#Eiheiji temple 2
hi-technique · 2 years
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trivia-jp · 5 months
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永平寺 福井の名所
永平寺(えいへいじ)は、福井県越前市に位置する曹洞宗の古刹で、日本三古刹の一つとされています。以下に、永平寺の特徴と魅力をご紹介します。 1. 歴史的価値と格式ある寺院 永平寺は鎌倉時代に創建され、800年以上の歴史を有する日本を代表する古刹の一つです。その歴史的な価値と格式ある存在として知られています。 2. 美しい庭園と風景 永平寺には、美しい庭園や緑豊かな境内が広がっており、四季折々の風景を楽しむことができます。特に紅葉や桜の季節には、その美しさが際立ちます。 3. 文化財や建造物 寺内には重要文化財や国宝指定された建造物が多くあります。中でも五重塔や三門など、歴史的・美術的価値が高い建築物が見所です。 4. 修行道場としての歴史 永平寺は古来より修行道場として多くの僧侶が修行し、その影響力は大きいです。また、禅の修行道場としても知られています。 5. 静寂と精神性 永平寺は静寂な環境が保たれており、参拝者や観光客が心静かに落ち着き、精神性を感じることができます。
Eiheiji Temple Famous places in Fukui
Eiheiji is an ancient temple of the Soto sect located in Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture, and is considered one of the three oldest temples in Japan. Below, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of Eiheiji Temple. 1. A temple with historical value and status Eiheiji Temple was founded in the Kamakura period and is one of Japan's most representative ancient temples, with a history of over 800 years. It is known for its historical value and prestigious existence. 2. Beautiful gardens and scenery Eiheiji Temple has a beautiful garden and lush green grounds, where you can enjoy the scenery of each season. Its beauty stands out especially during the autumn leaves and cherry blossom seasons. 3. Cultural assets and buildings There are many buildings within the temple that have been designated as important cultural properties or national treasures. Among the highlights are buildings with high historical and artistic value, such as the five-storied pagoda and the Sanmon Gate. 4. History as a training dojo Eiheiji Temple has been a training hall for many monks since ancient times, and its influence is great. It is also known as a Zen training dojo. 5. Silence and spirituality Eiheiji Temple maintains a tranquil environment, allowing worshipers and tourists to feel calm and spiritual.
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endesuch · 3 years
1) In his article, Bodiford describes several “practical” benefits of preserving
1) In his article, Bodiford describes several “practical” benefits of preserving
1) In his article, Bodiford describes several “practical” benefits of preserving and enhancing the memory of Dōgen for the temple Eiheiji. How do these benefits, as well as the image of Dōgen (re)crafted in the Tokugawa era, counter or oppose images of Dōgen in earlier centuries?  2) Think broadly: What does the utility of a religious image mean for writers and readers in a Zen context? If we are…
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co-iki · 3 years
Talk Session : “Physicality” in the Time of Remote Communication Vol.1- On the frontlines of Buddhism,Butoh/Dance,Art&Tech -
トークセッション : リモート時代の「身体性」Vol.1
--- 前半トーク&後半ディスカッション ---
*English Follows, translation(Japanese/English) for the session available.
