#Ellie wasn’t being dramatic when she found out! it was genuinely destroying her inside
hallwyeoo · 2 years
“Joels decision at the end of tlou1 was justified. His death was completely uncalled for” WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Incorrect! Joel’s decision is UNDERSTANDABLE, not justified. There’s a significant difference between the two. Joel also knew when he saved Ellie that he was signing his death warrant. He was fine with it because it meant he got more time with her, and because she’d be alive. Joel is a very flawed person, and while no one deserves to die (especially not in the way he did) it wasn’t uncalled for. It was a necessary narrative decision! I cannot see a way tlou2 could’ve existed with Joel alive.
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hurricanerin · 8 years
Show Me Ch. 4 Observe
Ch. 1 2 3
Actor Tom/OFC Explicit
Summary: That one time there was a Come to Jesus Meeting in Tom's kitchen.
Ellie woke to the sound of the shower running.  Propping herself up on her elbows, she surveyed Tom’s bedroom and groaned, flopping onto her back with a dramatic sigh.
“Fuck me,” she muttered.
The bathroom door opened and a naked Tom walked out, prompting the poor girl to blush and avert her gaze.
“So shy, even after last night?”
Ellie grunted in response.  She was not a morning person and was fairly certain it was obscenely early, considering how dark it was outside.   She ignored his question.
“What time is it?”
She knew she should be hightailing it out of there.  The longer she stayed, the more awkward this was going to get, but he’d woken her up for a second round only two hours or so ago and she was exhausted.
“Around six thirty.”
“Oh my God, after last night the least you could do is let me sleep!  Jesus.”
She yanked the covers over herself and rolled on her side, tugging them up over her head.  She heard a muffled chuckle and a hand slipped beneath the comforter to gently pull it away from her face.  The sweet baritone of his voice was far too pleasant for her liking.  She was trying to be upset.
“What time do you have class?”
“What is today?”
She groaned.
“Then it’s time to get up, little girl,” he chided.
He dropped the covers and walked to his closet.  Ellie sleepily watched him go about his morning routine.  He surprised her by sliding into a pair of casual dark jeans and a red, plaid button up shirt.  He looked fantastic.  She made a face.  Of course he looked dashing at six thirty in the morning.  She made a half assed effort to smooth her mussed hair and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she begrudgingly sat back up.
“I’ll have Frank drop you at your apartment so you can get dressed.  I’m not certain your dress is still functional,” he grinned.
Ellie rolled her eyes and swung her legs over the side of the bed and got to her feet.  Naked, as he’d torn off her t-shirt in the middle of the night, she padded to the bathroom, making a show of locking the door behind her.  Snatching up his toothbrush, she dug in the drawers for toothpaste and brushed her teeth, feeling very satisfied for having tainted something of his.  She found a comb and more or less tamed her hair before stepping back out into his room, which was now empty.  Several moments later Tom returned with a glass full of something green.  He handed it to her.
“What is it?”
“It’s a protein shake mixed with fruits and vegetables.  I apologize, I’m not much of a breakfast person.  It's all I have on hand.”
Ellie shook her head.
“I’ll pass.”
“You’ll drink it,” his voice bordered on a growl.
Leery, she took the glass from him and tilted it back, quickly downing half before pulling away, gasping and shuddering.
“This is disgusting.”
“Drink the other half, you need energy for school.”
Muttering about unnecessary A.M. bossiness, she complied, then handed the empty glass back.
“I’m afraid we’re going to have to get creative with your apparel,” he handed her a pair of his boxers and another t-shirt.  With a sigh she donned his clothes, mourning the life of her destroyed dress on the floor.  She went to pick it up when he shook his head.
“Leave it.  You need to go.”
She blushed, avoiding his gaze and nodding.  Clearly she’d overstayed her welcome.  As she briskly strode to exit his bedroom, Tom caught her arm and pulled her against him.  She braced herself with her hands on his chest, raising a brow questioningly.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he murmured.
“It’s fine.  It is what it is,” she muttered, struggling to free herself.  Prolonging whatever this was was only going to make things weirder.  She understood it was a one-night stand and she needed to get the hell out of there.
Tom knocked her hands away and slid both palms over her shoulders to keep her still, then up her neck until he cradled her face in his hands.   Ellie’s breath stuttered as he pulled her lips against his.  She couldn’t prevent a moan from escaping and she could feel him smiling against her mouth.  Teasing her with several more short kisses, pressed his lips against her forehead and released her.  She stumbled back, hand flying to her mouth in surprise.  He cleared his throat.
“Frank will retrieve you after school.  What time are you finished?”
Ellie scoffed and shook her head in dismay.
“He will do no such thing.  I have work to do.”
“And we have a conversation that needs having.  He will pick you up.”
