#Dual Fuel Radiators
tapronlimited · 6 months
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Guide to Choose a Black Towel Radiator
The Tapron guide to choosing a black towel radiator emphasizes the combination of functionality, style, and warmth they add to bathrooms. It covers considerations such as heat output (measured in BTUs), which is crucial for ensuring the radiator effectively warms the space. Size and design are also highlighted, with suggestions for matching the radiator to the bathroom's aesthetic and space requirements. Additionally, the guide advises on the selection of radiator valves for temperature control, enhancing the overall bathroom experience. For more details, read the full guide here.
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transform4u · 3 months
Just for Laughs
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This story is heavily inspired, by the now defunct bouncyboytfs story, Straight Up Comedy. Which was one of my favorites of all time and got me into writing. The neon lights of West Hollywood flickered against the night sky, casting a vibrant glow over the bustling streets. Calvin Andrews, a 28-year-old grad student with a quick smile and a penchant for lively debates with online trolls defending the so called woke agenda, navigated through the Friday night crowd with an air of anticipation. Dressed in a casual yet stylish ensemble—a vintage band tee under a light denim jacket paired with slim-fit jeans and worn-in Chuck Taylors—he exuded the laid-back confidence of someone comfortable in their own skin.
Calvin had grown to love the sunny West Coast since leaving his East Coast hometown, finding a vibrant new community at UCLA where he pursued his dual passions in English and Gender Studies. His professors often praised his sharp intellect and unwavering dedication to his studies, qualities that were fueled by a deep-seated belief in social justice and equality. His love for literature spanned from the canonical works of Virginia Woolf and James Baldwin to contemporary voices like Roxane Gay and Audre Lorde, whose writings inspired his activism and shaped his worldview.
Outside of academia, Calvin was a prominent figure in UCLA’s LGBTQ+ community, serving proudly as the president of the Gay-Straight Alliance. Advocating for inclusivity and understanding, he dedicated himself to fostering a supportive environment where everyone could thrive. Music was another cornerstone of Calvin's life, his eclectic taste ranging from indie-pop sensations like Troye Sivan and Florence + the Machine to the introspective melodies of Sufjan Stevens.
Tonight, however, Calvin was eager to unwind and reconnect with friends over drinks in West Hollywood. Yet, unfamiliar with the labyrinthine streets, he found himself wandering off course as his phone battery dwindled. Spotting a promising glow ahead, he approached a lively bar, hoping for directions or at least a place to charge his phone.
Inside the dimly lit establishment, Calvin was greeted by the no-nonsense bartender who offered to charge his phone in exchange for staying to watch the comedy show and ordering a drink. Annoyed but realizing he had little choice, Calvin relented and requested a Vodka Cranberry, only to be met with a dismissive comment about "girly drinks." Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, he opted for a whiskey neat, settling into a seat as the bartender tended to his phone.
As he sipped his drink, Calvin’s attention was drawn to the stage where the next comedian made his entrance. A tall, muscular figure with a rugged charm and a broad smile, the comedian commanded attention with his Southern drawl and easy charisma. His dark hair was tousled, framing a face that radiated warmth and mischief in equal measure. Dressed in a simple black shirt and jeans, he exuded a casual confidence that immediately intrigued Calvin.
The crowd erupted into laughter as the comedian launched into his set, weaving anecdotes with razor-sharp wit and a touch of raunchy humor.
As the comedian delved deeper into his set, Calvin's initial intrigue turned swiftly into dismay. What began as harmless humor quickly morphed into a barrage of misogynistic and homophobic jokes that cut through the air with a venomous edge. The crowd roared with laughter, but Calvin felt a sinking sensation in his gut. "Now, I ain't sayin' women are dumb," the comedian drawled, his voice carrying easily over the laughter of the audience. "But have you ever seen a woman try to fix a car? It's like watchin' a blindfolded chimpanzee try to play Jenga!"
He squirmed in his seat, hoping to finish his drink and leave before the comedian's offensive routine could infect his evening further. But as the laughter grew louder, a dull ache throbbed in Calvin's temples. It felt as though a heavy fog was descending upon his mind, slowing his thoughts and dulling his senses.
Amidst the uproar, the comedian's voice cut through the haze, singling out Calvin with a mocking tone. "Big guy over here knows what I'm talking about!" the comedian exclaimed, pointing directly at Calvin. The audience chuckled as Calvin, bewildered, tried to comprehend the comment. He wasn't particularly muscular; in fact, his frame was slender from years of dorm food and late-night study sessions.
As Calvin sat there, bewildered by the comedian's unexpected focus on him, he felt an unsettling surge of energy course through his body. It started subtly, like a tingling sensation in his fingertips, but quickly intensified into something more profound.
First, he noticed his arms. What were once slender limbs now pulsed with newfound strength. His biceps, previously unremarkable, swelled visibly under his sleeves, each muscle fiber standing out in stark relief. The transformation seemed surreal, as if his body were defying the boundaries of what he knew possible.
His stomach tightened next, a sensation akin to his abdomen being sculpted from within. Calvin could feel the muscles beneath his skin contracting and tightening, forming a defined washboard of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 distinct abs. They appeared with startling clarity, delineating a newfound athleticism that seemed to materialize out of thin air.
Even his chest, once a featureless expanse, began to change. The fabric of his shirt stretched slightly as his pectoral muscles expanded, rising with newfound prominence. It was as though his entire torso was being reshaped, redefined into a physique that bore little resemblance to the Calvin of mere moments ago.
"Earth to meathead… earth to meathead," the comedian quipped, the audience erupting into laughter once more. The word 'meathead' echoed in Calvin's ears, his brain caught in a strange loop. His thoughts grew sluggish, as if encased in molasses, struggling to resist the comedian's words.
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In that moment, Calvin's world seemed to shift. The audience's laughter blended into a distant hum, and the comedian's words resonated with an unsettling clarity. The room swirled around him as Calvin felt an inexplicable pull toward the stage, the comedian's charisma and authority casting a mesmerizing spell over his senses.
With each passing moment, Calvin's resistance waned. His mind, once sharp and critical, now dulled under the weight of the comedian's rhetoric. It was as though the jokes, laced with prejudice and disdain, were rewriting his perceptions, reshaping his reality.
As the comedian continued his routine, Calvin's gaze fixed on the stage, his expression slackening. The once vibrant grad student, advocate for social justice and equality, now sat transfixed, his identity slipping away like sand through his fingers.
As Calvin's physical transformation seemed to solidify, so too did the shift in his mental landscape. At first, there was a subtle fog creeping into his thoughts, blurring his once clear convictions and values. Laughter, loud and boisterous, erupted from his throat as the comedian spun crude jokes that would have previously repelled him. Calvin found himself guffawing at the very punchlines he would have condemned as offensive and insensitive.
The comedian, sensing a newfound ally in Calvin's transformed demeanor, launched into a tirade against what he mockingly termed the "liberal woke agenda." Panic seized Calvin momentarily; he knew this rhetoric contradicted everything he stood for. Yet, as the comedian continued his diatribe, Calvin felt an unsettling resonance with the words. The criticisms of political correctness and social justice initiatives began to make a twisted kind of sense in his altered state.
Slowly but surely, Calvin's mind underwent a profound metamorphosis. His once staunch progressive beliefs faded into the background, replaced by a growing skepticism and disdain for what he now saw as excessive sensitivity and moral righteousness. The comedian's words burrowed deep, reshaping Calvin's worldview with each passing moment.
He found himself nodding along to the comedian's rants, chuckling at the caricatured portrayal of "snowflakes" and "social justice warriors." The shift was disorienting yet strangely liberating, as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Calvin's thoughts grew simpler, more black-and-white, aligning with the comedian's jabs at political correctness and cultural inclusivity.
The comedian paused for effect, his eyes scanning the audience before landing on Calvin. "You know what I hate about the woke agenda?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's all about being inclusive and accepting of everyone... except for straight white men! We're supposed to be ashamed of our skin color, our gender, and even our sexual orientation! Well, I say enough is enough!"
The crowd roared their approval as the comedian continued. "I don't care if you call me a bigot or a racist or whatever else you want," he said defiantly. "I was born this way - just like my love for country music and pickup trucks." He paused again, letting the tension build before delivering the punchline: "And if that makes me a bad person in your eyes? Well then... maybe it's time we stopped trying to force everyone into some politically correct mold!"
Calvin found himself nodding along once more, feeling a sense of camaraderie with this man who dared to speak truth against an oppressive cultural regime. The joke resonated deeply within him; it felt like validation for all those times he had been made to feel guilty or ashamed simply because of who he was.
When the comedian singled him out with a mocking jab— "Man, oh, man. I thought I was a douchebag, but you're loving it, meathead!"—Calvin barely registered the insult. Instead, he grunted in agreement, downing the remainder of his drink which had transformed into a beer, the amber liquid soothing his newfound sense of camaraderie with the comedian's perspective.
"Another one!" he hollered to the waitress, his voice carrying a newfound bravado. As the waitress returned with his drink, Calvin slouched comfortably in his seat, his once critical faculties now dulled by a haze of conformity to this new ideology. It felt easier to go along with the flow, to embrace the simplicity of the comedian's worldview rather than challenge it.
And so, amidst the laughter and applause of the crowd, Calvin Andrews—once a passionate advocate for social justice and equality—found himself transformed into something unrecognizable: a meathead, laughing heartily at jokes that once would have pierced his conscience, his mind now echoing with echoes of a worldview he never thought he would adopt.
As Calvin sat there, engulfed in the comedian's toxic rhetoric, the word 'douchebag' echoed incessantly through his brain. Each repetition seemed to reinforce a transformation that was unfolding before his very eyes. His thoughts grew muddled, his once sharp intellect now clouded by a burgeoning sense of entitlement and bravado.
Physically, Calvin felt a strange sensation ripple through him once more. His features seemed to shift subtly but unmistakably. His face hardened, acquiring a squared jawline adorned with a meticulously groomed chinstrap beard. His nose, once unassuming, grew slightly more pronounced, adding to the newfound aura of masculinity that seemed to radiate from him.