The English translation of Speakers Session will be followed in the FB Live comment field.※セッションの進行は日英通訳・翻訳ありで進めます。
>>Session Details セッション詳細:https://www.facebook.com/events/336199810810931/
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Trailer >>  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvLt0tw4xXk
パンデミック下で私たちが日々向き合い、また失敗と発見を繰り返しながら導き出そうとしている”New Normal”とオンライン化する日常コミュニケーション。 このリモート時代において、これまで生活の基軸として捉えてきた「身体性」や「生の感覚」「体験」とは一体どんなものなのか。 また、今後、あらたな知覚として発展する可能性のある、リモート時代における「身体感覚」とはどんなものになるのか。 仏教、舞踏・身体表現、アート&テック等、様々なクリエイティブな現場で(パンデミック下においてもアクティブに)ご活躍の皆さんをお迎えし、トークセッションを開催します。 また、セッション後半は、co・ikiの実験リモートレジデンシー“Creativity from HOME” (http://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ )に参加している各国クリエイター(シンガポール、インドネシア、香港、ウクライナ、ナイジェリア、オーストラリア、日本)やディスカッション参加のみなさまを交えてセッションします。 (後半ディスカッションはPeatixかFBにてご予約ください。日英通訳ありますので日本語onlyでもお気軽にどうぞ💡) ☞Zoomディスカッション予約 はこちら: https://co-iki-talk-session.peatix.com/ 世界的なウィルス蔓延から早8カ月超。 この機会に一度振り返る時間を各国・各業界のみなさんとシェアし、日々の暮らしや仕事にフィードバックしていただければとおもいます。どうぞお気軽にご参加ください😊 After the serious virus outbreak, we've been trying to create the New Normal with the help of technologies. Our communications are now transforming into the remote ,online stuffs or maybe a kind of hybrid. Now it's time to reflect on the physical communication, its sensibilities we perceive and discuss on our new lifestyles, the temporary situations, issues or a new aspect we've been experiencing under the Pandemic. This time, we will welcome such active creatives from different art sectors in Japan like Buddhism, Butoh&Performing Arts ,Contemporary Art&Tech, and will share what they are facing and have been creating until now. We will also talk about the physicality from different perspectives of the speakers. Please share yours also as we will discuss altogether in the latter half of the session with the participating creators(Hong Kong,Singapore,Indonesia,Ukraine,Nigeria,Australia,Japan) of our experimental remote residency "Creativity from HOME"!
●参加者(スピーカー)Speakers: 風間天心(かざま・てんしん)さん (美術家 / 僧侶) Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk] 会田大也(あいだ・だいや)さん (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター) Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator] 松岡大(まつおか・だい)さん (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター) Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director]
●スピーカー・プロフィール Speaker Profile 風間天心(かざま・てんしん) (美術家 / 僧侶) Tenshing Kazama / Japan [Artist / Monk] http://www.tengshing-k.com/ 美術家、僧侶。1979年、北海道東川町生まれ。2006年、第9回岡本太郎現代芸術賞に入選。2010年、大本山永平寺での修行を経て禅宗の僧侶になる。2011年、武蔵野美術大学パリ賞によりパリ市「Cité Internationale des Arts」に滞在。現代における「宗教と芸術」の相互作用を求めながら、国内外で多様な活動を続けている。 I am a Japanese Zen monk and contemporary artist. Born in 1979. My reason for paralleling monk and artist is to discover the common challenges and values of art and religion and to re-present the interplay between them. The focus of my theme is “A methodology for gathering and enhancing the faith contained in religious institution.” and “The foundation of faith internalized in customs and culture.” and the physicality that is deeply related to both of these contents. In order to derive the uniqueness of art in Asia, his installations and art projects highlight the “history of nations and peoples” and the “spirituality behind the expression”. 