#Elara Lavellan
My favorite part of the DAV hype is that my fic where my Lavellan mercy-kills Solas during the War of the Evanuris can kinda be canon-adjacent, or at least an AU that isn't likely gonna be too far sideways from canon.
Hype hype hyyyyyyyyyype
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wyvernscales · 1 year
Symbols I associate with ocs - Worldstate: The Maker’s (un)Chosen
Talani Brosca: hands, bruises, daggers, nail marks/scratches, keys, crates/barrels
Feja Aeducan: pearls, anything art deco, sequins, gold, perfume bottles
Elias Mahariel: fire, the color green, puddles, tall grass, pine trees
Cian Hawke: the sea, the color blue, oil paintings, the sky, round staircases
Brielle Lavellan: leather, sunflowers, honey, the color yellow, bees, the sun
Elara Lavellan: old books, bundles of drying herbs, quills, feathers, botanical drawings
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bhalspawn · 2 years
I saw your Dalish post and I am just So Normal about the Dalish. In my "elves save the world" worldstate I have a "the gods are still around-ish" au exploring like, what if the gods still had power in the waking world? Like, little things of the gods' favor for specific people (called their chosen among some clans), who held special places of honor in their clans. My Inky, Elara, is a chosen laypriest of Falon'din after having received a vision from him, confirmed by the Keeper. She is also an Emerald Knight, which is a specific military role in the Lavellan and other clans,, a holdover from the Dales. In this AU, Arlathvhen is often host to heated arguments over whether the gods have actual influence over the waking world, or if it's just a romantic idea that some hold onto. Very interesting for all involved. But I'm really proud of my Dalish Emerald Knight idea. Basically, it's a leadership role for the militaristic side of the clans, but not all clans have one. Elara trained for ten years under the Knight of her childhood and took vigils not unlike the Seekers to receive her revelations. She took Falon'din's vallaslin upon completing her training at 23.
Anyway, I love the dalish, and love talking about them!!! Do you have Dalish OCs? I'd love to learn about them!
the emerald knight thing is really cool!! i feel like even in the canon world state the dalish having their own version of that knighthood is really interesting, i'd never thought of it before!:0 in the playthrough i'm on right now, my lavellan is called nomaris, after an emerald knight!!!
i don't have a lot of thoughts abt him yet he's New Here but i CAN tell you that he likes knitting. there's a banter between sera & varric where she calls knitting stabby sewing and i feel like that just resonates w him
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eildasa · 8 months
last name
Danyren Tabris -> Alistair takes her last name
Minyla Lavellan -> Blackwall and Minyla keep their last names
Myra Hawke -> Anders takes her last name
Alrin Osira -> Carth and Alrin keep their last names; children have Carth's last name.
Eildasa Falstrom -> Eildasa and Doc keep their last names; children use Doc's last name.
Dereian Nost -> Mako takes his last name
Asorii Kel -> Asorri and Felix keep their last names
Arvanyk Donos -> Arvanyk takes her last name; child uses Risha's last name.
Byanta Selan -> Byanta and Vector keep their last names
Alytea Kalish -> Andronikos and Alytea keep their last names; adopted son/nephew uses Alytea's last name (his aunt)
A'arri Nylos -> A'arri and Malavai keep their last names; child uses a hyphenated version of their names (Nylos-Quinn)
Miylan Tanik -> Aric and Miylan keep their last names; children use a hyphenated version of their names (Jorgan-Tanik)
Rias’otashi’yam -> Sotashi and Theron keep their last names
Reshkah Namur -> Arcann takes his last name
Takarr Namur -> Elara takes his last name, except in a professional setting where she goes by her maiden name
Sahihr Namur -> Sahihr takes Torian's last name; children go by his last name
Feldyn Resk-> Feldyn takes Rass' last name
Aeshma Seir -> Aeshma and Lana keep their last names
Ruzei Vusuyu -> Ruzei takes Koth's last name; children use his last name
Dreyan Daval -> Arn and Dreyan use their last names
Leela Sunqur -> Leela takes Sebastian's last name; children use his name
Lara Shepard -> Lara and Garrus keep their last names
Aiden Shepard -> Aiden takes Kaidan's last name; child uses Kaidan's name
Lyn Ryder -> Liam takes her last name
Ma'krin Nabari -> Ma'krin and Mercurio keep their last names
Not applicable: Malyn, Jaden, Robin & Corrin (idk), Athena, Fuyuku, Vira, Nitua, Ishmael
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aur-eliaa · 4 years
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My chaotic child who I’ve only had for one day but would already die for.
