#Electrical Advertising Barrier Gate
1: servo motor speed turntsile barriers
dc brushless speedlane turnstiles barrier is a typical door type, which generally includes door frames, door leaves, door handles and locks. Door frames are typically made of steel plates or wooden boards, and door leaves are made of cardboard, plastic plates or glass plates. The door handle is a device that pulls or pushes the door leaf open, and the lock is a gadget that prevents the door leaf from falling out of the door frame. There are normally 2 methods to open a door, one is to pull the door and the other is to push the door. The moving door is opened by the door manage pulling the door leaf away from the door frame, while the moving door is opened by the door manage pressing the door leaf away from the door frame.
2: dc brushless wing barrier gate
servo motor wing turntsile gates and dc brushless speedlane turnstiles barriers In contrast, metro flap barrier doors is designed to obstruct water flow through its horizontal position. In contrast, servo motor wing barriers gates merely manages the flow of water by changing the vertical position of the gate. city flap turnstiles The gate of gate is composed of two gates that can be moved horizontally to manage the flow of water. servo motor swing turnstiles Eviction of gate is composed of a gate that can control the flow of water by moving vertically.
3: city flap barrier doors
city flap barriers doors, also called movable gate, is a flood discharge center that avoids the water level from being expensive or too low. When the water level rises to the set worth, subway flap turnstile gate will immediately open. When the water level drops to the set value, metro flap barrier gate The door will close instantly. subway flap turnstile gate uses a water level sensing unit to keep track of water level changes and manages the opening or closing of eviction to accomplish the function of instantly controlling the water level.
4: What's the distinction?
dc motor wing barriers gate usually describes closing eviction, while servo motor speedgate turntsile barriers refers to opening eviction. subway flap barrier door and dc motor wing barriers gate is different from dc motor speed turntsile barrier. It is a gate set up on the water. And dc brushless swing barriers gates and servo motor speedlane gates barriers are gates mounted on the wall.
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kiruamon · 1 year
Part 2 Daycare
Huh. This place is really impressive. And it seems even bigger now that there are no more visitors roaming around. It's suddenly so much quieter that you could almost believe you've landed in another reality. "Sure. I'm the last person in this world. A lost soul doomed to wander around this halls forever," you joke to yourself, smiling. You will surely get used to this sight. In fact, it's not so bad after all. You walk up the escalator, which has already been turned off, to get to the upper area. Some of the staff bots are already on their way, armed with mops and buckets of water, to do their daily… nightly work. They're followed by a smaller group of wet floor bots, each equipped with a round pair of ears on their little monitor heads. Whoever came up with their design did a great job, because the sight of them definitely makes you smile. You give a quick wave to the bots you pass. You have no idea if they even notice you much or are able to understand you, but ignoring them when you run into each other also seems wrong. If they were human colleagues you wouldn't ignore them either! Now and then you can still hear an automatic message being played over the loudspeakers in one of the areas you pass. But the music you heard during the opening hours has long since fallen silent. So let's see. From up here you have several options how to continue. Either by elevator or… you could also take a closer look at the daycare area. For some reason, Jeff left that out of your tour. You fold up the map again and put it in your side pocket of your uniform jacket, walk around the photo booths to the right and towards the passageway that leads to the daycare and the playground.
From here on, you can't possibly get lost. The colorful lettering with the cute drawing of a rainbow and stars appears again and again on the doors and walls and shows you your way. Here and there you look what is hidden behind certain doors. However, it's mostly empty restrooms where just a few of the little wet floor bots hang out and stare at you curiously out of their yellow eyes. "Hi, didn't mean to bother you," you murmur to two of them, before gently pulling the door shut behind you again and keep walking on. You pass a small fountain whose water is still running. Wasn't it supposed to be turned off by now? It seemed like a waste of electricity to leave it running after hours. Not to mention that the lights on the artificial palm trees were still burning. Well… it wasn't your job to tell the company how to spend their money. Hm. You pause. You notice the posters and drawings on the walls. A cartoon sun and moon are portrayed on them. "Sundrop and Moondrop?" you read aloud. You're not sure if these are the names of the characters or if it's just an advertisement for the candy pictured on them. Although… wait, a moon? Could that be an illustration of the safety program? Jeff had mentioned that he worked at the daycare. Right? Clearly curious, you walk through the last door that leads you into the reception area of the daycare. You freeze for a moment as you see the huge construct in front of you. What the…
It's more of these gold-painted statues. On your tour, you've already seen the ones representing the band members. But the ones before you don't show the band, they show the figures from the posters. Haha… wow… the two statues looked a bit intimidating, which was probably due to the poses. Standing right in front of them, you feel like they tower over you in an ominous way. If they started moving right here and now, you'd probably get the scare of your life! You look at the two figures for a while. They are dressed in slightly peculiar clothing. Their style doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the Glamrocks. Must be a conscious decision when the company designed them. "Let's hope that the real ones aren't as big as these," you say with a halfhearted smile and head for the barrier gate at the stairs. Through the grid you can already make out the first details of the playground. The hall is truly spacious! You can't wait to take a closer look at the facility and step towards the gate, which automatically opens for you when you get close to it. It seems that it also reacts to the chip in your name tag. Cool. At first glance, you didn't see anyone down there, but that doesn't mean much considering the way everything is so laid out that it's hard to see in every nook and cranny. You jog down the stairs, sometimes taking two steps at a time instead of one until you reach the bottom. Large glass window fronts give you a first glimpse of the place down here.
The daycare somehow reminds you more of an oversized indoor playground than a classic nursery or kindergarten. Everything is colorful and bright and filled with a wide variety of fun playground equipment. You have no doubt that the kids are having a great time here. Curious, you peek inside through the open wooden gate. It's probably not actual wood but looks real enough. Wow, the jungle gyms don't look bad at all, and you're almost itching to climb to the top of one of them to see what kind of view it would give you of the rest of the area. It still doesn't seem like anyone is here. Despite the lights still being fully turned on. Maybe the cleaning bots will come to mop through later? You think about calling for someone, but you don't know who to call. You could just go in and walk around a bit. See if everything is okay. After all, this is your new job!
You grin a little, want to take your first step, and stop. You notice the play mats that cover the floor. You frown. Can you just walk in here with your shoes on? They're not really dirty - you've taken extra care to put on a clean pair for work that isn't covered in dirt - but there are usually a lot of kids in here. Maybe even some toddlers that still crawl around on their hands. So you unceremoniously take off your shoes and leave them in front of the gate. On socks - your favorite ones with the flower pattern - you enter the playground with a clear conscience and start to look around with great interest. In addition to all kinds of toys and play equipment, you also discover a few scattered stuffed plushies of the local mascots. It is logical somehow that they use their own products in the daycare center. Probably brings the kids to beg their parents for an own plush toy of their favorite band member. You continue walking across the mats, discovering a ball pit connected to a slide. Oh, so that was the hole you saw on the upper platform at the reception. Definitely a fun way to get in here. As a kid, you would have loved this! You turn around and see what looks like a counter some distance away, a little different from the rest in here. You recognize several computer screens and other technical stuff. Most likely, the place over there is for the staff from this area. Maybe an attendant or supervisor working with the animatronic. Jeff did mention that the moon worked here. Maybe that includes its counterpart, the sun as well? You run your left hand over the bars of one of the many jungle gyms. The bars feel like they're sheathed in rubber or something. A little flexible, but firm. Each of the large jungle gym complexes has several exits and entrances. In this one, you can see slides leading from the top points back to the ground, or small tunnels and tubes inside connecting the different sections.
