#Egg had an excuse
spacedlexi · 2 months
twdg s4 really gave us an adorable wlw romance for the main character about building a home and a family where the two antagonists are an evil woman who she was partially cared for by as a child and her girlfriends fucked up not-exactly-ex girlfriend who wants her dead (who has been manipulated by Evil Woman and they are character foils) AND its written by a gay woman and its fucking CRICKETS!!!!! i dont understand !!!!!!!
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so i'm writing an 8th year fic and h&d are taking a muggle studies class together in which they read one of shakespeare's plays, and i'm trying to write a final project (for which they are partners) but like. hogwarts academics don't seem all that uhhhhh rigorous to me (like we see the students complaining about having to write a foot of parchment which is essentially ONE PAGE HANDWRITTEN) and i'm a little worried that my assignment is too rigorous.
it involves a lot of like. thinking analytically and using your imagination wrt the motivations of people unlike yourself, and that's not rlly something they do much at hogwarts as far as i can see. BUT it is muggle studies, and like. they could definitely all use some practice at those skills, following the recent implosion of their society.
#i showed it to my spouse who is a hs teacher#'where are they getting the books for this research? are there wizarding books about macbeth?' no there are not#the professor chose macbeth bc it has these concepts that will be familiar to them like witchcraft and prophesy#but presented from a muggle perspective#and also bc shakespeare is foundational to english literature and culture and it's good to be familiar with his work#and also bc they don't have a lot of experience with art esp language arts which is so so so sad and this will broaden their world#and ALSO bc shakespeare wrote before the statute of secrecy was signed which hopefully sparks their imaginations#to what extent might shakespeare's work have been impacted by ambient magic? or rumors of magic?#and if they had like a regular english literature education#they could talk about like the role of outcasts in shakespeare's work and whether magical people fit into that role#but they do not so we have to be a bit more literal#for the students that are prepared to like dig into this stuff it could be a very engaging experience#but most of them will prob be a bit lazy with it right? and maybe just resent the assignment and not get much out of it#and like!!!!#this assignment is literally just an excuse to have H&D putting their heads together in the library#and bring their relationship/the fact that they've been warming up to each other and spending time together out into the open#in a plausible deniability sort of way#a friendship soft launch if you will#i get a little carried away about these details sometimes#like if i mention the characters getting sandwiches i will look up menus for places they could plausibly have gotten sandwiches in that are#to make sure the sandwiches i mention are reasonable sandwiches#i heard some dumb story about meghan markle freaking out about not being able to get avocado when she was in the uk#and i remembered a fic i had written where aziraphale and crowley eat egg and avocado sandwiches#and i felt ashamed#an implausible sandwich!!!!
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hexjulia · 6 months
found out about the 'convex earth theory' which is like that hollow earth conspiracy theory except these people believe we live on the inside like an egg in a shell... quite an image.
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". According to Gardner, this hypothesis posits that light rays travel in circular paths, and slow as they approach the center of the spherical star-filled cavern. No energy can reach the center of the cavern. A drill, Gardner says, would lengthen as it traveled away from the cavern and eventually pass through the "point at infinity" corresponding to the center of the Earth. Gardner notes that "most mathematicians believe that an inside-out universe, with properly adjusted physical laws, is empirically irrefutable". Gardner rejects the concave Hollow Earth hypothesis on the basis of Occam's razor."
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sp4mja · 1 year
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Warrior Cats x QSMP AU
My take on the triplets
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arainydaymcytblog · 1 year
I miss my fav bobby
My heart shall never heal from this wound he gave me upon his death
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reinabeestudio · 10 months
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Now what the hell is going on here: part 2 electric boogaloo
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desperatepleasures · 1 month
🖍️♻️❤️ for the ask meme!
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
here, have a sentence i added once i decided to lean into the Weirdness of the Weird Harukan Porn:
Sometimes he’s not sure whether he wants to fuck Kantarou or eat him.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
i'm starting the tfem haruka story *after* she comes out to kantarou and youko now, which means for now im leaving out an earlier conversation between her and sugino where sugino gets very Upset with her for saying she has feelings for kantarou when that stupid idiot jerk human doesn't even know that she's a woman!
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
lost my 3ds stylus. tore apart my bedding and sheets. went to the living room to check around where i sit. walked around the kitchen counter to see if i just didn't pick it back up. rooted through the kitchen trash. went back to my room. REALLY tore up the bed, pulling it away from the wall if it fell behind. crawled around the floor to see if it rolled under. COMPLETELY rooted through my trash. sighed. decided i could continue the search tomorrow. looked down.
it was on the floor at the corner of the foot of the bed, right where i'd been on my hands and knees 10mins earlier.
i just... wanted to play a little pkmn before eeping... why are all styluses of all kinds LIKE THIS????? ugh.
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
lady terror question for you: 😊
do lady terror and francis ever argue with each other and how would they apologise/make up?
also how would you describe her relationship/interactions with the other characters, friendships etc.
