#Drogar writes
sirdolraan · 1 month
Old Ghosts
(( DWC August 2024 Day 2, Violence/Tenderness, CW: guns, death, murder, blood; @daily-writing-challenge ))
As he did every year around this time, Drogar sat in his study, examining his old, trusty revolver, surrounded by old ghosts.
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"NO!" Moira screamed, as Drogar emptied his pistol into the Dark Iron Emperor, finally avenging his clan's suffering from Dagran's plotting. Far from breaking free of the control, Drogar watched, dumbfounded, as she fell to her knees, cradling the un-moving form of Dagran Thaurissan. "Thaurissan was a great and honorable dwarf," she sobbed, "You ruined my life and the life of my unborn child!"
With a sigh, he tenderly and methodically disassembled the pistol piece by piece, giving each component a proper cleaning and oiling. Lorellai had used it extensively in her adventures, and taken fine care of it, but it had been one of his first successes in gun-making, and had accompanied him throughout his adventuring career. He'd made other, more effective and ornate weapons, but this one bore the weight of history. It was important that he be the one to give it a proper deep clean.
"Drogar, reinforcements are coming in, and they've got more of those fire lizards at their back, we have to go!" the mage had yelled, beginning to cast his portal.
Moira had looked at him with hate in her eyes, Thaurissan's blood staining her dress as it pooled beneath him. "Return to Ironforge and tell my father that the heir to the Kingdom of Ironforge will be a Dark Iron dwarf. Whether he approves or not, it shall be."
Piece by piece, he restored the pistol to its functional state, clean and ready to be loaded and used again. It felt heavier in recent years, though he knew nothing had changed physically.
Some weights weren't physical.
The blue light of the teleportation spell surrounded Drogar and his allies as they made good their escape ahead of the howling cries of the dark iron soldiers and their fiery masters. Moira stared daggers at Drogar, helpless to do anything but cradle her beloved husband's corpse. Everyone else was looking elsewhere, but their gazes were fixed on each other as Drogar raised the pistol once more, pointing it at Moira.
And they were back in Ironforge, mission complete, if not successful. Thaurissan was dead, but Moira had not been rescued. "We're going to need to tell the King what happened, come on everyone," his friends had said, as Drogar lowered the pistol, staring at the empty space where moments ago and miles away he'd seen Moira Thaurissan.
Drogar set the pistol on the table, and sighed. In hindsight, it had been damn lucky the weapon had been empty. Despite his hatred for the dark irons, and the difficulties of the Cataclysm, Moira and her loyalists had not only saved Ironforge, but strengthened his home. The Council of Three Hammers had done well by his people, and their future was bright. He'd done what he was commanded to do. He'd assassinated the ruler of the enemy who warred against them. He'd avenged his uncles, aunts, cousins and more who had died to Dark Iron machinations. And only now, with success and family and everything he'd ever have wanted, was he able to appreciate the cost of what he'd done.
"Th' Butcher of Blackrock. Cannae believe I used t' take pride in it, eh boy?" he asked, gently scratching behind Balinore's ears. The great bear huffed at the disturbance, but leaned into the attention.
A noise from the stairs interrupted his reverie. He turned to see Lorellai coming down the stairs, holding her pack in one hand and looking worried. "Hey Da', do yeh have a minute t' talk?"
Hours later, the sun had risen over icy Dun Morogh, and Lorellai was saying her goodbyes. That minute had turned into hours as they'd learned that Lorellai wasn't the only meddler having the visions, and the decision had been made for those hearing the call to join Dolraan in Dalaran to lend their aid to Khadgar.
"Lass, one last thing," Drogar said, holding his daughter's hand as he drew forth the pistol. "Got it all cleaned up for yeh. May it continue t' keep yeh safe. I love yeh, lass."
Lorellai took the pistol and casually slid it into her her shoulder holster, under her coat. "Thanks Da', we'll both be back before you know it, I'm sure!" she declared, giving her dad a kiss on the nose before hoisting her pack and stepping towards the portal. Moments later, Drogar stood in a smaller crowd that began to break up and return to their work.
"Titans, if yer listenin', keep her safe. And let her give that tool a better destiny than I did."
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lorellaishc · 7 months
Teaching Moments
(( DWC February 2024 Day 1, Casualty/Flirt, CW: None, thanks to @heniimagic for the OC loan, @daily-writing-challenge ))
Lorellai's smile fell as the Human turned away from her, her shoulder slumping as she wandered back to the table she was sharing with Henii. "Och, that's three times now I've been turned down. What kind of festival dedicated to love is this that I cannae even get someone to share a drink with me? What should I say, how should I act, what should I do?"
"I think the problem might be in your approach dear… oh, perhaps I can show you. Ghorren!" Henii called out, getting the attention of the big Zandalari at the bar. "Could you come join us, I need your help."
Ghorren shrugged and walked over, taking a seat. "Sounds simple enough. What do you need?"
"Lorellai needs an example of how to flirt," Henii said, adjusting herself in her chair and then looking at Lorellai. "Now, the first words out of your mouth are the most important. You may want to start with something like this." Turning to Ghorren, she leaned in slightly. "You are the most handsome Troll I've ever laid eyes on."
Ghorren glanced at Lorellai out of the side of his eye, then back to Henii, saying nothing.
Henii chuckled. "But that might not work."
Ghorren leaned in. "Oh, yes it would, in fact."
Henii turned her focus back to him. "You don't know how long I've wanted to tell you that."
"But you were afraid," he replied.
"Of me?"
"Of us. Of what we might become. Or that you might think it was just a line."
"Maybe I do think that."
"So you think I'm insincere."
"I didn't say that. There's nothing wrong with a line. It's like a knock at the door."
"Then are you inviting me in?"
"I'm not sending you away."
"That's more than I expected."
"Is it as much as you hoped?"
Henii leaned in closer. "To hope is to recognize the possibility. I had only dreams."
"Dreams can be dangerous," he cautioned, his face cradled in his hands as he held his gaze locked with hers.