During the day it must be quite busy here. The image of a cartoon Roxanne smiles at you from above the jungle gym. You gently tug on one of the bars. It is absolutely tight, though, and you don't doubt that it would hold the weight of a child or your own. There is still no one around and again the urge rises inside you to just give in to your childish impulse. "Oh well, why not," you mutter, giving in to it. You slide your foot between the more than large enough gaps between the bars and climb all the way to the top without much trouble. "Hah, piece of cake." This is nothing compared to a climbing wall or the countless times you've climbed up some trees since you were a kid. The bars make it so much easier for you to get a good grip. As you reach the top, you push yourself over the edge. You're careful not to accidentally slip off of the bars with your feet to not end up caught in one of the gaps. Instead, you just sit down and enjoy the new panorama with a cheerful smile on your lips. Yep, you like the view from up here. For a while, you simply take in your surroundings. The ceiling lights shaped like clouds, the small "stone wall" surrounding the ball pit. The platform attached to the wall with the curtains and the tower drawn on the wall around it. You wonder what it's good for. It doesn't seem to be possible to get up there from this side. But it looks way too elaborate for a mere decorative element. Suddenly you hear a movement. It sounds like someone is dragging something through the area. And with every passing second you can make the noise out more clearly. Confused, you crane your neck and try to pinpoint where the sound is coming from.
A… a giant plush version of Freddy emerges from behind the jungle gym with the Monty display. Your hands clasp the bars to your right and left a little tighter. You lean forward a bit, squint your eyes a little, and see only two thin arms wrapped around the stuffed animal from behind. Looks like someone is here after all… The teddy is carried another step forward and it looks like whoever was carrying it is half buried under it. The person abruptly stops. Doesn't move anymore, but doesn't put the stuffed toy on the ground either. You tilt your head a little to the side. That thing must be awfully uncomfortable to carry alone. "Need some help?" you call out from your elevated position to the figure hidden behind the plush Freddy. You don't get an immediate response. It takes a few seconds before the stuffed bear is set down on the ground. And to your surprise, it is not a human face that appears behind it, but a yellow sun! For a moment you stare down at it in surprise. Somehow you had assumed to meet a human being. But that is no human down there. It's… an animatronic. Like the one on the poster. Oh. Oooooh! The statue! Of course. You're so stupid. That's why the two statues were placed up there! So the moon and the sun both worked here at the daycare. Well… that made some sense. Kind of. Maybe. From here, you can only see a pair of white eyes staring up at you. At least, that's what it looks like, because his face has lifted to point it in your direction. But it's hard for you to make out finer details from this distance.
"Hi," you smile at him a little sheepishly and raise a hand to wave at him. Your feet dangle a little in the air. Okay, now you do feel a teeeeeeeny bit silly for sitting up here. Especially because he still hasn't said a word. Maybe he's overwhelmed and doesn't know how to react to a situation like this. It's probably not often that a strange adult sits on one of the jungle gyms after closing time. Or at all. Yep… that could be the problem. To your surprise, he just leaves the plushie and comes closer to the climbing frame you're sitting on. His head tilts… no, rotates slightly to the side. His gaze is still directed straight at you. "I'm the new guy from security," you explain as it occurs to you that maybe you should introduce yourself properly so he doesn't think you're some crazy intruder, and you call out your name to him as well. His head now rotates over to the other side. You see what looks like individual spikes moving slightly around his head, retracting and then extending again. The sight is a bit strange and you're not sure what it means. "I… um… wait a minute, I'll come down," before you continue talking, you might want to climb down to the sun-shaped animatronic first so you can look each other in the face properly. You don't wait, and climb back down from the jungle gym almost as fast as you made it up. No problem at all! When you feel the soft floor of the play mats under your feet again, you spin around to face him. "Hi again," you say, throwing a smile at him. Wow… now that you're standing here in front of him like this, you realize just how darn tall he is! Thankfully, not as tall as his golden counterpart. To be honest, you like his real colors a lot more, too. They have a friendly look to them? Cheerful? Something along those lines.
"You… are the new guard?" Thank god! He finally talks. It had started to feel a bit awkward that he stayed silent for so long. Still, he sounds a little surprised while speaking. Well, no wonder considering the circumstances. His gaze falls on your name tag, then on your face. You have the feeling that his eyes, which strangely enough have no pupils or iris at all, look brighter for a moment than they already do. "Ah! Ahahaha, I see! Right, right. I forgot we had a new face to welcome here with us today!" His voice almost sounds a tad too excited. Like he's going out of his way to sound overly cheerful. But since this is the first time you two speak to each other, you can't tell if that might be normal for him. Instead, you notice that he begins to gesture much more noticeably. His hands are literally whizzing through the air while talking. No comparison at all to before, where he had seemed almost as stiff as an oak.
"Yeah. That would be me, then. It's my first day… or more like my first night here," you confirm with a bit of an embarrassed grin. "Sorry if I startled you a little," you point to the climbing frame behind you with a small nod of your head and look at him with an apologetic smile. "Not at all! It's no problem! Not in the least! It was just… surprising! That's right, a teensy bit surprising! I didn't expect to find anyone up there! Doesn't happen usually, does it? The little ones aren't allowed to climb up the outside of the jungle gyms, you know. Not at all. That's a big no-no. After all, they could fall and hurt their tiny little selves. And we wouldn't want that, right?" It's impressive how normal he sounds. The way he moves. Bringing his hands together and nudging his fingertips together in turn in a thoughtful motion before pulling his hands apart again and waving them around. Like a real person, it occurs to you. You stare at him, fascinated. It's honestly your first time interacting with an animatronic or something comparable. You've heard here and there how real the Fazbear Company animatronics can appear, but you didn't know if people were exaggerating or not. But experiencing it for yourself is something else entirely. It feels incredibly real. Maybe today's A.I.s kind of already were. And if they weren't, it felt like they were damn close to become real beings.
You realize that you have completely forgotten to say anything. So you make up for it as fast as you can. "Sorry again about that. I just… couldn't help myself when I saw how easy it was to get up there, I guess. But I solemnly vow," you stand up a little straighter, place your hand over the place where your heart is as if to make an oath, and put on your most serious face. "Never to do such a thing in front of the children here, so you don't have to worry about them turning into a bunch of copycats," you finish, grinning a bit from the silliness. Surprised, you notice how his smile seems a little wider. Either he liked your performance or he's laughing at you. You could live with both.
"I hope we will get along well," you add with a smile and hold out your hand to him. However, for some reason he hesitates to take it. The rays around his head move again. Just a tad. A little confused you lower your hand again as you realize that he is probably not a friend of handshakes. That's okay, too. No big deal... "Sure! Sure we will! It's always nice to meet new friends! And," he extends his hand in the air, index finger raised. "Your oath has been heard. Still, you shouldn't be climbing around up there either. It's simply against the rules. Too dangerous. It would be a shame if you fell and we had to scrape you off the ground," you grin a little, laughing at the last part of his sentence because you didn't expect him to make such a joke. "It's not half as hard as going up a climbing wall, but fine. Your playground your rules," you add with a smile, raising your hands in mock surrender.
"By the way... Can I ask for your name?" He stares at you in surprise. Then his hands shoot up to his face to make his surprise even more obvious. He gasps theatrical. You can hear a soft tinkling of bells as he moves. "Oh no! How could I have forgotten! Today just doesn't seem to be my day! How terribly rude of me! I haven't even introduced myself yet! That's no good. We must change that immediately. Forgive me, friend. You can call me Sun." Again, you grin a little. "Sun. Got it. That's pretty easy to remember." It's not hard to guess why he was named like this, of all things. And at least now you know that Sundrop must be the name of the candy then. Your eyes linger on his face again. The engravings in it give it a lot of depth. There are small indentations on his nose that, with a little distance, look like freckles. A curved line that runs below and above his right eye like a tiny vine. Bright yellow spikes that are probably meant to represent rays of sunlight. Your eyes move on to the red puffy collar around his neck. It’s all warm colors with him, isn’t it? Your gaze travels further over the joints of his shoulders, along his arms and down to his wrists with the red ribbons around them. Oh, there are the little bells you heard as soon as he gestured more wildly again. His fingers look quite flexible. His body has a bit of a wooden puppet to it. The one that artists sometimes use as a reference. Only he looks much more detailed. His outfit has something of a jester. Everything about him somehow radiates warmth and cheerfulness. Absolutely not intimidating, even though he's so much taller than you. But the way he towers over you like that… The flat, round face, the long rays sticking out from his head like petals, he reminds you of… one of the sunflowers from your garden! The thought makes you smile on the spot.
