spiritualseer · 2 months
How to lose weight according to astrology?
Losing weight by aligning your diet and exercise routines with the characteristics and needs of your natal rising (ASC) sign then Sun sign too (please consult your dietician before pursuing any of these diets and exercises- be safe!)
Opt for high-protein diets with lean meats and plenty of vegetables.
Engage in intense, high-energy workouts like running, boxing, or competitive sports.
Focus on a balanced diet with whole foods, and avoid overeating.
Enjoy steady, endurance-based activities like hiking, cycling, or yoga.
Include a variety of foods to keep meals interesting and avoid boredom eating.
Choose dynamic and engaging activities like dance classes, team sports, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
Eat home-cooked meals with comfort foods in healthy versions, and avoid emotional eating.
Try water-based activities like swimming, or gentle exercises like Pilates, or one of those hydro-spinning classes.
Eat a well-rounded diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and avoid overindulgence.
Enjoy activities that allow you to shine, such as group fitness classes, dancing, or competitive sports.
Follow a clean, organic diet with whole foods and avoid processed foods.
Stick to structured and systematic workouts like Pilates, yoga, or strength training.
Maintain a balanced diet with variety, and avoid overindulgence in sweets.
Choose enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing activities like dancing, yoga, or partner workouts.
Opt for a high-protein diet with healthy fats and avoid overeating.
Engage in intense, transformative workouts like martial arts, CrossFit, or powerlifting.
Include exotic and varied foods, and avoid overeating during social gatherings.
Enjoy outdoor activities and sports like hiking, rock climbing, or adventure sports.
Follow a disciplined, structured diet plan with whole foods and avoid comfort eating.
Engage in traditional and disciplined activities like weight training, running, or structured fitness programs.
Try unique and innovative diets, and avoid falling into monotonous eating habits.
Enjoy unconventional and varied workouts like group fitness classes, dance, or unique sports.
Focus on a diet rich in lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains, and avoid emotional eating.
Engage in soothing and creative activities like swimming, yoga, or dance.
Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
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thespirtualist25 · 3 months
What's magical about you? 🌸🌷
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Pile 1 . Your magic lies in your words, your eyes depth and your silky hair. You have got your own aesthetic and personal touch you are currently in a very important phase of your life and stay focused and cut out all the distractions. If you recite affirmations they are working. I do feel readers will be intuitively attracted to this pile. I also see your magic lies in the way you look at things with so much depth in your eyes as if you are hiding something, your essence and words are so poetic. You can write erotic content too your look is enough that you don't need words.
Pile 2 . You are so sweet and self conscious, no one dares to comment on your perfect blend of sass and sweetness . You are very open to the universe, I do feel some females are supporting you and you can make female friends easily choose Consciously though not everyone is good. Your eyelashes are attractive your magic is your soul whosoever you are with their lucks improve and people can feel your healing energy. Your magic is way too big in comparison to what I can describe in words and you will increase and explore more in life about your own magic. It's more of a self learning journey. You are something to be experienced pile number 2.
Pile 3 you steal attention from people like you a lot, i do feel you are not being aware of that. Your magic lies in your big genuine smile, how you make others happy. Your can walk in a room and get attention to yourself. You don't feel that you like yourself. Your inner child tends to be playful. I do feel your magic is you will create your own way. You aren't scared of challanges. You have a big open heart and universe is willing to give you all that you need.
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sensualnoiree · 1 month
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aquarius full moon 8/19
The Full Moon in Aquarius is a highly charged astrological event, marked by intense planetary configurations that bring both tension and opportunities for breakthrough. Occurring on a Monday, this Full Moon is central to a period of heightened activity, catalyzing significant shifts, particularly in areas where change has been slow or resisted. The key astrological feature is the formation of two major T-squares—one in fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus) and another in mutable signs (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini). These T-squares create a powerful dynamic, highlighting the need for transformation in both entrenched and transitional areas of our lives. The presence of Uranus in the fixed T-square, combined with Mercury's recent cazimi and square to Uranus, underscores the themes of sudden change, disruption, and revolutionary insight. Meanwhile, the mutable T-square, involving Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Venus, emphasizes a period of adaptation and revision, where the old is being challenged, and the new is emerging, albeit in an unclear and evolving form.
