#the golf cart back and forth teasing
emmagail-brainrot · 1 year
Thought I moved past my Pricefield phase, but alas it turns out it simply went dormant until I saw these two gay bitches 5 mins into starting The Quarry.
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heygerald · 1 month
Falling Without a Harness - Chapter 11
AU where Tom Ryder is still an asshole, just not a psychotic one. Tom Ryder is rich. Everyone knows that. When Tom decides to do something out of character, Parker has to decide what is just the habits of someone careless with their fortune, and what can be considered acts of service from someone that cares about her.
Read the story here: prev / ...
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The studio set after hours was a strange place to find oneself. It was beautiful in that glamorous way that everything mundane in Hollywood was; twinkling lights strung between ugly studio buildings, extras dressed in 1800s regalia tapping on their phones as they awaited whatever scene they were in, the black blanket of the endless LA sky an empty backdrop to the megaphones and spotlights being lugged around.
It was exciting, and it was also not; there was a lot of movement but not a whole lot of doing that translated to a mute static hanging in the air.
"Is it always like this?" Parker asked from her spot in the back end of Dan's pick-up truck. It had been packed with all sorts of bits and bobs that she had never seen before, and as Jody exchanged the batteries in a flashlight, Parker prodded curiously at a baseball sized dent in one of the various helmets stacked behind her. "Not stunt work, I mean. The set in general. I figure Dan probably goes through three helmets a week."
Jody hummed, flicking the flashlight on then off before setting it aside as a warbled voice crackled across the radio on her belt. She tilted her head to listen for a brief moment before turning back to Parker.
"Studio sets are always busy. Haven't you been here before?"
"Sure, but... during normal hours," Parker noted with a glance towards the sky. "But it's almost midnight, and the parking lot was pretty full when I got here at ten."
Jody hummed flippantly, shrugging as she switched her radio to a different channel. More warbled conversation flowed for a few minutes before she decided that there was nothing important enough to require her attention.
Snapping it back onto her belt, the camerawoman kicked her feet back and forth with a delicate smile curving her lips. "Well, I suppose there's always something to be filmed. It's not just us filming on the lot, you know. We share space with a dozen other directors at any given moment. Sometimes, you're filming night scenes. Sometimes you just want to get work in when less people are around. It's just how it is."
Parker supposed that made sense. Afterall, she preferred to go grocery shopping late at night for the very purpose of having less people to avoid in the aisles.
It was odd to see a set full of life in the middle of the night. Odder still when a pair of actors drifted by on a golf cart; the pair were dressed in ragged clothes, with fake bruises painted along their cheeks, and red cuts oozing fake blood down their forearms. No one but Parker even seemed to register their presence before they disappeared down a nearby alley.
"I think this is way more fun than coming during the day," she decided a moment later. "And I'm not just saying that because I didn't have to argue with the security guards to get in."
Jody snickered. "They're actually very nice."
"To everyone but me, apparently."
"You never have a good reason to be on set, though, do you?" the Brit teased with a wiggle of her eyebrows. Parker faked offense, and Jody's hair came loose from behind her ears as she laughed. "Kidding. I'm very glad to have someone keep me company tonight while Colt's training. Although I am surprised you had time to come by at all. Colt says you've been busy lately."
"Busy-er than before. But ten times zero is still zero, you know?"
"Oh, please," Jody rolled her eyes, flashlight toggle flickering mindlessly in her hands as she tried to stave off boredom. Honestly, Parker didn't know how she managed not to fall asleep with so little to do this late at night. She was yawning and she hadn't been here since the early morning like Jody had. "Your store is splendid. You've always had clients. Now, apparently, you just have more. Busy is still busy."
"Splendid?" Parker echoed, teasing the word in a mock British accent. She quite liked it; both the sound and the funky way she had to work her tongue. "No one has ever called my store splendid before, but you're right. It is a splendid store. Andy R from Angie's List can suck it."
"He left a bad review?"
Parker waved a hand at Jody. "He comes in once a month to ask if I have any new Tolstoy books in, and when I remind him that Tolstoy died a couple hundred years back, he thinks I'm being emotional and sassy. Asshole."
"Prick," Jody said in her very real British accent.
Parker liked that too. "Andy R is a total prick. Maybe that's the tagline that I'll put on my t-shirts. Or, a few, anyways. I'd bet Melissa would be happy to wear one with me. She does not like that dude."
"You're finally getting shirts?"
"See?" Jody gestured to her. "You are busy."
Parker rolled her eyes with a smile. It was endearing how much Jody cared about the success of her store—always inquiring about how sales are going, and dropping by when she has some time to pick up a new book—but they were surface level compliments at best. Her store wasn't going to beat out Barnes & Nobles for awards anytime soon.
She'd be lucky to finally have her shop registering on Google Maps as a business and not as just a big question mark like it currently was.
"Not for customers to buy, anyway. I just think it's about time I got my store name on a t-shirt. Everybody has t-shirts. I mean, literally everybody. Have you ever been to a thrift store? I have found some weird stuff in the dollar bin."
Jody tipped her head back in laughter. "I have seen some odd shirts. Mostly, though, they're shirts that you are wearing."
She shrugged. "What can I say? I love a good thrift store bargain. And a gimmick. And—well, anything to do with my store. All the more reason to start printing my own shirts. I can finally rep the place, you know? Plus, I am busier now. I might even be able to print a dozen tees without going bankrupt by the end of the calendar year."
Jody peered at Parker sideways, soda bottle in hand as she swished the lash few sips around in circles. "So, things are going well, then."
Parker tilted her head left and right. Things certainly were going better, but that didn't mean she wasn't still drowning in bills and ridiculous requests from customers that were absolutely not 'always right'. Even with the increase in revenue and constant presence of teenage girls from the local high school, she was stuck spending most of her day putting out fires. She could feel herself stretching thin lately with all the extra hours her and Melissa were putting in, and at some point over the last year she had gone completely nose blind to the musty smell of her store. Not to mention the fact that she was also fairly sure that the Bath and Body Works' plug-ins spread around her store were going to give her cancer one day (if the crusty moms were to be believed). But it wasn't the time nor the place to drop all of those fears onto Jody's lap; not to mention way too late to use the braincells needed to verbalize those thoughts.
So, Parker elected to ignore all of that. Instead, she waggled her brows with a grin. "Does that mean you'll buy a shirt?"
Jody shook her head, snorting. "You really are Colt's sister."
"Well, I'd hope so," she sniffed. "The orphan-in-a-box story always seemed a little too stupid to be true. As if someone would ever give this up," she tacked on, gesturing to herself with an impish smile.
The look was betrayed by her over-sized sweatshirt and messy braids. Not to mention the tattered jeans and filthy sneakers on her feet. But if Jody was laughing at her, she didn't say, and so the two women giggled at their inside joke whilst the set continued to spur to life around them.
An actress dressed in a delicate silk dress and high heels strutted past as they laughed; her hair was done up in perfect Hollywood glamor, sparkly highlighter on her cheekbones and a delicate pink eyeshadow painting her lids. With the fur slung over her shoulders, she looked like she had just hopped out of a Marilyn Monroe biopic, and when she tossed her hair, it looked like—well—a movie. It took Parker a moment to calm down from her laughter to recognize the actress from a popular CW tv show, and as she strolled past, she couldn't help but crack her neck to get a better look.
When she turned back to Jody, the camerawoman hadn't even seemed to notice.
"This is crazy," she said, tucking her legs up underneath her as she fiddled with the straps on Dan's busted helmet. The actress was gone now, and Parker tried to shake the bizarre feeling of being stuck in The Twilight Zone from her mind. "I know you work in the film industry, but, honestly... It must be so much fun doing this sort of thing all the time."
Jody snorted. "Sure," she echoed. "Fun."
"Isn't it?"
"I mean... alright, yes, of course it is fun. It's amazing to be behind the scenes, to see how movies are made, to know how much work goes into a three minute scene without any dialogue. I mean—I'm always learning new things, so it's certainly not boring," she said. But Parker felt like there was going to be more to her answer, and so she tilted her head in interest, prompting Jody to continue. "But... a typical nine to five certainly wouldn't hurt sometimes. Times like these, when we're stuck here until god knows when just so the director can perfect a shadow in one of the scenes or something else as miniscule... well, it can certainly test your patience."
Parker glanced in the director's direction, taking note of the two assistants that trailed after him with thick binders full of colorful notes, pens tucked haphazardly about their persons. "It's not always like this though. Right?"
Jody shook her head. "No, no. Of course not. Usually our shifts are much more normal. Even if the hours vary, they usually schedule morning scenes together, evening scenes together—you know. So it's not so tedious. And we're almost never here this late just for blocking. Sadowitz is on a tighter schedule for a few things since the New York scenes have to be shot by the first of the month. He's just getting in as many last minute rehearsals as possible so when they go to New York everything is set to go right away. Understandable, of course... I just wish he wasn't such a perfectionist sometimes."
Jacob Sadowitz was the up-and-coming director leading this sci-fi film, and though he wasn't that much older than Parker, he had already earned himself a fair share of accolades for his daring action films. Particularly, the box office had been impressed with his intricate fight scenes and stunt work in his latest movies. Just last year some veteran journalist had printed an in-depth essay commending Sadowitz' dedication to the craft, touching on how much research he put into his work to make sure everything was as accurate as possible. Based on his credentials alone it was no surprise that he would be working his stunt crew till the middle of the night until they were well-oiled machines.
Still, Parker wrinkled her nose tiredly. "Isn't there a quote about that? Perfectionism being the downfall of yada, yada, yada. Want me to tell him that? Threaten to call the union if you don't get to go home soon?"
The truck shook as Jody kicked her leg at Parker with a reprimanding tut. But, she was smiling as she did it, giggling under her breath in that way of hers. "He's not that bad. This is not that bad. I mean, sometimes, the schedule is so mind-bendingly awful that it's a wonder anything gets done... but it's hardly the worst I've dealt with. At least he treats everyone well. Well, he doesn't scream at anyone, I mean."
Parker blew a raspberry. "I can't even imagine. I think I'd get arrested for my behavior if a director ever screamed at me. No idea how you don't lose your shit on the daily."
"Oh, I've come close a few times," she chuckled.
The comment surprised Parker. Not because Jody Moreno was a woman that could take care of herself—obviously, she didn't put up with bullshit, and she didn't rely on anyone to get things done. Moreso because Jody had to put up with so much that Parker couldn't quite imagine a scenario that would have to be bad enough to cause the camerawoman to lose her cool. And if being yelled at wasn't enough, what was? Leaning closer, she needled. "You're serious?"
"Of course I am."
"What happened?"
"I'm not sure I can even remember why anymore."
"So it's happened more than once?"
"Are you kidding?" Jody scoffed with a shake of her head. "The type of behavior you see on set is not something you'd ever get away with anywhere else. It happens every movie. Directors are just so..."
"Hollywood," she corrected, gaze darting around to see if anyone was in hearing range of her complaints. No one was, though, and even if they were, Parker had a sneaking suspicion that the other set crew would be more likely to join in on the bitch fest than snitch about it. "I mean you wouldn't believe some of the stuff we have to put up with. The egos some of these directors have is absurd. Bad directors! Ones that shouldn't even be directing that act like they're Tarantino or Nolan. Throwing things and crying and blubbering like babies—"
"Oh, fuck off!" Parker cried, leaning even closer. "You're joking!"
Jody Moreno was not, in fact, joking. She looked scandalized just by having to recall the things she had seen. Something haunted in her eyes, but there was still a smile tugging at her mouth. Obviously, she saw the humor in it; even if it was fucked up. "I wish. I mean—grown men crying because something wasn't going their way or screaming because the sun is too bright." She made air quotes with her hands, showing that she was not joking in the slightest about this before inching towards Parker. Something twinkled in her eyes as she said, "I kid you not during my first gig ever, I had a director break down in tears because the lead actress wasn't pronouncing the word butter how he wanted her to."
"Butter?" Parker echoed incredulously. "Is there even a wrong way to say it?"
"Oh," she said, giggling. "You'd be surprised. Not to say that he was right in his little hissy fit, but her accent was so wrong. Awful, Parker. I'm telling you. The whole film—a disaster."
"Huh. Butter," she said with a giggle.
Jody giggled back. "No, it was more like boo-ter."
"Boo-ter?" she cried. "That's—no way. Butter. Butt-her. How do you even—bu-t-ter?"
The two women keeled forward in laughter at the ridiculous conversation. It was such a stupid thing for someone to cry over, but the longer they tossed the word back in forth in the most ridiculous accents they could imagine, Parker was beginning to forget how it was properly pronounced in the first place.
Was it—?
There was a scuffle of shoes, then a thump as Dan dropped his elbows onto the side of the truck bed with a wary glance towards the two women. He almost looked like he didn't want to get involved in the first place, but when the silent stare-off seemed even funnier than their previous conversation causing them to tip against the other in laughter, his curiosity seemed to outweigh his hesitation.
"Do I even want to know?" he asked.
"That depends," Parker wiped tears out of the corner of her eyes. "How do you say butter?"
Dan blinked at her. Then, slowly, he shook his head at them with a long sigh. "So, no, I don't want to know. I told your brother that leaving you two hens together would only lead to trouble. He doesn't ever listen to me, though, does he?"
"Oi!" Parker smacked him on the arm, scoffing. "Who are you calling hens?"
Dan waved a hand at her, before snatching the helmet off of her lap, and plopping it atop her head to say, "always clucking, you two. Colt's going to end up in trouble and he's not even going to know why. I'd feel sorry for him if he didn't still owe me fifty bucks. You aren't here to pay his debts, are you?"
Parker, helmet now hanging low over her eyes, adjusted it towards the back of her head with a scoff. "It's sins of the father, not sins of the little sister. What's he doing that he's going to get in trouble for, anyway?"
"Oh, no. No, no, no," Dan laughed, wagging a finger at her in as much of a patronizing manner as someone could manage after a twelve hour shift. She would have scowled if it wasn't so endearing; she always liked Dan. Mostly because he had a head on his shoulders when her brother was constantly looking for where he left his, but also because he was just as good at teasing as he was being teased. "I'm not falling for that one, Park. If you don't know, then you're not going to find out from me. Snitches get stiches, you know?"
"Whatever. He's awful at secrets, so if he is doing something stupid, I'll find out. I always do."
Dan mimicked talking with his hand. "What'd I say? Clucking hens."
"I don't cluck, I just point out all the ways he's spectacularly stupid in," she corrected with a waggle of the head. The movement seemed to jostle the oversized helmet too much, however, and it rapped her nose as it slid down her face. Parker adjusted it a second time with a huff, ignoring how Jody was snickering into her hand. "Speaking of doing spectacularly stupid things, Numbnuts doesn't need this helmet for this stunt does he? I think it's broken."
"They have straps for a reason," Dan pointed out.
The comment sounded far too much like a threat for her liking though and Parker just managed to bend out of his grasp before he could cinch the straps under her chin. She bumped into Jody, who only shook her head at the pair's antics, as her radio warbled with nonsensical chatter.
Parker side-eyed Dan. "Isn't there something you should be doing right now? Like—I don't know—working? Tying safety knots or blowing up an inflatable mat or whatever it is you do? I'm sure there's a building you could hurl yourself off of nearby if you'd rather leave the hens alone."
Dan rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "That's your brother's job, though, isn't it?"
And—oh, yeah.
Remembering the reason that she was sitting in this pick-up truck in the first place Parker planted a hand on the helmet so she could tip her head back far enough to see said brother standing about thirty feet up on a platform of sorts. It was the skeleton of a building, open staircases with haphazardly drilled in railings surrounding each new floor. It almost looked like something you would find on a construction site in lieu of a working elevator, but Colt didn't seem to mind the shoddy building from his spot at the tip-top of it where he was in deep conversation with the stunt coordinator. Jody had explained that this was the frame of whatever building he would actually be performing the stunt from; just a temporary set he could work with here before shooting the real thing, but from this point of view it just looked like a whole lot of OSHA violations to Parker.
As expected, he didn't seem to notice.
In fact, Colt seemed to be smiling an awful lot for someone about to be thrown off a building, and even though he was wearing a harness, Parker had to look away before the nervous feeling in her stomach ran off with her dinner.
"I still don't understand why he's doing this at midnight," she mumbled to no one in particular. The darkness seemed to creep in every corner, and Parker wrapped her arms around herself to stave off the chill. "Couldn't the stunt coordinator have booked this death trap during the day?"
"It's cheaper at night," Jody said. "Less people around, less unnecessary crew getting in the way."
"Plus, you know, if he does fall and crack his head open on the pavement it's a whole lot easier for an ambulance to get here without rush-hour traffic," Dan joked.
The truck physically rocked from how quickly the two women jerked their heads in his direction, and as if suddenly aware of how flat his joke had fallen with this particular audience, he threw up his palms before they could say anything.
"Shit. Sorry. I was just kidding, yeah? Stunt humor tends to be... bleak."
"Stunt humor is never funny," Jody said.
"Honestly, Dan," Parker added with the shake of her head. The helmet slid down her forehead once more, and she tossed the entire helmet behind her with a patronizing tut. "Read the room."
He sucked his teeth, grimacing at the ground. "Sorry."
