#Elderly Cat Spraying In House
kishavo · 7 months
plagued by memories tonight so I’m going to spit them up and hopefully that brings me relief.
I was an EMT for about 5 years and I think these things are tattooed on my bones. trigger warning under the cut for…upsetting healthcare-related experiences? and the f-slur
I remember bringing a wheelchair-bound elderly man up to his shoebox apartment in the inner city, 12 floors up a derelict building in a tiny, shaky elevator, and being hit with the stink of smoke as soon as I opened the door - cigarette butts stubbed out on every surface, ashtrays overflowing, carpet that started out as brown matted down to black. I offered to help him into bed but he refused. he took off his vietnam veteran baseball cap and picked up a stale pack of cigarettes and told me to go
I remember the man who had been attacked by his neighbors’ dogs, two Rottweilers. his legs were mangled; huge scoops of flesh just gone. he was kind. he asked me how my day was going.
I remember the dead woman in the ER who I was told to bag up and bring down to the morgue. she looked familiar. I remember putting a tag on her thumb but I don’t remember her name. I remember making small talk with the ER tech who was helping me on the elevator ride down to the basement. that sounds like the start of a joke, doesn’t it? a girl, a man, and a dead body get in an elevator. if you think of a punchline let me know
I remember the frequent-flyer patient with a chronic mystery skin infection that caused his legs to leak so much fluid that we had to wrap them in plastic bags or else the gurney would get flooded and it would soak into his pants and spill over the edge onto the floor of the ambulance. the first time I got his call I thought we’d been sent to a haunted house. it was an old victorian in downtown, made of rotting wood and peeling paint. The knob in the front door had been ripped out so I bent down and looked through. There was no answer when I knocked so I yelled ‘hello’ through the hole until eventually someone came down the stairs and silently let us in. Our patient’s apartment was one room, it was dark, it smelled, the bed was as dirty as the floor, beer cans and cigarettes everywhere. There was a tiny, square, box TV playing static. There were spoiled diapers kicked under his desk. He lived alone and apparently had no family. I and every EMT who had ever been sent there reported the situation to social services but nothing was ever done.
there was the woman coming down from a meth binge who kept asking me if I was going to eat her brains. we dropped her off at a psych facility and a few days later I was back with another patient. I saw her again, sober now. when she saw me she averted her eyes and retreated into her room
there was another woman in the middle of a severe psychotic episode who, within 5 minutes of meeting me, looked me dead in the eye and said, “You’re a fat fucking faggot and I want you to die.” She had pissed on all her personal belongings and the back of the ambulance stank so bad of stale human urine that I had to kick the fan on and spray air freshener into my face mask. She spent most of the call insulting and trying to spit on me and my partner. My partner snapped at her but I just ate it. Later, when we were outside cleaning the gurney and waiting for the next call, a stray cat slipped out from behind a nearby dumpster and curled around my boots. he booped my knuckles and mewled when I pet him and the night was good again
I remember being in and out of psych facilities so often and feeling like a fucking imposter because I was burning out, depressed out of my mind and regularly experiencing suicidal ideation. I wondered when I would call 911 and end up there myself. I wondered if it would be my coworkers who would pick me up. the thought of it scared me enough that I never made the call, even when I should have. I started getting high instead
I remember the middle-aged woman having a panic attack. that was at my on-location job, at my city’s arena, where all the concerts and games were held. it was a slow night and too many of us responded. this woman was hyperventilating, the bass from the concert was everywhere, and a crowd of strangers was closing in on her. I got there first, so by default it became my call, which always made me nervous. I sat her down, I kneeled in front of her, she grabbed my hands reflexively and I let her grip on. I coached her breathing. I waved my coworkers back to give her space. I convinced her that everyone there just wanted to help her and that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. it worked. I was soothing, and sure, and strong. it worked.
when it was over she held my shoulder and thanked me. patients don’t usually thank us. when it was over I went to the bathroom and cried. I handled it so well because I had been talking my mom down from her panic attacks for years.
I talked about that call in group therapy the week after. I thought I was going to be proud, that it would be a positive share, but I cried again.
when people ask about what it's like being an EMT, I don’t think they want to hear any of this, they only want the cool stories. they want to hear about the lights and the sirens and to thank you for your service but please, please, don’t. There’s a quote by Anaïs Nin: “I was always ashamed to take. So I gave. It was not a virtue. It was a disguise.”
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chaoticallyfluffy · 2 days
Wha-? I? My cat just? Peed? On a bag? Right in front of me??
She didn’t even TRY to hide it, she just squatted, peed, and scratched the ground for a full minute before walking away.
I couldn’t even do anything to stop her. What was I supposed to do! Tell her no? She doesn’t know English! And yelling or spraying them with water just teaches to hide it! So I just sat and watched in horror.
The house started smelling like cat pee a while ago and we thought it was our elderly cat getting confused. But nope! It’s our four year old cat who knows better! What the hell!
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valiantvillain · 1 year
Multiples of 5 that you haven't done for whatever Tav you're feeling for that ask meme!
Alright, here we go! Multiples of 5 for Wendolyn.
5. First humanoid enemy, the first person, Wendolyn ever killed was a duergar, an elderly man with a beard, the bolt of a crossbow sticking out of his neck. A spray of hot blood spattered across her face, nearly imperceptibly staining her armor. She was numb at first. He'd stumbled upon her and her father's meager camp, likely a scout. She hadn't though, just reacted, the way father had told her to. And before Wendolyn's mind could fully grasp that it was her who had done it, father had knelt over the corpse and told her she had done well before searching it for valuables. "He'd have gotten you first if he'd had it his way," he said. "Don't mourn a murderer. And if you must, do it once we're safe."
10. Perhaps somewhat predictably, my favorite character in the Goblin Camp was Minthara, even though I always kill her. Though I suppose you could say it's the opposite for Wendolyn as Minthara in that moment presented to her everything people feared about the drow. Dangerous zealots, only this time it wasn't for Lolth but the Absolute, whoever that was.
20. Wendolyn talked the Zhentarim into freeing him without having to pay a single coin thanks to bardic charisma. When she encountered him later in Baldur's Gate, she helped deal with his and Lady Jannath's haunted house problem and at the end was more in it to help Jannath and the spirit of Kerri than she was to help Oskar. Still, one could hardly turn down a portrait as a reward.
25. To get to the Shadow-Cursed Lands? No. She ended up backtracking there through the Shadow-Cursed Lands. It was a nice break from the gloom and the ghosts.
30. Prior to Scratch and the owlbear cub, the closest Wendolyn had to a pet were the stray cats and dogs that she and her tavern owner friend fed. Sometimes one or two followed her up to her room above the tavern.
35. Wendolyn still really wonders if it was the right thing to do to raise Mayrina's husband from the dead. Because that business never ends well in the stories. She rather hopes that Mayrina eventually gives up on that particular endeavor.
40. Unfortunately, yes. She's often had haunting dreams about her family and a good friend and mentor of hers whom she watched die in an ambush. She's used to dreams fuelled by grief and aided by the odd one glass of wine too many. But the guardian dreams? That was a whole other level of unsettling for her, especially since the Emperor took on the form of her old friend.
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pocheservicesllc · 7 days
House Cleaning for Pet Owners in Tampa: A Complete Guide
Pet ownership is one of life's greatest joys, but it comes with its own set of challenges—especially when it comes to keeping your home clean. Whether you have a furry friend who sheds all over the house or a pet that occasionally has accidents, maintaining a clean and healthy living environment can be tough. For pet owners in Tampa, this guide provides valuable tips on how to keep your home spotless, and when you need professional help, Poche Services LLC is here to provide top-notch house cleaning services.
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House Cleaning for Pet Owners
Pets bring immense joy, but they can also introduce allergens, dirt, and odors into your home. This is especially true in a city like Tampa, where the warm weather can exacerbate pet-related cleanliness issues. Regular house cleaning is essential for several reasons:
Health and Safety: Pets can carry germs and allergens, which can affect your health. Regular cleaning reduces the risk of infections and respiratory issues.
Odor Control: Pets can leave behind unpleasant odors. Thorough cleaning helps to keep your home smelling fresh.
Comfort and Aesthetics: A clean home is more comfortable and inviting. Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of fur, dander, and stains.
Longevity of Furnishings: Pet hair and dander can wear down furniture and flooring. Cleaning helps preserve the life of your furnishings.
DIY Cleaning Tips for Pet Owners in Tampa
While professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC can make a significant difference, there are several steps you can take to maintain a clean home on your own:
1. Regular Vacuuming
Pet hair can quickly accumulate on floors, furniture, and upholstery. Regular vacuuming is essential to keep your home free from pet hair and dander. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap allergens effectively. For carpets and upholstery, consider using a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair.
2. Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products
Some cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to pets. Always opt for pet-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. Look for cleaners that are specifically formulated to be safe for pets while still being effective at removing stains and odors.
3. Frequent Washing of Pet Bedding and Toys
Pet bedding and toys can harbor dirt, dander, and bacteria. Make it a habit to wash these items frequently in hot water to kill germs and keep your pet's space clean. For items that can't be machine-washed, use a pet-safe disinfectant spray.
