#E commerce trading app services
spiritualseer · 3 months
Your Natal Chart and what Side-hustles could be successful for you
If you are deciding what side-hustle can prove successful to you, looking at your natal chart is sure to povide some insights. Keeping in mind your personal capabilities and preference, see the placement of your Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and MC (Midhaven) to see which might suit you better.
Dropshipping, Online Coaching or Personal Training.
E-commerce (Handmade Goods or Art), Stock Photography.
Blogging, YouTube Channel, Social Media Management.
Virtual Assistant, Online Counseling, Cooking/Baking Tutorials (this can also be done if you are a taurus, have taurus placements)
Influencer, Podcasting, Online Workshops or Classes
Freelance Writing or Editing, Proofreading, Online Tutoring
Social Media Consulting, Graphic Design, Event Planning (Virtual)
Online Trading (Stocks, Cryptocurrencies), Research Services, Investigative Writing.
Travel Blogging, Online Courses (Philosophy, Languages), Virtual Tour Guide.
Freelance Consulting, Online Business Coaching, Financial Planning Services.
App Development, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Online Activism or Advocacy.
Art or Music Lessons, Creative Writing, Spiritual Coaching.
Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
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hindintech · 9 months
Frontend Projects Ideas
1. E-commerce Website
2. Social Network
3. Online Learning Platform
4. Music Streaming Service
5. Real Estate Listing
6. Project Management Tool
7. Chatbot Interface
8. Job Board
9. Weather Forecast with Al
10. Stock Trading Platform
11. loT Dashboard
12. Voice Assistant Interface
13. Expense Report Generator
14. Augmented-Reality App
15. Interactive 3D Graphics
16. Blockchain Explorer
17. Machine-Learning Dashboard
18. Language Learning App
19. Financial Planning
20. Astronomy Viewe
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dankusner · 6 months
The Dumbphone Boom Is Real
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Will Stults spent too much time on his iPhone, doom-scrolling the site formerly known as Twitter and tweeting angrily at Elon Musk as if the billionaire would actually notice.
Stults’s partner, Daisy Krigbaum, was addicted to Pinterest and YouTube, bingeing videos on her iPhone before going to sleep.
Two years ago, they both tried Apple’s Screen Time restriction tool and found it too easy to disable, so the pair decided to trade out their iPhones for more low-tech devices.
They’d heard about so-called dumbphones, which lacked the kinds of bells and whistles—a high-resolution screen, an app store, a video camera—that made smartphones so addictive.
But they found the process of acquiring one hard to navigate.
“The information on it was kind of disparate and hard to get to. A lot of people who know the most about dumbphones spend the least time online,” Krigbaum said. A certain irony presented itself: figuring out a way to be less online required aggressive online digging.
The couple–Stults is twenty-nine, and Krigbaum is twenty-five—saw a business opportunity.
“If somebody could condense it and simplify it to the best options, maybe more people would make the switch,” Krigbaum said.
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In late 2022, they launched an e-commerce company, Dumbwireless, to sell phones, data plans, and accessories for people who want to reduce time spent on their screens.
This wasn’t Stults’s first attempt at entrepreneurship; his past efforts included a made-in-America clothing brand in Colorado
(“That went under,” he said) and a coffee shop in the back of an ill-attended Hollywood comedy club (“A doomed enterprise,” Krigbaum said).
Dumbwireless, however, has been much more successful.
The couple’s home, in East Los Angeles, has turned into a kind of dumbphone emporium, with five hundred boxed devices stacked up in what was supposed to be a dining room.
Stults takes business calls on his personal cell, and on one recent morning the first call came at 5 A.M.
(As the lead on customer service, he has to use a smartphone—go figure.)
They pack each order by hand, sometimes with handwritten notes.
They have not yet quit their day jobs, which are in the service industry, but Dumbwireless sold more than seventy thousand dollars’ worth of products last month, ten times more than in March, 2023.
Krigbaum and Stults noticed an acceleration in sales last October, which they speculate may have had something to do with the onslaught of holiday-shopping season.
Some of their popular phone offerings include the Light Phone, an e-ink device with almost no apps; the Nokia 2780, a traditional flip phone; and the Punkt., a calculator-ish Swiss device that looks like something designed for Neo to carry in “The Matrix” (which, to be fair, is a movie of the dumbphone era).
The growing dumbphone fervor may be motivated, in part, by the discourse around child safety online.
Parents are increasingly confronted with evidence that sites like Instagram and TikTok intentionally try to hook their children.
Using those sites can increase teens’ anxiety and lower their self-esteem, according to some studies, and smartphones make it so that kids are logged on constantly.
Why should this situation be any healthier for adults?
After almost two decades with iPhones, the public seems to be experiencing a collective ennui with digital life.
So many hours of each day are lived through our portable, glowing screens, but the Internet isn’t even fun anymore.
We lack the self-control to wean ourselves off, so we crave devices that actively prevent us from getting sucked into them.
That means opting out of the prevailing technology and into what Cal Newport, a contributing writer for The New Yorker, has called a more considered “digital minimalism.”
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The Light Phone débuted in 2017, before smartphone exhaustion became a mainstream ailment.
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The company’s co-founders, Kaiwei Tang and Joe Hollier, have sold tens of thousands of phones.
The Light Phone II, released in 2019, features a monochrome touch screen that allows users to make calls, send text messages, and use a few custom apps: an alarm and timer, a calendar, directions, notes, music and podcast libraries.
There are no social-media apps or streaming apps.
“The point is to create useful utility that does not have the attention economy built in,” Tang said.
Like Dumbwireless, Light Phone has recently been experiencing a surge in demand.
From 2022 to 2023, its revenue doubled, and it is on track to double again in 2024, the founders told me.
Hollier pointed to Jonathan Haidt’s new book, “The Anxious Generation,” about the adverse effects of smartphones on adolescents.
Light Phone is receiving increased inquiries and bulk-order requests from churches, schools, and after-school programs.
In September, 2022, the company began a partnership with a private school in Williamstown, Massachusetts, to provide Light Phones to the institution’s staff members and students; smartphones are now prohibited on campus.
According to the school, the experiment has had a salutary effect both on student classroom productivity and on campus social life.
Tang told me, “We’re talking to twenty to twenty-five schools now.”
To Tang and Hollier’s surprise, some of the most willing Light Phone converts are Gen Z-ers.
Some of them are younger than the iPhone.
Digital technology has been an inevitable feature of their lives, yet they are also better equipped, or better motivated, than generations past to confront its negative impacts.
Apple recently allowed third-party developers to write software that accesses the iPhone’s Screen Time function, meaning that some new programs can now help users limit their screen time by blocking apps.
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T. J. Driver and Zach Nasgowitz, two engineers in their early twenties, took advantage of this change to create an iPhone accessory called Brick, to fight their own excessive phone usage.
Brick, which launched in September of 2023, is a magnetized plastic cube with a corresponding app that allows you to select which features you want to block on your smartphone.
Tapping the brick activates or lifts the blockage.
Driver and Nasgowitz started with one 3-D printer to produce the accessories; now they have fifteen machines running around the clock and are shipping a few hundred products a day.
There is no one dumbphone solution for everyone.
Each digital addict is addicted in her own way.
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Stults, of Dumbwireless, uses an app called Unpluq, which works similarly to Brick, blocking specific apps from his smartphone while allowing him to maintain the store’s customer-service channels, including e-mail and Shopify.
Krigbaum has been a committed Light Phone user for the past two years.
She said that she doesn’t miss her smartphone, but that her new device can cause some awkwardness when she meets other young people who ask how to keep in touch.
They mean on social media, of course; for the vast swath of Gen Z-ers who don’t use dumbphones, exchanging numbers to text message or, God forbid, call seems archaic. “I’ve been saying, ‘I guess I’ll see you if I see you,’ ” Krigbaum said.
When I want to escape from my iPhone, I pop the SIM card out (which, unfortunately, is not possible on some newer iPhones) and install it in a red Nokia 2780 flip phone—the closing snap of which brings me back instantly to my high-school days, when flip phones were cutting edge.
After the surprisingly easy switching process, I take the simple device with me on my daily walks with my dog.
If I had my smartphone in hand, I’d be refreshing Instagram or compulsively checking my e-mail while my hound does her business or sniffs tree trunks.
With the Nokia, I’ve cut myself off from such meaningless digital stimuli but preserved my ability to answer texts or phone calls if necessary. (I’m too much of a millennial to actually leave the house without any phone.)
I find myself looking more at my surroundings, which are particularly enjoyable in springtime, and I am more relaxed when I return from the excursions.
When I switch the SIM card back into my iPhone, the device seems momentarily absurd: an enormous screen filled with infinite entertainment and information that follows me wherever I go.
Then I open all my usual apps in quick succession—e-mail, Instagram, Slack—to see what I’ve missed.
The Dawn of the Dumb House
When the interior designer Ken Fulk begins working with new clients, he asks them to fill out a “Fulkfessional,” a form with questions to help him understand what matters most to them at home.
Among his favorite questions lately is “Dumb house or smart house?”
The answer is everything.
The philanthropist Christine Schantz knew exactly what she wanted for her historic 1925 home in Marin County.
She tasked Fulk (and architect Andrew Skurman) with creating a residence that could last 30 years without another renovation.
All those smart flourishes that are the rage these days—automated fixtures, complex lighting systems, remote-controlled appliances, charging stations, electronic security systems, and, everyone’s favorite, Alexa—went out the window.
Schantz didn’t want a SpaceX command station but a family retreat.
“Technology doesn’t go with that,” she says.
Homeowners like Schantz aren’t hardcore technophobes.
They would just like fewer remotes, gizmos, and wires in their personal space, and they’re turning to their decorators, architects, and contractors to make houses that are, if not dumb, then dumbish.
Perhaps not coincidentally, the trend is gaining favor with the most ­cutting-edge cohort of all; call them the Low-Key Luddites of Silicon Valley.
