daily-rayless · 7 months
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Reis Duelar, the missable woman who part-times as a dragon in Final Fantasy Tactics, is a longstanding favorite of mine, so I'm happy to celebrate her birthday today.
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vocaltv · 1 year
छत्तीसगढ़ महतारी दुलार योजना आवेदन 2023
छत्तीसगढ़ महतारी दुलार योजना आवेदन 2023 #chhttisgarhnews #govtscheme #bupeshbaghel
छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य सरकार Chhattisgarh Mahtari Dular Scheme के माध्यम से ना केवल कोरोना संक्रमण के कारण अनाथ हुए बच्चों की शिक्षा की जिम्मेदारी वाहन करेगी बल्कि उनके भविष्य को आकार देने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास भी सरकार द्वारा किया जाएगा। राज्य सरकार ने कहां है कि इस वित्तीय वर्ष से छत्तीसगढ़ महतारी दुलार योजना को लागू कर दिया जाएगा। इसलिए अब कोविड-19 महामारी के कारण अपने माता-पिता को खोने वाले सभी…
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makeallthingsyours · 1 year
I have made another piece of Vulcan calligraphy. This time, it is a translation of 'Conscientious objector' by Edna St.Vincent Millay.
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Vulcan text
[Literal translation]
Frame: Ahkhan klee'fah-su
[Warfare refuser]
1)  Dungau tev-tor nash-veh, hi nam-tor veh ek if dungi-than nash-veh na'Tevakh.
[I shall die, but that is all, which I will do for death.
2)  Zhu-tor nash-veh ish-veh fugal-tor-ik jarel t'ish-veh.
[I hear them leading their jarel. (horselike animal)]
3)  Zhu-tor nash-veh ralash fi'lan-tol t'aushfa-kel. Nam-tor ish-veh toranik.
[I hear the noise of the hoofs on the floor. They are busy.]
4)  Ma ar'kada svi'Cuba, svi'Balkans, ma wehk haishaya nash-asal.
[(they) Have tasks in Cuba, in Balkans, many demands this morning.]
5)  Hi ri'dungi-meskarau nash-veh elsaku, lu dator ish-veh aushfa.
[But I will not hold (their) tether {there is no Vulcan word meaning specifically a bridle, so I thought 'tether' an appropriate word}, when (they) prepare the animal. ]
6)  Heh lau ish-veh fi'dvun mamuk-fam, ri'dungau abru'gla-tor nash-veh.
[And they may move on {not as a phrasal verb, but rather meaning 'mount'} by themselves, I shall not help them up.]
7)  Kwul-tor pla-dor t'nash-veh, hi ri'dungau var-tor ki'sahr-tor vil-tei wilat.
[(they) Strike my shoulders, but I shall not tell where the vil'tei has run to.]
8)  K'felu t'ish-veh f'tuf t'nash-veh, ri'dungi sahr-tor ip-sut kan wilat s'alem-flash.
[With their hoof on my chest, I will not (tell) where in the mangrove forest the hiding child ran.]
9)  Dungau tev-tor nash-veh, hi nam-tor veh ek if than na'Tevakh. Ri'nam-tor dvinsu t'ish-veh.
[I shall die, but that is all, which au will do for death. I am not their servant.]
10) Ri'dungau var-tor nash-veh shul t't'hyle il t'nemutlar.
[I shall not tell the location of my friends nor my enemies.]
11) Nam-tor ugayalar t'ish-veh is-fam, ri'dungi-gluvau nash-veh yut na'ha-kel t'fan-veh.
[Their promises are useless, I will not show them the way to anyone’s home.]
12) Nam-tor nash-veh zamasu svi'panu t'sular - utvau na'tefuik sutra svi'Tevakh ha?
[Am I a spy in the world of people - reason for leading people to death? {Questions are asked differently in Vulcan. Essentially, in case of yes/no question, it is a statement followed by 'ha?'. So something along the lines of 'I am a spy in the land of living, and this is a reason for leading people to death, yes?}]
13) Pi-maat, nam-tor shar-kiht heh besan t'Kahr t'etek shar'tor k'nash-veh.
[Relative (Clan mate?), the safety codes and the plans of our city are safe with me.]
14) Worla fna'nash-veh dungau dular vash.