"If he ends up in the hospital now it's all going to be your fault," Parker continued, digging her teeth in. She could have bleak humor too when she wanted, and Dan grimaced a second time as if he was just remembering that. "Don't stuntmen believe in jinx's? We need salt, now. You have any salt? Or, like, a rabbit's foot or—is it one crow's feather or two?"
This time, he rolled his eyes at her, looking a whole lot less apologetic about the situation. "I said sorry."
"Oh, well, I'll make sure Colt knows that when he's on a ventilator and having a machine do all his breathing for him. He'll be so touched, I'm sure."
"I said I was sorry!"
"Sorry! He's sorry! Jody, give me your radio, we need to cancel—"
Parker reached for Jody's radio at the same time that she got tired of their antics, and with a glare, Jody swatted Parker's hand away from her hip. "Honestly, you two," she tsked at them like a teacher scolding schoolchildren. And, like two schoolchildren being scolded, Parker and Dan avoided one another's gaze so they didn't bust out in laughter. "Now you have me worried!"
"Oh, he's going to be fine," Dan assured her.
"Fine," Parker echoed.
"Well," Dan hedged after a moment, and Parker was already snickering before she heard what he had to say. "Physically he'll be okay. It's all safe, he's harnessed in, the mat is made for this sort of thing. But, mentally, you know..." Dan trailed off as he glanced up towards Colt. "He'll be the same he always has been."
"Oh, stop it!" Jody chucked her empty soda bottle at him.
It bounced off his chest with a dull thud, and Parker had just tilted forward in laughter when there was a bullhorn somewhere on the far side of the set. The three tilted their heads back just in time to watch Colt lurched off the platform, arms swinging wildly as if he was falling to his death. And just when Parker's stomach clenched in concern because—what if?—he hit the mat with his own dull thud. Air started hissing out of the inflatable in seconds, and as it pooled around him, Colt's first response was to give everyone on set a thumbs-up.
"Well, there's definitely something wrong with him," Parker said after a long moment of silence, letting out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Dan was already walking away from whatever she was about to say, and needing an audience, she turned to Jody knowing the woman would sympathize. With a jerk of her thumb, she sighed. "I mean, why else would he do this for money? Honestly?"
Jody hemmed and hawed for a moment before giving in. "Because... he's an idiot?"
"Because," Parker agreed, finishing her own soda with an eyeroll as her brother traded high-fives with one of the other stuntmen, "he's an idiot."
Parker rolled her eyes, watching the little green message bubble filled with "..." blink yet again on the phone screen before her. It had been repeating this message for the last hour of her life; an hour that she was now never going to get back thanks to the idiot on the other end of the messenger app, and as her neck twitched with a painful crick from the angle she had been staring at her phone, something even more painful burned behind her eyes.
She should probably stop staring at it; could definitely do with some dinner, a nice glass of water, and maybe some Ibuprofen. Wine wouldn't hurt either. Nor would a cigarette, a nice warm shower, and a few hours lying vertical in her bed. Somewhere unplugged, where she didn't give into the temptation to glance at her phone; the very phone in her hand, that she could ever so easily tilt her wrist to see if maybe, in her spiral of misery, he had—
"Son of a bitch," she muttered, head thumping none-too-gently against the table.
It hurt a lot more than it should have, but it was cool, too. The scratched up wood smooth against her cheeks as she worked on evening out her breathing. Her neck felt better like this; shoulders too. Hell, it just felt good to lay her head down after the week that she had. Felt nice to let her eyes flutter shut, to let all thoughts turn off, to just breathe in, breathe out, and—
Her phone buzzed, and Parker ripped her head up off the table so quickly the room spun before her.
But whatever hope had caught in her chest fizzled out like a popped balloon upon seeing Colt's name on her screen.
The message read, "I thought we were gonna be sombrero buddies :(" with an attached picture of her brother wearing a sombrero and sunglasses, holding a heavily packed taco, a still smoking grill in the background. She recognized it immediately as the one at Dan's, before remembering that she had been invited over with some of the other boys for tacos and margaritas earlier that week. No wonder her brother looked so put out.
"Son of a bitch," she said a second time.
She meant it, too. Parker was pretty sure that tacos and spicy margaritas was the cure for every ailment in life. Or, you know, the spiritual kind anyway. They certainly didn't help when she broke her arm a few years ago; but they did lift her spirits immensely.
"What the hell is going on over there?" Tom's voice echoed from the other end of the room, and suddenly Parker was reminded that she was not alone in her misery.
She glanced up to find him staring at her with furrowed brows, a hand on the hip of his leather NASA flight suit as Betty and Sasha fiddled with the material. It was his final character testing today, along with the creation of the highly coveted look book, and while her brother wasn't needed for this sort of thing, Parker had jumped at the chance to spend some time with Tom specifically so she wouldn't spend all day thinking about work.
Son of a bitch!
She winced, waving her phone at him. "Oh, just Colt. He invited me for dinner tonight over at Dan's and I totally forgot. He's going to be pissed. He's all alone wearing his sombrero."
"Colt is going to be pissed because he doesn't have anyone to wear a sombrero with?" Tom asked in a scathing tone. She would have corrected him if it wasn't... well, accurate. She loved her brother, but sometimes he got upset over the littlest of things. Particularly when he felt like she was doing something without him. "He does know that he's an adult, doesn't he?"
"Oi, be nice. That's my brother you're talking about."
"You shit on him all the time."
"Well—" she waved a hand around flippantly, flabbergasted at even having to defend against such an accusation. "Duh! He's my brother. But you don't have that right, Ryder, so pack it in before I report you to, like, HR or whatever."
Tom rolled his eyes as Sasha tugged on the length of his right pant leg. It all looked good; professionally made, snug in all the right places, and the perfect backdrop for his bright eyes and shiny teeth. In fact, he looked even better than she thought he had looked before, and Parker was just about to ogle him as he was turned left and right by the seamstresses when her phone buzzed a second time.
She plucked it up, disappointed yet again to see that it was from her brother and not from the eBay seller.
"And what on Earth is with that?" Tom's cloying voice echoed a second time.
She pulled her attention away from her phone long enough to notice the cross furrow of his brows and the tightness of his shoulders.
"With what?" she asked, not sure where this was coming from.
He gestured to her phone, sniffing when his hairstylist teased a few strands of hair off his forehead with a comb. "You've had your nose in that thing since you got here. You have a hot date that I don't know about or something?" he snarked.
Parker had to physically bite down on her bottom lip to stop from laughing. Not only would that further piss him off, but with the people in the room, it likely wouldn't be great for his image either. But the idea that Tom—Tom Ryder, the same man whose face was plastered all over town—would be upset that he wasn't given her undivided attention was fucking hilarious to Parker.
Honestly, men. They really were just children.
Smothering out her smile, Parker turned her phone face down against the table. "Okay, alright, I'm sorry. There's this guy over in Wrightwood that has a print shop, or inherited one or his Dad just demolished one or—I don't know," she paused to wave a hand around, earning an eyeroll from Tom. "Whatever. I'm trying to convince him to sell me a box of mystery novels from his collection. He's being unnecessarily difficult about it, though."
"Who is this guy?"
"Melissa's dad's second cousin or something. She showed me his eBay profile last week and he's been dragging me over the coals for the past couple of days about whether he'll sell to me or not. He wants an absurd up-front price that, even if I could pay, I would never pay, but he also hasn't sold anything on eBay before so I think he's getting kind of desperate."
Tom, still cross, but now slightly more interested, arched an eyebrow at her. "Why are you buying stuff off eBay?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you think I have a print shop hiding in my apartment? I know you haven't been there yet, but it's not that big. I think it has an occupancy limit of five."
"Five?" he echoed dumbly. To that, she did laugh, but then she glanced back at her phone and realized that she likely wasn't going to get anything good from this idiot even if he did sell to her. As was her lot in life, nothing seemed to work out her way. Knowing this, Parker let her head fall onto the table with a hollow thump, something miserable prickling in the back of her eyes. Maybe that's why he let that particular comment go without any further mocking. There was the shutter of a polaroid camera snapping before he spoke again. "Well, why are you worrying about this now?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's Sunday." She tilted her head sideways on the table to peer over at him. He wasn't mocking her, but given the team of people quite literally fixing his air and clothes for him at the moment, she doubted he understood what she was going through either. "Can't you deal with it later?"
"Like... when I'm busy working at the store?"
"You're always working at the store."
She tutted; half in humor, half about how miserable that statement about her life just was. "Well, duh. That happens when you own a teeny tiny little shop that, for some reason, seems to be actively trying to bankrupt you. I think there's a malevolent spirit the real estate agent didn't tell me about. Or, like, it's built on haunted burial grounds or something. I've broken three lightbulbs this month, and fell off a ladder yesterday just trying to fix the stockroom fan. Which, by the way, I still don't know how it broke, but something is not right with that thing. I don't think they should squeak so much. It sounds like a pig. Or... like a dying cat. It's unsettling."
Tom must have sensed something in her lackluster tone because he almost seemed concerned when he asked, "don't you have employees to do that stuff for you?"
"Uh, employee, singular. And you've met her. And, half the time, I wonder if she isn't the malevolent spirit that's out to make my life miserable," she said. Meant it, too. Just that week Melissa had insulted her style in three different slang terms that Parker had to look up on Urban Dictionary to understand. Honestly, she could handle being "old", what she couldn't handle was having to put work in just to know she was being insulted. That crossed some sort of imaginary line. "Besides, she only works a couple shifts a week, and she's more for cleaning and stocking than real, managerial stuff. Or anything that might require her getting more than two feet off the ground. I'm not paying liability insurance."
He frowned at her oddly. "Don't you have to—?"
"I mean, don't get me wrong, Melissa is great. But she can't do everything, and I can't expect her to do more than she already has as a part-time employee."
"Why don't you hire a manager then?" he asked as if that was a conclusion she hadn't drawn herself.
She might have told him to fuck off for mansplaining right then and there if Tom's question hadn't been spoken in such a earnest manner. Or, as earnest as someone like him could be. Most A-listers like him wouldn't even be giving her the time of day, let alone listening to her problems, and at the very least Parker took some comfort in the thought.
"Good idea, but I think there's about a thousand other things I need to do before I can budget for a manager. Like, I should probably pay off my car at some point. Then get liability insurance. Then get car insurance," she counted off.
Sasha and Betty laughed into their hands, both women just as amused by Parker as the first time, and with another snap of the polaroid camera, the group shifted to making sure the right picture had the right information in the tag book for future reference.
Tom took the reprieve to snag two bottles of water from the mini-fridge before he was sitting down next to her. He wasn't slumping—she didn't think Tom Ryder could slump—but from the weight of his shoulders it was obvious he had been having a long day too.
"You can't afford anyone else?" he asked in spite of that.
Parker uncapped her bottle with a sigh. She didn't even have the energy to be disgruntled by how different their lives were. What he had, he had because he earned it, and Parker made sure to remember that rather than resent that as she took a long dreg of water. "One day I can. Just... not today. I need to have a more steady revenue stream before I can start thinking about anything like that, and to get a more steady revenue stream I have to be willing to work all hours of the day. Even if it's just to haggle with some prick still living in his parent's basement for a box of Hardy Boys books. Turtles on turtles and all that."
"I have no fucking idea what that means," he said, blinking at her, and this time he was so earnest that she couldn't have doubted him even if she tried.
She shook her head with a laugh, already feeling better. "Do you feel like Mexican food after this?"
"I have an open invitation," she said. They'll be cool with it if I bring you, she meant. And from the way he pursed his lips, it was obvious that he understood that too. But, he also seemed tired sitting next to her, and Parker could feel that same sort of weariness in her own bones too. "Or... we could get pizza?"
"Pizza is all carbs."
"Mhm, you're right. We should definitely get pizza," she nodded as if he had made a really good point.
"Can you afford that?"
"Are you kidding?" Parker clutched a hand to her chest. "There's always money for pizza. That's like budgeting one-oh-one, Ryder."
He didn't make a comment about how that was probably a stupid way to spend what little money she had, and Parker didn't bring up the fact that she knew he would pay for it later anyway. He always did, even when she made a big deal about wanting to pick up the tab, Tom had yet to let her pay for anything when they were together. She supposed it was easy for him; just muscle memory at this point in his life.
But to her it meant a lot, and she always did her best to make sure he knew that.
Just at the crest of his elbow sat the photographer's polaroid camera, and while the ladies were busy taping everything down and scribbling notes in a variety of pen colors, Parker reached past Tom to grab it.
"I've never had a polaroid camera before."
She picked up the camera, aiming it at Tom, and without hesitating he tilted his head up, eyes down, mouth curving open just a centimeter in that way that looked so effortlessly good that she almost forgot to snap a photo.
"Son of a bitch," she said when it printed, the photo glossy and warm in her hands. "How do you do that? Is that what mewling is?"
"Don't—don't say that," he laughed at her, grabbing the camera from her hands to point it at her. Parker's response was the opposite of his, however, and when the picture printed, it revealed an awkward looking Parker, mouth half open in argument, eyes a little too squinty, hair all sorts of a mess.
"Oh my god!" she shrieked. "Give me that!"
But Tom was faster than she was, and when he tucked the picture into the pocket of his jumpsuit, laughing so heartily that the ladies glanced over at the pair with their own curious smiles, Parker could only catch her face in her hands with a furious blush.
"Tom!" she hissed, smacking him. "It's not funny!"
"You just—it's not—come on, here," he said, shaking his head at her. She was still scowling when Tom grabbed her chair and tugged it by the leg until their thighs were pressed against one another. His body radiated heat as he tossed his free arm over her shoulder, cheek against cheek, and she felt the rumble of his voice more than heard it as he directed her. "Just smile, Park, Jesus. Don't look so stiff."
She tried to shove him off her, only to fail, and as Tom laughed at her, Parker couldn't help but laugh herself.
The photos were crooked, one slightly blurry, and in neither photo were they looking at the camera. And though she still didn't look great, nowhere near as good as him, Tom looked happy in the photos as he laughed.
Parker decided right then that she could live looking like this if he looked like that.
Crave Cafe was just as quaint during the off season as it was during the busy summer months, and though it was surprisingly vacant for a Saturday afternoon, the cafe never actually felt empty to Parker. All the tables were dotted with cute decorations, the chairs all stuffed with hand-stitched pillows and dollar-bin cushions that added an eclectic nature to the darkly painted walls, and the jukebox in the corner never failing to fill the lapses of silence with something soothing. For so many reasons this spot had always been one of her favorite places for coffee in LA, and after a long week at work, Parker couldn't help but take a deep whiff of the cinnamon and coffee bean scent that lingered in the air.
"There you are," Harry greeted from behind the counter. He looked a little out of sorts with how empty the place was, the counter spotless and clean from wiping it down too much, and as he grinned at her arrival, Parker was more than happy to be of service to her favorite barista on this side of town. "I was wondering if you'd make it over today."
Parker ambled closer with a tut. "That's almost insulting, Harry, of course I would. It's Saturday, isn't it? What sort of person would I be if I broke tradition with no good reason?"
Harry swung a pink towel over his shoulder, grinning as he started tapping away on his kiosk screen. "The usual, then?"
"Plus, a cookie, please."
"Really living big theses days, huh, Parker?" he teased.
She bent her hip at the counter, watching as she always did as Harry started fiddling with the expensive machines lined behind the counter. She never understood which thing did what, but she did know that anything made by Harry was about to be phenomenal. As steam rushed from one of the metal prongs, she promised herself that one day she would buy a top of the line espresso and latte machine for her kitchen.
Of course, she'd had to learn how to use it, but... well, dreams were dreams for a reason.
"Yeah, well, I always had a weak will when it came to your baked goods. Is this the same recipe as last year, or did you change it up?"
Harry poured her coffee into a to-go cup, twisting the foam at the end to create the image of a leaf, before carefully sliding it towards her. Right before she could grab it, however, Harry pulled the cup back, warning, "I know I say this every time, but it is literally boiling right now, Parker. Don't drink it yet."
She laughed as if that hadn't been exactly what she was about to do. "I know," she said, smiling a little too keenly for his liking. "I won't. Promise."
He didn't seem to trust her, but eventually he gave up and slid the cup towards her side of the counter. The second he moved away she grabbed the cup, finger dipping into the foam—which, of course, was also scalding hot—and to hide the fact that she had just burnt herself, Parker licked some foam off her finger with a bland smile. "I was just... taste testing."
Harry suppressed a sigh to toss her a cold rag, and as Parker cleaned off her finger, he started making Melissa's pumpkin spice latte. "The cookie is a different recipe this time. Marin wanted to try something new, so make sure you tell her what you think. It has nutmeg and hazelnut in it. I think it's a little too much, but Sarah really likes it."
"Nutty," she joked.
"And hopefully good."
Parker waved a hand at him, testing the temperature of the cup once more, before catching Harry's stern look. She tucked her hands before her back with a glittering smile. "I'm sure it'll be amazing. If I get to eat any of it, anyway."
