#Emily Foxler
adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Coherence (2013)
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Coherence is a science-fiction movie for those who like to think. You’ll have difficulty wrapping your mind around the story unless you really pay attention and when you do, get ready to be scared. It isn't gory, there aren't any jump scares or anything like that. It's that the film explores an aspect of human nature that'll put you on edge. Writer/director James Ward Byrkit demands your full attention and rewards you for it.
During a dinner party, Emily (Emily Baldoni) and her friends experience a power outage as a comet flies overhead. After turning on the auxiliary generator, they notice another house nearby also has lights on. Inside, they discover duplicate versions of themselves.
The premise is simple. What would you do if you met a copy of yourself? Would you trust them? What does it say about you if you wouldn't? Can you be sure they would trust you? Who’s to say this duplicate version of yourself, simply by walking up to you/being approached by you, wouldn't have already started becoming a different person? I can already hear your mind racing. Now picture the scenario with eight people in total. As Emily, Kevin (Maury Sterling), Mike (Nicholas Brendon), Lee (Lorene Scafaria), Hugh (Hugo Armstrong), Beth (Elizabeth Gracen), Amir (Alex Manugian) and Laurie (Lauren Maher) come to grips with what is happening, their true selves start to shine through. Who panics? Who stays cool? Who does everyone turn on? Who do people trust? You never know how anyone will react or where the plot is going. That’s the intrigue you get when you encounter a scenario this crazy. Who knows what’s next?
What we have here is the kind of film you’d love to go back to with a pencil and pad of paper to map out where everyone begins and where they end. On your first ride, you’ll be swept up in the paranoia, claustrophobia and the dread created by the characters’ assumptions and decisions. You'll worry too much about the here and now to think about the true implications of what is happening but once you seen the whole thing, you'll be itching to re-examine all the puzzle pieces and see if they fit as hermitically as they seem to – trust me, they do. If you think you know where things are going, you don't. There are many juicy twists and turns coming. That second viewing might also allow you to notice the cast, which all play off each other wonderfully.
Coherence shows how much work a robust idea can do. It’s ingenious and inventive. You’ll be gripped… and the whole film is basically set in one house with minimal special effects. That proves to be one of its strength because – and I’m starting to repeat myself – the core is so good. There are so many different directions this setup could’ve taken, and so many different tones too! I could easily see someone taking this premise and going for a comedic or romantic drama story instead and that makes it great fun. (October 12, 2018)
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brainlesspen · 11 months
Coherence (2013) Ending Explained
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Coherence (2013) is an American surreal science fiction psychological thriller film directed by James Ward Byrkit. It stars Emily Foxler as a lead.
Coherence (2013) Ending Explained and Plot Story in Details
* * * Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen the movie yet, turn back now! * * * Emily is talking with Kevin over the phone; Kevin says he was in a lawyer's bar. Suddenly Em doesn't get any sound from the other side, and her phone gets cracked by itself. Eight friends reunite in North California in the house of the spouse Mike and Lee. Beth has been having cleansing for 21 days. Cleansing means not having unhealthy foods like carbs, junk foods, drinks, or drugs. Em comes and says hello to everyone and tells them whatever happened to her. Kevin was talking about Miller's Comet, and suddenly, the phone cracked.  