#Amelia Bones
gayandawreck · 2 days
The slug club of the 6th years and 7th years.
7 seventh years and 3 sixth years
7th years: Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Amelia Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Narcissa Black, Bruce Mulicber, Dorcas Meadowes
6th years: Regulus Black, Barty Crouch jr, Alecto Carrow
It was the most chaotic times for slug club meetings tbh
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missesmckinnon · 11 months
James, Lily, Sirius, Evan, Dorcas, and Amelia: I like making other people happy. It’s nice to be the reason someone else is smiling.
Regulus, Mary, Remus, Barty, Marlene, and Emmeline: I take pride in the fact that people don’t like me. I hate you too, bitch.
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Regulus: You ever think that if you were never born, your partner would be in a lot of trouble?
Mary: On the daily.
Lily: She'd be hopeless without me.
Dorcas: She'd go to jail a lot more without me.
Remus: Sirius still goes to jail with me here.
Regulus: James goes to jail with Sirius and Marlene.
Alice: Cissa would be like Bels.
Ted: Andy would be like Bels.
Rita: Well, Bels would be like her parents if it wasn't for me.
Sybil: Peter still does stupid shit. I can't stop him.
Amelia: Emma would be dead somewhere.
Frank: Hestia' too dumb to do anything other than go along with everyone else.
Aurora: Lia isn't one to get into trouble unless she's looking for it.
Evan: Barty just likes going to jail. He says it's comfy.
Regulus, Dorcas, Mary, Lily, Remus, Alice, Ted, Rita, Amelia, Frank, Sybil, and Aurora: *Turns to look at Evan*
Dorcas: You're the one who helps him get in trouble.
Barty: Um, rude. I do that by myself.
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sorry but I now am fully committed to the all girls marauder au. it’s like crack. the boys were cool and stuff but everything is better when it’s for the girls and the lesbians!
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causereyna-artie · 4 months
You know what we don't talk about enough? Lily and Peter.
Peter, the first marauder Lily liked. Potter and Black were too loud and full of themselves, and Remus too defensive for Lily to form an impression of. Peter, though. The quiet mouse of a boy under Potter and Black's spell. 'The only marauder to see the heavens', as Lily had said.
The only marauder to actually be apologetic to the teachers when he was late to class. Not cracking jokes like Potter and Black or grunting an excuse like Remus. Peter, the boy that helped her with her books in the corridor. Peter, who never made jokes at her expense. Peter, the boy who smiled at her in the halls.
And, Lily. Of course, Peter liked Lily. The brightest witch of her age. The unapologetic, sarcastic redhead in Pete's in Herbology class. The only girl able to put James and Sirius in their place.
Lily, a flash of red. Lily, who taught him how to handle the mandrakes. Lily, who reprimanded Sirius when he said anything to Peter in the common room. She was the smartest person he knew.
Lily, the girl who tried to matchmake Peter with all her friends, because she trusted him to not hurt any of them.
Peter, the boy who immediately confessed and apologised to Lily about the marauder's prank, always the first to warn her.
Lily, the girl who sneaked breakfast for Peter in the morning classes when he had overslept.
Peter, who had stayed up late in the common room, teaching Lily about quidditch so she could get closer to James.
Lily, who got Peter through his exams.
Peter, who got Lily things when she couldn't find them in the huge Potter house.
Lily, who challenged Peter at a chess game when the marauders left him out of their latest challenge.
Peter who---on the days Remus wouldn't---sat with Lily on the cold mornings, watching James go around and around the quidditch pitch from the bleachers.
Lily, who actually asked about Peter during the war.
But, oh, Lily dropped herbology in the sixth year, and Peter didn't help Lily with her books anymore, and Lily laughed when Sirius made a joke at Peter's expense, and Peter never apologised to the teachers by the third year, and Lily loved James too much to actually reprimand him, and Peter hurt her friend Amelia in the fifth year, and Lily's hair turned auburn, and Remus was the smartest person Peter knew now, and Lily who never really liked chess so she stopped, and Peter didn't tell Lily about the time the goblets were charmed, and Lily asked Mary to help Peter with his exams because everyone was smarter than Peter, Peter who said it was too early in the morning to get up, Lily who had always been closer to Remus anyway, Peter who nodded now, Lily who knew her way around the Potter house npw, Peter who betrayed Lily, and Peter who killed Lily, and Peter who almost killed baby Harry.
