#Employment Attorney Wrongful Termination
brandonbankslaw · 6 months
Unveiling the role of a wrongful termination attorney: Safeguarding employee rights in the workplace
Are you a victim of wrongful termination? If you have been unfairly dismissed from your job, it is crucial to know your rights and seek legal counsel. A wrongful termination attorney specializes in providing legal assistance to individuals facing unjust employment termination. In this article, we will explore the role of a wrongful termination attorney and how they can help you fight for justice.
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired in violation of labor laws or against public policy. Some common reasons for wrongful termination include discrimination, retaliation, breach of contract, or unlawful termination based on protected traits such as race, religion, gender, or disability. If you believe that you have been wrongfully terminated, it is essential to consult with an experienced wrongful termination attorney who can guide you through the legal process.
One of the primary tasks of a wrongful termination attorney is to evaluate the circumstances surrounding your termination and determine if your case holds merit. They will review your employment contracts, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess whether your termination violated any applicable laws. By thoroughly examining the details of your case, an attorney can build a strong argument on your behalf.
Once your attorney establishes that you have a valid claim, they will assist you in filing a lawsuit against your former employer. They will ensure that your complaint is accurately prepared, including all relevant details and supporting evidence. In addition, they will assist you in complying with any time limitations and procedural requirements necessary for filing your claim, as these can vary depending on your jurisdiction.
During the litigation process, your wrongful termination attorney will act as your advocate and represent your best interests. They will negotiate with the opposing party on your behalf, aiming to reach a fair settlement. In some cases, mediation or arbitration may provide a less adversarial approach to resolving the dispute. However, if a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will be prepared to present your case in court.
An experienced wrongful termination attorney will possess knowledge of employment laws, regulations, and precedents relevant to your case. They will use this expertise to develop robust legal strategies and leverage their understanding of the legal system to fight for your rights. They will work diligently to gather relevant evidence, interview witnesses, and engage expert testimony if necessary, all in an effort to build a solid case in your favor.
Furthermore, hiring a San Francisco or  Oakland wrongful termination attorney provides you with emotional support during a challenging period. Losing a job unjustly can be distressing, affecting your financial stability, emotional well-being, and professional reputation. Your attorney not only understands the legal complexities of your case but also empathizes with the impact it has on your life. They will provide guidance and reassurance throughout the legal process, ensuring that you fully understand your options and helping you navigate the road to justice.
In conclusion, being wrongfully terminated can have devastating consequences for your livelihood and future employment prospects. Seeking the guidance of a San Francisco wrongful termination attorney is an essential step to secure justice and seek rightful compensation for any losses incurred. These legal professionals will vigorously advocate for you, fighting to safeguard your rights and holding employers accountable for their unlawful actions. Remember, you do not have to face this challenging situation alone – contact a wrongful termination attorney today to protect your rights and seek the justice you deserve.
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mesrianilawgroup · 11 months
Employment Law Thought Exercise | 9-1-1 on Fox and the Season 3 Lawsuit Arc
There has been a lot of discussion and debate among fans of the hit tv show regarding this particular plotline. Today, we’re going to talk about Disability Discrimination laws and Reasonable Accommodations and how they are explored on the show.
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*This is not meant to be any kind of legal advice or even as serious as our articles. It’s just for fun! Not only does fiction not always line up properly with reality, but also our firm does not handle government employees. This is just going off of standard federal and California employment law. Anyone with more information on city employees or specifically the real LAFD, feel free to join in!*
Buck was injured on the job
He went on leave, and when he was cleared by his doctors to go back, he had a right to be reinstated to his previous position or one equal to it.
Due to the nature of his job, his employer required him to undergo recertification. It appeared to be the same standard type of qualification test that all trainees undergo to ensure they are qualified for the job. He passed, and he was reinstated.
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So far, so good
Then, before returning to work, he experienced a pulmonary embolism and was put on blood thinners indefinitely. He was deemed unable to return to his previous position and was offered the choice to go back on leave or take a temporary light duty position. At the time, he tried to quit. He is very lucky for many reasons that Bobby did not take that seriously.
Light duty is considered a reasonable accommodation. In fact, the fire marshal position would likely have paid better than a firefighter position. But Buck wanted to be a firefighter again, and so he argued that there must be some kind of reasonable accommodation to put him back in the field.
Which brings us to the phrase “Undue Hardship”
While on blood thinners, less severe injuries could be life threatening. When this is explained to him, Buck argues that if that happened, there would be multiple paramedics around him. The thing that he is not taking into account there is that those paramedics are there to attend to the civilians that they are rescuing in the first place.
We see this later in Season 6 when Buck is gravely injured, and Bobby has to call in another house to come take care of the fire they were fighting at the time. This example does also point out that yes, this is an accepted risk of the job and does happen from time to time.
The issue is the extremely increased risk of it happening when a firefighter is on blood thinner medication. And Bobby knowing how many risks Buck already takes on the job. Sure, Bobby knows that Buck knows his limits. But Buck is not taking into account that his limits are a lot lower while on those meds. (Which is something that seems to finally hit home in the following Halloween episode.)
Bobby is essentially arguing that accommodating Buck’s disability in the field would create an undue hardship to the team, splitting their resources and his own focus.
