#Edgar bones application
lumosfm · 1 month
FACE CLAIM CHANGE ! The face claim for Edgar Bones has been changed to William Levy! This means that Oscar Isaac is once again available to be used in applications!
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ascendio-rp · 8 months
Death Eaters and neutrals wanted!
We currently have a cap on Order members and would ADORE a few more neutral and evil characters in the group. We accept original characters as long as they have a canon surname.
Maybe you and a friend want to explore Crabbe or Goyle Sr.'s family dynamics. Death Eater in the war, the spouse is a socialite who maintains a "neutral" approach toward things while supporting their spouse or sibling. There are countless ways to do it and we would love to see a player or two pick one of them up! Bellatrix Lestrange, Igor Karkaroff, Corban Yaxley, Walden Macnair, and Augustus Rookwood are among our open Death Eaters, with our being happy to welcome a few OC's. We have Arthur Weasley, Gwenog Jones, Edgar Bones, Arabella Figg, Benjy Fenwick, Hestia Jones, Caradoc Dearborn, Amelia Bones, Otto Bagman, Daisy Hookum, Ludovic Bagman, and more available as neutrals with the potential to join either side once numbers even out a little. There's also a chance of our accepting neutrals that have taken on the Dark Mark as long as it is discussed with an admin when applying or clearly stated in the application.
Currently set in January of 1983, our DISCORD group has a war looming over its head. We are an established roleplay that can be found HERE. A brief overview of what has happened in the group so far can be found HERE. Our most recent plot drop is HERE. We are a FULLY ESTABLISHED group and have a welcoming crew of writers and admins who are more than happy to assist with getting your feet wet.
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fractured-hqpromo · 2 years
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Birthday: 1950-1962
Blood Status: Up to player
Gender & Pronouns: Up to player
Occupation: Ministry Employee
Sided with: Neutral
Faceclaim: Up to player
School: Hogwarts
House: Up to player.
Extra curricular: Up to player.
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Edgar Bones: Brother.
Arthur Weasley Fellow Ministry employee.
Alastor Moody: Fellow Department employee.
Snippets from canon and admins
Amelia is related to Edgar Bones, at the moment we do not have a bio for Edgar but the character is open for application.
As it is said that Edgar died on the first war, but not when, Amelia’s player can decide if Edgar is alive or not, however, they must consult with the admins before applying.
Amelia is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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The application count has been updated:
[+1] Edgar Bones - Ross Lynch
Acceptances will take place no later than Tuesday, October 25th!
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adhonoremrp · 2 years
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due to mun decisions, please unfollow:
alecto carrow
benjy fenwick
thalia mendoza
riley wood
edgar bones
antonella romero
the faceclaims of jung ho-yeon, henrik holm, lizeth selene, daisy ridley, michael evans behling and ivana baquero are open for applications, along with the roles of alecto carrow, benjy fenwick and edgar bones!
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I realised that after the original main got hacked I didn’t re-post my application and I thought it would be helpful/interesting to have it somewhere that can be accessed by everyone. (It was a while ago now though so Ed now may differ a bit from my first idea of him. Also there may be some mistakes or spelling errors oops) Anyway, under the cut is my app for Ed!
FACE CLAIM William Moseley 
I find Hufflepuffs that really defy the house’s stereotype really interesting and in particular love the dark and brooding artist vibe of Edgar. I’m a huge fan of poetry and I can’t pretend that his name alone didn't interest me because of Edgar Allan Poe (& I can imagine he would be low-key pleased about sharing a name with one of the greats), but I was just so enthralled by the character, which is strange for me because I’m rarely drawn to characters I don't know at least a little bit about. The idea of a ‘loner’ Hufflepuff is super captivating because I can imagine how difficult it would be to be surrounded by people constantly asking how you are when you just want to be alone and stewing in angst. He obviously exhibits a lot of typically Hufflepuff traits; he is very good at giving solutions to problems and empathising with people, he’s hard working, loyal, and he has his head in the clouds a lot. However, he doesn’t appreciate empathy when it’s directed towards him, he is a ride or die friend to only a few people and doesn’t really fret over the rest, and he often prefers to be lost in thought than down on earth. His issues with commitment stem from his lack of communication skills; he can write down what he’s feeling, but it’s often hard for him to verbally open up to others. He isn’t particularly quick to anger, but he often jumps into fights just to feel the thrill of it; Edgar bottles up a lot of his emotions and, while he also lets them out through artistic means, he doesn't have a physical outlet. Part of him also just finds the feeling of bones cracking under his knuckles fascinating. He was definitely the type of child who killed ants with a magnifying glass, not out of cruelty, but morbid curiosity. The poem ‘Alone’ by Poe really resonates with how I see Edgar; he just doesn’t relate to a lot of the people around him and while they all focus on the blue skies, he cannot help but see the clouds. I usually find it really difficult to match characters to an Enneagram of personality number, but Edgar is definitely a strong 4. He is very much focused on being himself and idealises sadness and fantasising, but sometimes in trying to find and be himself, he loses sight of his core values. He has a lot of Ravenclaw in him, but ultimately he isn't calculated enough to be a Ravenclaw and he doesn’t value intelligence and learning above all. He has some Slytherin qualities, but he isn't ambitious or cunning enough; he doesn’t really lie (but he does withhold truth with silence) and he’s content to keep his dreams in his head. He can seem quite impulsive, but he doesn’t have that true Gryffindor recklessness (at least not for the same reason they have it: he isn't scared of death). He fights for the cause, not because he’s particularly passionate about it, but because he knows it’s the right thing to do. He may stray to the darker things in life and have trouble figuring out where he stands morally, but he’s loyal to his family and knows he will always stand with them. I’m not sure if these are reasons or me just explaining why I love him so much. He’s weird and he’s an outcast; he doesn’t fit in, but that’s what makes him all the more interesting. While a lot of people in his situation would reject the people who made him feel that way and join more radical groups (eg. death eaters, aversio) to feel like they belong, Edgar doesn’t do that. He knows that even if his opinions and experiences differ to that of his family, he'll stick by them no matter what. It’s that loyalty that makes him a Hufflepuff and stops him from floating away into his thoughts to the point of no return. (I could really go on forever, but I’ll stop)
He would work well with someone who balances him out and is willing to let him have alone time, but also doesn’t let him wallow in self-pity. He find it hard not to develop an emotional connection through sex, but he has a lot of commitment issues so casual sex can be a bit of a problem. (he does it anyway though) He’s mostly homosexual; although I wouldn’t completely rule out a m/f ship, I see him working better with guys.
-A MOCK BLOG ( buriedunderbones.tumblr.com ) where you can find the following: -A MOODBOARD ( https://buriedunderbones.tumblr.com/post/160438771802/edgar-bones-aesthetic-moodboard-no-one-remembers ) -AN AESTHETIC ( https://buriedunderbones.tumblr.com/post/160440824792/edgar-bones-aesthetic-those-of-wit-and-learning ) -A PLAYLIST ( https://buriedunderbones.tumblr.com/post/160438809257/edgar-bones-playlist-listen-here ) -I also did a little past/present/future gif post  ( https://buriedunderbones.tumblr.com/post/160446099697/and-all-i-loved-i-loved-alone-childhoods-hour )
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
Edgar frowned thoughtfully, catching his bottom lip between his teeth. “I don’t know if this counts really because its not an invention, as such, but it would be nice for invisibility cloaks to be more easily accessible.” He paused, unsure if he should continue. “I think- well, it’s, um, difficult sometimes to find a secluded place to think.” Edgar stuttered out, his mouth never had been quite on the same wavelength as his brain. Often people assumed he was shy, but he just struggled to get the right words on the tip of his tongue and by the time he finally managed most people stopped listening.
