worker-and-soldier · 10 months
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The Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee. (1917)
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 months
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Women’s History Meme || Virtually Unknown Women (8/10) ↬ Aleksandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (1872 – 1952)
One woman, and the least likely, was singled out by Stalin for a real political role. Aleksandra Kollontai, daughter of one Tsarist general and, by her first marriage, the wife of another, left her husband and child in 1898 to become a feminist, a libertine, and a Bolshevik. Exceptionally beautiful and a talented writer, although six years older than Stalin she enchanted him, as she did many men and women. She suspended his Georgian predilection for discreet, silent, and chaste women. Trotsky loathed Kollontai, and perhaps Stalin loved her for this alone. When revolution broke out, she began a torrid affair with a man seventeen years her junior, Pavel Dybenko, a muscular Ukrainian sailor who became commissar for the navy. Sailors ignored orders from Trotsky unless Dybenko confirmed them and Trotsky had Dybenko court-martialed. Kollontai, now commissar for social security, begged prosecutor Nikolai Krylenko to release Dybenko. Krylenko made her abjure her principles and become Dybenko’s wife. Kollontai’s love letters were copied by the Cheka to the Politburo and the couple inspired scabrous verse in Petrograd … Kollontai had to be sent away until the scandals died down. Stalin appointed her a semi-official envoy to Sweden and Norway; the latter was persuaded to recognize Soviet Russia partly because it had herrings to sell. Kollontai—an exemplary socialist—charmed the Scandinavian bourgeoisie and proved herself the Soviet Union’s most effective diplomat, even though the Swedes expelled her for political and sexual profligacy (she had long since cast off Dybenko). Thanks to Kollontai, the USSR secured half a million tons of Norwegian herring, and a grateful fishing industry stopped the Oslo press calling her a whore. — Stalin and His Hangmen: The Tyrant and Those Who Killed for Him by Donald Rayfield
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shelf-days · 3 years
Ой, кстати, мы же 30 августа закончили кое-что строить!
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shelf-cafe · 5 years
Sudden post
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I have just came at work and... today holiday! We aren’t working. I always forget about this celebration, always. Stupid event! We are big, cool counter, why do we have to celebrate this? I will put in information about doors in excel until lunch.
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dmitry8883-blog · 7 years
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#instagram #instadaily #instalike #instagood #instachellenge #smokeweedeveryday #work #good #night #day #piter #spb #russia #kudrovo #okkervil #dybenko #welcome #friends #life #live #like #lifestyle #luxury (at Lounge Bar)
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streakyfreak-me · 8 years
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пускай повсюду только серые оттенки 
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katchwreck · 3 years
Meeting of the Council of People's Commissars of the first composition.
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Sitting from left to right:
1. V.R. Menzhinsky
2. Steinberg
3. Kamkov
4. V.D. Bonch-Bruevich
5. V.E. Trutovskiy
6. A. Shlyapnikov
7. P.P. Proshyan
8. V.I. Lenin
10. A.M. Kollontai
13. N.N. Podvoisky
14. N.P. Gorbunov
15. Nevsky
16. A.V. Shotman
17. G.V. Chicherin.
Standing: I.V. Stalin, N. Dybenko
Date: January 1 – March 10, 1918 Petrograd.
