#Edwin Okumura
Hartley's F/Os - Part 2
Nyla Rose (AEW) Danhausen (AEW) Rory Regan (Arrow) Roy Harper (DC Comics) Jonathan Crane (DC Comics) Edward Nigma (DC Comics) Conner Kent (DC Comics) Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice: the Musical) Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) Will "Dex" Pointdexter (Check, Please) Onomatopoeia (DC Comics) Edwin Payne (Dead Boy Detectives) Topher Brink (Dollhouse) Jo Mullein (Green Lantern) Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games) Jaysen Caulfield (Ice Breaker) Nina Rosario (In the Heights) Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer) Eliot Waugh (The Magicians) Tabitha Smith (Marvel Comics) Maya Lerner (Obliterated) Cassidy (Preacher) Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim) Winn Schott (Supergirl) Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural) Ragdoll (Secret Six) Daken Akihiro (X-Men) Loki (Young Avengers) Todd Brotzman (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) Amanda Brotzman (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency) Elton Prince (WWE) Kit Wilson (WWE) Courfeyrac (Les Miserables) Combeferre (Les Miserables) Grantaire (Les Miserables) Jehan Prouvaire (Les Miserables) Joly (Les Miserables) Bossuet (Les Miserables) Bahorel (Les Miserables) Feuilly (Les Miserables)
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uzuma-take · 6 years
I've reblogged but also written it again
Favorite male character: obito
Favorite female character: kurenai
Second and third favorite male character: kakashi and gai
Second and third favorite female character: Sarada and Mirai
Favorite and second favorite clan: Uzumaki and what ever clan guren is in
Favorite kage: either Mei , 4th kazakage (gaara dad)
Favorite Hokage: kakashi or tobirama
Least favorite Hokage: Minato
Favorite tailed beast: either Shukaku , or Kokuō
Favorite canon couple(s): Naruhina (Naruto and Hinata), KureAsu (Kurenai and Asuma)
Favorite almost canon couple(s): GaiShizu (Gai and Shizune), KonoHana (Konohamaru and Hanabi)
Worst canon couple: Karui and Choji
Least favorite fanon couple(s): NaruSaku (Naruto and Sakura) SasuNaru (Sasuke and Naruto), KakaIru (Kakashi and iruka)
Favorite yaoi couple(s): KakaGai
Favorite yuri couple(s): WasaNima
Couple(s) that you ship romantically and as friends: Gai and Shizune or Gai and Kakashi
Favorite protagonist: Kakashi
Favorite antagonist: Ealier Kabuto like in Part one
Favorite Akatsuki member: Hidan and Kakazu
Favorite Akatsuki couple: Konan and Pain / Yakihiko
Which character do you think deserves more appreciation: All the jounin ( Aoba, Raido , Ebisu, Ibuki , Genma , Kurenai, Asuma, Gai and Kakashi. ) plus the parents and the chunin like Anko , Kotetsu and Izumo. Houki , Hako , metal (in the manga ) Iwabe and Denki (both in the manga again.
Which character do you think deserves less appreciation: Sasuke and Sakura
Which character(s) didn’t deserve to die: Asuma and Neji
Who do you ship Naruto with: Hinata
Which character do you think looks good with everybody: Ino
Which character out of Teams 7(don’t forget Sai),8,10, Gai would join the Akatsuki: Kakashi ,Gai , Kurenai and Asuma.
Hottest female character: Kurenai
Hottest male character: Kakashi
Would you eat Ramen: yeah definitely
Pro-ending or anti-ending: Pro-ending
How would your version of Naruto ending and Boruto play out (don’t be shy, make it VERY LONG, out touch the smallest details):
1. Neji would be alive . He'd have short hair. He'd also be the head of the hyuuga clan. He'd have a ginger son . I haven't got clue about who his wife would be.
