#Empire expansion
devilart2199-aibi · 5 months
I suppose I should finish one of these now hm? :3c 🌱🫘
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saym0-0 · 3 months
hm i think after the rapture joel only tried to use his soul magic (not magic, according to him) once, in esmp s2, where he used the last of his clay he took from mezeleas stores during the rapture to create 'god joel', and never again because he was so worried that it wouldn't work (not that he told anyone that). until he joined hermitcraft and began sculpting again at last. thats his armour stand dabbling hehe. maybe soon he'll start experimenting on transferring his soul to his new sculptures. they're not mezelean clay clones but maybe they'll work :33
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screwpinecaprice · 1 year
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Another random pencil sketchdump while I wait for my laptop to charge.
Oval-shaped faces are personally tricky to do digitally compared on paper. And guess who has an oval-shaped face??
On the third pic's bottom left, I tested giving Connie a little heart-shape to see how it looks because heart-shapes are relatively the easiest to me digitally; maybe I can cheat a bit there, you know? (And it works great for others.) And to be honest.. I'm really not sure about it. :/ I definitely like the one on the right more. But how the heck is it so hard to do on the tabbbbb?
Oh! Also skitched @pogostikk's short-haired Connie and clown boi Steven. I love them. 🥺💕
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Wars: Armada - Victory Class Star Destroyer Expansion - Corrupter by Christoph Peters
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txttletale · 9 months
victoria 3's economic and internal political gameplay is so good but its diplomacy is inexplicably the worst a paradox game has ever been. just widlly ill-conceived and full of problems they already solved in other games
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taudad · 1 year
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i-looove-dillydallying · 10 months
Why do my daily chores when I can daydream about my ELABORATE swtor legacy tree backstory and the way it affects their character arcs and the dynamics between them?
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autumnalhalcyon · 1 year
so as far as im concerned nothing past kotet exists to me
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pumpkinbreadbaker · 7 months
having a stable realm in Crusader Kings almost sucks, like if I had a real internal threat to deal with I wouldn't be half as tempted to just go and try and turn more of the map my color
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antianakin · 1 year
So in the Caretaker Luke AU, I think someone in the New Republic is probably connected to Cal or Cal's refuge on Tanalorr and is able to get a message to the Jedi to call them in for Anakin's trial because if anyone deserves to speak or have final say on what happens to him, it's the Jedi. Especially the ones left who survived Order 66. They also need help with guards for Anakin because there's a worry that someone might try to kill him while they're holding him during the trial.
So Cal shows up with Kata and Reva, who Cal found a few years after she left the Inquisitorius.
Leia of course is fairly skeptical of Reva's sudden appearance. Last she'd seen Reva, Reva had been a seemingly loyal Inquisitor for Darth Vader. Reva doesn't mind telling Leia her true story, though, and Leia chooses to bury that particular hatchet.
Cal is the one chosen to speak for the Jedi at the trial, while Reva and Kata guard Anakin. Anakin recognizes Reva, of course, and asks her why she's here, why she's bothering to protect him when he knows she'd rather see him dead. Reva tells him that she had wanted to look him in the eyes one last time and see if she can see a person looking back, instead of a monster. The Jedi are supposed to care about everyone, and she's been trying to get back to that, trying to be the kind of person who would make a good Jedi, but caring about everyone is exhausting. She keeps looking for a way to care about him, tried to tell herself he had a hard childhood but then so did a lot of people, tried to tell herself that he was clearly damaged but then so is everyone in some way. And she knows, better than most, that he's not possessed or controlled by Palpatine in any way. So protecting him now, it's not mercy. She wanted to let the New Republic kill him, and Anakin says she should just let them do it or kill him herself, but Reva tells him that he doesn't get the easy way out. If she has to live with what he's done for the rest of her life, he does, too.
At the trial, when they ask what the Jedi would ask to be done with Anakin, Cal argues for no execution. He tells them that while he was young when the Republic fell and was replaced with the Empire, he knew that the Republic was supposed to stand for justice for all. The Republic wasn't what it was meant to be by the end and it allowed itself to become something that stood only for selfishness and greed because it was run by people who were controlled by fear. He says that this New Republic should not fall to the same mistakes, that if it wants any chance to succeed where the Republic and the Empire failed, it needs to start on a new path, one of compassion and mercy. Executing Anakin, while deserved, only means more bloodshed. This New Republic needs to be better than that. If there are alternate solutions, they should find them rather than taking the easier solution simply because it's there.
Luke offers to be Anakin's guardian, to watch over him until Anakin's death, promises he will keep Anakin from continuing to rain down vengeance and violence upon the galaxy. The New Republic agrees to this solution.
Luke goes to thank Cal for his support after the trial, for speaking up for Anakin. Cal tells him that he didn't do it for Anakin, he did it for the New Republic, to try to ensure that the galaxy they all have to live in for the rest of their lives becomes a kinder place than it has been for a long time. Luke understands and accepts this.