They assume maybe she dropped it. She says I was holding my phone, and suddenly it's cracked. Beth asks if anyone knows that Laurie is coming. Em says she didn't know. Then Kevin and Hugh enter and say hi to everyone. Kevin and Em are talking about booking some hotel or something. Em isn't sure yet about that. At that time, Laurie and Amir come. After Laurie comes, Kevin is totally changed; he opens up his scarf and tries to be a nice gentleman. They all sit for dinner, and Hugh asks if the network is still down. One of them says, maybe the tower is down. Em says not a tower thing; it's a big news story. In Finland in 1923, a comet passing incident happened, named Miller's Comet. It was actually crazy because when it happened, it affected people. After it passed, they would get lost. They would end up in the wrong home; they would forget things. They wouldn't really know where they were. She remembers reading about this one woman who called the police and said that the man in her house was not her husband. And then the police came over, saying that this was her husband. She said negatively that this was not her husband because she had killed her husband the previous day. But the police couldn't arrest her because he was before them. Then Lee tells about something Hailey's comet. Beth says there is a secret door in Lee's house. You put a picture of someone, and then it will give you some weird energy flow. Hugh asks when the last time we were all together was before Thanksgiving. Most of them were there.  Laurie asks Mike what does he do recently. He says he is helping his wife's skyping career. But he is an actor, actually. He was on the show Roswell. But Laurie can't recognize him even if it was her favorite show. She says actors on tv and actors face to-face is different. She asks Em. Em says she had a dance group, and she created it, but right before the premiere, they brought in Svetlana Aserrano. She is the best in the world. So Em got replaced. Laurie is such an uncivilized girl that she doesn't even know how to react when people say their sad stories. She says you hear these things that people are being shut out of something they created. It's terrible. Then Emily says that's not the case; I needed to hold on to the understudying. Because the girl who got the desired part was a dancer way worse than Em. Then everyone was telling a different story. Kevin starts telling a story in such a way that somebody is gonna die. They all laugh about it. Then Hugh notices his phone screen is shattered like Em. No one's phone has a network. But no one understands anything because their phone is in another room. Hugh suggests checking the computer. Amir goes to the other room. He returns and says there is no internet. Mike can't believe it. He asks how there could be no internet. Hugh needs to make a call to his brother because he said that if the comet passes and you see anything weird happen, then he requested to make a call to him. Beth asks why you didn't tell me. Hugh says because he didn't want to freak them out. Then suddenly, the lights go out. The electricity is gone. They go out to enjoy the load-shedding. Then they observe the beauty of the comet passing. One thing that Mike notice is weird, which is everything is dark outside except one house. Everyone thinks maybe they have a generator. They feel hopeful to see another lightened house. Hugh needs to make a call, so he decides to go to the house if they have phones. He goes with Amir avoiding his wife's inhibition. Everyone else is waiting for them, ten minutes passes but they don't come. Suddenly they hear a bang outside the door. After checking, they find no one outside. After a while, Hugh and Amir return. Hugh is a little bit wounded in the head, and Amir is with a box. Mike open the box. Everyone's picture is in the box. Every photo holds a number behind it. They need help understanding what that means. Hugh says he goes there and sees eight people sitting in a chair, and they look exactly like them. But Hugh asks Amir why he took that box. Hugh decides to go there again and will ask them for help. Everyone denies it, but he decides to do it. Hugh makes a note, writing, 'Hey…is anyone here?...I need to make a call… At that moment, someone bangs at the door. Kevin goes and says, 'Oh my god… he is really big guy'. Kevin opens the door and gets a note. Seeing the note, everyone falls from the sky. That note looks exactly like Hugh's note. Beth is aiding Hugh. Everyone else is examining the numbers of the pictures. They are thinking, who can do this? Amir suddenly notices the picture of him was taken tonight because he bought the sweater tonight. Laurie is wondering if any one of them is doing this purposely.  