mayearies · 9 months
… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles morales
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˚ʚ property of ©hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: suggestive | warnings: miles ooc, kissing, spanish translations: desea averiguarlo? / you want to find out? authors input: i wanted to make more borderline cocky miles i miss it also i cant fucking find graphics for stories anymore im actually gonna start shitting myself also ik i cant write kissing scenes dont rn
summary: turns out miles is a really good kisser
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles liked anything to do with your body, believe it or not. he would get the most out of cuddling with you, kissing you, or just simply holding your hand. but he had a tendency to ask one thing any time he would sit down:
“can you come sit on my lap?”
sometimes he wouldnt even ask. he would just pull you on top of him or give you a pleading stare. he honestly wouldnt pay much attention to you. he would just want you close to him. if you wanted to talk to him, he would be down for that always. hell, he would drop what he’s doing and turn his attention to you any day of the week.
wanna guess how you got here? yeah, he just led you to his desk and placed you on top of him so he could draw. take it as you’re a stuffed animal he wouldn’t want to misplace.
but stuffed animals have feelings too. he didn’t say a word to you. he just rested his head over your shoulder as his finger danced on your thigh in a rhythm, the one matching his headphones. you didnt like being ignored while in this state. you couldnt even get off him.
you bit your cheek as your face held an expression of annoyance. “miles?”
he didnt answer. but you knew he heard you since the tapping on your thigh slowed down and the sound of markers against the paper increased. he liked teasing you like this. and you knew just the way to break him: neck kisses!
he was an absolute sucker for kisses in general. his forehead and his neck were his favorite places for you to kiss. everytime you would, he would giggle a little bit before breaking, “what? what’s up, darling?”
“you never look at me even after i do this for you!” “mmm? do you want something?”“a kiss would be nice. all you give is cheap forehead kisses.”
miles directed his eyes to yours. soon leaving to look at your lips which were lightly glazed with lipgloss. he held a playful smirk before looking back up at your face. “hm. cheap kisses, huh?”
“i bet you aren’t even that good of a kisser, miles.” “hah. desea averiguarlo, mami?”
oh wow. you didnt expect that. or this. despite your continuous reminders for him to put on chapstick, his lips were really soft and smooth. even smoother with your lipgloss on it.
the thing is, miles has never kissed you like this before. he would give you longing kisses like this anywhere but your lips. you thought he did it because he was nervous. turns out he was, but had just played it off cool. but he pulled all the right strings first try.
something about his hand stroking your thigh lightly, the biting of your lip as your lips danced with one another did something for you. i mean, as it should.
pulling away with a playful smirk, he leaned into your ear. “so? did you find out or do i gotta demonstrate again? you got enough attention for the hour now?”
you playfully rolled your eyes as you slipped from his grasp to go sit on the couch and turn on a movie leaving miles stunned a little. nonetheless, he followed you. snuggling against your chest as he pulled you into his lap once more. “what we watchin’, missy?”
“missing.” “ohhh.. y’know what’s really missing?” “..what?” “your last name changed to ‘morales’.”“stop using those jokes you got from peter. just because he got to keep mj with them doesn’t mean you’ll get to keep me.” “yes ma’am.”
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cyberdxll · 10 months
♡speak to me in your love language~ physical touch ♡
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✧ touch-starved!miles morales x reader
✧ warnings: fluff, cuteness, touchiness, slightly suggestive(?), grammar, not the best spanish
✧ summary: what it’s like to date a touch-starved miles
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✧ ok, first off, miles is clingy but not in an overbearing way
✧ he will always know when it's the right time to be "touchy"
✧ if you need space, he will always respect your boundaries
✧ he wants keep you safe and show you how much you're loved, and his way of doing that is through physical touch
✧ he'll be kinda reserved at the beginning of your relationship but as time passes, he will become more comfortable with physical affection
✧ if you're dating earth!42 miles, you may have to initiate some of the physical affection because he's become pretty closed off since his dad passed away
✧ poor boy needs some love, affection, and comfort
✧ he is always gently grabbing your waist and whenever you talk to him he lifts up your chin so you make eye contact with him (the rizzler?)
✧ when he's playing video games or working on a new suit design, he holds you in his lap
✧ he probably wouldn't be big on PDA, the most he would do is hold your hand but that's if you're in a super crowded place or in a pretty secluded area.
✧ this has probably been said a million times but he sneaks in to your room through your window
✧ if you're mad at him, he'll wrap his arms around softly apologize to you
“lo siento cariño, you know all I want to do is keep you safe."
"muñeca, no quiero que vayas a dormir enojada conmigo.” (I don’t want you going to sleep mad at me)
✧ lots and lots of forehead and cheek kisses
✧ loves kissing you in the corner of your mouth just to mess with you
✧ when he is nervous, he'll look stone-cold in the face
✧ but he when he grabs your hand, you feel it shaking TT
✧ overall miles would be a really loving boyfriend and you will never doubt his love for you <3
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thebestandrealestever · 2 months
moon river , & me.
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miles1610 x reader . sum : miles can’t hold it in anymore . warns : cursing , n word , the short film doesn’t mention miguel or spot so im not going 2 . a/n : currently binge watching drake & josh , wyd?