[Never through me shall you be destroyed. {I struggled with the adjective here, since I couldn’t find a word for 'damaged' or 'destroyed' and didn't want to substitute it with 'unmade'. I settled on using the core of the word destroy, but I'm not certain whether it was the best decision.}]
Original text:
I shall die, but
that is all that I shall do for Death.
I hear him leading his horse out of the stall;
I hear the clatter on the barn-floor.
He is in haste; he has business in Cuba,
business in the Balkans, many calls to make this morning.
But I will not hold the bridle
while he clinches the girth.
And he may mount by himself:
I will not give him a leg up.
Though he flick my shoulders with his whip,
I will not tell him which way the fox ran.
With his hoof on my breast, I will not tell him where
the black boy hides in the swamp.
I shall die, but that is all that I shall do for Death;
I am not on his pay-roll.
I will not tell him the whereabout of my friends
nor of my enemies either.
Though he promise me much,
I will not map him the route to any man's door.
Am I a spy in the land of the living,
that I should deliver men to Death?
Brother, the password and the plans of our city
are safe with me; never through me Shall you be overcome.
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ay-simay · 2 years
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🖤Güzel dular Türkiyem için olsun... 🇹🇷 🦋
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illarian-rambling · 7 months
Happy WBW! What is the most famous/influential person in the history of (one) your world(s)? Why are they so influential?
I get to talk about Tua Durnan!!! Yipee!!!
So, Tua Durnan is kind of an inside joke for me. If I ever have a building, or road, or park I need to name, I name it after him. There are like five different Durnan Streets across all of my books. But who is the guy? That's a really good question, even within the world of Illaros.
The War of Conquest, when a group of Janazi humans conquered half the continent of Iarl and established the Republic, was started by a man named Niklai Sayovski. Niklai gathered many influential figures to him; inventors, generals, priests, and mages. Anyone who wanted to start a new life away from the chaos of the Janazi isles, who were on the brink of their own war at the time.
Before the War of Conquest, Tua Durnan was a prodigy general from the small island nation of Cantr. He defected to join Niklai out of a sense of religious duty, wishing to spread the word of Illarianism to the heathen continent, and because he didn't agree with the elitist politics of Cantr's leaders. Niklai sent him to fight in the southern nations alongside his fellow generals, Agita N'Jogu and Cardor Dular. The three would become fast friends among the trials of war. However, the actions they took never sat as easily with Tua as they did with the others. It was the slaughter of Lanokos that eventually broke him.
Lanokos was a trade city on the western coast of Iarl. After their sister state of Sorail City was destroyed and its people enslaved, the people of Lanokos made a pact. None surrendered that day the Republic armies came. No quarter was given and citizens drank poison en masse rather than kneel under the humans' whip. The carnage was horrific. It was then that Tua realized he'd lost sight of what he'd come to the continent for; to forge a new home for his struggling people. Now he was causing other people to flee their own homes? To kill themselves rather than live under human rules and religion? Tua abandoned his post that very night.
Adrift now, he traveled to a growing refugee camp at the foot of the Siegewall Mountains, on an island in the middle of the Gray Lake. He thought he could help people and perhaps make up for some of what he did. Tua would go on to help turn this refugee camp into Unity, the wealthiest and most egalitarian city state in Illaros. His friends Agita and Cardor never found out what happened to him.
This was all a thousand years ago. In the current day, Tua Durnan is an oft forgotten name. Especially compared to other War of Conquest generals and leaders, most of whom's descendents still rule provinces to this day. The Republic works hard to forget him. Unity doesn't like to talk about a human former warlord playing such a large role in their history either. There are no grand monuments to this founder of the Republic, then leader of Unity, except perhaps in the private homes of the N'Jogus and Anbanes (successors to the Dulars). Even though, without him, the Republic wouldn't be half the size it is today, and Unity wouldn't exist at all.
Instead, people remember his name through public parks and rural roads, cozy hostels and market plazas. Many don't even know who he is, they just remember the name from other places it's been passed down to. I think, from whatever heaven or hell he's in, Tua would find this better than any grand monument.
Thanks for the ask!