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As his appearance morphed, so too did his sensibilities and personality. Calvin's hobbies and interests underwent a startling transformation. Gone were the days of poring over the works of Virginia Woolf or engaging in critical discourse on gender studies. The pursuit of knowledge and social justice gave way to a shallower existence, focused on more basic pleasures.
His academic aspirations shifted abruptly. No longer driven by a passion for literature and social change, Calvin found himself contemplating a business degree—a path he deemed more practical and financially rewarding. "College is just a stepping stone to better parties," he mused, a cynical smirk crossing his newly chiseled features.
His once eclectic taste in music narrowed to mainstream hits blaring from frat house speakers. The melodic musings of Troye Sivan and the introspective lyrics of Sufjan Stevens were replaced by pounding beats and lyrics devoid of substance but laden with machismo.
In conversations, Calvin now echoed the comedian's disdain for what he perceived as "liberal nonsense" and "PC culture run amok." His views on gender and sexuality grew rigid, laced with misogyny and homophobia that would have appalled his former self. He found himself making crude jokes and engaging in locker room banter, relishing the camaraderie of like-minded peers.
As Calvin's descent into this new identity deepened, he felt a strange satisfaction in his regression. The complexities of his former life seemed distant and irrelevant. He no longer remembered how to spell "Virginia Woolf," much less appreciate her literary genius. His vocabulary dwindled, replaced by a lexicon of bro-speak and corporate jargon.
But with each passing moment, the cacophony of his new life as a masculine conservative douchebag—grew stronger.
As the comedian's joke about his attraction to women resonated through the bar, Calvin felt a seismic shift within himself. It was as if a fog lifted, and suddenly, everything clicked: women were hot. This simple revelation seemed to rewrite the fabric of his existence.
In that moment, the pieces of his gay identity began to unravel. Memories of leading the Gay-Straight Alliance at UCLA, advocating for equality, and embracing his LGBTQ+ community faded like wisps of smoke. The vibrant nights out in West Hollywood, filled with laughter and solidarity, were replaced by scenes of testosterone-fueled football games and raucous frat parties.
Calvin's dorm room underwent a drastic transformation, shedding its previous décor of social justice posters and indie band artwork. In their place, posters of cheerleaders in provocative poses adorned the walls. The atmosphere shifted to one of hyper-masculinity, with empty beer cans littering the floor and the air thick with the scent of cheap cologne.
As Calvin struggled to reconcile this newfound identity, a name surfaced in his mind: Chaz Prescott. It was a name that embodied everything Calvin once scorned: arrogance, conservatism, and a relentless pursuit of female attention. Chaz was not just a new persona; he was a complete overhaul of Calvin's former self.
Chaz Prescott strutted confidently through the world, his speech peppered with crude jokes and objectifying remarks about women. He reveled in the attention of his fraternity brothers, engaging in locker room banter and boasting about conquests that existed more in his imagination than in reality.
Gone were the introspective moments and intellectual pursuits that once defined Calvin. Chaz scoffed at discussions of literature and philosophy, dismissing them as irrelevant to his pursuit of a business degree and the next weekend's party. His once sharp intellect dulled, replaced by a superficial charm and a penchant for shallow pleasures.
With each passing day, Calvin's transformation into Chaz Prescott seemed irreversible. The memories of his former life grew distant, replaced by a bravado that masked a deep-seated insecurity. He no longer questioned the comedian's crude jokes or the ideologies that once repulsed him; instead, he embraced them with a fervor that bordered on fanaticism.
As Chaz Prescott, he navigated a world where women were conquests to be won, and sensitivity was equated with weakness. The complexities of gender and sexuality were reduced to stereotypes and caricatures, and the vibrant spirit of Calvin Andrews faded into the shadows, a whisper of a past life that Chaz no longer recognized or acknowledged.
And so, amidst the laughter and approval of his new peers, Chaz Prescott—a creation born from a single joke—emerged as a symbol of everything Calvin had once rejected, a testament to the transformative power of identity and perception.
As the comedian wrapped up his set with a flourish of applause and laughter, the announcer's voice boomed through the venue: "Up next… you love him, you hate him… it's the king of the frat house… Chaz Prescott!" The name sent a jolt of recognition through the audience, eliciting cheers and whistles from those who knew the persona well.
Chaz, now fully embodying this brash and confident alter ego, flashed a cocky smirk to himself as he swaggered onto the stage. His presence commanded attention, exuding a blend of arrogance and charm that seemed to magnetize the room. Without missing a beat, he launched into the crudest, most provocative set of the night, each punchline hitting its mark with precision. "So, I was at this party the other night and I saw this girl wearing a 'Feminist' t-shirt. So, I went up to her and said 'Hey baby, is that an 'I heart dicks' shirt under there?' She got all mad and started yelling at me about how feminism isn't about objectifying women. And I just laughed and said 'Yeah, well you sure as hell aren't making it easy for us guys to respect you.'"
The audience erupted into stitches of laughter, hanging on Chaz's every word as he spun tales of exaggerated conquests and raunchy escapades. His delivery was impeccable, each joke laced with a raw energy that resonated with the frat house culture he now embraced. "But seriously folks, can you believe these woke snowflakes? They think they can come into our frat houses and try to change the way we think? Well let me tell ya something - we ain't going down without a fight! We are men! We like boobs! And beer! And sports!"
After his set, Chaz found himself surrounded by admirers, basking in the afterglow of his performance. Among them was a pretty blonde girl, her laughter still echoing from the front row. Chaz turned on the charm, flashing a smile that oozed confidence as he engaged her in conversation.
Gone was the introspective Calvin who once pondered the complexities of identity and social justice. In his place stood Chaz Prescott, a larger-than-life figure who reveled in the spotlight and thrived on the validation of his peers. As he bantered effortlessly with the blonde girl, Chaz felt a surge of adrenaline, reveling in the attention and adoration that came with his newfound persona.
Chaz couldn't help but notice the blonde girl's ample cleavage as she approached him. Her tits were like two perfect melons, begging to be squeezed and sucked on. He couldn't wait to get his hands on them, maybe even give her a little slap across those plump cheeks just to see if they jiggled.
As he engaged her in conversation, Chaz couldn't help but think about how much he wanted to teach this dumb feminist bitch what a real man was like. He imagined himself throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her off into the night, fucking her brains out until she begged for mercy.
The girl was stunning - long blonde hair cascading down past her shoulders, big blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief, and lips painted red as cherries. She had an air of confidence about her that made Chaz want to take control even more. "So, what's your name?"
"I'm Lily."
Chaz just flashes his pearly whites "Well, Lily, I think it's time we got out of here. My frat is just down the street."
As they entered the frat house, Chaz couldn't help but feel a surge of power course through him. The room was filled with rowdy brothers, cheering and laughing as they watched on eagerly. He led Lily towards an empty pool table at one end of the room where several guys had already gathered around them.
"Alright boys," he shouted over their laughter,"This is my new friend Lily here - she wants us all to give her some pointers about how real men treat women!"
The room erupted into even louder cheers as several guys jumped up from their seats eagerly approaching them while others grabbed beers off nearby tables ready for whatever might happen next.
After a great set, there was nothing that made Chaz felt more powerful than ever. He loved the way his jokes made people laugh, but there was something even more satisfying about belittling fags and women. It made him feel like a real man - strong, dominant, in control. And nothing turned him on quite like that feeling of power coursing through him.
Without further ado, Chaz grabbed Lily by the waist and lifted her up onto the pool table. She squealed in surprise but didn't resist as he pushed her legs apart and positioned himself between them. He gripped her hips tightly, using them to control her movements as he thrust into her with forceful strokes that made the entire table shake beneath them.
As he looked down at Lily's big tits bouncing up and down with each thrust of his hips, Chaz couldn't help but grin devilishly. He gripped her hair tightly in one hand while using the other to slap her ass hard enough to leave a mark - all while maintaining his brutal pace on top of her.
The guys around them cheered him on, urging him to go harder and faster while they laughed at Lily's helpless moans of pleasure. It was clear that this wasn't about making love - it was about dominating a woman who had dared challenge their alpha male status.
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yuveenti-blog · 21 days
Astrology Observations: 💘💡 Clocking Your Tea💡💘
Disclaimer: As always, if this doesn't resonate with you, feel free to disregard it. While not everything will be relevant to everyone, most will find value in these ideas. I also want to express my gratitude to everyone who has liked and shared my post; your interest fuels my passion for creating content. A big thank you to my new followers as well—your support means the world to me, and I truly appreciate everyone who engages with my work.
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* Aries individuals are among the most emotionally attuned signs in the zodiac. Imagine the delicate nature of infants; Aries share that same sensitivity. When their needs and wants go unaddressed, they can find it particularly challenging, often leading to behaviors that reflect their less favorable traits, such as anger, irritability, and even bullying tendencies.
* Taurus individuals truly stand out as some of the most visually appealing signs. They have a unique ability to manifest their visions of beauty, love, and luxury in tangible ways. Known for their exquisite taste, they often have stunning homes, stylish cars, and a flair for fashion and beauty. Their dedication to these aspects of life is unwavering, as they continually strive to elevate their surroundings. These are the people who truly personify aesthetics.
* Gemini is a sign that often leads to confusion, as mastering its energy can be quite challenging. Governed by Mercury and symbolized by the twins, it reflects a constant internal struggle. While many label Libra as indecisive, Geminis often experience a deeper turmoil. Their dual nature can trap them in a cycle of overthinking, which can inflate their egos. This ego-driven mindset frequently results in significant life challenges. Much like certain artists who thrive creatively during their most painful moments, Geminis often find their brilliance and creativity intertwined with their struggles.
