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mcmansionhell · 3 years
short lease in a slick machine: a personal essay about apartments
Hi Everyone, you may have wondered where I’ve been for the last few months. The truth is, I, like most people must at some point in their lives, needed to take a little break and figure some things out, needed to go on some long personal journeys, needed to meet some heroes, needed to just not do this website for a short amount of time, but don't worry, I'm back now, and I'm bringing the feels on the way in.
Before I present this essay, I would like to offer my deepest thanks to the people who kept supporting me on Patreon during this soul searching. I owe you everything.
I’m moving again. I’ve moved every single year since I’d left my parents’ house at the age of eighteen, with the exception of the apartment I had on the second story of a Queen Anne on S. Mendenhall Street in Greensboro, in which I stayed in for two years. The rest of my dwellings have been painfully temporary, with life inevitably coming around to its annual migratory upheaval. There have been many reasons why, of course, quotidian reasons that always feel devastating at the time – jobs, school, pestilence, crazy roommates, despicable slumlords, partners to be moved closer to, relocating just to get away from where one has been before. I could rank every apartment on a scale of worst to best, from most to least livable, but none of them were permanent.
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above: the only apartment I ever lived in for more than a year, a sacred place.
I wanted to write about the apartment I’m moving away from in Chicago even though perhaps it’s not prudent to do so – it’s never prudent to be personal on the internet. Don’t worry, though, I won’t include anything incriminating that could be construed as defamation or whatever. You can just feel angry on my behalf, which is really, truly in the spirit of McMansion Hell. And this is, well, apartment hell. The apartment I’ve lived in this past year quite frankly and very succinctly encompasses everything I kind of hate about architecture, about design, about the ways people in the profession are expected to live their lives for the benefit and the consumption of others.
first impressions
When I first saw the apartment, it was the nicest apartment I’d ever been in, the finest I'd hitherto walked the halls of in my rubber Birkenstocks. It was big and full of light, with lovely maple floors, the kind where, at the right time of day, you could sometimes see the tiger pattern emerge in flecks and ribs like those on the backs of violins. When the landlord, an architect, showed it to us, he had his stuff in there still. A Bertoia chair that was probably real. Very carefully selected items from Design Within Reach alongside enough pieces from other places to make the whole getup seem more authentic. Sparse hangings on the walls, each big and well-framed. Single potted plants. A well-oiled cutting board.
There were European bath and kitchen fixtures and recessed lights that dimmed at the press of a button, which meant we could get rid of all of our floor lamps. In the kitchen, tall, elegant white cabinets above a slab of marble, dubbed, reverently at the time, a living material. Blinds on rollers meant no need for hanging curtains. A soaking tub and a Duravit toilet, you know, the floating kind cultured people had. Europeans. The rent was at the top of our budget but still doable. I signed the lease fast, with unbelievable giddy excitement. Finally, a nice place to live after years and years and years in what could only be deemed as shitholes. Shitholes and the nice midcentury apartment building I lived in in DC, but that was a studio and DC was a place I wanted to get so immensely far from that we ended up in Chicago, the only city in America I ever really wanted to live in.
cracks in the facade, so to speak
As soon as we moved in, an unsettled feeling crept in. I can place it now as the sense that this apartment was too nice for people like us – people with particle board furniture and student loan debt. That it wasn’t really ours, we were just borrowing it before someone worthier came. Subconsciously, we knew this. We never hung anything on the walls save for the Mondaine clock my husband bought at the MoMA Design Store and the Giro d’Italia jersey signed by Tom Dumoulin, which I’d had framed. The walls were a blinding white. Putting tacks in them felt like an unlawful penetration. Our landlord fussed over the stuff we had on the back porch. One time he criticized where my husband had situated the soap on the kitchen counter, the living material which, in reality, is just a fancy term for “stains easily.”
All of a sudden, we were living under a microscope.
We weren’t using the apartment the right way; namely, we didn’t decorate or live like an architecture critic and a mathematician theoretically should. Our apartment wasn’t photogenic. There were too many bikes in the living room. We still had a garbage $300 Wayfair sofa that felt like sitting on cardboard. There was clutter. This beautiful apartment wasn’t meant for our kind of ordinary and this was made known several times in subtle and rather degrading ways, after which our lease was not renewed, to the relief of all parties involved. Even if it meant moving again.
The longer I lived in the apartment, the more I hated it, the more I realized that I had been fooled by nice finishes and proximity to transit into thinking it was a good apartment. As soon as we’d got in there, things started to, well, not work. European fixtures aren’t well-liked by American plumbers. The dimmable lights would sputter and spit little blinking LEDs for reasons totally unknown and we’d have to pull a tab to reset them. Everything was finicky and delicate. The shower head, the kitchen sink that fell in two times somehow (which we had been accused of being rough with, an absurd thought – it’s a kitchen sink!), the bedroom doors that didn’t close right, the bathroom door that would trap you inside if it shut during a hot shower. All of the niceness, the glitzy brand names, the living materials were not meant for everyday use, even by gentle individuals like ourselves. They were made solely for looking at, as though that were the point of all habitation.
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Suddenly, we were in a prison of design. This was a place for performing living, and we, as normal people, simply wanted to live – wanted to leave clothes in front of the washer as we pleased, wanted to bake cakes that got flour everywhere, wanted to just collapse somewhere and go to sleep, wanted to have a private life not dominated by the curation and fussiness and pressures of taste that govern careers like mine. Our house was always just for our consumption, not that of others. I spend most of my life in the worlds of design and architecture, and to be honest, you wouldn’t know it aside from all the heavy books and the tapered legged coffee table. I never had it in me to turn my house into a museum of my own clever delectations, a proof of concept of my skills as a critic. I just wanted to dwell naively. Off Instagram.
But the worst part of the apartment was that it was designed by someone who didn’t know how to live, couldn’t think of anyone’s world other than the sparse one of the architect who owned nothing save for color-coordinated books and limited edition lithographs. It had all the functions of living, technically speaking, but the way in which they were allocated and arranged made no sense. There were no closets in any of the rooms, just open storage, which only works for people who don’t actually have things. The tub wasn’t caulked to the wall so that it would appear to float, a nice aesthetic effect which made taking showers annoying and perhaps bad for the walls.
Above all, I hated the kitchen the most. The kitchen was basically ten feet of counter space, with giant cabinets extending to the ceiling, far beyond what any normal person could reach without a stepladder, the upper shelves of which being where things went to be forgotten. A sink punctuated the center of the marble countertop – and marble is a terrible material for a countertop. It stains and wears with water. It shows all mess mercilessly. There was a stove and a fridge just, like, in the kitchen attached to nothing. The gas stove had no overhead ventilation and every time we used it we had to open the door so the smoke alarm wouldn’t go off. It was a kitchen designed by people who never cooked: too small, inefficient, laid out in the way it was, like so many apartment kitchens, so that it shared services with the same wall as the bathroom. We couldn’t put anything in the finicky sink to soak so the counter was always crowded with dishes. We had no dishwasher because that would mean ceding the only bottom cabinet that was truly usable.
It angered me, really, as an architecture critic, that this apartment, which had so very much been made to be ogled and looked at and oohed and ahhed over by people of taste was absolutely, for a lack of a better word, bullshit. That it was beautiful but unlivable, like some kind of joke made only for people like me to laugh at. I love design, obviously, but I hate the pressure to have to perform taste in the most intimate of one’s settings and this was the epitome of that, the untouchableness of it, the smug superiority of its flavorless emptiness. I’m not a curator of other people’s gazes when I’m in my pajamas or sweating it out on the trainer. I’m simply Kate Wagner, living with a husband and a dog, like a lot of twenty-seven year old white girls in cities. By the end of the lease, I just wanted to move somewhere where I’d feel at home, whatever that meant. I never had the type A personality needed for pristine white walls. I hated how the recessed lights made all our stuff look cheap, like a museum of stunted adulthood.
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Our new apartment has a two-year lease, which is about as much stability people like us could ever hope for or afford. It’s the first floor of a worker’s cottage dominated by a palladian window on the second story that would be pretentious were it not so earnest. The house itself is a hodgepodge of the vernacular, which is what I deserve, as its chronicler. The interior walls are painted lively colors – a soft blue, a slate purple, a taupe, a mint green. It’s gritty enough to be cool and old enough to be livable. There are closets. The bathroom is covered in chiclet glass tile that’s different shades of blue, which I find endearing. But what I love most of all is the kitchen.
All my life, I’d been in search of an apartment with a decent kitchen, and I’ve always wondered why apartment kitchens suck so bad save for the obvious answer (landlords are cheap.) Like I said earlier, the desire to route services (plumbing, electricity) in the most efficient way possible governs most things, though this is more true of renovations or new builds than the adaptation of single family homes into multi-family dwellings. In the case of the latter, the second floor apartments are always the worst off, in fact, almost all apartments are worse off than the one that houses the actual original full-sized kitchen to begin with.
Adapting a space that was meant for sleeping into one where food could be cooked often required some inventiveness with regards to fire safety and ventilation and this usually took the path of least resistance, hence why most kitchens are positioned to the rear of the house, especially if there is outdoor access. (Plumbing in older houses also tends to be positioned on interior walls to avoid pipes freezing in the winter.) In Chicago, most layouts of familiar single-family vernacular housing styles are similar to one another on the ground floor, but the apartments on the second floor are always quite varied, especially with regard to where the kitchen is placed. Often it’s done, again, in a way that allows existing services to be used or for new ones to be built that are on the same wall as another unit. Adding new plumbing where it wasn't before is expensive and a pain.
However, service routing aside, most apartment kitchens are only ever satisfactory – kitchens for people who ate nothing but takeout or miniature versions of the real thing as though apartment living were just an audition for owning a house, something that’s just no longer true in this economy. This one -- with its vintage 50s aluminum cabinetry and its enameled countertops with glitter infused in them like some kind of demure bowling ball and its full-sized appliances and dishwasher, and mint green penny tile, its wonderful quirkiness and its ample cabinet space beneath the counters -- is functional. It works like a kitchen should, towards a domestic life engineered by modernism and scientific management with a dash of feminism to be less arduous. This is nothing short of a miracle to me. When I think about it, I get emotional. I have been searching for so long for any kind of semblance of a place tailored in any way towards my needs, towards my desires, which is to have enough space to help rather than hinder in the preparation of meals. Meals we now enjoy as a very small family. The kitchen was never really important to me until I had someone to share it with, as insipid and mawkish and introduction-to-a-gluten-free-recipe as that sounds. I’m no longer living for one, but for two, and I didn’t realize how much that changed living.