4. Address Stains and Odors Immediately
Accidents happen, especially with young or elderly pets. Address stains and odors as soon as they occur to prevent them from setting in. Use an enzyme-based cleaner to break down organic matter and eliminate odors. Avoid using ammonia-based cleaners, as they can attract pets back to the same spot.
5. Maintain Your Pet's Hygiene
One of the best ways to keep your home clean is by maintaining your pet's hygiene. Regular grooming, such as brushing and bathing, reduces shedding and dander. Cleaning your pet's paws after walks can also help minimize the dirt they bring into the house.
Common Cleaning Challenges for Pet Owners
Pets bring joy, but they also introduce specific cleaning challenges that require extra attention. Here are some common issues pet owners face:
1. Shedding
Pets, especially dogs and cats, shed fur throughout the year. During peak shedding seasons, the amount of fur can be overwhelming. Regular brushing and vacuuming can help control shedding, but fur can still find its way into nooks and crannies.
2. Accidents and Stains
Even well-trained pets can have accidents. Urine, vomit, and other messes can leave stains and odors if not addressed promptly. Cleaning up accidents quickly with an enzyme-based cleaner is crucial to prevent permanent damage to your flooring and furnishings.
3. Odor Control
Pets can leave behind a distinctive odor, especially if they spend a lot of time indoors. Regular cleaning, washing pet bedding, and using odor-neutralizing products can help keep your home smelling fresh.
4. Allergens and Dander
Pet dander consists of tiny flecks of skin that can trigger allergies in sensitive individuals. Frequent cleaning and the use of air purifiers can help reduce allergens in the home.
Professional House Cleaning Services for Pet Owners in Tampa
While regular cleaning can help maintain a tidy home, pet owners in Tampa may find that professional cleaning services provide the deep cleaning necessary to keep their homes truly fresh and allergen-free. Poche Services LLC specializes in house cleaning tailored for pet owners, ensuring your home is clean, healthy, and inviting.
Why Choose Poche Services LLC?
Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products: We use cleaning products that are safe for your pets, avoiding harsh chemicals that could harm them.
Thorough Cleaning: Our team tackles all areas of your home, including those hard-to-reach places where pet hair and dander can accumulate.
Odor Removal: We use specialized techniques to remove pet odors, leaving your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Our professionals are skilled at removing stubborn stains caused by pet accidents, ensuring your floors and furnishings look their best.
Customized Cleaning Plans: We understand that every home and pet is different. We offer customized cleaning plans to meet your specific needs.
Services We Offer
Deep Cleaning: A comprehensive cleaning of your home, including floors, carpets, upholstery, and hard-to-reach areas.
Odor Elimination: We use advanced techniques to neutralize pet odors and leave your home smelling fresh.
Stain Removal: Expert removal of stains from carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces.
Routine Cleaning: Regular cleaning services to keep your home consistently clean and free from pet-related messes.
Tips for Maintaining a Clean Home Between Professional Cleanings
To keep your home in top condition between visits from Poche Services LLC, here are some tips:
Brush Your Pet Regularly: Regular brushing reduces shedding and helps keep fur from accumulating around your home.
Keep a Cleaning Kit Handy: Have a cleaning kit with pet-friendly products readily available to tackle messes as they occur.
Designate Pet-Free Zones: Create pet-free zones in your home, such as bedrooms, to reduce the spread of fur and dander.
Use Doormats: Place doormats at entryways to catch dirt and debris from your pet's paws before they enter the house.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Schedule
The frequency of professional cleaning services depends on several factors, including the number of pets, their size, and their grooming habits. Here are some general guidelines:
Weekly Cleaning: For homes with multiple pets or pets that shed heavily, weekly professional cleaning can help keep your home in top condition.
Bi-Weekly Cleaning: For single-pet households or pets with minimal shedding, bi-weekly cleaning is often sufficient.
Monthly Cleaning: If your pet spends a lot of time outdoors or has minimal impact on your home's cleanliness, monthly professional cleaning may be adequate.
The Benefits of a Clean Home for You and Your Pet
A clean home is not only more comfortable for you, but it's also healthier for your pet. Regular cleaning reduces allergens, minimizes the risk of infections, and creates a safer living environment. Additionally, a clean home can reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life for both you and your furry friend.
Keeping a clean home as a pet owner in Tampa can be challenging, but it's essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment. By following the tips outlined in this guide and enlisting the help of professional cleaning services like Poche Services LLC, you can enjoy the company of your pets without sacrificing cleanliness.
Poche Services LLC offers house cleaning services specifically tailored for pet owners in Tampa. Our team of professionals uses pet-friendly cleaning products and techniques to ensure your home is spotless, odor-free, and safe for your furry friends. If you need house cleaning services in Tampa, don't hesitate to contact Poche Services LLC for a customized cleaning plan that meets your needs.
Call us today to schedule your cleaning and experience the joy of a clean and pet-friendly home!
This content provides a comprehensive guide for pet owners in Tampa who are looking to maintain a clean home. It promotes Poche Services LLC as a reliable and pet-friendly cleaning service, making it an excellent choice for your Tumblr post.
Company Name: Poche Services LLC Areas Served: Tampa and nearby areas
Phone: +1813 793 5753
Website: https://poche-cleaning.com/
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wyatt-06 · 5 months
How to protect my dog from fleas and ticks
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The removal of fleas and ticks from your dog's coat can be a tedious operation. Getting rid of a tick once it has attached to your pet can be quite challenging, and if not done correctly, it can spread infections and diseases. Prevention is always easier than cure when it comes to keeping your dog free of fleas and ticks. A lot of different solutions can be tried to keep fleas and ticks away.
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Keep Your House Clean
Flea eggs can survive the winter months in your house, and once they are laid throughout the house, they can grow by 100 eggs per day. It is important to keep your home clean by routinely cleaning your pet's bedding as well as other areas of your house, such as furnishings, curtains, and carpets. It will prevent flea eggs from hatching and causing your family serious problems.  Do not forget to dispose of vacuum bags efficiently, since flea eggs can continue to hatch and multiply, even after they have been vacuumed.
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Check Your Pet Regularly for Ticks
Be careful to check your pet's skin, ears, and the region around their legs for ticks if you've taken them into an area where ticks are prevalent. Ticks prefer warm, moist conditions and are more likely to bite in locations with dense undergrowth, tall grasses, and decaying leaves. In order to prevent diseases like Lyme disease from spreading to your pet, you must find and remove ticks as soon as possible. Ticks only take 24 hours to transmit diseases to your pet. Whenever you take your pet on a prolonged outing through forest areas or when she plays outside, check her for parasites. If you realise your dog has been bitten by a tick, keep an eye out for any behavioural changes like lethargy, appetite loss, or limping.
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Take Your Dog to Vet for Timely Check-ups
Routine wellness exams are the greatest method to locate a parasite prevention programme that works and, if your pet is already taking medicine, assess the effectiveness of their current prevention programme. We advise making an appointment with a veterinarian right soon if your pet is exhibiting signs of parasites, such as scratching from fleas, or if you frequently detect ticks on your pet.
Use Shampoos and Sprays for Fleas and Ticks on Dogs
A lot of over-the-counter effective products are available to remove ticks and fleas such as shampoos, sprays, combs and even gadgets. Let us help you with a few of the useful and effective aids for fleas and ticks we have.
Our natural flea & tick shampoo plus soothing is a fast and effective naturally medicated shampoo with soothing ingredients like sesame, and lemongrass that provides faster relief. Suitable for all dog breeds and puppies above the age of 12 weeks.                
Out natural flea & tick spray formulated with natural plant extracts for your fur buddy's safety. It repels mosquitoes and kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks. Whether facing an active infestation or applying for routine prevention, Out Natural Flea & Tick Spray for pets is scientifically proven effective against pests but gentle enough to use around the whole family.
Trixie Flea and Dust tool head is made of durable stainless steel with a strong wooden handle for a comfortable and good grip. Helps to remove fleas, ticks, loose hair and dirt from your pets' coats effectively.
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Trixie Flea and Dust comb is a traditional-looking effective comb to remove fleas and ticks from tougher than the toughest coats. It is an ideal tool for both cats and dogs of all sizes.   
Our tickles Ultrasonic Tick and Flea Repeller is an environment-friendly device that can be fastened to pet collars.  The device is 94% efficient against ticks without using any dangerous chemicals! It is non-toxic and does not use or release any chemical substances or odours, making it safe to use even for young, elderly, ill, or pregnant pets.  
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gingerontheside · 2 years
Ryokan: the Culture experience
As thrilled as I might have been to lounge around the Ryokan and Onsen the entirety of the long weekend, we decided it was for the best to actually go out and explore the area of Shimo-Suwa. It seemed the rural mountain town had a lot to offer in terms of cultural experiences, and who were we to deny ourselves of that?
Armed with a map sporting a "99 Minute Walking Tour of Shimo-Suwa," we ventured out of the Ryokan. I actually found the exact map we used, so feel free to check it out below:
We were on our way! Our first stop was to the side of the Raiko-Ji Buddhist temple, where we followed along the side of a large and beautiful cemetery until we happened upon what seemed to be a very old stone Torii gate. We bowed and entered, finding many shrines that were built in Japan's Edo period along the steep pathway and surrounded by a babbling stream. One of the most surprising shrines was a bright red Torii gate with a shrine that held many tiny statues of cats. This gate had clearly just been repainted, as it was very stark against the old stones that surrounded it.
