loyolagay · 1 year
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lamento mi personalidad por los proximos meses.
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vanyaliful · 2 years
if I could put words on what trope or what specific emotion im rotating in my mind i could say it was invented by elle woods and emmett forest in the song legally blonde in legally blonde the musical (2007)
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goldenliartrash · 5 months
It has not worked out well ✅
I wish that I were dead ✅
No wedding in love ✅
Flunking out of school ✅
A total laughing stock ✅
Someone he and his friends can just mock ✅
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ghostgirlvii-art · 3 months
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Here it she is! New OC! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ With... much more lore and idea than I expected. Let's say it started with "would be cool to have to character with a monster arm" kind of idea. There's some secret under the cut about her 🤫
Name: Anisoara Van Aken
Alias(es): Ani, "Stag"
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Birthday: 27th June
Nationality: Romanian/Belgian
Place of Birth: Oradea, Romania
Home: Belgium
Spoken Languages: Romanian and English (Mothertongue), French, Dutch, Russian, German
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Operative at [REDACTED]
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Auburn (natural), Blond (undercut, colored)
Height: 1m68
Scars: Left eye, Right upper arm, Right leg all inflicted during work.
Tattoo: Right Shoulder
Other: Freckles on the shoulders
Adaptable, Humble, Reserved, Stubborn, sometimes insecure
Despite all that happened to her, she try to keep a positive view around her.
Skills and Abilities:
Has a higher strengh, stamina and spatial awareness when she let "the claw take control."
She is capable to blend in the crowd easily.
Relay on agility and stealth more than brute force.
Unnamed mother (Deceased)
Unnamed father (Deceased)
Wout Van Aken (Uncle)
 She got her tattoo against her uncle's wishes. It doesn't have any meaning, Anisoara simply liked it.
Same goes for her famous "golden jaw" mask. She liked the style.
No one is allowed to touch her left arm unless it covered up. Which in itself is always covered.
Her parents met two years before she was born. Her father was a Belgian historian with an interest in East Europe, her mother was an archeologist/teacher. Born and raised in Odarea, Anisoara spent the first six years of her life being raised like any kid. Because her father didn't speak a good romanian by the time she was born, English was used a lot, but her mother was adamant that she knew the country language as well.
Around the age of six, weird spot showed on her hand. Black spots that wouldn't go away no matter what. A visit to the doctor rassured the family that nothing was wrong, but they should keep an eye of it ever change. At first Anisoara didn't seems to have much trouble because of it at school, however has the spots grew bigger and slowly showed on her upper arm, kids started to be mean and eventually she learned to hide her arm with a glove and arm band.
Her life took a turn as her parents died in a car accident when she was twelve. Despite having relative in Romania, Anisoara was sent to Belgium to live with her uncle who gained full legal guardianship. Having to adapt to a new country in the early teen years was difficult and she often felt homesick. She was never truly allowed to return see her home country after that. Around the age of sixteen, her little problem on the left arm had by now fully grown into something much more worrisome. But she was always being told that everything was fine, as long as she hide it. However she quickly realized that this would be a problem in every day life and begin to worry about her future. Her uncle proposed her to come work for the spy/military agency he was working at. They wouldn't care about it as long as she get the job done.
Working for [REDACTED] her uncle was able to get her a place in the agence. Anisoara became a loyal and reliable agent of the company, excelling in most of her ops and showing extremly good results. She considered herself a succesful person who had her life in hand. Or so she thought, till the day a strange dossier was given to her by a stranger.
Dossier: Subject-2706-AVA
29-06-████ : Subject was given serum ███████ only 48 hours after birth. Agent ████ ████ confirmed the success of the mission. ███████ will be designated as official pedetrician for Subject.
31-10 ████ : Subject-2706-AVA, also known as Anisoara showed up for an unsual check up. Black mark on her skin. Blood sample shows no anomalies. Same result on x-ray and MRI. Further investigation are recommanded.
17-03-████ : For the sake of the project it has been decided that Operation Jager will be excuted on ██ ██ ████ Afterward, Subject should be ████████ ████ ███████ to allow better observation.
18-07: ████: The anomalie on the arm as now reached it's probably final stage. However it remains no danger to the subject; plausible advantage? ████ recommends that we observe the other subjects. 2607-AVA is the only subject so far to show good reaction to the serum and expected results, aside from the mutation.
26-11- ████ : Agent Van Aken [Subject 2607-AVA] as shown remarkable cabapility among the agence. All in the lines of the prediction for Serum ███████. The incident of May should not be considered a threat. According to Agent ████████ we should actually see this as a new possible weapon. According to 2607-AVA, quote "I felt like I was possess, like the claw was controling me." A psycology test is recommended. On a side note, all other subjects also injected with ████████ have shown no signs of modifications and/or are unusable in the project.
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weissaddams · 1 year
Date With Death
Chapter 6
Her conversation with Ajax was as short as she’d predicted, but more reassuring that she thought it would be.
Enid would have her happy ending. With or without.
An unwelcome heaviness fills her body when she realizes that the remaining hours of her life will be her last hours with Enid Sinclair. She can only hope she does nothing to anger the blonde in those last hours. Though seeing her canines come out would certainly be a treat.
Wednesday was proud of her Addams heritage. It was both revered and feared. Loved and hated. Envied and yearned for.
The only price for being an Addams was the curse placed upon one at birth.
It seemed the curse took someone from each generation. Once someone born into the Addams family fails to win over the affections of their one and only love, the curse would set in. What constituted as failure and the timing of the curse seemed to vary, but not materially.
