clockworkbanana · 1 month
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(2021) A comic featuring Lusternian characters. Olethea (horned lady) once upon a time reached out to Gurashi for advice on what to do about wanting to leave her home/family/divine, ones she loved very much. Gurashi very convinced her to come to the Glomdoring because they are warm and accepting and like a big family... then a few months later realized they themselves wanted to follow the Most Beloved Mysrai. Funny how things work out!
This was the painful aftermath of the even scarier, angrier aftermath a year after Gurashi's 'betrayal'.
I love drawing comics with big emotional character collage scenes. [edit] I thought I had the log in my pastebin, but I do not. Just my personal files. So have a roleplay snippet!! ---
Esei jerks slightly as the air fills with sparkling motes of bright light. You sense Olethea pulling on the strands of aether surrounding Esei. <-- OH SHIT
Esei blanches suddenly.
Esei glances askance.
Olethea blinks.
Suddenly clambered on by too-many animals, you say, "Oh--no! BIZI STOP--."
Bizirik, the leothin does NOT stop, finally squashing Gurashi and a cat of black ink beneath its noodly body, lifting its head to pose proudly.
Olethea blinks rapidly at you several times, all expression draining away to shock.
A cat of black ink meows pitifully under Bizirik's girth, completely smooshed.
You have emoted: Gurashi screams, muffled, beneath the leothin, legs wildly kicking, blinded to their surrounds.
Esei pushes themself away from you, out of range of the flailing legs. They turn to Olethea as they stand, quirking a brow.
Bizirik, the leothin sits quite placidly, ignorant of its human companion's pleas until finally Gurashi smacks the leothin's haunches gently, eliciting a little yowl if discontent. Bizirik at last rolls off both human and cat, grumpily settling on the sand and watching the human sit upright, wheezing.
Her eyes still locked on you as she speaks, Olethea addresses Esei in a quiet murmur, "I was going to… ask a few things to follow up to last Month."
Esei tilts their head and listens intently to Olethea.
Bizirik, the leothin grins smugly at you.
You have emoted: Still holding the inky cat preciously, Gurashi reaches out with one of Tsillah's delicate little paws and 'baps' the leothin on the nose before setting her down. They sit upright, turning to face Esei again, the start of an apology on their lips, before they spot Olethea, and freeze.
You think to yourself: abruptly - nothing.
You blanch suddenly.
A cat of black ink puddles on the ground, where she touches a wet spot of sand accidentally. She yowls, leaping onto Bizirik, the leothin's head.
Olethea's hair begins to move of its own accord. Curl by curl, it starts to lift off her shoulders and writhe like tongues of flame around her face. Still expressionless, she nods once, "…Perhaps not the best company for it, however, Auspice."
You have emoted: Gurashi starts to scramble to their feet, tripping over a cat of black ink in the process just as the cat yowls from the tidepool. They SPIN and grab their bag, scrambling over the nearby rock they had used to sturdy themselves, clambering over it, now just a flailing mass of fleeing limbs.
Esei folds their hands behind their back, humming faintly.
Exasperated, Wyrden Auspice Esei Shee-Slaugh of the Ascending Dusk says, "Climb up, Tsillah." A cat of black ink jumps up onto Esei's shoulder.
Bizirik, the leothin watches placidly from its spot, still proud of its recent suffocation attempts.
You think to yourself: panic! panic!.
<-- RUNS, not from FEARFUL FEAR but FROM FEAREFUL RESPECT Wading frantically back towards the shore, you whisper, "Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh."
Her words like daggers of ice, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says to you, "Don't you -DARE- leave."
Esei tells you, "…-."
Esei tells you, "…if you don't want to die, sit still."
Bizirik, the leothin watches from the shoreline, canting its head dramatically to the side as it watches Gurashi make their way towards the main portion of the delta. At the viscanti's command, Gurashi halts, shoulders bunching, as stiff as a board.
Beads of sweat break out on your face.
You have emoted: Gurashi ever so slowly turns to look over their shoulder, back towards the shore, grimacing.
You think to yourself: terror - terror - a demand, a command, she doesn't want to have anything to do with me, shouldn't be here, I should not BE here--.