“Many of my clients who work in the technology world tend to forgo highly advanced homes often because they are acutely aware of change,” Fulk says.
What they want, he adds, are environments that age gracefully without frequent, irksome updates.
The Design Rules of the Modern Dumb House:
Keep traditional kitchen appliances out of sight and focus on bold color–such as this vivid share of robin’s egg blue.
All fixtures and cabinet hardware are by the Nanz Company.
Rule: Go old school with cookware–very old school.
The collection of enameled cast iron pots and pans is from Staub.
The pendant lights are by Studio Van den Akker.
To step inside an anti-smart house like Schantz’s, seen here, is to find a feast for the eyes steeped in handiwork that feels closer to the past than the future: artisanal millwork, detailed plaster, light switches that look like old fashioned brass toggles.
The doorbell is manual (“a Victorian hand-turn that I purchased myself,” Schantz says), the bookcases are filled with hardbacks, and family knickknacks and photographs are not relegated to the attic or uploaded to an iPad but thoughtfully displayed.
“We often hear clients say that they don’t want a home that’s smarter than they are,” says the design legend Holly Hunt. “The appeal of being able to control your home while on vacation is obvious, but what happens when things go wrong and you can’t get through to tech support while you’re on the other side of the world?”
Take the low-tech look to the next level with bespoke wallpaper illustrated with favored real and imaginary titles, executed in the powder room by Ken Fulk, and a custom, marble, wood, and leather vanity by Merritt Woodwork, with faux-book detailing.
The idea of the smart home goes back decades. In pop culture it is depicted everywhere from Dr. Frankenstein’s lab to John Lautner’s 1960 Los Angeles house the Chemosphere (the inspiration for The Jetsons and a longtime movie backdrop) to, more recently, the 2014 film Ex Machina. In Woody Allen’s Sleeper (1973) a health food store owner is cryogenically frozen and defrosted 200 years later in a glass house designed by Charles Deaton full of robots. In the real world, the launch of the first general-purpose home automation network technology, dubbed X10, came in 1975.
a living room with a chandelier and a couch Douglas Friedman
In the living room, a Silvio Piatelli chandelier, a table lamp by Cym Warkov Ceramics, and Chesterfield sofas by Coup d’etat.
In 1999 Microsoft’s “Home of the Future” promotional video imagined a middle-class family house with seamless voice-activated and integrated lighting, heating, security, and entertainment systems. By 2012 the ad was becoming a reality: 1.5 million home automation systems had been installed in the United States, according to data firm ABI Research, and by 2020 the industry was valued at $44 billion.
ken fulk house renovation in marin county Douglas Friedman
Rule: No TV, Alexa, or electronics in the bedroom. And keep lighting simple. The chandelier is by Fabio LTD, and the reading pendants are by Allied Maker. Rule: Prioritize neutral elements: fresh flowers and forest wallpaper, here by Cole & Sons. The wicker nightstands are by Portuguese design studio Emotional Brands.
The shift away from overly digitized homes, at least for some, has been a long time coming, spurred first by a growing awareness of the health risks of too much screen time and later accelerated by the erosion of work-life balance during the pandemic. The rise of artificial intelligence is a more recent cause for alarm.
“People that I’ve worked with in the tech industry don’t want their kids to have technology,” says the designer Lonni Paul, who has removed computers and other digital devices from the bedrooms and personal spaces in her own home and those of her clients. Erin Lichy, a New York interior designer, has also winnowed the devices in her home in favor of elements that put a premium on calm, not notifications. No cameras, Alexa, or Google Assistant for her.
a bedroom with a bed and chairs Douglas Friedman
In the primary bedroom, the wallpaper is St. Laurent by de Gournay, the ceiling fixture is by Fortuny, the antique desk features a Josef Hoffman lamp by Woka Lamps, and the nightstand lamps are by Lorenza Bozzoli for Tato Italia.
“Similar to in-home cameras, we don’t love the idea of a device constantly listening in on us,” she says. It’s an urgent concern for homeowners at a time when big tech companies are testing ambient intelligence, a concept that futurologists have been talking about for years, in which smart devices make their own decisions based on anything from biometric sensors to predictive behavior modeling.
“Just because it works doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” Fulk says. “When I come home, especially to a beach house or a ski house, the last thing I want is to have to wrangle with technology.” In the modern dumb home, the only bits of technology present are usually ­hidden—starting with the TV and including details as small as a light switch. “Whenever I’m redoing a house, I can tell when a house was made in the 2000s, because it was this in-between of trying to be forward-thinking but things still felt really clunky,” says the designer David Ko, who receives an increasing number of requests from his Los Angeles clients to keep entertainment consoles out of sight. His solution: OG projectors, built-in custom furniture, and products like Samsung’s the Frame, which makes television screens look like artworks.
“There’s nothing luxurious about technology anymore,” says the designer Stephanie Roy-Heckl, who largely works in Miami and the Hamptons. Or beautiful, for that matter. A Roomba may be practical, but chic is not the first word that comes to mind to describe one.
a room with a table and chairs Douglas Friedman
In the entry, art works by Jack Wright and Charles Bianchini, a 19th century gueridon with a marble top, millwork by Merritt Woodwork and doorway by Theodore Ellison Designs.
Even if so-called dumb houses aren’t defined by a single aesthetic, they all represent a broader recalibration of homeowners’ relationships with technology. There’s less interest in the latest gadgets and more demand for conscientious innovation, especially in the realms of sustainability, green architecture, and solar power. “In California we’re having a big conversation around gas appliances and their impact on the environment and on our health,” Fulk says. That was a priority for Schantz, too, but her domestic digital detox was brought about by a simpler personal conviction.
“I also think technology dumbs us down,” she says. “It makes us forget what’s meaningful and lasting. It gives us terribly short attention spans.” Instead, her home has something AI never will: soul.
Lead image: The sconces and library lights are from the Culver City dealer Obsolete. The astrological ceiling mural, inspired by the famous one at Munich’s Villa Stuck, is by artisan Willem Racké. First editions and rare books line bookshelves backed in wallpaper by Zak & Fox, with flourishes by Racké. The CH20 Elbow chairs are by Hans Wegner. Artisanal millwork is by Merritt Woodwork.
This story appears in the April 2024 issue of Town & Country, with the headline "Welcome to the Dumb House." SUBSCRIBE NOW
Headshot of Kristen Bateman
Kristen Bateman is a contributing editor at Harper’s Bazaar. Her first fashion article was published in Vogue Italia during her junior year of high school. Since then, she has interned and contributed to WWD, Glamour, Lucky, i-D, Marie Claire and more. She created and writes the #ChicEats column and covers fashion and culture for Bazaar. When not writing, she follows the latest runway collections, dyes her hair to match her mood, and practices her Italian in hopes of scoring 90% off Prada at the Tuscan outlets. She loves vintage shopping, dessert and cats.
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mishainfotech2011 · 7 months
Empowering Businesses with Ionic App Development Services
In the dynamic landscape of mobile app improvement, corporations are constantly in search of revolutionary solutions to interact with their target market efficaciously. With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, having a sturdy mobile presence has come to be imperative for staying competitive in the present-day market. This is wherein Ionic app development businesses step in, imparting flexible and green solutions to build cross-platform cellular packages that captivate customers and power business increase.
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Unveiling the Power of Ionic App Development
Ionic is an open-source framework that lets builders build fantastic, function-wealthy cellular packages using internet technology which includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Leveraging web technology permits Ionic app development companies to create go-platform programs that run seamlessly on diverse devices and working structures, consisting of iOS, Android, and the web.
1. Cross-Platform Compatibility:
One of the key advantages of Ionic app development is its potential to create cross-platform programs with a single codebase. This drastically reduces development time and costs, as developers can write as soon as possible and deploy throughout multiple systems, making sure of consistency in personal enjoyment throughout gadgets.
2. Native-Like Performance:
Despite being constructed with net technologies, Ionic packages offer native-like overall performance and responsiveness. Through technology like Capacitor or Cordova, Ionic apps can get the right of entry to device capabilities and APIs, turning in a continuing consumer experience with smooth animations, rapid loading instances, and fluid navigation.
3. Rapid Development Cycle:
Ionic's development environment is characterized by its simplicity and simplicity of use, facilitating a fast improvement cycle. With features like Ionic CLI (Command Line Interface) and Ionic DevApp, developers can streamline the development technique, iterate speedy, and take a look at their applications in actual time throughout multiple devices.
4. Extensive UI Component Library:
Ionic comes with a rich set of pre-designed UI additives and layouts, allowing builders to create visually attractive and intuitive personal interface results easily. From buttons and paperwork to navigation bars and modals, Ionic's UI thing library empowers builders to construct polished and expert-looking applications with minimal attempts.
5. Community Support and Ecosystem:
The Ionic framework boasts a colorful community of builders, designers, and lovers who actively contribute to its surroundings. From open-supply plugins and extensions to comprehensive documentation and tutorials, the Ionic network affords helpful resources and support, fostering collaboration and innovation in app development.
Industries Leveraging Ionic App Development Services
1. E-Commerce:
Ionic app improvement agencies cater to the growing desires of e-trade organizations through building characteristic-wealthy buying apps, inventory control structures, and customer engagement structures. These applications allow e-commerce manufacturers to supply seamless shopping reports, customized tips, and stable payment gateways to their clients.
2. Healthcare:
In the healthcare enterprise, Ionic apps are utilized to create telemedicine systems, patient portals, appointment scheduling structures, and health tracking programs. These apps enhance accessibility to healthcare services, facilitate remote consultations, and empower sufferers to manipulate their health correctly from their cell devices.
3. Education:
Educational establishments and e-gaining knowledge of structures leverage Ionic app improvement offerings to create interactive knowledge of apps, online course platforms, and educational video games. These applications guide far-off mastering, personalized education, and knowledge dissemination, catering to the numerous needs of college students and educators globally.