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continuous-spec · 8 years
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So today is just a day where I'm crying over bookmarks it seems. @spinninglenny thank you soooo much for sending the portrait of Olivia and ahhhh for making a bookmark for Elara and Cullen and the cute little shakarian one! I love them all so much you wonderfully talented amazing person!
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liza011 · 3 years
DADWC Writing Prompts
Feel free to send me prompts for @dadrunkwriting. (I'd love it if you included a pairing you want to see with the prompt.)
You can choose from the list below, or simply send me something you’d like me to write about inside the DA universe.
Please note that I will not take prompts that are marked with [X] for the time being, because there are still several of them in my backlog.
For anyone interested, I have compiled all my DADWC stories over on ao3. Here.
Pairings/Characters I write/would like to write:
- Cole/m!Lavellan (Lir)
- Cole/m!Hawke
- Cole/Krem
- Cole/Zevran
- Cole/Rhys (queerplatonic relationship)
- Dorian/Felix Alexius
- Dorian/m!Lavellan (Sorrel)
- Zevran/m!Warden
- Zevran/m!Hawke
- Zevran/m!Lavellan
- Zevran/OC (Aiden, from my pirate AU)
- Solas/f!Lavellan (Elara)
- Solas/m!Lavellan
- Bull/m!Lavellan
- Varric&m!Hawke
- Isabela/f!Hawke (Riona)
- Merrill/f!Hawke
- Merrill/f!Lavellan
- Fenris/m!Hawke (Evan, blood mage)
- Anders/m!Hawke
Prompt Lists:
- Caring prompts
- Cuddle and snuggle prompts
- Soft prompts
- Charles Dickens prompts
- Artifacts Of Thedas prompts
Weather/Nature prompts:
- breeze - ocean - rain - snow - spring/having allergies [X] - a field of flowers [X] - leaves are falling [X] - planting a tree [X] - roots [X] - fog - frost - desert - forest - swamp - mountain - winter - water - sunshine - tree - rainbow - night - stars
Miscellaneous prompts:
- nightmares - gifts [X] - magic - library - tavern - what's your dream? - what did you do? - hold my hand - warrior - sitting by the fireplace [X] - training - warmth - embrace - soulmates - sailing [X] - light touch - blood magic - deal - sacrifice - demon - Fade - possession - spirit - shadow - darkness - friend - space - smile - nourish - cost - happiness - camp - direction - hunger - loss - mirror - empty - inspire - luck - gratitude - beginning - responsibility - animal - assignment - special - mystery - hero -  dreaming - boredom - rebel - glitter - blue - candle - strength - goodbye - surprise - game - eyes - quiet - promise - excitement - answers - glass - myth - hands - sweet - light - secrets - perseverance - climb - laughter - forgiveness - experiment -  admire - relax - home - time - chaos - pancakes - travel - missing - discovery - empathy - respect - energy - fight - growth - flight - calm - delighted - doubt - honesty - whisper - silence - endless - tunnel - scars - hesitation - night - meditation - stars - bruises
(Feel free to combine multiple one-word prompts, it makes for interesting results.)
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noire-pandora · 3 years
Day 5: Traditions
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A letter from Elluin Lavellan to Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan. Also on Ao3, if you feel Iike sharing some kudos.
Dear Keeper,
You won't believe what I've done this week: I officiated a bonding ceremony!
