey. Unfortunately for him, and for everyone else who’d been unlucky enough to fall under the hands of the DJD, nothing was ever simple.
He’d stood in front of his desk for what felt like ages, stuck wringing his servos and hyperventilating as he looked over the past week’s bounty. It was happening more and more now that the demand had gone up yet again, and Pharma simply wasn’t capable of making ends meet like he used to. There were too few patients, too many watchful optics, and too much suspicion.
He was already walking on thin ice as it was. In a place like Delphi, Pharma knew it only took one wrong step before he was plunging into the darkness. Primus have mercy, and let him have this once. Maybe, with an extra few days, he could reach his goal and—
“Knock knock, doctor.”
Pharma shuddered, trembling servos still feverishly picking at his fingertips as he stared down at the meager output. Seventeen cogs. He’d gathered seventeen cogs out of the thirty-some and not even half of them were in proper working condition.
“Pharma~” that painfully soft voice whispered from over his shoulder. “What have we got here for me?”
The doctor didn’t need to turn around to know Tarn was standing right behind him. He could feel the heat of the mech’s frame coming off of him in waves, the strain of near-constant transformation putting an agonizing strain on his massive frame.
Despite the warmth he radiated, Tarn’s servos were cold as they wrapped around Pharma’s shoulder. The Con counted aloud, agonizing over every word.
“Fifteen, sixteen… hm? What’s this? You’ve come short of the goal again? Oh, Pharma.”
He’d kept his composure for longer than before, but Pharma couldn’t help whimpering as he was guided away from the light of his desk. Tarn guided him towards the door, his claws digging deep into Pharma’s plating.
“You know what that means,” he growled into the doctor’s audials, eliciting a shudder from him. “This is getting old fast, you know.”
He had been starving before Tarn had come along. Starving, but reasonably content. There was still the spirit of making things work, the drive he felt towards making a difference despite the obvious lack of care from the bots in charge of Delphi’s success. He was starved of fuel but full of life, hungry for the success of himself and his fellow medics.
Now, he was fed beyond his limits, the excess weight of Tarn’s unique punishments hanging off of him in rolls of fat and bloated mesh. Pharma no longer yearned for the life and growth Delphi could have been capable of anymore, but at least he wasn’t starving.
“Here,” Tarn said, shoving Pharma into an old storage room. “Get down on your knees, Autobot. You know the drill.”
Pharma hung his helm sunk to the floor. He remembered how it would go. He’d already done it countless times before. Though he was forbidden from watching, Pharma could hear the wheels of the machine Tarn always brought along with him these days.
“What is it I always say?” Tarn asked as he unraveled the tube. “Good Autobots—“
“Obey their orders,” Pharma rasped. There was a pause before he added, “and bad Autobots get punished.”
“Good, good!” Tarn clapped his servos together. “You’re learning quickly, Pharma.”
When Tarn grabbed ahold of his helm, Pharma obediently opened his mouth. He closed his optics, just missing the sight of the tube held up to his face before it was forced down his throat. Pharma choked around the intrusion, his throat bulging from the plastic lodged inside.
“It’s a shame we have to keep doing this,” Tarn tutted, his free servo reaching down to pinch at the pudgy excess of mesh forming on Pharma’s belly. “I think you’ve learned your lesson by now, don’t you?”
Pharma blinked back tears as the machine was turned on. He could do nothing more than swallow around the plastic tubing as energon was pumped down his throat.
“I bet you like it,” Tarn continued. He groped at Pharma’s belly, fingers jiggling the flabby rolls as the doctor chugged. “You like getting filled up, you pig. Well, don’t you worry.”
Just before it became too much, the machine was turned off. Pharma nearly gagged as the tube was forcefully pulled from him, small spurts of energon left behind for him to quickly swallow down. He was not to make a mess, no matter what—he’d learned that the hard way.
“Next week,” Tarn said, giving Pharma’s bloated belly a slap, “I’ll expect you to bring me fifty. Any less and today’s punishment will seem like foreplay. Understood?”
Tears pooled in his optics before spilling over down his cheeks, but Pharma didn’t stop them. He rubbed at his throat and swallowed before looking up to meet Tarn’s gaze, his mouth agape as he shuddered and panted.
“Yes,” he croaked. “I understand.”
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
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Part 9
word count: 2518
Your ex tracks you down and Keigo teaches him a lesson :)
Yandere boyfriend Hawks x reader x yandere ex boyfriend Dabi
Your first reaction to seeing your ex-boyfriend in your doorway was to slam the door shut in his face.