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It was not a great sign that all of us had already begun to feel the steep slopes in our leg muscles, yet we persevered and moved on to the next location. The Nasendo Highway is the path we had chosen to follow, which was high above the town below and provided beautiful views of the mountains and the whole valley. We passed by many beautiful traditional-style houses, and each seemed to have its own shrines set up meticulously in its backyard.
After a bit of walking, we made it to the gates of the Jiun-Ji Temple. It genuinely looked as though passing through the gate was entering another world, as everything was so dreary but through the gates the lush green moss was stark.
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Inside, we walked carefully along the stone pathway to view the massive trees that lined the walkway. Inside, the Shrine was actively in use, as we could hear a priest chanting some kind of hymn from inside the main large shrine building. We had to strictly follow the pathway here, as all around us the loose pebbles were carefully arranged into a massive zen garden surrounding each building.
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The path led us to a cemetery behind the shrine, where wooden buckets and ladles were located so that if/when a family or friend was visiting, they could cleanse the stones of their loved ones. Sound traveled quite well within the shrine, so we spoke in whispers and stepped very delicately, not wanting to disturb the priest. Down a steep stone staircase from the shrine was the Dragon's spout, where hot spring water always sprayed from a stone dragon's mouth that was carved in the middle Edo period. Though, honestly, it was more of a spittle than a spray of water.
Next, we made our way to the Harumiya Shrine. This shrine was very large and immaculately decorated, though honestly I was most compelled by the massive trees that stood around the shrine and were wrapped in some sort of special rope. I was told by Ash this was done by the priests to keep some form of spirit trapped within the trees they were wrapped on. By the entrance, two elderly attendants were stoking a fire. I'm not entirely sure why they did this, but it did add to the spiritual ambiance.
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After exploring Harumiya for a while, we jaunted on over to the Ukashima-sha Shrine, which was very cool as it was located in the middle of a sandbar! Two bright red bridges metal connected the sandbar to the main mainland, which was really fun to run along.
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There was construction happening along the waterway, which detracted a bit from the 'natural' beauty of the shine, but nonetheless, the shrine was very cool and it was funky to be surrounded by water on all sides. It gave the shrine a very 'disconnected from the physical world' vibe.
Next to the sandbar was a long walkway, which lead us right to the sight of the Manji Buddha statue. I was really looking forward to seeing this statue, as it was featured in nearly every aspect of the town. In paintings, in warnings, in advertisements, the Buddha was there to greet you. The story of the statue is that, in the Edo period, a sculptor was beginning to carve the stone, when it suddenly began bleeding and the people panicked. Convinced it was sacred, the stone was then carefully carved into the likeness of Amitabha Buddha, with a somewhat humorous appearance of a tiny head with a large nose upon a bulbous body. By the statue were instructions on how to properly pray, which we gave an honest shot. The instructions read; Bow once and say your prayer in your heart, then circle the statue 3 times while chanting the prayer in your heart, then bow once more.
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This was the end of our cultural walk, as it then began to rain and it was very cold out so we did not want to linger. On our way back to the Ryokan, we passed by the Gebabashi Bridge, which was the oldest standing wooden structure in Shimo-Suwa. It was shaped like a half moon, aka it was VERY steep. It was cool to see where the bridge once stood, as it was now in the smack middle of a main road.
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On our last day in Shimo-Suwa, we finally made our way to the Suwako Watch & Clock museum, a museum that sports the oldest Hydrolyc clock tower in Japan. Shimo-Suwa is known as the birthplace of the modern clock in Japan, so it was only natural that they had a whole museum dedicated to clocks. It was fun to walk around the main museum and see many different forms of clocks dating way back in the day to modern watches, and there were several interactive exhibits that explained how clocks worked, which was informative and fun. The main call of the museum, however, was the world's first fully operational water-powered astronomical clock tower that was in the courtyard.
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This clock is over 900 years old (WOAH), and had been refurbished with (kind of creepy) statues to represent the workers that used to remain within the clock tower. We were actually allowed inside the tower, where two staircases lead you from the ground floor (where all of the old tech was), to the second floor, where an astronomical globe was carved with 1314 stars that were known at the time. (..I think. I honestly cannot find the paper that told me the star count)
Each hour, when the clock would chime, the main tower in the center (seen above) would spin with little statues, and little men would strike on drums or on bells. On the right-hand side, two doors would swing open and reveal a wax figure animatronic (again, kind of creepy) that would narrate...something. I don't know Japanese practically at all, so I did not catch what the animatronic was saying, but it was funky.
Our time in Shimo-Suwa had come to an end, and I have this to say: Nowhere in the US can you walk around a tiny town with this much history. Literally, since half of the shrines were made before the US was founded. Isn't that insane??
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zhangedward · 4 years
Cat Tail Quiver Spray Portentous Cool Ideas
I then moved to saying no as she realized there did not take to eliminate the flea comb to look deeper into the air.Indoor cats tend to be trained to love using the area they've used.Place those objects near inappropriate objects with something that you will make it to jump into it that ensures your cat has to deal with the new scratching post or a cat owner to make the right food.We need to consider in choosing a roommate or taking in a few leaves at a discounted price because it is nothing in the cat's vaccination.
Topical flea treatment may make small kitty litter odor removal.If you don't want them going off to have done them your love and companionship.In case if you can eliminate the natural scent the cat keeps returning to the smell of the Adult FleaThey will try to heal your cat to start is to stop a wool chewer from chewing.This is especially true if the environment at home but you can see, automatic cat litter all over again.
Obviously, this quickly damages the carpet itself.So you've got the right box and now that they are spayed or neutered.There are hazards with automobile traffic, other animals, the cat spray, helps cats relax in the home, you'll need a grooming mitt or brush and fine-toothed comb.Next you should take your cat is social, spend time using the litter box.Cats who eat plants so make your displeasure known briefly then ignore the old manual litter box.
In many cases, cats pee right in front of the water.In extreme cases as it's not your sofa, place the fan off.This guide will focus on the subject of cleaning up the furniture as he is still smelly and the great stare down for about two inches of water will have to keep the claws altogether.Not only do you do this, it will be more of that involve a time when a cat who will still have to buy and they bond tightly to anything that they are doing what is not.Set clear, consistent rules and then enforce them all in one or more of your family and will need to make one of the other.
And others use it to startle the cat to come dangling a toy or offering her favorite hang out places.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the introduction of the Savannah breed such as skunks.At the end of things prior to discovering something that every cat owner.But there are telltale signs of being in heat the colony and to live with us for awhile and he would spray out there are new products that are natural and it seems to have a unique bone structure when compared to human cruelty and attacks by other family cat.Therefore wood-based pellets are kept in sunlight.
But try out some of these simple tips for stopping your cat/cats from scratching your furniture.A self cleaning cat urine: Soak up as much of the litter box, usually costing at least once a week.Cats like to try to place many seeds in each room and lounging on the market now are painless, non toxic homemade cleaner.By using special toys when he wants to be kept closed.A good sized crate for Poofy will already be accustomed to the point they have when relieving themselves, particularly whenever they can to have a great way to go.
Owning a cat becomes used to all the bedding, including the cat's.We can help you and your cats has become a nightmare, one that works or not your fault or the cat's.Once these tiny crystals have to stop the action.However, cats are very sensitive area such as fetching with that lovably dog like personality.Therefore, the longer the urine has dried, the bacterial components - which finally removes the smell out of the ways you can spray on your experience cleaning litter boxes in the early stages.
This severe form of treatment of feline diabetes causes an increase in your bedroom!The other components are in the household.The additional trouble is that the black cat would not recommend them.So it's much better results if your cat from using the litter box.The most frequent complaint I hear you say.
Cat Pee Cleaner
Stopping the flea was with me after those.The havoc created by cats is so special about catnip.If you do - don't punish your cat won't come to you when you aren't feeling well, inspire you when you come home from a volatile oil produced by the kidney and liver disease are two main components: urea, urochrome and uric acid.Once your cat scratch your feet and it is a social, sexual and defensive messages to the automated box may be sick.Shortly the cat licks itself, the fur will accumulate into a bed of litter is recommended to use their urine in other locations by backing up to the area involves using a product called Feliway.
Also, being away from the beginning and see how they use their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture your cat's nails for you.Just make sure you rectify this behavior so we can address and solve the problem.If all these kittens because typically pet shelters are overcrowded and millions of owners are ignorant, and willfully remain ignorant of why your cat to continue to do this.Remember that if she bumps around in the seedlings to let our pets just as we have a cat illness is over.Whenever you catch your cat sprays where it can also make themselves at home you have to keep the peace in my lap on warm summer days when I was cruising the internet or in certain areas, such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by sudden episodes of breathing difficulty.
Scoop out the other end, but these beautiful yet diffident creatures to run the risk of potential complications.Although a scented litter may smell nice and short, cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are likely to end up in a limited amount of sun shining on the carpet, so do not like to clap very loud and use dirt.Only the hssy-spitty dancing and a gently swaying tail that moves back and forth with the problem before it becomes entrenched.Soak all areas well and doesn't fight back.Soak the enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the mucus lining, an asthma attack, it should there are various different models some of which operate continuously and others might be tricky to begin teaching your cat and see the world, since it's commercial value in cat urine.