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(E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Subject; revolution. Hi guys! Comrade Lenin here. Just a quick reminder that it’s revolution time again the 25th of next month. So you should all have this information already but just a recap. We’re meeting at 9.45 by the battleship Aurora in Petrograd, then going on to the Winter palace later. Bring banners but no guns and 20 rubles for the kitty! Look forward to seeing you all there, Vlad.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday*
(E-mail notification sound) Mikhail Guerman: “Re: revolution. That’s great comrade, really looking forward to it. Got a couple of work issues early on so might have to skip the Aurora part and swing by to meet you at the Winter palace. Hope that’s ok. (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Mikhail, no, sorry that’s not ok. We all have to do it together. It’s a show of strength and solidarity, plus we confirmed the numbers weeks ago.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Alexander Kerensky: “Hi guys! Not to worry! As it happens, I’ve got an early one the next morning so probably gonna drop out before the Winter palace, so Mik and I can tag team it? All best, Alexei.” (E-mail notification sound) Leon Trotsky: “’So Mik and I can tag team it’? Oh I didn’t know it was going to be that kind of a night!” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Trotsky, don’t! Alexei, Mikhail, we really do need everyone there, for the whole thing, as arranged.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Pavel Dybenko: “Hi, comrade Lenin, just to clarify, are you sure you mean next month? October? Only I had it down as November. Cheers, Pavel.” Vladimir Lenin: “No, Pavel, as I said in the original e-mail, it’s the 25th of October. It is November in the Gregorian calendar but that doesn’t really need to concern us because we, of course, all use the Julian calendar.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Leon Trotsky: “Julian calendar? Sounds like a hairdresser! Woops!” (E-mail notification sound) Mikhail Guerman: “Oh great! Well if it’s November the 25th I can come for the whole thing! No hassles!” (E-mail notification sound) Lev Kamenev: “Sorry, can I clarify, is it November or October, and do we need to bring anything? Lev.” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Trotsky, seriously, that’s not appropriate. Mikhail and Lev, it’s October! October the 25th, and yes you need to bring banners and 20 rubles.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Pavel Dybenko: “And, as comrade Lenin forgot to say, guns, obviously! Forget your own head next time, Vlad! :)” (E-mail notification sound) Lev Kamenev: “Guys, I don’t actually have a banner… Will one be provided or what?” (E-mail notification sound) Mikhail Guerman: “Yeah and I don’t have a gun and actually I’m not massively keen on this being an armed uprising. But look, I don’t want to put any noses out of joint so maybe best if I bow out gracefully at this stage. Best of luck though guys! Have a great one!” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Pavel, I did not forget to say guns, we’re not bringing guns! This is a peaceful uprising as agreed in committee so there’s no need for you to flounce off Mikhail!” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Mikhail Guerman: “I wasn’t flouncing actually, comrade! And for someone who’s also coming down so hard on Trotsky, I’m not sure that’s very appropriate language.” (E-mail notification sound) Leon Trotsky: “Coming down hard on me? Uh I hope not!” (E-mail notification sound) Lev Kamenev: “Ok, guys, can I just say, there’s obviously a bit of confusion here about the month and who’s coming and are we bringing banners or guns… Can I just suggest we put it off a few months until we’ve got ourselves a bit better organized?” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Mikhail, I apologize, of course you weren’t flouncing. Trotsky, please, don’t. Lev, thanks for your input, really valuable, but there’s no confusion. The plans have been in place for weeks.” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Grigory Zinoviev: “Hi guys, actually, you know, I kinda agree with Lev. Let’s put a pin in this for now until we’ve got ourselves sorted out. After all we want to avoid the kind of chaos we had at Tsar Nicholas leaving do. Best wishes, Grigory Zinoviev.” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Grigory?! I thought you were out of the office?” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Grigory Zinoviev: “Oh right, no I just put that on sometimes so I can get some work done!” (E-mail notification sound) Pavel Dybenko: “Oh, talking of ex Tsar Nicholas, I’m having coffee with him on Wednesday… Shall I invite him along to the do?” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “No Pavel, that would be massively awkward!” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Pavel Dybenko: “Oh. Well I’ve emailed him now but I can cancel if you really think it’ll be a problem.” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Yes! It would!” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Pavel Dybenko: “Oh. Ok, well look, can you e-mail him to explain why? I don’t really know the history here, I don’t want to tread on any toes.” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Pavel, you do know the history, you were part of the history. And Grigory, will you please take your ‘out of office’ off!” (E-mail notification sound) *Grigory Zinoviev is out of office until Monday* (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Seriously, Grigory, take it off!” (E-mail notification sound) Leon Trotsky: “’Seriously, Grigory, take it off’, get a room you guys!” (E-mail notification sound) Vladimir Lenin: “Shut up, Trotsky!” (E-mail notification sound) (E-mail notification sound) (E-mail notification sound) (E-mail notification sound) Man: “And that’s as far as we’ve run the simulation. But does that answer your question madam?” Woman: “Eh yes, it was more of an off hand comment than a serious question but thank you, yes.” Woman2: “What was your question?” Woman: “How did anyone ever organize anything before e-mail.”
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flockofrussians · 3 years
Retrospección. Raisa.
Raisa Dybenko no nació llamándose Raisa Dybenko, no nació en un contexto sencillo, no vivió una vida fácil. No es una persona fácil.
Las circunstancias de su nacimiento no eran únicas, pero ella nunca lo supo; ni Raisa, ni el resto de bebés que vinieron al mundo forzosamente, desde los mismos vientres. En la actualidad existe al menos una decena de personas compartiendo este mismo padre y esta misma madre, y no son conscientes de ello. Igual que le ocurrió a Lera, le ocurrió a Inez y a otras mujeres rusas más.
