#EDIT : removed the ship tag because apparently people are thinking this is hate art? On account of my opinions on ship discourse?
djsherriff · 9 months
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Ignoring the age gap issues, I generally don’t think Finn and Simon would have a good romantic relationship but it’d be interesting if there was an attempt
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triskhellion · 5 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @dear-massacre
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Twenty-one. Twenty fics and one weird standalone soundtrack, lol.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Teen Wolf so far, but I maybe I'll get around to some ideas I have for The Sandman or something else one day.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Thunder (Sterek. 12.1k. Explicit. Depressed loner Derek meets on-the-run Werefox/Kitsune Stiles in rural Montana.)
The Cold Moon (Sterek, 40.6k. Explicit. Part one of a story where Stiles is forced across a mysterious boundary by Hunters and encounters a semi-feral Alpha Derek. My first published fic.)
Second Chance Strays (Sterek, 8.5k. Explicit. Mage Stiles, Derek, & Larem the deer alone in the wilderness. A Fuck or Die situation ensues when a darach attacks.)
CLAIM! (Sterek, 11.9k, Explicit. Misunderstandings and making up after Derek & Stiles meet at Jungle and hook-up.)
Customer Service (Sterek, 10.9k. Explicit. Surly barista omega Derek and human college student Stiles. Banter, vulgar latte art, and heat sex. Dominant Derek, Service Top Stiles.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Sometimes it takes a while, but comments are appreciated and I know I like getting responses.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Amīca (Derissa) because it's an unresolved pre-relationship fic that's meant to be the first In a series. I've been a happy ending gal, so no real angsty ones so far. The angst is in the beginning and/or middle!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The rest of them? 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet. Knocks on wood.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Most of my fics have smut at some point, lol. Or belong to series that do/will.
Um, barebacking and creampie/breeding. Cum eating or play and marking in general, including hickeys and biting.
Virgin/first time bottoming, praise kink, light degradation, and knotting are also in a number of stories. Some spanking, bondage and pinning, and generally low-key dominance and submission. Chasing and claiming and a few omegaverse or just self-lubrication. (I have plans for more.)
All M/M or M/M/M so far, but I have WIPs and notes with other combinations. I have a bunch of Kinktober bits from 2022 to turn into fics that I'm both nervous and excited about. And lots of other ideas too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I have a summary for a Sterek Teen Wolf/The Sandman crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Sounds both fun and kinda scary.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Sterek is what finally got me into fanfiction and the whole shipping fandom thing a few years ago, so I gotta go with them. I enjoy a bunch of others from Teen Wolf too (especially Steter, Stetopher, and Sterek + various people) and from other fandoms.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I currently intend to finish all my WIPs, but who knows what the future will hold. I have 3 posted WIPs that I definitely plan to complete: The Wolf Moon, The Depths, and 15 Shades of Red. I have dozens of unposted ones that I also hope to finish...eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Apparently dialogue, world building, characters' inner thoughts, and being funny sometimes. Coming up with ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Epithets. It's just tricky when the characters have the same pronouns and I hate writing their names over and over. (I don't mind when other people do it though, so 🤷🏽‍♀️. But then I'll be like, "I can't say Derek three times in this paragraph!")
I've started looking for ones to remove whenever I edit now (and I'm cringing thinking about earlier stories that I should re-edit at some point,) but I still use some and am self-conscious about it.
Also, sometimes I info dump, but that doesn't bother me so much. Boom, here's a bunch of background now let's get on with it, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've used a few words in Polish here and there in some stories, but I probably wouldn't try to write whole conversations in another language unless I was familiar with it or could ask someone about it.
There's some Patois/Patwah in Irie, which was interesting to write because there's no one set spelling of many words, so it was part looking at common ones and part "What did it sound like/how was it phrased when this relative or family friend said something like this?"