Illegal Discrimination
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Buck tries to sue for Wrongful Termination, specifically Constructive Termination. He points out that several other members of his team have faced injury and hardship and were able to come back to work with no problem. This actually works against his argument a little bit, but one could argue that it was discrimination against the specific disability, as it was the medication itself that was the issue. However, it could then be argued that it was a valid concern. The motivation behind not allowing Buck back on the team yet was not that he was disabled, but that his disability created a very real and serious risk to himself in the field that could not be reasonably accommodated.
Does Buck have a case? Maybe. Is it a strong one?
His employer followed standard and reasonable protocol
His employer gave reassurances that his position would be held for him to come back when he was ready (and you know Bobby would have put that in writing if Buck had asked)
The medication Buck was on posed a real safety issue
His employer gave him a temporary light duty position that could even be seen as a promotion
Buck has a documented history of acting recklessly and disobeying orders in the field that would support Bobby’s concern
Would the city have settled so quickly and for so much in real life? Who knows.
Would any of this have gone down this way in real life? Who knows. That’s what happens when you mix fact and fiction. Procedurals often tend to start with truth and reality and then alter it to suit the story. It can be interesting to work it backwards and try to see how the story can be applied to reality. This brings up several questions such as:
Did Buck ever send a detailed discrimination complaint to Human Resources?
Did Buck ever call the chief after finding out it was Bobby’s decision not his?
Did Buck ever file a claim with the EEOC or CRD?
Did Buck ever file a grievance through his union?
Did Buck ever contact his union rep at all?
Does Buck even know that he HAS a union?
Could all of this have been avoided if Buck had just spent ten minutes researching California Employment Law?
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Bonus Fun Fact!
For those who might not know, when the lawyer is first introduced, and Hen tells him “You might wanna wait until they’re in the ambulance before you start chasing it” she’s not just calling him out on doing something awful, she’s calling him out on doing something illegal. California is one of 21 states (including Texas for Lone Star fans who were wondering) that has laws against ‘ambulance chasing’ – when attorneys solicit clients at accident scenes or in hospitals. In the other 29 states, it is still considered unethical by the Bar Association.
California in particular has strict laws and regulations about when, where, and how attorneys are permitted to advertise. Which reminds me: If you are a California employee and were terminated after being injured at work, call Mesriani Law Group today for a free consultation.
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Hire An Employment Lawyer to Represent Your Company Or Yourself
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If you're looking for an employment lawyer in Glendale, California, there's no better place to start than with a firm like the Law Offices of Robert W. Moore, P.C. We have a strong history of helping clients through all aspects of employment law, including discrimination claims and wrongful termination suits. If you've been mistreated at work or if your company has been accused of misconduct by its employees, it's time to talk with one of our experienced attorneys about how we can help protect your interests.
Employment Lawyers Handle Discrimination Cases
Discrimination cases are common. You may hear these referred to as “discrimination claims,” but they are actually legal actions that can be brought by employees or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Discrimination claims can be based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, or age.
When an employee files a discrimination claim against you as the employer or against another employee who has discriminated against him/her, employment lawyers help you defend yourself.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wrongful Termination Cases
An employment attorney will have the knowledge and experience to help you if you believe that your employer wrongfully terminated you.
Employment lawyers handle a variety of workplace issues, including wrongful termination suits, which are defined as terminations based on discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. For example, an employer cannot fire someone because they have filed a workers' compensation claim or because they blew the whistle on unscrupulous practices at their company.
Employment Lawyers Handle Wages and Hours Cases
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When you are an employee, it is the responsibility of your employer to pay you for all of your work. If they do not, or if they fail to pay you correctly or on time, then this can be grounds for a wage and hour case. Wage and hour cases can be complex depending on the circumstances involved. There are many laws that determine what employers are required to pay their employees and how much in order for them to be considered exempt from overtime laws among other things. An employment lawyer can help explain these laws so that you understand why your employer hasn't paid you correctly or on time.
Employment Lawyers Are Not Just for Workers
Employment lawyers can also aid employers. In fact, they often do so as part of their practice. Employers who fail to understand their legal obligations and how best to minimize the risks of lawsuits and other claims are more likely to suffer financial losses. They may also lose productive employees due to high turnover rates or poor morale caused by unfair treatment that violates the law.
The most common type of employment dispute involves an employee who believes they were wrongfully terminated or otherwise treated unfairly in violation of local or state laws. For example, an employer might be required to pay certain benefits after a separation from service such as unemployment insurance benefits when an employee loses his job through no fault of his own (such as being fired for refusing unsafe working conditions). Failure to do so could result in legal action against both you and your company by a former employee seeking compensation for those funds owed them under applicable law.
An Employment Lawyer Can Help Protect Your Business in California
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As a business owner, you likely have many responsibilities and challenges on your plate. Not only do you have to make sure that your clients are happy with the services they receive, but you also need to make sure that every employee of your company is treated fairly and paid correctly.
Employment law can be complex and confusing—and it’s even more so when dealing with multiple states. An employment lawyer can help ensure that you remain compliant in California, as well as other states where your company operates. Employment lawyers can help protect your business in California by helping ensure that all employees are paid correctly, enforcing non-compete agreements if needed, drafting employment contracts and policies for new hires or promotions within organizations (as well as enforcing those same policies), assisting with ongoing HR issues within companies such as sexual harassment claims from both employees against one another or against supervisors/managers/owners of businesses themselves who may abuse power over others working under them due to seniority positions within different departments within organizations).