Dab kept the door open with his arm and tried to push the door open, you were putting your whole body weight on the door.
“Hey, I said I need to talk to you,” Dabi said as he kept his hand on the doorknob
“How did you even find me!” you yelled as you kept trying to close the door 
“Well it would have been easier to call you if you hadn't blocked me on everything,” he said as he pushed the door open nearly knocking you down. He kept standing in the doorway, arms crossed and looking at you.  “Still your little friend posted a photo of you and him, and Kent found out where he went, it was actually kind of easy.”
You stood your ground and kept glaring at him.
“Oh don't look at me like that.” He said, “If anything I'm the one who should be upset here.”
“Excuse me.” you said, “you kicked me out of your house and made me walk home in the middle of the night alone, with no shoes!”
“I wouldn't have kicked you out if you weren't a damn liar.”
“You said we were done!” you yelled back at him
“And I need to talk to you,” he said
“There isn't anything left for you to say Dabi,” you said
“Come on I said you can call me Toya when it's just the two of us,” he said and stepped into your apartment
“Get out.” you said “Get out or I'll scream.”
“Fine scream then.” Dabi said and waited “You won’t.”
You grabbed the nearest thing close to you which just so happen to be a metal water bottle
“Don't come near me,” you said
“Oh come on you are shaking like I'm going to hurt you or something.” He said, “I just need to talk to you.”
“Fine, say what you want and leave,” you said ready to bash his face in with the water bottle, he looked unamused by your threat.
“Well first of all, I didn't actually want to break up with you, you lied to me saying after high school you were just going to stop there, then you go behind my back and apply for colleges.”
“My parents did that.” you corrected him
“Whatever, then you say you want to leave to go to this…dump, so I kicked you out to scare you, I expected you to call or text me, and I would have taken you back, but you never did, so you are pretty quick to move on.” He said, and you had never felt the burning fire of hatred blaze as much as it did
“You are insane…I should have known from the start, but you really are just a crazy jackass, you're not cool or edgy or even have an alternative way of life, you are just nuts!” you hissed “So what you thought you'd just come in here, tell me that, and I drop out of school and go back with you!?”
“Well if you had any sense of loyalty left in then you would,” he responded
“No,” you shouted
“No?” Dabi said
Kent was anxiously tapping the wheel of his car
“This ain't right, this is crazy, seriously I have no idea what to do, ugh if I leave he will just find me…ahhhhh what has my life amounted to!” he kept screaming to himself when he noticed a familiar red mustang pull up.
“Oh no…” Kent said under his breath and he hid under the wheel “I didn't think I'd see him again!”
He peeked out the window and saw him going towards your apartment, should he warn Dabi that he was coming towards him, what was he even doing here!?
Keigo found apartment 434 and noticed the door was cracked open, which wasn't a good sign, then a shout of you screaming no. and formalities be damned, but Keigo slammed the door open and saw you terrified holding a water bottle and some random guy standing way to close to you with his hand on your shoulder, your eyes went from petrified too relieved when you two locked eyes.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” Keigo yelled and grabbed his hand off of you before dabi slapped his hand
“Don't touch me,” Dabi said
“Oh like you are one to talk buddy,” Keigo said as he got in front of you 
“This doesn't concern your bird brain.’ Dabi said
“Uhhh ahaha I think it does.’ Keigo said 
“If you know what's good for you, you'll get out of the way, I'm trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend,” Dabi said
“He's lying, this is my ex I was telling you about,” you said still hiding behind Keigo, you felt like a total coward right now, but what else could you do
“I figured as much.” Keigo responded, “Look, I have no problem making a scene here, so if you know what's good for you, you'll get out of her apartment and won't show your face around here again, got it.”
You gulped, you remembered what usually happened to guys who talked back to him like that, one guy lost his coat due to it being set on fire.
“Why would I listen to you?” Dabi said as he looked over at you “What do you want (name)?”
“... I want you to go,” you muttered
“Fine, I'll go.” Dabi said and he left the apartment “I still want to have a proper conversation with you without being interrupted.”
“Oh my god if you ever shut up, she said leave!” Keigo shouted at him before slamming the door and locking in “Crist that guy is…hey you good?”
Keigo's anger quickly went into concern as he saw you sitting down and staring at the floor, your hands shaking as you were trying to take in a deep breath
“(name)...did he do anything to you?” Keigo asked as he walked over to you
“He grabbed my wrist after he barged his way in.” you said looking around the apartment, “I can't believe he was able to find me….”