Key Influences
Full Moon in Aquarius: Culmination and Disruption in Fixed Signs: The Full Moon in Aquarius brings to a head the energies that have been building, particularly in the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, and Taurus. Full Moons are always a time of culmination, and in Aquarius, this energy is focused on collective issues, innovation, and breaking away from outdated structures. However, the fixed nature of these signs means that change has likely been resisted, creating tension that now demands release. The Moon’s opposition to the Sun in Leo, forming a T-square with Uranus in Taurus, underscores the need for transformation in deeply rooted areas of our lives—especially those related to personal security, values, and stability.
Sun and Moon T-square Uranus: Revolutionary Change and Disruption: The T-square involving the Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus is the most significant configuration during this Full Moon. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, disruption, and innovation, is near the end of its transit through Taurus, suggesting that we are reaching a critical point in the transformations that began when Uranus entered Taurus in 2018. This alignment pushes us to break free from entrenched patterns and embrace new possibilities, even if the process is uncomfortable or chaotic. The involvement of the Sun and Moon emphasizes the personal and emotional impact of these changes, as well as the broader collective shifts that are unfolding.
Mercury Cazimi and Square to Uranus: Clarity and Disruption in Communication: Before the Full Moon, Mercury passed through its cazimi—a moment of clarity when Mercury is at the heart of the Sun—while also forming a square to Uranus. This aspect suggests sudden insights, breakthroughs, or disruptions in communication, technology, and thought processes. The square to Uranus emphasizes the revolutionary energy at play, bringing unexpected news, surprising revelations, or shifts in perspective. This influence is particularly potent because it occurs just before the Full Moon, setting the stage for the disruptions and changes highlighted by the T-square.
Jupiter Square Saturn and Mars Square Saturn: Tension and Drive in Mutable Signs: Adding to the intensity of this period is the ongoing square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, a major transit that represents tension between expansion and restriction, optimism and realism. Mars, having recently conjoined Jupiter, is now squaring Saturn, adding further tension and drive to this configuration. This creates a mutable T-square involving the signs of Virgo, Pisces, and Gemini, which represents a period of revision, adaptation, and transformation. The mutable signs are associated with change and flexibility, but this T-square suggests that the process may be challenging, requiring patience and perseverance as old structures are dismantled and new possibilities are explored.
Venus Oppose Saturn: Challenges in Relationships and Values: Venus’s opposition to Saturn further intensifies the mutable T-square by involving Jupiter and Mars. This aspect often brings challenges in relationships, finances, and values, highlighting areas where we may feel restricted, disappointed, or undervalued. The opposition suggests a need to find balance between our desires for connection and pleasure (Venus) and the realities or limitations imposed by external circumstances (Saturn). This dynamic adds to the sense of being in a transitional phase, where old patterns are being confronted, and new possibilities are emerging, but not without difficulty.
Integrating the Influences
Fixed T-square Dynamics: Embrace Change in Deeply Rooted Areas: The fixed T-square involving Uranus demands that we confront areas of our lives that have been resistant to change, particularly those related to security, stability, and entrenched values. This is a time to embrace the disruptions and breakthroughs that Uranus brings, even if they feel destabilizing. The key is to recognize where change is necessary and to be willing to let go of outdated structures or beliefs that no longer serve our growth. This Full Moon is a turning point, signaling the culmination of long-term changes that have been building, particularly in the fixed signs.
Mutable T-square Dynamics: Navigate Transition with Flexibility: The mutable T-square highlights the ongoing process of adaptation and revision, particularly in areas related to communication, relationships, and personal growth. This configuration suggests that we are in a liminal space, where the old is being dismantled, and the new is not yet fully formed. It’s important to approach this period with flexibility and patience, recognizing that the path forward may be unclear and that adjustments will be necessary. The mutable energy encourages us to remain open to new possibilities and to embrace the changes that are unfolding, even if they are challenging.
Mercury’s Role: Use Insights Wisely: The clarity gained from Mercury’s cazimi and the disruptions suggested by its square to Uranus should be used to inform our decisions and actions during this period. These insights may reveal new perspectives or information that challenge our existing beliefs or plans. It’s important to remain adaptable and to use these revelations to guide our choices, especially as we navigate the tension and uncertainty highlighted by the T-squares.