1979 Born in Hokkaido, Japan 2008 B.F.A. Painting, Musashino Art University, Japan 2009 Training, Temple Eiheiji , Japan 2011 Residency of ” Cité Internationale des Arts ”, Paris, France 2018 Residency of ” Sa Sa Art Project”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Awards 2019 “The 22th of art grand prize of TARO” Semi-Grand Prize 2017 “S-AIR Award” Winning a Prize 2016  “The 5th Sapporo 500m Gallery Award” Grand Prize 2016  “JR Tower ARTBOX 2016” Grand Prix 2016  “LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2015”  Winning a Prize 2015  “Tokyo Midtown Award 2015” Award for Excellence 2011 “Paris award of Musashino Art Univ.”  Winning a Prize ◎現在進行中のプロジェクト: 「大仏造立プロジェクト」Big Buddha under the Pandemic (ongoing project) https://bigbuddha.jp/ 会田大也(あいだ・だいや) (YCAM 教育普及・キュレーター) Daiya Aida / Japan [YCAM Museum Educator&Curator] https://www.ycam.jp/en/ 1976年東京生まれ。2000年東京造形大学造形学部デザイン学科造形計画専攻卒業。2003年情報科学芸術大学院大学IAMAS修了。2003年より11年間、山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]の教育普及担当として、メディアリテラシー教育と美術教育の領域にまたがるオリジナルワークショップや教育コンテンツの開発と実施を担当。一連のワークショップは、第6回キッズデザイン大賞を受賞。担当企画展示「コロガルパビリオン」が、第17回文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品受賞。一連の「コロガル公園」シリーズは2014年度グッドデザイン賞を受賞。2013年、国際交流基金主催の日・ASEAN友好40周年事業 国際巡回メ��ィアアート展「MEDIA/ART KITCHEN」キュレーターに選出。東京大学大学院ソーシャルICTグローバル・クリエイティブ・リーダー[GCL]育成プログラム特任助教(2014〜19)を経て、2020年現在、YCAM学芸普及課長。 Aida Daiya was born in Tokyo in 1976. He completed his studies at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), and worked at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), an art institution with a focus on media art, from 2003 to 2014, where he was responsible for education and outreach, namely the planning and operation of film screenings, community participation programs, media workshops, and outdoor installations. His work at the YCAM earned him the Kids Design Award Grand Prize, Good Design Award, and Jury Selections for the Media Arts Festival Award. In 2013 Aida joined the 13-member, seven-nation curatorial team for Media/Art Kitchen, a media art exhibition—organized by the Japan Foundation to mark the 40th anniversary of ASEAN—Japan friendship and cooperation—that toured Japan and Southeast Asia. For five years, since 2014, he held the position of Project Assistant Professor, teaching workshop design for the Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders at theUniversity of Tokyo. In Dec. of 2019, Aida came back to YACM as Artistic Director. 松岡大(まつおか・だい) (舞踏手 / LAND FESディレクター) Dai Matsuoka / Japan [Butoh Dancer / LAND FES Director] http://daimatsuoka.com/ https://landfes.com 上智大学卒業。桑沢デザイン研究所卒業。2005年より山海塾に舞踏手として参加。 「金柑少年」「とばり」「めぐり」「卵熱」「ARC」などの主要作品に出演中。 2011年より、街を歩きながらミュージシャンとダンサーによるライブを鑑賞するウォーキング形式のパフォーマンスイベント「LAND FES」を主催。調布市せんがわ劇場主催、巻上公一氏が総合プロデューサーを務める「JAZZ ART せんがわ」の同時開催イベントとして仙川の街で「LAND FES」を開催し、商店との交渉を重ねながら街全体を舞台に仕立てあげ、劇場と街を繋ぐ企画性が評価され、2014年~16年にかけて3年連続で開催している。 16年10月に、NYのパペットカンパニーPhantom Limbの作品「Falling Out」の振付を担当。 16年12月には、故・蜷川幸雄氏の意思を引き継いだ、高齢者による世界最大級の群集劇「一万人のゴールドシアター 2016」にてムーヴメント演出のディレクションを務める。 16年より、舞踏の価値を広く残し伝えるために、非営利活動法人ダンスアーカイヴ構想の理事となる。 これまでに巻上公一、坂本弘道、森重靖宗、大石将紀、ユーグ・ヴァンサン、カール・ストーン等、多数のミュージシャンと共演している。 Graduated Sophia University, the Faculty of Comparative Culture. Graduated Kuwasawa Design School. Matsuoka has been a dancer for SANKAIJUKU since 2005. He has appeared in 9 pieces of Sankaijuku including “Kinkan Shonen”, “Kagemi”, “Tobari”, “Unetsu” and “ARC”. He has also been directing the performance event “LAND FES” in Tokyo since 2011, in which audience is navigated to encounter live sessions by musicians and dancers taking place at different places in the town . https://landfes.com ◎Hijikata Three Chapters 土方三章 https://youtu.be/unfO-zP0mBg ◎LAND FES https://youtu.be/ZBqj2hs5zIo