Parker didn't mention the fact that Melissa had a nasty habit of eating any and all pastries she brought into the store without so much as leaving a crumb for her boss to taste. She figured Harry didn't need to know all that information. Besides, on the off chance that Melissa was actually a Gremlin like Colt had theorized, she was still trying to figure out what the rules were for feeding her, and the last thing she wanted was to have Harry cut off their main source of lunch.
As if he understood all that without her having to explain, Harry shook his head at her with a laugh. "Yeah, well, you may as well scarf it down now before you head back over. I know we joke that you're my number one customer, Park, but I would have understood if you didn't have time to stop over today."
Nothing he said had any bearing on the Melissa being a Gremlin vs not debate, and Parker tilted her head at him oddly. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that you would want to stop in here, but I don't know how you found time to with that whole mess going on. I couldn't even park in my own parking lot this morning, you know that? Kudos to you for finally stealing my customers, but... sheesh. I'll never understand how you pulled this one off."
Well, that made even less sense than before and she had quite literally been debating whether her employee was a creature from an 80's fantasy horror series. Sensing that she was missing something important, Parker peered out the front window with a frown. She had noticed a lot of people milling around outside, but she had walked from the post office so she didn't have to deal with traffic, no parking involved. "I'm not—what do you mean?"
It was then that Harry seemed to sense her confusion, and suddenly the pair were sharing matching looks of confusion. "Um... didn't you come here from your shop?"
"No," she said, shaking her head. And while it wasn't unusual for Melissa to take morning shift on Saturdays lately, suddenly, there were a thousand possible scenarios flickering through her mind of all the things that could have gone wrong since Melissa opened that morning. Panic welled in her chest, and Parker tried to laugh through it, struggling to explain herself. "I crashed at Colt's place last night without my phone charger. I dropped it off to charge while I ran some errands, but I came right here to get lunch, so I didn't grab it yet. Melissa was working this morning."
Oh god.
Melissa was working this morning.
"Oh my god," Parker slapped a hand onto the counter, suddenly worried that either her shop was on fire or that her only employee had died. "She's alright, isn't she? Oh my god! I haven't checked my messages yet—!"
"Jesus, no, Parker, it's okay!" he interrupted her before she could have a full blown panic attack in his cafe. He lifted his hands to placate her, and while Parker took a deep breath, she noticed how busy the outside street seemed to be. Awkwardly laughing, he rubbed his forehead. "Nothing's wrong. Definitely not wrong."
"Oh," she said, blood slowly rushing from her head. "Good."
He blinked at her, and Parker blinked right back.
"But then why—?"
There was a ding from the far end of the counter, and Harry gestured at her to wait as he grabbed her to-go bag. She could smell their freshly toasted sandwiches across the counter, and when Harry plucked a cookie out of the display, her stomach twisted in nervous knots.
"No phone," he muttered under his breath, shaking his head at her. "Wow. That's... So, you haven't checked social media or anything today? Or talked to Melissa."
Her reply was a hesitant, "...no?"
Harry stared at her for a long moment, before shaking his head with another, surprised laugh. Like it had been startled out of him. Feeling even more confused, Parker frowned at him helplessly from her side of the counter. "Maybe you should just head over, then. Melissa could probably use the help right about now."
"And, uh, listen if you ever want to do some sort of deal with Crave, I'd love to talk to you about it," he added on as she numbly scrabbled for her credit card. The machine beeped as he continued, "you know, a punchcard sort of thing; buy two books gets fifty percent off coffee here, or something like that. Lots of stuff we could do, really. But we can talk about it later."
"Um... okay?" she nodded, so bewildered that she almost forgot to grab her coffees off the counter. Harry waved at her as she went, and Parker nearly smacked into the glass door as she waved back. "See you later, I guess."
The moment she stepped outside she bumped into a throng of girls standing on their phones, snapping photos. They reminded her a lot of Melissa; dressed in cute outfits, hair done up for the occasion, makeup a tad smeared beneath the eyes from grinning too much.
"Um, excuse me," she called, angling past one of the girl before running into two more identical ones. In fact, when Parker actually picked her head up to look around, she realized that the block was crawling with people. Mostly girls. Teen girls.
Mostly teen girls that seemed to be waiting in a line for—
Parker's coffee hit the sidewalk with a splat.
"Hey!" one of said girls cried at her, angrily shaking coffee stains off of her white sneakers. But Parker didn't notice much of anything she hurried down the block, bag smacking into every third person as she tried to weave through the thread of people. "At least say excuse me!"
The crowd of people got more tightly packed as the line curved, and Parker stopped square in the middle of the street to gape at the sight in front of her.
Every square inch of her store was packed with people. Girls, boys, thirty-year old blondes snapping photos of every angle and squealing delightfully when the picture came out right while their boyfriends hung out front with matching looks of boredom. People were even spilling outside from how crowded it was, and she had to physically push through to step inside.
"What in the f—?"
Parker was just about to owe a ten dollar bill to the swear jar when a familiar head of hair snapped up from the other side of the front counter.
Melissa didn't look much like Melissa. Her curls had fallen over the course of the morning, wayward tufts of frizzy hair tucked behind her ears as she worked on bagging an order. There were flecks of mascara smudged along her cheeks, her lips were lacking their normal peach glossy glaze, and as they made eye contact, she looked half dazed.
"Parker!" she hissed, trying not to sound shrill but definitely not sounding calm. "Where have you been?"
Not knowing what to say, Parker lifted her sandwich bag and latte into the air, helplessly fumbling for words. "I—I was getting us lunch. What is going on here?" she cried, angling behind the counter before someone else was the victim of her wayward coffee. "Is everyone on crack or something? What did you do?"
"What did I do?" Melissa echoed with a scandalized glare, a broken manicure jabbing in Parker's direction as the next person in line awkwardly set their books on the counter. "What did you do? Why haven't you been answering your phone? I've been calling you all morning!"
"It's been like this all morning?"
"Uh, duh!" Melissa shrieked. The noise caught the attention of some nearby customers who looked concerned by the high-pitched noise. In unison, Parker and Melissa smiled at the customers, offering one-handed waves until their attention drifted elsewhere. Stiffly, they started on the next customer's order why talking out of the side of their mouths at one another. "You need to check your phone. Like, right now, Park."
"I can't," she hissed back, still speaking through a smile. Her store had never had this many people in it before, and suddenly she was wondering if she should move liability insurance higher on her list of things. "I left it at home."
"Oh my—" Melissa grunted under her breath, still smiling, and when she finished ringing up her customer, she quickly snatched her phone from her back pocket. The next customer in line seemed annoyed that her attention was taken away, however, and as she fiddled with it, Parker worked through the girl's pile of books. "Honestly. Of all the days that you don't have your phone on you... I mean, it's the twenty-first century, Park! Always have your phone on you!"
"Okay, maybe save the lecture for later," she chirped back as she finished ringing up the order. The girl paid with a credit card, and on she went, receipt waving in hand just as someone else took her place. "Just catch me up with what the hell is going on right now, please."
Melissa's response was an exasperated sigh before she was shoving her phone into Parker's hand, and retaking her spot at the register.
At first, Parker had no idea what she was looking at.
It was a picture on Instagram. A picture of her storefront, taken from across the street, framed to look aesthetically pleasing, and with some sort of boho filter on it that actually made the place look prettier than it really was. A nice picture, definitely, but not a good explanation as to what the hell was going on.
"Why are you showing me a picture of my store? I know what it looks like. I bought it."
Another customer went out the door as two more potential customers stepped inside, and Melissa sighed so heavily Parker was pretty sure they could feel the gust of wind on the other side of her double paned front windows.
"It's not the picture that matter, dummy!" she chirped, still smiling, before she was nudging Parker with her elbow. "Just—look at it!"
Parker was about to give a very childish retort about how she was looking at it, when she actually looked at it. It had received hundreds of thousands of likes since it had been posted last night, and while she clicked on the caption, a flood of new comments were being added by the second.
"Biggest question anyone asks if how do I prepare for an audition," the caption started. "Sometimes, it's easy. Sometimes you got to get your hands dirty and do some reading to get in the mindset of the character. In honor of filming starting this week, here's a s/o to my favorite hole in the wall bookstore in LA."
There was a flurry of hashtags—all ridiculous and stupid and so innately self-centered—that before she even checked the profile, Parker had a very strong feeling about who the original poster was.
Who else had this kind of social media following? Who else could do this?
The profile pic was just as pretty as he was: tomryder
Parker scanned the post a second time. Then a third. Then a fourth. Then, when she still felt like she wasn't processing it right, she glanced up at Melissa.
"Is this...?"
"Yup," the girl said.
"It's—this is his account?"
"Uh-huh," she said again.
Parker slumped against the counter, gaze raking over the horde of customers prodding around her store like it was a damn Barnes & Nobles. No, better. Because this was officially the bookstore that inspired the Tom Ryder for his latest role. NO Barnes & Nobles had ever done that. "This is all because he—"
"It had three hundred thousands likes this morning," Melissa added, not even waiting for Parker to get around to asking about that. And while the teenager seemed like it was no big deal, when she glanced up at her boss, her eyes were sparkling and her mouth was curled at the side. Obviously, her fascination for Tom Ryder had not disappeared. "Yeah. I know."
"This means..."
"That you're officially cool now?" Melissa chirped; somehow scathing and ecstatic at the same time. "Trust me, I know. Our lives just got a whole lot better, Park. I mean—look at this! We're so the coolest people here. I can't wait until school on Monday."
Parker nodded, feeling like her entire body was buzzing, and not quite hearing anything else that Melissa was saying. She just kept seeing the post over and over in her head. She had tried so hard not to need things from Tom, and he had proven time and time again that he was more than happy to give them.
For a long while, she had suspected that doing things for others—throwing parties, picking up the tab, paying for the alcohol—was just natural to him in his life now, a way that he had adapted to Hollywood stardom.
Yeah, you're welcome. I usually get paid twenty grand for doing something like this.
But that didn't quite fit the narrative anymore, did it?
"Excuse me?" a voice called out, interrupting her thinking. Parker blinked to find a twenty-something year old girl staring at her, hands timidly picking at one another. "Um, sorry. Do you have any Frank Herbert books? I looked, but didn't see any."
"Uh... yeah," she hedged, shaking any thoughts she had away. Right now, she would work. Later, she could deal with the rest of it. "Yeah. Right this way and I can show you what we have, and if you don't see any you like, I try to get sci-fi as much as possible so I can try to have new stuff this week. I might even have some extras in the back..."
The din of noise threatened to drown Parker out as she worked with her customer, but no matter how frazzled her tired she was, every time the bell tinkled with someone new coming inside, Parker found herself smiling a little bit brighter.
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hisunshiine · 3 years
Escape ✈︎ Chapter 10
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✈︎ chapter 10: SOPE Game Night ft. Tae pt. 1 | ✈︎ Escape Series — 18+, Mature
 ✈︎ genre: smut
 ✈︎ word count: 3721 words
 ✈︎ pairing: taehyung x reader; yoongi x reader; hobi x reader
 ✈︎ warnings: dirty talk, sex games, fingering, teasing, voyeurism, breast play, neck sucking, kissing, fingering, dual hand job, dom/sub undertones, food play (honey), lowkey about to turn into a 4some, some serious misuse of a twister game mat, cunnilingus, edging, dom’s arguing at cockblocking, cockwarming, cliffhanger (oooops)
 ✈︎ summary: You finally snag an invite to the elusive and super secretive SOPE game night.
| series masterlist | previous | next | hisunshiine | mrsparkjimin18 |
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It was always fun on the island, especially because there was always something to do, whether it was helping Jin at the restaurant, keeping up with the orders and supplies that needed to go out, or helping to spruce up the island as slowly more things were built up and added. You had volunteered to help the 95z line with supply orders, since the faster it was done, the more free time they had to spend with all of you ladies. 
“Tae! Let’s split the buildings,” Jimin said, ”I can go check the visitor bungalows and the satellite office building; Keyla and Shey can come with me,” he pointed at two girls who climbed on the gold cart with him to head over to check out the visitor bungalows.
"He's in a rush to get things done today," you say to Tae and you both laugh.
"Jimin is usually the laziest, trying to do the least work, but I think he's trying to show off in front of our helpers," Tae says.
You both turn as you hear footsteps approaching. 
"Hoseok Hyung, are you here to help us?" 
He doesn't look amused at the question. 
"That's not what I'm here for," he says as he lets out a slightly irritated sigh, "Joon is busy until tomorrow, and we have a very important game night planned. I was coming to see if you wanted to replace him and run the games with Yoongi and I?"
Taehyung's eyes get huge and he smiles that big boxy smile. 
"Of everybody, you're asking me? Of course I'll take his spot tonight!"
Hoseok continues to tell him the games start at 9 PM sharp, so he needs to be there by 8 PM to help get everything setup, and other details which you couldn't quite hear. After Hoseok was done and walked away, you had a hundred questions for Tae. 
"So a game night, huh? I didn't see it anywhere on any itinerary, why not? Is it by invite only? Why have I never been invited? Tae?" 
He's still shocked that his hyung chose him, his mouth parted in disbelief.
"What? Oh! Umm, it's a private game night, by invite only, I haven't ever been invited until today. He said I can bring a guest, so, do you want to accompany me?" 
"Hell yeah!" You screech in excitement. You are so excited, but then you get nervous. 
"Tae, what kind of games are by invite only?"
He shrugs his shoulders. 
"I don't know, but we’ll find out tonight! Let's finish this, we only have a few hours and we both need to shower and get ready before we go. I'll meet you at your house at 7:45 and we can walk over there together, okay?"
You nod in agreement, and you both jump in the golf cart and begin checking the rest of the buildings to get a supply order taken. You are so excited about tonight and you have no idea what's in store for you.
At 7:30, you hear a familiar voice enter the house. 
"Is Y/N in her room? I'm a bit early, but we have some stuff we have to take care of... I’ll come by and see you later, okay?" You hear what sounds like an ass being smacked, then footsteps towards your door.
You walk out just as Tae reaches for your doorknob. 
"So you weren't going to knock, mm?" You smile and close the door behind you, because your room is a mess. You tried on a hundred different outfits, wanting to look desirable, yet casual.
Tae just stood there, looking you up and down and licked his lips before biting his bottom lip.
"Damn, you look fucking sexy! Sorry to be blunt, but compared to earlier, whoa!" 
You feel your cheeks begin to get warm and red, you smile while looking down in embarrassment. 
"Am I trying too hard you think?"
Tae cups your chin with his large hand and lifts your head so he can look in your eyes. You feel your body react, his own eyes a deep pool of chocolate that melt you down to your core.
"You look amazing, don't be embarrassed. It just took me by surprise. You're usually so... how do I say..? Casually dressed? I-I, you know what? You look fucking hot and I'm glad you're going to the game night with me. I'll have the hot chick on my arm when I walk in." 
He winks at you and gives your ass a smack in the tight minidress, which perfectly sits right at the bottom of your cheeks. 
You jump at the smack, then give him a grin. He winks before offering you his arm, to which you wrap your small hand around his bicep and he leads you out the front door.
When you arrive at the BTS Dorm, you notice that the door is locked, which is abnormal. You see Taehyung fumble with the key, a jittery tremble to his usually smooth movements. As the door swings open, he turns to look back at you, a wide and boxy grin overtaking his face as he reaches for you and pulls you flush to his chest in the doorway. 
“Ready to have fun?” Tae asks, his hand pushing the door shut behind behind you before trailing it lower down your back to cup your ass cheek as his eyes twinkle with glee as he drinks you in. 
“With you? Always.”
He dips his head lower, encasing you in a kiss that makes you shiver at what’s to come, before stepping back, both of you panting slightly to catch your breath before he pulls you inside and locks the door behind you both.
He pins you up against the door, leaning his head down to whisper into your ear. 
“I could take you right here, you know that?” He presses up against you, making it very clear that he is aroused, as he lets you feel his slight erection up against your stomach.
“So, did you really just get me here to fuck? Or are we going to enjoy this game night first?” You give him a sly smile and he backs away slowly, attempting to adjust his pants to conceal his large print down his thigh. He takes your hand gently, pulling you to him so your body is still flush with him as he walks backwards down the entry hall. His hands make their way to cup your ass, and that’s when you hear music and a deep, familiar voice cut through the sexual tension.
“Where is Tae at? I thought I was slow.” He gives you one last squeeze before going back to your hand with his as you both enter the living area; you see Yoongi spread out on the couch, in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. 
“About damn time, we need to get you familiar with our game night rules… and hello lovely,” Hoseok says with a charming, yet devilish grin and tone. “I was not aware you were going to bring a guest for our prep… Well, I guess she can help us test out the games.” He claps his hands together and smiles.
“First, I am not late, you said 8pm, it’s 7:45pm. Second, you said I was able to bring a guest, so here she is. Third, can we just get started already?” 
Tae crosses his arms as he gets ready to take in what he thinks will be the most complicated rules for complicated games.
“Okay, first, Y/N, you aren’t easily offended are you? Do you have a limit on sexual acts you’re willing to do? Also, please tell me you aren’t wearing panties under that tight dress.” Hoseok seems to like to take charge and you don’t mind.
“No, no, and a thong.” You notice that they all lift their eyebrows and smile at one another. 
“This should be fun,” Yoongi suddenly growls in your ear as he stands closely behind you. 