Pero Raisa no era como las demás. Ella nunca pisó la Escuela de Gorriones y solo vivió en Rusia los primeros cinco años de su vida, a la espera de ser ofrecida a la que sería su nueva familia... Así fue como Raisa llegó a manos de Kliment Dybenko.
La infancia con Kliment como único referente paterno fue complicada, era uno de los gángsters rusos más peligrosos de la época y eso inevitablemente implicaba crecer en el mundo de la criminalidad. Raisa siempre supo de Niurka, razón por la que algún día le buscaría. No es que la joven rusa y su intento de padre adoptivo tuviesen una relación excesivamente buena o estrecha, pero ella es consciente de que todo lo aprendido para desenvolverse en aquel mundo se lo debía a él.
A decir verdad, Kliment le protegió y quiso a su manera, probablemente movido por la culpa de haber intercambiado a su primer hijo por la seguridad de permanecer en la sombra de los bajos fondos hasta que llegase su momento de resurgir. Eso no impediría que Raisa, pasada la mayoría de edad, buscase a Niurka. Por ahora, es la única que ha dado con su paradero y aún lo conoce; los lazos que llegó a estrechar con ella son lo más parecido que Raisa ha tenido a una madre.
De hecho, fue Niurka quien le contó toda la verdad a cambio de que guardase su ubicación como su más preciado secreto. Al principio Raisa lo tomó como una contraprestación; a día de hoy, podría afirmar (aunque no lo haría) que sí es lo que Niurka le pidió que fuese.
Ahora Raisa posee la información que Niurka poseía y por la que tuvo que esconderse para sobrevivir, pero con la libertad de moverse, de vengarse y de recuperar tanto el tiempo como las relaciones perdidas.
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leemeanhoe · 4 years
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ikea dybenko, st. petersburg, russia / december 2020
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world-retro-photos · 6 years
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Revolutionaries Dybenko and Makhno, Ukraine, 1918 Революционеры Дыбенко и Махно, Украина, 1918 год ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👉 Follow: @world.retro.photos 👉 Follow: @world.retro.photos 👉 Follow: @world.retro.photos ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷 World Retro Photos: Enabling People to find out how the world was before through historical retro photos. See the best images about retro! 📱 ••••• 📷 World Retro Photos: Предоставление людям возможности узнать, каким мир был раньше, благодаря историческим ретро-фотографиям. Посмотрите лучшие ретро изображения! 📱 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟 Turn On Post Notifications (Включите уведомления о постах) #worldretrophotos #мировоеретрофото #retro #retrostyle #ukraine #украина #революционеры #revolutionaries #dybenko #makhno #дыбенко #махно #photooftheday #foto #fotografia #history #historical #historicalphotos #революция #retrostyle #oldphoto #oldfoto #ретро #ретрофото #винтаж #историческоефото #галерея #ретростиль #история #чернобелоефото #староефото (at Ukraine)
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hairmetalloser · 6 years
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Facts about Lizzy:
-  Lizzy accidentally turned out to resemble a person I hadn’t known personally yet back then. But when I let that metalhead and our mutual friend stay at my place in September and told her the plots of my stories in the kitchen at night, we both were quite surprised as to how many coincidences there were. They even suggested that I change the name Lizzy to Cherry, but that would be too much of a reference.
-  She sings and writes songs; she used to be in a band before, just like Jack, but the band broke up. Lizzy is always singing, no matter where she is – in the shower, on her way to work, in the subway, or just walking. Unlike Jack, Lizzy is keen on the melody, and she lists more ‘soft’ bands as her favorites than Jack (bands such as Poison, Danger Danger, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Europe).
-  Lizzy is quite a spoiled person, though she’s not the only child in her family – she has a younger brother. Her parents are acclaimed doctors who often go abroad to conferences and stuff. And they often take their daughter with them, so Lizzy has been to most of Europe and the US. Lizzy was never short of money either. She has many clothes from famous brands, expensive perfume, her own condo (though it’s in Dybenko), one of the trendiest phone models, and her parents keep giving her more gifts and money, though their daughter grew up a long time ago. Lizzy is waiting for a car to be given to her.
- She dreams of moving to the States and hopes that her parents help her with that, since they’re planning to escape there too. She wants to take Jack with her there as well, because their friendship means a lot to her. As I’ve already said before, they’re very closeand spend much time together (and Lizzy’s constantly mocking him crudely at the same time).