"Not these dreams. I dream of a night sky where your eyes are the stars, and all the peoples of Azeroth worship the night."
Ghorren closed the gap between them even more, a laugh in his voice. "Careful, putting me on a pedestal so high, you might not be able to reach me."
"Then I'll learn to fly. You are the heart of my day, and the soul of my night."
Lorellai cleared her throat. "Um, I'm not sure this is really meh style…"
Ghorren broke his gaze with Henii quickly to glare at the girl, snapping at her to "Hush kid," before turning his attentions back to the Draenei across from him. "Tell me more about my eyes."
Lorellai rolled her eyes and walked away from the table, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks and leaving them to whatever that was.
(Thanks and apologies to the cast and crew of the classic TNG episode "The Dauphin")
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dwarvendiaries · 2 years
I asked ChatGPT to write a cutscene for Dwarf Fortress and...
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[The camera shows a group of dwarves gathered in the main hall of their fortress, discussing a recent discovery.]
Drogar: Have you heard the news? The miners just uncovered a massive vein of adamantine!
Balin: Adamantine? I've only heard stories of that legendary metal. Are you sure?
Drogar: Positive. The miners reported a strange shimmer in the rock, and when they dug deeper, they found a seam of the stuff.
Thrain: This is incredible. We could use adamantine to create the most powerful weapons and armor in all the land.
[Just then, a messenger bursts into the room, out of breath.]
Fili: Urgent news, my lords and ladies! A group of goblins has been spotted approaching the fortress!
Gloin: Damn it all. We need to fortify our defenses.
Drogar: But what about the adamantine? We can't let those goblins get their hands on it.
Thrain: I have an idea. We'll send a small strike team to retrieve the adamantine while the rest of us hold off the goblins.
[The camera cuts to a squad of heavily armed dwarves making their way through the twisting tunnels of the fortress.]
Gimli: Keep your eyes open, lads. These goblins won't give up without a fight.
Thorin: We need to move fast. The longer we take, the more time the goblins have to get closer to our fortress.
[The team comes to a stop in front of a large, glittering wall of adamantine.]
Dain: There it is. Let's load up as much as we can carry and get out of here.
[As the dwarves begin to mine the adamantine, the sound of battle echoes through the tunnels.]
Bofur: We need to hurry. The goblins are getting closer.
[Just as the team finishes mining the adamantine, a horde of goblins bursts into the cavern.]
Dain: Time to go, lads. We've got what we came for.
[The dwarves fight their way out of the cavern, using their newly forged adamantine weapons to carve through the goblins. Eventually, they make it back to the main hall, where the rest of the dwarves are holding off the attackers.]
Drogar: You made it! Did you get the adamantine?
Dain: Aye, we did. And we used it to cut through those goblins like butter.
Balin: Well done, lads. We'll need to study this adamantine more closely, but for now, we've held off the attack.
[The camera shows the dwarves celebrating their victory in the main hall, hoisting mugs of ale and singing songs of triumph.]
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autumnslance · 1 year
(@driftward) Sigh, I see you picked a prompt meme where I can't trick you into being nice to yourself some more, so... let's choose violence. 9. Worst part of canon, 18. It's kind of criminal the fandom has been sleeping on... 19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... (you can't pick anything Thancred related) 23. ship you've unwillingly come around to (or maybe you can 😇😇😇)
Choosing Violence:
9. Worst part of canon
The attempts at gritty grim dark "reality" in parts of the game cuz that's what's been popular in the fantasy genre for 40-odd years so have to follow suit, right? Especially with all the references to ethnic/racial bigotry and sexual assault in various places.
Which, OK, I know what they're going for in how it's similar but different in this fantasy world, but also there's nothing can be done about it in too many cases so it's just there instead of doing anything useful as commentary let alone story. It doesn't make the world any more "real" just for its presence. This is a fantasy MMO theme park setting meant for escapism, anyway.
18. It's kind of criminal the fandom has been sleeping on…
-The updates to Rhitahtyn and Lahabrea's MSQ fights. Or any of the reworks in general. Just the ability to review the actual lore and story instead of via regurgitated memes and shitposts at all.
-The Company of Heroes cuz many people are whiny about an honestly not that bad part of the MSQ so write off these varied characters and their history and current exploits. But I guess since Riol's one of the few Company members that people tend to think are fuckable and lump him in with the Scions anyway, they'll stay in underutilized NPC land even though they have more screen time and lore than the Ward and Sundered Ascians put together.
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
Drogar beat you to it. ;-)
But in seriousness, there's honestly not too much I'm "ashamed", "mad", or "horrified" about liking in a fantasy MMO with a heavy emphasis on complex characters and stories that often times go into rather dark and difficult places.
There's a couple dark fics I've read that are quite good, but they're not my cup of tea, just a thing occasionally poked at to go "nope, still not my thing, some good lines and ideas though" before I go back to avoiding them for another few years.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
None; I either am "I can see it, sure" or "Not my bag, baby" and proceed to filter it out of my social media as much as possible. Usually due to inundation rather than actual dislike, though there's some I am firmly "nope, not for me."
With the exception, of course, since you allow it, of my darling WoL daughter falling for a disaster rogue and taking something like a year or two to convince me to write and post about it in public. This wasn't supposed to happen, yet here I am.
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darbiebot · 2 years
DWC August 2022 Day 7: Peace
Darlain was utterly exhausted, after 16 hours in labor anyone would be. She thought she'd been through the worst when Holden was born, but twins.... she was elated now that it was all over. Just as her eyes began to close, a knock on the door snapped her attention to the silhoutte of her husband, and all the kids in tow.
She smiled at them wearily, giving them a shaky wave, "'ello loves..."
Shin lept onto the nearby couch and onto the bed, Lorelei thankfully had the sense to guide her little sister away from actually crawling over her mother for the hug, though the gesture did elicit a bit of a pained grunt from Darlain. "Easy, easy, gotta be careful there, loves."
