#Dustale Sans
howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
Just saw someone say happy womb escape anniversary instead of happy birthday
Just wanted to share
Also dust sleeps under the coffee table sometimes and now everyone is used to looking st the ground so they dont trip
I saw it too, ramune. Shit was hilarious.
And also dust bunny shouldn’t sleep under there cause I promise bro ain’t trippin nobody, they stepping on his head and his hands and kicking blud around like a soccer ball assuming he doesn’t hit his head on the glass trying to get out. As someone who has slept under a table and got my shit rocked 🙏.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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cakesmelons · 1 month
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Congrats on 1.7k @elizakai my love!!! you deserve it 💕
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whittlore · 6 months
help, I'm drawing less often cries!!!! stupid art block.
anyways, here's some dust, bbgirl
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tbh idk what I did there but, hope you like it
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absolutely love when it does that
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All skeletons
All skeletons can purr, they have the physical capacity to do it. Do they want to though?
Undertale Sans - He usually has a very good control on his purring and it's extremely rare you hear it. One way to make him purr is by petting his head while he's deep asleep. But he's rarely deep asleep and all the other times he might just stare at you in confusion lol.
Undertale Papyrus - Too much praise. It's rare though as Papyrus never lacks praises, but sometimes too many praises are too much and he blushes, purring loudly. He hates it though.
Underswap Sans - It's extremely rare and only when he's so happy he loses complete control of himself. His purr is also very low so it's hard to tell he is purring.
Underswap Papyrus - He's a big purrer and he doesn't hide it. When he's happy, he likes to show it. His purr is not that loud so it's hard to tell when he is, but he is, often.
Underfell Sans - Only in private and when he feels really really safe with his S/O. He doesn't want anyone else to know he can purr, think of his reputation.
Underfell Papyrus - Even though he will act like that never happened, Edge can sometimes purr when you're flirting with him. It's never for long though as he's very self-conscious about it and will do all he can to hide it, including throwing you by the window.
Horrortale Sans - He's not purring, he's making tractor noises. Oak purrs for all sorts of things, very loudly. When he wants attention, when he gets attention, when he's happy when you looked his way for two seconds... He's not hiding it. He purrs so loud that sometimes his brother has to take you to another room to have peace lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - Even though he hates it, his body instinctively mimics his brother's purr sometimes lol. He has no control over it and it makes him curse every time because he doesn't know how to stop it???
Horrorfell Sans - Only when he worried and you start petting him. It helps him to calm down. He's not purring other than that.
Horrorfell Papyrus - When you praise him, it can happen. But he immediately starts to cough to hide it because, duh, of course, he doesn't purr what are you imagining?
Horrorswap Sans - It might happen once or twice when he feels very comfortable, but other than that, he's not purring. He has other ways of showing affection.
Horrorswap Papyrus - That's one of the last sounds he can make without his jaw so he will certainly use it as often as he can. It's his way of saying "I'm fine today". It can be more or less loud with what he's trying to say.
Swapfell Sans - He can sometimes purr in his sleep, but that's his max lol. Don't you ever call him out on this because he will bite you and fight you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He purrs when he's flirty. It makes his voice more cavernous and sexy. Well, he thinks at least. It's not working that much in reality lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He can purr but you'll never catch him alive. Maybe one time in a coma, but that's all lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has a low purr for long cuddle sessions. It means he feels very safe and happy right now, which is actually not that hard.
Outertale Sans - It can happen when he feels a bit lonely. It helps to soothe himself. Moon has a bit of separation anxiety.
Outertale Papyrus - He's purring to make the children he's looking after sleep for their nap. It's working really well!
Dancetale Sans - Only when he's half asleep on your lap and you pet his head to make him sleep.
Dancetale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, but it can happen once or twice when he's really excited and happy. He's self-conscious about it though and quickly grasps a hold of himself so no one notices.
Dancefell Sans - He doesn't purr often, but not rarely either. He loves having attention and he's favorite things ever is the shower of kisses. He starts to purr hard when it happens.
Dancefell Papyrus - He purrs very rarely, mainly when he's having a very good time.
Farmtale Sans - He can purr. But you'll never catch him alive either. He's a very secretive guy. Maybe after a few years of deep relationships, but it will be a one-time experience.
Farmtale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, he's too shy to assume it. Usually, it happens for ten seconds and then he stops himself and blushes deeply. He might do it longer if he's really comfortable around you.
Mafiatale Sans - He has a spot on his neck that activates the purring. He hides it really well though so good luck to find it.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Nah, he's not going to show you. You can barely see any expression from him in the first place, so a purr? Never.
Mafiafell Sans - He only purrs when he's with his dogs. He loves his dogs. You're not sure if you should be offended or not.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He never purrs except in bed with his S/O while he's... You know.
Ink - He doesn't have enough focus to relax and purr, sorry. His brain is working 200% every second of his life so no time for purring.
Error - He only purrs when he's eating chocolate. He never eats chocolate in front of anyone so chances are you're never hearing him purr.
