#and Joel lying to her not only eats at their trust and relationship but also actively eats at her
hallwyeoo · 2 years
“Joels decision at the end of tlou1 was justified. His death was completely uncalled for” WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG. Incorrect! Joel’s decision is UNDERSTANDABLE, not justified. There’s a significant difference between the two. Joel also knew when he saved Ellie that he was signing his death warrant. He was fine with it because it meant he got more time with her, and because she’d be alive. Joel is a very flawed person, and while no one deserves to die (especially not in the way he did) it wasn’t uncalled for. It was a necessary narrative decision! I cannot see a way tlou2 could’ve existed with Joel alive.
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macfrog · 11 months
you'll hurt me if you don't trust me sex on fire chapter eight
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super special sparkly shoutout to @chloeangelic ✨💛✨ whose influence inspired a whole load of intimacy in this. it is, unashamedly, eleven thousand words of sheer self-indulgence. so. love u guys. see u soon
pairing: ceo!joel x fem!reader
summary: you’re unwell. joel makes you feel better. until he doesn’t.
warnings: age gap (reader is late 20s, joel late 40s), workplace relationship, imbalanced power dynamic, cursing, sugardaddy!joel, softsoftsoft!joel, they eat chinese food together, reader has her period + mention/description of used tampon, discussion of abandonment/absent parents & parental death, discussion of cheating, lying, thigh riding, unprotected piv period shower sex (that is a mouthful thatswhatshesaid), VERY needy reader, SLIGHT dacryphilia (kinda not really?), creampie, aftercare joel, praise kink, daddy kink, angst & fluff & angst all over again
word count: 11k
series masterlist | main masterlist | playlist | follow @macfroglets w notifs on to be the first to hear when i post 💚
Martha had been pretty good about it. She’d watched you near-doubled in pain most of yesterday, hobbling to the kitchen every four hours to top up on pain meds. She knew you weren’t making it up. She made a conservative two jokes about you calling in this morning, and then told you to rest up. She’d let Joel know you’d be back tomorrow.
“You owe me, though. Joel’s got that shareholders meeting today. If I’m forced to sit in with him ‘n his cronies talkin’ numbers and takin’ notes, sweetheart, all so you can catch up on The Bachelorette…”
Alright. Three jokes.
You hang up and slide the phone back across your nightstand; roll over and stuff a pillow between your thighs as if that’ll do anything against the dull throb gnawing at your belly. Your shades are tilted upward, shrinking your bedroom into a foggy gray save for the shards of light which split across the ceiling.
There’s a heavy ache tugging behind your eyes, an irritating weight which shoves you into the arms of sleep and then pulls you back by the hair before you’re taken off by it. You’re dozing, fingertips massaging your eyelids and stretching the skin back and forth when the doorbell slices the stillness of your apartment in two, shrill in your sleep-deprived ears.
You ignore it at first. Fuck that. Fuck whoever that is. You’re not planning on leaving your cocoon today unless it’s to go pee, grab a snack, or maybe if you lose the remote in your sheets.
But it rings out again. Twice, this time. And in a blur of hormonal rage, you whip the sheets back, throw yourself out of bed and stagger down the hallway. You straighten up only enough to peer through the peephole, your palms pressed to the back of the door, and that’s when you see him.
He’s cradling a brown bag in his left arm, a second dangling from his wrist. His head is huge in comparison to his body, owing to the distorted fisheye glass. He shifts from foot to foot impatiently, awkwardly glancing down the hall. You’d recognize that jawline fucking anywhere.
Your breath pushes nervously against the door. You click the lock and curl around the heavy wood, your fingers clamping on the edge.
The two of you eye one another up and down before Joel speaks.
“Hi, darlin’.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Martha said you were sick?”
You pause. Look down to the bunch of wild flowers sat in the crook of his elbow, and then back up to his face, painted with – what is it – concern? There are lines you rarely see when he’s looking at you, carved deep between his brows.
A fire strikes in your belly.
“…I’m fine. I’m – I’m all good. Just – feeling a little…”
“What is it? Is it the flu? I brought flu stuff.” He nods into the bag, and reaches inside for a box of cold tablets and a pack of tissues. He tosses them across the threshold and you catch them, holding them close against your shoulder.
You smile, trying to hold back on a laugh, but also because what the fuck? He’s so sweet. The flames lick at the bottom of your lungs.
“It’s not…it’s not the flu, no.”
Joel nods, looking back into the bag. “Good thing I also brought these, then.”
He tilts it forward and you unhook from the door, leaning over to peer in. A box of Tampax, two bottles of painkillers, green packets of face masks and floral sachets of herbal teas. You fish one out.
“Chamomile,” you muse, pouting.
He shrugs. “Lady at the store said it’s a good muscle relaxant, I don’t know.”
“Don’t you have a meeting today?”
“Cancelled it. You freaked me out.”
Your heart knocks on your chest wall. Did you fucking hear that? You freaked him out. You gulp in response. Swallow hard to shut it the hell up.
“So, Martha’s in the office by herself?”
“She’s a big girl. Told her she could leave early if she got my to-do list done. I give it until one,” he mutters, glancing down at his watch. “Oh,” he says then, spotting the brush of green and burst of purple in his arm, “got you these. I don’t know what you like yet, but…”
Yet. Yet yet yet.
You take the posy delicately between your fingers, as if it might fall apart at the mere touch of your hand. The brown paper crinkles as it lifts from Joel’s arm, and you tilt them in the hallway’s milky light.
The sprigs shoot in wild directions, tangling and twisting around one another. Daisies, lazy in their climb, swirling around the gentle brush of lavender, wrapped tightly to some other flower you don’t recognize. They’re tied together in a neat, white lace bow.
You imagine Joel stood in the middle of some fragrant florist, rotating on the spot. Dumbfounded before some assistant in a flowing skirt and tinkling bracelets sweeps over to him. I don’t know what she likes – yet, he tells them. And your heart screams into the pillow of muscle surrounding it.
“Thank you.” The smile on your lips threatens to break into a grin. At the same time, a shot of pain rips across your belly. “Come in,” you groan through a wince, taking his shirt in your fist and pulling him inside.
Your apartment is probably a couple years too small for you. You’ve accumulated so much in the time you’ve lived here that you could do with finding a bigger place – but you’re comfortable. It feels like home, when nowhere did for so long. It’s snug, and humble, and as you lead him down your hallway, you imagine you’re feeling how Joel probably did when he showed you around his childhood home.
Your cheeks flush with something a little blunter than embarrassment, but prickled with nerves. Your living room rolls its eyes inward, every object looking over in suspicion and wonder. Who the hell is this man, in your space, armed with toiletries and a ten-grand watch on his wrist?
You pause by the sink, filling a glass with water for the flowers. Your teeth bite down on your lip. There are dishes on the counter, there’s laundry piled on stools, blankets and cushions strewn messily across your couch. Joel shakes his head when you apologize, holds a palm up when you try to explain how you’d gotten home from work last night and gone straight to bed. I haven’t had the energy to clean.
He won’t hear it. Says he’s not here to see your clean apartment. Here to see you.
He sets the bags on the worktop and looks around the room. Blinks from the sheer curtains guarding the balcony doors, to the pastel candles on your coffee table. Smiles when he notices the Pretty Woman poster framed above the couch.
“What?” you ask, when his eyes finally land back on you. You tug at the hem of your shirt, pulling it further down your bare thighs.
“Nothin’. Just – knew there was somethin’ more to you.”
You fold your arms and rock forward gently on the balls of your feet. Your head tilts. Your brows knit.
Joel clarifies, “I knew you weren’t as put together as you pretend to be at work. This – looks like your place. That’s all.”
“Oh, yeah? ‘n what does my place look like?
His cheeks lift. “Little all over the place. Little surprising. But bright. Cozy. You.”
“Bright ‘n cozy,” you echo.
He nods. Purses his lips, then adds, “And great in bed.”
You cough a laugh, reach out to shove his arm, and he catches your hand. He reels you in against his body and cups your head, fixing some flyaway strands of hair. You stare up at him, eyelashes slowly blinking him in and out of focus. His mottled beard and hazel eyes. The flecks of honeydew and amber swimming around his pupil. His shirt wrinkles beneath your chin.
“You hungry?” he asks, voice rumbling through his chest. You seem to understand the vibrations sooner than the words, these days. He reaches for the handles of the white bag, sliding it over towards you. “I brought lunch.”
“You brought lunch.” You scoff, grinning to yourself. It quickly fades, though, when your hand lowers into the bag and meets a warm, flat surface – two halves of a folded lid. Your brows pull. “You brought…”
Joel smiles as you lift the box, popping it open. Hot steam escapes the minute the lid folds back.
“Chinese okay? I didn’t wanna ruin the surprise by callin’ to ask what you wanted. I can run out and grab somethin’ else if you’re not –”
“How did you know to get…?” Your voice whittles to nothing as you stare down at the fresh-cooked meal, the bed of greasy noodles mixed with fried vegetables. Your tongue swipes at the corners of your mouth.
“’cause I know you,” Joel says, digging for a second box from the bag. “Anytime you’re stressed with work, anytime I give you a hard day, that’s what you order in for lunch, right?” He nods to the container as he tosses an egg roll into his mouth.
You giggle, lifting the box to hide your swollen cheeks. Your heartbeat hammers below your jaw.
“Right?” Joel laughs. “Chow mein? I’m right, ain’t I? You know I’m right.”
He nudges against you, taking his own lunch from the bag, and casts a familiar glance – the same one you saw a few days ago in Lavender Oaks. Like the decades-old mask slips just for a second and suddenly, a younger, shyer Joel shines through. He’s almost imperceptible, almost concealed by the cocky smirk and witty remarks of his older self, but you’ve seen him once, and now – he’s impossible to lose sight of.
“You’re weird,” you note, spinning off towards your bedroom.