Before you get upset, one of them is a Dalish. Elara, that's her name, joined the Inquisition after her clan was killed by Red Templars. The Inquisition's soldiers found her barely alive and took her to one of our camps in the Hinterlands. Elara begged them to join the Inquisition.
You can imagine my joy when I saw that a Dalish will live in this castle. I spent hours exchanging information and memories with her. Her presence dispelled the loneliness that sometimes overcomes me because I'm  surrounded by people who could never understand what it means to be Dalish.
Her partner, Mira, is a city elf. She joined us when our recruitment announcement reached the alienage in Val Royeaux. I imagine a life of hard training in an army is ten times better than a life in an alienage.
They met five months ago and trained together daily. I suppose it was love at first sight.
Mira asked me if I could unite them in marriage by the Dalish tradition. At first, I declined. I'm not a Keeper, even though I've been trained many years to be one. I have no right to pretend to be one. Mira, bless her sharp mind, said I was the Keeper of every single soul in Skyhold. When I laughed at her idea, she insisted that I was the Keeper of the people fighting for the Inquisition.
"What's the difference between a Keeper that cares for their members and you? None at all. You fight for us, you bleed for our wellbeing and keep our Order in one piece." She said all this while grinning at me. Young people today think they're so smart. When I laughed and tried to brush her compliments off, I saw the hint of desperation in her eyes. I couldn't believe how persistent she was about this.
When I asked her why she was so stubborn about this bonding ceremony, she took me by the elbow and pulled me into a quiet corner.
"It's for Elara," she explained to me. "It was her childhood dream to find a partner and be bonded to them by her Clan's Keeper. I think it will make her happy and maybe help her make peace with their deaths. I want to make her happy and you're the only one who can help with that."
You can imagine I couldn't refuse, not when Mira looked at me like I was the only person who could save her from certain death. So I accepted.
At that moment, I thanked the Creators that you made sure I remembered the Dalish traditions perfectly. Even so, the night before the ceremony, I still trembled like a frightened Halla. I dreamed of tripping over my robe and falling face first into the dirt. I'd never been so excited and scared before a ceremony. If you had told me that I would end up marrying two souls as their Keeper, I would have laughed in your face. I feel like since I've become the Herald, life keeps throwing surprises my way, just to see how I react.
Anyway, I think it went well. You can imagine how surprised the humans were and gave us confused looks, but they knew they had nothing to say. I'm a Dalish and they can't stop me from being one.
Skyhold bustled with people in that afternoon, for all the souls of the caste were invited to attend the ceremony. I was sweating in my green, long robe (a sunny day in the middle of the mountains and it had to be the day I had to perform a bounding) and did my best to hide my trembling hands.
They were so beautiful together, Keeper. The happiness that shone in their eyes enveloped them and made them glow! I'm not kidding. They glowed in the afternoon's sun as they walked hand in hand towards me. I could see the love on their faces. That pure, powerful love that can face anything and everything and win. I had tears in my eyes and could barely keep my wits. But I did it. I said the Dalish oaths without stumbling like a bumbling idiot, and they repeated it with wide smiles
Everyone in the courtyard erupted in cheers and applause at the end, and I suspected that a sense of pride and joy coursed through them as it did through me. Pride that even when the sky threatened to swallow us up, we found the strength to defy death by connecting our fates with those we love.
Their love gave me the strength to fight for another day. I want to know they are safe and smiling.
Who knows, maybe one day you'll officiate my bonding ceremony ?
And with that, it's time to end this letter. We have two days of drinking, eating and dancing to do in the name of the newly bonded couple.
With love,
Your Da'len.
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thevikingwoman · 6 years
So I wanted to make a little post about how unenforceable tumblr’s new guidelines are. 
For illustrations, ‘sex acts’ are not allowed, but general nudity is. What does that mean? 