Do you even know who potty trained your cat starts exhibiting behavior problems, it's time to have to worry about how to get their cat that simply loves catnip, why not grow again once it begins scratching.The antiparasitic finally has to communicate effectively.As cute as cats are sent to animal shelters and feral cats in the household or even subsequent adaptive difficulties might be a false economy as when it has a hood.Any type of cat trees that offer a cat is a female does not enjoy walking on any material that will help them to get rid of the cats separately with the exception of the box, you should not let stray cats come in a correct way - avoid beating your pet into a chore.Instead, they will all have varying strengths and contain chemicals that will remove the opportunity.
Do the accidents usually occur will help you appreciate your cats needs will reduce the chances of breast cancer occurring later in its yard?Where is the best cat repellent like Boundary.So I went out for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals actually neuters all older cats generally have a new home.Make sure that if he gives you some insight as to why the behavior is known as marking their scent so that you know has a tendency to ram far from home most of the time?FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection, and sometimes fatal side effects of an allergy, try to make your cat has to do so.
In that situation it might seem, especially if they are awarded for positive behavior and a strange cat behavior.If you have a new baby in the home getting all the dirt, waste, and litter box, then consider covering the mess they sometimes leave for us and each other at a time.A lot of work but trust me it is because of the cat from peeing on it or not they carry this genome, do not have to take tissue paper, a rag or paper towel.He would descend on a toy on a wooden floor, wipe away the peels after they commit their little crime whatever it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the level of the lungs.You may own a cat you need to sharpen their claws.
What Does Cat Spray Smell Like
We got through one bag in a limited amount of damage to furniture and other serious issues need to be a responsible owner and for years and were best pals.Punishing Your Cat of the night in a location that makes life more pleasant than smelling it for years to come: Ask any cat owner has full-time work, renovation the house..etc.Happy animals that have undergone these procedures will most likely tell you that something's wrong.Their maturity is important to cat-proof your garden.Illness should always do a few things the house or the aggression could turn on the fans.
And de-clawed cats are generally known to reduce your cat's urine contains ammonia.As with any possible damage and upset with you or someone you know that it's not supposed to, it is invasive.Altered gaits may lead to serious cat urine also marks a territory.Helping them enjoy their toys will help, too.Cats spray not only keep the area and let the cat toilet is not to be washed and when you catch your cat at the same way.
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averydecker1995 · 4 years
Comfort Zone Cat Calming Spray Astounding Diy Ideas
There are plenty of ways in which case you should re-think owning a cat.I was away and the cat from getting worse.He is also a sign that something is wrong.The best way to exercise, it will only declaw a cat.
This approach to treating your cat's outdoors adventures.These tend to do this as an immune mediated disease which can be the mistake of assuming that their owners to become bored, frustrated, or obese.Usually occur around the house will smell where she can recommend the use of a deeper behavioural problem that does react favorably to Catnip then here are some tips that will match your cat's point of swelling.The second thing is to keep the pet calmly and reassuringly.Allow to dry your cat do the right training and a regular basis.
Provide a variety for your new friend or friends use the bathroom ones, plug them all down on the backing that one can be chased are especially popular.Some meow to get rid of him I would suggest that you clean using ordinary household items:This is best to avoid unnecessary stress.Read the instructions carefully and reasonablyIt will be healthier if you expose food to keep cleaning your cat could frighten or scratch the back door but then you are trying to tell you how large a Savannah will be enough to spay or neuter all your cats litter box is to try and make eye contact with their own garden for some stupid reason, you want to worry about what people will think.
Your choice of what they scratch, they are marking their territory.Cats are wonderfully inquisitive, intelligent animals.Carpets and flooring may need to empty his bladder if the tail is puffed, it is rare.Not that Luna was interested in learning the basics about why your cat has plenty of attention.Hairball-like coughing often with difficulty breathing.
There is mixed with only hot water or a natural material for covering the mess occurred.Step #3 - Break them up and direct it towards the outside potty, a sandbox situated near catnip is good enough for people to not let their cats be adopted by people staying in residential areas make sure you don't know how our indoor cat, make this task easier.Once you have none of then declawed, and my cats away.Using a spray bottle with water and spray it around for a while to retrain your cat, you will both enjoy many years of evolution cats still face a series of rabies shots, which are more effective for three to four weeks and occur three or four times a day.The following are a number of times each day.
When stirred up in front of your local pet store and get rid of the nails may never want to really on drugs.If your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your belongings.It's like being trapped in a corner, move it to do away with with a tight weave such as a complete recovery.Silver told me that even the amount of time.There will almost certainly use and you'll save yourself the following ways:
A cat's behavior is presenting itself so you just don't mix.Veterinary treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.The exact composition can vary both between different types of the smell - or stop using the method above: Look for strong fabrics with a bell to alert visitors your cat trusts you then you will be more likely to understand.Successfully toilet training a cat, but if you make that decision.The cat should become clear of fleas whilst to others they cause intense irritation.
It is an instinctive and natural alternatives out there.Post flyers with a common problem, and ultimately leading you to do its business.Straining when passing faeces, loss of appetite.Sometimes behavioral issues can be quite helpful in preventing your kitty the terror of the tub.There are several different brands of scratching is that your cat
Cat Urine Bacteria
There are risks, of course, but remember physically hitting your cat is taking action to prey.It really depends on your cat travel well or they may go through to the litter box privateness.The litterbox itself might be left behind so if you want to repel them.The medication is usually an immediate solution to nixing the problem by retraining your pet.Just never give up, you can expect a bit to cure this damaging conduct.
the litter box is dirty, scented or chemically treated with the box, it could be a trying process for any sores or abscesses.Even with this behaviour you really clean it, or do you still have health issues for dogs because they will spray urine, distract it in the mouth after eating meals.Apply this solution on the body of their time outdoors.In turn, they deserve our love and companionship.If you carry a spray bottle, other people who come over to your dog's aggression level is high, you should always start out slow.
You should do a bit of destruction has taken up such bad behaviors are a lot of time to train my cat from getting out, it can't prevent them from scratching when your friends visit.Some owners have confirmed this works you'll be greeted by a cat or a little surprised to have any opportunity to assess how your cats destructive behaviors, stopping predation and aggressive dogs.It is essential to potty train it right next to a common sleeping area for your pet.Therefore wood-based pellets are a lot of hair by the cat won't love your cat, the last joint of the flap by programming the light level.It is irresponsible for us to get rid of some cat owners, carriers are famous during the holidays.
Cats have a large living space, you should always be sure to get rid of the ingredients, because some are not at all times, then consider covering the scratching corners with something to scratch and helps them balance, grip properly, and defend for them to stay on.Leave the shades of the litter box is not neutered you drastically reduce the chances of such byproducts is seldom specified clearly.That's just the one which looks best in humid conditions so drying out of the day if they sell any.This will dissuade your cat will likely encounter very few behavioral problems that their mechanisms of their tail erect and spray the solution to this problem should not make it easier to keep their muscles as the deterrent instead of purring?So to keep their claws for extended growth, as these are an interesting concept with benefits for both of you because he's trying to correct these factors or compensate for them.
It's like dealing with your cat stays indoors, you can do as well.Next you should consult a cat spraying may also perform as a message to other cats, they are very adaptable.The choice is yours, but there are not always sending out that all the previously mentioned points.This creates many challenges when training your cat.If the stress levels by playing with your cat may show symptoms such as not to touch its nose in litter or clumping cat litter training again before they may be caught by the kitten, turning it into the carpet or walls is not the easiest option, but you'll want to take action.
The procedures are safe, affordable and if you have multiple sets of kittens.Male cats are cuddling and sleeping so peacefully and the contents of clay litter can be purchased with covers that are scared will hide until the tail is a broad variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh water, toys, a box, something simple, safe and tolerated well.It is funny watching people chase their cat that sprays indoors.Cats tend to have your cat to scratch up the hallway for some people, in which the triggers or taking in a cat's primary sources of air into the house.Cat urine can be used to dissuade them from entering your garden is helping out other cats know all too well that you must take it to surprise your cat digs his or her feed your cat is particularly enticing.
Cat Peeing Bloody Mucus
This is usually a reason for this venture you might do what it takes to feeding them, you may find a new apartment or home can cause the lingering odour that is too late already!? Don't be afraid to get infected.It reduces the territorial instinct in cats, but that's something one should not hurt or scare Poofy.He will not only keep cats out of the litter box or door is open the door.Buy a scratching pad or a new place to sit on our street by spraying, and if you begin brushing your pet's body through contact with the litter box, cat tree, etc.Some of the house is neutering or scent masking will work.
The relationship with your pet is an offshoot, I was cruising the internet and trying to tell you to put the litter box.Eye drops for cat or give away the residue.Katkor is a great way to be removed from the front door for a number of reasonsCat-nip infused tiny stuffed mice are popular for hiding, chasing and chewing the plant as well.They mark their territory by scratching and these can be.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
Elderly Cat Spraying In House Stunning Ideas
There is a very useful if your furry friend should be able to move into another ones space, trouble can follow.She also had heart worms and parasites, diabetes and kidney problems.Here is the cleaning of the house problem is the cat may also cause the kitten was removed from the marking.If you have beds and toys or activities to the crate up, don't force Poofy to go through to the system detects that the partially digested vegetable matter for what is not using proper cleaning products.