You can count on the Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. law firm in Glendale, CA to provide you with experienced legal counsel and representation for your employment law case. We have handled hundreds of state and federal employment cases over the years, representing employees, employers, and third-party witnesses involved in wrongful termination or other disputes that arise from employment relationships.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc.
880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205
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harriskaufma · 9 months
How Employment Lawyers in Westlake Village Can Help You
Employment lawyers in Westlake Village play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of employees and guiding employers through complex labor laws. They offer valuable legal advice, helping individuals understand their rights under employment law and employers comprehend their obligations. These professionals can also represent clients in legal disputes, including wage and hour disputes, workplace discrimination, and harassment cases. They bring their expertise in negotiation and advocacy to protect their client's interests. Whether you're an employee seeking justice for unfair treatment or an employer needing guidance on legal compliance, an employment lawyer in Westlake Village can provide the necessary legal assistance.
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What is Employment Law
Employment law is a broad area that governs the relationship between employers and employees. It covers several topics such as employee rights, employer responsibilities, workplace safety, discrimination, and more.
Understanding Employment Law
Employment law is a comprehensive legal field that governs the relationships between employers and employees. It covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to, employee rights, employer responsibilities, workplace safety, discrimination, and employment contracts. The fundamental purpose of employment law is to set a fair and safe environment in the workplace. It establishes minimum standards for working conditions, wages, hours, and protects employees from unfair treatment such as harassment or discrimination. Understanding employment law is crucial for both employees, to know their rights and protections, and employers, to ensure they are fulfilling their legal obligations and maintaining a lawful working environment.
The Basics of Employment Law
Employment law provides a framework for fair treatment in the workplace. It sets minimum standards for pay, hours, and prevents discrimination and harassment.
Importance of Employment Law
Without these laws, employees could be subject to exploitation or mistreatment. It also helps businesses understand their legal obligations towards their employees.
Role of Employment Lawyers in Westlake Village
Employment lawyers play a crucial role in interpreting and applying employment laws. They can provide legal advice, represent clients in disputes, and ensure compliance with various labor laws.
Legal Advice and Guidance
Employee Rights and Employer Obligations
Employment lawyers can explain employees' rights under employment law or help them understand the terms of an employment contract. For employers, they can advise on legal obligations when hiring or firing employees or ensuring compliance with workplace safety regulations.
Legal Representation
Employment lawyers can represent clients in legal disputes, from negotiating settlements in discrimination cases to representing clients in court during litigation.
Notable Employment Lawyers and Law Firms in Westlake Village
Westlake Village boasts several highly-rated employment lawyers and law firms.
The Kaufman Law Firm
The Kaufman Law Firm provides legal representation for various types of employment law cases in Los Angeles and Westlake Village.
How to Choose the Right Employment Lawyer
Choosing the right employment lawyer in Westlake Village is crucial. Factors to consider include experience, expertise, client reviews, and lawyer ratings.
Experience and Expertise
Look for lawyers who specialize in employment law and have a track record of successfully handling cases similar to yours.
Client Reviews and Lawyer Ratings
Check client reviews and lawyer ratings to get an idea of the lawyer's reputation and performance.
Final Thoughts
Employment lawyers play a vital role in ensuring fair treatment in the workplace. Whether you're an employee seeking to understand your rights or an employer needing guidance on legal obligations, an experienced employment lawyer in Westlake Village can provide the assistance you need.
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bloggingwithlove · 11 months
I’m usually okay with agreeing to disagree and not allowing my feelings towards a situation sway me from facts, and “right from wrong” but something about this just doesn’t sit right with me and I can’t help but to blog about it. If there’s any attorneys that happen to come across this…I’d love to put my thoughts to rest by hearing your point of view.
Long Story Short… I was employed with an airline as a flight attendant, I was 3 months into my 6 month probationary period. The state I live in is considered At-Will employment. I won’t go into full details on how i feel about “At-Will employment” but in short, I wholeheartedly disagree with it;
Anyways, I reported harassment to my supervisor and she put me in contact with an employment resource team that helps coworkers resolve conflict before it gets out of hand. Two weeks later, after completing a trip, I left my personal backpack with my personal stuff in it onboard a aircraft. By time i got a hold of it, someone had stolen my cards, cash, and other personal items inside of it. I took all the steps I could take to get my stuff back. I called my supervisors and let them know that I wouldn’t be able to report to my next block because i had no credit card to check into a hotel (you have to have a physical to check in to hotel). I asked them how do i go about calling off as i am not sick…they told me they did their part and they were too busy to deal with me any further. After reaching out to my supervisors, union reps, and coworkers, I called off my block and they classified it as sick even though I told them I wasn’t sick and explained why i was calling out.
Fast forward 2 weeks, I get a call to attend a meeting and was told that i abused the Sick Leave Policy. I explained and presented the facts i had available to dispute their claim, but a week later they said that they admit that management failed me but i still abused the policy and moved forward with termination.