I didn’t realize how much autonomy meant until I lived in a place where I felt I had none.
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Our new landlords, a school-teacher and private investigator (what a combo) are there right now cleaning the house, fixing the little nicks left by the previous tenants, pulling out their picture hanging apparatuses, which, they assure us, we can leave too. We can put stuff up on the walls, the very thought! They’ve already stickered our names on the mailboxes, have installed a doorbell, which strikes me as a very post-COVID gesture. They hope we will stay there a long time, and so do we. There’s a yard for the dog to play in with garden beds that house burgeoning bell peppers. Our friends are allowed to come over, which they weren’t before — well, not officially, but it felt like it. There are sounds in the house, of those who dwell above and below, the sounds of life. There’s a window I wish I was sitting by writing, and soon, I will be.
So many of us ask the simple question, what is home? What should it be? And the only real, genuine answer I have to give after ten-odd moves is that home is the only place in the world where one can be truly unselfconscious. Even if that means having particleboard furniture and a bunch of bicycles.
That’s my business, not yours.
If you liked this post, check out the McMansion Hell Patreon, or, if so inclined, drop a tip in the tip jar.
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Model built in @chiefarchitect and rendered in @lumion11.5 I used multiple materials available from the below retailers as material and fixture options in this design. Bathroom shower fixtures are from the @kohler Purist bath line available from @buildwithferguson Tub filler is from @calfaucets Flooring in the bathroom and shower areas are @cancostile Modena Olive 24x24 tiles Shower niche and portion of the walls are @cancostile Bohemia Ledger Nero 7x20 mosaic tiles Window wall and sink wall is adorned with a Calacatta Quartz 1/4” solid panel cut to form Ceiling soffit veneers are 1/4” Udaipur Green Marble cut to form. An additional drop down soffit with Calacatta Quartz has been affixed over the shower area chandelier Bathroom entry door is a custom built fluted wood slab with hardware from @schlagg Pendant lights and chandelier are from @orrenellis available through @wayfair Vanities would need to be custom ordered through @stonesize.com Pulls are @amarock 18-⅞” pulls in brass available at @buildwithferguson Brass hard wired towel warmer available on @qualitybath.com Brass trim around shower glass and window are from @schlutersystemsna Mirrors can be custom fabricated through most glass and framing fabrication companies. An electrician will need to affix the light strip around the frame, but a similar stock option would be the the Eaton Full Length Mirror from @allmodern Toilet is the black Duravit Vero Dual-Flush Square/Rectangular Wall-Mount Toilet available through @perigold Bidet is black Duravit Vero Single Hole Wall Mount Bidet with Overflow in black Also available through @perigold The tub is the Terra black acrylic double ended freestanding tub with rear center drain available through #vintagetubandbath Please feel free to message me directly for any requests. (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVGLETsLJn3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bathroomshopuk · 4 years
All You Should Know About Luxurious Bathroom Brand Duravit
Duravit helps you create a dream bathroom with its innovative products built by fusing aesthetics and practicality in a perfect formula. Duravit have an aesthetic approach to creating the perfect bathroom, and their practical design-led products make class and modernity is accessible to all. Duravit has established itself as a leading manufacturer in both ceramic bathroom products and bathroom furniture.
Let’s have a look at Products from Duravit:
Duravit Bathroom Furniture
Duravit bathrooms have an exclusive range of Bathroom Furniture in different finishes. Duravit Ketho Furniture, Duravit Brioso Furniture, Duravit Happy D2, Duravit  Starck Furniture, Duravit Durastyle, Duravit Vero, Duravit L-cube Furniture, Duravit Vero Air, and there are many more bathroom furniture collections which are famous from Duravit Bathroom Furniture. Duravit is a leading manufacturer of innovative bathroom furnishings. When it comes to bathroom furniture, Duravit offer a wide range of mirrors, vanity units and cabinets.
Duravit Toilets:
Duravit Toilets are good choice for those who want beauty impact into their bathroom. If you are looking to add a classic addition to your bathroom then Duravit 1930 series is the best choice you can buy from Duravit. And if you are looking to add a modern sleek touch to your bathroom then you should go with Duravit Starck 1, Starck 2, Starck 3, Vero air, Duravit Durastyle, Duravit Darling New, Duravit D-code, and Happy D.2 ranges. Duravit Sensowash Toilets are the most famous product you can buy if you have nothing to worry about your budget.
Duravit Basins:
Duravit washbasins feature extremely precise, parallel lines that, inside the basin, make way for soft and round transitions. Duravit Basins are manufactured from high quality ceramic material giving you a long durability. Duravit Vero Hand rinse Basin has an eye-catching design and dynamic quality that is sure to become the focal point of your bathroom decor. Duravit Vero Air Washbasins, Dura square, Luv Washbasins, Starck 1, Starck 2, Starck 3 are modern collections for washbasins by Duravit. And if you want to add classic touch to your bathroom then you should checkout the Duravit 1930 series range.
Duravit Baths:
Duravit are a leading German manufacturer of Single and Double Ended Baths. Duravit Baths are most popular baths in all over world especially in UK. Duravit Cape cod range has quality baths at affordable prices. Duravit Durastyle, Duravit D-code, Duravit Starck, Duravit Vero Air are some of the popular ranges in Duravit Bathing collection. All Vero Air bathtubs are also available with a bath inlet or base inlet. Durastyle displays pure and simple lines, and blends harmoniously into virtually all bathroom surroundings. Duravit Corner Baths are also good if you want to add something different and unique in your bathroom.
            Now, you know everything about famous and popular ranges from Duravit Bathrooms. Duravit is one of the best bathroom brands ever! Checkout the Full range of Duravit bathrooms online atBathroom Shop UK.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Traditional Home with Classic Design Ideas
  Hello, my friends. How are you doing? I honestly can’t believe Christmas is a week away from today! Oh, wow… I can feel butterflies when I think about it and yes, I am allowing myself to be like a child at this special moment of the year. I think that only children can feel the magic of Christmas and I am hoping to have some of that… I hope you allow yourself to have a truly peaceful and happy time with your loved ones, from start to finish.
I could talk about Christmas for a long time, but that might tire you and I am guessing you’re here to see some inspiring interiors, right? If not, leave a comment about your favorite Christmas traditions at the end of the post. I will love to know them! Meanwhile, I am really excited to share this gorgeous historic home renovation by Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors (previously featured here, here , here & here – find a comfy spot and make sure to see these house tours!).
If you think that classic and traditional interior design are boring, this home will change your mind! Sure, you will find some extraordinary architectural details that you’re only able to find in historic homes, but the design here really brings this entire home to the next level. Forget everything you have seen when it comes to renovations. This team knows how to keep things fresh and current without compromising on quality.
  Traditional Home with Classic Design Ideas
Designing a spacious and practical kitchen in a historic home is always more complicated than anyone can anticipate, but the designers did an excellent job with this space. The entire room was completely reconfigurated and it now hosts a large kitchen with two islands, a Breakfast Nook and a large Family Room.
This kitchen island features Butcher countertop and a panel-ready beverage center. Custom cabinet doors with metal diamond-shaped grilles and wire mesh add a timeless appeal to the island.
Kitchen Island Paint Color
The designer added the diamond detail on the island to match the windows in this historic home renovation. Kitchen island paint color is Farrow and Ball Hague Blue No. 30. This is a great, vivid, navy blue!
Lighting: Visual Comfort – Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Countertop & Hardware
Counters are Leathered Super White Quartzite. What a gorgeous stone!
Hardware: Rejuvenation Pulls & Knobs.
Faucet: Kohler Artifacts Polished Nickel.
Sink: Julien Urban Edge 30” – similar here & here.
Kitchen Cabinetry
The kitchen cabinets are custom-made and the color is Benjamin Moore Simply White – often chosen by interior designers, builder and cabinet makers.
Range: Wolf – Other more affordable option: here.
Backsplash features a herringbone insert over the range. This is a simple and economical, not to mention, not too busy, way to add interest to your kitchen.
Tile is from Etched In Stone – Others: here (Thassos Marble), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
A kitchen runner can add so much character and make your kitchen feel warmer and add more personality. I never spend too much money on my runners. This way, I can replace them from time-to-time without breaking the bank or feeling guilty.
Runner: here – Other Beautiful & Affordable Runners: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
A pocket door conceals a gorgeous pantry with floor-to-ceiling subway tile and two-toned cabinets. The blue cabinets on the right are Farrow and Ball Hague Blue and the white cabinets on the left are Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Breakfast Nook
The breakfast nook features a custom L-shaped banquette. These windows inspired the diamond inset detail on the kitchen island. Aren’t they beautiful?!
Chandelier: Visual Comfort E.F. Chapman Flemish 4 Light Linear Pendant – Discontinued – Other Linear Chandeliers: here, here, here & here.
Dining Table & Chairs
Dining Table: here.
Dining Chairs: Williams Sonoma Home.
Hardware: Rejuvenation.
Flooring: 2.25” Red Oak Hardwood Flooring with a custom stain – similar here.
Wall Paint Color
The kitchen opens to a Family Room with coffered ceiling. Wall paint color is Benjamin Moore OC-23 Classic Gray.
Counterstools: William Sonoma Home – Other Popular Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Island Lamps: Visual Comfort Carthage Mini Lamp.
Family Room Cabinet
Family Room Cabinets: Custom-designed, Simply White OC-117 by Benjamin Moore with custom grilles. That adorable puppy is just to make us love this home even more!
Lighting: Visual Comfort David 18″ Art Light – similar here.
Family Room
This Family Room is perfect for relaxing and keep an eye on the kids while cooking.
Leather Ottoman: CR Laine, custom (Available through the designer) – Other Beautiful Option: here.