"Soooooo… to come back to my first question. Do you need any help with that big fellow over there?" you ask, pointing back over to the stuffed toy he has left lying around. Curious, you look up at him. Ready to help him out. His gaze wanders from you to the plush Freddy and back again. "That's mighty kind of you friend. But please do not bother yourself with it! It's my job to clean up the daycare as soon as all the little ones are picked up from their parents. Cleaning, tidying up, putting everything back in order! All done in no time! Not a problem at all for silly ole me!" You look at him with a tilted smile. Is he trying being considerate of you? "Honestly. I don't mind lending you a hand for a bit. I'm quite good at carrying heavy stuff around!" you assure him, and it is true, after all. "Besides, just between you and me. You'd be doing me a huge favor if you said yes. I'd would give me a good excuse to hug a giant Freddy plushie without it hurting my reputation. So basically you would be helping me", what kind of reputation that should be, you don't really know. You are just looking for a reason to offer him your help without making him feel bad about it. And if you are honest, you are a little curious about how this oversized teddy bear feels.
You try to keep a serious face as you look at Sun, whose face has come a little closer to yours. He seems to be examining you carefully. Maybe he suspects what you are trying to pull off. If so, he doesn't bring it up, because as he stands back up and puts his hands together, he says: "Perhaps a little help wouldn't hurt, indeed. It would go a lot faster. Easier. All right, friend! You've convinced me", he starts to move with big steps and waves you to follow him while his face remains turned towards you the whole time. Without hesitation, you follow him. "Where do you want him to move?" you ask, and Sun points to the jungle gym with a row of children's chairs and tables in front of it. "Over there, please." The face of Chica's cartoon self is attached to its frame. "Okay, alright!", you give a motivated nod and line up behind the big plush Freddy who, oddly enough, has a different design than the one you've seen in the pictures of the website. Whatever. You put your arms around the plushie's belly and lift it up. It feels super soft and cuddly. Okay, you could definitely imagine yourself burying your face in the plush toy or using it as a pillow for a power nap. However, good Freddy here is also heavier than he looks at a first glance. Sun helps you out right away by putting his hands around the bottom of the stuffed bear and lifting it up. Together you can carry him much easier to the place where Sun wants him to be. Together you carefully set him down and lean him against the play structure so that he sits upright in front of it. You would offer Sun a high-five for your good teamwork if you didn't kind of suspect that it would end up like your offer for a handshake. Instead, you stuff your hands into your jacket pockets to avoid the temptation in the first place. "Thanks for the chance to cuddle with your friend here," you say instead. "Don't you worry friend. Your dark secrets are kept safe," Sun retorts, and it sounds almost teasing. You laugh softly at that. "Okay. Good to know. It would be absolutely horrible if anyone ever found out," you emphasize as much as you can, smiling at him. Well… it's probably time for you to slowly head back out of the daycare.
"I guess I should move on now. I've only just started my round. And from what I've seen so far, I've got quite a bit more legwork ahead of me." "Oh yes. The Pizzaplex is indeed very large! Very spacious! Packed full of fun attractions for the whole family! There's so much to see! Have a great time while exploring, friend!" You chuckle softly. "You do realize I'm here to work, right? Even though it might not have seemed that way earlier," you admit, clearing your throat slightly, not able to stop smiling, before taking a few steps towards the exit. "Well, anyway, I'll let you get back to cleaning up in peace instead of standing in your way. I'm sure I'll see you again soon though! I'm on night shift the whole first week. So… see you Sunflower!" you call to him over your shoulder with a bright grin and leave the daycare center through the gate, where you slip back into your shoes. You no longer see him staring after you with a puzzled smile. Or how the fingers of his left hand dig firmly into the ribbons of his right wrist.
6 notes · View notes
1) Maderna & Phiser innoculations are not "Vaccines" and are also manufactured "gain of function" genetic material. Phiser admits that COVID mRNA Vaccine is -Not A Vaccine- at all!! Its "Chemotherapy" and Gene Therapy. It is unlawful under the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 41 et seq., to advertise that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies. https://banned.video/watch?id=60076fda8c03b74ce0e2f6f5 Ebola Virus and Species Patent owned by the U.S. Department of Health. November 12th 2015 Chapel Hill NC gain of function research on bats stirs debate over risky research. Merck and Astrazenica abandoned development and testing of coronavirus vaccines. March 14th 2016 SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence | PNAS 2) Two types of "Vaccines" described at the National Institute of Health 1) makes your own cells manufacturer the viral genetic material 2) mRNA, recombinant DNA, by definition, physically changes your DNA. Safety and efficacy studies at the NIH or by the manufacturer are only looking for "Immunoresponses, NOT for Viruses; despite the vaccine companies writing their own studies and fast-tracked. "They use a safe virus to deliver the genetic code (DNA) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to human cells so that the cells can make the protein. JNJ-7843672 uses a human adenovirus to deliver the code for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein." https://niaid.nih.gov/diseases-conditions/covid-19-vaccine-faq. In the same fashion, Koch Postulates to "Isolate" a "Virus" or duplicated "genetic material" for Covid has only been done with Monkeys, with anal swabs, and only found "virus particles". https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7095368/ 3) Covid-19 AI Scenario was predicted by Tesla Leaks as the most likely response to the domination of Tesla & Nikola Tesla; at The Rise of the Jedi Podcast on December 22nd-December 26th 2019 at 1AM Rise of the Jedi Podcast 4) The Great Reset and Plandemic was pre-planned; as their New World Order was at risk of collapse - Joe Biden, January 2016 5) Plandemic was pre-planned at the 2019 World Economic Forum; under the title Event 201 Scenario by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates 6) Just as their old order of oil, gas, propane, coal and tree buring failed; as their prices collapsed and renewable energy reached "negative prices"; they shut down Tesla Factories in the U.S and Shanghai 7) Hosptitals don't provide or use the words "Cures" to anything, more or less anything for a cold virus, they use the word "Treat" 8) The 2002-2004 SARS outbreak sourced "hospital staff" as the originators of SARS, 500,000 yearly cases of sepsis and other infectious diseases. March 2003 report where 200 hospital staff get SARS and spread it to patients. 9) All real medical cures from Ozone, to UV, to Plasma, to filtering your blood with Electric Fields; are banned by hospitals; while also not covered by Insurance 10) WHO lies about UV-C light and Sunlight; claiming UV-C does-not kill Coronavirus. FDA: UV-C destroys SARS-Coronavirus. The destruction of the protein shell ultimately leads to inactivation of the virus. UV-C is safe for human skin 11) EPA banned peer review of the first study by Trump team on UV-C lights with resperators on humans, citing alleged danger. 12) Governments and Hospitals banned Primatene Mist in 2011 to breath, and instead they use incubators to kill 90% of you. Just 1 mask reduces O2 intake by 20% and causes carbon dioxide poisoning. 13) Mainstream Media ignores real cures of virus and disease. AMA bans electric healing in the early 1900's calling it "quackery" clack clack clack, and Pseudo-Scientific. Electricity Greatest of All Doctors - Nikola Tesla to the IEEE in 1899 14) No authentic pictures exist of Coronavirus; without a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) or TEM Microscope and Photoshop. SARS-2 Photoshop Cartoon 15) Covid from Bat guano in China is only #blamed and never has been proven in any way. Chinese Officials Blame US Army for Coronavirus; citing "this is the Black Swan event the Globalists have been waiting for" 16) No #causation ever proven between any particular virus and a particular disease; not even HIV & AIDS; citing "The correlation between antibody to HIV and AIDS does not prove causation" - NIH 17) Hospitals are empty; emergency tents are empty; have been already torn down. U.S. Field Hospitals Stand Down, Most Without Treating Any Covid Patients - PBS 18) Flu disappeared in 2020 all counted as Covid cases and deaths 19) Swab tests, Anal probes and other test look for antibodies or reactions, not for a particular virus - NIH. Tanzania President shows how Goats show false-positives to Covid tests and "has technical errors". Austrian politician presents a False-positive test using Coca-Cola. Coca Cola and Pepsi join the hoax and promote using thier plastic bottles for covid testing. 20) mRNA therapeutics, by definition, changes your DNA. This mRNA "Vaccine" is from the lung tissue of an aborted child from 1966. 