*starting point is right after his panic attack*
it wasn’t that late at night so you were still awake to hear the frantic opening of your window. you know who it is but still look , “hey ma, u got a minute?” he says in a shaken tone, you sit up and squint your eyes to see him more clearly in the darkness and say “yea of course what’s wrong?” he clears his throat and you stand up to look at him “can we take a walk?”he says taking a sharp breath like he was running from something . you nod and put on your coat and shoes , you tell him you’ll meet him outside because you don’t know how to down from the window and he leaves. on the walk down you were a little nervous . you saw a spider man mask in his coat pocket about two weeks ago but didn’t know what to say so you just didn’t ? it caused you to be a little distant from him because you were worried , he acted like he had something to hide and even though you knew what it was it his tone still scared you .
when you got outside he was standing in front of the door being all awkward, you walked closer to him chuckling a little and said “you okay babe ?” you kiss his cheek and he sighs letting go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding . “i dunno actually, i think i just had a heart attack at home” you guys start to walk and you turn your head to look at him with confusion on your face “hm?” you say and he sighs “i dunno it was crazy , felt like my chest was caving and i couldn’t breathe even though i wasn’t doing anything? i was bugging” he rushes out his words in talks in total disbelief “it was prolly a panic attack, you been stressed recently ?” you ask and you take his hand “like never before i just got so much on my mind” he exhales deeply and looks up as he continues walking “yea i can tell , you’ve been a little off . but you know you can always always always tell me anything , you gotta talk to me miles” you say reassuringly and you squeezed his hand . he lets go of your hand and freezes in place looking straight at you when you turn to face him, all you do is squint your eyes a little , miles inhales then
“i’m spider-man [name]. andi’vebeenspidermanfortwoyearsandifeellikei’mgoingfuckingcrazyican’ttalktoanyoneaboutitordoanythinganditstakingovermyentirelifeitsdrainingmesomuchandputtingastrainonallofmyrelationshipsespicallyoursandihatethatbecauseiloveyouandnimnotfinnaletthisruinusbutthenagainirlycantgoaroundtellingpeopleandijustdontwhatishoulddomyparentsareallonmyassaboutschoolandcollegeandidontwannathinkaboutcollegeicantevendogoodinschoolnowbecauseofthisstupidassjobandifeellikeimdrowing” he just spills out his feelings and the complete double life he’s living at 15 and all you can do is listen , you’re a little stunned by the delivery of his confirmation of your boyfriend being the city’s hero but you truly did already know . it’s quiet for a little , you just hug him hard and he returns it slowly . “miles, im really happy you finally said it , it felt like i was gonna have to force it out you of you .”
you chuckle into his chest and he pushing you back by your shoulders looking into your eyes “wait wtf are you talking about” he says with genuine concern “i know you’re spider man baby” you smile and he looks dumbfounded “but- how??” he goes through all the instances in his mind where he almost slipped but he can’t think of one where he did . “i never see you and spider-man in the same room , he sounds just like you , and i found your mask in your coat pocket a while ago” he just scoffs “do you feel better now?” you ask you start walking and he puts his arm around you sighing softly “yeah i do, feels like a weight lifted” “yea you don’t have to keep sneaking around me , almost thought you were cheating before i put the pieces together . i can help you with school , maybe it’ll get your parents off your back a little ?” you suggest and he nods with a big grin “yes please i love you sooo much and i would never cheat on you mami” you smile and walk in silence with him for a little until he noticing you yawning “wanna go back home baby?” you nod and he picks you up . “what are u doing?“ you ask and he smirks “now i don’t have to hide we can just swing home.” your face lights up “i’ve always wanted to swing let’s go” he chuckles and you guys swing all the way back to your house .
when you get back in your room through the window “moon river” by frank ocean is playing softly through your speaker and miles starts to sing along as he takes off his outside clothes so he can get in your bed “wtf u know about moon river?” you say playfully and he sings louder the says “stfu i know a lot more than you, this song is sweet” you giggle at the absolute sass monster he is and get into bed with him , you listen to the sound of his heart beat and fall asleep to his voice lightly singing the song . now whenever you think of that song you think of the moment when you and miles relationship changed for the better
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charmedbystars · 19 days
Hii can I request 1610 Miles x f-reader who both go to different schools and she doesn't know he's Spiderman. So on the night of her graduation, Miles didn't show leading to an argument and spilled hurtful words. But Miles confesses who he is and comforts her best he can :(
(Got dumped on grad lol🫠)
pairing: 1610! miles x reader
summary: it's your grad night and the person who said they wouldn't miss it for the world, misses it.
content: angst and fluff
a/n: i am sososooo sorry you got dumped on the day of ur grad. that's such a mean move and they def don't deserve you :((( i hope you're doing better and just know you got this <3 congrats on ur grad tho! u worked so hard to get where you are remember! ( i did not proof read this since i wrote it at two am ;()
it sucked going to different schools as your boyfriend. knowing that you guys won’t be able to see each other as often and missing even doing the most mundane things, such as just walking to class, you made it your priority to build your relationship on communication. it was all going well and you guys would try to fit into each other's schedule the best you could… up until recently. miles has been showing up late to all dates recently, or just completely canceling at the last minute. sometimes, miles makes it up to you, but it still hurts. you don’t want to make a huge deal out of it, especially since you are both graduating soon and going to college. being the optimist, you try to think of the future with miles, maybe schedules clearing up before college and maybe even choosing college classes that’ll allow time slots to see each other in between. 
although right now, you aren’t focusing on the future. it’s graduation day. it’s supposed to be perfect. celebrating a milestone, a moment where you are congratulated for everything you’ve worked for over the past years. all your family and friends are there, beaming with pride. all except one person – miles. 
you had been waiting for this day forever. planning what you were gonna wear to walk across the stage weeks before. giving out tickets to who could come and save seats to watch you. it’s all you and miles talked about recently. him being excited for yours and his graduation. he double pinky promised that he’d be there when you asked him to check a hundred percent that he’d be there. miles responded verbatim, “i wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
and you believed him. 
so when it was time for the ceremony to begin and miles wasn’t answering the texts you sent over an hour ago, you started getting anxious. 
sitting among your classmates, waiting to line up, and eventually walking across the stage, you eventually collect your diploma with a smile and a handshake. 
mingling with your friends and taking tons of pictures, you kept your composure well, but your heart wasn’t in it. the person who promised you was absent, casting a shadow over everything. you were so confused as to why he wasn’t there. 