Peter, who would never, ever, ever see the heavens.
And Lily, who saw them too soon.
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stars4sole · 2 months
Mary, Amelia, Hestia, Xeno, Sybill, Pandora, Alice, Andromeda, Amos, Lucinda, Edgar : I like making other people happy. It’s nice to be the reason someone else is smiling.
Barty, Evan, Dorcas, Remus, Sirius, Kingsley, Emma, Belllatrix, Emmeline: I take pride in the fact that people don’t like me. I hate you too, bitch.
James, Lily, Marlene, Narcissa, Peter: Please like me, my pride can't handle anything else. Even if you don't at least pretend.
Dirk, Benjy, Sirius (again), Regulus: Like me, or don't, idc (they care)
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suzieloveships · 12 days
Remus is an only child. And he probably grew up without many friends. That man had to be confuse about siblings culture.
Like imagine Sirius just randomly starts talking about the time Regulus chased him though the house with a knife and stabbed a hole in Sirius's room door just because he ate the last cookie or something and Lily and Amelia are just "been there, done that" while Remus just
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d0meadows · 1 month
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@ameliaaa-bones preparing to argue with a bunch of scared first years
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lunarlivs · 5 months
here’s some of the characters from a poll i had on my instagram story a while back of who people wanted to see+ a bonus siblings harry and luna meeting their new cousin teddy for the first time :)
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also, a note on kingleys name:
in the series kingleys lastname is shacklebolt. i have changed the name because of the racist subtext. not a lot is known about kingleys origins, so i turned to the actor who plays kingsley in the movies, george harris. he was born in grenda, so i googled popular lastnames from there and landed on mcintosh because i think that suits him much better (and it reminds me of the character from mlp which i think makes it even more fitting) and i feel more comfortable using that name. if anybody else wants to start using it for him please do so!
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lionmythflower · 2 months
Im trying to get my friend to join the marauders Fandom what info do I need to give them and what fic should I make then read first
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crimsonlovebartylus · 2 months
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look the map nobody asked for <3
my latino marauders and which character nationality *i* HC.
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BELLATRIX IS A BLACK GIRLIEEEEEE (guys I’m talking abt colours they like)
NARCISSA IS A WHITE GIRLIEEEEE (colours they like guys the colours the like)
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missesmckinnon · 11 months
James, Sirius, Mary, Marlene, Barty, Pandora, Amelia: “Do you like me?”
Regulus, Remus, Lily, Dorcas, Evan, Xeno, Emmeline: “We’ve been married seven years.”
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Sybil: I don't think we should do this.
Emmeline: Come on, it'll be fine.
Pandora: No, I think Syb' right. We shouldn't do this.
Annabella: Dora, it's your last year. You have to.
Pandora: But, their my friends.
Emmeline: You have friends in every house, Dora.
Pandora: Which makes it wrong to do anything to any of the houses.
Sybil: Lin might be right.
Emmeline: Besides, Lia, Cissa, Bella, Andy, Ri, and Ted pranked us their last year, too.
Pandora: *sighs* Fine. Let's do it.
Annabella: I get to come, right?
Pandora: You can do this in seven years, yeah?
Annabella: But Panda-
Pandora: This is just for us. Just like Ev should say no to Mav. Ok?
Annabella: Fine. I'll go bother Mav.
Marlene: Jamie, I have a position for you.
James: What is it.
Mary: We're teaming up to prank all the houses.
Sirius: Ooh, yes. Slytherin first.
Lily: You just want to prank your brother.
Sirius: Exactly.
Frank: No, Sirius, you can't only prank your brother.
Remus: He's not in on this planning.
Peter: He has good idea' though.
Alice: All four of you prank too much. Your not aloud.
Marlene: Except James. We need him.
Lily: And Remus.
Mary: Pete, too.