Disbelief Papyrus - Like Papyrus, intense praising is what send him into purring mode. He's resisting better to your attacks though, so it's harder to get him.
Killer Sans - He's purring when you're praising him. It's not that hard. He likes attention. He likes attention so much he won't let you go before two hours so you can continue praising him.
Dustale Sans - Uh... He purrs randomly, mostly at times he's staring at you intensely without blinking like he's going to hunt you down. It's not cute, it's scary.
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leypossums · 5 months
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lyricsmonsterdraws · 2 months
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I love Dust/Murder Sans X Swap Sans
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buubonita · 2 months
ship bingo!
inkmare or dustard (whichever you prefer /nf)
This is for Dustard/Dustred/Dustfell! I think its even tastier if they had a relationship before Dust timeline gets cursed by the Player's diabolical wishes hehe.
Plus one of the canon finals of Dusttale involves this ship and i think it would be cute that Fell helps Dust to heal and give him a nice life. They are soooooo cute!
I hope u dont mind that lil addition of who i think they both give kissies instead of doing adult stuff.
Thanks for asking <3
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marikyubi · 9 months
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Drawing made on: 03/03/2022 This is a drawing that I made and I loved it very much, even more so because that was a fontcest drawing after so many years that I didn't make any other fontcest drawings. I was listening Fairytale by Alexander Rybak and something came to my mind, I thought of Dustale Sans and his Papyrus with the lyrics of the song, a scene in which they were dancing together, although well it's Sans' mind but still It made me look pretty and sad, I wanted to give the drawing a gothic shape and also similar to the Japanese style drawings of Sans and Papyrus, I really liked it. I hope you like it.
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kazachi69 · 1 year
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remembering when I could draw things without thinking...
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I could make Fresh's parasite forms have headcrabs/facehugger vibe or maybe Starro? Or I go cute but he was an eldritch parasite before ending up in reaper's role so I feel like I should keep some kind of horror feel.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
thinking about how nightmare doesn’t pay killer and likely doesnt have any food in the castle, and killer can’t travel multiverses on his own, so his only options are to steal and rob food from his victims while out on missions or starve.
and he decides to starve because he doesnt care about himself until the cats start lingering around and holy shit. those tiny creatures need substance, they need little treats, and they need the high quality stuff and also vet care. so now he takes to stealing cat food and equipment and threatening vets to give the strays a look over
and then nightmare brings in horror and murder and now holy shit. more responsibility. they need foods, they need substance, they need sweet treats. horror is barely any bone at all man’s so malnourished.
and if they bite the dust then its on killers head so how hes robbing stores and Walmarts to get them food while out on missions and also threatening doctors to tell him everything about malnutrition and starvation on humans and monsters.
and meanwhile he still hasnt touched a single crumb of food for himself. maybe cause the boss hasnt given him any so he wasn’t supposed to have any.
and like maybe theres no animals or even humans to hunt for food but horror knows how to make a fire and properly take care of meat so long as he has the meat, and murder and killer are both intelligent and observant enough to learn by watching him.
and all this assumes that nightmare’s castle doesn’t really have a working fridge, stove, microwave, or oven because why would he really? He doesn’t need food and any of the gang that starves to death can be replaced.
and then maybe this is one of the things that color’s influence and presence ends up changing somehow. like he calls that old man out and points out that his ‘tools’ are mortals with mortal needs and unless he wants to deal with the hassle of having to constantly replace them, then take better care of them maybe??
Or make it possible for them to take care of themselves (not that many of them really would). And if you don’t want them to constantly try and leave then maybe give them actual reasons to want to stay??
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cakesmelons · 2 years
Hi! I absolutely love your art and style!
Could you draw some Horrordust?
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awwwwwe ty <333333
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yuni0858 · 2 years
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Dust Belongs to @ask-dusttale
Killer Belongs to @rahafwabas
Horror Belongs to @sour-apple-studios
Nightmare Belongs to @jokublog
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for the harsher skellis! what's their first moment of true vulnerability in front of their s/o like? who pushes them away and who can embrace it?
Underfell Sans - The first time you witnessed some monsters mocking his LV and threatening to make him shut up for good if he keeps playing the big boy, and Red actually deciding to shut up as they have really high LV and he's scared they might actually kill him and his S/O. S/O tries to reach to him after this, but Red simply shakes it off like it's nothing. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Underfell Papyrus - Well clearly the first time he disappeared for three days and came back with several big injuries as he got kidnapped by his rivals. He's going to snap at you first when you ask what happened, but there's a high chance he just breaks down if you keep pushing. He's so tired of all of this.
Horrortale Sans - You finding out about his past Underground, maybe because someone told you. When you ask him if it's true he ate humans, he simply shuts down, not wanting to look at you anymore. He's pretty sure you'll dump him and give up on him so why even try. He struggles a lot with talking about what happened.
Horrortale Papyrus - Same as his brother, the first time you discovered the truth and realized sweet gentle Willow did pretty horrible things in the past. Willow breaks down immediately, begging you to let him explain. He doesn't want to lose you, but he can't... He can't hide the truth anymore. He needs you to listen to him before taking any decision.