Like a conflagration made mortal, Olethea stalks directly up to your side, seizing you by the front of the shirt and staring you in the eyes from just inches away. Wordlessly, trembling, smouldering, her free hand winds back with talons bared. And she…. freezes there, a moment or two, not moving but for her burning wings, her writhing hair, her fingers which clench and unclench uncertainly.
You have emoted: Gurashi raises their hands defensively, shakes their head as Olethea approaches. They squawk frightfully as the viscanti grabs the front of their shirt, reflexively lifts their arms to guard themselves. "Am sorry!" They blurt out suddenly, voice high and panicked.
Esei lingers in the periphery, dark eyes blank.
Olethea swings her talons in to strike you, but… by the time they meet you, it is just a bap on the shoulder. A weak, half-hearted thing. Her wings slump to the ground, and her posture sags, and she releases her grip on your shirt. Like a doused flame, her hair falls back to her shoulders, and her wings go from aflame to quiet cinders, once more.
Esei moves forward, feet soundless over the sand. They gently touch at Olethea's elbow before dropping their hand entirely.
You have emoted: Gurashi croaks as they are released, staggering back one step only to have a small wave crash into the back of their legs, making them buckle at the knees and go crashing into the shallows with a yelp. They cough and sit upright, scrambling back to their feet, hands still raised outward, as if ready to flee again at any moment. "Am sorry," They gasp again, grimacing towards Olethea.
As if she's deflated somehow, Olethea sways slightly on the spot, her eyes slipping closed as if pained. One hand reaches blindly after Esei's for reassurance, and she sighs. "…Hello, Bizi." She murmurs, before her eyes open again, fixing once more on your face - this time, devoid of rage. She just looks… so tired.
Bizirik, the leothin chirps happily.
Her voice echoing oddly, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says, "Hello, Gurashi."
Esei's hand loosely fits against Olethea's, very slightly awkward before they find the best position.
Bizirik, the leothin snorts from the shore, chattering happily in the direction of the gathered group, seeming unbothered by the goings on.
You have emoted: Gurashi swallows hard, standing up a little taller now, seawater dripping from their bangs, their collar. "Hi, Miss Olethea," They whisper faintly, politely bowing their head, finally making eye contact. Their arms drop to their sides, hands balled into loose nervous fists.
Bizirik, the leothin chirps happily.
Glancing quietly in Bizirik, the leothin's direction, Olethea's face briefly warms behind her veil.
Bizirik, the leothin flops down onto the ground.
You have emoted: Gurashi too glances towards the shore, brow furrowing as the creature noisily chatters at them.
Olethea searches your face as though you are something she lost, a long time ago. Her eyes linger at the scar on your cheek. Absently, she reaches to touch it, so gently.
Softly, Proselyte Olethea, Euphony of the Dark Heart says, "I'm so tired of being angry at you."
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cryptishh · 11 months
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Fifth attack for Fheang on Artfight
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angie80k · 2 months
written by iizima - ai . SD xc : Xcret
written by iizima - ai 7th Esei (에세이)
: : Haru no triangle : :
ohisaseburidese. onesangdes. Harudesene. ^^
oresamawa, iedene.
Hrudeseyo. anone Ikai - moto, hanaseda - desyo ~^^~
aidesne~, dakara Sono ai. ♡♡♡♡
Harudeseyo. mochilone. akaru. ai wa, imawa video yametda. datedesyu. ai wa ima obasang dakara. hitowa, ima, ieni ikiru. zen-zen, daizyobu - hitode, skosi yatta. date, iizima-ainohito desekara.
dewa, gyowa, hanasimasyo. imano, zudaina, hanasi. ♡♡♡♡
ai wa ima, sojinogotooyameta. dakara cykaku - dese kara.
demo, hitotokga, ai(iizima - ai)toka, yamerunogamusekasi. dakara, gekai.