Most were taken the moment a legal and binding document meant they had lost the fight to win the affections of the one they loved. Essentially, once the marriage contract is signed, defeat was official. Sadly, the curse which had been placed on their family centuries ago had no knowledge of proceedings such as divorces which could technically give them a way to nullify a contract. 
She could die the moment Enid said I do or the moment Enid and Ajax sign their marriage contract or any moment in between. It varied, due to different marriage customs any Addams found themselves in, but it seemed that one could fight off the curse's effects for a short period of time out of sheer will.  
A myocardial infraction would take them instantly or within the span of a few minutes. Just enough time to call for an ambulance? Hardly. There was no point in trying. Defibrillation would not beat a century-old curse.
It should, however, be just enough time for Wednesday to walk herself back to the family hearse. She’d rather not be a burden that had to be carried around even after her demise.
Now, as she exited the boys’ suite and made her way back to the girls, her last adventure would be to make Enid happy. Devote all her remaining hours to the love of her short-lived but begrudgingly colorful life.
She read that it was almost tradition, if not expected, for the groom to cry the moment he first sees his bride walk down the aisle. Dressed in white.
Wednesday was no groom, but the tear she felt run down her cheek the moment Enid smiled and waved her over certainly made her wonder if this was how she would feel had they been the ones to get married today.
“Willa? Are you okay?” The werewolf bunched up her dress and walked hurriedly over to a wide-eyed Wednesday Addams, hands hovering close enough to wipe off the tear but not daring to. Was it her color allergy again? Did they have too many colorful items in the room?
Wednesday takes a breath and lets herself be selfish. Just one more time. She will allow herself the greed of wanting Enid. She was essentially dying, after all. 
“Tu es magnifique, mon loup.” Wednesday took Enid’s hand as she bowed her head slightly and placed a light kiss on the werewolf’s knuckles. 
The blush on the Enid’s cheeks was delicious as Wednesday finally stood up straight to look at her, a slight smirk replacing the awe on her face. She could hear the other girls sniggering and squealing behind her but she could not care less. She was enjoying this moment with Enid. She was breathtaking.
“Translation please?” Enid asked with a nervous laugh, not taking away her hand because she would never dare to deny Wednesday touch when she initiated it herself.. She wasn't sure if she should be worried that Wednesday was acting a bit weird today, but she was Wednesday and Wednesday Addams never did anything normally.
The raven sighed amusedly before finally, finally smiling at Enid. Her heart clenched at the respect the werewolf continuously gave her. She could have easily learned French. Morticia and Gomez were more than willing to teach her but she’d opted not to in order to give Wednesday her space. Her space in the form of language in case there were things she had to process out loud without Enid understanding.
Not unlike how Wednesday chose not to learn Greek for the sake of giving Enid her own space to process things Wednesday didn’t need to know right away.
What a pair they would have made. Alas, the glint of the engagement ring on the hand she had not kissed reminded her of a certain impossibility.
“Words could not express how magnificent you are, Enid.”
Could magnificent encompass all the awe that was trying to burst out of Wednesday’s 5′2″ body? It could try, but it would surely fail.
From the off shoulder design to the intricately weaved patters of her white dress. From the tiara that sat atop the blonde’s head to the strands of blonde hair perfectly framing her face while the rest were braided in a crown.
From the pink of her lips to the blue skies in her eyes.
How could a singular word ever encompass the ethereal being that was Enid Sinclair?
Date With Death master post
I was in the mood to write so here you go.  Another short chapter, though.
Can you tell that I’m winging the flow of the story? Lol. 
If anyone has any idea how I can get this fic out to more readers, please let me know. :)
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beyondthegame · 1 year
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Nickname/also known as: Cy
Physical description: Their light brown skin tone and brown, monolid eyes complement each other perfectly. They have straight dark hair: female Cypress's hair length is past their shoulders, whilst male and non-binary has their hair short but with length on the top. A defined jawline and slight muscular build. Every day, at all times, Cypress wears a necklace with a shield pendant.
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: Asexual
Distinctive features: The tiny heart-shaped birthmark on their jaw.
Race: Asian
Ethnicity: Filipino
(Former) position: Box-to-box midfielder
(Former) shirt number: 3
Random fact: Cypress has three younger siblings that they have legal custody for.
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Nickname/also known as: Es (for Estelle), Ev for (Evren and Everest), 'The Wild Ace' (by the media)
Physical description: Brown, freckled skin, an infectious smile, dark green/hazel eyes and dark curly hair. Female E's hair is cut into a bob. Male E's hair is short and shaved at the sides. Non-binary E's curly hair sits just above their ears. Their career as a model always ensures they're wearing the latest designer clothing. Additionally, they have several ear piercings.
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: Pansexual
Distinctive features: The tiny butterfly tattoo behind their ear and the dimple in their left cheek.
Race: Mixed
Ethnicity: Colombian and Canadian
Favourite sport: Tennis
Random fact: E carries a little notebook around with them everywhere in case they get book ideas that need to be jotted down.
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Physical description: Brown skin, plump lips and dark upturned eyes. L has tight, coily hair — something they've found extremely difficult to love. L usually sleeks their hair back in a bun. They have a slender build and regularly have their nails painted.
Height: 5'8
Distinctive features: The slit in their left eyebrow.
Race: Black
Ethnicity: Brazilian and British
Position: Attacking left-winger
Shirt number: 7
Random fact: L's pre-match ritual is leaning down and tapping the side of their left boot twice.