* Cancers are among the most complex zodiac signs. When you think of individuals who are tough, resilient, or even a bit enigmatic, Cancers fit that description perfectly. Their protective crab shell symbolizes their desire to shield their vulnerable side. This means that Cancers are unlikely to reveal their softer emotions unless they feel safe and secure. If someone calls a Cancer overly emotional, it’s likely because they’ve lowered their guard around you, or perhaps you simply spend a lot of time together.
* In my view, Leos are intriguing individuals who can be quite difficult to read. Much of their persona is shaped by how others perceive them; when they are popular, well-liked, or possess conventional beauty, they embody the classic Leo traits, radiating confidence and charisma. However, it becomes challenging to identify those Leos who lack that external affirmation—those who may be loners, face disapproval, or don’t fit the traditional mold of attractiveness. These quieter Leos often get misidentified as other signs because they don’t display the typical Leo bravado and may even come across as reserved. Interestingly, they can sometimes resemble Aquarians, their astrological opposites.
* I see Virgos as being just as unfocused as Geminis, both influenced by Mercury. However, Virgos tend to manage their scattered energy more effectively because their essence is geared towards purification. Even when they seem all over the place—dabbling in various interests, skimming through books, or leaving projects unfinished—they rarely remain in that state for long. This is often a reflection of Mercury's elusive nature. Yet, Virgos possess an inherent drive to create order and clarity, which ultimately leads them to commit to deeper learning, dedicate themselves to a hobby for mastery, and complete that book they started.
* Libras often come across as feeling incomplete. The scales symbolize an intrinsic imbalance within themselves that they strive to rectify through relationships with others. This tendency leads me to believe that Libras struggle to thrive independently, which can sometimes result in a negative perception of them. Their difficulty in being alone may push them into a less authentic version of themselves, characterized by co-dependency and passive-aggressiveness. It's quite rare to encounter a Libra who isn't surrounded by friends, a partner, or some form of companionship. While some might assume that Libras possess an open-mindedness that allows them to appreciate various perspectives, the reality is that they tend to befriend just about anyone. Their diverse dating experiences may suggest a broad mindset, yet I find that many Libras, like several air signs, can be surprisingly close-minded.
* Scorpios seem to place a high value on their reputation. Many of them are remarkably perceptive, able to adapt their personas to blend in seamlessly, much like chameleons. Their enigmatic nature means that only a select few truly understand who they are beneath the surface. Often, they present a façade to the world, making it challenging to uncover the genuine Scorpio.
* Sagittarius strikes me as a sign that can embody two distinct lifestyles. With its dual nature of being part animal and part human, some Sagittarians are exuberant, straightforward, and the life of the party, always chasing after fun and excitement. Conversely, there exists a more sophisticated side to Sagittarius. These individuals often lean towards spirituality or religion, seeking deeper truths and understanding. They tend to intellectualize their experiences and may feel a need to refine their more primal instincts, striving for a higher state of being akin to the meticulous nature of a Virgo.
* Capricorns often come across as individuals who equate their worth with material possessions. They possess a certain self-awareness, recognizing that they may not always present the best image or have the most charming personality. However, they derive a sense of superiority from owning a beautiful home, luxury cars, or holding a high-paying job. These symbols of wealth bolster their self-esteem, even though they frequently grapple with insecurities regarding their appearance and character.
* In my view, Aquarians have a penchant for embracing the unconventional. It seems to me that they find the idea of being "normal" rather dull and prefer to stand out for the thrill of it. Many of their choices stem from a desire for excitement. However, there's a paradox to their nature; despite their seemingly open-minded demeanor, they can be surprisingly rigid in their beliefs. They often hold strong convictions that don’t easily sway. Additionally, their forward-thinking mindset can create friction with others, as they tend to focus on distant possibilities rather than the present. This future-oriented perspective can make them appear somewhat detached. Co-ruled by Saturn, they often find themselves caught between a serious approach to life and the exhilarating pull of Uranus, which fuels their desire for adventure.
* Pisces often reminds me of both Gemini and Scorpio. Their energy tends to be quite scattered, leaving them frequently uncertain about their next steps, caught in a web of indecision. They can easily become overwhelmed by their emotions, which may lead to a sense of aimlessness in their lives. This emotional depth is reminiscent of Scorpio, as they often craft a particular image for themselves. For example, they might project a tough or unkind persona, appearing as a bully or someone hard-edged, when in reality, they are deeply emotional, gentle, and nurturing. Their environment may pressure them to adopt this façade. Conversely, they can also present themselves as sweet, innocent, and compassionate, yet underneath that exterior, they might display rudeness or disrespect. This duality in their personality often stems from their experiences in life, leading them to shape their identity in complex ways.
* Many individuals resonate more with their rising sign. For instance, Aries rising folks often perceive themselves as adventurous, bold, and daring. In contrast, those with Taurus rising tend to view themselves as laid-back, steady, and goal-driven. Cancer rising individuals see themselves as nurturing, emotional, and caring, while Gemini rising people often identify as intellectual, social butterflies who thrive in conversation. Leo risings feel a strong connection to creativity, fun, and being in the limelight. Virgo rising individuals pride themselves on their refined tastes, attention to detail, and aesthetic sensibilities. Libra rising often see themselves as charming, sociable, and peaceful, while Scorpio risings may view themselves as introspective, observant, and somewhat reserved. Sagittarius rising individuals embrace a free-spirited, fun-loving, and adventurous outlook. Capricorn risings often identify as serious, ambitious, and reserved, while Aquarius risings see themselves as unique, logical, and different. Lastly, Pisces rising individuals tend to view themselves through a more dreamy and intuitive lens.
* Your moon sign can reveal how you sought comfort during your childhood. For example, an Aries moon might find solace in solitude, engaging in activities alone. A Taurus moon often seeks comfort through relaxation, pleasure, or by refreshing their surroundings with new items. Meanwhile, a Gemini moon thrives on acquiring knowledge and information to feel at ease. A Cancer moon focuses on creating a sense of home wherever they are. A Leo moon feels most comfortable when surrounded by admirers who offer constant praise. A Virgo moon finds comfort in establishing routines or diving deep into studies. For a Libra moon, socializing and spending time with friends brings a sense of ease. A Scorpio moon prefers solitude, finding comfort in time spent away from others. A Sagittarius moon seeks comfort through new experiences or outdoor adventures. A Capricorn moon feels at ease when they achieve their desires or surround themselves with material possessions. An Aquarius moon enjoys the company of diverse individuals or thrives in unpredictable environments. Lastly, a Pisces moon finds comfort in escapism, engaging in activities that nurture their imagination or allow them to process their emotions away from others.
* Women might feel a spark of sexual attraction towards a man if his moon sign aligns with their Mars sign. Similarly, a man could be drawn to a woman if his Mars sign corresponds with her moon sign. For example, a woman with Mars in Leo may find herself attracted to a man with a Leo moon, while a man with Mars in Aries might feel a strong attraction to a woman who has an Aries moon.
* The Mars sign can reveal whether your partner embodies the playful spirit of a golden retriever or the mysterious nature of a black cat. For instance, those with Mars in Aries tend to lean towards the black cat persona, just like Taurus Mars. Gemini Mars also fits the black cat description, while Cancer Mars is more akin to the golden retriever. Leo Mars shares the black cat traits, whereas Virgo Mars embodies the golden retriever qualities. Libra Mars also aligns with the golden retriever vibe. Scorpio Mars, Sagittarius Mars, Capricorn Mars, and Aquarius Mars all reflect the characteristics of the black cat. In contrast, Pisces Mars is more representative of the golden retriever.
* Someone you can chat with for hours might either resonate with your Mercury sign's modality or share the same house number as your Mercury sign. For example, a Mercury in Cancer and a Mercury in Pisces can engage in long conversations, just as a Mercury in Libra and a Mercury in Gemini can. Similarly, a Taurus Mercury and a Virgo Mercury can also enjoy extended discussions.
* It's not uncommon to feel a twinge of jealousy towards someone whose rising sign matches your sun sign. This stems from the fact that the sun represents your personal growth and evolution over time, while the rising sign reflects the traits you are born with, making those qualities feel more inherent. For example, a Leo sun might find themselves envious of a Leo rising, just as a Cancer sun could feel jealousy towards a Cancer rising. Similarly, a Scorpio sun may experience jealousy of a Scorpio rising, and a Sagittarius sun might feel the same way about a Sagittarius rising.
* A man might be drawn to you if your Venus sign aligns with his rising sign. For instance, a man with a Cancer rising could see a Cancer Venus woman as particularly beautiful. Similarly, a woman can find a man appealing when her Venus sign matches his rising sign. For example, a woman with a Pisces Venus may find a man with a Pisces rising attractive, just as a Taurus Venus might be attracted to a Taurus rising man.
* You could find yourself in a rivalry with someone who has the same sun sign as your Mars sign. For instance, an Aries Sun woman might experience competition with another Aries Mars woman, while a Leo Sun man could face off against a fellow Leo Mars man.
* You might notice a natural attraction to individuals whose rising sign contrasts with your sun sign. For instance, a Leo Sun may find a close connection with an Aquarius rising, while a Gemini Sun could easily bond with a Sagittarius rising. Similarly, an Aries Sun might develop a friendship with someone who has a Libra rising.
* A man might find himself drawn to conversations with you if your moon sign aligns with his mercury sign. For example, if his mercury is in Capricorn and your moon is also in Capricorn, he could genuinely enjoy chatting with you. Conversely, women often feel a strong connection to a man when his mercury sign matches her moon sign. So, if he has a Leo mercury and she has a Leo moon, she may find their discussions particularly enjoyable. Similarly, if he is a Cancer mercury and she is a Cancer moon, their conversations could be quite delightful for her.