Keigo sat on the floor and reached his hand over to you, he gave it a quick squeeze “Well he is gone now.” “I don't think for good, when he said he wanted to have a proper conversation soon, that was a threat…and I think you just got on his bad side.”
“Don't worry about me okay.’ Keigo said 
“How can i not!” you said “I have seen first what he does to people who pissed him off Keigo.” “Deep breath.” Keigo said and you obliged  “Trust me (name), you don't have to worry about me, I won't underestimate the guy.”
“I just can't believe he found me…the photo you posted of us...I have no idea how he was able to find me just by that.” “Crap, well this seems like my fault then,” Keigo said
“What no, you didn't mean to, look he, I…Dabi is…god what is the word, persistent…”
“Obnoxious, imposing, aloof, a jackass, crazy.’ Keigo mumbled on as he pulled your student id out “here.”
You took it from his hand and let out a sigh of relief “thank god you came by to return this, I don't want to think what would have happened if you hadn't shown up…”
“Well I did, so no need to worry.” Keigo said, “he really scares you huh.”
“Like you said he is really imposing.” You said as you fiddled with your card, “Keigo, please listen to me when I say, you don't want to get involved with him, well more like I don't want you to get involved with him, he is dangerous.”
“I promise.” Keigo said as he gave you a reassuring smile “You feeling any better?”
“Yeah, I think I just need some sleep, and maybe some pepper spray, or a taser.”
“That sounds like a solid plan.” Keigo said as he stood up “I will see you in class tomorrow okay and if anything happens you have my number and give me a call, okay?”
“I'll keep that in mind, thanks Keigo,” you said as you walked over to the door and checked the peephole, you checked to make sure the coast was clear, and Keigo left waving bye, you waved back at him and closed the door.
Lesson learned: always check the peephole before opening the door.
Keigo walked down the staircase and headed towards his car when he was hit with the familiar scent of cigarette smoke, he looked over and there was Dabi staring him down, he must have been waiting for him to show up.
“Those things will kill you, you know.” Keigo said as he turned around “I thought you said you were leaving.”
“I left her apartment, didn't i.’ Dabi said “Tell me did you feel good playing the knight in shining armor”
“I was just helping a friend out.’ Keigo said, Dabi took another inhale of his cigarette and flicked the ashes at Keigo, who brushed them off his jacket.
“Well, I have to thank you for making it so easy to find her again,” Dabi said 
“Hey, taking a photo and posting it is just what friends do.’ Keigo said, “not that you would know.”
“Says the playboy, tell me do take your shirt off to show off your tattoos to all the girls you are trying to impress, or just the ones you take for joy rides.”
“Oh so the loser was stalking us for longer than I thought, well credit where credit is due, you sure know how to play the creepy stalker ex who can't take a hint.” Keigo said “And playboy, really, at least I never broke into their apartments and made them cower in fear.”
“See now you are just asking for it.’ Dabi said, “I was going to let you go since you made it so easy to find her, but you don't know when to shut your mouth.”
“Oh, you coming at me?” Keigo asked, “Let's see if you can actually put your money where your mouth is.”
“Fine by me,” Dabi said as he cracked his knuckles
“Fine, but don't regret your choices,” Keigo said as Dabi swung at him, Keigo made a quick dodge of it, before he pulled a knife out of his coat pocket and slashed Dabi across the knuckles. Dabi grabbed the top of his hand and was trying to hold back a scream, as Keigo looked down at the knife and flicked the blood off of it. All while placing a well-placed kick to Dabi's gut, he clenched his stomach, right before Keigo swept his feet and caused Dabi to fall to the floor.
Keigo pinned Dabis' good hand behind his shoulder blades and took his knife to Dabis' neck.
“Dabi, Dabi Dabi…. You were talking so much, but that took me like 6 seconds to immobilize you.” Keigo mocked him
“You are so dead.” Dabi gasped out while he was shaking in pain
“Says the man who has a knife to his neck.” Keigo said, “Next time you choose a fight, make sure you can back up the amount of shit you spew from that mouth of yours, okay?”
“Let him go,” Kent said
“And who are you?’ Keigo asked as he pulled Dabi up, still having a knife to his neck “You with him?”
“...” Kent was silent not knowing what to say when someone had a knife up to your…friends? Neck.