Joel’s hot at your heels. “I’m weird?”
“Uhuh. For noticing that.”
He snorts, and then you feel a slap to your ass cheek. “Nice underwear, by the way. Who’d you steal them from?” he murmurs close to your ear, averting your gaze when you turn back, beaming.
You pad across the soft rug to your bed, dropping down and pulling the sheets back to make room for Joel. He’s setting his food down. You think to offer him a change of clothes – something more comfortable than a dress shirt and suit trousers – but the best you’d have is an oversized tee, and not much else.
The thought almost dizzies you. Joel, in his boxers and a t-shirt from your wardrobe. A shirt that smells like you, feels like you, belongs to you. A piece of you, hung from his shoulders like it was always meant to be shared between you. The way it’d still smell of him even after the sun had set and he’d peeled it from his body, folded it into a pile at the end of your bed and left in his button up.
He sits on the edge of your mattress to kick his shoes off, and marvels some more at the room just like he did in the kitchen. The fire in your chest is slowly turning your lungs to ash, stealing breath each time his dimples appear – squinting at the framed photographs on your dresser, tilting his head to read the titles of the books on your shelves.
When he catches sight of the paint-splattered easel in the corner, he turns back. Your eyes are already locked back on your chow mein, refusing to meet his. He doesn’t say anything. Just shuffles up against the headboard, nudges your knee with his own.
“You get that at the concert?” he asks, eyes a little south of yours.
You glance down. You’re wearing an old Queen tour tee, graphic print accompanied by 1986 in multicolored lettering. A little before your grand entrance on the planet. A little after Joel’s.
“Rod’s Retro, eastside,” you reply. “You find some cool stuff in there, Mr. CEO.”
Joel’s chin lifts, considering. “Hm,” he says, “you gonna take me someday?”
You nod. Maybe a little too eagerly. It doesn’t feel like you ought to care. “Um, yes. You would fucking love it. Half my wardrobe is thrifted.”
He nods once – banking the information. “Every day, I learn somethin’ new.”
“Shut up,” you quip, kicking him gently. “How come I never get to learn anything new about you?”
He shrugs, chewing. “Self-absorbed.”
You kick him for real this time. He laughs into his takeout box.
“I’m messing with you. You know plenty about me. You met my mom the other day, for cryin’ out loud.”
“Not enough. Don’t know where you get all your clothes from, or what your comfort food is.”
He replies through a mouthful of chop suey. “Then, ask.”
Your voice is high, defensive. “No. That’s too easy.”
Joel snorts.
You reach for the remote and click the screen opposite to life. Joel lifts his arm to let you sink against his body, and you flick through the channels. Shark Tank, Grey’s Anatomy, Wendy fucking Williams, and then –
You gasp. Joel looks up from his food. His brows arch, eyes flitting from you to the screen. You swear a groan escapes from his lips. You feel the thunder against your ear.
“You ever seen it?”
“Dirty Dancing? Yeah, I’ve seen Dirty Dancing, pretty girl.”
“You probably saw it at the movies, right? When it came out? In the eighties?”
You smile. “What did you think of it?”
Joel’s shoulders lift. His eyes are back on the screen. Be My Baby is crooning from the TV. “I liked Patrick Swayze,” he says.
You watch him, waiting for him to continue. When he doesn’t, you lean closer. “You…you liked Patrick Swayze?”
“Yeah,” Joel says, like it’s obvious. He turns back to you, one eyebrow raised. “He was cool. You don’t like ‘im in it?”
“No, I like Patrick Swayze,” you tell him. “Just…if that’s all you like about it, then…we might have a problem.”
He scoffs. “I don’t remember much of it, to tell you the truth.”
“Good. We’re watching it.”
Your head moves with his chest as he sucks in a deep, defeated breath. “Baby, I –”
“Ah,” you tap the remote on his knuckles, “you remember the Baby part.”
With a laugh which sounds an awful lot like approval and a grunt which sounds an awful lot like Alright, Joel sinks lower into the mattress. You drape your legs across his, and when he finishes eating, his fingers draw round shapes on your hot skin, daring past the hem of his own boxers on your thighs.
Somewhere around the lake scene, you notice your hand intertwined with his. Locked together, surfing over one another, squeezing and then loosening. Tracing the curve of each other’s palms and learning the lines scored into the skin. Fingertips becoming fluent in the landscape of one another’s bodies. Mapping them, like you’re afraid to forget.
Your eyes glass over, whether from fatigue, or from the now smoldering fire inside you, or from something harder to pinpoint. Your head feels heavy, leaning on Joel’s chest, listening to the drum of his heart against your ear. It sounds familiar, like you’ve known it forever. Like you can almost hear the whisperings between the soft thudding.
You start when you feel him moving beneath you. He groans, stretches his arms, and then snakes them around your body. The end credits are rolling. The movie’s over. You weren’t asleep, but you missed half of it. Your mind elsewhere – though you have no idea where.
Maybe you do. Maybe that’s not something you can bear – yet. Yet yet yet.
You crane your neck and look up to your boss. He’s already staring right back at you. His eyes widen.
“What did you think?” you ask sleepily.
He sniffs. “It’s good. Very politically charged. Lotsa Swayze.”
Your lips curve, cheek nuzzles into his shirt. “Very us, right?”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah. Especially that part in the water. When he –” his arms lift, holding an invisible Baby up – “y’know? You ‘n me, we do that all the time.”
“I hate you.”
He tightens his grip around your shoulders and lifts you closer, smiling. You think, when his eyes dart for half a second to your lips, that he might kiss you. You think you want him to. But he simply asks, “You want some tea?” and reaches over to swipe the empty containers from your nightstand.
You nod. “I’ll come help.”
“I got it,” he assures in that Southern gentleman tone, steady hand on your thigh as he slips out of bed.
“You don’t even know where the mugs are.”
Joel considers this for all of five seconds. Shrugs. Tells you, “I’ll figure it out,” and disappears through to the kitchen.
You lay back and close your eyes, counting each cupboard door opening and then immediately falling shut as he makes his way around the place, seeking out your collection of mugs. When he eventually opens what must be the right one, you hear him exclaim.
“Ha! First try.”
You snort, bleary eyes opening again to focus on the TV. They’re discussing the Kardashians on The View. Your eyebrows lift in agreement as if you’re sat in the studio with them. They move on to some segment on the president.
Joel returns a few minutes later, two mugs in hand, and passes you the one shaped like a ghost.
“Cute,” you whisper, taking it in both hands.
He flashes you a proud grin as he lays back down, sipping on a black coffee in a faded mug your mom gave you years ago.
You tap your nail against the ceramic in his hands. “World’s Best Daughter.”
“That’s me,” he replies, propping himself up on an elbow. “Your mom get you it?”
Your head drops, eyes staring at him from under low brows. “No. My fucking neighbor did.”
He stares back as he lifts the mug to his lips. They melt in a kiss against the ceramic. When he pulls it away again, he swallows, and says, “You’re close to her.”
“My neighbor? Yeah, she lives right next door.”
“Easy, smartass.”
You flash him a smug grin, which dissolves as quickly as you notice his eyes lingering on the half-heart charm around your neck. By instinct, your fingers clutch the smooth gold, as if protecting the smallest part of yourself from him. The only part you’ve never let him in on.
But there’s something in his eye – something that feels less like a spotlight and more like a warm fire. Sharing secrets muted by the sputtering of wood, held safely by the round rusty glow of the flames. Something kinder. Something protective.
“Yeah,” you say, voice crackling, “we’re closer ‘n anyone. Been through a lot together.”
Joel nods. He knew that already. “I’ll bet, pretty girl.”
And in typical Joel fashion, he doesn’t press for any more than you willingly offer. A part of you kind of wants him to ask more, wants him to push you. A weight jumps at the bottom of your chest, like the words fail to launch. And before you can retry, before you can confess more of yourself into his hands, he says –
“Ask me som’.”
You stall, and look at him intently. “What?”
“Anything you want. Free pass.”
Your cheeks swell. “What do you mean?”
 “If we’re sharin’ things, ‘s only fair we both do.”
“I don’t – We don’t have to –”
“Ask me,” he says slowly, eyebrows twitching.
You push a deep breath from your lips, cheeks globing as you scan around the room for inspiration. Something casual enough that you can ask it with ease, but deep enough that he’ll give you an answer worth sinking your teeth into. Something you don’t know about him; light enough to roll off your tongue, and then heavy when it lands in your palms.
Your gaze orbits back to his patient form and you ask, “How did you get the money to start your company?”
Joel seems to feel the weight of it when he catches it. Heavy, rather than light. Deep, rather than casual. He opens his mouth, runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek before he answers. “My, uh…my dad. He had a little bit of money.”
“He invest in it?”
“No, no. He, uh…he left it when he died.”
Your lips pull in a wince. “I’m sorry,” you whisper, and Joel looks up.
“’s okay, baby,” he replies, with a soft chuckle that makes the loose collar of his shirt quiver. He pushes some hair out of your face, settles his hand on your knee.
You hook two fingers around his thumb. He squeezes lightly.
“He musta loved you a lot. Leavin’ you so much.”
Another deep breath. His body stiffens. You think to unlock your fingers and take his hand properly, comfort him, maybe – but he’s already lifting it, scratching his beard with his thumb. He watches a bubble swirl around in his mug until it disappears with a pop into the dark coffee, and he finally looks up.
“It’s kinda…complicated. He and my mom – they were married for years, ‘n he ended up…” Joel swallows. His jaw clenches. “He cheated on her. Had this mistress for months. Mom found out through a friend of hers. She kicked him out of the house, but they never divorced. Just stayed separated until he died, ‘n then he left all his money to her.”
“To your mom?”
Joel nods. “She didn’t want a penny of it. Hated the man ‘til the day he died ‘n beyond.”