The story is more detailed than what I wrote, which sucks because it would make for a way better picture and understanding but i just cant help but to feel as if they took this incident and used it to get rid of me because the employee i reported for harassment is well known and liked by a lot of people within the company; i hate to come to that conclusion but to admit that my supervisor’s should’ve provided me with the correct verbiage to classify my absence and they admittedly hung up on me, refuse to further assist me, they still felt in their minds the right thing to do was to move forward with termination….
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davtyanlawfirminc · 1 year
5 Warning Signs To Avoid Being Wrongfully Terminated
Your boss tells you that your job is being eliminated, and you're being laid off. You're upset and confused, but then he mentions that there's another position available that would be a better fit for you. You start to feel hopeful—until he tells you the salary for that other position is only half of what you were making before. Or maybe it's worse: Your boss has been making sexual advances toward female employees while also refusing to promote them or give them raises on the basis of their gender. The list goes on from there, but no matter what type of wrongful termination scenario you find yourself in, the best thing to do is take action as soon as possible so that your rights are protected during this difficult time.
In this blog post I will walk through five steps you can take if this happens to you:
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Look for Unfair Tactics
Unfair Tactics
Look for unfair tactics. There are many ways employers can fire you unfairly, including:
Discriminatory treatment—If your manager or supervisor seems to be picking on you because of your race, sex, age or disability. For example: a younger female employee was repeatedly asked what she was doing after work by her male boss in front of other employees and customers while they were preparing to close up shop for the day. When she reported it to her supervisor he would not do anything about it and told her that this is how things are done around here and that she should just deal with it because there were no other jobs available at any other company nearby where she lived; which meant losing her job would mean moving away from everything she had ever known before moving there (which also meant leaving behind most of her family members).
Harassment—Unwanted sexual advances made by managers towards subordinates who have rejected them; making offensive comments about someone's religion or race; jokes about someone's physical appearance being overweight or having acne problems as an example (these all fall under what is called "hostile work environment").
Evaluate Your Company's Communication
Communication is one of the most important aspects of any job. It’s how you receive information about new projects, policies, and other changes to the environment in which you work.
If you’re having trouble with your company’s communication practices, there are several questions that can help you evaluate them:
How often do they communicate?
Are they effective?
Are they respectful?
Watch for Unequal Treatment
If you see that your employer is treating other employees differently than they are treating you, it's time to speak up. Don't allow yourself to be the victim of unequal treatment. If the situation continues, report the behavior and ask for help from an attorney who specializes in employment discrimination and wrongful termination cases.
You can also ask other employees if they have experienced this kind of unfair treatment as well (or if their supervisors have treated them differently). If so, try speaking with a few different people about what happened and compare notes. Often times there is strength in numbers when it comes to these situations so don't be afraid to reach out for help.
Beware of Discrimination and Harassment
Discrimination is treating someone unfairly because of their race, gender, age, religion or other personal characteristics. Harassment is a form of discrimination that involves unwanted and unwelcome behavior that makes someone feel intimidated or uncomfortable.
You are being treated differently by your employer compared to your co-workers
Your employer has changed their behavior toward you after learning about a protected characteristic (i.e., race, religion)
Your employer treats you differently from other employees in the way they speak to you
Don't Let Improper Documentation Slip By
Your employer has the right to terminate you, but they must do so in accordance with the law. There are several ways they can be held accountable if they try to fire you unfairly or illegally. Make sure that you know what your rights are, and don't let improper documentation slip by.
When it comes to employment documents, there are some common practices that employers use as an excuse for wrongful termination. If an employer asks you to sign any of these documents or anything similar, don't hesitate—find another job instead!
Signing anything that is not in written form: If a supervisor asks you to sign something verbally and then later changes their mind about the agreement, this could become grounds for wrongful termination. If there's no paper trail proving what was discussed between yourself and your higher-ups at work (or if there's one but it doesn't reflect reality), then neither party has any proof of what really happened during those conversations when legal matters arise. It's best practice for both parties involved when signing agreements with each other; it ensures mutual understanding without relying on memory alone which may have faded over time due stressors like unemployment stressors from being wrongfully terminated from work!
Keep an eye out for these warning signs to avoid being wrongfully terminated.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, you may be wrongfully terminated if your employer fired you for any of the following reasons:
You were fired because of your race, color, religion and/or national origin (including accents).
You were fired because of a disability or medical condition.
You were fired because you took time off under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
If you feel like your employer has acted unfairly, don't be afraid to speak up! While it's important not to cause tension in the workplace by complaining about how much better things were before that new guy was hired on as CEO last year or whatever else might come up as an issue in your work environment on a day-to-day basis — if something feels wrong enough for an employee who has been with his company for years at this point to take action against unfair treatment then chances are it really is wrong and worth investigating further (or at least taking into account when considering whether or not those changes will actually improve productivity).
While you can’t always predict or avoid wrongful termination, it’s important to be aware of the signs and what your rights are. If you have been wrongfully terminated, contact an employment attorney as soon as possible so they can help guide you through the process of getting back on track with your career.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. has been protecting the rights of workers, like you, whose employment rights have been violated in California and across the nation for over 15 years by providing representation in wrongful termination California and unfair competition suits, throughout the U.S.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681 https://www.davtyanlaw.com/
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theorylawapc · 9 months
Employment Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
With the ever-changing laws and regulations in the world of employment, it is important to have a skilled employment lawyer in Los Angeles. Having an employment lawyer on your side can help protect your rights as an employee, ensure you are treated fairly, and provide you with the necessary legal advice. From employment contracts to wage disputes and wrongful termination, an employment lawyer in Los Angeles can help you navigate the complexities of the law and ensure your rights are protected.