'`Oh wait, I recognize you, Kenny right, well Kent.’ Keigo said 
“Oh great he recognizes me, the last thing I want is to get into a fight with this guy.” Kent thought as he gulped
“That's me…look can you let him go?” Kent asked and Dabi was glaring daggers at Kent
“Why should I?” Keigo asked, “I mean I don't want to spill any more blood, but he is kinda threatening my friend.”
“Look man, I really don't want trouble, okay, we will leave.’ Kent said 
“...fine, do me a favor and take this one home for me okay, also Dabi be glad your friend showed up, and this was a warning.”
Keigo tossed the bruised Dabi to Kent, who dragged Dabi to his car
“I can still beat him,” Dabi muttered as he clutched his stomach
“Dabi, you lost, let's go before you get even more scars on you okay,” Kent said as he opened the door and put Dabi in the back seat.
“He is so dead….” Dabi said, “What the fuck just happen.”
“Dabi, I tried telling you earlier, but Hawks is a very … well-versed fighter, and quick, look I've only heard stories about him taking people down, I did not expect the rumors to be true though.”
“Now you tell me!” Dabi yelled, “after I got my fucking knuckles slashed open!”
“I'm sorry I tried to tell you but you seemed to be hellbent on tracking (name) down, also I didn't expect him to show up.”
“He had a fucking knife to my neck!” Dabi said, “You came to get me after I had a fucking knife to my neck!”
“I'm sorry man, I didn't know what to do. Look, let's just get you to a hospital and get your hand sewn up,” Kent said
“That is the first good idea you have ever had.” Dabi yelled, “What else do you know about him.”
“Well, you remember that one thug awhile ago, he got arrested but his last name was also Takami.” Kent said
“Takami…oh you mean the one my old fart of a dad prosecuted,” Dabi said
“Yup that one, well that is his son,” Kent explained
“Didn't he get shanked while doing his sentence?” Dabi said, “Wasn't that like a year ago…year and a half I think.”
“That's the one.’ Kent said “But since his dad was so…you know, a lot of people really wanted to take down the son of Takami, to teach him a lesson, but they all ended up bloody, and bruised.”
“So he is the real deal then.’ Dabi said looking at his knuckles “Not some wannabe punk.”
“Nope, a lot of people who fought him said they had no idea what happened, just that they ended up on the ground with a few extra scars on their faces.”
“So there is no way I can win against him in a fight,” Dabi said
“Don't think so,” Kent said
“Could run him over with your car,” Dabi suggested
“Dude, no you aren't using my car for murder,” Kent said, Dabi let out a laugh
“Well don't worry, there is more than one way to defeat someone, brute strength is one of them, the other one is just slowly peeling away their sense of security, hitting them where it hurts.”
“Well then.” Kent said as he pulled up to the hospital “Let's just get you stitched up.”
“I need to get the hell away from this guy.” Kent thought
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freshthoughts2020 · 7 months
February 28, 2024
Back with another article involving a lesson from my car accident the other day. Quick recap, got into a little fender bender on the block of my crib and boy was I angry. I was enraged because I thought how much this could’ve been avoided and how inconvenient the timing was (but when is it ever a good time for an accident? lol).
When I collided with the other vehicle, foolishly before I could even Thank God for letting me be alright, I went into cursing up a storm. If you know I’m not super curse man like that, I try to watch my language beloved. Its easier for me to curse when I rap because I feel like curse words enhance the emotion behind the lyrics lol. Even that sound crazy forgive me Christ I might be tripping lmao.
Anyways, I’m bashing the steering wheel, hit the mirror just going bezerk, but an older black woman was the driver of the other vehicle. She got out and consoled me. Got to preaching to me like she was in the pulpit lol, reminding how blessed we are no scars, no injuries, she had nothing negative to say. The worst thing she said was she was running late for work. So we exchanged info and kept it pushing but boy I was defeated but things turned around..
Thank God for insurance boy. This situation could’ve been a thousand times worst without insurance. The only thing wrong was the front bumper on the left side had some unwanted hangtime. You know that’s an easy rack, and that’s a rack I didn’t want to pay for. I’m trying to take trips, reinvest in my business, help people, every rack count beloved and I don’t have time to be spending it on repairing vehicles. But once again God looked out and that headache was resolved.
Ya boy got into a crispy rental boy. It’s a car I been wanting to drive for a minute too. Often fantasizing myself in it, going for cruises, being suited up, you know regular car fantasies. Now I never thought I would be in this vehicle through this circumstance but here we are. Using something I thought was so “horrible” being turned into an opportunity for me to shine yet again. God is Good.
