#Elijah Vestri x you
bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Promises: Detective Elijah Vestri x Reader
(The Rookie)
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Tagging: @kmc1989
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You taste like honey, like sunshine and sweetness underneath Vestri’s lips and he can’t get enough. His fingers thread through your hair, drawing you even closer and your breathing hitches. He shouldn’t be doing this, he knows he shouldn’t but he just can’t help himself, this thing between the two of you it’s magnetic, everytime he tries to pull away, he’s drawn straight back in.
“You’re being safe right?” He whispers, his thumb ghosting over the apple of your cheek.
You know what he’s really asking. Are you behaving yourself? Staying in your lane? You have a habit of going rogue, of chasing the story even if it’s to your detriment. It’s how the two of you met.
Someone had tried to kill you last year, you’d been looking into a political scandal and flew a little too close to the sun. He’d been assigned to the case. You were a giant pain in his ass, you refused to take the protection protocols seriously, instead of putting a hold on the story you’d pushed even harder. He would have found it admirable if it wasn’t so frustrating.
He’d ended up taking you to the range, teaching you how to shoot because he knew for a fact your level of tenacity even after this case was over, there would probably be another. He wanted to make sure you knew how to take care of yourself and that’s when things transitioned. He’d been teaching you a few self defence moves, the furniture pushed back to the edges of the living room when you’d kissed him.
Once it started, he couldn’t stop and that basically summarises your entire relationship. It’s been a year on and off, you make up, you break up but you always end up coming back to one another. The way he feels for you, it’s never been like this for him and the more he fights it, the worse it gets.
“Vestri…” You drawl out his name, drawing your attention back to him as your fingertips ghost along the stubble that lines his jaw.
He captures your fingers before pressing them against his lips.
“Promise me.” He requests.
He knows it’s pointless, it’s like trying to stop the tide creeping up along the sure. You’re a force of nature and despite the fact he loves that about you, it’s the very thing that drives you apart.
“I promise.” You murmur, your nose trailing along the length of his.
He chooses to believe you this time, for his own sake. He doesn’t want to fight tonight, it’s been a shitty day and he just wants to be with you, loving you.
He kisses you again. His lips brushing over yours, heated, tender. His palm comes to rest on the nape of your neck, thumb chasing over the scar just underneath the hinge of your jaw. It’s a reminder of that day, the one that landed you in his life.
This thing between the two of you it doesn’t work, but Vestri doesn’t care because he needs you right now.
The problem is, he always needs you.
Love Vestri Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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14 notes · View notes
bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Detective Elijah Vestri Masterlist
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Promises - Vestri asks you to make him a promise, one he knows you're not going to keep.
Freedom of Information - Vestri confronts you when FOI paperwork comes across his desk.
6 notes · View notes
bullet-prooflove · 7 months
Adding to Ask List: Detective Elijah Vestri (The Rookie)
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4 notes · View notes
bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Thinking of writing for Detective Elijah Vestri (The Rookie)
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0 notes
bullet-prooflove · 8 months
The Rookie Masterlist
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Aaron Thorsen Masterlist
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Elijah Vestri Masterlist
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John Nolan Masterlist
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Wade Grey Masterlist
41 notes · View notes
bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Freedom of Information: Detective Elijah Vestri x Reader (The Rookie)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @spicyunicorns @baconeggndcheez ultrasoftcrayon scorpio-1357 anime-weeb-4-life fullwattpadmusictree 
The two of you can’t be together, Elijah knows that. However it doesn’t stop him from turning up at your place when he sees the Freedom of Information requests coming across his desk.  He sifts through them before sighing because you’re putting yourself in the thick of it yet again despite the fact he’d begged you not to.
When he comes over that night he fully intends to read you the riot act, to remind you what happened the last time you wrote an investigative piece on a prolific gang but the instant he lays eyes on you, he’s sucked into your orbit all over again. You’re wearing that pretty pink robe he likes, the one he fucked you in the first time and that sense memory, it just takes over.
Somehow he ends up in exactly the same position as he did back then, sitting on your couch with your straddling his lap. He doesn’t know how the hell this happens, there’s just something about you that’s so God damn intoxicating.
“Promise me you’ll stay out of trouble.” He mumbles against your skin, his heated mouth ghosting along the line of your jaw.
“You know I can’t do that.” You murmur as his lips trailed lower, his skilled palms pushing the robe down your shoulders.
Elijah huffs his displeasure against the curve of your throat and your hands thread through his hair, tugging at the roots in just the right way. He hisses, grinding up against you as you guide his gaze up to meet yours.
“It goes both ways Elijah.” You remind him. “I wouldn’t expect you to do the same thing.”
No you don’t and that’s the crux of it all, the reason you can’t be together.
The two of you, you’re exactly the same. You will run headlong into danger, no matter what the cost.
Love Vestri? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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8 notes · View notes