Tray: Palecek – similar here.
Fireplace Surround Stone: Marble.
Ceiling Lighting: Hudson Valley 6-Light Chandelier.
Sofa Sectional
Sectional: CR Laine, custom (Available through the designer) – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
This hallway connects the kitchen to the formal dining room. This wall was designed to look like a wall with shiplap paneling, but it actually conceals a really fun room!
Can you guess what’s behind that door… too easy, right? Ah… you can just read it below… tsk tsk
Lighting: Visual Comfort.
Powder Room
How fun is this powder bath?! Wallcovering is Thibaut Imperial Dragon (Available through the designer). Paint color is Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace on trim and wainscoting and Benjamin Moore Hale Navy on ceiling.
Washstand: Megmade Finish in High Gloss Piano finish in Benjamin Moore Hale Navy.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort Gramercy Mini Chandelier.
Mirror: Ballard Designs – similar here.
Flooring: 2.25” Red Oak.
Faucet: Studio Line at Waterworks.
Countertop: Quartzite.
Sink: Duravit.
Formal Dining Room
The formal dining room features the original buffet cabinet and a neutral wallpaper. Cabinet, ceiling and trim paint color is Benjamin Moore Simply White in High Gloss.
Chandelier: Visual Comfort Double Twist Large Chandelier – Other Classic Chandeliers: here, here, here & here.
Wallpaper: Schumacher Chenonceau, Bisque.
Living Room
Featuring the original fireplace, this living room feels cozy and inviting.
 Sofas: Custom, available through the designer – Other Blue Velvet Sofas: here, here, here, here & here.
Coffee Table: Pottery Barn.
Etegers: Vintage, Accessories by the designers.
Hide rug was clients – similar here.
Paint Color
Wall color is Benjamin Moore AC-18 Smokey Mountain.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom feels luxurious without compromising on the authenticity of this historic home.
Sconce: Visual Comfort Union Double Arm Sconce & Single Sconce.
Ceiling Light: Visual Comfort Paris Flea Market Small Flush Mount.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Faucet: Rohl Arcana C-Spout.
Countertop: Marble-looking Quartz.
Walls:  Marble Tile – similar here.
Cabinet Paint Color
Cabinets: Custom Designed, Farrow and Ball Light Blue No. 22.
Floor Tile: Marble from Etched in stone, Glenview, IL  – similar here (lighter in color).
Tub: York Victoria and Albert.
Tub Filler: Rohl.
The designer hid the roller shades in the window trim. They did this treatment for all windows in the new addition of the house.
Side Door
A red side door opens to a mudroom with direct view to the kitchen.
This mudroom might be narrow, but it certainly mighty! The navy blue cabinets were perfectly designed for this space and the elongated hex tiles along with the barn pendants add plenty of character to the space! Cabinet paint color is Farrow and Ball Hague Blue.
Wall Color: Benjamin Moore Classic Gray.
Trim & Wainscoting: Simply White by Benjamin Moore.
Floor Tile: Concrete Elongated Hex Tile – similar here & here – Other Low-maintenance Tiles: here, here, here & here (great for herringbone pattern).
Lighting: Union Pendant Barn Light – similar here – Other Beautiful Pendant: here.
Hardware: Rejuvenation Pulls & Knobs.
  Architect: Edward Deegan Architects and Interiors (Instagram – Facebook)
Photography: @karenloffing.
  Bring the Holidays Home!
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See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
from Home https://www.homebunch.com/traditional-home-with-classic-design-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Their Washington Heights fixer-upper got a look they didn’t plan for
A chance discovery of a larger apartment due north of Midtown West in Manhattan led a family of four to a new home. Ylia, a strategy and retail planner, and André, in wealth management, found more space in Washington Heights for their two boys, ages two and three. But this 1,600-square-foot fixer-upper with two bedrooms and two baths would need a revamp. The couple posted their project on Sweeten, a free service matching renovators with trained professionals. They found a Sweeten architect to help them with the redesign they were seeking, including—by happy accident—giving the co-op a loft-like vibe. Guest blog post by Sweeten homeowner Ylia My husband and I were renting a two-bedroom in Hell’s Kitchen, where I was born and raised. My husband had moved in about 15 years ago. It was the perfect amount of space for us in a great neighborhood before the kids came along. We quickly outgrew the apartment, especially after our second son, leaving us with the desire for more square footage. We searched for quite a while with no luck. We had given up the search and decided to make due for as long as we could.  Then one day on a whim André went to see an apartment in Washington Heights. It was in bad shape, but it was larger than any listing we had looked at prior and we could personalize the fixer-upper the way we wanted.  Since this was a co-op built in 1914, we knew we had our work cut out for us. Between the outdated electrical, plumbing, creaky floors, and cracked walls, we knew it would require serious professional help. We reached out to Sweeten, and they linked us up with several architects to choose from who’d help us with the design. We also decided we’d continue renting during the renovation. Our initial conception of the space started in a much different place than where it ended! The apartment was generous in size but it was compartmentalized. We decided to raze three walls to provide a more open layout between the kitchen and the main living space.  Our architect came up with the idea of an infinity soapstone dual sink that I absolutely loved when I saw the drawing. Because we took down several walls, a support shaft was added and on our architect’s recommendation, we brought in two wooden columns to support the beam. Not only was it practical, but it gave the apartment a loft-like feel—a pleasant and unintentional consequence. In the beginning, we thought we would have a white kitchen with shaker cabinets and a subway tile backsplash, but as we got deeper into the process, we were drawn to Scandinavian minimalism. The vendors we used for the kitchen cabinets and floors both sourced their wood from Sweden, so it helped in accomplishing that aesthetic. Function was also a winner: we love our garbage disposal in the sink.  We moved the laundry room walls three times before we settled on its permanent home in a newly-built closet in the hallway! It turned out to be an excellent location for the washer and dryer.  (Above) Master bedroom WATCH VIDEO: (Above) Master bath before (Above) Master bath A fourth wall—dividing a room formerly used as a housekeeper’s quarters and the master—was knocked down to create a larger master bedroom. Our Sweeten architect drew up an efficient layout that allowed for ample closet space and a larger master bathroom that was pieced together to the last inch.  The bathrooms proved to be the most difficult with so many options and micro-decisions like the type of doorknobs and the number of lights! The housekeeper’s quarters was used as a storage space and needed a big overhaul to be brought up to speed. After much back and forth, we finally settled on finishes we felt would be unique, efficient, and spa-like. We also decided against having a bathtub in either bathroom and have not regretted that decision one bit. Our boys love taking showers!  Chevron designs on the bathroom shower floors and the glass panels were custom made for each since we had different needs in each one. Our architect came up with the idea of an infinity soapstone dual sink in the master that I absolutely loved when I saw the drawing.  Being first-time renovators and homeowners, we found the experience all-consuming but deeply rewarding. We had no qualms about undertaking such a project and would certainly do it again. One takeaway for us was to stay fluid and flexible. We thought we wanted a certain look, but when we found an alternative that we liked, we took the chance and rolled with it. The process was intense at times, but our team kept things chill and on track. We feel great about the space and the experience, and we couldn’t be happier with the support that Sweeten provided. Thank you, Ylia and André, for sharing your fixer-upper transformation! LIVING AREA RESOURCE: European wood oak flooring: Madera. LIVING ROOM RESOURCES: Maverick fan with Koa blades: Monte Carlo. KITCHEN RESOURCE: Surface cabinets by Norm Architects in sawn Smoked Oak; cabinet hardware: Reform. Oak shelving: Custom by general contractor. Sub-Zero refrigerator, Bosch dishwasher: Gringers. Ovens and induction cooktop: Gaggenau. Honed Perla Santa Quartzite countertop: HG Stones. Essence Linear Suspension light fixture: LBL. Prep pulldown faucet: Waterstone.  Herman Miller bar stools: Design Within Reach. Rugs: Bloomingdale’s. MASTER BATHROOM RESOURCES: California Faucets Descano Knurled faucet; Descanso Thermostatic Knurled shower fixtures and jets in satin nickel, Duravit wall-hung toilet: Ferguson. Infinity soapstone sink in Stormy Black: M. Teixeira Soapstone. Vanity cabinet doors; cabinet pull: Semihandmade. Classic Rounds Titanium backsplash; Delegate off-white 24 x 24 wall and floor porcelain tiles: Artistic Tile. Light fixtures and towel hooks: Schoolhouse. Gerber flush Plate: Decor Planet. Shower panel: Bravura Glass. Mirrors: Build.com.  GUEST BATHROOM RESOURCES: Tamalpais faucet in matte black; shower fixtures in matte black: California Faucets. Teak sink shelf counter: Built by general contractor. Delegate light grey 24×24 wall and floor porcelain tiles: Artistic Tile. Duravit wall-hung toilets: Ferguson. Gerber flush plate, Krauss white ceramic sink: Decor Planet. Shower panel: Bravura Glass. Doorknobs, #PSCONCSR112 in Venetian Bronze: Baldwin. Vanity mirror: Build.com. HALLWAY RESOURCE: Sconces and lighting: Restoration Hardware. Washer and dryer: Bosch. — Set your calendar. Here’s a guide on how long it will take for an apartment renovation. Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten. The post Why This Renovating Couple Stayed Open and Flexible appeared first on Sweeten Blog. #Before&After #Kitchen #NYC #EntireHomes #Renovation