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cap and gown hung up and diploma up on display. you were home. 
dinner went well and your friends were there to distract you. although when your parents asked where miles was, the bubble that you were in popped, not knowing how to respond and just shrugging your shoulders. your parents understood and didn’t bring it up. 
so you’re in your pajamas and getting ready to climb into bed, when you hear tapping on your window. walking over you see miles in a big jacket and eyes downcast. you wanted to just leave him outside but you wanted to hear what he had to say, so you slid open the window to let him in. 
“i’m so so sorry, my love,” he started, but you quickly cut him off. 
“sorry? that’s all you have to say?” you snapped, voice trembling. “you promised miles! you promised you’d be there and wouldn’t miss it for the world! do you know how embarrassing it was to keep looking around for you? even my parents asked for you!”
he looks at you with a pained expression. “i know, and i can’t tell you how sorry i am… but something important came up. you need to understand.”
“i need to understand something more important than my graduation? huh?” you shot back. “what could possibly be so important that you couldn’t even send a text?”
a pause or two went by. his silence was deafening. tears of frustration and sadness well up in your eyes. “you always do this miles. you just disappear without a trace and i’m left here wondering what’s going on. do you even care about me? about us? or whatever is left of this one sided relationship?”
the words were harsh as they left your mouth. any other day, you would’ve regretted your words but you were so hurt today that you didn’t care. 
miles was left stuttering and choking a response up. “i… i do care,”
“i care more than you know, but things are so hard right now and you know i hate keeping things from you.”
confusion was written all over your face. “miles, what are you talking about?”
“this is going to change everything, but know that none of this was to hurt you.” he said as he slowly took the big jacket he had off, revealing his suit beneath. 
seeing the spider emblem in the middle made your eyes widen in shock. 
“i’m spider-man,” he softly said. “that’s why i wasn’t there tonight or the other times i cancelled… just know that i wanted to be there for you so bad, but i have a responsibility to the city too.” 
hearing those words made the world tilt as you tried to process his words. spiderman. miles is spiderman. your miles is spiderman. and slowly all the pieces start to fit together. the disappearances, the excuses, the exhaustion in his eyes.
“miles… you’re spiderman?” you repeated back, still trying to wrap your head around it. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“i wanted to,” he said, stepping closer. “but i was so scared. scared of putting you in danger, scared of what you’d think of me. but i’m so sorry, my love. i never wanted to hurt you.”
tears fell out of your eyes, anger subsiding with understanding but still hurt. “i just wish you told me sooner. i thought you didn’t care.” 
more tears started falling and he took the final step to pull you into a tight embrace. you both clinged onto each other, feeling the weight of everything at once. “i care about you more than anything,” he whispered. “and i promise, from now on, no more secrets. i want to figure this out together.”
as you both held each other, a sense of relief washed over you two. it wouldn’t be easy overcoming everything and he still broke his promise, but at least you knew the truth now. you could now face everything together.
he took a step, leading you both to the bed and wrapping yourselves under the covers. miles threw an arm around you and you leaned into him, resting your head on his chest. his heartbeat was steady, a soothing rhythm assuring you that he was there. 
“you know,” you tilted your head up, “you still have to make it up to me. i don’t just graduate everyday.” 
he chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest. “i know. i’ll try my hardest for you.” your eyes caught each other before he ran a thumb against your cheek. “i’m so sorry, but know that i am so proud of you.” he said, voice filled with sincerity. 
you shifted closer to his face, giving him the softest kiss. his fingers gently traced patterns on your back, lulling you into a state of peace. the weight of the night’s emotions melted away, bringing tiredness to the couple. 
“thank you for telling me, miles.” you murmured, eyes growing heavy. 
“no, thank you for understanding.” he replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
as sleep began to claim you, you felt a sense of contentment. despite the events and surprises, you were happy that you had miles by your side. with him, you could face anything. 
as he held you close, you drifted off, feeling safe and loved.
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camiimoraless · 9 months
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miles accidentally bumps into you ! ☆
⨳ includes :: implied female reader, cussing
⨳ notes :: i lowkey hate this but i need to post smh
it was a regular tuesday at brooklyn visions academy, miles rushing to get his textbook out his locker for his next class. he eventually found it from his cluttered compartment and slammed it shut. he lifted up the heavy bag the sat on the floor. he slung it over his shoulder as he ran down the now empty hallway, to the class. he took a sharp turn and collided with something, rather someone. miles stumbled back, his nose wrinkling and his eyebrows lowering. “what the-” his sentence cut short as he looked at the person, you.
you looked up at him and bit the inner of your cheek. “shit, i’m so sorry. i didn’t see you.” you apologized and bent down to grab your text book. miles shook his head and grabbed them for you. “nah, it’s all good. i should’ve watched where i was going.” he chuckled quietly, placing the book into your arms.
you held the book tight and looked up at him. “thanks,” you nodded and then cleared your throat. “i’ll uh, see you around?” you awkwardly chuckled, looking back at him as you walked pass. he turned to you and nodded. “yeah, i’ll see you around.” he smiled widely as you walked away. he liked the way you talked, the way your lips looked, the way your eyelashes batted as you looked up at him, he definitely couldn’t wait to see you again. wait- what the hell was your name?!