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
An almost fond look overtook the wizard’s features as he remembered the Forbidden Forest. Nobody took Edgar Bones for a rule-breaker, but he often found the best places to be alone were the ones off-limits. He had actually spent a night there, in his sixth year, up in a tree observing the wilderness and pouring into his moleskine. It was nice to be completely immersed in human silence, listening only to the animals tearing each other apart in the night. It was as though he didn’t exist at all. “I would go myself; as much as I love my family they just don’t get it.” He explained truthfully. “And I’d take my journal and quill, or does that count as two objects? I’m not really familiar with the semantics of the hypotheticals…” He trailed off awkwardly.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
The hesitation on his face clearly indicated that the answer was ‘most of them’, but Edgar persevered with trying to come up with something more eloquent. “I feel a lot of emotions,” he struggled. “But I struggle to express them to other people, sometimes I don’t even want to. So, I suppose, I find it difficult to make the decisions that depend on showcasing my vulnerability.” Edgar shrugged slightly, as though to indicate he had nothing more to add.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“The spoken word is arbitrary; it’s what they don’t say that really counts.” His reply was more confident this time, but Edgar had always felt strongly towards the subject. Perhaps, it was because he was known to hide his own true feelings and knew exactly how cutthroat the human mind could be. Or perhaps he’d just heard whispers behind his back for too long to really worry about the sting of an insult that only reached his ears.
The vast body of water rippled dangerously with life. Edgar sat alone at the edge of the Great Lake and gazed upon its magnificence. To some people, such depth and area may appear intimidating, but Edgar was no stranger to his insignificance on a universal level. He picked up a small flat stone from the damp sand and flicked his wrist, skipping it over the lake’s surface. The stars shone brightly, reflecting off of the black water, giving the illusion that the wizard was himself part of the night sky. Edgar had always been strangely calm, it was a sense of peace that others couldn’t begin to comprehend. He didn’t bother himself with questions of existence and life; he found a freedom in knowing that, in the grand scheme of things, he didn’t matter. He embraced the philosophy and sought comfort in the idea that if his actions had no large scale effect, then he need not bind himself to the morals of the many. This oncoming war, however, could serve to change Edgar’s whole being. 
The electricity in the air buzzed through him, wind whistling through his golden locks, and Edgar looked blankly at the grounds around him. Hogwarts castle was visible in the near distance, standing tall and regal as it had for many years. He envisioned the walls collapsing, turrets tumbling, silver bricks colliding with solid ground. Chaos wasn’t an unappealing idea to Edgar, but he would rather be contained by reasonable limits than let the world be overtaken in a blaze of fire. The Order of the Phoenix was supposedly a way he could stop that from happening. 
Amelia looked at him, eyes brimming with determination and hope. “We could really make a difference Eddy; this is our chance to do something.” She looked at him like he looked at the stars above, and he was powerless to resist. 
At first, Edgar was vehemently against the idea. He wanted to remain neutral. Not that he feared the danger that accompanied fighting the darkness; he had never been scared of death. Edgar spent his youth squashing insects and pulling the wings from butterflies, just to observe the consequences. His adolescent self channeled that feeling through his fists, acting out in violence to feel the emotions that escaped him. The sensation of his lip spitting and blood exploding from the gash was enough to make him grin. He wore black eyes like they were works of art speckled across his face.
The circle of people parted to let Edgar leave. He walked with a rare confidence, hands splattered purple and red. People started, open-mouthed, and he felt his anger balance out, tossing an easy ‘you should see the other guy’  over his shoulder. 
The other students sometimes laughed at him, but Edgar knew they’d all want him on their side in times of battle. He would protect his few friends with everything he had. No, he didn’t have the strongest morals, nor did he claim to, but of all the badgers his bite was the worst. 
However, for Edgar, a war, even one he wasn’t particularly tied to, could become quicksand. His embrace was wholehearted or non-existent. And, as he looked upon the place he had called home for so many years, Edgar whispered out into the open, empty air. “It’s not about the cause; it’s those standing by you that make the fighting worthwhile.” 
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goose-books · 3 years
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goose-books productions: a 2021 review
view the image in higher quality here; thank you as always to my dearest vampfriend @yvesdot for the template! last year’s year in review can be found here.
transcripts and month-by-month details under the cut! for reference, you can find my projects here. 2021 was a really good year for my writing; excited to continue in 2022, and thank you to everyone continuing with me!
things i apparently did this year and not a decade ago: finished my college applications, sent my podcast to sensitivity readers, and, somehow, finished the first draft of darkling? genuinely cannot believe that was this year. i proceeded to reread it TWICE and do beta reading over the summer and i feel like this book has existed for three years specifically to torment me. here’s to querying in 2022, maybe. sorry for tearing chunks out of this excerpt but there is truly nothing non-spoilery from the end of this book; worth noting that edgar is a cat.
She drips. She breathes. Under the blanket, under her skin, under layers of blood and bone, her heart beats.
She stares, and Edgar stares back.
It is like, she finds herself thinking, he knows — and then she scratches that. He knows. She does not know how he knows, if it is in her scent somehow, if it floods off of her in waves. [SENTENCES REDACTED]
She steps across the room before she thinks of doing so, light on her feet, silent. Edgar does not move until she has her arms around him, and then he only moves insofar as he curls in her arms, collar tinkling dully. [REDACTED] carries him to the couch. When she sets him down she half expects him to run. He doesn’t. He stands there, so close she can feel his whiskers quivering, and [REDACTED] lies down on the couch and pulls the blanket over herself and she is so tired, suddenly; it comes upon her like dark water closing over her head. Edgar crawls beneath the blanket and she wraps her arms around him like she used to with her stuffed animals, not so tight it hurts but tight enough that she can feel his tiny heart beating against hers; she holds him there, and she closes her eyes, and she sleeps like the dead.
february was the month i wrote duodecimal, which i posted in june (you can read it here!). i’m very proud of this piece; i ended up digging into a lot of things i’d struggled to put words to before, while also putting malvolio from twelfth night in fishnets. marshall gardner is my comfort OC and you should read duodecimal.
Tony finds him on the twelfth school day after The Incident, which is also the thirteenth day that Marshall has worn a skirt and fishnets to school, because at this point he is leagues and light-years beyond giving a fuck what anyone has to say. He is, however, afraid to go into the men’s bathroom dressed this way, which means he uses the gender neutral bathroom in the student office, which is also the bathroom Tony uses. So maybe it’s a coincidence — Marshall opening the door and coming face-to-face with Antonia Tobias Barnaby, six feet tall in platform boots, with his hair rumpled and his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his stupid pirate-looking peacoat.
Maybe it’s a coincidence.
Marshall doesn’t think so.
Twelve days. That’s about right. That would be Marshall’s luck.
in march, for a creative writing class, i wrote bodyghost! in one sitting, actually, and so feverishly i missed my cue during rehearsal. you can read the rest of it (only four pages) here.
(Lights up.
The stage is barely that. No props. No set, except for an open and empty door frame in the center of the stage, angled so that the two “sides” of the doorway are the left and right sides of the stage.
Behind the door frame there are two identical actors wrestling on the floor. We watch ONE choke THE OTHER to death and then sit there, panting, breathless. Then ONE stands and turns to face the audience.)
ONE: I remember being her, but I don’t remember when I stopped. Like how you never remember the moment right before you fall asleep.
and in april i wrote the second of two poems i’ve written about The Beast, which can be found here and here! i’d had this one half-written for a while, so it was good to finish it.