Drogar chuckled and leaned over for a kiss, while Holden looked at some of the equipment in the room, curious about what everything was for, she'd have to give him a tour one day of an infirmary, she made a mental note. Lorelei... for her part, looked a bit bored, 16 hours was quite a bit of time to ask for a girl her age, and this was the poor girl's third time present at the birth of siblings, so Darlain didn't hold it against her... much.
Another knock at the door, and a broad shouldered nurse walked in with two bundled babies in tow, fraternal, it seemed, with the corresponding green and purple bows to indicate the genders. "Just droppin off the new family. They're 'ealthy and 'ale, seem to be no issues, we'll get our resident priest in tae 'eal ya up, should be able tae discharge ya by the end o' the day!"
She handed the girl over to Drogar, and the boy was nestled into Darlain's arms, both crying terribly... she was already anticipating the difficult concept of feeding both, not having yet formed a plan for that... but they'd deal with that in a moment. She paused to take in this big, wonderful family of hers, all together and growing and changing.
She wondered how she got so lucky.
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shckaewynn · 5 years
Unwanted Attention
{{ I haven’t been doing much original writing for a while, so I thought I’d share some old things.  This is from 2014 and occurs after A Time to Cry and before the events leading to Warlords of Draenor.  There are two Kaewynns at this time; one is still serving as a bodyguard for Lord Mallorey and the other... well, I don’t want the Mysterious Cloaked Woman to hear.
The Mysterious Cloaked Woman is an old foe of the Silver Dragoons. }}
           “What have you learned?”  Smoke mingled with the frost of her breath in the cold air.
           “It seems the rumors are true, and then some.”  The man marveled at her, standing in the snow, her light cloak casually falling open.  He shivered and pulled his own heavy wool closer about him.
           “She was seen at the Dancing Dragon the same night as Lord Mallorey's ball.  The Dragoons seemed aware of it at the time.”
           “So they built another?  Commander Forrester is truly talented.”
           “I think it may be more than that.  She played the part well, but there must have been some subtle mistakes.  Forrester seemed annoyed toward the end.  Her shaman friend must have noticed something too and confronted the girl away from the others.  She must in the know as well, though.  She didn't appear angry or shocked and they went for drinks afterward.”  The woman nodded and took a long drag from her cigarette.
           “Is there anything else to report?”  The man indicated he had nothing more.  “Continue watching her and her usual haunts.  Try to follow or track the duplicate if she shows up again. Get word to me if you find anything new.”
           She produced a small pouch that jingled and tossed it to him.  It quickly vanished into the folds of the man's cloak.  He bowed and took his leave, still shivering from the cold.
Weeks later...
             Dalaran had always been a difficult place for covert operations.  Despite its size, it was still an insular community that distrusted outsiders. Even the underground aligned itself with the locals and offered little that would help an outside agency conduct business topside.  Jaina's purge only made things worse by eliminating what cover the vying factions could have provided.
           Nevertheless, she stood in a concealed alcove of a balcony, watching Kaewynn greet vendors in passing as they opened their stalls for the morning traffic.  The girl didn't feign blindness here and did not carry her cane.  She had never been seen with her cat in tow which was odd, especially since she was quite familiar with the store that allowed patrons to bring their pets in to play together.  She never flew her sky-golem, either.
           It was known she was staying with one Linu , an arch-mage and a Meddler.  Feoderan, a Silver Dragoon, was also staying there.  Dacianna, a vindicator and also a Meddler, visited the tower often.  The shaman Nirahsa, yet another Meddler, stopped by on rare occasions as well. She had no other visitors and hadn't left the city since that night at the Dancing Dragon.
           “What are you, little girl?” she mused as her target stopped to examine some gowns in front of a store.  The question still had no definite answer, teasing her instead with theories that promised incredible possibilities if true.
           It was possible Forrester was a better engineer than expected.  She could have built a duplicate and somehow made a copy of the girl's mind.  It would explain her reactions that night at the Dragon and the presence of a Dragoon where the girl was staying.  But why would the Meddlers have such a strong presence around her and why didn't Forrester ever come to see her creation?
           Maybe Truthhammer had made his own copy.  But, again, why didn't he ever examine his creation? And why store her in Dalaran when he could keep her safe in his own facility, where there were places even she had no intelligence relative to their uses and contents?
           The third theory was the most incredible by far and yet it left the fewest observations unexplained.  The Dragoons had been getting strange transmissions over their communication stones, supposedly from Kaewynn even though she wasn't making them. This ended after a mission to the Timeless Island and, a few weeks after that, the girl was spotted in Dalaran for the first time.  There were many strange stories about people seeing themselves, creatures that suddenly appeared and disappeared only to reappear at another time, and some claiming to have arrived back from the island moments after they left for it. Could this girl be Kaewynn's future self?
           It would explain why she was kept secluded in the arch-mages tower.  Why the vindicator and the shaman, her two closest friends, would visit her here. And it made sense out of the reactions to her appearance at the Dancing Dragon.
           And, if it was true, it offered unimaginable rewards to whoever controlled the girl.
           “What are you, little girl?” she asked again.  She dropped her cigarette to the floor and ground it out.  “I think it's time you and I met.”
{{ @red-alynore, @johndempsy for Daci and Linu, @januskrug for Drogar, @nirahsa }}
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noonmutter · 7 years
Little Chats
Darlain has just informed Leon that the pleasant night elf male fishing in the stream is actually Balinore, saving him the intense embarrassment of flirting with a literal bear. One very awkward and mutually frustrated whine-fest later…
Darlain sighs and hands Leon popcorn as they continue watching Balinore doing wilderness things.
Leon sighs, sits down, and eats popcorn. "'S'not fair. First you, now 'im."
"Oh hush. You have like, eight folks all over you. You'll just 'ave tae settle with imagination me. She's kinkier anyway."
"Tch, you write th' books, you know damn well 'ow unbearable th' forbidden is." He thoughtfully munched a bit more popcorn. "B'sides, I kin teach anybody t'be kinky if they wanna."