32sai, video filmeoyametatoki, musekatta. okanetog,defgmudaitokaoaiwaEnd-contractobusenoga,hontowa,wadatta.demoaiwayametta. mobrodoni, iizima-ai, yamerunonogojiganakkutee, more no sigotoya ianaikatta
dakara firstnogimozzide aiwa kaisyaodewatta.
gototoga, iroirona mundaiga namattada
- - -
cycyku : esei 7th end cycyku
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rocketrickster · 1 year
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Getting learned. #UNIDEF #universitelaval #IMQ #minds #ESEI https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIY1r4ufJn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spprkle · 3 months
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penulis esei pencemaran alam sekitar
 penulis esei, penulis esei ai, penulis esei percuma, penulis esei dalam talian
Dalam era modern ini, kehidupan manusia telah menjadi lebih nyaman dan maju, tetapi perkembangan ini tidak datang tanpa biaya. Salah satu biayanya adalah pencemaran alam sekitar, yang semakin menjadi perhatian dunia. Pencemaran alam sekitar merupakan ancaman tersembunyi yang dapat mengancam keberlanjutan kehidupan di planet ini. Dalam esei ini, kita akan mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek pencemaran alam sekitar, dampaknya, dan bagaimana kita sebagai masyarakat dapat berkolaborasi untuk menghadapi tantangan ini.
Pencemaran Udara
Salah satu bentuk pencemaran alam sekitar yang paling meresahkan adalah pencemaran udara. Gas buang dari kendaraan bermotor, pabrik, dan pembangkit listrik dapat mencemari udara dengan partikel berbahaya seperti nitrogen dioksida, sulfur dioksida, dan polutan lainnya. Dampaknya tidak hanya terbatas pada kesehatan manusia, tetapi juga merugikan lingkungan dan keberlangsungan ekosistem.
Ketika manusia menghirup udara yang tercemar, dampaknya dapat bervariasi mulai dari gangguan pernapasan hingga penyakit serius seperti penyakit paru-paru dan kardiovaskular. Anak-anak dan orang tua rentan terhadap dampak buruk ini, menciptakan ketidaksetaraan kesehatan yang perlu diperhatikan oleh masyarakat.
Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran air merupakan tantangan serius lainnya yang dihadapi oleh lingkungan. Pembuangan limbah industri dan domestik yang tidak terkelola dengan baik dapat mencemari sumber air, merugikan kehidupan akuatik dan mengancam kesehatan manusia yang bergantung pada air bersih. Senyawa kimia berbahaya seperti logam berat, pestisida, dan zat kimia lainnya dapat merusak ekosistem air dan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang signifikan.
Selain itu, limbah plastik menjadi ancaman yang semakin meningkat terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Sungai dan lautan yang tercemar oleh sampah plastik menciptakan zona mati di mana organisme laut kesulitan bertahan hidup. Inisiatif untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai dan meningkatkan daur ulang menjadi kunci untuk mengatasi masalah ini.
Pencemaran Tanah
Pencemaran tanah dapat merugikan produktivitas pertanian, kesehatan manusia, dan ekosistem di sekitarnya. Penggunaan pestisida dan herbisida dalam pertanian modern dapat menciptakan residu kimia yang meresap ke dalam tanah, menciptakan dampak jangka panjang yang tidak diinginkan. Selain itu, limbah industri yang tidak diolah dengan baik dapat mencemari tanah dan mempengaruhi tanaman yang tumbuh di atasnya.
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crookedbreadbanana · 2 years
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atzatzoukalia · 1 year
parte to kai eseis giati einai polu to the point
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hi-speedroids · 5 days
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Look at @zon3dout strugal drawing yutos hair
@phantomknights how do you make it look so esey
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All becose I drew yuya and told him to draw yuto
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endorphinized · 21 days
eseis ta noobakia pou krazete to tofu prepei aplws na mathete na to mageirevete 🫶
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forthbeaming · 4 months
one day (after i finish watching the show) i will write an esey about how much i hate way and how he does not deserve redemption arc (he's piece of shit and i want him dead). the second part of that esey is going to be my love letter to nut because he did incredible job.
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polyxrwmhpsyxh · 7 months
eseis pou mou kanete spam 8a sas filhsw re
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uneducatedpotat · 1 year
eseis pou vazete tapetsaria ton eafto sas, giati????
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n-47 · 3 months
Dusroo ko sanwarne mein esey lagay k khud ko barbaad karliya.. jab awaz di unhe tou logo ne khud ko Khuda samjh Liya.
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selhnio · 11 months
ginate kai eseis poutanakia?
ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΧΑ ΣΑΡΕΣΕ Ε;(ρουφα κανα καυλί )
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skepsh-rypansh · 1 year
Akoute ki eseis Ricta stis 11 to prwi me ton prwhn sas enw pinete kafe h' eiste tipota fysiologikoi?
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