* Typically, you might find yourself not fond of the sign that comes before yours, while feeling an attraction to the sign that follows. For instance, if you're an Aries Sun, you may have a distaste for Pisces but feel a pull towards Taurus. Similarly, if you're a Gemini Sun, you might not be keen on Taurus, yet you find yourself drawn to Cancer.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
This 1953 Muntz Jet convertible underwent a three-year custom build under previous ownership, and it was purchased by the seller in 2021. The car is powered by a fuel-injected 5.7-liter LT1 V8 engine paired with a four-speed automatic transmission and a Ford 9″ rear end, and it is finished in Apple Pearl with a white Carson-style removable top over gray snakeskin-style Naugahyde upholstery. Features include custom bodywork, an Art Morrison frame, power-assisted steering, four-wheel disc brakes, airbag suspension, Painless Performance wiring, and more modified and fabricated details. This custom-built Muntz is now offered with a copy of Rodder’s Journal magazine featuring a story on the build and a clean California title in the name of the seller’s business.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
The steel, aluminum, and fiberglass body is mounted on an Art Morrison ladder frame that was boxed and finished in semi-gloss black, and the floor was raised 3″. The exterior was repainted in a Sherwin Williams two-stage Apple Pearl mixed by the late Stan Betz. Features include a chopped Duvall-style windshield, 1950 Chevrolet headlights, dual Appleton spotlights, 1951 Ford Victoria side windows, and a white removable Carson-style top fabricated to match the height of the chopped windshield. Additional equipment includes color-matched rear fender skirts and chrome bumpers. Wear from fitting the top is noted on the rear deck.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
Steel wheels sourced from a 1976 Dodge measure 15″ and are mounted with Cadillac Sombrero-style covers and whitewall tires. A matching spare fitted with a BFGoodrich Silvertown tire is mounted within a rear-mounted Continental-style chrome carrier. A Mustang II front end accommodates power rack-and-pinion steering , and the car rides on an electronically-adjustable Air Ride Technologies airbag suspension system along with 2” lowered front spindles, Strange Engineering tube shocks, a rear Panhard bar, and front and rear sway bars. The seller reports that the front control arm bushings were recently replaced.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
Braking is handled by GM G-body-sourced calipers matched with Ford Granada discs up front and Ford SVO-specification calipers and discs at the rear.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
The cabin was customized by Jim’s Auto Trim of San Diego, California, and features Glide bucket seats and a rear bench trimmed in gray snakeskin-style Naugahyde upholstery, along with matching treatments for the dash trim, headliner, and door panels. Additional equipment includes a 1952 Lincoln steering wheel mounted to a shortened Lincoln steering column, gray cut-pile carpet, and a Pioneer stereo housed within a custom center cubby.
The engine-turned “Hollywood” instrument cluster houses Stewart Warner gauges consisting of an 8k-rpm tachometer, a 160-mph speedometer, and auxiliary readings for fuel level, battery charge, oil pressure, and water temperature. The five-digit odometer displays 25k miles, though total chassis mileage is unknown. A Lokar pedal assembly was fitted during the build.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
The Corvette-sourced 5.7-liter LT1 V8 features a polished fuel intake manifold along with billet aluminum valve covers, and additional features include an Opti-Spark distributor, a Griffin aluminum radiator, and a wiring loom sourced from Painless Performance Wiring. A set of long-tube headers are connected to a 2.5″ exhaust system equipped with dual Dynaflow mufflers. The seller reports that the oil was recently changed.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
Power is routed to the rear wheels via a four-speed 4L60E automatic transmission and a Ford 9″ rear end with with 3.55:1 gears and Strange Engineering 31-spline axles. Additional photos of the underside, drivetrain, and suspension components are presented in the gallery below.
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Custom 1953 Muntz Jet Convertible
The car was featured in issue #36 of Rodders Journal magazine
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Lamborghini Urraco P300
Despite having been conceptualised as the model to dramatically increase sales and bring Lamborghini greater financial stability, the Urraco P250 proved a commercial flop. Production started in late 1972 following major equipment and floorspace investment. However, by late 1974, less than 500 had been delivered. The Urraco should have gone into production two years earlier than it eventually did. Lamborghini had originally conceived the model with a view to selling over 1000 examples every year.
The disappointing reality left Lamborghini deep in the red, but the Urraco was only partly responsible for a difficult few years.
Compounding the firm’s troubles had been delays for the Countach, a worldwide recession, problems at Lamborghini Trattori and unionised labour, all of which contrived to take their toll on the company founder. In 1972, Ferruccio Lamborghini had sold his tractor company along with 51% of his motor car business. He cashed out of the final 49% in 1974 when the world was in the midst of an energy crisis that slashed demand for gas guzzling machinery.
Throughout this tumultuous period, development work continued on the Urraco. It mainly focused on the Paolo Stanzani-designed V8 engine that had been created especially for the new model at considerable expense. In November 1974, an uprated Urraco P300 was launched at the Turin Motor Show. It immediately went into production alongside the Countach LP400, Espada Series 3 and Jarama S.
Most significantly, the Urraco P300 came with an enlarged three-litre engine. Equally importantly, the power unit now incorporated dual instead of single overhead camshafts.
To take capacity up to three-litres, Paolo Stanzani’s all-alloy 90° V8 was stroked from 53mm to 64.5mm. Bore went unchanged at 86mm for an overall displacement of 2997cc (an increase of 534cc). Compression was dropped from 10.5:1 to 10.0:1. Four new Weber 40 DCNF twin-choke downdraught carburettors were installed to replace the old 40 IDF 1s used previously.
The consequence of these improvements was a dramatic jump in output. Peak power was up 40bhp to 260bhp at an otherwise unchanged 7500rpm. The torque rating also rose considerably; 195lb-ft was now on tap at 3500rpm compared to 166lb-ft at 5750rpm for the P250.
As before, ignition was via two Marelli coils and a single Marelli distributor.
Lamborghini’s five-speed manual gearbox was beefed up to cope with the increased power and torque. Transmission was via a single dry-plate clutch and Lamborghini differential. New damper settings improved the ride, but otherwise little was changed to the existing platform The P300 was based on the same steel monocoque body shell as its predecessor. The engine was housed transversely like the Miura.
Suspension was independent all-round with MacPherson struts, coil springs and telescopic shocks. Anti-roll bars were fitted at either end The twin circuit brake system incorporated unchanged 278mm ventilated Girling discs. Campagnolo’s handsome five-bolt cast magnesium wheels were retained. They measured 7.5 x 14-inches and originally came shod with Michelin XWX tyres.
An 80-litre fuel tank was fitted in the engine bay.
Visually, the only change made to the P300 Urraco was a switch from a two-bank to six-bank radiator cooling vent on the front lid. The rest of Marcello Gandini’s soft wedge creation was unaltered.In a decade not exactly renowned for design longevity, the Urraco proved somewhat timeless. Compared to Bertone’s other mid-engined 2+2, the Ferrari Dino 308 GT4, the baby Lamborghini aged very well, even though it was ultimately outsold by the Maranello product by five to one.Build quality was considerably improved over earlier examples and nowhere was this more apparent than in the cockpit.Bertone had originally been responsible for furnishing the bodyshells, but by the time the P300 was on stream, this work had been taken in-house.
Lamborghini used better quality materials and ensured a higher standard of fit and finish.To this end, P300s were generally equipped with full leather interiors instead of the often garish two-tone leather and fabric combinations seen earlier.
The full width dash layout was still just as haphazard though. The rev counter and speedometer were located at either end of the instrument binnacle and angled in towards the driver. Supplementary gauges and various rocker switches were housed in between.
Lamborghini’s unusual deep dish steering wheel with its four arced horizontal spokes and leather rim was also retained. Like the P250 (which remained in production for a few months longer to use up an overstock of parts), the only update was the gradual shift to anodised black bumpers, wipers and window frames. A more conventional three-spoke steering wheel was also introduced towards the end of production.
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sbknews · 11 months
2024 Honda CB650R
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For 24YM Honda’s naked four-cylinder jewel evolves its Neo Sports Café style with a sharp styling update from nose to tail. A brand-new 5-inch TFT screen offers Honda RoadSync connectivity, operated by simplified new 4-way toggle switch. Engine performance is unchanged at 70kW power and 63Nm torque, with an A2 option. The CB650R - alongside the CBR650R super sports bike - will be the first Honda to be offered with the option of Honda E-Clutch technology, which gives the rider choice of automatic clutch operation by simply using the shift pedal. Chassis specification includes Showa SFF-BP USD forks, dual four-piston radial mount front calipers and 120/70-ZR17 and 180/55-ZR17 tyre combination. Two brand-new paint options and two new colour combinations strike a contemporary chord.
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- Introduction Honda has always thrived on exploring new boundaries – in design as well as engineering. In 18YM, the CB1000R, CB300R and CB125R brought a fresh identity to its naked motorcycle line-up, mixing café racer inspirations with a forward-looking ultra-minimalist look under the ‘Neo Sports Café’ design theme. In 19YM the CB650R joined the family and its combination of cool styling, exhilarating four-cylinder engine performance and light, versatile handling ensured immediate sales success. Building on the momentum, for 21YM it received a major front suspension upgrade, plus a range of detail improvements to enhance comfort, usability and practicality. 24YM is an important year for the CB650R and while updated style and functionality will get attention, this bike – alongside its naked sibling, the CBR650R – will go down in history as the first Honda to be available with Honda E-Clutch technology, which is designed to make motorcycling, from beginner right through to expert, even more enjoyable – and even more exciting. Valerio Aiello, of Honda’s Rome R&D Department on the Neo Sports Café design aesthetic: “The entire current Neo Sport Café range from Honda is the result of the CB4 Concept model presented at EICMA in 2015. Our desire was to explore the world of the café racer and reinterpret it in a modern key. We wanted to create neo-classics – that is, modern motorcycles showcasing classic design styles combined with modern techniques.  I used inspiration from outside the world of motorcycles, in watches. I’ve always liked their technicality and one of the key concepts used during the Neo Sports Café design was 'Mechanical Art'. This is the desire to show the beauty of the various mechanical elements to which Honda has always given great importance.”