She chuckles. "Well, you know yer my first choice if 'e ever mucks up this whole love thing."
"Don't lie, luv, it's not kind; we both know that's 'Enii."
"Oof, you 'ave me pegged."
"I kin accept silver medal, though, when first is that. Bloody 'ell, I'd go after 'er so fast glass'd shatter in my wake if she let me."
"Sad ya met 'er in such a terrible time in 'er life, because I bet she would."
"First time I met 'er, she was pretty clear on 'no worgen.' Dunno if 'avin' control over it changes anythin'."
"Yeah, would probably 'ave tae stick tae 'uman. Good fer you that you 'ave two gorgeous forms. And aye, kissing is big fer 'er, from my understanding. Nae the most easy thing tae do in yer other form."
"Iunno, I've met a couple filthy li'l devils 'o managed it with a 'uman mouth just f--nngh I made m'self sad. An' really 'orny."
She chuckles. "Don’t think watching Balinore fishing is gonna 'elp tha'.
"No, but at least it's fun."
"So, any candid tales from the Ambroce love life to share with the housewife friend?"
He smirks a little. "Fin'ly found a domme 'o scratched ev'ry possible itch I 'ad an' then some. 'Course, then she went an' got attached t'somebody else, an' she doesn't do open relationships."
"Aww, that’s a shame. Another o' yer friends across the factions?"
"No, actually. But she'd prolly kill me if I named 'er."
"Oof, now I’m tryin' ta guess, but I 'spose yer doin good by nae blabbin."
"It's bad enough t'be complainin', honestly, but it kills me.”
"Well, since you did me one, I 'spose I kin give somethin in return. Drogar was doin' a test drive o'a new prototype tank, and I put a new challenge tae 'is target practice by doin’ my best tae distract 'im. Missed 'alf 'is targets, I’m proud tae boast."
That gets a good belly laugh out of him. "I kin only imagine!"
"I swear, a tank, a submarine, and an airship now. Think we just 'ave giant robot on the list."
"Really? 'E seemed so enamored with a giant mechanical spider."
"Yeah, nae gonna get 'orny on top of a spider, mechanical or nae."
"Ah well, 'e's a lucky bastard anyway."
"Just as lucky a woman 'e made me." She sighs happily. “Used tae dream about this kinda life as a young'n. Family, 'usband, adventures. It's nae all been as glamorous, but... it’s still nice."
"Seems pretty glam'rous from th'outside, if tha' means anythin'."
"Being up tae yer eyeballs in baby shit fer four years does kinda lose its luster. But honestly, I see all this fer you. Already 'ave the love in yer life, everything else is just timing."
He chuckles softly. "Bein' fair, I was up t'my eyeballs in cow shit most days till I was seventeen. 'Least babies're cute. Most o'th'time, anyway." He leans his head back and looks up at the sky. "Told Vandy I love 'er. She said it back. Felt like a dick doin' it right after I got done tellin'er I was goin' t'th'tomb, but it kinda came out on its own."
She smiles, "Some folks 'ave trouble finding one person tae say that. Now it’s three. I’m 'appy fer ya." She flexes mockingly, "All the more reason fer yer amazing priestess tae see to it ya come 'ome without any ugly scars."
"Hah!" He traces a finger down the line on his eye. "Only sexy ones, hey?"
"Of course. You get a little one on the jawline, or maybe across the shoulder, well. I fear I must leave it. I’m a dedicated patron of the arts, you see."
"Maybe we'll both score big, nice cris-cross on th' stomach just 'ere." He makes the motion across his abs with the same finger.
She smiles.
"I’m glad I met you, Leon Ambroce. Yer a good friend, and a nice person tae spend a lazy summer day with."
Blinking, he ducks his head a little with a sheepish grin. "Aw."
Noticing that Balinore has now filled his cooler full of speared fish, and has now shifted back into a bear to messily snarf up his cleverly caught meal, she chuckles. "I think it’s time I walked my bear 'ome."
"B'fore 'e gets bored an' picks one of us fer a nap, prolly."
She chuckles. "I guess I’ll see ya out there, lad. Will be nice working with ya again."
"Makes thin's easier knowin' yer along fer th' ride, luv."
"Feeling's mutual, lad." She gives him a wink as she gets up and heads to Balinore.
He considers getting up, but just flops back into the grass instead. Eventually, he’d have to do something to get the image of night elf shoulders glistening in the midday sun out of his head, but for the moment, he was comfy.
(( Bit of a silly chatlog, but I figure there’s been a dearth of that lately on my blog, so why not? 
@darbiebot @shedwyn @heniimagic @drogartruthhammer @vandrysse for mentions ))
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sirdolraan · 1 month
The Call
(( DWC August 2024 Day 1, Melee/Tournament, CW: None, @daily-writing-challenge ))
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Lorellai shot up, groaning. Her stomach gurgled, reminding her just how much candy and fried everything she'd eaten that day at the Tournament, fulfilling an ill advised declaration of intent to eat her own weight in the stuff. Her head burned, and she had to blink away that glowing afterimage.
"Third night in a bloody row...." she muttered to herself, letting her legs dangle off the side of the bed as she activated her bedside light. Her family home was quiet, though the sounds of nighttime Ironforge still filtered in gently through the window. The Forge Never Sleeps, they always said. And thanks to the dreams, neither was she. Blearily, her eyes wandered to the far wall of her room, the maps hanging above her workdesk, and as her eyes drifted over southern Kalimdor, another painful flash, the light and sound staggering her again, searing the idea of Silithus into her mind.
She was going to have to wake up her dad.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
(( DWC August 2024 Day 5, Mistake/Wild, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
Lorellai leaned back over the back of her seat at the cafe, taking a moment to rest. The memories had been relentless, leaving the adventurers and mercenaries to work in shifts to keep them from spreading or threatening settlements. "I swear, if I have to hear that Fizzlebang speech one more time-"
"Come now, according to the records his summoning was a true triumph, save for the part where it killed him," a voice interrupted her, leading her to open one eye to take in the humble looking form of Dagran Thaurissan the second, and then causing her to start and nearly overbalance her chair.