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444names · 4 months
Names derived from Tolkienesque forenames, theological angels, and superlatives, excluding the letter "E"
Abalth Ablaracalla Addacild Addalith Adradrata Adûna Agasin Agudir Aihir Ailúk Aindil Ainvannat Airdaiang Aladacir Alattant Algranákhôr Alimor Alindand Amild Amitë Amling Amragudil Amran Amranor Amron Amrothair Ancil Ancir Andil Andir Andis Andor Anduin Andust Anfainúmil Anfalm Angoldach Angor Animuzgal Animë Annar Antan Antar Anthorophon Aradardan Araglirman Arail Aramag Arand Aranduil Aranur Araphang Arashan Arasin Arassad Aravanwë Arazaphoron Arazôn Arcir Ardannas Ardar Ardil Ardilthôr Ardir Argos Arinwë Arinúmil Armaurvia Arthéod Artullik Atamalabar Athil Atillion Auglúk Azimair Azrandaind Azraphil Azrazôr...
Bador Baharfinar Balfan Bardaiahang Barombur Baron Bightarast Bithothim Blarikar Blarunna Blatar Blorn Blund Bofthôn Boldor Bombar Bomir Bormtor Boros Braca Brach Bragorl Brahráin Brast Brazil Brazran Brimbusil Brion Briën Bryar Bulkanwë Bëorl Bëorn Bëoron Bórwar Caldorlion Caldur Carah Caran Carma Catron Chaphil Charin Cilaugdur Cilimrardar Clorn Clowmaca Clurtz Coori Cothaphirë Cranamil Craphon Crinil Criën Curiën Curtil Dalin Dallos Dardancaróf Dorbarad Dorina Dorod Doron Drant Driah Duicir Dular Durionna Durust Dusilmon Déallinúvir Déomir Déoth Fainnardaia Faldant Fanarcir Fangolwë Fastirion Fatalma Filúk Findir Finzil Firyah Flain Fland Flant Folorn Forion Foron Frind Frindumo Fréago Fréagold Fréagon Fréagor Frórindómir Fëangon Fílimloth Fírdarost Gabadamar Gabar Gadrin Galadan Galast Galingrik Gallouglik Gamilkardin Gamrouglin Gamsirë Gasin Gildil Gildon Gilgancalca Gimbal Gimrah Glast Glindrat Glinin Gloolgalain Golionwë Gorfil Gortur Graph Grapharcir Grararth Grathor Griondran Grohilúk Grontata Grómil Hadaming Halcwin Haldil Haldë Halin Hamroddor Hamrondir Hamûl Hangoldum Hangor Hanwë Harata Hardair Hardal Hargormanth Haronwë Hassuirë Hingloon Horomë Hossir Huaqqibûn Hubbithon Humbrion Hunnarimë Huoldor Hushorië Hyath Hyavi Hámaminduin Ibaulë Ibûnah Idurl Ildarantho Imbrinar Imiryaviad Imoilir Indanch Indli Indorn Isildir Iskil Iskin Itchinc Jophor Juild Kirim Kusilgash Kílik Lalanthôr Lararë Latandor Limin Lithia Londandum Lossunír Lothon Loughâl Loungon Luilin Lumaiar Lurth Léotha Makil Malaca Malitho Mamanth Mandusil Manthoron Marat Mirmaras Mithramrons Muanassion Muladorthir Mulair Mulfin Mulfwin Mírdil Nahtar Nakar Naraiadil Naraphar Nauglas Ningrossion Nittârin Noisrah Nurvir Nólin Nómil Olcaldwyn Oldog Ollia Orlim Palas Palfwinros Paláf Phast Plador Polór Powyn Primanil Prondil Purlada Purviarun Rangoldir Ranor Ranthéod Razazach Razôr Rildon Rintor Riont Rondor Rophamin Ríand Sacali Sadomë Salar Salbah Salchub Saldal Saldorod Salik Salinar Salmil Salthôr Samlimog Sanim Sanáinbri Saughtil Sauglador Sauglitë Saugloth Sauglúk Saulast Saust Scalfin Sharfil Sharros Shmorlaihin Shnáin Shnáincil Shnákhîm Shnákhôn Shnárin Shoril Shossandir Siaron Simlin Singwin Skinindil Slimundor Slion Slorroador Smacir Smalast Smalmo Smancaláf Smandurucir Sméawin Sofur Soomë Soorfin Soorost Soron Souglon Súriandurië Tabaglor Taldil Tamracir Tamûl Tanbrapho Tanch Tanur Tarda Tardagon Tardir Tharavor Thardag Thargor Thing Thingran Thongwin Tiust Tuolwë Tuolór Turimron Turin Turind Tzagdur Tzazim Túrimir Túrisir Ufingun Ugassil Ulkhar Ulmaalthrór Ulwin Unkasil Uolóin Urondorod Urubifunkas Urunkan Uzgan Valadacir Valaurth Valdadûnan Valgas Valliahamli Vanin Vanwë Vathéod Vidufin Viduin Vincalik Vorman Vánamir Vánar Vánast Vánatalast Waindë Winca Winimë Worod Yáviah Zachalg Zadan Zadrór Zagoldog Zimbucargil Zophoroddoc Zophos Éodróg Éodwyn Éothar Éothiahadoc Éothor