[All links below are to my nsfw blog, and I consider them nsfw to some degree]
This lovely art of Iwyn riding Solas that I commissioned @nsfwfrosch? It is clear they are having sex, and the illustration is sexual in nature, though you can’t see more than one (female presenting) breast. I would believe this would be out. [currently not flagged]
Lenneth trying her best with a blowjob by @lauren-draws-xxx? There is no actual dick present, but it is clearly a sex act. [currently not flagged] 
How about this pretty nude portrait of @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul‘s Elara Lavellan? It is an illustration of nudity, but it is clearly not a sex act, or even very sexual in nature. [currently flagged]
This beautiful pin-up of Meriel Lavellan and Ilyana Lavellan by @noquietinhere? The ladies are wearing cute lingerie, and I may consider this sexual in nature, but not a ‘sex act’. [currently not flagged]
Solas looking good in lingerie by @hattedhedgehog? I would categorize this as a pin-up too, sexy, but not a sex act. [currently not flagged]
This stunning work of nude Solas by @morgalahan? Clearly not a sex act, and not even particular sexual in nature. It is a very photo realistic style, but still a distinct artistic interpretation. [currently flagged] 
How about some art studies of dicks by @takehimbythefade? These are definitely art studies and not really sexual, but it is erect dicks. [currently not flagged]
Now, how about this WILD painting of Solas, erect in his pants by @statisticsfag? This is clearly sexual in nature, but is it a sex act? His belt is undone, but he is fully clothed. [currently flagged]   
Now, these are all on my nsfw blog, which IS marked explicit, and the flag is on MY reblog (or not). The flag is very inconsistent, but even disregarding the flag, and trying to follow the guidelines. Which of these are permissible artistic nudity, and which are sex acts? I’d consider none of these ‘safe for work’ in the sense I would not want this on my dash if I browse at work, or around my kids, but I don’t think they all are ‘forbidden content’ based on the new rules. 
TL;DR - the new policy is unenforceable, will be randomly decided by robots, and even if you get a human to look at it, I predict it will still be unpredictable. 
[This doesn’t even touch on the subject of ‘erotic’ gifs/pictures with no nudity/sex acts]
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werm-whole-skwerm · 8 years
so. how many ocs do you have, what are their names, and are they ocs for particular fandoms? Because i know you have ocs but i don't know much about them. like at all. other than one is named Sweetpea, I think
I have at least 16, but an upwards to like 18. 9 of them are from Fallout, 1 (3 if we count the two extras) are from Dragon Age, 2 are from Mass Effect, and 4 are random Sims characters that I’ve adapted as actual characters.
My Fallout 4 oc’s are all Soles and they’re named Sweetpea Ono, Elliott Hatcher, Asher Brandt, Sunshine Seol, Nikola Tesla, Cherrybomb Stewart, and Tallahassee Chavez.My Fallout 3 oc is my Lone Wanderer named River Slade.My Fallout New Vegas oc is my Courier named Fish.My Dragon Age oc(s) are my Grey Warden who’s a Dalish elf named Amra Mahariel. I also have beta forms for 2 Inquisitors, a Qunari named Orena Adaar, and a Dalish elf named Veris Lavellan.My Mass Effect oc’s are my renegade Shepard named Elara Shephard and my paragon Shepard named Rose Shepard.And then there’s just my random characters which are a Mexican punk lesbian named Jett Gossett and her pastel kawaii punk aesthetic biracial wife Heva Levy, and the mixed twins Valor and Aria Zamora.
Honestly my Soles are the most developed of the group, especially Sweetpea because she’s the oldest of the oc’s, but that’s because I’ve spent the most time playing Fallout 4 with them. 
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
Continuing the fics as gifts!
HAPPY SOLSTICE TO @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul from @lyriumyue
Female Lavellan/Blackwall, established relationship fluff, Dalish lore building
The sun had set, but light from the moons and torches reflected back off the snow and lit the ground around Suledin Keep. Elara’s ram-skin boots pressed into the fresh snow, the light tracks filling silently as fat flakes drifted out the sky. She wondered how bleak Thedas looked at night to shemlen with their inferior eyes. Details and color popped out of the ice and white drifts and left her as confident as she was in the day. A day of meetings with Baron Desjardins hadn’t touched her warrior’s energy and the keep was packed too tightly with cold soldiers to train some of it off.