Venus-Saturn Opposition: Reevaluate Relationships and Values: The opposition between Venus and Saturn calls for a reassessment of our relationships, finances, and values. This aspect may bring up feelings of limitation or disappointment, but it also offers an opportunity to clarify what is truly important to us and to establish stronger foundations in these areas. It’s a time to confront any imbalances or unmet needs and to take practical steps to address them, even if it requires difficult conversations or decisions.
Practical Applications
Embrace Disruption: Allow Change to Unfold: The fixed T-square’s emphasis on Uranus suggests that change is inevitable, particularly in areas where we have been resistant. Rather than fighting these disruptions, try to embrace them as opportunities for growth and transformation. This may involve letting go of old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you and being open to new ways of thinking and being.
Adapt and Revise: Stay Flexible: The mutable T-square requires flexibility and adaptability as you navigate this transitional phase. Be open to revising your plans or approaches, and recognize that the path forward may be uncertain. The key is to remain patient and to trust that the changes occurring now are part of a larger process of growth and evolution.
Use Insights: Act on New Revelations: The insights gained from Mercury’s cazimi and its square to Uranus should be used to guide your actions during this period. These revelations may challenge your existing beliefs or plans, but they also offer valuable information that can help you navigate the changes ahead. Be willing to adjust your course based on these new insights.
Reevaluate Relationships: Clarify Needs and Boundaries: The Venus-Saturn opposition suggests a need to reassess your relationships and values. This is a time to clarify what you truly need in these areas and to establish stronger foundations. Be willing to confront any imbalances or unmet needs, and take practical steps to address them, even if it requires difficult conversations or decisions.
follow for more astro insights like this and head on over to @quenysefields or etsy sensualnoiree to book a session with me :)
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My Astrocartography astrologers I need some help and more information on reading and my partners charts,
We’re trying to find a forever place we can build and come back home too from traveling etc and also open to retirement places.
Hopes this reaches out somewhere
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dushysworld · 2 months
Vedic Astrology notice(chart readings):
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Below are the details of each reading and their respective prices:
D1 (Birth Chart) In-Depth Reading:
Price: $100
This reading provides a comprehensive analysis of your birth chart, revealing key insights into your personality, strengths, challenges, and life path.
- This reading will include information regarding your external traits and manifestations happening throughout your life.
- It will involve 9 planetary readings that'll talk about different energies in your life acc to those planets.
D9 (Destiny & Spouse Chart) In-Depth Reading:
Price: $150
- Explore your destiny and the dynamics of your future relationships with this detailed reading, focusing on your spouse and the influences that shape your romantic life.
- It will also include details about what kind of strengths and qualities are you been sent here *your soul purpose*. It'll tell more about the life after marriage and whatever planet is weak in the D1 if in a good position in the D9 then your life after marriage will be way better.
- This reading will also involve 9 planetary readings & an additional life partner reading due to this chart representing your partner as well in marriage.
D10 (Career/Professional Life & Earnings) In-Depth Reading:
Price: $100
- This reading delves into your career trajectory and potential earnings, offering guidance on professional opportunities and growth (what kind of career suits you the best).
- It also includes details about how your professional life will be according to each planets working in different signs & houses but in regards to your Career.
- This also involves 9 planetary readings & details about financial status throughout life.
- Also fame through career is also seen here so the report will involve info about that too
> I usually do the interpretation of the charts using the Nakshatras which is why the report is detail oriented.
> For the ones who don't want in-depth reading: The pages will likely be half that of in-depth & the charges would also be half the OG prices.
*The in-depth readings includes 4 pages minimum(D1&D10) & 6 pages(for D9) of every planet (including Rahu & Ketu as well).
So a total of 36 pages reading for D1 & D10
While 45-55 pages reading for the D9
including each planetary readings.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to schedule a reading!
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loftybliss · 2 months
“Pluto is our hidden ally
who loves & holds us
fearlessly in our
reminding us to allow
the intensity & pressure
to make diamonds out of us…..
