#Emilio Suarez
eulaliasims · 1 year
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
Rosette for the Oc ask game
Thank you so much!! And I’m really sorry for making you wait!
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Honestly, this is a difficult question because I never thought about flowers and have no idea what they symbolize XD
Anyway, I looked for their meanings online and since you didn’t specify the character, I’m gonna take all the main characters from Was Born To Lead plus Leticia (no Fausto or Verónica, because neither of them has a well-thought personality yet).
Honestly, Valerio is the easiest and the hardest at the same time because I have a lot to say about him, therefore, it's hard to choose just one flower that would embody him in all his depth ×) yet who said I'm supposed to choose just one >:)
Angelica - this flower symbolizes inspiration in the first place. Valerio is encouraging, he always sees one's strenghts and helps them to direct them into the right way. Being helpful to others is the meaning of his life, so I think this flower is a good choice for him.
Marigold - honestly, I hesitated to choose this flower, because it has an important meaning for the existing holiday and associating my character with it is kinda weird. Anyway, it symbolizes many things that I associate with Valerio like grief, restoration/renewal, positivity. Despite being a symbol of death, it carries a bright meaning, and Valerio, despite going through so many horrible things in his life, stayed a warm and kind person, so I think it really fits him well.
Lotus - it symbolized rebirth, enlightenment, self-realization, and new beginnings. I know it might not seem fitting for him for now, but the main point of Valerio's story is to find his true purpose in life. He never did what he wanted when he was a child/teen, he went through trauma that made him run from his problems instead of dealing with them, which definitely doesn't allow him to live the way he would like. But one day, he'll be happy. Truly happy (also daffodils symbolize something similar and I want to include it, too, maybe even instead of lotus, because lotus has several different meanings)
And also amaranth because it symbolizes undying love 💔
Ángel - sunflower.
Honestly, I thought of this flower for Ángel even before I started looking for the meanings XD Sunflower is a symbol of happiness, optimism, and devotion, and I think all of this describes Ángel quite well.
Frida - lavender.
Lavender is a symbol of calmness, serenity, silence, and devotion. It also represents elegance, and Frida is quite feminine, so I think it fits her.
Matías - valerian.
Oh yeah, that rare flower that doesn't symbolize love and purity ×)
Matías was extremely hard because most of flowers that represent strength (which definitely applies to him) also imply courage, endurance, strong will, and other stuff like this. Well, yeah, it does fit him but these are not the main aspects of his personality. He's rather grounded, practical, and rational than ambitious and success-driven.
So, I chose valerian because in the first place it symbolizes strength, awareness, health, and integrity that I think fits him the best, knowing how, to be fair, "normal" he is.
Emilio - begonia.
First of all, it symbolizes caution, and I think it fits Emilio, knowing how incredulous he is. But it also a symbol of individuality (which allow me to interpret both as loneliness and creativity), gratitude, and peace. Yeah, the last two ones don’t really fit but just wait for the conclusion of Emilio’s story~
Leticia - lupine.
I know she appeared just once and it was in a flashback but I adore her and can’t help but include her.
Lupine symbolizes imagination, happiness, admiration, new opportunities, and a hunger for life, and I end here so I don’t spoil you too much yet give you a clearer picture of her :3
Thank you again! That was difficult but also super interesting to answer this question!
OC Ask Game
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minnesotafollower · 2 months
More Cuban Comments on J11 Anniversary
Michel Suarez, a journalist for Los Puntos a Las ies, offered the following comments on the third anniversary of J11.[1] “Three years after the historic protests of July 11 and 12, 2021 in Cuba , the living conditions of imprisoned protesters have worsened, in a scenario of blackouts, lack of food and more repression , activists and journalists denounced in the program Los Puntos a las Íes , from…
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ivangzama · 3 months
Cnel. José Manuel Suarez Maldonado esta mañana me vine a cumplir con mi Venezuela amada, acompañando a mi hermano en Gobierno Dr. José Alejandro Terán a ejercer su derecho al voto en la escuela Emilio Gimón Sterling, en Mirabal junto al Diputado a la Asamblea Nacional Nicolás Maduro Guerra, viendo un pueblo organizado ejerciendo su derecho al sufragio en este proceso donde queda demostrada una sólida expresión de unión nacional por amor a nuestra Patria.