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© camiimoraless 2023 ✦ please do not copy or steal my works !
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onginlove · 11 months
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pairing: 1610!miles + black!fem!reader
summary: gwen. it’s all about gwen. miles never even talks about you. gwen
warnings: jealousy
a/n: this is based off the song called prom queen by beach bunny. you can listen here
comment or inbox me if you wanna be in taglist
part 2 | part 3
taking requests for 42!myles and miles
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first, it was talking about if she was ok, then it turned into what she likes and dislikes, then appearance.
“do you think she’ll like this necklace with a ’g’ on it?”
you nodded and looked at your phone, wanting this to be over with.
one time, you were curious to see what miles drew in his sketchbook. it was all her. just her.
“do you like the drawings?”
“it’s all her.”
“i needed a person to study on and she was perfect.”
what about me?
maybe if i had blonde hair faded into pink, or had perfect blue eyes, or a skinny body, just maybe he would like me.
“does this dress look ok?”
“good, it’s for gwen. she’s been looking at it but never had enough money to buy it. i decided to buy it for her.”
what would it take for you to notice me?
“can we maybe hang out on Friday?”
“sorry i’m taking gwen on a date.”
it was always about gwen.
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this was just supposed to be a little drabble but I’ll be coming out with part 2 later on 🫶🏿
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Earth 42!miles with popstar reader or Spider-Man! Miles with popstar reader
I’ve had this thought on my mind for a while and it makes me loose it 😭
A/N: Ok bestie! I really tried with this one! I’m sorry if I didn’t bring you justice :/
WARNING: I dont speak spanish so I will be using google translate, lol. However, if anyone is a translator and can help me out please do!
I’m doing both Miles 42 and 1610 Miles!
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• He’s definitely super concerned for your safety and always keeps your location. He’s like your personal bodyguard and always does ANYTHING he needs to do to keep you safe
• I mean ANYTHING.
• If he has to go as far as killing someone for violating your personal space he will.
•When weird creeps/fans come up to you while your in the club best believe he’s right behind you.
Random person- “Hey hottie I love your music and I think your really hot, let me take you home and show you a good n-“
Miles - “A good what?”
Random person- “None of your businesses dude. I was talking to her”
Miles - “First of all I’m not your dude and you better back the fuck away from my girl before you lose your fucking life homeboy”
The guy instantly leaves. And miles protectively wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head
“estas bien mami?”
“si papi estoy bien!”
But he definitely has a whole playlist dedicated to you and listens to it all the time when he’s missing you.
Uncle Aaron makes fun of him when he sees him listening to your music cause you make bubbly (maybe even girly songs) very opposite from his personality.
“Don’t tell me you listening to that girly song again, man” Uncle Aaron says while laughing
“cierra la puta boca” Miles says under his breath.
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Miles 1610:
• You know that one scene in ITSV where he was singing sunflower I can imagine that but with your music
• He’s just in awe by you and thinks your so talented.
•When he’s at your concerts he’s recording and photographing everything like a proud mom😭
“lo estás haciendo increíble cariño!”
• If he can’t make it to one of your shows because crime calls he always brings you gifts to make up for it🥰
• You probably make a few songs about him and when you play them for him he’s just blushing😇😇
I hope you liked it nonnie!!!
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cyberkitty1 · 11 months
Twin AU
Major Across the Spider-verse spoilers
Part 2
inspo from : @moodysunflowerbaby <3
Mylo gets compared to his brother so much that he visibly gets annoyed whenever it happens so right off the bat when you befriend Miles before Mylo and Miles isn’t being a very good friend he just thinks youre moving on from Miles and either shoos you away or wont pay attention to you, he thinks hes the second option.
“ I wish Miles was here to help us on our science project, hes scary good at it” you say laughing and nudging his shoulder.
Mylo gives you this irritated face “yea i know hes is he my brother7. why you talkin about him anyway?” he says snapping at you.
you put your hands up defensively “ I didn’t mean to strike a nerve or anything he just helps me a lot with this stuff”
he scoffs “oh so im too stupid to do this? then go ask him to be your partner i don’t need this bs today” he says getting up and leaving. you just sit in shock; thats not even close to what you were saying?
He ignores you constantly after that but you need clarification; is he mad at you or not?
“ hey is your brother mad at me or something? we were doing a science project and he kinda got up an left. but then again it was my fault” you say the last part under your breath.
Miles shrugs “ i dont know just cause we brothers dosent mean i know whats up with him.”
you scoff “ what is up with the both of you? he’s ignoring me and youre being snappy, did something happen?” you say annoyed yet sincere.
he wipes his face with his hand “ well not everything is about you” he says grabbing his stuff “ and for the record sorry im not happy, my dad died.” he says walking away leaving you in utter shock.
why didn’t they say anything? now that you think about it; maybe you were a bad friend.
you guys haven’t talked for weeks, avoiding each other because you didn’t know what to say. you blamed yourself mostly for this and let this friendship slip your mind, but Mrs Morales had other plans.