And you believe it. Ruth Miller was kind, warm and charming to you. She laughed with you, she smiled like she’d known you her whole life, she held your hands and she whispered secrets about Joel in your ear – purposefully to embarrass him, to make that bashful side turn its head again.
But she was sharp. She was quick, and you knew within the first five minutes of meeting her exactly where Joel got his wit and his mind. You can see her, clear as day, guarding the front porch of that little white house – one hand on her hip and the other pointing in the direction her cheating husband was to head.
Just as clear, you can see her stood over that same husband’s grave, waving her fist and tearing his will into confetti. It brings something of a smile to your face. Sad, sympathetic, but…impressed.
“Wow…So she – she gave it to you? And you – put it into the company?”
He shrugs, grip tightening around the mug. “When I started makin’ money, I paid off the mortgage on her house, managed to convince her to retire early. Got her into a good retirement home, once she was ready for it.”
Smart guy.
A calm quiet falls between you. Joel turns to watch the commercials on TV. Your chest fills with a need to ask him something – a feeling all too familiar whenever you’re around him. Only him. A weight on your mind, a bubbling which starts in your stomach and rises up until it’s practically pushing the words out over your tongue.
“Your dad – how do you not hate him?”
He turns back. Your eyes are stinging. He notices. Holds his palm out, and your fingers instantly lace through his. Your nails find those same valleys, the grooves you’d traced while Swayze and Grey mamboed.
Joel stares up at you, face suddenly tight with worry. He knows there’s something loaded behind your question. Knows you’re asking for something more than another jigsaw piece of him. You’re doing it again. You’re freakin’ him out.
“I…” He falls quiet, looks between your eyes at the pearly tears which form in the corners, the way your face sets to stone. He glances down at your necklace again, and shakes his head softly. “I spent a long time hatin’ him, baby. Changed nothin’. He did what he did. He was a scumbag.”
The answer melts your angry frame, body folding and sinking further into your pillows. You tug the bedsheet a little closer to your chin, press your lips into the top of the ceramic ghost’s head.
Your voice sounds small, sounds like it doesn’t even come from your chest, when you say, “I think I hate my dad. For what he did.”
Joel finally relaxes. Like he’s finally seen the tiny creature casting the huge, stretched shadow on the wall. “You…Yeah?”
You nod. Stare at the cotton mountain of your legs entangled in his. “Yeah. He just up ‘n left, when things got boring. When I grew up, and my mom got older. Just packed his car, and…I always wonder –” a breath lurches from your chest, “– I always wonder why I wasn’t worth stickin’ around for. Why he just – decided one day to…”
Your voice fails to carry. Joel knows the end of the sentence, anyway.
You’ve never told anybody any of this. Not Blake, not your mom, not any of your friends; you barely even know in yourself how you feel about it – even twelve years later. But the air in the room feels different – feels thicker, like you’re tucked away from the world. The conversation won’t leave your apartment, you know that much. Know that Joel wouldn’t speak of it again, wouldn’t so much as let it cross his own mind, if you asked him not to. And so you let the words tumble from your tongue, let them sit heavy in the space between you.
The space between you, which is now silent, like you’re both preoccupied. Joel, taking in the weight of what you’ve said into strong, safe hands; and you, feeling that same weight lift off of your chest. Until the silence itself feels clunky, and awkward, and you scram to find something to break it up.
“Anyway. Sorry to be a bummer.”
“You ain’t a bummer. Are you kidding?” Joel sighs. “I’m sorry, babygirl. Sorry that happened to you.”
“’s okay. He was just a scumbag, right?”
“Sure sounds it.”
You take a small sip, the tea sugarcoating your lips and flooding over your tongue – the sweet taste ridding them of the bitter memory of your dad. “Your turn,” you hum.
Joel’s head jerks. “No, darlin’, you already told me somethin’. You go again.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“I’m changin’ the rules.”
You try to protest, manage the sound Jo– before his hand lifts and he shushes you.
“That’s what I was gonna ask, anyways. Was gonna ask about you ‘n your dad. Now, go.”
He’s lying. You know it, and you suspect he knows you know it, too. It’s a terrible attempt at a lie, no matter how kind it is. But you’re too tired, a little too in pain to argue back over it. And he’s looking at you again, with that honeycomb twinkle in his eye, that Joel look which stirs something in you every time he shows you it.
You sigh, accepting defeat, and rack your brain for something else you want him to talk about.
“Alright, uh…What about your brother? He didn’t want any of your dad’s money?”
Joel’s face twists into something of a grimace. You instantly regret bringing it up.
“Touchy subject?” you ask, already coming up with five new, two-dimensional questions to ask in place of that one. Who was your first kiss and what was your first car and when did you find your first gray hair and what’s your mom’s maiden name and –
But you don’t need them.
Joel says, “Not with you,” and tilts his head, like measuring up his answer. He takes his time letting it filter down to his lips, and you reckon you’ve a good idea of why.
He was closed-off about it in Paris. About his brother. Didn’t say more than three sentences about him. And that was only where a sheep farm was considered. What you’re asking about right now is a hell of a lot deeper and a hell of a lot more difficult than a ranch in the Texan countryside.
“He was always closer to Dad. They used to go out huntin’ every Sunday. Liked the same music, watched the same TV. They were buddies, more ‘n anything. When it turned out my dad had this whole other life behind our backs – behind Tommy’s back – he flipped. Couldn’t take it. He disappeared, never looked back. Just packed his car, moved across the country.”
He’s staring at the TV now, barely blinking. Barely breathing, until you speak and it’s like he remembers he’s in your apartment, on your bed, with you. Not back in time twenty years, watching the dust kick up from under his little brother’s tires.
“He must’ve been pretty mad.”
“Yeah. Tommy’s like that, he’s got a hot head on his shoulders. But it meant leavin’ Mom, y’know? She went through all of that without him. I had to pick up all these broken pieces, juggle all this stuff, ‘n he just got to walk away from it all. And then, when Dad died, he refused to come back still. Left me to organize everything – the money, the funeral. The whole damn thing.”
He flicks his head, resentfully, like trying to dislodge the memory from his mind. Trying to shake it free. When you speak, it seems to soften him. Seems to thaw whatever angry image was frozen behind his eyes.
“Yeah,” you sigh, “that part sucks. I bet it was hard goin’ through all that without him.”
Joel’s head angles towards you. “Not any harder ‘n it was on you, goin’ through what you did.”
“Well…I know I would’ve found it easier if I had a brother or sister. Someone like me, someone who gets it, y’know?”
“Hm. We weren’t all that close to begin with, I guess.”
“You were close enough to want to buy a ranch together.”
He shakes his head again, this time refusing to let the idea in. Turning it away at the door.
“You miss him?”
“It my turn to ask somethin’ yet?” he asks, smiling.
But you’re feeling braver now. He’s answered everything up until now; it feels less like a game and more like…more like he wants to talk about it. Like it’s been pent up all this time and this is the first anyone’s brought it up. A relief to get it off his chest, if nothing else.
You ignore him. Press him. “Do you?”
Joel sighs deep enough that his coffee ripples a little in his mug, and then nods. “Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like if we were on speaking terms, yeah.”
“So, call him. You have his number?”
“I ain’t gonna call him, baby.”
“Where’s he at?”
“Last I heard, ‘n it was a long time ago now – he was in Wyoming. Married, kid on the way.”
“Call him. You really gonna let that kid grow up without Uncle Joel around?”
“Uncle Joel,” he repeats, laughing now. “He does not want to hear from me, angel. Let it go.”
Joel turns the volume up and settles back into bed, pillows propped behind him. You pass him your empty mug and he slots it alongside his own. As the commercials end and Whoopi Goldberg flashes a grin into the camera, you give it one final shot.
“I’d give anything to have someone who knew and understood me as well as a brother might.”
His hand falls limp against your bedsheets, remote loose in his fingers. You lift his arm, nuzzling underneath it to lean your head by his heart, and he sighs.
Argument won.
“Too many big questions,” you mutter after a while, eyes clinging to the screen. “Ask me somethin’ stupid.”
“Somethin’ stupid,” Joel repeats, and you nod. “Alright. Who’d you lose your virginity to?”
You slap his chest. “Dirtbag!”
He chuckles. “Who was it? Blake?”
“No,” you reply.
“Damn. Who?”
You roll your eyes, though he can’t see you.
But suddenly you feel the loose spaghetti straps of a slip dress over your shoulders, see the off-white glow of three-year-old sneakers crossed at your ankles, chipped pink fingernails tracing the blurry pastel shapes on floral bedsheets. A dry throat, the sanitized backwash of vodka and coke splashing across your tongue. A smash from downstairs – someone’s broken the host’s mom’s best vase.
“Was just this guy I slept with at a house party,” you tell Joel, clearing your throat. “Lisa Tait’s sweet sixteenth. We were in her bedroom, all of us, ‘n everyone started heading downstairs, ‘til it was just me ‘n this dude Jack laying on her bed.”
“You had sex on some other girl’s bed?”
You nod, cringing a little. “I wasn’t even friends with her. Wasn’t even friends with him. Just thought, fuck it. I didn’t wanna go into senior year a virgin ‘n neither did he, I guess.”
“How’d it go?”
The messy, uncomfortable thrusts between your legs. The hand shooting down to guide himself back in. The wet lips running along the shell of your ear, the acidic breath on your cheek. Is that good for you? Yeah, it’s good for me. You sure? I’m sure. Just hurry up.
“Lasted, like, four minutes, thirty seconds.”
Joel’s body jerks. You know he’s staring at the crown of your head. “You timed him?”
“No. He lasted as long as Paradise by Coldplay. It was playin’ downstairs in the living room.”
He tips his head back and laughs to the ceiling. You giggle into his shirt.
“Poor guy,” Joel says, rubbing your shoulder.
“Poor me, more like.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, and pats your head. “Least you’re doin’ alright now.”
You push yourself up from his chest and glare at his satisfied smirk, dodging his thumb when it lifts to clip your chin. “Oh, you’re so smug about it.”