"Oh, um, Dagran, I mean, your highness, I mean, mister Thaurissan-" she started, as he quickly started waving his hands at her.
"Oh please none of that, I get enough of it back home whenever we hire new staff. Just Dagran is fine between you and I. Might I join you? If you aren't too tired that is. I'd love to hear about your work in the dragon isles."
"Oh, um, sure?" Lorellai replied, feeling off balance but motioning to one of the other chairs at the table.
Time seemed to fly by afterwards, as Dagran hungrily soaked up her stories from the Dragonscale expedition, particularly the titan ruins she'd gotten to delve. It flew by so fast, in fact, that both young dwarves lost track of it, until a shadow fell across the table.
"Dagran." Moira's voice was cold steel. "Come away this instant."
They both turned to see the queen looming over them, her displeasure evident on her face, Brann behind her with an apologetic shrug. "I was just getting to know one of Ironforge's champions. There's no harm in that." Dagran replied, evenly, even as he rose. Lorellai noticed him fidgeting with his rings. Was he as nervous about this as she was?
"Not with a Truthhammer there isn't. Go with your granduncle and help him with your grand'da."
"Of course, mother. Lorellai, it was a pleasure," Dagran said, pushing in his chair and joining Brann, leaving Lorellai's gaze trapped by Moira's.
"I, uh, I meant nae offense, yer majes-" Lorellai began, before she was cut off.
"You will stay away from my son. I'm not blind, girl. I see that thing you're carrying," she said, gesturing at Lorellai's holster. "Whatever plan you and your father have cooked up, I won't have it. Abandon your schemes and we'll have no more to discuss. Have I made myself clear?"
"But I haven't do-" "Have. I made myself. Clear?" Moira continued, leaning in close, shadowy magic shining in her eyes.
".. clear, yer majesty."
"Good then. Best of luck in the field to you, Champion." Moira said, pulling back and straightening her dress, before turning on her heel and leaving Lorellai at her table, feeling like a rabbit in Dun Morogh that just encountered a bear.
When Moira returned to Magni's side, Dagran was waiting for her with a thoughtful expression on his face. As she sat, he began to continue their signed conversation.
"That was rather uncalled for, Mother."
"Oh?" Moira replied, kneeling at Magni's side. "Was it? To pull you away from the daughter of your father's murderer, even as she flaunts the very weapon that took him from us?"
"She is not Drogar Truthhammer, mother. No more than I am you, or you are Grand'da. And more to the point, the Truthhammer clan's opposition to the Dark Irons faded to nothing years ago. I would see the rift allowed to heal."
"So you're doing this as a King." Moira said, causing Brann to start, wondering what she was talking about.
"I am. You trusted me with the shield. Trust me with this."
"I cannae forgive what he took from us. He would have seen us all dead." Moira replied, tears threatening to escape her eyes as she thought back to that day, her gaze locked with the madman who'd gunned down her husband, and who tried to shoot her as he fled.
"A sin that is his and his alone to bear. If she carries his, then so to do I carry Father's. Is that what you want for me?"
Brann gently laid his hand over Moira's. "You've raised a good son, lass. Wise and clever."
"... Fine," she said at last. "I'll not interfere. But I won't pretend to like it."
Dagran's fingers danced on the book of stories he was opening. "That's all I ask for," he told her, as he began to read the tale of Modimus Anvilmar's ascension to the throne of Ironforge to Magni's comatose form.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
Last Call
(( DWC August 2024 Day 7, Enigma/Victory, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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Lorellai flounced down on the bed of the room she was sharing with the other ladies, feeling still tired from all the work but relieved by the shower she'd just had. She idly watched as magical brushes and washboards tended to her and everyone's gear over in the corner, quite a bit different from the devices her dad had made back home. Handy though, it meant she could just lie there, ache a bit, and think about things. She'd really enjoyed her chat with Dagran, and wouldn't mind talking to him again, but the idea of crossing Moira sent a chill down her spine worse than when she'd come face to face with the villains out in the dragon isles.
"At least she's on our side, I guess." Lorellai said to no one in particular, as there was a knock at the door. She groaned, not wanting to move, but also not wanting word to get back to her mum that she'd been impolite. Begrudgingly, she slid off the bed and headed to the door, opening it up. "Can I help y-" she said, stopping short as she processed what she saw.
"Ah, miss Truthhammer, my mother and I were wondering if you'd care to join us for lunch?" Dagran said, his mother not far behind him, looking, well, as grumpy as she'd ever been when Lorellai saw her.
"I will say only this." Moira started, taking her seat at the head of the table as her attendants brought in their meal. "I apologize for my rudeness to you. My feud with your father is nae your responsibility, and I will not have it said that I am encouraging our people's tendencies towards long lasting grudges. By all reports you have shown yourself to be an upstanding citizen, which I choose to attribute to your mother's influence."
"Uh... I mean," Lorellai stammered, trying desperately to remember the etiquette lessons her parents had tried to get her to pay more than a moment's interest in while she was growing up. "Thank you for your kind words, yer Majesty, uh, let there be nae quarrel between us," she ventured, at least sixty percent sure that was the appropriate phrasing.
"I'm glad we could clear that up," Dagran said, taking up a fork and spearing some salad. "There's enough conflict in the world without opening old wounds, I think. Please, relax miss Truthhammer, this is a friendly lunch after all! Please, tell us how things have been going out in the field!"
Elsewhen, a portal illuminated Spiru as she went over her list. She'd already made emotionally satisfactorily farewells with the SI:7 team and the Shado-pan she'd befriended, without alerting them to the strange temporal nature of her situation, and now all that was left was to gather the belongings she'd been informed were safe to keep and prepare them for her journey. "Hi there Spiru!" Chromie said, hopping on a chair beside her. "All ready for the big day?"
"I believe I am, Chromie," Spiru replied, closing and buckling the bag, before gathering up her hair to restore her usual ponytail. "All my farewells have been said, and my keepsakes are ready for travel. Has all been settled on your end?"