Part 2?
🏷️: @soseoulol @pandoragalora @miles-42-morales @heavisdelulu @lexixiii @lilcassipuff @levanneisdumb @thebaddest @sussybaka10 @itsznanabanana @malllywally @ivys-graveyard @missyysyx @c4nth3lp1t @Steve-haringtons-bitch @sgmianne @miles4hour @ulovejayy @onginlove @buckleyverse
if you want to be added to my taglist fill this out!
coming soon! :
chubby/thick reader x e!42 miles
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edsnun · 7 months
migraines // miles m. x reader
silly drabble in which; reader experiences a horrible migraine.
a/n: hello being on your period sucks and i have the worst migraines during it so here is a drabble i made to cope
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“mileeesss.” you groaned, rubbing at your temple. “my headdurts.” you mumbled, stretched out on his bed, leg draping off it as you watch him draw, his back to you. the night sky was illuminating through his window, making his skin glow.
miles chuckles, taking off his headphones as he watches you cradle into fetal position. “make room on the bed, at least.” he playfully grumbles, carefully sliding you over so that your back hits the wall. “you okay, how bad is it?” he mumbles, laying down across from you, bringing your hand down softly and interlocking it with his.
“like i’m about to cry.” you whisper, closing your eyes in hopes of not worsening your migraine. miles smiles sadly and softly kisses your forehead, leaning more into you as he softly rests your head against his chest. “you deserve a break from these migraines, (y/n).”
“tell me about it.” you giggle, sliding your arms around his waist. “you want to go to sleep?” miles mumbles, cradling your head. you nod into his chest. “please.”
“okay.” miles whispers back, leaning back from you to kiss your forehead once more. “goodnight, (y/n).”
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l0starl · 6 months
# Christmas shopping ୨୧ with miles 1610
if you squint your eyes it could be both 42 and 1610
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Christmas masterlist
You and miles were currently at the mall going Christmas shopping! Mostly for gifts, maybe some chocolate on the way.
You brought yourself some of your favorite things! + presents, you got a lot of things for miles!
“So what’s are next stop?” Miles asked, careful not to drop any of the bags
“Maybe that store over there! We can get some presents for Peter and mayday!” As you point to a colorful store with pretty Christmas lights!
“Well I wouldn’t guarantee they have anything for mayday, but we can check” He responded
You both walked into the store, and the scent of coffee lingered in the air, filling your nostrils as the speakers played “jingle bells”.
You and miles split up, you agreed to look for something for mayday while he looked for something for Peter.
You were going through the aisles till you found a cute cat plushie, you thought mayday would love it!
You spotted miles across the store as you walked over to him.
“Hey! Look what I got mayday”
“Aw, I bet she’ll love it”
“You find anything for Peter?” You responded
“Nah, but I figured let’s just get him some coupons to the Greek dinner place” he replied
“Didn’t that place close six years ago in his dimension?” You tilted your head in confusion
“Oh yeah, but he can always come to our dimension to grab a quick meal” he shrugged
You nodded as you went to checkout and dropped the cat plush on the conveyor belt, the cashier scanned and spoke in a tired tone.
“$4.29” the cashier spoke
You handed the money as the cashier put the plushie in a bag
“Thanks for shopping, come back again soon” the cashier spoke
You and miles left the store, sure you didn’t get anything for Peter, but at least you got something for mayday.
“Let’s go home guapa” miles spoke with a smile as he gave you a quick peck on the cheek
“We stil have to figure out what to get for Peter!!”
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure it out tomorrow”
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1lenii · 11 months
Ma.. (TWIN AU)
Miles Morales/Milo G Morales x F!Reader
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Which Miles? It’s up to preference it can b read for both! Ya can switch it around if wanted
Twin au, got the name Milo from another talented writer so if you see this hi sweetie<3
Somewhat headcannons/story, miles a self apologetic, (Y/N) doesn’t know what she feels until the end. Read and find out<3
⚠️CHEATING!! Violence(slapping), empty threats, they are aged up(for the drinking in one bit)
Notes: fill my inbox it 🏃🏽‍♀️ and check out my other works! Masterlist<3
* Miles didn’t mean to do it. It’s just.. happened you know?
* Did he regret it? Yes.
* Did he know you wouldn’t forgive him? Yes.
* That’s exactly why he couldn’t let you find out.
* It’s was a class party, someone spiked the drinks, that’s someone was ofc Edna
* Taking advantage of (Y/N) absence and Miles out of mindedness
* HE led her to a room @the party and one thing led to another
* This became a common reoccurrence ever since (Y/N) came back from her family trip
* All while Milo observed and watched from a far
(Y/N) was coming out of calculus to go to Miles double period of Spanish, which was now in the 2nd half.
Literally oblivious to the fact of what her soon to be ex lover had done.
Quietly coming into the classroom she walks over to her desk taking a seek and taking a peek at Miles who heads a gift on his desk with a note, while he was staring out the window.
“For this project, you’ll be doing groups of four, each of you will be studying a different country of Spanish origin, such a Spain, Mexico these are 2 of the many. Do not fail me young scholars. as for your groups it will be the person to your left and their front. You may start planning now.”
The teacher gave some long ass speech (Y/N) couldn’t be bothered to listen to
About to face Miles she went to go poke him “MILES!!!” A terrifying screech came from right in front of them. It’s was Edna…
Edna Stacy.