Em notices the number written behind the pictures, which is written by her. This is her handwriting. Kevin and Em don't understand anything. Em says they have so many memories together, but at the table, he shared a memory with Laurie. Em says she is not enough for him. Kevin tries to make her understand. On the other hand, they decide to go outside and see themselves with their own eyes. Em, Mike, Kevin, and Laurie go outside. They walk along the road towards the house. Mike says this is his house. He goes near the house, but everyone else says it's not his house; they pull him towards them and walk to their house. On the way back, they see four people exactly looking like them. They run to their home and tell everyone else what happened. Beth says Brian left a book in the back of the car. Hugh brings it. There is written something about quantum physics. That physics is saying they should not contact the other group of people. If they do that, it will be harmful to them. Em says, but they gave them the box. They kept the pictures for us. Amir says that box is not meant for us. We invade their territory. Quantum physics says decoherence keeps us separate. One of them says we have already broken the rule of decoherence. They will collapse on us at any moment. Before that, I am gonna collapse on them. Mike says he will go over there and kill them. Kevin tells Mike that if he does that, he will kill himself. They ask If he goes there what he is gonna see. But Mike says he saw different four. They were different four. They were Hugh, Lee, and Amir. If, in this reality, Lee is napping. Maybe in that reality, Beth is napping. So in that reality, they are not having this conversation. So they don't have the book. We can prevent the collapse if we take the book from their car, but Hugh doesn't want to give the keys. Mike gets pissed off. He makes a plan. He is gonna go there and blackmail Mike with a secret he doesn't want to reveal. Kevin says it's the worst idea. Lee gets up from a nap and says, after taking the drink. She felt a little sleepy. Then Em asks Beth if she put the drug in everyone's food. Everyone gets persuaded by the thought that Beth has done it. But Beth says a person has to drink a whole bottle if anyone wants to be paranoid. I have only put a few drops because she asked for them. In the meantime, the other Hugh and Amir have taken all the photos and boxes to return them. Mike comes into the house, and Kevin asks him where he went. He said to blackmail him, and I dropped the letter, but it freaked me out. Kevin says he has gone for 5 minutes, but Mike says he was gone for 45 minutes. Kevin doesn't believe that.  Mike starts to drink, and everyone comes down and sees the box, and the book is not there. They want to bring the book, and they return the box, but now they take everything. That means they were different from the person who left. They are different. After that, Kevin and Laurie talk in the hallway, and they kiss at some point. Beth sees that and tells it to Em. Em asks Kevin, and he ignores her. Suddenly they hear a sound and get outside to see what is happening. They see the car's glass is broken. Em finds a ring in the car, and it is given by Kevin. She wants to keep it on her finger. She asks Kevin if everything is okay. Kavin says everything is okay, and they hug each other. But after some time, she realized it was not real, Kevin. Mike brings Em some pictures to cut them off; therefore, they are fake, too, not the real ones. Beth injects some Ketamine into the drink of Lee. Beth is fake, too, but everyone is acting like they are the real ones. After some time, Amir and Hugh return. Everyone thinks they are the real one and hug them. They are finally all together. But they show the previous reason to go outside. When they were first outside. Everyone thinks everything is okay now. The problem is finally solved. But Mike creates a problem. Mike asks how we are sure they are real. Mike then reveals the truth that he slept with his wife. Hugh says his wife never slept with his best friend. But in real life, Mike slept with his best friend. Hugh attacks him. Between these problems, Em gets outside of the house. She knows the real Kevin doesn't love her anymore. So she needs to find her lover Kevin who she has got to meet outside the car. She looks at every house. There is happening different story in every different house. She eventually finds that house kills Em, and takes the place of that Em.
What happened in the story of Coherence (2013)?
The comet reaction is portrayed in the movie. The Miller's Comet is so close to our earth right now. So it affects the people. It makes people see people exactly looking like them. So everyone is experiencing confusing incidents. No one recognizes recognizing anyone. It's not a time loop. It's a whole bunch of different stories of the same group of people.
What is the Decoherence theory?