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Physical description: Dark skin and dark brown almond-shaped eyes. Usually, they have black Afro hair, but Milan wants their appearance to match their style of tennis — to stand out. So, now they've dyed a streak in their hair honey blonde. Female Milan wears their hair in long cornrows, non-binary Milan wears their hair in twists, and male Milan has a buzzcut fade. They also wear a gold nose ring.
Height: 5'9
Distinctive features: The two beauty spots below their left eye and the platinum blonde streak in their hair.
Race: Black
Ethnicity: British-Jamaican
Tennis idol(s): Serena Williams, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer & Nick Kyrgios (<- what can Milan say? They like Nick's drama)
Random fact: Milan keeps a picture of the two of you in their wallet. It's a picture you took together when you were teenagers, it reminds Milan of where you both started and where you're both heading.
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Physical description: Dark grey eyes and brown skin. Female N has their dark brown wavy hair down to their torso, non-binary N's hair is nape-length, and male N has short hair swept to the side. N has a bracelet that they always wear, they'll swear it's for comfort, but they know it's their anchor — it brings them a dosage of luck.
Height: 6'0
Sexuality: Demisexual
Race: Mixed
Ethnicity: French and Lebanese
Position: Striker
Shirt number: 11
MBTI Type: ENTP-A (N's an ambivert really)
Random fact: N truly admired you. You turned them into a better player. But when their football dreams were briefly crushed, that admiration disappeared.
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fabiansteinhauer · 10 months
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Pathosformeln beleidigen
Pathosformeln beleidigen, dafür sind sie da, sie können das darum auch ab, beleidigt zu werden. Pathosformeln sind Passionsformulare, sie lassen leiden und Leiden durchgehen. Sie lassen passen und passieren. Sie sind ohnehin und bleiben ohnehin widerständig und insistierend. Widerstände der Systemtheorie? Systemtheorien widerstehen! Insistenzen der Systemtheorie? Systemtheorien insistieren!
Soll man sich von der Lektüre der Staatstafel beleidigen lassen? Soll der römische Staat, den man in seinem Stolz lieber für das kälteste aller Ungeheuer als für einen Haufen Witze hält, so ansehen, wie Warburg ihn zeigt? Was für ein Ansehen was für ein Kredit soll das denn sein? durchgehendes Ansehen und durchgehender Kredit soll das sein.
Diese Frage, die nach der Beleidigung, stellt sich immer, immer stellt sich die Frage, ob man sich von einer Lektüre beleidigen lässt. Soll man sich von Vismann beleidigen lassen, die den römischen Staat als einen Haufen Witze vorführt? Soll man sich von Foucault beleidigen lassen, von dem Gerede, dass der römische Staat ein Haufen Gouvernmentalität sei? Soll man sich von Vesting beleidigen lassen, von seiner Vorgabe und Vorsetzung großer alter weißer Männer, vom Vorsitz großer alter weißer Männer? Ja sicher, was den sonst?
Wenn die angeblich schon ein Witz sind, dann kann man sich auch von ihnen zum Witz machen lassen. Ooops, i did it against! Spears' Technik nennt man nicht dialektisch, das kann daran liegen, dass sie eine blonde Frau ist. I object legally blonde! Das ist Dialektik, von mir aus auch diagonal, man nennt das Vorgehen negative Affirmation oder aber Verkehrung, oder Verzehrung, oder Begehrung, eine öde und wüste vague und vogue Assoziation. Ist das gut? Bingo-Inos Formel: Ja, aber umgekehrt würde ich sagen.
Soll man! Kann man! Man kann die Beleidigung durchgehen lassen, man kann Staatstafeln, die Aktenberge und die Gouvernementalität durchgehen lassen. Es gibt viele, die das alles lowerden werden, sei es, indem sie das alles bekämpfen oder bestreiten, dass es irgendweine Rolle spielen würde.
Jetzt einmal ernst, ganz ernst: Das ist nicht der Rat, den ich gebe. Der Rat, den ich gebe: alles mitmachen. Pathosformeln beleidigen! Bilder regeln! 1. Worte isolieren! 2. Reden schneiden! 3. Tafeln gehen!
a) Scheiden! b) Schichten! c) Mustern!
Den Rat gebe ich , wenn ich in Wien eine Regierungsschule mitgestalten soll. Den gebe ich wenn ich in Frankfurt junge Forscherinnen und Forscher darin schule, wohlregiert zu forschen. Umarme deine Symptome, schaukel und tanze, kippe und wippe mit ihnen, das kannst du.
Man kann Aktenberge mitmachen, man kann Staatstafeln mitmachen, man kann sogar Apokalypsen und Hegel, Arendt und Melden mitmachen, wenn man Kalypso tanzen kann, sich verstecken und hervorkommen kann, wenn man pendeln kann, von fort nach da und von da nach fort. Mein Rat ist immer: Mitmachen! Alles andere macht auch nur mit. Dieser Rat ist mutual und mute, für eine anarchistisch-juridische Kulturtechnik. Die Welt wird nicht verrückter dadurch, als sie ist.
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lledron · 1 year
Louis James Moriarty / Albert James Moriarty , Part 2
Part 1, here: https://lledron.tumblr.com/post/718787539505430528/louis-james-moriarty-x-albert-james-moriarty
What pets do they have? Albert wanted to keep Charles, so he shares custody with Mycroft. "Who's cute and beautiful?" said Albert, petting the pigeon and handing it pieces of freshly baked bread. "Albert, you're making her too fat…" said Louis, taking the pieces of bread away from the poor bird. "He's just hungry. "He has to maintain a healthy life in order to fly and do…whatever it is that pigeons do…Promise me that you will feed him conscientiously and that you will talk to Director Holmes about a good feeding plan" said Louis. "I promise," said Albert. His fingers were trembling. He desperately wanted a drink, but this was his third day without touching alcohol. He could have. He could.
