#Emma montebank
mks-grin · 2 years
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One day ill draw Emma in a way that makes her actually look like the actress
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emmagail-brainrot · 1 year
Thought I moved past my Pricefield phase, but alas it turns out it simply went dormant until I saw these two gay bitches 5 mins into starting The Quarry.
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emma-nation · 1 year
The Curse Of Hackett's Quarry
Chapter 1 - The Tower
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Summary: After the events of a traumatic night, Emma Mountebank finds out she still a werewolf. While she learns how to deal with this new reality, new problems and feelings come to surface. Pairings: Emma/Abi, Emma/f!OC
Notes: Set in an Alternate Universe where Emma was bitten by Silas. In this fic all the counselors are alive and all the Hackett's are dead. Pairings are Emma/Abi and Emma/f!OC.
Notes²: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes. This is my first The Quarry fic and also my first Werewolf fic, I hope you guys enjoy it. Like Emma says herself - 'Sub, share and smash that like button. The holy trinity.'
Full Story:
The Tower represents a massive change - destruction and chaos, a personal transformation. The awakening of something new. 
August, 2021
At the police station, Emma observed a tarot card inside an evidence bag that was collected from Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp. The last three days had been a blur. 
When the police cars arrived in the morning, she assumed everything would be okay. She was finally going home and then college. That traumatic night would become a distant memory.
But then she left Mr. H's office and saw that corpse in the lodge. It was not a monster. It did not look like a monster. That was… Caleb Hackett. In that moment, she knew they were in trouble.
"I… I'm not a murderer," she said once she was being taken to the back of a police car. "We were attacked."
The police officer did not answer. 
She and Abi were locked in the same holding cell. Abi was very distressed. She could barely breathe. At some point, she went to the toilet and vomited. 
"It'll be okay, Abi," Emma placed a hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to bring her some relief. "They will only ask us a few questions. And then, we're going home."
"Emma, stop," the girl pushed her hand away and stood up, taking a few anxious steps around their enclosure.
"Do you realize that was a teenage boy that was lying dead in that lodge?! Do you think they'll even believe us when we tell werewolves attacked us?!"
Emma swallowed dry. Yes, she was being ridiculous. Their situation wasn't good at all. But she had to believe that. She couldn't let that optimistic side of her die. Not yet. Otherwise she'd break. 
They called her for an interrogation by the nighttime. At least she was allowed to shower and change her clothes before. She was also given a meal, but she declined. Even if she hadn't eaten for over 24 hours, she wasn't hungry.
"And that's what happened," Emma finished, after telling everything she could remember about that night. 
"Yes. I have a picture on my phone. It was taken as evidence when I arrived, but you can check…"
The officer didn't say anything. Emma stopped talking.
"Ms. Montebank, did you have a relationship with… she checked a paper for information, "Mr. Jacob Custos?"
"Yes. No! I mean… we had a Summer fling, but I broke up with him before all of that."
"So you did not consent when he sabotaged the van to spend one more night with you in the Summer Camp?"
The revelation caught her by surprise. Emma felt a knot in her stomach. She really thought Jacob was acting strange but she didn't want to assume he'd go that far.
"H-He did what ?!"
She returned to the cell, unable to process what she heard. Abi was lying on the bed, facing the wall. She wasn't sleeping, but she didn't feel like talking.
Emma was called back to the interrogation room. Being a lawyer himself, her father had contacts and hired one of the best attorneys in the country.
"So, you did not shoot any of the Hacketts?" He asked.
In fact, she only learned all the other members of Hackett's family were dead when she was taken to the precinct. 
"Then why were your fingerprints on the gun?"
"I took it from Mr. Hackett's storage."
"Why did you take it, Emma?"
"To be honest, I don't know."
Staring at that tarot card, made Emma reflect about her future. She had just signed the papers of her release, after the group was declared innocent of the accusation of murder and didn't know what to expect. Would she be able to recover from that traumatic experience? Would the rest of the world believe that absurd story about werewolves? She definitely wouldn't, if she had seen it for herself. 
She didn't see any of her friends while being escorted outside by her parents, which was good somehow. She didn't want to face Jacob yet. She'd certainly punch him and yell at him, what would bring her even more problems. She wished she had seen Abi though, but she was already gone. Emma feared she blamed her somehow, for what Jacob did. 
As long as she remembered, Emma always felt comfortable being in front of cameras. Ever since she was a kid, she loved being captured through videos and photos. She was a true actress from birth. 
Now, she was learning to hate them. As soon as she left the station, journalists were waiting, shoving microphones on her face, asking inappropriate questions and taking unwanted pictures of her release.
