krynutsreal · 1 year
thinking bout the gays again....(sky au ishimonds)
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everlesslahote1 · 4 years
“I’d do it all over again sir” (Paul Lahote) -Request
“Could I get a Paul x reader set in eclipse where he imprints on an old friend of Carlisle who is a vamp/shifter but the wolves don’t know that and she is sassy but he try’s to fight the imprint then in the fight she is badass and shifts and he and the wolves are just kind of in awe...abit of angst but fluff ending?” 
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-Umm ofc you lovely being, this caught my eye and I was like “omg I love this” so this should be fun. Only thing I am going to change is the x reader and make this a oc and if it bothers you to much let me know and ill change it, Thank you❤.
Paul Lahote x oc
(warning: None that I know of)
“Nila, to what do I own this pleasure?” Carlisle said who was happy but confused to see his old friend when her coven was in Utah.
Him and his family now stood on the porch of their lovely home looking up at the girl who clung to a tall tree after hearing the ruckus she rumbled in the woods.
“You know words get around Car , What’s this newborn battle I’m hearing about” she said jumping from the tall tree she was handing from.
“A team up with the wolfs to kick newborn ass, duh” Emmet said as he leaned on the on the banister.
Nila smirked before dropping her face.
He and Nila never really saw eye to eye but they wouldn’t say they ‘hated’ each other just a firm dislike.
He was going to be the biggest in the house but not the toughest, he wanted to give it a go after not seeing her for a while,
“If it isn’t the dumbest Cullen or... should I give that to Edward for falling in love a human” she said looking between Emmet and Edward with her light brown eyes.
Since she wasn’t fully Vampire she didn’t have to drink blood, she could live off human food too.
She only chose human food because she knew everyone’s input on vampires, they all think their sum blood thirsty monster’s.
Her skin wasn’t hot to the touch but wasn’t ice cold either, it was warm like A perfect day to wear a sundress to the beach.
“Why don’t you come in, we were just discussing our plans” Carlisle said with a open hand to the door of his home.
She gave a warm smile to Esme, Rose, Alice, and Jasper which they kindly returned, while she shot a bird at Emmet and not even taking notice to Edward a second time as she stepped into their home.
“Hasn’t changed a bit” she said more to her self looking around.
“so their after Edwards walking blood bag, Why?” Nila said now knowing everything but why they were coming for Bella.
“We have no idea” Carlisle said ignoring the snarky comment from his friend, he knew how she was about anything new and a human in love with a vampire is new for everybody.
She rolled her eye’s, looking over at the window, there stood a huge tan man in a muscle shirt  with cut off jean shorts and black shoes.
His hair was cut low and he smelled of woods and sweat.
“I take it he’s the wolf she lead on while pale face ran off” she said now looking back at Esme.
“Okay how long does she need to stay I mean really, all she’s doing is making comments on everything!” Bella said as Rose chuckled and Nila smirked.
Rose was known for getting under Bella’s skin so she enjoyed watching others do as such, when they first met she knew she had to befriend this little ball of fire.
This is just adding to their bond.
“Hold your tongue or I’ll throw you to the little monsters myself, if anything I’m helping save your ass” She said only half joking on first part.
Which was true, she was helping but she wasn’t doing it for Bella, she was doing it to pay Carlisle back for saving her life almost 60 years ago.
Carlisle found a 16 year old Nila beaten and bruised by her abusive uncle who took her in after her parents died, left for dead in a alley way like she was nothing.
She was beaten so bad, he soon turned her seeing it was the only thing to save her life, all without knowing she would turn into a massive wolf.
It caused problem’s for him and Esme, her anger toward the man who left her for dead almost controlling her making her faze at least 7 times a day. 
Then being something that even the oldest of vampire’s have never heard of, the first of her kind and the only.
A Wolf with the same abilities as a vampires.
A hybrid.
After she learned to control her heightened emotions, Carlisle gave her a choice to stay but she wanted to see the world.
And that he understood.
So she left, later finding a small Vampire coven who soon became her family but she never forgot bout the Cullen Coven, the people who saved her life.
Bella swallowed hard before a glaring Edward grabbed her hand and walked out the room.
“I still like you, I still like her” Rose said smirking at her mate which caused him to roll his eyes.
“we train with the wolfs tomorrow at noon in a open field, be ready” Jasper said as the family walked the hybrid to the door of their home.