O CHILD DEAR, says the beast, YOU REMEMBER HOLINESS. (i don’t.) HOLINESS LIKE WHOLENESS. LIKE A BURN. MORTALITY WAS SOMETHING YOU SCRUBBED OFF YOUR SKIN. (the beast knows more than i. it held me as a child.) every breath is another halo— which is to say another circle.
in the spring, i concocted and almost wrote (and might write, someday; i didn’t end up having the time or focus) a story about a bunch of rich debauched obnoxious teenage WLW (and petra) having a wild summer at their lake houses. which sounds interesting until i tell you it was a war and peace retelling. but you can wipe that from your brain if you just want to enjoy petra and leslie’s little homoerotic nosebleed cleanup moment as-is. (for your mental image: leslie has a buzzcut, a fact that did not make it into this excerpt but which it’s important to me that you know.)
“I feel too big a lot,” Petra admits, tipping her head back to look Leslie in the eyes. “I mean… for the world. For my house. So looking at the sky’s just so — it’s so… it’s so…”
“It’s very so,” Leslie says softly, fingers skimming over Petra’s cheek.
Petra blows out. “You know what I mean?”
“Sort of.”
“Sort of like yes, or sort of like you’re humoring me?”
For a moment they just look at each other. Leslie dabs the last bit of blood from Petra’s lips, then steps back. The sudden absence of her touch caves Petra’s stomach in.
Leslie balls up the bloody paper towel and pitches it into the bathroom trash can. Her hands flex at her sides, curling and uncurling. “Sort of like I’ve never wanted to be smaller than I am.”
june was a month full of nonsensewriting, but that’s okay because i think enough happened in my life that month to fill a year within itself. this is scribbled-down character backstory for darkling, featuring the murder lesbian side character.
There are two kinds of people: the ones who aren’t loved, and the ones who don’t love easy.
In high school Dany Caldwell wears red Converse and her full name and when her mother dies she puts her fist straight through the windshield of her father’s Rolls-Royce. Which is a hospital trip the old man isn’t happy about. Even though he’s not the one who takes her; that’s Al, hyperventilating in the driver’s seat and chewing his nails down to the quicks. Al’s the one who sits with her in the ER; Clark’s the one who buys her the punching bag when her hand heals, “just in case,” he says, like he’s only half-joking, and it reminds her that they’re twins and he knows more about her than she’d like.
Three people in the world she’d bleed for. Two after her mother goes. A whole chunk of her cleaved away like meat off her bones.
can’t talk about this one too much because i want to send it places for money! but i sure did write a whole novella about rival lesbian boxers inspired by henry iv part one and i might open beta reading for it sometime.
Her full name was Persimmon. Honestly, when I asked her, I didn’t actually think she was going to tell me.
“No fucking way,” I said.
Percy didn’t say anything. I stood there with my arms crossed and watched her brutalize a punching bag. She had nice arms. I was almost jealous. Okay — I was jealous.
She wasn’t smiling. She didn’t lie. She had to mean it. “Why would you tell me that?” I said, because I’d keg-stand with Fabian before I’d give Percy Lovejoy ammunition of that caliber about me.
She looked at me. Just for a second. Flinty-eyed. “Because no one will believe you, Harriet,” she said, and then she went back to war-criming the bag.
Fucking Percy.
and now we’re in godsongmode for the rest of the year. honestly, it was in the cards from day one for this to be my nano WIP, because i spent my first semester of uni reading and studying the classical texts it’s inspired by (the aeneid, first and foremost, but homer’s work and shakespeare’s julius caesar, too.) this one’s got three plotlines; here’s anna, beleaguered traveler and god’s favorite sacrificial little lamb…
“It… translates to… loyalty.” Immediately she frowned, sensing the shallow single-brushstroke color of the attempt but unsure how to richen it. “Piety. Perhaps. Would be the word. Or…”
“Duty,” Ichari tried, and Anna felt her frown deepen.
“Family,” she said. “Duty, yes, but… devotion. It’s loyalty but it’s… love. It…” She held up one hand. “If you have love—” And the other: “—and duty—” She brought her arms into a crossroads, letting them meet at the knobs of her wrists, fingers fanning out. “Here. It’s here.”   
“Well, what’s the use of that,” Sascha mumbled, louder than he seemed to think he had.
But Ichari nodded, brilliantly blue eyes fixed on her face, their mouth drawn for once into a serious line.
“I understand,” they said softly.
Anna wasn’t sure they did. She wasn’t sure how to make them understand, how to put words to the rest of it. Two hands, two dimensions, weren’t enough. How was she to explain the faith inherent in it? The prayer, of course, but the trust, too, not that the world would always be right but that one would have something to fall back on even when it wasn’t — how could she fit that into the bitten-off bricks of a language that stumbled her tongue?
When she let herself slip, she was there again. The howling hot air. The slope under her stumbling feet. His warmth fading against her chest. His arms loosening around her neck. The smoke like a hand over her mouth, clawing at her lips, closing up her throat, wreathing around them until they were the only two people left in the world: Anna carrying her brother from the burning city, and his breath softening in her arms.
Anna stared back at Cairo’s swallowing gaze. She opened her mouth. She mustered nothing.
Cairo sat back, perfect face crumpling, perfect lips trembling. “Gone,” she said quietly. “My brothers too. The twins fell — together. And then the third.”
Please, Anna thought, aware of it from a long way off, aware of Cairo’s face and the world tunneling around her and her chest shrinking until her ribs clutched her heart like a fist. Not this. I can give you all the rest of it. I can close your palms around every burning ember of Ivander. I can tell you how all of them screamed. I can list off the names. I can’t give you this. You can have the rest of it, I promise, I don’t want it. I don’t want to carry this ruin. But not Caradorra. I can give you anything else but Caradorra.
but we also have ambergris, who’s living out her own grimdark version of how to train your dragon…
“You lost a fight, didn’t you,” Ambergris observed, voice ringing flat off the cave walls. “Or won a fight, and the other one’s dead.”
The dragon did not answer. It had laid its head down on its forelimbs, but any relaxation must have been feigned: its remaining eye was fixed unerringly, unblinkingly on her, glinting cold and yellow.
She did not step closer, but she angled her left crutch to bring her lantern up, widening the circle of light in the cave. Half-hidden on the dragon’s black flank were dark deep gashes, seeping with blood or pus or both; she wasn’t close enough to tell. The marks were wide, the scales torn like paper. Made, clearly, by formidable claws.
This was the first dragon she had ever seen as anything but a grim shape in the sky. It seemed to swallow up the cave. Two in one place was hard to imagine. Ambergris wondered what it must have looked like for beasts so massive to collide — claws crashing against claws, wings beating against wings, with a clamor like a rockslide. Maybe it was that, and not the sky god, that made the thunder.
and spades doesn’t appear in this excerpt, but the impetus for her plotline sure does 🗡️. ever wondered what the world would look like if julius caesar were a milf? look no further
To see Vulpa-Vaska outside their fox-pelt was sacrilege. To refrain from dropping at once to one’s knees and begging for mercy — to stand proud, listing sideways as one might have been — was worse. But even as Vulpa-Vaska raised their hand to mete out punishment, Julienne Carron raised a head framed by then-golden hair and decreed, “I come seeking salvation.”
Even at nineteen, the bards said, she was a consummate gambler. She made her case brief and clear. She was nineteen and dying; she wouldn’t make twenty. She wanted the sickness wrenched free from her head by the roots.  She would play any game that would give her a chance. “What are you willing to bet?” Vulpa-Vaska asked in two hissing voices, and Julienne threw back the words that, when the story was told, would ring with the chorus of the audience joining in: “Myself, my soul, and all the world.”
