alohaasaloevera · 8 months
yo I need y’all’s opinion on the Sheith vs Klantis (or just Klance) discourse way back then??? I personally think Shiro and Keith’s relationship is platonic but I would actually like to hear other people’s view points of Sheith whether they shipped Klance or Sheith or none.
I’m relatively new to this fandom (I started consuming vld media in late 2022), and god even I know the fandom way back then was crazy.. people definitely took it too far.
Also Sheith isn’t incest??? Maybe it’s weird for some people (including me) but c’mon they aren’t even related 😭😭😭
WTF…. People thought Plance was pedophilia?1!1?!1?11! Pidge was like 15 and Lance 17 at the start of the show and the law in the us says an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old can date, just no hopping on the vegetables….
Yooo klantis were crazyyyyy…. Now I understand why klance gives people PTSD
Anyways… just tell me about how you interpret shiro and Keith’s relationship and why
(Also I haven’t watched VLD past season 3 so I don’t know a lot of the lore..)
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
God I was just reading about the Voltron fandom's problematic history cause there's just so much that happened and all I can say is DAMN that's just embarrassing.
I can literally not get over all the bullshit the fandom pulled as a result of shipping. It's absolutely humiliating to think about. I'm so glad I wasn't on Twitter during that time cause CHRIST what a disaster.
I loved that stupid show with all my heart and the ending breaks my heart every time I think about it but I sometimes think: did we even deserve a satisfying ending?
To think that people were threatening the lives of the showrunners/cast/crew members AND their families is mortifying
Someone tried to blackmail Dreamworks into making Klance canon???
Someone tried to feed the VLD cast glass cupcakes???
Klantis were harrasing a random woman on Twittwr named Karen Lance cause her username was @/Klance?????
I love Klance so fucking much, to this day its one of my favorite pairings of all time, but if Klance became canon or Allurance was actually properly developed throughout the course of the series Klantis would have RABID either way
I hate the ending as much as the next person, but to threaten the personal lives of the showrunners over an animated series meant for kids is just embarrassing
That isn't to say the actual queerbaiting is justified or excused in any way of course. Klance was absolutely used as bait and to think that the showrunners exploited Klance's popularity for ratings is absurd. Literally watching their cast and crew getting death threats online over a ship they were feeding into is ridiculous. Klance was being used as bait until season 6 with the KL themed thumbnails, merch, interviews, etc.... The showrunners ofc had a major role as to why the Klance fandom got so out of hand in the first place.
The point is
As much as I am still heartbroken over the shitty ending of the series, sometimes I think that even if we DID get a good ending, the whole experience would have been ruined anyway.
Being in the Voltron fandom was EXHAUSTING. Sure the toxic portion wasn't the majority (I was there, most people were pretty chill) but the part of the Voltron fandom that WAS toxic were def the loudest and it leaked into every other aspect of the fandom experience.
In a way, I'm glad it's over. I miss it, but the Voltron fandom deserved to die the way it did (some of us are still here lmao but you get the point)
Just wanted to put my thoughts into words lol <3
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taenith-rain · 1 month
A Klanti was spewing ridiculous conspiracy theories about SK in the tag, and talking about how it was offensive to their eyeballs.
I replied with a romantic SK scenario. I believe that if people like this come into *our* space, they have consented to interact with SK material. This is petty and not advisable, but sometimes I just do not have it in me to block and move on.
However, the person responded with "my father died today, how dare you"???
How... how could I have known that based on ship hate posts????
I still responded with my sincere condolences and urged them to used mute/filter before expressing my condolences once again.
Then I blocked them, because clearly this person is dealing with IRL issues and lashing out because of it.
I hope they find peace and that their pain eases soon.
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butt-puncher · 1 year
Still thinking abt the missed potential of keiths quintessence sensitivity. Like it rly was a missed opportunity for keith and allura to bond over it or have it come into play w the lore but its never addressed at all. We see it in action and no one says anything abt it
I dont remember keith and lotor interacting either and they rly should have being half galra and all, and also bc keith stole his girl gang
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avidbeader · 6 months
So, I've been doing the Great Sheith Reblog for a while now, gradually reblogging almost everything I shared before that was tagged as Sheith. Lots of art, gifsets, fics and recs, old merch posts, and meta to go around with the occasional dash of salt because lord, dumbness about shipping brings out the salt sometimes. But most of the time it's a lovely nostalgia hit and a reminder of why I still love this ship with all my fandom heart. It's bittersweet sometimes, seeing the usernames that left with Tumblr's worst decision ever, the fellow fans who have moved on to other things, and yes, the hopes and dreams we had before Season 8.
