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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
ENGL 227 Entire Course DeVry
ENGL 227 Entire Course DeVry
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ENGL 227 Entire Course Professional Writing Recent DeVry
 ENGL 227 Quiz Week 2 DeVry (NEW) 
  (TCO 1) Select the sentence that demonstrates proper parallel structure:
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was able to convince management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date, but he was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that best demonstrates use of active voice:
The project was completed by the installation crew on May 2.
On May 2, the project was completed.
The installation crew completed the installation on May 2.
The project was completed.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates tone:
We don’t make refunds on merchandise that is soiled.
We offer refunds on items returned in their original condition.
We don’t offer refunds on items not returned in their original condition.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates conciseness:
The slow economy may result in layoffs at our company.
We expect that the slow economy will be the reason for layoffs at our company.
The slow economy will in all probability result in layoffs at our company.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that demonstrates proper parallel structure:
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was able to convince management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date, but he was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates the you attitude:
You can expect to receive the report by Friday.
You won’t get the report by the Tuesday deadline.
I know I promised you a report by Tuesday, but you won’t get it until Friday.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates tone:
We don’t make refunds on merchandise that is soiled.
We offer refunds on items returned in their original condition.
We don’t offer refunds on items not returned in their original condition.
(TCO 1) Revise: Markdowns will range from very little on its line of laundry equipment to a great deal on certain sporting equipment.
(TCO 1) Revise: We mailed the book you requested yesterday.
(TCO 1) Revise: Markdowns will range from very little on its line of laundry equipment to a great deal on certain sporting equipment.
(TCO 1) Revise: Although the sales returns for July are high in number, experience has indicated that this is not an unusual condition for summer.
(TCO 1) Revise: Your order has been delayed because you failed to include the correct credit information.
(TCO 1) Revise: Unless you pay me within three days, my lawyer will be contacted.
(TCO 1) Revise: We are happy to announce that we are offering for sale an empty parcel of land at the corner of Mission and High Streets. We will be selling this parcel for $62,000, with a minimum down payment of $13,500. We have had it rezoned M-2 for student housing.
(TCO 1) Revise: A pilot must have the ability to stay calm under pressure, and then he must be trained to cope with any problem that arises.
(TCO 1) Revise: If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, call our toll-free number.
(TCO 1) Combine the following sentences into one. Frank Lee was checking in. He was at the Worldwide Airline counter. Another passenger’s bag got tangled with Frank’s camera bag. Frank’s camera lens was cracked.
 ENGL 227 Routine Message Week 3 DeVry (NEW) 
 A large percentage of the writing we do in the workplace involves writing routine, neutral, and/or goodwill messages. Routine and neutral messages cover a wide range of topics, from the ordinary (e.g., sending colleagues a reminder to attend a meeting) to the more detailed (e.g., updating a supervisor about a project).
In Week 3, Anne Brown, the division manager for E227 Global Solutions, is asking you to write an individual routine message, which will be formatted as a memo. In order to complete this assignment you must follow the steps below:
Read the trucking supervisor’s email.
Read Anne Brown’s memo (available in Doc Sharing) and pay close attention to the questions asked at the bottom of the memo.
Use the Week 3 Routine Planning Questions/Audience Profile (in Doc Sharing) to assist you with preparing your routine message to Anne Brown. These questions are for planning only, not submission.
Follow the Specific Guidelines below when drafting your routine message to Anne Brown. Preview:
Per your memo last week regarding road construction and possible high traffic that will occur, we recognize the need to communicate properly and…
 ENGL 227 Week 4 Informal Analytical Report DeVry (NEW) 
 The informal analytical report your team will write this week will be organized as a PDR, or Problem, Discussion, Resolution report.
Write this informal analytical report as a memo addressed to Anne Brown, formatting it to include the following sections (identified with headings):
Start with a positive opening and a sentence or two that introduces the general purpose of the report.
Problem: State the background of the problem succinctly, so that anyone reading this memo will understand the trucking and PR issues.
Discussion of Options: In several paragraphs, discuss three or four different PR campaign strategies the group considered, including strengths and weaknesses of each strategy.
Resolution: From the three or four options discussed above, state the one strategy your team recommends for the PR campaign to address the Indonesian residents. Explain the rationale for your decision.
Conclude the report with a brief statement that expresses a positive sentiment or statement….
Plant materials from Tebing Tinggi need to be delivered to the company’s warehouse at the port of Tanjung Kuala. However, the major highway that is normally used as delivery route will be…
 ENGL 227 Negative of Band News Message Week 5 DeVry (NEW) 
 View the scenario which will provide the background you need to proceed with the message.