“Let’s start with ‘Hobi Says’ which is similar to ‘Simon Says’ but with a twist… All of our games have a twist.” Hoseok winks at you, while Yoongi still stands behind you, moving in closer to press up against your ass.   
“Oh?” you gulp, not expecting things to escalate so fast, but also not really upset at this sudden turn of events.
“Hobi says… stand with your legs spread.”
You giggle but make no move to listen, until you feel Yoongi’s hand reach around to the front of your legs and run his fingers along your thigh. The sensation is both ticklish and erotic, making you step apart and spread them.
“Don’t you know the rules, baby?” Yoongi’s breath is hot along the shell of your ear, and you inadvertently lean back into his chest with a quiet moan, longing for more.
“Hobi says Y/N, don’t move.” 
You freeze, allowing Yoongi to continue bearing some of your weight as you stay leaning back onto him.
“Hobi says.. Yoongi, remove the thong slowly.”
Yoongi’s hands are on the sides of your hips, gliding down as he reaches the edge of your very short dress quickly, pulling it up to expose your thong to Tae and Hobi. Hobi’s hand is palming himself over his pants, his pupils already blown from the excitement. Tae has turned himself to watch, and you can make out his cock where he tucked it to the right pressing against his pants; he always wears those loose fitting beige canvas pants, and it’s apparent that his cock wants to be free.
You inhale when you feel the pads of Yoongi’s fingers press against you outside of your panties. He trails the edge then, before dipping his middle finger beneath the side band and gently strumming back and forth along your opening. You can feel him sliding in the slick that began pooling since you walked through the door, and he lets out a low chuckle when you buck slightly when he presses directly onto your clit. 
“Not uh uh, Yoongi, follow the rules!” Hobi says, teasingly. 
He pulls away, resuming his actual task and strips you of your thong, now coated in your juices. Yoongi bends your knees to lift your legs and have you step out of it, since Hobi’s rules were that you couldn’t move, and he brings it up to his nose, inhaling your scent deeply before tossing it to Hobi. Hobi buries his nose into it too, copying Yoongi’s actions.
“Mmm, baby, you smell so good.”
A wet pop sound is heard behind you and Yoongi’s voice follows.
“Tastes just as good too.”
Your face warms as you realize he just sucked his finger coated in your essence into his mouth. 
“Okay, Hobi says...Tae take off your shirt.”
“Hobi says...Yoongi, take off your shirt.”
“Hobi says… Everybody get naked, enough with the games for now.”
Yoongi drops his clothes where he stands and eases his way back behind you. Tae helps you lift your dress over your head. Hobi undresses, but sits back in the chair, stroking himself.
With your arms up above your head, Tae slowly lifts the dress, allowing your breasts to bounce free. Yoongi quickly wraps his arms around you and cups your breasts, using his thumb and forefinger from each hand to knead your nipples. Tae finishes pulling the dress up over your head, dropping it to the floor. 
He sucks and bites at your neck urgently, using his long fingers to trace along the slick slit of your lips between your legs. Simultaneously, you stroke both Yoongi and Taehyung’s cocks, using their pre-cum to lubricate the shaft. You moan as Tae slides two of his long fingers into your hot, wet core, applying pressure to your clit with his thumb.
“Hobi didn’t say you could make noise, did he?” You hear Hoseok growl, as he stands up and makes his way over to the array of foreplay taking place.  
“N-no,” you stammer, toes curling into the carpet from Tae’s strokes, his digits languidly playing you as Yoongi’s mouth nips and sucks along your neck and shoulder, his thumbs still tracing circles around your nipples. 
“Mmmm, and yet...”
“You said, you said e-enough g-games, Hobi.” Your eyes close as Yoongi’s tongue presses into your skin, a sensual suck accompanying a bite that you know will leave you with a mark. 
“And still talking! Wow, I’ve never seen someone misbehave so badly.”
“Fuc-” your mouth is taken by Taehyung who is responding to a squeeze to his cock that you subconsciously did, and he felt overwhelmed from the pleasure. He pulls away soon though, stepping to the side and allowing Hobi to take his place in front of you, his finger still thrusting into you slowly. He joins Yoongi in kissing along your skin, and you have to struggle to hold back a moan, though some sounds still slip out.. 
“This naughty mouth of yours? I want to own it.”
Hobi grips your waist, his hands expertly avoiding bumping into the others as he pulls you closer to him, instantly taking your lips captive. He doesn’t ask for permission, his tongue eagerly parting your lips and you lean into it, desperate for him. The scent of his vanilla-like smell takes over you and you want nothing more than this, right here, to be in the middle of the three of them, their focus solely on you. 
Hobi pulls back for air, and you pant, gasping to fill your own lungs. 
“Let’s take this to mat…”
Reluctantly, you let go of the cocks that were engorged in your small hands, and follow Hobi as he walks you around to the other side of the couch, where a Twister game has been spread out. From the entryway of the room, you hadn’t seen that they had this set up.
“Yoongi-hyung, show Tae-Tae how we work the spinner.”
Hobi grabs your hand and walks you onto the mat, guiding you to the floor before he steps back off of it and you hear the spinner as it whirls along the cardboard backing before it stops abruptly. 
“Right foot, green.”
Hobi watches you as you sit on your bottom, then spread your right leg out to place your heel on the green dot in the corner. You can hear Yoongi telling Tae to spin it again, and this time you hear when his finger stops the spinner.
“Left foot, red.”
You spread your other leg to the red dot parallel to the green one; you are now seated on the mat with the rows of yellow and blue dots between your legs. Hobi approaches the mat and kneels between your legs.
“Hobi, left foot, yellow!” Tae calls out, and Hobi slides his toes to the yellow dot by your green foot. “And, right foot, blue.”
Hobi adjusts his body in order to comply, which leaves him to align his cock with your aching cunt, the silky tip pushing at your dripping hole as you’re spread wide for him. 
“Hobi, right hand, blue.” Balancing himself, he hovers over you, placing his hand on the colored dot by your head, and when you hear Yoongi add, “left hand, yellow,” you know without a doubt, he has you caged in right where he wants you.  
Hobi shifts his hips forward, plunging into you, and your back arches off the mat at the intrusion, so deliciously filled. Taehyung helped to open you up some, but Hobi’s length is not what you expected, and he’s instantly pressing against your cervix. 
“Fuck, baby, it’s so tight.” Hobi’s voice is low and strained as his lips caress your neck. “I could really cum right now, you feel so good.”
You whimper, so turned on by his words that you feel yourself release a gush of slick that coats him as he pulls himself out of you. 
“No, Hobi!” You whine, not wanting to feel empty, and he kisses you quickly as just the tip lingers in your entry.
“We gotta show you the other games, baby.”
“Please, not yet...” You don’t want him to stop, and you can see that he doesn’t want to be outside of you either. 
“Shit...” he rasps as he gives in, smoothly gliding back into you, unhurried as you roll your hips to meet his every plunge. Your moans grow in volume as you claw at his back, your feet abandoning their dots to wrap around Hobi’s waist as he speeds up too, enjoying the way you pull him in deeper with every stroke. You can feel the heat building in your abdomen. 
“Hobi, next game.” Yoongi’s voice is stern, and Hobi drops his forehead to yours as he holds himself deep within you before pulling all the way out this time.
You huff, irritated, but Hobi just smiles at you, and you can’t stay mad for long.
“Time for Honey Pot.” Hobi extends his hand to you, and you stand, watching as Yoongi crosses the room with a small jar of local raw honey. 
“This one is my favorite,” he intones with a gummy smile, and passes the jar to you.
“Um, how do we play Honey Pot?” you ask, clueless.
“Well, you take your finger and dip it in the honey, then dab that anywhere on your body. Then, I have to find where you placed it.”
“Only using his mouth of course.”
You nod, following along with what was happening.
“Since you’re just teaching me and Tae how to play, what happens if you don’t find the spot before we move onto the next game?”
“Oh, I always find the honey spot, baby.”
Yoongi licks his lips and turns away so you can place the dab of honey where you’d like. 
“Okay!” You stand there in the buff, waiting for Yoongi to find the hidden placement. In actuality, you didn’t choose someplace hard, choosing the top corner of your bikini area. You smirk, watching as Yoongi steps close to you and places his lips on your neck. 
“Nope...” He moves across your body from side to side, his tongue tracing patterns that leave you dizzy with his search. He crosses your neck and chest several times before he drops to his knees.
“Ah..” He kisses your mound, then tracks to the side, his lips kissing the correct spot. He laps up the honey, before dropping lower.
“Oh!” The small stunned moan leaves your lips as Yoongi settles his mouth between your thighs, tonguing at your sensitive clit as he suctions your lower lips into his mouth. He releases with a wet pop before diving in again, this time his pout leaving open mouthed, wet kisses as he frenches you, your hands in his hair for balance from the onslaught as you feel the climax that disappeared with Hobi starting its return. 
“Yes, Yoongi, ahhhh right there...” You roll your hips and Yoongi growls, the vibrations sending shivers up your spine in exhilaration; you love that sound. He seems to notice you enjoyed it from the tight grip you have on his hair, fingers buried to the scalp and soon you almost take control, riding his face as he wraps his arms around your thighs to keep himself drowning in you.
“Fuck, Yoong, ahhhh you’re so good at this, fucking eat me--” 
Hobi drags Yoongi’s face away from your now twice edged cunt, which is a dripping mess from the two men before you. Yoongi, still on his knees, is glaring up at Hobi with his face a glistening mess of you, your juices coating his nose down to his chin, a gloss on his pink lips that are swollen from his actions of devouring you.
“Hobi, I swear to God--” your voice is an angry whisper, cut off by the sunshine in Hobi’s voice.
“Baby, I’m sorry, but there’s rules to Game Night. And you can’t cum yet. I’m sorry. I needed to show Tae the games, and you were a perfect person to model them on.” 
He steps forward, releasing Yoongi, and kisses you quickly. “But, the rest of our guests will be arriving soon, and I promise you’ll get to cum several times tonight.”
Tae looks over from where he was stroking his cock lazily, watching you get eaten by Yoongi, and nods. He’s manspread on the couch eyes hooded as he watches you.
“I’ll make sure of it, baby, now come here and keep me warm while they finish their set up. It’s almost 9 now.”
Sure enough, as you trek across the room and straddle Tae, who inserts himself inside you, you hear the clock chime the 9 o’clock hour and watch as the other two put on robes, a black one for Yoongi and a red one for Hobi, as Hobi responds to the sound of knocking at the door. Yoongi picks up all of the discarded clothes, setting them out of site.
“No cumming. Cockwarming… Eh, I’ll allow it this time, but I swear if you get cum on the carpet before we start a game, Taehyung...”
“Promise, Hobi hyung!”
Tae’s voice is muffled in your neck as he holds you tightly to him, and Yoongi walks back over and throws a soft blanket over you, so to the innocent girls walking in, it looks like you are just canoodling on the couch.
“Don’t want them to figure it out just yet,” Yoongi winks, “a fresh batch of first timers tonight.”
You adjust yourself so your knees don’t hurt so bad, doing your best to follow Hobi’s orders, though a hiss from Tae as you clench your walls around him reminds you to stay still.
“Kiss me.”
You lean into him, your hands gathering the edges of the blanket to wrap it tighter around you two as you acquiesce, lazily swapping spit as you feel him throb inside of you. You just want to cum, having been edged twice, but you’ll play by the rules for now. You hear the girls enter the room, giggles followed by whispers as you sense them staring at you and Taehyung who is now being lewd as he kisses you, noisy and wet.
“Game night seems… interesting to say the least.” One of the girls says, and you can’t help but agree.
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine & mrsparkjimin18 2020-2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
By Your Side (Biadore) - Candy Cane
A/N: just a oneshot based off of a prompt sent in that asked for bianca finding out abt adore’s onlyfans! its not quite that tbh but the words take me where they want to go lol please enjoy!! <3 theres some other things ive been trying to work on but its slow going rn as my cat is very sick and a lot of my time and energy has been dedicated to him, but i hope to get more out soon!
It’s only been a few months into quarantine when Adore finds herself on the phone with one of her oldest friends. Like, old physically not old as in how long they’ve known each other. But to be fair, there aren’t a ton of people she’s been friends with longer than she’s been friends with Bianca. Courtney and Darienne too for that matter.
She loves Bianca. Their friendship is something precious to her, and surprisingly this is only the second phone call they’ve had since quarantine has started. They talk basically every day through texts, and that’s on top of the hours they spend going back and forth in the ABCD group chat with Courtney and Darienne. The four of them have something special, all of them realize that. There’s just something specifically between her and Bianca that Adore’s never really been able to place her finger on.
Out of the blue this morning Bianca simply… called her. Adore spends a full moment staring at the CallerID trying to figure out where the fuck this is coming from. With an uncertain frown, she answers the phone, hanging upside down off the side of her bed of course.
“So… OnlyFans? Seriously?” Bianca asks incredulously, her voice crackling over the phone speaker.
What a way to start a conversation after not hearing each other’s voices for like a month! Even though Adore can’t see her face, she can practically hear the raised eyebrow.
“Fuck you,” Adore laughs, unable to help smiling at Bianca’s playful accusations.
“Not that I’m mad, but why fucking OnlyFans? Aren’t bitches doing podcasts now?”
“I’m bored, okay? There’s not a lot to do but drink and masturbate, and drinking hasn’t really been doing it for me lately. Plus, I gotta make money somehow,” Adore grumbles through an explanation, lifting herself up and sprawling out on her bed awkwardly.
“Do I need to set up an intervention? You know I will,” Bianca says with faux seriousness, “Seriously though, if you need some help…”
Adore frowns down at her phone. She hates pity, she hates unnecessary worry, and she definitely hates burdening people with her bullshit.
“B, I’m fine, I promise,” she says earnestly, “I guess I just… I miss you. A lot. And we can’t see each other right now and it fucking sucks and I’m really lonely-”
“Come over.”
“What? I can’t, B, we’re quarantined…”
“When’s the last time you left your apartment?”
“Uhh, I dunno, maybe a month ago?’ Adore answers, unsure of where Bianca is going with this.
“Okay, that’s well over two weeks. Come hang out with me for a few days, get some human interaction, I’ve been needing it myself. I haven’t gone out or seen anyone for a few weeks now,” Bianca admits, and Adore feels suddenly giddy.
It’s been so long since she’s seen someone, since she’s even gotten a hug, and she really wants to see Bianca…
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning,” Adore agrees, not even thinking twice about it.
Bianca is everything to her. This person was one of the first to really take her seriously, to really see something in her, and Adore doesn’t know where she’d be without her. Every time something goes wrong, her first instinct is to call Bianca. Everytime something amazing happens, her first instinct is to call Bianca. They’ll spend hours talking or texting just because and Adore wouldn’t have it any other way.
They are as good together as PB&J, or peanut butter and celery, or peanut butter and pretzels… And Adore realizes she is feeling very snacky, specifically for peanut butter. With a sigh she rolls off her bed to get a snack before she starts packing for the next week.
The point is Adore loves Bianca, and Danny loves Roy. Sure maybe it’s in a different way than they should, or even once did, but it can’t be helped. It can be hidden, though. And Danny is more than fine with hiding this secret, as long as they get to have Roy in their life at all. He’s more than what Danny should ever even hope for, and yet a part of them can’t help but hope.
After spending so much time apart, Danny knows it’ll be harder now than ever to hide these feelings they’ve been harboring for Roy. They’ll try though, because sometimes the thought of this man loving them back is all that keeps them going.
Danny arrives at Roy’s beautiful new house in Palm Springs at nearly noon the next day. Which, to be fair, is very much the morning for Danny. They even woke up early to make the trip! …If ten a.m. counts as early in any book except their own.
Roy is already standing out in the driveway waiting for Danny when they get there, his arms spread wide for a hug the second Danny gets out of their car. The younger practically rocket launches themself into his arms, clinging tight to him as they savor the first hug they’ve gotten in such a long fucking time. Danny can’t help the tears that fall at finally having such warm, loving human contact, especially from this person.
They hold onto each other as tight as they can, each beyond glad to have each other’s trust in such unreliable times. Being alone for so long had hit Roy hard too. Alcohol and binge watching can really only do so much, and he’s genuinely been feeling lonely being stuck in one spot for so long. The dogs help some, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t replace human interaction, no matter how hard he wishes it did.
“I missed you, baby girl,” Roy says, and Danny can almost hear his voice waver.
“I missed you too,” Danny whispers, trying and failing to hold back a sob.
They leave Danny’s bag in the car for now, much more eager to go sit down and enjoy each other’s company. The dogs bombard the two of them the second Danny crosses the threshold, the enby leaning instantly down to kiss and coo at the babies and Roy can’t help grinning widely at the sight. He loves his babies, and he loves his baby girl.
They spend the afternoon talking and laughing and playing with the dogs. Danny clearly gets some ideas about the golf cart, and Roy is suddenly excited about the upcoming few days. It’s been a while since either of them have really had something to look forward to.
“Alright, I still need you to explain this OnlyFans thing to me,” Roy says with a smirk a few hours later, after they’ve gotten properly settled in on the couch together with the dogs.