21) PCR test copies genetic material; 40X with errors each replication, looks for only "markers", to become anything they want; and not for diagnosing any illness or disease. However, it must be noted that detection of microbes in the CSF does not always indicate a CNS infection, since impairment of the blood-brain barrier may permit transit of microbes. - NIH 22) Temperature readings of 98.8, is not an accurate gague of a disease. Testing machines are also faulty. The human body is not uniform in its temperature; thus, measurements at different locations can yield varying results. The most accurate way to measure temperature is to take a rectal reading. See China Anal Probe test for Covid. 23) Immunologic Adjuvant "Vaccines" never have been and never will be a cure for anything; other than a poison to solicit a reaction, to reduce or increase T-Cells. 24) All Vaccines contain unregulated nano-particles of protein snippets of #whatchamacallit; nano-organic mercury; nano aluminum, and other so-called adjuvents. The #1 side effect of all mercury derivatives in all innoculations is "brain damage" - NIH 25) Vaccines, by definition, are designed create a cytokine storm of rogue antibodies in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines. Cytokine Storms May Be Fueling Some COVID Deaths - WebMD 26) Trump, Jones, Fauci & NIH claim Hydro-cloro-quine (Hydrogenated Chlorine (Bleech) + AmphetamIne (Ine)) + stinky Sulfer is a "cure" for cold virus's. The FDA & NIH and the larger scientific community have warned against the use of the Hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, citing ineffectiveness, lack of benefits and risk of heart rhythm problems. The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet could not verify the data on which the results depended. It's not a Malaria (Hoax) cure either. It simply reduces your T-cells by 40%, reducing the "cases" by 40%, Malaria still ends up killing the patient. Therapies to decrease CD8 immune activation 27) The holes in a paper mask are 1000X bigger than genetic material at .02-.20 Microns. HEPA 2.5 is 10-100X bigger than a Virus. Masks only prevent large particles, not nano-particles. - NIH. To cover for their original lie that "just wear the mask" - Joe Biden; Experts are now claiming you need to wear 2 or 3 masks. 28) Masks in many ways, by touching your ass and face and then mask, foster disease and infection, it doesn't provent them. Bacterial Pneumonia (spread by the hospital staff) Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza. - NIH & Fouci, 2008 29) Masks suffocate and train to suffocate children, elderly, asthmatics and others. Wearing a mask can be dangerous or pose a suffocation hazard 30) Join the Dark Side, We have Masks! Masks are worn by Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, Empire's minions and Walmart employees 31) Psychological effects of mask wearing is astouonding and innumerable. Evidence suggests that there may be consequential psychological impacts of mask wearing on the basic psychological needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness - NIH 32) Dead Virus's are not Transmittable, despit what you've been told. No one you know died of Coronavirus, that didn't have 5+ pre-existing conditions. Death Counts are considered "Provisional" - CDC. 94% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths had numerous contributing health problems - CDC. But, the fake news does claim Lions at zoo's can get Coronavirus; while the CDC admits that Some coronaviruses, such as canine and feline coronaviruses, infect only animals and do not infect people. 33) There is no newspaper death notices, funerals etc. for any of the alleged deaths. Since there is no funerals, instead Biden to hold national memorial service for US Covid victims. 34) Children have less than a .2% death rate, even with phoney death numbers. Few US children are dying from covid-19 - The Washington Post. 35) There was no dead people in body bags in NY as Trump suggested. He is lying to prop-up the Hoax. Trump Describes Seeing Bodies in Body Bags At NYC 36) There is less overall deaths in 2020 in the U.S. than there was in 2019; when removing the increase in suicide, drug overdoses, poverty; the reduction in traffic deaths and un-registered illegals being counted as deaths. 37) All the politicians and are actors that said they had Covid, had no side effects whatsoever; Larry King did not die of Covid. - Shawn King. Boris Johnson didn't even clear his throat once in his Live Interview. 38) Lockdowns have officially made 40 Million people homeless; without the Presidential Directive banning evictions. USAToday. Lockdowns made 120 Million Jobless. 39) Lockdowns cause people to congregate at home, the opposite of the reason for a lockdown .666) The 6' X 6' X 6' social distancing is, you've got it, 666, or 12' X 12' X 12' is, you've got it 3 6's, or 666. 40) The species name of Covid-19 is (HEL1) spoken "hell one" helical virus; categorized as a family of cold virus by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and in the 1989 AMA Encyclopedia. Coronavirus nsp13 SF1 Helicase (HEL1) - NIH 41) Psychological effects of social distancing, no hugs, hand shakes, kissing or sex; is astounding and innumerable. No sources needed. 42) Rockefeller (Oil) Foundation & US DOS wrote a report on Operation Lockstep; for public policing policy called #lockstep; a prison term. The US Department of State is policing the population policy 1999, NIH. - Rockefeller Foundation is the founder and funder of the World Health Organization. 43) U.N. is threatening a global food pandemic of Apocolyptic proportions 44) 10 Million people have already starved to death because of lockdowns. 132 Million into Hunger - UN 45) 50%-80% of businesses in the U.S. could go out of business, leaving just Taco Bell. Coronavirus Bankruptcy Tracker 46) HIPAA medical privacy laws and dozens of others are cancelled by directives & orders. Trump suspends HIPAA penalties with national emergency declaration 47) $6.66T bailouts and free money to the people behind all these scams. U.S printed $6.66T in phoney currency in 2020. 48) Bill Gates said he will make 200X his investment into his operating system Vaccines 49) First you needed a Vaccine, now multiple Vaccines, next you'll need 100; and still have to wear 3 masks, social distance and a Tattoo of phosphorescent nano-dots. There are currently more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine candidates. 50) CNN admits that you will need a Certificate of Vaccination 2019 (Covid-19) passport to leave your house 51) CNN admits the Contact Tracing APP will ensnare anyone you've been near; to be forceaby quarrantined. Contact tracing will be conducted for close contacts (any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more) - CDC. Could your child or pregnant wife be a victim of medical kidnapping? 52) Masks, Contact tracing and Temperature readings are all a violation of HIPAA medical and other privacy laws. 53) Vaccine Mandates or you will not be able to have a job, get government funds or go outside your house without taking Bill Gate's OS vaccines. 54) Citizens around the world have been threatened by merchants, other citizens and police with death from day 1, if they don't do as their told. Police make 6500 arrests in the U.K. for breaking mask and distancing guidelines. 55) Once mandatory by December 9, 2020, national guard, police and military will use the Martial Law to National Guard will administer the vaccines force vaccinate you and your family. - Military Times 56) Local police are now setting up Mask Squads to round up people not obeying their rules (or whatever else they say) 57) Banks are now closing customer bank accounts and destroying your business if you don't wear a mask, or anything else they say 58) False-Flag operations are now in effect, to blame truth, freedom and the American Way and/or God. Oregon Senator correctly describes the Capitol "attack" as a False-Flag Operation to treat American's as Terrorists. 59) Mainstream news is now lying about every event that happens on the ground, making claims of fact we all know are false; such as proven voter fraud and the phoney attack on the Capitol. The company Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, S.A, (also stylized SCYTL) is a Spanish provider of electronic voting systems and election technology; that counts the votes for the U.S., then returns the results, It has board members from the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Russia & Others. 60) Covid was a cover for the facist communists to steal the election using dozens of fraudulent vote counting methods. Dominion Voting Systems are a complete fraud. The data is always accessable by the manufacturer. 61) All Presidential Directives, Orders & Mandates are Unconstitutional; the Constitution and Bill of Rights has been CANCELLED! Despite this lack of constitutional authority,... 62) "Rules" are not "Laws"; in the dictionary. To make you think they are the same, they use the term Rule of Law to make it so. A Rule, of a Law, means that government beurocrats can make-up 1000 rules, to supposedly abide by a particular law. 63) Governments are now making Sex Rules where you must not have sex, but masterbate in front of your partner, social distanced and be wearing 3 masks 64) Homeland Security is rolling out Social Distancing Shock Collars for the Slaves as a "cure" for Coronavirus. Social Distancing is a mis-nomer and worthless. Nano-particles float in the air like smoke for at least 45 minutes. Nano-particles from just speech float for 8 minutes. ((Predictive Programming in Movies: In the 1991 movie "Wedlock"; if you venture too far from your controllers, the shock bracelet around your neck; blows your head off)) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedlock_(film) 65) Medicare pays $13K to $300K to list any case or death as a Covid-19 death 66) Weapons confiscation before the government agents and NWO stooges come to kill you. Pelosi wants security money for Stormtrooper Mask and Body Armor to face the "enemy within" House of Representatives
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yuexuan · 7 years
[Touken Ranbu]AI 2
Pairing: MikaTsuru
Rating: G
Genre: AU, scifi(?)