With an exasperated sigh she grabbed her purse and heels, leaving the tattered dress for Tom to deal with.
“Fine.  I’m done at one, but if he’s late, I’m gone.”
Tom chuckled and nodded.
“Frank is expecting you downstairs, he’s out front.”
He opened his door for her, acting the part of a gentleman, which was the polar opposite of the man that had debauched her last night.  The smile he gave her was warm, but also flickered with promises of more to come.
Neither said anything as she walked out the door and headed for the elevator.
Walking from her last class of the day, Ellie decided that if Frank was late, she was going home for a damn nap.  She so hoped he was late.  Her heart both fluttered and sank when she saw Tom’s driver leaning against his black sedan.  Hefting her bag over her shoulder she raised her head and tried to confidently stride forward, despite how reverse-walk-of-shame she felt.
“Hello, Miss,” the gray-haired driver greeted her with a small, but genuine, smile.
“Hi,” she mumbled, wildly uncomfortable with the title.  “My name is Ellie."
This time Frank tried to hid his grin with a faux yawn, taking a moment to cover his mouth.
“He thought you’d say that.”
Ellie ignored the comment, strictly because Tom was being a smart ass, opposed to intentionally blowing off the driver.  As she neared the car, he opened the back door for her.
“Thank you.”
As Frank started the car, she realized she had no idea where they were going.   Curiously she gazed out the window as they passed through downtown Los Angeles, then headed west on Wilshire.  As they passed the Beverly Hills Four Seasons, she grew squirmy.  It had been dark when Frank drove her home and she’d been too sleepy to pay attention to scenery during the drive.  When they pulled up to Tom’s apartment building, her jaw dropped.  The Century boasted what looked like over 40 stories and must’ve housed over 100 units.  It was huge.  How did she not remember any of this from the night before?  Oh, yeah.  Tom’s tongue had been halfway down her throat.
Feeling incredibly underdressed in her jeans and flip-flops, Ellie reluctantly climbed out of the car when Frank held the door open.  The driver broke away from Ellie to briefly confer with the security guard that manned the front door.  Tom’s driver pointed to the girl and the other man nodded.  Frank motioned for Ellie to join them.
“Ellie, he will guide you to Tom’s apartment.  Have a lovely day.”
Still completely overwhelmed, she only managed a nod.  Repositioning her bag on her shoulder, she followed the guard to the elevator.
“Mr. Hiddleston is in 2134, on the twenty first level, ma’am.  He’s asked that I send you to him immediately.”
With another nod of her head she attempted to indicate that she wasn’t deaf and mute, just… dazzled.  Who wouldn’t be?  She failed.
After punching the button for the twenty first floor, Ellie was left alone with her thoughts on the ride up.  Swallowing hard, she got off on Tom’s floor and padded to his apartment.  She had a serious moment of hesitation when she raised her hand to rap on the door.  She didn’t belong here.  Not even a little bit.  The past few days had been so surreal…  It was uncomfortable to think them about now.  She’d completely let herself go with someone she really didn’t know, and now she was at his place of residence for a Come to Jesus Meeting.  Couldn’t they just skip this and call it a day?  He could just mail her the non-disclosure agreements.  She hadn’t given him reason to think she wouldn’t sign them.
Apparently she wavered for too long and the door swung open, revealing a serious Tom who swiftly ushered her inside.  Apparently he had no desire to be seen with her.  Fair enough.
“Where are they?”
“Where are what?”
“The non-disclosure things.  Whatever it is I need to sign.”
Tom looked as if she’d asked where he kept his pygmy goat.  When he spoke, he sounded irritated.
“What on earth are you talking about?”
“Don’t get mad at me, I’m just trying to make this as painless as possible.   I’ll sign whatever you want and be out of your hair.”
Tom stared at her, his expression menacing enough to make Ellie take a step back from him.
“...Or whatever else you want me to do.  I’m not here to cause trouble.”
He stalked towards her, backing her up against his kitchen table.  He growled, which made her break out in damn goosebumps.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I don’t want anything from you,” she breathed.  The table dug into her rear as she leaned back over the glass surface in an attempt to put additional space between them.  “Whatever I-didn’t-sleep-with-a-movie-star paper work you need me to do.  There’s no need for drama.”
Tom reached back and wound his hand in her long, blonde hair.  He ground himself against her belly.  Super low blow.
“But you did sleep with a movie star, didn't you, kitten?  Don't you remember last night?”
A whisper was the loudest volume she could achieve.
“What do you want?”
Tom released her hair.
“To talk.”
“Tom, I have studying to do.  Whatever this was, it’s been weird, but fun.  But it’s over.  I don’t belong here.”
“You belong where I say you belong.”