"Ms. Montebank, would you mind saying a few words about the incident?"
"I can't," she attempted to cover her head using her hands. "I'm sorry."
"Emma, is it true you and your friends were under the influence of drugs?"
"Ms. Montebank?!"
"Emma! Emma!"
They didn't stop and the police officers didn't make any efforts to stop them. A few journalists chased her parents' car. Later, they found out their address, staying in front of their house waiting for answers during the next few days.
The journalists weren't the only problem. When Emma finally gathered enough courage to check her social media, she found out she had gained a ton of new followers. Her videos were also bombarded with all kinds of comments - most of them were negative. Sarcastic. Evil. Bits of her videos were taken out of context and each one of her words, each one of her actions were analyzed, misinterpreted and judged.
That was when she decided to deactivate her account. At least for a while. All that fuss couldn't last forever. 
At home, her relationship with her parents had been wrecked too. While they believed her innocence, they seemed resentful, disappointed. Maybe because none of them was allowed a normal life anymore. Her parents wouldn't have a moment of peace even during their work hours.
Emma would spend most of her time locked in the bedroom and her 10 years old sister was the only one who bothered to check on her every once in a while.
"Hey, princess," she smiled when the girl appeared in the bedroom, shortly after her arrival. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Em," Olivia Mountebank wrapped her arms around her neck. "I'm so glad you're here."
'Me too,' Emma thought without saying it aloud. While she was fighting for her life that night, her little sister was the person who mostly crossed her mind. 
"I believe you. About the werewolves."
"It… it means a lot."
She smiled, attempting to fight the tears that started filling her eyes. She hadn't been able to cry yet. That was the first time.
September, 2021
After two weeks, Emma decided it was time to recompose herself and try to move on with her life. Keeping her mind busy would help her to deal with that whole traumatic experience. She finally started attending classes at NYU and moved to the dorm.
She didn't expect it to be easy. The looks and whispers would follow her anywhere she went. In the better days, people would just ignore her existence. 
"Give it some time," Kaitlyn said when they spoke over the phone. She was the only one of the group who called her. Abi hadn't been answering any of them yet.  "People will eventually forget about it."
And that was what Emma was trying to do, but on that particular morning of September 20, she woke up feeling awful. At first it was only her chest exploding in anxiety. After an hour or so, she noticed her skin felt like it was on fire. Her body temperature was abnormally high.
"What that bitch is doing?" Somehow, she could hear the conversation between her roommates, while she had been sitting under the cold shower. "She has been there for like two hours."
"Maybe she's doing drugs again."
"I hope she didn't kill herself. It'll bring journalists to the campus all over again."
They giggled. And their laughs sounded extremely loud. Emma's ears started to ring in response. She covered them with her hands to muffle the sound.
Once the girls left, she wore some clothes and headed to the student health center. 
"Your temperature is a little bit high, Ms. Montebank," the female doctor examined her. "But it doesn't seem to be anything serious."
"I-I also feel nauseous and… my chest hurts."
"You've been under a lot of stress. I'll prescribe you some tranquilizers."
She asked Emma to return in case her symptoms worsened. After buying the medication, she returned to the dorm and slept.
Her dreams were tormented by memories from that night. She was in the woods all over again, being chased by one of those creatures. This one was different from the others, its skin was much more pale. It seemed stronger and faster somehow. Emma was able to escape. It was only when she was safe inside Chris Hackett's office with Abi that she felt her leg stinging. She didn't say anything. She didn't want to scare her friend. The wound wasn't even deep, more like a scratch. It was also clean, showing no signs the infection was spreading through her bloodstream. When the morning came and she hadn't transformed, she considered herself lucky. 
Emma woke up past lunch time. Her body was aching and her head felt a little foggy. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, but once she stared at her reflection in the mirror she let out a scream. 
Her eyes had turned yellow.
"It can't be," Emma took a deep breath while she drove around the streets. "It can't be!"
Nick returned to normal after Caleb Hackett was killed. So did Ryan, Laura and Max after shooting Chris. 
She later heard the story about a man named Silas, who was rumored to be the one werewolf to infect the Hackett's. But he was also shot to death by Ryan and Laura.
There was absolutely no way that could be happening.
Emma wore shades before entering into the store. Rope. She had to buy rope before heading to the woods. 
"Just in case," she told herself. "Because nothing will happen tonight. It's only… stress. I'm very very stressed."
Along the rope, she bought some other supplies and drove to the park. She waited until it was completely empty before she restrained herself around a tree. She feared she could escape once she transformed. If she transformed. But the creatures didn't appear to be that strong or smart. Back to the camp, the hunters caught them in regular and simple traps.