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hanuman-tv · 1 year
Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhe Shyam Bhi Milenge | राम भी मिलेंगे तुझे, श्याम भी मिलेंगे: | #hanuman
English lyrics-
Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhe, Shyam Bhi Milenge, Jab Tujhe Shri Hanuman, Ji Milenge, Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhen, Shyam Bhi Milenge ॥ Ram Aur Shyam Ko, Bajrangi Bade Pyare, Yoddha Hai Kanhaiya Ke, Ram Ke Dulare, Chaahe Jo Bajrangi, Ram Shyam Ji Milenge, Chaahe Jo Bajrangi, Ram Shyam Ji Milenge, Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhen, Shyam Bhi Milenge ॥
Nirbal Ke Bal Mere, Veer Bajrangi, Duhkh Mein Hamesha Bane, Dukhiyon Ke Sangi, Prem Se Pukaro Us, Pal Hi Milenge, Prem Se Pukaro Us, Pal Hi Milenge, Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhen, Shyam Bhi Milenge ॥
Ram Ko Pukaro Chaahe, Shyam Ko Niharo, Donon Ke Liye to, Hanuman Ko Pukaro, ‘lakhkha’ Tere Sare Sakant, Pal Mein Talenge, ‘lakhkha’ Tere Sare Sakant, Pal Mein Talenge, Jab Tujhe Shri, Hanuman Ji Milenge, Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhen, Shyam Bhi Milenge ॥
Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhe, Shyam Bhi Milenge, Jab Tujhe Shri Hanuman, Ji Milenge, Ram Bhi Milenge Tujhe, Shyam Bhi Milenge ॥
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ef-ide · 2 years
Sevgiyi sabırla ilmek ilmek işlemek , çok değil sadece biraz değer göstermek istemek ...
Oysa ne güzeldi gelecek olanı beklemek , sevdiğini bildiğine dular edip hasreti satır satır işlemek ...
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Sojaa pyare raj dulare
Ab to utth bhi gya
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danzer91 · 2 months
Agam - Hanuman Dulare | Narci | Siddharth
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See pole teie silmad See ei ole see, mida sa ütled See pole sinu naer See annab sulle ära Sa oled lihtsalt üksildane Sa oled liiga kaua üksildane olnud Kogu teie tegutsemine, teie õhuke maskeering Kõik teie täiuslikult tarnitud liinid Nad ei lollita mind Sa oled liiga kaua üksildane olnud Lase mind seintesse Sa oled ümber ehitanud Me võime süüdata tiku Ja põletage need maha Las ma hoian su kätt Ja tants 'ümmargune ja 'ümber leekide Meie ees Tolm tolmuks Sa oled pea püsti hoidnud Sa oled võidelnud Sa kannad arme Sa oled teinud yo
Tað er ikki eyguni á tær/tykkum. Tað er ikki tað, tú sigur. Tað er ikki tín látur. Hatta gevur tær/tykkum/tygum burtur. Tú/ert/eru bara einsamallur/einsamøll. Tú/hevur/hava verið einsamallur/einsamøll/einsamøll ov leingi. Øll tíni/tykkara ber seg at, tín/tykkara tunnu dular. Øll tíni/tykkara fullkomiliga útflýggjar reglurnar. Teir/tær/tey lumpa meg ikki. Tú/hevur/hava verið einsamallur/einsamøll/einsamøll ov leingi. Lat/Latið meg inn í veggirnar. Tú/hevur/hava bygt runt. Vit kunnu ljósa ein svávulpinn. Og brenna teir/tær/tey niður. Lat/Latið meg halda í hondina á tær/tykkum. Og dansa runt og 'round eldunum. Framman fyri okkum. Dust to dust Tú/hevur/hava hildið høvdið upp. Tú/hevur/hava bardist við bardaganum. Tú/hevur/hava arrið. Tú/hevur/hava gjørt yo