Decoherence theory is an idea in quantum physics that explains why tiny particles can act in strange ways but larger things, like everyday objects, behave normally. When small particles interact with their surroundings, they lose their weird behavior and start following the usual rules we see in our everyday world. This mathematical quantum theory helps us understand why quantum effects are usually invisible in our daily lives and is essential for developing technologies like quantum computers. Suppose a cat is in a box. It has a fifty-fifty chance of living. Because there is a vial of poison that is also in the box. So, regular Physics would say that it is one or the other. The cat is either alive or dead. But Brian would argue that quantum physics says that both realities exist simultaneously. It is only when you open the box that they collapse into a single event. Quantum decoherence ensures that the different outcomes have no interaction with each other. In the movie Coherence (2013), decoherence is portrayed as a science fiction concept linked to a passing comet's unique radiation. This radiation causes multiple parallel realities to overlap, leading to the coexistence of different versions of the characters from alternate timelines. As they interact with their alternate selves and face reality-twisting experiences, the boundaries between these parallel realities become increasingly blurred. Although the film takes creative liberties, it loosely draws inspiration from the real-world scientific concept of decoherence in quantum mechanics, where a quantum system loses its coherence when interacting with its environment. "Coherence" offers a mind-bending narrative that explores these ideas in a fictional setting.
What was the story of Kevin at the table?
Kevin and Laurie went out for drinking. They were drinking way too much of a bar. He passed out and started dreaming. This big black bear was up for its hind legs, sort of mauling him. Slowly. Tenderly. Anyhow they go to some party in Santa Cruz, and as they walk in, this huge dog comes running at him. He jumps up on its hind legs and starts pawing him exactly like a dream. And this guy yelled, 'Bear, get down, Bear.' Whatever happens, in the world, that can be passing a comet, collapsing the hills even destroying the whole world, people want to be loved by their loved ones.
Original Title: Coherence Genre: Horror/ Sci-fi Runtime: 1hr 29min Original Language: English Directed by James Ward Byrkit Written by James Ward Byrkit, Alex Manugian Release date: August 06, 2014 (United States) Origin Country: United States Read the full article
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lawofnines · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker - S2xE22 - (Tears) ~ Original Air Date: May 22, 2010
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whitewaterpaper · 5 years
Legend of The Seeker: Tears [S02E22]
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
Ser om Legend of the Seeker med @kulturdasset​. Läs kulturdassets omdöme om avsnittet här.
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Det är inte många gånger det skett (har det ens skett sedan seriepremiären) men förra avsnittet slutade med en ”to be continued”. Och Dahlias föga frivilliga deltagande i den trollformel som kallas ”spell of undoing” sköts till detta avsnitt. Även om förra avsnittet gärna hade kunnat sluta med en saftig cliffhanger precis efter att trollformeln fullbordats med var det rätt väg att gå.
Zedd kommer så till en värld där han åter igen är desorienterad och vill bara veta en sak: ”Var är Cara”. Richard och Kahlan ser … misstänksamma ut … minst sagt. Just den scenen är f.ö. föremål för en av de bästa fanvideos som någonsin gjorts, Whitney Huston har aldrig legat så bra i en scen.
[se videon nedan] …vilken tid det tog att hitta videon (varför har jag inte bokmärkt den tidigare) …
Mycket händer i det här avsnittet, och tar man med i beräkningen att chansen är liten att precis allt i den här världen är exakt som den förra så är det mer spännande än det kanske ser ut på utan. Visst mycket verkar oförändrat och en del andra små ändringar tyder på att så inte är fallet.
I alla fall så tillskriver jag Niccis nya outfit och frisyr till att världen tillfälligt varit ur balans. Hon verkar ju också ha upprättat ett eget schema för vad som skall hända när världen fallit (och hon förslagsvis skyfflat ned Keeper i underjorden igen).
Intressant detalj i hela den planen f.ö. för Nicci stjäl av Kahlans krafter, men inte så mycket att det påverkar Kahlans förmåga att trigga blodsvreden eller att Nicci skall kunna bekänna Richard själv. Frågan är om bekännarkrafterna på något vis inte är särskilt kompatibla med Niccis redan införskaffade magiska gåvor?
Och vi ser också hur Darken Rahl låter återuppliva Nicci, och onda planer på varma bad till trots så tror jag huvudsyftet med det är att tillförskaffa sig Niccis han och inget mer.