#SimulacroMaquinariaPerfecta #SimulacroPorLaPaz ¡Venezuela ejerce su Derecho! #PazYEsperanzaConNicolas #ChavezAhoraYSiempre
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siciliatv · 4 months
Etna Comics 2024: la lista degli ospiti
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Etna Comics 2024: sono già stati confermati gli ospiti che saranno presenti al Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città di Catania. Etna Comics 2024: il countdown per l’inizio del Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città etnea è ormai iniziato. Infatti, mancano ormai poche settimane all’avvio dei giorni di festa per gli amanti del genere, che si riuniranno a Catania per l’Etna Comics. Oltre alle attività previste per l’evento, saranno anche diversi gli ospiti presenti nei giorni del Festival. Etna Comics 2024: le date e il luogo dell’evento Come ormai noto,  la location dell’Etna Comics anche per quest’anno sarà il polo fieristico de “Le Ciminiere” di Catania, che ospiterà l’evento e i numerosi fan che occorreranno. Nello specifico, le date dell’Etna Comics saranno quelle della prima settimana di giugno: infatti, i giorni in cui Le Ciminiere ospiteranno varie persone saranno quelli dal 1° al 4 giugno 2023. Etna Comics 2024: gli ospiti Anche per questa edizione, gli ospiti presenti all’Etna Comics 2024 saranno moltissimi e provenienti da mondi professionali diversi tra loro, offrendo una varietà non indifferente. Di seguito, ecco l’elenco dei nomi degli ospiti confermati fino a questo punto, come riportato sul sito ufficiale dell’evento: Itziar Ituño Julia Loky Genevieve Marie Cosplay Bliss Afk Alis Cosplay Federic NiRo Giampcomic Giacomo Giaquinto Paolo Barbieri Il CIRCO DI GIÒGIÓ Mogik Michele Monteleone Maxem Kizazu Fiore Manni Stefano Mirti Spartaco Albertarelli Emilio Cozzi Nadia Lauricella Nanowar of Steel Loremon Le Ventose Fallimenti critici Paolo Tinnirello Isabella Mazzanti Mattia Surroz Marco Rizzo Francesca Mazzoleni Federica Busa Laura Libera Russo Mion Mario Sturniolo Agnese Innocenti Dario Moccia Francesco Centorame Sedia a 2 gambe ThePruld PlayerInside Kirio1984 Dimitri Tosi PotterStage Fabrizio Corselli Roberto Arduini Sdrumox Poldo Jeff Emdy Giulio Mosca Riccardo Suarez Rossa Caputo Andrea Seth Marino Maurizio Rosenzweig Nina Castiglia Luca Perri Pasquale Ruju Tito Faraci Val Romeo Jordi Bernet Luca Bonora Cristina Fabris Clizia De Rossi Serena Riglietti Florinda Zanetti Luana Belsito (Wally Pain) - Stefano Biglia - Giulio Rincione - Edym - Matteo Curte Cortini Jacopo Schiavo Davide Romanini Alberto Dal Lago Alessandra Valenti TeOoh! (Matteo Boca) Ester Cardella Liang Azha MorgenGabe Marco Gervasio Alessandro Pastrovicchio Paolo Mottura Fabio Celoni Flavio Parenti Andrea Piparo Davide Paratore Riccardo Nunziati Giovanni Timpano Stefano Caselli Pasquale Del Vecchio Gianluigi Gregorini Luigi Siniscalchi Giampiero Casertano Charles Vess Mirka Andolfo Darick W. Robertson Zerocalcare Read the full article
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motorsportverso · 8 months
Inscritos 1000 milhas do Brasil 2024
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2-Sigma P1 G5-Jindra Kraucher\Marcelo Viana\Aldo Piedade Jr\Emilio Padron-Tech Force
12-AJR Chevrolet V8-Carlos e Yuri Antunes-ADS Racing
14-AJR-Chevrolet V8-LT Team
22-Ligier JS P320-Autlog Racing Team
25-ABS01-Ney Faustini\Ney Sá de Faustini-Absoluta Racing
73-MRX-LT Team
12-Sigma G4-Sigma-Tech Force
6-HG1-Caio Lacerda\Mauro Kern\Giovani Almeida\Humerto Guerra-HT Guerra
777-MRX-Juarez\Edras e Esdras Suarez-MRX-Itapira Racing
XXX-Aldee Spyder-Arias Competições
21-MRX-Paulo De Carli\Paulo de Carli Filho-Just Motors Racing
5-MC40 "Ford GT40"-MC Tubarão
58-Spirit AR3-Horse Motorsport
7-Fuspyder-Selmer Motorsport
XX-Spyder-Picole Racing
55-Marcelo Visconde\Ricardo Mauricio\Marcel Muller-Porsche 991.2 GT3 R ou 992 GT3 R-Sttugart Porsche
77-Luccas Vacari\Reginaldo Nappi\Alexandre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-NT Racing
300-Alexandre Auler-Mercedes AMG GT3-KTF Sports
21-Porsche Cayman GT4-Sttugart Porsche
64-Henry Visconde\Enzo Visconde\Paulo Souza\Kim Camelo-BMW M2 CS Racing-Eurobike\MC Tubarão
222-Ford Mustang GT4-Autlog Racing Team
70-Mercedes-Benz CLA AMG-CF7\PG Racing
5-BMW M240I-MC Tubarão
94-Gustavo Kirylla\José Cordova\Claudio-Maceratti Trofeu-GKV Racing\Cordova Racing
XX-Chevrolet Onix Joy-Alpie Racing
33-Moises Nivolini-VW Gol G5-Moisa Motors
XX-Ford Corrier DTM-Lira Racing
XX-Mitsubishi Lancer-Marcon Racing Team
666-Neto\Lins\Fabio Baggio-Chevrolet Opala Stock Car
3-Alex Benedetti\Leandro Justo\Alexandre Azzoni\Luiz Santos\Tiago Kfuri-VW Up TSI-Callfax Racing
XX-Fiat Palio Turbo-L & L
56-Audi A3 DTCC-Marcelo Servidone\Luc Monteiro\Andrew Neves-Mamba Negra Racing
31-VW Fusca-André Zamana\Zuca\Paulo Zamana\Lucas Zamana-Zamana Racing
19-VW Passat-Flavio Gomes\Kaio dias\Arthur Arnila\Chris Pampuch-LF Competições
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turisteandojauregui · 10 months
Aldeas del Jáuregui
Estos pueblos enclavado entre los paramos de San Telmo, Batallón y La Negra, tiene su origen en la época precolombina, esta formada por los indígenas llamados Máquinas, Morotuto, Yequines y Timotes. Fue descubierta por el Capitán Juan Rodriguez Suarez en el año de 1558.
Pueblo Encima y pueblo hondo está en el municipio Jáuregui,parroquia Emilio Constantino Guerrero es un caserio, pueblo, aldea o sitio poblado del estado Táchira, Venezuela. Está localizado aproximadamente 11.9 kilómetros al este de San Simón (Municipio Simón Rodríguez); 16.5 kilómetros al este de La Grita y 17.3 kms al este de Umuquena (Municipio San Judas Tadeo); a unos 2.299 metros sobre el nivel del mar.
Su clima: cuenta con una temperatura promedio de 18°C Su vegetación: Bosque tropical muy seco y húmedo Su relieve: montañoso Su actividad económica: es agrícola
Posee unos hermosos paisajes y sus gente es alegre y amables que hace que las personas que pasen por hay disfruten su visita que esta aldea, entre algunos lugares turísticos que podemos encontrar estan florandez, la iglesia del divino niño, la iglesia de nuestra señora del carmen,la tasca, la posada agua miel pero lo que más resalta de estos pequeños pueblos es que refleja la imagen antigua de nuestro país, encontrando aún casa hechas con sus paredes de barro y sus techos de madera de canuto y tejas. Hay casas con más de 100 años de hechas y la primeras fueron realizadas de Piedra y horcones.