2. Gai wouldn't have ended up in wheel chair .
3. Last but not least Asuma wouldnt have been killed and may have another child other than Mirai
4. Kakashi would be happily married with children and a wife (Or husband)
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honkytonkdyke · 4 years
hello! i'm taking requests for these characters and pairings :)
** = priority is HIGH
male! reader
abusive/toxic relationships in canon or by request
*TW* rape/non-con
*TW* the action of self-harm (post scar care is alright)
please respect my terms and conditions or you will be respectfully denied of your request. failure to comply with these terms more than once will result in a block.
and now, the characters i write for!
marvel cinematic universe:
ironstrange (tony stark x stephen strange) **
sifki (lady sif x loki odinson)
carolnat (carol danvers x natasha romanoff)
pristine (pepper potts x christine palmer) **
carol danvers x reader
lady sif x reader
fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood:
royai (roy mustang x riza hawkeye) **
edwin (edward elric x winry rockbell)
riza hawkeye x reader
olivier mira armstrong x reader
banana fish:
asheiji (ash lynx x eiji okumura)
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im-a-fidget-spinner · 7 years
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When YouTube teaches you more than school.!!!
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ulfwolf · 3 years
My Precious Library -- Musing 185
Paging through   my library— I know I am   the richest soul on Earth
I know that among the four hundred and fifty books, along with the two hundred and thirty-four “Paris Review” Interviews with writers (which appear on the Kindle as documents rather than books) housed on my Kindle reader, I will find the answers to all of my questions, especially my main one.
Okay, perhaps a small lie that, for I also know that the actual answer, the Truth Actual and Ultimate will not emerge from books but will one day arise form an immeasurable depth during meditation. Still, the path to that wonderful illumination is paved with the many books I’ve found and chosen to buy and place in my, yes, precious library.
A brief orientation perhaps is in order: I love the number eight.
And, as a consequence, I love the number sixty-four (i.e., eight times eight or eight to the second power, i.e., squared) eight times as much. So, not surprisingly, I have created sixty-four Kindle Collections to facilitate navigation. Collections are like bins where you store likeminded books or documents.
Most of these collections are by author—some of which, in no particular order: Nadeem Aslam, David Loy, Joan Didion, Jack Kerouac, Mary Oliver, Mavis Gallant, Rebecca West, John Crowley (of Little, Big fame), John Le Carré (who, by the way, is one of the best writers on the planet—don’t for a second pigeon-hole him as a spy-thriller author, he is so, so much more than that, even if most of his novels roam that genre), John Berger, Paul Auster, Diane Ackerman, Ursula Le Guin, Thomas Pynchon, John Updike, George Saunders, Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Mary Robinson, Siri Hustvedt, and Eduardo Galeano.
The balance of these collections are by subject, e.g., Zen, Bhavana (meditation), Dhamma (writings on, mainly, Pali Buddhism), Poetry, Haiku, His/Sci (History and Science), Emptiness (the Ultimate Truth), Words (my many dictionaries), Craft (of writing), Language (more on English and writing), Paris Review (which contains 243 Interviews with Writer as published over the years in the “Paris Review” magazine), Dhammapada (four translations of this Buddhist classic—my favorite one by Thomas Byrom; perhaps not the most accurate but certainly the most poetic), et cetera.
In addition to the 450 books housed on my Kindle, I have more than that again in the Kindle cloud—the number of publications on my Kindle cloud (including my downloads and Paris Review documents) reads 1,234: yes, admittedly I have a thing for numbers. Not that I consider them magical or anything, or that I steer my little craft by them, I just love them as ornaments, I enjoy their sparkle.
The collection name “Story” houses 44 books, mainly stories or story collections by writers such as Martin Amis, Mark Helprin, Kurt Vonnegut, Chekhov, Robert Pirsig (“Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), Dostoevsky, Doris Lessing, Gene Wolfe, Richard Powers, David Mitchell, John Cheever, Alice Munroe, Grace Paley, Flannery O’Connor, Raymond Carver, V.S. Naipaul, William Faulkner, Anthony Doerr, Benjamin Black (aka John Banville), Thomas McGuane, Margaret Atwood, Nabokov, Hemingway, Eudora Welty, Lydia Davis, Stig Dagerman to name just about all of them; along with collections of Grimm’s fairy tales, and those by Hans Christian Andersen, as well as a good translation of “The Arabian Nights”.