“Are you kidding? For lastin’ longer than five minutes? ‘course I am. Can make you come twice in that time.”
He nods. Runs the tip of his tongue along his top lip, corners of his mouth twitching. Something sparks to life inside you.
Your knee lifts, reaching over his waist and planting into the mattress on the opposite side. Joel’s hands come to rest on your thighs, fingers slipping up beneath the black cotton and edging against your hipbones. You bend over him, lips running a wet trail from the base of his neck to his earlobe. His breath falters.
“Prove it, daddy,” you whisper, and his grip tightens.
“Baby,” he warns, voice suddenly sharper. “We don’t have to –”
You ignore him, holding him down by the shoulders. “I want to.”
“I’m just sayin’,” his fingers wrap around your wrists, “’s not why I came here. We can just hang out.”
“We are hanging out,” you tell him. “This is what we do.”
And he seems to agree. Or, at least, accepts defeat, in the form of rolling his hips upwards. His fingers slip through yours, locking at your knuckles, anchoring you to him. You grind against his belt buckle, the hard metal flat against your clit. Joel clocks you instantly.
He sits up. Holds you by the ass on his body until your center is flush with his. You feel him stir beneath your open legs.
He shifts to the edge of the bed, keeping you chest to chest in his lap. Your teeth grit against one another. His lips are warm, they still taste like coffee. You lick at the corners.
“Wanna make yourself feel good on me?” he asks.
A smile as sweet as sugar and laced with something darker spreads across your lips. “You’re best at it, right?”
Joel hums. “Alright,” he says, impressed. His chin lifts; he breathes a laugh as you pepper his jaw with kisses. “Take what you need, angel. ‘s all yours.”
Your knees spread wider. You push down on his swollen crotch, voice catching as he meets you halfway, bucking up into you again. Your clit throbs at the contact, forcing you back up off him.
“D-addy,” you choke, hands suddenly gripping his shoulders.
Joel’s stronger. He takes your waist and replaces you on his lap. “Shh,” he whispers, breath hot against your ear, “’s okay, baby. I got you. We’re gonna make you feel good together, alright? Here.”
He slides you over until your legs are either side of one of his, his thick thigh flat against your most sensitive spot. You dig your nails into his forearms, squeezing hard, but he doesn’t budge. Just looks up at you, holding you steady, and says –
“Go on. Ride it, babygirl.”
You move an inch. The rough fabric catches on the soft of Joel’s underwear. You gasp, relief mixing with arousal and spilling warm and soothing between your legs.
Joel squeezes your hips. “Do it, darlin’. Make yourself feel good. ‘m here, I’ll watch.”
The fabric beneath your pussy is soaked, probably dampening a mark into his pants – and you don’t fucking care. It feels good – the steady weight of him, lifting his thigh as you drag yourself along it, beginning to rock back and forth.
Your eyes are closed, head to the ceiling, grinding your core against his. You can feel him staring. Watching you, his gaze red hot on your already fevered skin. You collapse into him over and over, his body solid as a rock, letting yours fold against him. Liquid in pleasure and feeling.
Your eyes open a sliver and you smile, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
Joel smirks. “You know how fucking perfect you look right now?”
You nod, forehead coming to lean heavily on his.
He bucks his leg, jaw tight. “How – fucking – beautiful you are? Making yourself come on daddy’s thigh?”
You inhale the words as he speaks them, swallowing them in gasps and parting your lips complacently for more. Keep going. Keep telling me –
“–you my good girl?”
“Mhm,” you whimper, legs starting to give.
“Gonna get me covered in you? Gonna come all fuckin’ over me, babygirl?”
“Daddy, I want –”
“Tell me,” he demands, “tell me what you want.”
His hands are clamped on your waist, guiding you – driving you, more than your weak hips are able to – holding you to him almost painfully. Your body circles messily, becoming sloppier the closer your orgasm draws, quivering when the feeling runs a delicate hand through your hair and plants wet kisses along your neck.
“Want you to fuck me, daddy,” you whine, body rocking again. Your hand lowers to cup the outline of him, rock-hard and restrained beneath linen. He shudders when you squeeze him – looks down to your small hand on the huge bulge in his trousers. “Need to feel you inside me.”
Your own eyes are stuck on the place where your bodies connect, writhing against one another – the wet seam of Joel’s underwear, the folds of his pant leg as you rut against him. Your empty cunt tightens, aching for more against his firm thigh.
“’m gonna, pretty girl,” he says, groaning as you palm him. “‘m gonna fuck you so good. Just give me one first, alright? Let me see you come for me.”
Your body jolts as you come. Hips lose their rhythm; arms lock tight around Joel’s shoulders. And all the while, his lips stay pressed against your ear.
“Look so good, baby,” he coos. “That feel good, angel? Yeah?”
As quickly as your orgasm sent you under, you’re pulling back. You haven’t even regained feeling between your legs, but you’re pushing yourself from his lap, separating your bodies.
Joel sits back, body lightweight when you tug on his wrists and drag him up to height in front of you. You’re backing up across the plush rug, his chest bumping against yours, your fingers fumbling for the buttons of his shirt. Your back hits the bathroom door. Joel twists the handle.
You spill onto the cold tile, attached at the mouth, frantically tearing clothes from each other’s bodies. It’s desperate. It’s burning. It’s almost fucking painful, how bad you need him.
His hands run from your cheeks to the hem of your shirt, hauling it over your torso and tossing it to the counter. You peel the shirt from his shoulders and your bare chest meets his, his hands finding your hips again when he whips them from his sleeves. The white shirt drops to your damp floor, dark, wet marks spreading across the dress fabric.
“Shoot,” you mumble against his lips. “My – bad. Sorry.”
“Don’t – care,” Joel breathes, and his thumbs push beneath his waistband.
You spin on your heel, backing towards the shower and taking him by the jaw with you. He shoves the clothing down his legs, stepping out of them and catching you again in time to drag the underwear from your thighs.
You shift into the shower, both fully naked. Joel spins the nozzle and the warm water rains down between you. His chest quickly soaks, dark hair thicker and blacker, flat against his glistening skin. He tilts his head under the spray and soaks his hair – gives one heavy flick of the head like a wet dog, and you laugh as he pulls you in again.
His hands cup your face as he connects your lips, and then his right drifts down your neck and pushes your tit up, squeezing the sensitive skin in his palm and rolling your firm nipple between two fingers. He lets it drop, runs his hand delicately down your frame, following the curve of your waist to your hips. He cups between your legs.
You come up for air, a sudden realization over your head as though the water runs freezing cold. “Wait,” you start, “I gotta –”
But he’s rubbing gentle circles against your clit, slow, pacing you as the tide of your first orgasm disappears to sea. He doesn’t seem to know, yet – or if he does, he doesn’t give a fuck.
“Joel –”
“I know,” he says, voice low and busy, but still – assuring. Unbothered. He moves his hand lower, surfing along your slit, until his fingers brush the wet string.
Your breathing jumps. He taps the seam of your thigh twice, and your leg tilts aside. Your eyes flit back up, crossing over his chest to fix on his jaw. You feel a flushing heat cross your cheeks, a moment’s hesitation before your fingers clamp around his wrist.
“Hey,” he whispers, and you almost don’t hear him over the running of the shower. He keeps his left hand on your jaw, his right between your legs. He shakes his head once, and takes the string in two fingers, and –
Gently pulls. Only a fraction, and then he pauses. Looks back up at you, a question in his stare.
You nod, exhaling heavily. He pulls again, and he doesn’t stop.
The tampon falls wet and heavy into his palm. His hand leaves your cheek and settles around your waist, leaning both of you out of the shower while he reaches for some toilet paper. Once it’s wrapped in a roll of white tissue and sat on your sink, he moves back into the cubicle.
He runs his palm under the flow; splashes of red swept up, watered down, and carried to the drain along with every last whispering of worry on your lips. Your elbows bend around his neck and he dips his head to kiss you, pushing you carefully into the corner.
“You tell me –” he kisses you, “– if it hurts or it gets too much, you tell me.” His body stands huge, blocking yours from the stream of water. Your back bumps against the shower wall; the shock of the cold tile pushes you closer to Joel.
“Just – fuck me.”
But he’s adamant. “You tell me.”
“I’ll tell you. You’ll know.”
“This is about you feelin’ good.”
“I’ll tell you,” you whine.
“We’re gonna have a word,” Joel instructs, lining up between your legs. He lifts your thigh to sit on his hip. “’n if you say it, I stop. Alright?”
You nod, fervently. “Please –”
His fingers separate your lips; his tip nudges your entrance. “Maple, alright? It gets too much, you say maple. You do that?”
“Joel, if you don’t –”
“Maple,” you agree, “I’ll say it. Just –”
He pushes in without another word.
How many times has it been, by now? Ten? More than that? Enough for you to know in your mind, if not from trying to learn then simply from muscle memory, exactly how he feels. The curve of his cock, the width of the tip, the length of him as he slots deep inside you.
And yet – every fucking time – you feel so full. Full of him in every sense – your cunt, swollen around him, your lungs, breathing his scent, your every thought and feeling and sense replaced by Joel. Joel Joel Joel Joel –
He’s suffocating. And if you died right now – if you were smothered by him, swaddled until you couldn’t feel anything anymore – you’re not sure you’d be able to tell. Not sure you’d care enough to notice.
He pushes in slow, but deep. So fucking deep. Lets your walls expand around him the first few thrusts, lets your body welcome him back in. His lips press against your temple, his arms cradle your lower back. Your weight bears down on his shoulders and he lifts you, your other leg sitting on his waist. He holds your ass in both hands, begins to bounce you steadily.
“So good, baby,” he says. “Doin’ so good for me. You’re daddy’s girl, ain’t you?”
Your answer leaves your lips in the form of a moan. Something shaped like his name, or maybe some attempt at a response to his question, or maybe something more dangerous.