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I vaguely recall thinking up scenes, dialogue, background, etc, for a story with Byakuya Kuchiki/Shūhei Hisagi from Bleach approximately 5 billion years ago when I was a teenager, but I don't remember if I ever actually wrote anything. Definitely didn't finish or publish anything. So...Teen Wolf.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm. I can't say that I have a favorite. I only started actually writing from my list of fic ideas around 16 months ago, IIRC. Maybe if I look back on them all after enough time passes I'll be able to pick one out (though knowing me...still probably not,) but right now they're all just...floating around in my head and also mixed with the particular experiences of writing them, idk.
Here's a recent one that was fun to write:
Legs (Sterek, 4.3k. Explicit. Snark and smut after college students Derek and Werecreature Stiles cross paths at the mall.)
If you want to play along, tag, you're it!
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Hey, DT fans, you wanna know how nasty people can be?
Here’s a little timeline of events for you (yes, once again this is about horrible people harassing Delpad fans... I know it’s boring, but unfortunately it’s still happening). These bullies went quiet for a while but it’s Delpad Week so now they are back to their vile behaviour again.
First, ringleader Riss (that’s @magicadespell, @rissmoduck, and a whole host of other blogs so she has plenty of places to hide) stole the Delpad Week prompt list (yes Riss, that is art theft, however much you want to have a conniption about it, you took something that another person created without permission - just like your pal @gasgun did when they stole an artist’s work to create their ‘anti Delpad’ banner) and doctored it, editing over their prompts with horribly aimed ‘joke’ prompts.
(Also worth noting that apparently ‘polyamory’ is considered a joke to them. So we should add that to the list of things we’re not allowed to engage with according to the intolerant fandom police 🙄)
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Oh, but it’s JUST A JOKE I hear you cry. It’s on Twitter, why are you even looking at that? You don’t even follow me! Well, it’s of interest to me to see how these attacks are coordinated when I see my friends being targeted and bullied by a group of idiots. So I’m gonna look. Perhaps if you don’t like people seeing what a nasty piece of work you are, you shouldn’t post that evidence on a public platform. And WOW there is soooooo much evidence.
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Anyhoo, it continues. Riss and her cronies have spent weeks building up to Delpad Week, planning the ways they can disrupt it, trying desperately to find the best way to hurt people. Because yep - that’s their main goal. HURT as many Delpad fans as possible. And hurt them in the week when they are just trying to enjoy their perfectly innocent, unproblematic ship.
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Their first plan was to ‘go really gay on main’ and post as much Drakepad and Dellumbra content in the main Ducktales tag as possible... only they eventually realised (it took them a while, they are... not all that bright) that this would do very little to actually hurt anyone, because Delpad fans are generally not intolerant assholes, plenty are LGBT, and plenty of them ship Drakepad and Dellumbra as much as they ship Delpad. More Drakepad content? Cool! Dellumbra? You go Penny! Let’s have some Penpad too! It’s all good over here. And that just wouldn’t do, would it? So they decided they needed their campaign to be a little more cruel.
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‘Light em up boys’...
So here we are, back to their ‘joke’ prompt list, and now the first bit of art has been posted, in the main Ducktales tag, ready to hurt Delpad fans. And I am sure there will be more.
(EDIT: originally this post had a screenshot of art by @pixiesizedsiren, who drew art of Della and Launchpad burning a pride flag per Riss’s ‘joke’ prompt list and posted it in the Ducktales tag as part of this ongoing campaign to harass and antagonise members of the fandom. Since then, Frank Angones has direct messaged the artist asking them to remove their extremely insensitive art, and they have done so and apologised to the Ducktales fandom and Delpad fans specifically, and promised not to behave in this way again. In respect, I have removed the screenshot - but that doesn’t erase it from existence. I hope the artist truly has learnt from this experience.)