Wedding (Including a Modern AU Who's proposing? Well, technically they were married, Albert thought. They lived in the same house, shared a Netflix account and paid for it jointly. But legally they were brothers, even if they hadn't seen these people in years. Louis was on her chest, stroking her nipple. And before his other head thought he'd better go for a second round, Albert spoke up: "Will you marry me?" The blond raised his head, looking beautiful and confused. "Are you kidding?" he inquired. "No" she explained and pulled out the ring, hidden behind the headboard of the bed. "Louis James Moriarty, will you marry me?" he said and held up the simple gold ring.No blood covered diamonds for them. "Yes," Louis replied, smiling. "But what are we going to do if…?" "Don't worry about that, I already have a plan" Albert said and wrapped him in a hug. The world could burn for all he cared.
Who really enjoyed the planning? They both did! "Louis, why don't you sit Sherlock and Will at the, you know, married table?" "They're newlyweds. We have a list, Albert, your list…" "You know Moneypenny and Bond tried that once and it didn't work, right? Why do you want to put them together at the singles table?" "All right, you win, we'll send out an invitation with a plus one." "Confirmation from the bodyguards came in as well. If they see that hideous thing* or my parents they have orders to call the police."
Would your wedding be small or grand? It would be intimate, because I think in this AU Albert was still working for the Queen of England's secret service. Arrangements of roses, lilies and daffodils. Albert and Louis would have fits in case something goes wrong during the wedding. If Albert's parents walk in, if the judge decides not to marry them… Fortunately, all went well, but Moran stopped a crazy ex of Louis' who had bypassed security and was going to say "I object because they are brothers, he introduced him to me as his older brother and told me not to worry". Helena, William and Sherlock's daughter, was the flower girl and Fred was the ring bearer.
Which guest was happier to see them get married? William cried tears of joy as his brothers kissed in front of the judge. Sherlock hugged him from behind and held out a handkerchief. *Albert calls his brother "the thing".
¿Qué mascotas tienen? Albert quería quedarse con Charles, así que comparte la custodia con Mycroft. "¿Quién es lindo y hermoso?", dijo Albert, acariciando a la paloma y dándole trozos de pan recién horneado. "Albert, la estás engordando demasiado…" dijo Louis, quitándole los trozos de pan a la pobre ave. "Sólo tiene hambre. "Tiene que mantener una vida sana para poder volar y hacer… lo que sea que hagan las palomas… Prométeme que lo alimentarás a conciencia y que hablarás con el director Holmes sobre un buen plan de alimentación" dijo Louis. "Lo prometo", dijo Albert. Le temblaban los dedos. Deseaba desesperadamente un trago, pero era su tercer día sin tocar el alcohol. Podría haberlo hecho. Podría.
Boda (incluye un AU moderno) ¿Quién se declara? Bueno, técnicamente estaban casados, pensó Albert. Vivían en la misma casa, compartían una cuenta de Netflix y la pagaban conjuntamente. Pero legalmente eran hermanos, aunque llevaran años sin verse. Louis estaba sobre su pecho, acariciándole el pezón. Y antes de que su otra cabeza pensara que era mejor ir a por una segunda ronda, Albert habló: "¿Quieres casarte conmigo?" El rubio levantó la cabeza, hermoso y confuso. "¿Estás de broma?", inquirió. "No", explicó y sacó el anillo, oculto tras el cabecero de la cama. "Louis James Moriarty, ¿quieres casarte conmigo?" dijo y levantó el sencillo anillo de oro.Nada de diamantes cubiertos de sangre para ellos. "Sí", respondió Louis, sonriendo. "¿Pero qué vamos a hacer si…?". "No te preocupes por eso, ya tengo un plan" dijo Albert y lo envolvió en un abrazo. Por él, el mundo podía arder.
¿A quién le gustaba planear? A los dos. "Louis, ¿por qué no sientas a Sherlock y Will en la, ya sabes, mesa de los casados?". "Son recién casados. Tenemos una lista, Albert, tu lista…" "Sabes que Moneypenny y Bond lo intentaron una vez y no funcionó, ¿verdad? ¿Por qué quieres ponerlos juntos en la mesa de solteros?" "De acuerdo, tú ganas, enviaremos una invitación con un acompañante." "También llegó la confirmación de los guardaespaldas. Si ven esa cosa horrible* o a mis padres tienen órdenes de llamar a la policía."
¿Su boda sería pequeña o grandiosa? Sería íntima, porque creo que en esta UA Albert aún trabajaba para el servicio secreto de la Reina de Inglaterra. Arreglos de rosas, lirios y narcisos. Albert y Louis tendrían ajustes en caso de que algo saliera mal durante la boda. Si los padres de Albert entran, si el juez decide no casarlos… Afortunadamente, todo salió bien, pero Moran detuvo a una ex loca de Louis que se había saltado la seguridad e iba a decir "me opongo porque son hermanos, me lo presentó como su hermano mayor y me dijo que no me preocupara". Helena, la hija de William y Sherlock, fue la niña de las flores y Fred el portador de los anillos.
¿Qué invitado se alegró más de que se casaran? William lloró de alegría cuando sus hermanos se besaron delante del juez. Sherlock le abrazó por detrás.