"It sure has! Nozdormu was a little hesitant at first, but when Eternus and I showed him everything we saw, he agreed that this was a situation where the rules could be bent enough to tip the scales in Azeroth's favor. Now, you said you have everything, do you remember your introduction?"
Spiru gave Chromie a flat look. "You've had me rehearsing it for three days. I am ready."
"Great!" Chromie said, checking an ornate hourglass, "Because it's time! Good luck in the Prime-Time-Line!" Chromie yelled, shoving Spiru suddenly through a bronze portal that opened behind her. As it closed, Chromie dusted her hands. "Another job done by the amazing Chromie!... no, that's not gonna catch on. Back to the drawing board..."
Spiru spiralled through the sands of time, before emerging in a stone room next to a table with several surprised dwarves. Spying Lorellai Truthhammer (three centimeters taller than Chromie had mentioned, hope that's not a problem), she launched into her prepared words. "My name is Spiru Handycog. I have been sent by Chromie to join your fight to protect Azeroth and follow the Radiant Song. In five minutes this entire city will be under attack, you need to get your gear ready."
"What is going on-" Moira's demanding question was interrupted by a loud klaxon.
"Attention, Citizens of Dalaran!" Khadgar's voice rang out throughout the streets. "Prepare for Civic Teleportation. Return to your homes or emergency shelters immediately. I repeat, citizens of Dalaran, prepare for Civic Teleportation!"
As the message and klaxon continued, Lorellai quickly wiped her face with a napkin. "Timely, we'll discuss later. Excuse me your majesty, I must gather my gear."
"We shall return to Magni's side. Come Dagran." Moira declared, rising from her chair.
"Fight well, Champion Lorellai!" Dagran declared, before following his mother out the far door as Lorellai took the nearer exit to return to the dorm, new acquaintance and perhaps friend in tow.
Things were about to get exciting.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
(( DWC August 2024 Day 4, Ego/Coincidence, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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"Ah, Sir Dolraan, it's good to have you and the Meddlers at our side," Khadgar said, shaking Dolraan's hand as the others filed in behind him.
"Same to you, Archmage. A few years of relative peace aren't enough to rob us of our edge, where are we needed?"
Lorellai's gaze wandered as Khadgar and Dolraan began to discuss the ghostly memories that were appearing across the world, and fell on the glittering, still form of Magni Bronzebeard, with Queen-Regent Moira kneeling at his side. The former king's body shone in the low light of the chamber, and Lorellai could hardly drag her eyes away. The stories hadn't done it justice, a dwarf made of living diamond.
Her reverie was broken by a warm hand on her shoulder. "And who do we find but one of the League's finest up-and-comers, ready to answer tha call!" Brann Bronzebeard declared, giving her shoulder a friendly shake as a handsome young man with spectacles and pockets full of scrolls and tomes followed in behind him. "Toddy speaks highly of your abilities lass, glad to see yeh here!"
Lorellai smiled back, taking his hand and shaking it. "Well, just happy to help where I'm needed."
"Is this a friend of yours, Uncle?" the dark iron lad asked, straightening his glasses, his gaze torn between the unconscious speaker and his desire to be polite.
"Ach, that's right, you've not met yet. Dagran me lad, this here is Lorellai Truthhammer, one of the Dragonscale Expedition's finest champions. Aided in several key discoveries -and- stood against the primalists t' boot! Lorellai, this is my nephew-"
"Dagran Thaurissan the Second." Moira's voice rang out, putting a chill over the conversation. "My son, would you please attend me, your grand-da needs us both right now." Something about her voice and gaze made Lorellai feel only a foot tall.
"Oh, of course Mother. A pleasure to meet you, Lorellai, perhaps we can talk about your discoveries once things are calmer," Dagran offered, smiling genially as he strode to his mother's side. Lorellai nodded, then barely held back from shrinking under the icy stare of Queen Moira.
"Oh, would yeh look at that!" Brann said a bit louder than he needed to, "I think yer meddler friends are gettin' ready to head out, go on lass, we'll catch up later." Brann patted her on the shoulder, before leaning in close. "Don't take it personal, lass. Old hurts and all that. You're a good egg."
Lorellai nodded, stepping back with a slight bow to the royals before turning to join the others at the portals, her gaze lingering as it met Dagran's once more, before she went off to join the fight.
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sirdolraan · 21 days
Escape from Dalaran, Part One
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Dalaran was in chaos. Lorellai had barely managed to link up with Dolraan and Janosis, and introduced them to her new friend Spiru before the Nerubians had appeared, emerging from portals to attack the entire city at once.
Lorellai pulled her scarf up over her nose to try and keep the dust and rubble from choking her as she fired her pistol at an advancing nerubian, silently thanking her da' for giving her a full box of explosive rounds. The four of them fought well in tandem, despite the chaos and screaming all around them.
Janosis ducked behind Dolraan's armored form, firing arcane bolts at the fliers overhead. "Please tell me we have a plan beyond shoot them until they overwhelm us!" he cried, doing his best to keep the skies in their immediate vicinity cleared.
Stroganoff lashed a Nerubian with his big tongue, allowing Spiru to land a flying kick to its head, cracking its carapace and casing it to fall lifeless. "I can hear calls from the mages to evacuate, where would they be trying to get to?"
"The landing!" Lorellai shouted, "that's the muster point for evacuations, since it has all the teleport runes and flying creatures! Hey! Everyone, get to the landing!" she cried, but her voice was lost amidst the chaos. "Dangit, it's too noisy, we'll have to go house to house?"
A glare of pure Light got her attention, as she turned to see Dolraan's armor and shield glowing along with his eyes, and his voice boomed out. "PEOPLE OF DALARAN! THE CALL HAS BEEN MADE TO EVACUATE! PROCEED TO KRASUS' LANDING! WE SHALL PROTECT YOU!" he shouted, punctuating his sentence by throwing his shield at a big nerubian and knocking it from the wall it was crawling on.