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(Edit: edit: Sadly, she has not. She’s now rebranded herself as ‘Sapphoducks’ and remains proud of her actions that got her called out by Frank, bragging about it in her private circle, and has switched her attention to bullying kids on twitter instead in the vain hope of taking on Riss’s ‘Queen Anti’ title 🙄)
Why Delpad fans, you ask? Well, who knows. It could be because it’s a heterosexual ship in their eyes (despite the fact that it features Launchpad, who is canonically pan or at the very least bisexual... but that’s a whole other post), or it could be because one or two of that fandom’s creators are people that Riss just DOES NOT LIKE. She’s tried to target them before, just like she’s done with other fans before. And BOY has she done this before. Sometimes successfully, like the time she bullied a teenager out of the fandom for daring to ship Webby with a triplet (because of course in her eyes shipping is ONLY sexual and never innocent, and she gets to decide what is and isn’t acceptable) and sometimes unsuccessfully, like the time she tried this with the Weblena fandom, targeting, once again, a particular fan who she did not like, and doing her best to label them as inappropriate, as supporting pedophilia, and other vile accusations that she loves to throw out there because she knows those words have weight.
I’ve had enough of seeing nice people, who are just trying to enjoy a thing that they love, be bullied by intolerant assholes who think they own a fandom for some insane reason. And when it reaches the point that the series creator has to step in to remind you not to be an asshole, well, that’s just embarrassing. For shame, guys.
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The Ducktales fandom is wonderful, aside from a very small but unfortunately very loud group of really horrible people. Folks have tried their best to rise above and ignore them for the past few years, but it’s wearing thin, and lately their targets have been getting younger and that is just not on. So the time has come to speak up and stop this behaviour - and I’ve noticed a lot of people are similarly reaching the end of their tether.
And you can feel free to try to come for me if you like, Anti Assholes. I’m a grown ass woman and my ask box is always open for hate I’ll happily delete without responding too.
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huntypastellance · 7 years
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A follow up to the posts about the Nazi art (drawn by a Klance artist), the Pride Parade Klance sign & all those edits where Sheith scenes in canon got turned into Klance ROMANTIC scenes by people who constantly spam “I ONLY SEE THEM AS BROTHERS, BROGANES, THAT’S SUCH A PLATONIC BROGANES SCENE” everywhere.
NOTE: This is referring to the Klancedom, NOT Klance shippers. If you do NOT do any of these things, this post is NOT talking about you.
This interview has been approved of by MisterPoofOfficial (names were blacked out at her request).
Do NOT harass any of these people in the screenshots.
The events:
> Misterpoof creates a parody animatic of the Heathers song “Dead Girl Walking” & makes it a Sheith video. At this point, Poof was already known for not wanting to make any content for Klance & only making content for Sheith, Keitor, Pance & gen stuff.
> Klancers fill the comments section, whining for a Klance version. Misterpoof blacklists the word “klance” from her notifications & deletes all comments mentioning them. Poof’s fans tell the klancers to knock it off.
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> A Klancer makes a yandere Klance PORN version of Poof’s animatic, directly advertising it on the comments of Poof’s animatic. (Keith & Lance semi-graphically have sex in this video).
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Lord Pastel Lance: The Klance version was Keith TRYING TO RAPE AN UNWILLING LANCE (he gives in after Keith "reasons" with him) Oh god, klancers Never change Poof: Oh dear lord;;;; that’s gross I didn’t even watch the video, I was too scared it was gonna look like mine;;;” Lord Pastel Lance: NOPE It's got yandere creep faces & is genuinely disturbing with dark colors & Lance PHYSICALLY shoving Keith away from him And like, actual sex Like, they fuck
> Meanwhile, as Klancers & antis flock to the Klance version, the plagiarist upvotes & responds positively to anti-Sheith & anti-Poof comments. She claims that she admires Poof’s stuff even though it’s Sheith & she hates Sheith & doesn’t like going on Sheith vids while also saying that Sheith content on youtube should not exist at all (even joking that she will start a ship war).
Poof: And my video was dedicated to my friends--It wasn’t even supposed to be taken seriously yet people think that me assigning Lance as the "bad guy" means that I hate him Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, who says "I was inspired by Poof" & then promotes & likes comments basically saying "I hate Poof & Poof's stuff".