E sega ni matamu E sega ni ka o tukuna E sega ni nomu dredre Oqori ena solia vei iko O galili ga Sa rui balavu na nomu galili Na nomu vakatasuasua kece, na nomu vakalecaleca Na nomu laini taucoko e soli vakavinaka Era sega ni vakacalai au Sa rui balavu na nomu galili Me'u curu ki na lalaga O sa tara wavoki E rawa ni da waqaca e dua na veisotari Ka vakamai ira Me'u taura mada na ligamu Ka danisi 'vakavolivolita ka vakavolivolita na yameyame ni buka E matada Kuvu ni soso ki na kuvu ni soso O sa laveta cake na ulumu O sa vala oti O colata na we ni we ni yagomu O sa cakava yo
Hindi ito ang iyong mga mata Hindi ito ang sinasabi mo Hindi ito ang iyong tawa Na nagbibigay sa iyo ng layo Nalulungkot ka lang Sobrang tagal mo nang nalulumbay Lahat ng acting mo, ang payat mong disguise Lahat ng iyong ganap na naihatid na mga linya Hindi nila ako niloloko Sobrang tagal mo nang nalulumbay Hayaan mo ako sa mga pader Nagtayo ka na sa paligid Maaari tayong magsindi ng isang tugma At sunugin ang mga ito Hayaan mo akong hawakan ang iyong kamay At sumayaw 'ikot at 'ikot ang mga apoy Sa harap natin Alikabok sa alikabok Nakataas na ang ulo mo Nakipaglaban ka na sa laban Ikaw ang nagdadala ng mga peklat Nagawa mo na yo
Se ei ole sinun silmäsi Se ei ole mitä sanot Se ei ole sinun nauruasi Se antaa sinut pois Olet vain yksinäinen Olet ollut yksinäinen liian kauan Kaikki näyttelemisesi, ohut valepukusi Kaikki täydellisesti toimitetut linjat He eivät huijaa minua Olet ollut yksinäinen liian kauan Päästä minut seiniin Olet rakentanut ympärillesi Voimme sytyttää tulitikun Ja polta ne Anna minun pitää kädestäsi kiinni Ja tanssia liekkien ympärillä Edessämme Pölystä pölyksi Olet pitänyt pääsi ylhäällä Olet taistellut taistelun Sinä kannat arvet Olet tehnyt yo
Ce ne sont pas vos yeux Ce n’est pas ce que vous dites Ce n’est pas votre rire Ça vous trahit Tu es juste seul Tu es seul depuis trop longtemps Tout ton jeu, ton mince déguisement Toutes vos lignes parfaitement livrées Ils ne me trompent pas Tu es seul depuis trop longtemps Laisse-moi entrer dans les murs Vous avez construit autour de Nous pouvons allumer une allumette Et les brûler Laisse-moi te tenir la main Et danser autour des flammes Devant nous Poussière à poussière Vous avez gardé la tête haute Vous avez mené le combat Vous en portez les cicatrices Tu l’as fait
Ce n’est pas vos yeux Ce n’est pas ce que vous dites Ce n’est pas votre rire Cela vous donne loin Vous êtes juste seul Vous êtes seul depuis trop longtemps Tout votre jeu d’acteur, votre déguisement mince Toutes vos lignes parfaitement livrées Ils ne me trompent pas Vous êtes seul depuis trop longtemps Laissez-moi dans les murs Vous avez construit autour de Nous pouvons allumer un match Et les brûler Laissez-moi vous tenir la main Et dansez autour et autour des flammes Devant nous De la poussière à la poussière Vous avez levé la tête Vous avez mené le combat Vous portez les cicatrices Vous avez fait yo
Non son os teus ollos Non é o que dis Non son as túas risas Iso dáche lonxe Só estás só Estiveches só demasiado tempo Toda a túa actuación, o teu fino disfrace Todas as túas liñas perfectamente entregadas Non me enganan Estiveches só demasiado tempo Déixame nas paredes Construíches ao redor Podemos acender un partido e queimalos Déixame agarrar a túa man E bailar "redondas e "redondeando as chamas Fronte a nós Po ao po Ti mantiveches a cabeza arriba Loitaches contra a loita Levas as cicatrices Xa fixeches yo