The effect was immediate, as several citizens began to emerge from hiding places, dashing towards the landing and covering their heads. "Alright, move with them, keep the spiders away, we'll worry about the rest later!" Dolraan ordered, taking the point and leading the survivors as the rest of them followed, Lorellai and Stroganoff taking up the rear. The nerubians began to swarm at them, seeing so many moving targets at once, and the four adventurers were hard pressed to keep them at bay. Lorellai unloaded her pistol at several advancing nerubians, but in the chaos she lost her count, and the click of an empty chamber filled her with dread as a cluster of flying horrors descended on her. She drew her spear and got ready to call out when she was knocked to the ground as Stroganoff lept in their path, the flyers striking into his massive hide instead of her body. He croaked in pain as he spun and lashed at them with his tongue, and Lorellai let out a cry as she lashed out with her spear, stabbing and sweeping the monsters off her, wincing at the deep wounds their fangs and probisci left. She felt two sets of arms pull her to her feet as mirror images of Spiru lifted her, while the third continued to hold off the right flank. Whistling for Stroganoff, they continued to retreat.
At the landing, things were calmer. The contingent of Dalaran guardians were bolstered by Silver Covenant and Sunreaver warmages, protecting the civilians and the mages who were teleporting them to hopeful safety down on the surface below. Lorellai breathed a sigh of relief until she heard Stroganoff's strained croak, and turned to see him looking very worse for wear. "Buddy! Dolraan help, Stroganoff's been poisoned!" she called, trying to lift her listing hornswog back into a comfortable sitting position as he listed to one side. Dolraan and Spiru came over, Dolraan's hands glowing as he called upon the Light. "Whoof, whatever it is, it's fighting back, I'm having trouble purifying him."
Spiru hopped up Stroganoff's back, peering into his eyes, and encircling him with mists. "The poison is tainted with void energies. He requires medical aid beyond my capabilities."
"Not likely with the city in shambles," Janosis said, "I'm pretty sure the medical quarter was one of the first hit!"
Lorellai looked into her buddy's eyes, tears stinging hers, and he croaked apologetically. "It's okay buddy, you did real good, I love you so much," she said, digging in one of her pouches, and pulling out a device. "Everyone get clear, I'm sending him home," she declared, activating her emergency Dimensional Ripper. "This is going to be loud!" she continued, tossing the device in Stroganoff's mouth so he wouldn't drop it as Spiru hopped down and Janosis moved behind Dolraan. After a three count, there was a beep sound, and then Stroganoff appeared to explode as the Dimensional Ripper activated. Lorellai held her scanner tightly, watching the light turn from yellow to green. "He made it... I think!"
"Your dad will take good care of him. Alright everyone, there's more people in need, I'm going back in for them. If you're able, I'd appreciate you at my back." Dolraan declared, adjusting his shield.
"I was afraid you were going to say that. I'm with you," Janosis sighed.
"I came here to help, and that's what I intend to do," Spiru declared.
Lorellai stowed her scanner and reloaded her pistol. "For Stroganoff."
Dolraan nodded at the trio. "Alright, let's go meddle!" he shouted, as he led them back into the chaos of the ailing Flying City.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
Attention to Detail
(( DWC August 2024 Day 3, Fatality/Journey, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
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Janosis wiped his brow with his handkerchief, taking a moment to adjust from the transition between Silithus and Dalaran as he did a quick headcount to make sure no one had missed the teleportation. It felt like they'd barely arrived at the site of the Wound when the group had come charging out, needing to follow Khadgar and the others to Dalaran after something happened with Magni. In retrospect, he should have probably expected it was going to be a rapid-fire portal taxi kind of day.
"Thanks Janosis! Dad always said I shouldn't use my wormhole generator to visit Dalaran, apparently it makes the port authority real mad," Lorellai said, handing him a potion from her pack.
Janosis gratefully accepted the potion, tossing it back and feeling the cool energies flow through him. "That's wise, those devices are basically tailor made to set off the city's defenses. You go ahead and check in with the others, I'll take care of the paperwork."
Lorellai looked at him quizzically. "Paperwork? But we're doing hero business!"
Janosis nodded. "Paperwork, because if you ignore it, it makes life harder on the people who work here, and I'm sure that if you need me, you'll call." Janosis smiled as he pulled out his fancy pen.
"You know what, that's fair, and I'll remember that. Thanks Janosis, we'll catch you up when you're done!"
Janosis waved as Lorellai and the others charged off to see what was going on, and stepped over to the nearby desk, accepting the stack of forms from a quietly grateful bureaucrat who was going to have a slightly easier day than they would have otherwise.
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sirdolraan · 1 month
(( DWC August 2024 Day 6, Corruption/Fulfillment, CW: None; @daily-writing-challenge ))
"Alright, here's your thirty healing potions, twelve mana potions, twenty anti-toxins, three invisibility potions, and the 12-phial variety pack, freshly mixed and guaranteed potent!" Bindle's smile gleamed in the morning sun peaking over Dalaran's walls as he handed the crate over to Dolraan.
"You're in an awfully chipper mood, considering that it looks like we're going into another war against the forces of evil, Bindle. Business is booming, I gather?" Dolraan asked, hefting the crate of valuable supplies.
"I suppose you could say that, but the potion making business isn't what has a smile in my face and a gleam in my gold fillings my dear man. I suppose it might even be fair to warn you that you might be needing a new supplier, as I am about to be a -very- rich goblin!" Bindle replied, pulling out his suspenders with his big green thumbs and rocking on his feet.
"Oh Bindle, please tell me you haven't gone all in on some cockamamie investment scheme again." Dolraan sighed. "Don't you remember the every other time you've tried to step away from what you're really very, very good at and tried to get rich quick?"
Bindle shook his head and tutted Dolraan. "Tsk tsk Sir Sa'naan, you are speaking to a goblin's goblin, and while I may have had a few stumbles here and there in the world of business, I know a sure thing when I see it!"