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- Model Overview There’s a fresh look to the CB650R’s retro minimalism. A new headlight, radiator shrouds, rider/pillion seat, tail unit and taillight inject a more dynamic energy, while the fuel tank remains a strong presence above the beautiful inline four-cylinder engine. A new 5-inch full colour TFT screen is designed for readability on bright days and features Honda RoadSync connectivity. Managed by a new, easy-to-use 4-way lefthand backlit toggle switch the rider can now enjoy on-screen, turn-by-turn navigation in addition to other smartphone features. Performance is unchanged: 70kw peak power with 63Nm are fun figures for a naked bike,  and the classic in-line 4 cylinder ‘pick-up’ and high-revving top end power are longstanding Honda calling cards. A 35kW option is available for A2 licence holders. Available as an option on the CB650R, the new Honda E-Clutch takes away the need for the rider to use the clutch lever to make a shift either up or down the gearbox. The chassis is as before and a perfect package from city block to twisting back road. A steel diamond frame provides core rigidity while 41mm Showa SFF-BP USD front forks and Showa rear shock deliver high-quality suspension control. Four-piston radial-mount front brake calipers work 310mm floating discs and cast aluminium wheels mount 120/70-ZR17 and 180/55-ZR17 front and rear tyres. The 24YM CB650R will be available in the following colour options: **NEW** Matt Laurel Green Metallic with Matt Vulcan Silver Metallic details **NEW** Pearl Smokey Gray, with Matt Crypton Silver Metallic details Candy Chromosphere Red with NEW Matt Crypton Silver Metallic details Matt Gunpowder Black Metallic with NEW Matt Crypton Silver Metallic details
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- Key Features 3.1 Styling & Equipment - Neo Sports Café styling evolves dynamically - New 5-inch full colour TFT screen includes Honda RoadSync connectivity for on-screen turn-by-turn navigation and access to other smartphone functions - New, simplified left hand switchgear easy to use and backlit for night-time - All lighting LED; new slanted headlight matched by new taillight design Tightly wrapped, the CB650R’s Neo Sports Café style evolution features the signature compact ‘Trapezoid’ proportion of a new, sharper tail and short-overhang and new slanted LED headlight All other lighting is LED, and a new taillight tucks seamlessly into the new fairing. From the front, via the new radiator shrouds backwards, the overall look is sinuous, more dynamic and with keen sense of purpose. The long fuel tank remains a key motif of the family design; its smooth lines accentuate the solidity of real metal surfaces and crown the engineering of the four-cylinder powerplant. It also houses the ignition. A 35° handlebar angle makes tight, slow-speed turns and U-turns straightforward. The shape of the pillion and rider seats have been revised to match the new tail; seat height remains 810mm. There’s a USB Type-C socket located under the seat. Premium technology – in the form of a brand new, 5-inch full colour TFT screen – uses optical bonding to improve visibility in bright sunlight. By sealing the gap between the cover glass and TFT screen with resin, glare is reduced, and visibility improved. The display itself is customisable between ‘Bar’, ‘Circle’ and ‘Simple’ display patterns and also, for the first time on the CB650R, offers the smartphone connectivity of Honda RoadSync. Honda RoadSync – alongside a new simplified, easy-to-use, backlit 4-way toggle-switch on the left handlebar – allows straightforward, on-screen turn-by-turn navigation as well as the option (via a Bluetooth helmet headset) for the rider to make calls, listen to music or receive voice feedback of weather conditions. All an owner has to do is download the free Honda RoadSync app from either the Play Store or the App Store, connect to the CB650R, and go.
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3.2 Chassis - 41mm Showa Separate Function Big Piston (SFF-BP) USD forks  - Four-piston, radial-mount front brake calipers and floating discs - 120/70-ZR17 and 180/55-ZR17 front and rear tyres The steel diamond frame uses pressed swingarm pivot plates and twin elliptical spars with a rigidity balance specifically tuned (stiffer around the headstock and more flexible in the spar sections) to deliver excellent all-round handling characteristics with high levels of rider feedback. Rake is set at 25.5° with trail of 100mm and wheelbase of 1,450mm. Kerb weight is 205kg (207kg E-Clutch). Showa’s 41mm Separate Function Big Piston (SFF-BP) USD forks offer high-quality reaction. A pressure separation damper in one fork tube and spring mechanism in the other deliver high damping performance and lighter weight. Together with the use of a larger sized piston, the result is increased feel, bump absorption and control. Adjustable for 10-stage spring preload, the single-tube monoshock operates directly on the curvaceous gravity die-cast aluminium swingarm. Four-piston radial-mount front brake calipers work 310mm floating discs, and are paired with a single-piston rear caliper and 240mm disc. The ABS is a two-channel system. Cast aluminium wheels mount 120/70-ZR17 and 180/55-ZR17 front and rear tyres.
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3.3 Engine - 70kW peak power with 63Nm peak torque - 35kW A2 licence option available - Honda Selectable Torque Control (HSTC) The 649cc, DOHC 16-valve engine is unchanged for 24YM. It’s tuned to create the purest, most enjoyable mid-sized four-cylinder performance possible, with the classically fast ‘pick-up’ through the rev range and hard-hitting, high-revving top end for which Honda’s in-line fours are renowned. Peak power of 70kW arrives @ 12,000rpm with peak torque @ 63Nm delivered at 9,500 rpm. A 35kW option is available for A2 licence holders. Direct cam actuation makes for a compact cylinder head; bore and stroke is set at 67mm x 46mm with compression ratio raised of 11.6:1. Iridium spark plugs are employed and twin air ducts – either side of the fuel tank – feed the airbox and produce a throaty intake roar. Asymmetric piston skirts minimise bore contact and reduce friction. Ferrous spines on the outer surface of the cylinder sleeves reduce oil consumption (and friction) with improved heat transfer and a silent SV cam chain reduces frictional losses by using a Vanadium coating on its pins. Internal water channelling from cylinder head to cylinders does away with most of the exterior hoses. The engine uses a compact internal architecture, stacked six-speed gearbox and starter layout with the cylinders canted forward 30°. An assist/slipper clutch eases upshifts while managing rear-wheel lock up under hard braking and rapid downshifts. Honda Selectable Torque Control (HSTC) manages rear wheel traction; it can be turned off should the rider choose. Fuel consumption of 20.4km/l (WMTC mode) gives a range of over 300km from the 15.4L fuel tank. EURO5 compliant, environmental efficiency has been updated with revisions to the ECU and catalyser, as well as the addition of an OBD2-2 sensor.
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- Honda E-Clutch - see separate post - World-first technology allows the rider to start, stop and change gear without using the clutch lever – just the shift pedal - Available as an option from new; system adds 2kg to kerb weight - Honda E-Clutch also allows normal operation of the clutch lever - Brings more enjoyment and flexibility across a wide range of scenarios, for a ‘next level’ riding experience Honda E-Clutch takes elements of the technology and performance of quickshifters, manually-operated clutches and Honda’s Dual Clutch Transmission technology to create a unique blend of these well-proven approaches, opening up a whole new aspect of the motorcycling experience for riders of every type and experience level. The clutch and transmission hardware themselves are no different from a conventional motorcycle, with the ultra-compact system weighing only 2 kilograms. In operation, Honda E-clutch is simplicity itself, taking away the need to use the clutch lever to make a shift either up or down the gearbox. The rider simply has to operate the shift pedal for ultra-fast, consistent gear changes, bringing extra enjoyment to sporty riding. The clutch lever is also not needed when pulling away or coming to a stop. Becoming active as soon as the engine is switched on, the system manages both scenarios smoothly, while taking away the possibility of the engine stalling when in operation, providing extra convenience and peace of mind to town riding involving frequent starts and stops.
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In addition to enjoyment and convenience, Honda E-Clutch brings ultimate flexibility. Should the rider wish, they are able to operate the clutch lever as normal at any time. When the clutch lever is used, the Honda E-clutch system will re-activate after less than a second above a certain engine rpm; after 5 seconds at lower engine speeds. Should the rider wish to turn off the system for a particular ride, this is also possible via the switchgear on the left handlebar. The change to manual operation is indicated by a letter ‘M’ on the instrument panel. The Honda E-Clutch also allows the rider to select an ‘operation feel’ to set the strength of the force required on the shift pedal to make a gear change. Three settings are available: HARD, MEDIUM, and SOFT, each of which can be chosen independently for upshifting and downshifting. The technology will also advise the rider to shift down - via a symbol on the instrument panel - if it detects the motorcycle is in a high gear at a certain speed. The Honda E-Clutch manages clutch engagement and disengagement based on its reading of parameters including vehicle speed, throttle opening angle, engine rpm, pressure on the shift pedal, clutch motor reduction gear angle, engine countershaft speed and gear position. The clutch is operated through an actuator unit with two motors situated inside the right hand engine cover. As the clutch is engaged or disengaged, the engine’s ignition timing and fuel injection are also controlled, resulting in smooth, shock-free shifting in any situation. Junya Ono, Large Project Leader, Honda E-Clutch: “Our Honda E-Clutch is designed to offer motorcyclists a new kind of experience that can make their riding even more fun and exciting. It also adds peace of mind and comfort to town riding or the daily commute. We hope that many riders will try our new system to enjoy the unique mix of sportiness and flexibility it offers.”