Danny’s eyes go wide with slight panic, “Okay, grandpa, it’s like uhhh, Patreon but-”
“No, no, no!” Roy laughs, “I know what it is, I mean why that? Why not literally anything else?”
“First of all, I am sexy. Second of all, I spent a lot of time not making money masturbating, which is a fucking shame because as I said before I am sexy.”
They both crack up at that, giggling like idiots on Roy’s couch, the puppies quickly joining in, yipping at them to be a part of the excitement.
“Awww, do you two think I’m funny?” Danny coos, picking Dede up and cuddling the pup close, “Your daddy doesn’t think I’m funny!”
Roy snorts, “You’ve certainly picked up a thing or two from me.”
“Like how to be a bitter old hermit!” Danny grins sweetly.
“Exactly,” Roy laughs.
“So if I ask really nicely will this bitter old hermit make me food?” Danny asks, batting their eyelashes pleadingly.
“My original plan was to let you starve to death while you were here, but since you’re asking nicely…” Roy says teasingly, feeling an odd sense of satisfaction at the way the younger throws their head back with laughter.
Late that night, after a long night of talking and watching TV and a decent dinner, they curl up into bed together. At one point they both needed to at least be tipsy to do that, but nowadays that’s just overkill. They have progressed well beyond that point of friendship, though Roy sometimes still likes to put on a show of being annoyed, if only because of the way Danny pouts and rolls their eyes.
Tonight he just holds the thick comforter up so Danny can slide in easily with him, he’s not really interested in making either of them wait longer than they already have for cuddles. In seconds the two are holding each other tight, savoring the touch. As Roy lays there, holding Danny like the younger is his lifeline, he starts to think about the time they’ve known each other. All the ups, downs, and side-to-sides… Danny has grown up a lot over the years they’ve been friends, and it’s hard to deny that it’s changed Roy’s feelings for them.
Once his feelings to the younger were almost motherly, but now it’s closer to attraction. It’s kind of weird, at the least it’s very fucked up. Roy wants to just give in to the feelings, but he can’t. Not when he has no way of gaging Danny’s feelings for him. He can live with this secret, he’s not sure he can live without Danny’s friendship.
Danny interrupts his thoughts, their voice small and curious, “Why were you so invested in my OnlyFans?”
“Bitch, I’m trying to sleep here,” Roy groans.
“No, seriously,” Danny pouts, sitting up in bed and looking down at Roy. The moonlight streaming in from the window highlights the enby perfectly, and Roy curses his luck.
“I don’t want you renting yourself out on the corner like Bunny, now get back to sleep you dumb slut,” Roy says with all of his usual teasing heat.
Danny pouts though, clearly not satisfied, “But…”
“Sleep. Now.” Roy demands, reaching up to tug them back under the covers. Danny reluctantly gives in, and snuggles close to Roy.
Just as Roy is about to fall asleep, Danny’s voice has his eyes flying open.
“I love you,” Danny whispers.
Roy’s heart melts a little at that, “I love you too, Danny.”
Danny bites their lip nervously, “I mean like… I think…”
Roy’s heart starts to beat faster in his chest. Surely they couldn’t mean…
“You think…?” Roy asks, hoping that despite it all this person is about to say what he thinks they are.
“I think I might be… in love,” Danny says, their voice quiet and timid in a way Roy hasn’t heard in a very long time, “With you.”
This time Roy is the one to sit up in bed, staring down at Danny with pure infatuation. Those words echo around his ears, his chest, his very soul, and before he even realizes what he’s doing he’s leaning down to capture Danny’s lips in a kiss.
His lips against theirs feels so undeniably right. Their lips move slowly against each other, Danny brings a hand around to cup the back of Roy’s neck and in that moment nothing is wrong in their own little world. In that moment it’s just them and the moonlight. He thinks that he could live forever in this moment and never need anything else.
They break apart much too soon for either of their tastes, and Roy stares into those pretty eyes and murmurs, “I think I love you too.”
Danny surges forward for another kiss, this one much more desperate than the last. It’s a hot, heavy kiss that ends with Roy flat against the bed and both of Danny’s hands cupping his face as they explore each other. It’s like no kiss either of them have had before, with so many years of emotion and uncertainty between them it’s intense. Bianca and Adore have drunkenly kissed before, but this absolutely cannot compare. Danny whimpers pathetically against Roy, their hips grinding down against Roy’s thigh.
Roy lets out a shaky breath and grips at the enby’s barely covered ass. From the way Danny is squirming and moaning after only a little contact, Roy knows it’s been a while since Danny has been with someone like this. Roy hasn’t been able to get laid in a while either, rendering them both more than eager for this. Neither of them have a sexual partner in their circles right now, except maybe each other. Just this morning that would’ve been an absurd thought, and now it’s simply what makes sense.
Both of them need sexual fulfillment as much as they need emotional fulfillment, and even the thought of providing it for each other is thrilling. Roy grabs Danny’s bottom lip roughly between his teeth, sucking on it as he rubs his hands underneath Danny’s oversized tank top and over their skin. Danny whines and whimpers so deliciously in response, and Roy loves it.
Roy and Danny pull the little clothing that is off one another, each soaking in the familiar sight of the other being completely exposed. It’s nowhere near the first time they’ve seen each other like this, but it’s another one of those things where it’s simply different this time around. Because now it’s been established they love each other as much more than just friends.
Danny sucks hickeys along Roy’s collarbone, moaning roughly as Roy twists their nipples harshly, their bodies so close and warm wrapped up tight together.
“Think… Think I’m gonna get my nipples pierced,” Danny giggles breathlessly before it’s cut off in a moan of sheer pleasure when Roy pinches them even harder.
“Oh really? You’ve done a lot of slutty things, baby girl, but that is definitely up there,” Roy smirks.
Danny smiles innocently, “It would only make your job easier.”
“What? This job?” Roy asks teasingly, then trails his fingers down Danny’s stomach so they ghost over the enby’s half-hard cock.
Danny gasps, and Roy takes the opportunity to press his lips against theirs all over again, sucking their tongue into his mouth as he teases their cock. They moan and whine and squirm, their fingers gripping and squeezing at the flesh of Roy’s back frantically in response. Roy knows that that’s going to leave a mark, despite the fact that their nails are usually kept short. He doesn’t mind though, in fact it makes him harder knowing that he’s the reason Danny is reacting like this.
Danny’s head falls back against the pillow, feeling heat rush to their cheeks upon seeing the smouldering look in Roy’s eyes as they stare up at him. He’s so fucking gorgeous, all his sharpness and softness in just the right places.
“Tell me what you want,” Roy whispers roughly.
Danny inhales shakily, “Want- Wanna feel you-”
“What do you want me to do to you, Danny? Use your words…”
“Fuck me, oh God please just fuck me, holy shit,” Danny begs, squeezing their eyes shut tight and squirming underneath Roy’s tight hold.
“Shh, that’s so good, thank you,” Roy murmurs, caressing Danny’s cheek, “I’m going to fuck you so hard.”
And Danny just moans. They’ve wanted this from Roy for so long, and so many years were wasted convincing themself otherwise that this really feels like a fucking dream come true. It’s their own little fairytale, just for the two of them. Danny gets to live this fantasy with Roy, and that thought alone is almost more mind blowing than the idea of getting rammed until they can’t remember their own name.
Roy leans across to riffle through the nightstand, and turns back to Danny with lube, a condom, and a devious grin on his face. Minutes later, Danny is a whimpering, begging mess just from two of Roy’s fingers stretching them open. Roy is clearly enjoying it, whispering dirty things in their ear as he slowly tortures them with his fingers. When he slides in a third finger, Danny lets out the filthiest, most inhuman sound Roy has ever heard.
“You are just so fucking needy,” Roy says lowly, pulling out his fingers and quickly rolling the condom on.
Danny nods feverently, their eager words of agreement being almost incomprehensible. Roy grabs their tiny hips in his large hands and slides himself in. That moment is almost pure magic, the connection that had been simmering for so many years finally coming to a boil. Danny sobs from the mix of emotion and sheer pleasure, throwing their head back and forth, panting and begging for more while Roy closes his eyes and takes it all in.
Danny is incredibly warm and tight around him, and after a minute he begins to thrust shallowly, making Danny’s mindless babbling slur together. His thrusts quickly become harsher, aiming specifically for Danny’s spot, his grip on them tightens and he grabs the enby’s cock and starts to lavish it with some much needed attention.
“OhGodohGodohGodoh-” Danny rambles, pressing their face into the juncture of Roy’s neck and collarbone, inhaling his comforting, familiar scent, “So good, feels so good, don’t stop please don’t stop.”
“I’m not going to stop, shh, I’ve got you, fuck you’re so good,” Roy groans in response, his thrusts speeding up and his fingers around Danny’s cock tightening, “Are you about to cum for me? Huh?”
“Yes, fuck,” Danny rasps, “Yes yes gonna cum Roy please let me cum I’m gonna- gonna-”
Roy pumps his hand a few more times and whispers right in Danny’s ear, “Cum for me like a good girl.”
And Danny is a gonner. They moan high and long, their hips twitch rapidly and their whole body shakes with the force of their orgasm, ropes of cum covering Roy’s hand and both of their abdomens.
Danny practically goes limp in Roy’s hold, and just a few thrusts later Roy is undone as well, unable to help thrusting even harder and deeper into Danny’s body as he does. He falls on top of Danny, breathing heavy and ragged, and they hold each other tight. Danny’s arms still wrapped around Roy’s back when he carefully rolls them onto their sides so that they’re facing each other, nearly nose to nose. He gingerly pulls out of Danny, ties the condom, and throws it into the bin that he knows is next to the bed.
Roy cups their chin with his clean hand and stares into their dazed, half-lidded eyes. Danny blinks slowly, the afterglow beginning to wear off.
“I can’t believe it took us seven years,” Danny murmurs, reaching up to thread their fingers through Roy’s currently long hair.
“It was worth the wait,” Roy smiles softly, “And now we have the rest of our lives.”
“Yeah,” Danny whispers, “I get the rest of my life with you.”
Because for Roy and Danny it’s nowhere near over. For them it’s all only just begun.
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riverfxle · 4 years
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Call me when you’re high || JJ
In which the reader is a Kook and dating Topper but finds herself calling up a certain blonde Pogue every time she wants to get high.
THE AIR WAS STICKY with humidity, making Y/N sigh as she chugged another glass of lemonade and watched her boyfriend golf from the golf cart that was parked underneath a shade tree. She could feel her hair sticking to the back of her neck and it made her want to gag. She wanted to be on a board catching waves instead of waiting for when Topper decided his girlfriend was more important than golf.
"Babe?"She called out making his head snap in her direction. Y/N gritted her teeth as he started another rant about how she broke his concentration. "Sorry but I'm heading home."She snapped before hopping off the cart and heading towards the country club.
Topper wasn't her first choice. But her parents had insisted she give the boy a chance. 'You would look so good together' they had said over multiple meals at his parents house which lead her to finally giving in to stop the constant nagging. It was draining to be with him — he was just so boring.
Y/N went towards the docks, slipping off her Kook attire and stuffing it in a nearby bush. She held her phone up to her ear with one hand as she adjusted her bathing suit top with the other. A smile lit up her face as a voice answered the other end.
"Wanna get high?"
Everyone talked about how beautiful OBX was but never how gorgeous the sky was at night. Y/N laid on her back on the dock, looking up at the millions of twinkling stars. She heard someone step on the dock and looked up to find a smiley blonde above her with a perfectly rolled joint.
"Ah, my favorite Pogue."She mused sitting up as he flopped down beside her. How could she explain her relationship with JJ Maybank? Well, it started when she found him after a run in with his dad and spiraled from there. They were friends but knowing her family and Topper would freak, they secretly hung out and smoked from time to time.
"Kook Princess,"He grinned handing her the joint and she flicked her lighter, lighting the tip of it and inhaling the smoke. "How's it going?"He asked as she handed it to him, blowing the smoke out in the air above them.
"Eh, Toppers a dick."She shrugged leaning back on her hands. JJ mumbled an 'always' making a laugh escape her cherry painted lips.
The pair fell into normal conversation, passing the joint back and forth. Y/N felt like she could let her guard down around him and so did he. They clicked in the best possible way and JJ would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy her presence.
"We should go surfing tomorrow."Y/N said taking the joint from him. He nodded before a smirk took over his face.
"Aw. You want to spend time with me."He teased placing his hand above his heart. "You got to wear that red bikini, ya know the one where your whole ass is like out and—"He rambled but Y/N cut him off by playfully pushing him as she laughed.
"You're disgusting."
"But you think it's hot?"He questioned pointing a finger at her. She rolled her eyes. "Just admit Y/N."
A plan formed in her head and she smirked as she leaned forward, placing her hands on either one of his thighs making him tense up. Their faces were inches apart and Y/N smirked as she looked from his dark eyes to his lips. She heard his breath hitch as she leaned even closer.
"Do you think I'm hot?"She said lowly, her breath fanning across his face. She smelled like cherries and weed and JJ wanted nothing more than to close the inches between them and kiss her but she pulled away laughing. "Aw, did I make you nervous?"She pouted making him roll his eyes.
"Do that again and you'll have a lot to explain to your boyfriend."
It happened again two day's later. JJ had called her this time, already outside her bedroom window and she motioned him up before going back to her desk where she was packing a bowl. The window opened and he stumbled through it making a loud thud. Y/N was glad that her parents were heavy sleepers.
"Ugh, I fucking hate Kooks."He groaned flopping onto her bed. She gave him a look but ignored his statement. "Topper and Rafe jumped Pope for no reason other than to be dicks."He continued. That made Y/N turn with a raised eyebrow.
"They did what?!"She asked standing up. She had always stood up for the Pogues and this made her blood boil. "Wait till I get ahold of them,"She said flopping down on the bed beside JJ. "I swear they are like undisciplined children with golf clubs."
"Y/N don't do something stupid,"He warned as he held up a lighter to her. "I would hate to have to kill Topper because he hurt you. There's not many good places to hide a body on the island."He joked.
"Don't worry, baby. I would kill him first."She said blowing smoke into his face. "I ain't no damsel in distress. I'm a lot tougher than I look."
"Okay, Princess."He said sarcastically pushing her and she retaliated by shoving him off the bed after putting the glass pipe on the nightstand of course.
"You did not!"He shouted dramatically tackling her  and she squealed as his fingers dug into her side. He smirked as he realized Y/N was ticklish.
"Stop!"She tried to yell but it got drowned out by her uncontrollable laughter. JJ took the time to let his eyes wander over here, taking in every detail big or small. Like the way her eyes squinted when she smiled or the way the sun made freckles fanned across her cheeks. "JJ, I'm serious!"She screeched and mentally sighed in relief as he stopped.
"Take a picture,"Y/N teased breaking him from his self induced trance. "This beauty should be capture on film."She laughed — well it sounded more like a giggle but she would never admit such.
"I'm going to regret this,"JJ suddenly said leaning down and she felt her face get hot. "I'm so going to regret this."
His lips connected with hers and Y/N swear actual stars clouded her vision. One of her hands went into his hair, clutching the curls in her fingers. The other caressed his cheek and she smiled as he leaned into her touch. The kiss was sweet and tasted like fresh cherries and weed, JJ couldn't get enough. When they finally pulled away they were breathless and staring at each other with cloudy, wide eyes.
"... Fuck I have to breakup with Topper, don't I?"
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ella-se-vuelve-loca · 5 years
Chapter 11
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Grand Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“Something is different about you.” Victoria said while lying down on my bed as Andrea sat down on the floor painting her nails. “What do you mean?” I asked while looking through my closet, looking for an outfit to wear. “I don’t know. You just seem so much more.. chirpier and like there’s a zing to your step or something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Hey, I’m not saying it’s bad. I just haven’t seen you with that certain look in your eyes in a while, so it’s nice to have that (Y/N) back.” I just smiled and held up two different types of blouses. “It might have something to do with that certain curly haired boy of hers that she’s been seeing.” Andrea chuckled and I felt blush creep up my cheeks.
“You’re probably right on that one.” Victoria laughed as I just rolled my eyes and held up both blouses against my chest as I tried to choose which one I should wear. “Wear that black one with the roses on them, it shows off your cleavage more.”
“Vicky!” I laughed and looked between the two pieces of clothing.  “Where did he say he was taking you again?” Andrea asked as she finished painting her nails and started to dry them off. “We’re going mini golfing first and then there’s a new carnival that just opened up recently, so we’ll be heading there later.” I smiled at the thought about the activities Joel and I had planned together today.
“Girl, you haven’t told us much about him. I want – no, I need details! What does he do? Does he have any siblings? How much does he bench? Does he have any friends he can hook me up with?” Victoria laughed at the last one. Of course she would ask questions like that. She wouldn’t be Vicky if she didn’t.
“Calm down!” I chuckled. “It’s just a guy..”
“Yeah, ‘just a guy’ my ass. You’ve been smitten over him since that party.” Victoria laughed as I started applying my makeup. “Well, who wouldn’t be? He’s sweet, funny.. a little shy..” I looked through my rage of different color lipsticks. “Absolutely loves his career..” I picked out a simple red lipstick and lip gloss and opened the cap. “He’s a gentleman.. quirky and goofy at times..” I applied the lipstick over my lips as I continued to list off the traits I’ve gotten to know and love about him.