Vulpa-Vaska’s smile glinted with canine teeth. They opened their hand and the dice glittered in their palm. Five dice; seven sides each. To win was to roll a uniform hand. To lose was death, and not the easy sort, or the brief. Julienne Carron smiled a self-assured smile and rolled five perfect death’s heads.
“Anna,” Ichari said again, because there was nothing else to say, and without thinking they reached out to take her shoulder.
Anna pulled away.
Ichari pulled their hand back like they’d been stung. Or like they’d stung her. They shoved both hands into the pockets of their coat. They watched Anna cling to the rail and visibly settle herself, smoothing out her grimace, forcing her breathing down to controlled levels.
“I can go,” they said softly, though it felt like a bullet to the gut.
Anna shook her head, hard. “Please stay,” she said, and huffed a humorless laugh, and added, “I can’t ask you that. That isn’t fair. But please.”
You could ask me anything, Ichari almost told her. I’d follow you anywhere. I’ve done things you might loathe me for. But I’d do worse if you asked.
They didn’t say so. The silence was less cruel. They stood beside her and listened to the waves against the hull and felt the stars bore down.
thank you so much for spending time over at goose-books.edu this year! wishing everyone a happy and healthy and productive and precedented (please god let it be precedented) 2022! holding your hand like this
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recreancyrpg · 2 years
Is it up to the two Bones players to determine the rest of their family dynamics?
Mostly, yes! Edgar and Amelia's bios have a bit of their family (particularly the siblings) and that should stay consistent. However, the rest would be UTP. For your applications, I would encourage you to just go with whatever feels right, with the understanding that it might not fully match the other players and you can find somewhere to meet in the middle.
If only one Bones is apped and/or accepted for the first round, then their family dynamic would become the official "game canon." Hope this means you're looking to apply for either Edgar or Amelia!
-Admin Karli
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priorireverte · 4 years
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Congratulations Nik!
Your application for Amelia Bones has been accepted. I can’t wait to see what trouble and frustrations Amelia gets into, so stripped of power and authority. No passed handed out to former Department Heads, sorry Amelia!
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Nik, they/them
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Relatively active. At least 3 to 4 times a week
ANYTHING ELSE: Cancer tw, hospice tw.
NAME: Amelia Susan Bones
BIRTHDATE: September 20th 1946
DEATHDATE: July 14 1996
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis woman. She/her and they/them pronouns. Bisexual with a heavy preference for women.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff
OCCUPATION: Former DMLE HEAD (until death)
FACECLAIM: Louise Lombard (i have my own gifs and icons and things of her so dont worry to much about resources :D )
The knowledge she died and left her brother and niece alone in the world weighed heavy on her shoulders.  It’s something she  isn’t coping with well. The knowledge that her death was the final stand the Ministry had, that it was taken over by Voldemort because she couldn’t beat him, was a tough pill to swallow for her. She knew he had his faith around and in the shadows waiting, she could count the amount of people she completely trusted in the Ministry on one hand but she thought that there would have been more of a stand. The knowledge that her failure was the reason the people she served suffered another war  sits heavy on her shoulders.  If she could do it again she would be more prepared, have an escape plan rather than just hold her ground against him. She wouldn’t have the same faith that the Ministry would hold their own against him without her, she should have known better. The only thing sitting on her shoulders heavier than that is the knowledge that her niece had suffered, that she wasn’t there to stop that and holds herself completely responsible for it.
Tough, fair, kind, compassionate. This is how Amelia would describe herself if asked. She is far more gentle on the inside than most people who work around her would think. Stick her in a room with her niece for just a moment and you’ll see the stern blue eyes soften immediately.  Amelia is a skilled negotiator and investigator. She has a way with words and a great deal of understanding in how to use them. However, she isn’t very good at using them to describe how she feels. She is compassionate,and hardworking, she much prefers to listen to how others are feeling than share her own feelings. Everyone else comes first in her mind. Will always put the needs of others in front of her own.
The oldest of the Bones three siblings Amelia always felt somewhat responsible for them. Constantly looking out for them and keeping their health and wellbeing in mind. Being an Aunt has always been considered her greatest achievement. Holding Edgar’s first child was a life changing experience and laying them to rest with their parents was life shattering.
Her brother and niece were all the family she had left and she cherished them. With the death of her sister in law, Susan’s mother, Amelia truly stepped up to the plate. She never tried or wanted to replace her mother but knew despite her brother’s best intentions, Susan needed someone else to be around. Amelia doesn’t have any children and has never seen the need to have any, when asked if she was planning on having any she’d simply smile and reply “I have Susan. I don’t need anymore children in my life”
HISTORY What was their life before the end of the war in ‘98 or before their death? What was important and formative for them?
     Born a few months after the end of world war two and the capture of Gellert Grindlewald meant Amelia grew up in both the bliss of peace and the pain of rebuilding. She’d listen to stories of war from the other children and overheard her mother and father discussing it sometimes. She remembered the celebrations from the 10th anniversary of war’s end and attended many memorials of those who had fallen, both muggle and magical alongside her family.
When war came to the Wixen World once more it was much less kind to the Bones. Her parents were cut down in their family home by Voldemort himself, her brother, his wife and his children slaughtered in their home. She constantly thought back to nights her father would tell her she’d never have to suffer at the hands of another war and swore she’d do whatever was necessary that the last living grandchild of his got to live that promise.
Amelia lived alone in a small home just outside of London. She’d brought it just after the first war as she climbed the ministry ranks. It made the commute to and from work much faster and proved a safe, new home with no memories attached to it.
Most of Amelia’s time was filled with work and family. She had the odd girlfriend here and there but no relationship ever lasted more than a year. She was far too dedicated to her job or her family.
Amelia’s job was incredibly important. She held the line against Fudges conspiracy theory lies. Called him out behind closed doors at every opportunity. Made her dislike and disapproval known. She was a Bones after it, it meant something in the Ministry. There were rumours that if Albus Dumbledore wasn’t going to take the position of Minister, she would. And she might have, had she lived long enough. She was preparing for it, to challenge him, and all other comers. After it was proven that Voldemort was well and truly alive and Cornelius Fudge had wasted precious time denying it out of fear , she had planned to oust him if he wouldn’t resign. Take a vote to the Wizenagemont, remove him due to his incompetence. She was killed the evening before her vote was due to hit the floor.
The after hogwarts golden trio aspect drew me in first. Then when I read the plot more and more the idea of “returned” got me more and more interested. My favourite AU plots in group rps have always been the “What if a character who has died returned?? What happens to your character?” I adore exploring that whole new side of them.  It opens up things, plots, ideas, developments, that a traditional style of RP wouldn’t
How do you see this character adding to the community and the plot?
Bringing in Amelia is similar to bringing in Edgar. It brings a Bones from that era to the story and offers connections for Susan and characters in the Marauders Era. Bringing her would also add a character who is incredibly familiar with the structure of the Ministry and a depth of knowledge in her field.
PRESENT One paragraph about your character’s life right now and how they are handling the current events of the game.
“You died, Ma’am”
The words were on constant repeat in her mind. What did they mean she died? She was alive right now, she was breathing, her heart beating. She was here. Except she last remembered it being 1996. They tell her it’s 2002. She died six years ago. Her last memory was fighting Voldemort, a loud bang, stumbling to the floor and then she woke up in the Death Chamber. A room she had both the privilege and horror of recognising. It made sense in a way. The last thing she remembered was being in her home but awoke in the Ministry but it was so hard to understand. How? Why? Everyday was a repeat of the same questions in her mind. She does her best not to dwell on it, knowing that now isn’t the time nor place to do so. Getting herself grounded, back into the world that she had no idea she left. Returning to her family. That was her first goal. Working everything else out will come later.