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accustiv-archived · 1 year
character sheet
full name: beaumont lawrence carnegie
nickname: beau .
alias(es): the sovereign, damien hwang, jasper qian, park dae-hwan .
pronouns: he / they .
height: 5'5".
age: 28 (varies by verse) .
zodiac: cancer sun / aries moon / gemini rising .
spoken languages: english, korean, mandarin, japanese, spanish, french, italian, german, some cantonese, some russian .
physical characteristics
hair: naturally black and straight, often dyed - usually shades of blonde or red. length varies, although it remains above shoulder length at all times .
facial hair: none .
eyes: dark brown, almost black ; large round irises that reflect the light as if its stars .
skin tone: his skin is on the fairer side of honey, neutral undertone .
body type: ectomorph. generally petite, slow to gain muscle .
voice: deep voice, naturally with an estuary accent, but that only emerges around people he truly and deeply trusts, most often speaks with received pronunciation. he uses various accents depending on his job and alias .
dominant hand: right-handed .
posture: generally good posture, when relaxed will often rest his weight on one hip .
scars: scar from bullet shrapnel next to right eye, curved scar lower left abdomen, faint scar on right knee .
birthmarks: none .
must notable features: small stature, whatever he’s drawing attention to at the time .
place of birth: seoul, south korea .
hometown: london, england .
siblings: none .
parents: jonathan carnegie and annabelle carnegie (née forrest) - adoptive parents ; biological parents unknown .
adult life
occupation: international con artist & art thief ; owner of montrose antiques, covent garden (until shortly after his release from prison) .
current residence: varies by verse - owns apartments in los angeles, new york, london & seoul .
close friends: stefan hristov, rowan lewis, casper reid, jack redacted .
financial status: upper middle .
driver's license: no legal licence .
criminal record: arrested for trespass and theft of major artwork ; questioned in connection to multiple art thefts in europe but never charged ; questioned for information on international art forger the ghost .
vices: cigarettes, alcohol, attention .
love and romance
sexual orientation: bisexual .
preferred emotional role: he very much tries to be the one who solves issues or fixes problems ; he wants to be relied on emotionally, but is rarely the dominant personality in a relationship .
preferred sexual role: bottom / submissive .
turn offs: blood / bodily fluids ; foot stuff .
love languages: physical touch, words of affirmation, gift giving (not receiving) .
relationship tendencies: beau has spent so much of his career making people like, trust and even love him to complete jobs that he is constantly concerned that he may be manipulating his partner and does everything he can to prove that his feelings are genuine. when he falls in love, it is deeply and, most of the time, unconditional. he can appear to be love-bombing at times, and with an odd work schedule and uncertainty of self he can be difficult to be in a relationship with, but he is extremely affectionate and generous to those he cares about.
character theme tune: due south, thea gilmore .
hobbies to pass time: swimming ; cardio workouts ; drawing & sketching ; studying languages ; watching aquarium builds .
left- or right-brained: left-brained .
self-confidence level: appears high superficially, but beau is extremely insecure and is always waiting for someone to realise that he’s not actually worth shit .
tagged by @vanishinq (stole it)
tagging anyone who wants to
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linalilia · 2 years
I've watched a few videos for MILGRAM now! So how about Haruka, Mahiru and Yuno for the character bingo? :0
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haruka. OH GOD HARUKA. man. many thoughts, i have many thoughts about this guy. i'm gonna be honest, when i first heard about him, i was like "ah. so he's just a sad boy with mommy issues. okay." I ALSO THOUGHT HE WAS THE "PROTAGONIST"?? I REALLY JUST IGNORED ES DJDKSDLGJFD. so yeah, i wasn't that interested in him at first and even disliked him because of the animals part. as someone who has many pets that part made me a bit anxious but as i learned more about him.. yeah. yeah, i actually like him. STILL WANT TO PUT HIM IN A SALAD SPINNER. I JUST THINK IT WOULD BE NICE. i watched his second drama with eng subs recently though.. i really sat there like "my boy, i ordered your acrylic figure and it's supposed to come soon. and you dare to disappoint me like this??" MY MOM ACTUALLY JOKED ABOUT ME PUTTING HIS FIGURE IN A CORNER WHEN IT ARRIVES TO "PUNISH" HIM 😭😭 okay, okay, it wasn't really a disappointment, but.. yeah. this guy is literally the "look, a little guy!! oh, he's a bit fucked up actually.." meme.
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YUNO. GIRLBOSS. i love her so much, she's so pretty and she's such a good character!! her second mv really shows how well-written she is.. the aesthetic of her mvs is so good too.. her acting like this carefree and cheerful girl, but her real personality being much colder and her feeling empty inside.. WOW. and her saying that she doesn't need a reason for her actions is actually so interesting? like usually characters immediately go "okay, here's my tragic backstory, forgive me now please" in situations like this, but yuno really went "i don't have a reason. and even if i do, why should i tell you" OKAY QUEEN. IT'S YOUR BUSINESS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHARE WITH US. BUT there's this one moment, i feel like i should've picked "canon isn't real" for her too.. i love yuno as a character a lot, but at the same time.. if her crime really is what most theories say (and i think it was confirmed in the second drama, if i'm not wrong), then it kinda makes her case a bit boring? like we have characters who did really interesting and TERRIFYING crimes, but then here's yuno.. and she didn't really do anything wrong? i don't know much about how her case would go in japan, like is it legal or not, but still, i doubt that she should be in a place like milgram for that. tbh i really wanted her crime to be something completely different maybe a "black widow" type of character, haha.. because it would at least explain why she's here.. but if her crime really is not that special, it turns out to be kinda underwhelming in my opinion :( so at the same time i REALLY hope that people are gonna vote her innocent because she does not deserve to be voted guilty at all, but also.. it just doesn't feel right, like THERE MUST BE MORE. like yuno's case is not that bad at all compared to other crimes, IT'S NOT EVEN A CRIME, so what is she even doing here? anyway, i love her, yuno really wakes up every day and chooses to slay and i love that for her.