Entre sus costumbres y tradiciones están el encendido de luces en la plaza Bolívar, misas de aguinaldo, paradura del niño, día de los reyes magos y en semana santa la bendición de los ramos y misas de la semana santa
Entre sus comidas típicas encontramos la arepa de harina trigo, la pesca andina, arepa de maíz, pasteles andino, chicha, sopa de arvejas, caldo negro, sopa de frijol tierno, caldo de gallina cuajado con leche, cachapas, atol de maíz tierno y el famoso miche y mistelita aliñado con hinojo, entre muchas más.
Entre sus tradiciones orales están el automovil fantasma del paramo de la negra, el accidente de la familia contreras villamizar, los novios, la llorona, jorge aldana
Llano largo
Ubicado en el municipio Jáuregui, llano largo es un caserio, pueblo, aldea o sitio poblado del estado Táchira, Venezuela. Pertenece a la parroquia Miguel Antonio Salas a unos 10,9 km al norte de La Grita, 14,8 km al oriente de Umuquena (Municipio San Judas Tadeo) y 17,1 km al oriente de Seboruco (municipio Seboruco)
Su clima: cuenta con una temperatura promedio de 18°C Su vegetación: Bosque tropical muy seco y húmedo Su actividad económica: es agrícola
Este posee unos hermosos paisajes y sus gente es alegre y amables que hace que las personas que pasen por hay disfruten su visita en esta aldea, entre algunos lugares turísticos que podemos encontrar estan la iglesia nuestra señora del perpetuo socorro, plaza sucre donde se realizael pesebre turístico, el rancho de esteban (sector bordo seco), casa de la lucha, el paseo de reyes en llano largo, aguinaldos y Ermita de San Isidro Labrador
Entre sus comidas típicas podemos encontrar la arepa de harina trigo, la pesca andina, arepa de maíz, pasteles andino, chicha, sopa de arvejas, caldo negro, sopa de frijol tierno, caldo de gallina cuajado con leche, cachapas y atol de maíz tierno, entre muchas más.
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twins2994 · 1 year
Twins Shutout Phillies!
Twins 3 Phillies 0 W-Gray (6-5) L-Suarez (2-6) SV-Duran (21)
The Minnesota Twins bats broke out in a big way as they evened the series at a game apiece. The rubber game was this afternoon in Philadelphia. Jordan Luplow started the scoring in the first when he belted a Ranger Suarez fastball that kept carrying out to right-center for a solo homer. The Twins had a one-run lead before the Phillies grabbed a bat. Minnesota got back to work in the third as Eddie Julien and Donovan Solano singled. Jorge Polanco smoked a grounder to third base, which scored a run and the Twins lead grew to two. A pitcher's duel broke out after that as Sonny Gray and Ranger Suarez threw six solid innings. Caleb Thielbar got out of Griffin Jax's mess in the seventh. Thielbar and Emilio Pagan combined for a scoreless eighth. The Twins would get an insurance run in the ninth when Eddie Julien walked and Donovan Solano singled to center. Jorge Polanco hit a run-scoring single to right and the Twins took a three-run lead into the bottom of the ninth. Jhoan Duran had a scoreless ninth and the Twins took the series from the Phillies this weekend.
-Final Thoughts- Sonny Gray was very good today with six shutout innings. He gave up two hits with three walks and seven strikeouts. Griffin Jax got into trouble in the seventh and Caleb Thielbar bailed him out. Thielbar struck out Bryce Harper to start the eighth and Emilio Pagan struck out both men he faced in the eighth. Jhoan Duran put up a zero in the ninth for the save. Donovan Solano came back in a big way with three hits on the day. Jorge Polanco and Christian Vazquez had two hits each. The Twins hit 2-for-8 with runners in scoring position and left ten men on base. The team will have tomorrow off as they return home. Alex Faedo will face Bailey Ober as the Tigers come to town.
-Chris Kreibich-
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cayoscoop · 2 years
Xmas Rock 2021 Video
Metal Haven's Xmas Rock V is next Saturday at Chill Out Restaurant in Benque.  Here's the video from last year's virtual Xmas Rock IV.  Worth a watch, or 2.
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alertachiapas · 2 years
Salazar Narváez es el rector del IESCH: Secretaría de Educación
Para títulos de la Salazar, la firma autógrafa y digital de Emilio Enrique Salazar Narváez vale hasta que no exista sentencia ejecutariada, ratifica la dependencia de Rosa Aidé Domínguez Ochoa.
Para títulos de la Salazar, la firma autógrafa y digital de Emilio Enrique Salazar Narváez vale hasta que no exista sentencia ejecutariada, ratifica la dependencia de Rosa Aidé Domínguez Ochoa. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.- La Secretaría de Educación del estado de Chiapas, ratificó legitimación y personalidad para la firma autógrafa y digital de Emilio Enrique Salazar Narváez para la expedición de…
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eulaliasims · 1 year
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They're not great at this.
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
So, I’ve been thinking about my OCs quite a lot recently, so I’ve decided to make another “how my characters look like” post. I’ve introduced a few new characters plus some of the old ones have appeared more than once, so I’ve thought it would make sense to visualize them (this is actually super helpful when writing, too, because writing characters when you know how they look like is somehow easier). The first post is here.
I used the same picrews as before because I like them and it’s quite simple to create character designs with them. For most of them - this one, and this one for Ángel’s dad.
Ximena Robledo.
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Ximena has dark brown hair, green eyes, and dark skin. She has a protruding chin, wide cheekbones, aquiline nose, so her facial features are kinda large. She’s in her forties and has wrinkles, specifically around the corners of her mouth and on a forehead (I just can’t use two different types of wrinkles at the same time in this picrew akjdjfk).