This is probably the most important thing out this situation. A blessing being spoken over my life. If you don’t know about the power of words, you gon know about it today. Its something my mother always stressed to us, “life and death is in the power of the tongue.” See, Proverbs 18:21 Amplified Bible (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.
Words are so powerful it even had brother plotting against his own brother to receive a blessing. Jacob and Esau are twin brothers in the biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis. Their story revolves around the struggle for their father Isaac's blessing. Esau, the older twin, was a skilled hunter and Isaac's favorite, while Jacob was a more cunning and domesticated individual.
The pivotal moment came when Isaac, nearing old age and with failing eyesight, decided to bless Esau, intending to pass on the family's leadership and prosperity to him. However, their mother, Rebekah, favored Jacob and orchestrated a plan for him to receive the blessing instead. She dressed Jacob in Esau's clothes and covered his hands and neck with animal skins to mimic Esau's hairy appearance.
When Jacob approached his father, Isaac was initially suspicious due to the voice difference between Jacob and Esau. However, Jacob convinced Isaac that he was Esau, and Isaac bestowed the blessing upon him. When Esau later discovered this deception, he was furious and sought to kill Jacob. As a result, Jacob fled to his uncle Laban's house.
So you see a blessing of the word means a lot! Today I received word from the woman that she would pray for me (genuinely) and ask that God blesses me with a prosperous and blessed life. I promised to return the same sentiment. When those words are received by God, I know they will touch me spiritually is enlighten my life, allowing me to continue to flourish in God’s magnificent blanket of favor.
Remember this when a trash situation arise. Everything works together for our good. Satan is going to get joy seeing you suffer and will not hesitate to take advantage of your misfortune. But Christ is so good he’s going to take everything that was meant for your downfall and turn it into your uprise. Stand tall loved one, peace!
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - Thick Part 2/8
Part 1
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Kenan and Reader share the same high school friend group. As graduation is near, Reader sets out to pass her drivers license test but ultimately struggles to. Thankfully Readers friends agree to help her with driving lessons and take turns doing so. It is during one of Rader's lessons that it becomes clear that Kenan likes her. A chock to Reader, who has a crush on someone else in their friend group.
Kenan wasn't in class today so you had to wait for him to pick you up at the end of yours. Unfortunately he pulled up an hour too late.
"You're late." 
"I know, I'm sorry." He sighed. "Did you have to wait for long?"
"Yes, an hour."
You got into the passenger's seat of his BMW, the last car to leave the school parking lot.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, my training session ran late. If I had a chance to text you I would've."
"Can we just get on with the lesson, please? My parents want me home before dinner." This was actually a lie, your parents were diplomats and often didn't make it home in time to dine with you. Nevertheless, you were starving, craving anything that the family chef was throwing together for dinner tonight.
"How about we switch?" Kenan suggested, referring to your seats.
He pulled over the car and you threw your bag into the backseat. The two of you made the switch that left you behind the wheel of his car.
"So, where should we go?"
"Well, I've had some problems with big roundabouts." You admitted. "Like the one in town."
"With two files?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Alright, it shouldn't be too crowded at this hour. Let's head there and see how you do."
You nodded, pushing Kenan's car to a start. It was a nice car and you bet he took pride in how expensive it was. Of all the people in your friend group, Kenan was the person you spent the least amount of time with, alone that is. You and Luca weren't really the closest either, but that was because you were too shy to ask him to hang out, Kenan on the other hand, you avoided if not on purpose. He was a jock. The worst kind, a football jock. With a newly signed contract to Juventus FC, the best football team in Turin.
"Alright, just take it slow." Kenan said, as you arrived at the roundabout. He was right that it wouldn't be crowded at this hour, which made it easier for you to slip into the right lane.
"Good job, Y/N." He said, praising your driving skills. "I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that at any given hour?"
"Because..." You muttered, steering the car in the direction towards town. "Traffic makes me nervous."
"Yeah, I guess the Italians can be a bit ruthless here in Turin."
"Ruthless." You snorted. "You mean lethal. A man once honked his horn and shouted for me to get off the road, saying that his disabled cousin could drive better than me."
Kenan laughed, a rich laugh that showed off his dimples.
"I don't see how that's funny?"
"It's not." He wiped away his grin. "I'm sorry."
"You've said that like five times already."
"What? I'm sorry?"
"Yeah. It's annoying."
"Right, sorry." He smiled.
You rolled your eyes. 