(cousin of Gwen Stacy cs I love her I don’t want her to b the bad guy, you feel me?)
“Oh hi..” miles mumbles facing away from her to finally face you, “Mami we need to talk”
Milo scoffs rolling his eyes, “now you wanna talk cheater” he mumbles only miles catching wind of what he said
Completely ignoring Edna as she sat on his desk, (Y/N) nodded hesitatingly turning her head back to her paper not saying a word, heart now racing with ‘talk about what’ with a little ‘oh great, her.’
Edna took this as an invitation to leaning closer to Miles, “you enjoyed my present pretty boy? You didn’t even open it”
“Excuse you? You do realize he has a girl right? That’s fucking dirty” (Y/N) glances at her
“Well clearly not if he—-“
“THATS enough, erm- can we finish this later at one of our dorms, class about to let out” Miles says clearing his throat
(Y/N) eyes him weirdly before eventually agreeing with him, sooner or later the bell rang signifying the end of the day.
“Milo won’t you be a dear and tell Miles ima come over later I gotta get the textbook for the project from the library, Oka?” (Y/N) says giving a closed eye smile to the much more seemingly emotionless twin
“Oh..? Matter a fact lemme come with you, ion wanna b with that brain dead idiot” Milo says while giving (Y/N) and side hug and arm to link around (platonic for now)
‘He’s been so distant.. what’s up with him.’
‘Ever since I came back’
“Did you hear? I Hurd Miles got a lil sum from Edna at last weeks party” said some random kids from behind the shelf
“Oh yea? But doesn’t he have a gf?”
“Doesn’t seem it” the guy shrugs
Milo caught on tryna distract (Y/N), covering her ears, even training her eyes on him, but it wasn’t enough as she ran out of the library with Milo trailing behind
(Y/N) didn’t even remember when she dropped the textbook in the dorm complex, tears running down almost blurring her vision almost tripping up the stairs to twins floor.
“Ma wait” milo says I’m attempts to calm (Y/N) down
Her heart heaving and hurting from the pain of her legs as well the hurt from her lover.
“It isn’t true, we’ll go to miles confirm and it’s not gonna be true. Right? Right?”
Before (Y/N) could even open the door she heard gasps groans and slight moans
She enter the complex along with Milo who started at his twin in dissatisfied, the door was completely unlocked, (Y/N) stares. Eyes wide.. not from shock. No. From hurt and surprised.
“So that’s what they meant” (Y/N) mumbles
“Wait! Mami it isn’t. I mean- it’s is but I didn’t mean for it— it was Js- ma im sorry it was in the momen—“
“I don’t care Miles..” (Y/N) says drying her tear stained cheeks, clicking over to fall in front of him
“I genuinely don’t care Miles, this is the worst downgrade that could possibly happened”
Milo knowing it wasn’t the time tried to stifle a laugh
The room fell silent as (Y/N) hand was in the air from the previous action
“If it was because you didn’t love me, or because it was a dare, I don’t care. Miles you’ve completely lost my trust and we’re done. After this project I don’t want you near me”
(Y/N) grabs Milo’s hand going up even more stares, as they eventually get to the roof, situated on the edge with the safety rail
“I’m.. my bad. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t wanna seem.. idk” Milo trails off
(Y/N) sighs leaning her head against his shoulder.
“It’s Oka.. you only did what you had to do to protect any feelings I had left.. so thank you”
Milo’s face darkens into a shade of red which can only be seen by the flashing lights of the cars passing by.
With a content feel of the area and each others presence they are now staring at each other, tension getting thicker by the minute,
Till eventually their nose touch, bending at the contact of their Lips moving together in sync and in harmony.
(Y/N) had found it. The piece of the her aching heart
Kinda fast paced but I think it’s cute, lmk what ya think<3
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mayearies · 10 months
‘you taste different, my love.’ -miles g. genre: fluff + suggestive
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warnings: spanish (not sure if its accurate!), suggestive themes a/n: i forgot to put this in my notes so yall almost lost this one (idc if some of thr coloring is messed up im tired) (i write a lot of bold shit when im tired)
e42 miles was waiting for you to come back for your movie night. you were taking too long so he put on some random housewives show. he wasn't eager for you to get back, nor was he bored. this drama was actually entertaining.
—you came around the corner and leaned over the side of the couch to get a good look at his lightly freckled face. he didn't turn his attention towards you, but he knew you were there. "miless."
"mmm." "can i get a kiss?"
he looked at you with half lidded eyes and a playful smirk going against your cunning smile, "what makes you think you deserve one, ma? you did keep me waitin'."
you pouted. the reason you took so long was because you were preparing your hair for the hell of the night you would be in. it can't stay lookin' good for your man if you don't care for it properly. "this bonnet saves lives, y'know. it saves your life."
"you right. it saves me from seein' yo rabid racoon lookin' ass mornin' hair." "MILES-" "jokes. all jokes, mi princesa.♡"
he pulled you in from your chin into a quick kiss. but you tasted different to him. you tasted sweeter—more sugary. he licked his lips and squinted his eyes at the sight of your lips. "hm. hold on a sec."
he enveloped you into another kiss, but this one was slow and passionate. nothing new, but it did catch you by surprise. he didn't normally go back in for seconds like this so early. but what stunned you was him slipping his tounge into your mouth. making a small noise while doing so.
he felt eager to taste you for a reason that was unknown. it's like he was curious, even though you tasted relatively the same every time he kissed you. every cavern of your mouth was felt by him. he was somewhat ignoring the little noises you made from how rough he was being. then, he bit you softly before pulling away.