She’s plump and fairly short (~162 cm). She also has relatively wide shoulders, which makes her an inverted triangle.
Once again I’m not sure about the clothes preferences but I can imagine her being quite stylish. She also loves jewelry, especially some big items.
Imelda Hierro.
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Imelda has dark brown hair and olive skin. She also has heterochromia: her right eye is brown and her left eye is green (I mentioned it in the seventeenth chapter, and to be honest, there’s not reason why I made it, I just thought it was cool). She has a square jaw, a humped nose, so her features are kinda sharp. She also prefers having her hair in a ponytail.
Her height is average (~165 cm). I have no idea if this term exists in English but she also has broad bones (big boned?), so you wouldn’t call her either thin nor plump, she’s rather athletic and large if I can say so if any of you is familiar with Kibbe, she resembles Flamboyant Natural
In clothes she probably prefers minimalism and of course she can’t wear it when she fences but she also has a butterfly brooch (which is such an important detail aaaaaaaaa).
Marta Expósito.
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Marta has brown wavy hair (this is the perfect hairstyle, just 100% how I imagined it), brown eyes, and dark skin. Overall she has thin and delicate facial features (which makes her similar to Emilio aksjmdkf I swear it happened unintentionally, they’re not related in any way).
Marta is shorter than Imelda (~163 cm), but she still looks taller because, unlike Imelda, she always wears high heels. She has a thin straight silhouette (narrow shoulders, no super visible curves).
When it comes to clothes, she prefers something feminine but you know without being too “girly” - rather elegant and classy.
(I know I barely described her, but really, this picrew is perfect, I don’t have anything more to add).
Hendrik Aakster.
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Hendrik (for absolutely no reason I feel awkward referring to my “parent characters” by their names, but okay I’ll try to overcome it) has black hair, green eyes, and light skin.
His height is a bit under the average (~168 cm), his silhouette is straight, and since I already started using this phrase here, he’s big boned as he has a wide straight silhouette (I heard some people calling men like him “a wardrobe” in my language but I don’t think I can say it in English x))
In clothes he’s classy and elegant.
Cornelia Aakster.
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Cornelia has dark blue eyes, brown hair, and light skin. Frida generally takes a lot after her mom, just her features are sharper due to her age (she has high cheekbones, a humped nose, and a more prominent chin).
She’s a bit taller than her husband (170 cm; and she wears heels) and has a thin straight silhouette (at this point Frida looks a bit larger, as her bones are wider. Father’s genes after all).
She’s a fashion designer, so she’s clearly stylish and I can imagine her loving jewelry and wearing make-up.
Lucas Suarez.
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Lucas has dark brown eyes, brown hair, and dark skin as for more details, just look at him, akhandkjf I really don’t know what to say about him, he’s just some man and I created his design on the spot :’)
Anyway, the thing I’ll add is that he’s tall and slim (~184 cm; Ángel takes after him at this point, but generally he resembles his mother a lot more just don’t tell Lucas). When it comes to clothes, he’s pretty traditional, although he actually was a lot more flashy in his youth.
Maximiliano Enríquez.
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First of all, ignore what he and other boys of Gabe’s patrol wear. I tried to make it look similar to the scout uniform but I obviously didn’t succeed.
Second of all, all characters’ appearances below (and Max as well) were born as a result of me playing around in this picrew, so their descriptions are even more brief than the previous ones. I’ll just make little notes on their body types, so you can understand how tall they are in comparison to (adult) Gabe.
Max is shorter than Gabe (~178 cm) and has pretty average body type, not muscular nor skinny, as he’s never been into sports that much. He’s just some healthy (mentally and physically) guy.
Alberto Franco.
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Alberto is the tallest among the guys in his patrol (~186 cm), and he’s skinny. He’s a guy of culture after all, he’ll faint after like three minutes of carrying something heavy (might or might not be joking).
And he 100% wears some jewelry items, including ring(s), that clearly prevents him from making a fire or anything, and he might use it as an excuse for not doing the dirty work (but he doesn’t really have a choice because Max will never let him loaf around).
Samuel Cisneros.
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Samu is shorter than Gabe (~176 cm), big boned, and plump (so he can give the warmest and tightest hugs :3)
Oscar Téllez.
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Oscar is the shortest in his patrol (~170 cm), and just kill me, I don’t know how to describe body types he’s kinda similar to Frida’s dad when it comes to the build: he’s not plump, like Samuel, but he is big-boned and looks wider than Max and Alberto (and kinda Gabe as well, but we all know that Gabe is athletic, so it’s hard to compare them).
Jaime Bernal.
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(yes, his first name is Jaime. Yes, I know I still haven’t stated it in my fic, but there’s gonna be a character calling him Jaime someday, I swear)
First of all, I want to make a little note: Jaime is 58 years old and according to the Internet, people of this age are considered “middle-aged”, which I stated in the latest chapter when I introduced him. I’m saying it just in order to avoid confusion, like “why is his hair grey if he’s middle-aged” because he’s had a hard life
Jaime’s height is pretty average (~180 cm; he was taller when he was younger) and due to the military lifestyle, he’s athletic which he’s kept up to his current age (he’s actually quite similar to Gabe, to our Gabe we see in the show)
He wears an emerald brooch that he’s gotten from someone dear to him in the past, and yes, his left arm is prosthetic.
That’s it!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Scarface: Where Tony Montana Went Wrong
“All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don’t break them for no one,” Tony Montana declares in the 1983 gangster classic, Scarface. Yet Al Pacino’s antihero breaks both in his quest for money, power, and women. And just as he is on the brink of winning the trifecta, he is blown away like so much dust up a nose.
Did he lose because the Cuban mobster didn’t heed the advice of his first crime boss? Or is it because he just couldn’t stand to see his sister and his best friend wearing his-and-her pajamas? In truth, Montana’s fall can probably be traced back to when he learned to speak English by “watching guys like Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney.”