//// COMING UP!! /////
Session Vol.2 short video >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx6wyu6pVe4&t=121s
☟More details about the program organizer ---------------------------------------------- co・iki -Co-living&Co-creating Residency in Japan co-iki.org "Creativity from HOME" Experimental Remote Residency Project Outline  実験リモートレジデンシープロジェクト概要 http://co-iki.org/en_US/events/creativity-from-home/ Blog: https://co-iki.tumblr.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/c0iki/ ----------------------------------------------
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thechadude-blog · 7 years
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Hey everyone :) The last 2 1/2 days before arriving here in Kanazawa (horray) I stayed in Fukui, prefecture of the dinosaurs. Sorry for the delay, but I didn’t have proper Internet the last days :(.  To be honest one day more in a quite rural area wasn’t the most productive of things planned but I enjoyed the one day I took myself to just relax in my hotel room and do nothing extraordinary. It was just me, convenience store food, a book, music and the internet all day... So a nice day to digest all the experiences I made over the last days (and I also got to skype with my parents which was nice) :). The next day I grabbed a hold of myself though and made my way to a big highlight  of this whole trip: Eiheiji ! Eiheiji is a temple located deeper in the mountains near Fukui (ca. 40 mins via bus) and one of the main training temples of the Soto school of zen buddhism. The ride there alone was astonishing! Mountains and streams flowing through valleys filled with big ceder trees and small villages, just everything my heart desired <3. When I arrived at the bus station the first thing that greeted my was a big souvenier shop, followed by more of the same kind and hordes of tourist. It wasn´t as bad as some places in Osaka though and the temple itself was quiet and nice. Massive trees and statues of boddhisattva enshrouded by moss and nature greeted me as I walked torwards the entrance of the actual monastery. After I paid the entrance fee and gave my stamp book to the nice people signing it, I started the roundwalk around the buildings.   To wander through these corridors I heard so much about was really wonderous. I could feel all the care the monk-trainees, which were also always present, put into cleaning and maintaining the buildings and floors. The gardens inside the monastery were pretty impressive aswell.  After my visit I took the next bus back to my hotel, where I enjoyed another quiet evening ^^. The next day I again took the express train, but this time to my final destination, Kanazawa! The text about my first days will follow soon, so stay alert ;D. Gunnar  
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lethologist · 4 years
Buddhism in Japan [#2]
The first branch of Zen tradition that we will take a closer look at is the one established by Dōgen Zenji, Sōtō Zen School.