“My girl,” he repeats, whatever it was you said. “Daddy’s girl.”
Your head rolls back, cushioned by Joel’s hand between you and the tile wall. He knots his fingers in your hair, snaps his hips quick and hard, panting into your shoulder. And there’s a feeling – a stinging, a burning, sweeping across your eyes, and for a second you think it feels like shampoo, like the sharp scratch of soap between your lashes, until you realize it’s –
Tears. The heavy cut of tears, brimming your eyes. Blurring your vision. And with every thrust, every blissful meeting of Joel’s cock and your cervix, every inch he spreads you open wide – they form quicker, and quicker, and quicker. Until they spill down onto your cheeks, and you can’t tell the difference between them and the spray of the shower.
But Joel can. His head lifts from the crook of your neck, his teeth dragging from your skin. He spots your eyelashes, silky and wet, and in one motion, wraps his arm around your head, holds you with the inside of his elbow.
He dips his jaw, presses his lips featherlight to your cheeks, kisses the tears away as quickly as they roll down.
“I –” gasp, “– don’t know –” gasp, “– why I’m –”
Joel’s head shakes as he pulls away. Shuts you up. His answer is simple. You believe it instantly.
“’s okay. You’re okay.”
And right then – you think you understand.
Because you can see him – plain as day. You can see the amounts he cares for you, the limitless needs he can meet for you. There’s a warmth within you, spread throughout your body for him, and you have no fucking idea how to let him feel it. How to have it seep through your skin – so that every time his fingers ghost over your body, he’s met with a blaze strong enough to burn. A fire, big enough and bright enough that it shows him exactly how you feel.
Only him. No one else. A flame only he can see, dancing across your eyes when you look at him. A heat only he can feel. How do you make him feel it? How do you tell him? What combination of words might translate it?
It’s like slamming your fists against a glass barrier. A transparent wall, that allows you only to see him and draw near to him – never to feel him. Not really.
And so, you cry. You cry for him, for yourself. And Joel lets you.
For a little while.
His lips are back on your neck, biting marks into the soaking skin. “’attagirl,” he hums. It rattles your pulse, disturbs the rhythm and sends his own beating through your veins. “So good, baby.”
They soothe you – his lips, and the words which come from them. Soothe the sweet pain between your legs, the swollen ache every time Joel pushes into you. The stretch, the bruising tinge when his tip finds home in the deepest part of your body. Somewhere no one has ever reached, no one has ever found. No one, you feel, has ever been worthy enough to know.
Until him. Until Joel.
That same rhythm – your pulse on his wavelength – begins to flee south. Loops and swirls and dives to where his body connects with yours. Tightens rapidly around your cunt. Your hips grind against his, your thighs clamp on his waist. He starts to falter, hips slipping whether from blood or come or water. And then he’s growling, face burying into your chest as he steadies the two of you with an abrupt palm on the wall, and he stills.
The feeling of his release tips you over. The warmth spreading inside, so far you feel him in your stomach. Your walls contract around him, squeezing until every last drop of him is buried somewhere in you, and you lower one foot to the shower floor.
“Fuck, darlin’,” he pants, pulling his lips from your collarbone. “You okay?”
You nod, head rolling against the wall behind. You’re not crying anymore. The shower whirrs somewhere over Joel’s shoulder. Your chest feels tight. And you feel fucking euphoric.
He gives three more lazy, broken thrusts, pushing his come deeper inside. You both still, mouths curved open, exchanging breath and letting your tongues flick idly against one another.
You hold onto him long after your orgasm is shallow ripples between your legs. Long after the feeling has washed back into the ocean, your high a glimmer of sunlight bursting over the distant horizon, the aftereffects painting your world golden.
You hold onto him, and you let him run his hands slowly up and down your spine, and you sift your weak fingers through his dark hair, and you let him kiss your neck and your shoulders and your collarbones. He leans back; the flow of water cascades between you, carrying away any mess left on your bodies.
And then you let him carry you out of the shower, his tip still inside you, slowly softening. He settles you carefully against your counter, and reaches over for two white towels, caping one around your shoulders and using it to draw your body against his own.
You take the corners from his fingers and he lifts your chin, pushing your lips apart with his tongue. Then he pulls away, allows you to wrap the terry around yourself.
Joel wraps his own towel around his waist, slung loose enough that you can trace the dark hair peppered from his belly button down between his hips.
“You know how inappropriate it is to look at your boss like that?” he tuts.
You hook an arm around his neck and pull him back in. “Then stop lookin’ at me the way you do,” you tease, and he kisses your cheek.
He disappears through to your kitchen, reappears moments later with the box of Tampax, and you don’t even think to laugh or tell him you’ve an open box sat in the cupboard you’re leaning against. You just smile, and accept the clean tampon he holds out in his fingers. He leaves you to get dressed with the door closed over.
He’s sat on your bed when you emerge from the bathroom, holding his soaking shirt between two fingers. “Sorry about, uh…”
“’s alright,” he shrugs, standing up, “I’ll take it from your paycheck.”
His knuckles pinch your nose. You free yourself to place a chaste kiss on his fingers, and pass him the crinkled mess.
“I have something that’ll fit you somewhere,” you mutter, slipping past him as he hangs the shirt by the collar over your door.
“Do me a favor,” Joel’s voice follows, and he takes your wrist. You turn back to face him. “Catch your breath.”
“Huh?” you ask, and his hand comes up to mold around your cheek, the way it always fucking does. As if your bodies were made to be held by one another.
“Just – take a breath. You’re doin’ it again.”
“Doing what?”
“Movin’ at a hundred miles an hour. Breathe for me.”
You scoff, loosening yourself from his grasp to go sift through your wardrobe for something big enough for him. You settle for a Jurassic Park tee – logo faded and cracked, hem a little ragged.
“Rod’s?” he asks, holding the shirt up.
You’re already collapsing onto the mattress. “You bet.”
Joel smirks and tugs it over his head, throwing himself down against the headboard. Your hand wraps around his thigh, lips press soft kisses on the skin. He runs his hand over your hair.
“Are you gonna take a sick day off me for this?” you ask.
He shakes his head simply. “Doctor’s orders. Can’t say nothin’ to that.”
“I didn’t go to the doc–”
His thumb presses against your lips. “You don’t know when to fuckin’ lie, do you?” he whispers. “’s alright, we’ll getcha trained up.”
You snort, shaking yourself free of his hand. Your head settles by his hip, nails draw aimless patterns along the curve of his stomach.
“Need you better by Sunday, anyway,” Joel sighs, “Martha’s son’s birthday party.”
You grunt in response. You forgot about that.
Joel tuts. “Still gotta find him a present. How in the hell do I know what to buy a twelve-year-old?”
Your hand pauses. Neck cranes up to look at him. He’s staring down at you, his trademark glower still recognizable even upside down. Somehow, not sat upright in front of him, the thought seems less scary. Less of a commitment, more a casual suggestion.
“Why don’t we just get ‘im a joint one?”
The hard expression immediately wipes from his face. Replaced by something rounder. He blinks at you. “Really? From – you ‘n me?”
You shrug against his waist. It’s not answer enough for him.
“As in, you n’ me?” he asks.
“Why not?”
Joel’s head shakes. His mouth curves as he considers the thought. But he can’t mask the pang it sends through his body; can’t pretend he’s not covering the way his veins light and his nerves stand to attention by taking your hand in his and squeezing it briskly.
It doesn’t have to mean something. You, Joel, and Deb are the only people from work that Martha invited, and Deb’s bringing her two sons, which means her gift will be from them, too. All it has to mean is that you’re Martha’s co-workers, and figured it’d be cheaper and easier to get one gift over two.
Except – one of you is a millionaire.
It means something. The fact you asked. You’re not asking to save a buck, to make it simpler. You’re asking because you want to wrap some video game in paper Joel picked out; you want him to hold the folds down with one finger while you tear tape with your teeth. You want to sign the card with both of your names, in your handwriting. See how they look paired up.
You ask him because you want to feel the way you think you ought to have felt this entire time. Your body is ablaze. You’re ready to let him feel it. And you ‘n me seems like a pretty good combination of words to start with.
You’re ready. And that’s why you ask him.
Joel’s quiet for as long as you are. You both go to talk at the same time, both noticing how silent the room has fallen while you realize all of those things in real time.
“Sorry, baby, you go,” Joel says, sniffing.
“No, I was just – no, you go. What were you gonna say?”
He smiles. “Was just – wonderin’ what you wanted to get Alan.”
Your mouth opens to answer, and then you pause. “Al–? What?”
“What you wanted to get ‘im,” Joel repeats.
You push yourself up, lean on one hip in front of him. “Yeah, I heard that part. What did you call him?”
You stare at him. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Joel stares right back. “Martha’s son.”
“Martha’s son’s name is Henry.”
“No, it fuckin’ ain’t.”
You’re biting back a laugh. “Yes, it fuckin’ is.”
“She calls him Little Al. All the damn time, baby, he’s –”
“That’s because he acts like Alan. Her husband. His father. All the damn time. You gotta be messing with me. Have you been calling him Alan the entire time he’s been alive?”
His expression tells you yes.
You’re laughing now. Really laughing. It breaks your words in two, your head tilting back to the ceiling. “You…idiot.”
Joel’s struggling to compose himself, sliding off the bed. “The email she sent out says Alan’s Twelfth Birthday. The hell’s my phone?”
“You think she had a kid in two thousand eleven, and named it Alan? You don’t think they’d call Child Protection on her for that?”
He points a finger, tossing pillows to the bottom of your bed. “That’s disrespectful to the Alans of the world. Where the fuck is my –?”
Your chest swells in a giggle, eyes start to sting with tears. “What do you write in her Christmas cards? To Martha, Alan, and Alan?”