“He’s very romantic..” I stopped for a second as I thought about the last time I saw him and.. that kiss we had that night. My heart still flutters when I think of it. “He’s what I would define as an old school love kind of guy… and I really admire that.” I looked at my friends through the mirror and saw them both have big smile on their faces as I spoke highly of Joel. “What?”
“Nothing… I’m just.. I’m so happy that you found someone different. Someone who’s not like Enrique..” Victoria spoke. “He was a complete ass.” Andrea retorted right after as I gave them a small smile. “Well, Enrique is in the past. I think.. I think I’m finally getting over him, girls. I’m ready to start dating again..” They cheered and gave me hugs from behind. “Fin – fucking – ly! I told you someone better will come along and treat you like the queen you are!” Andrea cheered.
“And now you’ve found him!”
Yeah… I guess I did…
“I absolutely suck at this!” I laughed as I tried to hit the ball into the hole, but ended up completely missing. “You’re good at bowling, but not mini golfing? I think I found your weakness.” He laughed as he walked behind me, observing. “No, I just – I’m.. not quite familiar with this..” I smiled and tried once again.
“Let me help you because this is painful to watch.” He chuckled. “It was funny the first 5 courses, but now I’m just starting to feel bad.” He laughed and positioned my body so I can finally get a good swing. “Shut up.” I laughed as he told me to stand with my knees and hips slightly bent. His hands rested on my waist as he helped me. Oh, be still my heart…
“Lean forward a bit and bring your club up not too high because this is  mini golfing haha and… swing.” I swung my club and actually hit the ball close to the hole, not missing completely like I have for the past few courses. “See? Using my techniques actually work.” I looked up at him and smiled. “That’s because we’re on your turf and you know more about this than I do. If we were bowling, I would’ve beaten your ass already.” I laughed as his hands were still on my waist, slightly holding me against his body.
His eyes had dropped down to my lips and back into my eyes, making my heart swoon at the thought of kissing him again. I slightly leaned up into his touch and felt the urge to feel him against me once more. He bit his lip and slowly backed away, taking my hand in his. “C’mon, we still got a few courses left.” He said smiling. Tease…
In the end, guess who ended up losing this game of mini golf. Me, I lost. But you know what? Even though we’re both really competitive and love to win… honestly just being with him was enough. It’s obvious that this isn’t my sort of sport, but he enjoys it so much and I hope to get better so we can keep coming back.
“Man, I haven’t gone mini gulfing in a while.” He spoke as we got back in his car. “Really?” I asked as he nodded, strapping our seatbelts in. “I travel a lot and have been super busy. It’s not everyday where moments like this happens where I’m not off going into a sound check, doing a promo, getting interviewed, going to dance rehearsals, or writing and recording new music.” He said, starting the ignition to his car.
“You sound like you have a lot on your plate.” I chuckled. “It’s a lot, but I love my career. It makes me happy.” He smiled and started driving off to the next place. “Do you.. maybe have a sample of a song I can listen to? Just so I can get myself familiar with your band and your style of music.” I asked. “Sure! Give me a second..” He waited until we hit a stoplight so he can hook up his phone and went straight to Spotify.
“Just scroll and choose any song you’d like.” He handed me his phone as his hands went back on the wheel as the light was about to turn green. I looked down at his screen and saw the name of his band and the picture of the artist along with it.
“There’s five of you?” I asked as I started scrolling through the many songs they had. “You got that right haha we all met through a singing competition called ‘La Banda’ that was started by Ricky Martin and Simon Cowell.”
I clicked on a song and looked back up at him, seeing a smile spread across his face as he heard the familiar music coming from his speakers. “Mi Medicina, that’s a good one.” He chuckled as I started listening to the lyrics. He started singing along as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel. I swayed my body back and forth, enjoying a song I can’t believe I’ve never heard before until now.
“When I get home, I’m definitely checking out more music.” I laughed. “These are so good!”
I looked up for a split second and saw someone had messaged him. I didn’t mean to look, it just popped up. “Oh uh somebody had texted you.” I placed his phone down, stopping myself from picking a different song through his playlist. “Oh, who was it from?” He asked. “It’s from someone named Emilia.” I noticed a heart emoji next to her name. It got me thinking about what kind of emojis he has under my name.
“I’ll just check in a second when we get out. I don’t like texting or calling when I’m driving. Safety first.” He smiled and drove until he found a parking spot. We unclicked our seatbelts and opened our doors. “We’re here.” We got out of the car and I looked around. Funnel cakes was the first thing I could smell as we walked closer to the ticket booth.
I took out my wallet and went to pay, but Joel was quicker and took his money out first. I took his hand and brought it back before he could pay the ticket booth guy. “Princesa, I got this.” He spoke as I chuckled. “I know you do, but so do I. Let’s just split it. I’ll pay for half and you pay for the other half. A win – win.” I suggested.
“I can’t really win with you, can I?”
“Nope. Only at mini golfing.” I chuckled as we both handed our money in and received our tickets in return. We thanked the guy and started heading towards the middle of all the rides and mini games we could do. “What do you wanna do first?”
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“Can you give me the one of the top left?” Joel asked as the guy took down the stuffed turtle and handed it to him. “There ya go!” The man smiled as Joel then passed me the stuffed animal. “For you, mi amor.” He chuckled as I took it from his hands, hugging it close to my body. “Gracias, Joel.” Balloon Pop was just one of the many games we both played together.
Throughout our date, we had eaten funnel cake, gone on multiple rides, played games… I mean, what could be better? Spending time with him and hearing his laugh just made me realize that I did not want this night to end. We continued walking, his arm around my shoulders, as we looked for another activity for us to do.
I took out my phone and went to selfie mode. “Hey, mind if we take a photo together?” I asked as he smiled. “Of course.” I held up the phone so both of our faces could be seen on my screen. He placed his head on my shoulder as I snapped a photo. We made a couple silly faces and I even got a photo of where he kissed my cheek. It was quick, but I got the photo.
“Did you get my good side?” He joked as we both looked down at the pictures we took together. I’m definitely keeping these. “Oh shut up.” I laughed as we continued walking until we found ourselves in front of the Ferris Wheel. He pointed to the ride with his finger, asking if I wanted to get on as I nodded. We handed in our last tickets, got inside the little cart and sat down. The little cart slowly moving back and forth as we got ourselves comfortable.
I looked at him and smiled. How could someone like him be with someone like me? How did I get so lucky? He’s everything I’ve been looking for. After a few moments, we started to move and soon everything around us was below. “I’m so glad you don’t have a fear of heights or else this would be a problem.” He laughed. “You and me both.”
I looked up at the sky and chuckled. Just now realizing how long we’ve been out as the sun was no longer shining. “Now this is the way to stargaze.” I leaned my head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, bringing me closer to his body. I swear, it’s like I could feel my heart just fluttering with me being this close to him.
My fingers played with his rings as I thought about my previous relationship. Enrique would never take me out on dates like this. We would just stay at home, order out and call it a night. I can’t remember the last time he would ever do something nice for me. Joel on the other hand, is much different. I appreciate someone who’s actually trying. I never thought he would text or call me after I gave him my number. If anything, I thought it would end up being a booty call or he would end up forgetting about me and that night.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I chuckled. “I’m just gonna assume you’re thinking about my beautiful features then.” He laughed as I looked up at him. “Oh, yeah definitely.” I said chuckling. He smiled and moved a stand of hair away from my face. “You wanna know what I’m thinking about?” I nodded.
“How much fun I had today. Completely destroying you in mini golf..” We laughed. “And… how beautiful you look..” Is this a dream? I smiled up at him and leaned up, closing the distance between us. Kissing someone at the top of the Ferris Wheel? I can now cross this off my little bucket list of cute cliché things I’ve always wanted to do. I reached one of my hands up into his curls as I could feel his hand against my cheek, holding me there.
I honestly feel like I’m moving on from Enrique and I’m on a good path with someone new. I pulled away and smiled, looking up into his eyes. “Joel?” I asked. “Yeah, mi amor?”
“Do you remember when you asked me about why I was hiding from someone in my job?” He nodded. “I do.” I sighed and cleared my throat. “That guy..” He waited for me to continue. I haven’t talked about Enrique like this since we broke up. “Was my ex.” I looked below us and saw people walking off to play the games they had there as I looked at anywhere but him. “We were together for a few years. We were high school sweethearts.. I knew that there were multiple reasons why I should’ve broken it off with him, but I saw past all of them because I loved him.. and that’s all that mattered to me.”
He intertwined our fingers together as I continued. “I guess I was so blinded by love that I never noticed how different he would act whenever I was with him. He used to be so affectionate and just one day, it’s like he shut it off. Like he decided that he no longer loved me.” I cleared my throat and continued. “I was an idiot for thinking that this would pass and we would be okay.” I bit my lip.
“Well, one day, I came home and found him in bed with one of my co-workers at his place. He told me that they’ve been doing this behind my back for months.. and he dumped me on the spot.” I stayed silent for a second, collecting my thoughts.
“So, the day that you decided to surprise me at work, he was there.. with her and I didn’t want him to see me.” I chuckled and looked back up at him, noticing that we were now going back down to the ground and our ride was just about over. “Wait, you still see them? Both of them?” He asked as I nodded. “Yep. He comes in randomly to visit her and I try not to be too close around them so much. I always try to avoid them whenever I notice that they’re around.”
Our ride stopped as we hopped out. “Who is this guy? I want a name.” I chuckled as we started walking around. “What for? It’s in the past and quite frankly, I’m happy where I’m at right now..”
“But that’s still no way to treat a woman.” He spoke and held my hand, making me stop in my tracks and turn to face him. “All things happen for a reason because look what good came out of it.” I reached my hand up and moved some of his curls away from his face. “I met you…”
I noticed his facial features change for a second as he held up his hand to mine that caressed his cheek. “(Y/N).. there’s something I.. I mean..” I shook my head. “You don’t need to say anything. It’s in the past now.” I smiled up at him, taking his hand in mine as we continued walking. “I gotta be honest, it felt good to get that off of my chest.” I can finally move on from that prick and be with someone who’s actually worth my love and time.
We walked back to his car and got inside. “Thank you for sharing your story with me, nena. I know it was probably difficult.” We strapped our seatbelts in. “Thank you for listening.” I felt like he was stuck in his thoughts the whole ride back to my place. We still kept that happy vibe between us, but I couldn’t help but feel like he had something that he wanted to say but was holding back. It was almost as if he was holding his breath.
He walked me to my doorstep as I reached for my keys. “I had a lot of fun today, Joel.” I smiled. “I did too.” He chuckled and slowly leaned in, planting a sweet short kiss upon my lips. One of his hands rested on my hips while the other was above my head against the door. He pulled away and paused for a moment, biting his bottom lip. “Eres muy hermosa and you deserved better, you know that right?”
I slowly nodded. “I just.. I need you to know that. What he did.. that’s not how you treat someone you love. I can’t leave you knowing you might be feeling like shit when you talked about him. I know it’s made you think a bit differently on relationships and getting close to someone like that again, but I’m really happy that you told me about him and got that off your chest.” I smiled and reached my hand up to play with his curls.
“It felt good to just let it all out in the open. I think holding it in kind of prevented me from getting back out there, you know? I can see now that he wasn’t meant for me and.. I’m definitely okay with that.” I leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I really did have a wonderful time tonight.”
“I did too.” His fingers lifted my chin up to him as he pecked my lips before pulling away and smiled. “I’ll call you later, okay?” I nodded as he walked back to his car. I haven’t felt this feeling in such a long time. I’m excited for what the future is gonna bring. He stopped at the drivers’ side and turned back to me, waving bye. He got inside, turned his car on and drove off as I headed inside my place.
I leaned against the door and bit my lip, slipping off my shoes. Oh yeah, this is definitely for the better.
Next Chapter
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prettyboy-parker · 5 years
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starkerstrange: country club
words: idk
warnings: NFF, blowjobs, kind of degration???
a/n: I love them
“Wow, you suck.”
Stephen glares at the boy, loosening his grip on his club.
“Brat,” He spits, sulking over to where his golf ball sits in the bunker. Peter’s giggle pierces through the warm summer air.
“You love me!” He calls out as Stephen switches his club out for a sand wedge.
And it’s true.
Peter is perfect, even if he is a bit of a brat. He’s truly a sweetheart on the inside. (And a good fuck.)
Stephen ogles his boy’s ass as he grips his club just right, perfecting his stance. He looks delicious in his tiny black golf skirt, crisp white polo shirt, and his black Nike golf shoes. The sun makes his slightly tanned skin shine, freckles dusting his arms and face. He hits the golf ball lightly, the sphere rolling away and straight into the hole.
“Yes!” He squeals, dropping his club and bouncing up and down. “Did you see that, daddy?”
Stephen chuckles and shakes his head.
“It was okay.”
Peter sticks his tongue out at him, then bends over to pick up his club. He shakes his hips teasingly, and Stephen catches a flash of white lace. He bites his lip to calm himself down, flipping up his wrist to check his Rolex.
“Hey sweetheart?” Stephen calls out, and Peter looks up from where he’s putting his club away into his hot pink caddy. “We’re late for lunch.”
Peter’s doe eyes widen and his cherry red lips fall into an O.
“Then let’s go!” He giggles, picking up his caddy and skipping over to the golf cart. Stephen sighs, climbing out of the sand and following Peter. He didn’t pick up his golf ball, because one, he’s old and his back is brittle, and two, he really doesn’t care.
“God, you’re so slow.” Peter complains once he reaches the cart, climbing in the drivers seat and starting the vehicle.
“And you’re annoying.” Stephen teases, and Peter presses a quick kiss to his cheek.
“But I love you,” Peter sings as Stephen drives through the course, wind tousling his fluffy chestnut curls.
“Love you more, baby boy.” He hums, taking a particularly sharp turn into the parking lot of the course’s restaurant. Peter bounces in his seat impatiently, waiting for Stephen to climb out of the cart.
“Impatient, impatient,” The greying brunette scolds, taking Peter’s moisturized hand in his. The younger boy nuzzles into his semi-bare arm. They walk up the ramp to the open door to the Ocean Breeze Eatery. It’s cool inside, the beach house themed lobby bright and welcoming.
“Doctor Strange!” The hostess, Kate, exclaims, “Mister Stark is right this way.”
The couple are lead through the main dining room, maneuvering around the pristine tables to the corner of the room. Tony is sitting, red tinted sunglasses on his face. He looks handsome, as usual, in a 3-piece Tom Ford suit (his go-to).
“Daddy!” Peter giggles happily, leaning down to press an open mouthed kiss to Tony lip’s. The older man grabs Peter by the collar of his polo, kissing him deeper.
“How was golfing, bambino?” Tony purrs as the younger boy slips between the two men. Tony reaches out and squeezes Stephen’s hand in greeting, smiling softly. The man knows him so well, knows how soft touches to themselves makes his heart sing.
“Oh, daddy, it was so good!” Peter squeals, taking a sip of his already ordered pink lemonade. “Stephen is really bad at golf.”
Tony raises his eyebrows and gives Stephen a look.
“What did I say about being a brat, baby?” Stephen coos, caressing Peter’s freckled cheek in his hand. He runs his thumb over those baby soft lips, and being the little minx he is, Peter sucks on it softly.
“I think you said you love it.”
Stephen tugs on the bottom of Peter’s hair teasingly.
“New skirt, angel? It looks a little short.” Tony hums, taking a sip of his bourbon.
“You like it? It think it makes my ass look good.” Peter says nonchalantly, pulling at his skirt. Stephen can see Tony swallow thickly.
“Hell yeah I do. You look fuckin’ delicious,”  He growls, and Peter flushes like a rose.
“Daddy, that’s naughty,” He whispers. Stephen’s squeezes Peter’s bare thigh, slender fingers brushing the edge of the white lace.
“Hi gentlemen! My name’s Meredith and I’ll be your server today.”
The table looks up at the blonde, stopping their, well, banter.
“Are you ready to order?” She asks, and Stephen sends a glance around the table.
“Yeah. Pete, what do you want?”
“You pick for me,” He coos, trailing his fingers down Stephen’s forearm.
“He’ll have the buffalo wings.” The older man says without missing a beat, in the mood to watch his baby suck sauce off his fingers.
“I’ll get the filet mignon, medium well.” Tony drawls, handing Meredith his menu.
“I’ll have the lobster tails.” Stephen says softly, handing over his and Peter’s menu.
As they wait for their food, the trio flirt back and forth. By the time the food comes, Stephen has a slight chub in his pants.
Peter digs right into his wings, sucking on his fingers to get every last drop of buffalo sauce off.
“Daddy, can I have a piece of your steak?” He asks sweetly, fluttering his long eyelashes.
“Of course, sweet thing.” Tony coos, taking a small piece of meat between his fingers and feeding it to Peter.
Stephen knows how to keep his cool. He’s been doing it since he and Tony opened their relationship. But sometimes it’s reallyhard.
They make it through lunch, and soon enough the three of them are stumbling into the backseat of Tony’s Audi.
