#Eddie: …regretting not being a bigger bitch in high school??
morganbritton132 · 2 months
Eddie, trying to give his fans an update on the band: So, unfortunately due to scheduling errors, we-
Steve, to himself: Ed-weird
Steve, still just to himself: Ed-weird Munson. Ed-weirdo Munson.
Steve: I wish I would have thought of that in high school.
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tossertozier · 6 years
hello! (I LOVE LOVE LOVE &TFAT so these character asks are for Eddie in that universe). EK for 2 (pls explain why huhu), 7, 8, 16, 19, & 20. (that's A LOT but I really love your Eddie in &TFAT. Eddie's my fave character, but my god is your Eddie in that story just my precious son. Thank you!!
2. If they have a problem, who is the first to know? Who is the last?
Depends!! On the problem. It’s quickly mentioned from Bill’s POV once, but Eddie doesn’t love school work & he feels like he has to work twice as hard as some of his friends (cough cough Richie) to do just as well. Richie was never stingy about helping with math and sciences and Bill or Ben started proofreading Eddie’s essays in sophomore year. He talks to Bev sometimes when he’s having problems with his Mom. Some days he hangs out at the far with Mike and they’d talk for hours about college and the future and not knowing what to do - or. Superheroes. If it’s an immeadiate, emergency situation? Bill. If Bill doesn’t know how to fix it- Bill will know what to do next. If it’s relationships? (And, no- Eddie is not a smol gay incel. It’s just rough in a small town like Derry. {Eddie is what a Heterosexual might consider a virgin but penetrative sex being considered the only valuable sex is Heteronormative Anyway}) Stan. (Stan and Eddie is an important friendship that hasn’t gotten its fair shake but there was a reason eddie appeared in the offices looking for stan in chapter 2.) he would bitch about boys or swoon or whatever to Stan. He did it once to richie but his reaction was ??? Weird. (He and richie talk about Richie’s tinder exploits constantly though) High school!Eddie was a master of dating apps. But he didn’t have easy access to a car which makes it even harder. Stan would drive Eddie- sometimes like, 45 minutes, so he could meet a boy. Stan would sometimes just go hiking near by and until he was done. Eddie still thinks one of the nicest things anyone ever did for him is when Stan let him borrow the car to drive an hour south. (Stan’s car was paid for by Stan himself and is his prized possession. Literally. That’s why Richie is respectful of trying to keep it clean in chapter one, everyone knows how important that car is to stan.)
7. If they could change one thing they said in their past, what would it be?
Oof. How he publicly came out to his high school.
It all went down at the end of sophomore year. Richie found out because he was going to fuck with Stan and Bev and heard them talking about Eddie’s current love interest. He was furious (& no, not in a jealousy way, not even a subconscious jealousy way. he was furious because Eddie hadn’t told him about the gay thing and he told everyone else) cue enormous fight. Neither richie nor Eddie regret anything they said during this fight to this day - both would still argue they were right. (Richie: I am one of your best friends, I’m a loudmouth but not a fucking moron- I can keep a secret. I didn’t do anything to deserve you keeping this from me. Eddie: it’s entirely up to my discretion who I come out to and who I don’t and it’s frankly none of your business.) The fight ends with yelling and storming off in opposite directions. Eddie, who’s already feeling volatile and on edge, hears a group of guys (football players, no less) laughing when he passed by. He fucking lost it, and just started screaming at them. He used the f-word when he does it. “GO AHEAD, LAUGH IT UP AT THE FUCKING F*****.” (Side note: they genuinely weren’t making fun of him at that moment, and were very confused.) He drew quite a crowd with the fuss, and gets torn away by Bill- who hears the boy start yelling a hallway and a half away and starts running. Eddie hates that word - hates the way it sounded in his mouth. He makes a post and cross posts it on social media. He not only fully comes out, it’s also apologizing to the guys, but most apologizing to himself for the years of dishonesty with himself, and he apologizes to any one who might have been struggling with their own identity who had to hear that word. He says at the end that he hopes he never hears it at Derry High School again. The tweet gets hundreds of RTs. Eddie would still change everything about what he said if he could.
8. Do they have plans for the future? If so, are those plans likely to succeed?
Eddie plans to:
1. Get the hell out of Derry. (We’ll talk more about this later.) which is a ✔️
2. Fall in love and have a happy loving marriage with someone who makes him deliriously happy. Which is also a ✔️
16. What’s one personal secret they haven’t told a soul?
Eddie’s fanfiction dot net account from middle school that he still sometimes checks out will go to his grave with him.
19. What factors determine whether they will be friends with someone?
Eddie is a somewhat guarded person & more snippy than he intends to be with strangers. It comes from a history of bullying (which was very different in 2010 than it was in the books {1959 I think} but still painful.) In high school it was sometimes difficult, being best friends with Stan, Bill and Richie who were all popular in different ways. Stan had a rep as the nicest of them (literally laughable to their inner circle) and Richie wasn’t particularly nice but he was funny so that was enough & Bill was Bill. Eddie just didn’t want to get pushed around - by guys trying to prove their thin masculinity or girls who, after he came out, wanted to talk about shopping and how he should, omg, totally audition for the musical!!!! If someone wanted to be friends with Eddie, I would say it’d take a fair amount of persistence, patience, and the ability to read his non-verbal reactions. What Eddie doesn’t say is a bigger teller of what he’s thinking or feeling than what he does.
20. Is there anything they’re good at but hate doing?
Driving! Eddie is the best driver in the group. He got his license late. He got it after he turned 18. But now it’s very difficult for Sonia to drive her car, so if she needs to go somewhere, he drives. Other than that he’s not allowed to touch her keys. He and Mike are the only people allowed to drive Stan’s car. Ben is pretty lackadaisical with his, he doesn’t mind Richie driving it, but is pretty wary about Bill (a renowned bad driver.) Everyone has driven the truck - including Bev, who doesn’t have a license. Mike let her drive it around the fields one day, they almost died.
Here is a collection of late mini essays anon!! Know this ask made my DAY omg I SQUEALED I love !!! &tfat Eddie thank you SO SO MUCH!!!
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