"you drank my coke, didn't you?"
still dazed from what happened, you asked him to repeat what he had asked. which he did, only that it sounded more irked than before. coming to your senses, your lips pressed into a fine line as you backed away slowly to which he followed you. "see, i was thirsty and i thought you wouldn't mi-"
“ay dios mio.”
✰ he would put you over his shoulder as you were a sack of potatos while playfully scolding you in spanish to his amusement. he loved teasing you to see your reactions, it was a hobby of his.
✰ he brought you to the couch. flopping you down as he laid on your chest, bringing the blanket up on both of you. this was also one of his hobbies—snuggling with you. his favorite by far. being close to you and feeling your heartbeat gave him comfort.
he booped your nose with his finger, making your face scrunch up. "y'know what this means, right? i get more cuddle time for goin' against me, princesa."
“yes, yes, i know.” “thank you my love. ♡”
© mayeluvsu
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Okay okay! Since the Morales twins AUs are going around, here are the names I have for them since both obviously can’t be Miles
Spider-Man: Miles
Prowler: Miquel
(Pronounced: My-kel)
Like isn’t that sooo CUTE Miles and Miquel 🤭🤭 the cutest twins
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comiicii · 10 months
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Backdrop: You and Miles have been best friends since you were babies. Doesn't mean that the friendship never faced some hardships. Pairing: e1610!Miles Morales x fem!spider!reader | e!1610 peter parker x platonic!reader Warnings: None, probably some grammatical errors. A's notes: This is going to be a series that spans both Spider-verse movies. This first chapter is mainly word vomit, laying the foundation for the next chapter. Reader is a spider-person in the story and her powers/suit are that of Aña Corazon. Word count: 2k
You and Miles hadn’t always been joined at the hip. You two had grown up together on the same block which meant your families were close. You both also attended Brooklyn Visions Academy. There was a rough patch you two went through before attending the school. It lasted about two years. Two years of hang outs cut short, excuses and apologies (from you). Thinking back on it, those two years were the absolute worst.
The reason those two years were a rough patch in your friendship with Miles was because you got bit by a radioactive spider and became your universe’s Spider-Girl. Your actual spider name was Araña but the news didn’t care - you were a menace to some like J. Jonah Jameson and Spider Girl sorta stuck.
You were 12 when that happened. There was already a Spider Man, Peter Parker but he gladly took you under his wing. He didn’t mind showing you the ropes. Your powers slightly varied from his. Besides the usual super strength, heightened senses, and all the general arachnid powers, you got the extra boost of organic webbing and camouflage (which you would later teach Miles how to control). Peter did his best to help you. You had grown fond of the mentor that you would later think of as an extension of your family. Peter had started out incredibly protective of you (newsflash, he never stopped being protective). You were 12 for crying out loud! He wasn’t going to throw you into the dangerous streets of New York to figure it all out. He saw how scared you were of your new found powers and what it meant for your future. He made it clear to you from the beginning that your life was never going to be normal or easy moving forward. He didn’t want to lie to you because while being a superhero looked like a lot of fun, it wasn’t always the case. Sacrifices would have to be made in your life for the sake of your anonymity and your loved ones’ safety.
After you got the hang of your basic spider powers (aka about two months), Peter started taking you on patrol with him. He barely let you be near a criminal. After months of patrolling and begging Peter to give you a chance, he let you have an ‘easy’ criminal. You had spent those months prior working out your suit. It differed from Peters iconic style which you admired but you wanted to stand out as your own. You had gone with a different color scheme; opting for black and white to keep it simple. Your insignia was white and was the statement of your suit, looking as if a big white spider was hugging your body. Your mask was something else that vastly differed from Peter’s. Normally, the point of a mask was to make sure your whole face was covered. Never being the type to go the conventional route, your mask covered your eyes, the top and side portions of your face. Besides, your e/c eyes were your most defining feature. Your mask went up to your hairline where it stopped so your hair was flowing in a pony of sorts. Your nose, mouth and ears visible. You had prototypes in which you did have a traditional mask like Peter’s but it was way too constricting and truthfully, you felt claustrophobic in the damn thing. Plus, you had added a heads up display into the mask so as to take calls from your family as well as being able to see in different spectrums of light. You were always tweaking the tech in your mask to add some new feature if you felt it made your superhero life slightly easier.
While Peter knew you could hold your own, he still kept a tight leash on you. While he told you life was going to be hard moving forward, he still wanted you to live your life. He didn’t want you to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders as you were still a kid. As he put it, he wanted you to savor the moments while you still had the opportunity to do so. To experience the things that define your childhood and build relationships that would balance out the hectic and soon to be somber life that came with being a Spider. You had confided in Peter about your friend, Miles. A friend you had drifted from since gaining your powers. Peter had told you that your loved ones would essentially need to be kept at arm’s length because they could possibly be used as leverage by enemies. The thought of your family or friends being caught up in all of it scared you and so you started distancing yourself from them. Your family didn’t get suspicious as they chalked it up to puberty hitting you hard. Peter could see first hand how much it hurt you to lie about such a big part of yourself to Miles, though. He knew your friendship would hit a bump as you tried to balance your hero and normal life.