As the night started to fall, her skin started to turn gray. She also felt her teeth becoming sharp.
It was really happening. And no one was there for her. When the Hackett's transformed, they had each other. When Max transformed, he had Laura. When Nick transformed he had Abi. 
Abi. She wished Abi was there. Sweet, shy and insecure Abi. If only she was answering her calls.
WHY wasn't she answering her calls? Emma started feeling angry. She had done NOTHING wrong! 
Maybe that was him … Jacob. He had manipulated Abi's mind against her. Of course.
That was all Jacob's fault in first place. If only he had respected her when she said no. If only he wasn't so toxic, obsessive and childish. 
The thoughts were becoming too much to handle and Emma resorted to the only thing that could bring her some comfort. She positioned the camera of her cell phone in front of her and started to film.
"September 20, 2021 - 7 PM. It's… uh… it's my first night," her feelings of rage were replaced by fear and anxiety. Some tears started to roll across her cheeks.
"I'm scared. And lonely. I wish… I wish Abi was here. Or even Kaitlyn. S-She is always so brave…"
"Or Dylan. I'd… I'd love to hear one of his awful jokes right now."
God. She missed them terribly.
"Y-You've won, Jacob. Karma has found me! This is the price I'm paying for breaking your heart. I hope you're happy now, motherfucker."
Her conscious was being replaced by something else. Something wild. Something dangerous. Something inhumane. 
Emma swallowed a few pills from the tranquilizer she had bought earlier. Maybe that would weaken the creature inside her.
Then she closed her eyes and waited.
A few minutes later, she was no longer herself.
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storiescrafted · 2 years
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hit the heart + specify for a starter from evelyn abbott (a quiet place),  sophie cromwell (halloweentown), leigh crain (thohh),  theo crain (thohh),  abby anderson (the last of us),  maria miller (the last of us),  abigail blyg (the quarry),  emma montebank (the quarry),  laura kearney (the quarry),  jessica riley (until dawn),  sam giddings (until dawn).
and with less priority:  shawn spencer (psych),  eve baird (the librarians),  honestly anyone else.
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quarrytm · 2 years
emma montebank  ,  you can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, ‘ are we about to kiss? ’
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             ‘ not  this  situation, ’   jeremiah  stands  with  his  hands  crossed  over  his  chest,  looking  with  half  lidded  eyes  down  at  the  crates  of  supplies  she’s  knocked  over  on  her  way  in.  it  was  an  accident  ;  she  could  have  been  more  careful,  but  if  he  knew  anything  about  the  counselors  inhabiting  the  summer  camp,  they  rarely  thought  about  any  consequences  to  their  actions  until  afterward.  despite  the  fact  that  emma  shouldn’t  even  be  in  here  -  didn’t  she  have  campers  to  babysit?  -  jeremiah  finally  turns  to  emma  with  a  quiet  sigh.   ‘ seein’  as  how  kissing  won’t  really  do  much  here,  you’re  gonna  help  me  clean  up  instead, ’   lips  quirks  just  so,  barely  noticeable  at  one  corner  of  his  mouth.   ‘ think  that’s  the  least  you  can  do, ’     @ephemaera​.
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mks-grin · 2 years
The Hacketteers and Their Names! (bc of Miles’ Twitch stream today.)
Ryan Erzahler - “Little King” & “Story Teller” this is interesting because Ryan is our story teller and is asked by Chris to ‘tone down’ the scary stories. He also is sort of a leader amongst the group. However he is often overshadowed by “bigger” people / energies like Jacob or Kaitlyn.
Kaitlyn Ka - “Pure” & “Spark of Life”. Kaitlyn’s intentions are good when she allows Jacob to mess with the car and when she dares Emma to kiss either Jacob or Nick. Although her actions may not appear pure or good, her deeper intention is to be good to her friends. She also is the “spark of life” in the group and will “go where my people need me”.
Jacob Custos - “ Seize / Circumvent” & “Guardian or Keeper”. Jacob attempts to create an opportunity to spend more time with Emma. He acts rashly and with the intention of changing his future. He also is the “big brother” of the group. He is made to be the butt of their jokes and is responsible for certain tasks. He feels guilty about what he did to the car, as it has hurt everyone and goes against who he wants to be.
Emma Montebank - “Whole / Universal” & “Pretender”. Emma creates an identity and existence for herself that is online, therefore she is accessible to the entire world and creates a parasocial life for herself. She also says being confident is “being yourself…but louder.” And “it’s what the people want”. She is not as confident as she seems and is working hard to keep the image she has created of herself alive.