“See’ya soldier” she said as her small figure disappears into the night.  
The Next Day...
“Again!” Nila watched Emmet shout at Jasper after losing a match.
“hey, maybe you should give it a break. Ya know? before you pop a bicep” Nila said as she leaned on a tree , not to far back.
Emmet groaned trying to ignore the smart mouth women as his mate kisses his cheek and patted his shoulder.
“Don’t be a sore loser babe” she said smirking as she smiled with Nila.
Rosalie was really liking Nila being around, it was fun having someone to be a buddy with even though the others were dreading it or didn’t pay it any mind she was here.
Everyone treated Rose like she was bomb, one wrong move and the blonde would blow up in everyone’s face.
Which was kind of true but she liked the fact that Nila treated her normally, like she wasn’t cold hearted.
Like she wasn’t on egg shells around her.
Like she wasn’t a monster.
Everyone turned their heads after hearing a car pull up only to find the two love birds jumping out and joining the group.
Not even second’s later tall, like HUGE wolfs emerged from the treat lines slightly growling at those who stood before them.
“Well...Hello doggies” Nila said pushing up off the tree she was leaning on searching over every wolf in her eye sight.
The Pack took attention to the extra leech they have never seen before, especially Paul but he looked down at Carlisle before he could get a good look at her.
“They don’t trust us enough to be in their human forms” Edward said looking at his adoptive father.
“They came, that’s what matters... will you translate?” Carlisle asked as Edward gave a slight nod and stood in front of the wolfs.
Nila heard Bella say something to a rusty brown wolf but payed what ever it was no mind
“Welcome, Jasper as experience with newborns... He can teach us how to defeat them” he gently spoke.
“They wanna know how the newborns different from us” Edward stated.
“Their a great deal stronger then us because-”
“Their own human blood lingers in their tissues” Nila spoke out now coming closer and out of the tree lines.
Carlisle nodded at his friend before continuing.
“our kind is never more physically powerful then in our first several months of this life” he finished before stepping back letting Jasper take the lead.
“Carlisle’s right... That’s why their created” he said pacing.
“A new born army doesn’t need thousands like a human army... but no human army can stand against them”
The wolfs growled lowly as to say ‘we get it’
“the two most important things to remember are first... Never let them get their arms around you, they’ll crush you instantly. And second-” he said keeping eye contact with the wolfs.
“Never go for the obvious kill, they’ll be expecting that. and you. will. lose.... Nila, Emmet!” he shouted making the buff pale man and warm colored girl step forth.
Nila gracefully stood a few feet away from Emmet with a smirk. 
“Don’t hold back steroids” she said in a teasing manner.
“Not in my nature she-devil” he responded in that same manner.
She stood still as Emmet charged at her small figure pushing her back through the dirt and lifting her, throwing her to ground only for her to land on she feet lightly.
Nila saw he was going to play dirty.. she going to show him she could play filthy.
smirking , She ran towards the man with force as he swung a punch toward her but she dodged it, she grabbed and twisted his arm making him turn in mid air before using her elbow to push his back to the ground, she won.
She pinned him.
“Never lose focus, sweet cakes” she said winking and turning back to go back to her spot in the tree’s but she felt eyes on her.
Nila turned around to search of eyes even close to looking at her, only to lock with Paul’s dusty grey ones.
She then felt her world stop as if only it was him and her in the field but she didn’t break eye contact with the wolf.
She saw a future with him, marriage , kids, love. A home.
He saw the same thing... felt the same way...
“One more thing...” Jasper’s voice spoke breaking them from their trance.
‘what the hell was that’ she thought but shook her head looking up to find  Carlisle on the ground who was pinned by Edward.
That soon changed when Carlisle grabbed Edwards ankle bring him down as he now pinned Edward.
“never turn your back on your enemy” he said rolling his eyes.
As it was now Rose and Jasper’s turn to spare , Nila was now to deep in her thoughts to pay any attention , Paul the same.
Pictures of Nila’s light brown eyes flashed through his mind none stop, the vision’s of their future along with them which caught Jared’s attention.
‘oh dude... tell me you didn’t, did you?’ Jared thought.
‘shut up Jared’ 
‘Will you guy’s focus, our life’s are kind of on the line here’ Paul heard Embry’s voice.