Silence fell in the car, highlighting the tunes of Kenan's Spotify playlist. It consisted mostly of German trap and some other songs in what you assumed to be Turkish. Rebecca once told you that Kenan's father used to be in the Turkish mob and that's where Kenan got the cut on his eyebrows. However you called bullshit on that fact. The cut on Kenan's eyebrow was clearly a display of what he thought to be fashion amongst the cool kids.
"Do you miss England?"
"Pardon?" You snapped out of your thoughts, feeling Kenan's eyes on you. However, you were too nervous of a driver for your eyes to leave the road.
"Home." He said. "Do you miss your home in England?"
"Well, it's not really my home since I wasn't born there."
"No?" Where were you born then?"
"The Netherlands. But I spent most of my childhood in London."
"Because of your parents' job?"
"Yeah." You were surprised that Kenan knew about your parents' job as diplomats. Come to think about it, perhaps it was the one thing the two of you had in common. 
"Do you miss Germany?" The car stopped at a red light, allowing you to turn your head and look at him. Kenan's eyes stared blankly into yours, a faint but seductive smile on his lips.
"Italy is not so bad." He shrugged. "Here I get to play football with one of the best teams in Europe."
You nodded. "If it wasn't for the traffic I would've agreed with you, Italy is quite the place to live."
"Don't worry Y/N." You flinched as Kenan's hand was brought to your thigh, patting it lightly. "You'll get a hang of the traffic in no time."
Heat rose to your face and you weren't sure whether to be offended or flattered by his actions. Nevertheless, his hand slipped away as quickly as it appeared.
"I'm starving, how about some McDonald's?" He suggested.
"Oh, God yes."
You drove the car to the nearest McDonald's, although Kenan had unbuckled his belt you pulled the car into the drive through, not the parking lot.
"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?" Said a lady through the drive-through monitor.
"Yeah, Hi. Erm...can I get a Big Mac menu with large fries and a large coke."
"Yes, anything else?"
"Yes, can I also get a double cheeseburger on the side and one of those ice cream sundaes with caramel topping."
"Sure thing, is that all?"
You looked at Kenan, who sat back in the passenger's seat with blushing red cheeks and wide eyes.
"Kenan?" You frowned.
"Make your order."
"Oh, right." He snapped out of his daze and leaned forward. "I'll have a chicken burger and a cup of water, please."
"Is that all?" You whispered.
The lady in the monitor told you to drive around the building and wait for your order to be delivered through the nearest window. Thankfully it only took a minute. Although Kenan began to unwrap his order in the car, you waited to eat your food at home.
"You know, I like a girl with an appetite." Kenan said, through the half chewed food in his mouth.
"You mean a fat girl?" 
He frowned.
"Skinny girls don't have big appetites, so I'm only assuming."
"Yes they do." He protested. "The Italian ones."
"Well, I'm not Italian."
"Yeah and you're not skinny either."
Your mouth fell open. "I can't believe you just said that?"
"You just called me fat Kenan." It was hard for you to concentrate on the road, your hands gripping the steering wheel with a fear of losing control.
"Not fat." Kenan said, shifting in his seat. He placed a hand next to yours on the steering wheel, seeing as you struggle to keep it steady. "You're not fat Y/N, you're more like....like...."
"I don't know, fluffy. Yeah. You're a fluffy girl, not fat."
"You fucking asshole." 
You pulled over the car, grabbing your things from the backseat.
"Y/N, wait! I didn't mean it like that." Kenan got out of the car with you, chasing you down the street. 
"Leave me alone Kenan."
"Come on Y/N, I just couldn't find a better word for it."
You paused and turned back to look at him. He seemed genuinely misunderstood. That is, until he opened his mouth again.
"You're not fat or fluffy Y/N."
"No? What am I then, because I've heard it all from you football guys."
"You're thick." He nodded. "Guys like thick girls, that's why I like you."
"Right, so now I'm fat and dumb."
"What, no? That's not what I..." 
You turned your back on him, continuing down the road towards your house, tossing the McDonald's bag into the nearest bushes.
Part 1
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curl · 5 months
Just had my first driving lesson and the instructor damn near bought me to tears 🤠 literally he was so nice before i got behind the wheel, shit talked, demeaned and chastised me the entire time i was trying to learn, then afterwards was like actually you did really go for someone who has no driving experience whatsoever. Thanks!! That would have been great to know WHILE i was driving but instead he made it seem like EVERYTHING i did was wrong! Then had the nerve to tell me not to be anxious or lose hope 🙃 So anyway if anyone has any tips on driving/ learning how to drive please let me know
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