She gave a sardonic laugh and scrubbed her hands over her face.
"This has been super hot, but now the sun’s up and reality has hit.  You don’t know me; I don’t know you.  This is just going to turn into another media disaster for you.  You don’t deserve that.”
He did that smoldering thing again.  Had she been able, she’d have taken another step back.  Unfortunately, she was trapped.
“What if I want to know you?”
“Then I’d say you’re looking for a rebound girl.”
Tom full-on growled this time.
“You don’t think me capable of making rational decisions for myself?”
When Ellie’s stomach growled and disrupted the peace, her cheeks flushed bright pink.  Tom rolled his eyes but gave her a small smile.
“Do you not feed yourself?”
“Um, not on days when I’m kidnapped from school by a private driver.”
This time Tom laughed, shaking his head as he released her and strode to the refrigerator.  He concocted something with kale and chicken and almonds, threw a little dressing over it and grabbed her a fork and a glass of water.  He set them on the table.  His tone left no room for argument.
“Sit.  Eat.”
Reluctantly, Ellie obeyed, mostly because once he sat across from her, he stared at her and she had a feeling the only way to shake his gaze was to comply.  To her pleasure, she was able to hold back the grimace at the kale leaves, despite their wickedly bitter taste.  When she finished, she pushed the plate away.
“So,” she said.
She raised a brow expectantly.  She’d already So’ed.  It was his turn to speak.  Tom sighed and looked out the window, running his finger along his lower lip.
“You think you’re a “rebound girl?”’  He used the middle and index fingers of each hand to mimic quotes.
“I do.”
“So what if you are?”
“If I am, then you’re wasting both our time.  You’re beautiful, phenomenal in bed and a ridiculously good guy, but as I keep saying, I have a life.  This isn’t a game for me.  If you want to fuck some no-name chick, that’s fine.  Go for it.  But it won’t be me.  I’m not made for this.”
“Made for what, exactly?”
“The love ‘em and leave ‘em thing.  You did this with… her and it ended up falling apart.  I like you.  A hell of a lot more than I should, but that doesn’t mean I'm participating in Media Stunt Part II.
“It wasn’t a stunt,” he grumbled.
“Well, whatever it was, it’s not for me.”
“She wasn’t cut out for this like you were,” he offered.
Ellie frowned and shook her head in confusion.
“Tom, she’s like, the highest paid entertainer in the world.  She’s cut out for anything and everything.”
“No?  Just “no”?”
He hesitated, likely wary of sharing personal details, which she understood.
“I’m not digging for information, but you’ve got to give me some kind of reason to convince me to consider this, or I’m gone.  Frank knows where I live, you can forward the paperwork there.”
“There’s no damn paperwork,” he hissed, rising and stalking to her.  He hauled her to her feet.
“I could see it in your eyes that first morning when you glared at me.”
Ellie tried to take a step back and failed.  His arms tightened around her.   She didn’t trust her voice not to crack, so she whispered.
“See what?”
“You were a brat.”
Gasping in indignant surprise, she pushed at his chest and screamed.  Quietly.
“Get away from me!”
Tom held her fast.
“That came out wrong.”
“No, it’s clear what you think of me.  Let me go right now before I do something rash, and I promise you I will if you keep me here.”
Tom’s stern face melted and he laughed softly.
“Exactly like that.  That’s what you have that she didn’t.  That need to defy, a trait that’s really you begging to be put in your place.”
Ellie’s jaw dropped open.  Her voice was barely a whisper.
“You heard me, little girl.  It’s just how you are,” he wrapped an arm around her waist.   “You need a Daddy to set you straight.  To make you listen, to make you behave.  Do you remember how angry you were with me when I touched you at dinner?”  His mouth was against her ear.  “You were furious, but you came so hard, like such a good girl.”
A whine escaped from between Ellie’s lips and she fought to keep her eyes open as his breath puffed against her cheek.  Once again, he wrapped his free hand in her hair and jerked her head back, exposing her throat.
“There are things you do naturally,” he licked a stripe along her neck to her chin, “that are a gift, Ellie.”  Gently he nipped at her jaw, then ground himself against her.  “Do you feel how hard your organic need to resist and deny makes me?”
“Uh huh,” she whispered, overwhelmed by his touch.  Ellie tried to pull away from his grasp but he held her firmly.  She attempted to take a centering breath.  “I’m not playing, Tom.  What I say, I mean,” she insisted.
Tom groaned, pressing a kiss against her temple.
“I know, sweet girl.  That’s what makes you irresistible.  Your need to rebel is so strong, but when you submit, you do so like you were born for it.”
He began fumbling for the button of her jeans.
“Tell me you don’t feel it too.  Tell me you don’t want to please me,” he purred in her ear.