‘Paul imprinted on a leech Em, how am I suppose to focus if she’s flashing in my head. Kim is going to kill me-’
‘Enough’ Sam’s voice spoke.
‘Paul, we’ll talk later now all of you focus’
Training is now over and Nila sat on the steps of the Cullen’s home.
She just couldn’t get the dark grey out of her head.
What was it about him that pulled her to him and why was all she wanted to know I mean come on. she didn’t even know his human form.
“I wouldn’t stress it Ni maybe he just thought you were cute” a holly Alice said long side her.
she smiled gently before she spoke.
“Thanks pixie”
Mean while..
“you have to tell her Paul, she as a right to know” said a annoyed Sam beside Paul as the pack sat in Emily’s kitchen eating a lunch she made for a good luck before the newborn battle they have coming up.
Since training Paul wasn’t himself, almost as if he was missing a part of himself now that he was far from his imprint.
But he also felt disappointed in him self, why a vampire out of all things?
“Sam’s right... You cant stay far without hurting your self too” Jared said as he had a full mouth.
Embry and Quil agreeing with the usually dumb minded wolf.
“Mouth closed Jared” Emily Called out to the young boy, he said a quick sorry before he continued to wolf down his food.
No pun intended.
This angered the hot head Lahote, they don’t know what its like to imprint on your natural born enemy and then had the nerve to tell him to deal with it.
They wouldn’t know how to deal with it unless it happened to them.
“You don’t anything or even what your talking about” He said coldly.
Paul stood out his seat and stormed through back door leaving the conversation he wasn’t ready to have as he ran into the woods fazing mid sprint.
Flashes of the girl the cold one’s call ‘Nila’ going through his head was to much for him so he ran... growling and barking at anything in his path way.
The Battle 
Nila Pov 
 It was now battle day, after two long nights of waiting, her mind still on the dark grey wolf in her mind, it was finally time to let her emotions go and kick some newborn ass.
Bella Stayed with Edward and Jacob far in the hills.
Jacob carried Bella to the camp out not to far from where the battle would be held to mask her scent so the newborns would be lead to the Cullen’s and Wolf’s plus Nila instead of Bella.
Nila kind of hoped the grey wolf would show as they were preparing for battle just so she can at least hold some conversation with him.
ask him what happened at training, why did she feel a pull to be near him all the time, why does her half death body ache when she thinks about her future with out him in it.
it was so much she needed to say.
“Stand tall, here they come” Jasper says as we lined up next to each other.
They listened as the growls grew louder, Foot steps coming closer ,and branches breaking.
Finally at least 20 pairs of blood red eyes came running from the tree lines and The 7 Vampires returning the act.
Jasper heads in first as he threw a power full punch breaking the newborns head like a piece of glass that just dropped.
Emmet using his buff figure to knock another of their feet then turning to twist one’s head right off their shoulders.
Every golden eyed vampire holding their own barely even noticing the pack jumping from the bolder and attacking a hand full of Newborn their self.
Esme grabbed a newborns foot to send then flying in the air for Carlisle to push the cold body down to the ground as his mate throws the monster to the wolfs.
Nila was fighting to get the arms of a newborn from around her figure but couldn’t, Paul took notice to her struggle and jumped at the newborn holding her in one quick movement pulling his head off with his shark teeth.
They shared a quick glance before heading their own ways.
As they cleaned all of the newborn’s clean from the open field they were in everyone finally took a breather.
“Yeah never again, that bitch almost killed me” Nila said.
“How long?” Edward said coming from nowhere will Bella on his left like a sea clam.
“A few minutes... maybe ten?” Alice said.
 “the pack needs to leave , the Volturi won’t honor a truce with the werewolves”
 A left over newborn jumped out and a white wolf with tan and grey in its fur attacked without thinking on anything.
“LEAH DONT!” Edward yelled.
The same dark grey wolf Nila as yet to talk to in human form jumped over the said wolf and latched on to the newborn then started to rumble. 
Nila started to tense as the gray wolf started to lose his upper hand on the newborn. 
The newborn got his arms around the grey wolf crushing his spine as Jasper said almost instantly, the wolf dropped to floor turning and whining in pain.
“NO!” Nila said running towards the monster who hurt the grey wolf fazing mid sprint and with one clean movement she torn the newborns head off.
“Paul... Hold on ok, Carlisle’s gonna take care of you” Edward said to the now human laying once where the grey wolf was.