To say Tsurumaru was exhilarated would be an understatement. As the ship moved closer to the bottom of the Citadel, he’d promptly transformed into a human plaster, sticking tight to the window and craning his neck as much as humanly possible to catch sight of the docking port. He’d always harbored a theory that the ships anchored themselves using stick-like appendages. Just like how the insects infesting his quarters would hang themselves from the top of the ceiling.
So it was a pleasant surprise when he saw numerous gates positioned across the length of the Citadel bottom. One of the gates opened up after confirming the ship’s identity. The ship passed through the opening into an enclosure, where it simply hovered in rest mode to let its passenger off.
The moment he stepped off the ship, Tsurumaru turned his head every which way. They were finally inside the Citadel, albeit just the underground section. It was like entering a metal skeleton. Cold, steel pillars and arches reminiscent of a beast’s ribcage held up the whole space. Perhaps the architects had bemoaned the lack of aesthetic, so occasionally there were ornate designs lining the oddest corners. For example, the crest of the Saniwa was placed on the floor tiles. Tsurumaru wasn’t sure why someone would bother adding ornaments on something that everyone stepped on.
Mikazuki kept his promise of bringing their uninvited guest to the Saniwa. But before that, he dragged the young man to the bathhouse for a thorough cleanup. Life in the Lower Level was hard and baths were a luxury not afforded by the majority. Thankfully the bot was able to shut off his sense of smell at will, but the same cannot be said for the Saniwa. Certainly it would be a breach of etiquette if he’d allowed Tsurumaru to present himself just as is.
Tsurumaru was uncharacteristically compliant, allowing himself to be ushered to the bathhouse.
The truth was, he was overwhelmed. Never had he seen such splendor. Once past the port, the Citadel surface was a wonderful amalgam of technology and history. Oriental pagodas and mosque-shaped domes extended towards the sky, broken by floating highways that weaved between and within the buildings.
And then he saw it. A meadow, a real-life, green meadow. It was closed off by electric fences, but that did not stop Tsurumaru from getting as close as possible – even risking a few pieces of hair – to gawk at the sight.
“It’s a meadow…” he breathed, voice tinged with excitement.
“Not quite. This is a garden,” Mikazuki corrected him, not understanding the Lower Level’s fascination with meadows.
Tsurumaru was not in the least bit deterred by Mikazuki’s offhanded comment. He longed to reach his hands across the barrier to touch the soft-looking grass, maybe even lie down in it and roll around…
By and by Mikazuki had to usher the young man away before he made do with his fantasy. It will not be pleasant news for the Saniwa to know that a human guest had electrocuted himself on the garden fence prior to their meeting.
   Tsurumaru was the sole occupant of the bathhouse. He lowered himself gingerly into the warm waters, eyes closing in satisfaction. He’d never enjoyed a warm water bath before, heaters were rare in the Lower Level and abundant water even rarer. Sometimes they would clean themselves by walking through a vacuum contraption that blew high pressured air onto the person that hopefully blasts away all the dusts. More often than not it blasted away the human as well, leaving them sprawling in an unsightly heap. He clasped his hands before him and gave a squeeze. A small pillar of water squirted out between the palms.
When Mikazuki came in, he saw the young man quite beside himself squirting water jets into phantom enemies.
“Here it comes!” A stream of water flew through the air and landed in a puddle on the ground.
“Critical hit! Help!” Another dodge narrowly missing an incoming wave.
Mikazuki raised his brow in amusement. The young man was totally oblivious to his presence, at least not until a stream of water splattered right unto the bot’s face.
“I take it you are enjoying the bath,” Mikazuki wiped some of the waters off his face. A good thing they were built to be waterproof.
“Yeah,” Tsurumaru admitted sheepishly, being caught in his own acts by surprise was not something he altogether appreciated. “Uh, do you want to come in?” Only when he finished his question did Tsurumaru bite his tongue. Of all the things he could’ve said, inviting a bot to a bath was not the smartest one.
“With pleasure, I’m here to help you clean up anyways,” Mikazuki held up the little basket of odds and ends.
Now if there’s another thing to add to the list of things that bots can do, helping people shower was one of them. At first Tsurumaru was repulsed by the idea of having a bot bath him, but the moment Mikazuki’s fingers thread through his hair, he was sold.
“Mmhmm,” Tsurumaru groaned in pleasure as another knot was worked off his back. He could get use to this. Maybe he should suggest frequenting the bathhouse for his therapy session. It did wonders to his mood.
“You hair color is beautiful,” Mikazuki watched as the dust and grime washed away to reveal platinum white underneath.  
When the bot was done Tsurumaru felt like he had been rebirthed anew, what with his fully scrubbed pink skin and white shiny hair. He admired himself in the mirror, unable to believe that the smart-looking young man before him was indeed…well, him.
Mikazuki had pulled out a full-white suit, but after numerous attempts to dress the young man, with a lot of complaining (cue: this is so tight!) from his charge, the exasperated bot gave up and slapped a slightly-too-big hoodie on him instead.
  The Saniwa’s residence was designed according to an ancient Japanese castle blueprint, plus a few novelties here and there.
As they walked around Tsurumaru was greeted by the sight of more lush meadows – or gardens – as Mikazuki had so aptly corrected him. He was also blinded by the sight of very…chubby-looking people on floating chairs that hovered mindlessly about the garden.
“They are…” Tsurumaru’s voice trailed off, not quite sure what to make of these people.
“They are the inhabitants of the Citadel.”
Tsurumaru gawked. It was rude, but he couldn’t help gawking. He’d never imagined that the human body can be bloated to this extent, almost like the pufferfish he saw in an old advertisement way back. He’d also noticed the square contraption about their head. “What is that…?”
“Virtual reality simulation,” Mikazuki answered airily, “Come, the Saniwa is waiting.”
Tsurumaru tore his gaze away from the human balls, his gut twisting uncomfortably. There was something wrong about that image.
Thankfully, the Saniwa was nowhere near as voluptuous as the inhabitants he overlooked. He was relatively normal looking, almost childlike in stature, but emanating an aura that was anything but childlike.
When he spoke, it was in a commanding tone. “Tsurumaru Kuninaga.”
Tsurumaru shuffled slightly forward. “Present.”
“You violated Law 027/3485.”
Was he supposed to know what that meant? Tsurumaru was at a loss, the only thing he’d done wrong was coming to the Citadel without permission – and maybe spilling water all about the bathhouse but that was relatively minor – so he deduced that was probably what the Saniwa was referring to.
“According to Article 59, you are to be banished from the Citadel and Lower Level.”
Now Tsurumaru would’ve given more weight to these words had he not been occupied with figuring out how the little child before him could memorize so many details. But as things were, his mind hadn’t quite caught up with the Saniwa’s words.
“However, I have a proposition that you may find enticing.” The child leaned forward.
It was not as if there was a choice, was there? Tsurumaru didn’t answer, waiting for the ruler to continue on.
“Our technology is still not perfect - we have recently recalled a batch of bots due to…minor malfunctions. As such, it is my hope that you observe the bots in the coming days and note down any defections. If your performance is satisfactory, I may consider granting you a full residence status on this Citadel.”
Tsurumaru quirked an eyebrow. He had never heard anything but good reviews about the bots, and judging by the personification of perfection standing next to him, it was hard to imagine what sort of malfunctions would be severe enough to earn a recall.
“Sounds doable,” the white hair male shrugged nonchalantly. It wouldn’t be that hard…would it?
“Perfect. Mikazuki will be your guide during your stay here.”
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actutrends · 5 years
Toilet makers flush the old turds for new tech in 2020
Smart toilets have been building up to an explosion in the past few years, and now they’re overflowing. At CES 2020, we saw a number of companies that have taken the plunge with new technology for the porcelain thrones of the future.