You slap the bed, leaning forward with a deep gasp, trying to catch your fucking breath. Joel’s still stripping the bed, still keeping his own laughter deep in his chest, but it’s quickly crumbling.
“Her email –” he chuckles, “– says Alan’s Twel–”
“She’s fucking with you!” you holler, catching the pillows he throws to you. “She’s fucking with – I’m gonna piss my pants. Martha, Alan, and Alan, oh my fucking –”
“Here,” he finally throws you the phone, “go find it. Find the email. Search the damn word Alan; she uses it every time she talks about him. Jesus Christ, I need a coffee. You want another chamomile tea, Little Miss Smartass?”
He lifts your mug and tilts it in your direction. You nod as you reach for the phone, wiping tears from your cheeks. Joel disappears through to the kitchen.
He clued you in on his passcode a few months after you started. You were still in the office past five o’clock, looking out files he needed for some client visit the following morning. His phone had buzzed, you were nearest it. He lifted his head and nodded to the lit screen.
1-6-9-1, he told you.
It finally made sense only a few days ago, after three years of wondering. Three years of knowing and never asking; a mystery solved. 1691 Maple.
His background was always one of the standard ones. The boring ones. A soft, blue gradient. Usually, his lock screen was too populated by notifications for you to even notice.
But now – it’s changed.
Now, it’s a photo of the view from the terrace in Paris. The pale sunset, faded blue into sweet yellow. The Eiffel Tower carved out in the center. You suck in a deep breath as you swipe texts and emails away to properly study it, figure out exactly where he was standing to take it, and exactly where you might’ve been when he did.
You tap in the four digits and his home screen lays out before you. Only, the background is different – again.
It’s Paris, still, but indoors. Dark wall, an ornate frame pinned to it, housing an amused smirk and soft hands. She’s looking off into the distance, past the photographer. Or maybe – she’s looking at you.
You, stood leaning on the barrier in front of her. The Mona Lisa. Your head tilted towards her, beaming like it’s a photo with your favorite celebrity.
It’s not a big deal. That’s what you tell yourself. It’s his home screen. Only visible if you know his password – and you’re fairly sure that you’re the only one who does. Not even Martha would know that this photo exists, never mind the fact that it’s his wallpaper. It’s not a big fucking deal.
No matter how much you think you want it to be.
You swiftly tap on the email app icon, trying to rid your mind of your own cheesing image. He has thirteen unread emails, all from the last hour. Some you know he’ll forward straight to you and Martha; others look a little more serious. As you’re scrolling down them, you notice a familiar face.
Denis Pelletier. His square-jawed grin flashes back at you from the tiny circle icon beside his name. You tap on the email, and your cheeks lift higher the further down it you read.
I hope your flight home was pleasant, and It was wonderful to take you both around Paris, and Your assistant was very sweet. You breathe a laugh, scrolling down the three-paragraph message urging Joel that if he’s ever back in Paris – if you’re ever back in Paris, both of you – to make sure you let the chauffeur know.
But there’s no email from Martha. At least, none in Joel’s inbox. You return out of the folder and wheel down to his Deleted folder, scrolling past password reset emails, panicked cries for help from Mackley and Tom, past order confirmations for brands you’ve never heard of, when –
A head of hair, more salt than pepper. A bright, unnerving smile, too many dazzling teeth in a mouth too small to house them. A pink sky behind him; candy floss clouds and townhouses glowing orange in the sunset – the building blocks of the Paris skyline.
Jean-Marc. An email – a deleted email – from Jean-Marc.
Dear Joel, It was such a pl… is all you can read from the preview. Your eyes flit up to your door. Joel’s still in the kitchen, humming. You glance back down to his phone.
Would it be invading his privacy? It’s only an email from Jean-Marc. It’s not like you don’t know who he is. What if your thumb slipped? Accidentally opened it? What if your eyes scanned over the text before you quickly swiped back out of the email?
There’s the sound of a drawer rolling closed. A spoon rattling against ceramic. He’s stirring your tea.
You click on the email.
It was such a pleasure to see you again.
You scan over the first paragraph. It’s just Jean-Marc cozying up to Joel. Your nose wrinkles and your lips turn.
I loved meeting your assistant, the next paragraph begins. And your focus is pulled.
I wonder if you had given our conversation any more thought? Whether she might be looking for a new challenge? Something this side of the Atlantic, perhaps?
Your heart skips a beat. A new challenge.
“You want the last egg roll?” Joel calls from the kitchen.
You jolt back to life. “N-no, you have it,” you reply. You hear the rustle of the bag.
I wonder if you might relay the message onto her, Jean-Marc continues. Please give her my email address and phone number.
You quickly pull the screen up, noting the date the message was sent. Three days after you got home from Paris. More than a week ago. You tap on Joel’s response as his footsteps creak back towards your bedroom.
His reply is as short and sweet as the few words he spoke to the Frenchman that Sunday morning.
I’ll pass on your details, he’s written, but unfortunately, my assistant is currently unavailable. Maybe sometime in the future.
Your jaw jerks. Eyes trace the words, over and over. Thumb scrolls up and down the email, making sure you’re reading it right. Joel, making promises he never followed through. Joel – your Joel, the one you pestered for fucking days after Paris over what he’d talked with Jean-Marc about – one hand laced through yours, the other with a vice grip around a secret he never intended to clue you in on.
You. He’d talked about you. They’d probably talked about you the entire fucking meeting, as soon as Joel mentioned you. You can see Jean-Marc’s ears twig; his eyebrows lift with interest. The way he sets his wine glass down, offers Joel another whiskey and invites him to say more.
Joel. Lying. And covering up. And keeping you close by his hip, walking in stride with him out of that fucking penthouse – like you’re on some kind of leash, or something.
The fabric of his underwear on your hips feels claustrophobic; a second layer of skin that rubs against yours like sandpaper. You want to rip them off off off – want to separate yourself from him, peel him from your body and forget the feeling of him as quickly as you seemed to absorb it. Instinct tells you to detach yourself – to remove any trace of him ever having laid eyes on you, never mind touched you.
What a fucking idiot, you think. He doesn’t fucking care about you after all.
You don’t even notice when his form saunters back into the room, when he shoves the door closed with his elbow. There’s a bitter taste on your tongue, sour with disappointment. Acrid with anger. Sick with fear.
“You find it?” he asks, and you subconsciously clutch the phone to your chest.
“Not yet,�� you murmur, watching as he sets the mug back on your nightstand.
His fingers slip through the handle, knuckle nudges the temple of the ghost a little further along the surface, and he straightens, lifting his own mug to his lips.
“’s in there,” he says against the ceramic. He holds a hand out, curls his fingers. “Let’s see.”
“Never mind,” you say, tapping out of the email, out of the folder, out of the app. “I believe you.”
And then –
“…You wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”
He licks his lips. Holds the mug by his side, fingers gripping the lip. He gives a non-committal shrug of the shoulders.
“No, darlin’. Why would I lie to you?”
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Settles In
Summary: Chapter 3. Jackie gets used to life with Marvin.
