ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 710: Support, Sakamichi
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Pag 1
2: I see it
I finally see it! That's the peak, Kei-chan!!
3: Another 1km and we're there!! It sure it's hard, racing!!
Yeah, 1km is long, Kyou-chan
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Pag 2
1: I wonder if Roku-chan surpassed him
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Pag 3
1: Maybe
3: I think he chose “go”
4: “Go”?......
Ah..... I see
….. I guess so
5: It feels a little lonely
6: While saying things like “we'll make sure (that he passes Kinaka)”, maybe we were the ones who
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Pag 4
1: really valued the time spent in the same club as Roku-chan
He passed him!!
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Pag 5
1: In the end Rokudai caught the experienced Kinaka at the last minute on the peak!!
4: Da..... mn...
This race really
5: is super fun...!!!
He- he freed himself from the tape!!
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Pag 6
1: I did it.....
Kei-chan.... Kyou-chan....
2: I passed him
I kept.... our “promise”
3: Seriously!! Did you see that!? Imaizumi-san!!
Wa- Issa, don't push Imaizumi-san's head!!
Obviously, I saw it
Waa, Imaizumi-san is getting all serious 
4: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 7
1: Amazing
4: Rokudai's concentration when he passed Kinaka...
5: His feelings...
His resolution...
6: His full strength....
7: I felt them all while watching him from here....!!
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Pag 8
1: Yeah!!
2: You're right!!
5: Onoda-kun!!
6: Ah- but-but of course I fel Kinaka-kun's.... willpower and pride too!! Yes!!
…. you shouldn't be so stiff about treating them equally just because you're the captain, Onoda-kun
7: It's okay when it's the moment to support them
8: Ah
9: Telling them how you feel
10: It's a senpai's role
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Pag 9
1: Okay
4: Dammit...... really.....
5: He really passed me!?
6: The reason I lost is..... my lack of ability!!
Kinaka entered the downhill and, as expected, he passed him back!!
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Pag 10
1: From now on it's a long downhill, I hope Rokudai can still..... keep up......
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Pag 11
2: Here.....
3: Oi, you, Rokudai- pedal seriously!!
Ehi, Issa
You're falling behind! D'you want Kinaka to take the finish line like this?
4: Doesn't Rokudai look a little bad?
5: Rokudai-kun!!
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Pag 13
3: Rokudai-kun!!
Rokudai fell from his bike!!
4: He hit the curb and fell into those thick bushes
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Pag 14
1: He used up all his strength.....!?
A-anyway, thank god he fell in the bushes, thank god!!
2: Rokudai-kun
3: Onoda-san!!
4: He's here
5: Are you okay, Rokudai-kun?
Are you okay!?
Can you run? Go back to the race..!!
Don't be absurd, Issa
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Pag 15
2: Ah!!
3: My bike.....
4: W- what about Kinaka-kun!?
5: I.... I have to chase him.....
Yeah!! That's right!!
It's okay, Rokudai!! You can still catch up!!
Oi Issa, don't get too excited
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Pag 16
3: My right hand has no strength, teh....
6: But..... I have to go....
7: Kinaka-kun said that......
“If I win this first years' race I can go to the Inter High?”
“If you can pass all of us experienced riders and take the finish line”
8: He said that if I'm the very first one to reach the finish line....
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Pag 17
2: I can.... with Back-gate-slope-senpai....
I can run...... together with him..... teh.....
3: Otherwise
My goal is.....
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Pag 18
1: Rokudai-kun.... I received your feelings
2: So, it's alright now
You can rest now, you can retire from the race
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Pag 19
3: You ran so amazingly, so you must be tired
Ah, no-no-no
Thank you for supporting me*
(NdT.: the verb he uses here, which is the same as the chapter's title, has also the meaning of “hold up”, so “support” both physically and figuratively)
4: Ahhh, but I can't move either my hands and legs
6: Roku-chan!!
7: Kei-chan, Kyou-chan!!
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Pag 20
1: You passed him!!
2: Yeah!!
4: Good job!!
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Imagine your father Tommy coming home to find out you, his precious daughter had spent the night with a man that nobody knows about. "Excuse me?" You father spoke coldly whilw looking to your face not so pleased. "You need to calm down first and let her speak Tommy, I know how you feel because I am feeling the same but she needs to explain ok? Let's hear her" your mother grace spoke kindly holding you by your shoulders while Tommy just looked at you even more angry. "Who is he? How old is he? Where does he live? Who are the ones that he spends timw with? Did you two had sex? Are you together?" Your father put in hands on his pockets and you dropped your head sighing knowing how he would react if you spoke. "Dad please...it was just one night and I wont repeat ever again" you spoke softly looking at him almost crying but that didnt seemed to change anything. "I am only going to give you one chance to speak up or else me, your uncles and brother are leaving right now to kill him" "No! You can't do that its unfair!" You jumped straight quickly and screamed at your father already crying, everybody looked suprised even him since you never had this kinda of behavior towards Tommy. " He is alfie Solomon, the age you already know, where he lives you already know, everyrhing about him you already know! Because you are the gangster King of Birmingham right? And no one wanted nothing real with me because of this family, because of you! I love him and he loves me even though he does the same thing then you! He really loves me apart from everything!" You are now crying hard and your father face dropped with your confession. He never expectes this, he thought it was a normal kid from birmingham not a gangster like him, his little princess was in a relationship with his bussiness partner? What the fuck was going on? " what did you say? Alfie solomon loves you? He loves nothing but his bussiness and money, he doesn't love you he is just using you against me and you are too stupid and naive to see that! I thought I had raised a lady and not a slut to be wirh men lower then her worth! So don't accuse me of not beinf able to be in a relationship and use that has an excuse to be with him, you are my daughter and not a slut, so you better put an end to this or I will y/n" " Tommy no.." Grace looked beetween your father and You, both with Ice cold stares now looking to each other like you were enemies. " Please stop this non sense you two, there is no need to be like this, y/n write to that man alfie saying you can't be together and Tommg please go upstairs cleaning yourseld honey, you are bleeding" You looked at your mother and couldn't help but laugh cinycally. "Are you serious? You are taking his side even though you also got married to a gangster? A man who didnt love nothing but power and money? I wont do what he wants, I'm a grown woman so i wonr do what he wants all the time" you spar looking at your father whose face was unreadable, he was fumming with your words and stepped to you getting extremely closer, when the rest od the family saw they stood up immediatly. " Don't disrespect your mother ever again or your family are we clear? You are doing exactly like you were told or you are out of this house and if I know anyone takes you in I will make sure you are in the streets if that is how you want to be treated" Your eyes widened and your fists bowled, you clenched your jaw without breaking eye contact. " Any place it's better then be leaving with a selfish family killer man" you spat at your father with words that stung like a bee and full of poison like a snake. When he heard your words he connected his right hand to your cheek without thinking, everyone gasped and the man on the room pushed him away from you while you felt your cheek stinf but refused to cry more infront of your father. " Well now it seems he has turned into beating woman, hmm how peculiar father" you pushed your mother and Polly hands away from your face and stormed off so quick from the house that it was impossible to see or predict to where you were going. Your father meanwhile fell on the couch perplex with his action and looked at his hand with tears in his eyes, his head droppes on his hands and he tried to calm himself down. "What have I done? I never have been this angry with her and I never wanted to do this, fuck!" He screamed flipping the table infront of him and storming off to his room leaving everyone behind still shooked " Like father like daughter, same temper and same dangerous actions" Polly spoke taking a deep breath and lighting up a cigar.
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