Best Coat Hanging Hook out of top 21   uxcell Stainless Steel Household Self-adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 6pcs Silver Toneuxcell Stainless Steel Household Self-adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 6pcs Silver Tone - Perfect solution if you do not want holes in your walls, easy to apply and remove. Easy to use, just peel off the cover starting from the bulge, then put the hook on smooth and clean surface. Work well on any smooth surface, paint, wood, tile and more. Affordable way to decorate and organize your home, school and office. No need to nail and drill. Not recommended for painted wall.   Plastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs BlackPlastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs Black - Easy to use and convenient for your daily life. Features plastic material, screw fixed, wall/door mounted hanging hook hanger, come with several installing parts. Great garment, towl, scarf, handbag or jewelry display hook for displaying or organizing your items.   Metal Rhombus Base Clothes Coat Hanging Hooks Single Hangers 5pcsMetal Rhombus Base Clothes Coat Hanging Hooks Single Hangers 5pcs - Screw thread diameter 3mm/012″ main color bronze tone. Total size 35 x 28mm/14″ x 11″ (lw) open hook spacing 20mm/08″. Weight 46g package content 5 x hanger hooks, some screws. Product name hanger hooks material metal. Screw length 13mm/05″ base size 22 x 22mm/087″ x 087″ (lw).   4 Pcs Strong Adhesive Wall Hooks Coat Hanging Hook, Random Color4 Pcs Strong Adhesive Wall Hooks Coat Hanging Hook, Random Color - Affordable way to decorate and organize your home, school and office. Ships from hong kong. They are both practical and decorative. One size fits most. ( Each size about 64 cm/2. 57″). Please keep it far away from the high temperature object like gas cooker, gas stove, etc. And please wait 24 hours before use. 361.   Single prong 5Pcs Antique Bronze Wardrobe Bath Door Wall Clothes Hat Coat Hanging Hook HangerSingle prong 5Pcs Antique Bronze Wardrobe Bath Door Wall Clothes Hat Coat Hanging Hook Hanger - Item will be shipped from china,20-30 days delivery. Model b size of hook:14x33x33mm (055x130x130″) size of screw10x25mm (039×010″) package list hook hanger x5 screws x10. 100% brand new color:bronze tone materialzinc alloy please choose the model that you want from the dropdown menu above model a size of hook:50x21x27mm (197x083x106″) size of screw10x25mm (039×010″).   IRONMONGERY WORLD? OLD VICTORIAN CLASSIC STYLE DECORATIVE HAT & AND COAT HANGING HOOK PEG by Ironmongery WorldIRONMONGERY WORLD? OLD VICTORIAN CLASSIC STYLE DECORATIVE HAT & AND COAT HANGING HOOK PEG by Ironmongery World - Sturdy steel bronze colored woven design will hold heavy items without bending. Modern color & woven design add color to your room and enhances the look. Add extra hanging area in any room or closet, hangs over door great for bath towels to dry. The over the door hook rack is perfect for anyone who needs more hanging space. Ironmongery world old victorian classic style decorative hat & and coat hanging hook peg.   uxcell Stainless Steel Household Self-adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 8pcs Silver Toneuxcell Stainless Steel Household Self-adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 8pcs Silver Tone - No need to nail and drill. Perfect solution if you do not want holes in your walls, easy to apply and remove. Not recommended for painted wall. Easy to use, just peel off the cover starting from the bulge, then put the hook on smooth and clean surface. Affordable way to decorate and organize your home, school and office. Work well on any smooth surface, paint, wood, tile and more.   stainless steel robe coat hanging hook apple base utility hook 2 packstainless steel robe coat hanging hook apple base utility hook 2 pack - Plastic material, screw fixed, wall/door mounted hanging hook hanger, come with several installing parts. Great garment, towl, scarf, handbag or jewelry display hook for displaying or organizing your items. Easy to use and convenient for your daily life.   RDEXP Sliver Stainless Steel Coat Storage Tube Rod Pipe Hanging Hooks Pack of 4 (22mm ID)RDEXP Sliver Stainless Steel Coat Storage Tube Rod Pipe Hanging Hooks Pack of 4 (22mm ID) - 0 x 1. 8mm/0. 38inch size76. 54 x 1. 77inch(l x w x h) weight97g (3)25mm id inner hook diameter about 25mm/0. 8mm/0. 43 x 0. 6mm/0. 45 x 0. 75inch screw outer dia9. 43 x 19. 93mm/3. 61mm/3. 82 x 0. 36 x 1. 34inch screw outer dia9. 8mm/0. 3 x 19. 52mm/3. It is very convenient to for your life, can be used for clothes towel hanging (1)19mm id inner hook diameter about 19mm/0. 14 x 20. 97mm/3. 39inch size85. 77inch(l x w x h) weight156g package include 4 x stainless steel tube hook brandrdexp guarantee each item with a unique manufacturing part number label on the inner package to confirm it is the qualify checked and genuine item sold from our store when you have any questions,please provide us the mpn label first. 43 x 36. 0 x 1. 3 x 38. 98inch screw outer dia9. 82inch(l x w x h) weight137g (4)34mm id inner hook diameter about 34mm/1. 87inch screw outer dia9. 5 x 0. 39inch size90 x 46. 72 x 19. 79inch(l x w x h) weight93g (2)22mm id inner hook diameterabout 22mm/0. 39inch size76 x 36.   Plastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs WhitePlastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs White - Color white product name wall hook. Mount hole dia 45mm/ 018′. Package content 4 x wall hook, several installing parts material plastic. Mount hole center distance 20mm/ 08′. Total size 50 x 17 x 57mm/2′ x 067′ x 22′(lwh) net weight 89g.   Single prong 5Pcs Antique Bronze Wardrobe Bath Door Wall Clothes Hat Coat Hanging Hook HangerSingle prong 5Pcs Antique Bronze Wardrobe Bath Door Wall Clothes Hat Coat Hanging Hook Hanger - 100% brand new color:bronze tone materialzinc alloy please choose the model that you want from the dropdown menu above model a size of hook:50x21x27mm (197x083x106″) size of screw10x25mm (039×010″). Item will be shipped from china,20-30 days delivery. Model b size of hook:14x33x33mm (055x130x130″) size of screw10x25mm (039×010″) package list hook hanger x5 screws x10.   Liberty 22 inch Stylish Wall Mounted White and Satin Nickel Wardrobe Hook Rail / Coat Rack with 3 Pretty Dual Hanger Hooks for Coats, Hats, Scarves, Key • Extra Wide Hanging SpaceLiberty 22 inch Stylish Wall Mounted White and Satin Nickel Wardrobe Hook Rail / Coat Rack with 3 Pretty Dual Hanger Hooks for Coats, Hats, Scarves, Key • Extra Wide Hanging Space - âœº clean white rack with detailed pretty satin nickel wardrobe hooks, these elegant hooks will make your room convenient and elegant. ✺ Holds up to 35 lbs this double hook design wall hanger has a powerful function, can holds hats, coats, jackets, scarves, towels, robes, handbags, pocket book, laptop case, umbrellas, purse, keys or other basically anything you want to have hung up in your bedroom, bathroom or other places if you want a stylish looking hanger for regular clothes, this is absolutely worth some consideration, because it really comes in handy. ✺ Overall dimensions (hxwxd) 663″ x 2197″ x 369″, extra wide rack with spread apart hooks for spacious hanging ✺ simple mounting hardware and installation instructions included for quick easy and fast installation and it’s easy to assemble with just 2 mounting holes. ✺ 3 hooks that fit all your large and small items for versatility, this hook rail will provide space for all your hanging items in entryways, hallways, laundry rooms, bathrooms and bedrooms, boys room, girls room, garage, pool, storage room, or any other place in your home or office for storage. ✺ Classic style coordinates with most home decor to add a touch of class to your home, this stylish wall mounted and space saving design coat racks take advantage of the unused wall space throughout your home making your home seem less cluttered great solution to neatly pair convenience with a stylish display this coat rack is definitely a great choice for homes and offices.   TOOGOO(R) 4x Plastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger BlackTOOGOO(R) 4x Plastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger Black - Toogoo is a registered trademark. 5mm/ 0. 8inchnet weight 89gpackage content 4 x wall hook, several installing partsnote light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. 2 inch (lwh)mount hole dia. 4. 18inchmount hole center distance 20mm/ 0. Only authorized seller of toogoo can sell under toogoo listings. Toogoo(r) 4x plastic wall door mount clothes coat hanging hook hanger blackcolor blackproduct name wall hookmaterial plastictotal size 50 x 17 x 57mm/ 2 x 0. 67 x 2. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm. Our products will enhance your experience to unparalleled inspiration.   IRONMONGERY WORLD® CAST IRON OLD VINTAGE ANTLER STYLE DOUBLE ROBE BEDROOM COAT HANGING HOOKS by Ironmongery WorldIRONMONGERY WORLD® CAST IRON OLD VINTAGE ANTLER STYLE DOUBLE ROBE BEDROOM COAT HANGING HOOKS by Ironmongery World - Ironmongery world cast iron old vintage antler style double robe bedroom coat hanging hooks. Large loading capacity each plastic hook can hold up to 1-2 kg. Dimension about 64 cm/236157″. Affordable way to decorate and organize your home, school and office. Package includes total 8 pcs hooks.   IRONMONGERY WORLD? WHITE COATING LARGE OLD VINTAGE VICTORIAN STYLE DECORATIVE HAT & AND COAT HANGING HOOK PEG by Ironmongery WorldIRONMONGERY WORLD? WHITE COATING LARGE OLD VINTAGE VICTORIAN STYLE DECORATIVE HAT & AND COAT HANGING HOOK PEG by Ironmongery World - Ironmongery world white coating large old vintage victorian style decorative hat & and coat hanging hook peg. The sturdy metal hook at the bottom of each wall hanger features a curled end and a classic black finish. Set of 3 wood-and-metal garment hooks with colorful painted finishes (in red, yellow, and blue) and tropical-themed metal flowers, as well as the words “family,” “home,” and “love”. Official mygift® product. Easy to mount on any wall using appropriate installation hardware (not included).   uxcell Bathroom Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs for 32mm Dia Rod Tubeuxcell Bathroom Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs for 32mm Dia Rod Tube - Set screw length 9mm/035″. Product name wardrobe hook material stainless steel. Weight 159g package content 4 x wardrobe hooks. Overall size(approx) 85 x 40 x 15mm/ 33″ x 16″ x 06″(lwt). Main color silver tone fit for rod dia (max) 32mm/13″.   uxcell Fabric Apartment Cartoon Design Self Adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook 2 Pcsuxcell Fabric Apartment Cartoon Design Self Adhesive Towel Coat Hanging Hook 2 Pcs - No need to nail and drill. Perfect solution if you do not want holes in your walls, easy to apply and remove. Please wipe the target surface cleanly before using hooks. Can be sticked on the wall of kitchen, bathroom, living room and any other places in your home as you like.   RDEXP Sliver Stainless Steel Coat Storage Tube Rod Pipe Hanging Hooks Pack of 4 (34mm ID)RDEXP Sliver Stainless Steel Coat Storage Tube Rod Pipe Hanging Hooks Pack of 4 (34mm ID) - It is very convenient to for your life, can be used for clothes towel hanging (1)19mm id inner hook diameter about 19mm/0. 39inch size90 x 46. 39inch size85. 43 x 36. 8mm/0. 72 x 19. 82 x 0. 97mm/3. 52mm/3. 61mm/3. 45 x 0. 38inch size76. 77inch(l x w x h) weight97g (3)25mm id inner hook diameter about 25mm/0. 43 x 0. 82inch(l x w x h) weight137g (4)34mm id inner hook diameter about 34mm/1. 98inch screw outer dia9. 5 x 0. 39inch size76 x 36. 36 x 1. 6mm/0. 