They’re all about automating tasks such as flushing toilets, cleaning them, and lowering environmental costs. I’m not sure this meets the definition of disruptive innovation, which is our charter at VentureBeat. But it sure fits the definition of technology that makes me laugh, which is really what I like to cover.
I do think that there have been some important breakthroughs with toilets that are not all evenly distributed throughout the world yet. Most of these have been created in Japan, where bidets and butt dryers mean that they don’t need to kill trees for toilet paper. And if you haven’t seen the Netflix documentary on Bill Gates yet, you’ll be happy to learn that the smartest man in the world is working on a sustainable toilet for the developing world as a key to fighting disease and reducing pollution.
Shine Bathroom Assistant
Above: Chris Herbert, CEO of Shine Bathroom, with the Shine Bathroom Assistant
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
Chris Herbert, CEO of Shine Bathroom, has a gadget that produces electrolyzed water. It takes tap water, adds a salt pod to it, and then zaps the water with an electrical current. The mixture rips the apart the salt and water molecules and recombines them with sodium hydroxide and hypochlorous acid. When a flush happens, it sends a mist of the mixture into the bowl to disinfect and deodorize it. It is as effective as Formula 409 and Lysol, but it doesn’t use any harmful chemicals. Salt water is what gets flushed down the bowl.
The mixture has been around for a while, and it’s the same chemical-free cleaner that has been used for decades to clean sushi. Shine also detects whether you’ve got a leak in your bathroom pipes and sends an alert if it finds one.
Numi 2.0 Intelligent Toilet
Above: Numi 2.0 Intelligent Toilet
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
Kohler showed a toilet that has a heated seat, a bidet to clean your bottom, and built-in Bluetooth speakers. It also has ambient color lights and an Amazon Alexa integration, so you can talk with your toilet.
Kohler Touchless Toilet
Above: Kohler’s Touchless Toilet debuts at CES 2020.
Image Credit: Kohler
The new Touchless Toilet from Kohler offers touchless flushing through a sensor in the flush lever of the toilet. By hovering your hand in front of the lever, you can flush without spreading bacteria. The flush lever also features a nightlight, which you can adjust through the Kohler app. It’s bringing a tech that is common in commercial bathrooms into the home.
Toto Neorest NX2 Intelligent Toilet
Above: Toto’s Neorest NX is a smart toilet.
Image Credit: Toto
Japan’s Toto is the world’s largest toilet maker, with $5.2 billion in annual sales. At CES, it showed off technologies such as Premist, which sprays a bowl with a fine mist of water to reduce the likelihood some — uh, matter — will stick to its surface. It also showed Cefiontect, a nanotech glaze that seals the porcelain throne with an ionized barrier, creating a slippery surface that repels matter, mold, and mildew.
Toto also showed its Tornado Flush System, a rimless bowl that uses only 1.28 gallons per flush. And it showed Ewater, a mist that keeps the bowl, washlet, and Neorest wands clean. Toto already has a wide variety of seat-warming, self-cleaning, and bidet-equipped toilets. You can’t beat the Japanese for toilets.
The Neorest NX2 Intelligent toilet costs $12,800. It has a self-cleaning tank that combines ultraviolet light and a titanium dioxide bowl to get rid of microscopic waste. It also has its own deodorizer.
Charmin RollBot, SmellSense, and V.I.Pee
Charmin had the cheekiest products at CES. P&G’s toilet paper brand rolled into CES 2020 with its RollBot, a robot that fetches a roll of Charmin while you’re on the loo, and SmellSense, which warns you if there are bad smells in the bathroom. And I got to try out the V.I.Pee porta-potty with virtual reality entertainment.
I sat in the premium porta-potty experience enhanced with an Oculus Rift S VR headset. It transported me into the front row of a concert event, so that I wouldn’t “miss a beat while on the seat.” There wasn’t much to see, but if it’s as good as advertised, then I might just sit in that seat all day long.
The post Toilet makers flush the old turds for new tech in 2020 appeared first on Actu Trends.
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sunkissis · 5 years
As we have come upon our year and a half anniversary of moving to Paris, we have noticed many comparisons from living in Los Angeles versus Paris. I’d like to share the ones that I find challenging and downright ridiculous.
The biggest one is life without a car. In LA, we spent so much time in our cars and that it created an insulated feeling. In my twenty plus years of driving in LA, I’ve rarely had to deal with public transportation. Things like worrying about being pickpocketed, or having a man stand too close to me weren’t an issue. If it’s hot or cold outside, there’s air conditioning or a heater to keep you comfy. Life in Paris means you have to be prepared for the weather and many times that means dealing with a hot, crowded bus or giving up all personal space. One the flip side, I do love that our family spends more time together going for walks, or renting scooters for the weekend to explore new neighborhoods (and mostly Invader hunt).
It has been freeing to not spend so much time stuck in miserable traffic.
These new Jump bikes by Uber just appears on the streets and we love them. The bikes are electric so you coast along. The two issues with them is you have to use the Uber app to rent them and I am the only one with an account so I can only rent one bike at a time. They are also more expensive than renting a scooter so we don’t use them often.
Spending a day riding a bike would be tortue in Los Angeles because of barking dogs, very few bike lanes and brutal hills. In LA, many people would have dogs as guards so you can’t walk down the street without getting barked at. Since people don’t have yards here, dogs are kept as pets and are trained so well that they don’t need leashes. I was amazed at how you don’t hear incessant barking here.
  It feels like French people have a better quality of life because they go outside more. They are used to sharing their space because people don’t have their own private backyards so they go to public parks. The French are more inclined to help someone because it’s the right thing to do, rather than just being a bystander.
That being said, there are rude, overly aggressive drivers and motorcycle riders that make it dangerous to walk on the streets at times. Jaywalking is law here, you never wait for the light to change and most times when cars are stuck in traffic and they are blocking the crosswalk, after the light changes, they still drive against a red light even if you are walking. Then they shout at you and throw their hands up in frustration as if walking on the green light is somehow the wrong thing to do. It’s annoying as hell.
A majority of Parisians live in apartments so the lovely old buildings all share garbage bins. Our building has about 12 units (2 on each floor) so that’s a ton of garbage. But the trash is collected everyday except Sunday. There are two trucks that come by for regular trash and glass bottles. It was hard to get used to the daily traffic jam on our tiny one-way street as the trash truck slowly collects all the bins at 5pm. It’s incredible to me that a building with 12 apartments have as many bins as we had for our small house in LA!
Which leads me to one of the biggest annoyances about living abroad. We rented our apartment from an English speaking rental agency. Along with two months deposit we paid a hefty 6% agency fee. The apartment manager, who handles repairs, apartment issues and acts as a liason to the person that owns our apartment, is absolutely savage. She speaks English but for some reason only communicates by email in French.  We have been waiting to have our interphone (the phone that allows you to buzz people into the building) repaired since May 2018!!
  Little did I know (I admit, I was too enamored with renting a dreamy apartment in the perfect location in Paris) that I didn’t think to ask about the building itself. We don’t have a gardienne which is someone who lives and works in the building to take care of the upkeep and renter matters (collect deliveries, deal with broken things outside of the apartment, helps you if you get locked out)
Similar to Mme. Madeleine in Amelie
We moved in without any info on what to do when a package is delivered, so I learned the hard way by going to three different post offices looking for my package that most deliveries in Paris are dropped off at a nearby shop that have a sticker on the door that says Chronopost. For our first year here, this shop was in front of our building and even though they were terribly disorganized, we got to know the shop owners and it wasn’t too difficult to find our packages. Then suddenly the shop closed and a new  business moved in that didn’t accept Chronopost packages. I asked our kind neighbor where to pick up deliveries but he didn’t know. Most times, I get an email or text with an address of where to pick up my package. It’s usually in walking distance but sometimes it’s a long bus ride away. Not so convenient for me and it would be wonderful to have someone in the building that can accept our packages. I should add, we pay a monthly building fee to cover the trash, water and elevator costs, yet when our building’s front door was broken, we were locked out for ages with no one to contact to let us in. The door was repaired and everyone got a new key but I paid for an extra key and I’ve been waiting for about three months and still no new key. There was also a time when the building was having work done to the exterior and the electricity was out in the stairwell. It was pitch dark and it was the first time I felt scared in the building. I wish I could go back in time and had the girls who checked us in the rental explain the building procedures, who to call in an emergency, what the trash policy was (we didn’t know which bin was for recycling) and how to handle deliveries. It’s all very figure it out yourself here but God help you if you make a mistake! If I had the legal right to work here, I would be the concierge of our building since I’ve home most of the day (would love a discount on our rent) but the language barrier would be too difficult.