There laid a tan man with the same tattoo as Jacob but buffer with arms in a x to try and help with the pain in his body but it was no use.
Nila’s wolf ran to the mans side ignoring his lack of clothes as she whined, a way of tell Carlisle to help him.
“his bones on the right, half them are shattered” Carlisle said.
5 boys and 1 girl soon came to Paul’s side in a hurry.
“Paul , You idiot! I Had it” Leah shouted.
“we need to get him out of here , we’re not gonna want a fight with the Volturi” Edward said as Nila laid on her stomach resting her head gently on Paul’s shoulder ,whining.
 “we’ll take him back to Billy’s” Sam said.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can”
The boys started to close in on Paul which Nila didn’t take to kindly , she missed what she was being said between the pack and Carlisle.
All she could focus on was Paul laying flat on the floor who she adored and felt the need to protect, moaning in pain.
Nila growled loudly as the 5 boy came in closer.
“Nila, they’re helping him. let them.” 
She huffed before she started to whine again, hearing cries from Paul brought cries of her own.
“she can come... maybe she could help” Jacob suggest to Sam as they held Paul’s body up.
Sam nodded.
“They’re Coming!” Alice said which made Nila look to Carlisle as to ask could she.
He gave a warm smile before speaking.
She hurried and follow the boys and Leah out of the woods.
Nila is now shifted back and everyone is at Billy’s.
Everyone’s out side as Paul screamed, it made her uneasy.
“What are they doing to him!” she asked turning to who she learned was Embry.
“Doc’s rebreaking his bones” she took a deep breath before she heard another one of Paul’s cries.
She slipped her finger into her hair and gripped it slightly.
Nila was freaking out and this wasn’t like her, she was pacing the grass as she tried to block out Paul’s screams. 
“Paul Imprinted on you!” Jared rushed out trying to help the girl at least stay in one spot, all her walking and things were making him nervous.
“nice going jackass”
“really dude”
“Oh my gosh”
“this wasn’t the time...”
“someone had to say it!’
Nila zoned out their babbling as she focused on what she just heard, of course she has heard of imprinting but she just thought she had something on her face and her brain wanted to be over the top.
But instead he imprinted... and he didn’t tell her...
Nila felt her heart clench, was she not good enough to be is imprint? is that why he didn’t say anything?
The door to the little red house shack opened. Carlisle and Sam came out and shut the door.
Once again Carlisle said something and Nila didn’t pay it any mind.
“Nila... He’s asking for you”
She Looked up and shot through the door she walked down the small hall to find Paul on a bed in a pool of sweat and bandages.
He opened his eye’s half way to see her standing in the door way and muffled a laugh.
“so... your the hero wolf” he said in horse.
she gently smiled as she walked closer to the bed and sat on her knees.
“I- guess I am” she said looking up at him in his eyes.
They were beautiful to her, the way they shined even with no light on them.
“Look-” he said trying to sit up.
“Hey! no no no, stay still” she said starting to panic as she placed her small hands on his chest gently pushing him back down.
“Sorry- I’m so sorry- I-I should leave, I’m making things worst-” she said talking fast and getting up.
Paul caught her by her hand feeling the sparks on his skin as they touched.
In all honesty he didn’t want her to leave.
“Stay... please” he said making her slowly take her seat back on the floor, never taking his hand out of hers.
They sat in a peaceful silence before he spoke.
“I should have told you about the imprint... I’m sorry” he said looking at the side of her face but she turned her head to look him in his face.
“it’s okay, I get the whole Vampire werewolf hate thing but before you make up your mind-” she took a deep breath as she finally pulled her hand away from his now picking at her nails.
“I-I don’t think I have the will to stay away from you anymore” she said looking at her hands as he stared at her.
“Then don’t...” he said gently.
She look at his face to see if he was joking about what he said but she found no joking matter expression on his face.
She blushed.
“Lets start over” he said slowly sticking his hand out to shake hers which she gently shook.
“Hi, I’m Paul Lahote. I’m a werewolf, I imprinted on you and Thank you for saving my life ma’am” he said making her giggle.
“Hi, I’m Nila Livid. I’m a Hybrid, I kind of don’t mind-” She said smiling and falling into his eyes.
“and I’d do it all over again sir” she smiled making him smile and hold her hand tighter.
“Nice to meet you Nila”
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