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- Accessories A range of Genuine Honda Accessories are available for the CB650R, both available as individual items and grouped in packs, and are ready to bolt straight on: Style Pack  Designed to complement the looks and style of the CB650R by adding high-quality aluminium inserts, Front Fender Panels, Radiator Shroud Covers, Side Cover Panels and Tank Side Stickers for added grip and protection. A red adonised Oil Level Gauge featuring the Honda logo adds a touch of colour and contrast. Sport Pack  Pumps up dynamism with a Quickshifter (for non E-Clutch model), instrument Flyscreen for added wind protection, a Pillion Seat Cover featuring a dedicated aluminium plate, an Under Cowl that enhances the sporty appearance and finally, a Tank Pad that adds practical protection. Comfort Pack  Cold weather rideability is improved with the addition of 5 stage Heated Grips with a memory function, plus the flexible, easy-to-attach carrying capacity of a Tank Bag with a see-through pocket for smartphones and an expandable 17L Rear Seat Bag that can be increased to 22L. The line-up is completed with Wheel Stripes available in different colours. All the accessories featured in packs can also be purchased individually. - Technical Specifications ENGINE Type Liquid-cooled 4-stroke 16-valve DOHC inline-4 cylinder Engine Displacement (cm³) 649cc Bore ´ Stroke (mm) 67.0 x 46.0 Compression Ratio 11.6:1 Max. Power Output 70kW/12,000rpm Max. Torque 63Nm/9,500rpm Oil Capacity 2.7L Noise Level (dB) Lwot – 78.8, Lurban – 74.2 FUEL SYSTEM Carburation PGM-FI electronic fuel injection Fuel Tank Capacity 15.4L Fuel Consumption 20.4km/litre ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Starter Electric Battery Capacity 12V/8.6AH ACG Output 380W DRIVETRAIN Clutch Type Wet, multiplate disc Transmission Type 6-speed Final Drive Chain FRAME Type Steel diamond CHASSIS Dimensions (LxWxH) 2130 x 780 x 1075mm Wheelbase 1450mm Caster Angle 25.5° Trail 100mm Seat Height 810mm Ground Clearance 150mm Kerb Weight 205kg 207kg E-Clutch Turning radius  2.8m SUSPENSION Type Front 41mm Showa Separate Function front Fork Big Piston (SFF-BP) USD forks Type Rear Monoshock damper with 10 stage adjustable preload, 43.5mm stroke WHEELS Rim Size Front Hollow section 6-spoke cast aluminium Rim Size Rear Hollow section 6-spoke cast aluminium Tyres Front 120/70ZR17 M/C (58W) Tyres Rear 180/55ZR17 M/C (73W) BRAKES ABS System Type 2 channel; hydraulic dual disc 310mm front, hydraulic disc 240mm rear INSTRUMENTS & ELECTRICS Instruments Digital speedometer, digital bar graph tachometer, dual trip meter, digital bar graph fuel gauge, gear position and upshift indicator, digital clock Headlight LED Taillight LED   # Please note that the figures provided are results obtained by Honda under standardised testing conditions prescribed by WMTC. Tests are conducted on a rolling road using a standard version of the vehicle with only one rider and no additional optional equipment. Actual fuel consumption may vary depending on how you ride, how you maintain your vehicle, weather, road conditions, tire pressure, installation of accessories, cargo, rider and passenger weight, and other factors. Read the full article
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heatpumpsolutionuk · 15 days
Comparing Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders with Traditional Heating Systems: Pros and Cons
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As energy efficiency and sustainability become increasingly important, homeowners and businesses are exploring alternatives to traditional heating systems. Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders (ASHP Cylinders) have emerged as a popular option, offering a modern solution for heating and hot water needs. However, how do they compare with traditional heating systems such as gas boilers, oil-fired boilers, and electric heaters? This article provides a comprehensive comparison, highlighting the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.
Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders
1. Energy Efficiency
Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders are highly energy-efficient because they extract heat from the outside air, even at low temperatures. This process requires much less energy than generating heat from scratch, making ASHP systems significantly more efficient than traditional heating methods.
Efficiency Rating: ASHP systems typically have a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of 3 or higher, meaning they produce three units of heat for every unit of electricity consumed.
2. Environmental Impact
ASHP systems have a low environmental impact because they use renewable energy from the air and produce no direct carbon emissions during operation. This makes them an environmentally friendly choice compared to fossil fuel-based systems.
Carbon Footprint: By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, ASHP systems contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions, supporting global efforts to combat climate change.
3. Lower Operating Costs
Although the upfront cost of an ASHP system can be higher, the lower operating costs can result in significant savings over time. The efficiency of these systems reduces energy bills, especially in well-insulated homes.
Long-Term Savings: Over time, the reduced energy consumption leads to lower utility bills, making ASHP systems a cost-effective solution in the long run.
4. Versatility
Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders can provide both heating and cooling, making them a versatile solution for year-round climate control. They can be integrated with underfloor heating systems or radiators, and they also work well with renewable energy sources like solar panels.
Dual Functionality: ASHP systems can reverse the process to cool a space in the summer, offering year-round comfort.
1. Higher Initial Costs
The initial cost of purchasing and installing an Air Source Heat Pump Cylinder is typically higher than that of traditional heating systems. This includes the cost of the heat pump unit, the cylinder, and any necessary modifications to the property.
Upfront Investment: While the long-term savings are significant, the higher initial costs can be a barrier for some homeowners.
2. Performance in Cold Climates
While ASHP systems are designed to work efficiently at low temperatures, their performance can decrease in extremely cold climates. This may require a backup heating system or lead to increased energy consumption.
Temperature Limitations: In regions with harsh winters, additional heating sources may be necessary to ensure comfort during the coldest months.
3. Space Requirements
ASHP systems require outdoor space for the heat pump unit and indoor space for the cylinder. This can be a limitation for properties with limited space or those where outdoor units are not feasible.
Installation Space: The need for both indoor and outdoor installation space can be a challenge in densely populated areas or smaller homes.
Traditional Heating Systems
1. Lower Initial Costs
Traditional heating systems, such as gas boilers, oil-fired boilers, and electric heaters, generally have lower upfront costs compared to ASHP systems. This makes them more accessible to a broader range of homeowners.
Affordability: The lower purchase and installation costs make traditional systems a more affordable option for initial setup.
2. Consistent Performance in Cold Climates
Traditional heating systems are well-suited for cold climates, as they do not rely on external air temperatures to generate heat. This makes them a reliable choice for consistent heating in areas with harsh winters.
Reliable Heating: Gas and oil boilers provide consistent heat output regardless of outdoor temperatures, ensuring comfort in any weather.
3. Established Infrastructure
In many regions, the infrastructure for traditional heating systems, such as gas lines and fuel delivery, is already well-established. This makes installation straightforward and convenient.
Ease of Access: Established infrastructure means that maintenance, repairs, and fuel supply are readily available, minimizing disruption.
1. Lower Energy Efficiency
Traditional heating systems, particularly those that rely on fossil fuels, are generally less energy-efficient than ASHP systems. This leads to higher energy consumption and increased utility bills.
Energy Consumption: Gas and oil boilers typically convert only 70-90% of the fuel into usable heat, with the remainder lost as waste.
2. Environmental Impact
Traditional heating systems contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution due to their reliance on fossil fuels. This makes them a less environmentally friendly option compared to renewable energy-based systems like ASHP cylinders.
Carbon Emissions: Burning fossil fuels for heating is a significant source of carbon emissions, contributing to global climate change.
3. Rising Fuel Costs
The cost of fossil fuels, such as natural gas and oil, is subject to market fluctuations, which can lead to rising fuel costs over time. This increases the ongoing operating expenses for traditional heating systems.
Fuel Price Volatility: Homeowners using oil or gas boilers may face unpredictable heating costs as fuel prices rise.
4. Limited Versatility
Traditional heating systems are typically designed only for heating and do not offer cooling capabilities. This means that additional systems may be required for air conditioning during the warmer months.
Single Functionality: Unlike ASHP systems, traditional heaters cannot provide cooling, limiting their year-round utility.
When comparing Air Source Heat Pump Cylinders with traditional heating systems, it’s clear that both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. ASHP cylinders offer superior energy efficiency, environmental benefits, and long-term cost savings, making them an excellent choice for those prioritizing sustainability and lower operating costs. However, their higher initial cost and performance limitations in cold climates must be considered.
On the other hand, traditional heating systems provide reliable performance in all climates and lower upfront costs, but they come with higher ongoing expenses and a larger carbon footprint. The decision ultimately depends on individual needs, budget, and environmental priorities.
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larryneilson37 · 1 month
Gateway Classic Cars Of Louisville is proud to digitally present this impressive 1971 Ford Tonino.
Introducing the 1971 Ford Torino, a classic beauty that combines style, power, and comfort. This vehicle is a standout with its vibrant orange exterior that is sure to tum heads wherever you go. The black cloth interior adds a touch of elegance and comfort, making every ride a pleasure
Under the hood, this beast is powered by a robust 545 CI V8 engine, paired with a C-6 automatic transmission. This powerful combination ensures a smooth and powerful ride, whether you're cruising down the highway or navigating city streets. This Torino is ready to hit the streets just to cruise or to e boys know that grown men are here to play let the
The Tonino is equipped with a Holy Sniper Fuel Injection system for improved performance and fuel efficiency. The Galtrac suspension and Viaxing Shocks provide a smooth, comfortable ride, while the Flow Master exhaust adds a sporty touch. The car also features a transmission cooler and Champion Radiator dual fans to keep the engine running at optimal
lemperatures. For your safety, the car is fitted with disc brakes for superior stopping power. It also comes with seatbelts for all passengers The car rides on custom Cragars wheels wrapped in radial tires for grip and stability on the road.
Inside, you'll find an AM/FM radio for your entertainment and power steering for easy maneuverability. The car features both sloth and vinyl interiors, offering a blend of comfort and durability
In summary, this 1971 Ford Torino is a classic car that offers a powerful performance, comfortable ride, and a host of features, it's a car that truly stands out, not just for its vibrant orange exterior, but also for its impressive capabilities and features
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tamanna31 · 2 months
 U.S. Patient Temperature Management Industry Size, Share & Review 2024-2030
U.S. Patient Temperature Management Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Warming Systems, Cooling Systems), By Application (General Surgery, Cardiology), By End-use, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2030
U.S. Patient Temperature Management Market
The U.S. patient temperature management market size was estimated at USD 1.30 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.3% from 2024 to 2030. The market is substantially growing due to increased surgical procedures. This surge is attributed to several factors, including advancements in medical technology, an aging population, increasing number of hypothermia cases and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases requiring surgical intervention. For instance, according to the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), the population of Americans aged 65 and above is expected to grow from 58 million (2022) to 82 million by 2050, marking a 47% increase. In addition, the proportion of this age group in the total population is projected to rise from 17% to 23%. Overall, the rise in the number of surgical procedures, coupled with the growing emphasis on patient safety and outcomes, is fueling the market growth.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the U.S. Patient Temperature Management Market
Patients undergoing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, often experience fluctuations in body temperature as a result of treatment side effects, immune system suppression, or the cancer itself. According to the National Cancer Institute, hyperthermia, also known as thermal therapy or thermotherapy, is a treatment method that involves heating body tissues up to temperatures as high as 113 °F. This approach aims to damage and eliminate cancer cells while minimizing harm to healthy tissue. Effective temperature management is essential during cancer treatment to mitigate the risk of fever, hypothermia, or other temperature-related complications. For instance, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS) in January 2024, the anticipated number of new cancer cases in the U.S. is projected to surpass 2 million, translating to nearly 5,500 new cancer diagnoses each day.