Our company E227 Global Solutions has hosted an annual tech think tank convention for the past 10 years. Over the past 3 years the company has been expanding the conference to include robotics and a section in medical technology. After much effort, planning, and negotiation, the company has secured a high-profile keynote speaker for the next convention. The planning committee couldn’t be more pleased with the potential for the next convention to gain national and possible international attention.
A few days ago, one of the convention planners received a letter from Maribel Rivera, one of our convention’s long-time attendees, requesting to be the keynote speaker at this year’s convention. Her small company has recently made in-roads in developing technology that may change the way we interact with our electronic devices. Ms. Rivera explains that she wants the keynote speaker role for the visibility it will provide as she seeks to promote this new technology and recruit the right talent to take the technology’s development to…
View the negative message media piece for the scenario surrounding the formal letter you will write.
Complete the Week 5 Negative Message Planning Questions found in Doc Sharing. Insert your responses directly after each question.
Add the formal letter to a new page on the planning questionnaire, and submit as ONE Word document. (To add a new page at the end of your questionnaire, place your cursor after the last item on the questionnaire and press CONTROL and ENTER.)…
1.     Plan
1.     Analyze the Situation
1.     What is your general purpose? To inform Ms. Rivera that the focus of the convention is on robotics and a section in medical technology
2.     What is your specific purpose? To inform Ms. Rivera that the company has chosen a different keynote speaker for the convention
Exactly what do you want your audience to think, feel, or believe after receiving your message?  That we value our relationship with her and have no plans of severing ties with her. However, considering the company’s thrust in the coming year, we have chosen…
It has come to my attention that you have signified interest in becoming the keynote speaker for this year’s Tech Think Tank Convention. I truly appreciate your…
 ENGL 227 Outline Proposal Week 6 DeVry (NEW) 
 Good news! The negative press from the trucking situation in Indonesia has been successfully mitigated. Upper management now recognizes that E227 Global Solutions has long talked about being green, but has not made any major efforts toward reducing the company’s carbon footprint on a global scale. With operations in the U.S. and abroad, E227 Global Solutions has seen generally successful localized initiatives to reduce energy consumption, reduce or eliminate chemical by-products, and minimize office waste….
Your assignment this week is to construct the outline of your entire formal proposal and write the introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your formal proposal. You are encouraged to use the three-step process we’ve been studying this session….
The Introduction part of the paper will provide an executive summary of the issues related to E227 Global Solutions’ thrust to going green in order to help the company reduce its carbon footprint. Studies and researches abound that explain the importance of recycling and ensuring companies do their part in helping save the environment in whatever way they can. Currently, trucking companies are finding…
 ENGL 227 Course Project Final Proposal Week 8 DeVry (NEW) 
 For the week 8 assignment, you will submit a formal proposal to your division manager Anne Brown, recommending a strategy the company could adopt to go green. In week 6 you will submit an outline of the entire proposal, as well as the introduction of the proposal itself.
Remember, the goal of the proposal is to recommend a sustainable green strategy the company can adopt to reduce the carbon footprint by 25%. The primary audience is your division manager, Anne Brown; however, your proposal will probably be read by anyone in upper management…
The trucking industry is beset with issues concerning the environment in the sense that it also contributes in environmental degradation considering that uses fuel in transporting goods from one location to another. However, the despite this fact, many trucking organizations are now moving towards the direction of minimizing or limiting their carbon footprint through various means such as use of less fuel, renewable energy, solar panels, and recycling, among others (“Green Business Practices”). As a matter of fact, E227 Global Solutions can also…
 ENGL 227 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 78 Pages NEW DeVry 
 ENGL 227 Process-Oriented Writing and Formatting Business Messages Week 1 Discussions 16 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Process-Oriented Writing Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 TCO 2 and the class textbook guide students toward using a process-oriented approach to professional writing. What does it mean to use a “process-oriented approach” in writing? Why is this approach advantageous? (Later in the week, we’ll discuss strategies we can use during each step of the process.) (This discussion covers TCO 2.) As you respond to this question, think about how process-oriented writing for business is different from process-oriented writing for academic purposes. Are there similarities?…
ENGL 227 Formatting Business Messages Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 Consider successful business messages you’ve received, either as a professional or a customer. How did the formatting of those messages affect their level of success? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.) How are online discount coupons formatted? Have you seen some formatted more effectively than others? What was the difference?…
ENGL 227 Writing Elements in Business Messages Discussions Week 2 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 We probably all agree that using correct grammar and spelling in our written communication is important. But, just how important is it? Take a look at this CEO’s blog post. Class, what are your thoughts on this article? I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why. As you read this article, think about jobs that you have held. How important was grammar? Have you ever been denied a job because of your poor grammar skills?…