If you feel you have been wrongfully terminated, discriminated against, or treated unfairly in the workplace, you should contact an employment lawyer in Los Angeles. An employment lawyer can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to ensure your rights are protected. Additionally, if you are entering into a new employment contract, an employment lawyer can help you understand the terms and ensure you are receiving the best deal possible.
When looking for an employment lawyer in Los Angeles, it is important to find someone who is experienced and knowledgeable in the field. You should look for an attorney who has a good reputation, a proven track record of success, and who has extensive experience with employment law. Additionally, you should make sure the lawyer is licensed in the state of California and is familiar with the laws and regulations in your area.
Are you looking for a skilled employment lawyer in Los Angeles? Look no further than Theory Law APC. Our experienced attorneys provide comprehensive legal representation for a variety of employment-related matters. Whether you need help with a contract dispute, an unemployment claim, or a wrongful termination lawsuit, we have the expertise and dedication to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
At Theory Law APC, we understand the sensitive nature of employment law. We strive to provide individualized attention to each of our clients and to ensure that their rights are protected. Our attorneys are experienced in areas of California labor law and are knowledgeable about state and federal regulations. We will work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to under the law.  We also provide guidance and advice on issues related to workplace safety and health, employee benefits, labor relations, and more. Our attorneys will work diligently to protect your rights and to ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.
Know More: Employment Lawyer Los Angeles | Theory Law APC
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brandonbankslaw · 7 months
The Ins and Outs of Wrongful Termination: Know Your Rights
Being terminated from employment can be an emotionally and financially distressing experience. However, when a termination is unjustified and violates your legal rights as an employee or violates public policy, it becomes what is known as "wrongful termination."
What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired illegally .. While "at-will" employment allows employers to terminate employees for any reason not protected by law, certain grounds for termination are regarded as wrongful and unlawful. These include termination based on discrimination, retaliation, some instances of breach of contract, or the violation of public policy. In order to under whether a termination violates public policy you should contact a wrongful termination attorney. There are many such attorneys located in San Francisco or Oakland.
Under federal and state laws, it is illegal for an employer to fire employees based on factors such as race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, disability, or age. Employers are also prohibited from terminating employees due to their association with or support of any of these protected classes. If you believe you were fired due to discrimination, consult an employment attorney to explore your options.
An employer cannot terminate an employee in retaliation for engaging in protected activities such as filing a complaint about workplace discrimination, reporting illegal activities, or taking legally allowed leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). If you experience retaliation after engaging in any protected activity, you might have a strong case for wrongful termination and should seek an evaluation from an experienced employment attorney.
Violation of Public Policy:
A wrongful termination claim can also arise when an employer fires an employee for refusing to commit an illegal act, exercising a statutory right or privilege, or reporting illegal or unethical activities within the workplace.
Your Legal Options:
If you suspect that you have been wrongfully terminated, it's essential to consult with an experienced employment law attorney who specializes in wrongful termination cases. They may be able to help you establish the basis for a lawsuit, gather evidence, negotiate with your former employer, and potentially file a complaint with the relevant government agencies, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Additionally, being informed about your legal rights, collecting relevant evidence, such as employment records, performance evaluations, emails, and witness statements, can significantly strengthen your case. Documenting specific incidents related to your termination and keeping a record of any adverse actions taken against you after initiating protected activities will also be invaluable for building your case.
Navigating the complex area of wrongful termination can be challenging, but understanding the various grounds for it and your legal rights can help protect and assert your interests. If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, seek legal advice promptly to explore your options for justice and compensation. Remember, you have rights as an employee, and you should not hesitate to stand up for them. For more details about Oakland wrongful termination attorney visit our site Brandon Banks Law, APC
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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Mistrial declared in FedEx driver shooting Mistrial declared in case of 2 White men charged with attempted shooting of Black FedEx driver 00:21
A FedEx delivery driver who said two White men shot at and chased him in Mississippi in 2022 has now been fired from his job, he and his attorney said Monday.
"I honestly feel disrespected," the former driver, D'Monterrio Gibson, 25, told The Associated Press shortly after he received an email from FedEx about his termination.
Meredith Miller, manager of global network communications for FedEx, confirmed Monday that "Mr. Gibson is no longer employed at FedEx," but did not respond to other questions from AP.
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Carlos Moore, an attorney who has represented Gibson in a civil lawsuit, provided AP with a copy of an email Gibson received from FedEx on Monday. It said Gibson's employment was terminated July 26, and the company attempted to deliver a letter and documents to him about the termination July 31.
FedEx fired Gibson because he did not accept a part-time, non-courier job that the company offered in mid-July, Moore said, adding that he did not know whether the company gave Gibson a deadline to accept.
"They can't tell me when I should be ready to come back," Gibson said.
Worker's comp, therapy, trouble sleeping
Gibson said he has been on worker's compensation leave, at about one-third of his pay, since shortly after he reported the attack to police in Brookhaven, Mississippi, on the night it allegedly happened, Jan. 24, 2022.