Skaparen sänder ytterligare en profetia, om Richard och hur han leds blind av Keeper i ett barns skepnad. Väldigt bokstavligt skall det visa sig, och Nicci är den som förblindar Richard från första början… Lustigt det där att profetiorna tar upp alla Richards förestående misslyckanden men inte nämner ett ord om Skaparens egna minioner ljusets systrars inblandning i dem.
Efter allt jobb med kompasser, sekter och pusselgåtor är det kanske med viss frustration man ser att profetian mycket riktigt inte gick att undvika. Ovetandes om vem som rider på hans axlar så lämpar Richard av stenen med Declan/Keeper. Det är med andra ord inte i egenskap av allierad till planerna som smitts i underjorden som stenen överlämnas. Utan mer i summan av allt jäkelskap, och som grädde på moset dyker, en fortfarande fångad i Con’Dar, Kahlan upp och försöker bekänna honom.
Och sedan får vi veta vad Skaparen menade med ”så länge moders bekännerskans rena hjärta slår…” när Kahlan inser vidden av vad hon gjort brister hennes hjärta så som skaparens en gång då hon insåg vad Keeper sysslat med bakom hennes rygg.
Ett dödmansgrepp helt enkelt. Varför förlita sig på en sten när man kan sätta upp händelserna så man kan skapa en ny på stället (som smidigt nog dessutom passar i den gamla hållaren).
Här finns det kanske en lucka i handlingen – med Richard död borde kanske inte Caras magi ha funkat (eller finns det andra Rahl ute där som ovetandes håller lågan brinnande?). Men strunt i det.
Man kan ha sina åsikter om slutet där det känns som om Cara skyfflas in i bakgrunden till förmån för mer pluttignuttigeheter med Kahlan och Richard. Men tillsammans med Unbroken får vi en säsongsfinal som mycket väl passar som serie-avslut. Ingen jobbig cliffhanger att behöva leva med alltså.
Det här var, trots att jag såg om serien i februari redan, en trevlig omtitt. Den är inte perfekt, men var på manga punkter före sin tid och lider kanske mest av att hålla fast vid ett gammalt sätt att berätta en lång historia. Flera av intrigerna låses in i ramen för ett avsnitt där det uppenbarligen gjort sig bättre att dras ut ett tag på flera avsnitt.
Ingreppen på förlagan lägger jag mig inte i då jag fortfarande inte kommit mig för att ta itu med böckerna.
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dissygif · 7 years
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nicci quotes - 2x14 “bound”
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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AGE: 20+
When someone of importance is killed from the shadows, the culprit is usually a deadly assassin from the Dark Union. Excelling from their shadows and bestowed with enhanced speed; few can stop a trained Rogue in completing their mission. THE POISONER has always been an assassin the Dark Union can rely on. She has lost count of how many missions and assassinations she has performed, but THE POISONER can always remember the way she completes her jobs.
Her signature ‘move’ is renowned in the Dark Union. THE POISONER discovered a special artefact when she was younger – a dull, rusty ring – but when it physically encountered others, they would swiftly die from an ailment that the ring spread to their heart. Since it is a magical poison, the body does not leave any signs of a poison, and the case is always marked as a mystery. Even THE POISONER is not sure how it works, that is a Mage’s job after all, but it belongs to her and it has enabled her to climb the ranks within the Dark Union.
In recent years, another renowned poisoner in the Dark Union was growing jealous of THE POISONER’s fame. The Dark Union does not intervene in member disputes, and its Leader even finds such ‘sport’ entertaining, so THE POISONER was left on her own to deal with her rival’s games. They would steal each other’s missions; assassinate each other’s spies; and even send cutthroats for one and another. However, it was not until a few months ago that THE POISONER may have pushed her rival too far. She grew impatient with the games and attempted to kill her rival during a public gathering of the Union’s best with her magical ring but somehow the cretin survived! Stunned that her trusty artefact failed, she was forced to temporarily leave the Dark Union and hide from her rival’s rage – although he still hunts her with fervour.