Long blathering under the cut: musings about the persistence of anti-shippers and what queerbaiting actually means.
But occasionally what both amuses and frustrates me is how things line up because it's 2024 and we still have klantis/antis over on the former Twitter spreading the same lies about Shiro and Keith - about their ages, about how they met, about what their relationship is. Right now over there, arguing is happening again because someone put up a clout-chasing poll about which mlm ship was the most influential and included KL but not Sheith (KL beat Johnlock and then lost to Hualian, so I'm happy twice over). Side note - I think if we take "influence" as a completely neutral term, then yeah, KL has been a huge negative influence on fandoms as it was one of the places that allowed puriteen attitudes and anti behavior to grow unchecked for so long. That helped turn some ship fandoms into cults, in which you had to believe with utter certainty that your ship would be canon or you weren't a "true" fan of the ship. That put more emphasis on opposing a rival ship through wank and harassment instead of focusing on the joy and fun of creating for the ship you supposedly love.
And that poll prodded someone to create a Google Form for soliciting answers as to what the biggest examples of queerbaiting are in media. And of course people are saying KL and Adam/Shiro, among other things that are not at all queerbait. These are examples of people guessing wrong and getting mad about it. Queerbait requires that the producers/writers/etc. say outright that a ship is going to happen and then it doesn't, without any influences from the powers above them making changes. Not received fan "wisdom". Not marketing doing things without consulting the producers.
And I just reblogged someone's ask in which they said they felt queerbaited by Sheith solely because of the "brother" line in "The Black Paladins". The answer is excellent and worth a ready if you haven't seen it on my blog already.
Breaking it down:
KL is not queerbait. KL was never planned as a potential ship and LM/JDS said so multiple times. They said it never occurred to them as a possibility and by the time KL's popularity took off they were too far along in the writing to try and go back and make changes, because animators need time to draw. LM flat-out said she was surprised that it became a thing. If the producers are telling you over and over in no uncertain terms that a ship had never been on the table and couldn't be added to the table now, that's not a case of queerbait. And they spoke of Lance's love interests as female every single time. JDS/LM never said anything that would lead fans into thinking KL was a possibility without the deliberate and willful misinterpreting of their words.
Adam/Shiro is not queerbait. Adam is a minor character in a series with a large cast. He has two functions: to be evidence of Shiro's status as a queer man and to be a "face" for all the pilots that died in the first wave of Sendak's invasion. Some people try to claim that LM and JDS queerbaited with their answers at SDCC 2018, but they're wrong. The only thing LM said was that we would see more of Adam in S7. And we did. She did not promise we'd see more of him with Shiro. That was people inserting what they wanted to hear, just like them trying to elevate Adam's status to a fiancé when again, LM clearly stated that they were serious and considering getting engaged. Not engaged. Not married. Just a couple that was serious about each other but broke up.
I don't consider Sheith to be true queerbait. It might fall under the cryptoqueer situation explained at the end of the post linked above, but JDS and LM were mostly very careful to talk of Sheith in terms of deep friendship and devotion to one another, after the initial wave of support for fan content during S1, prior to the klanti movement taking off. The only thing that skirts the line for me is a quote, I think from JDS, saying that if Shiro had a new love interest it would be someone he has known a long time. Or maybe that was about the romances in general being developed over seasons and not Shiro-specific - I would need to research. (Yet more proof that the endcard "wedding" was not planned since we didn't see the unnamed groom until S7 and they never interacted.) And that was said before studio execs started meddling and caused the trainwreck of S8.
I do think we were supposed to have an open ending for Sheith. Klantis like to point out a storyboard artist claiming that "no one wins" this ship war as evidence that KL was supposed to happen and got changed, but that statement applies if Sheith is left open-ended and Allurance happens, even without the endcards.
When I have a chance, I'll try and dig up the links for the various quotes I mention above. Thank you for reading if you made it this far!
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just-antithings · 1 year
The anti movement became like this with voltron legendary defender, it came from “fans” who wanted the creators to make Keith x Lance canon
i remember when a 13yo was repeatedly harassing bex taylor-klaus on tumblr and when they finally snapped from frustration and cussed the kid out all the antis jumped on them and were like "how dare you be abusive towards a minor!"