Gibson was not injured in the shooting or chase, but said Monday that he has been in therapy to deal with anxiety because of it. He said he still has trouble sleeping.
Brandon Case and his father, Gregory Case, are charged with attempted first-degree murder, conspiracy and shooting into the vehicle driven by Gibson. Prosecutors said they intend to schedule a new trial for the two men, who remain out on bond. A court official said the judge's docket is full through December.
Moore said Gibson had done nothing wrong before two White men tried to stop him, with one of the men holding a gun.
White father and son charged for allegedly chasing and shooting at Black FedEx driver
"He was simply Black while working," Moore said during a news conference in 2022. Gibson had said he was told by his superiors to run the same route the day after the chase, CBS affiliate WJTV reported.
"The following day, we had to go file a police report, and as soon as I was done filing a police report, they put me back on the same route. I did that for like a day or two until I started having real bad anxiety attacks, and I just couldn't do it anymore. I asked them for some time off, which I do have, but it's unpaid," said Gibson at the time.
In a statement earlier this year, FedEx said: "FedEx takes situations of this nature very seriously, and we are shocked by this criminal act against our team member. ... The safety of our team members is our top priority, and we remain focused on his wellbeing. We will continue to support Mr. Gibson as we cooperate with investigating authorities."
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Gibson reported that the encounter happened as he was making FedEx deliveries in a van with the Hertz logo on three sides. After he dropped off a package at a home on a dead-end public road, Gregory Case, then 58, used a pickup truck to try to block the van from leaving, and his son Brandon Case, 35 at the time, came outside with a gun, District Attorney Dee Bates told jurors last week.
As Gibson drove the van around the pickup truck, shots were fired, with three rounds hitting the delivery van and some of the packages inside, Bates said.
Gregory Case saw a rental van with a Florida license plate outside his mother-in-law's unoccupied home after dark, defense attorney Terrell Stubbs told jurors. The elder Case was just going to ask the van driver what was going on, but the driver did not stop, Stubbs said.
Grand Jury: Brookhaven Police "complacent" 
On August 10, a federal judge dismissed Gibson's federal lawsuit seeking $5 million from FedEx, writing that the lawsuit failed to prove the company discriminated against him because of his race. That litigation also named the city of Brookhaven, the police chief and the Cases. Moore said he plans to file a new civil suit in state court, seeking $10 million.
A grand jury issued a report last month saying that Brookhaven Police Department officers "poorly investigate their cases." The grand jury, made up of local residents, considered more than 60 criminal cases, and wrote that the department is "complacent," "does not complete investigations in a timely manner," shows a "lack of professionalism" and "has a habit of witness blaming."
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nevadarafiilaw · 10 months
Top Employment Law Firm in Las Vegas
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If you are facing workplace legal concerns, you need an employment law firm with experienced labor lawyers. Rafii & Associates, P.C. represents clients in Las Vegas, Nevada and the surrounding areas in all areas of labor and employment. Our unpaid wage and compensation attorneys and discrimination lawyers will protect your rights and seek justice on your behalf for harassment, wrongful termination, and more. Top Employment Law Firm in Las Vegas
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eduanejoneslaw · 1 year
How an Employment Attorney in Atlanta Can Help Protect Your Rights
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As an employee, you have rights that protect you from unfair treatment in the workplace. However, not all employers follow the law, and sometimes your rights may be violated. In such cases, it is important to seek the help of an employment attorney. It is important for employment attorney Atlanta.  If you are in Atlanta, here is how an employment attorney can help protect your rights.
1. Understanding Your Rights
 One of the primary ways an employment attorney can help you is by explaining your rights as an employee. They can help you understand the federal and state laws that protect you from discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and other forms of mistreatment in the workplace. This knowledge can empower you to take the right steps if you believe your rights have been violated.
 2. Investigating Your Claims
 If you believe your employer has violated your rights, an employment attorney can investigate your claims. They can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and review your employment records to determine if your employer has acted unlawfully. This investigation can help you build a strong case if you decide to take legal action.
 3. Negotiating with Your Employer
 In some cases, an employment attorney can negotiate with your employer to resolve your dispute without going to court. They can help you reach a settlement agreement that provides you with fair compensation and other remedies for the harm you have suffered. This can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.
 4. Representing You in Court
 If negotiations fail, an employment attorney can represent you in court. They can file a lawsuit on your behalf and present your case to a judge and jury. They can argue your case, cross-examine witnesses, and present evidence to support your claims. Having an experienced attorney by your side can increase your chances of winning your case and obtaining the justice you deserve.
 If you believe your rights have been violated in the workplace, do not hesitate to seek the help of an employment attorney in Atlanta. They can help you understand your rights, investigate your claims, negotiate with your employer, and represent you in court if necessary. With their help, you can protect your rights and obtain the compensation and justice you deserve.
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harriskaufma · 9 months
Employment attorney in Thousand Oaks
Welcome to The Kaufman Law Firm Employment Lawyers Westlake Village, California. We are a leading Westlake Village employment attorneys firm. Discrimination in the workplace is completely unacceptable. Yet, countless employees are either wrongfully terminated or forced to accept demotions due to unethical and unlawful business practices. My name is Matthew A. Kaufman and I am a Westlake Village employment law attorney. The loss of a job can be financially devastating. It can affect a person’s ability to pay their bills, rent, mortgage and live a good quality of life. Unfortunately, far too many people struggle in silence and never take action. Our practice areas are Employment Law, Elder Abuse, Wrongful Discharge, Nursing Home Abuse, Discrimination, Employment Class Actions, Employment Attorney, FMLA And CFRA Claims, Retaliation, Sexual Harassment, Wage And Hour Issues, Whistleblower, and Wrongful Termination.