"Like that time you got the exclusive trading rights to Nethergarde Keep three days before the Iron Horde opened the portal and sacked it?"
"I was able to recoup a bit of investment by selling rubble pieces!"
"How about the time you blew your savings setting up that bootleg arcwine network right before the Arcan'dor bloomed and saved the Shaldorei from their addiction?"
"Hey, that still makes a hundred gold a year, it's not nothing!"
"The Silithus Tour Association?"
"How was I supposed to know that everyone would declare the area off-limits to tourists just because of a big sword?!"
"The 'Visit Lovely Teldrassil' tourist thing right before the War of the Thorns? The warehouse full of "I Heart My Banshee Warchief" merchandise? And let us not forget the attempt to sell anima to the living, when it loses potency as soon as it crosses the planar boundary!"
"I wanted to promote peace, the fact anima is so valuable there and so worthless here is stupid, and SHE SEEMED BULLET PROOF!" Bindle started to shout, exasperated.
"Bindle, you're a friend, so please understand this is coming from a friend, you are a -fantastic- alchemist and spellcaster, you can get rich doing that, but not if you keep spending your money like this, you have worse luck than Janosis for Light's sake!"
"I don't want to be alchemist rich, I want to be investor rich, it's different! You wouldn't understand, holy boy. We'll see who has the last laugh, because it's too late for you to get ahead of me on this one. Like you said, there's a war brewing, and Dalaran's gonna be in the middle of it! Predicting this, I have spent the last several years quietly acquiring real-estate in this glorious city! You are looking at the owner of twenty-two percent of the commercial and residential real estate in the magical city of Dalaran, and when the gold starts flowing in, plenty of it's coming my way, or my name isn't Bindle Glintgold!"
Dolraan closed his eyes for a moment, saying a prayer in his mind. "I hope for all our sakes you're right. I should get these potions where they need to be."
"And warn the council of yet another portent of doom to toss on the pile," he thought to himself, leaving Bindle to preen in the street about finally being in position to get what's coming to him.
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sirdolraan · 4 months
The Shared Burdens of Grief
(( DWC May 2024, @daily-writing-challenge, Day 2, Agony/Embrace, CW: animal death (mentioned) ))
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The witch's hut lied cold and silent, an abandoned testament to the evils of a lonely, mad woman and the suffering she had caused. Her victims, those who had survived at least, had all fled after Spiru had defeated the witch, but not everyone she had turned to jade had survived to be freed.
Sully's sobs broke Spiru out of her reverie, and she turned back to face the dwarf. He'd finished burying the shattered remains of his beloved raccoon, Socks. They'd found him in pieces, either deliberately smashed or accidentally dropped, it didn't matter in the end. Sully had insisted on digging the grave himself for the jade fragments. Spiru took a place at his side, as Sully loudly blew his nose into a kerchief.
"Yeh don't have to be here for this, Spiru. I know everyone thinks I'm being ridiculous, mourning a raccoon I'd only known a few days."
Spiru shook her head. "I have only known -you- a few days, Sully, and I find myself attached to you. You cared for Socks, and Socks is gone, it makes sense to mourn. And it makes sense to not let a friend mourn alone," she continued, leaning into Sully's side in a half hug.
Sully patted the gnome's shoulder, careful not to apply too much pressure. He'd learned quickly she wasn't the biggest fan of being touched. "I appreciate that, Spiru. I'm glad to have you as a friend. I'm sure Socks would have... would have loved...." Sully trailed off as he began to cry again, leaving Spiru to gently pat him as he worked through his grief over his lost pet.
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sirdolraan · 4 months
Survivor's Grief
(( DWC May 2024, @daily-writing-challenge, Day 6, Empty/Confidence, CW: none ))
Raucous music filled the night air outside the city of Orgrimmar, pillars of smoke still dotting the skyline as the fires were smothered. Outside the gates however, the victorious attackers celebrated. Garrosh had been deposed, the last vestiges of Y'shaarj had been extinguished, and the horde and alliance had reached a tentative truce. Spiru sat on a high bluff, looking down over the celebrants, legs pulled up close under her chin.
Her adventures through Pandaria had been truly delightful. There had been terrors for sure, but also so much joy. People coming together, learning about one another, standing in defense of one another. Even when tyrants and monsters took from them, they took each other's hands and stood strong. She had grown strong, and it was thanks to the connections she made along the way. But that didn't stop her center from feeling... empty.
Spiru crossed her arms over her knees, and pressed her head into them, trying to remember. She knew she'd had a family, friends, loved ones, rivals, and more, but their faces were all blank in her mind. The feelings were there, but the names, the facts, all were gone, lost with the reality she'd once inhabited. For most, the adage 'You can never go home again' was largely metaphorical, a description of personal growth and change. But for Spiru Handycog, it was very real. Home no longer existed, in a very real sense. The questions she had would never, ever be answered.
And so the question was; could she be satisfied with that?
Part of her screamed no. The part of her that wanted to grab Tawnee by her glowing dark scales and cause her pain, force her to do more, to do -something-, to fix things for Spiru. She had grown so strong, she should be able to get what she wanted most.
Part of her screamed yes. She had the rarest of chances, to exist when most every authority, when most every power, says she shouldn't. She could make new friends, new rivals, new loves. Tomorrow wasn't fully defined by yesterday.
And part of her remembered the dreams from recent days. The soft voice, the glowing light. Distant, yet urgent. Demanding understanding that would not come.
Spiru wiped her eyes clear of the tears that had welled up, (desert dust or sadness? Probably both to be fair,) and looked to the horizon. The moons shone bright in the sky, a blessing of Elune the kaldorei had said, encouraging their victory. Their light shone down on Spiru, and while she wasn't any sort of adherent to gods, she felt a calmness wash over her. Her inner selves quieted, their arguments finished. Spiru made her decision. Whistling, she summoned her cloud serpent, and headed for the portals back to Pandaria.
Finding Tawnee was the first order of business. She would work out the rest as it came.
(To be concluded)
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