Luke tells Cal how excited he was to hear that there were more Jedi, that there might be a whole planet of surviving Jedi he could meet and if it would be possible for him to go there. Cal tells him that while the Jedi survivors would be happy to meet him, they're also still refugees of the Empire, in hiding as they recover. It was Anakin who destroyed them last time and then hunted them down for 20 years and they've been lucky enough to keep this particular location a secret from him and the Empire for as long as they have; Cal refuses to put what remains of his people at risk (he hadn't been particularly happy about Reva and Kata insisting on accompanying him to this trial, but they'd both insisted and he respected that it was their choice to make). There's also just plenty of people on that planet who never want to see Anakin again and he won't force that trauma onto them if he doesn't have to. And Luke can no longer go anywhere without Anakin. Cal tells Luke that they can't even give him the name and location of the planet in case Anakin plucks it out of Luke's mind. They've only survived this long by being VERY careful about keeping it as secret as possible.
Cal is obviously very sympathetic and apologetic throughout the entire explanation, but it doesn't remove the sting of the rejection and they both know it. Luke just agreed to reap the consequences of Anakin's actions, and this was the first time he truly understood what that sacrifice was going to mean for him.
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ladyfatiquette · 15 days
I really don’t give a flying fuck about those 2 candidates fuck both dems and republicans. Both are liars. Both endorse war and weapons sale. Both stated how proud they are to ruin the climate whether denying climate change or more oil production and furthering fracking. 2 agents of Wall Street will never have claim to my freedom. Fuck them both. I personally draw the line at genocide everyone else who thinks that 2 people receiving money from lobbyists of a rogue state have in anyway, shape or form the tenacity to run this country to anywhere except the ground is dead wrong. I’m voting for Dr.jill.
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thesixthchaosgod · 1 year
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It's work in progress Wednesday my dudes!
Bringing an update on O'Shaserra! She's pretty much done besides a few details I wanna add then some battle damage and a few touch ups like usual.
Hope your Sept'ember's are going well too <3
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doolallymagpie · 3 months
I really need to figure out how to translate “hitch your tits and pucker up” into T’au…
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alphamecha-mkii · 1 year
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Star Wars: Armada - Victory Class Star Destroyer Expansion - Warlord by Christoph Peters
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inebranlabl · 5 months
On a comedic note, @fcalty once said Archex would crash Hux's wedding by literally crashing a Starhawk into it. I just want to state, Finn will help for free.
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torntruth · 1 month
Five times + hands - for evie
— five times , accepting , @ofspvrta .
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i. IT ALL TRULY STARTED WITH HANDS , didn't it? down in that supposedly abandoned apartment building with a few secrets. down where evie was searching for an artifact just as kassandra and the templars were. it wasn't even about them , it was about whatever clue or object could lead them to the artifact that was down in that musty basement. THAT IS WHERE THE STORY BEGINS , when the templars rush out of desperation and kassandra reacts accordingly.
&, then evie is pulling kassandra out of the rubble , gloved hand almost a little desperately finding kassandra's hand. as if they have always been old friend who care so much.
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ii. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFUL? that was evie's thought and it kind of surprised her , considering all she's doing is walking out from the bedroom of the apartment. comfortable enough that she's just in her undershirt and pants. the only other times she does this is when she's in the fighting rings. she pauses in the doorway , just looks at kassandra before making her way over to the woman she was both staring at and thinking fondly of.
her bare hand just rests along the opposite side of kassandra's jawline , pulling kassandra's head into her chest while her lips press a kiss against the top of kassandra's head. every single makeout session prior to this doesn't seem to hold up to the passion that single kiss and head hold can ever have.
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iii. SERENITY ISN'T TRULY DEFINED UNTIL IT'S MOMENTS LIKE THESE , where evie is the big spoon , and her breathing is so calm and relaxed it may seem like she's sleeping. she's not , she's just basking in kassandra's presence , her head tucked along the back of kassandra's neck. in fact , she was so relaxed that the fact kassandra's hair was tickling her nose slightly wasn't even quite bothering her. NOT ENOUGH TO MOVE , ANYWAY. no duties. no tasks. just a bit of peace.
evie's hand is in both of kassandra's. there was no glove. kassandra's fingertips tickling her palm slightly. IT WAS THE GOOD KIND OF TICKLE , she's certainly smiling.
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iv. OH. EVIE COULD CRY. she thinks about silly little things about finally understanding why her father became so bitter after his wife's death ( their mother ). there is no denying at this point ( and for awhile ) that she is so in love that if she ever lost kassandra , SHE WOULD FEEL A LITTLE EMPTY. so emotional that it has to be displaced and it wants to be displaced into happy little tears , as it would turn out.
evie's bare hand is in kassandra's as the taller woman slides the ring onto the appropriate finger and evie's lip actually trembles.
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v. KASSANDRA WOULDN'T BE DOING THIS IF SHE DOESN'T KNOW. she could read when evie was uncomfortable with something miles away. without even looking. only one of them knows , though , how the ring made her hand look like a warzone. that it's obvious it's no longer just a ring , but a source of corruption. SOMETHING THAT MELDED WITH HER , and so very obvious at this point why she hasn't taken that glove off in front of anyone else in so long. but if that ring was going to be a source of chaos between them , it would have been awhile ago. IT WON'T HARM THEM , that much has been reassured. evie's bare back is just pressed into kassandra's bare front. her breathing as even and relaxed as it always is when kassandra is cuddled with her. kassandra is just lifting her wrist and sliding the glove off with so much care.
evie doesn't move a muscle. her breathing doesn't change. even as kassandra's rougher hands slide along the one that looks so bruised and broken. IT ISN'T. it's just the ring.
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