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bestgabriellegal · 1 year
Employment Attorney Long Island
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As an employee, you have certain rights and protections under the law. However, sometimes your employer may violate these rights, leaving you feeling helpless and unsure of what to do. This is where an employment attorney comes in. We know here about employment attorney long island. Here are the top 5 reasons why you need an employment attorney in Long Island:
1. Discrimination
 If you feel that you have been discriminated against in the workplace, an employment attorney can help you navigate the complex laws surrounding discrimination. They can help you file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and represent you in court if necessary.
 2. Harassment
 Harassment in the workplace can take many forms, including sexual harassment, bullying, and verbal abuse. An employment attorney can help you understand your rights and options if you are experiencing harassment at work.
 3. Wrongful Termination
 If you have been fired from your job for reasons that are illegal or against company policy, you may have a case for wrongful termination. An employment attorney can help you determine if you have a case and represent you in court if necessary.
 4. Wage and Hour Disputes
 Employers are required by law to pay their employees a fair wage for the work they do. If you feel that you have not been paid fairly or that your employer has violated wage and hour laws, an employment attorney can help you seek compensation.
 5. Contract Disputes
 If you have a contract with your employer and there is a dispute over the terms of the contract, an employment attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights are protected.
 In conclusion, having an employment attorney in Long Island can provide you with peace of mind and legal representation if you are facing discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, wage and hour disputes, or contract disputes. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it.
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fastrepaircaree · 7 days
This article explores the crucial role of employment attorneys in San Francisco and how they help both employers and employees navigate the intricate landscape of labor law.
Understanding Employment Law in San Francisco: Employment Attorney San Francisco boasts a robust set of employment laws designed to protect workers' rights and promote fair treatment in the workplace. These laws encompass a wide range of issues, including wage and hour regulations, discrimination and harassment protections, family and medical leave, and wrongful termination. Navigating these laws requires a comprehensive understanding of both state and local regulations, making legal guidance essential for employers and employees alike.
The Role of an Employment Attorney: An employment attorney serves as a valuable resource for individuals and businesses grappling with workplace issues. Whether it's drafting employment contracts, investigating discrimination claims, or negotiating severance agreements, these legal professionals offer expert guidance tailored to the unique circumstances of each case. Employers can benefit from proactive legal counsel to ensure compliance with employment laws and mitigate the risk of costly litigation. Similarly, employees rely on attorneys to advocate for their rights, whether they've experienced harassment, discrimination, or unlawful termination.
Key Services Provided by Employment Attorneys:
Legal Compliance: Employment attorneys help employers navigate the complex web of labor laws to ensure their policies and practices align with legal requirements. From drafting employee handbooks to conducting compliance audits, these professionals offer proactive measures to minimize legal risks.
Dispute Resolution: When workplace conflicts arise, employment attorneys provide mediation and negotiation services to resolve disputes amicably. Whether it's addressing allegations of discrimination or negotiating severance packages, attorneys work to achieve fair and equitable outcomes for all parties involved.
Litigation Support: In cases where informal resolution is not possible, employment attorneys represent clients in litigation proceedings. From filing lawsuits to defending against claims, these legal advocates leverage their expertise to navigate the complexities of the legal system and advocate for their clients' interests.
Conclusion: In San Francisco's dynamic business landscape, the expertise of an employment attorney is invaluable for both employers and employees navigating the complexities of workplace challenges. Whether it's ensuring legal compliance, resolving disputes, or representing clients in court, these legal professionals play a crucial role in upholding the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. By seeking guidance from an experienced employment attorney, individuals and businesses can navigate the ever-changing terrain of employment law with confidence and clarity.
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davtyanlawfirminc · 2 years
Best Supermarkets in Glendale, CA
Glendale, CA  is a city with many great supermarkets. Here are the best ones:
Vons is a well-known supermarket chain that has locations throughout Southern California, including Glendale. If you're looking to buy groceries or get something to eat while in Glendale, Vons is definitely worth checking out.
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In terms of what they have to offer, Vons' website states that they carry everything from fresh produce and meat to packaged goods such as canned goods and frozen dinners. Their deli counter offers salads, hot sandwiches, pizza slices and more; there's also an assortment of bakery items available for sale as well as household cleaning supplies like dish soap or laundry detergent if you need some at home (and who doesn't?).
In terms of location specifics: Vons is located at 8801 West Glenoaks Boulevard #100 in Glendale, California 91201. They're open Monday through Saturday from 8 am until 10 pm; on Sundays the store opens at 7 am instead but closes at 9 pm instead due to religious reasons—since this may differ depending on where else you live in California it's always worth double checking all hours before heading over!
Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods Market is a chain of supermarkets in the US and Canada. It is owned by Amazon, so you can expect plenty of fresh and organic food options. They have an extensive selection of fruits, vegetables and meats. The store also has a cafe, bakery and juice bar where you can enjoy healthy meals at reasonable prices. If you're looking for gourmet fare like sushi or artisanal cheese, this supermarket won't disappoint either!