Warnings: death mention, violence mention
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
In the minute it takes for Jackie's mind to wake up along with him, he becomes confused as to why his chest is in agony. More confusing than that, he appeared to be in the bedroom of someone's home. In a pile on a bean bag was a pre-arranged outfit for him to wear. Dressed, he ventures to the hallway. And things finally click. Right, he was living with Marvin now. Marvin, who happened to also be Cat. The past 24 hours had been quite eventful. He'd… rather forget it. He requests anything Marvin had on hand. If he was a superhero, surely he was no stranger to injury. Therefore, there must be something lying around to assist with pain management. To his relief, Marvin can indeed help him. In fact, he goes further and offers him whatever is required for his recovery. With the medical care over, Marvin invites his new roommate to help himself to mini Weetabix or bread. Jackie doesn't think he can manage more than a simple buttered slice of toast this morning. The Russian blue missing her front left leg observes them from her shelf. Marvin notices where Jackie's gaze is directed. "Indie's watching us eat, isn't she?" "Yep." Jackie chuckles. "Come face us, you little spy." Marvin turns around in his seat, wearing a mock scowl. "Caoimhe was like that. I couldn't eat anything at home without her staring at me until I gave her a bit of my dinner." Marvin is facing the table again. "Caoimhe?" "Oh um... she was my dog before- before all this." "Is she with friends or something?" "I guess. Them or my dad. It all happened so quickly." Suddenly, stories relating to pets fill the space between toast and soggy cereal. Jackie learns of the time Indie somehow found herself stuck in the space between the television and the wall. Likewise, he tells his friend all about Caoimhe's misadventures as a puppy, including her habit of attempting to snack on his drumsticks. This in turn leads to Jackie confirming that yes, he was a drummer and guitar wasn't his preferred instrument. The two of them chat at the table until Marvin realises in a shock that it was already time for him to get ready for work. Running late slightly, he blurts out his apologises and suggests Jackie finds a DVD to watch while he's alone. Despite how abruptly it had ended, the morning had been an enjoyable one. Joel checks up on them a couple days after the incident with Anti. He raises the issue of Jackie not having any clothes of his own. The Canadian offers to accompany him around the shops, making the point it would be a proper chance to get to know each other. With the promise expenses shouldn't influence decisions, they leave. They manage to collect a variety of tops and jeans. Apparently ripped jeans were fashionable now. Fashion had certainly changed in the past three decades. He and Joel are still able to find items that were close enough to what he used to know. The shops they visit are lacking in leather jackets but Joel is able to offer a black denim one as a compromise. With socks and underwear also in their possession, it was time to move on from clothes shopping. Almost. Doing so as discreetly as he can, Joel mutters quietly to Jackie. "I can see you eyeing the women's section. Why don't you have a look?" "No, it's weird. Trust me, men were not made to wear feminine clothing." "Listen, I have two dads and a diminished sense of gendered clothing. I am the last person who will give a damn about a guy wearing a dress. You have a similar build to my dad so..." Joel approaches the racks, flicking through them. Periodically, he scrutinises Jackie to likely determine if the dress was right for him. The most Jackie lets his new friend buy for him is a skirt that reached his knees. It seems to please him that Jackie allowed him to get even that. He supposes it was a nice garment. And a kind gesture too. With the clothes stuffed into the back seat of Joel's car, the duo return to explore the Tesco Metro. The older of the two triggers a whole conversation about Easter celebrations. Joel talks about the Beaches Easter parade in Toronto while Jackie grumbles about Easter Sunday masses. They both agree there's no such thing as too many Easter eggs. "Hey, you should get a notebook or something. It might help if you have somewhere to put your thoughts about the 21st century." "What, you want me to write you an essay about modern life when I've known nothing else? I'm 20, I was born in... 1999." "It's April so if you want to turn 21 this year, it's 1998." "Wh- 'if I want to turn 21 this year'? Can I please get through the rest of this month without having my life being threatened?" Joel groans. "No, dumbass, it was advice." He leans close to Jackie's ear. "I know about Village Square and how you were born in 1966. I'm sure you want to talk about this further but I don't have anywhere I can really take you to speak privately." "You're psychic?" "No." Joel places his bags down, resigning himself to tackle this subject while standing outside a WHSmiths. "Sure, I can create portals but I'm no mind reader." "Then how-?" "I already told you, this is not a conversation we should have in public." "What about your apartment? You don't live with Marvin and you told me you weren't living on the streets anymore." "In Canada. And I doubt it would be healthy to send you somewhere over 3500 miles away when you sustained a major injury a few days ago. Listen, how about you text- A phone, we need to get you a phone too." "Right." Mobile phones are unrecognisable. How the hell did technology advance to the point where this small slab of glass and alloy was capable of receiving calls? Not to mention the plethora of things it also offered. And controlled by your fingers on top of it all off. Joel reassures him he can take it slow with this technological leap. The main reason he bought it was for communication and it could remain so if he wanted. Jackie supposes the shiny blue back was pretty. It wasn't hard, growing accustomed to life with Marvin. His roommate would sleep in after a long night of patrolling then spend most afternoons working a shift at the local garden centre. In addition to that, Marvin would also don his Magnificent Cat costume twice a week so he could help those still on the streets. Jackie usually sat those out, feeling awkward about his new situation. Marvin was typically the one to cook. As such, Jackie felt it necessary the head of the kitchen should be aware he couldn't have mustard. If the hero could try getting into the habit of checking ingredients and being wary of anything labelled 'spices', he'd be much obliged. Marvin does his best to follow these instructions. It seemed to be working fine as there was yet to be any allergic reactions. At some point during that second week, Marvin invited Jackie to the kitchen. His plan was to bake his favourite cake, one containing chocolate and strawberries. Their joint efforts go well for a short while. Then Jackie gave himself an edible moustache upon stealing the whipped cream from the fridge. Marvin confiscated the can, only to follow suite. By the time the cake was ready to exit the oven, the duo were laughing, in need of a whipped cream restock and a change of clothes. It is after returning from a shift that Marvin introduces Jackie to an unusual pizza crust arrangement. "Pizza Hut have the best stuffed crust though. This is only the best Morrisons has to offer, as far as I've tried it." Marvin continues on, rambling about how, while studying at university, he made it his goal to find the best frozen pizza supermarkets within walking distance of his accommodation had to offer. As such, he had designated this specific pizza as his favourite. Something about the other varieties being too liquidy or whatever. He has no interest in this subject. Pizza was pizza. But... Marvin seemed very engrossed in imparting his findings to him and who was Jackie to stop him? "Oh, tell you who would go with us to Pizza Hut, my friends Henrik and Jameson. Maybe Chase too but he tends to be a rather busy guy. You should meet them. I think you might get on with those guys." Marvin makes a note as a reminder to invite his friends for a meal out. For the time being, that is the end of that. Before long, the Easter weekend arrives and with it, a chance for Jackie to finally meet Sean. It was clear Marvin looked up to his big brother from the way he spoke about him. As far as Jackie was aware, Sean was 9 years older, a video game developer and a reluctant cook, hence why the two roommates were taking care of the big meal. He can certainly see the resemblance between the brothers. Their features were very similar. The main difference between them was hair. While Marvin was clean shaven with waves descending to his shoulders, Sean had stubble and short straight hair. It was pleasant to see them have such a good relationship, complete with teasing and half-serious threats of burning the other if he kept pushing it. Jackie found Sean likeable. The whole meal, they kept themselves occupied with chatter. He learns Sean enjoyed painting in his spare time. In fact, he was creating the backgrounds for his company's new game. It is at this point that Marvin lets him know there was still a blue smudge, albeit slightly faded, on the side of his left hand. The afternoon is a good one but like all things, it comes to an end. Before too long, they are bidding Sean farewell and exchanging comments about the day's success. Night, the stranger found, was the best cover. Some dark clothes to reduce visibility and a hood to better conceal his identity from CCTV cameras. With some silent fiddling, the door grants him entry. He knows precisely which room he has to visit first. His most recent escapee is completely oblivious to the intruder. He could ensure Jackie never woke up with a single touch. But Marvin would discover the truth were that to happen. That method was too obvious. Besides, this wasn't what he was here for. The envelope slips out of his bag. In the morning, Jackie will find the surprise on his bedside table. That done, he moves on to the other bedroom. The hero is still awake, albeit engrossed by his phone's screen. Only now does Anti allow his presence to be sensed. Marvin reacts accordingly by throwing the covers to the side and defensively leaping to his feet. A palm is raised to prevent any provocative action before it could be carried out. The message is delivered. "Back off, Marvin. You should know by now what I'm like when frustrated. Let the next one slide and you won't hear from me for a good while." He looks like a three year old persevering with their poorly thought out argument. He's certainly a 24 year old man in his pyjamas rather than an on duty superhero fully in costume. "I... I can't." "One life for several. Aren't you supposed to be on the better side of the morality spectrum? Surely this is a easy choice." Anti doesn't wait for any potential response from Marvin. The serial killer leaves the way he came. The sun rises and with it, Jackie. Marvin was already awake, cradling an abandoned coffee. He gives his friend little acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen. The piece of paper Jackie is holding, however, gains his attention. Especially when he asks the dreaded question. "Uh, Marv? Do you know anything about this?" It's only a portion of an A4 sheet. A pair of scissors has been used perhaps a third of the way down. The contents is limited to a single typed line which reads: We both know he's no doctor. Maybe you should ask why he hasn't taken you to be treated by professionals. Jackie starts talking as soon as he's sure Marvin has read the message. "I- Listen, I will admit I had wondered why you never sent me to a hospital. But I guess I brushed it off as a secret identity thing. So why didn't-?" "You're new to this city, right?" "Yes." "So you don't know Anti like I do. He likes making a point of finishing what he started. I don't know how the hell he does it. But if he's the one who put you in hospital, the only place you're going after that is the morgue. So forgive me for wanting you still around. And yeah, it's true, I am not a doctor. However, books on human biology and the internet have served me fine. I've had way more injuries than Sean is aware of. Yet here I am, walking around despite the occupational hazards my hobby is littered with." "Marvin-" "If you want me to apologise for prioritising you staying alive, then I'm afraid you're out of luck." The aggression radiating from him remains for several seconds. It dissipates into something softer. "But I am sorry for putting the decision solely in my hands. If that means anything." Jackie lets the air settle between them before answering. "Alright. Listen, I am still upset-" "Fine, then I'll leave for a while." Marvin begins making his way to the shoe pile by the door. "What I was going to say was I'm still upset but I'd rather move on and let bygones be bygones for now. Just promise you won't do something that risky again." He stops completely to face Jackie. "Yes, of course. I promise." "Thank you. And, as a sidenote, if you're going to run from disagreements, at least fix that mess you call your hair. It's horrendous." The sleep deprived hero scoffs, a tiny smile creeping into existence. "Got it."
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dishyrichy · 5 years
Angel of My Life
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Pairing: Joel x Reader
Description: Reader is getting a lot of hate online from fans and tries to hide it from Joel until they can’t anymore. They end up telling Joel and Joel comforts them.
Warning(s): Mentions of online hate, descriptions of insecure thoughts/being in a bad headspace because of hate
Word count: 1,000
A/N: I do not write often, but I accidentally got inspired to write this bc of a song and I’m kinda proud of it so hopefully you guys like it! The gif used for this post does not belong to me.
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A heart that didn’t know when to stop racing, mind clouded with multiple thoughts, and darkness that felt like it surrounded you. That’s how life had been for a few weeks, every day without fail. There were good days, yes, but they never lasted; at least that’s how it felt. All you wanted was a chance to feel as though you could escape, but you needed someone’s help. The comments ranged from mentioning your flaws to comparing you to exes who seemed better. It happened every day, but it was worse when you posted anything. That’s when they came flooding in.
You felt trapped, unable to escape the thoughts that drowned you as you read those comments. They never stopped and fueled your insecurities. The positive comments failed to outshine the negative.
I think he was better off with his ex. 
Lol why her face like that
Kinda wish he did better
They look like a slut
A fraction of the stuff you saw on the daily. It petrified you to get online, wondering what the fans were saying this time. Perhaps you were ugly, not good enough, anything but what your boyfriend deserved. You never expressed this though. Joel was never afraid to express to his fans when something bothers him. You knew he would be fuming if he saw the comments, so you pretended they didn’t exist and plastered a smiling mask on your face.
Except for one day, that mask had fallen off. You didn’t bother picking it up, because you were sick of wearing it. You got sick of the secrets. You needed a light at the end of your dark tunnel. You saw it, but it was so far away. The only way to be on the doorstep of relief was to talk with Joel about the fans and their negativity towards your guys’ relationship. 
But what if he agreed with them?