A lazy snowflake blurred her vision and when she blinked it away, a snowdrift transformed into Blackwall before her eyes. Experience and training kept the instinctive yelp in her throat, but Elara’s steps stuttered, crunching against a vein of ice in the snow. Blackwall turned at the sound, shaking snow out of his hair and off his blue Warden’s cloak like a bear grudgingly waking from hibernation. He nodded at her, heedless or uncaring of the snow caked on his beard. “Elara. Always good to see you.”
She climbed up onto the crumbled stone and sat next to him. Kicking the snow off her boots, Elara leaned her shoulder against his. “Ma lath,” she said, the words warming her more than Deshanna’s winter soups. “You would think I could have seen you in that bright blue cloak.” She held up one finger. “And don’t tell me it’s dark.”
He chuckled and pulled her feet up into his lap. With a soft rag from his cloak, he dried her boots properly and massaged feeling back into her chilled toes. “I wouldn’t dream of it. We call it disruptive camouflage, in the ranks. Looks patchy from the fallen snow. Breaks up the patterns your eyes are familiar with.”
Toes flexing in her boots, Elara considered that. “Our armor is like that. Mottled. I never really thought about why.”
Blackwall nodded and returned the rag to his cloak. He fanned out one side like a raven’s wing and draped it over Elara’s shoulders. “Too busy learning how to use it best. Understandable.”
Elara chuckled and lowered her head. “Flatterer.”
He responded with a quiet rumble in his chest.  “Your skill speaks for itself.” He pulled her hands into his lap to warm them, eyes trained on the moons. “Wintersend is soon. Do your people celebrate it?” He paused. “If you can say.”
“It’s easier to mingle in winter, what with scarves and hats, so in general we take advantage of the occasion to trade and build relationships. Some clans conflate Wintersend with a feast day in Falon’Din’s honor. They don’t leave the aravels and camp for two days before Wintersend so that the snow can build up on the path leading out. Then the young warriors walk down the path with rough-hewn staves and objects belonging to those lost in the last year. At the last Arlathvhen one of the keepers from the Southern Dales brought their fragments of an ancient song in his honor…”
Elara trailed off, sitting breathless as she remembered the exact phrasing. Though she spoke in Trade, the words carried an old cadance with them. “Lethanavir, master-scryer, be our guide, through shapeless worlds and airless skies.”
A snow flurry dragged the sounds away, twisting and turning them around fallen stone and bleeding piles of red lyrium. An owl cried in the distance, or from memory: Elara couldn’t tell. And she had no desire to break the spell.
“Thank you, Emerald Knight of Lavellan,” Blackwall said, formality ringing between them like a sweet summer wind chime. “Would that you were recognized as a herald of your own people.”
The wish sucked the air out of Elara’s lungs and she gasped in the cold. Tears came hot and unbidden to the corners of her eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand. He’d said it. The thing her heart wished for more than anything else, but hadn’t dared put words to. Hadn’t felt like she could wish for. “Yes. Yes.” She sniffed, nostrils burning as much as her wet cheeks. “I should have been. Could have been so much more.”
Blackwall tightened his cloak around them and put his arm around her waist. “You can still be. Your mark will be seen by all of Thedas. Your message in their ears. You will be the one. The one to give your people back what they deserve.”
“Thank you. Just… Thank you.”
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Elara Lavellan post Lavellan clan death, made with the Thedas Elf Maker picrew by @dalishious
I love her!
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wyvernscales · 1 year
YK, I think Elias probably does manage to get in contact with Skyhold because his little sister is the Inquisitor and his ex-wife (does faking your death void out a marriage?) and daughter go there too.