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treacherycuphq · 3 years
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since you get to choose your own alliance and can switch multiple times throughout gameplay depending on plot drops, we've decided it would be too confusing to attempt to sort our characters by alliance, as we typically would. this is a simple, alphabetical masterlist of acceptable characters for this gameplay. this is not an all-encompassing list - if you have a fringe marauders era character you'd like to apply for, toss an application in ! we'd love to see them ! below the list is our exception list, or unplayable characters. a character directory & taken skeletons will be posted after the first acceptance period. { STRIKETHROUGH indicates taken. }
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ALASTOR MOODY - gamebreaker; too high ranking
ALBUS DUMBLEDORE - gamebreaker; at Hogwarts
ANTONIN DOLOHOV - gamebreaker; discreetly controlling regions of SCOTLAND, using the INSIDIO phenomenon
BELLATRIX LESTRANGE - gamebreaker; chaotically controlling the ISLE OF MAN, using the INSIDIO phenomenon
CORBAN YAXLEY - gamebreaker; comfortably controlling IRELAND, using the INSIDIO phenomenon
FENRIR GREYBACK - gamebreaker
PANDORA LOVEGOOD - owner of the Quibbler
REGULUS BLACK - has already disappeared (1979)
WALDEN MCNAIR - gamebreaker; methodically attempting to gain control over LONDON teams and MINISTRY Quidditch personnel, using the INSIDIO phenomenon
XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD - owner of the Quibbler
NOTE: these characters are listed here at the general speculation of the moderators, unless accompanied with a STRIKETHROUGH, indicating npc plot relevance. if an applicant wants to play one of these characters, and is able to creatively, uniquely fit into the verse without gamebreaking, than we'd love to see it ! just send the application in, no need to ask. however, please be warned, we may still suggest you take another character we see fitting your application + characterization. thank you.
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actiobellicahq · 4 years
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for personal reasons, please unfollow:
gideon prewett, natalya volkova, ophelia greengrass and edgar bones. (mumu)
the roles of gideon prewett and edgar bones are now open for applications, and the faceclaims jodie comer, natasha liu bordizzo and jordan fisher are now open for applications.
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fabianprcwett · 3 years
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Bio (written by @chaoswillfallrpg)
 → OVERVIEW: Although only by minutes, Fabian is the youngest of the two Prewett brothers. He closely followed his brother and destined closest friend, GIDEON. The pair were born into the wealthy and prestigious Prewett House, and although they wouldn’t know what this meant till many years later, it would shape them into the men they were to become. Fabian was the quiet one, the one that planned their elaborate pranks and would rather listen to a conversation than be a part of it. He was calm and calculated and never saw this as a negative trait. Besides, he could always count on Gideon to take the lead in any social setting. His parents, ADGER and LUELLA PREWETT, were often away from home, either at work or attending important social events. They left MOLLY PREWETT, the oldest Prewett, to watch over the twins and although Gideon often tried to push Molly’s boundaries or manipulate her, Fabian really looked up to his older sister. She was smart and kind and always had time for Fabian, something that he appreciated from her. Molly had become a second mother to him and often preferred her company than that of his chaotic brother. That being said, he still adored Gideon and would go to the ends of the world with him. The two were partners in crime, perfectly complimenting each other in almost every aspect.
Gideon and Fabian had different interests and skill sets that allowed them to conduct elaborate pranks on themselves and the neighbours’ muggle children. If the two weren’t setting up traps, they were running around the Prewett grounds, hiding in their mother’s greenhouse or practicing quidditch. Both the twins had a natural affinity for quidditch, although Gideon enjoyed it so much more than Fabian did. No, Fabian much preferred to sit in his mother’s Greenhouse and learn about all the healing herbs that she had. If he ever came across an injured bird or gnome, he’d cradle them in his hands and take them to the greenhouse, whip up a healing remedy and help the injured creature. He’d often beg for his mother to take him to her healer shop in Diagon Alley, which she refused, replying that he was simply too young. Instead, Fabian would spend his free time reading about different healing spells and potions and wonder what would happen if you tried to combine two different spells into one. As much as he liked to think about it, he wasn’t brave enough to try it out, afraid that they might fail and make the injury worse than before. That’s why when he finally received his letter to Hogwarts he was so excited. He’d be able to learn more magic at a higher level. He’d be able to understand greater spells and powerful magic and he couldn’t wait to start improving his own abilities.
Fabian was unsurprisingly sorted into Hufflepuff and a few moments later, so was Gideon. Fabian was glad that he’d share a dorm with his twin and if he ever needed Molly, she was just a few corridors aways and shared a common room. He stuck close to Gideon’s side for the first few months but as Gideon started making his own friends, Fabian found himself being less and less included. He decided that it was the perfect time to gain some independence and branch off onto his own path. Fabian also became close friends with a Hufflepuff in their year, AMELIA BONES. The two would often study together and Fabian would rack her brain for additional information on spells and Amelia would deliver without hesitation. Amelia was one of his first friends other than Gideon, and whilst Fabian had many acquaintances, of which many were Gideon’s friends or students he met during their infamous common room parties such as FREDRICK WEASLEY, his friendship group was extremely small and close-knit. In his second year he and Gideon met a student called EDWARD TONKS, a muggle-born wizard, and whilst they all got along very well, Fabian began to hang out more with Edward. Like Molly had made time for Fabian, he made time for Edward, teaching the boy everything he knew about Helga Hufflepuff and Hogwarts, as well as explaining common terms that muggles wouldn’t understand. They’d often spend time in the Greenhouse as Fabian listed off all the herbs he knew. 
Other friends Fabian made included EDGAR BONES, COINNEACH MCKINNON, LAURENCE ABBOTT, MARIANNE MACMILLAN and CELIA ABBOTT. He adored his friends and held them all dear. However, it wasn’t until one peculiar Care for Magical Creatures lesson that Fabian made an unlikely friend. WALDEN MACNAIR and Fabian had been grouped together during a lesson and had got lost in the Forbidden Forest together after chasing after a unicorn. At first the two were heavily uninterested in working together but after being forced to do so they found an unlikely friendship in each other that then bloomed into something more. Fabian fell for Walden, the boy was caring and soft when around Fabian, but was cold and harsh around his friend group which included CAIUS BURKE and ANYA ROOKWOOD. Walden had asked Fabian to be his boyfriend but that they had to keep it a secret, that his friends could not know that he was dating Fabian, someone who Walden’s friend group considered a blood traitor for being friends with the likes of Edward Tonks. Fabian agreed and the two dated for a couple of years but in their Seventh Year, Fabian called it off with Walden, announcing that it wasn’t working for him anymore, that he could no longer keep it a secret and with Walden refusing to go public, Fabian was left with no choice. He spent the rest of his final year concentrating on his N.E.W.T.S and writing his application to the Committee On Experimental Charms at the ministry of magic. 
Fabian got the job and was appointed as a researcher and conceptualist. His job required him to research existing charms, and conceptualise how they could become better or how they could be used along with other spells to become a completely different spell. Fabian concentrated on charms that aided in healing and would experiment how charms reacted with certain ingredients and potions. He was good at his job and soon Fabian Prewett became a well known name in his department. He was often called to aid others determine whether a new spell was safe or not to use or to reverse engineer a spell that was cast by accident that had a desirable outcome. He enjoyed working at the ministry as Amelia was there too, training to be a barrister, and Molly was always in her office as junior undersecretary to the Minister for Magic. He’d often spend lunch together with her and ARTHUR WEASLEY. However, one of the reason’s he did not enjoy working at the ministry was that Walden worked there too as a member of the Beast Division. The two would often bump into each other and an awkward conversation would spark up. At least Fabian could go home and enjoy an evening with friends in his flat that he shared with Gideon, Coinneach and Laurence. 