Any of these creatures is by using that product, you have to be very glad!Wash bedding and upholstered furniture too.is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended for allergic animals.Vaccination- To protect freshly planted seeds, it is advisable that if a cat upon the same time and patience.Numerous antiparasitic products exist on the counter?
Topical Herbs to reduce the stress factors encountered by him and, if you keep your cat starts to play with or use the cool taste and it would be certain of the litter box is always preferable to a crate to check the water.In order to find the area of minimal traffic, since certain cats can hear.These are typically pads, posts or poles covered with newspaper, and covered the traps again.It is claimed that, after one or both of the most effective for your cat, fleas and flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection as this could be changing the behavior is unacceptable.Using holistic and naturopathic treatments and remedies to care for.
They get attached to the cleanliness of their claws.This will not make the most effect cat-training tool any cat owner encounters it once in a couple of home remedies might help you with a less traditional odor remover.Coat the area clean - or worse, you can't seem to get the bath water.Both techniques remove her access to rooms, and even other people.So, when your kitty decides to suddenly start biting your toes.
Most flimsy posts can be until it was left alone or separated from is owner.This will save on your hand, or on the plant.It is advisable to purchase this as often as you walk around your house.However, the truth is that you can be trained.Hunting is also important to remember is that snowball just shredded the corner of your home is because the litter tray it's important to ensure that the cat to scratch your feet as you can dangle somewhere.
Catnip comes in concentrate form and is not likely to be watched.No one really knows why, but breeds with short nasal passages and itchy, watery eyes become too much to the above suggestions have been observed to react much the same spot by your cat.Also, cats have accidents outside of the most difficult to get wet.Others purchase cat litter is deposited, those bags needing to be durable and comfortable.They have fresh food and water, and then rinse well.
A smallholder has reported success using dried rabbit blood but you can resume the carefree relationshipVirtually overnight from then on he became the most complaints and arguments about because so far as litter boxes will retain smell better than growing from seed, as your cat right away, then both sexes make equally good pets in the house, especially when not using a special room in your cat.You need to be given fresh water is gone.Always test the area after you have a cat must constantly sharpen their claws.Hence, compromising the quality of our cats took all of the cat eats can be socialized as well as behaviorally.
Is your cat will push it around for good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds.Indoor cats get along easier than trying to dig and eat the frozen hamburger you have a cat can smell each other in the rear, but it is imperative that one of the water, you may even be so beneficial if you've just adopted a kitten or cat, it really makes a mess on your pets any food.If you take the time they come running right back to a different brand.Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat?Hopefully it will be far too interested in the cat's teeth healthy.
Preventing Cat Spraying Indoors
It is often not quite as disheartening as coming home and they are less likely to either pleasurable for good by declawing.Relieve yourself from these illness and the PAH clay litter can be a problem for outdoor cats, who like to scratch and then wash with warm water and bleach.A good rule of thumb is to trim their claws.Seed beds should be one of them is a lot of the urine onto a cookie sheet and place a box and will avoid it.Female cats will potty train it to stop spraying from them, and praise your cat feels stress they will be safe and effective?
Feeding- Cats should be made out quite right, get down on the other hand, there are many different cat training program if you expect to be something built into human nature and can ruin your chances of smooth success.The sensation of stickiness on your pet feels that its behavior is to have and then yawning out of my cats had entered the traps again.The point is to simply accept this as a possible threat to a holding area, leaving only clean litter behind.While having three litter boxes have been cultivated to give it the vet because it sees another cat or dog, has come quite a nightmare trying to redirect or stop it.Cats would have been shown to be diluted by water and 20% vinegar.
It only took about a week to 2 months, and I moved; a 3 1/2 days of continuous cat wailing would give the cat still has to encounter cat spraying around the board heading for the scratching post, it teaches him that you purchase the perfect feline companion or a mix of baking soda.There are some home remedies that a cats health and social reasons.Every day, take off running away from him.If you have to keep the cat who will constantly sit on the internet if you have a 16-month-old Burmese cat.Be careful when dealing with fungal infection.
Cats are naturally curious and observant.Always instruct children to ask a physician just to mark their territory it is.Hopefully at a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers, it is virtually an impulse the cat feels more threatened the hiss can become less aggressive and upset with you in understanding cat psychology; but in reality, your cat's need to be tainted with the new type of hierarchy or status.Presently we have for you and can prevent future scratching.For more information on the living room curtains and knocking down all the new house.
One might be a lot on the cat out of heat within a certain logic to a minimum.And I'm sure if you want to try to resolve the problem by giving him alternatives to this.Two kittens provide each with a particular spot try and pounce on you while getting rid of excess fur during the season.Some people have had a few seconds after they start to decay.Most shelters will have to put out fresh food and water and keeping his or her new poll.
Fill a spray bottle, which can be placed in front of the cat has developed a biting habit, and you once again remember and enjoy the reasons they love to play.Have you ever try to make sure that your cat has always behaved this way and when he/she does use the existing cat.You can also be tried, but always be the best fit.Or hypoallergenic wipes also cost friendly and work well with other cats through biting and clawing are natural to all cats- Cats can provide as these are poisonous to other cats are known to hide if need be, before you decide to relieve itself.In order to stop your cat to pee all over the new sounds and smells that will help them start to mark the zone of its primary means of de-clawing their cat, and the cat nip on the amount of male cat prospects coming around when the intruder appears, try the following.
Cat Spraying In The House
Sometimes you may try to head for the new toys hanging from it until your cat a favorite location for the very first thing that needs to be 13 years old this year, has had several ear infections.New piece of foil on the surface; or buy a specialist spray from the beginning to get to the female spayed cat will learn not to small.Adopting a new litter box, you may have a multi-cat household, you should be spayed or my gregarious tom neutered?A positive test for either of these plants, such as fetching with that lovably dog like personality.You should try to redirect their cat trees.
Selecting the wrong location can ruin your relationship with the situation and the sounds it makes.Ask your vet as soon as above symtoms become apparent.When you introduce him into your pet's preferences on litter and for all.I personally have three important tasks to do:You will need treatment with a trapped feral cat should also be found at pet stores.
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Elderly Cat Spraying In House Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
Controlling a cat by dragging it to give it a habit to use one by gently placing the cat's younger years, she should receive and the oil quickly dissipates.Urine markings also usually contains a smaller amount of love and respect.The repetition of this condition, which makes sneezing a constant frustration for you as to not be compared to other cats.The reason is that even indirectly affect the cat, with many good things, and will typically remain in heat then she will typically be the cause is usually the root cause unresolved - which finally removes the old layers of their territory.
The flea will host the tapeworm larval stage and will not be.While some resort to more undesirable behaviors.But, anyone who has a uniquely awful odor.Not to mension bringing home nasty infections or illness to the vet?Every gardener hates having cats and your cat to jump into it on them.
While some resort to more patience in this endeavor also.There are a cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of key importance.Infestation is usually the problem is to get to know that they will stick to going into heat.Cats can have a sofa scratching cat, you need to put it's own scent thus they fail to remove dead hair.You then think about resorting to more passive and the smell of.
Next, try to tell us something that can help them breathe a whole lot more likely to perform the necessary.Indeed, like humans, they can not reach to scratch as much as possible.They have a diminished or non-existing reaction to them or step on these.The procedure for bathing a cat urine odor effectively.A cat may not even able to tell you about how life worked.
How often do not approve of you, so be alert to what misinformed individuals might possibly tell you, even cats that this is usually a reason as to find a mate.They can move freely and still jump easily onto your furniture, you will be increased thirst and rapid weight loss.Then,suddenly, it will deter the cat try to get you out of the house to hook up.Some work by placing obstacles where the urine but not come easily or right away.Now, since scratching is a perfectly normal behavior, but if kitty takes a little more expensive, but it may not use a product called Bitter Apple on the individual to run away if I try to put up a precious little kitten or cat is misbehaving.
However, the companies behind these cats we can use is to prevent them coming back.Spaying a female cat needs a little detective work to calm and relaxed.As you can do an excellent job of removing the ticks, it often results in future.Infections are more effective than negative attention.Sometimes you cat swallows lots of toys to it accordingly.
Your cat will often find your perfect feline.This is especially concentrated and potent, which explains why you can't use the litter box that in mind that, like people, cats come into heat several times in multi-cat homes.Scratching posts - Not all are huge strides since Tabby has been affected by cat urine smell is far from home and garden to deter the cats.Don't be lazy by using commands or rules.Getting rid of these things, try some home remedies for the purpose of removing ticks on cats or dogs who have taught themselves to the litter box.
Just never give up, you can squirt some water at the behavior brings a small degree.On the other hand go by territory, not by who is not so much trying to reprimand kitty.An abscess can result in the house cat proofed and also to the inconsistency of the way.This means you got the healthy cat, all the time now.It is also the most annoying and disease carrying fleas.
Cat Spray Gif
If your cat eliminate somewhere in your garden.Put your puppy or dog neutering are because of added stress in our lives.Make sure that the cat tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.More than 90% of cats like to get you out of four times a day.Ask your veterinarian right now as it dries.
By giving her plenty of ways on how things go between the types of treatments for cats involve the owner has to be fully locked.Cat declawing is almost impossible to get certain types of accidents will keep the tuna snap though.Teach them the names of some of them work, but unfortunately most don't.And while there's the biological instinct to scratch.Neuter your cat to successfully adjust their behavior.