Even though the Inquisition manages to send a letter to the Heroes of Ferelden, Elias probably wouldn’t recognize Brielle’s name anyway. The last time he saw her, she still went by Mi’var Mahariel of Clan Sabrae instead of Brielle Lavellan. Maybe he uses a phrase that her brother used to use all the time and she gets curious. Warden Elias has always been a mysterious one. Everyone knows he was a Dalish mage, but his surname and clan name were always a secret. She started asking questions to Leliana and Morrigan, who both dodged her questions. 
So she just decided to write a letter. One simple question: “are you Ethlas Mahariel?” Signed Inquisitor Mi’var Atheraniel Mahariel of Clan Lavellan.
She got no response. Until one day a Warden appeared at Skyhold with a wooden box meant for the Inquisitor. Inside was a palm-sized rock that Elara identified as an Elvhen sending stone and a letter.
That’s probably a hell of a conversation I’m not emotionally equipped to handle tho.
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Happy Friday! "Touching noses together" for Lavellan/Blackwall?
thanks for the prompt, friendo! here's some tender Elara/Blackwall after their first night together for you and @dadrunkwriting
He's warm in her arms.
This is the first thought she has upon waking the morning after. Nothing about the root at her side that makes her hip ache, not about the way rain patters down on their small tent.
He's warm in my arms.
Thom lies sleeping beside her, his arm pillowing Elara's head. His chest rises and falls in cadence with a light snore. His hair is wild, disheveled from where she pulled at it in the night, clinging to his face like feathery moss to a tree. There are violet shadows under his eyes, deep as bruises. He curls into her as if loathe to let her go, his other arm draped across her ribcage and his leg between her own.
He is, she knows; he followed her to the Marches after she fled the Storm Coast and left him and their companions behind.
Elara watches him rest. He is unburdened here. Blackwall's brow is free of the furrows he so often wears. Thom is relaxed, limbs languid, muscles twitching sleepily under her hand when she caresses his arm and shoulder. He looks so calm now, no riotous thoughts within his head, she hopes.
His snore is interrupted by a short grunt, and he nuzzles into her hair, his beard tickling her face. Elara can't help the smile curling her lips. She runs her hand lightly down his back, as far as she can reach, and he grunts again.
"Good morning," Blackwall mumbles sleepily. He doesn't lift his head, only breathes into her hair, breath warm on her scalp and temple. Elara touches him freely now, her fingers rubbing circles into his shoulder, and he clenches his eyes against opening.
"On dhea," Elara replies. His arm curls around her and be pulls her closer against his bare body. He's half hard against her hip, spurring warmth and desire to bloom in her belly, but she leaves the thought alone for now. They have time to partake in each other; she doesn't have to reach for now, now, now.
Elara cranes her neck upward to brush their noses together. He smiles; she can feel the shape of it against the corner of her mouth, and it's an easy thing to press a soft kiss to Thom's lips. He kisses her back with his eyes closed against waking. Blackwall traces his fingers along the knobs of her spine and sighs into her mouth.
"I must be dreaming," he murmurs.
She chuckles. "Should I pinch you?"
"Please don't." He kisses her again. "I'd like to stay right here."
Elara smiles softly and tucks her head under his chin. "Then I'll be here, too." She closes her eyes at the deep breath he takes in and runs her hand up and down his back again, touching just because she can.
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Man, I love my Lavellan. She's just so badass. She's a Dalish Emerald Knight, a class I'm designing (D&D style). It's a major role in the clan, the sword and shield of the People, and she advises the Keeper in matters of combat and similar aggressive situations.
She started training for her knighthood at 13, after receiving a revelation from Falon'din upon her father's death. She was given her calling at that moment, and knew she would take his vallaslin upon being given her knighthood. At 20 she was deemed trained enough and took an intense year of trials and vigils, and on the last day of her last vigil, Deshanna hailed her as the new Emerald Knight and carved in her vallaslin with an obsidian blade.