Abigail Blyg - “Cause of Joy” & “Sky”. Abigail is the only counselor who cannot get infected / turn during the events of the full moon. Therefore leaving her somewhat more innocent / less tainted than the others. She is seen drawing Emma and likely makes the other counselors happy by sharing her talent. She also is seen drawing a photo of the sky when her and Nick take a walk.
Nick Furcillo - “Victory of The People” & “Support / Frantic / Frenzy” before Nick turns he is loved by the other counselors. His victories with Abi are communal victories. Emma tells Abi to shoot her shot, Dylan nudged Nick to grab Abi’s bag, Jacob asks Nick how his time with Abi went, and Kaitlyn claims to have pushed them together when alone with Dylan and Ryan at the bonfire. Nick also is character who heavily supports the plot through the night by becoming more frantic before turning.
Dylan Lenivy - “Loyal / Faithful” & “Lazy”. Dylan has many opportunities to prove his loyalty to Kaitlyn through the night depending on the player’s choices. He also is seen as lazy because when Jacob asks him to help with the bags, he hides from Jacob, and makes zero attempt to mitigate the amount of work Jacob ends up doing.
Max Brinly - “Greatest” & “Burnt Meadow”. Max’s name is so far the most symbolic. Max could be considered the “greatest” in the sense that he was the first of the counselors to become infected, he also has to have a lot of determination to survive in their cell for two months. Max also uses the image, when talking to Laura in their cell, that he would “run off into the sunset with little bits of you in my teeth”. The image Max has created is similar to the idea of a burnt meadow, or a picturesque idea that has been ruined. Running away with Laura sounds great, but in reality Laura would have been eaten like he claims she would. A burnt meadow may also represent a new life, which Laura fights so hard for all night.
Laura Kearny - “ Victory” & “War-like / Soldier”. Laura is the most determined of all the counselors. She is hellbent to save Max whatever the cost. She is able to have a high kill count depending on how the player controls Laura, making her war like. She also seems virtually unshaken to do what she must, for Max, similarly to an ideal soldier.
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quarrytm · 2 years
emma montebank  ,   do you have your phone with you?
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             he  didn’t  want  to  answer  that  truthfully,  for  several  reasons.  besides  the  fact  that  duncan  isn’t  supposed  to  have  the  electronic,  they  also  knew  that  emma  was  asking  for  it  for  a  probably  not  so  great  cause.  what  that  cause  was,  he  couldn’t  claim  to  know  just  yet,  and  they  weren’t  sure  if  they  wanted  to  find  out,  either.   ‘ um . . .  yeah,  i  do,  but . . . ’   slowly  he  pulls  the  cell  from  his  pocket.  there’s  no  service  and  it’s  only  half  charged,  but  it’s  functional.   ‘ i’m  not  supposed  to  have  it,  so  don’t  -  don’t  swing  it  around  or  show  anyone.  i  don’t  want  it  to  get  confiscated, ’     @ephemaera​.
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quarrytm · 2 years
emma montebank  ,  you’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens but i made a mistake.
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               ‘ is  that  your  way  of  apologizing? ’   ryan  didn’t  really  want  an  apology.  he  didn’t  think  he  needed  one,  and  he  definitely  didn’t  expect  one  from  emma.  and  if  she  was  coming  to  them  to  try  to  rectify  the  mistake  -  if  she  was  planning  on  asking  them  for  help  to  do  so  -  than  emma  better  be  ready  to  pay  up.  for  now,  ryan  intended  on  messing  with  her  a  bit.   ‘ seems  kind  of  scape  goat  -  y  to  me, ’     @s4ints​.
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quarrytm · 2 years
emma montebank  ,  maybe the true treasure was friendship all along. but i hope not, because i can’t spend friendship on new clothes.
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             ‘ not  unless  you’re  friends  with  rich  people,  am  i  right? ’   playful  smile  is  thrown  to  emma  ,  fading  slowly  into  pursed  lips  when  his  joke  doesn’t  land.  if  all  dylan  got  out  of  that  shitty  summer  was  a  life  long  group  of  people  he  could  trauma  bond  with,  that  was  enough  for  him.  leaning  against  the  railing  next  to  emma,  dylan  gave  a  sigh,  something  a  bit  too  dramatic  for  the  atmosphere.   ‘ maybe  you  can’t  buy  clothes  with  friendship  currency,  but  you  can  take  those  friends  shopping  with  you, ’   grin  returns,  this  time  smaller  and  softer  than  usual.   ‘ what  i’m  saying  is,  i  wanna  go  shopping,  in  case  i  didn’t  make  that  one  hundred  percent  clear, ’     @sainthey​.
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