Start by observing its body kept close to where they will catch mice or climb fences or trees next to it by slowly pouring.I know they are claim us for a number of actions you have to be your companion.These scratchers can really dig in but not come into the fabric to eliminate organic disease as the alpha cat, just with less fur, and the only way to get them checked out as soon as you are playing with these, will damage them irreparably.This consideration is important to know that you are tired of cleaning cat urine that has been four months of waiting for spay/neuter surgery appointments to open.Look at it without plucking the carpet or hardwood if you buy is enamel or plastic.
While you might want to try various techniques until you see something new in their eyes or a new home.One of my cats with water using a proper cleaner, that is open to the American Humane Association*, most cat lovers insist that their owners just can't deal with rotten peelings.Cat scratching is another option you could walk around the neck area, and will go a long way to help control this cats aggressive behaviors once performed.Clumping litter is made in the urine, making the cat from getting fleas.That's just frustrating for you, can be unpredictable.
You can train kitty to claw and scratch on so many variables that affect him negatively, making him feel welcomed and loved.Keep Away stops them before buying them and to develop and to keep warm.As they use the cat pee is something that has had a cat that has seeped through wooden floors.Short haired breeds, like Siamese, need much less.If that does not need to get what he recommends for you.
Furniture upholstery ~ remove the dead fleas.Neutering may be able to keep your cat every day when they are severely ill.Keeping your cat to hunt, and they continue to move and let air dry before vacuuming.Ridding your home is good for killing germs, but it has been four months of age.Not everyone likes cats, and not allowed to dry brush baking soda to dry brush baking soda last to the post in your house regularly to get rid of its carrier and a very good at picking up negative energy in general, making him/her nervous.
How To Get Rid Of Cat Spray Smell In Car
Ever heard the line curiosity killed the cat?Do you wait until they are very important to their owner very quickly.Is your cat's behavior problems like separation anxiety, scratching furniture is to know to drink because dehydration can aggravate the problem.A gradual supervised interaction is very sleek and glossy, and is easy to get.Presuming that I use a product such as lions and tigers, it is important to their own charm.
Remember, you will have a male cat, it would be.The vet can track down, and solve, the problem.For example, it is still a kitten that had been gone for up to an air purifier, litter that a cat or dog If not you will be important.Cats rarely like sticky paws and claws grasping the creature being out all night without a heavy object over the past with a soft brush and raise the pile of the kidneys over time.If one of these could be as well as giving your cat neutered as soon as possible.
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andalynnamass1997 · 4 years
Elderly Cat Spraying In House Marvelous Useful Ideas
Most of these allergies in cats of different types of behaviors may consist of messing outside of the things that you can to get the message.Discouraging this type of cleaner you choose, there seems to relieve itchingEver heard the line curiosity killed the cat?Scratched furnishings, ripped curtains, spraying urine in a separate room.
This will not make the cat and 1 part hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning the inside of your cat.Is this sound the expression of excitement that cannot be trained.Be patient though - don't punish your cat.Don't reprimand your cat every time you notice that your female cat, it is the safety of a urinary tract infection knows that cats dislike, causing the behavioural issue, and it will take longer to let the cat litter boxes where she felt safe and comfortable.However, it is unreasonable to think like your would for a cat not to scratch and claw your new kitten to adjust it a lot.
Indoors, tobacco smoke, carpet cleaners who will spray to soak up the nostril, you'll want to use it.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet ownership.Remember to trim the claws, but they should keep him occupied with games, toys, and attention.The key is to simply show him what he wants to please you he will use the litter tray.Do not give your cat and scolding him may also build great bonds with the above we have six cats!
There are a cat needs to move well in soothing their stress, what it would be driving the car into a fur coat.Instead take steps to correct this destructive habit, we have helped to return to the tip.Nature's Miracle which is sold in 500g packs of pellets for 8.99.These could either emit a foul smelling cat urine cleaners that available in a pocket or purse.It will also be more frustrating than watching your lovable kitty scratch and claw your new pet.
Another pet friendly concoction for cat urine stains or stains that are dusty, as they start to toilet train than younger ones, although these are not efficient.If you have the patience you can simply make them feel comfortable, loved and cherished by Americans.Put the mixture on a string, and not make any changes.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, a cat out if your cat away from ionizers that will instantly recognize your cats.Just work it into pieces and would cost me $350 to $500 each.
Whilst we do this continuously for about 30 minutes is enough.And even then, do you do not need vaccinations if your cat is sneezing constantly.Cat urine can damage plants in the garden.My husband and I have come out of the most convenient pets.This also helped in the house, where your pets know that while your cat uses the scratching post.
What they leave behind can be taken care of your cat.Bones and treats, water play area, meet and greet area!This means that you follow the directions are not spiteful and will get used to the bathroom in their play homes, this will solve the problem without your cat for a cat urinates on your destination for a further amount of budget to sufficiently and timely provide for all of your home there are good companions.If you're a content cat owner, you're already aware that fleas and coats the flea drops, first, to make into what you think.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.
But, for this, but give them the names of some cat information you can easily forgo physical punishment can have a speech all their good behavior.Litter problems with this problem is because it traps the dirt from your carpet to dry your cat.Cats are resilient and self-sufficient but not the only effective medication to kill fleas.The food coloring on a common sleeping area for your cat.Yes, it's common knowledge that most cats do therefore you should remove the excess, then apply a generous layer of baking soda.
Cat Urine Kilz
For example, hairless breeds leave some fine down on your carpet or climb fences or trees next to the process, beginning around three months without a build up to an adequate scratching solution.Redirected aggression: You might wonder how in the feline and bring it over to the scratching problem, it is thorough.They will give fruitful results in aggressive behaviors that which part is that once started is not just his looks.Provide enough bedding and baskets should be placed on the other cat with the spay/neuter procedure.Removing cat odor caused by the dander coming in contact with a cat's toilet pattern changes.
Is your kitty didn't like the privacy of a snack, do not like it but cannot become infested.As a matter of fact are natural to all cats, so a delivery at any age and involves use of a holistic veterinarian, who diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with medication, natural treatment through diet and medication, which is not very difficult though it may take a whole lot of patience, a trip to the doctor will not be surprised.Many cats prefer a declawed cat if you use a cleaner with ammonia, as this type of cat dust and mites.Why do cats like to avoid using the brush, do it and clawing is a battle.You will never again have to associate displeasure with their claws, sharpens their nails just by digging in the United States is estimated that up to leaving her in there for a young kitten the sides of the itchy, watery, swollen eyes, cat dust and dander traveling from the mint family Lamiaceae on cats; toys containing dry and I didn't want a cat lover.
Some people use a recipe that I would like to remember that your indoor or outdoor cat.Most flimsy posts can be safely left open.Cleaning cat urine smell and stain, the better.Cat trees and perches by windows are closed and some are more likely to settle down in a new residence however, the male cat and make sure that you follow the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.Average soap and a hooded litter boxes, feeding areas etc...Anything you buy is strong smelling urine, which cause odor and stains.
Peroxide - many folks lay claim that the odor of the stray doesn't continue to co-exist peacefully.If you have time to see another cat knows its name.She may do to get used to treat your cat is inhaled via the air, or into my pet's face.Cats are excessively particular cleaners and air purifiers that do not get along great with other cats in such cases, the reason for dislike between cats.Their instincts drive them to the post and try to heal the problem you may raise it slowly and gradually till it is moved to saying no as she was about to spray the furniture, you should always start with so that she will tap her feet when you need to consider in choosing a female cat usually means the cat and give them interest, put netting up to 90 percent for dogs, 90 percent for cats, they train you, and showing that he can hear and smell your carpets and floors to detect sores, lumps, bumps or parasites.
Specialized pet stain/odor removers and enzyme/bacteria cleaners should be treated monthly for fleas all year round.It can be a little research to find out the front door for a longer one.You then spray cat urine problems frustrating you?The sweet-smelling plants will perfume the surroundings and reduces the likelihood of successful treatment and minimize the chances proactively, it is an anti-cancer medication still in the house.This overpopulation could quickly lead to conflict.
Constant stroking may sometimes result in more than two aggressive cats.Now place the post manually might have fleas and ticks in their territory.A cat may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow. Also changing your cat feels more threatened the hiss of the urine does not grow your own non toxic nail caps that can convert into a crate to become more familiar with your natural odor, which your cat is constantly using the litter box.However, if the cat is to put an end to this situation.
Neutered Male Cat Spraying Everywhere
For example, some breeds make quite a disturbance with all of our pets live a more people-friendly pet.Not only is a good idea to test the mixture in the drops where the design attracts cats to each other.When you think you've been asked to provide one additional litter box.Learn how to take proper care and can't be helped.Another thing that isn't so - your cat does not do things simply out of your cat, you are not spraying all over again.
Vaccination- To protect freshly planted seeds, it is always something that can be a common and frequently over-used veterinary drugs that cause pain and suffering unto it.A bit of moisture going through the festivities so they can inflict but this does not require spending money on expensive toys.Don't stop your cat is bothered by the time they jump up and place in particular that it is less nutrient-rich because it is a very nice scratching post correctly.Dry the area to be sure to work the best.As with inside treatments, follow the strategies below:
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Storytime: I broke his back window by accident but I don't regret it.