They also tried to get them fired. The attempts to fire them were unrelated to them cussing out the kid on tumblr, it was over allegedly breaking an NDA but they were willing to do anything to fuck over staff in the name of klance.
the reason klantis claimed bex was breaking their NDA was over not liking an answer they gave when asked about klance, meanwhile a she-ra storyboard artist who did things actually worth being fired over was being defended because she was a self-admitted klanti (klance anti)
she followed the klanti who wanted to break lauren montgomery's wrists. she also accused lauren & joaquim dos santos of being racist & homophobic for queerbaiting klance and said she-ra was better for having real gay rep.
wouldn't be the last time antis defend someone like that
yep yep
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How tf is it unreasonable or victim-blaming to say that if you've seen a lot of people in a certain group - and antis existed as a self-named group calling out "pedophilic" ships and "pedophile" shippers" (see Klanti vs Sheith shipwar) before proshippers became a thing in response to it - use the word grooming wrong in a general sense, you are gonna doubt when people of that group say they've been groomed or that they've heard about so many people in their group who were groomed.
Would you trust the "ok groomer" meme people's (mostly Christian Conservatives) accounts about how there's sooo many groomers in schools?
It’s victim blaming because you are literally blaming people for normalizing their abuse because of sexual content they found as CHILDREN. You quite literally said you didn’t believe most of them were even victims of abuse.
And your argument that “antis” are a self-named group is just… lol. It was always things like “anti-Sebaciel” or whatever and it was common in fandoms and still is, but it isn’t a mass umbrella label or community. The closest thing you have to “antis” as a community is those who do in fact identify as being anti-pedophile or anti-proship, which is just saying the same thing twice and is just a very normal and rational stance to have.
And here’s a thought: perhaps stop comparing trans people and drag queens to, you know, pedophilic erotica. Because that’s what you just did by saying “antis” sound like the “okay groomer” crowd. While also comparing fundamentalist Christian radicals to people who were abused as children, you ignorant and insufferable creep.
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c-t-123 · 2 months
Listen to Tagore's "Klanti Amar Khoma Koro Probhu"
"Forgive my languor, O Lord,
if ever I lag behind
upon life's way.
Forgive my anguished heart which trembles and hesitates in its service."
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creativitygoggles · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest, all those posts that are like “I bet x VA doesn’t remember they were in Voltron” or “I bet they had to drag x VA into the booth kicking and screaming when Voltron was recording” always rub me all the wrong ways bc 9/10 they’re made by klantis and like weren’t y’all the ones putting glass in cookies to give to the VAs and show runners at cons bc your fav twinks wouldn’t kiss on screen??? I remember when the show was running everyone who worked on it seemed proud of what they were doing at last at first. If they refuse to acknowledge it now that’s fair but it seems awful funny that the people who are part of the main group of fans that spent the entire run of the series harassing the VAs and staff turn around and say “lmaoooo this VA probably never wanted to be cast in VLD” Like yeah maybe OR maybe they did at first but YOU harassed them for just doing their job and you wanna detach yourself from the situation now that they’re working on other things????
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happilyfriedavenue · 2 years
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lindsaysblue · 4 years
Don't Ship Real People
It's creepy and disrespectful to them and any existing romantic relationships they have with other people. Shipping real people can potentially ruin a relationship! ANY type of relationship! (Friendships, and lovers.)
It's okay to theorize that maybe they might be dating (or have dated), but it's another thing when you comment on posts of two people saying things like, "When are they/you gonna date??" or "You guys clearly love each other." Especially to the point of making them know about it, like tagging the them in fan art which is not cute at all.
When were you a part of their relationship? How do you know their thoughts and feelings?
Harassment in Shipping
If you have ever harassed anyone over a ship that isn't the same as yours, I think you're disgusting and undeserving of a platform that allows you to voice any harmful opinions or behaviour towards others.
Let me let you in on a little secret, sweetheart:
Fiction isn't real and therefore, doesn't need discourse from toxic people like that. People are allowed to ship what they want to ship even if it's not canon or if it's not the same as yours. Get off your gross ass high horse and get a different fucking hobby that doesn't involve attacking people on the internet for silly things.
Tag your fandoms! Because I know all of you guys are in a fandom with these kinds of people. 💀
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gaaralover55 · 4 years
What I fear would happened if Klance became Canon.