Lucy Ellmann finds herself in the “Story” bin as well—I’m currently reading her “Ducks, Newburyport.”
The collection named “Phil/Rel” (Philosophy and Religion) houses, yes, eight (64/8) works: “The Perennial Philosophy” by Aldous Huxley, “The Life of the Mind” by Hannah Arendt, “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” as translated by Edwin F. Bryant, “History of Western Philosophy” by Bertrand Russell, “Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues” by George Berkeley, “My View of the World” by Erwin Schrodinger, “Brave New World Revisited” by Aldous Huxley, and Thomas Traherne’s “Centuries of Meditation”.
It was Traherne who wrote: “You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars.” One of the most beautiful statements of Truth I have ever come across.
When, each morning as I being my meditation, I express my heartfelt thanks for all their help I thank firstly, Buddha Gotama for his brilliant path, and secondly and embracingly, my Sangha, my “support group” as it were, which to me includes all those religious figures, writers, poets, philosophers, historians who have sincerely pondered the Great Unknown, the big, the ultimate questions, and shared their conclusions either as story or as essays and the like.
The robust ignorance of this planet springs a leak now and then. Some of these leaks we call Saints, some we call Poets, some Writers, some Painters, and so on. This both temporal and spacial archipelago of wisdom-lights is what I view as my Sangha, and I thank them all each day.
Since I’m now practicing Zen, the majority of my Sangha are Buddhists, both Pali and Zen, both ancient and current. Some are meditation teachers, some are philosophers. A not very partial list, in no particular order: Dogen, Dan Leighton, Red Pine (excellent translator of Chinese scriptures), Sheng Yen, Edward Conze, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Shohaku Okumura, Robert Aitken, John Blofeld, Gary Snyder, Thich Nhat Hanh, Kazuki Tanahashi (excellent translator of Japanese scriptures), Rabindranath Tagore, Kosho Uchiyama, Hee-Jin Kim (amazing analyst of Dogen’s work), Hakuin, Gil Fronsdal, Eknath Easwaran, and last, but certainly not lease the Dalai Lama.
Between them the above Sangha has read and reflected a thousand times more widely and deeply than I have, and that they have all shared their very real “finding” is my very real blessing.
Yes, I know, I really do, that there are many, many more philosophers and teachers and writers and so on out there who are as well read, as good, and would be as helpful to my search as those I’ve listed here. But I also know, with the same certainty, that they would not be better, or more helpful—if he or she exists, I would have run across them by now: I have been looking for teachers for as long as the Internet has been in existence, and an amazingly brilliant light would have appeared on my screen by now. But, yes, I’ve missed not a few, of this I’m sure.
Still, I know that with what I now own, both on my Kindle and in the cloud, I have as much help as I am ever going to need, no one will help me better (unless in person, of course, but considering my age and location I have more or less ruled that option out; in other words, I plan to complete this journey via books, via “long distance” assistance, as it were.
If for no other reason than to prove that it is possible.
So, that’s why when, every now and then I page through my Kindle library, I say to myself, I am the richest person on the planet.
P.S. If you like what you’ve read here and would like to contribute to the creative motion, as it were, you can do so via PayPal: here.
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uzuma-take · 6 years
Oc.1 Daisy Uzumaki
Because my ocs 'don't exist in canon some events don't occur either at all or they have changed significantly.
I'm also gonna bullet point my characters life.
Daisy :
1.Born Nao Iki Uzumaki . She was born with both a working female genitalia and a non working male genitalia . Nao later chose to be considered female and to lost her male genitalia. She was also born a twin . Her twin was named Damon. Daisy has four older siblings.
