duvalpete · 11 months
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Midtown. October 2023.
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artdecodude · 7 months
Inside the lobby of the #empirestatebuilding . About 18” across. #ArtDeco #ArtModerne #NewYork #NewYorkCity #Manhattan 📸:me/2023
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greysmycolor · 11 months
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Madison Square Park, NYC
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this-i-designed · 2 years
Empire state building in Oil Painting 🖼 glory.
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Empire of the sun
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richardmurrayhumblr · 8 months
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The 4th edition of the 2024 Richard Murray Newsletter
Thirty-sixth of the Cento poetry series
If You Made It This Far : AI films, Empire State building photos through time, Robert Forte alps photos, TheWiz multiverse
URL https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/09/01/28/2024-rmnewsletter.html
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flying-postcards · 9 months
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Received from U.S.A. on 21st of December 2023
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simsoversleep · 10 months
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New York, New York Ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple? Explore the vibrant streets of New York, New York.
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nkcm-output · 10 months
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New York City. Immerse yourself in the kaleidoscope of cultures, flavors, and experiences that define the essence of New York City. Embrace its pulsating rhythm and let it inspire your every step.
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tomnlinson · 10 months
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new york. Stunning sights and endless adventures await in the concrete jungle of New York.
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cruxlintxntions · 11 months
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Long Time Coming.
[Sunday 8am - Manhattan, New York]  
Dark hues stared down at the cell phone in her trembling hands. She’d had to borrow Logan’s, as her own lay smashed on the kitchen counter back at her apartment. There were very few numbers that Novalee could ramble off without much of a thought, having committed them to memory simply because of who they belonged to. She took a deep breath, punching in the number of her best friend and the one person she needed most at this time; Allie. Her number popped up as a contact in his phone, and she felt another pang in her heart. Nova wondered if the girl would answer, knowing full well Logan and Allie, despite how much they meant to her, were on the bit of the strained side of things. Nova hadn’t made things easy for either of them. She’d sabotaged her own happiness in so many ways, and her realization at the severity of things may have come too late. Upon hitting call, Nova moved the phone up to her ear waiting as the ringing droned on and on. There was a faint click, and the sarcastic tone that flowed from the other end had her biting back tears. “What do you want, best friend stealer?” A little sniffle escaped Nova as she brought herself to finally speak. “Allie.” She could tell the moment Alessandra’s surprise registered, only to be replaced with concern. “Nova? Nova, are you crying?” Her tone took on an incredulous note as she posed the question. Allie hadn’t known her best friend to shed a tear since the night Andre died, at least, not to her knowledge. “Allie, I need you to do something for me.” The minute those words left her mouth, Novalee could hear keys rattling on the other end, knowing full well that Alessandra was getting her things together. When it came to things between the two of them, they pretty much stopped anything and everything, showing just how close the two actually were.  
[About an hour later]
Novalee sat on the bed, back pressed against the headboard with knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around them as she hugged herself. Having been like that for so long it seemed, there was a bit of tingling in parts of her body from the numbness setting in. Logan had stepped out earlier when she made the call, but he had yet to reappear. Would she see him again before she left? The soft buzzing coming from the phone at her side drew Nova's attention. Allie’s message flashed across the screen just as she looked over, letting Nova know she needed to get up. [txt] Here. Heading up. She stretched, every part of her sore as she got to her feet. Aching. Bits and pieces of the horrible binger she’d went on last night had slowly been coming back to her. Only vaguely did she recall how she got the gash on the upper part her right arm. The combination of drugs and alcohol mixed that night had really done a number on her. Didn’t help that she had been trying