starfiresky · 3 months
Spoilers for KH2 and 3:
I JUST BEAT KH2. And oh my GOSH Sora and Riku absolutely KICKING trash, riding some hover bike through space together and cutting buildings in half 😱 I was fangirling hard (I was screaming, lol)
Also, I’m dying. I knew what would happen at the end with the door to light and Sora turning into Roxas for a sec and Kairi into Naminé— but holy cow it’s totally different to see it in motion and not just read about it online or through the manga/novels. (Also everyone looked GOOD in those end scenes. Especially Roxas 🥹) I loved the way the way Sanctuary got all soft with Sora and Kairi’s interaction. 😭😭 And then how he kept the lucky charm ❤️ I shed a tear.
Okay okay, but when Sora and Riku are looking out at the waves together, and Riku’s like: “nothing’s changed, huh?” And Sora responds with “Nope. Nothing will.”
BECAUSE I PLAYED KH3 FIRST I JUST BROKE DOWN LIKE— Sora, you have no idea what’s gonna happen to you, you have no idea how much things are gonna change 😭😭😭 and the fact that he’s standing at the same place he’s going to fade at in 3.
Ughhhh, best KH ending ever. It’s a masterpiece.
Just a fragment of my thoughts but yeah— go play KH2 if you haven’t already (and if you have go replay it now!)
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Ask gameee: Sk8 the infinity, Shinkami and Anya from Spy x family.
This posy will be long!!
Favorite character: Reki, but I'm also going to Sketchy.
Least Favorite character: It's Adam, but I do think he's fun as a villain.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Reki/Langa, Joe/Cherry, Shadow and that woman he was crushing on, Nanako/Oliver 😭, and Oka/Tadashi
Character I find most attractive: It would be expected of me to say JOE, and he is attractive, but I gotta give this spot to Nanako. In fact, also to Masae. Beautiful, caring women.
Character I would marry: I'd be down to marry... hmm... I'd marry Nanako in a heartbeat. Or Cherry.
Character I would be best friends with: Joe, hands down, Joe. We can get on Cherry's nerves together.
A random thought: Miki, the green haired chick from episode 2, I think she has the potential to be skater. I actually wrote a whole fic with this idea called "You're Lime Green Jell-O".
An unpopular opinion: Reki actually has some great fashion sense and I would wear his hoodies. I want every single color.
My Canon OTP: Okay, since it's not exactly stated if they are canon, I'm not going to say Renga, but I will say Nanako and Oliver. Because... 😭
My Non-canon OTP: But I will say Renga here.
Most Badass Character: REKI. Look, I don't care what anyone says, that kid was the first to ever humiliate Adam. His plan involving the rain was solid! He's also crafty, makes skateboards!! Like the other characters are badasses in their own right, but Reki's race with Adam in the rain? That took the cake for me.
Most Epic Villain: Hands down, Adam. He's easy to hate, but you gotta admit he is an interesting character.
Pairing I am not a fan of: I do not like Adam and Langa together.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Kiriko, I actually wanted to see more of her and her investigation of Adam. But I hope for her return in season 2.
Favourite Friendship: Love it romantically, but I also love Reki and Langa as friends, too. They just click so well!! I also love Joe being like a big bro to Reki.
Character I most identify with: Reki, yes, Reki. A lot of how he felt about himself was relatable to me and his personality is similar to my own. Also, big siblings. I am a big sibling, the eldest, and have siblings just about all three of his sisters' ages and it be like that.
Character I wish I could be: Sketchy. Seems to have a lot of fun.
When I started shipping them: Ooh, when did I... okay in my early days of being in the fandom. It's actually one of the first ships I started shipping due to what my first ship was. (I'll let you guess who was my first ship, and yes, still ship it.)
My thoughts: I just love this ship! First off, individually, I do adore both characters.
What makes me happy about them: I like that they are friends in canon. That there is that foundation of their relationship.
What makes me sad about them: I actually don't have anything really sad about them. I'm just happy the ship exists.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Again, I really don't have anything here. I haven't actually read that much ShinKami fics enough to pick up on a recurring trait that may annoy me.
Things I look for in fanfic: I'm not really picky, to be honest. So I kind just explore when it comes to ShinKami.