It was only when Molly was disowned that Fabian realised how strongly some people believed in blood purity, including his own parents. It was completely unfair and uncivilised. He knew Arthur, he was a great man and he was excited to become his brother-in-law. During a night at Molly and Arthur’s new home, Fabian was having a drink with Gideon and Arthur when Arthur mentioned that there was more that they could be doing, further actions they could take to help make the wizarding world a more inclusive place for all and this intrigued the twins. They followed Arthur’s mysterious instructions and found themselves at a pub called the fountain of fair fortune. Inside, they met many others including FRANK LONGBOTTOM, ALICE YEN, LILY EVANS, MARLENE MCKINNON and many more familiar faces. That night the twins swore an oath to do their best to fight the rising chaos and became official Order of the Phoenix members. Since then Fabian kept his ears open at work, trying to pick up on any rumours about the dark forces that had supposedly entered the ministry. He also sat in during a couple of strategic meetings that The Order held, after all, he’d spent his whole life planning mischievous and secret plans. It was Fabian’s idea to send Gideon in as an undercover agent to the Death Eaters. Sure, it was dangerous, but remembering Gideon’s old school connections he was the most likely to get in undetected. Fabian knew that Gideon felt as if he needed to prove himself to the group and this was how he’d do it. Fabian was worried, but he knew that Gideon could fend for himself. Besides, Merlin helps those that would bring any harm to Gideon as Fabian may be reserved and quiet, but he was a good wizard, and a vengeful wizard is always a force to reckon with. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Relationship Status → Single
Sexual Orientation → Homosexual
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hufflepuff)
Societies → TBD
Family → Adger Prewett (father), Luella Prewett (mother), Molly Prewett (sister), Gideon Prewett (brother), Arthur Weasley (future brother-in-law)
Connections  → Amelia Bones (best friend), Laurence Abbot (close friend), Edward Tonks (close friend), Edgar Bones (friend), Frederick Weasley (friend), Coinneach McKinnon (friend), Marianne MacMillan (friend), Celia Abbott (friend), Walden MacNair (potential love interest)
Future Information → N/A
BONUS EXTRAS (written by kc): 
Birthday: 5/24. A gemini. Hilariously, this sign’s astrological symbol is the twins. Although he and Gideon are very different in some ways, they have remained close into adulthood. It’s also an air sign, which can symbolize creation, something Fabian associates with his job as a researcher and conceptualist. 
Wand:  Fabian's wand is a 10 1/4 inches, red oak wood with a phoenix feather core. Slightly springy. I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time researching wand woods and decided on red oak for a few different reasons. Because Fabian is a researcher and conceptualist, the red oak makes sense because Fabian is "light of touch, quick witted, and adaptable". Additionally, it specifically mentions in the lore that red oak wands are often paired with creators of distinctive, trademark spells. Fabian deals largely in original spellwork in his job, so this wand seems like an ideal match for him. It makes sense that his wand would have a phoenix core as well because, although they are the rarest core type, they are also capable of the greatest range of magic. Their allegiance is hard won, but even as a youngster, Fabian was dedicated, both to his family and to small creatures that he diligently nursed back to health.
Amortentia: Pine, the smell of the outdoors right after it rains, and clean sheets. Although Fabian would never explain the likely reasoning for his olfactory reaction to amortentia, it likely smells of pine due to when he first started to develop a crush on a person who grew to be his first love. The reasoning for the smell after it rains is similar, having spent many a clandestine date taking advantage of foggy afternoons. However, clean sheets are simply a classic favorite, as he tends to be more subtle, in many avenues in life, including this one.
Boggart:  Despite feeling secure on a broom, Fabian is afraid of heights. It's less the height and more the falling from a heigh height. His boggart would show him falling off the top of a mountain or something, and his riddikulus spell would involve Gideon laughing from the top of the mountain and easily saving him with the arresto momentum spell.
Patronus: Fabian's patronus is a rhinoceros. I took the patronus quiz on wizardingworld.com and I love this for him. It's so random, but at the same time it kind of fits perfectly. Fabian has his quiet and reserved side, while at the same time he has his "channeling his inner Gideon, sort of extra, will gore this Dementor with my rhinoceros patronus" side.
Mirror of Erised: Quite simply, he wants peace. Both within his family and as a larger ideal. He wants the Order to prevail over the Death Eaters, and he wants his parents to welcome Molly and Arthur back into the family. He also wants Walden to be out and happy. Fabian doesn't need the two of them to end up together, he just wishes that Walden felt comfortable enough to be his true self without fear of judgment.
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darkestdawnhq · 3 years
Could today be the day, tag lurkers? We only need one more application to roll out acceptances and to open up for game play! We also have three skeletons left and Aslan Shafiq, Edgar Bones and Caradoc Dearborn will be done by this afternoon. Let’s hope the 8th application comes in today, because we can’t wait to get started! 
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The following contains mentions/implications of abuse, attempted sexual harrassment, mentions/implications of past sexual abuse/assault, graphic depictions of homicide/torture, mentions/implications of past suicide attempts, implications of police/military violence. Reader discretion is advised.
Johnny didn't learn for a while what the house wanted from him. It was clear that it demanded something of him. The ceiling seemed too low, mold-ridden even if he couldn't see any. The floors were freezing- wooden and splintering, but he hadn't bled once despite getting some shards embedded painfully into his hands when he searched the ground for his pencils after the moon went down. 
Every number he called about the electricity going out lead to a dial tone. His phone was strangely the only electronic- the only appliance- that still worked in the house. He had no idea how much time had passed since he'd been left in the bathroom to die and woke up with stark scars on his forearms, the shower curtain draped over his body, and the bathtub dry as a bone. And Vargas gone. For good it seemed. 
He almost wanted to believe it was a nightmare- that it all was a nightmare. So he tried to pick his life back up as he stepped out of the bathtub and went to find clothes and the thermostat.
One day, he found a bill on the table in front of the TV. He couldn't remember when he'd received any mail recently- let alone opened it. Even stranger than the bill was the message that had been printed on it. There wasn't any amount under 'AMOUNT DUE.' The only other print on the paper was red text reading 'UTILITY SERVICE TERMINATED DUE TO NONPAYMENT. REMIT PAYMENT TO CONTINUE SERVICE.'
There wasn't an address or a phone number to contact regarding the bill. Johnny was left confused over how to alleviate this debt. He didn't know who, when, where, or what. The only thing that he still had control over was the 'how.' He needed a job. 
 After digging around for a week or so, Johnny managed to uncover his portfolio that he'd submitted copies of alongside Edgar. He was not about to go back there- they loved his boyfriend and always doubted Johnny's judgment. 
There was a new comic publishing company; a start-up with a promising, rich CEO that was recruiting new styles. Macabre. Gothic. Grotesque. Mindfuck. It was perfect for Johnny. 
He put on the best outfit from his closet, something with a blazer and no rips in the jeans. He'd done his hair until the two antennae that hung over his face were hidden amongst the rest of his combed blue hair. Johnny walked into the office feeling confident that his second chance at life had been a blessing or a reward for surviving. 
Everyone working at the company currently was skinny, wired, and brutal. Nobody seemed to actually be creating anything- instead, they were all busy working on photo manipulation and advertisements. There also seemed to be someone altering a passport photo meticulously. 
Johnny's meeting with the CEO started off alright enough. The man listened to the artist speak about his work and he even asked a few things here or there. He asked something about the paint choice and Johnny responded in a way that he hoped didn't sound too try hard but also genuine. In truth, Vargas didn't let him use anything else.