French people I have encountered are either extremely kind and helpful or short and rude. That is my personal experience, not making a generalization. For example, we were at the parc de la Villette which is a huge park along the canals which have cute boat rentals. We saw a kiosk of  park employees so we asked them where can we rent the boats. Her response (and keep in mind, Liv asked in French) “Over there” while vaguely pointing to the empty canal sidewalk with nothing there. I asked Liv to ask her to clarify where she meant. She merely repeated herself. So we walked over to the only thing she could have meant which was a sign post on the empty canal path.
We figured if we waited there maybe a boat would come along and we could inquire about renting it, yet all the boats were on the north side of the bridge and we were waiting on the southside with no boats in sight. After waiting for 15 minutes we gave up. I also remember during a flight to Amsterdam on Air France, we left the gate late so I was concerned about making our connecting flight to Tokyo which was a fast 40 minute window. Since we were already late, I asked the flight attendant when would we be arriving? He looked me dead in the eye and said “The usual time!” and walked off in a huff. We ended up having to sprint through the airport and beg to cut the line in security to make our net flight. This is the French way, employees do not make it a habit to provide customer service of any kind. It’s so frustrating because of course we Americans are used to “the customer is always right” attitude but I am well aware, this is not America and I need to adapt not the other way around. I just try to be patient and not lose my temper. Olivia is a Godsend because once people hear how good her French is, they quickly change their tune and usually are more inclined to help. It sadly hasn’t been the case with our apartment manager.
I crack my Mom and bff, Aimee up with my horror stories of how I get treated by people here. The joke here is you can’t ask for help but God help you if you don’t know the rules. I try to take it in good humor but there are times (remember the La Redoute mattress fiasco?) when I don’t think I can stand another minute of the abuse and I lose my shit.
This was the car I rented this summer when we hosted our friends from Finland. I asked for a car to seat six and this is what they had. However, they sent me to the basement to pick up this beast and as you can see I wasn’t fitting in the doors. Luckily I was able to ask a guy washing cars to pull it out for me but it’s things like this that drive me crazy. In LA, whenever I rented a car the people at the rental agency would bring the car out to me. Spoiled I suppose. The guy at the rental place also called me to pick up the car early which I gladly obliged. Then as I was checking out he tried to add an extra day charge on the car because I was returning it after 3pm. I tried to explain calmly, that he asked me to come pick the car up early but I still needed to return it at the time I requested. What kind of logic is that?!
Yet, the coin always has another side. There are so many delightful advantages to living in France. Things I never really appreciated in LA, like the architecture. I know everyone thinks California is so beautiful and it is, but it has thousands of beige, stucco strip malls full of tacky signage and billboards on every corner. I liken LA to the internet, you really appreciate websites without annoying ads plastered all over the page (yep, WordPress has ads all over my blog now 😦 ) so when you find a clean, advertisement-free place it’s so pleasant.
It’s still my favorite thing just walking around and looking at the (non-neon) signage of Paris.
The French are well known for their amazing cheese, wine and universal health-care. Yet our latest experience has me scratching my head. Now keep in mind, we are American citizens with the good fortune to live here on a long stay tourist visa, so we pay for our own health insurance policy from America. Which means we pay out of pocket and can submit a claim with our insurance (but with the large deductible, we don’t) so obviously it’s not as expensive as we would pay in LA but we took Liv to the doctor for her annual check up and wanted to make sure all her vaccinations were up to date before school started. Since we went sure of what the French school system required, we asked the doctor for an update. He spoke French and had a medical student with him during the exam. They did the basics, checked her heartbeat, measured her height and weight. We asked about an issue she had with her ear but he needed more info from her pediatrician in LA so I had to email him later. He told us, she was up to date on her shots until she was about 12 years old and that was it. €75 to listen to her heart and tell us she’s tall and healthy. I was pretty stunned that we were charged that much for nothing. Well, hopefully next year we will be able to apply for French healthcare so we shouldn’t have to pay so much in the future. Thank goodness we don’t get sick often (knocks on wood)!
  Funny story, last week we were coming from an appointment with our immigration lawyer and Liv and I took a scooter home. We were ahead of Antz who happened to notice a woman on the street looking at us with recognition. He knew she looked familiar so he asked her if she knew us. Turns it she was Liv’s second grade teacher from her French school in LA! She moved back to Paris and was teaching and she saw us riding by on our scooter. Antz texted me to come back and we took this photo. She was impressed by Liv’s French and so excited that we were living our dream in Paris.
And lastly, I get it guys, I count my blessings everyday I am here. It is a dream come true. Please don’t think I have some entitled, bratty, close-minded attitude when it comes to living abroad. I am completely open to new culture, new ways of doing things and having an adaptable mind. I just want to be transparent and share some idiosyncrasies that I have encountered.
Do you have any tales to share about life in a foreign country?
France still has the prettiest cleaning supplies.
  Paris Life Observations As we have come upon our year and a half anniversary of moving to Paris, we have noticed many comparisons from living in Los Angeles versus Paris.
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circlesfitness-blog · 7 years
Data, Surveillence and Social Media
The 21st century slavery
Jill Scott, an American soul singer and song writer highlights the concept of surveillance in one of her songs titled ‘Watching me’. She expresses how she feels watched all the time in her everyday life. Indeed data and surveillance has become part of our everyday life and information has now become the new currency. The age of information technology allows for total strangers to get access to peoples personal information for their own again, moreover the state and the social media corporations. It is the use of that information that is worrisome and problematic. In this post I will be reflecting on the content of the course discussing my opinions about responses to and experiences of digital media as it relates to the political life. I will be looking specifically at ‘Data, Surveillance and Social Media Corporations’ and I will substantiate my discussion with reference to examples from my own knowledge as well as from the course material. My blog will include links, memes, gifs, images and other digital content, as well as citations from academic books and articles to further support my point.  
The English Oxford Dictionary defines surveillance as “close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal”. This definition mostly refers to surveillance as a tool mainly used by the state to watch citizen criminal behaviour, for instance CCTV cameras in the streets were introduced to curb crime activities, in a sense that criminals will not act in criminal activities knowing that there are cameras watching them. No doubt that has had a huge impact in lessening crime activities in our streets. In comparison with surveillance online though, it seems to be suggesting a different game altogether. Because if we were to go with the initial definition, it would mean that everyone who is online is a criminal and that is not true. It means something else and does more. According to Lyon (2013) surveillance has spilled out of its old fashion-state containers to become a feature of everyday life, at work, at home, at play, on the move. So far from the single all Seeing Eye of Big Brother, myriad agencies now trace and track mundane activities for a plethora of purposes. Making us visible is fundamentally about keeping us in check for multiple reasons, in addition to that it also serves as a business machine for the state and social media corporations. Of course it may not necessarily be a bad thing as this can also help with counting the world’s population or helping our economy for example.
Online data and surveillance is done through technological algorithms and feeds into the business of information turned commodity exchange between multi corporations such as advertising and marketing, banking, insurance and more “codes, usually processed by computers, sort out transactions, interactions, visits, calls, and other activities; they are the invisible doors that permit access to or exclude from participation in a multitude of events, experiences, and processes” (Lyon, 2013:13). Social media algorithms curate our lives. They control us and what we do and can dictate what we consume. According to a Forbes (2017) article Facebook for example “wants you to keep coming back. To keep you engaged, they need to offer you interesting content to read. This content has to come largely from a pool of posts, photos, etc. created by your friends and pages you like.