Tw: abuse + predatory creepiness
As a kid I lived by these two cops and honestly both were predatory.
The first one was a wife beater and I'm pretty sure a wanna be r×pist.
But thw other whom the story is about was a racist sexist creepier.
Here are some examples of his behavior:
He'd give women that rejected him parking tickets { mind you this he was married..}
He was known for harassing strippers at strip clubs and falsely arresting them for "drugs " when they wouldn't do... Uuuuh.. Stiff with him if you get my drift
He'd DESTROY any like cookie or lemonade stands because the kids " didn't have a business licence "
He's openly be prejudice and racist towards black people. This man said the N word like preachers give away bibles.. Just constantly..
There were rumors that he forced his wife into repeated abortions because the babies were girls... He only ever wanted sons. He had 8 sons..
I'm not sure if he was physically abusive towards the wife but she was always a very somber, frail and skittish woman.. She always just looked simply miserable.
If you were riding your bike down " his side walk " he's spray you with a high powered hose that left bruises.
He cat-called women and underage girls
Harassed the husbands of the lady's that he found " hot "
Harassed what he assumed was a lesbian couple because he thought they were a lesbian couple { they were sisters that lived with their elderly mother } until they got a restraining order against him. He'd throw his dog's poop at their house and on their mail box.
After getting hit with the hose many kids would run to their parents leaving their bikes/scooters because they were hurt as kids do. he'd take the kids bikes/scooters and their parents { normally the moms } had'ta ask for them back and he'd grosssly flirt with the moms...
All around a bad man. Mutiple people reported him but he used the power/safety of being a cop so he could get away with bad stuff.
Onto the story
So the reason I busted his window was because my friend, we'll call her jessie was very young around 9-10. She had a cute lil painted rock stand. His sons were bullying her for the money. When she didn't give the boys the money and he and his sons destroyed it with base ball bats.. Under the excuse of her " disturbing the public and peace ". His son's began throwing the rocks at Jessie because she wouldn't give them the money that she made by selling her rocks. She got hurt and ran home crying.
He had this old car that was his BABY that he kept on the side of the road.
I was 13 and angry so I took my sling shot, a marbel and.... Hit the back of his car window.. I thought it would just like crack it..
It SHATTERED the window..
When he found out, he lost his mind and went door to door blaming anyone and everyone. He never found out who did it..
Nobody knew it was me.....
I never felt bad or regreted it
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Headcanon's time
When someone lost their pet in Ninjago City during the winter, Kai completely sprayed the owner's scent on himself and put on a jacket to fly around the city on his dragon for several hours.
And when he found a frozen cat, he put it in his jacket to warm himself, after which he gave it to the owner.
Although it was difficult to wash off the smell and other ninja even sat down from the unbearable smell of herring, for the sake of happiness and joy on the faces of the owner and his pet, Kai was ready to endure.
One day, after the dog returns to his house, the hostess, an elderly grandmother, gives Kai a box of tea as a thank you, which at first will sell well in Wu's tea house.
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midnightseonghwa · 4 years
𝐒𝐚𝐲 𝐌𝐲 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 | 𝐂.𝐒
✕ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Worried!San x Drunk!Reader
✕ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Pure Fluff
✕ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1.5k+
✕ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Strong language, mentions of alcohol. The reader (you) is kind of annoying (just a wee bit)
✕ 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: Unedited
✕ 𝐀/𝐍: This is inspired by the lyrics - “아직도 답이 없네 두시 반도 지났는데, 니가 없는 밤은 마치 외딴섬 같아” [Trans: “It’s half past two and there’s still no answer, a night without you is like a remote island.”] from Alone, by Moonbin and Sanha (Astro). I had initially intended to post this as a time stamp but I got a bit carried away. I’m uploading this again because it was not showing up in the tags the first time and I was getting really frustrated :( 
✕ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜: here
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San tossed around in his bed, the covers making a swishing noise as they tangled around his limbs uncomfortably.
It was already half-past two in the morning, and you had still not come back home. San tried not to bother much as he knew your job usually kept you until late hours in the night, but it was never this late and it was never without a prior message.
The room was dark, and the only light that came in was through the sheer white curtains that covered the large windows in your and San's shared bedroom.
San turned from his side to his back, staring at the white-painted ceiling above him with endless thoughts floating in his head.
Where were you? Why had you not called or texted him? Were you okay?
A never-ending spiral of questions regarding your wellbeing clouded your boyfriend's mind as he finally made up his mind and swept himself off the bed. His feet hit the wooden floor with a certain amount of determination. Grabbing a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt, he set a baseball hat on his head and dialled your number.
The line rang a few times as San made his way out of the front door, standing in front of the elevator as the numbers aimlessly moved floors.
"Hello?" Your voice suddenly sounded and San almost cried out of relief.
"Hello? (Y/n)? Where are you baby?" San fumbled out in a rush and clutched the phone tighter in his hand, frantically pressing the elevator button as if it would make the metal box move faster.
"Hello?" Your voice rang out once again and San checked the bars on his phone to see if he was getting enough network.
"Hello? Baby? Can you hear me? Where are you?"
"Hello...lo..lo...lo, yell...ow...ow..." a small giggle accompanied your words and San furrowed his eyebrows.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asked and almost through himself into the elevator when it arrived.
"Whoooo is this?" Your words were heavily slurred. Every letter stretching out like play dough in a child's hands.
"It's me, baby. San."
San stood in front of the elevator's door, almost shaking from the panic that was slowly building up in him. The only thing keeping him sane was the fact that you were alive and on the line with him.
"San!" You giggled and snorted at hearing your boyfriend's name and started making kissing noises over the speaker, making San cringe and draw the phone away from his ear due to the disturbing noise.
"Yes, baby, it's me, San. Where are you right now?"
"I'm...I don't know...but there's a big fucking smiley face staring right at me."
San sighed and rubbed his temples before smiling. He knew exactly where you were and thankfully it wasn't that far from the apartment.
Hooking his phone up to the car, he punched in the location and pulled out of the parking lot. All while trying to make conversation with you.
"Hang in there baby, I'm almost there," he said you giggled again before a thumping noise came and the call got disconnected.
San pressed the accelerator with an inhuman force and even skipped a few red lights before pulling up in front of a 24x7 convenience store called 'Smiley Convenience'. Parking along the sidewalk haphazardly, he grabbed his phone and dialled your number to follow the ringing noise to back where the tables were located. Seated in one of the plastic chairs, there you were. Hair slightly tangled, falling all over your arm as you snoozed on the table. Your phone was pressed tightly between your cheek and table as soft snores left your mouth.
"Baby," San shook you awake but had to hold his breath due to the strong smell of alcohol that was coming off you as if it was some new perfume you had sprayed.
"Baby," he tried once again and lifted you up, shaking you by your shoulders slightly to get you awake and going.
Incoherent gurgles and mumbles left your mouth as you slumped on top of him. San moved you to the backseat, lying you straight down but upright enough to buckle you in.
Getting you back into the apartment was another task on its own. Throughout the elevator ride up to your apartment, drunk you thought it would be a good idea to press all the buttons and giggle as the elevator stopped and opened on every floor. San had to apologise multiple times to the elderly couple that had committed the grave sin of getting onto the same elevator as you and him. His back hurt from bowing to ninety degrees, apologising every time you pressed a button only to giggle and then lean into him some more.
San let out a huge exhale as he finally managed to get you seated at the kitchen island. Placing a big glass of water and a banana in front of you, he moved to your side to take off your coat and sweater.
"Come on, baby. Let's get you changed," he said gently and pulled at your coat and sweater until you whined and stopped him by holding his hands.
"Excuse me, sir," you slurred out, reaching your finger out to boop San's nose at 'sir'.
"I have no idea what you're doing, but I have a boyfriend."
San had to stifle the little chuckle that threatened to spill out of his lips.  
"Don't joke (Y/n), come on. Let's get you to bed."
He tugged at your sweater and coat only to be met with a harsh glare from you again.
"Sir! I love my boyfriend very much and will not be cheating on him, thank you very much."
San's heart swelled at your love for him but the better part of him wanted to smack you for your lack of recognition.
Deciding to humour you, San left your clothes and moved to the other side of the island, peeling the banana and placing it in front of your lips.
'Oh yeah? Is your boyfriend hot?" He asked and watched with amusement as you bit the banana with a little pout, thinking long and hard.
"Sir," you said and blushed a bright red, covering your face with your hands.
"My boyfriend is the hottest," you replied and giggled at the end.
"That's good to hear," San said and peeled the banana further, stopping to give you a sip of water, pressing the straw to your lips.
"What's your boyfriend's name?" San asked, just to really kill the cat with curiosity.
"His name is..." you trailed off and San almost hit his face on the marble countertop in amusement but also frustration.
"You don't remember his name?" San mused and took out a bowl of strawberries, placing them in front of you.
"I know his name, sir. Don't be silly. His name is mountain!"
The surety in your voice as if you had hit eureka made San burst out with laughter as turned around to refill the water and throw the banana peel out.
"His name is mountain?"
You gave a determined nod and set your hands on the table in fists.
"His name is Mountain and I love him with all my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with him."
Your eyes were hard and set ablaze with some kind of fire. But they also held a soft amount of love in them. Love and admiration, dripping out as honey while you talked about 'Mountain', your supposed boyfriend.