“Fucking brat. Teasing us all day.” Tony growls as Peter situates himself on the floor of the car. Stephen knows exactly how to get back at Peter, so he turns and kisses Tony sensually. He can hear Peter whine from the floor, so Stephen kisses Tony harder, gripping the nape of his neck as his beard scrapes against Tony’s.
“Steph, baby,” Tony mutters as the other man nibbles on his jaw.
“Daddy, please let me suck you off!” Peter cries, kneading at both his daddies’ growing bulges. Both men chuckle, turning to look at the younger boy.
“You’re going to do the work, princess.” Stephen slurs, playing with Peter’s almond curls gently. He nods vigorously, mouthing wetly at Stephen’s clothed crotch while squeezing Tony’s.
“Good boy,” Stephen breathes, breath hitching at how Peter looks the older man straight in the eyes as he licks up his bulge. “Take my cock out, sweetheart, then help daddy over there, okay?”
Peter takes his nimble fingers and unzips Stephen’s golf pants, slipping out his aching cock and pressing a quick kiss to the head. Stephen groans as Peter moves to unbutton Tony’s slacks, giving his cock a couple slow strokes. Stephen does the same, watching with a parted mouth as Peter suckles on Tony’s leaking head.
“So fucking good for your daddies. Such a hot, tight mouth, god, Pete,” Tony moans, forcing his thick length farther down the young thing’s throat.
“C’mere, Peter, give daddy some love too.” Stephen grunts, and Peter pulls off Tony’s dick with a wet pop. The other man moans loudly as Peter slips his cock into his mouth, sucking like his life depends on it.
“Such a pretty slut,” Tony coos, stroking his own dick as he runs his thumb down Peter’s cheek. His lips are stretched around Stephen’s length, strawberry lips slick with spit.
“Fuck, princess, daddy’s close,” Stephen groans, yanking Peter’s curls tightly and fucking up into his wet mouth. His hips stutter, and he moans deeply as he shoots his release down the younger’s throat.
“Peter, fuck, get over here, daddy’s going to come,” Tony grunts, and Peter obliges, his daddy’s come spilling out of his mouth. With a few quick thrusts into his hand, Tony comes with a moan, shooting ropes of white over Peter’s lips and cheeks. He looks utterly debauched, face flushed and hair ruined.
“Daddy, please, I need you to make me feel good, need to come,” He whimpers, real tears falling down his cheeks.
Tony and Stephen look at each other, and grin.
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radstronaut · 5 years
Take a Breath | Teuvo Teräväinen
warnings: n/a word count: 1730 note: hi yes i more or less created this blog to post this fic specifically so here we are, this is pretty much for @lulucanwrite who i love dearly, and also technically beta’ed this fic so ♡
Why you agreed to stand in the heat and watch a group of unruly boys in their twenties swing pieces of metal at plastic-covered rubber balls would be completely beyond you if you weren’t completely smitten with Teuvo Teravainen. It’s nearly ninety degrees--this is North Carolina after all--and despite your magical sweat-wicking shorts and tank top, you’re definitely sweating through your clothes. If Petr weren’t the sweatiest human you knew, this would probably embarrass you. Coupled with Martin bouncily seeking approval for everything he did and Teuvo and Sebastian’s banter with each other, you were okay with just about anything-- your complete inability to play golf included.
It was hard to say why the group had invited you along. Maybe because you took great photos they could share on Instagram, or because you were known as “the person who always brought bomb food to parties”, or maybe just because you were easy to get along with. You’d spent so much of your life feeling like you were weird and unlikeable, but somehow you’d found solace in a group of professional hockey players from Europe.
Ha. Just thinking that sentence makes you snort a little to yourself. 
“Are you laughing at Sebastian?” Teuvo asks, peering over your shoulder. You’ve got your phone clutched in hand, a boomerang of Sebastian swinging back and forth looping on your screen. 
“Nah, just thinking about how weird I am,” you reply, hitting ‘post’ and clicking your phone off. 
“Why won’t you take one of me?” he asks, a pout on his face. 
“Because,” you answer, voice breezy and light, “You’re not my favorite.”
Your response sends Teuvo into a spiral of “whats” and “buts” that secretly gives you life force. You float away, sashaying up to Martin and Petr, who are talking about clothes of all things, and look at you like you’ve just interrupted the single most important conversation in the entire world. 
“Please tell me you don’t think this is cute, too,” Petr says, shoving his phone in your face. 
It’s a non-offensive, baby-blue suit, and you’re not sure what to say, other than, “I think it’s fine?” To which Martin grins gleefully, waving his arms around to show off his little victory. 
“You cannot be serious,” says Petr, like it’s the most obvious thing. “It’s ugly! Who wears suits this color?”
“I would!” Martin exclaims, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. “Light blue is totally cool.”
“Maybe for a springtime pinterest Easter wedding in Alabama,” Petr says.
There are a lot of references here to popular American culture going on here that you weren’t even sure he knew, but you laugh nonetheless. 
These dorky, soft boys always made you laugh. You look up, watching Teuvo as he winds up and swings his club. It makes the satisfying sound that metal swung fast makes, and you watch as the golf ball flies through the air for what seems like forever. Even for somebody who knows nothing about golf, you can tell he’s got an amazing swing. Every muscle in his body moves with intent; his follow through is gorgeous. He even has the cute little golf foot thing at the end, something you are sure has a proper name, but you’re ignorant of it. 
“Careful, you’re drooling,” Petr says, squeezing your shoulder.
You all but jump where you’re standing, and raise a hand as if you’re about to play-swat him. You’re flustered, and it shows on your face as you try to play it off. “Come on,” you hiss, making a face. “I’m not drooling.”
Petr shrugs as Teuvo makes his way back to his bag to retire his driver. You watch, crossing your arms over your chest almost in defense. 
“Your turn!” Teuvo calls, and Sebastian snickers from where he’s sat in the one square foot of shade that the golf cart provides. He turns and points at him, frowning, “You better stop laughing!”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, and hands you the driver that he’s been holding since his turn. You don’t own a set of clubs, so Sebastian graciously agreed to share his with you. “You know how to do this, right?” he asks you with a cheeky smile. 
“Shut up.” 
All eyes are on you as you stroll up to the tee and set down the golf ball. They’re hungry for your failure. You can feel it. It’s like the four of them have gathered here exclusively to watch you wind up and whiff so they can have a laugh and get back to actually playing golf after their comedy break. You take the club in hand, holding it just like you were shown one time forever ago, with your thumb and fingers interlocked, and steady your position. 
It’s not that hard, you remind yourself, trying to calm yourself down. You know that making it out to be a big deal will only make you more nervous, so you take a deep breath in as you wind up, and exhale as you swing--
And stop right before you hit the ball. Ugh. Getting nervous is honestly worse than whiffing, you think, and so you decide to set yourself up again. You spread your feel the right distance apart and try and settle in place. You’re just about to hype yourself up again when you feel a hand rest warmly on your shoulder, and you let out the breath you’d been holding. 
It’s Teuvo, who looks at you with gentle eyes and a calm smile. “Let me help you.”
Normally you’d be way too prideful to admit you needed help from any of these clowns, but it’s Teuvo, and he looks so genuine that you don’t really mind. “Okay,” you breathe as he stands behind you, resting his hands over yours.
Your heart jumps into your throat as he steadies your grip. His chin hovers right above your shoulder, his face so close you can feel the breath on your neck. 
“You’re so tense,” he says, voice light and private. “Relax your shoulders.”
How you’re supposed to relax with his body practically pressed flush against yours evades you. You let out a shaky breath. “Okay.”
“Good,” Teuvo says gently, but with authority. “Swing your arms back and forth and let the club’s weight lead.”
You listen. 
“Now,” he says, “When you feel ready, wind that back a bit more, keep your eyes on the ball, and swing.” 
You’re having a hard time focusing on feeling ready when his hands leave your hands and he takes a step back, making the air touching your arms feel even more empty than it had before he was there. Your skin misses his immediately. You sigh softly to yourself. 
Then, you wind up and swing. 
The driver hits the golf ball with a satisfying sound and you watch as it seems to float through the air and land across the course-- much further back than your friends, but still, further than you thought it would go. 
You turn back, seeking Teuvo’s approval, but he’s already clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear. “That’s really good!” He cheers. “That’s really really good!”
You beam with pride. 
“It’s going to be your turn again,” Sebastian teases from his seat, “Since you barely hit it at all.”
“Come on, Sepe, let it go!” Teuvo defends, waving his hand in front of Sebastian’s face. 
“You just want an excuse to get all up in Y/N’s space again.”
He doesn’t protest, but rather hands you a club from Sebastian’s bag and, with a hand on the small of your back, ushers you out to where your ball has just landed. 
This is very forward of Teuvo-- very, very forward. He typically wasn’t so outwardly flirtatious, but maybe it’s Sebastian’s comments that embolden him as you make your way down the green.
“Is this okay?” He asks after a moment, dropping his hand from your back to make eye contact with you. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You smile simply, grabbing his hand and placing it on your back again. “It’s perfectly fine,” you say. 
Once you arrive, Teuvo hands you the club and looks at you. “Do you want my help again?”
“Please?” You ask coyly, practically batting your eyes at him. Whoah. Maybe you’re feeling emboldened by his flirtatious energy as well. 
With a grin, Teuvo steps behind you, chest against your back, and rests his hands atop yours again. This time, you relax into it-- you feel less nervous, more loose this time, feeling much more confident than before. His lips brush your ear as he leans forward, and reminds you to keep your eye on the ball, and not to worry how far it goes. The hairs on your arm stand up. 
You’re about to pull back and swing when you hear the golf cart whir past you, and from the driver’s seat, Petr yells with a shit eating grin: “kiss her!” 
Sebastian and Martin echo the sentiment with a chorus of “kiss her! kiss her!” 
Pink creeps across your cheeks, and you tilt your head to look at Teuvo over your shoulder. Time completely stops. The humid air hangs still and heavy between you with heat and energy, and you feel his lips inches away from yours. You aren’t sure how long you stand there, moments away from each other, thinking about what it would feel like to close that distance and feel his lips against yours.
And then it happens. Teuvo’s arms wrap around your waist, and he twirls you around, pulling your chest flush against his and kissing you, hard, all in one fell swoop. You feel your entire body tense up and then relax, your heart racing as you melt into him, kissing him back with the same fervor. His arms wrap around your waist, and yours twist around his neck, fingers grazing the sweat-damp hair on the nape of his neck. 
The boys are cheering behind you. Cries of “yes!” and “finally!” fill the air as Martin whoops and hollers, and Sebastian even gives the little golf cart horn a celebratory toot as you both smile into your kiss, toothy and wide-grinned. 
“Finally,” Teuvo breathes against your lips, and you can’t help yourself from bursting into laughter, leaning your forehead against his. “Finally,” you agree, giggly smile splayed across your face.
He leans in and kisses you again.
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caralynsmoved · 5 years
it’s human nature to miss what’s right under your nose
fandom: 911onfox
characters: bethany flynn ( original female character ), evan “ buck “ buckley, tommy kynard, fire fam, original male characters. 
relationships: bethany flynn/tommy kynard, evan “ buck “ buckley/eddie diaz ( supporting ), maddie buckley/howie “ chimney “ han ( supporting and adorable ), bobby nash/athena grant ( supporting ), hen wilson/karen wilson ( supporting and amazing )
rating: general audiences, teen
setting: i guess post season two since that’s when beth appears and maybe leading into season three ? 
“ again ? “ 
“ sorry, beth. “ aidan, the man behind the counter at the coffee shop she’s fallen in love with apologizes like he’s been apologizing because the pumpkin muffins were gone .. again. “ guy took the last two an hour ago, you just missed him. “ 
“ sorry beth stops feeling sorry four muffins ago, “ a pout colored her features as she ordered her vanilla latte and blueberry muffin as a consolation prize, “ i’m going to find this muffin thief one day, “ 
“ of course you are, justice will be served ! “ aidan calls after her, raising a stirrer in the air as she raises her own cup in answer as she leaves. 
“ huzzah ! “ 
“ still no pumpkin muffin huh, pumpkin ? “ buck teases her with the smile she knows means he’s holding back laughter at his own joke and she throws a napkin at his head, “ come on, that was hilarious ! “ 
“ you really need to learn what that word actually means, dork. “ beth said, refraining from letting out the laugh that would give buck vindication on his awful jokes, “ and no, the muffin thief struck again and aidan did nothing but let him have it ! “ 
“ you mean he actually let someone buy a muffin and then gave it to him ? “ buck affected a mock horrified look, “ i can’t believe he just did his job like that ! the horror ! “ 
“ you know when casey phillips said you tripped him i said he was lying and backed you up, you could at least pretend to do the same for me, best friend. “ beth said, kicking her shoes off as she took a seat next to him on the couch. 
“ that was in second grade and he was lying ! “ buck exclaimed, with all the offense someone could muster over a 12 year old argument, “ casey was a complete klutz ! “ 
“ of course he was, it’s why he was the only third grader to become equipment manager instead of playing gym with the rest of us. “ beth said, picking at the remains of her muffin before rolling up the wrapper and laying it on the table, “ what i’m saying is i was on your side so you’re supposed to be on mine and not mr. muffin thief. “ 
“ fine, i’m sorry, “ buck said, making sure he was not sorry at all as he spoke with a familiar smirk, “ do you want me to stake out the muffin shop, find the first customer who buys a pumpkin muffin and hold him upside down by his ankles until he apologizes for his crimes against humanity ? “ 
“ let’s save it in our back pocket but, i like we’re you’re going with this. “ beth said, nodding as she drummed her fingers along her leg, “ for now, i’m thinking a more verbal approach, “ 
“ you’re a crazy person, you know that ? “ buck said, the words undercut by the amusement and affection in his eyes, “ an absolute crazy person and athena’s not going to bail you out like moms did. “ 
“ but, i’m your crazy person. “ beth said with a dimpled grin as she leaned over and pressed a kiss against his cheek, “ besides i’m not going to get caught, you’re the one who always gets caught. “ 
“ you know sometimes it baffles me how people think you’re the innocent one in this relationship, “ the blonde said with a near pout, “ you’re like half the reason we get into as much trouble as we do, “ 
“ hey ! you’re the other half of that, buddy, it’s not like you’re some innocent angel yourself, mr. no one will notice if we steal one golf cart as long as we give it back. “ beth said, thumping her foot against his side. 
“ hey, we didn’t even get written up for that one ! “ 
“ because my mom was the arresting officer ! “ beth insisted with a laugh, remembering the look on her mom and her partner’s face when they had stopped the aforementioned stolen golf cart and seen her and buck at the wheel, that had been a lecture for the record books, “ and trust me she was this close to arresting us anyway. “ 
“ lies, mom loves me. “ buck said, reaching over to snag her coffee off the table and take a drink, “ everybody does, it’s the buckley charm. “ 
“ yeah, the maddie buckley charm. “ beth said, under her breath only to hear an overdramatically offended gasp in response. 
“ see, now i’m glad you never get your pumpkin muffin, “ was the petulant response she received, “ maybe the person who gets it is actually super nice to the best person in their life. “ 
“ again, i’m super nice to maddie, i brought her lunch yesterday and we went shopping for boots. “ beth said, playfully oblivious to the point buck was trying to make as she fumbled around for where they had left the remote last night, “ we had a great time. “ 
“ i’m getting a new best friend one day and you’re gonna be heartbroken, “ buck said, full on pouting now as he sank back into the couch cushions, adamantly refusing to help her find the remote even though she knew he was probably the one who lost it. 
“ is that best friend going to be an eight year old boy who thinks you’ve hung the moon ? “ she said as she got off the couch to look underneath it wondering if one of them had fallen asleep with it in their hand during a bout of insomnia induced bingeing. 
“ maybe … but at least he’s got better taste in movies than you do, “ with that he reached over and pulled the remote out of the couch cushions with a smirk, “ and now i don’t have to watch another re-run of the office. “
“ well excuse me, mr. suddenly i’m too good for the hard workers of the dunder mifflin scranton branch, “ 
“ hey, there’s my favorite customer ! “ aidan’s wide smile greets her, overly wide and she quirks a curious brow at the at the door greeting, “ how are you today, bethers ? “ 
“ wondering if i love or hate being called bethers, “ beth quipped, trying to peek past the young man to see what he was hiding from her, “ what are you hiding, aid ? “ 
“ why do you assume i’m hiding something ? “ the affronted look came and went in a second before aidan sighed and moved away to let her move towards the counter, he followed after slowly and made his way behind it, “ okay, fine i was hiding something but it wasn’t my fault ! it was jake ! “
“ liar ! “ came the affronted and maybe a little scared shout from the back where she assumed jake was doing prep. 
“ okay, fine. it was me, but i thought we had more .. apparently our truck isn’t coming until tomorrow, which means … “ he trails off, eyes darting to the bakery case and she already knows what she’s going to see or more likely what she isn’t going to see. 
“ dude, seriously ! “ beth cries, green eyes wide as she stares at the once more empty pumpkin muffin plate, “ we had a pact, you cretin ! “ 
“ nice use of the word cretin, b ! “ jake once more shouts from the back and she moves her glare from the pumpkin case to aidan who threw a empty cup, blindly at the backroom. 