Miles was different. You had loved the boy deeply. It wasn’t romantic. It was genuine, unconditional love between the two of you. Having grown up together made it easy to say ‘I love you’ and the bond the two of you shared over music and art was deeper than anything you had shared with anyone else. It hurt you when he had that concerned look on his face when he noticed a shift in your demeanor towards him. He was the first person to notice that you weren’t being yourself. That you were lost in something - he just couldn’t know what that was. You had tried to gradually distance yourself from him but it was hard. You two would still hang out but since you committed to your superhero life, you helped the city when you could - even if it meant sacrificing some precious moments with him. You were late to most of your hangouts. You were constantly coming up with half ass excuses and apologizing to him as to why you were late. You hated the look he got on his face every time you showed up late or blurted out an excuse. It hurt him and it didn’t make sense to Miles. He didn’t want to think you were outgrowing him as a friend.
“I’m sorry Miles. Got caught up with…homework.” You winced as you met his eyes.
He knew you were lying. He knew very well that the words coming out of your mouth were absolute bullshit. Your wincing was also cause you got into it with the bad guy of the week and didn’t necessarily walk away scotch free (which Peter scolded you about like the big brother he was).
“It’s alright. I know your family is just as hard on you about school like mine”
He always understood. That was the problem. He didn’t want to lose you so he accepted that whatever was going on with you, it didn’t involve him. He came to terms that maybe whatever you were going through, you wanted to do on your own. He knew you were stubborn like that. He just hoped that you would find your way back to him. His mom had told him that it happens in friendships. Some dissipate while others come back to you after straying for a moment.
As your friendship with Miles suffered the first year of getting your powers, you got the hang of your powers and helped out Peter whenever you could. You started small and as time passed, you showed Peter how valuable you were as a partner in this world. Sure, you had your fair share of mistakes, you were still a kid after all, but you learned from them and always got back up. That’s something you quickly picked up on about being a Spider - you always got back up.
Peter would always let you know if he could handle things on his own or if he was chasing down a lead that left you alone to patrol for a short period of time. Again, he tried to give you time off so you could be a kid. He didn’t mind the company but it was hard for him to see someone so young be thrown into his world. You appreciated the sweet moments you shared with Peter and always smiled when he sent you a text saying to enjoy your Friday night with friends and family because it was a quiet night in Brooklyn.
“Hey Pete?” you broke the comfortable silence you were sharing atop a deli the pair of you frequented on relatively quiet nights of patrolling. He had grabbed a sandwich for the two of you to split.
“Hm?” He hummed as took a bite of his sandwich.
“Thank you,”
“What for, arañita?” his Spanish wasn’t perfect but you loved that he tried and used the spider name you gave yourself.
“For y’know…taking me under your wing” you started, looking to your mentor with genuine love and admiration. “I know it wasn’t easy having to take me on” you chuckled as you bumped your relatively small knee with his bigger one.
“Hey now, where’s this coming from?” He softly knocked your knee in return as he faced you, worried that you were going through something.
“Nowhere! Can’t your awesome spider-pupil tell you she appreciates you without there being an ulterior motive?” you laughed as you took a bite of your sandwich.
At that, he had a smug grin which earned him a slightly harder bump from your knee to his.
“I don’t know…you usually butter me up before asking for something.”
“Well, this isn’t one of those times.” you laugh once more as you look out to the bustling skyline of New York and continue eating your sandwich with pure bliss.
Those were the moments you savored with Peter.
As the months rolled into a year, you oh so slowly began to almost successfully balance your hero and normal life. Your grades had slipped slightly when you got bit but they were on the up and up. Your friendship with Miles was very clearly hanging by a thread. Miles didn’t reach out to you as much and there were more moments of awkward silence between the two of you than you would’ve liked. It wasn’t normal for the two of you to not talk about something. You wanted to let him into your world. So badly. You knew that he would be happy for you and support you like the amazing friend he was. He wouldn’t tell you to quit, he’d tell you to keep going and keep fighting. He probably would help you with upgrading your suit. You hated that you couldn’t share that part of your life with him. It would put him at risk of being used against you. You didn’t want him to be used as some pawn in a villain’s eyes to get to you. Peter could see the toll the secrecy was having on you and tried his best to keep your mind off it if conversations trailed to that territory. It wasn’t like you hadn’t breached the subject of the new ‘Spider-Girl’ to him, though. You brought it up once to gauge his reaction to the whole idea.
“What do you make of the new Spider-Girl swinging around with Spider-man?” You mindlessly asked while scrolling through your phone as a distraction from the studying you and Miles were supposed to be doing.
“Mm, thought she went by Araña?…but not bad, I guess?” he answered, his eyes not leaving his notebook that had his class notes, waiting for his brain to actually absorb the information on the page.
A flutter of your heart. He knows your actual spider name!
“Her suit looks pretty cool..” you nonchalantly commented, your eyes quickly looking to him for a reaction.
“Does look cool with the black and white,” he smiled, his pencil now aimlessly doodling on the margins of his notes. “I think Spider-man’s training her ‘cause maybe he’s getting old…probably wants to hand the reigns to someone younger.” he continued.
“Think she’ll be good at it?”
“Oh yeah.”
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charmedbystars · 18 days
new miles fic dropped!
miles tags r dry and i got this request so why not :))))
pairing: 1610! miles x reader
summary: it's your grad night and the person who said they wouldn't miss it for the world, misses it.
(if you saw the spelling mistake b4 i fixed it... no u didnt)
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brbzonedout · 9 months
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A real picture of Miles after Rio washes his hair.
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