-   Since Lizzy dreamt of becoming a makeup artist, she has a huge lighted mirror at her place, loads of makeup that she regularly spends a lot of money on, and there are logos of her favorite brands hanging above her makeup table, for decoration. Lizzy always keeps an eye on new and limited editions and sales, watches tutorials from world-famous makeup artists, and attends masterclasses of people known in that field. Her favorite brands are Too Faced, Urban Decay, MAC, Lime Crime, Jeffree Star.
-  She’s very fashionable and loves things that give her status.
-  She’s an Instagram star. Lizzy has a popular account on Instagram where she posts selfies, pictures of her makeup, her collection of the 80s related stuff, cute things and just nice photos. That’s why she only orders food and buys things that would look good in pictures.
-  Hardly anybody has seen Lizzy without makeup. That’s something for a selected circle of people to see. Surprisingly enough, sometimes Lizzy still posts her selfies with no makeup on instagram. Everyone’s surprised as to how good she looks with and without makeup. But Lizzy believes that the secret is in the miraculous masks and creams she uses, that cost a fortune.
-  She loves pink and doesn’t shy away from cute and girly things. She even has a pink boombox.
-  She doesn’t like animals, that’s why she wears actual leather and furs with no qualms. Lizzy simply adores fur coats; she has lots of those, for different seasons.
-  Lizzy is a manipulator. If somebody doesn’t like her, it’s just because she doesn’t want them to like her. She’s a skilful actress, in general. It mostly shows in the number of her boyfriends she has but doesn’t care about. They boyfriends don’t know about each other and believe that they have true love with Lizzy, despite the fact that the romance doesn’t go farther than a kiss in the cheek. After a few unhappy relationships. Lizzy has become very hypocritical about that sort of thing. She only sees most men as resources for gifts.
-  Jack is the only exception to that. He lives in the same house with Lizzy, on the same staircase. Which is no coincidence – Jack chose that place himself. He often hangs at Lizzy’s place. So much so that she has his beak brush in her bathroom, and there’s a special section for his underwear in her drawer. That’s understandable. Lizzy’s place is very neat, and Jack’s condo is untidy and full of trash, though Lizzy helps him clean it sometimes. She likes helping Jack, for some unknown reason. Everybody knows that if you mess with Jack, you’ll get one from Lizzy, which isn’t very pleasant: Lizzy always has pepper spray, a shocker, and a knife with her.
-  Though Lizzy is misanthropic and hypocritical to a certain extent, she still has some kindness in her. It’s mostly directed towards her friends and relatives.
-  The most significant fight Lizzy had with Jack happened when he had fun with one of his chicks on her elite bed, while she was at work, though Lizzy had forbidden him to take girls to her place. Having found out about that crime, she stopped talking to Jack for a month and just ignored him when they met by the house. Jack had to beg for forgiveness a million times and take girls to his dumpster.
-  She’s trying to quit smoking because of her ulcer, but to no result. She is crazy about cigarettes.
You may support project at my Patreon and see exclusive illustration, sketches and visual work (like character design) to the future comic: https://www.patreon.com/IcebergLonely
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carmenvicinanza · 3 years
Alexandra Kollontai, rivoluzionaria marxista e prima ministra della storia
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Ho sempre creduto che, inevitabilmente, verrà il tempo in cui la donna sarà giudicata secondo gli stessi standard morali applicati all’uomo. Perché non è la sua specifica virtù che le conferisce un posto d’onore nella società umana, ma il valore della missione utile compiuta da lei, il valore della sua personalità in quanto essere umano, come cittadina, come pensatrice, come combattente.
Alexandra Kollontai, rivoluzionaria marxista, è stata la prima donna al mondo a diventare ministra.
Nacque a San Pietroburgo il 31 marzo del 1872 in una famiglia benestante, ricevette un’ottima istruzione, parlava diverse lingue straniere.
Rifiutò un matrimonio di convenienza e, contro la volontà dei genitori, sposò un lontano cugino dal quale ebbe un figlio, Michail, separandosi dopo 3 anni.
Nel 1898 si trasferì a Zurigo per seguire all’Università le lezioni di economia politica di Heinrich Herkner, andò poi in Inghilterra a studiare il movimento operaio.
I suoi orientamenti giovanili per il populismo rivoluzionario, maturarono verso un marxismo più ortodosso e si avvicinò alle posizioni di Lenin e di Rosa Luxemburg.