8mm/0. 93mm/3. 34inch screw outer dia9. 75inch screw outer dia9. 0 x 1. 87inch screw outer dia9. 43 x 19. 14 x 20. 77inch(l x w x h) weight156g package include 4 x stainless steel tube hook brandrdexp guarantee each item with a unique manufacturing part number label on the inner package to confirm it is the qualify checked and genuine item sold from our store when you have any questions,please provide us the mpn label first. 0 x 1. 79inch(l x w x h) weight93g (2)22mm id inner hook diameterabout 22mm/0. 54 x 1. 3 x 38. 3 x 19. 8mm/0.   Over Door Hook Rack, Multi-Function Over Door Hooks Decorative Over the Door Rack Organizer Bathrooms Towel Coats Hanging Hooks, Stylish Over Door Hanger for Home or Office Use (LOVE)Over Door Hook Rack, Multi-Function Over Door Hooks Decorative Over the Door Rack Organizer Bathrooms Towel Coats Hanging Hooks, Stylish Over Door Hanger for Home or Office Use (LOVE) - The hook over door fits securely over standard interior doors in the kitchen, bedroom, or closets, great for home or travel use. No tools or screws needed can be used in two ways over the door and wall mount. Ideal for bedroom and bedroom closets for purses, scarves, clothes, jackets, towels and more. Cute cartoon animal pattern design and perfect holiday ,birthday,newyear gift for family, parents and so on. Perfect for anyone who needs more hanging space.   IRONMONGERY WORLD? WHITE CAST IRON FRENCH SHABBY CHIC RUSTIC HAT AND COAT HANGING HOOK OLD VINTAGE STYLE by Ironmongery WorldIRONMONGERY WORLD? WHITE CAST IRON FRENCH SHABBY CHIC RUSTIC HAT AND COAT HANGING HOOK OLD VINTAGE STYLE by Ironmongery World - 1 x cast iron ornate hanging hook finish whitedistressed size approx height 7 width 3 depth 4comes with fixing screws.   Plastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs WhitePlastic Wall Door Mount Clothes Coat Hanging Hook Hanger 4pcs White - Great garment, towl, scarf, handbag or jewelry display hook for displaying or organizing your items. Easy to use and convenient for your daily life. Features plastic material, screw fixed, wall/door mounted hanging hook hanger, come with several installing parts. #Storage Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/their-washington-heights-fixer-upper-got-a-look-they-didn-t-plan-for
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Duravit #Products #to #Consider #for #Your #Bathroom #couture #energeticyounggirls #eye #fashionable #instastyle #likes #lippencil #makeupgeek #musicproducer #worldstar
As soon as renovating your bathtubroom, you require to believe what merchandise you are going to be utilizing and why. Duravit products are incredibly well-liked in the course of the United Kingdom, because of to their longevity, cosmetic and versatileity.
The producer was shaped in 1817 and has turn into mentioned for their exceptional top quality ceramic products. The headquarters are in Gera lot of, making it an easy choice for individuals residing in Europe.
Duravit provide all rest room products, aiding you might a wonderful selection of equivalent products to increase your overall bathroom design.
The basins offered are fashionable, elegant and lovely. Towards the stunning and compact Bacino range, that is a stylish countertop design ended in vivid white to the Bagnella range, which is produced aspherical the conventional washbowl with vast rim.
Then there are the toilet stages way too available in opposition to this prime manureal truthurer, which can health supplement the products you’ve got presently selected supplying superior flushing mechanisms and beautiful ends.
The architect range is one to be needed with easy sq.} or round styles. Spherical bathrooms are popular for smaller sized bathrooms, maximising area although nevertheless offering that complex finish to the space.
Bidets are components which are positioned in bathrooms far more for taste than use. However these products had been about for many several years and provide a host of well being positive aspects, specifically for the aged and those with mobility head aches. The Duravit Stark range presents some spectacular bidet designs which can simply be integrated into a modern day or traditional bathroom space with ease.
Bidets never all seem the exact same and these times you can select one to suit your toilet completely, helping you enhance the space with beauty and ease.
When it’s going to come to baths in the bathroom, you helps make a focal point, a centrepiece out of a bath, generating sophistication, style and class. Duravit offer a Blue Moon design, which is a spectacular addition to greater areas. Sq.} in design with a round bath, this design will easily create that “wow” point in the space.
The other ranges are modern, elegant and functional, many of them with straight edged designs to combination in with a spa-impressed or modern bathroom concept. Bear in mind if you choose a straight edged bath, then choose a square toilet, bidet and basin to compliment the focal point with ease.
Duravit are identified for their extremely-modern clean shower trays without having any undesired and cumbersome rims. The trays sit flush with the floor, making certain they are easy to obtain in and out without any problems, perfect for family members bathrooms.
They also offer a beautiful shower display range manufactured from very clear thickened glass to complement the flush tray and enhance the overall design. Showers are a hassle-free alternative for smaller spaces, however you don’t must compromise on quality or style. Those shower selections offer that beautiful finish to a smaller space whether or not you are seeking for a corner shower or a shower placed together the wall.
Duravit also offer an exciting range of comforting steam showers, every single one designed to create that focal point in the space and offer the family practicality and overall performance. With so many bathrooms being designed around a spa-inspired theme, these showers can be the perfect addition to your overall bathroom design.
The company also manufactures urinals. Now these usually are not a familiar item discovered in houses throughout the globe and are mainly found in general public areas, but they are useful if you have a youthful family with the vast majority being guy. The urinals designed by these company are not ugly, indeed they are designed along the same beautiful traces as their other items, bettering the space and creating a practical answer in your bathroom design.
The post Duravit Products to Consider for Your Bathroom appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/duravit-products-to-consider-for-your-bathroom/
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Choose the Best Quality Bathtubs in the UK using the Bath Buying Guide
After a busy day, the best way to feel relaxed & refresh will be a long hot soak in your bathtub. Nothing will give you more relaxation than pleasing bathing. Therefore, you should choose the bath for your dream bathroom that gives you a pleasant & relaxing bathing experience. Previously, bathtubs are considered a luxurious item in the bathroom, but nowadays, in addition to being a centerpiece of your bathroom, it becomes a necessity in every bathroom.
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With the availability of a wide range of shapes & sizes of baths, you can choose the right brand, size & shape of bath for your bathrooms in the UK.
When selecting the best quality bathtubs in the UK, you have a broad selection to choose from the best brands like Duravit durastyle Baths, Waters Coast Baths, Duravit durasquare baths, & Tavistock Bathtubs.
Other brands are Waters Cube Bath, Vitra Baths UK, Duravit Starck Baths, Waters EBB Bath, Carron Baths, Eastbrook Baths, Carronite Baths, Kaldewei Baths, Duravit D-Code Baths, and many more.
Before you choose the brand, first decide which shape & style of baths will accommodate your bathroom.
You have a choice to buy Single Ended Baths, Double Ended Baths, Freestanding Baths, Shower Baths, and many others.
Moreover, you can get Freestanding Baths UK, P Shaped Baths UK, L shaped Baths UK, and more.
For bath shapes, you have square, round, corner, and rectangular baths to choose the right shape from the best bathroom shops in the UK.
Thus, with so many styles & sizes, you need not compromise on the look of your bathroom, even if you have a small bathroom area.
For your new bathroom or renovating an existing one, you need to measure your bathroom area accurately and decide its position to put the bath. Remember, you need to leave enough space to move freely in your bathroom and get ready. 
If you want to replace an existing bathtub, you will get a technological advantage with innovative design & style with the best buy of a bathtub. Thus, with a single change in your bathroom, you will get a refreshing and contemporary look in your bathroom.
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Choosing the perfect bath style needs to know more about the baths, their usage, and what shape & style will suit your bathroom.
Straight baths are the commonly used baths and are available for small & big-size bathrooms.
For your compact bathroom space, you can choose single ended baths. In your compact bathroom, it best fits in your small space. You can add a shower to this type of bath. Hence, those who like showering & bathing together can enjoy this bath style. In this bath, the taps & waste are at one end and allow one person to bath by keeping feet toward the bath taps.
For your spacious bathroom, choose a double ended bath that has taps & waste in the middle of the bath. In this type of bath, two bathers can bath at a time. It is best suitable for children, couples, or tall people.
Even in your small bathroom, you have various styles to choose a bath like corner baths. If you don't have separate space for a shower, in this style also you can combine a shower. You can use a bath panel or bath screen to cover your bathing area and give it a contemporary look.
Freestanding baths give your bathroom area a luxury and spa-like look. They are available for all sizes and types of bathrooms. You can place it anywhere in your bathroom as per your bathroom layout. It creates a center of attraction in your bathroom area. 
You will also get traditional freestanding baths and modern freestanding baths for your bathroom. They come with built-in or exposed taps as well as with or without feet. 
When it comes to selecting the bath material, you can choose an acrylic bath, if you are looking for a versatile, long-lastly, and cost-efficient bathing solution. It is easy to install, light-weighted and needs less maintenance. It retains hot water for longer.
For your periodic bathroom, you can choose a cast iron bath. It retains hot water longer compared to an acrylic bath. It becomes costlier and heavy. Hence, you need to ensure your floor strength before you install it. Cast iron baths are highly durable baths and multiple suitable for your traditional bathrooms.