Also known as Dōgen Kigen (1200-53), he was ordained as a Buddhist monk on Mt. Hiei. At the age of 23, he left for China in search of ‘the true Way of Buddha.’ There he discovered the practice of zazen (’seated meditation’ 座禅), which became the main focus of his preaching. After coming back to Japan, he left for the mountains of Echizen, where he established in 1244 one of the two head temples of Sōtō Zen - Eiheiji. His most prominent work is ‘Shobogenzo Zuimonki’
Keizan Zenji (1268-1325) - was the 4th ancestor in the Japanese Sōtō Zen lineage. In contrast to Dōgen Zenji, whose main focus was an exploration of the internal self, Keizan Zenji looked outwards and boldly spread the teachings. He also emphasised the equality of men and women by promoting his female disciples. In 1321 he founded the second head temple Sojiji, which was moved to Yokohama after being burnt down during the Meiji period
In contrast to Rinzai Zen School, which had the support of many powerful people, including the shogunate, the Sōtō Zen School had adherents mainly among wealthy families in the rural districts
Head Temples
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Eiheiji Temple (’The Temple of Eternal Peace’) - located deep in the Echizen mountains, in northwest Japan. The land was offered to Dōgen by Yoshishige Hatano, one of his most devoted lay followers. To this day, one hundred monks continue to practice his shikantaza (’single-minded seating’ 只管打坐)
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Sojiji Temple - it is an internationally open temple for Zen practice located near Yokohama city. On its extensive grounds educational facilities such as a university, high school and junior high school are located. One can see how these two temple complexes differ and how both of them strive to emulate their founders’ teachings
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co-iki · 4 years
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[Private Event]
Private Lounge Gathering for Creators and Supporters
クリエイターとプロジェクトサポーター限定 非公開ラウンジイベント ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  
【日本のアーティストに出会う vol.2:アーティスト 風間天心さん】
日程:8月3日(月) 20:00~21:00@ヴァーチャル・コリビング・ラウンジ
※ドネーション制 、Zoom使用
Meet the Japanese Artist@Virtual Co-living Lounge
Vol.2  :   Meet Tenshing Kazama
August 3rd(mon) 20:00-21:00(JST) @Virtual Co-living Lounge
*Entrance by donation ,via Zoom
In our second private lounge gathering, we will welcome Tenshing Kazama, an artist /monk based in Hokkaido!
He has recently succeeded in crowd-funding for his new project to build a  "Daibutsu" , big Buddha during the Pandemic and he is actually starting to travel around Japan for temple solicitation from August collecting real voices of people who suffer from this virus spread.
Please join to ask him for more details of the project through this intimate&interactive opportunity.
Enjoy precious moments together and feel the spirit of a Japanese artist!!
▼ Facebook Event Page イベントページ
▼About the artist アーティストについて
Tengshing Kazama
I am a Japanese Zen monk and contemporary artist. Born in 1979.
My reason for paralleling monk and artist is to discover the common challenges and values of art and religion and to re-present the interplay between them.
The focus of my theme is "A methodology for gathering and enhancing the faith contained in religious institution." and "The foundation of faith internalized in customs and culture." and the physicality that is deeply related to both of these contents.
In order to derive the uniqueness of art in Asia, his installations and art projects highlight the "history of nations and peoples" and the "spirituality behind the expression".
1979   Born in Hokkaido, Japan
2008 B.F.A. Painting, Musashino Art University, Japan
2009 Training, Temple Eiheiji , Japan
2011 Residency of ” Cité Internationale des Arts ”, Paris, France
2018 Residency of ” Sa Sa Art Project”, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2019   “The 22th of art grand prize of TARO”  Semi-Grand Prize
2017   “S-AIR Award”  Winning a Prize
2016  “The 5th Sapporo 500m Gallery Award” Grand Prize
2016  “JR Tower ARTBOX 2016” Grand Prix
2016  “LUMINE meets ART AWARD 2015”  Winning a Prize
2015  “Tokyo Midtown Award 2015” Award for Excellence
2011   “Paris award of Musashino Art Univ.”  Winning a Prize
風間 天心
美術家、僧侶。1979年、北海道東川町生まれ。2006年、第9回岡本太郎現代芸術賞に入選。2010年、大本山永平寺での修行を経て禅宗の僧侶になる。2011年、武蔵野美術大学パリ賞によりパリ市「Cité Internationale des Arts」に滞在。現代における「宗教と芸術」の相互作用を求めながら、国内外で多様な活動を続けている。
How to join : Anybody can join as a supporter by donating for this experimental remote residency project. (1000JPY and above per entrance)
Please check the details from below and you will be able to see the supporters-only blog on Ko-fi  showing the invitation URL to the event.
You could also directly message Co-iki for the invitation as well.
*Please complete donation either via Ko-fi or Paypal 1 day before the event at latest.(Please make an account on Ko-fi to donate via Ko-fi.)
*We will hold the lounge on Zoom this time.
▼ Donation Details ドネーション制の参加について
▼ "Creativity from HOME" Project Outline プロジェクト概要
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