4. Finance:
Ionic apps are revolutionizing the finance zone by imparting answers together with cell banking apps, virtual wallets, and funding systems. With sturdy security features and seamless personal reports, Ionic-powered finance apps allow people to manage their budgets comfortably and securely on the go.
5. Travel and Hospitality:
Ionic app improvement businesses play an important position in growing travel reserving systems, inn reservation systems, and tour courses for the travel and hospitality industry. These programs provide intuitive interfaces, actual-time updates, and seamless booking reviews, enhancing the overall journey experience for users internationally.
Ionic app improvement organizations are at the leading edge of innovation within the cellular app improvement landscape, empowering organizations across diverse industries to construct compelling and function-rich packages that resonate with their target audience. With its cross-platform compatibility, native-like performance, and giant surroundings, Ionic offers a versatile and efficient framework for growing mobile applications that drive engagement, enhance the personal experience, and propel enterprise boom in the state-of-the-art virtual era.
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🤖💰 Making Money Online with Artificial Intelligence: The Future is Here! 💻✨
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Hey there, Tumblr fam! 🌟
Today, I want to dive into an exciting topic that's shaping the future of online income: Artificial Intelligence! 🤖💰
AI is more than just a buzzword; it's a game-changer in the online earning arena. Here are some fascinating ways you can harness the power of AI to make money online:
AI-Powered Content Creation: With tools like GPT-3, you can automate content creation. Write blog posts, articles, or even social media captions with the help of AI. Monetize your content through ads or affiliate marketing.
AI-Enhanced Art: If you're an artist, AI can be your creative collaborator. Generate art pieces using AI algorithms like Deep Dream or run your art through style transfer models to create unique pieces. Sell your AI-assisted artwork on platforms like NFT marketplaces.
Chatbots and Customer Service: Develop AI chatbots for websites or businesses to handle customer inquiries. Offer your chatbot creation services to businesses looking to improve their online customer support.
AI in E-commerce: Use AI algorithms for personalized product recommendations on e-commerce websites. If you're an entrepreneur, consider starting an AI-powered online store that tailors product suggestions to individual users.
AI Stock Trading: AI-powered trading bots analyze stock market data in real-time to make informed investment decisions. Invest your money or offer your AI trading services to others.
Data Analysis: If you're skilled in data science, leverage AI to analyze large datasets. Businesses are always looking for data-driven insights to make informed decisions.
AI-Generated Music and Video: Create AI-generated music tracks or video content. You can sell your music on streaming platforms or offer your video services for marketing and entertainment.
AI-Driven Apps: Develop apps or tools that use AI to solve specific problems. From language translation apps to AI fitness coaches, the possibilities are endless.
The world of AI is evolving rapidly, and opportunities abound for those who embrace it. 💡 Whether you're an artist, writer, programmer, or entrepreneur, AI can be your ally in the pursuit of online income.
Have questions or want to share your AI-powered success stories? Drop them in the comments! Let's explore the exciting future of AI in online income together. 🚀🤝 Click here to make money via AI now!
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mariacallous · 2 years
“Tech companies have built a perfect record so far in blocking major legislation in Congress,” The Wall Street Journal observed as the final effort to pass tech-related regulation failed in the closing days of the 117th Congress. However, the same companies that spend lavishly to oppose American consumer protection efforts are buckling under as European Union (EU) rules prepare to be phased in between now and 2024.
What $100 Million Buys
A key to Big Tech’s unblemished record, The Wall Street Journal reported, was “prodigious spending on Beltway lobbying and grassroots politicking.” Advertising to influence Congress not to pass tech-related legislation exceeded $100 million, the story continued.
Much of this advertising was alarmist as opposed to factual. One television commercial by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) warned that Congress wants to “dismantle technologies we depend on.” The ad closed with the alarmist line, “Don’t take away our tech.”
Far from taking anything away, Congress was proposing protecting children from harmful content (the Kids Online Safety Act), giving app developers and consumers more rights in app stores (the Open App Markets Act), and expanding consumer choice by prohibiting e-commerce platforms from giving preference to their own products (the American Innovation and Choice Act). That these limited actions were the best Congress could try to accomplish was, itself, the result of the ongoing advertising and lobbying blitzkrieg of tech companies.
What had appeared to be progress on legislation protecting the privacy rights of Americans was stopped by industry lobbying. After being reported out of the House Commerce Committee with a bipartisan 53-2 vote, The American Data Protection and Privacy Act never made it to the House floor.
A similar situation occurred regarding antitrust legislation. After an exhaustive House Judiciary Committee report, the opportunity for broad antitrust legislation looked hopeful when a series of bills were sent to the House floor with bipartisan support. Again, the bills never received a House vote.
In the Senate, both the Open App Markets and the American Innovation and Choice bills were reported by the Judiciary Committee, both with bipartisan support but died from inaction on the floor.
To achieve these results, Big Tech and its trade associations have peddled a never-ending series of incendiary messages such as:
“Why is Congress considering legislation that makes us less safe?” another one of the CTA’s commercials This one alleged that legislation would allow “cyber warfare against the U.S.”
“Don’t break what works” warned the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) commercial. “Congress has plans that could stop progress in its tracks, breaking the products and services you love,” the ad warned.
In another commercial, CCIA warned the inability to preference Amazon products over competitors would destroy Amazon’s famous delivery service. “Don’t break our Prime,” the ad warns.
The Scares Didn’t Sell in Europe
While the companies were spending $100 million to block the U.S. Congress from acting, the EU has moved forward on some of the very same issues. In particular, the messaging that seemed so frightening here failed to impress the European Parliament. As a result, the EU’s recently passed Digital Markets Act (DMA) and other activities are already accomplishing for European consumers what Congress has failed to accomplish.
For example, a target of the CTA “Don’t take away our tech” commercial was the Open App Market Act, which would give app developers more rights in the Google and Apple app stores. Confronted by the EU’s DMA, however, Apple is preparing to give European iPhone and iPad consumers the ability to download third party software without using the Apple App Store (so-called “sideloading”). The company is even discussing allowing alternative app stores with alternative payment systems on its platform. Already, Apple has been forced to allow such outside services for dating apps in the Netherlands.
The CCIA “Don’t break our Prime” commercials were targeted at legislation to end Amazon’s practice of giving preference to its own products. Amazon, however, has just agreed to a settlement with EU regulators that will prohibit it from engaging in such practices. Henceforth, in the EU, Amazon will give rival products access to valuable “Buy Box” real estate on the website. In addition, Amazon agreed to not use the non-public data the platform sees when independent sellers use Amazon to compete against those sellers.
An EU regulator just issued a preliminary ruling that Meta platforms cannot tie use of its Facebook platform to its Marketplace advertising in order to disadvantage competitive ad services. Nor can the company use its terms of service to coerce users into allowing the use of third-party advertising data to target Facebook or Instagram advertising. Meta will have an opportunity to challenge the ruling.
The EU has also just adopted a “Common Charger Directive” that requires small electronic devices to be compatible with the USB-C charging plug used by most device manufacturers. This means that Apple will no longer be able to insist consumers buy its proprietary Lightning cable. “Buyers will also be able to choose whether they want to purchase new electronic equipment with or without a charging device,” the EU explained. Apple is reportedly preparing to implement the directive.
So Far Europeans Only
Thus far, the actions of American companies appear to only benefit European consumers. It will be interesting to see what Big Tech and their industry association do in the next Congress when confronted with, “You can do this to help Europeans, why not help Americans?” Scare tactic advertising won’t answer that question.
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topdaily4947 · 1 year
10 legitimate ways to make money online in 2023
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Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. You can provide services such as writing, graphic design, programming, social media management, or virtual assistance.
Online tutoring: If you excel in a particular subject, you can become an online tutor. Platforms like VIPKid, Tutor.com, or Chegg Tutors connect students with tutors for various subjects.
Content creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast and monetize your content through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. Consistently create valuable and engaging content to attract an audience and generate income.
Dropshipping: Set up an online store without physically stocking the products. You'll act as a middleman, connecting customers with suppliers who ship the products directly to them. Platforms like Shopify make it easy to get started.
Online surveys and microtasks: Sign up for reputable websites that offer paid surveys and microtasks, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk or Swagbucks. While the earnings might not be substantial, they can provide some extra income.
Online courses: If you have expertise in a specific field, create and sell online courses. Platforms like Udemy or Teachable allow you to create and sell courses on a variety of topics.
E-commerce: Start your own online store and sell physical products. You can either create your own products or source them from suppliers. Platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce can help you set up an e-commerce website.
Affiliate marketing: Promote other people's products or services and earn a commission for every sale or lead generated through your referral. Join affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon, ClickBank, or Commission Junction.
Stock trading and investments: Educate yourself about stock trading and invest in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other financial instruments. However, be cautious and only invest money you can afford to lose.
App development: If you have programming skills, consider developing and selling your own mobile or web applications. You can sell them directly or generate revenue through in-app purchases or advertisements.
Remember, success in making money online requires consistent effort, dedication, and adapting to market trends. Be patient and focus on building a sustainable online business.
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Top 5 Benefits Of Shopify For Ecommerce Business
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People working in e-commerce know the importance of choosing the right platform to establish a business. There are numerous self-hosted and cloud-based e-commerce outlets, but Shopify herald outshines them. Shopify experts in Australia provide everything you need to set up your business and start the trade online. Shopify is ideal for businesses of all sizes and can be equipped by any type or niche of the industry. Now let’s look at some of the benefits of Shopify proposed by the ecommerce business.
Standard documentation process
Shopify provides an incomparable documentation process; further, if you need a step-by-step guide for establishing your store or have any other query related to the services, you will get a reply quickly. On thorough searching, you will find an article suitable for your doubt-clearing process. Where the procedure is adequately described with an implicit configuration. Also, the depth of knowledge imparted is awe-inspiring indeed. Unfortunately, there is some rare case that someone is not getting satisfactory answers to their question.