Maybe he could sense that. Maybe the man could tell that Johnny was an easy target. Maybe Johnny had painted 'patsy' on his forehead in asshole-vision invisible ink.
Whatever had caused the conversation to turn towards Johnny's personal life- particularly his relationship status- was unimportant. He wanted to leave, but he figured that the man would probably ask that for reference purposes or perhaps personally-identifying information. Johnny told the CEO that he was single, recently left a relationship with his ex-fiance. The way that the man reacted should have said enough to him, but he tried to reason with his brain; he was overreacting. 
But to put it crudely, the CEO wanted fresh meat and Johnny was a free-bleeding fresh cut. Eyes still clear. Silent like a fish out of water, when he moved over and started massaging Johnny's shoulders, saying how awful that must have been. That he was there for him. That he was recently divorced himself. He understood. 
Johnny felt his hand being moved, heard a zipper being pulled down, and when the CEO moved his mouth to press against his ear, all Johnny remembered was that he had the other man's letter opener embedded in the space directly below his eye socket. He registered the crack of bone giving under unforgiving metal. The burst of red sprayed across his face and his shirt. The screaming. His screaming. 
He was on his knees over the blubbering, defaced CEO shouting out as if he was emptying every last moment of anger or shame or hurt into the puncture marks that kept adding up. Johnny wasn't sure if he was crying or that his body was finally catching up- maybe he was having a heart attack. 
He has no idea how long he kneeled on the grimey black floor of the CEO's office before he realized that nobody was coming. Surely, someone must have heard them. Was the police waiting right outside the door- bullets trained on him- ready to shoot to kill? The man who was under Johnny's blade was miraculously still alive- dying- but still actually alive and he only then heard the tiny whimpers of 'please, don't kill me' 'I'll change.' 
Johnny grabbed the man's stripped, bloodied face, digging his fingernails into the wounds, and his heart sung with the screeches that rung throughout the office. There was nothing else there except for Johnny and the filth disguised as a human being. 
He listened to him plead, held his face in his hands as the man continues to plead pathetically. Johnny's heart nearly jumped this time when he claimed 'he'd change'.
"No; you won't." His voice was venomous, low and angry in a way that sounded calm. "You will never change. You know what happens when I give people like you the opportunity to change? Do you? They stop for a little while, sometimes days, sometimes decades, because they're so fucking scared for their life. For jail time, for repercussion, Hell maybe for the Devil himself coming to fuck them up the ass for what they've done. But when the Devil doesn't come, when the tabloids remain silent, when the name becomes deceased or missing or disappears completely, you go right back to what you'd been doing before. You put your fingers or your face or your dick wherever you want because you think you're untouchable. You think you are above the lives that you've ruined. You think that they deserve it- or maybe that you deserve it for being so good for so long, right? Well, guess what?" 
"You won't get to do that because I'm going to end your life right here, right now. I'm going to end whatever cycle of abuse that may or may have swept you up and corrupted you - brought you to believe you somehow are entitled to this pain that you inflict on others. And I'm going to enjoy it."
The man was able to only let out a sharp 'please, no' before Johnny grabbed his skull and twisted it until he heard a snap and the person below him had turned into a corpse. Into a past tense. 
He was coated in blood. 
Johnny dropped the body unceremoniously before he shakily got onto his feet. It was copious. It was gruesome. He threw up into a potted plant near the door. He gathered his portfolio into his arms and picked up his application from the CEO's desk. Johnny slipped the single piece of paper into the paper shredder, watching it turn into dozens of tiny bits of future bunny bedding.  
He braced himself before he stepped into the workplace. He expected a lot of things. He expected to see a huge stack of chairs and terrified workers huddled behind them like frightened raccoons. He expected SWAT, FBI, CSI, NCSI, the Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Marines. He expected to have a bunch of horrified, traumatized faces staring back at him.
Instead, they looked annoyed. And the only people who were annoyed were the ones whose desks were closest to the CEO's office door. They glared at him, sneering like he was covered in shit and not in blood. Then they were completely disinterested. He was just some freak. They gossiped amongst themselves, but otherwise didn't approach Johnny. 
The man tore out of the comic publishing building and ran all the way home. It was midday- in the middle of December or January, where the sun was absent and the wind was unforgiving. Johnny had sweat through his stained clothing and the temperature change between the outside and the inside of his house was minute. The only shelter he had from the Winter chill was just covering from the elements.
Johnny walked into the bathroom and over to the bathtub and tossed the downed shower curtain out of the way. The water was freezing and felt like needles against even his clothed skin as he attempted to wash away the blood. It streamed down, staining the white porcelain as it streaked off of him and into the drain. 
The man had put his head against the tile, directly under the showerhead as he held himself. His eyes were shut tight, so it took him a moment of brief confusion before he opened his eyes to the bright lights of the bathroom and a gradually increasing warm shower. 
The water was perfect now and after getting past the initial shock, he undressed and continued to clean himself off the best he could. All that remained after he finished was the blood caked under his fingernails. He would cut them later. 
Johnny dried off using a somewhat warm, scruffy towel, it had been hanging there on the rack since he first awoke in the bathroom. He wrapped it around himself before he explored the rest of the house. It was warm, and the lights were all on. The electronics were all buzzing in a way they hadn't unless in memories. He opened the fridge and found that the food in there had not rotted. He picked out some lunch meat from a drawer and savored the usually incorrigible processed salty ham. He couldn't remember the last time he ate. Or the last time he slept. 
He needed clothes. He needed to get rid of the clothes at the bottom of his tub. Johnny went over to the bedroom where he hadn't tread since awakening. The light was on. The bed was still done but looked slept in. He went and grabbed the first shirt and pants and underwear that he found and then quickly went to clean up the mess in the bathroom.
He wrung the blazer out, pink-red water had poured and then streamed and then dribbled. He repeated this with the pants and then the shirt and his underwear and socks. His boots were not salvageable. That's fine. It was all fine. 
At least for now he did not have to immediately worry about paying the bill. In fact, the house felt warmer when he returned inside after he buried the clothes under the dirt of his dead front lawn. Johnny found a new paper attached to his freezer. He figured he'd missed it when he first went for the ham. 
He took it down after he grabbed a bag of microwavable pizza pocket bites. Johnny didn't know what it meant and how it happened, but he didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. He was given another chance for a reason. He gnawed at his fingernails as he watched the plate spin in the microwave and the house hummed with life as it was finally fed.
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okay, last question, i swear! i'm interested in some of the characters that are on the activity check (sorry, i hope that's alright to admit). i'm wondering if potentially applying for one of those roles would be difficult, given they've been played extensively before? are there any current open characters that you would need to get an applicant up to speed on in terms of previous plots and so on? (i hope this question makes sense!)
Generally speaking with Open characters, we try not to hold new players to the headcanons of previous players, just whatever is in the bio. If a character has connections to a taken character (for example, Amelia Bones with her brother Edgar, or Andromeda and Bellatrix with Narcissa) we hope that players old and new can work together to figure out what headcanons work for both involved, so that the new player has lots of freedom to mold their character. To use Amelia as an example again, as our Edgar (played by Admin Meeve) is one of our longest-standing characters, there would need to be a good amount of discussion to get the new player up to speed on everything that has happened with the Bones family over the years, but for the most part Amelia’s own character has been left very open, so there is a lot of room for a player to explore it.
In regards to the other part of your question, characters that are on activity check are still taken characters and therefore not open to be applied for. Our weekly activity checks are on Tuesdays and characters who have not been active in the past week are notified and have until that Thursday to post an update or contact us, often to either let us know when they will be able to write an update or to arrange a hiatus if needed. Any characters currently marked for activity still have 24 hours to fulfill any of those requirements.