to drown everything out. All of it. She hadn’t wanted to feel. To think. But it had been all she could do as she beat herself up, over and over. Self-sabotage at its best. As Nova finally managed to get herself back out of bed and moving towards the door of the hotel room, she caught wind of Allie laying into Logan just on the other side. “I swear, if she has so much as a single mark on her, Logan---” There was promise in that statement that trailed off just as Nova managed to open the door. Retaliation. Retribution. All things Alessandra would have no problem eliciting help in from her connections that ran just as deep as Novalee's. The two of them turned towards the door in unison as she opened it. Nova's gaze went to Logan first. He had the very appearance of being dejected, and rightfully so. She’d done nothing but put this man through hell, despite knowing the sort of things he’d already been through. He had reached his breaking point with her, and Nova was just one tiny little pin drop on that fractured surface from losing him completely. Her heart ached as she tore her gaze from him, shifting over to Allie. The blonde was angry. Upset. Ready to hurt someone. If Nova didn’t hurry, it would be Logan caught in the crossfire, when he had done nothing but love Nova. Loved her so much, she was killing him in return. Allie’s eyes widened. Logan had helped clean her up as best he could last night, but the wear and tear on her body had left her looking rough. “Christ, Nova!” She could only lift a hand to stop Allie from taking that further, catching sight of the murderous look brewing in her best friend’s eyes. It took her a few moments to actually get the words out, having been choked up by the emotions that just kept eating at her. “Allie, please.” Nova pleaded, motioning for her to come inside, pushing the door open further to allow her room past. The look Alessandra shot Logan was filled with outrage and accusations before she headed into the room. Nova turned her attention back to Logan. Would he believe her if she said she was sorry? He’d been hearing that from her quite a bit. Would it just fall on deaf ears, despite how much she meant it? She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to find the words, but Logan spoke first. “It’s whatever, Nova. I’ll give you both a few minutes.” He leaned back against the wall in the hallway, arms crossing over his chest, ending their interaction. She could tell he was hurting. Whether he intended for her to see on purpose to make her understand just how much she’d pushed him or not, it hit her hard. She forced back her own sadness, heading back into the room to explain things and put on some clothes that weren’t his.  
[Monday 5am - Florence, Italy]
Allie gently shook Nova awake. She had been so exhausted from everything that was going on, that she’d barely had the strength to fight the sleep that had taken hold of her less than an hour into the flight. Alessandra would have no idea how grateful she was for everything she had made happen on such short notice. Getting her family to let them use their private jet without having to reveal very much information was a skill that Allie had mastered quite well. The ease with which she could lie; it rivaled Novalee's own. The only difference at the moment was that Nova was so emotional, she couldn’t keep things in check. The call Novalee made to Genesis as she and Allie were on their way back to her apartment? She knew she was in for it the minute she got back to New York. Out of love, Gen agreed to come collect Dior a little later to keep watch while she was out of town. There were questions in the silence that finally led to her agreement. Questions her twin knew were best left for another time. Anyone who said that sixth sense twins seemed to share was joke, just clearly didn’t understand. Both Allie and Nova were packed and to the private airport of Teterboro, NJ by noon time. The eleven-hour flight put them into Florence early Monday morning, and as Nova could already tell from looking out the small window as she got up from her seat, it was going to be that much more of a gloomier visit. As promised, Giorgio Esposito had a car waiting for them upon their arrival. The only person Allie hadn’t attempted to lie to was her nonno. He had his way of finding things out, so it had never made sense when he’d caught them many times at a younger age. Nova had met him on several occasions, making him more like family than anything; and not just as Allie’s best friend. For a time, she was Andre’s girlfriend. Love of his life. As he had been hers. It was because of Andre that Nova found herself back in Italy, heading for Siena. The drive out was one in silence. Nova had done her best to try to explain things to Allie prior to boarding the jet. Her best friend had calmed down a bit, sympathy for Nova pouring in. Just a tinge of remorse swirling about for how she had jumped at Logan. Novalee's assurance that he had every right to feel the way he did added to that. The silence they rode in only allowed for the memories to creep in.  