When the Wardens were formed, THE POISONER saw the chance for protection whilst she thought of a plan. Perhaps she will even find a stronger artefact whilst she was performing these silly ‘good-willed’ missions for the Wardens.
THE POISONER assassinated THE HEIRESS’ uncle two years ago.
She is in possession of an artefact of power - a ring - that projects the feeling of poison on another person it comes in contact with, but it does not leave the signs of poison.
Up to player
Suggested faceclaims: (with links to some resources)
Thandie Newton; Tabrett Bethel; Emily Foxler
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THE POISONER recognised THE HEIRESS immediately in the Wardens and could not help but smirk with satisfaction. The young Warrior was a member of the noble Kelm family and had almost glimpsed THE POISONER’s identity when THE POISONER assassinated her uncle. THE HEIRESS’ uncle - a drunken gambler who had created lots of debts with questionable contacts in Carn’s underworld - was killed two summers ago by the Dark Union’s request. THE HEIRESS had arrived too late to save him or catch a real glance at the killer but she is clearly uncomfortable around THE POISONER. If THE HEIRESS’ suspicions near the truth, THE POISONER may have to deal with the girl quietly, but for now it would bring some much needed entertainment to play with the Kelm girl.
Few members of the Dark Union like to form friendships or alliances, especially with eachother. The Union is a place where you should never trust the words or motives of another, and instead trust only the weight of your own blade. Power, secrets and influence are everything for a Dark Union assassin, and most would not even blink an eyelid before eliminating a comrade for personal gain. THE POISONER knows THE PRODIGY by reputation – no other Dark Union assassin can boast as much raw power as he can. It was a nuisance to discover another Dark Union member in the Wardens. THE POISONER cannot help but be suspicious of THE PRODIGY’s movements and motives – is he an assassin sent from her rival to spy on her? But she is determined to focus on survival.
The Star Tower and the Dark Union have always shared a cautious respect for one and another. The Mages prefer to fight from afar with spells and knowledge, whilst Rogues use their skills in the rare and mysterious Shadow element to cloak themselves until they are close enough to strike. THE POISONER has heard of THE ENCHANTER’s talents in creating new artefacts of power. She has always been secretive about her magical ring but after it failed to kill her rival, she wonders whether it is worth asking THE ENCHANTER for help in finding out how her rival survived and if there is a way to boost the ring’s power. But THE POISONER has never been one to ask for help – usually she steals the items she wants and demands the things she needs. THE ENCHANTER is clearly curious about THE POISONER’s talents but how can she reveal her ring without revealing her true identity as THE POISONER too?
Note: please find the application form here.
The Rogue Class
The Dark Union
Artefacts of Power
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karanna1 · 8 years
Okay so I just found out that Justin Baldoni from Jane the Virgin (Rafael) is married to Emily Foxler!
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Yes, THAT Emily Foxler. The one who played Nicci 2.0 on Legend of the Seeker and confessed the Confessor, making Kahlan her slave.
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Of course, we all know the lovely actress who played Kahlan Amnell! (None other than Bridget Regaaaan!) Playing 6 degrees of separation with Bridget Regan is getting ridiculously easy with all the shows she’s been on in the last 5 years.
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So Rafael’s step-mother Rose Solano, crime lord Sin Rostro, and the love of his half sister Luisa’s life:
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Has also been turned into a soulless slave by his real life wife:
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I knooooooow. Cray cray right?
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beautifulfaaces · 8 years
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Emily Baldoni
August 3, 1984
Swedish actress
also known as Emily Foxler
Julie [Five Feet Apart: 2019]
Nancy [Reckless: 2014]
Sister Nicci [Legend of the Seeker: 2010]
Nadja [Ghosts of Girlfriends Past: 2009]
green eyes
playable: young adult, adult
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lawofnines · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker - S2xE13 - (Princess) ~ Original Air Date: February 27, 2010
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whitewaterpaper · 6 years
Legend of The Seeker: Bound [S02E14]
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
Ser om Legend of the Seeker med @kulturdasset. Läs kulturdassets omdöme om avsnittet här.