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Write at [email protected] to buy the best quality bathtubs in the UK. Also, visit our Bathroom Shop in the UK to get the best deals on Baths for sale, Cheap Baths, Shower Baths, Small & Large size Baths, Bath Screens, Freestanding Baths, Waters Bath UK, and many others.
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arialuxerealty · 6 years
Miami’s Finest Townhomes – Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, Bay Harbor
Miami's Finest Townhomes - Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, Bay Harbor
Spacious multi-level floor plans, ample outdoor space, private entry, and multiple terraces make townhouses so sought after in Miami. Their seamless transitions from inside to outside add a sophisticated element to these high-profile living spaces. Check out the best of Miami Beach, Bay Harbor Islands, and Key Biscayne Townhomes that will suit your every need.
If you have any questions or would like to view one of these properties, please give us a call at (305) 204-8800.
South Beach - 1027 Michigan Avenue
List Price:  $825,000 Price per Square Foot:  $528 / s.f. Bedrooms:  2   Bathrooms:  2.5 Interior:  1,561 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $839
Just like your own house in the heart of South Beach! Spectacular Modern Townhome at sought after Villa Lucca Residences. No expense spared in this 2008 new construction corner residence boasting a very comfortable floorplan including 2 over-sized bedrooms plus den, 2.5 bathrooms, washer and dryer, Sub-Zero and Jenn-Air appliances and dazzling white quartz flooring throughout. Balcony on every level plus a very large roof terrace with spa, perfect for entertaining with plenty of room for lounging, dining, and space to add a summer kitchen. All of this plus secure parking and additional storage. Very quiet tree-lined street in the heart of South Beach with great walk-ability to shopping, park, tennis, pool, beach and more! Large Pets welcome!
South Beach - 1024 Lenox Avenue
List Price:  $975,000 Price per Square Foot:  $460 / s.f. Bedrooms:  4   Bathrooms:  3.5 Interior:  2,120 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $1,060
Corner four-story townhouse. This 4 bedroom/3.5 bathroom gem has terraces on every floor and backyard that leads to private guest suite with possibility to be rented out. The kitchen features white quartz counters, Bosch appliances, Hansgrohe accessories, and center island. Entertain in the spacious living room, on the deck by the fire pit, or head to the terrace to relax in the jacuzzi while enjoying views. House is complete with hurricane impact doors and windows, pearl white Cali Bamboo wood floors, LED lighting, electric blinds, custom build outs, and 2 covered parking spaces. Central location to West Ave, Sunset Harbour, Lincoln Road, and South of Fifth. Property is listed at $455/SF while average townhouses in 33139 in the past year have closed between $521/SF - $531/SF!
South Beach - 645 Michigan Avenue
List Price:  $1,160,000 Price per Square Foot:  $726 / s.f. Bedrooms:  3   Bathrooms:  3.5 Interior:  1,597 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $637
One of a kind, brand new, three story, 3 bedroom 3.5 baths Townhome with private 1 car garage and rooftop terrace. Professionally designed lighting plan, individually controlled climate zones on each floor, intelligent lighting and automatic shade controls. ALNO kitchen with Bosch appliances featuring built-in refrigerator, dual zone wine fridge and espresso maker. ALNO bathroom cabinets with Duravit and Hansgrohe fixtures. Floor to ceiling windows in living room and master bedroom. Fully gated building. Walking distance to Publix, Best Buy, Total Wine and More.
  South Beach - 1415 Sunset Harbour Dr.
List Price:  $2,595,000 Price per Square Foot:  $1,072 / s.f. Bedrooms:  3   Bathrooms:  3 Interior:  2,420 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $1,260
Custom high end luxury renovated 2-story 3 bed+den/3 bath waterfront townhome is a masterpiece located in the heart of Sunset Harbour, the hottest neighborhood in South Beach. Totally redesigned residence with open spaces and expansive living areas, perfect for entertaining. Take pleasure in single-family home style conveniences such as a private 2-car garage and private oversized waterfront outdoor patio. Luxury features include custom steel and glass staircase, custom built chef's kitchen with Thermador and Gaggenau appliances, Jacuzzi in master bathroom, steam shower, Green-Based state-of-the-art HVAC energy and insulation system & high end Security System hard wired into the home with ADT and full coverage camera system. For the most discerning client.
  Bay Harbor Islands - 1155 101st Street
List Price:  $939,000 Price per Square Foot:  $408 / s.f. Bedrooms:  4   Bathrooms:  3.5 Interior:  2,300 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $423
  Bay Harbor Islands - 1035 99th Street
List Price:  $1,175,000 Price per Square Foot:  $503 / s.f. Bedrooms:  4   Bathrooms:  3/2 Interior:  2,333 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $336
9900 Bay Harbor Townhomes - This newer Construction, three story residence, offers an unparalleled lifestyle in urban-chic living. Nestled within the vibrant area of Bay Harbor Islands, this unit has a contemporary design of spacious, light-filled floor plans & a private rooftop terrace. This unit features, 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, 2 half baths, an open concept, electric blinds, & high ceilings. Additionally there are beautiful porcelain floors throughout, private saltwater pool, bbq area, impact windows/doors.
  Bay Harbor Islands - Palm Villas
List Price:  $1,401,000 Price per Square Foot:  $499 / s.f. Bedrooms:  3   Bathrooms:  4.5 Interior:  2,804 s.f. Monthly Maintenance Fee:  $250
Palm Villas is a gated selection of 14 luxury townhome residences located in Bay Harbor Island within close distance to Bal Harbour Shops. A contemporary design delivers spacious floor plans with 10â ceilings, European kitchens with Bosch appliances, elevators in each residence, smart home technology ready, and storage. All residences have a private roof top terrace with a family room and full bathroom under A/C. Summer kitchens,SPA tubs and BBQ included. Currently under construction with delivery estimated for November of 2018. Easily convertible to a 4 bedroom!
  Key Biscayne - 330 Fernwood Rd
List Price:  $1,599,000 Price per Square Foot:  $802 / s.f. Bedrooms:  3   Bathrooms:  2.5 Interior:  2,479 s.f.
Island luxury townhome just completed in 2018. Featuring three main levels, a large living and dining room with a spacious and fully equipped kitchen and guest bathroom. Each townhouse is adorned with unique tropical landscaping surrounding a stunning private pool area. The property is located within walking distance to the Vilage Park, Rec Center, Beaches, and much more. Also offered for lease at $7,500/month.
  Read More Here: Miami’s Finest Townhomes – Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, Bay Harbor
Article source here: Miami’s Finest Townhomes – Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, Bay Harbor
0 notes
thetopmodels-blog1 · 6 years
Washrooms That Make You Go 'Ahhh'.
New high-end and also convenience things provide for the excellent residence hideaway. ( ARA) - If there is one space in the house that has been completely redefined in the last few years it is the bathroom. Cooking areas are still for food preparation, living spaces are still for living and rec areas are still for recreation. However the washroom has actually evolved thus far beyond its conventional functions that to genuinely show its present status in lots of houses, "medspa space" or the "retreat" could be better names for it. Today's washrooms, particularly those integrated right into master suites, are being designed as well as developed to be a resource of luxury and also relaxation. Besides, for numerous moms and dads the master suite's bathroom could be the only area in the house where they could really delight in some private time for leisure away from the youngsters. Include in this the fact that washrooms add more to a home's worth than other space-- with the feasible exemption of the kitchen and so it's not surprising that an increasing number of people are investing a growing number of time and money to develop an in-home hideaway in their master bath. It's Like An Outing to the Day spa-- In your home. Upright Medspas, which incorporate several showerheads, water diverters and also sophisticated temperature control systems, are probably the greatest trend in today's bathrooms. They offer the leisure as well as luxury of a whirlpool medspa, however without the moment needed to fill up a large bathtub. As well as they still function as a normal shower for times when capability is necessary. Moen Inc., which could have coined the phrase "Upright Spa" when it brought its shower/spa product to market in 2000 claims customer need as well as approval of the principle has been increasing gradually as more customers familiarize the choice to transform their showers into spa-like sanctuaries. " We're seeing more customers make deluxe a concern when they redesign their washrooms, and products such as the Upright Spa are amongst one of the most desired add-ons," stated Gary Pember, Moen Team item supervisor, Bath. "They desire a balmy massage in a soothing setting and also they intend to walk out feeling tidy and revitalized. No other setting can complete that fairly like an Upright Health spa.". Vertical Day spas differ in design and some, such as Moen's system, deal with basic pipes. Others need special behind-the-wall modifications to install larger water supply as well as drainage lines, or an added warm water heating system. These designs could be better to new home construction instead of renovation where whole areas are gutted as well as wall surfaces rebuilt. Yet Vertical Spas are definitely catching on as well as numerous think they are the new millennium's substitute for the whirlpool tub, which could get on the decline. " Not everybody who's had one of these whirlpools actually wants one when they do an additional bathroom," claimed Linda Lentz, includes editor in your home Publication as well as a specialist in modern kitchen and bathroom style trends. "They locate they do not desire the extra maintenance or that the tubs are noisier than they anticipated. Because of that, a lot of people are opting for Vertical Health spas as well as taking longer showers, or installing saturate tubs, or both.". As a whole, the pattern is toward larger showers, frequently with elegant frameless doors as well as glass block wall surfaces that allow more light while sealing off the shower delay. With the extra space in the shower delay, property owners are not only placing in items such as Vertical Health facilities, they're occasionally setting up extra-large showerheads or even whole Vertical Health club units on opposing walls, enabling 2 individuals to shower simultaneously without having to share a showerhead. " The shower is entering its own and we market more "showering systems" than in the past, whether that implies a Vertical Health facility, 2 opposing Vertical Health spas, or just twin and also adaptable hand showerheads on opposing walls. Individuals enjoy to shower and they're showing it by dedicating more area than ever to their showers," claimed Moen's Pember. In addition to Vertical Health facilities, several homeowners likewise are including steam units to their showers, or mounting a ready-made, self-supporting heavy steam system that fits into the shower room a lot the means a pre-fabricated shower stall would certainly. By installing a heavy steam device right into an existing custom-made shower delay, a property owner can produce a pragmatic shower and a glamorous spa-like steam bath in a single bundle that satisfies either function. What Else Is "Warm" In the Bathroom? However hot water isn't really just coming out of the showerheads in today's high-grade washroom. Maybe running beneath the flooring as well as around the