> She even went so far as to react negatively & shut down an upset Sheith fan who was just asking for others to let people ship whatever they want. > She also agrees (multiple times) with fans that gay sex is sin & that they are sinners for getting off to her Klance porn video. > She also claims to be a 14 year old who openly draws BL porn on her parents’ laptop & says that she got all her knowledge from BL stuff & yaoi.
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Lord Pastel Lance: Google research: literally just a click away Poof: Honestly......I mean they’re using their parent's computer after all Lord Pastel Lance: They already drew twinks fucking on their parents' computer Are they seriously that worried that their parents will see them reading about gay sex
> She also linked Poof’s video directly on her Klance video & self-promoed her klance version directly in the comments of Poof’s vid. (And mentioned how much she hated Sheith). [Reminder that the Klance version was watched predominately by Klancers/antis who were bashing Poof for not making Klance stuff. This was essentially painting a huge bulls-eye on Poof. And that the Klance artist was encouraging these types of comments in her own comment section.]
Poof: The comments I’ve gotten in the video (are removed) -- I’ve been called a "pedophile" for liking Sheith and making content for it -- another comment was talking about age discourse (also removed) I recall getting a comment (also removed) saying this wouldve been better with Klance
> Poof finally disables all comments (just on her Heathers video though).
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Lord Pastel Lance: Also They're blaming YOU & your fans in the comments Poof: I KNOW I READ IT AND IT’S RIDICULOUS
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Lord Pastel Lance: ??? If they wanted to apologize, why didn't they just send you a fucking ask? Poof: Exactly??? I have my tumblr and twitter on my about on youtube Lmao they could’ve looked and said sorry instead of talking shit
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Poof: I found this in my Dead Keith Walking part 2 Lord Pastel Lance: Amazing Poof: Funny.....You say that Lord Pastel Lance: And yet they can't seem to send you a single comment apology Poof: Yup Lord Pastel Lance: It costs zero dollars to say "sorry for causing people to bash on you" Like damn gurl, you don’t need a tumblr to talk to misterpoof Poof: Exactly??? And they don't know how to use it ------------------------------------------- Lord Pastel Lance: By the way, Did the plagiarist ever apologize to you (directly) on tumblr/youtube? Poof: Nope! Never got a single message from them apologizing to me Lord Pastel Lance: Damn It's been like a whole week or so, right? Poof: Yeah Lord Pastel Lance: Even toddlers can use smartphones to google "how 2 do this" now Poof: Lmao true Lord Pastel Lance: Seriously, there is no way that it takes them over a week to figure out "HOW DO I SEND POOF AN ASK ON TUMBLR" Poof: I mean sure they're new to it and they don't know how to use tumblr, but seriously, it's not so hard to just go to my channel and apologize or send me a message Lord Pastel Lance: Yeah, but A WEEK In 2017 Plus they already send you comments on youtube There's nothing stopping them from sending you an apology On youtube Poof: Mhm ------------------------------------------- Poof: So apparently they "apologized", but through instagram and it was just...
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:/ You know, I was expecting a message since there is an option on instagram. Not...being tagged in something where everyone can see it.......... I checked my instagram for once jfc, I don't go on it often, but they tagged me in their post to say "sorry"... Lord Pastel Lance: With like zero context Poof: Yup They just straight up said "I’m sorry" and nothing else :/ Lord Pastel Lance: Sorry for what? Plagiarizing? Shitting on you? Self-promo-ing in the comments of your own vids? Promoting comments that shit on you & your vids? That's SO vague Poof: Exactly??? I'm not replying back to the post because not only is it awkward, but it's just not right to forgive them for what they've done Lord Pastel Lance: I don't think they've fully understood their part in this either I think it's more like a "oh noes, a BNF is upset & people think it's my fault that she's mad!!! D:" sort of thing Poof: Mhm
Twas not the straw that broke the camel’s back, but a never-ending pile of sticks instead.
The entitled hypocrisy of the Klancedom is outrageous.