Directed by Brian De Palma, and written by Oliver Stone, Scarface is a remake of Howard Hawks’ vastly influential 1932 mob movie, so Montana’s explosive descent was preordained. Tony Montana continued Pacino’s run of criminal icons, which included Sonny in Dog Day Afternoon and the ultimate crime family head, Michael Corleone in The Godfather films. The actor supplanted Paul Muni’s Tony Carmonte as the recognizably scarred face of the title role. Pacino would go on to play Carlito in Carlito’s Way and Lefty in Donnie Brasco, but while each hoodlum brings a new facet to his rogues gallery, none of his gangsters ever achieve their ultimate desires. They almost all reach dizzying heights, and everyone of them sees the dream slip through their fingers. Still, Montana experiences perhaps the greatest fall of all.
The original 1932 film took place during Prohibition when crime was a viable means of survival. De Palma’s adaptation happens in the Reagan era, a time when lucky opportunists could get their lips around the spigots of cash before it got a chance to trickle down. Tony’s economic theory is much more succinct: “You know what capitalism is? Getting fucked.”
Scarface is a rags-to-riches-to-self-destructive fireball story, and nothing succeeds like excess. Montana’s first crime boss in America, Frank Lopez (Robert Loggia), has weathered the climate change from President Carter to the Gipper, and warns Tony to never “underestimate the other guy’s greed.”
In the original Howard Hughes production, Tony was an immigrant from Italy. In the Cold War era film, Montana is a refugee from Cuba. Their shared first mistake is to believe in the American Dream.
The World Is Yours
These words are flashed in both films and hit each of the two criminal aspirants as hard as the “give me your tired, poor, and hungry” promises carved under the Statue of Liberty. Scarface opens shortly after the Mariel boatlift, the 1980 exodus which followed Cuba’s economic crash. Montana seeks asylum, telling immigration officers he is a political prisoner who doesn’t agree with his country’s politics and owns nothing under communism. He says even American prison is better than his life on the Caribbean island. The officers note his criminal past, the telltale tattoo on his arm, and the scar on his face, which despite their insults was obviously not caused by oral sex.
In exchange for a Green Card, Montana and his friend Manny Ribera (Steven Bauer) assassinate Gen. Emilio Rebenga, who tortured the brother of the crime boss Lopez. Tony settles in sunny Miami. And when he gets out of the kitchen and into the heat of crime, he hits the ground running. “The World Is Yours,” after all. All you have to do is take it, and Montana has both hands out.
Frank warns his protégé, “The guys who last in this business are the guys who fly straight – lowkey, quiet; and the guys who want it all – chicas, champagne, flash – they don’t last.” But Montana is a meteor, bound to burn up in the atmosphere. He gets caught on the orbit of Alejandro Sosa (Paul Shenar), agreeing to supply cocaine from Bolivia independent of the other drug lords. Within a few years, Montana is doing so well, the feds target him for tax evasion.
Tony’s Betrayal of Frank Lopez
Montana’s betrayal of Frank Lopez is crucial to his downfall. Frank is the father figure who initially took a chance on Tony. He let him rise through the ranks, even as he tried to bite off more than he could chew. Frank’s biggest mistake is not making sure his underlings follow his sage advice. He also ignores one of his own commandments. Lopez underestimates Montana’s greed. He trusts Tony to accompany his trusted second-gun Omar Suarez (F. Murray Abraham) to Bolivia to meet with Sosa, and continues to let Tony operate after the druglord hangs Suarez from a helicopter.
The deal Montana makes behind Frank’s back is a major step toward the fall. The vow Tony takes never to betray Sosa ultimately leads to the last splash. Montana breaks his word to both of these men, and they bust his balls as a result. When Tony returns to Miami, Frank is suspicious over Omar’s death and his returning soldier’s independence. As Montana begins to build his own cocaine empire, Frank orders a professional hit.
For gangsters, the only good cop is a bad cop, and it is advisable to grease the wheels which move crime. Mel Bernstein (Harris Yulin) demands his take early in the film at the Babylon Club, which has the perfect cocktail napkins for bribery notes. Bernstein was willing to overlook the murders of Rebenga, “Hector the Toad,” and “that bloodbath at the Sun Ray Hotel.” Tony should have taken him at his word when the cop said he could clean up Tony’s Lopez mess.
Before Tony eliminates Frank, he is hungry. The money and drugs are not a distraction. After he begins to accumulate power, he lets his public profile rise and indulges in conspicuous consumption. Montana keeps a chained-up tiger in front of his compound just to let everyone know how powerful he is. There are real life precedents for this. Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar imported hippos for his private zoo. Brooklyn mobster “Crazy” Joe Gallo kept a pet lion named Cleo in the basement of his headquarters. The scenario was also probably inspired by Miami’s most notorious drug lord, Mario Tabraue, whose predilection for wild cats was featured in the Netflix documentary Tiger King. But the most conspicuous acquisition Montana leveraged cut Frank the deepest.
It’s always a mistake to go after the boss’ girl. James Cagney’s Tommy Powers knew this in The Public Enemy (1931). James Woods’ Maximillian “Max” Bercovicz skirts this in Sergio Leone’s Once Upon a Time in America (1984). Montana sets out to steal Frank’s trophy wife, Elvira Hancock (Michelle Pfeiffer), from the moment he lays eyes on her, though he waits for the height of his reign to claim her. He does it as much to emasculate his former boss as he does it out of desire. It’s a betrayal equal to having Manny whack Frank while he pleads for his life.
The new couple is married by 1983, but with a marriage always on the rock.
Don’t Get High on Your Own Supply
Montana’s downfall is aided, abetted, but most of all mirrored in his descent into addiction. He probably took his first sniff from Elvira’s stash, but even as Montana bemoans, “I got a junkie for a wife,” he doesn’t get wind of his own problem. “Another Quaalude, and she’ll be mine again,” he reasons as the trophy wife climbs off the pedestal and up on a shelf.
Montana is in deep drug denial when Elvira leaves him after he openly complains she can’t have children because she is polluted with the yaya he’s been peddling. He should at least entertain the notion when she openly wonders if he would even be alive to raise their child.