OK OK ok... First? oh yeah. Without revealing too much, they have argued like HELL with each other throughout. And of course, as you can imagine, the worst of their arguments (with some of the most bleak and cutting words- from the both of them) occur during year 2 in the ice off king william land which... yeah. And I tell ya. Some anxieties and fears (and even love- weirdly and fucked up as the expression of it might be) are revealed through them (in fact- the "I have everything to fear of you" bit that I love hauling out all the time is the butt-end to one such argument. and it's so hot god damnit). As for making up? well... you'll see 😉(just know that it's sweet and tearful and cuddly). AS FOR OTHER RELATIONSHIPS??? OHHHHHH THANK YOU I'VE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THOSE FOR A WHILE!!!! Bc I love her relationship with Francis but I've written just as much dialogue with her and other characters as well.
Thomas Blanky is easily the person that she vibes with the most on either ship- bc he comes from a very similar sailing background that she does (more merchant ship/whaling stuff than naval expeditions) and she’s much more appreciative of his kind of sense of humor and general outlook on things. It sets her at ease somehow, and also reminds her of her father. Not to mention that he also treats her not just with respect but with the kind of camaraderie that she experienced on her father’s ship- like not a lot of people on these ships would just… hang out with her? And exchange filthy jokes and limericks while they work. And have a genuinely friendly rapport that isn’t marred with all the victorian social trappings- which is what she wants at the end of the day. If anyone is her true bestie on this expedition, it’s gotta be Mr. Blanky 🥰
The second most important relationship is with Jopson. He was a bit wary of her at first, but the more times she spends on Terror, and the more she sees both her and the captain warming up to each other? Not to mention her concern for his well-being (which is something that no one ever really shows him)??? He kindof ends up seeing her as the elder sister that he’d never had.
James Fitzjames is, of course, her natural frenemy. Kindof like a Darcy figure honestly (watch this space). But I think they have some of the most interesting conversations I've written honestly. I think she catches on fairly early that a lot of James is a front- and James is unsettled by that because the thing that masculinity has afforded him is adiquate cover, but to be confronted by the feminine and be seen? Scares the shit out of him, but he still respects and cares for her.
Goodsir is her little Inuktitut study buddy and confidante on Erebus. Their cabins are even right next to each other. They're both kind of in the same position (just in different disciplines, ofc) , and they do try to look after each other as best they can. This man will bring her a cherry stone heating pad when she's having cramps, the absolute king that he is, and also pass on information to her that others wouldn't deem suitable for her ears. She even helps him out in the surgery every now and again when Dr. Stanley can't be fucked! They're rational critical thought buddies.
AND SPEAKING OF BUDDIES!!! SILNA!!!! god there's a lot going on there and I don't want to reveal too much but they are nb gal pals and there's nothing none of these stuffy old british bitches can do about it and that's all I have to say on the matter. 1000% a part of the 'respect indiginous folks' defense squad.
there is so much more. but these are sort of the major ones for me that I've fleshed out so far. (honorable mention to Bridgens, who is her book club buddy and who she loves having conversations with about this stuff. she endears herself to old farts like that what can I say?) More to come ofc when I finish this damn enterprise but THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!!!!
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puppyeared · 2 years
this guy is HOMOSEXUAL
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lovelaceisntdead · 9 months
Dad mad because I didn't make dinner yay now I will dissociate forever
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squidyyy23 · 2 years
galladrabbles: neil gaiman 🤝
this week's @galladrabbles for the lovely quote delivered to us by @lizelandre :
"the world out there is complicated, and there are beasts in the night, and delight and pain, and the only thing that makes it okay, sometimes, is to reach out a hand in the darkness and find another hand to squeeze, and not to be alone."
Flames ravage Terry’s casket, crackling like wind from a summer storm. The kind Mickey teased neighborhood kids about. Pussies cowering at one clap of thunder.
They didn’t know the nights spent hidden in his own closet. Huddled close to Mandy. Trembling hands clasped together. Praying the rumble of their father’s yell, the crack of his fist, would pass them by. A storm more devastating than anything in nature.
Mickey squeezes his husband’s hand. A comforting tactile tether. And even though Terry’s dead, the sky now clear, Mickey knows he’ll forever crave that shelter. 
But that’s okay. Because he’s not alone.
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sillysealfan · 6 months
hey evey one also happy easter it wont be easter on my birthday again until im 78 does any body give a fart also trans visibility day x3 awesomesauce
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autisticenbydonnie · 10 months
ya know, i should probably clean up my inbox and actually do some of those asks….
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ghostzzy · 10 months
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kw from cursedwip by @jolcandsghost 🖤❤️
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cosmictapestry · 10 months
messages about i want to be well are so jarring. that story really does exist in this little pocket dimension with characterization consistent ONLY with umbrella academy season 1 and it BARELY has any ~romance~ and i would th ink people would have lost interest. but it still gets more attention than anything i’ve written since 🥲
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