Horrorswap Sans - Probably him breaking down as he's watching himself in the mirror. If you surprise him, he will get defensive really fast and push you away. It's none of your business.
Horrorswap Papyrus - Well, one of the first big panic attacks probably, where poor Pumpkin can attack anyone by fear, even you or his brother. Once the attack passes though, there's a high chance he just clings to you and refuses to let go. He needs comfort :(
Horrorfell Sans - Calling him out for hiding food in his room or in random places. He can get really aggressive if you point it out because yeah, he still has deep troubles with food and he refuses to see someone to help him. He'll apologize, but later. He doesn't like it though.
Horrorfell Papyrus - The first time you caught him being so mad at people jogging in the park and trying to hide it because his stupid legs are paralyzed. If you talk, he's going to explode, but just putting a hand on his shoulder and saying nothing will soothe him enough to calm down.
Swapfell Sans - Well, clearly the first time you witness him doing something horrible for the Queen like executing a prisoner and struggling with all he has to keep a neutral face and not breaking down. Or Toriel straight up insulting him for nothing just because she's in a bad mood. Or Toriel calling him at 3 a.m. so he brings her something not caring about the fact he has a life too. If you talk to him about how Toriel is abusing him, you'll see the Captain's mask cracks up and there's a high chance poor Nox just breaks down completely in your arms. He's so tired. He wants it to stop. He hates his job so much, that it's harder and harder for him to shut up about this. He needs help so desperately.
Swapfell Papyrus - You asking if it's him who drank the beer in the fridge. You didn't expect him to suddenly get mad at you for no apparent reason and scream that his addictions are gone and that it's none of your business. You're quite speechless. When he realizes your question was genuine, he gets mad at himself because it's not your fault, you wouldn't know about this. And now he said too much so maybe it's time he tells you about how bad his addictions were Underground. He doesn't want to hide it anymore.
Fellswap Gold Sans - It's really rare to see him express anything really. And if you catch the glimpse of an emotion, he immediately stiffens and gets defensive about this. There's no first time of him being vulnerable because he's not staying in that state more than two seconds, really. He only breaks down when no one is home.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - The first time you witness him being bullied in the street by some monsters for being the General's brother, and Coffee simply accepting it. When you ask if he's ok, he hugs you tight and refuses to answer. He doesn't want to talk about that. The less you know, the better you're protected.
Mafiatale Sans - You didn't think the brothers were close until Creeper got shot and you had to take care of a very freaked out Demon. Poor guy is completely lost without his brother and he clings to his S/O for comfort because he's so so scared.
Mafiatale Papyrus - He usually kills people without blinking, but that one time a contract asked to kill a child and you saw Creeper hesitated, and then refused to do it. He refuses to talk about it with you. He can't do it, that's all. Deal with it.
Mafiafell Sans - The first time he returns home completely drunk and breaks down in your arms, saying how much he hates his job and that he hopes he'll die soon to not have to deal more with it. When he's clear again and you try to talk about this, he hesitates, then starts to explain to you how bad he feels about the mafia, or at least he tells you about the mafia if he didn't do it already. He can't hide it anymore, even though it makes the both of you targets.
Mafiafell Papyrus - The first time he fell a mission and you saw how much he's scared of Asgore. Torpedo has huge pressure on his shoulders as the adopted heir of the Mafia's leader, and any failure is severely punished. When you try to talk to him, he screams that he doesn't want Asgore to kill you for failing and to let him take care of this. That's the first time you realize being close to him might be more dangerous than you thought.
Error Sans - Probably asking him why he didn't erase your world if he hates all the AUs, and washing him crash and crash again as he suddenly has to face his feelings. He teleports out of here and goes to hide in the Antivoid to flee this talk.
Dustale Sans - The first time you found him staring at his scarf in silence. When you ask him what's wrong, he stares at you and leaves. He needs to be alone for a few moments.
Killer Sans - When you tell him that for someone who's not supposed to feel anything, he looks quite happy today. He immediately shuts down and gets defensive. Shut up, he's not Sans anymore. You don't know what you're talking about.
Disbelief Papyrus - The first time he woke up from a nightmare screaming his brother's name. He breaks down in your arms and hugs you tight, and he will talk about Sans all night long with you.
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ask-retale · 7 months
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I really want Dust's jacket... think giving him chest plate and a new winter jacket would work well given how his story is getting mixed with underswap's.
Dust realized lvl alone wasn't enough to discourage the countless genocides. So after a reset he throws himself into guard training to gain a more robust understanding of combat tactics and learn more attack types. Studies extensively under those who remain from the human/monster war and how to combat human magic.
Speaking of Blue, he kills the underground as an act of kindness. Each time Stretch has to be the first to die since he would try to stop him... Blue was never suppose to remember the resets, but he's now convinced this is the only kindness he can give those he loves. That's all I got atm
Will I write more about them, yeah, probably when I have a chance/focus.
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chumanitem · 2 months
Practice with Dust:)
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