~Admin Zaz
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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Although only by minutes, Fabian is the youngest of the two Prewett brothers. He closely followed his brother and destined closest friend, GIDEON. The pair were born into the wealthy and prestigious Prewett House, and although they wouldn’t know what this meant till many years later, it would shape them into the men they were to become. Fabian was the quiet one, the one that planned their elaborate pranks and would rather listen to a conversation than be a part of it. He was calm and calculated and never saw this as a negative trait. Besides, he could always count on Gideon to take the lead in any social setting. His parents, ADGER and LUELLA PREWETT, were often away from home, either at work or attending important social events. They left MOLLY PREWETT, the oldest Prewett, to watch over the twins and although Gideon often tried to push Molly’s boundaries or manipulate her, Fabian really looked up to his older sister. She was smart and kind and always had time for Fabian, something that he appreciated from her. Molly had become a second mother to him and often preferred her company than that of his chaotic brother. That being said, he still adored Gideon and would go to the ends of the world with him. The two were partners in crime, perfectly complimenting each other in almost every aspect.
Gideon and Fabian had different interests and skill sets that allowed them to conduct elaborate pranks on themselves and the neighbours’ muggle children. If the two weren’t setting up traps, they were running around the Prewett grounds, hiding in their mother’s greenhouse or practicing quidditch. Both the twins had a natural affinity for quidditch, although Gideon enjoyed it so much more than Fabian did. No, Fabian much prefered to sit in his mother's Greenhouse and learn about all the healing herbs that she had. If he ever came across an injured bird or gnome, he’d cradle them in his hands and take them to the greenhouse, whip up a healing remedy and help the injured creature. He’d often beg for his mother to take him to her healer shop in diagon alley, which she refused, replying that he was simply too young. Instead, Fabian would spend his free time reading about different healing spells and potions and wonder what would happen if you tried to combine two different spells into one. As much as he liked to think about it, he wasn’t brave enough to try it out, afraid that they might fail and make the injury worse than before. That’s why when he finally received his letter to Hogwarts he was so excited. He’d be able to learn more magic at a higher level. He’d be able to understand greater spells and powerful magic and he couldn’t wait to start improving his own abilities. 
 Fabian was unsurprisingly sorted into Hufflepuff and a few moments later, so was Gideon. Fabian was glad that he’d share a dorm with his twin and if he ever needed Molly, she was just a few corridors aways and shared a common room. He stuck close to Gideon’s side for the first few months but as Gideon started making his own friends, Fabian found himself being less and less included. He decided that it was the perfect time to gain some independance and branch off onto his own path. Fabian also became close friends with a Hufflepuff in their year, AMELIA BONES. The two would often study together and Fabian would rack her brain for additional information on spells and Amelia would deliver without hesitation. Amelia was one of his first friends other than Gideon, and whilst Fabian had many acquaintances, of which many were Gideon’s friends or students he met during their infamous common room parties such as FREDRICK WEASLEY, his friendship group was extremely small and close-knit. In his second year he and Gideon met a student called EDWARD TONKS, a muggle-born wizard, and whilst they all got along very well, Fabian began to hang out more with Edward. Like Molly had made time for Fabian, he made time for Edward, teaching the boy everything he knew about Helga Hufflepuff and Hogwarts, as well as explaining common terms that muggles wouldn’t understand. They’d often spend time in the Greenhouse as Fabian listed off all the herbs he knew. 
Other friends Fabian made included EDGAR BONES, COINNEACH MCKINNON, LAURENCE ABBOTT, MARIANNE MACMILLAN and CELIA ABBOTT. He adored his friends and held them all dear. However, it wasn’t until one peculiar Care for Magical Creatures lesson that Fabian made an unlikely friend. WALDEN MACNAIR and Fabian had been grouped together during a lesson and had got lost in the Forbidden Forest together after chasing after a unicorn. At first the two were heavily uninterested in working together but after being forced to do so they found an unlikely friendship in each other that then bloomed into something more. Fabian fell for Walden, the boy was caring and soft when around Fabian, but was cold and harsh around his friend group which included CAIUS BURKE and ANYA ROOKWOOD. Walden had asked Fabian to be his boyfriend but that they had to keep it a secret, that his friends could not know that he was dating Fabian, someone who Walden’s friend group considered a blood traitor for being friends with the likes of Edward Tonks. Fabian agreed and the two dated for a couple of years but in their Seventh Year, Fabian called it off with Walden, announcing that it wasn’t working for him anymore, that he could no longer keep it a secret and with Walden refusing to go public, Fabian was left with no choice. He spent the rest of his final year concentrating on his N.E.W.T.S and writing his application to the Committee On Experimental Charms at the ministry of magic. 
Fabian got the job and was appointed as a researcher and conceptualist. His job required him to research existing charms, and conceptualise how they could become better or how they could be used along with other spells to become a completely different spell. Fabian concentrated on charms that aided in healing and would experiment how charms reacted with certain ingredients and potions. He was good at his job and soon Fabian Prewett became a well known name in his department. He was often called to aid others determine whether a new spell was safe or not to use or to reverse engineer a spell that was cast by accident that had a desirable outcome. He enjoyed working at the ministry as Amelia was there too, training to be a barrister, and Molly was always in her office as junior undersecretary to the Minister for Magic. He’d often spend lunch together with her and ARTHUR WEASLEY. However, one of the reason’s he did not enjoy working at the ministry was that Walden worked there too as a member of the Beast Division. The two would often bump into each other and an awkward conversation would spark up. At least Fabian could go home and enjoy an evening with friends in his flat that he shared with Gideon, Coinneach and Laurence. 
It was only when Molly was disowned that Fabian realised how strongly some people believed in blood purity, including his own parents. It was completely unfair and uncivilised. He knew Arthur, he was a great man and he was excited to become his brother-in-law. During a night at Molly and Arthur’s new home, Fabian was having a drink with Gideon and Arthur when Arthur mentioned that there was more that they could be doing, further actions they could take to help make the wizarding world a more inclusive place for all and this intrigued the twins. They followed Arthur’s mysterious instructions and found themselves at a pub called the fountain of fair fortune. Inside, they met many others including FRANK LONGBOTTOM, ALICE YEN, LILY EVANS, MARLENE MCKINNON and many more familiar faces. That night the twins swore an oath to do their best to fight the rising chaos and became official Order of the Phoenix members. Since then Fabian kept his ears open at work, trying to pick up on any rumours about the dark forces that had supposedly entered the ministry. He also sat in during a couple of strategic meetings that The Order held, after all, he’d spent his whole life planning mischievous and secret plans. It was Fabian’s idea to send Gideon in as an undercover agent to the Death Eaters. Sure, it was dangerous, but remembering Gideon’s old school connections he was the most likely to get in undetected. Fabian knew that Gideon felt as if he needed to prove himself to the group and this was how he’d do it. Fabian was worried, but he knew that Gideon could fend for himself. Besides, Merlin helps those that would bring any harm to Gideon as Fabian may be reserved and quiet, but he was a good wizard, and a vengeful wizard is always a force to reckon with. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Relationship Status → Single
Sexual Orientation → Homosexual
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Hufflepuff)
Societies → TBD
Family → Adger Prewett (father), Luella Prewett (mother), Molly Prewett (sister), Gideon Prewett (brother), Arthur Weasley (future brother-in-law)
Connections  → Amelia Bones (best friend), Laurence Abbot (close friend), Edward Tonks (close friend), Edgar Bones (friend), Frederick Weasley (friend), Coinneach McKinnon (friend), Marianne MacMillan (friend), Celia Abbott (friend), Walden MacNair (potential love interest)
Future Information → N/A
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