Claiming to loathe Sheith, but constantly looking at Sheith content & whining to the creators that the content would be “so much better if it was Klance & Broganes instead”. Taking no responsibility when people use your Sheith->Klance content to harass the original creators. Excusing anything & everything fucked up that a Klance fan does with “they didn’t know any better!” even though everybody in the discourse is talking through the INTERNET -- the information multilingual multicultural highway. Encouraging discourse & ship hate while pretending to be ignorant about it. Dismissing all the harassment shaladins receive while using the “Not All Klancers” card whenever shaladins complain about the harassment. Doing NOTHING to stop/prevent the Klantis from harassing people while you yourself bitch endlessly about how Shaladins are such hypocrites for generalizing Klance fans as hate-spamming anti-Sheith douchebags. Calling yourself an anti to “protect children & the LGBTQ+ community” while squealing happily about how gay sex is “sin” unironically.
The second you start allowing/encouraging people to trash on someone, who you CLAIMED to like, & that person’s stuff, which you REPEATEDLY mentioned that you dislike, you have chosen a side in the discourse. You are NOT being neutral.
You don’t want to get involved in discourse? Fine. THEN DON’T GET INVOLVED AT ALL.
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raymondshields · 6 years
clan-lunstrae-fr replied to your post: A few interesting things happened today. 1. I...
I’m in yearbook for my school I HATE it. Luck to you
Sit down and lemme tell you about my Yearbook because this shit is awful. Let’s call my teacher S, I don’t want to get sued.
So Yearbook’s standard. We start off the year by showing the class how to use Adobe InDesign, then we pick out a theme for the yearbook (we’re using a geometric theme this year), then we all start up on taking photos, assigning spreads, doing the masters, and sending things out to the publisher.
S uses pen and paper records, and about a bajillion binders. Her photography records are little sheets, no bigger than your average note card, that get taped to a specific section of the wall. Sometimes we fill out part of them in advance. Sometimes we don’t.
So this is my second year. I already know that around April, when we have to have the book done, it gets so stressing that half the class will break down crying. I am a grade 12 now and that means I have to be a leader. But here’s the thing. Stupid fucking S doesn’t know if she wants me to be a leader or not. She expects me to magically know some things and other times goes excruciatingly slow showing me how to do things I know how to do. She’s condescending, rude, scatterbrained, and clearly doesn’t fucking know how to work a computer.
I had to edit a blackboard out of a picture with a volleyball net in front of it. She had to condescendingly tell me how to use the marquee tool to copy paste, then how to use the healing brushes + normal brushes to fix the edges. I had literally already been doing it like that for days.
I tried to help make the photography sheets easier and made a Google Form. She apparently has no fucking clue what a spreadsheet is or how to use it. The Data>Organize by Column K button was like the second fucking coming. This was after I explained it to her four fucking times in a row. Look, usually I don’t have a problem explaining things over if I’m going too fast. But this stupid woman won’t sit the fuck down and listen. She’s so scatterbrained it’s ridiculous.
But that’s not the worst part. See, on her main computer, she has three spots on the desktop for photos. The top part is for upcoming. Folders are marked in red, Event/Sport>Photographer>Date. Arranged left to right from fastest upcoming to we know when but it’s a month away. 
Once we have photos, the date is removed from the folder and it’s stuck in a folder called Sift + Burn. Folders are red if there’s nothing in them. They are blue, then sifted (good photos are marked in green, but we do have to narrow down a couple hundred photos to not that much, but if we mark it to under sixty then she flips out), and then turned gray. Once they’re sifted, we burn to CDs and turn the folders green. Then we take them out of that folder and place them into the special Events folder. We also mark who copies, sifts, and burns to the photography sheets. Once burned, we stick the sheets very specifically in a certain box.
When people get their photos for spreads, they take them from the CDs. Not the cloud or anything, the stupid CDs, so nobody knows where the fuck anything is if your photos are on the same CD as someone else’s, or if something gets mislabeled.