Eriiso lyo teririiko. Ok bye say bye Ok bye laughter Ekyo kikuwa amaanyi Just lonely, bye bye So long, bye bye lonely Ebikolwa byo byonna, okwefuula omutonotono All your perfect delivered lines Tebanbuzaabuza So long, bye bye lonely Leka nzire mu bbugwe Wazimbira mu bulago. Tusobola okwaka N'abakumako omuliro. Leka nkukwate ku mukono And dance 'round and 'round the flames mu maaso gaffe. Enfuufu Omutwe gwo gukutte ku mutwe. Mulwanyise olutalo Beera n'ebiwundu You've done yo bye bye
ეს არ არის შენი თვალები ეს არ არის ის, რასაც თქვენ ამბობთ ეს არ არის თქვენი სიცილი ეს გაძლევთ მოშორებით რთ ჟთ ჟამჲ ჟამჲ ჟამჲრნჲ. თქვენ ძალიან დიდი ხანია მარტოხელა ხართ ყველა თქვენი მოქმედება, თქვენი თხელი შენიღბვა ყველა თქვენი იდეალურად მიწოდებული ხაზი ნვ მვ თჱლყდაჳა. თქვენ ძალიან დიდი ხანია მარტოხელა ხართ ნება მომეცით კედლებში თქვენ ააშენეთ გარშემო ჩვენ შეგვიძლია გავანათოთ მატჩი და დაწვა ისინი ნება მომეცით ხელი დავიჭირო და ცეკვა 'მრგვალი და 'მრგვალი ცეცხლი ჩვენს თვალწინ მტვერიდან მტვრად ეპყზ ჟთ დლაგარა ჟთ დჲეთქ. ჟვ ბჲპვქვ ჟჲ ბჲპბარა. თქვენ ატარებთ ნაწიბურებს თქვენ გააკეთეთ yo
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jadipose · 6 months
"Your life would be poorer without them. Um. What do I do with this file?"
O+h, uhhh. I just figured yo+u all had mo+dular techno+lo+gy. I guess I'll... po+int my camera at the flo+o+r?
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lis1902 · 6 months
The Boys
Kahte hai, ladke rote nahi. Kya vo insaan hote nahi? Kathor man ke hote hai, shyad isliye kahte hai, ki ladke hote vahi. Pr koi na jane, dil hota unke bhi pass hai, shyad isliye maa ke dulare hote vahi. Or log kahte hai ki, ladke rote nahi. Kya vo insaan hote nahi?
Puch kar to dekhe unse koi, ki koi dikkt hai to nahi? Phir sunne milega vo tumko, shyad kabhi jo vo bolte nahi. Daba lete hai dukh-dard sab kuch, shyad isliye kahlate hai ladke vahi. Or log kahte hai ki, ladke rote nahi. Kya vo insaan hote nahi?
Dimag se jada dil se hai sochte, kyu chalaki unmai hoti nahi? Karte hai nadani kyuki, nadan parindey hote vahi. Kuch kho jane ka dar hai sataye, fir bhi kabhi jatate nahi. Or log kahte hai ki, ladke rote nahi. Kya vo insaan hote nahi?
Socha hai kabhi, kyu kuch vo kabhi bolte nahi? Kamjor hone ke baad bhi, sabse strong hote vahi. Jo man hota hai, vo karte hai, aage ki sudh lete nahi. Dusre kabhi haar na mane, is wajah se kabhi rote nahi. Or shyad Isliye log kahte hai ki, ladke rote nahi.
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portalimaranhao · 6 months
Loja Dular Móveis em Primeira Cruz é alvo de arrombamento
Na madrugada desta quarta-feira, 27 de março, a Dular Móveis, localizada em Primeira Cruz, foi alvo de criminosos que invadiram o estabelecimento e levaram diversos itens. De acordo com informações preliminares, os meliantes conseguiram entrar pela frente do prédio, contornando pela lateral após destelhar parte do telhado. Os prejuízos são significativos, com os ladrões levando consigo dois…
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Happy WBW! (Courtesy of my partner) What is a piece of worldbuilding that you are really excited about but that you haven't been able to incorporate into your actual writing yet?