ENGL 227 Positive and Neutral Messages Discussions Week 3 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Most messages we write in the workplace fall into the category of positive or neutral communications. Examples include routine requests, informative or good news announcements, replies to inquiries, messages granting claims, letters of recommendation, and general goodwill messages. What are some strategies for writing these common types of messages successfully? (This discussion addresses TCO 2.) Are some elements more important for a particular type of message?…
ENGL 227 Diversity and Writing in the Workplace and Report Writing Discussions Week 4 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Diversity and Writing in the Workplace Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 Valuing diversity is commonly regarded as a virtue in today’s business world. Why is diversity important to value? What are some strategies we can use to reflect the value of diversity in our written work? (This discussion addresses TCO 6.)  How can we reflect the value of diversity in our writing?…
ENGL 227 Report Writing Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 5 Pages DeVry
 What are some different types of reports you are likely to write in your career? What are some strategies for creating well-written, effective reports? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.)  Consider the different audiences you will address as you write reports. There will be some audiences and reports that you are not currently aware of, but you can probably think of some that you know you will have. If you have already written reports, feel free to include those in the discussion…
ENGL 227 Negative/Bad News Messages and Electronic Communication Discussions Week 5 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Negative/Bad News Messages Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Using the process-oriented approach when addressing situations requiring the delivery of a negative or bad news message requires additional attention to planning and audience analysis. View the scenario at the YOU DECIDE tab on the left navigation menu and, throughout the week, follow the prompt in the “Deliverable” tab (note: be sure to click on each individual in the You Decide “Players” tab to review/listen to key details of the scenario):.. When you decide which medium to use for the message, explain your reasoning. What element played the largest role in your decision? The message? The recipient? The situation?…
ENGL 227 Electronic Communication Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 6 Pages DeVry
 Business communication experts posit that the memo is dead and email isn’t too far behind. Review Chapters 7 and 8 and discuss the inherent benefits and drawbacks to the variety of electronic communication media used in business and industry. (This discussion addresses TCO 3.) Are some forms of electronic communication are preferable in certain situations? Explain…
ENGL 227 Visual Communication and Planning Formal Reports and Persuasion Discussions Week 6 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Visual Communication Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Using common software such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, users can create a multitude of different types of graphs, including pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, and Gantt charts. Which factors weigh into the decision to choose a particular type of graph or chart? Once you choose a type, how can you ensure that it is clear, readable, and ethical? (This discussion addresses TCO 5.) can you give an example of a specific kind of data and which type of graph would best depict it?…
ENGL 227 Planning Formal Reports and Persuasion Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 6 Pages DeVry
 One important part of planning a formal report is conducting research. What are some strategies business writers can use to conduct quality research? How else can we apply planning stage techniques and strategies to the planning of a formal report? (This Discussion supports TCOs 2 and 5.) Can anyone give an example in which one or more of the above methods of organization would be important?…
ENGL 227 Review of Professional Writing Standards and Formatting Formal Reports Discussions Week 7 All Posts 9 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Review of Professional Writing Standards Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 4 Pages DeVry
 Class, once again, read through our 6 course TCOs. Which objectives do you think will be most important in your future career? Do you have any remaining questions about any of our objectives? Let’s take this opportunity to review any concepts about which you may still have questions, as well as to discuss how you will apply them to your professional writing as you advance in your career. (This discussion addresses all TCOs.) How do you see using your writing skills to help you advance in your career? Have you seen others advance or be held back because of their writing skills?…
ENGL 227 Formatting Formal Reports Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 5 Pages DeVry
 Read the example report in Chapter 15 on pages 426-439, paying close attention to how the report is formatted and organized. (Note that this report shows both MLA and APA citations; in the reports you are writing, you will need to use APA citations.) How does the formatting and organization of a formal report differ from the formats we’ve practiced in other types of business writing? (This Discussion supports TCOs 1 and 5.) Can anyone give an example of a report that was ineffective because of its organization or format?…
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wisetyrantfest-blog · 9 years
ENGL 227
ENGL 227  
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 ENGL 227
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DeVry ENGL 227 Week 8 Report
DeVry ENGL 227 Week 8 Report  
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This report determines which career is the best option now for would-be employees and career shifters who want to try a different career path than what they have now.  The changing economic times have pushed these people to question whether they are in the right profession or if there are other opportunities out there that they could embark on.  Therefore, this report is a comparison between two career options, with a recommendation at the end of the report.  Also discussed are the job descriptions, educational requirements, job competencies, work environment, and salaries of both jobs.
I hope you find this report satisfactory.
Sincerely yours,
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sosongkingdom-blog · 9 years
ENGL 227
ENGL 227
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ENGL 227
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ENGL 227
ENGL 227  
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