It provides excellent themes
Typically, it is found that when business owners seek Shopify store development, they come across a professional standard theme with adequate documentation. Further, a reliable customer support service will support all of these amenities. Shopify offers apps on its app store at a reasonable price with the facility of monthly installments. They assist you in designing your online store in such a way that will elevate its functionality and help in enhancing the productivity of the company.
Level of security
Most of the time, customers feel unsafe when they place an order online and make a payment. Often many don’t order or cancel their order just because they are hesitant or unsure about the security of the online payment system. Shopify keeps this concern in mind and ensures that customers feel safe and secure while using your online store and making payments. Shopify developer in Australia ensures that online payment of gateways and security is trustworthy and effective. Also, your customers will be 100% PCI compliant through Shopify.
Built-in SEO
Shopify has a built-in SEO which means you will get more prudential customers. Further, you will be endowed with advanced analytics to reckon the area where most of the customers are enthralled. Also, you can use this assessment to modify your marketing strategies.
Excellent customer support service
Shopify is known for endowing an exceptional customer support system for every business owner facing any issue or difficulty with the online store. If you are facing issues, Shopify will offer you the necessary amenities to resolve your problem. Further, you can also discuss with the support staff to get the ethereal assessment.
If you are seeking Shopify experts in Sydney or elsewhere, you can consult justcreateit.com.au. They can assist you in creating captivating and user-friendly Shopify stores to get more prudential customers. There has been expertise in the respective domain for the last decade, and there are adept enough to solve any problem or the services you are looking for.
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tonymattny · 7 days
Unleashing the Power of AI: Transforming Businesses for the Future
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In an era where digital innovation is the key to success, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as the ultimate game-changers. As a leading AI app development company, we're not just witnessing this revolution – we're driving it. Our mission? To empower businesses like yours to harness the incredible potential of AI, propelling you towards unprecedented growth and success.
The AI Revolution: Your Ticket to the Future of Business
Imagine a world where your business operates with superhuman efficiency, predicts market trends with uncanny accuracy, and delivers personalized experiences that keep customers coming back for more. This isn't science fiction – it's the reality that AI is creating right now. As a top AI development company, we've seen firsthand how AI is rewriting the rules of business success:
Supercharging Efficiency: Picture this: your routine tasks handled automatically, freeing your team to focus on what really matters – innovation and growth.
Crystal Ball Decision-Making: What if you could peer into the future of your market? AI's predictive powers make this a reality, giving you the edge in strategic planning.
Hyper-Personalization at Scale: Imagine every customer feeling like your only customer. AI makes this level of personalization possible, even for businesses with millions of clients.
Trend-Surfing with Precision: Ride the waves of market trends before they even form. AI's predictive capabilities let you stay ahead of the curve, always.
Innovation on Steroids: Dream up products that customers want before they even know they want them. AI-driven insights fuel innovation like never before.
Let's dive deeper into how these AI superpowers are revolutionizing businesses across the board:
1. Efficiency: The AI Productivity Boost
Gone are the days of drowning in paperwork and repetitive tasks. AI is your new productivity superhero. Take manufacturing, for instance. Our AI-powered predictive maintenance systems are like having a crystal ball for your machinery. They can predict when a piece of equipment is likely to fail before it happens. Result? Less downtime, optimized production schedules, and a significant boost to your bottom line. But it's not just about machines. AI is transforming human productivity too. Imagine AI assistants that can schedule meetings, summarize long reports, or even draft emails. It's like giving each of your employees a personal assistant, supercharging their productivity.
2. Decision-Making: Your AI-Powered Crystal Ball
In the fast-paced business world, making the right decision quickly can mean the difference between success and failure. This is where AI truly shines. By analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time, AI provides insights that would take humans weeks or even months to uncover. For example, in the retail sector, AI can analyze purchasing patterns, inventory levels, and even weather forecasts to optimize stock levels. It's like having a super-intelligent inventory manager who never sleeps and never makes mistakes. Or consider the financial sector, where AI algorithms can analyze market trends, news sentiment, and economic indicators to make split-second trading decisions. It's not about replacing human judgment but augmenting it with data-driven insights that were previously impossible to obtain.
3. Personalization: The AI Customer Whisperer
In today's market, one-size-fits-all is a recipe for failure. Customers expect experiences tailored to their unique preferences and needs. AI makes this level of personalization not just possible, but scalable. Imagine an e-commerce platform that doesn't just remember what you bought, but understands your style preferences, anticipates your needs based on the season or upcoming events, and presents you with options you're likely to love. That's the power of AI-driven personalization. Or think about a streaming service that doesn't just recommend shows based on what you've watched, but understands your mood based on the time of day, your viewing habits, and even external factors like the weather. That's the future of AI-powered customer experiences.
4. Trend Prediction: Surfing the Waves of Change
In business, timing is everything. Being able to predict and adapt to market trends before your competitors can give you an unbeatable advantage. AI is your ticket to riding these waves of change. For instance, in the fashion industry, AI can analyze social media trends, celebrity influences, and historical sales data to predict the next big style trend. It's like having a fashion fortune teller on your team. Or in the world of product development, AI can analyze customer feedback, support tickets, and user behavior to identify unmet needs or pain points. It's like having a direct line to your customers' thoughts and desires.
5. Innovation: AI as Your Creative Partner
Innovation is the lifeblood of business growth, and AI is proving to be an incredible catalyst for creativity. By analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns that humans might miss, AI can spark new ideas and approaches. In the pharmaceutical industry, AI is revolutionizing drug discovery. By simulating molecular interactions and predicting drug efficacy, AI can significantly speed up the process of developing new treatments. It's like having a super-intelligent lab assistant working 24/7. Or in the automotive industry, AI is helping design safer, more efficient vehicles by simulating crash tests and optimizing aerodynamics. It's like having an entire team of engineers who can work tirelessly on countless design iterations.
The ideyaLabs Approach: Your AI Journey Starts Here
At ideyaLabs, we don't just implement AI – we craft AI solutions that are as unique as your business. Our approach is designed to ensure that AI doesn't just work for you but becomes an integral part of your success story. Here’s how we make the magic happen:
Deep Dive Understanding: We start by immersing ourselves in your business. We're not just tech geeks – we're business partners who want to understand your challenges, goals, and vision as deeply as you do.
Tailored AI Strategy: Armed with insights about your business, we craft an AI strategy that's as unique as your fingerprint. This isn't about forcing AI into your business – it's about finding the perfect AI solutions that align with your objectives and supercharge your growth.
Seamless Integration: We know that the best technology is the one you don't have to think about. That's why we ensure our AI solutions integrate smoothly into your existing workflows. It's like giving your business superpowers without changing its DNA.
Continuous Support and Evolution: In the fast-paced world of AI, standing still means falling behind. That's why our commitment doesn't end at implementation. We're with you for the long haul, continuously optimizing and evolving your AI solutions to keep you at the cutting edge.
Real-World AI Magic: Success Stories that Inspire
Let's move from theory to practice. Here are two real-world examples of how we've helped businesses transform through the power of AI:
Case Study 1: AI-Powered Customer Service Revolution
The Challenge: A rapidly growing e-commerce company was drowning in customer service requests. With over 10,000 queries flooding in daily, their human agents were overwhelmed, leading to response times of up to 24 hours. Customer satisfaction was plummeting, and so were sales.
The AI Solution: Enter our AI-powered chatbot, a tireless customer service superhero. This wasn't just any chatbot – it was a highly intelligent system trained on the company's extensive customer service data. It could understand natural language, recognize customer intent, and provide accurate, helpful responses in seconds.
The Magic Unfolds:
Response times plummeted from 24 hours to under 5 minutes – a 70% reduction!
Human agents' workload was slashed by 50%, allowing them to focus on complex issues that truly needed the human touch.
Customer satisfaction scores soared by 30% as customers received quick, accurate responses around the clock.
The cherry on top? A 25% boost in sales, as the chatbot's ability to make product recommendations turned customer service interactions into sales opportunities.
But the story doesn't end there. The success of the chatbot sparked a company-wide AI revolution. Soon, AI was being used for inventory management, demand forecasting, and even personalized marketing campaigns. The company transformed from an e-commerce player struggling with growth to an industry leader known for its innovative use of AI.
Case Study 2: AI Fintech Fusion - Where Finance Meets the Future
The Challenge: A fintech startup was facing a dual challenge. Their fraud detection system was crying wolf too often, flagging legitimate transactions as suspicious and frustrating customers. At the same time, their generic financial advice was falling flat, failing to resonate with customers seeking personalized guidance.
The AI Solution: We developed a two-pronged AI system that would make Einstein proud. First, an advanced fraud detection model that could analyze transaction patterns in real-time with the accuracy of a forensic accountant. Second, a personalized financial advisory system that could crunch numbers like a supercomputer and offer advice like a seasoned financial guru.
The Transformation:
Fraud detection accuracy skyrocketed to 90% - a 40% improvement that significantly reduced false positives and kept legitimate transactions flowing smoothly.
Customer engagement with financial advice surged by 60% as people received guidance tailored to their unique financial situations and goals.
Operational costs took a nosedive, decreasing by 35% thanks to the improved efficiency in fraud detection and customer service.
Customer retention rates grew by 20% as people recognized the value of the personalized, AI-driven financial guidance they were receiving.
The company saw a 15% growth in average customer lifetime value – a clear sign that their AI-powered services were hitting the mark.
The success of this AI implementation didn't just solve the company's immediate challenges – it positioned them as an innovator in the fintech space. They've since expanded their AI capabilities into credit scoring and investment recommendations, continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible in finance.
The ideyaLabs Edge: Why We're Your Ultimate AI Partner
In the vast sea of AI development companies, what makes ideyaLabs your perfect co-pilot on this exciting journey? Here's why partnering with us is like strapping a rocket to your business:
Expertise That Speaks Volumes: Our team isn't just good with AI – they eat, sleep, and breathe it. With specialists in everything from natural language processing to computer vision, we're like the Avengers of the AI world.