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Ralphs has been around since 1873 and is a subsidiary of the Kroger Company. It's one of the most recognized names in Southern California supermarkets, with locations throughout Los Angeles County.
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Ralphs is known for its loyalty program, which rewards customers with points they can redeem at any Ralphs store (as well as through their mobile app). The loyalty program has three levels: Bluebird Rewards, Plus Rewards and Prime Rewards. Bluebird members receive 10-20% off on certain products; Plus members get 20-30% off select items; Prime members get 30% off every day.
Customers who sign up for a Ralphs credit card also earn extra points for their purchases!
Super King Markets | Glendale
Super King Markets is a family-owned grocery store that's been in business since 1977. The location is just off Colorado Boulevard and looks like many other local markets, with its wide range of products and service that caters to everyone from the busy professional to families on a budget.
If fresh produce is your thing, you'll love Super King Markets' selection: they've got everything from apples to zucchini—and everything in between. If you're looking for something specific, ask an employee who will help guide you through their wide array of options; they're happy to help! And if they don't have what you need? Just make a note so they can add it next time around!
This one has parking at the front door as well as additional spaces out back near their delivery area which makes loading up your car easy peasy lemon squeezy (but please watch out for pedestrians when backing up).
Wide variety of choices that are not too far apart.
In Glendale, CA there are a wide variety of choices for supermarkets. You can find these stores in the city and not too far away. For those who live in Glendale, this is great because it means you have a lot of options nearby. The supermarkets are all small to medium size businesses that offer a variety of products at reasonable prices.
Some examples include:
Vons Ralphs Whole Foods Market
We hope this list helps you make an informed decision on where to go grocery shopping in Glendale, CA. If none of these stores seems like a good fit for you at this time, then we encourage you to find the store that does! The key is finding one that fits your needs.
If you have been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits.
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. is a Los Angeles employment lawyer who works with individuals and businesses facing all kinds of legal issues. We handle cases involving:
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Our team of experienced employment attorneys have years of experience in the legal field, and we know how to help you when you're dealing with any type of employment dispute. We will fight for your right to be compensated fairly, whether that means getting you back on the job or protecting your rights during negotiations with your employer.
Our lawyers are committed to helping our clients resolve their disputes quickly while minimizing any financial impact. We understand that having an attorney can be stressful and expensive — but we also know that being able to focus on your life without worrying about your job situation is priceless!
Davtyan Law Firm, Inc. 880 E Broadway, Glendale, CA 91205 18552053681  https://www.davtyanlaw.com/  https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1030395778475401248
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ragerandyoon · 8 days
Understanding Your Legal Options After a Wrongful Termination
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Facing wrongful termination can be a daunting experience. It’s not just the loss of income that stings, but also the feeling of injustice. Understanding your legal options is crucial if you are in such a situation. In Los Angeles, wrongful termination attorneys at Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers are here to help you navigate through these challenging times.
What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?
Wrongful termination occurs when an employee is fired, violating federal, state, or local laws. This can include discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, disability, retaliation for whistleblowing, or breach of contract. If you believe your termination was unlawful, consulting with a wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles can clarify your case.
The Role of a Wrongful Termination Attorney
A wrongful termination attorney in Los Angeles plays a critical role in assessing and pursuing your claim. They will:
Evaluate Your Case: Experienced wrongful termination lawyers in Los Angeles will review your employment history, the circumstances of your termination, and any supporting documents to determine if your dismissal was unlawful.
Gather Evidence: These attorneys will collect necessary evidence such as employment records, witness statements, and any correspondence with your employer that supports your claim.
Negotiate Settlements: Often, wrongful termination cases are settled out of court. A skilled Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney will negotiate on your behalf to secure a fair settlement.
Litigate in Court: If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you, presenting your case effectively to achieve the best possible outcome.
Why Choose Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers?
Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers are renowned for their dedication and expertise in handling wrongful termination cases. Here’s what sets them apart:
Proven Track Record: They have a history of successful outcomes in wrongful termination cases in Los Angeles.
Personalized Attention: Each case is unique, and the team at Rager & Yoon provides customized attention to ensure that all aspects of your case are thoroughly addressed.
Comprehensive Legal Knowledge: Their in-depth understanding of employment law ensures that no stone is left unturned in your case.
Steps to Take if You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated
If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, take the following steps to protect your rights:
Document Everything: Keep records of any incidents leading up to your termination, including emails, messages, and other relevant documentation.
Request a Written Explanation: Ask your employer for a written statement explaining the reasons for your termination. This can be helpful evidence if their reasons conflict with the actual cause.
Consult a Los Angeles Wrongful Termination Attorney: Seek legal advice promptly. An attorney from Rager & Yoon can help you understand the strength of your case and guide you through the legal process.
Wrongful termination can be a distressing experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. With the support of experienced wrongful termination attorneys in Los Angeles, like those at Rager & Yoon - Employment Lawyers, you can take informed steps to seek justice. Whether through negotiation or litigation, having a knowledgeable attorney by your side increases your chances of a favorable outcome. If you’re in Los Angeles and believe you’ve been wrongfully terminated, please contact Rager & Yoon to explore your legal options and protect your rights.
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