Sorry this one took a while, I had to break out the lore book!
I've got a lot of minor stuff I haven't been able to put in, but probably the biggest of these is the War of Conquest. Which, considering it's the reason modern Illaros Is the way it Is, is kind of a glaring oversight.
The War of Conquest kicked off about a thousand years ago as a result of various bad conditions in Janaz. This was before the establishment of the Janazi Confederacy, so the archipelago warred frequently and at the time, there were famines sweeping many islands, along with religious troubles. Many Janazi humans were hungry for something better. They wanted security and religious stability. It was one man, Nicklai Sayovski, who found a way to make that a reality.
Nicklai came up through the ranks of the Yunin military (a Janazi city-state at the time), eventually earning the rank of general. However, the corruption he saw in the upper ranks of the government and the overcrowding in his city only reinforced his sentiment that something drastic needed to be done to improve his people's quality of life. The course of action he decided on was, indeed, nothing but drastic.
After reaching out to several other influential figures (the politician Xiulin Haru, the diplomat Konguo Daiichi, the pirate Halicas Achmenos, the master mage Cardor Dular, the spy Altacoya Ceqliquetzal, the engineer Idan Sib Yamiz, and the generals Agita N'Jogu and Tua Durnan) Nicklai gathered not only an army, but a pack of homesteaders looking for a better life away from Janaz, and went out to conquer the continent of Iarl. From the humans' perspective, this conquest was justified. They were doing what they had to in order to help their own people, and they would be bringing the truth of Illarianism to the heathen masses.
The first place they conquered was the peaceful nation of Abrim, mostly composed of goblins and fenodyree. Because they surrendered early, Abrim was allowed to exist as a Republic satellite state in exchange for horses and siege machines. After that, the generals N'Jogu, Dular, and Durnan would prosecute a brutal campaign in the south of Iarl, pillaging and enslaving as they went. Up north, the politicians Daiichi and Haru played the elvish nations off of one another, promising each many things in exchange for religious conversion and military support. Ultimately, both Nabafyr and Skysheer knew that if they didn't ally with the Republic, their rival nation would, leading to them being crushed, so they each took the offer and converted to Illarianism. (Converted in name, at least)
The war in the south progressed pretty quickly after the elvish nations committed troops. Previously, the area had been made up of many, smaller nations that didn't have the might to stand up to such a massive force. It was after the brutal sack of Lanokos, after which General Durnan disappeared, that southern Iarl was officially declared Republic territory and settlers began to move in.
But the war wasn't over yet. There was still one major player on the Iarlan map that the Republic hadn't tangled with yet: The Dwarven Alliance.
Being an insular collection of city-states, the Alliance didn't care too much about what was happening in southern Iarl. However, one of the things the Republic had promised to Nabafyr and Skysheer was Alliance territory, knowing that if the elvish nations joined their cause, the rival Alliance never would. This began the longest stretch of the War of Conquest. Slowly and bloodily, the Alliance forces were pushed back from the Siegewall Mountains and into the poisoned Araunian desert, where they were forced to dig underground shelters to avoid the magical radiation. It took about ninety years to fully get the Alliance out of the mountains, and even in the modern day, border skirmishes are common.
After the war was officially declared over, the descendents of Nicklai's original team were each given a province to rule, with two other families being put in charge of the colonies the Republic siezed from the Alliance later in the war.
So, basically, everything in Illaros's current political climate can be traced back to the War of Conquest. The founding of the trade city Unity began as a refugee camp for southern Iarlans. The attitude of prejudice against non-humans and non-elves in the Republic can be traced back to the enslavement of that first generation of POWs, whose children were born free according to traditional human war laws, but were still subject to crushing poverty. The Alliance's xenophobia and precarious living situation in the Araunian desert is directly due to the actions taken 1000 years ago. Even the introduction of runic magic to Iarl and the formation of the Janazi Confederacy is because of the War of Conquest.
Anyways, here's a before and after map
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Thanks for the ask!
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mingoabalsamo · 8 months
ANDY DULAR "Volviendo a Casa" de Rata Blanca Contrataciones: 011-5-594-7472
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