Maintaining optimal body temperature is critical for successful outcomes in cardiac surgeries, catheterization procedures, and other cardiovascular interventions. According to data from the CDC, in 2022, approximately 20.1 million U.S. adults have coronary artery disease, and 805,000 Americans have a heart attack each year. The upward trend in these figures is linked to the growing prevalence of preventive cardiac surgeries conducted each year
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices IndustryResearch Reports.
The global pediatric oral care market was estimated at USD 9.6 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2024 to 2030.
The global pediatric wheelchair market size was estimated at USD 2.10 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2024 to 2030. 
U.S. Patient Temperature Management Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at the country level and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends and opportunities in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the U.S. patient temperature management market report based on type, application, and end-use:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Patient Warning Systems
Conventional Warning Systems
Surface Warning Systems
Warming Systems
Fluid Warmers
Patient Cooling Systems
Conventional Cooling Systems
Surface Cooling Systems
Cooling Systems
Dual Technology
Surface Warming Systems
Intravascular Warming Systems
Irrigation Drapes
Fluid Warmer Drapes
Scope Warmer Drapes
Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
General Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Operating rooms
Neonatal ICU
Emergency room
Preoperative Care Units
Postoperative Care Units
Acute Care
Burn Centers
Cath Labs
Neurological Care Units
Key U.S. Patient Temperature Management Companies:
Stryker Corporation
Zoll Medical Corporation
Bard Medical
3M Company
Pintler Medical
Currie Medical, Inc.
Belmont Medical Technologies
Cincinnati Sub-Zero Products, LLC
Recent Developments
In January, 2024, SourceMark announced a partnership with Gentherm Medical, a well-known manufacturer of systems for controlling patient temperature. Building on their previous collaboration, SourceMark is now the U.S. distributor for a few Gentherm patient warming product lines. traditional Arrow Midline, both of which come in single & double lumen options.
In June, 2023, Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA introduced the FDA-cleared Babyroo TN300, an open warmer providing supportive lung protection and temperature stability. It facilitates clinician access to routine care, emergencies, and procedures during the baby’s hospital stay while promoting family-centered care for healthy outcomes.
In July, 2024, Gentherm acquired Jiangmen Dacheng Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., which produced patient temperature control systems and other medical supplies & equipment.
Order a free sample PDF of the U.S. Patient Temperature Management Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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mantech-blog · 2 months
Enhancing Safety with Advanced Flame Detectors
In today’s industrial landscape, safety is paramount. Ensuring the safety of personnel and infrastructure against fire hazards is a critical concern for many industries. One of the most effective tools in early fire detection is the flame detector. This article explores the importance of flame detectors, their types, applications, and how they contribute to enhancing safety in various environments.
Understanding Flame Detectors
A flame detector is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of a flame or fire. They are a crucial component of fire safety systems, providing rapid detection and triggering alarms, shutting down fuel lines, or activating fire suppression systems to prevent the spread of fire. Unlike smoke or heat detectors, flame detectors are specifically designed to detect the optical characteristics of flames, making them particularly effective in environments where fires may develop rapidly.
Types of Flame Detectors
There are several types of flame detectors, each with its unique features and suitable applications. The most common types include:
Ultraviolet (UV) Flame Detectors:
How They Work: UV flame detectors detect the ultraviolet radiation emitted by flames. They are highly sensitive and can detect fires even before smoke or heat is produced.
Applications: Ideal for indoor environments such as manufacturing plants, laboratories, and storage facilities.
Infrared (IR) Flame Detectors:
How They Work: IR flame detectors sense the infrared radiation emitted by flames. They are effective in detecting fires involving hydrocarbon-based fuels.
Applications: Commonly used in petrochemical plants, refineries, and oil rigs.
Dual UV/IR Flame Detectors:
How They Work: These detectors combine UV and IR sensing technologies to provide enhanced detection capabilities and reduce false alarms.
Applications: Suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, including chemical plants and fuel storage facilities.
Triple IR (IR3) Flame Detectors:
How They Work: IR3 detectors use three separate infrared sensors to detect flames. They are highly reliable and provide excellent immunity to false alarms.
Applications: Widely used in high-risk environments such as aircraft hangars, gas turbine enclosures, and munitions production.
Advantages of Flame Detectors
Flame detectors offer numerous benefits over other types of fire detection systems. Some of the key advantages include:
Rapid Detection: Flame detectors can detect fires almost instantly, allowing for a swift response to mitigate damage and protect lives.
High Sensitivity: They can detect small flames at considerable distances, making them suitable for large and open areas.
Immunity to False Alarms: Advanced flame detectors are designed to minimize false alarms caused by sunlight, welding activities, or other non-fire sources.
Versatility: They are suitable for various environments, including indoor, outdoor, and hazardous areas.
Applications of Flame Detectors
Flame detectors are used in a wide range of industries to enhance safety and prevent fire-related incidents. Some of the common applications include:
Oil and Gas Industry:
Challenges: The presence of flammable gases and liquids makes fire detection crucial in this industry.
Solution: Flame detectors are used to monitor drilling sites, refineries, storage tanks, and pipelines to detect and respond to fires quickly.
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry:
Challenges: Handling of hazardous chemicals and solvents increases the risk of fire.
Solution: Flame detectors help in early detection of fires in chemical processing plants, laboratories, and storage areas.
Power Generation:
Challenges: Power plants, especially those using fossil fuels, are at risk of fires.
Solution: Flame detectors are installed in areas such as turbine enclosures, boiler rooms, and fuel storage tanks to ensure early detection and response.
Transportation and Storage:
Challenges: Transportation and storage of flammable goods pose significant fire risks.
Solution: Flame detectors are used in warehouses, logistics centers, and transportation vehicles to monitor and detect fires promptly.
Challenges: Manufacturing processes involving high temperatures and flammable materials can lead to fire hazards.
Solution: Flame detectors are deployed in production lines, paint booths, and storage areas to enhance fire safety.
Public Spaces:
Challenges: High foot traffic areas require robust fire detection systems to protect lives.
Solution: Flame detectors are used in airports, shopping malls, theaters, and other public venues to ensure the safety of occupants.
Selecting the Right Flame Detector
Choosing the right flame detector depends on various factors, including the environment, type of fuel, and potential fire hazards. Here are some considerations for selecting the appropriate flame detector:
Type of Fuel: Determine the type of fuel or material that may catch fire. Different flame detectors are optimized for different fuel types.
Environmental Conditions: Consider the environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and potential sources of false alarms.
Detection Range: Evaluate the required detection range based on the size and layout of the area to be monitored.
Response Time: Consider the response time needed for the application. Rapid detection is crucial in high-risk environments.
Maintenance Requirements: Assess the maintenance needs of the flame detector to ensure it remains operational and effective.
Flame detectors play a vital role in enhancing safety across various industries by providing rapid and reliable fire detection. With their advanced sensing technologies and robust design, they offer unparalleled protection against fire hazards. By selecting the right flame detector for specific applications and environments, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of fire-related incidents, protect lives, and safeguard valuable assets.
Investing in high-quality flame detectors from trusted manufacturers like Mantech ensures that you are equipped with the best tools to detect and respond to fires promptly. As fire safety technology continues to evolve, flame detectors will remain a cornerstone of effective fire protection strategies, contributing to safer workplaces and communities.
For more information on Mantech's range of flame detectors and how they can enhance safety in your operations, visit our website or contact our expert team today.
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regucyradiators4621 · 2 months
Enhancing Home Comfort with Innovative Heating Solutions: Vertical and Towel Radiators
In the quest for efficient and stylish home heating solutions, modern radiators are changing the way we think about comfort and design in our living spaces. From the sleek and space-saving vertical radiator to the practical elegance of the towel radiator, these heating options are not just functional appliances but are also part of the home décor, offering both warmth and style.
The Rise of the Vertical Radiator The vertical radiator is a testament to the evolution of home heating solutions. Its design is particularly beneficial for homes with limited wall space, as it extends upward rather than outward. This configuration allows homeowners to maximize their living area without compromising on heating efficiency. Vertical radiators are known for their ability to distribute heat evenly throughout the room, thanks to their height and design that promote better air circulation.
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                                                  Efficiency and Space Saving The efficiency of vertical radiators is one of their main benefits. These radiators are designed to fit into narrow spaces, such as hallways or behind doors, where traditional horizontal radiators cannot. This not only saves space but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the room. Vertical radiators come in various styles and finishes, allowing them to serve as a statement piece in any interior design scheme.
The Functional Elegance of Towel Radiators Moving beyond the living room and bedroom, the bathroom also benefits from specialized heating solutions. A towel radiator is a perfect example of functionality meeting luxury. These radiators are designed to keep towels warm and dry, which is a comforting addition to any bathroom. Towel radiators are especially appreciated in colder climates or during damp winter months, providing a continuously cozy experience after every bath or shower.