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Jag misstänker att i boken så går det kanske inte fullt så här fort innan Nicci trillar av The Keepers VIP-transport till evigheten. För visst känns det lite förhastat att låta henne återgå till de levandes värld i förra avsnittet bara för att bokstavligen knuffas ned i avträdet här? Det är ju givetvis en följd av seriens envishet att hålla fast vid avslutande avsnitt. Det ger helt enkelt inte plats för längre storylines om de inte berättas av sig själv mellan avsnitten.
Det här avsnittet har annars en rätt bra story, och nu som för det mesta är det någon annan än Richard som står för de intressanta delarna. Dels uppskattar jag den här mer handfasta inblicken i Kahlans förflutna men än mer intressant är det kanske att få en inblick i vad som formade Nicci till den hon är. Men jag vet inte riktigt vad jag tycker om den fortsatta bilden av prelaten som en självförhärligande religiös fanatiker.
Det ligger givetvis något i Niccis antydningar om att Richard blir lite för snabbt distraherad av annat än den viktigare uppgiften att hitta tårarnas sten. Här och där (speciellt under första säsongen) känns det ju lite som att Richard gör vad som helst utan den uppgift han är tilldelad att fylla. Även Cara har tidigare i säsongen uttryckt viss frustration i samma håll. Därmed inte sagt att hon gör rätt som låter sig bli på-pucklad bara för att straffa Richard genom att detta även skadar Kahlan.
Nicci framhåller våldtäkten(-a) i fängelset och prelatens reaktion efteråt som drivmotorn till att hon gick från ljuset till mörkret. Kan man då inte ifrågasätta hennes beslut att inte bara tvinga på Kahlan den här bindingsförtrollningen men dessutom straffa Kahlan för Richards beteende?
Mötet mellan Kahlan och hennes far är också intressant, speciellt sedan det gått 15 år sedan sist (antar att hon undvikit honom sedan ljusets systrar ”räddade dem” och tog dem till Thandor) och att Fredrick Amnell faktiskt kände igen henne. Något säger mig att Fredrick följt sina döttrar på avstånd. Det är också intressant hur man på avsnittets begränsade tidsomfång lyckas ändra dynamiken dem emellan på ett snyggt sätt.
En av den andra säsongens återkommande detaljer är hur Cara och Kahlan liksom försöker imponera på varandra med varandras egenheter. Här försöker Cara, och lyckas säkerligen bättre än vad Kahlan tillåter synas, gjuta lite olja på vattnet genom att påminna Kahlan att hon själv faktiskt hade fel om sin far. Jag har sagt det förr, och säger det igen: Caras utveckling genom säsongen är en av de sker som för den överlägsen seriens första.
Richard lyckas iaf sätta små griller i huvudet på Nicci, och innan det här avsnittet är slut så skall hon kliva av the Keepers lag och börja arbeta för sig själv. Jag kan bara spekulera i att det är startskottet till en större intrig, för minns jag inte fel så läste jag någonstans att i böckerna så utvecklades Nicci till en av Richards rådgivare.
Och när vi ändå håller på att spekulera, hur många daccras släpar systrarna runt på? Är de liksom Percy Jacksons ”Tidvattenvåg” så designade att de alltid återvänder till ägaren så småningom? Och har mörkrets systrar oändlig tillgång till dem trots utbrytningen från ljusets systrar?
Fredrick Amnell skiljs så i slutet på avsnittet med en kunskap som vi andra haft ett tag nu: bekännarna är oftast något mer än bara bekännare om man vågar att skrapa lite på ytan.
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dissygif · 7 years
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nicci quotes - 2x13 “princess”
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lawofnines · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker - S2xE14 - (Bound) ~ Original Air Date: March 20, 2010  
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