Lyon (2013) further explains that the resulting classifications are designed to influence and to manage populations and persons thus directly and indirectly affecting the choices and chances of data subjects. The gates and barriers that contain channel, and sort populations and persons have become virtual. It seems the population is easily controlled and seem powerlessly submissive to these tactics and devices. Our personal information is used by Social Media Corporations to sell to other companies and make more money every day, furthermore the state is keeping a close watch on the population like a hawk in order to exercise control over them. Nevertheless people keep coming back online and spending their days working online by proving information freely. In fact it has become more like a drug addiction and studies also show that more people are increasingly spending more time online “the mass appeal of social networks on the Internet could potentially be a cause for concern, particularly when attending to the gradually increasing amounts of time people spend online” (Kuss & Griffiths, 2011: 3528-3552). Kuss & Griffiths (2011) further argue that on the Internet, people engage in a variety of activities some of which may be potentially to be addictive. Rather than becoming addicted to the medium per se, some users may develop an addiction to specific activities they carry out online. Furthermore in their research Web Africa reported that in South Africa alone in the last year Facebook increased by 8%, from 12-million to 13-million users, Twitter by 12%, from 6,6-million to 7,4-million users, YouTube by 15%, from 7,2-million to 8,28-million users, and Instagram, with a staggering 133%, from 1,1-million to 2,68-million users. The numbers are growing ridiculously.
In his article Marx (2008) talks about contemporary surveillance methods and popular culture both as distinctive kinds of soul training and plays off of Michele Foucault’s (1977) study of modern means of training the person to be compliant. This explains the willingness of people in engaging with internet so addictively without question. Like an alcoholic, they know that alcohol is not good for them but they take it any away. There must be a sense of power dimension at play.  
Power has many faces, in some instances even faceless. In this case I would like to use the Panopticon as a metaphor of power relations. The Panopticon is a theory developed by Jeremy Bentham, the idea of a perfect prison “Panopticism, the social trajectory represented by the figure of the Panopticon, the drive to self-monitoring through the belief that one is under constant scrutiny, thus becomes both a driving force and a key symbol of the modernist project” (Wood, 2003:234-239). What it does is that it exercises power over the society without any physical force. The society willingly give themselves to the might of these online power dimensions “for Foucault the Panopticon represented a key spatial figure in the modern project and also a key dispositive in the creation of modern subjectivity, in other words in the remaking of people (and society) in the image of modernity” (Wood, 2003:234-239). According to Wood (2003) the Panopticon must not be understood as a dream building: it is the diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to its ideal. Its power is willed and applied without using any form of physical force. Similarly the internet must not be understood as a dream utopian innovation for all, it is a mechanism of power through many of its use such as surveillance and data selling.
We live in an era of capitalism were everything is driven by money and riches. In the digital age I see the online addiction as slavery in the 21st century with slight differences as compared to the past “slavery was a brutal exercise of exploitation by the individual and state of the bondsman and bondswoman, and was extremely profitable” (Stevenson, 2015). Furthermore, in comparison to the 21st century slavery Stevenson (2015) says slavery fundamentally meant a loss of control over the vital aspects of ones’s life and the lives of one’s loved ones. It often meant physical and psychological abuse. By today’s standards, the average slave was not treated humanely, or even humanly, by their owners or governmental power.  The only difference is that digital labour or the 21st century slavery is not physical.
Forbes. 2017. Your Social Media News Feed And The Algorithms That Drive It.                           https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/05/15/your-social-media-news-feed-and-  the-algorithms-that-drive-it/#42e9108e4eb8
Kuss, D.  J. & Griffiths, M. D. 2011. Online Social Networking and Addiction—A Review of     the Psychological Literature. International Gaming Research Unit, Psychology              Division, Nottingham Trent University. 8(9), 3528-3552; doi:10.3390/ijerph8093528
Lyon, D. 2003. Computer codes and mobile. In Lyon (ed), Surveillance as Social Sorting:              Privacy, Risk, and Digital Discrimination. Routledge.
Marx, G. T. 1996. Soul Train: The New Surveillance and Popular Music, In E. Leichtman,  forthcoming (eds). This article expands on the musical section in G. Marx, Electric Eye             in the Sky: Some Reflections on the New Surveillance and Popular Culture, in D. Lyon    and E. Zureik (eds.), Computers, Surveillance & Privacy.
Stevenson, B. E. 2015. What is Slavery?. Polity Press.
Web Africa. Social Media-The latest South African Stats. www.webafrica.co.za/blog/social-         media-2/social-media-latest-south-african-stats/
Wood, D. 2003. Surveillance & Society. Editorial. Foucault and Panopticism Revisited.                 University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK  1(3): 234-239  
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rebeccabull1991 · 7 years
Arriving to Tokyo
Japan is one of those places that I think everyone wants to visit at least once in their lifetime. For someone that grew up watching anime, it’s incredibly exciting to visit the birthplace of it all. Not to mention the beautiful gardens, amazing food and fascinating culture!
On arrival, Japan’s reputation for efficiency and organisation proved itself true: at least 5 planes worth of people were being promptly churned through the arrivals gate by the airport staff. One elderly workers job seemed to be to ensure that everyone was standing a maximum of one foot from the person in front to prevent gaps in the queue!
The airport itself can put any London airport to shame. Free WiFi, shuttle buses between all the terminals every 2 mins, a decent exchange rate at the kiosks and even toilets with heated toilet seats that play waterfall sounds when you sit down! I am already very impressed by this 100% necessary technology.
After collecting my bags and recieving my Yen, I climbed aboard the monorail which would take me to Tokyo, from there, I would transfer to a train to take me to Ueno. It was unfortunately bitterly cold and raining but it didn't stop me from gazing out the window at the approaching city. I could recognise Tokyo Skytree, the tallest building here, half hidden in the clouds. Occasionally the buildings around would open up as we sped by and reveal brightly lit streets with huge illuminated billboards and television screens scrolling through advertisements. It was also funny to see the occasional old temple nestled among the modern buildings.
The train situation proved to be difficult for me to grasp despite my heavy prep work into understanding the system. I got myself a SUICA card - a rechargeable card that can be used on most train barriers and even some shops - and consulted my subway map. Problem was, I wasn't riding the subway, I was taking the JR trains which run overground - a detail that left me standing with my bag staring at the station signboards in a mix of confusion and determination to make sense of it all. Luckily a kind man came over to this clearly bewildered tourist and steered me over to the correct line. I have found that the Japanese people seem to be uncommonly kind and polite. After thanking him, I finally made it to Ueno station which is situated right next to a park full of beautiful pink Sakura trees! Even with poring rain and no feeling in my hands, I had to snap a quick photo before hurrying to find my hostel!
After a good nights rest, I woke up with a terrible cold and hacking cough, which is just what you need when on holiday. Not to be deterred from my days explorations, I wrapped up in just about every jumper, fleece, jacket and coat I possessed and set out for Ueno Park! By day, I got a much better look at the cherry blossom trees and grabbed some photos. The pink ones don't appear to be in full bloom yet but I'm told that a couple days of warm weather will bring them out. Let's keep fingers crossed!
From Ueno, I confidently mastered the train system and got myself to Akibahara - the electric town. Renowned for its massive electronic shops, this used to be the place to pick yourself up bargain technology; some of which hasn't been released elsewhere in the world yet. Nowadays, online shopping has reduced the enthusiasm of tourists somewhat, and the area has evolved to fill the large anime and gaming niche. You can find cosplayers performing in the street, shops that sell just about every form of merchandise for every anime or manga ever created and even places called 'maid cafes' where the staff dress up as cute maids or anime characters and flirt with the male clientele! I personally found myself more drawn to a 'cat cafe' which, just as it sounds, means you can sit down with a coffee surrounded by little kitties running around your feet!
After a kitty coffee break, I moved on to Tokyo central where I headed towards the Imperial Palace and gardens which are free to walk around. One thing I have noticed that is a bit disappointing, a lot of ancient sites and buildings are closed off to the public and you can only stare at them through a very heavily fortified fence. Still, there are good photo vantage points if you know where to look and a lot of my shots came from sticking my phone through the fence. I also appreciate that these sites have to be preserved and protected from people who would damage them either deliberately or simply from constant tourist use. Nonetheless, the gardens were beautiful and the Palace seemed to have many white blossom trees which were already in full bloom!
In all, an excellent start to my little solo escapade and looking forward to exploring more of Tokyo in days to come!
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