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MAHIRUUUUUU. MAHIRU. I LOVE HER. SHE'S GOOD. of course someone who made an oc like allen and so many other similar ocs would say that listen, i have a weakness haha get it like haruka's mv for characters who have big sister energy, characters who are obsessed with the concept of love AND i love characters with the same hair color (even though she's not really blonde.. i think. she does look blonde in official art, but her hair color is a bit different in her mv?) SHE REALLY GOT THE WHOLE BINGO. i love her character so much, she's so goofy 😭😭 but also those moments that make you feel like she's kinda.. trying to repress the memory of her crime in a way.. yeah, those are good. like mahiru acts like such a silly character who's always like "anyway do you have a crush on anyone? <3" but when someone asks her about her crime, she's like ".. ah, yeah, i guess i did do that". i can relate tbh. about the fandom being mean, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE GUILTY VOTE AT ALL. even if those theories about her are correct, i still don't think she should suffer like this? haha thank you kotoko.. like it's a hard pill to swallow, but it must be said that i doubt mahiru did those things on purpose and her face in the end of that mv really says that. HER COVER OF PSYCHOGRAM THOUGH.. y-yeah, i'm not sure what are they trying to do with her, like is she really supposed to be a yandere or they just want to make us think she is one. anyway, i'm a mahiru apologist <3
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barbie-pop-feminismus · 8 months
It’s Pink - Barbiecore und Hyperfemininity (#2)
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Bild: @haileybieber, @meganfox, @kimkardashian, Getty Images, Collage: Condé Nast Germany // Glamour Magazin
Pink als Farbe des "Empowerments"?: "Barbiecore"
Die Nachfrage nach der Farbe Pink ist 2022/23 deutlich gestiegen. Weltweit gingen Besucher*innen verkleidet als Barbie und Ken oder auch nur in pinker Kleidung ins Kino. Hauptsache Barbiecore!
“A ‘core’ is a niche fashion trend, often born from social media, that revolves around a very specific visual aesthetic,” - Brenda Otero, Lyst’s cultural insights manager."
Barbie x Zara, Barbie x Fossil und viele andere sind auf den Barbie Zug aufgesprungen und boten Kooperationen an - alles in Pink.
War Pink vorher noch "zu feminin", dass Frau nicht ernstgenommen wurde, wurde für den Barbie Film sich zur "Farbe bekannt". Der Film, der von allen als feministischer Leuchtturm erwartet wurde, brachte Pink zurück, möglicherweise mit einem Hauch von Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung und Mut? Ist Pink also wieder cool?
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© picture alliance / ZUMAPRESS.com | Iris Schneider
Pink & Stereotype im Film
Pink spielt für Frauen in Filmen immer wieder eine Rolle: "Mean Girls" (2004 & 2024) The Plastics, "High School Musical"s Sharpay (2008), Pretty in Pink (1986), "Legally Blonde"'s Elle (2001), usw.
Pink repräsentiert Weiblichkeit und in Filmen wie "Legally Blonde" (2001) wird mit der Hauptfigur Elle gezeigt, dass Pink, klug, blond, Fashion, Style, selbstbewusst, schön, entschieden und fleißig nicht im Widerstand zueinander stehen. Figuren wie Elle und Barbie zeigen, dass es möglich ist sich pink zu kleiden und dabei nicht den misogynen Stereotypen zu verfallen, die der Farbe auferlegt wurden - yeahi!
(Vielleicht noch wichtiger aber ist, dass auch Ken Pink tragen darf und jede Farbe, die Ken möchte (auch wenn es im Film nur wenige Momente davon gab). )
"PINK is a combination of red and white. In film, pink is the color of innocence, romance, charm, sweetness, femininity, playfulness, empathy, and beauty. Historically, in almost every culture, the color pink is associated with girls, and the color blue represents boys. " - Color Theory in Film: A Video Producer’s Guide, Institute of Production and Recording.
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Zara Fashion
PINK, Kommerz, Hyperfeminity
Ein weiterer Grund für den Pink-Hype ist laut dem GLAMOUR-Magazin: "In der Mode nach der Pandemie geht es nämlich vor allem um eines: Knallfarben und stimmungsaufhellendes “Dopamine Dressing”. " Also möglichst hell und stimmungshebend.
Neben möglichst hellen, knalligen Farben bedient sich die Mode aber auch einem anderen Phänomen: Hyperfeminity. Das Phänomen, was scheinbar vor allem über TikTok viral gegangen ist, zeigt, dass sich das "Intellekt oder auch Charakter einer jeden einzelnen von uns nicht an ihrem Aussehen ablesen lässt." Es ruft dazu auf, sich entschieden "stereotypisch feminin" zu kleiden: sehr gestylten Hair- und Make-up-Looks, Pink - feminin halt 💅💁‍♀️.
"Sprich: Das alte negativ konnotierte Vorurteil der Tussi greift nicht mehr. Durch den modischen Barbiecore-Ausdruck, der oft mit dem stereotypischen femininen, wie eben die Farbe Pink, figurnahen Kleidungsstücken und auch sehr gestylten Hair- und Make-up-Looks visualisiert wird, erobert sich eine neue Generation von Feministinnen, also das “Tussi-Sein” als etwas Positives zurück."