Ritornata in Russia, nel 1903, militò nella socialdemocrazia.
Il 9 gennaio 1905 fu con gli operai che marciarono verso il Palazzo d’Inverno, prese parte alle giornate che seguirono dove si distinse come brillante oratrice, in quell’occasione conobbe Lenin.
Negli anni che seguirono, contraddistinti dalla feroce repressione zarista, svolse intensa attività tra le operaie di Pietroburgo.
In quel periodo iniziò a approfondire il suo impegno sulla questione dell’emancipazione e liberazione della donna pubblicando Gli elementi sociali della questione femminile.
Nel 1905, a Mannheim, partecipò alla IV Conferenza femminile della Socialdemocrazia tedesca e due anni dopo a Stoccarda, alla Conferenza femminile dell’Internazionale socialista, sostenne il diritto al voto delle donne.
Nel 1908, al Primo congresso femminile pan-russo organizzò un gruppo di lavoratrici con un proprio programma che si distingueva dal movimento femminista europeo.
Venne processata per due volte con le accuse di svolgere attività antigovernativa tra le operaie tessili e di aver fatto appello alla rivolta nel suo opuscolo La Finlandia e il socialismo.
Fu costretta a scappare dalla Russia, riparò in Germania dove militò nel Partito Socialdemocratico scrivendo sulla Pravda di Trotsky. Ha collaborato anche al giornale la Voce delle operaie.
Al Congresso internazionale Socialista di Basilea del 1912, ha realizzato un piano di assistenza alla maternità che venne, in parte, adottato in Russia nel 1918. Ha redatto una proposta di legge sull’assistenza sociale della maternità da presentare alla Terza Duma.
Allo scoppio della guerra mondiale, condividendo le posizioni antimperialiste di Lenin, si unì ai bolscevichi.
Fra il 1915 e il 1916 ha viaggiato attraverso l’America per perorare la causa socialista e promuovere varie conferenze di pace. Nel febbraio del 1917, quando venne abbattuto il regime zarista, ha fatto ritorno in patria dove è stata la prima donna eletta al Comitato esecutivo del Soviet di Pietrogrado e referente di Lenin.
Nell’ottobre del 1917, Alexandra Kollontai è entrata a far parte del governo rivoluzionario, il Consiglio dei Commissari del Popolo, e nominata commissaria del popolo per l’Assistenza sociale, è stata la prima donna al mondo a diventare ministra.
Durante il suo incarico venne decretata la distribuzione ai contadini delle terre appartenenti ai monasteri, l’istituzione degli asili nido statali e l’assistenza alla maternità.
La sua opposizione al trattato di Brest-Litovsk le costò il posto al governo.
Fu contraria all’introduzione, voluta da Lenin, della nuova politica economica dopo il fallimento del comunismo di guerra. Era una vera libera pensatrice e, pur ammirandone il pensiero, considerava il padre della rivoluzione bolscevica un leader rispettabile, ma non un idolo né un vate.
Sosteneva il libero amore, nella convinzione che il matrimonio tradizionale, in una società repressiva e fondata sulla ineguaglianza tra i sessi, fosse una ulteriore produzione di sfruttamento della donna.
Riteneva che la liberazione sessuale fosse una premessa necessaria alla realizzazione di una libera società socialista.
È stata tra le organizzatrici del Primo Congresso delle donne lavoratrici russe dal quale nacque lo Żenotdel per promuovere la partecipazione delle donne alla vita pubblica, iniziative sociali e la lotta all’analfabetismo.
Grazie al suo impegno, le donne ottennero il diritto di voto e quello di essere elette, l’accesso all’istruzione, all’assistenza durante la maternità, la parità salariale, il divorzio e il diritto all’aborto.
Nel 1918, sposò il capo dei marinai bolscevichi della flotta del Baltico, Pavel Dybenko, secondo la nuova legge matrimoniale da lei stessa proposta.
Era convinta che le donne fossero entrate, con la rivoluzione del 1917, nell’epoca della loro definitiva liberazione, sia dallo sfruttamento capitalistico che dalla condizione di sfruttamento e inferiorità riservata loro dalla cultura borghese e dal capitalismo.
Dal 1923, in contrasto con la politica di Stalin, si ritirò dalla politica attiva e intraprese la carriera diplomatica.
È stata tra le prime ambasciatrici al mondo, in Messico, Norvegia e Svezia.