I just really love her. She romances Blackwall, and they had a rocky relationship for a while. She ran off to the Free Marches after Clan Lavellan was killed. Elara wasn't sure if she was just running away from the Inquisition or if she was going there to die. Blackwall was clued into her plan by Josephine and followed her when she left. They met up in Highever on the docks and that's when they had their first big positive moment in their relationship. I call that the inciting event; if he hadn't come with her, the relationship would never had happened.
There were survivors of the clan, but they were mostly youths and young adults. Elara's cousin Shale, daughter of Deshanna and a nature mage, becomes the interim Keeper. She doesn't like it, but Elara supports her in that role. Everyone (about 15 people) come to Skyhold.
It's here that Elara and Blackwall's relationship gets especially rocky. She's torn between her duties as Emerald Knight and Inquisitor, and has to figure out who Her People are, which is difficult. He's there for her, but she can't put into words how she feels about him, and so is kinda emotionally constipated because she feels she's being pulled in too many directions.
I just love her. I love talking about her. I love thinking about her.
You'd think I'd write more of her story down but nooooo, apparently I can't do that!
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ocean ocean ocean!!! happy friday! From PWP prompts - biting to stay quiet ;))))
for @dadrunkwriting
Haven't written these two in forever, so here's a quick piece of smutty literature for Elara Lavellan/Blackwall! :D
Blackwall presses into her, thick and large and taking Elara's breath away. Her legs curl over his hips, ankles catching at the small of his back.
She mouths at his shoulder, and at a particularly rough thrust she can't help but moan, the noise echoing through the small chamber of the wine cellar.
"Shh, my lady," he croons, his voice rumbling in his chest. She can fairly feel the vibrations of his words. "The others will hear."
"Let them," she groans. He rolls his hips and she sees stars.
His arms bracket her against the canvas-covered crate. He's so strong, her Blackwall. Her Thom. She knows from experience he can lift and hold her easily, even as muscle-laden as she is. His thrusts have her sliding over the canvas, the fabric scraping her skin, and he shifts to fold his broad hands over her hips and pulls her onto his length.
She wails. Elara can't help it.
He catches her in a punishing kiss. "Quiet," he growls against her mouth.
Elara bites his bottom lip and tugs, drawing a low groan from him. She knows he likes it this way, rough and bratty, and though she can't call herself a brat she knows how to drive him wild. Her hands tunnel into his dark hair, following the thin lines of gentle silver, and pulls.
She smirks at the gasp that tears out of him. His fingers bruise her skin, marks she'll wear proudly beneath her clothes. "Quiet," she says back to him breathlessly.
It's quick, and it's dirty, and he pummels into her, his hips snapping in a brutish rhythm against her arse. Tension ratchets up like a bowstring pulling taut in her belly. Her limbs shake. Elara's close, so close, and--
Blackwall tips her hips, angles himself just a little differently, and she muffles her scream by biting the join of his neck and shoulder as she comes, stars exploding behind her eyelids. He roars and curls over her for another handful of strokes before he spills hotly into her body, the tight clench of her cunt like a vise grip. Her legs tighten around his hips, keeping him close, and she shakes, her arms twined around his neck. Elara pants damply against his throat, heart hammering in her own rabbit-fast.
"Thom," she moans softly, voice thready with exertion. Her chest heaves. Elara can't catch her breath. Blackwall's chest rises and falls like a great bellows, his breath hot on her temple. His hands gentle, and he lets go of her hips in favor of dropping onto his elbows above her, pressing her flat onto the canvas.
"Shouldn't have done that," he pants. Blackwall nudges his forehead against Elara's. "I don't regret it, but I'm sorry all the same."
"For what?"
"For--for spilling inside you."
She gives a weak chuckle. "That's why I have teas, you great bear. Besides," Elara says lowly, "I like it when you do."
Blackwall snorts. "You'll be the death of me yet."
She smiles and kisses him sweetly. "Never," she vows against his lips.
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