Judith Fischer vom Magazin ELLE beschreibt es ein bisschen anders:  "Viele sehen „Hyperfemininity“ sogar als feministische Bewegung, als Gegentrend zu den „Pick-Me Girls“, also Frauen, die sich bewusst von allem typisch Weiblichen distanzieren, um von Männern mehr respektiert zu werden – damit allerdings andere Frauen herabsetzen."
Es hilft natürlich auch, wenn etliche Stars auf den Trend anspringen: Lizzo, Kim Kardashian in Balenciaga-Look, Hailey Bieber im rosefarbenen Versace-Korsettkleid mit Spaghettiträgern und ihre "feministische, rebellische" Seite in teuren Designerfits zeigen.
Hyperfeminity & Kommerz
Eine "neue Generation von Feministinnen [erobert sich], also das “Tussi-Sein” als etwas Positives zurück" klingt ja erstmal ganz gut. Hyperfeminity scheint ein Trend zu sein, der sich ja erstmal den Bedürfnissen und Wünsche der Frauen* hingibt?
Judith Fischer hat dazu einen guten Gedanken, nämlich genau diesen, dass diese eine Weiblichkeit doch sehr "eindimensional" ist: "Was hier als Empowerment gefeiert wird, sieht doch ziemlich nach Männerfantasie aus. Warum sollte es also feministisch sein, „hot“ auszusehen, wenn das doch genau dem entspricht, was die allermeisten Hetero-Männer im Patriarchat von Frauen erwarten?".
Sie spricht sich für bewusstes Auseinandersetzen und bewusstes konsumieren aus, sprich: "Es ist nichts falsch daran, dass Frauen Pink und künstliche Wimpern tragen. Doch man muss sich dabei auch fragen, warum man sich genau so kleiden will und welche kapitalistischen und patriarchischen Kräfte hinter diesem Wunsch stecken. Denn was mich an „Hyperfemininity“ stört, ist, dass uns mal wieder etwas als Feminismus verkauft wird, bei dem es in Wahrheit ganz klar um Konsum geht."
Wie schon in "It’s Pink - “Herstory” #1" erwähnt, hat der Markt Strategien entwickelt, die gezielt Frauen und Mädchen durch überteuerte Produkte und gezieltes Marketing ausbeuten.
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- Fischer, J. (2022, 26. Dezember). “„Hyperfemininity“: Sind Pink und Prinzesssinnen-Style wirklich Empowerment?“. ELLE.de. https://www.elle.de/female-empowerment-misogynie-tiktok-trend-hyperfemininity
- Dangmann, M., Pantony, A. (2023, 20. Juli). „Barbiecore: Das ist der garantiert größte Modetrend 2023 – und das steckt hinter dem allgegenwärtigen Hype“. Glamour.de. https://www.glamour.de/artikel/barbiecore-modetrend
- Otero, B. in: Velaquez, A. (2022, 11. April). „The Complicated World of Fashion Cores“. Rivet. Souring Journal. https://sourcingjournal.com/denim/denim-trends/fashion-cores-staples-trends-cottagecore-normcore-gorpcore-edited-trendalytics-337148/
- Rothstein, A. (2020, 20. August). “Color Theory in Film: A Video Producer’s Guide”. Institute of Production and Recording. https://www.ipr.edu/blogs/digital-video-and-media-production/color-theory-in-film-a-video-producers-guide/#:~:text=In%20film%2C%20pink%20is%20the,the%20color%20blue%20represents%20boys.
- https://www.emotion.de/gesellschaft/hyperfemininity
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loyolagay · 1 year
perdon si de la nada comienzo a hacer querido evan posting. no lo puedo controlar
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mcumarvelousseries · 1 year
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full name: Cassandra Ann Rogers
goes by: Sandra or Cass
nickname(s): Sandra, Cassie, Andra, Ann, Little Rogers, Darling
date of birth: 04/13/1945
age: 16/78
birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
zodiac sign: Aries
current residence: Brooklyn, NY -- Avengers Compound, NY
parent(s): Steve Rogers (Father), Peggy Carter (Mother)
sibling(s): Abigail-Lanai Stark-Rogers (Half-Sister)
other relative(s):
Bucky Barnes (Legal Guardian/Uncle)
Charlie Bakker (Legal Guardian/Aunt/Mentor)
Fiona Barnes (Aunt-Figure)
Sam Wilson (Uncle-Figure)
gender: Female
pronouns: She/Her
sexuality: Bisexual
species: Superhuman
love interest: Dahila Danvers
Guinevere (Main Hero Name/Alias)
Liberty or Liberty Bell (Alias/Nickname given to her)
LJ (Alias given to her by...)
Carter Rose (Alias / Undercover Name) -- she once went undercover in a more underworld society under this alias.
Lady America Jr.
Agent Rogers
physical description: More will be added throughout the story
Dirty Ash Blonde Hair
Amber eye color
English Descent
Slim yet small muscular built body
5'3 1/2' or 161 cm
114 pounds or 52 kg
Has a small scar on her left cheek (will be explained later)
Faceclaim: Sophie Cookson
personality: Witty, Rational, Extroverted, Compassionate, Serious, Loyal, Dependable, and Kind.
Solider Serum (Artifically Enhanced Physiology; Enchanced Strength, Durability, Speed, Agility, e.g.)
Decelerated Aging
Empathy (Empathic) → Various sub-variants (ex: Pain Manipulation, Stress Manipulation, Telempathy, Emotional Energy Manipulation, e.g.)
limitation(s): Limit to (3 per) individual.
Human/Humanity → like many others she suffers from still being human despite being more advanced and having some serum passed down to her genetics. She can still die, and she can sometimes lose her own mind/humanity.
