#Eddsworld kin
dollarstore-kins · 2 months
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Norwegian polyamory transgender Tord icons requested by 🏳️‍⚧️🇳🇴 !!
-Mod ET
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motoroil-recs · 4 months
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[X / X / X] [X / 🏎️ / X] [X / X / X]
A moodboard for Tom [Eddsworld] with imagery of soda and guitars.
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moxx-n-angel · 2 months
if you're an Eddsworld kin of any type, lemme know and I'll PM you to chat! :D Keep in mind that I'm 15, tho I'm fine interacting with anyone under 25. Like young adults-late teens are fine :3
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auctioning-kins · 8 months
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☆ bisexual ell (ew) icons!
for anon! like and rb if used.
- mod ena
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thekinschoolhouse · 6 months
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Ell Moodboard
For anon, with Wolves, soda and glow-in-the-dark stickers
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pysch0-teddy · 9 months
Can you make a this user is a Edd Gould factkin? P
Thank you: 3
Edd Gould factkin userbox for anon!
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a-tords-memories · 7 months
The End... The End...
I always find myself wanting to speak about this the most. I feel that most fans of the show, and most other Eddsworld fictives or kin, feel the most strongly about these episodes.
It hurts, all the time. The regret. The mistakes. How stupidly, immature I was. For someone so cold and calculating, it was the one thing I didn't calculate properly. My mind was running wild, with so many emotions. The most imposing emotion: fear.
You see, I never left. I was by my friends sides, all up til that day. I left for long trips back home to Norway, to work on the army business. My friends, unknowing of my secretive hobbies.
The day is so vivid. It's one of the few things, that I remember so well.
It was supposed to be simple:
Send Edd, Matt, and Tom to the store. Get my robot. They come home like nothing happened, and for me? There's a note saying an unexpected emergency arose, and I needed to fly back home.
Simple. It should've been simple.
But, as always, things are NOT simple.
I insisted on staying home. And then Tom insisted on staying home. And guess who got their way?
No one was supposed to get hurt. I know how stereotypical that sounds, coming from Tord. But it's the truth. I didn't want to hurt my friends.
As I was begged by the one person who made me so weak, to come to the store, I crumbled and gave in. I shouldn't have crumbled. I should've been firm. I shouldn't have gone to the store with them.
As of course, from there, we all know what happened. But what about my motives? Unlike the show, I cared about them. So what gives? Why'd I say those hurtful things to Edd?
The way he looked at me, seeing me up in that robot. The way, I could see it in his eyes: his entire reality was shattering around him. I knew what he was already thinking.
Why try to tell the truth? Would he have really believed me? Would he understand my plans, to make the world a better place? (It was never about world domination). Would he, see me?
No. He wouldn't have. Maybe in the future, but not at that moment. And I lied. I proved his thoughts right. I didn't want him to think I could come back after this. I didn't want him to try to look for me. I thought, if I hurt him now, it'd spare him the pain. If he thought I never cared, it'd hurt less. No leading on... Just, quick.
I wanted to runaway, the moment he saw me. The me, that I never wanted him to see.
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reis-mind · 7 months
Eddsworld Kin Discord
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Finally decided to make a freaking server... Just message here if you are interested in joining. The server is so fucking small right now...
To join:
Message me in chat, not an inbox message. Tumblr doesn't always notify me but I'll get back ASAP.
Rules are as follows:
1. Must be 18+
2. Double Friendly
3. Non-Canon/AU Friendly
4. Alter/Headmate Friendly
5. Triggers will be blacklisted.
6. Ships among the characters are allowed. Not the real people. Just don't get overly explicit.
7. Anyone is allowed. Tords included. Paul and Patryck too.
8. Be fucking nice to each other.
That's it. Message to join guys.
-Mod Tom 👌
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Did something (Tom is me in a past life!)
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OG under the cut for comparison
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kincalling · 2 months
Hi hi!!! I'm Tord from Eddsworld, as in the character not the person obv (though that might be obvious lol)
Uhhh I'm fine talking to anyone I think! I was the closest to Edd and Tom, personally, but yeah.
My memories are a bit all over the place, but I don't really mind if ours don't align perfectly!
I'm 19, interact in any way and I'll pm you B)
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kintelephone · 3 months
Tord/RL from Eddsworld looking for any sourcemates to talk to. I'm in my early twenties so adults only please. Interact and I'll reach out!
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dollarstore-kins · 5 months
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Patryck stimboard with army themes, planes and clouds in yellow requested by Anon!!
X | O | X
O | O
X | O | X
-Mod ET
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quadcalling · 3 months
Full name: Edd (Gould)
Source: Eddsworld
Age: Bodily 16, alter age 20+
Who you're looking for: Anyone, mostly Tord.
DNI: Anyone with TomTord or MattTord mems please ^_^" (Polyworld is fine)
Extra info: I had romantic mems with Tord. We were very close. We met in high school and went to college together. I was already friends with Tom and Matt and I vaguely remember Tom getting jealous of me and Tord being so close. After College we moved into an apartment together and neither of us went to university, then all four of us moved out. I have a couple other mems I don't mind discussing!
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moxx-n-angel · 5 months
Nobody I see is sending out any more kincalls... man I just wanna find my friends :(
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kingroup · 5 months
Could I get a kin reading for some characters, please?
Kieran (Pokèmon SV DLC)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Eevee (Pokèmon)
Tommyinnit (DSMP, you don't have to do this one!!!)
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im assuming youre meaning a pendulum to see if you are kin with the following characters so that is what ive done, if you were looking for something else, please feel free to specify and send in a new request. the results are below, have a nice day. you know yourself best
kieran kin , pendulum answered - no.
tom kin , pendulum answered - no.
eevee kin , pendulum answered - no.
kris kin , pendulum answered - yes.
→ mod a.
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24-hours · 1 year
Hey! Could I request a moodboard for an Ell (Eddsworld) kin who remembers being a werewolf, along with dating her 3 childhood friends?
I have had vivid memories of me dating Matilda, Tamara, and Tori. (All from eddsworld) With Tori being my main source of comfort?
You can do this only if you’re comfortable with it! I’ll have my respect if you’re not comfy with it, thx!
- 🐺🥤🥓💚 (Ell)
hi i don't know much about your source but neato seems cool or something. agh sorry for the lackluster mesage I'm eepy. alright uh art this time is by @/z-eddsworld here on tumblr check them out! Their art is preeettttyyyy cool! -mmmbles
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