So what’s the worst part, then?
November comes along and we’ve just had Spirit Week for Halloween. So you know, three photographers every day for five days, and they MUST get group photos at the lobby of the school of everyone who participated.
Group shots are tagged in green, with good photos. So I’m not in the official class- it was that or physics, and physics came first. I’m in another block helping with backlog and doing backgrounds for spreads, because apparently everyone else is really incompetent at that, and if we make the spreadmakers do their own backgrounds and tailor shit to where they put their photos, they’ll have a breakdown for some reason. (Spreads for most of the class take about two weeks, with two rounds of edits. We do final edits right before they ship them off.) By the time April last year rolled around, I was doing two spreads a week, with full backgrounds. Classes are 80 minutes, so we’re talking 2-3 classes a week here. Clearly, I know what I’m fucking doing.
So I’m not the only one organizing photos, yeah? Copy, sift, burn, rename right, recolor right, put in the right folders, blah blah blah. So one of my classmates in the actual class is there on Halloween. I’m not- opposing days- and what do they do? They fuck up everything. They make a new folder for the photoshoot on the 30th (it was afterschool, so I’d helped charge the cameras for it), stick it in the wrong folder, name it wrong, and color it red.
Despite the fact I wasn’t fucking there that day, somehow it’s my fault. The guy who saw it the class before me told S that it was wrong, and asked her to ask me to clean it up, because it’s wrong and I was coming in next and could fix it. Somehow, this means I did it.
So I fix it, put things in the right place. I do, however, miss deleting the folder from the upcoming shots because that shouldn’t be there anyway, and it turned out there were way more errors than I thought and I ended up fixing all of them. (It included something that got burned but not sifted, and it took about twenty minutes to fix that, which really couldn’t be fixed anyway.)
S is pissed and blames me for it. It’s the first of November, so I point out that it was not my class on the 31st, which is when all the timestamps say these folders were created and modified. I was not in class at all. I was in fucking physics, taking a fucking test. So I prove using the timestamps, beyond a shadow of a fucking doubt, that I did not do it. We also have parent teacher interviews that day.
I get home thoroughly pissed and I tell my mother, and I tell her that if S doesn’t tell her I’m the second fucking coming, I will raise hell. My mother speaks to S about it. Apparently, she still believes I did it, because I’m not so good at hardware as the girl who actually did it (I found out who because she’s the only one during that time who handles photos) and not so good on a Mac, and she just agreed with me to shut me up. S then proceeded to tell my mother how awful I was, how often I was on my phone (I literally escape to the bathroom to answer messages in that class, because of how Not Allowed it is and how much I hate getting yelled at), and all these things. My mother points out how I’m usually about one more conflict from punching out a window when I get home from yearbook because of how stressful it is. My mother heard my side and knows that S is scatterbrained and stupid. My mother makes S cry because of how badly she treats me, because “I’m such a good student”, despite the fact all she ever does is yell at and criticize me, except for when she very rarely shuts up and listens to me, in which case I’m the second fucking coming.
If this had been a job, I would have been fired, and I didn’t fucking do it. I only saw the girl once after that and that was December, but believe me, had I seen her earlier, I would have broken her fucking face for fucking everything up, putting me behind schedule, ruining everything, and making S hate me some more.
Unfortunately, I need this class as my Fine Arts 12 credit. (I don’t need it by credits to graduate so I could take another FA, but I don’t qualify for any of them because they all require the previous three courses in that set. Yearbook requires IT, foods requires basic foods, art 12 requires art 9, 10, and 11, etc.)
If I did not need this class, I would have quit and walked out. But I do, so I get my revenge in minor ways. S was pretty freaked out when I locked her phone in the Cage (a cabinet in a metal cage that’s behind like four locks), and made her believe she left it there when helping students get their drawing tablets for Flash. It was missing for almost the entire class, and I only “found” it helping the students put their tablets back.
I think I deserve a bottle of moonshine for putting up with this bullshit, personally. 
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