Daru & Dake 5 years older (twins)
Dana & Dayu 3 years older (twins)
2. Age 0 --- 4 Nao was born half human half demon to a demon father ,Fuwa and a human mother Heiwa. Nao until she was four was extremely Ill.
2. Age 4 this where the 1st major change in the Naruverse occurs. Nao was playing with a four year old Hatake Kakashi (there birth dates are only five days apart with Nao) Kakashi tripped sticking a stick in his neck.
3. Teachers believing Nao was the only culprit banished her from the ninja academy .Having moved back to ghenna with her parents . They helped her study (She went to a demon school and met two of her closest friends. Gool and Sqeeuib ((nicknamed Squib after Harry potter)). She did remain best of friends with a human named kurenai. Whom shed hang out with alot.. During the six years of training and studying. Her parents adopted a boy whose name nobody knew of. There parents therefore giving him the name Dane Kenji Uzumaki.
4. Age 10 The third Hokage let's Dane (Now known as Edwin ) Nao and Damon become ninjas.
5.Age 11 --- 12 Nao got fed up with her name and asked her parents to change it to be a bit more femine. Nao's parents chose the English Name Daisy after researching foreign names.
6.Age 12 Daisy makes her first Deadly Blunder and Dies for the first time. Daisy awakes with little frekle like scars on her right side.
7.As she's recovering in the hospital she finds out that Edwin who has just been discovered to be related to Satan has burnt himself to death.
8. On the day she arrives home her Father gets a mysterious phone call . He ignores the lady on the other end of the phone thinking it's just silly prank. He however hears Edwins little voice shaking over the phone. And imedatly goes gets him . A couple of seconds later he and Edwin come back. With both Daisy and Edwin Still recovering. There mum thinks is best they sleep on the couch beds .
9 .Age 13 --- 14 Damon is killed . Daisy loses her marbles . She is also diagnosed with autism and HDHD. However with the 'Death' of her brother, Daisy is very vunrable and chose to go to a Konoha party . She has sex for the First time. Out side waiting for her dad with Squib and Gool Daisy Starts smoking and trying drugs. Her dad sees them and takes them all to A demon Juvenile detention centre. She spends a year there before it's raided by exorcist. She's taken to Demon lab but soon breaks out after hearing that the exorcist have destroyed her family and her two friends.
10. Age 15 --- 16 On the run she runs into Kakashi Hatake. They have a one night stand Daisy then hears the door go and hears Edwin coming up. She quickly jumps in to the attic . She learns Kakashi is Bisexaul and was engaged to Edwin .
11.Daisy feeling guilty about sleeping with Kakashi decides to leave without Kakashi knowing.
12. Seeing Edwin alive and well she decides to see if her parents are ok. When she goes home they pull her into the biggest hug ever. She then tells them what happened with Kakashi and Edwin. A couple of weeks later she finds out she was pregnant. Reluctantly she goes back to Kakashi . Daisy gives birth to twins Sakumo and Daiji
13. Age 18 She fights her step mum to keep custody of her children. Daisy wins .
14. Age 19 Daisy becomes pregnant with twins again. A girl named Yukki and a boy Named Daichi. Every seems to be going well . The normal naruto canon events happen .
15. Skip to Naruto Shippuden Daisy has had another child . A Girl call Rei . Kakashi visits Daisy and the children when he isn't on a mission . He however doesn't live with them until Daisy is frozen from falling into a lake and introduces herself to her cousin Naruto.
16. the children head off on a world tour with Sakumo and Daiji Now being sixteen they are responsible enough to look after their siblings
17.Age 32 Daisy lives a year of hell . Her head injury. A Dog attack. (Daisy has a Golden Labrador called Sunny and a Samoyed called Snowey They defended her from a Pitball and Dutch Hound )
((Here's where canon changes again. When Daisy and Kakashi had their first kids . Kurenai Hooked up with asuma . They had a Boy Named Jay and a year later had a daughter named Mirai. (Yes Mirai is alot older in this version he's good pals with team asuma and kurenai . The same with Mirai.))