-words by Mystic Mamma
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ethicalarcana · 2 months
Inner Beauty Tips (Featuring Shel Silverstein)//What is an Inner Child? (Featuring Shel Silverstein)... An Amalgam of First Impressions and Misunderstandings
Inner Beauty Tips (Featuring Shel Silverstein)//What is an Inner Child? (Featuring Shel Silverstein)... An Amalgam of First Impressions and Misunderstandings
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In the poem Joey, there is a little boy who throws a rock at the Sun and creates darkness. This is a metaphor for confusing events of childhood. In many ways, babies and children don't know why the lights go out and what the reason could be. In desperation or playfulness, we make up a story. These stories make life take shape. This early shaping can stay with us. Understanding the inner child means understanding that life is long and letting yourself and those around you to update emotional patterns.
The 3 Wands encourage the exploration of consciousness. The Moon energy seems to indicate that the inner child is ethereal but the 3 of pentacles energy suggests that the inner child is active and working. Both are true. The inner child is a part of ourselves in arrested development. If the theory is to be believed, it represents a part of ourselves that developed in the early years of life based on our impressions of the world. Even as a baby, a record was taken of the quality of life. This brief record informs our adult decisions. A healthy inner child would be dormant and occasionally titillated by a personal milestone. A disturbed inner child distracts adults with an urge to engage in negative, childish patterns.
The 3 of Pentacles asks an adult to work through unconscious issues. The Moon is a reassuring presence to let the seeker know that there is nothing wrong with the deeper aspects of psychology. Virginia Woolf's fiction is very moody and in her card, she holds an animal's head like a stuffed animal or companion. The metaphor of the inner child helps to name and understand aspects of personality.
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astromahindra · 2 months
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Astro Mahindra is recognized as a top Indian astrologer in Florida, USA. Many individuals, when faced with depression and a lack of success in life, often seek solace and answers through astrology. It serves as a source of guidance for those perplexed by unanswered questions and provides insight into the challenges they face, offering a unique perspective on life's mysteries.
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astroyogi · 2 months
Top Astrologers in Sector 17, Gurgaon | Yogi Astrology — Call Now (7273951313)
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Are you in search of reliable and insightful astrological guidance in Gurgaon? Look no further! Yogi Astrology is home to the top astrologers in Sector 17, providing unparalleled services to help you navigate through life’s uncertainties. With our seasoned expertise and personalized approach, we ensure that you receive the best astrological advice tailored to your unique needs.
Why Choose Yogi Astrology?
Yogi Astrology has earned a reputation as a trusted name among the top astrologers in Sector 17, Gurgaon. Our team of experienced astrologers uses a blend of traditional wisdom and modern techniques to offer accurate and meaningful insights. 
Expertise and Experience: Our top astrologers in Sector 17 bring years of experience and deep knowledge of astrological sciences. We have successfully guided countless individuals through various life challenges, helping them achieve clarity and success.
Personalized Consultations: At Yogi Astrology, we understand that every individual is unique. Our consultations are tailored to address your specific concerns, whether they relate to your career, relationships, health, or finances. Our top astrologers in Sector 17 take the time to understand your situation and provide guidance that is both relevant and actionable.
Comprehensive Services: From horoscope analysis and birth chart readings to Vedic astrology and numerology, Yogi Astrology offers a wide range of services to meet your astrological needs. Our top astrologers in Sector 17 are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide you with comprehensive insights.
What to Expect from Your Consultation
When you book a consultation with Yogi Astrology, you can expect a thorough and insightful session with one of our top astrologers in Sector 17. Here’s what you can look forward to:
Detailed Analysis: We provide a detailed analysis of your horoscope and birth chart, highlighting key aspects and influences in your life.
Practical Advice: Our top astrologers in Sector 17 offer practical advice and remedies to help you overcome challenges and seize opportunities.
Confidentiality: Your privacy is our priority. Every consultation is carried out with the highest privacy and expertise.
How to Book Your Consultation
Ready to take control of your future with the help of our top astrologers in Sector 17, Gurgaon? Booking a consultation with Yogi Astrology is easy:
Call Us: Reach out to us at 7273951313 to schedule your appointment.
Online Booking: Visit our website Yogi Astrology and use our online booking system to choose a convenient time for your consultation.