Customization is Our Middle Name: We don't do cookie-cutter solutions. Every AI system we develop is as unique as your business fingerprint, ensuring maximum impact and relevance.
Cutting-Edge is Our Comfort Zone: In the fast-paced world of AI, yesterday's innovation is today's old news. We're always surfing the wave of the latest AI breakthroughs, ensuring you benefit from the most advanced tech out there.
Seamless Integration is Our Promise: We understand that AI should enhance your business, not disrupt it. Our solutions slide into your existing systems as smoothly as a hot knife through butter.
We're in It for the Long Haul: Our relationship doesn't end at implementation. We're like loyal friends, sticking with you through thick and thin, providing ongoing support, updates, and optimizations.
Ethics are Our Backbone: In the world of AI, with great power comes great responsibility. We're committed to developing AI solutions that are not just powerful, but also ethical, fair, and transparent.
We Speak Your Language: Whether you're in healthcare, finance, or manufacturing, we've got the industry know-how to understand your unique challenges and opportunities. We're not just tech geeks – we're business savvy partners.
Wrapping Up: Your AI-Powered Future Awaits
As we stand on the brink of an AI-driven future, the question isn't whether your business will be affected by AI, but how you'll harness its power to drive growth and innovation. As a top AI development company, we're here to be your guide, your partner, and your secret weapon in this exciting new world. From developing cutting-edge AI applications to crafting comprehensive AI strategies, we're committed to helping businesses of all sizes leverage the transformative power of AI. Whether you're looking to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, or drive innovation, our team of AI experts is ready to turn your boldest visions into reality.
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jemesduda · 7 days
Logistics App Development Company in India: Revolutionizing Supply Chains
The logistics industry is the backbone of global trade, driving economic growth by facilitating the smooth movement of goods across borders. With the rise of e-commerce, international trade, and complex supply chains, logistics operations have grown increasingly complex. In response to these challenges, digital transformation through technology has emerged as a critical solution for the logistics sector. Among the most significant technological advancements is the development of logistics apps.
India, being one of the largest growing markets in the world, has a thriving logistics sector. The demand for efficient logistics app development companies in India is soaring, as businesses seek to automate and streamline their operations. In this article, we will explore the role of logistics app development companies in India, the features of a well-designed logistics app, and why India has emerged as a key player in this domain.
The Role of Logistics Apps in Modern Supply Chains
Logistics apps are essential for managing the intricate processes involved in moving goods from point A to point B. These apps help manage inventory, optimize route planning, monitor real-time shipping information, and facilitate communication between various stakeholders. As supply chains become more complex, businesses face growing pressure to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and meet customer demands for fast and accurate deliveries.
In today’s digital era, logistics app development companies provide tailored solutions that address specific business needs. Whether it’s for e-commerce platforms, manufacturers, or transport companies, these apps offer multiple features, such as:
Real-Time Tracking: Businesses can track their shipments, monitor the movement of goods, and predict delivery times. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also enhances transparency in the supply chain.
Inventory Management: Logistics apps integrate inventory systems that allow companies to manage stock levels and automate reordering processes.
Automated Scheduling and Route Optimization: Through machine learning algorithms and AI, logistics apps can predict the most efficient routes, saving time, reducing fuel costs, and avoiding unnecessary delays.
Data Analytics: The app can gather and analyze data from the entire logistics operation, providing businesses with insights on performance metrics, inefficiencies, and areas of improvement.
Seamless Communication: These apps facilitate better communication between warehouses, transport vehicles, suppliers, and customers, ensuring smooth coordination and minimizing errors.
Logistics App Development in India: Why India?
India has rapidly evolved as a global hub for IT services and app development. The combination of a skilled workforce, competitive pricing, and the ability to scale quickly has positioned India as a prime destination for logistics app development. Several factors contribute to India’s success in this area:
A Thriving IT Sector: India is home to a vast pool of talented IT professionals and developers. Indian companies are known for delivering cutting-edge software solutions to clients worldwide, and logistics apps are no exception.
Cost Efficiency: Indian logistics app development companies offer services at a fraction of the cost compared to their counterparts in developed countries. This cost advantage makes India an attractive destination for businesses looking to develop logistics solutions without breaking the bank.
Understanding Local and Global Markets: Indian developers possess a deep understanding of both local and global logistics challenges. They are well-versed in addressing issues specific to India’s logistical landscape, such as congested cities, poor infrastructure in certain regions, and diverse regulatory environments.
Strong Communication Skills: English is widely spoken and used in India’s IT sector, which makes communication between clients and development teams seamless. This eliminates any language barriers and ensures that project goals are clearly understood and executed.
Scalability and Customization: Indian logistics app development companies can easily scale their services to accommodate growing businesses. They also offer highly customizable solutions that cater to the unique needs of various industries.
Key Features of a Successful Logistics App
To build a logistics app that meets the needs of modern businesses, it must be designed with essential features that improve efficiency and reduce the chances of errors in the supply chain. Here are some key features that a logistics app development company in India might incorporate into its solutions:
Fleet Management: A comprehensive fleet management system allows businesses to monitor vehicle performance, track driver behavior, and schedule vehicle maintenance, all in real-time.
Warehouse Management: Managing warehouse operations is a critical aspect of logistics. An app should include features for organizing goods, tracking inventory levels, and planning the movement of goods in and out of the warehouse.
GPS Integration: Real-time location tracking of vehicles is critical for effective logistics management. GPS integration allows companies to keep track of their deliveries and provide updates to customers on expected delivery times.
Multi-language Support: For global businesses, having an app that supports multiple languages is a key feature. It ensures that users from different regions can use the app in their native language, enhancing usability.
Proof of Delivery: Digital signatures, photos, or barcodes can be used as proof of delivery. This feature adds transparency to the entire process and allows businesses to confirm that goods have been successfully delivered.
Payment Gateway Integration: Secure and seamless payment integration is essential for any logistics app. Whether it’s for freight payments or e-commerce deliveries, businesses need to have a reliable payment system in place.
Top Logistics App Development Companies in India
Several Indian companies have emerged as leaders in logistics app development, providing innovative solutions to businesses across industries. Some of the top logistics app development companies include:
Hyperlink InfoSystem: Known for its robust mobile and web app development, Hyperlink InfoSystem offers tailored logistics app solutions for businesses. Their services include fleet management, warehouse tracking, and route optimization.
Hidden Brains: Specializing in custom logistics software development, Hidden Brains provides innovative solutions for logistics companies looking to improve efficiency, optimize costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Mobiloitte: Mobiloitte focuses on creating scalable and secure logistics apps for businesses of all sizes. They provide end-to-end services, including app development, cloud integration, and post-launch support.
TatvaSoft: TatvaSoft offers highly customized logistics software and app development solutions. Their services include supply chain management, warehouse tracking, and real-time analytics.
The logistics industry is undergoing a massive transformation, and the role of technology cannot be overstated. Logistics app development companies in India are at the forefront of this revolution, offering innovative and cost-effective solutions that are reshaping the way businesses manage their supply chains.
With a strong IT sector, competitive pricing, and a deep understanding of both local and global logistics challenges, Indian companies are well-positioned to continue driving innovation in this space. As businesses increasingly adopt digital tools to improve efficiency, the demand for logistics app development companies in India will only grow, solidifying the country’s reputation as a global leader in app development.
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ashishondc01 · 14 days
Exploring the Benefits of ONDC Seller Apps by Futuresoft
The way companies conduct business in India's e-commerce sector is being completely transformed by the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC). With the goal of online trade and expanding opportunities for sellers of all sizes, ONDC plans to digital commerce and establish an open network. With its ONDC selling apps, Futuresoft, a top supplier of technology solutions, is spearheading this change and providing enterprises wishing to join this expanding network with strong tools.
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Seamless Integration with the ONDC Ecosystem
The seamless connection with the ONDC Integration ecosystem is one of the main benefits of using Futuresoft's ONDC app. Because they are not restricted to a single marketplace, companies may now readily engage with a range of customers, logistics companies, and service platforms. With this open architecture, sellers can reach a wider audience and get more clients while having the freedom to collaborate with different partners.
Broader Market Reach
Through the ONDC seller app, businesses can gain access to a wide range of customers across a variety of platforms. Futuresoft's solutions are designed to facilitate easy joining of the ONDC network, which in turn helps sellers reach a national audience. Whether you are a small retailer or a large enterprise, the ability to connect with a diverse customer base increases your chances of success in a competitive market.
Cost-Effective Operations
Traditional e-commerce platforms often come with high commission fees and other operational costs. With ONDC seller apps by Futuresoft, sellers can significantly reduce these costs by operating in an open marketplace.Futuresoft's solutions enable companies to reduce overhead costs while preserving high levels of operational effectiveness, thus enabling sellers to keep a larger portion of their profits.
Improved Customer Experiences
Futuresoft's programs that are sold on the ONDC are made to increase customer pleasure. By offering real-time inventory updates, efficient order monitoring, and smooth communication channels, businesses may make shopping for their customers more pleasurable. Better post-purchase support and faster delivery are also made possible by ONDC's flexibility.
Future-Proof Technology
Futuresoft ensures that its Seller app ONDC is equipped with the latest technological advancements. As the ONDC network evolves, Futuresoft continues to update its solutions to meet the growing demands of the marketplace, ensuring that businesses stay competitive and ready for future growth. In conclusion, ONDC seller apps by Futuresoft provide businesses with the tools they need to thrive in a rapidly changing digital commerce environment. By leveraging these solutions, sellers can unlock new opportunities, streamline operations, and enhance customer satisfaction. If you would like more information about our products and ONDC Seller Apps you can contact our team at [email protected] or visit our website Futuresoft India.