18. Asuma becomes severely sick. He is told he has rapid cancer growth on his lungs . It looks to be in early stages but it's growing extremely fast. Daisy talks to someone who suggest that her powers can heal Asuma if she can posses him. Daisy suggest it to kurenai who imedatly encourages daisy to do it.
Daisy posses him and heals him. However if he where to have died that would have been it for her to.
19. Daisy's kids come home they explain that theyhave been staying in a camping refuge for a while and there where to adults that where fasinatied with Kakashi. They want to move in with there son Banabi . The two adults where Obito and Rin who had survied and ran away .
That's all I have so far for Daisy the rest of the uzumaki siblings are coming in the Next couple of days . Also some context into her parents and her children. And who Edwins Real Parents are.
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uzuma-take · 7 years
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This oc is daisy uzumaki
She’s a ninja. Cousins to a boy named naruto. Through her connection with her mother. She lives with her other cousin Edwin who is connected by her father .
1. She was born a month earlier than her brother . Her dad is a fallen Angel. So he has chaos powers . And saved her without hurting her brother. She was ill for four years
2. She snuck out of her home world at The age of 4 and she met her first human friend, a young boy named kakashi hatake 
3. At the age of 9 her , her brother and cousin Edwin graduated and then become a chunin  (second level ninja)
4. Her brother was killed a year later . (On our earth) Her cousin was injured badly but in that he awoke his abiltys. 
5. As her Cousin was taken home (our earth) due to people thinking she was a danger . After that everyone died around her (if she had bonded with them) she walked from one end of Japan to the other. 
6. She was then adopted by her sensei and lock up for 4 years till she was 18 she snuck out . She found edwin. Who was 17 . 3 years later he got married and had kid. (His wife died during child birth )Daisy was asked after his kid was born to leave him and his daughter alone.
7. His child passed away a couple of years later . So she offers to play and mmorpg. That turn out to be a silly idea as it is based on sword art online another anime.
     (Daisy takes the role of asuna and Edwin = kirito but without the romance so yui calls Edwin uncle instead of daddy.)
8. Daisy and Edwin escape and find the first humans daisy ever met . Kakashi, kurenai , Gai and asuma. Thats all I’ve fleshed out so far.
Also have their children but that’s going to be a separate post.
Kakashi x daisy: Sakumo age 16 Yuki age 16 Daichi age 13 Rei age 4 Kurenai x asuma Mirai age 16 Kurosama age 15 Edwin x ?????? Hirito age 16 Daughter deceased age 4 Gai x shizune Nanasaki age 16
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Rin: Dude, it’s pretty obvious. Everyone you’ve had a crush on has been taller than you, even winry! Ed: How do you know that?! I never told you about other crushes I’ve had! Rin: Alphonse told me. Ed:....god damn it alphonse... Rin: But yeah. He’s right. We’ve got no interest in Haruhi. Tamaki: Good. (Not part of the six asks cause it’s a reply)
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uzuma-take · 3 years
Just redesigned Edwin for the 50th billion time due to copying apparently completely copying Rin Okumura ??
Edit : just corrected it. The first peice is my new one .
The first is my original (Malicious compliance) new design from a couple of days ago. The second is a reference image I used very slightly (just the goggles/ headband horn thing) the third image is the original image I copied I think I’m going to keep Edwin Steampunk for a while. The last five are his actual inspirations.
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Shino and Toya inspired a big hood like design to be able to pump air into his suit in order for his flames not to burn his skin.
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Hawks’s goggles where there to one allude to the fact that Edwin looked up to hawks and also to keep his eyes from being burnt like his counterpart Dabi.
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The gloves keep his hand from burning.
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Lastly Dabi’s Jacket was also a big inspiration.
He’s Now fully Steampunk...
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uzuma-take · 7 years
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Asuma and Edwin's DNA mixed
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uzuma-take · 7 years
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Edwins updated alolan team
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