Ellie whimpered, her body relaxing in his arms.
“There’s a good, good girl,” he crooned.
Trembling, she tried to clear her head.  She couldn’t think with his hands on her, but he wasn’t letting her free.  She knew the second he got in her pants, she was done for.  She couldn’t let that happen.  While distracted by her thoughts, Tom wrestled her jeans down around her thighs.  Immediately Ellie began thrashing, desperately trying to push him away.
“Don’t touch me there!”
“Oh, sweetling, I’m not going to.  Not yet.  You need something else first,” he murmured against her hair as he spun her around and pushed her against the edge of the table.  She caught herself, hands clenching into angry fists and she tried to stand back up.  Tom slowed her with a strong hand firmly planted on her back, but what really ceased her squirming was the slap to the rear he issued.
Ellie cried out, stumbling despite his holding her in place.  She writhed, frantically wriggling her hips to get away from him.  She could tell by the swelling erection he ground against her rear that she was unsuccessful escape attempts were only exacerbating the problem.  He leaned over her, pressing her against the table with his weight.
“That’s it.  Fight me,” he rumbled.  “It only makes you come that much harder.”
Ellie attempted an enraged mule kick, but Tom was too close for her to do any damage.  He managed to wrestle her arms behind her back and held them in one hand, while using the other to deliver another smack to her rear, leaving red handprints on each globe.  Ellie shrieked.
“I know, little one.  But it’s the only way for you to learn.  I know we haven’t known one another long, little Ellie, but you will be mine.  I’ll make sure of it.”
Running his hand along the hot prints on her ass, he wound up and continued her spanking, rotating cheeks as he gently struck her.  He didn’t stop until he could hear her pathetic little sobs.  Once again, he leaned over her, pinning her in place with his body.
“Shhhh,” he cooed.  “We’re almost done.”
Ellie sniffled as she heard him unzipping his pants and she gave a halfhearted grunt as she tried to jerk her hips out of his grasp once more.  Suddenly his hand was running along her slit and he was groaning against her cheek.
“Fuck, Ellie,” he muttered.  “It may be hard at first, but I promise you, you were made for this,” he growled as he dragged his finger up her dripping slit.  This time when Ellie squirmed, she was thrusting her hips backwards in an attempt to impale herself on his fingers.  She heard him chuckling and growled herself, uselessly stamping on his foot in her flip-flop.
“Patience,” he crooned as he pulled himself from his pants.
Without warning, he plunged into her, dragging cries from each of them.  Still holding her arms behind her, he braced himself with one hand on the table as he lifted himself a few inches off her back.  He kept both of them still for a solid minute and eventually Ellie couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please,” she begged.  “Daddy,” she whispered, “Please.”
She heard Tom hiss between his teeth as he drew back, then slammed into her.  Surely the fronts of her thighs would be bruised the next day from being forced against the edge of the table.  Oh, well.  Tom growled, rearing back only to force himself inside her even harder than the time before.  She cried out softly, trying to remember to be a lady in such an upscale building, but failing miserably as Tom plowed into her.   After several more pumps of his hips, Tom rose, gripping her throat to pull her back to him.  Roughly he turned her head to the side, sealing his lips over hers and eliciting a wanton moan from the girl.  Desperate for air, she pulled away, panting as he nuzzled against her cheek.
She clutched at his wrist as he held her neck, not to remove his hand but simply for the sake of stability as he rocked behind her.  That needy, desperate burning feeling was beginning to overwhelm her and she needed to hang onto something for the sake of her sanity.
“Tom,” she whimpered.
He thrust especially hard.  His voice was questioning.
“Daddy,” she breathed.
“Louder, baby.”
“Daddy,” she whimpered.
“Good girl,” he groaned as he began thrusting ruthlessly.  The sound of skin on skin echoed throughout his kitchen as he took her, thoroughly reminding her of her place beneath him.  Each thrust tore moans and cries from the poor girl, and as her walls began to flutter as she started keening.
“That’s it,” Tom crooned in her ear, nipping at her lobe.
All it took was his voice to send her screaming over the edge.  Her back arched as the coil inside her lower belly exploded, forcing her velvety walls to squeeze Tom’s cock as her body worked him to completion.  With a roar, he came as well, his hips jerking against her as he flooded her cunt with come.
Eventually, Ellie released his wrist and stabilized herself with both palms on the tabletop.  When he pulled out, they both sighed at the loss, and Tom kissed the top of her head and stroked her side.  She whined and grumbled softly as she felt their juices sliding down her legs and gathering in her panties.
“I’m gonna need to keep some clothes here.”
He chuckled softly and hoisted her into his arms.
“That’s fine.”
Gingerly he carried her towards the shower as she slipped her arms around his neck.
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