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the-knowledge · 17 days
Digital Business Opportunities in Bangladesh
Digital Business Opportunities in Bangladesh
Md. Joynal Abdin, BBA (Hons.), MBA
Founder & CEO, Trade & Investment Bangladesh (TIB)
Secretary General, Brazil Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BBCCI)
Bangladesh is experiencing a remarkable digital transformation, opening up new avenues for business opportunities across various sectors. The government's “Digital Bangladesh” initiative, aimed at integrating technology into every aspect of life, has accelerated the growth of the digital economy. With widespread internet access, mobile connectivity, and an increasingly tech-savvy population, the country is becoming a fertile ground for digital entrepreneurs and investors.
The rise of e-commerce, fintech, and IT services has been particularly striking. Platforms such as Daraz and bKash have revolutionized the way people shop and manage their finances, making digital solutions more accessible to a broad audience. The country is also emerging as a competitive destination for IT outsourcing, thanks to its young, skilled workforce and cost-effective labor market. As global businesses look for efficient and affordable tech solutions, Bangladesh is positioning itself as a key player in the international digital landscape.
While there are challenges, including infrastructure gaps and the need for greater digital literacy, the opportunities for growth are undeniable. From digital marketing and online content creation to innovative fintech solutions, Bangladesh’s digital ecosystem offers significant potential for businesses seeking to tap into new markets. With ongoing government support and increased private sector engagement, the future of digital business in Bangladesh is bright.
01. E-Commerce Growth and Consumer Demand
Bangladesh’s e-commerce sector has seen explosive growth in recent years, driven by increasing internet access, widespread mobile phone usage, and a growing middle class. With over 100 million internet users, many of whom are young and tech-savvy, online shopping has become an integral part of consumer behavior. E-commerce platforms such as Daraz, Chaldal, and Pickaboo have rapidly expanded their product offerings, catering to diverse consumer needs ranging from electronics and fashion to groceries and home goods.
The convenience of online shopping, combined with improved digital payment systems, has fueled consumer demand. Mobile banking solutions like bKash and Nagad have simplified payment processes, making transactions fast and secure. This has built consumer confidence in e-commerce, allowing a wider population to participate in the digital marketplace, including those in semi-urban and rural areas. The shift in consumer behavior toward online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated this trend, turning e-commerce into a critical sector of the Bangladeshi economy.
As more businesses move online, e-commerce is expected to continue its upward trajectory. Competitive pricing, greater product variety, and swift delivery services have made digital shopping an appealing option for consumers. With growing consumer trust and an expanding logistics network, Bangladesh’s e-commerce industry is set to play a vital role in the country’s future economic growth, offering lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors.
02. IT Outsourcing and Software Development
Bangladesh has rapidly emerged as a competitive player in the global IT outsourcing and software development industry. With its growing pool of skilled, English-speaking professionals and cost-effective labor, the country is attracting international companies looking for high-quality tech solutions at affordable rates. Major global corporations and startups alike are outsourcing a range of services to Bangladeshi firms, including software development, web and mobile app creation, data processing, and customer support.
The government’s commitment to developing the ICT sector has also been a key driver of this growth. Initiatives like the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority and tax incentives for IT exports have paved the way for the expansion of IT businesses. Additionally, local software companies are developing innovative solutions in various sectors such as healthcare, education, and financial services, helping to build a robust tech ecosystem. Bangladesh’s annual IT export earnings, which have been steadily rising, reflect the increasing demand for its outsourcing services worldwide.
As global demand for digital services continues to grow, Bangladesh's IT sector is well-positioned to thrive. With ongoing improvements in infrastructure, skill development programs, and government support, the country is set to become an even more attractive destination for IT outsourcing and software development. This offers immense opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses to tap into a booming market, both domestically and internationally.
03. Fintech and Mobile Banking Revolution
Bangladesh is undergoing a fintech revolution, with mobile banking and digital financial services transforming the way millions of people manage their money. Leading platforms like bKash and Nagad have revolutionized financial inclusion by providing easy access to banking services for both urban and rural populations. With over 50 million users combined, these platforms have empowered individuals who previously lacked access to traditional banking, allowing them to send and receive money, pay bills, and even save and invest, all from their mobile phones.
This shift towards mobile banking has also created a thriving fintech ecosystem. Startups are innovating in areas like peer-to-peer lending, digital wallets, and microfinance, catering to the needs of an underserved population. The ease and convenience of mobile banking have made it a preferred option for transactions, especially in rural areas where physical banks are often inaccessible. Additionally, the pandemic accelerated the adoption of contactless payments and online financial services, solidifying fintech’s role in everyday transactions.
As Bangladesh’s fintech landscape continues to evolve, there are vast opportunities for growth and innovation. The government is actively supporting this transformation by encouraging digital financial services and fostering a regulatory environment conducive to innovation. With increasing smartphone penetration and internet access, the fintech and mobile banking revolution is poised to redefine financial services in Bangladesh, creating significant business opportunities for both local and international players.
04. Remote Work and Freelancing Platforms
Remote work and freelancing have seen significant growth in Bangladesh, thanks to a combination of widespread internet access, a young and educated workforce, and the global demand for cost-effective talent. Platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer have provided Bangladeshi professionals with opportunities to offer their skills globally, from graphic design and web development to content writing and data entry. This has allowed a generation of workers to bypass traditional employment constraints, opening up new streams of income without geographical limitations.
The rise of freelancing has also been facilitated by government initiatives aimed at promoting digital entrepreneurship. Programs like the Learning and Earning Development Project (LEDP) provide training to young people in digital skills such as coding, web development, and freelancing, ensuring that they are equipped to compete in the global marketplace. As a result, Bangladesh is now one of the largest suppliers of freelancers in the world, with thousands of workers engaging in remote work across various sectors.
The future of remote work in Bangladesh looks bright, as companies worldwide increasingly adopt flexible work models. With more investments in digital infrastructure and skill development, the country has the potential to become a global hub for freelance talent. For entrepreneurs and professionals, remote work presents a sustainable and scalable business model, offering access to international clients, increased flexibility, and the ability to participate in the global digital economy from anywhere in Bangladesh.
05. IT and Software Development
Bangladesh has rapidly emerged as a key player in the IT and software development sectors, driven by a combination of skilled talent, favorable economic conditions, and supportive government policies. The country’s IT industry is thriving, with a growing number of tech startups and established companies specializing in software development, web development, and IT services. This growth is fueled by a young, tech-savvy workforce, many of whom possess advanced skills in programming, software engineering, and IT management.
Government initiatives have played a significant role in nurturing this sector. Programs such as the Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) aim to create technology parks and provide incentives for IT businesses, fostering an environment conducive to innovation and investment. Additionally, tax exemptions for IT exports and grants for tech startups have helped to stimulate growth and attract both local and international investors. These efforts are complemented by an increasing focus on IT education and training, ensuring a steady pipeline of skilled professionals ready to meet global demand.
The future of IT and software development in Bangladesh looks promising, with continued advancements in technology and increasing global demand for IT services. As digital transformation accelerates across industries worldwide, Bangladeshi companies are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend. By leveraging their technical expertise and cost advantages, they can offer competitive solutions and services on a global scale. With ongoing investment in infrastructure and skill development, Bangladesh is set to solidify its position as a leading player in the global IT and software development landscape.
06. Education Technology (EdTech)
Education technology (EdTech) is transforming the educational landscape in Bangladesh, offering innovative solutions that address the country's diverse learning needs. With a growing emphasis on digital learning and online education, EdTech companies are leveraging technology to enhance the quality and accessibility of education. Platforms that provide online courses, interactive learning tools, and virtual classrooms are making education more flexible and accessible, particularly in remote and underserved areas.
Bangladesh’s EdTech sector has been bolstered by government initiatives and private sector investments aimed at integrating technology into the educational system. Programs like the National ICT Policy and the Digital Bangladesh initiative have created a supportive environment for the growth of EdTech startups. These efforts are complemented by increasing smartphone penetration and internet access, which are facilitating the adoption of digital learning solutions across the country.
Looking ahead, the future of EdTech in Bangladesh appears promising. The continued expansion of digital infrastructure and the growing demand for innovative learning solutions are driving the development of new educational technologies. As more institutions and learners embrace digital tools, opportunities for EdTech companies to expand and innovate will continue to grow. This sector has the potential to revolutionize education in Bangladesh, providing personalized learning experiences, bridging educational gaps, and preparing students for the demands of the digital economy.
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07. HealthTech and Telemedicine
HealthTech and telemedicine are rapidly evolving sectors in Bangladesh, revolutionizing the way healthcare services are delivered and accessed. The rise of digital health solutions is addressing critical gaps in the healthcare system, particularly in rural and underserved areas where access to medical facilities and specialists is limited. Platforms offering teleconsultations, remote diagnostics, and health monitoring are making it easier for individuals to receive medical care without the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities.
Telemedicine services in Bangladesh have gained significant traction, driven by the need for accessible and affordable healthcare solutions. Initiatives like the government's telemedicine program, which connects patients with doctors through digital platforms, have been instrumental in expanding healthcare access. Additionally, startups and healthTech companies are developing innovative solutions such as mobile health applications, electronic health records, and remote patient monitoring systems, further enhancing the efficiency and reach of healthcare services.
The future of HealthTech and telemedicine in Bangladesh is bright, with continued advancements in technology and growing investment in digital health solutions. As internet access and smartphone usage continue to rise, telemedicine is expected to become an even more integral part of the healthcare landscape. The potential for integrating AI, machine learning, and big data analytics into healthcare systems offers exciting opportunities for improving patient outcomes and streamlining healthcare delivery. By leveraging these technologies, Bangladesh has the chance to transform its healthcare system, making high-quality medical care more accessible and effective for all its citizens.
08. Smart Agriculture and Agritech
Smart agriculture and agritech are emerging as transformative forces in Bangladesh’s agricultural sector, promising to enhance productivity, sustainability, and efficiency. With agriculture being a cornerstone of the Bangladeshi economy, the adoption of advanced technologies is crucial for addressing challenges such as limited arable land, fluctuating weather patterns, and the need for increased food security. Agritech solutions are leveraging innovations like IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and big data to revolutionize farming practices and improve yields.