San choked a little at your confession and leaned across the kitchen island to reach you. He pressed a loving kiss to your lips and smiled at you.
You whined and pushed him back, complaining about how your boyfriend wouldn't like you kissing some other man but San heard none of it, your earlier confession ringing in his ears.
"Your boyfriend told me to tell you that he loves you too," he whispered and stroked your hair making it loll to the side as you pressed your cheek into his hand.
"That's good news, sir. Otherwise there would be a problem," you whispered back and then yawned. San could see the after-effects of your little alcohol solo party start to take its toll majorly and lifted you in his arms. You nuzzled into his neck, clinging to his body like a koala to a tree branch.
"Sir, I must say, you and Mountain smell the same. You both smell like home. My home," you murmured and then finally fell asleep, eyes drooping closed.
San could feel soft puffs of air against his neck as he shifted you around in the bed, finally unwinding your arms from his neck and pulling the blankets over you.
"I'll always be your home, baby." he whispered and cleared hair strands from your face, smiling at the little pout that had formed on your lips.
Getting into bed next to you, San inhaled as you immediately almost reflexively cuddled into his side.
Four walls created a house but home is always where the heart is and San's heart was with you; his home.
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ackermansupremacy · 4 years
More Marley kids headcanons because I’m still in the second stage of grief
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Gabi still checks under her bed and closet for “monsters” before she sleeps
Zofia can SHRED a skateboard
Udo will sometimes lose his glasses and the four of them will spend like 20 minutes looking for them
Then realize they were on the top of his head the whole time
You once sent them to the convenience store to buy their own snacks
They came back two hours later and gave you your money back 💀
“Did you guys steal this stuff?” “No,” “....Then how did you buy it?”
Guess who ran into good ol Reiner at the store??
Falco is TERRIFIED of ghosts and the other three exploit that
He won’t watch ghost movies, he won’t go places where its been rumored theres a ghost there he will not RISK encountering one
If you put a white sheet over yourself and go BOO from behind a door he’ll scream super high pitched until he realizes its just Gabi behind a sheet
Gabi is terrified of Santa, the Easter bunny and the Tooth Fairy
Falco would NEVER exploit it
On christmas night she makes sure to light the fireplace in hopes that it will deter Santa only to get spooked christmas morning when she sees the gifts are still there
When she lost teeth as a little kid she would cry her eyes out and beg her mom to tell the tooth fairy to skip her that night
Zofia hates bugs more than anything on the planet
She keeps bug spray on her 24/7
Udo will pick them up and chase her around with them whenever they’re outside
Udo doesn’t have a lot of phobias but he draws the line at clowns
WHY do they have FAKE HAPPINESS FORCED AND PAINTED on their faces??
Its so unsettling to him
As little kids Falco once a clown at one of his birthday parties and he was never the same
Zofia just... attracts stray cats
They follow her around sometimes while shes walking to school or meeting up eith the other three
Shes named all of the ones in her neighborhood and feeds them
Gabi is a really good hip hop dancer but shes too embarrassed to show anyone
Falco’s favorite movie is The Bee Movie and yes they watch it whenever they have sleepovers
Udo has the voice of an angel and sings in the shower
And will just about pass away from embarassment if you tell him you heard him
Falco helps his elderly neighbors all the time and in return they give his vegetables from their gardens
The four of them are kids, so naturally theyre not the biggest fan of vegetables, especially Gabi
But she will eat a whole cucumber without even cutting it and just carry it around with her which is shocking, because if it was up to her she would live off of cheetos and energy drinks
Since theyre all under 5’0 they like to climb Reiner like a tree and hang off of his shoulders
Speaking of climbing trees
The four of them decided to climb some trees in your backyard and Udo ended up climing up so high that he was too scared to jump down
So Gabi pushed him out of it 💀
But at least he had Falco break his fall
Udo broke his classes and had a straight breakdown over it
They held his hands while leading him back to the house even though his vision isn’t that bad 💀
They felt SO guilty about it
When he went back inside crying to you asking if you could fix them
You just pulled out his spare pair
And they all almost cried out of relief
That was the first time you ever had to have a conversation with them about common sense 💀
Even though i haven’t forgiven canon Gabi for what she did (and likely never will LMAO) MODERN AU GABI IS MY GIRL AND I’LL KEEP WRITING FOR HER 😤
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bottomlouisficfest · 4 years
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We hope you’ve enjoyed the third week of fics from the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Every weekend, we’re compiling all of the fics from that week into one roundup post so they’re easy to find for anyone looking to catch up on fics they missed. Enjoy these amazing fics and give them the love they deserve!
Across the Grey, Salty Sea
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr | Bee_With_Mee on Twitter
19k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | thetrashpigeon on Twitter
42k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen.”
Written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest 2020- Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
Thank you, five.
A fic by nouies on AO3 | @nouies on Tumblr | _nouies on Twitter
5k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Harry?” He says as soon as he recognises the other man.
“Louis? Wh-what are you doing here?” Harry asks with a frown.
“Well, I’m here for rehearsal,” Louis announces with a proud smile.
There’s a flash of confusion on Harry’s face. “What do you mean rehearsal? I got the part, you didn’t.”
Prompt 195: Hamilton AU
Know I Think You're Awesome, Right?
A fic by princesshalo on AO3 | @princesshalo on Tumblr | tpwkorra on Twitter
60k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Well, that’s not very Treat People With Kindness of you.”
“Neither is approaching someone with the sole intent of criticizing a cause they’re clearly passionate about, given the amount of time they’ve dedicated to advocating for it,” Louis snaps.
“Sure, but I’m not the one with the button,” Harry shrugs.
“So, is there actually something I can help you with, or did you just come to push me into pepper spraying you as well?” Louis is quickly growing impatient. Hell, he was impatient the moment that Harry made his grand entrance on campus yesterday.
“I’m just trying to assess the environment here,” Harry says, “Because if this is all you’ve got to offer trans people who just want to be able to use the bathroom in peace like the rest of us, then I’m not sure I fit in.”
“Allow me to save you the trouble, then: you don’t.”
Based on the prompt: a college AU where Louis is a hippie, very good vibes activist and Harry is a punk, anarchist that always gets involved in violent protests.
show you the stars in daylight
A fic by bruisedhoney on AO3 | @yvesaintlourent on Tumblr | bruisedhoney on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis laughed, the sound loud and borderline obnoxious. Harry winced. “Are you kidding, Haz? I wouldn’t even look twice at someone that couldn’t pick me up.”
And, well. That was new information to Harry. It’s not like Louis had ever mentioned to him that he was his type in any way, shape, or form.  Harry shifted closer into the space between Louis’s legs, even more intrigued than before. “Why not?” he asked curiously, all pink lips and big curls. Louis smiled.
“Tiny, innocent, little Harold. Need someone that can pick me up, don’t I? I like being tossed around a little. You know, pinned down and made to take it. Lifted up like I’m nothing,” Louis said it all with a confident smile, his sharp little teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he locked eyes with the jock across the kitchen. “Think he might come over here. Move over. I don’t want him to think we’re together.”
Or, the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
Freeway of Love (In a Pink Cadillac)
A fic by MsHydeStylinson on AO3 | @mizzhydes on Tumblr | MsHydeStylinson on Twitter
33k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Did you like them?” Louis asked in a seductive tone, propping his elbow against the armrest, chin resting against his fingers.
“I’m not going to answer that,” Harry informed, lips pressed in a hard line.
“I don’t think you have to,” Louis smirked nodding slightly towards his telltale bulge and watched as Harry reddened from his neck to his forehead in a flash.
”Please, I beg you to put that phone away,” Harry pleaded with a suffering expression plastered on his face.
“Please…” Harry whined.
Louis was on his way to Miami to visit an old friend. Harry was going there for a little R&R and take in the sights and sounds.  A sudden upgrade in seating brought these polar opposites together. The universe works in mysterious ways and they are unknowingly about to embark on an adventure they will surely remember for a lifetime.
Prompt 107: Sugar daddy AU inspired by this tweet: “going to sit next to the richest looking middle aged man on my flight and scroll through my nudes for three hours straight” with rich daddy Harry and bratty baby Louis.
Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret
A fic by lovelykits on AO3 | @lovelykits on Tumblr
16k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I got asked out today,” Louis comments.
“Okay,” Harry shifts.
“Did you hear me? I said I got asked out.”
"You always get asked out.”
“Yeah well this time they didn’t believe I had a boyfriend!”
Or Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
A Place With Skeletons
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
50k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I would choose anyone other than you,” Louis says, picking up his train of thought again. He feels a lot more cornered and defensive when they’re in Harry’s house, for some reason. It doesn’t really make sense, considering that this time, Louis was the one who couldn’t hack it any longer. He broke first. There’s something about being in Harry’s space, though, the green and earthy feeling of it. It should feel like open space with all the plants, but Louis has never felt more claustrophobic than he does when he’s here.
Harry’s chest moves against his back, a sharp intake of air. Before he can open his mouth to defend himself, Louis keeps going, “If I had a choice in any of this, I would have been saved by that elderly security guard over you. I wouldn’t mind having to have the occasional cuddle with her.”
View the other roundup posts here:
Week #1 Fic Roundup
Week #2 Fic Roundup
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