Versatility and Design Options  Towel radiators are available in various designs, including ladder styles, which are popular for their practicality and modern look. They can be electric, hydronic, or dual-fuel, giving homeowners the flexibility to choose based on their existing heating systems. The variety of finishes—from chrome to matte black—allows these radiators to complement any bathroom décor, enhancing functionality without compromising on style.
Integrating Radiators into Home Decor The modern home demands that functionality should go hand-in-hand with aesthetic appeal. Both vertical and towel radiators meet this need by offering options that include minimalist designs, bold statement pieces, and even art-inspired models. This versatility ensures that these radiators can be integrated seamlessly into any home design, from the ultra-modern to the comfortably traditional.
Conclusion Radiators have come a long way from being mere functional units to becoming integral parts of home decor that enhance the comfort and aesthetic of any space. Whether it’s the space-saving vertical radiator in a compact living room or a luxurious towel radiator in a stylish bathroom, these heating solutions are essential for modern homes. For those looking to explore more about these innovative heating options, visit regucyradiators.co.uk. This website offers a wide range of radiator designs that can suit various tastes and needs, ensuring every home is warm and welcoming.
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 ROTAIR SPA, a leading company in the design, manufacture and distribution of high technology portable air compressors, multi-functional dumpers and hydraulic breakers for more than 60 years and a brand of ELGi Equipments Limited, introduced today its latest additions to the MDVN and MDVS portable compressors portfolio. The new MDVN 83 ECO5 (8000 lt/min@7 bar) and MDVS 125 ECO5 (12000 lt/min@7 bar) models are compliant with the EU Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) Stage V emission standards.
The new MDVN and MDVS portable compressors, designed having in mind sandblasting, fibre optic cable laying and other applications requiring cool, dry air, address customers’ needs for higher flow performance, reliability and lower lifecycle cost.
“ROTAIR is known for designing, engineering and manufacturing customer-centric portable compressed air solutions that meet our customers’ needs for performance, reliability and ultimately, a low lifecycle cost,” said Michela Morando, Senior Engineer at ROTAIR S.p.A. “The new MDVN and MDVS units bring new levels of emissions and noise compliance to our core product offering, future-proofing our customers’ operations with these reliable and efficient air compressors.”
The MDVN 83 ECO5 and MDVS 125 ECO5, same as the rest of the models in the portfolio, come in standard version or with integrated after-cooler and condensate filtration. A pneumatic control system to save fuel consumption by automatically adjusting engine revs to the amount of air needed is present on all models and versions.
Offering a wide range of pressures, including Dual Pressure, the units also feature an intelligent start/stop system that provides a regulated build-up of engine’s revs and pressure, improving durability. ROTAIR’s portable compressors are also known for their compact dimensions for improved manoeuvrability and an optimal dimension to power ratio. The units have European homologation for road circulation with brakes.
High quality air courtesy of separate oil and air filters for the compressor reducing environmental contaminants passing through the system.
Single-stage oversized air filter for the compressor to maximise air filtering by the airend with an optional two-stage air filter for the engine also available.
Reliability and durability of the unit courtesy of separate oil and air filters for the engine.
Fuel pre-filter with water separation and second filter to ensure the fuel is clean when operating in dusty conditions.
Combined radiator allowing for cooling of both compressor oil and engine liquid.
Easy accessibility of all parts for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.
For more information on ROTAIR S.p.A. solutions, please visit: https://www.rotairspa.com/.
ROTAIR S.p.A. a brand of ELGi Equipments Limited, designs, engineers and manufactures customer-centric portable air compressors, multi-functional minidumpers and hydraulic breakers. Since the company was founded in 1961, ROTAIR has become renowned for its heritage of pioneering solutions for the construction, public works and maintenance and agricultural sectors while ensuring conformity with international standards in terms of quality and processes. With a global presence spanning more than 60 countries, ROTAIR stands apart in the market by partnering with customers and end-users to design products and solutions ensuring reliable use, low cost of maintenance and future-proofing their value. For further information on the organisation and its products, please visit www.rotairspa.com
ELGi Compressors is a global air compressor manufacturer with operations in nearly all European countries with a broad line of innovative and technologically superior compressed air systems. ELGi has consistently worked towards ensuring that its customers achieve their productivity goals while keeping the cost of ownership low. ELGi offers a complete range of compressed air solutions from oil-lubricated and oil-free rotary screw compressors, oil-lubricated and oil-free reciprocating compressors and centrifugal compressors, to dryers, filters and downstream accessories. The company’s portfolio of over 400 products has found wide applications across industries. For further information on the organisation and its products, please visit www.elgiaircompressors.eu
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weather-usa · 3 months
The University of California's Surprising Theory on Wildfires and Air Quality
UC Riverside Study Reveals Unexpected Link Between Air Quality and Wildfires
Weather Forecast For Kentucky:
Weather Kentucky
A recent study from the University of California, Riverside, highlights a previously underexplored connection between air quality improvements and the frequency of wildfires. The research suggests that better air quality, achieved solely through reductions in aerosol production or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, may inadvertently lead to an increase in wildfires. To mitigate this risk, the study emphasizes the necessity of a dual approach: simultaneously reducing air pollution from aerosols and cutting down on GHG emissions. This combined strategy is essential to effectively address the threat of rising wildfire occurrences.
"The greenhouse effect is a crucial phenomenon that sustains life on Earth by maintaining the thermal balance necessary for human survival."
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If this is not achieved simultaneously, we could see an increase in wildfires in forest-rich areas, particularly in the northern latitudes of Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, and Alaska. The study suggests that removing aerosols from the atmosphere may put forested regions in the Northern Hemisphere at greater risk.
Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases
Aerosols are tiny particles suspended in the air that move with the wind. While some aerosols are natural, such as dust and sea salt, others are anthropogenic, originating from the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal. These aerosols tend to reflect sunlight, causing clouds to appear brighter. With fewer aerosols, more solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface.
"Methane is a gas composed of one carbon (C) atom and four hydrogen (H) atoms, with the chemical formula CH4. It is colorless and odorless, and when mixed with air, it can be explosive."
Methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) are two of the most well-known greenhouse gases (GHGs). The greenhouse effect, which allows for a thermal balance essential for human survival, is a natural phenomenon that makes life on Earth possible. However, emissions of these gases have significantly increased over the past 150 years due to human activities, amplifying the greenhouse effect and altering climate patterns.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in New York:
Climate Change and Forest Fires
It is now well-established that heat waves and dry periods occur more frequently than they did 50 years ago. This increase in temperature and dryness results in a greater accumulation of combustible material, such as plants, bushes, and trees, on the ground, thereby raising the risk of forest fires.
To prevent a future increase in the number and intensity of fires, it is crucial to decrease methane emissions stemming from agricultural practices, livestock farming, landfills, and fossil fuel combustion. Methane is particularly potent in warming the atmosphere, being approximately 80 times more effective than CO2, albeit with a shorter atmospheric lifespan. While methane lasts only about a decade in the atmosphere, CO2 can persist for thousands of years. Thus, mitigating methane emissions can have a significant impact on reducing the risk of wildfires and curbing climate change.
See more: https://weatherusa.app/zip-code/weather-35043
"Lowering methane emissions to align with the planet's trajectory towards an average temperature rise of 1.5°C would yield substantial advantages for human well-being, ecosystem vitality, food stability, and economic prosperity."
Over 150 nations have endorsed the 2023 Global Methane Commitment, pledging to diminish methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030. Notably, these nations collectively account for over half of the world's methane emissions, rendering this objective attainable. Hence, the forthcoming decade will prove crucial in discerning humanity's commitment to safeguarding forests.
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midseo · 4 months
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1955 Ford Fairlane Two Door Woodie Wagon
1955 Ford Fairlane Two Door Woodie Wagon! This is nicely restored car that is a great car show cruiser or beach ride! Powered by a healthy Supercharged 292CID V8 Engine and Automatic Transmission. It has a period correct McCullouch Supercharger that boast great power! This car runs and sounds great. It drives very nice and handles the road straight and tight. It was driven to many shows across the states and gets a lot of attention everywhere it goes. The suspension is lowered with a great stance and sitting on newer tires with polished chrome wheels. The paint is beautiful Sunflower Yellow with a great shine. The body is solid and straight. The chrome bumpers, trim, glass, seals, etc was redone and show very nice. The car has been driven and enjoyed so it has a few small paint chips that were color matched touched up but overall this car shows extremely well and is ready to show off. The interior was also redone in two-tone gray with wood panels and rear floor. It is very comfortable and shows great. The dash was redone, professional black headliner installed, seats redone, newer carpet with rear wood floor, etc please view photos. The back glass is sliding and rear seat fold down for your surfboard or golf clubs! The engine compartment also shows nicely and was refinished. It has a new rebuilt motor with a mild cam, offenhauser modifications, dual exhaust, electric fuel pump with kill switch, aluminum radiator and upgraded cooling system, etc.
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rabbitcoolcars · 6 months
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1953 Dodge ‘Zeder’ Storm Z-250 Concept with body by Bertone.
The Storm Z-250 was developed by Chrysler engineer Fred Zeder to evaluate the feasibility of producing a vehicle that would capture a portion of the growing American sports car market.
Built on a rigid tube frame chassis (built mostly by Chrysler engineer, John Butterfield, in his basement), it was intended to be a dual-purpose sports/racing car because Zeder Jr. envisioned a car with swappable bodies.
Unique to the Storm Z-250 was that the comfortable ‘touring’ body could be removed by unscrewing four bolts and replaced with an ultralight 150-pound fiberglass body for ‘racing’. The mechanical components of the car included a Dodge hemi V8 truck engine with 260hp and 330ft-lbs of torque. Other parts came from Plymouth and Dodge vehicles, including brakes, radiator, clutch, fuel tank, rear axle, and the steering system. The transmission was a new unit developed by the Spicer Division of Dana Corporation.
The Storm did not reach the assembly line because high production costs would have made it too expensive to sell in profitable quantities. The Z-250 would have competed with the Ford Thunderbird, Chevrolet Corvette, and the Kaiser-Darrin.
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