Tra il 1923 e il 1927 ha scritto novelle e romanzi raccolti in tre volumi. Ha fatto anche parte della delegazione sovietica alla Società delle Nazioni.
Ritiratasi dal lavoro nel 1945, è morta a Mosca il 9 Marzo del 1952.
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glozirina · 6 years
Nestor Makhno in the spring of 1919 when he was a Red Army brigade commander. With Pavel Dybenko.
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primavereautunni · 7 years
Come leggiamo alla fine dello stenogramma della seduta inaugurale e finale, a un certo punto il "cittadino marinaio" del servizio d'ordine dichiarò: "Ho ricevuto istruzioni di comunicarvi che tutti i presenti devono lasciare la sala della seduta perché la guardia è stanca". Si levò qualche voce: "Non abbiamo bisogno di guardia", mentre il presidente dell'Assemblea domandò: "Quali istruzioni? Da parte di chi?". Il "cittadino marinaio": "Io sono il capo della guardia del Palazzo di Tauride e ricevo le istruzioni dal commissario Dybenko". (Pavel Dybenko, rivoluzionario bolscevico, ebbe parte di rilievo nei sommovimenti del 1917 e poi ricoprì alte cariche militari nel periodo sovietico. Finì nelle repressioni staliniane nel 1938).
Vittorio Strada, Impero e rivoluzione, Marsilio 2017.
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flockofrussians · 3 years
La bestia Malenkov.
Iwan Malenkov nació hace 34 años en la capital rusa. La realidad es que pasó la mayor parte de su vida desconociendo sus raíces biológicas; las historias que le contaron acerca de sus familiares incluían dramatismo e indignidad, hasta el punto de desear desvincularse de sus orígenes y vagar como ente independiente, sin pasado aparente.
Nada de ello era cierto, por descontado, pero al general Korchnoi siempre le interesó tenerle en el bando correcto. Apuntó maneras desde bien pequeño, suponiendo que era cuestión de genética pues Korchnoi sí conoció al padre biológico de Iwan: Kliment formaba parte de los conocidos como vory, y sobrevivió a los gulags y a la desaparición de su forma de vida, lo suficiente como para verla resurgir años más tarde. Aunque Iwan no lo sabe, su padre fue de los primeros en erigir esa nueva forma de criminalidad conocida como Bratvá. Por otro lado, se conoce que la madre de Iwan, Niurka, pasó a ser una refugiada rusa en algún lugar de Europa, momento desde el cual se le perdió la pista. Jamás se volvió a saber de ella.
De conocer sus raíces, Iwan recibiría el nombre de Dimitri Klimentevich Dybenko Kérenski.
Presentamos a la bestia Malenkov: Violento e impredecible, pero inteligente y calculador. Es un maestro negociador que habitualmente utiliza un lenguaje confuso para intimidar y dominar a los que le rodean. A pesar de su carácter directo y la forma en la que racionaliza sus acciones, es completamente indigno de confianza a menos que se le ofrezca el precio correcto y... A decir verdad, ni siquiera entonces existiría la garantía de que no fuese a traicionar a la otra persona.
Iwan permaneció escondido aquí y allá, sobreviviendo en condiciones más bien penosas y moviéndose según marcaba su instinto más primario, al menos hasta que fue contactado por Natasha Vólkova, con quien coincidiría en algún momento de su infancia en Kazán.
Durante los años en Rusia aprendió el arte del espionaje, en especial en lugares hostiles, pero no había nada en lo que destacase más que en los combates cuerpo a cuerpo y es por eso que se le conoce desde joven como «la bestia Malenkov». No había duda de que Iwan era un elemento indispensable en cualquier cadena: Un ser diestro en la negociación y brutalmente feroz en el campo de batalla. Todo el mundo quería contar con él en sus filas pero solo Natasha lo había conseguido.
La decepción respecto al liderazgo de su vieja amiga y compatriota haría que su apoyo descansase en Katya Maksimova. No le supuso mayor inconveniente aquella suerte de traición en la que tomaron el mando en una de las ausencias de la Matrona, dándole un lavado de cara a su organización. Así fue como, sin pretenderlo y sobre todo sin saberlo, Iwan acabó en la misma red de criminalidad que su padre biológico.
En algún momento de sus años en paradero desconocido conoció a la doctora Winter Everell, quien consiguió en él la primera simbiosis efectiva en la que el huésped no había muerto al procesar la genética del simbionte. Desde entonces, Venom e Iwan son un solo ente y un arma prácticamente letal.
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