That thought tried stopping you, but you pushed it to the back of your head and told Joel you wanted to talk about something. Joel became the light for your darkest nights when you two got close. It meant so much to you that he took the time to make sure you were okay and take care of you. You trusted him, and now it was time to come clean.
The concern in his eyes as he saw that something was eating away at your happiness broke your heart.  You could tell he knew. A shaky breath as you began explaining the situation, the concern turning to fury. It scared you for a second, thinking it was towards you for lying. However, that went away as he pulled you into a hug The signature warmth of his caring nature comforted you. You let the tears fall, seeing the light in the darkness once again. 
“Mi amor, it’s okay.” he spoke as he began rubbing your back, “Their words mean nothing. They’re just trying to bring you down and drive you away. Don’t let them get to you. I know it’s easier said than done, but I’ll be here to hold you when they start getting to you again.”
His words were comforting. Your heart slowed as you let the tears flow, letting Joel’s presence soothe you. His comforting gestures continued until your tears stopped falling and it became clear you were slowly feeling better. You told him about what the fans said about you, and he disagreed with almost any negative comment they left. He gave you reasons as to why you weren’t ugly, and that he didn’t need his ex back when he had you. You made him happy, so there was no reason for there him to find someone better.
You began playing with his curls to calm you further, smiling as feeling his soft hair loop around your finger. He chuckled softly. He knew you and the fans loved his curly hair, which was part of the reason he kept it long.
“Thank you.” you spoke softly, continuing to gently play with his hair.
“For what?” he questioned with his warm smile there on his face, “I’m always going to be here, babe. Prometo mi amor.”
A gentle sigh of adoration escaped as you. You felt like the luckiest person in the world to not only have a friend that can comfort you also but stand up for you. It took no time once you had calmed down to have Joel spoiling you for the evening. Once he knew you were okay, he made sure to address the hate comments and make sure they died down. He knew he couldn’t take them all away, he just wanted the fans to know the way they were treating you was unacceptable. He wasn’t going to let them get away without some kind of confrontation. Even if you begged him not to confront them on his Instagram story, he didn’t listen. He was voicing his opinion.
Joel helped you learn to ignore the hate. Your heart that was once exhausted from the darkness, was warmed and not as exhausted. You were no longer lost and wandering, wondering how to escape from the hate. Wondering how to make the fans like you. You didn’t need them to like you if you knew Joel liked you for who you were. He embraced you, and you knew you safe and loved.
His warmth. That’s what drew you to him. This angel gave you the blessing of being in his presence, to receive the love and protection you’ve longed for. That’s something you’ll always think about and appreciate. You felt so blessed to have him you started calling him “angel” and he absolutely adored it. The way he would smile when he heard you call him that warmed your heart even more. Seeing him happy because you were happy was one of the best things to witness, and you couldn’t have asked for anything more
Joel is an actual angel. He is the angel of my life.
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nailbatss · 5 years
Habits - Zabdiel de Jesús
Pairing: Zabdiel x Reader
Notes: Hi, before this story begins, I wanted to say thank you to @cieloxcnco for giving me the prompt. I wanted to write to celebrate her 1000+ followers! Congrats, Mami, you deserve it! This is inspired by the song Habits by Tove Lo. If smoking weed make you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip this story. Stay safe everyone!
Word Count: 1,600
Warnings: smoking weed/eating edibles (stay safe children), cursing, mentions of doing illegal activity, other drugs
I spend my days locked in a haze, trying to forget you babe, I fall back down
Fuck feelings. Honestly, who needs to feel anything anymore? Before your heart was broken, all you needed was another reason to revert back to your habits. You needed one more thing to send you over the edge. You were looking for that reason, and he was it.
He promised you that he would never hurt you. He promised you that he wouldn’t leave you. He promised you a lot of things that he didn’t hold his word to. The supposed love of your life promised you were his one and only; he said you were the one he wanted to marry. You believed every word because the promises seemed so real. They seemed so perfect and like he would follow through.
Lies, all of it. They were all lies from the moment they left his lips.
You were clean when you met him. Having just left rehab, and seeing him there, oh it was shocking. Nobody expected a world famous superstar to be in the same facility you were in. He had been addicted to the tour life and everything that came with it. Mainly, they were getting too close for comfort when it came to partying. He was starting to get addicted to the party scene. Of course, he would never admit to it, but he was going to keep that part a secret. By partying, it meant he would get too out of hand with drinking and the drugs. Not major drugs, just a pill or two that you could pop to feel good. Edibles were another drug of choice for him.
Weed, hash, the good stuff, the Devil’s lettuce, the cure all. Whatever you called it. It was your best friend. You were introduced at a party when you were about 15. From that moment, you were hooked. It made you feel really good and you could forget about the world for a while. Sure, you would contemplate life as it existed, but it was the one thing you could rely on. You had some good friends that would smoke with you from time to time, but they weren’t really your friends. You knew they only hung around because you were the one who supplied the stuff. Your dealer was an old friend from school who owed you a few favors. After, he became a regular dealer. One of your so-called friends even. You sat on the back porch with them, the blunt rolled tightly and to perfection. You were a master of your art if you do say so yourself. Holding the little roll felt so natural, the glow of the flame enticing you to take a hit. After taking a drag, you exhaled and watched the smoke dissipate. The feeling of euphoria slowly washed over you as you hummed. You were hooked on the feeling.
That’s the thing, you were clean when you met him. His dark brown eyes captured your attention and made you want to learn more about the mysterious man. It was pretty easy to tell that he was going to be your next addiction. You didn’t know it at the time, but he would soon become your whole world. He made you want to keep chasing him and want to know more.
Needless to say, Zabdiel de Jesús was going to be your everything. You two liked to live fast and in the moment. One night, you two decided to go for a drive, the windows down and the wind was whipping through your hair. The music was playing loudly for you two to sing along to. Your hands were out the window, cheering into the night as it urged you two to join it. Laughter rang through the air and tangos with the music, creating a perfect blend of happiness and enjoyment. There was nothing you wanted more than to spend forever with him.
“(Y/N)?” Zabdiel started to ask you one night. “Yeah?” You replied quietly. “What made you want to get clean?” You two had been dating for almost a year now and he thought to ask when you were both clean. You wanted to talk about it when you were ready. As he mentioned the subject, you started to tense up before relaxing. “I um, I wanted to get clean because I thought that i needed it. The addiction was destroying my family. We were always arguing over if I was going to die because I was going to smoke in a place I shouldn’t. Or they would bring up my aunt, who became an alcoholic because her husband left her…” You became quiet for a moment. “I wanted to start over and become a better person. I was a real asshole to my family.” Zab was quiet before he sent a soft smile your way, placing a gentle kiss to your temple as he did. “Gracias, amor, for telling me.”
You spent the rest of the night talking about life in general. Things were good- no, they were great! You could go to him about anything and he would do the same. You met his friends: Richard, Christopher, Erick, and Joel. They were all great guys, and really attractive, but you wouldn’t be able to have eyes for any of them when Zabdiel had your heart in his hands.
Your first “I love you” came at a rather awkward time. You had come out of the shower and you were dancing to some music that was playing on the radio. He had heard you singing and he was surprised to see that you were in a towel, your hair down and wet as you flipped your hair around. Zabdiel leaned against the door frame and he smiled at you. “Well, good morning to me.” You let out a small squeak as you spun around to face him. “Zab! I didn’t know you were up!” You exclaimed as you blushed harshly. “I love seeing you all natural like this. Gives me another reason why I love you.” That stopped you in your tracks. (Y/N).exe has stopped working. “I-I love you too, Zabdiel.” You were blushing and you smacked him with the hairbrush. “Now get out so I can get dressed!”
Times like that seemed to come so naturally. You were always together and inseparable. When fans found out about you two, (your ship name) was born on twitter that night. Every interviewer in the world had their eyes on you both. They wanted to pry into your relationship to find out how long you knew each other, when you started dating, how you two met, etc. It was irritating, but you two figured out a way around it. Both of you went live on a popular talk show and you answered every question. You told your story about how you met and got clean together. Obviously, the most private part of your relationship remained a secret, such as anything to do with your sexual lives.
“What do you mean that you can’t go on any longer?!” The Puerto Rican man seemed to be ignoring you as he packed his bags, then he turned to you with an angered expression. “You used again.” “No! I didn’t!” “Then what’s this?!” He held up a lighter of yours, an old one. You had kept it in your pocket as a constant reminder. It hadn’t been sparked in forever, but he didn’t know that. As far as he knew, you had lit it up. You weren’t even sure if it had fuel inside of it. “Zab, that’s an old lighter. I haven’t contacted any of my old friends in a long time. I left them behind when we started dating.” You assured him and reached for the lighter. He yanked it away. “No! You’re lying!” There was a tone of paranoia in his voice. The mistrust he felt towards you was seriously hurting you. “Please, I’m not lying. Check my records if you don’t believe me!” “I shouldn’t have to do that! You should have been honest with me. We’re done.”
We’re done. Those two words just ended a whole relationship because he didn’t trust you. He also didn’t give you a chance to explain. No more nights of you running your fingers through his blonde curls, then him exhaling a deep sigh because it felt nice. No more running down the halls while laughing, snapping the wet towel towards his ass. No more stolen kisses before and after his shows when he would perform. No more calling him late at night with random thoughts you would have. No more making fun of the other guys. No more having nights out together. That was all gone now.
You relapsed.
There you sit, a lighter in your right hand as you cup the stick with your left. As you inhale, you think about all the rough times that happened lately, surrounding your breakup with him. You exhale and let go of the past, allowing it to disappear into the night sky forever. The cold brick wall against your back kept you grounded in this reality. There was no such thing as happy endings, or at least you thought so anyway. All you could do now was forget that ever happened. Just pretend the last two years of your life didn’t exist. You were going to move on with your life. You were trying to forget Zabdiel and stay locked in the haze. You weren’t going to come down any time soon.
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