In American Gangster, Denzel Washington’s Frank Lucas knows enough not to dip his nose into the supply. And while Pacino’s slide into the junkie aspects of his character is physically more subtle than Ray Liotta’s bug-eyed Henry Hill in Goodfellas, the results are just as devastating. When Montana was crushing the competition and bagging the Sandman, he had discipline. His mind gets muddled as his drug use spirals out of control. He makes rash decisions, dips into schizoid delusions, and succumbs to white powder paranoia. He can’t see his way through the haze to find alternatives. He walks right into the undercover cop’s money laundering bust.
The drugs dull his instincts. If Tony wasn’t high at the security command center, he would have seen Sosa’s soldiers encroaching his compound over the cameras. He had 10 bodyguards on the property, he could have positioned them defensively. The only thing his ultimate hit man is hiding behind is a pair of killer shades. He never should have been able to sneak behind Montana’s back. Tony also wouldn’t have gotten rid of his most trusted weapon.
Over and Underestimating Little Friends
Tony Montana’s right-hand man would have been the best, first defense against the Sosa attack. What Tony does to Manny Ribera is his worst action. The two are virtually brothers. Their bond goes beyond being partners in crime, it tightened in the “Freedomtown” concentration camp, and solidified in the Miami chainsaw massacre. It is because Manny is Tony’s most trusted soldier that he will never be good enough for Tony’s sister Gina (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio). Tony’s saving grace is he believes he is doing all this to ensure a better life for his sister. Gina is supposed to represent the innocence he sacrificed, but she is also an unattainable sin.Tony’s mother doesn’t try to separate her children merely because her daughter might be swallowed in the criminal life; she is curbing what she sees as Tony’s unnatural urges. 
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Even if Tony doesn’t see Manny as a rival for his sister’s affections, he still sees him through the eyes of a fellow criminal, and a womanizing one at that. Tony is just like his mother, who rejects him. Tony brands his friend, and ultimately seals his fate with it.
The problem is Ribera wasn’t made to be a gangster. He is a loyal and efficient consigliere and soldier for Tony’s crew, but he would have been happier slapping his name on knockoff designer jeans. Besides the bubbling incestuous tension exacerbated by the coke haze, Tony doesn’t want to see his best friend happier than him, and denies Gina a real chance at the happiness he wants for her.
It’s the one thing Tony can’t buy for her. Gina and Manny fully expect Tony to be thrilled by their marriage. They were going to surprise him with the news. Tony’s incestuous protectiveness speeds his downfall. He murders Manny as a punishment. Gina is shot by Sosa’s men. Montana loses the two most important people in his life, and his inability to control his lusts destroy them all.
“Say Goodnight to the Bad Guy”
The biggest contributory factor in Tony’s downfall is his humanity. In The Godfather, Sonny Corleone advises his brother Michael not to take things too personally in business. When Lopez gives Montana the mission of delivering a bundle of cocaine to Columbian dealers, the rising mobster takes things very personally. The deal goes bad when Montana’s friend Angel Fernandez is murdered with a chainsaw in a scene so aurally graphic (watch it again, there’s no violence shown, only heard), it almost got the film an X rating.
It was allowed in the film in the name of education, Stone pointed to a DEA report which detailed the exact scenario. Tony teaches the Colombians a lesson in humanity. Not content with leaving with the cash and the coke, he kills every single gang member who had anything to do with Angel’s death.
Tony also lets his conscience be his guide when he’s working the GPI on a hit. Faced with serious jail time for his tax evasion arrest, he makes a deal with Sosa, who is also under fire. Montana agrees to fly to New York and assassinate a journalist before he can give a speech on Sosa’s organization. A bomb has been planted in the journalist’s car, and Tony is in charge of tailing until the perfect detonation point. But when Tony arrives on the scene to assassinate the journalist, he notices the man’s wife and children are with him. Montana not only breaks his word, the promise to protect his powerful partner, but he murders Sosa’s right hand man, Alberto, rather than kill the children playing in the back seat.
“I Always Tell The Truth. Even When I Lie.”
Tony Montana may have been the ballsiest and most charismatic of his machismo mob, but he wasn’t the brightest. He acknowledges his intellectual shortcomings, “I come from the gutter,” he admits. “I know that. I got no education, but that’s okay. I know the street.” But he doesn’t read signs. He can’t tell a freeway from a dead end. Frank Lopez may be a blowhard, but his words of wisdom could have been carved in the cement. 
All the concrete Tony brags about has gone to his head, making his skull thicker than Pacino’s accent. Montana is brash and unbending, narcissistically adherent to only his own advice, and his own worst counsel. His anger blinds him, the battery is running low on his foresight, and he’s so flashy his enemies can see him coming from miles away. And he can’t see them when they’re standing close enough to breathe on the back of his neck. 
Final Massacre
Of course the most obvious reason Tony ends up the way does is because he fights off an army by himself. He’s got quite an arsenal, and the coke probably makes it seem like a good idea at the time, but the decision to stay and fight is vastly miscalculated. Even if Tony had survived the last assassination attempt, Sosa’s men would always be hunting for him. It would have been a short hunt. Tony Montana would have died of a heart attack from all that coke he snorted.
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The post Scarface: Where Tony Montana Went Wrong appeared first on Den of Geek.
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babybearrudy · 4 years
Emilio Lozano and Steve Gonzalez talk movie theaters, online streaming and... a gun? featuring Rodolfos Suarez (that's me!)