Smart agriculture technologies are enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions through the use of sensors, drones, and precision farming tools. These technologies provide real-time insights into soil health, weather conditions, and crop growth, allowing for more efficient resource management and better pest and disease control. For instance, soil sensors can monitor moisture levels and nutrient content, while drones can assess crop health and detect issues early, leading to more precise and timely interventions.
The Bangladeshi government and private sector are increasingly investing in agritech to support sustainable agricultural practices. Initiatives such as digital platforms for agricultural extension services and government-backed subsidies for technology adoption are helping farmers access modern tools and techniques. Additionally, startups and agritech companies are developing innovative solutions like automated irrigation systems, climate-resilient crop varieties, and market linkages that connect farmers with buyers more effectively.
Looking ahead, the potential for smart agriculture and agritech in Bangladesh is vast. By continuing to embrace technological advancements and fostering a supportive environment for innovation, the country can enhance agricultural productivity, ensure food security, and support the livelihoods of millions of farmers. As these technologies evolve, they promise to drive significant improvements in the agricultural sector, contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous future for Bangladesh.
09. Digital Marketing and Content Creation
The rise of social media and internet access has propelled digital marketing and content creation into one of the most lucrative business opportunities in Bangladesh. As more businesses shift online, the demand for targeted digital marketing strategies has surged. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are widely used by consumers, making them essential channels for businesses looking to reach specific demographics. Companies are investing heavily in social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and pay-per-click advertising to increase visibility and drive sales.
Content creation, including video production, blogging, and influencer marketing, has also become a vital part of brand promotion. Influencers and content creators, particularly on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, are playing an increasingly important role in shaping consumer preferences. Businesses are collaborating with these influencers to create engaging, personalized content that resonates with audiences and drives customer engagement. This shift in marketing tactics has opened up new avenues for creative professionals in Bangladesh to thrive in digital storytelling and content creation.
For entrepreneurs and freelancers, the digital marketing and content creation space offers tremendous growth potential. Whether it's running digital campaigns, offering SEO services, or creating compelling visual content, there’s a high demand for professionals who can help brands stand out in an increasingly crowded online marketplace. As more businesses recognize the importance of a strong digital presence, opportunities in this sector are expected to grow even further, making it a promising field for innovation and entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.
Government Support and Policy
The Bangladeshi government has played a crucial role in fostering the growth of the digital economy by implementing supportive policies and initiatives aimed at encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. The "Digital Bangladesh" vision, launched in 2009, has been a cornerstone of the country's strategy to integrate technology across all sectors, from education and healthcare to business and governance. This long-term digital transformation plan has provided the foundation for creating a robust infrastructure that supports digital business opportunities.
One of the key areas of government support is the IT sector, where companies enjoy various incentives, including tax exemptions for IT exports, grants for startups, and the establishment of high-tech parks across the country. The Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) has been instrumental in developing dedicated spaces for IT and tech companies, fostering innovation hubs, and attracting foreign investment. Policies designed to ease business regulations, improve access to finance, and streamline export processes are also helping digital businesses scale efficiently.
Additionally, the government has launched programs to enhance digital literacy and technical skills, ensuring the workforce is equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly changing digital economy. Initiatives such as the Learning and Earning Development Project (LEDP) provide training in freelancing, coding, and other digital skills, empowering young entrepreneurs and professionals to participate in the global digital market. As a result of these policies, Bangladesh has seen rapid growth in sectors like e-commerce, fintech, and IT services, creating a favorable environment for digital business ventures to thrive.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite the promising growth of Bangladesh’s digital economy, several challenges need to be addressed for it to reach its full potential. One of the primary obstacles is infrastructure development. While internet penetration has significantly increased, many rural areas still lack reliable high-speed internet, limiting access to digital services and e-commerce. The country’s digital payment systems, though expanding, also face issues with cybersecurity and fraud, which can hinder trust in online transactions. Additionally, many businesses still struggle with the transition to digital due to a lack of expertise and digital literacy, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Another challenge is regulatory complexity. While the government has introduced policies to encourage digital growth, certain bureaucratic processes, inconsistent enforcement of regulations, and issues like intellectual property protection remain concerns for entrepreneurs and foreign investors. Moreover, the digital skills gap continues to be a barrier, as many potential employees lack the training necessary to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Despite these challenges, the future prospects of Bangladesh’s digital economy are bright. With continued investment in infrastructure, improvements in digital literacy, and government support for innovation, the country is well-positioned to become a digital leader in South Asia. The growing middle class, increasing mobile phone penetration, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the youth will continue to drive demand for digital services. As sectors like e-commerce, fintech, and IT outsourcing expand, Bangladesh has the potential to become a regional hub for digital business, unlocking significant economic growth and opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Closing Remarks:
Bangladesh stands at the threshold of a digital revolution, with immense potential to become a leading player in the global digital economy. The country's rapid advancements in e-commerce, fintech, IT outsourcing, and digital marketing, supported by favorable government policies and an entrepreneurial spirit, have laid a strong foundation for future growth. While challenges such as infrastructure development, digital literacy, and regulatory hurdles remain, these obstacles also present opportunities for innovation and investment.
The continued expansion of digital services and technologies will not only boost the economy but also empower millions of people across urban and rural areas. With a young, dynamic population ready to embrace change, Bangladesh’s digital future is bright. Entrepreneurs, businesses, and investors who tap into this evolving landscape will be well-positioned to shape the next wave of growth, contributing to a prosperous and digitally connected Bangladesh.
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metricserp · 20 days
Why MetricsERP is the Best ERP Solution for Australian Businesses
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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have become essential for businesses looking to streamline their operations, improve decision-making, and enhance overall efficiency. For Australian businesses, MetricsERP has emerged as a top contender in the ERP marketplace. But what makes MetricsERP stand out from the competition? Below, we delve into why MetricsERP is the best ERP solution for Australian businesses.
1. Tailored to the Australian Market
Unlike many ERP systems that offer generic solutions, MetricsERP is uniquely designed with the specific needs of Australian businesses in mind. From local compliance to tax regulations, MetricsERP integrates seamlessly with Australian standards. This allows businesses to focus on their growth and operations without worrying about adapting to complex, foreign ERP configurations.
Key Benefits for Australian Businesses:
GST compliance is automated, ensuring that financial reports align with Australian tax regulations.
The system supports multi-currency operations, essential for businesses dealing with international trade.
MetricsERP is attuned to Australian payroll requirements, ensuring that companies remain compliant with wage laws, superannuation, and reporting mandates.
2. Scalability for All Business Sizes
One of the standout features of MetricsERP is its scalability. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, MetricsERP can adapt to your specific needs. The system grows with your business, offering modular solutions that can be customized as you expand.
Scalable Features Include:
Customizable modules for finance, supply chain, human resources, and customer relationship management (CRM).
Cloud-based infrastructure, allowing for easy scalability without the need for heavy IT infrastructure investments.
Seamless integration with third-party applications, ensuring that your ERP system evolves alongside your business needs.
For small businesses, this scalability is invaluable because it allows for a cost-effective entry point without sacrificing the future potential to grow and add complexity as necessary.
3. User-Friendly Interface
One of the significant pain points for many ERP solutions is their complexity. MetricsERP stands apart by offering a user-friendly interface that’s intuitive, reducing the learning curve for employees. This means that businesses can get up and running quickly, without spending excessive time on training or dealing with user frustrations.
Ease of Use:
A simple, clean dashboard allows users to easily access vital information and manage operations.
Drag-and-drop features and customizable workflows enable companies to tailor the system to their specific needs.
An integrated mobile app offers real-time access to the system, ensuring that team members can stay connected while on the move, a crucial feature for businesses with distributed teams.
4. Industry-Specific Solutions
One size does not fit all when it comes to ERP solutions, and MetricsERP recognizes this by offering industry-specific modules. Whether you’re in retail, manufacturing, logistics, or services, MetricsERP has tailored solutions to meet the demands of your industry.
Industry-Specific Features:
Retail and e-commerce modules help businesses manage inventory, streamline point-of-sale systems, and optimize customer relationships.
Manufacturing-specific tools include production scheduling, quality management, and supply chain automation, helping to improve efficiency at every step of the process.
For service-based businesses, MetricsERP provides tools for project management, time tracking, and service delivery optimization.
This level of customization ensures that Australian businesses, regardless of their sector, get a solution that fits their exact operational needs.
5. Robust Security and Compliance
In today’s digital age, the importance of security and compliance cannot be overstated. MetricsERP provides state-of-the-art security to protect sensitive business data and ensure compliance with industry standards.
Key Security Features:
Advanced encryption protocols to protect business data from cyber threats.
Regular system updates that include the latest security patches to guard against vulnerabilities.
Compliance with local and international regulations, including data privacy laws such as the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
By incorporating these security measures, MetricsERP helps businesses avoid costly data breaches and compliance violations.
6. Excellent Customer Support
The implementation of an ERP system is a significant investment, and having access to reliable customer support is critical for its success. MetricsERP provides exceptional customer service, with dedicated teams based in Australia, ensuring that businesses get the help they need when they need it.
What You Can Expect from MetricsERP Support:
24/7 customer service, with local support teams familiar with the unique needs of Australian businesses.
Extensive training resources, including tutorials, webinars, and personalized training sessions.
Rapid response times and proactive monitoring to address issues before they become critical.
The ability to connect with a support team that understands local market challenges provides an added layer of reassurance for Australian companies using MetricsERP.
7. Cost-Effective Solution
ERP systems can be expensive, but MetricsERP offers a cost-effective solution that doesn’t compromise on quality. The system’s modular design allows businesses to only pay for the features they need, making it accessible for companies of all sizes.
Cost Advantages:
Pay-as-you-go pricing model ensures that businesses can scale their usage and investment in line with their growth.
Minimal upfront costs, thanks to its cloud-based deployment.
Lower long-term IT costs due to reduced hardware, maintenance, and staffing requirements.