Emotions → for Cassandra her emotions seem to get in her way from time to time. When she was younger it typically occurred more frequently.
Trauma → Like some other characters, Cassandra faces her trauma which yeah it can effect her emotional response and emotions. But it also affects her ration at times and can be hard for her to get back into swing including in battle.
some additional note(s) about Cassandra:
She was born early on but has decreased aging due to her blood line and then eventual experiments she would face. She stayed a young age for awhile.
Was temporary frozen in early hydro-freezing techniques when captured at an early age.
Raised with her siblings from her mother as she grew to care for her younger siblings. Until she went missing.
Didn't know much more than what her mother originally gave her on her father until she met him in 2014.
She started high school in the 60s but didn't go back until her Sophomore year until the 2010s. Which did make her feel out of place, which we still see after the events in Endgame.
I would like to think maybe Steve came back after the Stones to stay with his daughter, and retired as she now goes on missions with her Aunts and Uncles.
"I would assure you to have better manners in front of me if I were you. But since you insulted my friends I'm afraid I've got to skip to step five now..."
More about Cassandra Rogers can be found in the character masterlist or her tag in which it will provide more context. Stay Tuned!!
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ofgearhead · 1 year
meet the muse;
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LEGAL NAME: Rikku [ No surname ]
GENDER | SPECIES: Female | Human
PLACE OF BIRTH: Bikanel Island, Spira
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Al Bhed (native), english
EDUCATION: Graduated highest education / Al bhed schooling
OCCUPATION: Guardian / Sphere Hunter / Mechanic
LIKE[S]: Laughing, playing, teasing, eating, salvaging machina, building, puns, banana pudding, treasure, stealing.
DISLIKE[S]: Yevon, bullying, babysitting, Brother's ugly haircut, broken machina, losing a battle, weirdos, anyone who picks on Yunie!
FEAR[S]: Getting someone killed, snakes, bugs, being injured, ghosts, scary stuff.
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Playful, honest, excitable, spunky, one-track mind, forgetful, careless, crass,
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOR: Golden blonde
EYE COLOR: Emerald green, spiral pupils
HEIGHT: 5'2" / 158cm
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: Brother. Thinks of Yunie as a sister.
PARENT[S]: Deceased mother, Father Cid
PET[S]: None
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Personality driven. Masculine attracted.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse dependent. Single by default
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fabiansteinhauer · 3 months
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Der deutliche Gruß ist eine Geste und Pathosformel. Zum Pfingstwunder soll ein gewisser Nikodemus diesen Gruß auf einer Gasse reigend gezeigt haben, die man im Volksmund Whiskymeile nennt. Wie, Pfingsten, Schnaps, Heiliger Geist und deutscher Gruß und dann noch Nikodemus und ein Spruch der SPD: Deutschland den Deutschen, die die Demokratie verteidigen? Too much, too soon.
Wenn Nikodemus deswegen wegen Volksverhetzung verurteilt wird oder ihm gekündigt wird, dann werden Boys zu Beuys. Ich führe den Nikodemus persönlich nicht nur über die documenta, sondern auch über die Whiskymeile und nach Karlsruhe, wenn er denn will. Dass der Stromverbrauch Pfingsten eskalierte, weil der Nikodemus sich einer Pathosformel bediente, das klingt so ausgedacht, dass es nur im Mai oder Juni passieren konnte.
Die Strafbarkeit der Volksverhetzung hat es mit dem Maß einer Hitze zu tun. Sind alle gehitzt und gehetzt, dann ist alles gefährlich. Sind alle stabil, braucht man keine Polizisten mehr, denn Stabile sind Polizisten, der Stab ist schließlich ein Pol. Die Eskalationslogik liegt in der Gasse, einem klammen Laden oder auf derjenigen Treppe, an die sich alle klammern, damit die gesellige Architektur nicht zusammenbricht.
Für eine Verteidigung von Nikodemus würde ich mich schon deswegen einsetzen, weil er diesen Namen, den eines demütigen, demutigenden, demütigenden, dämonischen oder demokratischen Siegers nun mal ein Leben lang tragen muss. Wer, wenn nicht er, könnte später lehren, was es damit auf sich hat, von Gesellschaft und Demokratie ganz trunken zu werden und dann sein blaues Pfingstwunder zu erleben, zu erleben, was der heilige Antonius auch erlebte, wenn alles zu ihm sprach und er jede Stimme vernahm.
Die Formel dieser Geste, die manche für Deutsch und deutlich halten, taucht unter anderem auf einem großen Stab oder Pole in Rom auf, der ist nach Trajan benannt. Man nennt dieses Stab oder Pole vorsorglich Trajans Säule, nicht seinen Stab oder Pole, so klingt das Objekt nicht nur anständig, sondern auch beständig. Das römische Trajekt soll versyltet werden, ausgerechnet von Leuten, die sich überall finden: in der AfD und SPD nicht häufiger als anderswo, denn jeder einzelne ist da ein Haufen. Europa wird verkitscht, legally blonde, aber vermutlich, seitdem es römische Trajekte gibt. Angeblich soll es in einem verleyten und versylteten Europa sauberer, reicher, reinlicher zugehen als anderswo, vielleicht betrügen und beschmutzen sich deswegen so viele dort.
Deutland, so nennt Schüttpelz den Ort einer Profession.
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a-life-in-frames · 1 year
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“-¿Tiene un currículum? -Sí, aquí está. -¿Es rosa? -Sí, y está perfumado. Eso me da puntos extra.”
Legally Blonde (2001) by Robert Luketic
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