“ thank you, my new favorite barista ! “ she calls back, crossing her arms over her chest which earns her aidan’s puppy eyes. thankfully, though a lifetime of being friends with the buckleys gives one an almost immunity to puppy eyes … almost. she softens just a little. 
“ come on, i’m sorry ! “ aidan cried, arms flailing about as he spoke, “ it was so crazy and i was going to keep one just for you, but then the truck was supposed to be here so i sold it thinking i could make you a fresh batch, but then i didn’t get the memo that truck was going to be late. “ 
“ oh my god, breathe, aid. “ beth said, a laugh threatening to escape her and undermine her totally justified anger, “ just give me a cinnamon roll and call it even, dork. “ 
“ no problem, on the house. “ aidan was quick to place the cinnamon roll into a small bakery box and hand it over, “ vanilla latte, extra whip ? “ 
“ at least no one can steal that from me. “ a pout colors her features as aidan goes about making her latte and she takes a seat at the small section of the counter designated for customers. 
“ did you show her ? did you show her yet ? “ is jake’s excited question as he comes rushing out of the backroom, dark hair a messy tangle and apron covered in flour. jake is nothing if not excitable and adorable as anything, he won her over in seconds with coffee puns and goofy designs in the foam of her coffee, he and aidan are definitely one of the main reasons she’s always come back to this coffee shop. 
“ show me what, cracker jake ? “ it’s become one of their rituals, the million and one nicknames she and jake can come up with for each other and his snort of laughter is almost enough to distract her from his curious question. 
“ the note ! “ aidan sighs with a fond smile as he reaches into the drawer and pulls out a brightly colored sticky note and passes it to her, “ pumpkin muffin guy left it for you ! “ 
“ you got into the chocolate covered expresso beans, didn’t you ? “ was bethany’s question as she reached for the note, “ you know you’re not supposed to after last time. “ 
“ that was an accident that totally wasn’t fueled by the beans besides, that’s not the point ! after like weeks of back and forth, muffin guy left you a note like some sort of scavenger hunt ! “ jake said, growing only more excited and if her heart wasn’t already stubbornly stuck on one dimpled firefighter named tommy jake would have had it in minutes. “ aren’t you the littlest bit excited ? “
“ fine ! maybe i’m a little bit excited if not for the chance to finally know his name and get some revenge. “ beth said with a playful grin as she unfolded the note. 
too slow, babe ! maybe next time ;) 
“ no name ? he can tease and write winky faces like a teenager, but no name ! “ beth dropped her forehead to the counter with a groan and one of the boys reached out to pat her shoulder before she looked up, “ how much do i have to pay to poison his next muffin ? “
“ you know we can’t do that. “ 
“ how much we talking ? “ jake said at the same time aidan protested and the other man reached over to smack his forehead, “ ow ! i mean i’m not allowed. “ 
“ buzzkill. “ bethany groaned once more, sticking her tongue out at them. 
“ well … are you going to say anything back ? “ jake asked, curiously as he poked at her shoulder, “ anything at all ? “ 
“ what would i say back ? thanks jerk for taking away my favorite muffin ? hey thanks for the note, maybe eat that instead next time or ooh ooh how about if you take my muffin again i’ll have my cop mom find you ? “ bethany suggested, picking aimlessly at the remains of her cinnamon roll. 
“ or how about something vaguely less threatening .. maybe a hello or try the blueberry ? “ jake offered with a grin and shrug of his shoulders. 
“ fine, i’ll write something. “ beth said, reaching across the counter to grab the sticky notes and a pen, scribbling out a quick note. 
hope you enjoy it for now, your pumpkin days are over, buddy ! 
“ that works ! “ jake approved and aidan shot her a thumbs up as he tucked it behind the counter, out of sight as she tossed the remains of her pastry and coffee into the trash, “ bye, bethany ! “ 
“ au revoir, jacob ! “ bethany replied with a playful bow as she made her way out of the store and into the early winter morning, a brightly colored post with a winking face still forefront in her mind.
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libralita · 5 years
A True Test of Skill
First of all, I don’t really know anything about The Sports so excuse me if I messed up somewhere with the accuracy of golfing or tennis. This is a one shot, I don’t exactly know where it fits in my story’s timeline…I just wanted to write a fic where Jumin takes Joyce and her family to play sports at a country club. I need some fluff after Part 3 of Broken.
“Jumin…are you nervous?” Joyce asked in the back with Jumin, he had started messing with his cufflinks for the third time.
“Why would I be nervous?” Jumin asked, still doing up his cufflinks. “It just an afternoon with your parents.”
She gently took his fidgeting hands to make him stop.
He looked down and a light blush creeped up. “Perhaps. We haven’t really talked since that night.”
“They’re going to love you…” Joyce said, and then pursed her lips. “Okay, they’ll probably tease the hell out of you but that’s how they show love.”
Jumin let out a small laugh at that. “Oh, joy.”
“Yes?” A small smirk came on her lips.
Jumin smiled at her and put his arm around her. They arrived at the country club at the same time as Oliver and Mary.
“Mom, dad, you remember Jumin?”
Jumin went over, he bowed to them out of respect, then gave Oliver a firm handshake and kissed Mary’s hand. “A pleasure to see you both under better circumstances.”
“It’s nice to see you, too, Jumin.” Mary said. “This is a beautiful place.”
“Yes, my father and I come here every so often. Joyce mentioned you both liked to golf and tennis. I thought it would be a nice day out.” Jumin said walking up, lightly putting his hand on Joyce’s back. She put her arm around him.
In their group, they split off to go to the changing room and then decided to go golfing. Jumin rented golf clubs for Joyce and her parents while having his own personal being carried out.
“Ladies first.” Jumin said, offering it to Joyce and Mary. Joyce went up first. She felt a little awkward as the staff set her up. She was about to swing when there was a honk.
Jumin looked over and let out an audible sigh as he saw a golf cart driven by his father and Glam. Staff hurried behind them with their clubs.
“Don’t start without us!” Glam called.
“Is this your father and…?” Mary wasn’t sure what exactly to the young woman.
“My father’s current girlfriend.”
Oliver leaned over to Mary and said, “you could be her mother.”
“Shut up.” Mary said, teasingly.
The couple got out, “Father, what are you doing here?”
“We heard that you were going to the country club with your…friend and her parents.” Glam said, “so we decided to join you.”
“Very well.” Jumin said.
“It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Joyce said politely, offering a hand to shake.
Chairman Han took her hand and shook it. “Likewise.” There was a slight uncomfortableness so Joyce decided to tee off.
She was a fairly average player but her ball landed a good distance. “Excellent job.” Jumin said, smiling at her. The staff gave a polite golf clap.
It was between Glam and Mary of who would go next. “Age before beauty?” Mary asked.
“Very well.” Glam said, allowing her to go.
Mary looked at her daughter and whispered, “watch and learn.” Joyce snorted and clapped for her mom when she went up.
Mary took a few moments to get ready, lining up perfectly, and swung.
She completely missed. Even taking a few blades of grass up with her stroke. Glam let out a small laugh at that. Joyce frowned. Mom is better than that.
“Oh, darn.”
“Here, honey, let me help you.” Oliver offered, giving her a playful smirk.
Joyce blushed and had to look away. God, her parents were going to embarrass her. She noticed the staff looked completely terrified at what to do at this massive failure. She gave them an awkward smile.
Oliver put his arms around Mary. Holding her very close. Oliver was muttering soft things in her ear and Mary moved her lips back and forth.
“I’m going to go die.” Joyce muttered blushing like mad.
“Why?” Jumin asked, frowning. “Your father is helping your mother.”
Mercifully, Mary swung and hit the ball with the “help” of Oliver. She probably could have done it better on her own but Mary still turned around and kissed Oliver with a thank you.
Glam went up next and Chairman Han looked excited for her. She swung and hit the green. He looked slightly disappointed. “You hit the green, congratulations.”
Glam put her nose up in the air. “I’ve been doing this for years.”
The men went, they didn’t really come close to Glam’s strike. Especially Oliver because Mary kept on distracting him by saying “Don’t mess up, honey.” He kept on letting out laughs and ended up messing up.
“I’d do better when I have my arms around you.” Oliver said.
Glam rolled her eyes and went back to the cart with Chairman Han. Mary and Oliver started walking.
“There are golf carts available.” Jumin said to them.
“It’s a beautiful day, why don’t we walk?” Mary suggested. “It’s not a big course either.”
Jumin looked to Joyce who shrugged. “Why not?”
“These shoes are too expensive to walk in.” Glam said and looked to Chairman Han. “Go, honey.”
“Ah…you’re right.” The president said, having one foot out of the cart and then put it back in. “We’ll meet you there.” Then drove off.
The four of them chatted, Mary and Oliver brought some of the staff members into the conversation. Jumin wouldn’t think about doing that but they were actually very interesting fellows. Most of them were there for a summer job while in school doing various things.
Jumin also learned a lot about Mary and Oliver. Oliver worked in finances and was getting ready to retire. He was born in Canada (and was merciless mocked for how he pronounced “about” by Mary) and she was born in France. He was having a good time just walking and chatting.
Glam looked annoyed at having to wait for them, which amused Jumin slightly.
They went on to this for a while. The ladies would go first. Mary and Oliver would flirt or chat. Glam was clear winner but they had one last hole.
“I hope your dancing is better than your golfing, dear” Glam said in a back handed comment to Joyce as she swung. Joyce ignored the comment and went over to Jumin.
Jumin was about to say something when he noticed Mary. She and Oliver had mostly been leisurely chatting with the staff and being playful with each other. They were in a conversation when Mary slowly looked over when she heard the comment. She kept the same pleasant expression but stared at Glam for a few heartbeats.
“I believe it is my turn.” Mary said, grabbing her club and not taking her eyes off Glam. Oliver, smirked and leaned on his club.
“Are…you going to help her?” Jumin asked, feeling unsure about what was happening.
“Nope.” Oliver said.
Mary tested the wind, lined up and swung.
“First hole-in-one of the day!” One of the staff said.
Glam’s mouth fell open and the Chairman’s eyebrows rose. “A true test of skill is not being good but being good and be able to pretend to be bad.” Mary said smiling at Glam.
The other woman huffed and went to swing. She came close but didn’t get the hole-in-one. Glam was still the clear winner at the end of the day but she didn’t look nearly as happy.
As the group headed back to the country club, Mary went up to Glam and Chairman. “It’s still a nice day.” Mary said to Glam. “You said you were good at tennis. How about a game?”
Glam looked at Mary and smiled back. “It would be my pleasure.”
“Where’d you get the hotdog?” Joyce asked as her father came over with two hotdogs. She was now sitting on the bleachers, as her mother warmed up for her game against Glam.
“The snack bar.”
“I checked that, and all they had was like caviar.” She said taking hers.
“I asked for normal people food. They apparently have a menus for the staff.” Oliver said, taking a bite into his. Jumin and his father came over.
“What is that?” Jumin asked, confused.
“Hot dog.” Joyce said, “No, it’s not real dog.”
Jumin snorted as he sat next to her. Chairman Han looked to Oliver, “How about we join Mary and Glam?”
Oliver shook his head. “No thanks.”
“I’m not crazy.” Joyce said simply.
Jumin frowned. “Joyce, I don’t know if your mother knows this, but Glam is actually a very skilled tennis player.”
“Don’t underestimate my wife.” Oliver said as Chairman Han went to talk to Glam before the game started.
Mary came over to take a sip of her water. “A kiss for luck.” Oliver said, leaning over. “Kick her ass, okay?”
Jumin blushed at the language used and cleared his throat. “Good luck, Mary.”
“You can do it, mom!”
Mary smiled and gave them a thumbs up and then went over. “You serve, Mary.” Glam said, tossing her the ball. “Age before beauty.”
There were a few light chuckles from some of the passersby at the comment. “Go easy on this frail, old woman.” Mary said, catching the ball. She bounced it a few times and then served it. It sailed past Glam and the woman looked behind her wide eyed.
“Wow!” Chairman Han said, sitting next to Jumin.
Glam blushed and held out her hand to be handed back the ball by one of the staff members. The game was official on.
Mary and Glam’s game had drawn in the quite the crowd. Both women were going at it hard with everything they had. Joyce was filming it on her phone when she noticed Jumin and his father sitting on the edge of their seats, looking intently at the game. It was cute how invested they were in this.
They were going back and forth.
Mary stopped short of the ball. It was clear that she was going to make it but she just stopped and let it miss. She stood up and the court was completely silent. “Good game.” She breathed, her face flushed and she was sweating.
Glam blinked, her body still tense. “I…”
Mary went up to the other woman and held out her hand. “Congratulations.” Glam, in disbelief went up and numbly shook her hand.
Chairman Han stood up and clapped for Glam. There were other polite claps.
Jumin blinked and sat back. “She…she gave up?”
Joyce on the other hand stood up and went to her mom. She wrapped her up in a big hug. “You were amazing!”
Oliver followed giving her a large bottle of water and Jumin came over. “Thank you.” She said, taking a long drink.
“I don’t understand why you would give up like that.” Jumin said frowning.
Mary smiled, “Youth won out. I’m too old. My knee is killing me and I have dance classes to teach on Monday.” She said shrugging and taking another long drink. “Plus, I think I won in the end.” She nodded over to the other side of court where Chairman Han was trying to congratulate Glam. She looked furious and stopped off.
Jumin looked over back at Mary. “No one ever insults my daughter.”
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al-damnvers-spam · 6 years
Onto the lighter side of prompts... Idea two. Maybe there’s a day off where Sam and Alex have a friendly competition of mini golf or go-carting. Or maybe there’s a snow day from school and Sam and Ruby prepare to ambush Alex when she gets home with snowballs.
“Mom, I have the best idea ever.” Ruby grinned as Sam was making lunch for the two of them.
“And what would that be?”
“Alex doesn’t get home till after dinner, right?”
“And she’s been super stressed lately and definitely needs cheering up, right?”
“Oh, definitely. Where exactly are you going with this?”
“It’s been snowing all day… And it’s perfect for building a snowman! Or a snowball fight! And we can have hot chocolate and a movie night after!”
It was barely a few seconds before Sam nodded with a grin.
“Yes, we can. I vote we ambush her with snowballs right as she walks up to the building.”
“Yes! Can I go out now and get started?”
“She doesn’t get home for another five hours, Ruby.”
“I know, but I gotta scope out the area and make snowballs and everything. We need perfect hiding spots.” Ruby pointed out. Sam just shook her head and smiled.
“Alright, kiddo. But come in every hour or so to warm up, and to eat lunch.”
“I will, Mom!” And, with that, Ruby hurried to put on her coat and boots and other snow gear.
After lunch, Sam began working on paperwork for L-Corp. Of course, with all the snow, she really had no reason to do it right away. Most of National City was closed down due to weather, except for government buildings, the hospital, and police. All afternoon, she could hear Ruby’s laughter and her excited shouts, and eventually she couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed her coat and went outside to help.
“Alright, Rubes, what’ve you got so far?” She grinned.
“Yay, you finally came outside!” Ruby grinned and ran around to show her everything. “Okay! We’ve got a stash of snowballs here, and I’m working on a snow fort right by the bush, so we can hide!”
“Perfect! Well, I think if we finish the snow fort, we’ll be done just as she gets here.” Sam grinned, and the two of them hurried to finish.
Just as Sam predicted, they finished just as Alex was coming up the walkway.
“Snowball fight!!!” Ruby shouted, to give her just a little bit of warning, before throwing a snowball and hitting her in the shoulder. Alex’s eyes widened as Sam’s snowball hit her leg.
“Is that the best you can do?” Alex shouted with a teasing grin as she ducked down and gathered snow for a snowball of her own. Sam squeaked as she jumped behind the bush for safety, the snowball just missing her. The three of them threw the snowballs back and forth until they were laughing so hard they could barely breathe. In one last effort to defend herself, Alex wrapped them both in a hug that ended in the three of them lying on the ground, covered in snow.
“Alex!” Ruby laughed. “You got snow down my boots!”
“That’s what you get for not wearing snow pants, silly!”
“Now I gotta go in and warm up. Ooh, Mom can I make hot chocolate for everyone?”
“Sure, Ruby, go ahead.” Sam smiled, still lying beside her girlfriend. Once Ruby was inside, Alex turned to look at Sam.
“Thank you, for that. I really needed cheering up today and you guys really outdid yourselves.” She smiled, kissing Sam’s cold cheek.
“The whole thing was Ruby’s idea. She loves you so much, Al.”
“I love her, too. And you.” Alex smiled and stood up, hurrying into the building. Sam followed her and, when she got to the doorway, found Alex in the kitchen hugging Ruby as tight as she could.
“Alex, you tell me all the time that you love me, I already know.” Ruby giggled.
“I don’t say it enough. But I definitely had to after that you did for me today.”
“You’re pretty much my second mom at this point, I want to do whatever I can to help you.”
“Well, you do a great job, kiddo.” Alex smiled and hugged her again. There was a long pause before Sam, still in the doorway, broke the silence.
“Well, aren’t you two adorable?” She smiled. A teary-eyed laugh escaped Alex as she reached over and pulled her into the hug as well. They were a family, after all.
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