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thesportssoundoff · 5 years
Playoff Droughts And Who Can Break Theirs
Baseball season is approaching and in the interest of breaking up the monotony of what figures to be a LONG and painful spring training, I wanted to take a peek whimsically while looking backwards. There's no more enjoyable story than when a team that's been excluded from the postseason dance for quite some time gets their invite. Sometimes it's years of hard work and team building and other years its due to ownership just throwing money around and sometimes? It's just a fluke luck circumstance not to be repeated for quite some time. For the sake of doing something of a bit of a project, I decided to take a brief look at teams that have not made the playoffs in over five years. I chose five years arbitrarily I suppose because to me five years or more without a playoff run is a genuine drought whereas four or less just feels like a lull regardless of expectations. Yankees fans may consider three years without the playoffs to be a drought whereas that's if anything a lull or a break in tradition. Teams that have been out of it for five years or more are teams that are either mired in long term BAD baseball or embracing mediocrity at best and so five years just felt right. Also I wanted to do it since the invent of the two game wild card but then it would be literally just three teams and nobody wants that.
Of the eight teams who have missed the playoffs for five years straight or longer, who are most likely to break that streak and join the dance? Well...
1- Philadelphia Phillies Last Playoff Appearance: 2011
Last year's darling picks, the Phillies have been out of the playoffs since 2011. For fun facts, 2011 was also the first year of the Chromebook, snapchat and the release of Elder Scrolls: Skryim. If you read this space for MMA? 2011 was the year Jon Jones beat Shogun for the LHW title, the Strikeforce HW Grand Prix started and Alistair Overeem's UFC debut. It's been a while and to the credit of Philadelphia, they've tried a multitude of ways from riding out the final years of aging veterans to rehauling their farm system to spending and spending big. It's not for a lack of trying they haven't made it back to the playoffs! Last year they seemed armed to roll through a perceived weak NL East with big names and big money across the board. Of course little did we know the Nationals would be better without Bryce Harper and the Phillies wouldn't even crack the top two of the division. Out goes Gabe Kapler and in comes Joe Girardi who will be tasked with VETERAN MANAGING his way through this ultra talented and underachieving roster that has added the likes of Zach Wheeler, Didi Gregorious as well as Andrew McCutchen who was lost early into 2019 with a torn ACL. The Phillies boast an insane line up as if Didi and Cutch are healthy and productive then you've got a core of Jean Segura, JT Realmuto, Didi, McCutchen, Rhys Hoskins and Bryce Harper. The rotation is pretty damn spiffy (health permitting) with Wheeler, Aaron Nola, Zach Eflin and Jake Arrieta plus flostam as a fifth if need be. The Phillies are always going to be a team that has slumps magnified and streaks glorified (such is life with Bryce Harper) but I can't see them not cracking the playoffs in some form or fashion this year. If they don't make the playoffs, we may need to try and discuss if there's some kind of a curse out there on the Phanatic.
2- Cincinnati Reds Last Playoff Appearance: 2013
Gotta admit I had no idea the Reds had a playoff cameo back in 2013. Guess that's just one of those years lost to time. Fun facts of 2013? Grand Theft Auto 5 came out that year, Yahoo purchased this hell site and the UFC brought women into the organization for the first time ever. The Reds spoke openly about wanting to spend a bit in the offseason and so they did, flexing some financial muscle with deals for Mike Moustakas, Shogo Akiyama and Nick Castellanos to help out a lineup featuring the likes of Joey Votto, Nick Senzel and Eugenio Suarez. If the Reds are going to make a serious run of things, it'll likely be on the arms of a rejuvenated Sonny Gray, mercurial Trevor Bauer and the league's best kept secret to casual fans Luis Castillo. There's obviously going to be concerns about a team that hits a lot of dingers but strikes out a bunch and a somewhat unheralded bullpen but the Reds have power, they've gotten better and they've got a cadre of arms to flex at any time. Also? The NL Central figures to be up in the air as the Cubs seem to coast with the core they have until the rebuild comes around, the Cardinals and Brewers underwent massive changes and the Pirates figure to be flat out bad. There's never been a more clear path for the Reds to make some October noise.
3- Los Angeles Angels Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The year is 2014. In the real world,  Colorado legalizes the purchase of wacky tobacky, selfies became "a thing" in need of forever going away and the occulus rift creates a youtube grift genre. Sports wise? The MLB struggles through record rating woes, the Cowboys finally break through in the Jason Garrett tenure with a 12-4 record, the UFC is undergoing massive upheaval as stars retire or are suspended for PEDs, Bellator hosts its first PPV which in turn leads to the ousting of Bjorn Rebney for Scott Coker and LeBron James leaves Miami to go back where it all began in Cleveland. That's the last time the Angels saw a playoff game and it's been beaten to death at this point. "WHY DON'T THE ANGELS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS DURING MIKE TROUT'S PRIME?!" is tired and done to death but for those of you who feel the same way, 2020 marks the BEST chance for that to become a fad question (or perhaps just morph into "WHY CAN'T THE BEST PLAYER IN BASEBALL WIN THE WORLD SERIES ON HIS OWN?!") since the Angels are pretty damn loaded for bare. With the Astros about to endure a pretty weird season and the A's always lurking, the Angels will roll into the year with three bonafide superstars in Anthony Rendon, Shohei Otani and Mike Trout. The pieces around them aren't bad shakes either as Andrelton Simmons is a defensive whiz, David Fletcher is one of those solid under the radar types and the rotation isn't flashy but it should be competent with minor league depth to make moves if they see a big fish out there. The Angels would've been higher up had they gotten Ross Stripling and Joc Pedersen in a deal but since that fell off, I feel like 3rd behind the Reds and Phillies is a fine spot to put them in.
4- Chicago White Sox Last Playoff Appearance: 2008
2008 will probably best be known as the year of change headlined by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. It was the year Fidel Castro stepped down in Cuba. China got the olympics in Beijing and people were TOTALLY cool about that with nary any controversy whatsoever. Beyond that? 2008 was the year I got into MMA and that was a special time, dudes. It was also the year where the White Sox saw their last real sustained succeed with its last postseason appearance. The White Sox feel like they've been in a rebuild since pretty much the end of the Ozzie Guillen tenure and despite multiple managers, multiple attempts to figure it out, rebuilds aplenty and some damn good talent coming through the organization, it's been a rough go of it for the majority of 2010 to 2019. Put it this way, the LAST time the White Sox made the playoffs, Chris Sale was a 22 year old rookie and Paul Konerko was still an active player. They've got a chance to kick off this next decade as a bit of a sleeper team in the Central. This team can hit and one can assume that another year of development for phenom talents like Yoan Moncada and Eloy Jiminez can only help. Tim Anderson for better or worse has a style and swagger that generates attention but it is fair to remember that for at least one half a season, he was a phenomenal player worthy of the acclaim. The White Sox have tried hard to secure elite free agents (Manny Machado and Zack Wheeler) but it's been a bust so at this point it's going to be up to them to draft, develop and trade for it. It would not surprise me if the White Sox are good enough in June and July to make a big deal to try and push them over the hump and chase for the second wild card.