towels! Lentz claimed that heated floorings, utilizing warm water running below them or electrical heating elements, are a new trend in shower rooms. Likewise, making use of towel warmers is likewise rising. Which brings us to the sinks. Yes, that's "sinks" as in more than one container-- since, if the offered space allows it, today's well-done master collection bathroom certainly has two. According to Lentz, different shapes, such as square sinks, are coming to be much more prominent, and also console sinks that do not have actually connected vanities are replacing vanity sinks and pedestal sinks as developer favorites. Relying on the wall surface and ahead legs for support, console sinks supply the kitchen counter of a standard bathroom vanity or even permit an individual to sit at the sink without having cabinets in the way of their legs. However doesn't that imply the under-sink plumbing will be revealed? Yes, but that's no wrong in today's trendy bath. "People typically aren't ashamed of their plumbing anymore. As a matter of fact some companies are offering really good developer pipes in unique surfaces that individuals wish to show off," claimed Lentz. Modification Your Faucets Whenever You Adjustment Your Mind. Of course, if you wish to focus on the pipes over the sink, as well as below, your alternatives are nearly unlimited when it concerns taps. Taps could be an important part of a master bathroom upgrade, and also they are often transformed for appearance's sake long before they have actually broken. Some of today's taps have been developed with this extremely truth in mind. Based on study into consumer patterns, Moen created its M-Pact collection of faucets for customers who want to transform the look of their faucet without transforming the entire device. The M-Pact system enables the faucet to be completely altered in regards to look-- a new spout, takes care of and trim-- without having to remove the tap valve, face under-sink pipes or change supply lines. Once an M-Pact faucet is mounted, home owners could choose from a vast range of styles as well as finishes when they later on decide to upgrade the appearance of the bath. " M-Pact is quickly getting appeal amongst customers," stated Pember. "Frequently, we're selling them to consumers who are renovating their shower room and also recognize that they'll probably remodel again in the future, or at least assume that they might. They want the capacity to change the appearance of their faucets without the time as well as expense of mounting totally brand-new units.". One more fixture that might require updating is the toilet. Like it or not, the commode is a significant aspect in any kind of shower room. But trends in shower room layout are downplaying its presence by surrounding it by walls or even putting it in a tiny ante-room connected to the master bath. As for the bathrooms themselves, low-flow versions are still the rule (despite consumer efforts to prevent low-flow requirements by reusing older commodes or perhaps traveling to Canada to purchase high-flow designs). The good news is, the newer low-flow toilets flush better than their precursors. Good idea, for, as Lentz notes, "You're actually not conserving any type of water if you have to purge greater than once.". In addition to boosted procedure, newer models likewise provide simpler cleaning. Lentz encourages consumers to search for newer versions with skirted bases that are simple to tidy. Some companies, such as Toto as well as Duravit, make use of special glazings within the bowl to stop accumulate as well as lower the demand for cleaning, she says. So what's left when you've got cereal container review your Vertical Health spa, soaking tub, double console sink, designer faucets and sophisticated low-flow bathroom in place? Thankfully, just lighting and paint, both which could be cared for fairly reasonably. For lighting, look for intense, non-fluorescent multi-bulb components, or maybe halogen lighting. This will maintain you from casting on your own in a blue pall first point in the early morning from abnormal fluorescent lights, while still guaranteeing that you have sufficient light to make sure you look your ideal. As for paint, white selects anything as well as it is cost-effective as well as always in style for the bathroom. Yet Lentz says colors, particularly those connoting water, are the most up to date trend. Considering that paint is easy to alter, why not end up the area with some pale blue or environment-friendly shades to match the remainder of the bathroom. For additional information about remodeling tasks or Moen products, contact Moen Incorporated at 25300 Al Moen Drive, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070-8022, call toll complimentary 1 (800) BUY MOEN (1-800-289-6636) or visit its Web site at www.moen.com.
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miamibeachbroker · 7 years
Glass Miami Beach
New Post has been published on http://www.mii.miami/glass-miami-beach/
Glass Miami Beach
Glass Miami Beach
120 Ocean DriveMiami Beach
Glass luxury condo coming to South of Fifth neighborhood in Miami Beach. ​South Pointe Miami Beach is home to some of the most luxurious and sought after properties. Including Continuum I & II, Apogee & the newest one GLASS!
Number of Units: 10 Stories: 18
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Glass luxury condo coming to South of Fifth neighborhood in Miami Beach
People who live in Glass houses … will have few neighbors. A good thing if they value privacy. A new 18-story luxury condominium called Glass, slated for the sizzling South of Fifth neighborhood of Miami Beach, will boast just 10 units with 360-degree views and wide outdoor terraces. Miami-based Terra Group tapped Rene Gonzalez, a highly regarded Miami architect, for the project at 120 Ocean Dr.. The oceanfront high-rise will feature floor-to-ceiling glass walls and aim at integrating the indoors and outdoors to highlight the natural beach surroundings and convey a sense of place. “It’s really a unique design,’’ said Terra Group president and chief operating officer David Martin, who could have put three times as many units on the site. “It’s something I don’t think I’ll be able to do again.’’ Glass have all the amenities of a high-end condominium. A special draw will be the full-floor layouts that will give residents panoramic views of the ocean, Miami Beach, the bay and downtown Miami and the flexibility to customize their floor plans, Martin said. He said his less-is-more approach aims to offer something different from other South Florida projects which, albeit luxurious, cram hundreds of units into a building. Terra Group applied that same philosophy at The Grove at Grand Bay in Coconut Grove, which could have had more than 400 units, but instead will have 96 — 57 in one tower, and 39 in the second. At Glass, Gonzalez said he is shooting for a building that “is meant to be light and ethereal and one that dematerializes as it rises.’’ He also wants to reflect both the urban vibe of the South of Fifth neighborhood and the beach. Raymond Jungles, a well-known South Florida landscape architect, will also work on the project. With Miami’s recent emergence as part of the global luxury real estate market for the super wealthy (it’s now mentioned in the same breath as London, Hong Kong, and Singapore), Martin said the project is resonating with New Yorkers and others in the Northeast, but that he also is seeing interest from Europe and South America.
Glass Condo Amenities
Full Service Boutique Building
Two, three & four bedroom layouts
24 Hour Security & Valet
Pool services
Full service Gym
All residences have 360 degree uninterrupted views
Residences ranging from 1,938 to 3,389 interior square feet
Estate Manager on site
Private Beach Club with Seating and Lounging Ares
Housekeeping and Maintenance
Glass Residence Features
10′ Ceilings in all Residences
Seamless glass wrap around balconies
Coquina Coral Stone, Sea Grass Honed Marble, Blue Macauba, Tobago Marble, Basaltina & Portofino Brown tile and Red Oak $ Walnut wood flooring
Stone kitchens
Subzero Fridge freezer & wine cooler
Duravit tub; Toto toilets; Vola shower head, tub faucet, tub mixer shower controls basin mixer; Hansgrohe showerhead
Fully built out Residences with flooring, kitchens, baths, closets, lighting and pre-wired for the most advanced AV equipment
100-foot long glass windows with eight-foot deep terraces
Electrolux washers and dryers
Scotsman ice machines
Gaggenau coffee machine, wall oven, microwave, induction cooktop & dishwasher
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3 Bedroom Units for Sale in Glass, Miami Beach
CityCondo NameUnit NumberBedsBathsLiving AreaYear BuiltPriceTotal Pic
Miami Beach
Miami Beach
Glass Miami Beach – FLOOR PLANS
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0 notes
rachelmorris305 · 7 years
After A Close Call, A Dream Apartment Comes True
An architect dodged a shady general contractor in the nick of time and ended up with a perfect Sweeten home
Ana and Leo survived the complex process of selling their old apartment and buying a new one simultaneously—no easy feat!—but were nearly taken by an unscrupulous contractor when it came time to renovate. They realized that they needed someone they could trust to facilitate the search for general contractors and Sweeten turned out to be exactly what they were looking for. (Their words, not ours!) Their Sweeten contractor helped them make layout changes and took on the challenge of creating an oversized sliding door system that allowed the conversion of an open office space into a private guest suite. Here’s how the couple transformed their Tribeca apartment from an awkward warren of rooms into an open, flexible space that is both comfortable and refined, including redoing the living room, office/guest room, dining space, bedroom, and of course the kitchen and two bathrooms. Guest post by Tribeca homeowner and architect Ana
Every real estate agent told us it could not be done. That, in New York, it was nearly impossible to coordinate the sale of our current apartment with the purchase of a new one. But my husband, Leo, was determined, so that is what we set out to do.
After a long search and many disappointments, including lost bid wars and a contract that fell through, fate brought us an amazing real estate broker who made it all possible. Kristi Ambrosetti was not fazed by the sell-buy challenge and helped us find our new home and sell our old one.
The apartment met all of our requirements—a 1,000-square foot, 2-bed, 2-bath in a doorman building in Tribeca, with great light and plenty of storage space. The interior, however, was still in its original condition from the ’80s; it needed a complete renovation to update finishes and fix layout issues that made the space feel choppy and awkward—the exact opposite of the contemporary open space we had hoped for.
(Above) Living room (Above) Dining area with living room to the right and office/guest room on the left; bar and TV unit niche straight ahead with TV behind folding panels
Being an architect, I developed the initial plans for the renovation and met with several general contractors that claimed to be available for the job. After comparing multiple bids, we were close to signing with one of them but decided to do some background checking first. I was shocked to find that the address listed in their documents was actually an empty storefront in Queens. The thought that we were very close to making a substantial down payment with someone that might not show up for the job really scared us.
At that point, we took the search for general contractors online and came across Sweeten. We read about their screening process to find qualified professionals, and it sounded exactly like what we were looking for, so we decided to post our project. From the beginning, the experience was surprisingly straightforward. Posting on the website was easy and we were soon matched with a few professionals. When we started interviewing potential general contractors, we were contacted by Miranda from Sweeten and she helped us through the whole process.