Frank: So, Sirius is the only one not aloud to prank.
Amelia: What are you thinking?
Edgar: I don't know. We might need help.
Hestia: From who? The Hufflepuffs have made their groups.
Edgar: I was thinking the so called Marauders.
Amelia: Eddy, no! Their Gryffindor's!
Hestia: Mel, I think he's right.
Amelia: Wait, we don't need them. We just need someone who hangs out with them enough.
Edgar: Or, someone who hangs out their partner who hangs out them.
Hestia: Me? I don't know, guys.
Amelia: Come on, Tia. It'll be fine.
Hestia: Oh, fine. Let's do it.
Dorcas: So, are we gonna prank Dora or?
Barty: It'll be funny.
Evan: No, we're not pranking Dora or Anna.
Emma: How much do you wanna bet their gonna prank us?
Aurora: Oh, 100%. They will definitely prank us.
Regulus: Especially with Emmeline there.
Mavan: Anna would help.
Evan: Mav, go somewhere else. We're planning.
Mavan: But, Ev-
Evan: You can plan in two years for yours, ok?
Mavan: Fine.
*Everyone screams* There's smoke bombs, water spraying everywhere, people's faces turning purple, and even people's fears running all over the great hall.
Smoke bombs were courtesy of Hufflepuff, - Amelia, Edgar, and Hestia - the water was Ravenclaw, - Sybil, Emmeline, and Pandora - peoples faces turning purple is a potion created by the Gryffindor's, - Mary, James, Frank, Alice, Lily, Marlene, Remus, Sirius, and Peter - and people's fears running wild is a spell created by the Slytherin's - Regulus, Emma, Aurora, Barty, Evan, and Dorcas.
It's complete chaos, and the prankers are loving it. Their all standing off to the side just watching all the mayhem unfold. The Slytherin's are smiling the most because of how much disorder they caused.
Pranking day is the best thing that has ever happened to Hogwarts. This day, they can prank all they want and not get detention for it. Even McGonagall is off to the side smiling.
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theladysea31 · 10 months
Mary is a hot pink girl
Lily is a sage green girl
Marlene is a maroon red girl
Pandora is a teal blue girl
Dorcas is a forest green girl
Alice is an amber yellow girl
Emmeline is a prune purple girl
Amelia is a deep blue girl
Emma is a pastel pink girl
Narcissa is a silver girl
Andromeda is a blood red girl
Bella is a black girl
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gildy-locks · 3 months
Figure You Out by VIOLÀ but it’s Barty, singer, singing at a show where he sees Reg after writing the song about Reg and James.
Like Reg and Barty locking gazes and you can see that Reg knows it’s about him and Barty winks before turning to the crowd to continue.
And James not understanding because not a single soul knows about the short relationship Barty and Reg had.
And Evan (who’s in the duo with Barty) is trying to explain to James what happened with just a look. But James doesn’t understand because he can’t read minds.
Then a few shows later Edgar shows up (still on that) and Evan is playing directly towards HIM
And it’s a mess of Evan trying to seduce Edgar and Barty trying to seduce Reg.
Bonus if Edgar is dating Benjy Fenwick (but boom they break up and Benjy goes with Peter)
And James dating Reg but they break up so James goes with Lily
And Xeno and Benjy are Edgar’s best friends so therefore Pandora’s so (including Evan) it’s a big group (but Amelia Bones and Emma Vanity and Alice Fortescue are the og friends instead of Evan and Pandora)
•So the group is Amelia, Emma, Alice, Xeno, Benjy, Edgar
•with invitation to Evan, Pandora, and Peter
And Barty and Sirius are friends because I said so
And Remus and Regulus are friends because I said so
And Dorlene is happening. Dorcas is Barty and Evan’s manager and Marlene is security
And Barty is openly gay in every way possible while Evan isn’t closeted but he’s a 50/50 and no one knows for sure
And Evan had an affair with Emmeline so Rita Skeeter writes about that and there’s a rumor and that rumor made Edgar not date Evan because “Evan was dating Emmeline” and he “didn’t want to be the reason they broke up”
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