5- San Diego Padres Last Playoff Appearance: 2006
The Padres last made the playoffs in the year of the Nintendo Wii. Floyd Mayweather hadn't even come up with his Money Mayweather gimmick yet! Lost to baseball obscurity, the Padres had at the very least an interesting team out west. The likes of Manny Machado, Fernando Tatis Jr, arguably the worst defensive outfield in the history of the universe and freakishly good young arms like Chris Paddack and Joey Luchessi at least made them fun to watch. They weren't "good" but this is a team that was still struggling to balance expensive veterans with clout (Machado, Eric Hosmer, Will Meyers) with really good young talent trying to figure things out. The Padres figure to be better with a full season of Tatis Jr, more production from guys like Hosmer and Machado plus improvements in the outfield with Tommy Pham and Trent Grisham (hold your jokes, Nats fans) figure to give this team a chance. There's a pretty good bullpen (Emilio Pagan is a sneaky nice pick up) and plenty of talent in their 26 man roster. The NL West has so much legit top talent with the D-Backs and Dodgers figuring to be really good that it's hard to make an argument for the Padres to be a playoff contender but they figure to try and trying is truly half the battle.
6- Miami Marlins Last Playoff Appearance: 2003
It's kind of a bummer that we didn't get our decennial Marlins "The fuck?" World Series win but they made up for it by giving us Jeffrey Loria and David Samson fucking things up for most of the decade leading to Derek FUCKING Jeter opting to get into the management game much to the chagrin of most folks on all sides. The Marlins are in the midst of rebuilding....again. Don't expect them to compete but they've got some good talent to at least want to see play. Brian Anderson, Caleb Smith, Jorge Alfaro and a bundle of veteran signings that will at the very least make the Marlins a fun trade partner in July will keep this team relevant. Wouldn't surprise me if the Marlins flirt with a 20 win swing from where they were last year.
7- Seattle Mariners Last Playoff Appearance: 2001
My god man. The Mariners were SO close in 2018, winning 89 games and finishing a few spots out of a Wild Card spot. As if they decided that this core couldn't do it, the Mariners went to work tearing their team apart and were rewarded with a pretty blegh squad that was once again picked apart at the deadline. To their credit they have some spiffy talent worth watching, namely the infield duo of JP Crawford and Shed Long. They’ve also got some fun young arms who might take the next step. Just don't expect them to win many games.
8- Detroit Tigers Last Playoff Appearance: 2014
The Tigers are aways away from being contenders. They're not trying to be contenders. They're in the midst of what could best be described as a multiple year rebuild after riding out the end days of the core from the start of the 2010's. They will be bad but god bless 'em for embracing it.
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twins2994 · 1 year
Mariners Even Series With Comeback Win.
Mariners 9 Twins 7 W-Brash (5-3) L-Ortega (0-1) SV-Sewald (20)
The Minnesota Twins continue to find ways to win games. They blew a ninth inning lead only to tie the game up and win in the tenth last night. They squared off with the Mariners again tonight. The Twins got the scoring started early as Carlos Correa led-off the first with a double to right. Eddie Julien plated him with a gift triple after a bad read from Cade Marlowe in left field. Max Kepler singled home a run and Matt Wallner drilled a George Kirby fastball out to right for a two-run homer. The Twins had a four-run lead after an inning of play. The Mariners tried to answer in the second as Julio Rodriguez crushed a Pablo Lopez slider out to left for a solo homer. Seattle pulled within three after two frames. The Twins got that run back in the third as Max Kepler led-off with a single to right. Willi Castro lined a triple down the right field line to extend the Twins back to four. The Mariners inched closer in the fifth when Cade Marlowe launched a Pablo Lopez change-up into the bullpens for a solo homer. Seattle pulled within three midway through the game. The Twins kept adding on in the sixth as Willi Castro and Ryan Jeffers drew walks. Castro stole third base and scored on a Donovan Solano sac fly to right and the Twins regained a four-run lead. Meanwhile, Pablo Lopez finished off seven solid innings. Jovani Moran came on for the eighth and struggled. He walked the first two batters and Cal Raleigh doubled home a run. Teoscar Hernandez hit an RBI groundout to second and the M’s closed within a pair of runs. The next batter, Julio Rodriguez smoked an Emilio Pagan fastball out to right and this game was tied in a blink of an eye. The Mariners quickly loaded the bases in the ninth and Eugenio Suarez plated a pair with a double to left. Teoscar Hernandez hit a sac fly to center and the Seattle lead grew to three. The Twins didn’t go away quietly in the ninth as Michael Taylor belted a Paul Sewald slider out to left for a solo homer. Paul Sewald retired the next three batters and the Mariners stole one from the Twins tonight. 
-Final Thoughts- Pablo Lopez had a very strong outing tonight. He went seven innings and allowed two runs on six hits with a walk and eight strikeouts. Jovani Moran didn’t retire the three hitters he faced and they all scored. Emilio Pagan gave up a run in the eighth and Oliver Ortega gave up three more runs in the ninth for the loss. Max Kepler led the way with two more hits. The Twins hit 2-for-9 with runners in scoring position and left five men on base. This is a tough loss for the Twins, who had limited bullpen options given all the close games lately. Bryce Miller will face Joe Ryan in the series finale tomorrow afternoon. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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