It would not make any sense to the story (sorry Klancers😓)
What happened after season 8 was one of the most chaotic thing that ever happened to the fandom. But if this happened the fandom would be in total war!
Sheithers, Allurancers and punks would not be able to hold back their anger anymore.
They Will attack and lash out against thoose who support the what if s8.
The Klantis/antis would act like high and mighty and litteraly mock and harras every other shipper.
Other shippers would have enough and attack with words just to break Klantis fans down.
All fans of Voltron would be pissed and dissapointed in the writers and get the worst backlash from us fans.
The writers would End up get angry messages, threats and all kinds of mail from really angry fans.
Klancers would see their ship forced and not well devovlped because of the haste the writers did.
Allura and shiro fans would lose it.
The fandom would sadly Will not be able to see the difference between a Klance and a Klantis.
It would be horrible to be on tumblr.
There would be No respect against Klance tag.
Klancers would get harrased and get horrible messages like Klantis because they ship who they ship.
Any arguments would End up in full scale battle of words.
No one is safe.
The writers and the creators of VLD would be called homophobics and rascist
Anyone who is a Klantis are dead meat in the Eyes of sheithers and Allurancers
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no-signs-no-lights · 6 years
Me, watching the vld fandom prove once again that they don't really care about LGBT rep and were only bitching about ships from the start:
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Keith, who was 18-20 the entire goddamn time: What.
Klantis: Oh my goodness I sure do love Klance! It’s so innocent and spicy and I love my uwu canon king!
Keith, who knows Lance is a minor: WHAT????????
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just-antithings · 1 year
A person on twitter asked people to share their experiences with becoming profic, and some of the answers gave me hope, so I thought I'd share.
CW csa, suicide, bullying, lolicon
i was basically anti when i got into fandom cuz i was way young and stupid,it wasnt until 2020 that i realized i was BEING stupid abt restricting myself 💀 i found out abt profic bc a tweet from a profic gimmick account was recommended to me, SO GLAD IT WAS i shudder to think that id basically be guilt tripping myself for forever hadnt that tweet showed up when it did 😭
i was an anti, got dragged into a group of super toxic antis amd lost really close and dear friends, it opened my eyes to see that my behavior was unacceptable and i regret it to this day, i've learned not to judge people so easily and to control my anger issues
Unfortunately mine was when the leopards started eating my face with the jjba ship giomis, then I kinda realized that I was miserable in anti spaces. I’m much happier now :)
I was dogpilled on my diff acc and called "pedo" for saying there should be no big censhorship (as long we are talking about fiction) on AO3 and for shipping otayuri five years prior to the incident. Prior to that I didn't even know that there was smthg like anti/pro divide. Since then I am just staying away from people who are openly antis and I am not posting much anywhere, mainly just lurking.
While not full blown anti i was on that mind set years ago back when i was into she ra. However between a friend explaining things and me seeing jusy how awful antis are i realized what i was doing was wrong and ive never looked back.
Being a CSA victim and harbouring a lot of internalised guilt for reading profiction and imagining myself in that position myself and then just realising hating myself for enjoying that stuff was stupid
I discovered incest shotac0n when I was 13 and fought it for many MANY years. Felt disgusted with myself until Finally told a therapist about it and she was like, "why? Let yourself explore that. It's fictional. Nobody is being hurt" and it just felt so..... freeing.
Japanese artist said he might kill emself because Westerners came to his no interaction pixiv twitter acc and told him he wasva pedophile
When I finally felt the difference between "I don't like it" and "It has to be banned and the creator must die". Censorship would bring me much closer to fascists than a supposed safe place, and I definitely don't want to be associated with these people in the slightest.
I was well into adulthood when the pro-fic movement got underway but I *was* an asshole fic flamer in the 2000s. It wasn't till I saw Klantis in VLD spouting the same reasons of making fandom "better" to be dicks that the weight of my past shittiness really dawned on me.
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kellodrawsalot · 5 years
One thing Im glad that’s gone is the toxic klancers/klantis spamming Tumblr with Klance blogs and post just so that klance could get in the month/week of Tumblr post, like it was bad enough it was only done to piss off other Voltron shippers but it also really not-cool because it took the spot  from Rubby/Sapphire (su) during the time of the wedding episode which was like the first time there was ever an gay marriage in a children's cartoon, which meant a lot for the lbgtq community who wanted to that being shown in an animated show for kids.
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