|| Several years ago; Novalee at 18, Andre at 22 ||
Andre chuckled. It was deep. Throaty. Novalee's brows furrowed as she shot him a look. He found amusement in her nervousness. “Babe,” The teasing tone of his voice as he reached for her hand had her eyes rolling. “You do know this isn’t the first time you’ve met the man. You’ve been to the estate thousands of times it feels like.” She shook her head, huffing as he drew his attention back to the road while driving. “Yes, I knoooow.” There was a little pouting going on there, pulling at his heart despite how silly he knew she was being. “But this is the first time I’ve been back here as your girlfriend.” The emphasis on her words had not gone unnoticed by him, only furthering his grin. He’d liked the sound of that. His girlfriend. And she knew it. “He adores you. Always has. If anything,” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “He’ll adore you more. You were already practically family before this.” Nova placed her other hand over top their entwined fingers. His hand was a comfort. He was a comfort. She didn’t know how it had happened, and really, she didn’t care. She just knew that he had her heart, and maybe he always had. Their families were so deeply entangled. His cousin was her best friend. Their parents were all extremely close. Somewhere in the last year, lines began to blur between Nova and Andre. “Everything’s going to be fine. Don’t worry about it.” He tossed her that sly little grin that both irritated her and excited her. “Besides, Allie is already there. She’s made plans to steal you away while I handle some family business.” It was Nova's turn to laugh. Alessandra had intended to ask Novalee to tag along for a little vacation, but Andre had beat her to it. Not wanting to feel like a third wheel on that plane ride, Allie opted to head over a few days earlier with their nonno, who had been stateside for a visit. She knew all too well there would be plans of shopping and catching up with a few friends in the area. Nova was excited for it, but most of all, she was excited to have been there with him.  
|| --- ||
The memory flowed freely as Novalee sat silently during the car ride. This wasn’t a happy, nervous little trek to Siena. Not like it had been back then. There had been laughter. Amusement. Endless love. This time, everything was broken. She wasn’t here to enjoy herself with Andre and Allie, the two people who mattered quite a deal to her. With Allie by her side, squeezing her hand in reassurance, Nova sucked in a breath as the Esposito estate came into view. She wasn’t here to make happy memories. She was here to let them go. To let him go. The girls had been surprised to see Giorgio outside, waiting for them. He knew why they were there. Had been no chance of hiding it from him. When his granddaughter had called out of the blue, the man’s gut told him something was off. When Alessandra managed to bring herself to mention Novalee's name and the sadness surrounding it, it was like everything fell into place. He had been wondering when she would finally get to this point. It was obvious he had years on the two of them, not just in age, but in experience. Insight. He had known she was suffering, despite it having been four years since the passing of his grandson. He’d seen it each time Alessandra had pulled her there. The way she avoided certain parts of the estate like the plague. She’d not shed a single tear during the funeral. He knew of the darkness in her heart without her ever saying. After a heartfelt welcome to his granddaughter and that big ole bear hug he reserved just for her, Giorgio turned his attention to Nova, who had been standing off to the side, looking worse for wear after the two had exited the vehicle. It was instinctive. And for Novalee, it was very much needed. He opened his arms to her, and the tears just streamed down her face as they stepped forward together. He wrapped her in a hug that said he knew. He understood. And he would be there. Always. Andre may not have been around anymore, but she would always be family. Always had been. Always will be. She was like another granddaughter with how close she was to his own. The Whitlock family was close with the Mariano-Esposito's, far longer than either of the girls had been alive. Giorgio knew just how much she had loved Andre. He had been glad his grandson had the chance to experience something like that before he was ripped from this world. And at the same time, he understood just what kind of hell that love could do to someone who was left behind. Allie came up to them, wrapping her arms around the two as they stood there in the middle of the roundabout. The only sound to fill the early morning skies was that of Nova's sobbing. Walls shattered around her heart. The muscle constricted inside her chest, tightening. Almost suffocatingly so. Sorrow consumed her as everything she had held back for so many years came rushing forth. She had never allowed herself to show how truly broken she was when Andre died. She’d never allowed herself to heal. And in all of this, she felt like she was about to lose someone else so very important to her. She had been too late in her grief. So trapped in her anger. A hostage of her own making. Nova was her own worst enemy in all these years, and she may have been too far gone to realize it in time for her to fix everything.
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duvalpete · 10 months
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Midtown. November 2023.
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artdecodude · 4 days
Up close & personal with the Empire State Building 🦅. #ArtDeco #NewYorkCity #EmpireStateBuilding #eagle 📸:me/2023
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eileenqin · 10 years
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New York is at my feet🌃
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effyxlabujo · 11 months
New York City.
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A symphony of sights and sounds awaits in the glorious tapestry that is New York City. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, let its beauty captivate your soul.
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castinovak · 1 year
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New York, New York Fall in love with the city that never sleeps - New York, New York.
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