#ESPECIALLY if u give me stuff about worlds or religion???? oh that is Prime for the taking
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
I run until I begin to understand (what holy men really mean)
the handwriting within is familiar, almost as if he's seen it before. that can't be, though, as the leather-bound journal looks to be nearly 50 years old, at least, and from the sheer amount of dust and cobwebs he'd shaken from it, it must've been hiding back here for at least half as long as that. most of it is written in a shimmery purple ink, although certain parts have since been crossed out with a deep black, rendering them illegible. the front page only reads, "captain's log." there are no dates, only days, resetting once after day 100 and ending abruptly after day 110.
tubbo realizes the crossed out sections must have once been names, and can't help but wonder if that was the doing of the original owner, or another person entirely. there is one name—or, more accurately, one title—that hasn't been crossed out, almost as if the person who did it didn't have the heart to go through with it.
"My Lady," it reads, causing something ineffable to tug on tubbo's heart.
tubbo has never considered himself a religious man. maybe, at the start of it all, he could've been, but after all the war and bloodshed he's seen, he can't find it in himself to believe in anything but a cold, uncaring void. when he stumbles into an old, tattered journal in the depths of eret's archive, though, he begins to reconsider that stance, setting out to return it to its original owner, and maybe get some answers along the way, even if they don't end up being the ones he was looking for.
[send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it]
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