At Yogi Astrology, we believe that the stars hold the key to a better understanding of yourself and your life’s path. Our top astrologers in Sector 17, Gurgaon, are dedicated to helping you unlock this potential with their expert guidance. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Call us now at 7273951313 and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Yogi Astrology.
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omshivaram · 2 months
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Renowned Indian Astrology Master in Australia - Astro Shiva Ram WHATSAPP AVAILABLE 24×7 📲+61 457651399
Astro Shiva Ram is recognized as the renowned Indian astrology master in Australia, revered for his profound knowledge and transformative insights into the cosmic realms. With decades of experience and a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, he offers unparalleled guidance that empowers individuals to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and clarity. Astro Shiva Ram's mastery as an astrology master extends beyond predictions; he provides practical solutions and spiritual guidance that inspire personal growth and self-discovery. His consultations are sought after by those seeking profound insights and meaningful transformations.
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spiritualseer · 2 months
Your Natal Chart and what Side-hustles could be successful for you
If you are deciding what side-hustle can prove successful to you, looking at your natal chart is sure to povide some insights. Keeping in mind your personal capabilities and preference, see the placement of your Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, and MC (Midhaven) to see which might suit you better.
Dropshipping, Online Coaching or Personal Training.
E-commerce (Handmade Goods or Art), Stock Photography.
Blogging, YouTube Channel, Social Media Management.
Virtual Assistant, Online Counseling, Cooking/Baking Tutorials (this can also be done if you are a taurus, have taurus placements)
Influencer, Podcasting, Online Workshops or Classes
Freelance Writing or Editing, Proofreading, Online Tutoring
Social Media Consulting, Graphic Design, Event Planning (Virtual)
Online Trading (Stocks, Cryptocurrencies), Research Services, Investigative Writing.
Travel Blogging, Online Courses (Philosophy, Languages), Virtual Tour Guide.
Freelance Consulting, Online Business Coaching, Financial Planning Services.
App Development, Crowdfunding Campaigns, Online Activism or Advocacy.
Art or Music Lessons, Creative Writing, Spiritual Coaching.
Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
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thespirtualist25 · 3 months
Before you participate.
1. Don't text me ever please send one ask with your questions and initials.
2. I will delete the asks my spirit team rejects.
3. Reblog this post will be answering in my own time.
4. Don't forget to leave feedback if you won't you are simply being ungrateful to universe.
5. You can only ask questions related to - Love life / career / spirituality.
6 . No fs / death / health related questions
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astrologerspell · 3 months
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Astrologer BK Shandilya Ji is celebrated as a top astrologer for resolving relationship problems, offering profound insights and effective solutions to help couples overcome their challenges. 🌍 With his deep expertise in astrology, he has guided many to achieve harmony and happiness in their relationships. Turn to Astrologer BK Shandilya Ji for reliable and empathetic solutions to your relationship problems, and find your way to a more harmonious and loving partnership. ✨❤️
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sanmargaastrology · 5 months
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elementalevolutions · 5 months
Zodiac Insights: Navigating the Light and Dark Sides
Written by: Shianna S. with Elementa Evolutions on 04/29/2024 Welcome, celestial travelers, to today’s cosmic journey through the stars! In this cosmic exploration, we’ll delve into the intricate dance of the zodiac signs, shedding light on both their luminous qualities and their shadowy depths. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19):Light Side: Today, your natural confidence and leadership abilities shine…
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Astro Guru Deepak Jain: No. 1 Horoscope Reader and Top Astrologer!
Unlock your future with India’s best astrologer, Astro Guru Deepak Jain! Known for precise horoscope predictions, he brings years of experience to provide valuable insights and guidance.
Astro Guru Deepak Jain excels in crafting accurate horoscope predictions. Beyond that, he suggests tailored remedies for any astrological concerns, ensuring personalized solutions for each individual.
Whether it's personal or professional, Astro Guru Deepak Jain offers comprehensive support. Unravel potential challenges and opportunities in your life's journey with his expertise.
Visit https://www.astrogurudeepakjain.com/horoscope-predictions/ for a wealth of astrological insights. Dive into astrology, explore the blog, and connect via the contact page.
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