My wishlist: I would love more interactions with them. Even just a single shot will do for me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Okay, personally, for BNHA, I don't care for any ship to be canon. An ending doesn't need to have canon ships to be a good ending, that's just me. I don't hate the idea of ships being canon at the end though. But I don't mind Kamijiro, still a purple-yellow ship. For Shinsou? I actually don't have anybody. Maybe Midoriya, I like ShinDeku, too.
My happily ever after for them: See them partner up some more in the future.
How I feel about this character: That she deserves happiness and everything else she wants. She's adorable, she's precious, she's funny.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Damian and Becky
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gotta bring up Becky here again because her friendship with Becky is just too adorable. And I love Becky!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hm, do I actually have one?? I don't think I do.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: There should be like those comedy segments, like shorts of Anya's antics with Bond, Becky, Damian and the other kids as guest stars.
Favorite friendship for this character: Again, Becky and I also adore her and Bond as pals! He's the best!!
My crossover ship: I actually don't have one!
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
98 89 82 and number five for the otp gameee
I'll do this one for Espilver! ^-^
98. Who is the more social one?
I think that is Silver, after adapting to a life in the past. Espio might know more about societal conventions and has been friends with Sonic and co for longer, but I can see him be the more withdrawn and quiet of the two. Silver meanwhile has a whole life of isolation to catch up on, so he'll be chatting with whichever person he likes! But Espio has no issue with joining them once in a while to chat a bit as well.
89. What is an inside joke they have?
I once wrote a story about Silver being obsessed with chameleon facts he read in a library book and trying to apply those to Espio, so I can see that be a joke of theirs! And in New Beginnings, he quickly becomes enamoured with doughnuts (with pink frosting and sprinkles), so the two of them might tease each other about that as well.
82. What do they love about each other the most?
What Espio loves about Silver is his devotion, the fact he never gives up and never backs down from doing what he deems right. Silver furthermore loves others with am almost frightening ferocity and desire to protect, and Espio knows that his beloved will do everything he can to keep them all safe. He's happy to lend a hand and be there for Silver the same way he wants Silver to be able to rely on him.
What Silver loves about Espio is how he might present himself as a bit gruff and distant, but he's seen first-hand just how caring and loving Espio can be underneath that; not only towards Silver himself, but also the Chaotix and all their friends. Also, if it hadn't been for Espio, Silver likely would not have adapted to the past in the way he did. He knows that he can count on Espio no matter the situation; a steady assurance he's never had in his life before.
Overall, I think Silver and Espio are perfect to help the other become better: Silver can urge Espio to come out of his shell a bit (since Espio can be withdrawn and somewhat smug at times), whereas Espio can teach Silver about the world of the past and what it is like to be loved and cared for.
5. How did their second date go?
I think that would heavily depend on their first date, whether or not they had their First KissTM there, etcetera. But at this point, both of them probably have realised that the feelings they have for each other are pretty solid and not bound to go away, so I can see them be a bit more flustered and awkward than with the first date. That is, assuming Espio's taken the time already to explain to Silver what exactly a date entails! If he has not, Silver will be just as chipper as with the first, and Espio is the nervous one between the two of them. But I figure they'll go do something low-key and fun together, like a nice walk on the beach or stargazing. So in that regard there truly is not much pressure on them, since they do those activities tons of times to begin with without it being a date. But I do not foresee any drama happening, unless of course Eggman attacks.
Honestly, Eggman would be the kind of person just crashing a date for funsies if he knows it's happening, because he's just like that. So perhaps their second date was an epic battle of life and death against a mad genius!
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justreadingfics · 4 years
19, 23, 25 in the ask gameee :))
19. Name an episode from a show that you wish didn’t happen?
GoT's series finale, which singlehandledy ruined the epicness of a whole show🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
23. A show that you find relatable to your life?
Maybe The Office? The look at the camera part? Lol.
25. Favourite television villian?
Gus Fring "Breaking Bad" and Wilson Fisk "Daredevil"
Ooo and I really liked The Governor from "Walking Dead"
And Cersei (like I loved how much I hated her)
I'm really into villains 🤣
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