In the weeks we had spent interviewing general contractors, we also focused on finalizing the layout and decisions on finishes and fixtures. By the time we signed with our chosen Sweeten contractor, we were ready to begin demolition.
Leo and I had been a little apprehensive about some of our design choices, especially when it came to the changes in the layout, which were intended to make the space more open and flexible. But when demolition began, it became clear that we were on the right track.
By opening up the kitchen, the contractor also eliminated a narrow wall that partially blocked the entryway and made for a very awkward hallway. Squaring off the angled wall between the living room and the master bedroom made both spaces a lot more pleasant.
The change that made the most impact, though, was opening the office (which would double as a guest suite) into the living room. Oversized sliding panels would allow the room to be closed off and provide privacy for overnight guests. However, most of the professionals we spoke to thought the panels would be too heavy and could not be done. The Sweeten contracting team accepted the challenge and executed them beautifully.
(Above) Dining table looking into office with sliding partition
(Above) Office/guest room (Above) Office/guest room looking into the living room
The one setback we had during demolition was an unexpected electrical conduit found in one of the living room walls we had planned to demolish. The conduit ran down to the apartment below ours and, therefore, could not be moved. After conversations with the contractor, Leo and I decided to take down the rest of the wall as originally planned and leave only the section that had the conduit, creating a corner niche that was perfect for a bookshelf. Once the renovation was complete, this turned out to be one of our favorite features in the apartment.
One aspect that had drawn us to the apartment was a nook next to the living room that seemed perfect for a small bar. Early in the project, we pulled inspiration photos online and it seemed like designing the bar would be fairly easy. That was until we decided the bar should also house a concealed 40-inch TV, which then led to weeks of research and multiple drawing iterations until we landed on a design that met all of our functional requirements for both the bar and the TV.
The dining room pendants were another big challenge. The position of the existing light did not align with the center of the dining table, and we were not able to move the light because of the concrete ceiling. I had almost given up on having pendants over the table when Leo came across the Swell String fixture, which allowed for the pendants to be installed in any position, independent of the canopy.
The finishes for the bathrooms and kitchen were also much debated. We knew from the beginning we wanted marble tile in the bathrooms but looked at a wide range of patterns, sizes, and prices. Narrowing down the search to neutral tones and classic patterns, I eventually chose an Asian statuary from TileBar for the master bathroom and a Bardiglio herringbone mosaic for the guest bathroom floor, with the same Asian statuary in the shower. As a contrast to the traditional tile, I selected modern Duravit fixtures and Grohe faucets. The towel warmers had been at the top of our wishlist and after much research, we were able to find a small hardwired option that worked well in both bathrooms.
For our small galley kitchen, we chose the same low-maintenance quartz countertops we had in our previous apartment, paired with white custom cabinets and integrated Bosch appliances. The cabinets were finished with black linear pulls with accent walnut shelves added on the back wall for some extra storage. The backsplash was probably one of the toughest decisions—with so many interesting materials and patterns to choose from, we considered all sorts of options, from large back-painted glass panels to intricate mosaics. As a way to balance the modern cabinets and countertops, we decided on marble subway tile from TileBar.
Our main goals for the master bedroom were to maximize storage and improve circulation. So the swing bedroom door was replaced with a pocket door, improving access to a long wall of closets that ended in a small custom-made vanity at the corner of the room.
In the end, Leo and I found that all the time spent obsessing over the small details really paid off—it all came together as we had hoped and we were very happy, not only with our choices but with the quality of execution and expertise the Sweeten contractor and his team brought to the project. Most importantly, knowing Sweeten was following the project, and touching base with us periodically gave us peace of mind through the whole process.
Thanks to Ana and Leo for sharing their impeccable renovation—we’re so glad you found Sweeten!
KITCHEN RESOURCES: Hardwood cabinets: custom. Matte Black Classico pulls: Schaub and Company. White Zeus quartz countertops: Silestone. Marble subway tile backsplash: TileBar. Starlight Chrome faucet: Grohe. Stainless Steel Vault 25” single basin sink: Kohler. Integrated refrigerator 800 Series: Bosch. Range 800 Series: Bosch. Integrated dishwasher 800 Series: Bosch. Boop! wall/ceiling light: Lumens.
MASTER BATH RESOURCES: Asian statuary floor and wall tile: TileBar. HSB Jeeves 20″w hardwired straight stainless steel towel warmer: Amba. White Architec 66” acrylic tub: Duravit. Euphoria shower system 26177000 Starlight Chrome: Grohe. DuraStyle one-piece toilet: Duravit. Vanity: custom. Vanity top: Silestone. Stark 3 sink: Duravit. Essence chrome faucet: Grohe. Modern Metro hardware: Top Knobs. Verdana Series medicine cabinet: Kohler. Anodized brushed nickel Choreograph shower wall hook: Kohler. Tubo Slim 33″ LED bath bar: Lumens.
SECOND BATH RESOURCES: Bardiglio herringbone mosaic floor tile: The Builder Depot. Asian statuary floor and wall tile: TileBar. HSB Jeeves 20″w hardwired straight stainless steel towel warmer: Amba. Euphoria shower system 26177000 Starlight Chrome: Grohe. DuraStyle one-piece toilet: Duravit. DuraStyle wall-mounted vanity base single drawer oak vanity: Duravit. DuraStyle furniture washbasin: Duravit. Starlight Chrome Concetto bathroom faucet: Grohe. Verdana Series medicine cabinet: Kohler. Bright Polished Silver Choreograph 21″ floating shower shelf: Kohler. Tubo Slim 19″ LED bath bar: Lumens.
LIVING ROOM/ENTRY/BEDROOM RESOURCES: Maple hardwood flooring, Select & Better: Lauzon. Extra Long black flush pull: Doorware. Swell String pendant: Lumens. Casita outlets and switches: Lutron. Serena shades: Lutron. ecobee3 Smart Thermostat with room sensors: ecobee. Dabria White Geometric wallpaper: Brewster Wall Covering.
Sliding doors allow you to define spaces in your home while still keeping things flexible—truly, the best of both worlds. Lauren and Ross added a pocket door to separate the dining area from their bedroom.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
A post from originally from Sweeten
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Choose the Perfect bath for your dream bathroom Using the Best Baths Buying Guide
Buying a modern bath or traditional bath for your bathroom is equally important as selecting other important furniture for your home. From small children who love to enjoy bathing on the weekend to adults who wait for relaxing baths for refreshment, with complete relaxed bathing, you will feel like rejuvenating your body and mind. A bath is the most important bathroom product and creates a focal point in your bathroom.
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In addition to enhancing the look of your bathroom, a bath offers several more benefits to you & your family as mentioned above. Thus, for buying a bath for your new bathroom or renovating your bathroom, or replacing an old bath with branded new bathtub, using a perfect guide to buy baths, you can easily choose the best bath.
Important Factors to Consider for Buying the Best Baths
Once you make up your mind to get the best bath for your luxurious or traditional bathroom, the next step is to decide the shape of the bath. The shape and slope of the bath depend on your bathroom layout, available space, and plumbing in your bathroom.
Different Types of Baths
-          There are several designs and styles to choose the right type of bath for your bathrooms.
-          Some popular bath types are modern baths, traditional baths, corner baths, shower baths, slipper baths, freestanding baths, straight baths, L-shaped baths, Single Ended baths, and double-ended baths.
-          If you are looking for traditional baths, get a rectangle bathtub or choose a circle or oval bath for the modern looks.
-          There are several designs and styles to choose the right type of bath for your bathrooms.
-          Some popular bath types are modern baths, traditional baths, corner baths, shower baths, slipper baths, freestanding baths, straight baths, L-shaped baths, Single Ended baths, and double-ended baths.
-          If you are looking for traditional baths, get a rectangle bathtub or choose a circle or oval bath for the modern looks.
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Check the Bath Space
-          Before you finalize the bathtub, ensure that the bath is suitable for your bathroom space. The accurate measurement of bath area and doorway width is essential to consider.
-          Also, consider the free space you require to walk freely in your bathroom. It should not look congested.
-          Remember, you buy the bathtub to enhance the look and functionality of your bathroom and not only as a showpiece that create complexity.
-          The bath size should be appropriate for all users in your family.
-          Extra big bath enhances water wastage and also, takes time to feel it completely.
-          Thus, it is essential to consider all such factors using the best bath buying guide for your dream bathroom.
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Fix Your Budget
-          The important thing to consider first is your budget.
-          From a reliable online bathroom supplier, you can get an estimated price of the bathtub based on the bath type, size, and material you choose.
-          Other cost includes plumbing and bath accessories such as, bath panels, bath fittings, and others.
-          Cast-iron or steel baths are expensive compared to acrylic baths.
-          Luxurious baths like whirlpool baths as well as freestanding roll-top baths cost you more.  
-          Thus, for buying the bath within your budget, you should purchase from a reliable bathroom showroom or online bathroom supplier. They will assist you choose the best bath based on your requirement and budget limit.
Things to Consider
-          One more thing to consider is to check that the size of the tub is appropriate to fit your body if you want to use it for relaxation for a longer time.
-          Check the depth of the bathtub, if you are purchasing it for the kids’ bathroom.
-          Non-slippery baths with rails are more suitable for senior citizens.
-          Moreover, ensure that your flooring can withstand the weight of the bath. Calculate the weight of tub plus filled water and the weight of bath person.
-          Also, ensure that the bathtub perfectly suits your bathroom décor and enhances the style and elegance of your bath.
-          The purpose for which you buy the bath can accomplish by your chosen bath.
-          Hence, considering such small factors also help you get a long-lasting bathing solution for your classic or contemporary bathroom.
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If you are looking for an online bathroom supplier to buy the best-branded bath for your UK bathrooms, write at [email protected] We offer the best deals on top-quality baths such as Duravit double-ended baths, Burlington traditional baths, Victoria Albert Freestanding baths, Carron Baths, Kaldewei Single Ended Baths, Waters Spa baths, and many more. We offer a broad range of baths with the latest design, style, and sizes most suitable for any type of bathroom in the UK.
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