This flexibility in pricing is vital for Australian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking for an affordable yet robust ERP solution.
When it comes to choosing an ERP system, Australian businesses have unique needs that go beyond generic, out-of-the-box solutions. MetricsERP has emerged as the best ERP solution for Australian companies by offering a tailored, scalable, and user-friendly platform that meets industry-specific demands, provides top-notch security, and comes with stellar customer support. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, MetricsERP offers the tools to streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth—all while keeping costs manageable.
In short, MetricsERP is the clear choice for Australian businesses looking to stay competitive in today's fast-paced market.
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adityarana1687-blog · 21 days
Cold Chain Packaging Market To Reach $59.95 Billion By 2030
The global cold chain packaging market size is estimated at USD 59.95 billion in 2030 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.6% from 2024 to 2030. The key drivers attributing to the market expansion include a significant boost in demand for cold chain packaging solutions from the pharmaceutical industry. Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, the trade and transit of temperature-sensitive drugs, medicines, and test samples are drastically increasing. Along with the pharmaceuticals market, the packaging market is anticipated to witness significant growth. The overall market growth is profoundly influenced by the high demand for perishable goods worldwide and the availability of fresh food and frozen food supplies.
The growing popularity of e-commerce as a channel for purchasing fresh goods drives the market growth. The increasing usage of e-commerce websites and mobile apps has enabled customers to order preserved food, fresh vegetables, dairy products, and daily meals. Digital retailing has given enabled consumers to purchase products from anywhere they want. The rising trend of online purchases for perishable products has led to new opportunities and challenges. These include the need for innovative solutions to provide the critical service of last-mile delivery, automated warehouse facilities to manage inventories and to reduce per-item costs, and advanced cold chain packaging solutions that would maintain the safety of fresh food products.
North America dominated the market for cold chain packaging in 2019 and is estimated to continue leading over the forecast period leveraging the high consumption rate of meat, processed food, and dairy products. Additionally, the regional market is highly fragmented with numerous market players, which has increased the regional market share. However, the current economic and political scenario has impacted industry growth. The trade conflict between the U.S. and China is expected to negatively impact the growth of the cold chain market in the U.S. In early 2018, China announced a 15% to 25% tariff on products imported from the U.S., including pork, fruits, wine, nuts, and vegetables. This high tariff imposed on food and agriculture products is expected to hinder the regional market growth.
The Middle East and Africa market for cold chain packaging is anticipated to register the highest CAGR over the forecast period on account of significant improvements in material handling, warehousing, intralogistics, and supply chain solutions. The Asia Pacific regional market is estimated to witness a significant CAGR of more than 21% from 2020 to 2027. The growth is attributed to the ever-increasing population, rapid industrialization, continued rollout of transportation and warehousing networks, and the rise in demand for processed and canned food items.
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Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Cold Chain Packaging Market Report
Cold Chain Packaging Market Report Highlights
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the globe are emphasizing on providing ample medicinal supply to the healthcare facilities. With the increasing tests per day, the transit of blood samples is also increasing, thereby increasing the need for reliable temperature-controlled packaging solutions in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.
The evolution of the smart technologies, such as smart boxes or smart temperature-controlled packaging solutions that provide real-time data on variations in temperature, humidity, and air pressure, is expected to drive the future growth of the market.
The increasing emphasis on low ozone depletion potential (ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP) gases is expected to boost demand for natural and inorganic refrigerants such as ammonia and carbon dioxide.
The fruits & vegetable segment is expected to grow at a significant compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 20% from 2020 to 2027 owing to the increasing demand for fresh vegetables and fruits from end consumers across the globe.
Market players are expanding their regional presence through mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships by establishing a network of distributors located in different regions. For instance, Pelican Products, Inc. has a network of dealers located in South America (NatBio), Asia Pacific (Giddi Pharma, Pharmaserv Express, and others), and Europe (DS Smith).
Some of the key industry participants are Cold Chain Technologies, Cryopak A TCP Company, Pelican Products, Inc., Sofrigam, and Sonoco ThermoSafe.
Cold Chain Packaging Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global cold chain packaging market report based on material, product, end use, and region 
Cold Chain Packaging Material Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030­)
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)
Polyurethane Rigid Foam (PUR)
Paper & Paperboard
Cold Chain Packaging Product Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030­)
Insulated Pallet Shippers
Insulated Containers
Vacuum Insulated Panels
Gel Packs
Cold Chain Packaging End Use Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030­)
Fruits & Vegetables
Fruit & Pulp Concentrates
Dairy Products
Ice Cream
Fish, Meat & Seafood
Processed Food
Blood Banking
Bakery & Confectionaries
Cold Chain Packaging Regional Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030­)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
List of Key Players in Cold Chain Packaging Market
Cold chain Technologies
Sonoco Thermosafe
Softbox Systems Ltd
Pelican Products, Inc.
TOWER Cold Chain Solutions
Sealed Air Corporation
Nordic Cold Chain Solutions
Global Cooling Inc.
Inmark LLC
Envirotainer AB
DGP Intelsius LLC
Vericool, Inc.
Emballages Cre-O-Pack Intl
TemperPack Technologies, Inc.
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formulerstore · 22 days
The Best Formuler Products Sellers in Canada
Formuler is a brand known for its range of digital media players and set-top boxes, particularly those geared towards IPTV and streaming. In Canada, Formuler products are often available through various retailers and online stores. Their devices are known for features like high-definition streaming, customizable interfaces, and compatibility with multiple streaming services and applications.
If you’re looking for Formuler products in Canada, you might want to check out local electronics stores, specialty AV retailers, or online marketplaces like Formuler.com. It’s also worth checking the Formuler.com website or contacting their customer support for information on authorized dealers and the latest product availability in Canada.
The Formuler Z10 Pro Max In Canada
The Formuler Z10 Pro Max is a high-performance Android TV box designed for IPTV and streaming enthusiasts.
Formuler Z11 Pro Max Set-Top Box
The Formuler Z11 Pro Max is an advanced Android TV box that offers a range of features for streaming and IPTV enthusiasts. As of my last update, here are some key features and details about the Formuler Z11 Pro Max:
Key Features:
4K Ultra HD Resolution:
Supports 4K UHD content, providing high-definition streaming and viewing.
Android Operating System:
Runs on Android, allowing access to a wide range of apps from the Google Play Store.
Powerful Processor:
Equipped with a high-performance processor for smooth multitasking and streaming.
Storage and Memory:
Typically comes with ample RAM and internal storage, with options to expand storage via external devices.
Connectivity Options:
Includes multiple connectivity options such as HDMI, USB ports, Ethernet, and potentially Bluetooth.
Customizable Interface:
Allows for customization and personalization of the user interface to suit individual preferences.
Where to Buy in Canada:
Online Retailers:
Check major e-commerce sites like Formuler.com for availability. These platforms often have competitive pricing and customer reviews.
Electronics Stores:
Look at both local and national electronics retailers. Stores that specialize in home entertainment or streaming equipment might carry this model.
Formuler Website: Visit the official Formuler.com website to find a list of authorized distributors or resellers in Canada. This can help you locate a reliable source.
Specialty Shops:
Consider checking out specialty shops that focus on IPTV and streaming devices.
Online Marketplaces:
Explore Canadian online marketplaces or forums where users discuss and trade electronic equipment.
If you’re considering buying the Formuler Z11 Pro Max, make sure to review the specifications to ensure it meets your needs, and verify the warranty and support options available with the purchase.
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ftplwebsite · 22 days
Top 5 Website Designing Company in Moti Nagar
"Moti Nagar, a bustling residential area in Delhi and a key station on the Blue Line of the Delhi Metro, is home to several leading Website Designing Companies in Moti Nagar. These top 5 companies excel in creating high-ranking websites on Google, making them the best choice for your web design and development needs."
These companies boast teams of professionals with 8 to 10 years of experience, ensuring customer satisfaction by delivering exactly what is requested. With talented content writers who produce easy-to-read, human-generated content, these companies are ideal for anyone looking to create a business website. Let's dive into the details of these top 5 firms:
1. RSS InfoTech
Founded in 2014, RSS InfoTech is a leading website design and development company in Delhi. This company has established itself as a milestone in the IT industry across India. With dedicated teams for design and development, RSS InfoTech works diligently to help your business rank on Google. The company offers services such as website development, mobile-responsive websites, SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and content marketing. Their commitment to honest, hard work ensures they deliver top-notch results on time and within budget.
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2. Digitlism
Digitlism is a premier website designing company in Delhi, known for its exceptional ability to bring businesses to the forefront of internet search engines. The company's large and dedicated team focuses on creating top-quality websites that stand out in the digital domain. They offer a wide range of services, including banner design, e-commerce development, mobile application creation, SEO, and SMO. Digitlism's expert team works diligently to ensure your business gets the digital edge it needs to succeed.
3. Alison Digital Services
Established in 2018, Alison Digital Services has quickly become a leading name in the IT sector, successfully completing projects across various industries. Specializing in everything from SEO to high-end app development, Alison Digital Services is known for delivering excellent results. The company's developers are not only skilled but also polite and patient, ensuring they meet customer needs efficiently. Alison Digital Services creates responsive websites that help businesses rank on Google, saving both time and money.
4. Website Technology
Website Technology is one of India's top website development companies, offering everything from basic HTML to custom online inventory systems. With over six years of experience, this company has mastered responsive website design for brands worldwide. Their large, creative team delivers excellent results using cutting-edge technology. The firm also offers customized marketing solutions tailored to client needs, making it a top choice for businesses looking to excel in the digital space.
5. Best Web Mart
Best Web Mart Private Limited is renowned for its unique business development strategies that benefit both small and large businesses. Unlike other companies that make promises over the phone, Best Web Mart provides practical solutions for generating new orders and growing your business. Their experienced team, with a background in companies like Indiamart and Google Trade India, designs responsive websites that rank well on Google. The user-friendly websites allow you to easily add photos, videos, or other business-related content without needing a developer.
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